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In what ways is India changing for the better?

Previous post (Parag Paul's answer to Is Modi really good for India?) was right before 2019 elections. I am a Bengali, but my opinions will differ from many other Bengalis. So stay tuned1. Clash of Civilizations . Samuel Huntington’s student Francis Fukuyama wrote a book back in the 90s called the ‘End of the History and the Last Man’. Now interestingly, he mentioned that with the end of the USSR, and the end of the cold war, the proliferation of the western liberal democracy will be over.In response to this book and in continuation of his thesis, Samuel Huntington, his teacher, came back with a counter argument. That book as we all know is what we call the ‘Clash of Civilizations’. It is a argument that piggy backs on top of the Jihad vs the McWorld philosophy.Clash of Civilizations - WikipediaThe book states, how in this era, the religious identities and cultural identities will remain as the strongest forces of clashes in the future as with knowledge proliferation and digitization, globalization would have caused stabilization across the nations.Now, here is the future that Modi is building. We have built a strong sense of nationalism that is not only common to India. It is pandemic and almost all nations, even the new ones like USA feel an urge for. I will paste all the examples in the end, where you can see that the neo-nationalism wave that you see in India and get confused, is not only in India. It is in all countries across the world and especially the post globalization wakeup call that has somehow permeated throughout.This clash of civilizations is for realYou will find examples of this in the following in Modi and Xi Xinping’s diplomacy. Two of the most important leaders of the world from a future perspective.Where was Modi taken for a visit, when he was in China, Xi Xinping smartly takes him to a place with a history of 2 millennia.PM Narendra Modi visits Terracotta Warriors Museum at Xi'an, ChinaAnd what is the history of this place. It was the army of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, that brought the country together in 221 BCQin Shi Huang - WikipediaThe world leaders are always met by Xi Xinping in Beijing. Why did this happen? Think for a while. Why is Modi treated differently ?See what Modi did here in return. There were no deals signed, no treaties discussed in Mahabalipuram. The opposition even went to the trouble of complaining about it. This is a simple clash of civilizations. What these temples, built in 7th century AD tell is that they they are dedicated to a civilizational aspect of India another few millenia old. You are looking at temples that carry the weight of the civilizational strength and identity of India.For a long time, India meant snake charmers to the world. There is a scene in Black Adder, where Rowan Atkinson will vilify his helper servant for his clumsy behavior using the words, “Even the Apes of Indus have mastered this art”, when he was trying to teach elementary mathematics to his servant Baldrick.Until Vivekananda’s speech in Chicago, the nation was still thought of as a land of feudal kings, who learnt a few tokens of civilized behavior during their education in western countries and the nation or population as a whole was culturally still evolving. The last century ended with India’s domination as the tech servicemen but not innovators. We are now in a century, where by manpower and innovation and individual success stories we can show to the world that we can solve global problems like energy and peace.The PM with his brilliant diplomacy is taking that image forward. All the attempts at Swachh Bharat, Fit Bharat are national awakenings. They are targeted towards fixing the national image.While a few detractors will cry foul at the breathing of our PM. When this happened.PM Modi says Indians were ashamed of their country before he assumed office; Twitter outrages, he is not lying.When he said, Indians are ashamed abroad, what he means is the following.‘Whenever we NRI’s see another Indian trying to cheat or haggle in a foreign supermarket, or cheat or abuse the VISA system, cheat the honor based marketplaces’, we are ashamed of not that individual, but the fact that the nation was not able to provide a holistic environment for an individual to not go that route. Whereas, religion or through other means, we were all brought up with the teachings that, “cheating is evil, guests are god, sharing is important”. I know that somewhere those years of teachings takes a backseat, when people enter the market forces, trying to feed their kids, their families and they turn towards normalizing such behavior. And once we develop, these will go away, but are we willing to go through the painful changes ?If one had enough while growing up, at least he or she will refrain from the hogging, haggling, hoarding, and other behaviors that do no conform to the western standards. I have seen kids from developed nations, feel that guilt in their eyes, when they grow up and see kids from underdeveloped nations. I have seen kids in affluence, but ignorance. What good do they know, having more toys than they can ever play. Having facilities for them in every nook and corner of the country. If we can provide for all in a sufficient manner, at least the kids of the nation, we can raise a nation that will learn to share and help each other. But people did not take Modi’s speech with coherent logic. All they wanted was to interpret it in a way that tarnishes image. As if, he said, Indians hate India, when they go abroad. That was indeed bad on the agenda driven media.People had issues with Modi’s Yoga campaign. That again, is clearly and attempt to let the western world know, that the views that they are going for like, Veganism, Fitness obsession were rooted in the ethos of us growing up in our culture, and the world is only now getting in to terms with that.The future is bright, if the message of Modi is put through. But the nations dialogue is severely damaged by liberals and their echo chambers. Clash of Civilizations is what we will see in the 21st century. India and China will become the top 2 countries by 2060 or 2070, but the ultimate winner will be the one with a larger cultural footprint. Our diversity is our biggest strength and this is the time to show it.2. Number One important lesson.Why India lacked in sport persons in other fields other than cricket for a long time? (Why Is India Bad at Sport?) Why do we expect some one from the extreme bottom of the society to come up, fighting dilapidated infrastructure and still show up with a medal in the tallies. Whereas the families that could at least begin to dream, the entire middle class did not dare to dream about sports. We still hail our Hima Das and Mary Kom but ignore the fact that there is a considerable section of the families that will stop their kids from playing, working on their physical fitness. The problem is the same with politics, as my friends say, while my mother used to stop me from playing and it was my father that used to plead not to discuss politics in college. The problem with politics is not when you talk about it, the problem is when you don’t talk about it. How many times has it happened that, while discussing something, a new idea has emerged. This is the rule of nature. While speaking, you are employing your creative and argumentative sphere of the brain. The more you discuss, the more you understand, the more collective and inclusive you become. The PM you have now, Narendra Modi, has introduced changes. Good or bad, he has made the people come out, discuss politics as never before. Every Friend list, every whatsapp group is not discussing narrow issues, but greater agenda. All of them are discussing what and how and when. Each one is educating the other. Divisions are happening between the left and the right. Faultlines are getting exposed. Kids are now able to see for things for their true merits. Educated people are able to clearly visualize how some historians and liberals have hijacked the identity of the nation in the past for their vested interests. Families are arguing. It is a nation that can change. We all know it and now can visualize it. Whether for the good or the bad, will be for time to tell.Here is one video, that I show to all to tell, how difficult it is for people to find the right shoe to fit for their legs, especially athletes. This is for running shoes. Wide feet, your tendons, your bone structure, BMI, your bone strength, cushioning, height, upper body, your endo or ecto morphism.(How Should Running Shoes Fit? | REI Co-op Journal) . How much of a science, sports has become ?How do you expect someone with that kind of technical support, scientific training, and facilities, fail in competition with someone barely having any facilities.Similarly, how do you expect kids who have been street goons for life, think of anything for the greater good of the nation. We still had some sense of proper leadership till the 70’s. Today , you go to any corner in the country, the political posters will spray paint the tree of local hooliganism. The top honcho is typically a contractor, or a builder. The next in line will be the right and left hands of these top guys. The bottom of the poster will be the gully goons. It is a simple picture. These are the people who will land up in the horse trading business. The will not have the interest of the people in their minds. Democracy exists and we have the right to vote them out, but they have nexus in between that people don’t see. Once you are the top, you never make permanent friendships, nor permanent enemies. This is the nature of politics today.And sports is not an element with single dimension.How fitness impacts the global economy, a country’s well being, whether sexual or mental. But we are expecting people without any access to such resources to compete against first world athletes who have remarkable exposure to such scientific measures. I once saw a video on how a swimmer cut his nails, as it was giving him an advantage of 0.2 seconds on mean.Similarly, we are asking, backstreet, alley street fighters to make economic policies, fight for the future of the nation, whereas they don’t even have basic scientific understanding of administration, management policies. Administration today is a multi faceted discipline. Not only does the person in command need to have good hold over the peoples need, demographics and history of the nation, his math skills, his ability to negotiate, bargain, understand and apply constructive criticism, managing meetings, being disciplined, listening to people, keeping up to date with latest technologies, all of these are simply parts of the whole package a good minister or any efficient people’s representative needs to have.But what we are allowing, is the mainstreaming of goonism and crony capitalism and then allowing them to run the nation.Not only should the middle class follow their passion, but the should try to make a change in society.As a result of this imbalance, what we have is. Garbage in, Garbage out. We need to talk about politics. Make it healthy to discuss it and follow it. Reputed families should think of having kids become politicians. Actively follow it and pursue it as a career.3. Now that you have read the abstract thesis, here are the objective analysis. What is the future of a nation with 130 crore people, with diversity and vastness that is unfathomable? There is no uniformity in thinking, no uniformity in cultural ethos. Going to Nagaland is as alien as visiting another South East Asian country. You will feel a cultural shock, studying in rural Tamil Nadu, if you are from Haryana. There is no one single solution that applies to the nation. Modi’s approach has been to stop overthinking and breaking the status quo. The example set, especially in 2019, are massive. We are looking at the following major tectonic changes that has happened this yeara. Going for the killIndian Air force did not enter Pakistani territory even during the Kargil war. Operation Safed Sagar, during the Kargil war was the last time IAF was in action. The first major scale of action by IAF since 1971. Even, then it was along the LOC and not violating the sovereignty of Pakistan.Operation Safed Sagar - WikipediaOver the years, BS Dhanoa, has officially confirmed that their requests to strike Pak was rejected in the past, after 26/11 , We do not have an army like that of Pakistan, where Rawalpindi takes the calls. Our army will not move an inch , until the civilian govt gives the green signal.The ability of a PM to take the calls, whether right or wrong is the first order of business in such situations. What comes next, is beyond the scope of humans. You cannot expect the PM to win the war, but his decisiveness displays the ability to make tough decisions. Objective is to answer in a language that your opponent can understand. This was a major shift in game. We have a ~55B$ budget for defense that cannot exist just for show. This was one such moment. If you are a logical detractor, you will come back with thousands of counter arguments on proof of Balakot strike etc. I don’t ask too many questions. I only ask 1 questionWhy on earth, did Pakistan barricade that area for 2 months?(Pakistan allows media to visit Balakot, tries to prove no lives were lost in Indian airstrike)What could be the reason ? The people in the sub-continent are far more smart than that to figure out what happened. Whether you are a bhakt, a liberal, a humanities student, you cannot simply deny this simple logic. If no damage, I would have shown the proof the very next day.(Govt rejected IAF proposal to strike Pakistan after 26/11: BS Dhanoa | India News - Times of India)(Indian Air Force is in the process of transformation: Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa)What I want to say here, is that the nations image is changing. No major nation can live for long without a strong security. International borders do change. Look at Yugoslavia, or USSR, or Crimea, or Congo. So thinking that nothing will happen to your nation, just because, you find the status quo comforting, does not mean, that will not happen to you.We will need to have strong men at the front. No matter what the softspoken, highly literate friends of your might say. We have to understand that we are dealing with other nations that might not have a mild climate like ours, fertile land like ours, or a great cultural up bringing like ours. These nations are far more fierce in their strategies. All of them plan for centuries in advance. The demographic wars do happen and sheep like us are kept wondering. The Taziks, the Uzbeks, when they attacked India repeatedly, they came with strategic barbarism. Nothing has changed. The modern day warfare has become civilized, only on paper.b. Chief of defence staffCDS is a position of significant importance. During the 1965 war, the Navy acted like an independent unit and did not want to take action during Operation DwarkaOperation Dwarka - Wikipedia (Operation Dwarka - Wikipedia)When you read about it, you will realize, how combined theatre exercises are necessary. You will have to go beyond my posts to realize the importance of this change in status quo. This government made some significant changes to the Defence procurement processes as well, during the time of Manohar Parrikar jee.Defence Ministry planning major changes in defence procurement; seeks to link offsets policy with 'Make in India' (Defence Ministry planning major changes in defence procurement; seeks to link offsets policy with 'Make in India')c. Lateral entry for Civil service to cabinetGone are the days, where the administrative services, could only dream of a secretary level position. We have learned and educated ministers in cabinet levels, who are lateral entries from Civil Services(Ex-Bureaucrats As Ministers: How Modi’s trust in civil servants is growing)The Lal Bahadur Shastri academy of Administrative services in Mussorie, where all civil servants start their careers, has a special energy. Folks who want to serve the nation, beyond just the secretary levels, can now dream of going all the way. S Jaishankar, Hardip Singh Puri and RK Singh, are from the IAS. Ajit Doval is an ex IPS.I simply hope that future governments will allow this to continued. Disinvestment of major Oil companies.(Government approves strategic disinvestment of BPCL, 4 other PSUs)There were provisions made during Emergency during Indira Gandhi’s time, that did not allow disinvestment of these companies. The nationalization was well backed and strongly codified during the emergency. Modi government back in 2016, one lazy afternoon had removed some 1700 laws during one single monsoon session of the Parliament. Those laws being removed was the most important step in allowing disinvestment now. Government has no business in the business of business. It has to be the motto of all governments.e. Article 370Not much to say here. The entire nation accepted it. It has been more than 120 days now, and it sounds like a well thought of action plan.f. Ram MandirEven though, detractors will keep saying that the government did not have anything in this matter. It was the Supreme Court that took all the decisions. We have examples of Rajiv Gandhi government turning back Supreme Court judgement of Shah Bano incident in the past. So you have to realize the importance of having a strong government in the center(Who really influenced Rajiv Gandhi to act against Shah Bano judgment?)See this interview as well. Here Arif Mohammad Khan will explain in detail, how that happened and how he had resigned from the cabinet in protest. One of the best interviews yet.h. Lateral entry into civil servicesDue to a lot of pressures and family situations, a lot of passionate people cannot crack into IAS and civil services early in their lives.Nine from outside the IAS set to become joint secretaries in government (Nine from outside the IAS set to become joint secretaries in government)The current govt is trying its best to bring the best of the best from across the spectrum. These are the changes that will have huge impact for our future.4. Understanding the importance of Protecting our borders For a nation as big as ours any socialist action takes a humongous budget. Where does the budget come from.Direct and indirect taxes.For a nation that is providing some thing as big as the Ayushman Yojana, India needs to have a clear number of heads, that it needs to support. If you are not planning to succeed, you are planning to fail. This has been the approach for so long. We grew up listening about health care in developed countries and how the governments and public provided health facilities were enough for the people. When that is coming to India, we are not willing to take the strong steps necessary to make sure that the accounted head counts are legitimate.Check the National Portal of India (National Portal of India) for a list of such initiativesFor such massive projects, one will need to limit the number of people it can sustain, we cannot be a porous border.Deendayal Scheme for rehabilitation of the disabled, Grameen Awas Yojana (Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awaas Yojana - Wikipedia), Anotdya Yojana(Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Antyodaya Yojana - Wikipedia), J(Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana - Wikipedia)These are benefits that cannot be simply provided to people moving from other nations to ours. We are no longer a nation where the entire nation is in dire conditions. We are moving towards world dominance and these cannot come without policies that strengthen our border.This Youtube video might helpThese are high level reports. Ground reports from friends ( I am from Tripura ) is that there were a large number of migrants who were returning back to Bangladesh since the new laws have formed. The fear of detention is a deterrence that does not need to be explained to the ones who already know it.They did a report on it already in BBC Bangladesh. The situation inside Bangladesh and the religious persecution is something, the media says, India should not embarrass Bangladesh with, but if you were to read the case of the bloggers and poets who were hacked to death within meters of the Police Stations in Dhaka, you will realize the depth of their intolerance.Please see this documentary by Richard BenkinI have sisters, who have escaped and moved to Calgary or Montreal and I know the plight second hand. But the liberals in India don’t have time to listen to this. I have heard Arundhati Roys interview by Mehdi Hasan and it was pretty good and she had her facts clear about India, but some how, she has all the information about the neighboring nations all wrong. Right next door, is the entire nation of Bangladesh, that has been through so much. It is a nation that is stuck between identities and still, we Bengalis in India, seem to be benighted about it.5. Rise of nationalism and its future in IndiaThis is a topic very close to my heart. Is it only in India, that all of a sudden in the last 20 years, you see a rise in nationalism? Did the parties like BJP not exist since independence. What triggered their rise?Are we being controlled by such media outlets that have the power to change our outlook and our knowledge and make us nationalists all of a sudden?Here is the thing, do you read global media or only the national and local news. Since if you do not, we have a lot of hints lying across the world in this regard.Lets look at Europe:(The right-wing nationalists shaking up Europe)This is the latest report from Europe.Same with America(Imagining Post-Trump Nationalism)Let’s look at report on South East Asia. Here is a thing about South Asia. It is a Indianized zone from top to bottom.Read this to understand rise of nationalism in South East Asia.(How Did Nationalism Arise In Southeast Asia History Essay)When Saif Ali Khan recently mentioned that the idea of India is new. When leftist historians mention that the surge of Hinduism is a new thing and this identity is all being created to fight the world dominance of Abrahamic religions, it real hurts a singular nerve in us.(NS Essay - How the British invented Hinduism)When you travel the length and breadth of the nation. You will find string of uniformity all across the nation. Durga Puja is celebrated across the land in different forms, whichever directions you go. Vedas are called Veda’s whether in Gujarat or in Assam, in Tamil Nadu. Did you know that Gandhari, from Mahabharata was actually, from modern day Kandahar. Rukmini was from Arunachal Pradesh. ( Rukamani was one of 8 wives of Krishna ). Ghatotkach was the king of Nagaland. Chitrangada was from modern day Manipur.Kedarnath’s chief priest is from the Lingayat clan from Karnataka. Ras Leela is called Dandiya in Guajarat. Bodo’s in Assam are called descendants of Brahma.Burma is a country, which was called Brahma desh , Malaysia is a Sanksrit name, same with Singapore ( Singha Pur ). Thailand has a city called Ayuthuya. ( Ayodha ) . Laos and Vietnam have words from Pali and Sanskrit througout. Maldives is Mal dwip. From Pushkar, to Jorhat. From Rameswharam to Martand temple in Kashmir, it is all a single thread. From Nani ki temple in Balochistan, to Kamakhya in Guwahati. We are all one.Hinglaj Mata mandir - WikipediaImagine, deep inside, Baloch territory, this mandir exists.Garuda is the Indonesian Arilines. Garuda, was a mythical bird, part of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain mythology.(Garuda Indonesia - Wikipedia)Bali is an island. Remember, Bali and Sugriv from Ramayana. Sharada University was the biggest Hindu University in modern than Gilgit and Balatistan. Lahore is named after the name of Luv ( Ram’s son ).During Kumbh, when the illiterate sadhus take the dip in the Ganges, they take the name of all the rivers of India. The concept of India is far bigger than one or two historians can distort.My summary on this is, that the rise of nationalism is not isolated to India. With the proliferation of the net and digitization of records, the seeking soul in India, can now easily find access to documentation, books, and read and see youtube videos to quench his or her curiosity. We ware no longer tied to the NCERT syllabus or the paid propaganda that propagates Wendy Donniger, or Romila Thapar, Irfan Habib or Bipan Chandra. On the other hand, try reading Jadunath Sarkar, one of the best historians of all time, to understand the dichotomy and bias.We can now find documentation that is not politically correct. We read history from the excerpts of various intellectuals.International Solar AllianceInternational Solar Alliance and International Solar Alliance - WikipediaLots of people are unaware that after the United Nations, the largest body of countries that are part of any organization is the ISA. Today it has 121 member nations and India heads it.Back in 2015, in the Wembley Stadium (national football stadium for England ), Modi had announced the idea of the ISA. Today it is a reality. With an eye for 450GW power production by 2024, we are making decent progress on that front. This is a stupendous step from the day one. This is the direction of the future.Another important project that we should keep an eye on.Railways to run 100% on electricity by 2024, says GoyalReality of Infrastructure thoughIt is easy to find faults with the system, but we all know how these things go. When the Dhola Sadiya (Dhola–Sadiya Bridge - Wikipedia )bridge was finally completed in Assam. I was so disappointed to learn that the idea for the bridge was heralded back in the 90’s and then the construction was delayed for years. Having started planning back in 2003 it took 14 years to build. We believe India is making leaps and bounds in infrastructure, but the sad reality is that it takes ages still to get anything completed. This bridge was important for the national security apparatus and hence was till able to see the light of day.Is the government at fault here?I know it is not alone in this. NGO’s, Environment protection agencies with faulty financing models, agenda driven media and constant opposition, corrupt local builders, they are all involved. You could be a government bureaucrat, and getting direct orders from the center to carry out work and the approved budget as well, but how can you maneuver anything, when the corrupt union leader is simply stalling work. You simply cannot get workers to work for you. How can you make progress if the corrupt builders are stopping bricks from coming in by buying away the truckers. That is why the government that can complete any initiative is to be supported and congratulated. Every pregnant women, old sick man, an ambulance, that had to take a detour of 9 hours. Every death, is in the hands of those who stopped infrastructure. This is equivalent of murder. Same with the Polavaram Project. Now, it has been awarded a project of national significance and is near done. In July 1941, the first conceptual proposal on the instructions of S. V. Ramamurthy for the project came from the erstwhile Madras Presidency Can you imagine the slothness of ours ?Before we celebrate, we should learn one fact. China, though miles to go, was building a city the size of Chicago every 3 months. Their city of Chongqing has so many skyscrapers, that they dont have a count anymore. If you search for cities with the largest metro networks in the world, you will see that 5 of top 10 cities are in China. They are building a city twice the size of New York now. (China is building a brand-new city twice the size of New York City)And for 20 years they have just been doing this.You knew China's cities were growing. But the real numbers are stunningThe stunning numbers will floor you. Unless we hit things similar to this, you will not be meeting what you think is our ambition. That 2020, the idea of us being a super power. We are still flirting with the idea of it. The way the opposition and the left is playing with your minds, that is wrong. Nothing good has come out for the Nicaraguans, The Venezualeans (sitting on the largest known oil reserve on the planet ), the Romanians, the Cubans, sitting on communists agendas. For India to develop, we will have to take staunch action against communists. Any of your Bengali friends, teach you communism, send them to me. We can still salvage their brains for better purposes.When we were celebrating the 135 km stretch, it was way more celebration that we should be doing. These kind of things should become our DNA. We should be used to watching one inauguration of this statue per week at the very least.A quick thingDuring the rise of Congress (I), ( the one faction that Indira Gandhi broke out of the mother party after the death of her father Jawaharlal Nehru ), the left parties in India gave her external support. In reward, they asked for voting rights, administrative positions of repute institutions in India. That was the root cause of all the changes to course work and syllabuses in India. There was a small coterie of people who then started handling the narrative of India. All promotions in reputed institutions, all seats of power that can be the stamping authority on the history of India, were then hijacked by these handful of leftist intellectuals. With the new age of digital connectivity, a large number of documentation henceforth unseen, have suddenly become available. A lot of genocides, have been written off, a modified version of our past has been taught to us in our schools throughout. Our brains have become untrustful of new information and it will need some time to stabilize. But this new power of information is for the good of the nation. Leftism will see small surges, and will always be a placeholder, for the likeminded individuals. They should be allowed to hold their own echo chambers, discussions but never again, shall we allow them to capture our nations narrative.During the Mangalore Literary Festival 2016, an ex student of St Stephens, New Delhi, mentioned that she had to resort to leftist propaganda and to toe their line, in order to get any sort of cognizance in the elitist groups.Post the breakdown of USSR, there is no leftist that fights from the masses. They are not for the proletariat, but an elitist group that tries to get rid of any sort of nationalism and identity. This is what we have to fight. Please share accordingly, with people who can make sense of it. Not, to the people who cry foul for superfluous reasons.I have not even touched 10 % of all the aspects that I wanted to speak. Things like policy changes, infra, foreign relations, administrative changes, International Solar Alliance, handling United Nations. Already, people are not reading it whole, due to the length. May be some other post or towards the end of 2020, during the holidays. Anyways, we need not do anything till 2024

Is India changing?

Previous post (Parag Paul's answer to Is Modi really good for India?) was right before 2019 elections. Was a left minded person once, till I saw the real plight of Bengal.1. Clash of Civilizations . Samuel Huntington’s student Francis Fukuyama wrote a book back in the 90s called the ‘End of the History and the Last Man’. Now interestingly, he mentioned that with the end of the USSR, and the end of the cold war, the proliferation of the western liberal democracy will be over.In response to this book and in continuation of his thesis, Samuel Huntington, his teacher, came back with a counter argument. That book as we all know is what we call the ‘Clash of Civilizations’. It is a argument that piggy backs on top of the Jihad vs the McWorld philosophy.Clash of Civilizations - WikipediaThe book states, how in this era, the religious identities and cultural identities will remain as the strongest forces of clashes in the future as with knowledge proliferation and digitization, globalization would have caused stabilization across the nations.Now, here is the future that Modi is building. We have built a strong sense of nationalism that is not only common to India. It is pandemic and almost all nations, even the new ones like USA feel an urge for. I will paste all the examples in the end, where you can see that the neo-nationalism wave that you see in India and get confused, is not only in India. It is in all countries across the world and especially the post globalization wakeup call that has somehow permeated throughout.This clash of civilizations is for realYou will find examples of this in the following in Modi and Xi Xinping’s diplomacy. Two of the most important leaders of the world from a future perspective.Where was Modi taken for a visit, when he was in China, Xi Xinping smartly takes him to a place with a history of 2 millennia.PM Narendra Modi visits Terracotta Warriors Museum at Xi'an, ChinaAnd what is the history of this place. It was the army of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, that brought the country together in 221 BCQin Shi Huang - WikipediaThe world leaders are always met by Xi Xinping in Beijing. Why did this happen? Think for a while. Why is Modi treated differently ?See what Modi did here in return. There were no deals signed, no treaties discussed in Mahabalipuram. The opposition even went to the trouble of complaining about it. This is a simple clash of civilizations. What these temples, built in 7th century AD tell is that they they are dedicated to a civilizational aspect of India another few millenia old. You are looking at temples that carry the weight of the civilizational strength and identity of India.For a long time, India meant snake charmers to the world. There is a scene in Black Adder, where Rowan Atkinson will vilify his helper servant for his clumsy behavior using the words, “Even the Apes of Indus have mastered this art”, when he was trying to teach elementary mathematics to his servant Baldrick.Until Vivekananda’s speech in Chicago, the nation was still thought of as a land of feudal kings, who learnt a few tokens of civilized behavior during their education in western countries and the nation or population as a whole was culturally still evolving. The last century ended with India’s domination as the tech servicemen but not innovators. We are now in a century, where by manpower and innovation and individual success stories we can show to the world that we can solve global problems like energy and peace.The PM with his brilliant diplomacy is taking that image forward. All the attempts at Swachh Bharat, Fit Bharat are national awakenings. They are targeted towards fixing the national image.While a few detractors will cry foul at the breathing of our PM. When this happened.PM Modi says Indians were ashamed of their country before he assumed office; Twitter outrages, he is not lying.When he said, Indians are ashamed abroad, what he means is the following.‘Whenever we NRI’s see another Indian trying to cheat or haggle in a foreign supermarket, or cheat or abuse the VISA system, cheat the honor based marketplaces’, we are ashamed of not that individual, but the fact that the nation was not able to provide a holistic environment for an individual to not go that route. Whereas, religion or through other means, we were all brought up with the teachings that, “cheating is evil, guests are god, sharing is important”. I know that somewhere those years of teachings takes a backseat, when people enter the market forces, trying to feed their kids, their families and they turn towards normalizing such behavior. And once we develop, these will go away, but are we willing to go through the painful changes ?If one had enough while growing up, at least he or she will refrain from the hogging, haggling, hoarding, and other behaviors that do no conform to the western standards. I have seen kids from developed nations, feel that guilt in their eyes, when they grow up and see kids from underdeveloped nations. I have seen kids in affluence, but ignorance. What good do they know, having more toys than they can ever play. Having facilities for them in every nook and corner of the country. If we can provide for all in a sufficient manner, at least the kids of the nation, we can raise a nation that will learn to share and help each other. But people did not take Modi’s speech with coherent logic. All they wanted was to interpret it in a way that tarnishes image. As if, he said, Indians hate India, when they go abroad. That was indeed bad on the agenda driven media.People had issues with Modi’s Yoga campaign. That again, is clearly and attempt to let the western world know, that the views that they are going for like, Veganism, Fitness obsession were rooted in the ethos of us growing up in our culture, and the world is only now getting in to terms with that.The future is bright, if the message of Modi is put through. But the nations dialogue is severely damaged by liberals and their echo chambers. Clash of Civilizations is what we will see in the 21st century. India and China will become the top 2 countries by 2060 or 2070, but the ultimate winner will be the one with a larger cultural footprint. Our diversity is our biggest strength and this is the time to show it.2. Number One important lesson.Why India lacked in sport persons in other fields other than cricket for a long time? (Why Is India Bad at Sport?) Why do we expect some one from the extreme bottom of the society to come up, fighting dilapidated infrastructure and still show up with a medal in the tallies. Whereas the families that could at least begin to dream, the entire middle class did not dare to dream about sports. We still hail our Hima Das and Mary Kom but ignore the fact that there is a considerable section of the families that will stop their kids from playing, working on their physical fitness. The problem is the same with politics, as my friends say, while my mother used to stop me from playing and it was my father that used to plead not to discuss politics in college. The problem with politics is not when you talk about it, the problem is when you don’t talk about it. How many times has it happened that, while discussing something, a new idea has emerged. This is the rule of nature. While speaking, you are employing your creative and argumentative sphere of the brain. The more you discuss, the more you understand, the more collective and inclusive you become. The PM you have now, Narendra Modi, has introduced changes. Good or bad, he has made the people come out, discuss politics as never before. Every Friend list, every whatsapp group is not discussing narrow issues, but greater agenda. All of them are discussing what and how and when. Each one is educating the other. Divisions are happening between the left and the right. Faultlines are getting exposed. Kids are now able to see for things for their true merits. Educated people are able to clearly visualize how some historians and liberals have hijacked the identity of the nation in the past for their vested interests. Families are arguing. It is a nation that can change. We all know it and now can visualize it. Whether for the good or the bad, will be for time to tell.Here is one video, that I show to all to tell, how difficult it is for people to find the right shoe to fit for their legs, especially athletes. This is for running shoes. Wide feet, your tendons, your bone structure, BMI, your bone strength, cushioning, height, upper body, your endo or ecto morphism.(How Should Running Shoes Fit? | REI Co-op Journal) . How much of a science, sports has become ?How do you expect someone with that kind of technical support, scientific training, and facilities, fail in competition with someone barely having any facilities.Similarly, how do you expect kids who have been street goons for life, think of anything for the greater good of the nation. We still had some sense of proper leadership till the 70’s. Today , you go to any corner in the country, the political posters will spray paint the tree of local hooliganism. The top honcho is typically a contractor, or a builder. The next in line will be the right and left hands of these top guys. The bottom of the poster will be the gully goons. It is a simple picture. These are the people who will land up in the horse trading business. The will not have the interest of the people in their minds. Democracy exists and we have the right to vote them out, but they have nexus in between that people don’t see. Once you are the top, you never make permanent friendships, nor permanent enemies. This is the nature of politics today.And sports is not an element with single dimension.How fitness impacts the global economy, a country’s well being, whether sexual or mental. But we are expecting people without any access to such resources to compete against first world athletes who have remarkable exposure to such scientific measures. I once saw a video on how a swimmer cut his nails, as it was giving him an advantage of 0.2 seconds on mean.Similarly, we are asking, backstreet, alley street fighters to make economic policies, fight for the future of the nation, whereas they don’t even have basic scientific understanding of administration, management policies. Administration today is a multi faceted discipline. Not only does the person in command need to have good hold over the peoples need, demographics and history of the nation, his math skills, his ability to negotiate, bargain, understand and apply constructive criticism, managing meetings, being disciplined, listening to people, keeping up to date with latest technologies, all of these are simply parts of the whole package a good minister or any efficient people’s representative needs to have.But what we are allowing, is the mainstreaming of goonism and crony capitalism and then allowing them to run the nation.Not only should the middle class follow their passion, but the should try to make a change in society.As a result of this imbalance, what we have is. Garbage in, Garbage out. We need to talk about politics. Make it healthy to discuss it and follow it. Reputed families should think of having kids become politicians. Actively follow it and pursue it as a career.3. Now that you have read the abstract thesis, here are the objective analysis. What is the future of a nation with 130 crore people, with diversity and vastness that is unfathomable? There is no uniformity in thinking, no uniformity in cultural ethos. Going to Nagaland is as alien as visiting another South East Asian country. You will feel a cultural shock, studying in rural Tamil Nadu, if you are from Haryana. There is no one single solution that applies to the nation. Modi’s approach has been to stop overthinking and breaking the status quo. The example set, especially in 2019, are massive. We are looking at the following major tectonic changes that has happened this yeara. Going for the killIndian Air force did not enter Pakistani territory even during the Kargil war. Operation Safed Sagar, during the Kargil war was the last time IAF was in action. The first major scale of action by IAF since 1971. Even, then it was along the LOC and not violating the sovereignty of Pakistan.Operation Safed Sagar - WikipediaOver the years, BS Dhanoa, has officially confirmed that their requests to strike Pak was rejected in the past, after 26/11 , We do not have an army like that of Pakistan, where Rawalpindi takes the calls. Our army will not move an inch , until the civilian govt gives the green signal.The ability of a PM to take the calls, whether right or wrong is the first order of business in such situations. What comes next, is beyond the scope of humans. You cannot expect the PM to win the war, but his decisiveness displays the ability to make tough decisions. Objective is to answer in a language that your opponent can understand. This was a major shift in game. We have a ~55B$ budget for defense that cannot exist just for show. This was one such moment. If you are a logical detractor, you will come back with thousands of counter arguments on proof of Balakot strike etc. I don’t ask too many questions. I only ask 1 questionWhy on earth, did Pakistan barricade that area for 2 months?(Pakistan allows media to visit Balakot, tries to prove no lives were lost in Indian airstrike)What could be the reason ? The people in the sub-continent are far more smart than that to figure out what happened. Whether you are a bhakt, a liberal, a humanities student, you cannot simply deny this simple logic. If no damage, I would have shown the proof the very next day.(Govt rejected IAF proposal to strike Pakistan after 26/11: BS Dhanoa | India News - Times of India)(Indian Air Force is in the process of transformation: Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa)What I want to say here, is that the nations image is changing. No major nation can live for long without a strong security. International borders do change. Look at Yugoslavia, or USSR, or Crimea, or Congo. So thinking that nothing will happen to your nation, just because, you find the status quo comforting, does not mean, that will not happen to you.We will need to have strong men at the front. No matter what the softspoken, highly literate friends of your might say. We have to understand that we are dealing with other nations that might not have a mild climate like ours, fertile land like ours, or a great cultural up bringing like ours. These nations are far more fierce in their strategies. All of them plan for centuries in advance. The demographic wars do happen and sheep like us are kept wondering. The Taziks, the Uzbeks, when they attacked India repeatedly, they came with strategic barbarism. Nothing has changed. The modern day warfare has become civilized, only on paper.b. Chief of defence staffCDS is a position of significant importance. During the 1965 war, the Navy acted like an independent unit and did not want to take action during Operation DwarkaOperation Dwarka - Wikipedia (Operation Dwarka - Wikipedia)When you read about it, you will realize, how combined theatre exercises are necessary. You will have to go beyond my posts to realize the importance of this change in status quo. This government made some significant changes to the Defence procurement processes as well, during the time of Manohar Parrikar jee.Defence Ministry planning major changes in defence procurement; seeks to link offsets policy with 'Make in India' (Defence Ministry planning major changes in defence procurement; seeks to link offsets policy with 'Make in India')c. Lateral entry for Civil service to cabinetGone are the days, where the administrative services, could only dream of a secretary level position. We have learned and educated ministers in cabinet levels, who are lateral entries from Civil Services(Ex-Bureaucrats As Ministers: How Modi’s trust in civil servants is growing)The Lal Bahadur Shastri academy of Administrative services in Mussorie, where all civil servants start their careers, has a special energy. Folks who want to serve the nation, beyond just the secretary levels, can now dream of going all the way. S Jaishankar, Hardip Singh Puri and RK Singh, are from the IAS. Ajit Doval is an ex IPS.I simply hope that future governments will allow this to continued. Disinvestment of major Oil companies.(Government approves strategic disinvestment of BPCL, 4 other PSUs)There were provisions made during Emergency during Indira Gandhi’s time, that did not allow disinvestment of these companies. The nationalization was well backed and strongly codified during the emergency. Modi government back in 2016, one lazy afternoon had removed some 1700 laws during one single monsoon session of the Parliament. Those laws being removed was the most important step in allowing disinvestment now. Government has no business in the business of business. It has to be the motto of all governments.e. Article 370Not much to say here. The entire nation accepted it. It has been more than 120 days now, and it sounds like a well thought of action plan.f. Ram MandirEven though, detractors will keep saying that the government did not have anything in this matter. It was the Supreme Court that took all the decisions. We have examples of Rajiv Gandhi government turning back Supreme Court judgement of Shah Bano incident in the past. So you have to realize the importance of having a strong government in the center(Who really influenced Rajiv Gandhi to act against Shah Bano judgment?)See this interview as well. Here Arif Mohammad Khan will explain in detail, how that happened and how he had resigned from the cabinet in protest. One of the best interviews yet.g. Triple TalaqOne thing everybody needs to realize is that All India Muslim Personal Law Board is not an elected body.All India Muslim Personal Law Board - Wikipedia (All India Muslim Personal Law Board - Wikipedia)You will see that it is a private organization. This is the sad part. They might not be representing the voice of all the muslims in India. Triple Talaq had to be removed and criminalized. I saw Burkha Dutts interview of Arif Mohammad Khan on this. That interview will teach us a lot about the ridiculousness of it all.Similarly, their are other aspects of the religion that are only there to mirror the Arab culture. I even saw one of the CNNs top newsreader, Christina Amapours interview of the Mohammad Bin Salman, where MBS clearly says, that this apparel, the Burqha is a pure cultural aspect of Saudi Arab and has nothing to do with the other nations. But somehow the wannabe Arabs have adopted a things that have no basis for them and is not deeprooted in the religion. We will have to understand importance of this move by government in the context of this century and coming.("I did what I had to do": A Saudi minister was forced to listen to CNN's Christiane Amanpour as she recounted the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi)See the full interview and see the parts, where Amanpour had drilled the Sultan on women’s rights.h. Lateral entry into civil servicesDue to a lot of pressures and family situations, a lot of passionate people cannot crack into IAS and civil services early in their lives.Nine from outside the IAS set to become joint secretaries in government (Nine from outside the IAS set to become joint secretaries in government)The current govt is trying its best to bring the best of the best from across the spectrum. These are the changes that will have huge impact for our future.4. Understanding the importance of Protecting our borders For a nation as big as ours any socialist action takes a humongous budget. Where does the budget come from.Direct and indirect taxes.For a nation that is providing some thing as big as the Ayushman Yojana, India needs to have a clear number of heads, that it needs to support. If you are not planning to succeed, you are planning to fail. This has been the approach for so long. We grew up listening about health care in developed countries and how the governments and public provided health facilities were enough for the people. When that is coming to India, we are not willing to take the strong steps necessary to make sure that the accounted head counts are legitimate.Check the National Portal of India (National Portal of India) for a list of such initiativesFor such massive projects, one will need to limit the number of people it can sustain, we cannot be a porous border.Deendayal Scheme for rehabilitation of the disabled, Grameen Awas Yojana (Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awaas Yojana - Wikipedia), Anotdya Yojana(Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Antyodaya Yojana - Wikipedia), J(Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana - Wikipedia)These are benefits that cannot be simply provided to people moving from other nations to ours. We are no longer a nation where the entire nation is in dire conditions. We are moving towards world dominance and these cannot come without policies that strengthen our border.This Youtube video might helpThese are high level reports. Ground reports from friends ( I am from Tripura ) is that there were a large number of migrants who were returning back to Bangladesh since the new laws have formed. The fear of detention is a deterrence that does not need to be explained to the ones who already know it.They did a report on it already in BBC Bangladesh. The situation inside Bangladesh and the religious persecution is something, the media says, India should not embarrass Bangladesh with, but if you were to read the case of the bloggers and poets who were hacked to death within meters of the Police Stations in Dhaka, you will realize the depth of their intolerance.Please see this documentary by Richard BenkinI have sisters, who have escaped and moved to Calgary or Montreal and I know the plight second hand. But the liberals in India don’t have time to listen to this. I have heard Arundhati Roys interview by Mehdi Hasan and it was pretty good and she had her facts clear about India, but some how, she has all the information about the neighboring nations all wrong. Right next door, is the entire nation of Bangladesh, that has been through so much. It is a nation that is stuck between identities and still, we Bengalis in India, seem to be benighted about it.5. Rise of nationalism and its future in IndiaThis is a topic very close to my heart. Is it only in India, that all of a sudden in the last 20 years, you see a rise in nationalism? Did the parties like BJP not exist since independence. What triggered their rise?Are we being controlled by such media outlets that have the power to change our outlook and our knowledge and make us nationalists all of a sudden?Here is the thing, do you read global media or only the national and local news. Since if you do not, we have a lot of hints lying across the world in this regard.Lets look at Europe:(The right-wing nationalists shaking up Europe)This is the latest report from Europe.Same with America(Imagining Post-Trump Nationalism)Let’s look at report on South East Asia. Here is a thing about South Asia. It is a Indianized zone from top to bottom.Read this to understand rise of nationalism in South East Asia.(How Did Nationalism Arise In Southeast Asia History Essay)When Saif Ali Khan recently mentioned that the idea of India is new. When leftist historians mention that the surge of Hinduism is a new thing and this identity is all being created to fight the world dominance of Abrahamic religions, it real hurts a singular nerve in us.(NS Essay - How the British invented Hinduism)When you travel the length and breadth of the nation. You will find string of uniformity all across the nation. Durga Puja is celebrated across the land in different forms, whichever directions you go. Vedas are called Veda’s whether in Gujarat or in Assam, in Tamil Nadu. Did you know that Gandhari, from Mahabharata was actually, from modern day Kandahar. Rukmini was from Arunachal Pradesh. ( Rukamani was one of 8 wives of Krishna ). Ghatotkach was the king of Nagaland. Chitrangada was from modern day Manipur.Kedarnath’s chief priest is from the Lingayat clan from Karnataka. Ras Leela is called Dandiya in Guajarat. Bodo’s in Assam are called descendants of Brahma.Burma is a country, which was called Brahma desh , Malaysia is a Sanksrit name, same with Singapore ( Singha Pur ). Thailand has a city called Ayuthuya. ( Ayodha ) . Laos and Vietnam have words from Pali and Sanskrit througout. Maldives is Mal dwip. From Pushkar, to Jorhat. From Rameswharam to Martand temple in Kashmir, it is all a single thread. From Nani ki temple in Balochistan, to Kamakhya in Guwahati. We are all one.Hinglaj Mata mandir - WikipediaImagine, deep inside, Baloch territory, this mandir exists.Garuda is the Indonesian Arilines. Garuda, was a mythical bird, part of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain mythology.(Garuda Indonesia - Wikipedia)Bali is an island. Remember, Bali and Sugriv from Ramayana. Sharada University was the biggest Hindu University in modern than Gilgit and Balatistan. Lahore is named after the name of Luv ( Ram’s son ).During Kumbh, when the illiterate sadhus take the dip in the Ganges, they take the name of all the rivers of India. The concept of India is far bigger than one or two historians can distort.My summary on this is, that the rise of nationalism is not isolated to India. With the proliferation of the net and digitization of records, the seeking soul in India, can now easily find access to documentation, books, and read and see youtube videos to quench his or her curiosity. We ware no longer tied to the NCERT syllabus or the paid propaganda that propagates Wendy Donniger, or Romila Thapar, Irfan Habib or Bipan Chandra. On the other hand, try reading Jadunath Sarkar, one of the best historians of all time, to understand the dichotomy and bias.We can now find documentation that is not politically correct. We read history from the excerpts of various intellectuals.International Solar AllianceInternational Solar Alliance and International Solar Alliance - WikipediaLots of people are unaware that after the United Nations, the largest body of countries that are part of any organization is the ISA. Today it has 121 member nations and India heads it.Back in 2015, in the Wembley Stadium (national football stadium for England ), Modi had announced the idea of the ISA. Today it is a reality. With an eye for 450GW power production by 2024, we are making decent progress on that front. This is a stupendous step from the day one. This is the direction of the future.Another important project that we should keep an eye on.Railways to run 100% on electricity by 2024, says GoyalReality of Infrastructure thoughIt is easy to find faults with the system, but we all know how these things go. When the Dhola Sadiya (Dhola–Sadiya Bridge - Wikipedia )bridge was finally completed in Assam. I was so disappointed to learn that the idea for the bridge was heralded back in the 90’s and then the construction was delayed for years. Having started planning back in 2003 it took 14 years to build. We believe India is making leaps and bounds in infrastructure, but the sad reality is that it takes ages still to get anything completed. This bridge was important for the national security apparatus and hence was till able to see the light of day.Is the government at fault here?I know it is not alone in this. NGO’s, Environment protection agencies with faulty financing models, agenda driven media and constant opposition, corrupt local builders, they are all involved. You could be a government bureaucrat, and getting direct orders from the center to carry out work and the approved budget as well, but how can you maneuver anything, when the corrupt union leader is simply stalling work. You simply cannot get workers to work for you. How can you make progress if the corrupt builders are stopping bricks from coming in by buying away the truckers. That is why the government that can complete any initiative is to be supported and congratulated. Every pregnant women, old sick man, an ambulance, that had to take a detour of 9 hours. Every death, is in the hands of those who stopped infrastructure. This is equivalent of murder. Same with the Polavaram Project. Now, it has been awarded a project of national significance and is near done. In July 1941, the first conceptual proposal on the instructions of S. V. Ramamurthy for the project came from the erstwhile Madras Presidency Can you imagine the slothness of ours ?Before we celebrate, we should learn one fact. China, though miles to go, was building a city the size of Chicago every 3 months. Their city of Chongqing has so many skyscrapers, that they dont have a count anymore. If you search for cities with the largest metro networks in the world, you will see that 5 of top 10 cities are in China. They are building a city twice the size of New York now. (China is building a brand-new city twice the size of New York City)And for 20 years they have just been doing this.You knew China's cities were growing. But the real numbers are stunningThe stunning numbers will floor you. Unless we hit things similar to this, you will not be meeting what you think is our ambition. That 2020, the idea of us being a super power. We are still flirting with the idea of it. The way the opposition and the left is playing with your minds, that is wrong. Nothing good has come out for the Nicaraguans, The Venezualeans (sitting on the largest known oil reserve on the planet ), the Romanians, the Cubans, sitting on communists agendas. For India to develop, we will have to take staunch action against communists. Any of your Bengali friends, teach you communism, send them to me. We can still salvage their brains for better purposes.When we were celebrating the 135 km stretch, it was way more celebration that we should be doing. These kind of things should become our DNA. We should be used to watching one inauguration of this statue per week at the very least.A quick thingDuring the rise of Congress (I), ( the one faction that Indira Gandhi broke out of the mother party after the death of her father Jawaharlal Nehru ), the left parties in India gave her external support. In reward, they asked for voting rights, administrative positions of repute institutions in India. That was the root cause of all the changes to course work and syllabuses in India. There was a small coterie of people who then started handling the narrative of India. All promotions in reputed institutions, all seats of power that can be the stamping authority on the history of India, were then hijacked by these handful of leftist intellectuals. With the new age of digital connectivity, a large number of documentation henceforth unseen, have suddenly become available. A lot of genocides, have been written off, a modified version of our past has been taught to us in our schools throughout. Our brains have become untrustful of new information and it will need some time to stabilize. But this new power of information is for the good of the nation. Leftism will see small surges, and will always be a placeholder, for the likeminded individuals. They should be allowed to hold their own echo chambers, discussions but never again, shall we allow them to capture our nations narrative.During the Mangalore Literary Festival 2016, an ex student of St Stephens, New Delhi, mentioned that she had to resort to leftist propaganda and to toe their line, in order to get any sort of cognizance in the elitist groups.Post the breakdown of USSR, there is no leftist that fights from the masses. They are not for the proletariat, but an elitist group that tries to get rid of any sort of nationalism and identity. This is what we have to fight. Please share accordingly, with people who can make sense of it. Not, to the people who cry foul for superfluous reasons.I have not even touched 10 % of all the aspects that I wanted to speak. Things like policy changes, infra, foreign relations, administrative changes, International Solar Alliance, handling United Nations. Already, people are not reading it whole, due to the length. May be some other post or towards the end of 2020, during the holidays. Anyways, we need not do anything till 2023.

Is the LDS church ecumenical?

Joseph Smith tolerant of all“If I esteem mankind to be in error, shall I bear down on them? No. I will lift them up, and in their own way too, if I cannot persuade them my way is better. I will not seek to compel any man to believe as I do, only by force of reasoning, for truth will cut its own way. Do you believe Jesus Christ and the gospel of salvation which he revealed? So do I. Christians should cease wrangling and contending with each other, and cultivate the principles of union and friendship. I am just as ready to die defending the rights of a Presbyterian, a Baptist, or a good man of any other denomination.” (Joseph Smith, Sermon 1843, quoted by Southern Baptist Minister Dr Lynn Ridenhour in a YouTube video)President Brigham Young also established cordial relations with other Christian denominations:He intervened on behalf of Father Edward Kelly to resolve a disputed title to Catholic Church property in Salt Lake City;He donated land in Salt lake City to the Episcopalian Church for the building of a church and donated money out of his own pocket to assist with the construction.President David O. McKay was always kind and respectful to people of other faiths, and he praised the good work of all churches.However, he was firm in his testimony that the fulness of the gospel is found only in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To teach the importance of obeying the principles and ordinances of the restored gospel, he spoke of membership in the Church as citizenship in a great kingdom:“All churches and all creeds contain some good which lead toward the kingdom of our Father; but to become a citizen of that kingdom everyone must conform to the requirements made by the King. Indeed, there is only one way in which entrance into the Church of Jesus Christ may be obtained, and that is the way marked out by Jesus Christ, the Lord. ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.’ (John 14:6.)Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay, Chapter 21, Introduction© 2019 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. (IRI)President McKay had many inter-denominational friendships that paved the way for inclusiveness and ecumenical equality. He had his own vision of a much wider, friendlier world.“There is a genuine affection between members of the Church and non-members. How did it come about? When you get to know a fellow, chances are you’ll get to like him too.” [1]His friendships included·Episcopal Bishop Arthur W. Moulton;·Rev. Warren Bainbridge of the First Methodist Church of Salt Lake City;·Rev. A. Cadman Garretson of Trinity Presbyterian Church of Ogden to whom President McKay gave a Latter-day Saint contribution that allowed the completion of a church remodeling project;·Catholic Bishop Duane Hunt;·Dr Israel Goldstein, president of the American Jewish Congress; and·Joseph Rosenblatt, a Jewish industrialist and Salt Lake City resident.Defining the doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the domain of the Church’s President-Prophet. President David O. McKay was not fearful of the Church suffering from listening to or reading news with which they did not agree. President McKay made no secret of his passion for free agency (i.e., free will), speaking frequently on the subject in public settings.President McKay stated that all organizations, both governments and even churches, ran the risk of depriving their members of free agency, and his comments to this effect still stand as a timely warning to members of The Church of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Footnote [1]David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism, Gregory A. Prince and Wm. Robert Wright, University of Utah Press, 2005, p.108. ISBN 978—0-87480-822-3Statement of the First Presidency RegardingGod’s Love for All Mankind(15 February 1978)The First Presidency (Spencer W. Kimball,N. Eldon Tanner, Marion G. Romney)Based upon ancient and modern revelation, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gladly teaches and declares the Christian doctrine that all men and women are brothers and sisters, not only by blood relationship from common mortal progenitors but as literal spirit children of an Eternal Father.The great religious leaders of the world such as Mohammed, Confucius, and the Reformers, as well as philosophers including Socrates, Plato, and others, received a portion of God’s light. Moral truths were given to them by God to enlighten whole nations and to bring a higher level of understanding to individuals.The Hebrew prophets prepared the way for the coming of Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, who should provide salvation for all mankind who believe in the gospel.Consistent with these truths, we believe that God has given and will give to all peoples sufficient knowledge to help them on their way to eternal salvation, either in this life or in the life to come.We also declare that the gospel of Jesus Christ, restored to His Church in our day, provides the only way to a mortal life of happiness and a fulness of joy forever. For those who have not received this gospel, the opportunity will come to them in the life hereafter if not in this life.Our message therefore is one of special love and concern for the eternal welfare of all men and women, regardless of religious belief, race, or nationality, knowing that we are truly brothers and sisters because we are sons and daughters of the same Eternal Father. (“God’s Love for All Mankind,” First Presidency Statement, 15 February 1978)President Gordon B. Hinckley, former Apostle, and Prophet-President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:“We can respect other religions and must do so. We must recognize the great good they accomplish. We must teach our children to be tolerant and friendly toward those not of our faith. We can and do work with those of other religions in the defense of those values which have made our civilization great and our society distinctive…” (General Conference, April 1998)Of Rights and Responsibilities: The SocialEcosystem of Religious FreedomBy Elder Patrick Kearon of the Presidency of the SeventyThis talk was a keynote address at the Religious Freedom Annual Review at Brigham Young University on June 19, 2019.Healthy societies run on trust, confidence and a sense of safety. With freedom of religion and belief, people feel safe in their deepest convictions and can express and exercise them publicly. The great enemy of religious freedom is estrangement and alienation. When a society or government divides people based on what they believe, how they think, the words they say, whom they worship or the manner in which they worship, common ground is lost, and life together becomes a battle. The test of a pluralistic society is to achieve unity without diminishing the diversity within it.Religious freedom means nothing if you protect your own religious practice while neglecting the practice of others, especially those who might be less secure and able to defend themselves. It only works if you protect the rights of everyone. As Elder D. Todd Christofferson, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has said, religious freedom is important precisely because it gives everyone — religious or not — the “space to determine for ourselves what we think and believe.”[1] In terms of numbers and inherited culture, the United States has a Christian majority, but unless it honors the lawful practices of Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Native American religions and everyone else, including individuals and groups who profess no faith at all, it will fail to live up to its own ideals. [2]Footnote [1] “A Celebration of Religious Freedom,” interfaith address in São Paulo, Brazil, April 29, 2015.[2]Pew Research Center on Religion and Public Life, Religious Landscape Study, 2019, Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics.© 2019 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. (IRI)PART 11: ECUMENICAL OUTREACH (CONT’D)For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, ecumenism is about Christ-like love for our brothers and sisters with whom we share this Earth as children of our Heavenly Father, and performing acts of service to and with, these brothers and sisters.Topic: How Church Donations Are UsedMembers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints endeavor to follow the Savior’s admonition to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, take in the stranger, clothe the naked and visit the sick and those in prison (see Matthew 25:35–36). Millions of people have benefited from temporal and spiritual assistance through humanitarian and welfare donations.Breakdown of DonationsThe following are some of the ways in which Latter-day Saint resources and donations are used.TithingIn keeping with the biblical practice of tithes, Latter-day Saints offer one-tenth of their income to the Church. These funds are used to:·Provide buildings or places of worship for members around the world.·Provide education programs, including support for Church universities and seminary and institute programs.·Support the Church’s worldwide missionary program.·Build and operate temples around the world and administer the world’s largest family history program.·Support the Church’s welfare programs, which serve people around the world regardless of religion, nationality or race.Note: Not all Christian denominations tithe. Mostly because Tithing is taught in the Old Testament, many people, not fully understanding the book Acts [of the Apostles], think that it is not part of the New Covenant. Tithing was taught at early Christian church councils, including the Council of Tours in 567, as well as the Third Council of Mâcon in 585.Those who teach tithing TODAY include:·Joseph Prince (Joseph Prince is the evangelist and senior pastor of New Creation Church based in Singapore. He was one of the church's founders in 1983) Wikipedia RETRIEVED Friday 13/03/2020. At the end of each television program there is an announcement that tithes should be paid to your local church;·Joyce Meyer (Joyce Meyer Ministries, Enjoying Everyday Life, Hand of Hope. Joyce Meyer is an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Joyce and her husband Dave have four grown children, and live outside St. Louis, Missouri. Her ministry is headquartered near the St. Louis suburb of Fenton, Missouri.) Wikipedia RETRIEVED Friday 13/03/2020·Seventh Day Adventists;·Congregationalist Churches;·Methodist Churches;·The former Worldwide Church of God (WCG). There was a major schism in 1995, and from what I have read, The Restored Church of God led by David C. Pack as Pastor General is the correct successor to Herbert W. Armstrong.·Rev. Lovejoy of The First Church of Springfield in The Simpsons animated TV show, reminded his congregation that “tithing is based on ten percent (10%; 1/10) of a person’s gross income before tax.Fast OfferingsOn the first Sunday of the month, members of the Church in good health are encouraged to fast for two consecutive meals and donate generously to the Church the money they would have spent on food. These funds help those in local congregations, where Latter-day Saint leaders confidentially allocate funds to those in need, with the ultimate goal of self-reliance.Humanitarian AidLDS Charities, the nonprofit humanitarian arm of the Church, focuses on relieving suffering, fostering self-reliance and providing opportunities for service for people around the world regardless of religion, nationality or race. It sponsors ongoing initiatives such as maternal and newborn care, immunization, clean water, vision care, wheelchairs, refugee response and emergency and disaster relief throughout the world.When a disaster strikes, Latter-day Saints work with local Church leaders, government officials and trusted partners to determine what supplies and food are needed. Materials are then purchased or assembled locally or shipped from Latter-day Saint storehouses. After urgent needs are met, the Church looks for additional ways to aid in long-term efforts.One hundred percent of donations are used for humanitarian efforts. The Church absorbs its own overhead costs and utilizes a global network of volunteers who generously contribute their time and expertise. Volunteers often live in the communities in which they serve.Welfare ProgramLatter-day Saints contribute to the welfare program, which is primarily designed to care for the needy within the stewardship of the Church. At the discretion of bishops, local funds can, where possible, assist others in need who are not of our faith. Individuals typically depend on the Church’s food assistance for a few weeks to several months before they become self-sufficient once again. In addition to meeting the need for food, clothing and shelter, the program provides vocational rehabilitation and employment opportunities for citizens, immigrants and refugees. The approach is to help people become self-reliant by teaching skills and providing resources for a self-sustained life.PHOTO CAPTION: Elder Adrián Ochoa, president of the Central America Area, assists in volcano relief efforts at a collection center in Guatemala City, Monday, June 4, 2018. © 2018 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Perpetual Education FundDonations to the Perpetual Education Fund support Latter-day Saints in nearly 70 countries outside the United States to help them afford technical or vocational education. Loans are granted at minimal interest, and participants do their best to repay the loan as soon as possible to become free of debt and to enjoy greater self-reliance. Repayments from existing participants and donations are used to make new loans to qualified students. Since the start of the PEF program in 2001, over 90,000 loans have been offered in nearly 70 countries around the world. Donations to the Perpetual Education Fund also help support individuals in 130 countries to become more self-reliant through courses focused on getting an education, finding a job, improving finances and starting or growing a business.LDS Family ServicesLDS Family Services draws on charitable donations to offer counseling services related to addiction recovery, familial conflict resolution, abuse and other issues for individuals, couples and families.Helping HandsThe Church sponsors the Helping Hands program, which brings together members of the Church and their neighbors to provide community service all around the world. In recognizable yellow shirts or vests, tens of thousands of volunteers help people whose lives have been affected by disasters or other emergencies. Volunteers also partner with government and nonprofit organizations to support and improve the communities where they live; they clean parks, restore public structures and perform various other community services. Originally started in South America, the program has since spread to nearly every corner of the earth. Hundreds of thousands of Latter-day Saints and other volunteers have donated millions of hours of service to their communities through this program.Other DonationsLatter-day Saints strive to follow the scriptural counsel to be “anxiously engaged in a good cause” (D&C 58:27). There are many opportunities for service outside of what the Church provides, such as those found on JustServe. The Church encourages its members to be generous with their time and resources in any way they can.Additional Resources·LDS Charities·Pacific Tonga eggs·Ixhautan working.jpg·Bishop Davies in Puerto Rico·Penn Research Shows That Latter-day Saints Are Generous and Active in Helping Others·Commentary: Publicizing Good WorksRelated TopicsWelfare and Self Reliancehttps://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/humanitarian-aid-welfare-services-breakdown-donations-costs-resourcesRETRIEVED Friday 13/03/2020Topic: Humanitarian ServicesCaring for the poor and needy is a foundational belief of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Built on the principles of personal responsibility, community support, self-reliance and sustainability, humanitarian efforts are designed to give individuals and communities the tools they need to improve their own circumstances in permanent and meaningful ways.Humanitarian service may include emergency response to natural or man-made disasters. It may also be part of a longer-term effort to meet serious and more entrenched human needs, such as alleviating disease.LDS Charities, the humanitarian arm of the Church, was created in 1985 in response to the Ethiopian famine. The Church called for a special fast and monetary donation among its membership. Since then, the Church has responded to many other needs around the world.When a disaster strikes, Latter-day Saints work with local Church leaders, government officials and trusted partners to determine what supplies and food are needed. Materials are then purchased or assembled locally or shipped from Latter-day Saint storehouses. After urgent needs are met, the Church looks for additional ways to aid in long-term efforts.A woman In Hyderabad, India, receives eye care from LDS Charities volunteers. © 2018 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. vision-care-india.JPGClean water in Nigeria © 2018 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Humanitarian efforts are also supported through nine signature programs of LDS Charities:Food Security: Benson Food (President Eisenhower appointed Ezra Taft Benson as Secretary of Agriculture. [Elder] Benson accepted with the permission and encouragement of church president David O. McKay; Benson therefore served simultaneously in the United States Cabinet and in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles). Ezra Taft Benson - WikipediaClean Water and SanitationCommunity ProjectsEmergency ResponseImmunizationMaternal and Newborn CareRefugee ResponseVision CareWheelchairsOne hundred percent of donations are used for humanitarian efforts. The Church absorbs its own overhead costs and utilizes a global network of volunteers, who generously contribute their time and expertise. Volunteers often live in the communities in which they serve.The Church also sponsors many other welfare and self-reliance programs, including vocational, rehabilitative, counseling and other services. This includes millions of hours donated by Latter-day Saint doctors, nurses and other Church members each year. Thousands of professionals and volunteers give freely of their time and means to those in need, with no expectation of praise, publicity or reward.https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/topic/humanitarian-servicesRETRIEVED Friday 13/03/2020Guiding PrinciplesLatter-day Saint Charities is founded on three guiding principles. These principles, based on our faith in Jesus Christ, empower individuals and families regardless of race, religion, or nationality.CARE FOR THOSE IN GREATEST NEEDWe are all connected and have a responsibility to care for people in need. In many instances, both immediate relief and long-term solutions are needed to help a community.PROMOTE VOLUNTEERISMWe all have gifts and talents to contribute. Through volunteerism, benefits come to those who give service and to those who receive service.INSPIRE SELF-RELIANCEEvery community has the talents and resources to find solutions to its needs. As individuals and communities become more self-reliant, they are equipped to solve challenges and lift others.THROUGH GENEROUS DONATIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS, LATTER-DAY SAINT CHARITIES HAS PROVIDED OVER $2.3 billion WORTH OF ASSISTANCE IN 197 countries SINCE 1985.2019 Annual Reports17 March 2020 - Salt Lake CityNews ReleaseLatter-day Saints Provide Disaster Relief to Tennessee Tornado VictimsIn mid-March, more than 1,200 helpers from Tennessee and Kentucky came to provide disaster cleanup, resources for victims, uplifting music and even photograph restoration.The deadly storm killed over three dozen people along its 50-mile path on March 2 and 3, 2020.“It’s like a war zone, seeing all the debris laying around,” described Randi Elliot, a local Latter-day Saint congregant who was affected by the storm.Elliot was sleeping when she first heard the tornado hit.“The window in our bedroom blew out,” she said. “We had glass everywhere … the house across the street was flattened.”“Until you see it when you’re there with your feet on the ground and you see the devastation up close, you have no idea how they lost so few people,” said Wendy Bird, president of a local Relief Society, an organization for Latter-day Saint women.Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints joined people of other religious and charitable organizations to repair damaged homes, distribute hygiene kits, cut down fallen trees and remove other types of debris.During the disaster relief effort, local Church meetinghouses were converted into command centers in the Nashville, Murfreesboro and Cookeville areas.Latter-day Saints also gifted storehouse supplies, including cleaning and hygiene kits, to local charities and government agencies.Among the Helping Hands volunteers who donated over 9,500 hours of cleanup time, some provided unique services.“I started a Facebook group called ‘Found in the Storm,’ and we made it a place where it’s just for photos and things to be found,” said Sadie Barrientos, a Helping Hands volunteer from Cookeville.According to Barrientos, Tennessee Tech University took interest in her efforts and decided to facilitate photography enhancement and digitizing.Barrientos explained that she’s not only looking for photos. “As volunteers are coming into the building, we asked them to collect … wedding dresses, baby hats, anything that we think is salvageable that could potentially be returned to the people who lost everything.”Among those providing unique services was Jane Turvaville, a volunteer from Cookeville. Turvaville is a pianist and was asked to provide music for those providing cleanup services.To accomplish this, volunteers painstakingly lifted a piano from one of the local churches into a trailer. They visited many different destination spots for Turvaville to uplift those who were assisting with the cleanup.“I played all kinds of hymns — Protestant hymns, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hymns,” Turvaville said.“Workers were there, and there were lots of them from all different faiths and with all different-colored T-shirts,” Bird said. “And they all expressed the desire to serve their Savior.”Latter-day Saints Provide Disaster Relief to Tennessee Tornado Victims17 March 2020 - Kangaroo Island, AustraliaNews StoryLatter-day Saint Charities Makes Significant Donation to Kangaroo Island ResidentsLatter-day Saint Charities, the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, made a significant donation to families and the community of Kangaroo Island, Australia on Saturday 14 March.The donation will help many who were seriously impacted by a major bushfire that recently burnt almost half the land mass of the island off the coast of South Australia.The Kangaroo Island “Ravine” fire tore through more than 200,000 hectares with a perimeter of over 600kms. First reported on 30 December 2019, the fire burnt for several weeks before it was brought under control. Two property owners were killed fighting the massive fire.A home on Kangaroo Island after fires ravaged the community in late 2019 and early 2020.Charred remains of a property on Kangaroo Island.Kangaroo Island, Australia. 14 March 2020.Missionaries in Adelaide Assemble Gift Wallets for Kangaroo Island FamiliesElder Ian S. Ardern Presents Donations to Kangaroo Island FamiliesChurch and community representatives participated in a humanitarian donation hand-over on Kangaroo Island on 14 March 2020. Island residents are are recovering from catastrophic fires in late 2019 and early 2020.It destroyed 65 homes on farm properties and other buildings. The world-renowned Flinders Chase National Park and its visitor centre, and many other tourism facilities were also affected.On Saturday 14 March 2020, Pacific Area President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Elder Ian S. Ardern, Sister Paula Ardern, Area Seventy Elder Paul N. Lekias, Sister Rebecca Lekias, Steven Petersen, Director for Temporal Affairs for the Pacific Area, and Sister LuAnn Petersen, travelled to Kangaroo Island to meet with Mayor Michael Pengilly and several families impacted by the fire. The visitors were accompanied by President Jason Ellis of the Adelaide Australia Marion Stake.Kangaroo Island Latter-day Saint Branch President, Shaun Hinves, and his wife Anthea, met the group and showed them around the island during the day. President Hinves, a professional bee-keeper, is one of many locals whose livelihood has been severely impacted by the fire.Elder Ardern presented 100 gift wallets to families who are recovering from the natural disaster. Within each wallet were three vouchers, each valued at $100, to be spent at the island’s hardware store, petrol station and supermarket. The wallets also contained several self-help ideas, and messages of love and support from missionaries from the Adelaide Australia Mission.Elder Ardern also presented four fully equipped trailers to Blaze Aid, a not-for-profit organisation whose volunteers repair rural fencing destroyed by natural disasters, to assist in their efforts.The Church had previously donated 10 semi-trailer loads of hay and water to farming families on the island.Mayor Pengilly was very appreciative of the donations, saying the items will have a major positive impact within his constituency.The Church leadership group visited two properties whose farms were significantly impacted by the fire. Mrs Paula Buck and her family lost two homes, several buildings, farm machinery and livestock to the fire.Paul Stanton’s family are well known farmers on the island, but also known for the work they do caring for injured wildlife. Even though their substantial stone home was destroyed, Paul and his family have maintained their care of local wildlife, some of which were injured in the fire.The visiting group saw the damage to the Stanton property firsthand, and also witnessed some of the great work they are still doing to care for injured animals.Elder Ardern was moved by the resilience of the families and their ability to rebound after the devastating effects of the fire. He said he was grateful that he and others were able to visit the island and that the Church could bring some relief through the generosity of Church members worldwide.Latter-day Saint Charities Makes Significant Donation to Kangaroo Island ResidentsEmergency Relief Efforts and Hope During COVID-1920 March 2020In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people around the world are in need of help, supplies, and support. At Latter-day Saint Charities, we believe that there is hope and that the best way to cope with emergency situations is to help each other. We are working closely with our partners worldwide to provide emergency relief and hope to those in need.COVID-19 Emergency Response EffortsWe are currently providing support, supplies, and funding in Cambodia, China, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Italy, Iran, Japan, Mongolia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, the United States, and Vietnam.Efforts include providing medical and emergency supplies and commodities to healthcare professionals and patients. They also include training for healthcare professionals regarding physical, mental, and emotional support to those struggling. Funding and supplies are also being provided to help with the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.We are working with a variety of partners to maximize efforts in countries all over the world. As we monitor the situation worldwide, we will continue to evaluate new projects and provide help in additional places. We anticipate responding for months to come as families, communities, and nations band together to address the long-term effects of the virus. Strengthening and supporting each other long after the news cycle ends is part of the mission of Latter-day Saint Charities.Where the Church has canneries and food processing plants, production schedules have been adjusted to meet the increasing needs. The goods will be made available as needed to Church leaders, community agencies, school feeding programs, food banks, and other partners.Due to its global reach and long trajectory, this emergency is like no other. We are grateful for strong partnerships with governments, international non-governmental organizations, and the host of people around the world contributing to solutions. This event is more than any one organization can handle, and we thank all in the global community who have stepped up in positive ways to lift one another. We also thank the many thousands of people who donate to support the efforts of Latter-day Saint Charities. These donations allow us to respond immediately without any delay, and we are grateful for the generosity and trust of all who support these efforts.How You Can HelpAs an individual, you may be wondering how you can help during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular during this time, one of the best things you can do is be a good global citizen. Pay close attention to and follow the guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) to reduce the spread of the virus. Be good neighbors when shopping or using medical resources. Check on neighbors and friends in appropriate ways for the situation in your community. Creatively use technology to help people stay connected and to keep spirits positive. This is a time when every person can do something, and kindness is evidence of who we really are.https://www.latterdaysaintcharities.org/blog/emergency-relief-efforts-and-hope-during-covid-19?lang=engLatter-day Saint Charities responds to coronavirus, assisting with commodities and financing worldwideUpdated 21 Mar 2020 12:27 pm MDTIn helping address global health concerns, Latter-day Saint Charities is assisting with commodities and financing worldwide — from Asia to North America and into Europe and the Middle East — while working with Church canneries and food-processing plants to help meet increased needs.In a post titled “Emergency Relief Efforts and Hope During COVID-19,” on the organization’s website, Latter-day Saint Charities acknowledged providing support, supplies and funding to date in Cambodia, China, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Italy, Iran, Japan, Mongolia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, the United States and Vietnam.That includes providing medical and emergency supplies and commodities to healthcare professionals and patients; training for healthcare professionals in offering physical, mental and emotional support to those who are struggling; and funding and supplies to help with the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.It also noted that the Church’s canneries and food-processing plants have adjusted production schedules to help meet increased needs, making products and goods available as needed to Church leaders, community agencies, school feeding programs, food banks and other partners.Latter-day Saint Charities’ work with partners worldwide maximizes its effort and reach, and the organization continues to evaluate new projects and consider help in additional locations.Inside a Church cannery in Harrisville, Utah. Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.“We anticipate responding for months to come as families, communities, and nations band together to address the long-term effects of the virus,” the post stated. “Strengthening and supporting each other long after the news cycle ends is part of the mission of Latter-day Saint Charities.”Latter-day Saint Charities expressed appreciation for its partnerships with governments, international non-governmental organizations and others contributing to solutions. The organization also thanked donors who contributed well before the pandemic ever began, allowing for funds and commodities to be available for immediate response, without delay.The post also listed ways individuals can help during the pandemic:Be a good global citizen.Follow World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines to help reduce the spread of the virus.Check on neighbors and friends in the community while practicing safe methods of interactions.Use technology to help stay connected and remain positive.“This is a time when every person can do something, and kindness is evidence of who we really are,” the blog post concluded.In its 2019 Annual Report released last month, Latter-day Saint Charities documented its efforts last year in 142 countries and territories. In all, Latter-day Saint Charities completed 3,221 projects working shoulder-to-shoulder with 2,000 partners.Emergency response efforts included 194 projects in 64 countries and territories, while international community projects totaled 994 in 107 countries and territories. Community projects in the United States and Canada were done in 42 states and provinces.Latter-day Saint Charities responds to coronavirus, assisting with commodities and financing worldwide

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