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Has someone ever unjustifiably reported you to Child Protective Services? What was the outcome?

It was 1999. I had reported my then husband had threatened to kill myself and our three children because he felt he would have been better off without us. He shrugged off the consequences-he was a police officer and he knew he wouldn’t go to an ordinary prison. I tried to file for an order of protection but it was denied because his fellow police officers mailed and faxed affidavits that he was a great guy and I was the problem. Any city agency I called wouldn’t help me. At best they told me to take my children (special needs children and two with respiratory problems) to the Bronx (from Brooklyn) and live in a homeless shelter. Why should WE leave our house when it was the father causing the problems?? He didn’t pay the mortgage, the utilities or the grocery bills-he would bring home food and clothes for himself and ignore us. Why did we have to be driven from our home while that monster got to stay happy as a clam? It would mean the kids couldn’t go to their school, see my parents-why were we being punished for HIS behavior? The police department finally took away his guns (they told our brother in law he had enough guns and ammo to fight World WR 3, but he wasn’t a threat). The kids and I slept in the basement and I kept the phone and a kitchen knife under my pillow. I refused to be bullied out of my home. Finally someone from the police department read my paperwork and called Child Services. They were investigating him. Even they saw I had the basement made up for us, no one did anything. I had to put the children on food stamps because I had no money. Social Services refused to process my paperwork I proved I filed paperwork against their father. I did. What was my reward? That nice case worker called Child Services against me-for keeping my children in the house with a man I filed charges against. I repeated over and over that HE should be removed! Why should I take my children away from their surroundings. Why did they need to be punished? Ok, yes if you are threatened you should leave. I understand. Understand that I was emotionally abused and wasn’t thinking 100% straight either. And even the therapists agreed and backed me up on why we should stay and he should be taken out. If he wasn’t a cop, he would have been removed and arrested. He called in a lot of favors and got everything dropped or dismissed.The day I was told I was under investigation I called every professional who had worked with the children and me. The allergist and respiratory therapist both filed letters that the boys couldn’t leave the family home because of their ongoing treatments. The psychiatrist, psychologists, social workers all called or faxed the agency that to call me a bad parent was absurd. I brought the kids to appointments, I followed suggestions, I attended open school meetings-while their father did nothing. My investigation was soon closed. Or so I thought. Years later, the Department of Education implemented a new attendance system online. I looked up my younger son’s name. He was listed as being from the Philippines, and the hat his immigrant status was pending. I laughed as he was born in Brooklyn,NY. I stopped when I saw that it listed my case with Child Services and it was listed as open. I flew into a rage. Every person in the DOE was able to see inaccuracies and personal information about my family. I called my lawyer and gave him the phone number to the agency that was in charge of this website. They immediately corrected the information and embarrassed they admitted they leaked information about thousands of parents. The city immediately discontinued their services. I received a letter in the mail saying my past case with Child Service was closed and any inaccuracies connected others it was corrected. And they acknowledged my son was born in America and his immigration status was no longer pending. Sometimes there are just no words left when you see stupidity.

What sentence would Lee Harvey Oswald have received?

With what we know in 2019, there wouldn’t even be a trial because the evidence from the crime scene can’t be authenticated. Specifically, no chain of custody (COC) for the shells. If there’s no COC, they can’t be accepted into evidence. If they can’t be accepted into evidence- no trial. See how this works? If they even tried to have a trial, it’s actually the Dallas Police Department (DPD) would get into trouble for lying about the evidence. Some other problems with the evidence:The “alleged” postal money order for the rifle has no bank endorsement of deposit on the bank; it should have 3, which means it was never deposited into any financial institution. It’s obvious that someone just grabbed a money order from a stack at the post office and just hand-jammed some writing on the front, and then tried to say that they “found” the money order for the rifle.The rifle found on the 6th floor of the TSBD that is sitting in the national archives, is not the rifle that Oswald “allegedly” ordered. It’s a 40″Mannlicher-Carcano (MC) rifle with side sling mounts. The rifle they said he ordered from Klein’s was a 36″MC rifle with bottom sling mounts. In addition there were 2 police officers from the scene who signed a sworn affidavit saying (under the penalty of perjury no less) that the rifle found was a 7.65 Mauser. That’s a bit of a problem, and in a real murder trial the DPD would have some serious credibility problems.No receipt for the ammo or the clip. If Oswald had ordered the rifle, why would he not order bullets and a clip?No postal worker had any knowledge of giving a large package to Oswald that was marked “A. Hidell”. Also, shipment of a firearm required sigatures both for shipper and recipient. There are none.Another issue, Oswald’s timecard from work shows that he actually was at work when they (the WC) said he said he was off at the post office mailing the money order for the rifle. No one recalled him being absent from work.I could go on and on and on….

How would things be different today if Lee Harvey Oswald had missed JFK?

Had Oswald missed?!My friend, Oswald never even fired a rifle on Nov. 22, 1963. That was proven by the Dallas PD's paraffin test, which showed no nitrates on his cheek from blowback. It's unlikely he fired a pistol, either, given the bent firing pin on his revolver and the non-matching semi-auto ammo found at the scene of Officer Tippett's murder.I suggest you do some honest research. Certainly don't believe what you read on Quora or what they say in the corporate-owned press. Don’t believe the government. It is still largely under the control of those who assassinated our president. And don’t believe me. Do the research. A lot of startling new information has surfaced in recent years, though almost never covered by the Mockingbird media. Then, if you find the evidence at variance with ANY of what I am saying, do come back and challenge me.The evidence was not enough to convict Lee Oswald had he been given the due process of law guaranteed every citizen under the U.S. Constitution.Oswald had no motive, means or opportunity. Oswald was a gung-ho Marine who enlisted at the earliest possible age, served in sensitive position as a radar operator for U-2 flights over the USSR and, now we know, China, volunteered to become a double agent for the USG, and then pretended to defect to the USSR as part of a phony defector program concocted by the CIA. When, despite his desperate efforts, he failed to get recruited by the KGB, Oswald returned to the United States on a State Department repatriation loan. He never technically gave up his U.S. citizenship.Then, despite having "defected" to the USSR, as soon as he returned to the United States, Oswald walked into a job with a graphic arts firm that did Top Secret work for the USG, producing maps from the U-2 overflights, and the FBI hired him at $200/month to pretend to be a Communist sympathizer in order to help it identify pro-Castro Cubans.As Sen. Richard Schweiker (R-PA) of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee once put it: “We do know Oswald had intelligence connections. Everywhere you look with him, there are fingerprints of intelligence." U.S. intelligence, just to be clear.We know from the confessions of his mistress Judyth Vary Baker that Oswald worked with her and others on a plot to assassinate Fidel Castro. In one of his last conversations with her, he said he was trying to foil a plot against JFK's life. In fact, he admired Kennedy and may have been the FBI informant, named "Lee," who Secret Service Agent Abraham Boldin said had tipped off the government to the plot against Kennedy's life in Chicago two weeks before Dallas.No reliable evidence connected Oswald to the purported murder weapon, a Mannlicher-Carcano, including the doctored backyard photos and the highly dubious shipment of the mail order gun to a post office box addressed to one "A. Hidell."Reliable eyewitness testimony would show Oswald wasn't even on the Sixth Floor of the Texas School Book Depository at the time of the shooting. Only after FBI agents had an hour alone with Oswald’s body at the funeral home did his palm print newly appear on the previously dusted rifle.In the same way, a wallet with identification for A. Hidell magically appeared at the J.D. Tippit crime scene an hour after the area had already been combed by spectators and police. Now, how’s THAT for an orgy of evidence! (Sorta like finding a wallet with ID from one of the hijackers at Ground Zero after 9/11, isn’t it? But I digress.) Oswald was carrying a different wallet when arrested. He didn’t have a lot of money, and credit cards and loyalty cards were not very widely used at that time, so it isn’t plausible that Oswald carried two wallets.The caliber of the Carcano didn’t match that used in the shooting at the home of Gen. Edwin Walker. An eyewitness had seen two men fleeing in separate cars, neither matching Oswald’s description. And, in any case, Oswald didn’t drive. Walker and Kennedy were at opposite ends of the political spectrum, so for them both to be the target of the same assassin seems a bit incongruous. It also seems unlikely for an assassin, while kneeling and firing feverishly with a bolt action rifle, to be able to lay, within moments, several wounds and a mortal head shot on the POTUS in a moving car and yet, from a much nearer distance and with plenty of time to line up his shot, miss a man seated at his desk.Oswald was never given due process or a day in court. The single prison phone call to which he was entitled--he tried to call a retired Army intelligence officer--was deliberately prevented by the government from being connected. Dallas PD claimed it kept no record of his interrogation. Neither did any of the other agencies that questioned him, supposedly.The police lineup for the witness identification of Oswald was a travesty, with everyone else dressed in suits, and he alone disheveled in a tee-shirt with a black eye and complaining that the line-up was unfair. An eyewitness who couldn’t recognize him as the perpetrator only changed his mind after barely surviving a murder attempt.CIA and the Mob, which collaborated so closely on so many different fronts at this time as to be nearly interchangeable, both worked with Oswald, framed him for JFK's murder, and ordered Ruby to silence him before Oswald could speak in his own defense. Oswald was never supposed to be given a chance, and he wasn't.For those of us who weren’t at Dealey Plaza, Oswald's murder by Jack Ruby was surely our first strong indication of conspiracy. Of course, what looked like a gangland hit to silence a potentially problematic witness was quickly explained away as the misguided but well-meaning act of yet another Lone Nut. Mobster Jack Ruby murdered Oswald in a room full of police detectives to prevent Oswald from telling what he knew.By some accounts, Ruby had known Oswald for a considerable time, likely meeting him while running guns to anti-Castro elements in Cuba. A dozen witnesses saw the two together on various occasions, but the Warren Commission concluded they must have been mistaken. One of Ruby’s strippers testified that her boss had introduced Oswald to her, not long before the assassination, with the words “this is my friend, Lee, from the CIA.” Silvia Odio claimed she'd met Oswald with two anti-Castro Cubans some weeks before the assassination, but she, too, must have "been mistaken," even though she never sought publicity, her sister confirmed the visit, and she'd written to her father of the meeting shortly afterward, before the assassination.Perhaps the very first "conspiracy theorists" were Attorney General Robert Kennedy and FLOTUS Jackie Kennedy. Others included French Intelligence, and the Kremlin, and several members of the Warren Commission, and the U.S. Congress, and up to 85 percent of the American public, and Lyndon Johnson, recorded at least twice as saying he suspected a conspiracy. Yeah, LBJ was a "tinfoil hat" type who admitted the probable existence of a conspiracy. And, as one of the conspirators, he was in a position to know.I believe Lyndon B. Johnson conspired with several others to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. Johnson’s long-time mistress Madeleine Brown stated that she thought LBJ began hatching the plot as early as 1961. Johnson was one of many individuals who appeared to have foreknowledge of the coming assassination. Brown related the story of how she was surprised to meet LBJ at a party at the home of Texas oil tycoon Clint Murchison on the eve of the assassination. She claimed he had just emerged from a large closed-door meeting when he noticed her and paused to speak with her. Instead of whispering sweet nothings, he told her: “Darling, after tomorrow those SOB Kennedy’s are never gonna embarrass me again. That’s not a threat, that’s a promise!” She claims he repeated a nearly identical statement to her in a phone call the next morning. A month after the assassination, Brown confronted Johnson about the murder. He told her the real people behind it were her fat cat Texas oil friends and “those spooks” in Washington.At the time of the assassination, the ruthless, corrupt and ambitious Johnson was in desperate straits, just one step away from political humiliation and criminal charges. Life Magazine, fed dirt on Johnson by Robert Kennedy’s Justice Department, was about to publish an exposé of Johnson’s incriminating ties to the Bobby Baker corruption scandal in its December 1 edition. JFK appeared poised to use the scandal to ditch Johnson from the Democratic Party ticket in 1964 in favor of Gov. Terry Sanford of North Carolina.JFK seemed likely to coast to a second term as president, Robert “Bobby” Kennedy was in a strong position to succeed him. Youngest brother Sen. Edward “Ted” Kennedy might follow Bobby. The White House might be in Kennedy hands for another 21 years.Anti-Soviet military hawks seeking war in Vietnam, Texas oil tycoons fearful of losing the oil depletion allowance, Central Intelligence Agency officials fired by Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs debacle, Mafiosi angered by Kennedy’s war on crime, Secret Service agents scandalized by Kennedy’s reckless private behavior, jealous husbands cuckolded by Kennedy, etc. — Johnson knew Kennedy’s many enemies in and outside the government and presented himself as a much preferred alternative.I believe LBJ set the plot in motion, then left its execution largely in the hands of CIA agent Cord Meyer, probably on the recommendation of ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles, fired by JFK after the Bay of Pigs debacle. Meyer was a natural choice. He had been cuckolded by JFK. Indeed, his wife, Mary Pinchot Meyer, was one of JFK’s favorite mistresses. She was assassinated on a footpath in Georgetown a year later, with no one ever convicted for the murder.LBJ probably used his personal attorney Ed Clark and assistant Cliff Carter as his conduits to those, like retiring USAF BG Edward Lansdale, who were most involved in planning the operation. The mainly CIA plotters called on embittered Bay of Pigs veterans—including Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt, and George H.W. “Poppy” Bush—and Mafia allies to carry out the “Big Event.” Research Bush's activities and whereabouts in. Nov. 22, 1963. You'll find he was staying at the Sheraton in Dallas. Just who do you suppose was the "independent Houston-area oil operator" briefly detained by Dallas sheriff's deputies as a suspicious person leaving the Dal-Tex Building moments after the shooting? He'd claimed to just ducked into the building to borrow a phone (just in time to miss the presidential motorcade?!). Moments later known Mafioso James Brading, a/k/a Braden, was detained as a suspicious person leaving the Dal-Tex, too. He, too, had supposedly just ducked in to borrow a phone.The Mafia pulled in various elements, including, possibly, French Corsican assassins recruited out of Marseilles with the help of CIA’s William Harvey in Rome. Hired killer Lucien Sarti is often mentioned.LBJ’s personal hit man Malcolm “Mac” Wallace was one of the shooters in the Texas School Book Depository Building. Billie Sol Estes’ 1983 affidavit swore Wallace carried out several political murders for LBJ, including the assassination of JFK. Years after the crime, Wallace’s fingerprints were identified as matching a previously unidentified set on file at the National Archives. The set had been lifted from boxes at the TSBD sniper’s nest within an hour of the shooting.The conspirators created a kill zone clearly demarcated by bright yellow hash marks painted on the Elm Street curb. They used timed triangulated fire, but their first shots failed to kill the president. Upon seeing the frantic signalling by “Umbrella Man” and others that Kennedy still lived, Secret Service Agent William Greer momentarily stopped the limo between the hash marks, where JFK was struck in the head by at least one frangible round, possibly fired from the above ground sewer opening at that location. Greer’s stopping of the limo was the first tip-off to Jackie Kennedy that the murder was an inside job.The government altered the Zapruder Film to minimize the duration of the limo stop. Several facts prove the film was altered. The FBI claimed Abraham Zapruder filmed at a slower speed than the camera’s fastest speed he remembered using, thereby allowing the government to excise nearly a quarter of the frames. The portion of the film showing the president’s limo sharply turning onto Elm Street, even jumping the curb, is removed. Spectators spliced into the foreground remain utterly motionless as the presidential limo passes. Other spectators, however, move at super-human speeds. Motorcycle patrolmen vanish and then miraculously reappear. Mary Poppins-era animation blots out some of the president’s head wound. Emergency lights flash at erratic periodicity. Most interestingly, a lens reflection in the margins of the film, along the sprocket holes, seen over the course of several frames, reveals the silhouette of an assassin repeatedly aiming and firing down on the motorcade from atop the Dallas PD-controlled County Records Building.Secret Service agents immediately set about destroying the crime scene, washing out the limo and illegally seizing and transporting the president’s body to Washington. They sent the death limo to Ford Motor Company to be stripped down to bare metal and reupholstered. The bullet-stricken windshield was destroyed completely and replaced by another manually cracked in order to explain away the hole seen by witnesses at Parkland.These were law enforcement agents trained to understand the importance of preserving evidence. Yet they deliberately destroyed the evidence, obstructing justice. Surely they were under orders from higher up. No agents were ever punished.LBJ insisted JFK’s widow, Jackie Kennedy, join him in his swearing-in ceremony aboard Air Force One. This allowed the removal of JFK’s body to Air Force Two on a farther tarmac while the bronze ceremonial casket was loaded aboard Air Force One. When the district judge called by LBJ to swear him in as president could not locate an Oath of Office, LBJ reportedly adduced one from his own coat pocket. Immediately after the ceremony, he shared a smile and wink with trusted Congressman (D-TX) Albert Thomas.A mortuary specialist worked on Kennedy’s cadaver during the flight to Washington in an attempt to hide evidence of a second gunman. CDR James Humes did also, before leading the official autopsy, the original notes from which he burned. His was a rigged autopsy overseen by top brass, including Kennedy nemesis Gen. Curtis LeMay, who merrily hummed and smoked one of his trademark cigars while looking on from the gallery.Hoover then led the FBI in framing hapless U.S. double agent Lee Oswald for the crime, declaring the crime “solved” within hours.Johnson created his handpicked Warren Commission in order to forestall an independent Congressional investigation. His first pick for the Commission was Kennedy hater Allen Dulles. The Warren Commission relied wholly on the FBI investigation for its own conclusions. The primary purpose of the Commission was to reassure the American people that no conspiracy was afoot, despite the evidence of our eyes. It was to cherry-pick the evidence and ignore, manipulate, discard, alter, replace, plant, or otherwise suppress any evidence that didn't fit the desired narrative -- i.e., a Procrustean Bed, where the truth is stretched or cut away as much as editorial license requires in order to make the pieces of the fairy tale fit, out of "patriotic duty." After all, what are a few white lies if they help to prevent World War III — or so LBJ told some of the commissioners. Some of them later disavowed the Commission’s conclusions.The CIA strategy designed to defend the Warren Report, and laid out in Document 1035-960, still seeks to discredit skeptics of the Commission’s reports as “conspiracy theorists.” Thanks to the penetration of our media by the CIA, via Operation Mockingbird, and CIA's penetration and discrediting of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s investigation, this strategy succeeded to such a degree that the Kennedy Assassination is now regarded as the Third Rail of American journalism.The press never told us anything. Influential columnist Drew Pearson withheld a scathing column about LBJ’s corruption. Life Magazine immediately dropped its exposé. No one reported that Ruby had been a boy courier for Al Capone or that he’d been running guns to Cuba, from where he'd helped spring Mob boss Santos Trafficante from prison — not newsworthy enough, apparently. Ruby hinted repeatedly that Johnson was behind the crime, but the media didn’t mention it. The media can dote on every morsel of trivia about the Kardashians, but what network ever told us that Ruby had once worked on the staff of then-Congressman Richard Nixon, according to a sworn statement by another of Nixon’s staffers in 1947? Nixon advisor Roger Stone claims that Nixon had told him the hiring had been at the behest of then-Senator Lyndon Johnson!Are you still waiting for the nightly news to inform you that Dallas was a coup? Does part of you still expect the corporate-owned media to connect the dots leading from treason to their corporate owners and sponsors?To quote Shakespeare: “None dare call it treason if it doth prosper.”Supplementing CIA’s disinformation program was a ruthless domestic campaign of intimidation and murder that succeeded in silencing many material witnesses. Former Special Forces Colonel Dan Marvin has related how CIA men once solicited his assassination of William Bruce Pitzer, who Marvin only learned much later was one of many witnesses in the assassination who had died under highly suspicious circumstances. The London Sunday Times hired an actuarial to calculate the odds against so many material witnesses dying of unnatural causes in the three years following the Assassination. The actuarial calculated the odds against it at 100,000 trillion to one.Although I believe LBJ had a leading role in initiating and covering up the plot, I also believe the conspiracy chiefly centered on elements of the CIA, the least accountable arm of that Military-Industrial Complex of which President Eisenhower had warned Americans in his Farewell Address in 1961. The MIC became what we today term the "Deep State" when it seized power on November 22, 1963 — for the conspirators not only got away with murder, they got away with the government, too.Most of the conspirators have since died, but the influence of the Deep State continues to be perpetuated institutionally through their agencies, corporations, families, and appointments. They continue cynically to bank on the apathy and laziness of the American public, the services of professional and well-meaning "debunkers" and misinformation agents, and the cupidity and craven cowardice of their corporate-controlled media to allow the lie of Oswald's guilt to dominate the historical narrative.The brazenness of the assassination and the continuing honors given its perpetrators, despite the gradual exposure of their crimes, serve to demonstrate to the American people and our elected leaders that these Deep State traitors can deal as they wish with anyone with utter impunity.I can well understand why the Lone Nut theorists cling to the findings of the Warren Commission that a malcontent killed JFK acting alone. Having spent most of my life in the Federal government myself, I certainly don't relish the idea that the government would lie to us about the murder of our president. After all, what does that say about "our" government? What would it say about us?Most members of the “Shadow Government” — i.e., the intel agencies and related defense contractors — undoubtedly are essentially honest and very patriotic Americans dedicated to the defense of our Constitution and way of life. The compartmentalization of secrets can permit a situation to arise, however, where a small coterie of highly placed individuals can leverage, unchecked, vast resources in the pursuit of an unconstitutional or even treasonous agenda. In the age before the Internet, a Vice President who succeeded to the presidency through such plotting, could—and, I believe, did—orchestrate a far-reaching and effective coverup of the crime with the knowing support of just the FBI Director, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, leading elements of the CIA and Secret Service, and a few others.Many repeat the patronizing argument that those who question the Warren Report have a psychological inability to accept the notion that a great hero like JFK could be slain by a "maladjusted loser" like Oswald. That's ridiculous. I accepted the notion of Oswald's lone guilt for many years, as did most Americans. Later, when the pieces no longer fit, I first suspected the Mob. Only when I began to research the case more deeply in recent years did I finally realize LBJ's central role in the conspiracy.Kennedy was murdered by elements of his own government. It was, essentially, a palace coup. I’m ashamed that my naïveté blinded me from realizing it sooner. I am repulsed by my memory of greeting LBJ in person in 1964.The sad truth is that the government appears to have been stolen from us, and with it, the media. We now have fake news from a fake media serving the interests of those behind our fake government. Part of the proof is the fact that with the first opportunity in over a generation, investigating the reported ties to Cuba of the alleged assassin of the POTUS isn't even part of Washington's agenda. Oswald was supposed to be a Castro agent or sympathizer, remember? Murder and treason have no statute of limitations, Castro is dead, the USSR collapsed nearly 30 years ago, diplomatic relations with Cuba are fully normalized, and yet following up on the murder of the POTUS by an alleged Castro agent or sympathizer isn't even on the bilateral agenda?! A potential Cuban agent murders our POTUS, and the USG doesn't even want to follow on any investigative leads?! Anyone who's ever worked for the USG should find that telling, very telling indeed.The last remaining Kennedy assassination records still under seal at the National Archives were supposed to finally be released in October 2017. But CIA pressured President Trump into blocking the release, using the threadbare excuse of “national security,” as if the sources and methods we used against the USSR over half a century ago still outweigh the public’s interest in knowing the truth about whether Dallas was, in fact, a coup. Pres. Trump allowed some files to be released but withheld others until 2021.No doubt the most incriminating records have long since been destroyed, but enough might remain to help even the more gullible among us finally come to see the true dimensions of the crime. Even long-time Warren Commission apologist Gerald Posner agrees that the records should be released.Whatever one thinks of the man or his policies, Donald Trump is the first overtly anti-Deep State president the United States has had since Kennedy. Perhaps it isn’t coincidental that 2021 would be the first year of a second Trump presidency. Let’s encourage him to release the records. Let the chips fall where they may. Let’s make the pursuit of truth and justice once again part of the American Way. This may be our last, best chance to root out the treasonous influence of the Deep State, restore constitutional government, and bring the last surviving perpetrators of the assassination to justice. Follow me on Quora to be alerted to more such postings, and pray join me in demanding that American justice be done though the heavens fall.

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