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How to Edit Your Basic Benefits Paid 100 Online

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  • Click the Get Form button on this page.
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How to Edit Text for Your Basic Benefits Paid 100 with Adobe DC on Windows

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  • Click the Select a File button and select a file to be edited.
  • Click a text box to modify the text font, size, and other formats.
  • Select File > Save or File > Save As to keep your change updated for Basic Benefits Paid 100.

How to Edit Your Basic Benefits Paid 100 With Adobe Dc on Mac

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  • Edit your form as needed by selecting the tool from the top toolbar.
  • Click the Fill & Sign tool and select the Sign icon in the top toolbar to make a signature for the signing purpose.
  • Select File > Save to save all the changes.

How to Edit your Basic Benefits Paid 100 from G Suite with CocoDoc

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  • Select the CocoDoc PDF option, and allow your Google account to integrate into CocoDoc in the popup windows.
  • Choose the PDF Editor option to move forward with next step.
  • Click the tool in the top toolbar to edit your Basic Benefits Paid 100 on the field to be filled, like signing and adding text.
  • Click the Download button to keep the updated copy of the form.

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Are there any positive benefits of laziness and procrastination?

By my estimation, I would be getting paid around $20,000 a year (commission factored in) to do precisely nothing and be super lazy.It was awesome. I liked it. I like doing nothing.For about 3 or 4 hours a week, sometimes, I would walk around Battery Park at the tip of Manhattan and do nothing.That was around $150-200 a week, right there.Some weeks I’d sit in the kitchen for 7-8 hours and stare off into the distance while people shuttered in and out and pretended to call people and do their job and be busy. I would do nothing in the kitchen, on most days.That was probably worth around $350-400 a week.One day I went to a local Lenscrafters without telling my boss and got an eye-exam, some contacts and a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee, and that took about two-hours. I basically did nothing there, too.I got paid $100 for that, and my company paid for the rest of my contacts, so that was basically like getting paid $220.I had mastered the art of doing nothing. It was brilliant.I wanted to run and tell my boss about my new shift in perspective and all of the nothingness I was doing and how he was paying me to do essentially that, but I quickly realized that he probably wouldn't have appreciated that.Coworkers would comment, because I’d gone from being someone who would grind 8-9 hours a day on the phones, to somebody who would pretty much take half of the day off and walk around in nature and sit around in the kitchen and do nothing half of the day, and people thought that was absolutely insane, but I still did okay.I had a coworker who would come up to me and ask, hanging out with the homies again, Kilcoyne even though I was hanging out with nobody and just blankly staring out the window, and, you guessed it, doing nothing. And I would laugh because it was funny.I’d be like, yeah, you caught me, dawg! and just continue staring out the window and doing nothing and appreciating life. Some days I felt like going to the museum and I probably should've, because nothing was insanely fun to do.And I was still getting paid, because I was on salary and because that’s how life works and because I was doing my job.But in those four or five or six (maybe) hours that I’d work, I was pretty productive, because I didn't really have much of a choice.There’s a lot of value in being lazy.The Absence of Busyness“They’re busy because of their own ambition or drive or anxiety, because they’re addicted to busyness and dread what they might have to face in its absence.” — Tim Kreider, We Learn NothingThere’s this strange notion in the world that time spent doing, regardless of how unfocused, tired or anxious/depressed you are is time spent being productive.Which, as with most things, is fundamentally bullshit.People are grossly unproductive most of the time, and the fact that people spent so much of their lives and energy simply sitting at a computer fiddling away on things that don’t matter is merely a reflection of how off-track we’ve gotten as a society.In fact, studies show that our productivity dips pretty hard in the early-afternoon, and peaks at around 10 a.m. If I ran a company (yeah, good point, I don’t) I’d probably send them home in the early afternoon and have them wrap up whatever else they need to get done at home and not care so much about the facade that is being in the office and looking productive (which is exactly what it is, a facade).We don’t focus on things that matter. Instead, we focus on things that make us seem busy. Like email and dumb meetings and more email.Good examples: staying in the office after five because there are still other people in the office, just to give off the vibe that, yeah, we work hard, and yeah, we get shit done, when, in reality, that’s just being wasteful with your time.It’s silly.I was the ultimate time-waster, way back when. I'd go into the office, slam my head against the computer for 8 or 9 hours and people would be like, kudos, you work so hard! and I'd want to shoot myself in the fucking face after an absurdly long commute back home.Guh.Laziness is SmartA few months ago, at an event I was hosting, a pretty crucial person to our show still wasn't there and our show was about to start in five minutes, and I started freaking the fuck out because I was like where is that person!?We had to delay the show 15-minutes in front of a few hundred people. It sucked.But I couldn’t do anything. So I did just that: nothing. I just kinda sat around and acted really lazy and procrastinated doing anything. And everything worked out. That crucial component showed up, we were able to get on with the show, and everything was fine. Nobody noticed. It turns out they had car trouble.Things happen.Doing nothing is pretty crucial. Here's how to do a lot of it. How to reconcile your laziness to get shit done:1. PrioritizeIf you read just about any interview, top-suggestion, expose, whatever, with any successful person, most of them will generally say something along the lines of, get the most important thing done first-thing. See: Tim Ferriss, Debbie Stier, James Clear, etc.Anyone, really.The truth is, days suck, friends suck and pretty much everyone else in your life (aside from yourself) doesn’t want you to be successful and do cool things, so they’re trying to sabotage you with their needs and their desires.If you get the most important thing out of the way first-thing in the morning, then you’ll have an entire day left in which you can do nothing — including those bullshit emails you have to get to, meetings to talk about drivel, phone calls to rehash what you already laid out in an email, your friends, etc.2. MeditateI think this is like the white-yuppie thing to do nowadays, but I’ve found it to be incredibly helpful, and studies show that it can have a pretty serious impact on anxiety, stress, etc.Sometimes I would sit at my desk, while make phone calls and just, like, meditate, and be zen, and Namaste, or whatever. Sometimes when I felt super stressed, I’d sneak away to an empty conference room and sit there and just meditate for like 10 minutes. Sometimes I’d feel better. Who knows, though.Meditation is essentially just that: the art of doing nothing. Of putting your phone on silent, ignoring all of the stupid thoughts that are running around your stupid, reactive head and just taking some deep breaths and not giving a fuck.I’m still terrible at it. You will be, too. But it's good for you.3. Don’t ReactJames Altucher used to have a lot of friends and money and a happy marriage and he wasn’t always depressed, then one financial crisis came and then he lost all of his money and then his friends and then his marriage and everything hit the fan.Now, he’s fine. He’s better. He’s a pretty prolific writer (especially on Quora) and he has some friends and is married.And he’s also a huge advocate for doing nothing. I pretty much stole his writing style.When you’re stressed or anxious. When you’re tired. When you’re paranoid. When you’re angry. When you have any sort of emotion that requires some sort of reaction, sometimes the best thing to do is nothing.Instead of reacting to everything which is far too typical of a response and kills our motivation and our energy and pisses us off, focus on unreacting. (Not a word, I know.) Of just sitting there and doing nothing and seeing what happens.Most things will be fine.Just chill.Be lazy.

Why are EMT/paramedics paid so little compared to other emergency personnel?

There is a really long answer to this question, but here is the abbreviated version: EMS has gotten themselves into the bad habit of selling something for less than it costs to make it.A modern ambulance costs around $250,000 for the truck and equipment. In an optimally functioning 911 system, the medics are sitting around about 60% of the time (yet the medics want to be paid 100% of the time) so that they're available when needed. About 25% of patients are not transported (and are generally not billed).So you have a system where you only see customers about half of the time, and 1/4 of those customers pay nothing. So you can see, once you add up all of the costs of salaries, benefits, training, equipment, radios, medicines, etc. you end up with a cost of about $800 per paying customer.Now there are two big public insurers: Medicare for the old and Medicaid for the poor. They add up to around 2/3 of all customers transported. The remaining 1/3 have private insurance or are self-pay. Medicare payment must be accepted by law. It pays $400 for an ambulance call. Medicaid pays about $125. So basically we lose between $400 and $675 for 2/3 of all calls. Self-pay (about 5%) are generally a lost cause.In the past, ambulance companies made up this difference by charging private insurance crazy amounts, like $2,000. But they can't make up the difference anymore as fewer people have private insurance.Now, Medicare would say “we pay the actual direct cost for taking that patient to the hospital”. And they do, but they expect the overhead costs to be paid for by local government. Sometimes they are, but more often they are not.Yet medics generally have no idea about the economics of ambulance work. They foolishly think having a degree would mean better pay. It wouldn’t. What would improve salaries is telling the state legislature that unless Medicaid covers the prorated cost of providing services, ambulance services are going to undertake a very public campaign to explain this to the public. If that doesn't work, a job action to refuse to transport Medicaid patients from hospitals, and so on….Scot

As a 30-year-old, what should be my financial investment status? I earn around 1L per month in hand. I don't own any property or medical insurance.

Financial Investment Status: What it could be to anyone? It can beAt any age when you are secured from uncertain and unforeseen risks of lifeAnd when you have some backing investments that i.e your Net worth apart from your regular incomeSo for a thirty year old guy these both things should be in placed to have a peaceful life.Financial Planning revolves round two main pillars i.e.a. Hedging from riskb. Long term wealth creation.Lets discuss both the pillars one by oneYou can hedge life risk with the help of different types of Insurances and setting up emergency fund.Insurance- As of now, You are unmarried or you are married and you may or may not have kids. If married and no kids Soon you will be starting your family. This is an ideal age of thinking of Insurance planning. It includes both Life and Health Insurance planning.Life Insurance: Term insurance is important If both of you are working, and If anything were to happen to either earning member, the family will be dire straits. Life insurance that too, enough TERM insurance plan will mitigate this risk. It is better to buy a pure term life insurance of at least 15-20 times of your yearly income. Never mix Investment and Insurance. This is the thumb rule of Financial Planning. Never buy Endowment, whole life, and Money back policies or even ULIPs. Just plain vanilla Term plan is enough for the insurance need.Health Insurance : Health cost is increasing at an alarming rate worldwide. Medical inflation is highest in India. Medical emergencies come unannounced. To get the best medical facilities without a financial burden you will need health insurance. Many times, the company’s group health insurance sum assured is not enough as well as If you lose your job, your group health cover is ceased. You will not be a part of that. So apart from the employer's health plan, extra health insurance can serve you as a cushion in the above-mentioned situations. One can buy a standalone health policy or family floater as a base plan added to the company’s health coverage. The additional super top-up plan can be purchased at a very reasonable rate.Buy accidental insurance of at least 10 times your monthly earning. Personal Accident Cover policy is important because it provides 4 basic benefits forThe accidental death benefit, : 100% Sum assured given. Sometimes 2X Sum assured paid if client opted that optionTotal permanent disability : 100% Sum assured given for the loss of both the limbs.Total temporary disability : arising out of accident insurance company provides for loss of income which is also called weekly benefit till you go back to work or up to certain term as per company policy.Partial temporary disability: % of SA will be given as per the insurance company’s policy.Emergency Fund- As you are young and getting regular pay you might never think of emergency fund requirements. However, after your marriage, you are not alone and hence your responsibilities towards family is more now. Any unplanned expenses may shoot up at any time. Hence, it is always better to create your emergency fund as a priority. Make sure to achieve this target of achieving as soon as possible.The quantum of an emergency fund should be at least 6 months of your expenses (Household monthly expenses, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, and General Insurance Premiums and any EMIs as well as expenses required for household consumer durables).This fund should be liquid enough to access easily when needed. Liquidity is the highest criterion.Whatever money we are keeping aside should always be safe to assure Capital Protection.This money can earn a reasonable return.Importantly If the fund is used then efforts must be made to replenish it as soon as possible. The adequacy of the emergency fund should also be periodically reviewed. It should be done annually or whenever there is a large addition such as an EMI, to the monthly expenses.Most preferred Financial Products used for Emergency Fund. are Bank saving account, Bank Fixed Deposit, Recurring deposits, Liquid Funds, Overnight funds, hard cash and (only in emergency) Credit card limitLong term wealth creation can be done by investing in different types of assets as per your life goals by following proper asset allocation with your risk profiling.Equity Mutual funds: Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)is the best vehicle to invest in mutual funds. Equity is the only asset class which can provide the highest return with a calculated risk in the long run.80% or 70% of your invested amount should be invested in Equity Asset Class in as per Core and Satellite Approach where 60% of Equity proportion goes to the Core part which provides stability and minimizes the downside risk of the market. Core portfolio includes good quality Large cap and Multicap funds which can generate 10 to 12% returns on SIP for the long term.Remaining 20 to 30% of Equity proportion should be invested in good quality in Mid and Small Cap as a Satellite portfolio which has the potential to generate 12 to 14% returns in the long term. This can add a kick to overall portfolio return.Direct Equity: Indian stock market has a huge potential. Indian companies are growing steadily. Many sectors are flourishing and expanding their businesses. Blue-chips are all time favorite. Top rated Stocks from 4/5 different blooming sectors will give a handsome return for the future. My advice that only invest in stocks from Bluechip companies. And invest in mid and small cap sector through mutual fund route for minimizing market risk.Debt : Invest remaining 20% or 40% of investible surplus in Debt for capital protection and guaranteed return. It works as a cushion for the market fluctuation. Debt investment provides capital protection and guaranteed return.Debt Mutual Funds: Invest in good quality Debt mutual fund. Debt investment provides capital protection and guaranteed return compared to equity. Volatility is less in Debt Mutual funds. Many times good quality balance fund has outperformed large-cap fund. A hybrid fund is also one of the options. SIP in Short term debt funds can be mapped for short term goals and long term debt fund for medium-term goal.PPF: Public Provident Fund. PPF is one of the best and safest long term investment options but with a locking period of 15 years. It is backed up by Government of India. It enjoys an EEE status.NPS, and EPF are also best debt vehicle for long term wealth creation.Bank Fixed deposits: Bank FDs are the most favorite investment options among Indians which provide guaranteed interest also principal is secured.Real estate: You can consider Real Estate at later stage once you have accumulated some liquid assets. Investment in commercial properties and land can be fruitful in the long run. There is regular income through rent and capital appreciation in the Commercial property market. Real estate is Income-Oriented asset as well as Growth Oriented asset class.Gold: You can consider Gold as an investment. Gold is a good hedge against inflation. You can have gold as 5 to 10% of your overall portfolio. Start buying 1 gm of gold every month. You can buy Gold ETFs or Gold bond. These are more liquid and safe than physical gold.So this way you can increase your Financial Investment Status day by day if you follow the discipline of long term investing.Happy investing !!

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