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What would be the purpose in life for psychopaths compared to "normal" people?

I am not a psychopath so I cannot respond directly to this question. However, I might be able to provide some insight into neurodiversity that may be a bit eye opening.“Mental Illness” is a topological problem. What do I mean by that? In mathematics topology is a fundamental concept that states that with some problems it is not the properties of the shapes that matter in solving the equation, but in how those shapes relate to each other.I would highly recommend you read a book called “A First-Rate Madness" by Nassir Ghaemi. It does not deal directly with psychopathy per-se, but rather shows the budding awareness, the rumblings of a perspective shift, where those in the field smart enough to realize it have started looking at societies where mental illness doesn’t exist and realizing that perhaps we should try to study what works, instead of simply assuming variation from an arbitrary “norm” means illness.My experience of growing up in a traditional tribal society taught me from an early age that what we call “mental illness" in the modern world is a valued form of diversity in tribal cultures.Psychopath = WarriorBipolar = ShamanEmpath = HealerAutistic = tool maker, lodge builderGenius = ChiefEtc.Genetically and through an evolutionary biology lens this a more accurate interpretation of human neurodiversity than is provided by modern “psychology”.There is little in the way of maladaptive behavior either, when in a tribal mode, with a traditional upbringing. This is because each “type” of human was there to balance out others in the tribe.Psychopaths teach you to think clearly and conquer your fear.Empaths teach you to connect with others and feel their pain (cognitive empathy is trained from early childhood in warriors).Bipolar people teach you to broaden your mind and think in a nonlinear fashion — how to “see" the world instead of just “experience” it.Autistic people teach you to act with precision, be patient, and industrious.The genius is the combination of all “types" of human, in varying degrees, into a single one.He was the chief because he was balanced and it was his job above all others to maintain harmony because he (or she) could see all perspectives and synthesize a solution.That's a limited example, but serves to illustrate the cultural context I grew up in.Another thing to note is that bipolar people are better at integrative reasoning than any other type of human and that is why the Shaman always had the ultimate say in times of crisis.Our social structure is focused on balanced and harmonious relationships between types of people very similar to East Asians but without the paternalistic streak Confucius left the Chinese.The reason for “counting coup" was to keep your psychopathic folks from getting too bored and creating issues. A warrior could be killed or exiled for an act of aggression without leadership permission for instance.Warriors are fiercely loyal and thrive on challenge — too little tribe and too much boredom are bad medicine for them. Research into counting coup and finding healthy modern alternatives may bear some fruit.So, although maladapted people are less common the level of tolerance for that type of behavior in an adult was VERY low.It's one reason I can’t tolerate most folks with disordered personalities. It’s like having a trumpet in A flat at maximum SPL three inches from your ear. Disharmony. Not all are like that but personality disorders are not known in intact tribal societies for the most part because the environs prevent it from developing in the first place, because neurodiversity is viewed as a strength and something to be nurtured for the good of the entire tribe.Empathy is another thing that deserves discussion in the context of psychopathy. Sometimes trained cognitive empathy is more accurate and more reliable than natural affective empathy. Why? To ensure group survival sometimes people need a kick in the shorts, not a shoulder to cry on, and learning when to, and when not to express empathy, is a very critical function of maintaining individual and tribal emotional health.Another thought worth mentioning is that in my culture it is known, that the relative proportions of types of humans born would vary by the needs of the tribe. If food was scarce and a major change needed more manic depressives and geniuses would be born. If the tribe was under attack more psychopaths would be born. If a disease or major trauma occurred, more empaths would be born. If times were good and lodges and tools needed more autistic folks would be born.I think this may actually be a deep, and very ancient, tribal understanding of the role epigenetics and environment play in human reproductive strategies and childhood development.We are a product of our environment, and when viewed from an evolutionary biology perspective within a holistic human bio/psycho/social model, our modern environment objectively sucks.In some ways being in the “chief", or what we currently call Exceptionally or Profoundly Gifted category is worst of all.You live your entire life from the moment of birth compelled to identify and fix disharmony in service of others.Imagine living with:The mental clarity of a psychopath.The breadth of awareness of a manic depressive.The emotional depth of an empath.An inborn compulsion to bring harmony and order to your surroundings.And a SHITLOAD of disordered NTs playing the emotional equivalent of every heavy metal song ever written, layered on top of each other, at a pain inducing level of sound pressure.This is why so many EG/PG people from disadvantaged backgrounds end up failing to accomplish much or just going crazy. It is overwhelming and if you do not learn how to filter and mask you will have a HARD time of it.I prefer the company of well-adjusted psychopaths, empaths, aspys, autistic people or at least folks of that temperament (traits I guess in psychobabble) because it's not like having an emotional klaxon six inches from your face.Finally, I would challenge the assertion that psychopaths cannot feel emotion. They may not have empathy or fear, but are wired for excitement, curiosity, and loyalty. It may feel unfamiliar to an NT, but to me, those are emotions, purpose specific and highly useful in the right situations.To say that a well-adjusted socially functional psychopath “has no emotions”, or that someone with bipolar disorder “cannot control their emotions”, is a logical non-sequitur in my culture.They are different types of human, with different neural architectures, that are purpose specific and meant to ensure the survival of the tribe. If you are “hard pressed” to find well adjusted psychopaths or bipolar people I think that your definition is incredibly narrow, and you are suffering from cognitive bias based on a life of Pavlovian response to an arbitrary construct realized as a label.Likely as a result of indoctrination into a discipline that smears the beauty of human neurodiversity with the Jung encrusted Freudian feces of reductionist Pareto distributed statistical analyses, trying to solve a topological equation with an abacus and charcoal pencil.Some problems do not lend themselves to reductive analysis and I would offer that psychology has reduced itself into a corner that is creating FAR more harm than is good.You likely don’t “see” these well-adjusted people because they are all around you, and have figured out, in their own way, how to fit into a world that does not fit them. It is only in the extreme cases that this crosses over into “maladaptation” which is where my culture would align with current theories – however the definition of Maladaptation was VERY different, and far more humane, than is the “label” of mental illness. Please try to read past sociocultural mental constructs and parse the argument for logic, I think you will “see” a bit more clearly.What my culture understands, and respects, is that people are born with different neural architectures, for different purposes, and that the whole tribe required all of these architectures in order to survive. That each of these people, in fact everyone, experiences the world in a different way, with different interests, motivations, and different inputs required to keep them healthy.In our concept folks are wired more strongly into different parts of reality for specific and critical purposes, but what was understood is that despite these differences we are all still human. So, we did not punish a child for expressing an early interest in hunting, or a total lack of fear, or a highly manipulative nature. We encouraged and guided those instincts in a healthy direction while focusing on metacognition and an understanding of the “correct” way for you to integrate with the tribe and maintain harmony.To say that psychopaths do not have emotions, for instance, is a complete load of fantastical bullshit. They have DIFFERENT emotions, but if guided properly, highly PRODUCTIVE emotions. Because they are wired for loyalty, curiosity, and a constant need for stimulation.Let us for a second imagine what purposes our ancestral environment may have had for such a person:If you are going to bring meat home for the tribe, or defend it in a time of war, a psychopath is an extremely useful individual to have around. Why? They think quickly, are extremely perceptive, incredibly curious, and have no fear. Instead of a flight response to adrenaline their heart rate slows down, relative time perception slows, and they become hyper focused and capable of doing things that would permanently psychologically wound other members of the tribe. In a survival scenario, this is a GREAT person to have around.A modern example of a well-adjusted psychopath (or someone with strong, but not maladapted traits) who is hiding in plain sight? Neurosurgeon who flies around in squirrel suits on the weekend to feed his need for constant stimulation. He can harm people without it harming him, in the service of good, and get his constant stimulation from a hobby. Is that a sick person? No, it is a different type of human living in their humanity and to label it an illness is to deny that person his or her humanity, which would be an objectively evil thing to do and the core conceptual construct behind most of current psychological thinking.How about a few personal experiences with a well-adjusted psychopath?A friend of mine in the military, who shall remain nameless due to the power of meaningless labels, was a stone-cold psychopath. Every last symptom, but he was a damn good soldier, a shitload of fun, and pushed me WAY past what I thought were my limits due to his lack of fear. His manipulative streak was even a TON of fun because psychopaths have a damn good sense of humor, they just express it differently, which if you can learn to appreciate, is objectively hilarious.I met my friend when I volunteered to deploy with his unit, he was a loner, and didn’t really have that many friends, but he was in to rock climbing, and one day I was walking by his barracks room, and he called out “Hey Tom!”.I went inside and he proceeded to ask me without any preamble “How flexible are you?” I put my leg all the way up on the countertop (I have been doing Yoga since I was a kid), and he said “That should do. Want to go rock climbing with me?” I said sure why not, and we packed up my car, and headed out to a cliff face in central NC. This is not an area with much in the way of good climbing, which I didn’t know at the time, and had very shitty rock that will pop gear like its made from cheese. It was a 300’ 3 rope ascent with a 20’ overhang at the top. We geared up and started climbing, and on the way up he is explaining the rating system used to define the difficulty of a route. He finishes his explanation, and so I asked what the route we are on was rated.He hesitates for a second before responding: “5.10R”For those of you that don’t know climbing a 5.10 is probably ambitious for an amateur like me, but not that big a deal (you may get bruised and flail a lot). However, my friend had not mentioned that letters were part of the rating system. I asked him what the R meant. His response? “It means if you fall you will probably die.” We were over ½ way up.When I asked why the route had an R rating he proceeded to tell me it was because the rock is soft and very fractured and so does not hold gear well, so if you fall you are likely to “zipper” (pull all your gear until you go splat) all the way to the bottom. My response was then why are you placing gear? He said, with a twisted smile. “This is mostly for your benefit.” That was his cognitive empathy telling him that without a rope I wouldn’t make the climb comfortably, though it was well within my actual capabilities. He did me a favor, because after that my heart froze, I felt a split second of fear, and then a rush of adrenaline, a slowing of relative time, a total absence of fear and I knocked out the rest of the climb no problem. I was terrified rappelling down for the first few seconds as well, then more adrenaline, no fear, lots of calm. Within a few months I was free climbing too, because my well adjusted psychopathic friend, taught me to conquer my fear.Which brings me to that twisted smile, that is not manipulation or glory in the discomfort of others, that is the sense of humor of a psychopath or the coyote, or “trickster” spirit. They have a constant need for stimulation and if guided properly can turn into a marvelously enjoyable sense of humor because they are the ultimate practical jokers. My friend particularly enjoyed making me uncomfortable by taking me to the seediest possible truck stop strip club on our way back from climbing, and then trying to buy me a lap dance with the seediest dancer, and “laugh” in his own way at my discomfort and awkwardness trying to explain to this lady, as kindly as I could, that I would pay her not to give me a lap dance. I grew up in a tribal society, recognized he was having fun at my expense, and learned better ways of dealing with uncomfortable situations as a result.Practical joking is a constant activity in a tribal society, it keeps people humble with humor, and having a well-adapted psychopath around can keep the whole tribe more stable. Guide them from early childhood to wire their need to get a stimulus response reaction from others into humorous and playful behavior. In fact, in our mythology the universe was created by a psychopath or a coyote. Why? Because of all types of Human, a psychopath or someone with those strong tendencies, lives in the world, loves the world, and must constantly be stimulated by the world, including those around him or her, but in a different way, than we have arbitrarily defined “normal”. The other reason is that only a practical joker would create a world this tragic and beautiful at the same time.Finally, that brings me to the most universal human experience of all that is currently denied the psychopath and is the root of much of the disharmony with the psychopathic in modern society, love.Psychopaths experience love, but they experience it as LOYALTY, which is different from you or I but serves the same purpose, to provide a bond with the tribe.Being highly logical and very loyal, a psychopath requires respect from and that he respect others, on a nuts and bolts, this is how the world is, and nothing is going to change it level. If you can earn the respect of a psychopath they will never betray you, probably die for you, because you have earned their love (loyalty). That being said if you betray their loyalty they (if well adjusted) will likely just stop talking to you and cut you out of their lives completely, because it hurts, just like having your heart broken, but in a different way.Loyalty is what binds these people to tribe, and in that sense, it is love, in function, if not in name.That friend also saved my life, and the lives of a number of others. Not directly, but what I learned from him about how to control my adrenaline response circuit in a moment of crisis.I was coming into a nighttime confined space landing in the mountains of north Georgia training Ranger Candidates in MEDEVAC missions. As the crew chief it is my job to remotely “fly” the aircraft into the landing area because the pilots cannot see the entire aircraft, and I can. As I was leaning against my restraint strap with only my butt on the edge of the cargo door calling the landing the adjustment buckle that holds my restraint to length snapped, and the Army being the Army, they only have one size, big enough for a Chinook.So, the next thing I know I am ass over teakettle upside down at least 20 feet below a hovering helicopter, in the middle of the night, with trees a few feet from the tail and main rotors with pilots who can’t see shit. NOT a good situation. Luckily intercom cords are the same length, because my pilots heard me go quiet for a second, asked me if I was OK “Yes, hold on, repositioning.” Was all I said. I used my fear control, and skills learned climbing to twist, wrap my legs around the strap, do a complete 180’ sit-up, climbed up and was back in the aircraft calling the landing in less than 20 seconds, with my pilots none the wiser.Later at the bar after the training cycle was over we were having a beer with the instructors and someone asked if I was the guy who “fell out” of the aircraft. When I sheepishly admitted yes, I was treated like a hero because to quote:“That was the most high-speed graceful cirque de soleil shit I HAVE EVER SEEN – you fell and were back in before I could freak out, called the landing, and completed the mission. Damn good job soldier!”.The best part was my pilots (two amazing ladies I will always have a place for in my heart) were dumbfounded and shocked. It happened so fast that they never noticed a disruption to mission flow and I never thought to bring it up. I just went and got a new strap. If that instructor on the ground hadn't been looking up under NVGs, at just the right moment, nobody but me would have known it even happened, it was that fast. I could have just as easily frozen, which likely would have killed me, my pilots, and people on the ground due to the extreme confined space environment.My psychopath friend made me feel like a hero that day, and saved a lot of lives, because he taught me that sometimes fear is not appropriate, how to provide the correct response when it is not, and grace on the end of a rope above a plunge to certain death.In other words, how to control and channel your fear into an adrenaline response that will let you do things that you look back on 20 years later and say “Damn, I did that?”.My friend and I parted ways when he called me desperately bored from Afghanistan and asked me to send him some magic brownies, and I declined because I am law-abiding, and in so doing betrayed our bond of trust, broke loyalty, and we don’t talk anymore. Though I still think of him as a friend.People with psychopathic tendencies (clinical or not) need guidance during development to integrate properly with other people, just as any other person needs training in how to interact, just a different kind. My friend was not perfectly adjusted, he tended to act out when bored, and that is a danger for them, because they have a neural architecture that requires certain inputs, that are not being satisfied, and maladaptation is the result.What you call “mental illness” I would call a social illness, where we have lost touch with, and acceptance of our diversity, and it is harming not only individuals, but some of our most potentially productive individuals, and society as a whole, as a result.What did I learn from a psychopath?How to use adrenaline appropriately (fight or flight control).How to deal with uncomfortable social situations.How to be humble due to both of the above.The value of loyalty.How to survive in a high-pressure situation.To call a psychopath mentally ill, or inhuman, is retrograde reductivism bullshit the result of a steaming pile of cultural norms with no basis in fundamental data, and most of all EVIL. The data is starting to support this as well, but a large perspective shift is required.In some ways what we would call the “mentally ill” are some of our more specialized neural architectures, with a stronger epigenetic memory of their purpose, who are behaving according to that purpose and being punished for it, rather than guided and developed towards a healthy harmonious relationship with the tribe.So, my recommendation:Seek out and befriend as many well-adjusted psychopaths, sociopaths, *paths of any kind, bipolar, empath, dumb, smart, doesn't matter. You will become a more well-rounded, and complete, human due to absorbing their unique perspectives and understandings. At least that is how I was taught.Avoid the badly disordered - they will seek to harm you - there is a reason we have a concept for “evil” and it is usually a sociocultural pressure that moves people into maladaptation. That being said, this is where the learning appropriate empathy comes into play - you cannot let your empathy lead you down a path of destruction due to someone else’s demons, regardless of where they came from.To obtain understanding one must first obtain experience, and that includes experience of “negative” emotions like fear.All empathy is cognitive empathy and fallible without reference to a personal experience of pain.If you protect a child from others you are not helping them, but rather teaching them neurotic weakness as a valid life philosophy.Instead build confidence, teach conflict management, and how to fight, when necessary.To be a balanced humans we to need understand and therefore experience fear, suffering, loss, pain, and torment because without these we are weak. This is why so many native rituals are centered on deprivation, suffering, loneliness, pain, and copious amouts of fear. When you toe the edge of that cliff repeatedly it becomes less scary over time.With experience you learn that uncontrolled empathy is as dangerous as uncontrolled rage and can, and often does, lead to even greater evil.Most people who consider themselves emotionally “evolved” are on the wrong end of the Dunning-Kruger horseshoe.

What is Physioveda?

Physioveda by Dr. Amit Sarswat (Pt)Physioveda stands for “complete knowledge of Physiotherapy”Physioveda is an outstanding healthcare company situated in India and Dubai, UAE. Physioveda was founded in the year 2014 and is managed by an expert named, Dr. Amit Saraswat (Pt). He has a medical team comprising of qualified and competent physiotherapists, nurses and doctors. Our mission is to provide a professional and honest approach to healthcare. Guided by our company’s core values; we build a culture with integrity, passion, excellence, and teamwork.Physioveda is offering world-class healthcare services to the community. We are offering advanced physiotherapy treatment and approach, exceptional nursing services, expert medical doctors and other specialties. We are managing our patient in a home care setting, offering a one-stop solution to all medical needs.Our healthcare center gained expertise in managing patients in all age group, genders, organ system, and different disease entities. Physioveda offers a wide range of medical services such as, Diabetic Care, Orthopaedic Care, Women Wellness, Occupational Therapy, Paediatric Care, Neuro Care, Hair Regeneration, Elderly Care, Palliative Care, Nursing Care, Family Medicine, and Diagnostic Services. Our physiotherapist is competent in treating frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, stroke, Achilles tendonitis, nerve injuries, osteoarthritis, sciatica, cervical spondylitis, and other physical ailments.What is the Meaning of Physioveda?Physioveda is a combination of the word “Physio” and “Veda”.The first word “Physio” relates to physical or element of nature. Physio is derived from the word “Physiotherapy”. Physiotherapy is defined as one of the allied health professions that utilize evidence-based kinesiology, electrotherapy, joint mobilization, exercise prescription and different manual techniques. We treat conditions such as chronic and acute pain, soft tissue injuries, arthritis, physical impairments, and gait disorders typically of musculoskeletal and neurological origin. It focuses on the science of movement, helps people to restore, maintain and maximize their physical strength and functional motion and overall well-being by addressing the underlying physical issues.Physiotherapy is one of the oldest forms of medical management. Several ancient cultures such as Greek, Persian, Chinese, Indian and Egyptian actively practice physiotherapy. It is written into their historical accounts and writings. After over a hundred years of development, specialized physical therapy facilities for wounded World War ll soldiers were established and physical therapy became firmly entrenched in medical science as a valid, effective solution.The second word “Veda” is a proper Indian word which refers to the large body of religious texts originating in ancient India. The Sanskrit word “Veda” is defined as “knowledge, wisdom" is derived from the root vid- "to know". Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.Veda has four canonical division namely, Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda.A)RigvedaThe Rigveda Samhita is the earliest sacred book in Hinduism. It is one of the oldest religious texts in the world. It has 1,028 Vedic Sanskrit hymns and 10,600 verses dedicated to Rigvedic deities. Rigveda is known to be the Veda of Mantra which serves as the foundation of Vedic Yoga. It also contains the oldest iterations of numerous Sanskrit Mantras. These mantras are hymns and praises to gods that seek help and benefits such as health, wealth and longevity.B)SamavedaThe Samaveda Samhita has two major parts. The first part includes four melody collections and the second part three verse “books”. A melody in the songbooks corresponds to a verse in the arcika books. Just as in the Rigveda, the early sections of Samaveda typically begin with hymns to Agni and Indra but shift to the abstract. Their meters shift also in a descending order. The songs in the later sections of the Samaveda have the least deviation from the hymns derived from the Rigveda.C)YajurvedaThe Yajurveda Samhita consists of prose mantras. It is a compilation of ritual offering formulas that were said by a priest while an individual performed ritual actions such as those before the yajna fire. The earliest and most ancient layer of Yajurveda Samhita includes about 1,875 verses, that are distinct yet borrow and build upon the foundation of verses in Rigveda. Unlike the Samaveda which is almost entirely based on Rigveda mantras and structured as songs, the Yajurveda Samhitas are in prose and linguistically, they are different from earlier Vedic texts. The Yajur Veda has been the primary source of information about sacrifices during Vedic times and associated rituals.D)AtharvavedaThe Atharvaveda Samhita is the text 'belonging to the Atharvan and Angirasa poets. It has about 760 hymns, and about 160 of the hymns are in common with the Rigveda. Most of the verses are metrical, but some sections are in prose. Two different versions of the text – the Paippalāda and the Śaunakīya – have survived into modern times. The Atharvaveda was not considered as a Veda in the Vedic era and was accepted as a Veda in late 1st millennium BCE.This is the origin of the name Physioveda. Today, we are redefining Physioveda in the medical field across the globe. Our vision of becoming the most renowned healthcare provider lies in our hands. Through the great leadership of Dr. Amit Sarswat (Pt), Physioveda embarked a journey of making history in the medical field and physiotherapy.Man behind the success of Physioveda?Physioveda was founded and established by a great man in the field of physiotherapy. A young dynamic physiotherapist named; Dr. Amit Sarswat (Pt) was the man behind the success of Physioveda. He started years ago in India, dedicated his life in the field of physiotherapy. Because of his diligence & overwhelming dedication, he became a well-known personality and expert of physiotherapy and medical field. Dr. Amit Sarswat (Pt) has taken traditional physiotherapy in India into a new realm that encompasses holistic body health and wellness. Laying numerous benchmarks in the field, he is credited with a number of ‘pioneering physiotherapy initiatives’ that have made a difference not just to patient’s lives, but to the community at large. His approach involves using a combination of manual therapy, individualized exercises, and education to slow down the degeneration process while Pain Management yields maximum recovery in minimum time.Through his dedication in providing excellent healthcare services. Dr. Amit Saraswat (Pt) and Physioveda Team launched the first Mobile Physiotherapy Unit in Asia were launched in 2001. It was the very first mobile health facility in Asia. Mobile Physiotherapy Unit was furnished with modern machines and facilities, it’s a first of its kind unit that delivers center-competent facilities right at your doorstep.In 2010, Mobile Physiotherapy Clinic was introduced which was inaugurated by the Most Honourable Chief Minister of Delhi, Mrs. Sheila Dixit. Mobile Physiotherapy Clinic was an integral part of the Medical Team at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, New Delhi.In 2014, Physioveda India was established equipped with top of the line physiotherapy equipment and highly competent medical team. Finally, Physioveda is now serving the best quality medical services in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).Physioveda’s success is the result of the collaborative effort of the team. We will continue to attain milestones in the medical field. We make sure that new ideas, concepts will arise, elevating our standard of care and treatment. Physioveda will make history in the medical field and physiotherapy.Dr. Amit Sarswat’s unparalleled commitment, expertise, and overflowing support paved the way to the success of Physioveda. Today, Physioveda continue to flourish in India and Dubai (United Arab Emirates). With their mission of providing a professional and honest approach to healthcare, Physioveda will soon dominate the world in offering the best quality medical services.Physioveda DubaiPhysioveda is a home health care center where we are offering services to the patients at their convenient place. Designed by physiotherapists, Physioveda is meant to bridge the gap between hospital care and home care after witnessing the struggle patients and families face in the management of their on-going chronic care conditions. We have qualified general practitioner, physiotherapists, and nurses who can visit a patient’s convenient time and place. Physioveda is recognized as the preferred choice for good quality of health care services in the UAE. Through adopting best international practices and continuously reinventing ourselves to better serve our patients.Physioveda is a private home health care service center located in Dubai. It offers quality services and great customer services. What sets us apart is how we approach the public perception of health care backed by our considerable medical excellence, offering the high standards of home care skills. We are dedicated to providing the best quality services and highest international standards of home care to meet patients as well as their families primary health care needs. We are committed to ensuring the most advanced equipment to extend the breadth of treatment available. This enables us to give effective treatment protocols in one visit and beneficial for the patients. Our departments & specialties offer comprehensive facilities and cutting edge technology, combined with a team that constantly develops creative and innovative treatment approaches we have qualified General Practitioner, Physiotherapists, And Nurses who can visit the patient’s convenient place.

What is the scope of Pharm D in Australia?

Australia Pharmd Graduate Programs & Pharmd Graduate SchoolsPharmD programs are required pre-requisites for students interested in pursuing a career as a pharmacist. Pharmacists today are integral members of the health care system, helping ensure patients receive the best possible care.Pharmacy degree programs incorporate many subjects including anatomy, biology, chemistry and physiology. Where in the past pharmacists may have been viewed as providers of drug products, today they are specialists in drug therapy who can help catch problems early and improve patient outcomes.The PharmD is a postgraduate professional degree. Many pharmacy programs offer the option to enter without a bachelor’s degree and complete the prerequisite undergraduate coursework immediately followed by the doctorate level work. Such programs typically take 6-8 years. The PharmD itself is generally 4 academic years; some pharm d programs offer an accelerated timeline that allows this to be completed in 3 calendar years.Students interested in PharmD programs may need to take an entrance test known as the PCAT. PharmD programs in the US are accredited by the ACPE (Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education). Upon completion of the program, students need to pass the North American Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) and will need a certain number of internship hours depending on the state in order to become a licensed pharmacist. Some programs may offer dual degree options where students can earn an accompanying degree such as an MBA along with the pharm d degree. This helps prepare students to be effective managers and administrators in health care systems in addition to their pharmacy knowledge. Some students may choose to pursue clinical research with their pharm d degree programs rather than patient care. Some students may also complete residencies after earning a pharmd degree in order to accelerate their learning and as a requirement for certain types of positions such as a hospital pharmacist.These are the following areas listwd where a Pharm.D graduate can get the possible required jobs in Australia.Clinical PharmacyThe master-level course builds on the curriculum of the hospital pharmacy stream of the postgraduate diploma to provide you with an opportunity to do some research of your own. Under the guidance of one of our experienced staff, you will complete a project in clinical trials, drug utilisation reviews, drug usage studies, implementation of clinical pharmacy services or another related topic.Pharmaceutical society of australia also provides the following postsCommunity pharmacyDispense prescriptions, provide advice on drug selection and usage to doctors and other health professionals, primary healthcare advice and support, and educating customers on health promotion, disease prevention and the proper use of medicines..Consultant pharmacists are either employed by community pharmacies or hospitals, or are self- employed and contract with community pharmacies to provide medication reviews for residential care or ambulatory care patients and/or other medication-related cognitive services.Hospital pharmacists operate as part of a healthcare team and are involved in monitoring medication usage, counseling patients, providing drug information and advice to health professionals and the community, conducting clinical trials and preparing products for patient use. They usually have a lot of contact with other health professionals and members of the public.Industrial pharmacists undertake research and the development, manufacture, testing, analysis and marketing of pharmaceutical and medical products.Clinical ResearchClinical research is a branch of medical science that determines the safety and effectiveness of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use. These may be used for prevention, treatment, diagnosis or for relieving symptoms of a disease. The term clinical research refers to the entire bibliography of a drug/device/biologic, in fact any test article from its inception in the lab to its introduction to the consumer market and beyond. Once the promising candidate or the molecule is identified in the lab, it is subjected to pre-clinical studies or animal studies where different aspects of the test(including its safety toxicity if applicable and efficacy, if possible at this early stage) are studied. The focus of clinical research is wide enough to include important items such as data management, medical writing, regulatory consultation, and biostatistics.PharmacovigilancePharmacovigilance (abbreviated PV or PhV) is the pharmacological science relating to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects, particularly long-term and short-term side effects of medicines. Generally speaking, pharmacovigilance is the science of collecting, monitoring, researching, assessing and evaluating information from healthcare providers and patients on the adverse effects of medications, biological products, herbalism and traditional medicines with a view to:identifying new information about hazards associated with medicines and preventing harm to patients.Research & DevelopmentResearch & Development: The phrase research and development refers to the “creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications”.Medical WritingMedical Writing: Is the activity of producing scientific documentation by a specialized writer. The medical writer typically is not one of the scientists or doctors who performed the research. A medical writer, working with doctors, scientists, and other subject matter experts, creates documents that effectively and clearly describe research results, product use and other medicalinformation. The medical writer also makes sure the documents comply with regulatory, journal, or other guidelines in terms of content, format and structure.Product Managers:A product manager investigates, selects, and develops products for an organization, performing the activities of product management.Regulatory affairs:Regulatory Affairs (RA), also called Government Affairs, is a profession within regulated industries, such as pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Regulatory Affairs professionals usually have responsibility for the following general areas:Ensuring that their companies comply with all of the regulations and laws pertaining to their business.Working with federal, state, and local regulatory agencies and personnel on specific issues affecting their business. i.e. working with such agencies as the Food and Drug Administration or European Medicines Agency (pharmaceuticals and medical devices); The Department of Energy; or the Securities and Exchange Commission (banking).Advising their companies on the regulatory aspects and climate that would affect proposed activities. i.e. describing the “regulatory climate” around issues such as the promotion of prescription drugs.Correspondents & TrainersTop level medical representativesAcademicsGeriatric Pharmacy:Geriatrics is a sub-specialty of internal medicine and family medicinethat focuses on health care of elderly people. It aims to promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in older adults.Governmental agenciesDRUG INSPECTORHome Health Care:Home Care, (also referred to as domiciliary care or social care), is health care or supportive care provided in the patient’s home by healthcare professionals (often referred to as home health care or formal care. Often, the term home health care is used to distinguish non-medical care or custodial care, which is care that is provided by persons who are not nurses, doctors, or other licensed medical personnel, as opposed to home health care that is provided by licensed personnel.Managed Care:The term managed care is used in the United States to describe a variety of techniques intended to reduce the cost of providing health benefits and improve the quality of care (“managed care techniques”) for organizations that use those techniques or provide them as services to other organizations (“managed care organization” or “MCO”), or to describe systems of financing and delivering health care to enrollees organized around managed care techniquesand concepts (“managed care delivery systems”). According to the United States National Library of Medicine, the term “managed care” encompasses programs:…intended to reduce unnecessary health care costs through a variety of mechanisms, including:economic incentives for physicians and patients to select less costly forms of care; programs for reviewing the medical necessity of specific services; increased beneficiary cost sharing; controls on inpatient admissions and lengths of stay; the establishment of cost-sharing incentives for outpatient surgery; selective contracting with health care providers; and the intensivemanagement of high-cost health care cases.Pharmacoeconomics:Refers to the scientific discipline that compares the value of one pharmaceutical drug or drug therapy to another. It is a sub-discipline of Health economics. A pharmacoeconomic study evaluates the cost (expressed in monetary terms) and effects (expressed in terms of monetary value, efficacy or enhanced quality of life) of a pharmaceutical product. We can distinguish several types of pharmacoeconomic evaluation: cost-minimization analysis, cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-utility analysis. Pharmacoeconomic studies serve to guide optimal healthcare resource allocation, in a standardized and scientifically grounded manner. One important consideration in a pharmacoeconomic evaluation is to decide the perspective from which the analysis should be conducted (such as institutional or societal).Hope you found your answer.Good luckThank you!:)

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