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What made you happy today?

A phone call.On a March mild summer afternoon in Delhi, I was striding past hundreds of people at the Yellow line- Pink line interchange inside the metro. My bag sliding back and forth, constantly brushing against my waist, hanging from the right shoulder felt as heavy as lead. With beads of sweat dribbling down the nape of my neck, I was trying hard to make my way through the frenzied, mindless crowd against my direction. With every step I put forward, I was being pushed two steps backwards.My mind was occupied with the thoughts of a classmate who had tried a cheesy pickup like on me in the Molecular Biology class. Engrossed in his thoughts, I didn’t keep a track of my movements. I didn’t realize boarding the metro, somehow finding a seat, resting my head against the side glass and sleeping off within seconds.I was almost, in a comatose state, until I heard a phone vibrating. Being positive, it wasn’t mine, (because I always made sure, my dumb phone was silenced) I peacefully went back to sleep.Someone’s phone vibrated and vibrated.“Why don't you pick, Moron!”, my insides groaned.It didn’t stop, the vibration. A stout, extremely hairy middle aged man, sitting beside me, poked my arm gently and said, “I think that’s your phone...?”Wait, what? Mine? Was it really mine? Would my phone even dare to cause such annoyance?“Shit!!!”, my insides exclaimed.I wanted to pick up the phone. And really wanted the vibration to stop. But my hand muscles and joints (or whatever involved in voluntary movements), quietly refused.“Ignore”, I mumbled and conked off.Infuriating vibration continued. At that point, even my fellow compartment people might have been maddened. I felt a hard tap on my right shoulder this time.“Excuse me!”, uncle was louder than before. “Your phone is vibrating. You must take the call.”Was that a command? Because I was following it.Quickly balancing the TV sized phone with my right hand, “Hello?”, I uttered. I was 70% angered, 30% incurious.“Is this Prarthna Nanda?”, the voice on the other side was deep, very masculine, sounding all business.“Speaking”, I tried to sound more business.“You left your purse here.”I immediately looked down to find my beautiful, peacock printed, blue tote bag, resting on my lap. This call was a stupid prank call by one of my asshole buddies, probably… I sighed.Just when I was about to respond, the man on the call hastily spoke up again, “I’m sorry. Your wallet. You dropped your wallet here.”Did I? Shhhhit!“Fuck”, a reflex action. I was loud enough for everyone in that quiet compartment to hear me (added fuel to the fire). I checked for my jeans pockets and it really, was missing.“I’m at INA metro station. I found your wallet lying here, it has your identity card, I tried calling you many times but you didn’t pick until this one”, he sounded calm, as if not annoyed with all this already…Oh lord. So, it was him calling me all this time! My anxiety took only a couple of seconds to take over and cease my functioning. I had already crossed six stations by then. Not knowing what to say, I remained quiet.“Look, I am here. Costumer care. You must get down and come back to INA. I’ll be waiting”, he sounded like a father. The words hadn’t even escaped fully, and I rushed out of the metro as soon as the doors opened. My red tartan shirt was half wet with sweat by then.That wallet carried my debit card, college ID card, 3700 cash, a new metro card and a reloaded food court card. My heart was pounding badly.I quickly boarded the metro to INA. Six stations. Thirteen minutes, precisely. And they felt like 137.5 hours.“How could you be so irresponsible? Why did you not put the wallet in the bag? What if you don’t find him? Call him, obviously but, what if?” the thoughts raced.One hundred thirty seven and a half hours later, I was at INA metro station.I went upstairs galumphing like ‘the one who snatched the fat lady’s gold chain’.“Customer care”, I recalled. My eyes went past the patty-Fresca stall, W.H. Smith store, the abandoned digital BMI calculator and finally landed on “customer care”. I took my steps towards it, my body gasping for oxygen. Amidst the humongous crowd, I saw a pair of eyes fixated on me, watching me as I move, move towards them.Um, he was a guy in his twenties or maybe thirties (who cares, 30s- the new 20s, anyway), wearing a black shirt (yeah, the usual). His jawline was prominent (OMG, did you say jawline?). He looked good, just good. His brown- bread coloured arms were folded across his chest as he stood their firmly, looking at me, judging me probably.He had nice arms, I must say. Strong, well built, nice arms. But why was he looking at me? Was he the anonymous caller? Or was he admiring me? Man, I looked anything but admirable in my sweat covered shirt and pigtail braids.Whatever it was, it felt magical, as if all of this was destined somehow, movie-like, cute, romantic.. (Ah, the feelings!)When I went a bit closer to the customer care chamber, just left of which, the angelic guy stood, I saw his fingers curled around something. It was pink.Jesus! It was my cute, baby pink wallet with a puppy keychain. Now it all made sense. He was looking at me because he could recognize me, he saw the photograph in my identity card and not because I looked hot to him (stupid girl!)He came up to me, handed me my wallet. I took it like a five year old accepting snacks from a kidnapper and thanked him profusely.“Be very careful the next time. It could have been lost and never found again. I get the hurry and the rush but you must not be so irresponsible.” He actually schooled me with all of that.“Yes, daddy!”Err no, I obviously didn’t say that.“I’m so sorry. Sorry for all the trouble.” This is what I said.“It was no trouble.” He smiled at me. I smiled back.I wanted to ask his name, to know how his day was and more (xD) but after three seconds, just three, the waves of awkwardness rushed in. I believe it is better to leave and forget someone than to come off as a creep to them.“Thanks again. Bye!”, I stepped back, turned around and went on my way. I didn’t look back to check if he stayed there looking at me or left as if all this didn’t mean a thing to him.Doesn’t matter it ended before starting, but this sweet encounter with a good looking, cute stranger did bring a huge smile on my face.TL;DR. Good people do exist. Sometimes, they’re very attractive. And. That. Makes me immensely happy.P.s. Oh my cute wallet!Catch you on the flip side!Prarthna Nanda

What are 20 things that are not worth it?

Staying at a job for “at least 1 year” because you are afraid it’ll look bad on your resume to employers if you left soonerThe times have changed.I’ve been hit up by recruiters when I’ve been in a new role for less than a month. If you are good at what you do, no one cares how long you’ve been working somewhere.Look, let’s flip the script— if you were a recruiter, wouldn’t you rather hire someone who has the self-awareness to know that something wasn’t a fit and he/she took the initiative to quickly pivot to something else?This shows that they like to be invested in what they do for work. I think this shows that they care.Also, you have the power to edit your resume and LinkedIn profile as you see best. Remove those shorter stints if you want. It’s yours.And in the bigger picture of life, is a random recruiter’s opinion even worth your precious weeks or months of you hating your job? No.One of my best girlfriends who is crushing it in software sales today had FIVE DIFFERENT jobs in her first year of moving to New York.Don’t settle. It’s not worth it.Putting your parents approval above your own happiness when making decisions about your lifeHalf the reason I majored in Economics is because my father wanted me to study business so I could work in finance. I essentially suffered through Econometrics and Calculus courses for my father’s approval.Fact: I do like Economics now… at 26.But during university itself, I could have cared less. The other half of the reason is that I had enough credits for it to make sense, so it was convenient.Each week in college, I was significantly more excited about public speaking in Toastmasters than I ever was about learning the Solow Growth Model.As I got older, I let go of pleasing my father—When I told my father I was moving to California, he flipped a shit. He was so mad that he hung up in my face just to call me back and yell at me more.“California?!!”“I did not pay high property taxes to live close to the best city so you could leave it!”“People would die to be able to be in New York. You are being stupid”I was so upset for making my father pissed off that I almost wanted to call back my hiring manager and rescind my acceptance.But then I remembered a conversation I had with a high school friend who told me: “you cannot live your one and only life for your dad all the time. It’s not him who’s going to go through it and then dies. It’s you.”I would rather my parent be angry with me than miss out on a life opportunity.Paying ATM feesGo to the closest grocery or drug store, buy a water and choose the ‘Cash Back’ option.Or bank with an online bank who reimburses all fees.Staying up late at night just to be on the phone or FaceTime with someone you’re only “talking” toIt is not worth being cranky all day for someone who you’re only “talking” to or flirting with or getting to know. They’re not your partner. Potentially nothing could blossom from this.Your sleep and optimal performance in your day is more important.If you’re in a relationship, I could argue that it’s a different story.Being upset at someone for being late to dinner DURING the dinner itselfYes, it’s annoying to wait at a restaurant for 15, 20, maybe 30 minutes. Impatience builds up in you. Perhaps you just got off work, it was a long day, you’re hungry and you’re excited to eat. The smell of food from the kitchen is making your mouth water.But once your guest arrives and he/she can tell you are clearly mad, it totally blows your charisma. It also makes the atmosphere feel awkward to kick things off.Hold your hangryness, ok? Order a glass of wine. Have them bring the bread. And stop furrowing your brows.My view is that the whole point of having dinner with someone is not to eat or drink. The whole point is the someone.You can eat and drink by yourself.Forcing yourself to commit to a workout that you clearly hate doingIf you absolutely hate running, stop running. If you hate being inside at a gym, stop going to a gym.You ever hear the saying: “the best workout is the one you like”? It’s true.There are many, many ways to stay fit. It is well worth trying to figure out what you actually enjoy.I have guy friends who love playing competitive volleyball and just from that sport alone, their physique is pretty great.Personally, I don’t like yoga. I do it less than 10 times a year. It’s usually with a friend, or an event, or I’m suddenly in the mood (which happens!) However, if I relied on yoga to be my main method of being flexible and building core, I would have so much pent up frustration about it and that seems counterproductive.Workouts are supposed to release stress not cause it.Staying in a job only because the role / industry is all you know even though you are clearly unfulfilledI think humans are meant to strive yet so many of us stagnate in roles because we get comfortable in that industry or company.People fear being a beginner. Learning curves are steep and not everyone is humble to be new at something or hungry enough for a challenge.I really just think that life is too short to stay in a job that sucks the energy out of you.Not exploring high quality pens and paperTaking notes on paper during a meeting shows you care. It’s a detail and it matters.Angel investor, Jason Calacanis, speaks about this during his pitch meetings. He carries a leather notebook and when he hears something worth while, he writes it down. It makes people feel good to see someone take notes on something they said inside an important looking journal than on a measly scrap paper.I journal every day. I built this habit about 4 and half years ago.Getting started was not easy. It was difficult to write daily but what helped is that I liked using the Uni-ball Signo gel pens I was writing with and the way they glided on the Moleskine or Kate Sapde journals.Staying friends with someone toxic just because he/she has been in your life “forever”If a “friend” only shuts down your dreams, keeps getting you drunk, makes you uselessly spend money, and only hurts you in the long game, it is time to LET THEM GO.It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been friends for.You’re a new person and the people you choose to put around you will build you up or bring you down.Staying in a relationship with someone just because of how much time, emotion, energy you already invested in that personThis is the common story I hear— you’ve dated since high school, went through college as a couple, now you’re in your 20s and it makes sense to talk about getting married but you are not 100% convinced.However, you want to get married because just the IDEA of having to start all over with a new person terrifies you.You already put in a lot of your time, energy, emotions, and money into building THIS relationship. All that has led you up to the person you are today.In economics, we call these things sunk costs.It refers to the costs that have already been paid and cannot be recovered.When it comes to decision-making, you should be thinking forward. This means not taking into account costs that have already been paid (ie. years together, relationship depth, emotions felt, etc.) and instead deciding if you want to be with that person or not without accounting for the resources, time, and emotions already “lost.”Still residing in your hometown after graduating (or while you’re in your 20s)When I moved to Santa Barbara, I met people who were born, raised, schooled in Santa Barbara. They graduated school and chose to work and live in Santa Barbara.They never decided to leave.When I ask them why, the response of “why would I? It’s great here” affirms my assumption.And they’re absolutely right.If you’ve never been to Santa Barbara, it is one of THE MOST BEAUTIFUL places in America. It’s sunny for almost 350 days a year. It has both beach and mountains. It’s easy to stay healthy and be around some of the most generous and happy people.There’s no need to leave a paradise, right?However, the same accounts for New York City. I’ve met folks here who never want to leave “the best city in the world.” They’re not even curious about living in a different urban area, anywhere else.It is not worth keeping your narrow view and staying in you little comfort bubble when the world is so big. Leaving your hometown to live across the ocean or across the country or (at least) across the state border forces you to grow.There may not be a good time or a right time. You just have to do it.Forcing yourself to finish a book you’re no longer enjoyingOk, seeing things to their completion borders on an ethical obligation for me.I finish what I start. It is who I am.BUT I learned to put down books I don’t like reading anymore and being at peace about it.You know why?Life is short and some books are dumb, repetitive, giving me only diminishing marginal returns or no returns at all. I don’t like them anymore or I’m not learning anything new.Your time is better spent on books or any other activity you actually like than trying to focus on a boring sentences.Spending so much money on a dress for senior promI bought my white off shoulder prom dress for about $350 with my own money. It felt heavy to pay for, knowing I was only going to wear it once and it wasn’t even my own school’s prom.I had girlfriends who bought their prom dresses for over a grand and thinking about it makes it cringe.Look, it is a real great time to go shopping for prom dresses. I absolutely loved doing it and I want you to have all the fun with trying on all the different designs and kinds of dresses. I do.But let me tell you, it is not worth owning a prom dress— whether you paid $300 or $90.Rent the Runway. Rent it from anywhere. Borrow it from an upperclassman. Thrift it and tailor it. Or if you want to own it, at least buy it for cheap at Marshall’s or Nordstrom Rack (which btw has SUPER pretty ones!)Otherwise, you own this dress that you’ll never wear and it’s just taking up space.Chasing someone who does not want to be in a relationshipIn the B2B sales world, we’d call this “disqualification.”We determine if a prospective deal is winnable by qualifying it in the early stages of a sales cycle.To put it simpler, we qualify whether working an opportunity is worth the sales organization’s time and resources by learning if the prospect has (1) budget to buy and (2) the pain that we solve for.Romantic pursuits work in a similar fashion.Pursuing a guy to be with you when he clearly wants to stay single is like pouring all your energy into researching everything about a company’s issues when they do not have any money to even pay for your product.Therefore, making the deal un-winnable and wasting your time despite your best charisma, clever strategies, and negotiation tactics.It’s not happening.You can romance him all you want. He doesn’t want to be with someone. Whether it’s the timing in his life or his preference, whatever the reason, what you’re looking for does not exist with someone who doesn’t want to be pursued.Not worth your time, sweetheart.Not investing in good quality skin careWhen I say invest, I don’t mean buying the highest priced products.I don’t even mean buying products.I mean learning about the products.Put time and research into what ingredients (often harsh chemicals) you’re choosing to slather on your face.I recommend watching Liah Yoo (Krave Beauty), Euniunnie (YouTube Vlogger) and BeautyWithin as they produce honest content that’s educational.Buying the trendy shoes, bag, sunglasses, or whatever without vetting if you genuinely want it for yourselfRather than letting Instagram or the general media tell you what style you should rock, learn about what you like for yourself. It’s not worth dropping $$$ on trendy pieces for the sole reason that everyone else has them.In high school, all my girlfriends had a Longchamp bag. I really wanted one just because they all had one. There was no way my father was going to buy one for me.So I saved money and eventually bought one for myself in my freshmen year of college and you know what— I thought the bag sucked. There’s only one giant pocket, the straps are thin, and it’s way too plain. I didn’t feel good carrying it around.I think I used it less than 5 times and stopped.Understand your body type. Understand what makes you feel your best. Understand your capsule wardrobe / style. Understand how much money you feel comfortable to invest in your style.“Trends come and go. Style is forever.” - Yves Saint LaurentPaying thousands of dollars for college this Fall 2020 SemesterThe chances of college being online this fall are very likely.If your university is having you pay thousands of dollars for you to be on Zoom for however many hours a day, it is not worth it.Attending a university is all about the experience— it’s about being around other students from all over the world. It’s about meeting insightful professors. It’s about the unique events on campus. It’s about the weekend frat parties. It’s about the different student clubs. It’s about the football games. It’s about building community.I’d taken one online class during my time at Rutgers and if they need that for every class and I was taking them all while at home— no, absolutely not worth the money OR the loans you’re potentially taking out.I imagine the point of you going to school right now is to graduate and get a job.Skip all that and get a job.Or build an online business. Or work on a passion while you’re living under your parents’ roof.Don’t pay big $$ (and please don’t take out a loan) just to attend your university, online version.Remember that schools = businesses. Do you believe you’re getting the real value of what you’re paying for?Holding a grudge against someone“Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone; you are burning yourself.” - BuddhaLearn to let go.Understand that it’s hurt people who hurt people.Staying angry at someone serves no purpose. It’s not worth your energy. Your inner peace is more important.Paying rent in New York City during this time of COVID-19I’m currently having a hard time convincing myself of the merits of living in New York.And look, I love New York. All my friends can tell you that.I’m fine paying the rent and high living expenses because NYC offers so much in community, high energy, art, unique opportunity, diversity and activities.No two days in a row could look the same.But now all my days sort of look the same.I’m probably better off not renewing my lease but I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure this one out.Dealing with negativity or unhelpful content on your social feedsYou have the POWER to choose who you follow.You can curate your Twitter timeline and your Instagram feeds.Follow accounts that post content you genuinely enjoy.Don’t be afraid of unfollowing people. A lot of people post unhelpful pictures.What you put out into the world comes from what you get in. If you’re always looking at violent, harsh, stressful, or hateful content, it’s what you’re filling your head with.You can choose to scroll through bright, more positive, uplifting content instead.It’s not worth to deal with seeing pictures/captions/tweets you don’t enjoy when you GET TO CHOOSE.

What are all the different types of high school students?

The typical, normal teenager.This is the most common type of high school student. “Normal” meaning they don’t really stand out/fit into any of the other more niche categories. They wear jeans and t-shirts, may or may not wear makeup, and follow trends once they notice them popping up around school. They usually listen to whatever’s on the radio or whatever their friends are listening to.The country kidsUnless the school is located in a big, developed city, there’s typically a population of these. They primarily wear jeans, working/cowboy boots or plain tennis shoes, flannel, and t-shirts. A lot of the guys will have a specific hat (usually a baseball hat) which they are very protective of. The girls often have longer hair and the guys like to grow beards if they can. Most of them are Christian and conservative. Some of the only people who actually like country music.The emo kidsUsually the emo “phase” starts in middle school and dies out at the start of high school, but a few survive. Hoodies and ripped, black skinny jeans are popular with this group, as are band merch and Converse sneakers. A lot of them dye their hair black or some unnatural color, and makeup ranges from overdrawn black eyeliner and pasty white foundation to subtle but well-done. The underclassmen tend to be more extreme while the upperclassmen tend to be more aesthetic. They often listen to variations of rock, screamo, lo-fi, and of course, emo. The emo kids are usually divide themselves up into groups and don’t get along with other emo kids outside of their groups.The sporty kidsEvery school has these, and these kids can often be recognized by school-color tracksuits and football jerseys. They know about sports teams and probably participate in March Madness. A lot of the times they have very nice tennis shoes from brands like Nike, Adidas, Puma, etc. There will always be the stereotypical “dumb-jocks,” but most are decently smart. They tend to get along with people, but are competitive and sometimes snarky.The liberal arts kidsThe choir kids — The choir kids range from the ones who take choir because band is too much work and they hate art, to the ones who sing like Bruno Mars even if they don’t have the melody, to the kids who roll their eyes at the former two. The choir kids in the top ensemble(s) typically have their own little clique and get along due to the amount of time they all spend together.The band/orchestra kids — Marching band is a sport and the band kids will be very adamant about this. Both band and orchestra kids tend to include the nerds and are very smart. Both will either endlessly complain about or endlessly compliment their teacher. Due to the cost of their instruments, they are also the only kids in school who know what the inside of the band room looks like because no one else is allowed in.The theatre kids — These kids will burst out into song if you mention anything from any musical whatsoever. They are often animated and outgoing, but can also be shy and reserved. Their clothing style is often fairly unique and a lot of the times fits into the “art hoe” or “hipster” aesthetics. Friendly people, but a lot of them are tired of Hamilton by now.The art kids — A lot of emo kids, LGBTQ+ kids, and stoners fall into this category as well. Art kids love to write poetry, draw, paint, and do anything remotely creative. A lot of them like to carry their art supplies and sketchbook everywhere, but don’t you dare ask them to draw you. They’ve heard it a million times and will probably draw you a stick figure (if at all). Common art styles include anime-esque cartoons, furry art, and realistic. A lot of the poetry will be Rupi Kaur-style or freestyle. These are the kind of kids that will make you want to do something creative.The drug usersThe obvious stoner kind — These kids come to school smelling like weed or obviously high. They don’t usually do well in class and tend to be the artsy kind of people, or somewhat popular. There are many different kinds of obvious stoners, and what kind someone is depends on their gender, race, and whether they are liberal or conservative.The “typical, normal teenager” kind — Typical, normal teenagers who don’t associate themselves with drugs at school but may do drugs on their own time. A lot of honors students fall into this category, and more people fall into this category than others might think. Also includes vaping and alcohol. If they vape, they may be more open about it since it is a trend right now.The nerds (and geeks)The typical kind — The typical nerds consist of the honors students who take school very seriously and may not have a lot of social skills. These tend to make up a small population of the school. The typical nerd doesn’t care much about their appearance and spends a lot of time studying and paying attention in class. They are typically friends with other nerds, or have relatively small friend groups. Depending on the school, they may play tennis or participate in a club which will look good on their college application.The language kind (suggested by Felix Graff)— The language geeks are the kids obsessed with learning a new languages, or even just learning as many as they can! The language and culture of other countries is absolutely fascinating to them. They typically try to do very well in foreign language classes, even if the teachers aren’t exactly competent (sadly, we all know high school foreign language is 80% busy work).The AP slackers kind — These are the kids who take AP classes, never study, and still manage to pass. Usually, it’s a product of either terrible procrastination or that they just can’t be bothered to spend time on homework. If they’ve got a class after lunch with homework due, you can bet your buttons they’ll be doing it the 30 minutes before.The gamer kind (suggested by Nicholas Nevan Kurniawan) — The gamers are pretty self explanatory: they play games. Mostly male (but more and more are female), gamers tend to spend a lot of time plugging hours into their favorite games. Gamers come in all shapes, sizes, hours, and play styles. Sometimes it’s hard to tell who might be a gamer, because your stereotypical basic bitch might love a good Dark Souls run on the weekend. However, the stereotypical gamers loves to wear comfortable clothing, usually with a sweatshirt, and often brings their d.s. to school.The basic bitchesThese people are your Starbucks drinking, trend-following, makeup-on-point and social guru people. A lot of them tend to be either popular, well-liked or well-known, and often don’t vary much from person to person. In girls, you see a lot of messy buns and beautiful long hair. White sneakers, cropped sweatshirts, ripped jeans and manicured nails are popular. In guys, the “hype beast” aesthetic is a common sight. Most of them are actually fairly nice, but there’s a reason for being called a basic “bitch.” They date the sports kids or each other, and a lot of the times have a nerd “friend.”The LGBTQ+ kidsThese are the obviously gay kids who walk around with rainbow pins on their bags and probably belong to an GSA club. They tend to be very liberal. They also tend to be very stereotypically so. However, while a lot of them might be very “gay” around their other gay friends, they don’t tend to mention that sort of stuff around theirs straight friends. A lot of them also fit into the emo category and theatre category.The misanthropesThey hate everyone. Why? No one knows. Typically there are only a few of these, and they have very small friend groups and either make really good or really bad grades. They like to be by themselves and have so-so social skills. Misanthropes are either tired seniors or edgy freshman.Just in case anyone’s curious, I consider myself a choir kid (and a floater). :)Tried to include a couple different types than you normally see/different explanations.These also may not represent every school, and are mostly just reflective of my school (majority white, very diverse income-wise, and with a large drug-using population).I have friends in all of these categories so I described them based on my experience with these groups. Comment if you have any more ideas :)EDIT: Thank you for the upvotes and comments. A few things were suggested I add (and I deeply apologize for neglecting the nerds those are above), so here we go:The metalheads (suggested by John Johnson)Metalheads are the “endangered species” of students who tend to get grouped in with the emo kids. However, they tend not to particular favor said emos, and have a distaste for their music. Metalheads, like their name, listen to many variations of heavy metal music from industrial, black, and yes, even Christian metal. Guys tend to wear their hair longer, and girls shorter. Band merch is everywhere, and due to the nature of said bands, they might get side-glances from the graphics on those shirts. Metalheads are most notable for their extreme distaste of modern music and culture, and while they don’t always mean to be, they can be quite pretentious about their music tastes.The floaters (suggested by Deven Diamantis)The floaters are usually your normal, typical teenagers who, rather than stick to one gaggle of friends, tend to “float” from group to group. These are the kind of people who have friends all over the board: emos, basic bitches, theatre nerds, etc. As a result, they tend to be one big mixture of a bunch of different groups, and have no trouble finding someone to sit with or talk to during lunch or passing period.

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