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What are some lesser known evil things about the Nazis?

Thanks for the A&A. Along with what User-9320654641714013271 has mentioned. I want to make a special mention to the atrocities conducted against people of Romani Descent, commonly referred to as Romani Holocaust, also known as the Porajmos.The Romani or Gypsies were a minority community spread in central and eastern Europe are said to have originated from a tribe/community originally in 512 AD from what is present day Afghanistan, Pakistan and North West India as well as parts of Tajikistan. They had Sinti and Roma family groupings but spoke the Romani language, which is based on Sanskrit. They had been scorned over the years long before Nazis. By trade, the Romani were craftsman primarily such as blacksmiths, cobblers, tinsmiths and toolmakers. Some were also horse dealers and performers such as musicians, circus trainers, and dancers.By late 1930s, there were about a million Roma in Europe, of which half a million were spread across eastern Europe and Soviet Union.Roma families being rounded from Vienna for deportation to Poland late 1939.The Nazis considered the Roma as untermensch or inferior people and proceeded to wipe them from Europe. The rounding up started in fall of 1939 after fall of Poland.Very First Internment or Concentration Camp for the Roma or Gypsies in Marzahn.In 1940, The Germans forcibly removed the Sinti and Roma from the Reich. They were placed in Jewish ghettos. Over five thousand Naturalized German citizens of Sinti and Roma were placed in the Łódź ghetto, and majority of them were murdered soon afterwards at Kulmhof extermination center). In December 1942, Himmler ordered the deportation of remaining Roma to Auschwitz. As a result, a camp was created called the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy camp), which existed for 17 months.Roma from all over the Europe were deported to this camp. The final number is estimated at twenty three thousand but only twenty one thousand being registered. Many were immediately murdered upon arrival without registration. More than 300 children were born there in captivity.Unlike the Jewish Star of David, these prisoners were issued a black triangle for an identifier and their tattooed numbers started with letter Z.A tiny sliver of consolation was that, given they were considered asocial by the Germans, they were not subject to the selection process imposed on Jewish arrivals. Hence families were not separated/broken up.The monster Dr. Josef Mengele opened a “Kindergarten” for the Roma children. It was used as a model showcase for the visiting dignitaries, to pose for photos. However it was all a sham and he reserved the kids for his special experiments. One such experiment was about biological anomaly known as heterochromia iridis or different colored eyes in same person. He collected samples and prepared for further studies in Berlin. This was identified more in the Roma people. In addition to this, studies of twins were of particular interest.Tens of thousands were murdered at various concentration camps spread all over Greater Germany. Prominent locations were Zigeunerlager-Auschwitz, Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor , and Treblinka . The SS and police incarcerated Roma in the Bergen-Belsen, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Dachau , Mauthausen, and Ravensbrück concentration camps. Those in Birkenau rebelled on the evening of August 2nd, 1944 but were violently put down by the SS. Subsequently about 3000 men, women and children were driven to be gassed.One eyewitness story is that of a distraught mother Helene Hannemann, a German married to a Gypsy. She obtained a personal promise from Dr. Mengele that she and her five children would be spared. But the SS men found them in the Kindergarten barrack and offered her to go free and leave her children behind to be gassed. She refused, and was gassed with them.The Nazis and their partners the Ustaše near enough succeeded in wiping the Roma race altogether killing 220,000 to 1,500,000. The population in Croatia was pretty much wiped out. Today they have pretty much converted to Christianity or Muslim religion in order to survive, mostly giving up their ancient roots in Hindu religion.Christian Romanies in France, 1980s.The Roma could be related to or the same as Banjara/Vanjara community in India

What is your opinion of the controversial Gillette ad against toxic masculinity?

What does Ruth Bader Ginsburg and socialist feminists have in common? A sixty year commitment to undermine, subvert and destroy God, country, family, individuality, man, woman, childhood and all that is decent in human affairs.Both subscribe to the long standing policy objective of undermining the Constitution and the competing moral and religious values that sustain a citizenry free from state and legal submission.To object to Gillete’s characterization of toxic masculine is to forfeit the high ground, and accept that they succeeded in the deconstruction. Its an admission that they succeeded in this cultural reformation, and that we should accept collective punishment for being what they set out to make of us collectively.To object to Gillette’s characterization is to be baited into acknowledging that they succeeded in their original intent to pervert the course of three millennia of our Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian civilization.My mother did not raise a ruffian. She raised a gentleman that has strived for his entire life to respect women for their soul, their body, their mind and their dignity.Maybe properly indoctrinated socialists act in a manner unbecoming civilized principles, but that is on them, not on me or my kind.This madness has had a legal framework for over forty years. RBG did not invent this out of whole cloth. She simply gave it legal cover, and was rewarded with a seat on the US supreme court by President Clinton in 1993.But lets start at the beginning: her masterpiece was the 1977 Sex Bias in the U.S. Code, A Report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, April 1977.So lets start with the linguistic deconstruction, and the abolition of gender specific roles in society, pages 15–16, and so on: crewman to crew member, midshipman to midship person, seamen to to crew member, longshoremen to stevedores, she and her as reference to a ship to be replaced by it and its, obviously it follows that to man a vessel should be replaced by to staff, and husband a vessel to manage.So far so good, but here is where she wanted to go: a widow would be a surviving spouse, and a wife ditto a spouse. A brother or sister would now be siblings, a daughter a child, and a mother or father a parent, with the later being Parent 2. Husband and wife also had to go and be replaced with married couple. Grandfather out grandparents in.Paternity and paternal rights was of course the number one object in need of deconstruction, so it got replaced with parentage. Mother’s Insurance Benefits got replaced with child in care benefits, and single mother welfare with parental welfare.A living man is of course a person, mankind humanity, a prudent man a person, female-male also a person, and man-made artificial of human origin or better synthetic.On page 52 she makes the legal case that all Federal Law shall be sex neutral, under the guise of Sex Neutral Non Discriminatory Terminology (bolded and underlined in the original text). Again, emphasis on parental to replace maternal and paternal, and child to replace daughter and son. Of course the third person singular pronoun had to be made illegal.On page 96 she squarely attacks the prohibitions on prostitution. It follows that non discriminatory gender neutral law should not penalize the objectification of sexuality. She argues that the State should stay out of such matters since prostitution is covered by the Interstate Commerce Clause, to exclude all, and I quote “related activities of solicitation, procuring, setting up a house of ill fame, or using vehicles or buildings…” and on page 97 arguing to do away with all restrictions, and the elimination of the Mann Act “prohibiting travel and transportation of women in interstate or foreign commerce for prostitution, debauchery or other immoral purpose…” She made the point crystal clear that there should not be any “registration of information about a recently entered alien woman or girl engaged in the business of prostitution” since “the registrant is then shielded from the use of the information in a criminal prosecution…”I quote: “Prostitution, as a consensual act between adults, is arguably within the zone of privacy protected by recent constitutional decisions…” On page 98 she does agree with the Alien Prostitution Importation Act, since it also “includes boys as well as girls…” but she insists that the Mann Act is also offensive because it was meant to protect “those women and girls who, if given a fair chance, would, in all human probability, have been good wives and mothers and useful citizens”.On pages 100–101 she advocates for gender neutral prisons. Because clearly the “personal privacy principle” would preclude segregation on the basis of gender.On page 102 she advocates for the elimination of 18 U.S.C. Sect 2032, to “…eliminate the phrase “carnal knowledge of any female, not his wife who has not attained the age of sixteen years”” The sex gendering and neutralizing re-write should also be extended to removing the registration of the fact that “…(3) the other person is, in fact, less than 12 years old.”Lets be clear Ginsburg is advocating for child prostitution, but we will get back to the sexualization of children later.Needless to say on page 145 we find a prohibition against “Organizations which confer material benefits” to sex based segregation, and which “furnish educational, financial, social and other assistance to their young members…”. RBG had it especially out for the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, the Future Farmers of America, the Boy’s Clubs of America, Big Brothers of America and the most offensive of all, the Naval Sea Cadet Corps.Here is in RBG thought, the offending legislation (p145): “… 36 U.S.C. sect 23 defines the purpose of the Boy Scouts as the promotion of “… the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, to train them in scout craft, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self reliance, and kindred virtues..””Holy Lenin, that’s bad but not as bad, and RGB insists the civil rights violation should be immediately addressed, as the fact that “… The purpose of the Girl Scouts is … “…to promote the qualities of truth, loyalty, helpfulness, friendliness, courtesy, purity, kindness, obedience, cheerfulness, thriftiness, and kindred virtues…” … “ and service to the community…” (36 U.S.C. S43)…”Clearly, having separate establishment of Mother’s and Father’s day would also have to be curtailed.On page 148, RBG wrote, and I agree that “36 U.S.C S67(1) is inconsistent with a fundamental corollary of the equality principle: officials should be elected on their merit, not on the basis of sex.”On page 151 the attack on paternal rights and family obligations is further justified by “…Provisions relating to benefits for children born out of wedlock, e.g., 37 U.S.C. ss501 (a) (2) (D), (E), should be reviewed to assure that no substantive differential is retained based on the birth status of the child…”Clearly by p195 it is clearly established that there should be no restrictions on the rights of “… bigamists, persons “cohabiting with more than one woman” and women cohabiting with a bigamist…” Fair enough but one cannot claim “state rights” over sexual matters if you are advocating a federal right to legislate on such matters.It of course follows from the above that “… Current provisions dealing with statutory rape, rape, and prostitution are discriminatory on their face” (p215).And since she’s at it, she argues against women’s exclusion from draft registration, and combat duty (217–8).Interesting read, in light of the last sixty years’ worth of sexual liberation, drug culture and feminism generally. left’s attack on all things moral and familiar, also extended to its Gramscian logical end of changing the culture, or better undermining the existing culture to replace it with a more socially egalitarian culture.State sectioned education, the press, television and Hollywood would have to carry the load here.The entertainement industry was particularly effective at indoctrination, from Disney (a staunch communist) to socialist Hollywood production studios.Starting with greats like “They were Giants…” so as to brand all White Texans misogynist bigoted racists, to standard fare “single mother working as a pole dancer, raises her daughter, while building a business empire…” to the soul lifting standard plot “after her John beat her because he could not get it up, she dropped the kids off at skool, and then went home for some healing, but unfortunately she overdosed because rich people get their medication needs prescribed by a doctor, but not poor people… luckily in the midst of almost dying she finally came to a moment of clarity and had a life altering realization and that all would be good in the end if she confronted her father for being a strict disciplinarian…”You know… Hollywood. Through armageddon, self sacrifice in death, and the inevitable evil person re-deeming themselves after a life time of crime and lust in the last possible second before a redeeming death…Before this indoctrination craze took over, schools were segregated sex free zones, and so absolutely was family life. The sexualization of both was in order, and that was then extended to the factory floor, to the police precinct, and to the office romance. Presumably because having sex where you work is self empowering.This also extended to the sexualization of children. From the 50’s to the late 90’s all manner of attempts were made to extend sexuality well into early childhood. This all started with sex-ed for twelve year olds, and extended to lower the age of consent to 13. Retrograde Southern States of course objected, but it was pretty much mainstream in places like New York or Los Angeles. Hollywood produced thousands of movies about juveniles having and exploring their sexuality, among themselves and with adults.In New York City a child prostitute is just that, a prostitute (fourteen is the average age of arrest in the period 1990–2010).In the South juvenile girls have fathers, and so prosecution of under age sex is addressed in order to keep the murder rate of the offenders down to manageable levels. Even Obama knew better than to mess with “Gun toting bible thumpers…” (His words).The whole 60’s psychedelic free love hippy movement was about sex and drugs, free sex and free drugs, hopefully in public, or at the very least in every single movie theatre, television set and public school…This movement had its grand conclusion when in 1979 Brook Shields, then a precocious nine year old, had fully nude sex with a grown man, under the guise of the morality tale that a child working in the sex trade should be free not to be exploited by her employer or her mother, and should be free to decide for her herself what to do with her body. Oh… I almost forgot, they even made the racial virtue signaling that if she wanted to kiss another black nine year old, that was her decision. For the record the black kid got a good on screen whooping for playing with the merchandise.This was a major Hollywood production with nationwide distribution, and its no coincidence that this movie was released after Ginsburg’s recommendations to the Civil Rights Commission.Brook Shields in Pretty Baby. Tag line went: “In 1917, in the red-light district of New Orleans they called her Pretty Baby…” A proper feminist manifesto if ever there was one.Wikipedia is of course deliberately claiming she was twelve when the film was released. No, she was nine when it was shot. At twelve she had boobs, at nine she did not.This is the time that the US Roman Catholic Church had a crisis of conscience, and very loudly denounced the movie and the Hollywood establishment in no uncertain terms. I was in school at the time and the Chief Penguin dragged the whole school into the auditorium, and made it clear that anybody watching that movie would go straight to hell for all eternity. She could not find a proper priest to back her up so she dragged in a poor terrified Franciscan friar, in a traditional brown habit and sandals that happened to be in the library that day, and put him in front of the mic, and ordered him to explain to us that “any adult having sex with anybody below the age of reason, would not be given absolution and communion”, indeed a “fate worse than death itself” she screamed to a terrified audience of pubescent students.Twenty five years later, ignoring a five year statute of limitation on a fifty year old prohibition against homosexual acts, the same people pushing for the dissolution of family, morality, church and God, wrapped those homosexual acts around the Church’s neck like the proverbial albatross.Well, there was that biblical warning against “let the innocent cast the first stone…” and for those innocent of the above charges familiarity with houses of tolerance to atone for, but as they say what goes around comes around.When the Jacobins took over the judiciary in Revolutionary France (1789) their first legal act was to guillotine the head off every Bishop. When Napoleon was finally in control of State and Army, he promptly marched on Rome, brought the Pope back to justice, and chopped his head off.When Lenin was firmly in control of post revolutionary Russia (1923-ish) he also executed every single priest. He made a special spectacle of executing the Roman Catholic Bishop. The Italian parliament immediately gave Mussolini full powers to deal with the Bolshevik threat. The Spanish parliament eventually did the same…Interesting that National Socialism’s answer to procreating was sending strong soldiers to impregnate willing daughters of the Reich. The program was initiated in 1935, and was called Lebensborn. For what its worth I will quote wikipedia:“Lebensborn provided welfare to its mostly unmarried mothers, encouraged anonymous births by unmarried women at their maternity homes, and mediated adoption of these children by likewise "racially pure and healthy" parents, particularly SS members and their families. The Cross of Honour of the German Mother was given to the women who bore the most Aryan children. Abortion was legalised by the Nazis for disabled children.”Yep, my grand mother got her medal for having five sons, and two survived the war. My grand father’s two sisters made it to Palestine, his brother did not.In 1941 the Dutch Catholic Church, with 2000 ordained priests, loudly denounced the rounding up of Jews. The Germans promptly murdered 1950 of those 2000 priests. Seventy five years later the Netherlands offers free abortion on demand, regulated taxed prostitution, genderless education, banished family units to the retrograde dust bin of history, makes the maternal name the family-less name, and not to be outdone by the National Socialists of Third Reich fame, they now offer on demand euthanasia since depression is clearly a sign of degenerate weakness and should be addressed for what it is. Its Science, get over it just don’t call it eugenics, or I will have to bring up Margarette Sanger.When Stalin won WWII and established the post war Union of Soviet Socialist Republics he also rounded up every man of faith, from Poland to Bulgaria and executed them on the spot. The proper term is he martyred them. Famously every Polish nun was made to bear the children of Soviet Officers as punishment for resisting.That is also what is happening today in 2019 in Communist China, with every RC Church bulldozed, bishops disappeared, and the faithful sent to re-education camps. Well, they are non-discrinimatory in that policy, there are maybe 5–6 million muslims in forced labour re-education camps as I write this.For that is the legacy of socialism. For the last two decades 100,000 Christians are murdered each year around the world for their traditional Christian views. Which is of course why radical islam is viewed so favorably by the International.But lets get back to American Communists, Socialists and Useful-Idiot-Liberals.The problem is not with pornography. You know what pornography looks like. You know that if you are in a strip club, the strippers are out to peel bills off of you. Ditto for prostitution, it saved many a marriage and regardless the ladies have good hearts.The problem is when porn is lo longer porn and becomes the norm. The 90’s TV series Sex and the City is what bridged that divide and made it normal. Its the normalization of abnormal a-social behavior that is taught from kindergarten on.Having your Tinder account spell out Hookup Friendly to all your colleagues is what nowadays spells gender equality.After 50 years of demolishing everything sacred, and objectifying women & girls into commercialized sexual objects, free to act as they will since the consequences are to be born by the Nanny State, they now make the case that its man’s fault, even though the term man has been banished from legal and public discourse.If men turned into homicidal raping toxic pigs its because that is what Hollywood glorified. Its a death esthetic seeking redemption through violence and chaos.Rap is rape culture, but its okay because african americans are a protected class. Except that the glorification of violence, family dissolution, and drugs is not something that can be found in traditionally religious moral black communities, because they know better.Toxic masculinity is a product of the socialist design to destroy the family, the individual and any institution advocating for intelligence, strength, self sufficiency and life affirming values.To be offended by the Gillette Commercial is to be baited into accepting that you have succumbed to socialist indoctrination.My mother raised me right, and any deviation from gentlemanly behavior was resolved with the use a wooden spoon. Once my sister broke a broom over my head. Well the first time it just bounced off, the second hit was the charm mid forehead. My father asked me why I did fight back. “Well, because if I hit her mom will kill me…” Fair enough he answered, and then proceeded to drive me to the hospital to get me stitched up.I would mention the treatment that Irish Nuns would reserve for boys partaking in ungentlemanly behavior, but its probably now illegal… and regardless I will spare myself revisiting the traumatic experience that endowed me with a moral compass.And regardless no one should stand between a man and the pleasure of transgression.And that is my story and I am sticking to it. Thanks if you came this far…

What is safe to eat in restaurants amidst Covid 19?

Malaysia was doing fine in cutting the covid-19 transmissions to single digit count for several weeks… until a general election was held in one of Malaysia's Borneo state on the 26th of last month.In the days leading up to polling day, politicians among other people from peninsula Malaysia shuttle to and from the state to attend rally and canvas for their candidates - all this without any or little adherence to any SOPs to counter the spread of the virus, such as wearing of masks, safe distancing and the mandatory 14-day quarantine upon re-entry to peninsula Malaysia.To cut the story short: transmission spiked to a record high of 700+ confirmed covid19 cases, and fluctuating in the 500+ range since. Today, the total number of confirmed cases hit 629 which is considered very high for Malaysia.A week before, the government re-introduced a partial lockdown in red zones throughout the country, roadblocks manned by police and army personnel was in place to restrict inter district and inter state travel, unofficial travel were forbidden, and SOPs for a whole range of businesses and public places.Kindergarten and schools were ordered shut for two weeks in line with the CMCO - Conditional Movement Control Order (a form of lockdown) last week which is expected to end at the end of October. (I expect the lockdown to be extended another two weeks.)Restaurants during the lockdown period this time round are to continue to follow the SOPs set out by the authorities - restaurant workers to wear face mask, registration of customers at entrance, temperature check, hand santizers for customers, tables placed wide apart to maintain safe distancing. This was the set of rules put in place since the first lockdown (which was a lot more restrictive) on March 18 earlier this year.Restaurants have generally observed the rules, many have closed permanently, went bust, and this time around, in the first few days of the re-introduced lockdown, people are staying away, staying home. Today the authorities permits dine-in of a maximum of four to a big table with other SOPs in place. That's not going to really bring back the crowd. It's a psychological thing - as long as the transmission is high in the triple digits, people are reluctant to eat out.I'm involved in the restaurant business and prior to the lockdown again, the restaurant is packed full, every table and private dining room taken on weekends. We had to turn away dozens of diners on a couple of occasions.Now…even takeaways are significantly reduced, you can count the number of customers on one hand. It was not the case before that general election in east Malaysia took place. We were doing alright even on weekdays, weekends are a party. The low and mid end eateries were doing lively business. Not anymore.Through it all, since the first lockdown in mid March there is no recorded case of a restaurant customer anywhere infected with the covid19 virus. None. I guess it is safe to dine in at a restaurant. I've been doing it very often too.

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