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Why is China not giving in to Donald Trump's trade deal?

Why did China not give in to Trump's demands? Well first they were demands not negotiations. The idea China would make concessions of 300 million dollars is laughable considering America imports 5 times more goods than it exports to China! That America owes China 2 trillion dollars out of it's national debt alone. 2 trillion dollars!! And the fact that China will be the global economic superpower within 8 years followed closely by India. That a country of over 1 billion plus people mainly live beside the coast overwhelmingly due to its fishing industry. The entire country of China can be powered by solar power alone which it is transitioning to do.Why do you think such a country would give into the “demands” of a man who wears fake tan, a wig, is a compulsive liar and who just recently said he was “the chosen one”. The second coming of Christ. You couldn't make it up!!Just a few things you neglected to mention. China builds nuclear power plants for other countries, builds high speed trains across Africa, which puts it in a very good position at the UN. The same UN where Trump was laughed at.When Trump was considering imposing tariffs against China the Chinese responded with 5 words. “Don't even think about it”. Trump did think about it then rambled on about how China would pay for the tariffs, much in the same way Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. Then asked Congress for over 5 billion dollars to build the wall. China will not pay for the tariffs considering its leverage over the US, globally and economically.Trump delayed implementing those tariffs on 1st September 2019 after China announced that it would be imposing tariffs on electronics, farming machinery amongst many other American based companies located in China in retaliation. Trump didn't want American consumers to know that they are paying for his trade war. Not China or any other Country. That's the only reason he delayed the tariffs in September, to avoid a massive price increase in goods just before Christmas time. Including Apple, Dell etc. There's a list of some American companies based in China who will face tariffs in the link below.American Corporations in ChinaThat's a very small list of American companies based in China who would be tariffed/taxed and the American consumer would pay for the additional tax as the company would increase the RRP of the product. Not China, not the companies. The American consumers. It's not an extensive list by any means but gives you some idea of the power of China and everyday goods used in America you probably didn't know were actually made in China.Congress has already given 28 billion dollars to farmers in the Mid West who grow and sold Soy Beans to China. China now buys it's Soy Beans from Brazil and Argentina. China has signed a 10 year deal with Brazil to buy Soy Beans from them. They will never buy Soy Beans from the USA again. So that's the farming business destroyed by Trump. You also forgot to mention that America is headed for recession because of Trump's trade wars. That's why “China won't give in to Trump's demands”. They have absolutely no reason to. Trump's tax cut for the rich didn't work because trickle down economics doesn't work. The rich American companies didn't invest, build new businesses, create new jobs. They kept their tax cut…. in the bank. With an American recession looming that's where that money will stay. The middle and working class are actually worse off now as their tax breaks are lower.You have no idea how hard the world is laughing at Trump and America. A man who lost 1 billion dollars between 1985-1994 and prefers to trust his gut, the same gut that couldn't turn a profit on a casino. And refuses to take advice from people who know more about global economics because he's a stable genius. He's an idiot who has brought the USA to the brink of recession. America is not even invited to meetings of global leaders anymore because the world has had enough of Trump's isolationist, MAGA, climate change denial, racist bully boy tactics who lock asylum seekers up in cages.The only export America is capable of is selling weapons of war, invading weaker oil producing countries and supporting Israel who make the Palestinian people live in the largest concentration camp in the world where people are not allowed to leave by sea and basic humanitarian aid isn't permitted into Palestine by the right wing Israeli government backed by America. America who give Israel 3 billion in aid each year. Why do you think they do that? Israel is America's only ally in that part of the Middle East.At the same time International charities aren't allowed to enter Palestine to provide relief to the Palestinian people. Their ships are carrying aid for a humanitarian crisis NOT weapons. They have been repeatedly threatened, blockaded and have even been fired upon by the IDF. The IDF have opened fire on the Press as well. America supports this as well as incursions by the IDF who just randomly shell buildings from tanks. American tanks.That's why China didn't give into Trump's demands. Because the world is watching the downfall of your racist government and laughing at your weak impotent threats!!Dear America, we won't miss you and you have one man to thank for your downfall in a record time of less than 3 years. Congrats!!Edit: To the American who reported my comment because they live in the same alternate reality Trump lives in, where the truth is non-existent, anything negative towards Trump or the Republican Party is fake news. And must be removed from public view so no one can read an accurate fact based assessment of what is actually happening in the real world. And just why exactly, “China didn't give in to Trump's demands”.Trump's demands do not concern China. Trump can demand whatever he wants. That doesn't mean countries of the world take Trump in anyway serious. They don't.EDIT: Quora first deleted my answer because it was reported. Upon appeal and a moderator actually reading my Comment It has thankfully been reinstated. Next time you could just try replying to me and pointing out how you think I'm wrong about anything I wrote or what it was exactly you disagreed with that violated Quora’s Be Nice, Be Respectful policy. I have never reported anyone because then what I write wouldn't be true and I wouldn't have any faith in my own thoughts and words. Instead what you did was the cowardly thing and had my answer removed by pressing a button. I feel sorry for you. Not too sorry mind. I'm Irish.Everything I wrote is true. America is heading for a recession all the while embarking on an isolationist path that “the chosen one” lead you on. Denigrating, insulting and deliberately lying to the American people, American war heroes, isolating America's closest allies and trading partners which at this point I see as being irreversible as other countries don't trust or your “fake news”. Just blatantly bringing disrespect to the office of POTUS, committing at least 10 counts of obstructing justice and ordering subpoenaed witnesses including AG William Barr who is not Trump's personal attorney to not attend Congressional hearings. In a country where supposedly nobody is above the law.. We won't miss you!! Goodbye.Good luck buying Greenland lol it only gets more ridiculous. How can you think this is normal?This is quite long for a comment lol I'm just going to make it an answer.**ADDENDUM**Now Trump wants to hold the G7 at his own golf club at Doral, Florida. He has already broken the emoluments clause by having foreign dignataries stay at Trump Hotel Washington DC. Trump is not only suggesting that the G7 is held at his hotel. He is actually advertising his hotel (which is in debt, it's run apparently by Eric Trump) part of me wants Trump to be reelected because he is so stupid it's actually funny. Listening to him talk about climate change or any topic is hilarious. Describing how the air travels over the ocean because the Oceans are small, verbatim. The oceans make up 71% of the planet. Trump literally doesn't understand anything. As much as I love America the government is controlled by a Constitution from 1788. Change needs to happen.On the other hand I truly believe Trump will be arrested for tax fraud as well as smaller charges including violating the emoluments clause which is actually a serious crime. The World including China are watching Trump make a fool out of himself daily. I already wrote about the secret service saying Mar-a-Lago being impossible to secure. The arrest of a Chinese spy who was running a brothel there. Out of all the places the G7 could be held Trump advocates and advertises Doral for free. America I hope you are watching the man destroying your country in disgust.Also I appreciate the upvotes. This is my second answer about Trump the other got nearly 900 votes. Kind of weird to me. But I have kids. I can't answer how much your BMW is going to cost right now. Given the tariffs on imports I imagine somewhere between an extra 63%. I will try to answer your questions when I have time. I'm an aerospace engineer, a husband and father of 3 young kids but I'm also kind of a smart ass. Cheers!Slán

Do you support the arrest of Disha Ravi?

No, I do not support the arrest of Disha Ravi.It's an overreach by the system and one sort of equivalent I can think of in the recent times is the suing by BYJU owned WhiteHat Jr's of an almost nobody called Pradeep Punia for a series of barely noticed tweets thereby propelling him into limelight, bringing further unwanted attention & scrutiny unto themselvesBut do I believe in her innocence? No, I do not.As Naman Chakraborty put her so eloquently in the bracket of “woke activists", youngsters like her are either so convinced that every protest needs their support or that they have to be the contrarian voice that rises when opportunity presents itself.This girl is Disha Ravi:She cares for her environment, she's an activist, a child in any home where there is awareness about the happenings of the world, a child who ostensibly cares about saving the world she lives in.Disha's arrest has angered the youngsters in my family — they are appalled at how a girl with this profile, a person who is fighting for nature and so we may breathe easy, who is in sync with the poor farmers who are exercising their right to protest against the three Farm Bills, could be arrested with such impunity.What however sticks out in all this praise is that if she is indeed aware of all the demands by the striking farmers, she has to be aware of the ramifications of the non-implementation of these laws on the environment.The farmers seek to remove fine imposition on stubble burning.If you are living in India, even if not in Delhi NCR, unless you have your head under a rock, you have to realize the far-reaching consequences of not having a law that prohibits stubble burning.[1]As a Delhiite, I know firsthand. But the rest of India understands by extrapolation and Disha Ravi cannot but be aware of this. By standing with the farmers in orchestrating the protest against the elected government, she has to be fully aware that this step is not just detrimental but devastating for the capital of the country she lives in.Next. The farmers of Punjab have well nigh ruined the lands of the once land of gold by irregular farming practices and if this continues, the water table of the state will fall to dangerous levels, the soil will be leached with chemicals that shall further diminish their capacity to yield “mere desh ki dharati, sona ugg le, ugg le heere moti".How can an environmentalist possibly hold hands with people who refuse to see the bleak future being spelled out in black and white for them? The farmers may seek the now in favour of the tomorrow but how can someone who has so much awareness as to be connected with a Greta Thunberg at the first level be that person.Yet, it is not wrong for her or for any citizen to have a strong opinion against the ruling dispensation & voice it accordingly.There is nothing wrong with a toolkit that has guidelines to organize groups into protesting peacefully.I have read the toolkit & it does not have words that instigate — at least what appears to the version tweeted by Greta by mistake.Any educated person, and definitely a woke person like Disha Ravi and the others who have edited this document would first have gone down the path to check who the creators of the document are, what the agenda behind such an elaborate protest orchestrated across the length & breadth of the country, with even international characters appearing to join in spontaneously (or “organically” as is the woke way to say it) and most importantly, the real motive.Disha Ravi would or at least should have followed the logical route and checked up the creator of the document first.AskIndiaWhy is the creator of the said document.A simple search shows this:#AskIndiaWhyIndia's farmers and citizens need the global community to pay attention — the world needs to know that India is retreating from democracy, rushing headlong into fascism. International focus on these protests may be the only thing preventing state-sponsored violence and another massacre in India. page links to an organization called “Poetic Foundation for Justice" PFJ.If I were Disha, I would read up on PFJ.The outfit’s website says:“We develop content, workshops and events to provoke, challenge and disrupt systemic inequities and biases. We create safe spaces for exploration, learning and healing to foster societal change. Our goal is to educate, organize and mobilize Canadians to achieve and protect equal rights in all aspects of social, political and economic life. Currently, we are most actively involved in the #FarmersProtest that has activated Indian diaspora worldwide as a rebuke to India’s oppressive policies towards farmers.” [2]The owner of the website is a certain MO Dhaliwal.If I were Disha, I would check on him. Possibly trawl through his Facebook page and Instagram to see what his interest as a person based out of Canada was in the entire events in India, especially in the light of certain Sikhs being blamed for having secessionist views. The “K" word has loomed and cast an ugly shadow over the protests since the beginning & if I were she, I would ascertain that I wasn't a part of anything that threatened the sovereignty of my nation.And I'm not even a woke youngster.So who is Mo Dhaliwal? He's more Dahi-wal spreading raita, it appears.Apparently a simple search would have yielded a post where he shows appreciation for Bhindranwale.“Freedom from slavery is achieved only when a person starts to feel and understand that he would prefer death to life as a slave.”Dhaliwal is also a co-founder of Sikhs for Justice, a banned organisation.Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) also planned to hold a worldwide Sikh referendum in 2020 to decide if they want the creation of a Khalistani nation or not.By now, if I were Disha, I would drop this document like a ton of bricks.I would want to have nothing to do with a person who has such views because this isn’t about the farmers any more. The farmers are just collateral damage.As an environmentalist, as a youngster caring deeply about the fundamental rights of poor farmers ostensibly protesting to get the draconian Farm Bills repealed, the hidden agenda of this document would have emerged crystal clear to me. As an aware youngster who has access to lawyers who would have me forewarned, even if not, I being completely aware of the fact that if said document comes into public domain, I could have UAPA (Unlawful Activities prevention Act) slapped upon me, I would be cautious enough to not lend my stamp or name in such a document where a trail could lead back to me.That said, Disha Ravi had full cognizance of what she was getting into because at 21 you are no child in India. At 21, you're old enough to elect a government, you're old enough to marry, you're old enough to be a graduate, you're old enough to work in a responsible postion or even old enough to have a start-up.Again, that said, the fact that she edited a document that was created by people of suspicious origins isn't enough grounds for police to fly in from the capital to arrest a citizen from another city on a day when she doesn't have access to legal aid. That's a dastardly thing to do.If the idea was to scare off people from showing solidarity with the farmers and send a message to not “mess" with the government, it came across as a pathetic overreach. In all likelihood, instead of scaring off people, it might quite have the contrary effect.The only “achievement” has been the trail that has unfolded which has exposed the mischievous elements behind the seemingly organic protest. This could easily have been done by interrogating the girl and taking possession of her phone, laptop etc. The arrest was uncalled for and I strongly deplore it.P.S.I'm sorely tempted to add this addendum.Talking of toolkits, our own Kapil Mishra has this interesting toolkit that, in another age, under another government, might have him arrested. But not in these times.From today we are making a Team - Hindu Ecosystemआज से हम बना रहे हैं "हिन्दू इकोसिस्टम" टीमटीम से जुड़ने के लिए सदस्य्ता फॉर्म भरेंPls fill this membership form to join the team:— Kapil Mishra (@KapilMishra_IND) November 16, 2020Interesting, eh?!Edit:It's being pointed out that since Disha Ravi has sent out messages calling for “action", the arrest is justified…In a country where an MoS who blatantly calls out in public “Goli maro…” is seen eating the budget halwa with not so much as a rap from the police or his party, arresting a girl calling for public action is bleh.Footnotes[1] The impact of stubble burning and poor air quality in India during the time of COVID-19[2] Poetic Justice Foundation

How quickly could NATO tanks reach Moscow?

Please allow me to inform you that it’s unlikely they could reach Moscow. First, unbeknownst to most Americans, Russia is twice the size of the US. Unlike a car or truck, you just can’t zip down the highway and cross a country as vast as Russia in a tracked vehicle. Do Americans know that the German Army had to canablize half its armor vehicles before it got to Stalingrad or the Crimea? They could not move them on railroads because Russian railroad tracks are wider. And, tanks use about a gallon of fuel a mile. In addition to fuel, track pads will have to be changes a couple of times. Let’s not forget oil and other parts. Such as, rollers, sprockets, and filters. Lastly, it is a known fact that Russia put a lot more emphasis on tanks than sea vessels. That’s why they have 3–5 times more tanks than NATO. Can we pick on a less formable enemy? How about Liechtenstein, the Vatican, or Monaco. They’re tough, I do think we should leave those Russians alone.Addendum for the Arm-chair, video game war hawks:First, when prosecuting a war, it’s necessary to think how to demoralize and defeat an invading force. Let’s start with the first premise of arm-chair video warriors: “Shock and Awe.” It’s impossible to launch a surprise (non-nuclear) war on Russia as the Axis power did. Advancements in communications technology prevents any such actions. It should also be noted that Stalin purges the majority of trained officers prior to June, 1941. Which resulted in huge Soviet losses. That is no longer the case. Russia’s officer corp is more than sufficient and adequately trained. And, don’t you think Russia has spies throughout NATO? There are over 3 million Russian citizens in the U.S. and thousands more throughout Western Europe. Second, A single or multiple columns entering Russia would utterly be destroyed with pincer movements as well as attacks on flanks and supply lines. Fact is, , an attack must be done on the entire Russian front, which is huge. Such an attack would require at least 5 million men along an initially 1800 mile wide front and increase in number of combatants and supply lines to cover a 2500 mile front when entering Russia’s interior.Meanwhile, all Russians in the west as well as sympathizers will be attacking all NATO involved countrie’s major cities and towns. Specifically attacking electrical grids, water works, nuclear power plants, gas refinery and lines and fuel. All passenger planes, boats, and transportation systems at principle hubs will be attacked. Finance centers, such as Wall Street will be brought to a screeching halt. Russians in the US will be starting fires throughout California and all other states and countries where feasible. The computer network will no longer be functioning. All manufacturing facilities and military installation will be attacked and buildings will be set on fire. Counterfeit money will be supplied throughout all NATO countries. And, politicians will be sought out and turned or killed. “According to the Institute of Modern Russia in 2011, the Russian American population is estimated to be 3.3 million.” All it takes is to turn a few hundred thousand to aid “Mother Russia.”As I stated, Western Europe has millions of Russians living in throughout Europe,. They will fight for Mother. Fact is, few NATO supporters or citizens live in Russia. Some think that “Russia is not as big or difficult as it seems.” Yes it is. Russia is 2 times the size of the US. It has thousands of swamps; some are the size of states where combatants can hide and launch attacks against the invaders. It’s vast interior of mountains and forest cans hide millions of fighters. One must understand that not all NATO countries nor its people would be supportive of such an attack. But Russians are extremely patriotic. IED, and every weapons possible will be used by at least 50 million pissed-off Russians against the invaders. Armchair warriors speak of technological advanced West. That won’t work on Russia. For example, North Vietnam had fewer and less advances MiG jets, but they beat the Americans. Simply because they were fighting at home for their home.And, when it gets down to it, a war of attrition like Stalingrad will determine the outcome. Think how easy Russian’s can disrupt all of Europe and the US. Not to forget, 1/3 of Europe is heated by Russian gas. Don’t forget, the French don’t like to be cold.Please understand that Russia is not a soft target. They are a hard target who will fight like tigers. Day and night, millions of Russians (men and women) will come at you from their thousands of swamps, underground tunnels, forest, mountains, and land just to slit your throat, plant an IED, shoot RPG’s, and snipers will be dedicated to shooting West Point and other officers. Such a non-nuclear war will result in millions of casualties throughout the U.S. and Europe within the first weeks. One must also realize that the US is extremely politically divided. Not to forget many NATO countries will not join in and lock horns with the Bear. I say let the Bear sleep and leave him the hell alone. To do otherwise is to “let your mouth writes cheques that your ass can't cash"...

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