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What should be the media's focus in the upcoming 2018 mid-term elections?

As the 2018 mid-term elections approach, perhaps it’s time to step back just a bit and take stock of what issues are going to be big players on the field in November, what issues will take the bench in the minds of most of the nation’s voters, and how best the media should cover these topics.For those of us who instinctively recoil at almost every pronouncement (or mis-pronouncement) from the current president and the non-professionals on his staff, it is deceptively easy to find fault and cast aspersions on the president’s gelatinous policies and the people around Mr. Trump who fail to define and solidify those policies on an almost-daily basis. If any member of the legion of full-time, legitimately-accredited journalists has a problem covering this administration, it’s a problem of drinking from the firehose of incredulous statements gushing out of virtually every compass-point of the White House—West Wing, East Wing, South Lawn, North Lawn.I think we’ve gotten to a point where the journalistic challenge is not what to believe or disbelieve; disbelief appears to be the default mode now among the White House correspondents, daily news reporters, and national columnists I know and follow. The oily puddles of obfuscation, mis-direction, center-of-gravity-shifting, and incompetent messaging that pool in the corridors of the Trump White House require reporters to don Sarah-Sanders-proof HazMat suits sprayed with an etymological-cleansing surfactant that resists the clumping tendencies of every presidential utterance and tweet (for image sake, think of coating yourself with dishwasher detergent before you step into a pond of grease—should that be your assignment).Even seasoned WH reporters familiar with such BS-protective garb find this presidency to be a daunting challenge to the spirit and mission of journalism, First Amendment and all.The press corps’ frustration is palpable even through the screens of our televisions, laptops, and phones. More and more, we are seeing what appear to be collaborative efforts—across media companies—by WH reporters to shore up each other’s questions in a sort of “I-have-your-back” when it comes to Sander’s daily diva dose of dissing.Even with collegial protection, being whipsawed by an administration’s disinformation machinery would leave almost any news professional wondering if what he or she is doing is making any difference at all. Indeed, isn’t it often reported that the public’s faith in the news media is at an all-time low?A Pew Research poll taken last year would seem to bolster that opinion:My biggest concern is with the response to "does the news media deal fairly with all sides." At best, only 46% of Democrats believed the media was putting out fair and balanced stories. The number among Independents, that crucial pool of potential swing votes, was 27% trustworthiness.And if we look at the public's sources of news to tease out the ways in which news is promulgated across thenews-consumer landscape, we find not even half (46%) of the news we deliver is arriving via legitimate news organizations. Word of mouth from friends, associates, or arm's-length acquaintances is the conduit for that balance of news stories. From Polling, this data from a Quinnipiac report:This could be disheartening news for many reporters, news producers and anchors, but....“It ain’t necessarily so,” comes the message from far outside the Beltway. “Just do your job and quit your bitching,” is the surprising admonition of many Americans who do pay attention to news makers and news reporters. Really? Yes.As reported last month by David Bauder of the AP, twin surveys conducted this spring by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the American Press Institute, “…found about 3 in 4 journalists believe the public’s level of trust in the news media has decreased in the past year. Yet only 44 percent of American adults actually say their level of trust has decreased.” [italics mine]According to Tom Rosenstiel, executive director of the American Press Institute, “The public actually wants what most journalists say they want to give them — news stories that are factual and offer context and analysis. But the public doesn’t feel like they’re seeing enough of that work, with 42 percent of Americans saying journalists stray too far into commentary, according to the new research.”So where do Americans want the media to focus?A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll asked a sampling of voters nationwide the following questions:Jon Parton, writing this past January for Courthouse News Service, reported on a first-of-the-year Gallup and Knight Foundation survey that suggested “most Americans believe in the role of journalism in a democracy, but are distrustful of current news media and are unable to cite objective news sources, according to a new poll.Parton’s story continued, “A Gallup and Knight Foundation survey released Monday [January 15] showed that eight out of 10 Americans believe the news media is important in informing the public of current events and holding government officials responsible for their actions.“But only 33 percent of those polled have a favorable opinion of news media, compared to 43 percent who view it unfavorably. Trust in mass media has declined since 1976 when 72 percent of Americans, fresh from investigative pieces into the Watergate scandal and the Pentagon Papers, had more regard for journalism.“’There really is consensus that free media is important,” said Sam Gill, Knight’s vice president for communities and impact in an interview with USA Today. ‘But most people do not believe it is fulfilling its functions’.”I ran into a similar disconnect between politicians and the Congress while I was working on Capitol Hill: All politics is local. “Love my Congressman, hate the Congress,” was a familiar refrain at district and state levels of national-elective office. And if you drilled down, as I did as a press secretary in the House and Senate, you could find a similar refrain sung by Representatives and Senators about their local or state news contacts. There were many community and regional reporters who were, if nothing else, appreciated for their local-angle stories more so than stories written by their national counterparts who, my bosses often groused, “didn’t get it right” (even when I knew the national story was spot-on).Of course this all makes complete sense, and I’m not revealing anything new to anyone who has followed politics, politicians, and the news organizations covering them. Such as been the love/hate nature of public/politician/press relationships since the first stirrings of the Republic in the 18th century. To be crude about it, you take your feed from the trough with the food you like, which is not necessarily the food that is best for you, even if that best-food trough is closer.So, coming back to my lede, what above-the-fold front-page issues should the media be covering in the 2018 elections runup, and what issues, tempting as they are, should be below-the-fold, or on page 2 or deeper? If, as the Gallup-Knight poll suggests, 80 percent of the public is asking the media to inform them of current events and hold government officials responsible for their actions, and to do so as a “free media” “fulfilling its functions,” then we must try harder to turn away from the trough of tasty news—Stormy, Michael, Vladimir, and Kim—and focus on the trough of local importance, brimming with the bread-and-butter issues most relevant to the American public as it examines its voting options.The White House election machinery is already cranked up to portray any candidate—of either party—who either refuses to ride the Trump wagon, or who disparages the wagon’s driver, as disloyal losers, unpatriotic snowflakes, and elitist snobs. The Trump team will primp, pose, and posture around the rouge-dusted issues of immigration, the faithless media, our failed allies, our misunderstood foes, improvised trade and tariff statistics, and, of course, the witch hunt.I have lived in Ohio, Nebraska, Louisiana, and Colorado, and I’ve worked for House and Senate members from Florida, Arkansas, Alaska, and North Carolina. No matter how much time has passed since I lived or worked in these states and congressional districts, I can say without a doubt the big issues for the voters are now, and will be in November, jobs, the cost of living, taxes, healthcare, education, infrastructure, and national security.This true, and broad, base of voters is not going to be deceived by Trumpian attacks on Robert Mueller; they are not in fear for their lives from rampaging hordes of immigrants; they are concerned about, but don’t obsess over, North Korea or Russia or China or Brexit. Taking a knee is not on their radar.That is not to say...and I want to emphasize this...that the public is not paying close attention to Trump's execrable performance as a national leader and international statesman. I believe the American voter, when put to the test over whether he or she has faith in White House leadership on the global stage, will mark down Trump for his performance to-date. An all-cap tweet late Sunday night (July 22) from Trump to Iran, threatening war, should be chilling to any American:Coupled with his post-Putin-summit tweets and grammar walk-backs and additional walk-backs to the walk-backs, and further muddied by North Korea's pre-ordained dismissal of Trump's claims of great things for nuclear disarmament on the Korean Peninsula, the public should be very wary of the president's ability to hold the center when it comes to international diplomacy. I have said before, and I repeat it here, that I believe Mr. Trump poses a clear and present danger to the well-being of every American, and to the stability of our allies.But, frankly, I think the public, writ large, is quite tired, if not skeptical, of Trump's stream of rambling tweets and misstatements. It is the news media's job to report them, to analyze them, to even offer opinions on them in editorial pages and discuss them on cable news. We should not assume that these major issues--and I don't for a moment dismiss their importance to American security (whether overt military, or covert election meddling)--are consuming the dinner-table, local cafe, or public gathering conversations about November's elections.What Trump's blusters, allegations, hate speech, and media bashing are consuming, however, are the relationships between and among Americans. The chasm dividing left and right, silent Americans from shouters, reason and logic from irrational, knee-jerk thought, progressives from Luddites, is widening and deepening, of that there is little doubt.Americans will factor these things into their voting decisions, of course. Voters will look at candidates and apply a very personal matrix over each one, a matrix that will never fill out perfectly, but will serve to filter some bullshit from truth, some Trumpian allegiance from national interest, and it is the media's charge to help the electorate sort all of that out in the most unbiased way possible.The soybean farmer wants to sell his or her produce at a fair price to a world market; the small business owner wants to grow his or her business under fair tax laws; the auto parts fabricator wants to buy steel or aluminum at a price that will ensure a production-end profit; the single mother or father of three young children wants the assurance that local schools are capable of meeting today’s and tomorrow’s education needs, that health care will be available and affordable, that the infrastructure of roads, power, water, and services is improving, not declining. Voters want to know their country has a robust military, and that our nation is respected and believed in the capitals of our allies and our enemies. On this latter point, I’m sure all voters wish the same of our leaders.Candidates for the House and Senate will be inspected, dissected, and, when appropriate, rejected, by a voting public more wired, more savvy and more in touch with the issues than any voter population before them. There will be those intractable candidates and voters who simply cannot let go of their ties to Trump, facts be damned, hoaxes abound. As a reporter, I would not waste a steno pad on their positions. Those voters are anomalies--outliers who did effect the 2016 outcome, but whose real power is diminishing in the overall electoral process; they don't represent the broader electorate which is coming around to that same opinion.What I would recommend to my working press colleagues is to keep the question of voter relevance on the table. The vote...the one founding tool that has been shown to make a difference and speak loudest for the public sacrosanct. Let's beat that drum.Trump fears the informed vote with every fiber of his being. He knows an informed voter matters far more than one-note, co-opted candidates do, and it's important that we--the working press and those of us, once trained and raised in journalism and who continue to express our views on social media platforms, align ourselves with, and respect, the voters and their every-day interests.The news media’s attention over the next three-and-a-half months must remain focused on the core principle of election success: Understanding the head, heart, and wallet of the electorate. My father used to tell me, "If someone says something is important to them, it is, in fact, important. If you want to work with them, you need to treat their issue as important to you, too."We cannot, as journalists, let ourselves be misdirected by Trumpian attempts (intentional or unintentional) to control the national dialogue, trying to force us to spend precious time parsing his train of thought. He is a poor engineer of a wheel-less engine, but he has somehow convinced a number of Americans to get on board his rapidly disintegrating line of cars.As long as we can assure the rest of the public that the media stands foursquare, resolutely, and uncompromisingly for the public’s interests, and as long as we cover fairly the campaigns of men and women who we know will make a difference in national governance, we will come out of the mid-term elections better prepared to take on the full force of 2020.Posted by Jim Moore at 2:33 PMEmail ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest

What are the saddest things that have ever been discovered by archaeologists?

This Pregnant Medieval Woman With Head Wound 'Gave Birth' In Her GraveWARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT“April ye 20, 1650, was buried Emme, the wife of Thomas Toplace, who was found delivered of a child after she had lain two hours in the grave.”[1]Imagine returning home after a business trip to find that not only had your pregnant wife died, but that only a few hours ago she had been hastily buried. Upon hearing the devastating news, Thomas Toplace rushed to the cemetery, hoping it was all just a joke or a nightmare. Sources claim he heard an infant's cry and began digging out the burial site. When her coffin was opened, it was discovered that she had given birth to a baby boy. He lived and was named Fils de la Terre which means “Son of the Earth.” [2]Pregnancy can be pretty terrifying for expectant mothers. Even a normal, healthy pregnancy is accompanied by intense bodily changes and hormone shifts that can be extremely difficult to cope with.By the late stages of pregnancy and during childbirth, almost anything can go wrong. Pregnant women are sapped of energy. They are susceptible to infectious disease. The baby’s head is enormous. Labor takes much longer in humans than in other primates; women often pushed for days. Historically, women died of puerperal fever (also called childbed fever, or postpartum sepsis, an infection usually contracted during childbirth)[3] , hemorrhage, eclampsia (dangerously high blood pressure)[4] and organ damage, and obstructed labor.Yet none of that can come close to the horrors of what happens when women die while pregnant. As it turns out, babies born in coffins is not an urban legend and it's more terrifying than the bubonic plague.When excavating an ancient tomb, the last thing most archaeologists would expect to find is the skeleton of a fetus half-protruding from its mother.[5] There have been several cases where archaeologists discovered just that, but fortunately, those discoveries are helping us understand this macabre phenomenon.The process isn’t well understood since it doesn’t occur in all cases of pregnant female death and it rarely occurs in modern society.[6] There are very few recorded modern examples; however, at least two pregnant women found days after their death in 2008 showed either the early stages of postmortem fetal extrusion or had already expelled the fetus.[7] The most recent example occurred January 2018, when a deceased 33-year-old woman from Mbizana, South Africa, gave birth to a stillborn baby in her coffin.[8] Beyond these, there is little forensic evidence.A child’s skeleton inside another skeleton (Inside The Grisly Phenomenon Of Coffin Births)The phenomenon is commonly known as coffin birth, and it's a completely natural occurrence. When a pregnant mother dies, sometimes her body will force the fetus out of the womb post-mortem, “birthing” a stillborn child.[9] Coffin birth has been observed by some of the most unfortunate archaeologists in the world and has been confirmed as a real phenomenon. It’s one of the more gruesome and depressing facts about the burial process.The actual mechanism of coffin birth is somewhat less understood, however. The cervix shouldn’t relax with death after rigor mortis ceases.[10] Physicians suggest that the pressure from the gas builds up, and the dead fetus is delivered through a rupture – it basically blows a hole through the uterus into the vagina, as the vagina is much thinner than the cervix.[11]The science behind post-mortem fetal extrusion is as messy as the result, but researchers believe they've figured out why this happens. The phenomenon occurs between 48 and 72 hours after the death of the pregnant person. It has everything to do with putrefaction, which is what happens to your body after you die. As your cells begin to decay, they start releasing large amounts of gasses as a waste product. The gasses can start to build up to the point that they need to find an escape route, which can often cause the body to burst. This process could be the explanation for coffin birth, as the excess of gases can theoretically push the baby out as they look for a way to relieve the pressure.[12]The first documented case of an alleged coffin birth took place in 1551, when a heavily pregnant woman was hanged during the Spanish Inquisition.[13] Since Spanish executioners commonly left bodies hanging on tree branches long after the initial execution, the woman remained untouched for four hours before someone noticed something amiss. Two dead fetuses had fallen from the woman’s body, shocking bystanders.[14]Wolfius relates the case of a woman dying in labor in 1677. Abdominal movements being seen six hours after death, Cesarean section was suggested, but its performance was delayed, and eighteen hours after a child was spontaneously born.[15]In a cramped, stone grave beneath the medieval town of Imola, Italy, a 1,300-year-old woman lay dead with a hole in her skull and a fetus between her legs.[16] The infant’s legs were still inside its mother, but the head and upper body appeared to have been born after she died. The skeletal remains were found among several other burials that researchers dated to the Lombard period (lasting from the 7th to 8th century A.D.).[17] Because the woman's remains were found face-up and surrounded by cut stones, researchers concluded that she was intentionally buried and likely hadn't been moved or repositioned.Medieval Italian Grave Reveals Coffin BirthThe fetus, now just a collection of tiny bones trailing below the mother's skeletal pelvis, was likely delivered in the grave through a phenomenon called post-natal fetal extrusion or coffin birth — essentially, when an unborn child is forced out of its mother's womb by posthumous gases after both mother and child have died.[18] It’s thought that gases generated during the body’s decomposition caused the fetus to emerge, even rupture, through the vaginal walls.There is, sadly, nothing unusual about the internment of a young woman who died from complications related to her pregnancy.[19] But when the woman’s grave was discovered in 2010, two very strange details emerged. First, a cluster of tiny bones lay between the woman’s legs—the remains of her fetus, which appeared to have been born after her death. Next, archaeologists instantly observed a small hole in the mother’s skull, amplifying the mystery of her demise.[20]The woman was likely in her mid-20s to 30s and appeared to be nearing the end of her pregnancy at the time of her death.[21] This “coffin birth"”likely occurred after posthumous gasses built up inside the dead mother's body, eventually pushing the unborn baby partway out. Although the baby’s sex was impossible to determine, leg measurements indicate that it was near the 38th week of gestation.[22]A small linear cut above the hole may have been where surgeons peeled the skin back in preparation for drilling (Disturbing Discovery Made In Medieval Woman's Coffin)At the top of the woman’s skull, researchers detected a small, circular hole measuring 4.6 millimeters (0.2 inches) in diameter — a little smaller than the diameter of a pencil.[23] The puncture was precise and round, suggesting that it didn't result from violence or a single, extreme blow. Rather, the wound appeared consistent with repetitive drilling via a small circular saw directly into the bone, a hallmark of early trepanation surgeries.[24]Because the skull showed early signs of healing near the wound, it was likely that the procedure occurred at least one week before the woman's death[25], not posthumously. A linear incision, a few centimeters above the hole, measuring less than 3 mm (0.12 inches) in length, indicates where the scalp was cut or peeled away in preparation for surgery.[26]Drilling such a hole was called trepanation, and it has been performed throughout history and all over the world to treat head injuries, headaches, mental illness and possibly remove evil spirits.[27] In this case, researchers wonder if she was suffering from preeclampsia or eclampsia—pregnancy-related conditions involving very high blood pressure and possibly seizures.[28]World NeurosurgeryArchaeologists from the University of Ferrara and University of Bologna attempted to decipher the mystery of this mother and child burial, publishing their findings in the May 2018 issue of the World Neurosurgery.[29] These remarkable skeletal remains present a rare Middle Ages example of a primitive brain-surgery technique called trepanation, utilized to release pressure and swelling in the brain. In this case, sadly, that relief may not have been enough.Because trepanation was once often used in the treatment of hypertension to reduce blood pressure in the skull, scientists hypothesize that the pregnant woman developed preeclampsia or eclampsia (two pregnancy conditions involving high blood pressure) and was treated with a frontal trepanation to relieve the intracranial pressure.[30]Expectant mothers with pre-eclampsia experience hypertension that “reduces the blood supply to the fetus,” putting its health in danger.[31] This condition may develop into eclampsia, in which pregnant women may experience seizures or even go into a coma. There is no treatment for preeclampsia, and the only way to avoid it, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is to deliver the fetus as soon as possible if the mother has a known risk for developing this condition.[32]Some of the most common manifestations of this disease are high fever, convulsions, consistent frontal and occipital cephalalgia, high intracranial pressure, cerebral hemorrhage.[33] All these symptoms, from prehistory to the 20th century, used to be treated with trepanation.[34]Considering this situation, whoever performed the trepanation on the woman from medieval Italy may have tried their best to save the future mother and child at a time when maternal deaths were a common occurrence. In spite of the intervention – or perhaps because of it – the woman did not survive and died with the fetus still in her womb. Researchers were unable to determine if the trepanation could have saved the lives of both mother and child.[35] Despite the evidence of the procedure, the woman’s skeletal remains indicate that she was in good health, unless she experienced an illness that failed to leave skeletal markers.[36]These findings are one of the few documented cases of trepanation in the early Middle Ages, and the only one featuring a pregnant woman in association with a postmortem -extrusion phenomenon. Trepanation wounds have been documented in more than 1500 skulls dating to the Neolithic period.[37]Ancient Skeletons of Woman and Fetus Hint at Childbirth Death 3,700 Years AgoArchaeologists in Egypt recently unearthed a grim discovery: the skeleton of a young woman dating to about 3,700 years ago who was in the final weeks of her pregnancy when she died.[38] In the recently excavated grave site, the woman's body was curled inward and wrapped in a leather shroud. Scientists estimated that she was around 25 years old at the time of death.[39]The tiny skeleton was head-down within the woman's pelvis — a position typically seen in the third trimester — suggesting that she may have died following the onset of labor. Archaeologists inspected her pelvic bones and discovered abnormalities that may have stemmed from an old fracture that was improperly set or that had healed incorrectly. This may have contributed to the woman's difficulties during childbirth, ultimately leading to her death and that of her fetus.[40]The graveyard was used between 1750 B.C. and 1550 B.C. by nomadic people who traveled north into the region from Nubia.[41]A pregnant woman in her 30s (a) was buried with a 12-year-old (b) and a 3-year-old (c); after death, her near-term fetus (d) was expelled in an event researchers call post-mortem fetal extrusion (Curious Case Of 'Coffin Birth': The Science Behind Sad Story)In 2017, scientists announced the discovery of a coffin birth that dated to the 1300s. The gravesite was found in the cemetery of the "ospitale" (hostel) of San Nicolao di Pietra Colice, located some 45 miles from Genova.[42] The hostel, which also housed a church, was situated in the Northern Apennines at about 2,600 feet above sea level, and was used as a resting place by travelers and pilgrims heading to Rome and trekking along the two major transit routes of the Liguria region.[43]The Italian mother was found near the modern city of Genoa alongside multiple of her children (ages 12 and 3), including a stillborn that is believed to have been a coffin birth.[44] The mother and her children were likely victims of the bubonic plague, as sampling of their DNA found trace amounts of the disease in their systems.[45] In this case, there was a partial expulsion of a 38- to 40-week-old fetus, which was found to be complete and to lie within the birth canal.[46]Rare ‘Coffin Birth' Found in Black Death Burial SiteIt isn’t rare to find adult females buried with neonatal or infant remains, but we need to be careful of how we interpret the spatial relationship between the two bodies. If they are side by side it may represent a successful birth followed by death of both; if the neonate is in the fetal position with the female’s body cavity, it may be death of a pregnant women, and if the fetus is within the thighs facing the mother, it may be coffin birth.[47] Regardless, noting the relationship between the remains is important.In bioarchaeology, identification of this process can be difficult due to skeletonization.[48] The presence of a fetus with a female is not enough since the two may be put together even if they died within a short time period of one another. Observation of the location of the two sets of remains and the positioning is crucial. Lewis (2007) argues that identification of coffin birth requires that the fetal remains are complete and in a position inferior to and in line with the pelvic outlet.[49] The head of the fetus should be oriented opposite to that of the mother. Aging of the subadult is also important to determine if it was young enough to be a neonate rather than just a young infant.Footnotes[1] Family Herald[2][3] Book Review | NEJM[4][5] This Medieval Mother Had a Gruesome 'Coffin Birth' After Medieval Brain Surgery[6] New Morbid Terminology: Coffin Birth[7] New Morbid Terminology: Coffin Birth[8] Dead woman 'gives birth' in coffin[9] Coffin birth - Wikipedia[10] Scientists Try To Explain The Phenomenon Of Coffin Birth[11] This Pregnant Medieval Woman With Head Wound 'Gave Birth' In Her Grave[12] Scientists Try To Explain The Phenomenon Of Coffin Birth[13] How Embalming Cultures Accidentally Prevented the Coffin Birth Phenomenon - SevenPonds Blog[14] Curious Case Of 'Coffin Birth': The Science Behind Sad Story[15] Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine by George M. Gould and Walter L. Pyle[16] Inside The Grisly Phenomenon Of Coffin Births[17] Medieval coffin birth: A modern medical mystery[18] Coffin birth - Wikipedia[19] The Never-Ending Battle Between Doctors and Midwives. Which Are More Dangerous?[20] 25 Grisly Archaeological Discoveries[21] Medieval Italian Grave Reveals Coffin Birth[22] This Pregnant Medieval Woman With Head Wound 'Gave Birth' In Her Grave[23] Redirect Notice[24] Why our ancestors drilled holes in each other's skulls[25] Archaeologists Have Discovered a Ghastly 'Coffin Birth' in a Medieval Grave[26] Disturbing Discovery Made In Medieval Woman's Coffin[27] Trephination[28] This Medieval Mother Had a Gruesome 'Coffin Birth' After Medieval Brain Surgery[29] ScienceDirect[30] A Historical Overview of Preeclampsia-Eclampsia[31] Hypertension: Causes, symptoms, and treatments[32] What are the treatments for preeclampsia, eclampsia, & HELLP syndrome?[33] Preeclampsia and Eclampsia[34] ScienceDirect[35] Disturbing Discovery Made In Medieval Woman's Coffin[36] Medieval grave reveals rare 'coffin birth' and neurosurgery[37] Neolithic trepanation decoded- A unifying hypothesis: Has the mystery as to why primitive surgeons performed cranial surgery been solved?[38] تفاصيل الـخبر[39] Coffin Birth: An Ancient Egyptian Mystery and the Solving of a Famous Case[40] Ancient Skeletons of Woman and Fetus Hint at Childbirth Death 3,700 Years Ago[41] Burial sites show how Nubians, Egyptians integrated communities thousands of years ago[42] A plague victim and her tragic coffin birth in medieval cemetery[43] Rare ‘Coffin Birth' Found in Black Death Burial Site[44] The Coffin Birth of Liguria: The Science Behind A Sad Story - Dead Things[45] Pregnancy, ‘coffin birth’, and the Black Death[46] Rare ‘Coffin Birth' Found in Black Death Burial Site[47] New Morbid Terminology: Coffin Birth[48] New Morbid Terminology: Coffin Birth[49]

How does Kerala stand out in terms of treating the corona virus when compared to other states?

I can’t compare to all states of India with Kerala and its not fair too at this stage to make any comparisons. We are in the middle of a crisis and this is not just applicable to Kerala or South India or India as whole… Rather it's applicable to the entire world.Every government in this world is trying their level best to serve their citizens in the crisis. We can’t claim, ONLY we are doing the best. Everywhere, govts are trying to do best for their people. Maybe in some areas, we might be standing slightly better, some areas we may be lacking too.So I am not into any comparison at all. But since I write about Kerala in Quora, I feel I will write what all Kerala State has done in its fight against Corona Virus. I am talking only in specific to Kerala, not in comparison with any others.And please note, this is an evolving crisis and every day something new is being added to the fight. So sticking to things as of yesterday- 28/03/2020Contact trackingFor me personally, I consider this job done by Kerala’s DHS (Directorate of Health Services) as something the best they could do for us. Learning from Nipah outbreak experience, Kerala has used its resources to track contacts and people who been associated with the index patient (first patient in a cluster) to identify a cluster and isolate from the community. This includes detailed tracking of patient’s route from the moment he/she landed in Kerala until the moment he/she been quarantined into the hospital. Most of the tracking is done thro’ inputs made by the patient which are cross verified by officials of Public Health Inspectorate and Community Medicine Department, apart from using Police’s intelligence sources like Cyber cell to track down the mobile tower locations of the patient, special branch reports, phone records, CCTV camera recordings etc. By this manner, DHS able to identify a cluster comprising of potential secondary and tertiary contacts made by the index patient who will be either home or hospital quarantined and if any symptoms are shown, their blood samples will be tested.The DHS frequently makes regular route maps of patients and publishes in public to let people know about the time and place where the patient was and ask the public to declare to DHS, if they were in at that place at the specified time, to be declared as part of a cluster.Route Map of Patient 1 of Pathanamthitta which resulted in the start of second wave since March 2020This kind of tracking helped Kerala as of now to contain the disease to cluster level, though some have jumped out of quarantine and their actions created more clusters and patients.How Kerala's flowchart model is helping effective coronavirus contact tracingKerala launches contact-tracing programme to neutralise coronavirus threat2. TestingI have written answers before. Kerala’s strategy in combating this disease is by constant testing of samples. Kerala so far is the state that has done the highest number of testing among Indian states and its testing ratio is somewhat at par with many major affected countries like Japan or similar.Arun Mohan (അരുൺ മോഹൻ)'s answer to Why are no COVID-19 deaths reported in Kerala even though the state has the highest number of cases?States That Are Testing More Are Detecting More Cases, Data Show |If Kerala has done anything good in this sector, its solely because of regular testing and able to identify people quickly.As of yesterday (28/02/2020),Kerala tested 6,067 samples5,270 samples were negative165 are currently on treatment (Confirmed cases)1,34,370 are in isolation/surveillance (not yet confirmed)8 have recovered and still kept in observationand 1 death has been reported (the very first death in the state)This massive Pro-testing approach has helped Kerala to have nearly 10 Testing Virology labs in the state, including an NIV unit that helps faster and regular testing. As of now, Kerala has the highest number of blood sample testing facility in IndiaAs yesterday Kerala announced massive rapid testing after getting in-principle approval from ICMR. Kerala is the first state to announce so and was pressing ICMR for rapid testing permission for every single one in isolation/quarantine for last few days.3. Medical preparednessKerala was expecting to have Corona right soon after China declared its condition way back in Jan 2020. Kerala due to its very high non-resident Malayalee population living in many countries of the world was sure, they will soon get this new disease thro’ them and it was so right its judgement when the first Covid Case of India was reported in Kerala way back in Feb 2020. And it fully contained the first wave of Covid entry in Feb when it could isolate all cases and avoid spread etc.In the second wave, which happened thro’ an irresponsible family’s actions that created multiple clusters and later thro’ various foreign imports (some again were of irresponsible actions), the medical teams were so prepared to deal with emergencyDHS by March mid has already completed setting up various contingency plans, which were titled as PLAN A, PLAN B AND PLAN C. These plans were effectively communicated to entire medical and administrative officials of the states and everything has been well defined. This even includes thresh-holds for initiating each plan. Medical infra audits were carried out as part of this medical contingency plansThe Plan A which is currently ongoing has seen mobilization of resources associated with 50 Govt hospitals and 2 private hospitals on standby with total of 974 isolation beds and 22 ICUs readied for Corona carePlan B which has been initiated last day has mobilized resources for an additional 71 govt hospitals and 55 private hospitals for combating this disease which will add another 1408 beds.Plan C is the next stage (once the diseases spread comes to 3rd stage) which will mobilize 81 govt hospitals and 41 private hospitals with another addition of 3028 beds and 218 ICU bedsThese plans were drawn in March 1st week, which shows the extend of planning of Kerala Govt.The new set of plans (unofficially codenamed as PLAN D) will feature nationalization or semi-nationalization of entire Private hospitals of Kerala featuring a total bed of 69,434 beds and 5507 ICU beds. As of the latest decision, the govt decided to take over unused private hospitals and those medical colleges whose operations were suspended by MCI. 3 hospitals facilities and one Hostel complex were taken over in last 48 hours (PVS Hospital in Kochi, Anjarakady Medical College in Kannur, Shanti Jamaath Islami Hospital in Kozhikode and Sree Sankaracharya University Hostel Complex in Kochi)Collector Ernakulam (Kochi) taking over an unused hospital in Kochi city to be converted into a Covid Care Hospital facility.The Plan D features taking over hotels, hostels, lodges and other commercial units to develop into Isolation centres and Temporary Isolation centres, which shall be more than 2 Million rooms.As of now, Kerala Govt has announced opening Exclusive Covid Hospitals in every district of Kerala (14 Covid Hospitals in the level of tertiary care facility) and the first one is opened in Kochi- CMC (Cochin Medical College) which is a government Medical college and others are expected to open by this weekKerala’s first dedicated Covid Care Hospital centre in Kochi with 500 isolation beds and 70 plus ICU bedsGovt has been in talks with various community organizations and they all pledged their support for the fight. The Catholic Hospitals Association which is the second-largest Medical group after Government hospital network has decided to give all their hospitals to DHS along with their medical Staff (2660 Doctors, 10,300 Nurses, 5,500+ Paramedics and 6800 Admin staff). The Nair Service Society has assured Govt to provide its 2 hospitals and 100 plus educational institutions which they can convert into field hospitals if required. The SNDP Trust also assured Govt to provide its 1000 plus schools to be converted as field medical hospitals or treatment centres. It also assured to give its medical college to the state upon demand. So as Muslim Educational Society and Jammat e Hind Islami also assured to provide all its hospitals, madrasas, schools and colleges to the government for its better use.4. Upgrading Covid Hospital facilitiesOne key factor Kerala Govt focused on improving the facilities at all Covid care hospitals to ensure the public do not hide their medical cases to avoid visiting or isolating themselves.All Govt Covid Isolation rooms and treatment rooms are modernized and sanitized as per WHO protocols. Patients were brought to such isolation wards in dedicated Covid care ambulances and the isolation rooms were all modern and neatThe govt took extra care to ensure the food patients get at these hospitals should be as inviting as possible to shed all bias and prejudices against Govt hospitalsCovid patients gets inviting meals with options like Soups, fruits, eggs, Dosa, Appams, Rice-fish curries, chappatis, curd etc while foreign patients gets continental meals like Toasted breads, cheeses, omelettes/scrambled eggs, roasted chicken, biscuits etc. Patients do get daily milk, tea, coffee, fresh fruit juices, packed mineral water and daily newspapers (courtesy from Hindu).Dosa, eggs, oranges, fish fry: Here's the menu at COVID-19 isolation wards in KeralaThe hospital authorities have taken every wish of patients as much as possible, for example an covid affected Kid from Italy in treatment at Kochi were treated with Italian pasta, Ravoli and pizzas as the kid likes only Italian food which were ordered from an Italian restaurant nearby.5. Medical Industrial PreparednessKerala Govt has taken extra note in preparing itself for a major medical emergency. The state’s Medicine production has gone into full swing. The state-run Kerala State Drugs and Pharmaceutical Corporation has been entrusted with bulk mass production of Hand sanitizers which produced more than 1 Lakh bottles of Sanitizers and increased production targets to 1 million (10 lakh) by end of this week.1 lakh bottles of hand sanitizers in a day: Kerala goes all guns blazing against Covid-19KSDP also entrusted with mass production of 8 critical generic drugs and 2 drugs for which it holds patents to ensure no shortage.The state’s Electricity board has ordered to procure 500 new medical ventilators exclusively for Covid operations (Kerala state holds 5000 ventilators in total which is approx 12% of total available ventilators in the country). The state is going to enter talks with various manufactures for portable ventilatorsIn addition, the industry department has been asked to explore the possibility to produce 1 lakh N95 masks with any tech partnership with companies using facilities available to the department. In the meantime, the state will continue the mass production of cloth and surgical masks.As of today’s (28/03/2020) cabinet decision, Kerala Govt decided to form a medical industry cluster to manufacture indigenous medical equipment supplies at the earliest using existing facilities.The Kochi Superfab Lab, India’s only such facility were given the charge to design equipment required for such a major medical emergency. The state will produce its own Respirators, Ventilators, N95 Masks, Oxygen cylinders, Bio-Medical equipment preparing itself for the worst medical emergency.ISRO’s VSSC facility in Trivandrum and Kochi’s Technology Innovation Zone along with Kerala Start Up Mission will be fully utilized to design and develop newer and practical technologies and existing factories in Palakkad’s Kanjikode Industrial Cluster will be fully converted to produce equipment required for the medical sector. For this, a meeting of industrialists will be called tomorrow and setting the plan in motionThe state has opened a new challenge to all its technocrats and tech student entrepreneurs and start up promoters to come up with ideas for effective tech solutions to deal with a major emergency.A website- http://WWW.BREAKCORONA.IN has been started by Kerala Govt to invite newer ideas that can easily be put into action for which Kerala Govt will support financially and these projects will also generate employment and opportunities in the economy.6. Technology Usage and War RoomOne main feature which Kerala’s DHS used to control Covid spread was its Control Room set up at Kerala State Disaster Management Authority complex in Trivandrum and district headquarters. This was something which I feel, gave real-time updates to DHS on the spread and ways to control and contain it.These multiple data recording and analysis units helped to track patient history, procure data from multiple sources, feed in data and help control room unit officials to analyze patterns of travels and contact detailsIn a way, it was a full-fledged health surveillance facility. Patients route maps were made, their contacts were identified and their movements were tracked from this Hitech facility. These 24 hours of data control rooms, helped to give a clearer picture and understand the extent of spread thro’ interactive maps etc.This also includes geo-surveillance, monitoring those in quarantine with geo-fencing, GPS enabled trackers, electronic anklet monitoring systems etcScreenshot of portal that highlights patients under GPS enabled Geo-fencing to track their movements as used by District Administration- PathanamthittaCoronavirus | GPS-based tracking of all those quarantined in PathanamthittaIn addition, Kerala is using multiple data collection methods to track vulnerable people and develop maps to identify potential hot spots and nearest medical facilities. The disease mapping helps to have a strong information flow for various strategic decision making to control community transmission.Kerala uses open source public utility to fight COVID-19 - Geospatial WorldKerala govt to use ration card data for digital map on COVID-19Disease mapping to stem community transmissionApart from this, the centralized health support centre- DISHA (Direct Intervention System for Health Awareness) played a crucial role in tracking and supporting patients and other suspect cases. DISHA is a centralized call centre of DHS with a toll-free number- 1056 which was started to support patients for telemedicine and tele-support like counselling etc. But during this COVID time, it was fully converted into COVID Support and call centre facility. They notified the patient records, their queries and supported back with real-time updates of their medical conditions, moving ambulance support for them and mental counselling etc to alleviate stress.Disha 1056 call center, the nerve point of Anti-Corona operationsCoronavirus: This team at Kerala helpline desk works round the clock in fight against the pandemicNow, the state is coming up with a sophisticated Hitech War Room in the State Secretariat that has senior Bureaucrats as members to control and coordinate entire Covid operations including logistics movements during lockdown etc. A new secured line has been established- 0471-2517225 for the public to call at War Room directly.War room to coordinate effortsWar room in Kerala to supervise COVID-19 containment activities8. Lockdown SupportThe Lockdown as announced by Central Govt has affected every Indians. Kerala is no exception to this grave situation.During lockdown time, the state has focused on maximizing deliveries of essential supplies at home.The state has partnered with Zomato in Kochi, Trivandrum and Kozhikode to supply essentials from state-run Supermarket chain- Supplyco to public. 40 stores of Supplyco will start services of Zomato for home delivering of essentials including the essential kit of basic food items priced at Rs 500 (5 Kg rice, 1 litre coconut oil, 1 kg sugar, half kg of 2 kinds of pulsesSupplyco ties up with Zomato for online delivery of essential items in KochiThe state’s Consumerfed also entered into Online delivery starting from 1st of April and will extend to all districts of Kerala at the earliest. In addition, the state’s milk brand- Milma has aggressively pushed its online delivery- AM Needs more in 2 main cities which shall supply Milk, Milk products and breakfast items like bread, eggs etc. Efforts are made to extend this to other main cities too.Consumerfed’s online delivery from April 1Kerala Govt along with Police Cyberdome and a private company has launched a new Online app- ShopsApp and now asking all shops selling essential goods to mandatorily register in the ShopsApp portal. Once all the shops register, the newly formed volunteer army will be used for home delivery which will be spread across the state, not just cities alone.Shopping from local stores with home deliveryഅവശ്യ സാധനങ്ങളുടെ ലഭ്യത ഉറപ്പാക്കാൻ പൊലീസ് ആപ്The state has assured home-delivery of its essentials kits and ration supplies to the houses of poor (BPL cardholders) across the state, even in rural areas thro’ services of postal personnel as well as its own staff. Right from the day when schools where closed, personnel from Angawadi (kindergarten) and other educational departments were home delivering essentials for kids and children enrolled under each school directly.The state announced ambitious schemes to ensure HUNGER FREE Kerala. The govt clarified, not a single person in the state will starve due to the lockdownEvery family who is currently home quarantined will get Rs 1000 worth Essentials Kit of Food items from the govt for free which shall be home deliveredBPL card holders will get 35 Kg of Rice and APL cardholders will get 15 KG of Rice from Ration shops for free.Covid-19 lockdown: In a first, Kerala to home deliver food kits to the poorIn addition, a mechanism for home-delivering items from nearby shops by volunteers is plannedPolice delivering essentials to houses of elderly people who can’t go out9. Community KitchenThe govt directive is for Hunger-Free Kerala. No one will starve in KeralaFor this, the state has directed every Local Govt bodies to start Community Kitchens to cook food in bulk and provide packed food kits to people who don’t have access to cooked food. This includes homeless people, elderly people, sick people, migrant labour community and those got trapped in hostels or similar facilities overnight. All these shall be delivered to homes for a free or nominal token amount of Rs 20Meals shall be also delivered any needy just thro’ phone calls. The whole scheme has been worked out by Kudumbashree workers and packed meals costs Rs 20 only for veg and extra Rs 30 for a Chicken/Beef/Fish dish of now, 748 Community Kitchens have been opened and an additional 300 will be set up soon. This service is available for lunch and dinner.So my parents who are in Kerala tried the community kitchen meal which was home delivered for Rs. 25. Rs. 30 extra if you want fish/beef/chicken. #Kerala #Alappuza @vijayanpinarayi @drthomasisaac @CMOKerala @shailajateacher— JF (@Potatodrink) March 27, 2020Kerala's Solution For Food Needs Amid Lockdown: 1,000 Community KitchensAgriculture Minister VS Sunil Kumar inspecting the facilities at Kochi’s Community kitchenKerala’s 43 lakh-strong women self-help network power community kitchens during coronavirus lockdown10. State Volunteer ArmyThe state announced an ambitious idea of forming an army of 2.45 Lakh volunteers to support various volunteering activity under a single command. Ever since the lock-down, multiple organizations are into volunteering activity causing many law & order issues and unauthorized movements. Also, there is a lack of coordination in these activities.To deal with it, the state formed a new directorate- Directorate of Social Service Force under State Youth Commission. The Directorate is to raise an army of trained volunteers to support various activities classified as 18 categories. key part of Volunteers is to develop emergency Isolation centres as required as movers as well as technicians. Apart from that, they are heavily required for logistics operations across the state, to supply deliveries to home, to work as care-takers and home-sitters for elderly and Covid affected patients etc.The govt announced this day before yesterday and invited online registrations thro’ its new portal- (Sannadham in Malayalam means Volunteering) and despite of a technical glitch in registration, by now 30,000 youngsters registered for volunteering. This also includes Kerala Youth Volunteer Action Force- KYVAF (Red Shirts as known locally) designed after 2019 floods to have trained volunteer guards (5000 such trained red shirts are now available). So far only Andhra Pradesh and Kerala have formed such volunteer army.News in Asianet News about huge number of applications and responses to forming Kerala Volunteer ArmyRed Shirts in public sterilization programsKerala to set up Community Volunteer Force to support better deliveryKerala govt to form volunteer army of 2 lakh youngsters for the COVID-19 fightTechies turn volunteers to assist Kerala to contain Covid-1911. Transparency Flow of InformationThe biggest positive thing which Kerala is doing (which some proactive CMs of other states also doing) is effective and transparent flow of information.One of the important lessons learnt after Oockhi crisis of 2017 which Kerala changed since then and effectively used during floods time of 2018 and 2019 and Nipah time, was holding regular press meets and effective passing of all information available and cutting the spread of fake news.The government for the last 56 days were constantly holding daily press briefing both at State Level and district level to pass all information of the day. On the day 1 of first reporting of Covid case, a press conference was held even at an unusual hour of 1:30 AM late night to pass all information to media. Ever since that, media briefing became a mandatory thing at State level which was initially at 8 PM by Health Minister and as the state entered into Stage 2 and probably gearing for Stage 3 where multiple departments need to be involved, the baton moved to CM’s daily press meetings at 6 PM sharp.The daily press meetings of Kerala CM along with Health Minister and Chief Secretary has attracted huge public response, as a clear source of information on Covid situation.Today most of these press meetings are widely watched by entire Malayalee community, where all information of the day, all policies taken by Cabinet, all the government orders and action plan for next day are discussed with mediaPerhaps, one key tool to combat fake news is Transparency. The state issues health bulletins at every 6 hours for all affected people, all collectors are required to hold press meets or press releases on daily basis, district information officers are required to open lines to quell all public queries as well as organize programs to dispel public doubts and help the public in knowing the updates etc.Transparency Has Been Kerala’s Biggest Weapon Against the Coronavirus12. Campaign programs and quick responsesKerala government has realized the importance of massive Public Campaigns and Public relations to be used to the highest level to ensure its desired objectives reach to the public. The most successful campaign done was BREAK-THE-CHAIN campaign which has been adopted by Central Govt too and listed as a National agenda laterArun Mohan (അരുൺ മോഹൻ)'s answer to How many people participate in the campaign "break the chain" in Kerala?Arun Mohan (അരുൺ മോഹൻ)'s answer to What impact will this bring on the public as the introductory video of Kerala Police doing handwashing dance gone viral?Break The Chain Campaign was to have massive ground level sanitization and handwashing program to ensure the virus don’t spread quickly and break the chain of spread. This campaign helped the public to realize the importance of washing hands frequently and using sanitizers. Public washing kiosks came up and hand-sanitizers at the entrance of any facility became a regular thing. Videos of effective hand washes became common and the handwashing awareness video of Kerala Police became viralThe much viral Handwashing Video awareness dance by Kerala PoliceApart from campaigns, the government ensured, they are into heavy public relations. They are listening to every complaint, every grievance and standing with the public. For this govt machinery are focused on addressing public needs based on complaints reporting.For example, initially, the government didn’t give much thought about migrant labours and workers as the entire attention was over the local population. But when reports started coming in that migrant population have started fleeing to their homes and travelling on foot to their places when the lockdown came, the government machinery immediately set its attention to their problem. The govt started opening migrant workers camps across the state where they can stay and the entire cost of their food and other essentials were taken care of by the state Labour department and local MLAs. Kerala Govt even announced, they won’t use the term- Migrant Workers, rather will address them as GUEST WORKERS (Adithi Thozhilali) to honour their contributions to the state and will care themWhen Bihar’s Opposition leader Tejaswani Yadav highlighted the plight of some Bihari workers in Trivandrum over Twitter, the government quickly addressed to it and even reverted to him personally with an action taken reportI have visited the guest workers' labour camp today and spoke with workers and company representatives. The camp operates with all necessities including food and medicine.Kerala government is paying special attention to guest workers in this #COVID19 crisis.— Kadakampally Surendran (@kadakampalli) March 27, 2020As of now, Kerala opened 4603 Relief camps to accommodate 1 Lakh migrant workers across the state who lost their work and got stuck in the state with no place to go. More numbers are to be expected as no one actually knows an exact number of workers. Many have fled Kerala before the lockdown came in and some haven’t turned up to government facilities too. The facilities do have all the essentials to survive until an alternative mechanism to help these people reach back to their homes is decided upon. This includes free food and sanitary requirements.Kerala opens 4603 relief camps for over one lakh migrant 'guest' workersAround 35 plus camps are opened for destitute and street dwellers across the state to be accommodated during this period.This decision has prevented a massive exodus as seen in many other North Indian states.13. Welfare schemes and supportThe state has announced a huge economic package of Rs 20,000 Crore to support people during this Covid crisis.One key feature announced was providing 2 Month social security pension (March and April) together by yesterday and today to all registered people, by delivering to their homes and via their coop bank accounts.The Govt kept its word by distributing all pensions by nowMore Photos.— Kadakampally Surendran (@kadakampalli) March 26, 2020How the Kerala government is shaping and implementing its Covid-19 responseKerala to disburse welfare pension for two months from next weekIn addition, the government has decided to support Tribal population by asking all tribal promoters and other officials to supply essential kits at their settlements inside the forest and educate them about the deadly virus spreadThe government announced One Month-long supplies kit per family to be supplied directly to their settlement and instructed forest guards and tribal department officials to ensure they remain insulated.Konni MLA comrade Jenish Kumar & District Collector P. B. Nooh IAS along with volunteers taking food materials to a tribal colony.It is important to work in sync during a crisis, as #Kerala has done in the past.With such common goals, we shall overcome. #KeralaFightsCorona— Kadakampally Surendran (@kadakampalli) March 28, 2020Collector Pathanamthitta himself taking a load to remote forest interior as part of his personal interaction and awareness campaign among tribals of PathanamthittaThis includes conducting radio shows and public awareness videos/audios in tribal languages etc and holding tribal settlement meetings etc to ensure they listen and understand the implication of the diease.Radio shows, videos in tribal languages: How Kerala is spreading COVID-19 awarenessKerala fighting COVID-19: Awareness videos are made in various tribal languages. Local officials and health workers show these videos going to each tribal colonies.This one here is Oorali language.— Neethu Joseph (@neethujoseph_15) March 23, 2020How these Kerala youngsters are ensuring that the Attappadi's tribal folk are safe from COVID-19These are some measures which Kerala is doing at the moment to ensure the disease doesn’t spread much and prevent Kerala from going into a havoc situation.I am not saying, everything is perfect in Kerala. There are any shortcomings here too. But so far, Kerala is trying the best possible within its strengths, some inherent and some developed, for the betterment of community welfare.I don’t know how much of these are exclusive to Kerala. I don’t think, none of them remains and should remain exclusive to any place as we humans always try various ideas to save our fellow folks in times of mass disasters.The reason I highlighted all these, is to make a larger people aware of what we are doing to combat this virus spread and hopefully, these measures can be a guiding model for others to emulate if required, just like we too adopted many gestures from othersIn times of distress, these kind of positive stories are more of beacon of hope that humanity exists and something must be spread to all…..Let's all work together and may our humanity prevail over every disaster!!!

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