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Why do Serbs hate Germans?

I saw one very good tweet today, it just perfectly fits as a answer for this question."Everyone in the West is lying to us, only Germany is an open enemy."Serbs do not hate the German people. We’re not exactly crazy about them but we don’t hate them. When it comes to foreign policy, I would say that Germany is the only country that openly shows hostility towards Serbia, not a gram of respect for it. In my answers on the topics from the wars of the 90s, I pay a lot of attention to the USA, while in reality, Germany deserves much more attention. I even read somewhere that Germany wanted to ethnically cleanse all Serbs from Bosnia and create an ethnically clean Bosnia without Serbs (like they did in Croatia), but the United States did not allow it because it is allegedly too many people and a million people cannot be expelled just like that. There, so that I don't constantly demonize the United States, they had some good moments.Let's not forget what humiliating offers Germany offered to Serbia in exchange for the recognition of Kosovo and Metohija, which only shows the eyes with which official Germany sees Serbia today.Merkle offers EU for Kosovo? She will support 'minor border corrections' and guarantee Serbia accelerated EU accession. Gee, thanks, what would we do without EU?! 🙄Angela offers us a car factory for the recognition of Kosovo? In Berlin, they predicted a special status for Serbs in Kosmet and religious shrines, a possible referendum in 20 years, a way to the EU, an economic package with the "Volkswagen" factory. 🤡The government of the otherwise democratic Germany, today the leader of the European Union (EU), as well as the media of its mainstream, played the main role in the destruction of Yugoslavia, in causing damage to Serbia, in its denigration during the wars in the Balkans at the end of the 20th century and until now. Obviously under its influence, the otherwise truly democratic EU countries, especially the United States of America (USA) and the NATO organization, played their dirty role during that.How to explain this anti-Serbian activity of today's official Germany and the mainstream of its media? It is true that the Kingdom of Serbia (1914-18) and Yugoslavia led by Serbia (1941-45) twice successfully fought, with fears of losses, against the German aggressor, on the side of the Western allies and Russia. In both wars, Serbia helped a lot, so that Germany lost the war. Serbia - the Serbian people, have especially significantly contributed to the fact that Germany lost this bloodiest war so far for the second time, which was caused by Germany and its leader Hitler.NATO became, one might say, a criminal organization when, on the basis of fabrications, even outright lies about the genocide of Kosovo Albanians, it carried out aggression, without the approval of the UN Security Council, on March 24, 1999, against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ("Little Yugoslavia"). v. Serbia + Montenegro). NATO planes and rockets killed and destroyed 78 days and nights, mostly in Serbia.On the day of the tenth anniversary (2009) of the criminal NATO aggression against Serbia, the famous French General Pierre-Marie Gallois said:- "Today we remember a very sad anniversary, when 10 years ago Western democracies, led by Germany, England, America and France, bombed the state of Yugoslavia, in gross violation of international law, UN charter, Helsinki Act and directives on inviolability of borders, when without a decision of the Security Council and without consulting their own parliaments, they started the war. In short, this series of violence against international law is really a black spot on the moral image of Western countries. In addition, the Serbs managed to capture several German divisions, much needed on the front in front of Moscow, and later in front of Leningrad. So Berlin, at that time in fact Bonn, thought that the Serbian resistance had contributed to the fact that Germany had lost two world wars. The people should have been punished…. As point number two, it was necessary to reward Croats and Muslims, who joined Germany during the war… "Retired French Air Force General Pierre-Marie Gallois was a close associate of General De Gaulle and the initiator of the French nuclear forces. In his time, he represented one of the most important geopoliticians. His book The Blood of Oil (Le Sang du Pétrol - L’Age d’Homme, Lausanne, 1996) is well known. There are several sentences on the cover of the book, which show the content of the book.."As soon as the Berlin Wall was torn down in 1989, the whole country became a laboratory for building the" New World Order ". The peoples, freed from the yoke of communism, expected justice, understanding and help from the West. But disappointment soon ensued. By appropriating the role of representatives of the international community, America has imposed its ambitions on the whole world and Germany on Europe, often by force, but always with an excuse, to spread justice. "- "The wars in Iraq and the Balkans have shown the effectiveness of their coercive means. Today we know how to create conditions for successful warfare, how to slander the enemy with disinformation, increasing his mistakes… And finally how, without exposing ourselves to danger and without our own victims, to punish, destroy and kill in the name of justice and law. One new means of extortion has been added to the previous ones. And that is the International War Crimes Tribunal, whose goal is to influence the course of events by punishing the leaders of the revolt against the New World Order. In that court, prosecutors represent judges at the same time, and accusations have the significance of evidence. "But there is another event, which may have not only provoked, but also greatly increased German hatred and revenge against Serbs.In March 1941, almost all of Europe was under Hitler's boot.Only Churchill's Britain fought bravely, with the partial material help of Roosevelt's America. Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania joined the Triple Alliance (Berlin + Rome + Tokyo), and Germany, with gross threats, forced Yugoslavia to join the Triple Alliance. At the beginning of the year, there was a military mission of both Britain and the USA in Belgrade, and Roosevelt's friend Ad Hoc Colonel William Donovan was semi-legally present. Apart from money, Britain promised Yugoslavia hills and valleys, and the Air Force reported unrealistic numbers of British planes, tanks, and soldiers in Greece, which could allegedly help Yugoslavia. But, unfortunately, it soon turned out that, militarily speaking, these were all unrealistic numbers of Britain, which fought desperately, but in the end successfully.At that time, Hitler already had a devastating attack on the USSR, the so-called Barbarossa plan ready. The destruction of the USSR (Russia) was to begin with an unexpected mass attack on all fronts in mid-May 1941. The elite units of Hitler's Wehrmacht were already secretly preparing and concentrating for this attack.The president of the regent's council, Prince Pavle, otherwise a great anaglophile eventually agreed to Yugoslavia joining the Triple Alliance, in order to save Yugoslavia from destruction. Yugoslavia also became a member of that pact on March 25, 1941.The author's father was a representative for Yugoslavia of the large Czechoslovak concern ČKD, which supplied the Yugoslav army with many military needs. Somehow, in the middle of March 1941, he was officially with the commander of the Royal Air Force, General Dušan Simović, with whom he was on friendly terms. When he asked the general if it was possible for the Serbian army to somehow cooperate with Hitler's Germany, the general answered him quite unequivocally:- "Mr. Engineer, the Serbian army will NEVER cooperate with Hitler's Germany. But it will probably cost a lot of blood!”In Belgrade, we lived in Birčaninova Street, across from the Military Academy. On the morning of March 27, two days after Yugoslavia became a member of the Triple Alliance, dad woke us up around 6 am:"Get up!" The army carried out a coup. Downstairs, on the corner of Kneza Miloša Boulevard, are tanks. The radio reported that the leaders of the coup were Serbian generals Dušan Simović and Bora Mirković. There are soldiers of the Šumadija division in Belgrade. The new Prime Minister is General Dušan Simović. The young heir to the throne was proclaimed king, like Petar II Karađorđević.The Serbian people in Belgrade were delighted that the Serbian army had in fact abolished the hated pact. Spontaneous mass manifestations of support for the army and the new government, the young king, broke out. Thousands cheered LONG LIVE KING PETAR! , BETTER WAR THAN PACT! even the gloomy but combative BOLJE GROB NEGO ROB (better tomb than slave)! Similar events took place in other cities in Yugoslavia, with a Serb majority. In Sarajevo, some Muslims also manifested and cheered for the young king.Hitler became enraged and ordered the destruction of Yugoslavia and the punishment of Serbs and Belgrade. Germany, Italy, Bulgaria and Hungary attacked Yugoslavia in less than two weeks on April 6, 1941. Belgrade and other Serbian cities were bombed, Belgrade very hard and for several days. Croatian cities were not bombed. Several thousand houses burned down in Belgrade, there were many dead and huge destructions. The power went out, no water flowed, the shops remained closed, the supply stopped, the telephone and radio were dead. The streets were full of bomb craters. We had no news of the situation on the battlefield.Due to the coup carried out by Serbian officers, Hitler had to postpone the entire Barbarossa Plan for more than a month. He was not allowed to carry out that huge attack on Russia (USSR) due to the temporarily unstable situation in the Balkans, as the Serbs refused to cooperate with Germany with their blow and the brave Greeks successfully defeated Mussolini's army, which attacked Greece in the autumn of 1940. shows up after seeing Hitler’s successes elsewhere). After the events in Belgrade, Hitler had to temporarily withdraw several of his elite divisions from the Barbarossa Plan, and because of that loss of time, he did not manage to reach Moscow and "enter" it before the beginning of winter, for which the German army was not generally ready and suffered a catastrophic defeat there, not only because of the courage of the Russian army, the war skills of its generals, but also because of the activities of GENERAL WINTER.The coup d'etat of Serbian officers certainly contributed to the fact that Hitler's Germany was defeated again, despite all the spectacular successes of its army in Europe during 1940-1942. Was that one of the reasons for the new explosion of hostility, hatred of official Germany and the actions of the mainstream of its media, as well as the actions of the European elite, against the Serbs?Would they, and how would the history of Yugoslavia, Serbia, the Balkans, the war in general, have changed if it had not been for March 27, 1941?For a long time, an article from a Serbian newspaper did not cause as much attention in Germany as the text of Večernje novosti "Blackmail and ultimatums to Serbia for the 21st century". The direct reason was the demands of the German parliamentarians to Serbia, the main ones being the settlement of relations with Kosovo, ie reaching an agreement in Brussels. The historical fact is that Germany and Serbia have always been on different sides in the last hundred years.Berlin as the gateway to the EUThere are at least three levels of relations between Belgrade and Berlin, believes Dragan Simeunović from the Faculty of Political Sciences. The relations of the citizens themselves are in the best order, as well as the formal bilateral relations of the states. Deeper political relations, however, are clearly strained. "The reason is primarily Germany's attitude towards the Serbian position on Kosovo and, on the other hand, Serbia's request to enter the European Union, where Germany is viewed again, and that is justified because it is the largest and most powerful EU country," Simeunovic told.What Serbian (but also European) politicians have been synchronously repeating for years, that Kosovo and the European path are separate issues - has been brutally broken. Now the Serbian government is balancing both issues at the same table. Historian Čedomir Antić is of the opinion that Serbia can currently enter the EU only as a "conquered country". "Is the disintegration of Serbia the price of its European future?" Will we welcome some entry into Europe C or Europe D as European Kurds ", Antić asks.He believes that radical thinking about Germany is a consequence of Berlin's policy towards Serbia. "If you respect the autonomy of the Åland Islands, which have executive, judicial and legislative power, and you insist that Thaci's army come to the north of Kosovo - then you cannot be perceived differently than as an enemy," Antić believes. Simeunović thinks that the domestic media are also building an image of Germany as the country that is the strongest in terms of Kosovo." In the 1990s, we had the opposite situation that the people of Germany, thanks to the media, gained a bad image of Serbs" Simeunović recalls.Germany profited from the breakup of Yugoslavia.It was the Yugoslav war years that brought Germany back to the big stage, believes Antić, who defines the role of Berlin from those years as "unconditional support for Slovenian and Croatian nationalism". "Germany then got a role in Europe. It is no longer just an economically strong member of NATO, but a key country in the Contact Group. "Since the 1990s, Germans and Austrians have held the roles of High Representative in BiH and UNMIK's first man in Kosovo," he said.Antić believes that it would be unacceptable for the world for Germany to take a side in the conflict that would take place in the Czech Republic, Poland or France. "Only when it comes to the Balkans, Germany overlooked the role in the Second World War, and that war had a great impact on the events of the 1990s," says the historian. For his part, Professor Simeunović confirms that Nazism has strong prejudices, but that they "would not last if the current policies of Germany and Serbia made more efforts."Antić's more radical colleagues go a step further, calling today's German politics "democratic fascism". Čedomir Antić thinks that is excessive. "Of course, I don't think they are, say, German Christian Democrats - fascists and racists, but I think that Germany is using Serbia to cure the frustrations of the 20th century. We have been used as the 'people-pariah' of Europe to relativize the guilt that Germany had to admit a thousand times - but it did not admit it towards Serbia. "I don't think that someone should apologize for life for something that has nothing to do with him and that his parents have nothing to do with, but I don't think it's right for history to be repeated only to Serbs" says Antić.Source:Zašto zvanična Nemačka mrzi Srbiju?Srbi sa puno razloga doživljavaju Nemce kao svoje najveće neprijatelje

What did the Ottomans do after they conquer the area? Were the names of the cities Turkified? Did they build new cities?

When the Ottomans conquered a new area, they did not deem necessary to change the name of the cities. The most obvious example is Constantinople. The city’s name was changed only in 1930s. Still, those cities were Turkified not through a name but through implementing their own system especially where they settled Turkish populations.The Ottomans put religion at the center of social life. So when a new city was conquered or a new settlement was established, the first thing to do was either to turn an existing religious building (a church maybe) into a mosque or to build a new one. For Istanbul, this was Hagia Sophia.Every city needs facilities where social and economic activities kept going. So the next thing for a new Ottoman city would be to establish city centers. Facilities such as public baths, schools, hospitals, soup kitchens (imarets), libraries, and so on were built.However, in order for these social facilities to work, sustainable income was required. This meant either the central authority would have to set money aside in their budget or they would build covered markets called Bedesten and would transfer their ownership to charity foundations to be able to meet the needs of social areas with their revenues. Bedesten was the central building of the commercial part of a town and consisted several stores. These stores were rented to artisans and craftsmen.Bedesten in Thessaloniki, Greece:Bedesten in Serres, Greece is now used as an archeological museum.Bedesten in Yambol, Bulgaria:Bedesten in Bosnia and Herzogovina:As for Istanbul, this bedesten was the Grand Bazaar. The construction of the Grand Bazaar started in 1450s. During the first stage, 1114 stores were donated to the Hagia Sofia Foundation by Mehmet II himself and the Ottomans also encouraged wealthy to do the same to keep social facilities working. These foundations gave free public services, supervised repair and maintenance of facilities, provided the salaries of the workers such as imams, teachers, doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, gatekeepers, cooks, and so on. Additionally, they sometimes even provided scholarships.This system had obvious advantages:It was sustainable.It liberated the State from the burden of providing these services.The most valuable annuity of the city still went to public services.It did not allow unfair build up of wealth by people who may cause trouble later using monetary power and influence.It supported a stronger central authority.People who had the same profession used to have their shops on the same street, which would usually go by the name of that craft. Each artisan group or profession would form their guild (lonja). They would also pay their taxes as a guild not as individuals. Guilds in every city, which worked as NGOs, would handle matters such as electing their chiefs, opening new stores, raising apprentices, installing standardizations for their crafts, and so on. City centers were places where people from different etnicities and religions came together. The rules of the trade and taxes were the same for every citizen of the empire regardless of their background.As for settlements, Ottoman residential areas were divided into neighborhoods, which were distinguished from each other by religion, etnicity or even language of their residents. The Ottomans kept records in detail (tahrir defterleri) of how many neighbourhoods —per ethnic or religious group such as Muslim, Greek, Armenian, Jewish, Serbian, Croatian —were established in each town since most taxes were collected not individually but as neighbourhood.Most neighbourhoods were founded around a small religious facility (i.e.,mosque, church, synagogue) and their imam or priest considered to be the chief of their neighbourhood. Residents had the right to choose or depose their tax collector or imam —they only had to register their decision with one of the Ottoman courts. They also had the right to expel someone whom they didn’t see fit in their community by again applying to the Ottoman courts.The transportation system in Ottoman cities showed two characteristics. Main roads, which connected important places, were wide and well-organized. They were used by everybody and allowed transit pass of caravans, traders, the army, or pilgrims. Side roads, which connected neighborhoods to the main roads, were narrow and only used by residents, and did not allow transit pass. They often had dead-ends. Since the residents of neighbourhood easily spotted any outsider, it contributed to the sense of security for people.So, in short, this is what the Ottomans did after conquering new areas or founding new settlements: implementing urban institutions.These social, economical and physical approach of urbanism in the Ottoman Empire was simple, efficient, easy to control, sustainable and pragmatic. It made it possible to bring people of different ethnicities and religions together in a city while allowing each group to preserve their own culture.

Would today's Serbians be willing to go to war in order to reclaim Kosovo?

Would today's Serbians be willing to go to war in order to reclaim Kosovo?Unlikely, unless the right conditions are met :If the so-called “Republic of Kosova” secures its Statehood (Belgrade signature and Russian/Chinese removal to their veto), game is over, especially once it would be admitted in NATO. This, at least until the next-geopolitic shock in Europe :An unlikely total war between the E.U/NATO block and Russia.A more likely civilization-shock between the secular-Christian Europe and the Muslim populations and Statelets present there, out of the destabilizing migratory pressure created by the Climate-change, the African and Middle-Eastern demography, and the incapability (due to both domestic and foreign reasons) of most the MENA and Black-African State to provide a decent life for most of their citizens.Meanwhile, Kosmet is still a province of Serbia per the Serbian constitution and U.N Security Council resolution 1244, but Serbs are tired of useless wars that they win, and yet lose by intervention of a superior force on the behalf of their enemies, like vs Austria in WW1 (backed by Germany and Bulgaria), or the Croats, Bosnian Muslims, and Albanians (like in the 90s). What’s the point to fight if you are forbidden by a Superpower and its allies to win ?Especially, young Serbs, those in age to fight, have in their majority widely be influenced by Western individualism and quest for a long and quiet life. The Kingdom of Heaven progressively leaves more room for the Republic on Earth, and as a Westerner myself, I understand that perfectly : we became like that in France as well after WW2, the movement amplifying during the 50s and 60s and costing us the French Algeria.Hence, said young Serbs are more willing to focus on their individual lives, studies, jobs and careers, and daily lives, building if possible a family, in Serbia or “better”, in a richer country, than to go to battle for Kosmet, especially due to the aforementioned parameter of the conflict : Serbs are very capable to handle the Albanians, in military terms, but will recover what’s theirs and dispose of it only if bigger Powers allow them to, or at least does not prevent them, and we are not there yet, far from it.The Serbian Armed forces also need to be bolstered in numbers and land-warfare capabilities, as well as policing/crowd-control capabilities, in order for the recovery to be as smooth as possible : we speak about a reentry in a region which is to be (at least partly) recontrolled and not wiped out with a scorched earth policy, against a widely fanatized Albanian proto-polity and its hundred of thousands uncompromising supporters.Also, Serbia cannot trust anyone but itself for its own security. It means that no only Serbia must be in shape to enter in Kosmet, but also to be able to defend its borders with the NATO block and its airspace against an aggression on the scale of what happened in 1999. It is very far to be the case today, Serbian Army is only sized to handle one or two local aggressors who, as an aggressor, would not be supported by NATO, or if the case arises and Serbia answers Banja Luka’s call, to enter Republika Srpska in order to protect the Bosnian Serbs from a military attack coming from Sarajevo (with or without Zagreb help).In any case, the Serbian economy needs to be more independent than it became right now : agriculture, industry, and services sectors needs to be up and running, and autarcy-compatible in case NATO changes its mind, and that’s a major problem right now : foreign capitals are everywhere, Serbia is partly desindustrialized, and the villages are progressively decaying and dying since the end of the Miloshevich era, limiting the potential agricultural output of Serbia in isolation/war-time.Even if NATO was out, the Serbian Army ready for such a massive op and Bondsteel evacuated, the reentry in Kosmet of the Serbian Army would likely be partial only, even with a ballsy leadership, and aiming at wiping out most the Kosovo Albanian “armed forces” and militant strongholds’ infrastructures and organizations from day one, then controlling the wide North-West and the wide south-East, so the Serbian ethnic zones and most of the mines are “in”, while Montenegrin & Albanian border choke-points and North-Macedonia’s border are watched like milk on fire to prevent any foreign Albanian incursions aiming at making the operation degenerate, leading in turn to another NATO attack against Serbia on the pretext to keep the region stable or defend human rights…The Serbian Army would likely stay out of Prishtina and major Albanian populated urban centers to avoid THE catastrophe : an messy insurrection of the Albanian population that Serbia would have to answer by force of arms : these highly populated regions of Kosmet are likely lost in any case.I believe that Serbia would then aim at negotiating with Albania and a necessary multilateral International Community the next move : partitioning Kosmet from a position of force in exchange for some Albanian concessions about the cultural heritage and the access to the Adriatic.And in no case, aside maybe, maybe, for a broader civilization war between secular-Christians and Muslims which would open new “options”, Serbia would proceed or foster an ethnic-cleansing of the province : that practice has been the curse of the Balkans since the invasion of the Ottomans, more vividly since the XIXth century, and Serbia paid more than its share of it, and keeps paying for it : 1,000,000 refugees were living in Serbia after the Yugoslav Wars.Hence, the Kosmet problem cannot likely be as much fully solved, as it can be managed, then shaken, and ultimately, Kosmet itself partly sacrificed on the altar of “partition for peace”, mentioned by the Quoran and former U.N official James Luko in several of its answers.

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