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It has become quite easy in recent times to edit your PDF files online, and CocoDoc is the best PDF editor you would like to use to make a lot of changes to your file and save it. Follow our simple tutorial to start!

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How to add a signature on your Electronic Media And Item Reservation Form

Though most people are in the habit of signing paper documents using a pen, electronic signatures are becoming more normal, follow these steps to finish your document signing for free!

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How to add a textbox on your Electronic Media And Item Reservation Form

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If you are seeking a solution for PDF editing on G suite, CocoDoc PDF editor is a recommendable tool that can be used directly from Google Drive to create or edit files.

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What would the 2020s decade be like?

Alright, I’ll get out my crystal ball and predict the future. In all seriousness though, that is a great question and I myself have been thinking about this lately. I’ll take my best shot at trying to answer this question:Part 1, Technology:Overall, I’m very excited about the future of technology. Here are my predictions:-3d printing: In the 2020′s, 3d printing will go from being cool up and coming technology to being commonplace in many workplaces. Manufacturing jobs will be at risk due to the incoming of 3d printing.Engineers will also begin to develop much more sophistacated and faster printers. They will be able to print items like cars and houses in a very short time period. These printers, while giving the population a glimpse of what the future of 3d printing might bring, will not be commonly utilized until the 2030′s or 2040′s I imagine.People will start to use printers in their homes to make decorations, furniture and tools. An online market will also open up where people can download the blueprints of items that they can then print out. However, I think this will only start in the 2020′s and sophisticated 3d printers will not become a common household item until the 2030′s.-Virtual reality: This will be the future of the gaming industry. Sandbox games like Minecraft, Kerbal Space Program and Universe Sandbox are about to get a whole lot more realistic.As well as entertainment, VR will serve as a great tool for getting directions and for learning.-Autonomous vehicles: self-driving cars will start to hit the road in the next decade, but it will mostly be transport trucks and maybe buses that will start to become autonomous. I think you’ll still be driving a car until at least the 2030′s or 40′s.-Electric Cars: Electric Cars will become much more popular in the 20′s along with with a call for more environmentally friendly vehicles.-Drones: They’re already becoming extremely popular, but they’ll be everywhere in the next decade. Drones will be a common household item.-Androids and artificial intelligence: No major changes will take place. However, the looming issue of androids and A.I. replacing human labour and A.I. warfare will become less of a “science fiction” idea and more of a “in the near future” idea. Militaries will also start to use this technology.-Renewable energy and environmentalism: The debate of climate change will persist into the 2020′s, however the push for renewable energy will be stronger than ever. Solar power will become more common and the 2020′s will be remembered as the decade where we began to enter “the solar age”. Green design and sustainable cities will be the future of architecture.-Space: No major changes will take place on a large scale and humamity will still be Earthbound for the forseeable future. However lots of new space programs will start up and we’ll finally leave low Earth orbit for the first time since the early 1970′s. Private companies will pick things up where government space programs left off. Space tourism will not be a reality except for maybe billionaires. Bigelow Aerospace’s inflatable space station design will replace the I.S.S.(Bigelow Aerospace’s BEAM module is already attached to the I.S.S.) Companies like SpaceX and Boeing might go to the moon and near-earth asteroids in the next decade. Maybe Mars but I doubt it. If not in the 20′s, we will most certainly reach Mars in the 30′s.-Internet, smartphones, apps and social media: No major changes will take place. Voice activation will become more advanced and phones, apps and maybe even social media will become compatible with VR. The internet will continue to get faster and become more accessible and widespread. Aside from that, nothing much will change in this area of tech in the coming decade.Now for part 2, society, the media and politicsPart 2 is much more difficult to predict and may or may not be influenced by my political biases to an extent. I don’t know how I feel about the future as far as part 2 goes.-Political movements: Populism and political polarization have been growing trends in the 2010’s. These trends will continue to grow and will largely come to define the politics of the 20’s. Sentiments of frustration, shared by both left wingers and right wingers towards a seemingly stagnant political system will cause large scale protests. Libertarianism will be a popular ideology among the left and right. The right wing will advocate primarily for protectionism and nationalism, while the left will advocate primarily for socialism, environmentalism and sustainability. These ideologies have already been growing movements throughout this decade, but they will be much more mainstream in the next decade.Both the right wing and especially the left wing will fight against neoliberalism. This will be caused from the rise of nationalism and protectionism on the right and the rise of socialism on the left. The 2020’s and 30’s will be the end of neoliberalism and be the start of a new era. What comes next, for better or for worse… I cannot even guess yet.As far as politics on the Internet goes, internet privacy will be a growing topic of debate in the coming years. The issue of net neutrality may be very big in the coming years depending on whether the American governent decides to repeal net neutrality or not. If so, that will have a huge impact on politics(and pop culture for that matter) in the next decade. EDIT: Net neutrality looks like it’s being repealed by the FCC. This is going to have a huge impact on social media, especially in America but elsewhere as well. It has already caused large scale outrage and Ajit Pai has become the modern face of douchebaggery(being made fun of by big Youtubers like Pewdiepie and H3H3 and has become the internet’s new favourite meme). This will continue to be something the internet community will have to fight against. For the meantime, lots of websites and content creators are at risk of being negatively impacted by this.Identity politics and political correctness, which has dominated the mainstream left in this decade, will lose its popularity on the left wing in the coming years. However identity politics will rise on the right wing alongside the rise of nationalism and the growing threat of Islamic terrorism.The 2020’s will be a decade of populism, grassroots movements, distrust and fierce political change.-Wars, global conflicts and global issues: Sighhh not much to say honestly… I hate to say it but I think a conflict similar to the cold war may begin between America, Russia and China. The third world will not improve much. The Middle-East will continue to be full of warfare. Unless you’re living in the first world, I don’t think you’ll see much change to be completely honest. However many sweatshops in the second and third world may be threatened by the rise of 3d printing. That’s the only “change” that I think might really happen. And as usual, poverty and famine will persist, wars will be fought and we’ll have to cross our fingers and hope that our world leaders don’t blow us up with nukes.-Media: The future of the media is social media. Period. Social media and social networking is already a huge part of our modern culture, but as the younger Generation Z grows up in the coming years, social media will completely replace Hollywood as the center of popular culture. The next generation(and perhaps even this generation) of kids are not going to look up to actors in Hollywood as their role models; vloggers and other kinds of internet celebrities will be their icons. This is already starting to happen today.The future of news programs, cartoons, social and political commentary, educational shows, nature and science documentaries and travel vlogs is all on social media. Of course the “old media” will not die out by any means. High budget movie blockbusters and television series on streaming sites will obviously be around and as big as ever; but the days of Hollywood being the center of pop culture are over.-Pop culture, trends and fashion: Just as the later cohort of Millennials brought hipsters, the Kardashians, “SJW’s”, EDM, trap music and hipster music into the mainstream in the 2010’s, the younger emerging cohort of Generation Zers are bound to bring significant changes to popular culture that will define the next decade. What will change in popular culture in the coming years? Almost impossible to determine. All we can say is that popular culture and whatever subcultures that exist, as always, will be a reflection of the times and the zeitgeist of the era.I assume that politics and social issues will continue to be a huge part of pop culture like it is right now. I predict that there will be a strong reaction against the Kardashian culture of this decade in the 2020s and even in the next few years. In an era with so much tension and hate towards the establishment and mainstream media, people are growing tired of the celebrity obsession and I think the public reaction towards Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi ad perfectly illustrates this. Politics is becoming the new source of mindless entertainment and our obsession with Donald Trump proves this in my view. The new generation will look for social media figures who resemble to them, have the same struggles as them and want to see the change in the world that they want too. This is the main thing that will divide the reality tv obsessed Millennial pop culture and the vlogger obsessed Gen Z pop culture. However this isn’t to say that pop culture will get more intelligent at all; pop culture will always be full of stupidity. Look at vlogger brothers Jake and Logan Paul for example. Even in an era with endless options, often the most stupid of people can find themselves at the center of popular culture.-Fashion: I literally cannot even guess. Fashion trends are so unpredictable imo. Maybe those male rompers will become the fashion statement of the late 2010′s and 20′s LOL.-Music:Industry in general: Streaming will continue to grow as an industry. Meme culture and social media will continue to become more essential in order to “make it big”. The rise of meme artists and/or artists who got mainstream or at least popular by becoming memes and/or solely by social media like Post Malone, Joji, Lil Yachty, Chance the Rapper, Mac Demarco, Tash Sultana, Death Grips etc will continue to be a growing trend in the future.Streaming live performances on like Youtube, Periscope and Twitch I predict will become popular soon enough. I’ve noticed that streaming live music has become a relatively popular trend lately(especially all those “vibe” and “chill” and “lo-fi hip hop” playlists) but streaming live local performances still hasn’t become too popular yet. This will be a new way to disocover talented musicians in the underground from around the world. It’s also a great way for underground artists to make money. Think of it as social media busking.Now for actual music trends:Hip Hop: Hip hop has been popular since the 1980’s, and has largely been the dominant style of popular music since the early 1990’s. It has been the most popular form of mainstream music in North America for quite some time now. This leads me to believe that hip hop, like rock ‘n’ roll and jazz before it, is bound to lose its status as the most popular music genre in the next ten years or so. It will still remain immensely popular(especially in the inner cities), but it will slowly start to move away from the center of the music world and popular culture in the next decade. Mainstreaam rappers like Drake, Migos & Future will be rebelled against in the 20s in the same way that hair metal and power ballad bands were rebelled against in the early 90′s.Artists that fall under the “alternative” hip hop labels like the Injury Reserve, Tyler the Creator, Danny Brown, Vince Staples, Open Mike Eagle and Brockhampton for example are spearheading the next era of hip hop. The Soundcloud trap, emo rap & Florida trap scenes will continue to be popular in the 2020s. The style pioneered by rappers like Denzel Currey, Ski Mask The Slump God, XXXTentacion (deceased), Smokepurrp, $uicideboy$ & Ghostemane will continue to be a major musical scene.The UK Grime scene also has the potential of blowing up in the next few years.“Alternative” music: So if hip hop starts to move away from the center of the music world in the next decade, then what genre(s)/scene(s) is going to come in? This is my best guess(or something that branches off of the alternative music scene). While the term alternative has had various meanings in music since we started using the word in the 80’s(mostly used to describe alternative rock), today they tend to describe more of an umbrella experimental music scene that blends elements of various genres, mainly electronic, indie, art pop, hip hop, rock & sometimes other genres. The current alternative scene isn’t so much a single genre as it as an umbrella term for the artists that don’t quite fit within a certain mold. This I think is the future of popular music. Unlike the age of the radio where you had to have a certain sound to get airplay and hence be heard by the masses, the age of streaming allows for a wider range of artists to be heard that have a wider range of sounds that will appeal to different niche audiences. The artists that are leading the next big evolution in popular music I believe are a wide variety of artists that tend to be associated with the modern “alternative” label as well as some electronic artists like Glass animals, Alt-J, Superorganism, Lewis Del Mar, Death Grips, Young Fathers, King Krule (kinda), Mt. Kimbie, Tash Sultana, 21 Pilots (kinda) etc. This in general is what I’m talking about. I believe that these artists who are considered “alternative” today that mix computer generated and acoustic/live sound production are spearheading the next era of popular music. And it will start to take over the mainstream sometime in the 20s. How it will be labelled or how the sound, culture and style will evolve is impossible to determine yet. We’ll have to wait and see.The “Jazz age” lasted roughly from the early 1920′s to the early-mid 50′s, the “rock’n’roll/rhythm and blues” lasted from the mid 50′s to the end of the 80′s, and the “hip hop/urban contemporary era” started in the end of the 80′s/start of the 90′s. We’re once again approaching that 30 year mark where another big musical movement is due to invade the mainstream and popular culture.Pop music: Pop will be as big as always. You’ll have your standard set of radio friendly pop stars like you have in every decade.Rock: hip hop, indie/indie pop, the alternative scene and electronic music have largely replaced rock culturally speaking & this will not change. I don’t think rock’n’roll is going to be a part of the mainstream anymore though of course you’ll still have plenty of bands making some awesome rock; you’ll just have to dig a bit deeper for it.Metal: A new metal scene will break through in the next couple of years, though it will remain underground for the most part.Country music: It will continue to be popular among certain demographics.Electronic music: Today’s EDM scene is starting to die out and is being replaced by trap in the top 40. The next wave of electronic music will emerge from the underground in the next few years. You’ll start to see more than just rave/dance electronic get mainstream(though rave/dance will still dominate the charts). I think you might see more experimental artists like Iglooghost and Bonobo for example get some notoriety(though not the same sound per say). Electronic music will also continue to be critical for pop, hip hop, r&b and alternative.R&B: Will be very popular in the next decade and will likely experience some stylistic changes. Frank Ocean will be largely seen as the founder of this new era of r&b.Indie: Indie's whole “hipster" era I think is coming to an end. Meanwhile this whole aesthetic/lo-fi indie style seen with various artists like Mac Demarco, Tame Impala, Rex Orange County, Bane's World, Zack Villere, Fleece, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Steve Lacy, Boy Pablo, Cavetown, Phum Viphurit & many other semi-popular indie artists seems to be on the rise. So my guess is that this whole aesthetic movement in the indie/indie pop scene will continue to take over the indie scene & become more mainstream in the next decade.*Keep in mind that these predictions I made are predictions that I think are to come throughout the decade. Some of my predictions may happen in the early 20′s, some in the late 20′s and some may take place throughout the decade. The world will not just instantly change as soon as the year 2020 rolls around.Conclusion:So there it is, my prediction of the 2020’s that I wrote bit by bit over the period of roughly a week(and I have edited parts of my answer since). Whether my predictions are right on the money or are so far off from reality that it’s humorous, I will have fun reading this over some day and seeing how accurate/inaccurate I was. Whatever the future will be like, I hope that I and everyone else reading this long comment will enjoy it.

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Sign the Notice Form.**Notice and Procedure for Notifying ****Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More** (http://Amazon.in)** (http://Amazon.in)**) of Objectionable Content**If you believe that any content on, or advertised for sale on, the website contains any Objectionable Content as defined under Section 8 above, please notify us immediately by copying the Notice to Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://Amazon.in)) of Objectionable Content below into your word processor program, complete it in accordance with the instructions set out in the Notice and send a signed copy via E-mail PDF or Fax to the Grievance Officer:**Name**: Iniyan R**e-mail PDF**: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) (mailto:[email protected] (mailto:[email protected]))**Subject Line**: Claim of Objectionable ContentorFax: 040-39922887orAmazon Seller Services Private LimitedGround Floor,Eros Plaza, Eros Corporate Tower,Nehru Place,New Delhi 110019Please note that this procedure is exclusively for notifying Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://Amazon.in)) of Objectionable Content on or advertised for sale on the Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://Amazon.in)) website. Please provide your address, telephone number, and e-mail address when sending the notice to us.**Important Warning:** Giving false, misleading or inaccurate information in the Notice to Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://Amazon.in)) may result in civil and/ or criminal liability.Back to Top (Conditions of Use (https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GLSBYFE9MGKKQXXM#GUID-523AEA8E-920A-4BA4-9EE0-2FCC6C3AB1D8__GUID-23032991-0A9F-4AB1-8338-7020D768D6BE))**Notice to ****Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More** (http://Amazon.in)** (http://Amazon.in)**) of Objectionable Content**In the matter of Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://Amazon.in))I, **[Please set out your full name]** of **[please give your postal address]**, **[please set your occupation]** , says as follows:1. I refer to the website Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://www.Amazon.in)) ("the website"). I make this statement in support of my giving Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://Amazon.in)) notice that, via the website, it is causing or contributing to the publication of Objectionable Content.2. The Objectionable Content (delete whichever paragraph is not applicable): (a) appear in a book being sold by Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://Amazon.in)) via the website entitled **[please state the book name and its author]**. The Objectionable Content appear on page [**please state the page number(s) where you consider the words constitute Objectionable Content]**. OR (b) appear on the website at **[please cut and paste the address of the relevant Web page from the website where the Objectionable Content appears]**.3. The words/ content that I consider to be Objectionable Content are **[please repeat the exact words you are complaining about]**.4. This content is Objectionable Content because **[please state why you consider the content is Objectionable Content]**.5. I understand that this statement may be used in any court proceedings that may arise out of or relating to the Objectionable Content which I have complained about.Statement of TruthI declare the facts stated above to be true.Signed:Dated:Please read the conditions of use carefully before using the Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://Amazon.in)) website. 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Additional third party terms contained within or distributed with certain Amazon Software that are specifically identified in related documentation may apply to that Amazon Software (or software incorporated with the Amazon Software) and will govern the use of such software in the event of a conflict with these Conditions of Use. All software used in any Amazon Service is the property of Amazon and/or its affiliates or its software suppliers and protected by laws of India including but not limited to any other applicable copyright laws.Back to Top (Conditions of Use (https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GLSBYFE9MGKKQXXM#GUID-523AEA8E-920A-4BA4-9EE0-2FCC6C3AB1D8__GUID-23032991-0A9F-4AB1-8338-7020D768D6BE))**2. Use of Third Party Services**When you use the Amazon Software, you may also be using the services of one or more third parties, such as a wireless carrier or a mobile platform provider. 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These conditions signify your agreement to be bound by these conditions.**In addition, when you use any current or future Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://Amazon.in)) service (eg: Wishlist or Marketplace or Amazon MP3 Service), you will also be subject to the terms, guidelines and conditions applicable to that service ("Terms"). If these Conditions of Sale are inconsistent with such Terms, the Terms will control.**1. Conditions Relating to the Sale of Products to You**This section deals with conditions relating to the sale of products on the website by us to you.**2. Our Contract**Your order is an offer to us to buy the product(s) in your order. When you place an order to purchase a product from us, you will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your order and containing the details of your order (the "Order Confirmation E-mail"). The Order Confirmation E-mail is acknowledgement that we have received your order, and does not confirm acceptance of your offer to buy the product(s) ordered. We only accept your offer, and conclude the contract of sale for a product ordered by you, when the product is dispatched to you and an e-mail confirmation is sent to you that the product has been dispatched to you (the "Dispatch Confirmation E-mail"). If your order is dispatched in more than one package, you may receive a separate Dispatch Confirmation E-mail for each package, and each Dispatch Confirmation E-mail and corresponding dispatch will conclude a separate contract of sale between you and us for the product(s) specified in that Dispatch Confirmation E-mail.Your contract is with us (the Sellers) and you confirm that the product(s) ordered by you are purchased for your internal / personal purpose and not for re-sale or business purpose. You authorize us to declare and provide declaration to any governmental authority on your behalf stating the aforesaid purpose of the products ordered by you on the website.You can cancel your order for a product at no cost any time before we send the Dispatch Confirmation E-mail relating to that product.Please note that we sell products only in quantities which correspond to the typical needs of an average household. This applies both to the number of products ordered within a single order and the placing of several orders for the same product where the individual orders comprise a quantity typical for a normal household.Back to Top (Conditions of Use (https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GLSBYFE9MGKKQXXM#GUID-523AEA8E-920A-4BA4-9EE0-2FCC6C3AB1D8__GUID-23032991-0A9F-4AB1-8338-7020D768D6BE))**3. Returns**Please review our Returns Policy, which applies to products sold by us.**4. Pricing and availability**We list availability information for products sold by us on the website, including on each product information page. Beyond what we say on that page or otherwise on the website, we cannot be more specific about availability. Please note that dispatch estimates are just that. They are not guaranteed dispatch times and should not be relied upon as such. As we process your order, you will be informed by e-mail if any products you order turn out to be unavailable.For more details, please review our Pricing policy (https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=202001520 (https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=202001520)) and our Availability Guide (Amazon.in Help: Ordering (https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201910280)), both of which apply to products ordered from us.All prices are inclusive of VAT/CST, service tax, Goods and Services Tax ("GST"), duties and cesses as applicable - unless stated otherwise.**5. Taxes**You shall be responsible for payment of all fees/costs/charges associated with the purchase of products from us and you agree to bear any and all applicable taxes including but not limited to VAT/CST, service tax, GST, duties and cesses etc.Back to Top (Conditions of Use (https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GLSBYFE9MGKKQXXM#GUID-523AEA8E-920A-4BA4-9EE0-2FCC6C3AB1D8__GUID-23032991-0A9F-4AB1-8338-7020D768D6BE))**6. Health & Safety**By purchasing any product from our Home & Kitchen shop, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our Health & Safety Guidelines.**7. Children**Use of Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://Amazon.in)) is available only to persons who can form a legally binding contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. If you are a minor i.e. under the age of 18 years, you may purchase only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.**8. Communications**When you visit Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://Amazon.in)), you are communicating with us electronically. You will be required to provide a valid phone number while placing an order with us. We may communicate with you by e-mail, SMS, phone call or by posting notices on the website or by any other mode of communication. For contractual purposes, you consent to receive communications including SMS, e-mails or phone calls from us with respect to your order.**9. Losses**We will not be responsible for any business loss (including loss of profits, revenue, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill or wasted expenditure) or any other indirect or consequential loss that is not reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when a contract for the sale of goods by us to you was formed.Back to Top (Conditions of Use (https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GLSBYFE9MGKKQXXM#GUID-523AEA8E-920A-4BA4-9EE0-2FCC6C3AB1D8__GUID-23032991-0A9F-4AB1-8338-7020D768D6BE))**10. Alteration or Amendments to the Conditions**We reserve the right to make changes to our policies, and these Conditions of Sale at any time. You will be subject to the policies and Conditions of Sale in force at the time you order goods from us, unless any change to those policies or these conditions is required to be made by law or government authority (in which case it will apply to orders previously placed by you). If any of these conditions is deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition.**11. Events beyond our reasonable control**We will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these conditions if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond our reasonable control. This condition does not affect your statutory rights.**12. Waiver**If you breach these conditions and we take no action, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these conditions.Back to Top (Conditions of Use (https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GLSBYFE9MGKKQXXM#GUID-523AEA8E-920A-4BA4-9EE0-2FCC6C3AB1D8__GUID-23032991-0A9F-4AB1-8338-7020D768D6BE))**13. Governing Law and Jurisdiction**These conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India, and the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. You agree, as we do, to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Delhi.Last updated: March 2020**General Terms**Welcome to **Amazon Services Business Solutions**, a suite of optional merchant services including Selling on Amazon (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#SOA (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#SOA)), Fulfilment by Amazon (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#FBA (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#FBA)) and Amazon Advertising (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#SP (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#SP)) .THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT GOVERN YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE SERVICES THROUGH A PARTICULAR ACCOUNT OR ACCOUNTS AND IS AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU OR THE BUSINESS YOU REPRESENT ("**YOU**") AND AMAZON SELLER SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED. BY REGISTERING FOR OR USING THE SERVICES, YOU (ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF OR THE BUSINESS YOU REPRESENT) AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING THE SERVICE TERMS AND PROGRAM POLICIES FOR EACH SERVICE YOU REGISTER FOR OR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THE AMAZON SITE.As used in this Agreement, "**we,**" "**us,**" and "**Amazon**" means the Amazon company named in the applicable Service Terms. Capitalized terms have the meanings listed in the Definitions (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#Definitions (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#Definitions)) below. If there is any conflict between these General Terms and the applicable Service Terms and Program Policies, the General Terms will govern and the applicable Service Terms will prevail over the Program Policies.**1. Enrolment**To begin the enrolment process, you must complete the registration process for one or more of the Services. Use of the Services is limited to parties that can lawfully enter into and form contracts under applicable Law. As part of the application, you must provide us with your (or your business') legal name, address, phone number, e-mail address, applicable tax registration details as well as any other information we may request. Any personal data you provide to us will be handled in accordance with Amazon’s Privacy Notice (https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html/?nodeId=200534380&language=en_IN&ref=efph_home_cont_G1791 (https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html/?nodeId=200534380&language=en_IN&ref=efph_home_cont_G1791)).**2. Service Fee Payments**Fee details are described fully in the applicable Service Terms and Program Policies. You are responsible for all of your expenses in connection with this Agreement, unless this Agreement or the applicable Service Terms provide otherwise. For the Amazon Site that you register for or use a Service in connection with, we may require you to submit valid credit card information from a credit card acceptable by Amazon (with respect to such Amazon Site, "**Your Credit Card**") as well as valid bank account information for a bank account in your name that is with a bank located within India and enabled for Your Account (which functionality may be modified or discontinued by us at any time without notice) (with respect to the Amazon Site, "**Your Bank Account**"). You will use only a name you are authorized to use in connection with the Service and will update such information as necessary to ensure that it at all times remains accurate and complete. You authorize us to verify your information (including any updated information), to obtain credit reports about you from time to time, to obtain credit authorizations from the issuer of Your Credit Card, and to charge Your Credit Card or debit Your Bank Account for any sums payable by you to us (in reimbursement or otherwise). At Amazon's option, all payments to you will be made to Your Bank Account, via cheque or electronic transfers or other means as specified by us. You agree that Amazon shall not be liable for any failure to make payments to you on account of incomplete or inaccurate information provided by you with respect to Your Bank Account.In addition to charging payable sums to Your Credit Card, we may instead choose to either (a) offset any amounts that are payable by you to us (in reimbursement or otherwise) against any payments we may make to you, or (b) invoice you for amounts due to us, in which case you will pay the invoiced amounts upon receipt. Except as provided otherwise, all amounts contemplated in this Agreement will be expressed and displayed in the Local Currency, and all payments contemplated by this Agreement will be made in the Local Currency. If we discover erroneous or duplicate transactions, then we reserve the right to seek reimbursement from you by deducting from future payments owed to you, charging Your Credit Card, or seeking such reimbursement from you by any other lawful means; provided that the foregoing will not limit your rights to pursue any good faith dispute with Amazon concerning whether any amounts are payable or due.If we reasonably conclude based on information available to us that your actions and/or performance in connection with the Agreement may result in a significant number of customer disputes, chargebacks or other claims in connection with the Amazon Site, then we may, in our sole discretion and subject to applicable Law, delay initiating any payments to be made or that are otherwise due to you under this Agreement for the shorter of: (a) a period of ninety (90) calendar days following the initial date of suspension; or (b) completion of any investigation(s) regarding your actions and/or performance in connection with the Agreement. You agree that we are entitled to the interest, if any, paid on balances maintained as deposits in our bank accounts.**3. Term and Termination**The term of this Agreement will start on the date of your completed registration for use of one or more of the Services and continue until terminated by us or you as provided below. You may at any time terminate your use of any Service immediately on notice to us via Seller Central, email, the Contact Us Form, or similar means. We may terminate your use of any Services or terminate this Agreement for convenience with 30 days’ advance notice. We may suspend or terminate your use of any Services immediately if we determine that (a) you have materially breached the Agreement and failed to cure within 7 days of a cure notice unless your breach exposes us to liability towards a third party, in which case we are entitled to reduce, or waive, the aforementioned cure period at our reasonable discretion; (b) your account has been, or our controls identify that it may be used for deceptive or fraudulent or illegal activity; or (c) your use of the Services has harmed or our controls identify that it might harm other sellers, customers, or Amazon’s legitimate interest. We will promptly notify you of any such termination or suspension via email or similar means including Seller Central, indicating the reason and any options to appeal, except where we have reason to believe that providing this information will hinder the investigation or prevention of deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or will enable you to circumvent our safeguards. On termination of this Agreement, all related rights and obligations under this Agreement immediately terminate, except that (d) you will remain responsible for performing all of your obligations in connection with transactions entered into before termination and for any liabilities that accrued before or as a result of termination, and (e) Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15 and 17 of these General Terms survive.**4. Licence**You grant us a royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide right and licence for the duration of your original and derivative intellectual property rights during the Term and for as long thereafter as you are permitted to grant the said licence under applicable Law to use any and all of Your Materials for the Services or other Amazon product or service, and to sublicense the foregoing rights to our Affiliates and operators of Amazon Associated Properties; provided, however, that we will not alter any of Your Trademarks from the form provided by you (except to re-size trademarks to the extent necessary for presentation, so long as the relative proportions of such trademarks remain the same) and will comply with your removal requests as to specific uses of Your Materials (provided you are unable to do so using the standard functionality made available to you via the applicable Amazon Site or Services); provided further, however, that nothing in this Agreement will prevent or impair our right to use Your Materials without your consent to the extent that such use is allowable without a licence from you or your Affiliates under applicable Law (e.g., fair use under copyright law, referential use under trademark law, or valid licence from a third party).**5. Representations**Each Party represents and warrantsthat: (a) if it is a business, it is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the territory in which your business is registered and are a resident of India for income tax purposes every financial year; (b) it has all requisite right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and perform its obligations and grant the rights, licences and authorizations it grants hereunder; (c) it will comply with all applicable Laws (including but not limited to procuring and maintaining applicable tax registrations) in its performance of its obligations and exercise of its rights under this Agreement; and (d) each party is not subject to sanctions or otherwise designated on any list of prohibited or restricted parties or owned or controlled by such a party, including but not limited to the lists maintained by the United Nations Security Council, the US Government (e.g., the US Department of Treasury's Specially Designated Nationals list and Foreign Sanctions Evaders list and the US Department of Commerce’s Entity List), the European Union or its member states, or other applicable government authority.**6. Indemnification**6.1 You release us from, and agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless us (and our officers, directors, employees, agents and Affiliates) against, any third party claim, loss, damage, settlement, cost, taxes, expense or other liability (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees) (each, a "**Claim**") arising from or related to: (a) your actual or alleged breach of any representations you have made; (b) any sales channels owned or operated by you, Your Products including the offer, sale, fulfilment (except to the extent attributable to the Fulfilment by Amazon Service, if any), refund, cancellation, adjustments, or return thereof), Your Materials, any actual or alleged infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights by any of the foregoing, and any personal injury, death (to the extent the injury or death is not caused by Amazon) or property damage related thereto; or (c) Your Taxes and duties or the collection, payment, or failure to collect or pay Your Taxes or duties, or the failure to meet tax registration obligations or duties; or (d) your non-compliance with applicable laws.6.2 Amazon’s indemnification obligations. Amazon will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless you and your officers, directors, employees and agents against any third-party Claim arising from or related to: (a) Amazon’s non-compliance with applicable laws; or (b) allegations that the operation of an Amazon Site infringes or misappropriates that third party’s intellectual property rights.6.3 Process. If any indemnified Claim might adversely affect us, we may, to the extent permitted by applicable law, voluntarily intervene in the proceedings at our expense. No party may consent to the entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement of an indemnified Claim without the prior written consent of the other party, which may not be unreasonably withheld; except that a party may settle any claim that is exclusively directed at and exclusively affects that party.**7. Disclaimer**a. THE AMAZON SITE AND THE SERVICES, INCLUDING ALL CONTENT, SOFTWARE, FUNCTIONS, MATERIALS AND INFORMATION AVAILABLE OR PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH THE SERVICES, ARE PROVIDED "AS-IS." AS A USER OF THE SERVICES, YOU ACCESS THE AMAZON SITE, THE SERVICES AND ANY ONLINE PORTAL OR TOOL PROVIDED BY AMAZON TO HELP YOU AVAIL THE SERVICES AT YOUR OWN RISK. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 5 ABOVE, WE AND OUR AFFILIATES WAIVE AND DISCLAIM: (1) ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, DECLARATIONS OR GUARANTEES REGARDING THIS AGREEMENT, THE SERVICES OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, DECLARATIONS OR GUARANTEES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT; (2) IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARISING OUT OF COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE; AND (3) ANY OBLIGATION, LIABILITY, RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDY IN TORT, WHETHER OR NOT ARISING FROM OUR NEGLIGENCE. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE AMAZON SITE OR THE SERVICES WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR BE AVAILABLE, TIMELY, SECURE, UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, AND WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO SYSTEM FAILURES OR OTHER INTERRUPTIONS THAT MAY AFFECT THE RECEIPT, PROCESSING, ACCEPTANCE, COMPLETION OR SETTLEMENT OF ANY TRANSACTIONS. SOME JURISDICTIONS' LAWS DO NOT ALLOW EXCLUSION OF AN IMPLIED WARRANTY. IN WHICH CASE THE FOREGOING DISCLAIMER MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU, AND WE AND OUR AFFILIATES DISCLAIM TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, NON- INFRINGEMENT OR QUIET ENJOYMENT.b. BECAUSE AMAZON IS NOT INVOLVED IN TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN CUSTOMERS AND SELLERS OR OTHER PARTICIPANT DEALINGS, IF A DISPUTE ARISES BETWEEN ONE OR MORE PARTICIPANTS, EACH OF YOU RELEASE AMAZON (AND ITS AGENTS, AFFILIATES AND EMPLOYEES) FROM CLAIMS, DEMANDS, AND DAMAGES (ACTUAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL) OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, SUSPECTED AND UNSUSPECTED, DISCLOSED AND UNDISCLOSED, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH SUCH DISPUTES.**8. Limitation of Liability**WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT, DELICT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, PRODUCT LIABILITY, ANY TYPE OF CIVIL RESPONSIBILITY OR OTHER THEORY) OR OTHERWISE) TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR COST OF COVER, RECOVERY OR RECOUPMENT OF ANY INVESTMENT MADE BY YOU OR YOUR AFFILIATES IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, OR FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE, BUSINESS, OR DATA OR PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, EVEN IF AMAZON HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH COSTS OR DAMAGES. FURTHER, EXCEPT IN CASE OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILFUL MISCONDUCT, OUR AGGREGATE LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY WILL NOT EXCEED AT ANY TIME THE TOTAL AMOUNTS DURING THE PRIOR SIX MONTH PERIOD PAID BY YOU TO AMAZON IN CONNECTION WITH THE PARTICULAR SERVICE AND THE AMAZON SITE GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM.**9. Insurance**If the Sales Proceeds from Your Transactions through the Fulfilment by Amazon Service in connection with the Amazon Site exceed the Insurance Threshold during each month over any period of three (3) consecutive months, or otherwise if requested by us, then within thirty (30) calendar days thereafter, you will maintain at your expense throughout the remainder of the Term public third party liability insurance in connection with the Amazon Site with at least the Insurance Limits per occurrence/aggregate covering liabilities caused by or occurring in conjunction with the operation of your business in connection with the Amazon Site, including products liability and bodily injury, naming Amazon and its assignees as additional insureds. At our request, you will provide to us certificates of insurance for the **coverage** to the following address: *Amazon Seller Services Limited, 8th Floor, Brigade World Trade Center, 26/1 Dr. Raj Kumar Road, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560055; *and with a copy to: c/o Amazon, P.O. Box 81226, Seattle, WA 98108-1226, Attention: Risk Management.**10. Tax Matters**Your use of Services is subject to Amazon’s Tax Policies (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/help.html/?itemID=GGP87PQ6YNBLNY3C&ref_=xx_GGP87PQ6YNBLNY3C_a_r9_cont_sgsearch (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/help.html/?itemID=GGP87PQ6YNBLNY3C&ref_=xx_GGP87PQ6YNBLNY3C_a_r9_cont_sgsearch)). You will comply with any applicable tax laws and fulfill all obligations to the tax authorities in a timely and complete manner.As between the parties, you will be responsible for the collection and payment of any and all of Your Taxes together with the filing of all relevant returns, such as service tax, VAT / CST, goods and services tax, cesses or other transaction taxes, and issuing valid invoices/ credit notes/ debit notes where required. Amazon is not responsible for collecting, remitting or reporting any service tax, VAT / CST, goods and services tax or other taxes arising from such sale. You are solely responsible for preparing, making and filing any tax audit report and statutory reports and other filings and responding to any tax or financial audits.Unless stated otherwise, any and all fees payable by you pursuant to this Agreement are exclusive of all value added, service, sales, use, goods and services tax and other similar taxes, and you will pay any taxes that are imposed and payable on such amounts. If we are required by law or by administration thereof to collect any value added, service, sales, use, goods and services tax or similar taxes from you, you will pay such taxes to us. You will provide all necessary information including goods and services tax registered address, registration numbers, invoice mismatch details in a timely manner, to enable us to provide, report or correct goods and services tax invoices. Based on information provided, Amazon will deduce the location of recipient, the billing details, place of supply and applicable taxes.If for any reason, any income tax or withholding tax or tax collection at source or such other taxes under applicable Law are determined to be deducted and deposited on any payments or remittances to you, Amazon will have the right to deduct and deposit any such applicable taxes with the appropriate regulatory authority. No claim in respect of the taxes deposited would be made by you against Amazon.It is your responsibility as a seller on the Amazon Site to choose the most applicable product tax codes and assign Harmonized System of Nomenclature / Service accounting Code applicable for your listing, such that the correct tax rate is applied on all listings offered for sale by you. If we determine that you are not in compliance with this section, then we may suspend the services provided to you on the Amazon Site.For reporting transactions undertaken by you on the Amazon Site, you should consider the Merchant Tax Report (MTR) made available to you on Seller Central.In case of any discrepancy in the reporting / returns filed by you and Amazon, you agree that you will resolve such discrepancy immediately and indemnify Amazon against any tax, interest and penalty payable in this regard.**11. Confidentiality and Personal Data**During the course of your use of the Services, you may receive Confidential Information. You agree that for the term of the Agreement and 8 years after termination: (a) all Confidential Information will remain Amazon's exclusive property except for customer personal data owned by the respective customer; (b) you will use Confidential Information only as is reasonably necessary for your participation in the Services and ensure that persons who have access to Confidential Information will be made aware of and will comply with the obligations in this provision; and (c) you will not, and will cause your affiliates not to, directly or indirectly (including through a third party) otherwise disclose Confidential Information to any individual, company, or other third party, including any Affiliates, except as required to comply with law; (d) you will take all reasonable measures to protect the Confidential Information against any use or disclosure that is not expressly permitted in this Agreement; and (e) you will retain Confidential Information only for so long as its use is necessary for participation in the Services or to fulfill your statutory obligations (e.g. tax) and in all cases will delete such information upon termination or as soon as no longer required for the fulfilment of statutory obligations. The foregoing sentence does not restrict your right to share Confidential Information with a governmental entity that has jurisdiction over you, provided that you limit the disclosure to the minimum necessary and explicitly indicate the confidential nature of the shared information to the governmental entity. You may not issue any press release or make any public statement related to the Services, or use our name, trademarks or logo in any way (including in promotional material) without our advance written permission, or misrepresent or embellish the relationship between us in any way. You may only use the Amazon Mark as defined in and according to the Trademark Usage Guidelines available in Seller Central; you may not use our name, trademarks, or logos in any way (including in promotional material) not covered by the Trademark Usage Guidelines without our advance written permission.You may not use any customer personal data (including contact information) for any purpose other than fulfilling orders or providing customer service in connection with a Service. Generally, you may not use such data in any way inconsistent with applicable law. You must keep customer personal data confidential at all time (the above 8 years’ term limit does not apply to customer personal data).**12. Force Majeure**We will not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of our obligations under this Agreement by reasons, events or other matters beyond our reasonable control.**13. Relationship of Parties**You and we are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement will be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, association of persons, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between the parties. Amazon is not an auctioneer, neither is it an intermediary between the customer and the seller. You will have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on our behalf. You will not make any statement, whether on your site or otherwise, that would contradict anything in this section. This Agreement will not create an exclusive relationship between you and us.**14. Suggestions and Other Information**If you or any of your Affiliates elect to provide or make available suggestions, comments, ideas, improvements, or other feedback or materials to us in connection with or related to the Amazon Site or Services (including any related Technology), you will, to the extent necessary and authorized by law, irrevocably grant to us, a royalty-free and worldwide license on all right, title, and interest in and to the suggestions for the duration of protection of the underlying rights. In order to cooperate with governmental requests, to protect our systems and customers, or to ensure the integrity and operation of our business and systems, we may access and disclose any information we consider necessary or appropriate, including but not limited to user contact details, IP addresses and traffic information, usage history and posted content.**15. Modification**We will provide at least 15 days’ advance notice in accordance with Section 17 for changes to the Agreement.However, we may change or modify the Agreement at any time with immediate effect (a) for legal, regulatory, fraud and abuse prevention, or security reasons; (b) to change existing features or add additional features to the Services (where this does not materially adversely affect your use of the Services); or (c) to restrict products or activities that we deem unsafe, inappropriate, or offensive. We will notify you about any change or modification in accordance with Section 17.Your continued use of the Services after the effective date of any change to this Agreement in accordance with this Section 15 will constitute your acceptance of that change. If any change is unacceptable to you, you agree not to use the Services and to end the Agreement as described in Section 3.**16. Password Security**Any password we provide to you may be used only during the Term to access Your Account or Seller Central, respectively, (or other tools we provide) to use the Service, electronically accept Your Transactions, and review your completed transactions. You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your password. You may not disclose your password to any third party (other than third parties authorized by you to use Your Account in accordance with this Agreement) and are solely responsible for any use of or action taken under your password. If your password is compromised, you must immediately change your password.**17. Miscellaneous**This Agreement will be governed by the laws of India, without reference to rules governing choice of laws or the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The laws of India govern this Agreement and your use of the Services, without reference to rules governing choice of laws or the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Any dispute or claim of any nature relating in any way to your use of any Services covered under this Agreement will be adjudicated through arbitration, by a sole arbitrator to be appointed by Amazon. The arbitral proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the (Indian) Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or such statutory amendments thereof (“Arbitration Act”). The arbitration proceedings will be conducted in English and the venue of the arbitral proceedings shall be Delhi, India. Each party agrees that courts in Delhi will have the sole and exclusive jurisdiction over all arbitral applications. The fast track procedures under the Arbitration Act will apply to all proceedings as stipulated.You may not transfer or assign all or any portion of this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without our prior written consent. Any attempt to assign or otherwise transfer in violation of this section is void provided, however, that upon notice to Amazon, you may assign or transfer this Agreement, in whole or in part, to any of your Affiliates as long as you remain liable for your obligations that arose prior to the effective date of the assignment or transfer under this Agreement. You agree that we may assign or transfer our rights and obligations under this Agreement: (a) in connection with a merger, consolidation, acquisition or sale of all or substantially all of our assets or similar transaction;, or (b) to any Affiliate or as part of a corporate reorganization; and effective upon such assignment, the assignee is deemed substituted for Amazon as the party to this Agreement. Subject to that restriction, this Agreement will be binding on, inure to, and be enforceable against the parties and their respective successors and assigns. We may perform any of our obligations or exercise any of our rights under this Agreement through one or more of our Affiliates. Our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of our right to enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement subsequently.Amazon retains the right to immediately halt any transaction, prevent or restrict access to the Services or take any other action to restrict access to or availability of any inaccurate listing, any inappropriately categorized items, any unlawful items, or any items otherwise prohibited by the applicable Program Policies.The authentic language of this Agreement and subsidiary or associated documentation shall be English and any translations provided are for convenience only. In the event of any conflict or difference in interpretation between the English language version of this Agreement and subsidiary or associated documentation and any translation of them, the English language version and interpretation shall prevail.You agree that we may, in our sole discretion, disclose or make available any information provided or submitted by you or related to your participation under this Agreement (including information regarding Your Products or Your Transactions) to any judicial, quasi-judicial, governmental, regulatory or any other authority as may be required by us to co-operate and / or comply with any of their orders, instructions or directions or to fulfil any requirements under applicable Laws.Amazon will provide notice to you under this Agreement by posting changes on Seller Central or on the applicable Amazon Services site to which the changes relate (such as the Marketplace Developer site accessible through your account), by sending you an email notification, or by similar means. You must send all notices and other communications relating to Amazon to our Selling Partner Support team via Seller Central, email, the Contact Us form, or similar means. We may also communicate with you in connection with your listings, sales, and the Services electronically and in other media, and you consent to such communications. For contractual purposes, you consent to receive such communications through any mode including SMS, e-mail, phone calls etc. If at any time, now or in the future, you decide to change your preferences, visit the Seller Central Notification Preferences page via https://sellercentral.amazon.in (https://sellercentral.amazon.in) (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/ (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/)) and follow the steps.You may change your e-mail addresses or phone numbers via Your Account. Please update these details (including your legal name and address) as often as necessary to ensure that they are accurate.Please continue to use Seller Central as the primary means of managing your orders and seller account. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed severable from these terms and conditions and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Services and related subject matter described herein and supersedes any previous or contemporaneous oral or written agreements and understandings.**Definitions**As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings:**"Affiliate"** means with respect to any entity, any other entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such entity, except with respect to Amazon, "Affiliate" means solely its Affiliates domiciled in India.**"Amazon Associated Properties"** means any website or other online point of presence, other than the Amazon Site, through which any Amazon Site or products or services available thereon are syndicated, offered, merchandised, advertised or described.**"Amazon Site"** means Online Shopping site in India: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More (http://www.amazon.in (http://www.amazon.in)).**"Business Days"** means any day of the week (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) on which commercial banks are open for business in New Delhi, India; Seattle, Washington, United States of America; Luxembourg; and the Republic of Singapore.**“Confidential Information"** means information relating to us, to the Services or Amazon customers that is not known to the general public including, but not limited to, any information identifying or unique to specific customers; reports, insights, and other information about the Services, data derived from the Services except for data (other than customer personal data) arising from the sale of your products comprising of products sold, prices, sales, volumes and time of the transaction; and technical or operational specifications relating to the Services. For the purposes of this Agreement, customer personal data constitutes Confidential Information at all times.**"Content"** means copyrightable works and other content protected under applicable Laws.**"Excluded Products"** means any products or other items set forth in the excluded products list for the Amazon Site or any other Amazon Program Policy that applies to your use of a Service, and any other products or other items that in Amazon's sole discretion are not supported for a Service.**"Insurance Limits"** means INR 5,00,00,000**"Insurance Threshold"** means INR 5,00,000**"Intellectual Property Rights"** means any patent, copyright, Trademark, moral right, trade secret right or any other intellectual property right arising under any Laws and all ancillary and related rights, including all rights of registration and renewal and causes of action for violation, misappropriation or infringement of any of the foregoing.**"Law(s)"** means any law, ordinance, rule, regulation, order, licence, permit, judgment, decision or other requirement, now or hereafter in effect, of any governmental authority of competent jurisdiction.**"Local Currency"** means Indian Rupees (INR).**"Order Information"** means, with respect to any of Your Products sold through the Amazon Site, the order information and shipping information that we provide or make available to you.**"Person"** means any individual, company, corporation, partnership, limited liability partnership, governmental authority, association, joint venture, division or other cognizable entity, whether or not having distinct legal existence.**"Program Policies"** means, all policies and program terms provided on the ‘Policies and Agreements’ (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/GWBRR2JMCQCVXW6S?language=en_IN&ref=efph_GWBRR2JMCQCVXW6S_cont_G1791 (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/GWBRR2JMCQCVXW6S?language=en_IN&ref=efph_GWBRR2JMCQCVXW6S_cont_G1791)) page.**"Purchase Price"** means the total gross amount payable or paid by a customer for Your Product (including taxes and customs duties).**"Sales Proceeds"** means the gross sales proceeds paid by customers in the course of any of Your Transactions, including the Purchase Price, all shipping and handling, gift wrap and other charges, any taxes and customs duties.**"Seller Central"** means the online portal and tools made available by Amazon to you, for your use in managing your orders, inventory and presence on the Amazon Site.**"Service"** means each of the following services that Amazon makes available on or in connection with the Amazon Site: the Selling on Amazon Service, Fulfilment by Amazon Service and Amazon Advertising.**"Service Terms"** means the service terms specific to each Service set forth herein and made a part of this Agreement upon the date you elect to register for the applicable Service.**"Technology"** means any: (a) ideas, procedures, processes, systems, methods of operation, concepts, principles and discoveries protected or protectable under the Laws of any jurisdiction; (b) interfaces, protocols, glossaries, libraries, structured XML formats, specifications, grammars, data formats, or other similar materials; and (c) software, hardware, code, technology or other functional item.**"Trademark"** means any trademark, service mark, trade dress (including any proprietary "look and feel"), trade name, other proprietary logo or insignia or other source or business identifier, protected or protectable under applicable Laws.**"Your Account"** means the particular account in our systems, in which information about Your Transactions is recorded, and which is one of the online portals and tools which Amazon may make available to you, for your use in managing your orders, inventory and presence on the Amazon Site.**"Your Materials"** means all Technology, Your Trademarks, Content, Required Product Information, data, materials, and other items provided or made available by you or your Affiliates to Amazon or its Affiliates.**"Your Product"** means any product that is made available for listing for sale, offered for sale or sold by you through the Selling on Amazon Service and/or fulfilled or otherwise processed through the Fulfilment by Amazon Service in connection with Your Account, or made available for advertising by you through Amazon Advertising.**"Your Sales Channels"** means all sales channels and other means through which you or any of your Affiliates offer or sell products, other than physical stores.**"Your Taxes"** means any and all value added, service, sales, use, excise, import, export, goods and services tax and other taxes and duties assessed, incurred or required to be collected or paid for any reason in connection with any advertisement, offer or sale of products by you on or through or in connection with the Services, or otherwise in connection with any action, inaction or omission of you or your Affiliates or your or their respective employees, agents, contractors or representatives. Also, as it is used in the Fulfilment by Amazon Service Terms, this defined term also means any of the types of taxes mentioned above that are imposed on or collectible by Amazon or any of its Affiliates in connection with or as a result of: (a) the storage of inventory, packaging, Your Products and other materials owned by you and stored by Amazon; or (b) the fulfilment, shipping, gift wrapping or other actions by Amazon to Your Products pursuant to the Fulfilment by Amazon Service Terms.**"Your Trademarks"** means Trademarks of yours that you provide to us: (a) in non-text form for branding purposes; and (b) separate from (and not embedded or otherwise incorporated in) any product specific information or materials.**"Your Transaction"** means any sale of Your Product(s) through the Amazon Site.**Selling on Amazon Service Terms**The Selling on Amazon Service ("**Selling on Amazon**") is a Service that allows you to list products for sale directly via the Amazon Site. Selling on Amazon is operated by Amazon Seller Services Private Limited. These Selling on Amazon Service Terms are part of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement ("**Business Solutions Agreement**"), but, unless specifically provided otherwise, concern and apply only to your participation in Selling on Amazon. BY REGISTERING FOR OR USING SELLING ON AMAZON, YOU (ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF OR THE BUSINESS YOU REPRESENT) AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS AGREEMENT (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#BSA (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#BSA)) AND THESE SELLING ON AMAZON SERVICE TERMS. Unless defined in these Selling on Amazon Service Terms (including the Selling on Amazon Definitions (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#Definitions (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#Definitions))), all capitalized terms have the meanings given them in the Business Solutions Agreement.**S-1. Your Product Listings and Orders****S-1.1 Products and Product Information.** You will, in accordance with applicable Program Policies, provide accurate and complete Required Product Information for each product that you make available to be listed for sale through the Amazon Site and promptly update such information as necessary to ensure it at all times remains accurate and complete. You will also ensure that Your Materials, Your Products (including packaging) and your offer and subsequent sale of any of the same on the Amazon Site comply with all applicable Laws (including all marking and labeling requirements) and do not contain any sexually explicit, defamatory or obscene materials or any unlawful materials. You may not provide any information for, or otherwise seek to list for sale on the Amazon Site, any Excluded Products; or provide any URL Marks for use, or request that any URL Marks be used, on the Amazon Site. For each item you list on the Amazon Site, you will provide to us the state or country from which the item ships.**S-1.2 Product Listing; Merchandising; Order Processing.** We will list Your Products for sale on the Amazon Site in the applicable product categories which are supported for third party sellers generally on the Amazon Site on the applicable Selling on Amazon Launch Date, and conduct merchandising and promote Your Products in accordance with the Business Solutions Agreement (including via the Amazon Associated Properties or any other functions, features, advertising, or programs on or in connection with the Amazon Site). Amazon reserves its right to restrict at any time in its sole discretion the access to list in any or all categories on the Amazon Site. We may use mechanisms that rate, or allow shoppers to rate, Your Products and/or your performance as a seller on the Amazon Site and Amazon may make these ratings and feedback publicly available. We will provide Order Information to you for each of Your Transactions. Sales Proceeds will be paid to you only in accordance with Section S-5.**S-1.3 Shipping and Handling Charges.** For Seller-Fulfilled Products, you will determine shipping and handling charges via and subject to our standard functionality and categorizations for the Amazon Site and further subject to any shipping and handling charge Program Policies for the Amazon Site. Any such amounts, paid by the customer towards shipping and handling charges, shall be your proceeds, subject to deduction of applicable charges as may be determined by us and you are solely responsible for reporting and remitting any applicable taxes on the shipping and handling charges. For Amazon-Fulfilled Products, Amazon will determine what the shipping fees will be and will display and collect them accordingly in accordance with the Fulfilment by Amazon Service Terms.**S-1.4 Credit Card Fraud.** We will bear the risk of credit card fraud (i.e. a fraudulent purchase arising from the theft and unauthorized use of a third party's credit card information) occurring in connection with Your Transactions, and you will bear all other risk of fraud or loss; provided, that we will not bear the risk of credit card fraud in connection with any Seller-Fulfilled Product that is not fulfilled strictly in accordance with the Order Information and Shipment Information.**S-2. Sale and Fulfilment, Refunds and Returns****S-2.1 Sale and Fulfilment.** Other than as described in the Fulfilment by Amazon Service Terms (if applicable to you), or as provided in any applicable Service Terms or Program Policies, for the Amazon Site for which you decide to register or use the Selling on Amazon Service, you will: (a) source, sell, fulfil, ship and deliver your Seller-Fulfilled Products, and source and sell your Amazon-Fulfilled Products, in each case in accordance with the terms of the applicable Order Information, these Service Terms and the Agreement, and all terms provided by you and displayed on the Amazon Site at the time of the order and be solely responsible for and bear all risk for such activities; (b) package each of Your Products in a commercially reasonable manner and ship each of Your Products on or before its Estimated Ship Date; (c) retrieve Order Information at least once each Business Day; (d) not cancel any of Your Transactions except as may be permitted pursuant to your terms and conditions appearing on the Amazon Site at the time of the applicable order (which terms and conditions will be in accordance with this Agreement) or as may be required under this Agreement; (e) ship Your Products throughout India (except to the extent prohibited by applicable Law or this Agreement); (f) provide to Amazon information regarding shipment and order status and tracking (to the extent available), in each case as requested by us using the processes designated by us, and we may make any of this information publicly available; (g) comply with all Street Date instructions; (h) notwithstanding any other provision of these Service Terms, ensure that you are the seller of all products made available for listing for sale hereunder; (i) include an order-specific packing slip within each shipment of Your Products; (j) identify yourself as the seller of the product on all packing slips or other information included with Your Products and as the Person to which a customer may return the applicable product; and (k) not send customers emails confirming orders or shipments of Your Products (except that to the extent we have not yet enabled functionality for Your Account that allows payment to be processed on the basis of when shipment occurs, then you will send customers emails confirming shipment of Your Products in a format and manner reasonably acceptable to us). For Amazon-Fulfilled Products, if any, the Fulfilment by Amazon Service Terms will apply to the storage, fulfilment and delivery of such Amazon-Fulfilled Products.**S-2.2 Returns and Refunds.** For all of Your Products that are not fulfilled using Fulfilment by Amazon, you will accept and process returns, refunds and adjustments in accordance with these Service Terms and the Amazon Refund Policies published at the time of the applicable order, and we may inform customers that these policies apply to Your Products. You will determine and calculate the amount of all refunds and adjustments (including any taxes, shipping and handling or other charges) or other amounts to be paid by you to customers in connection with Your Transactions, using a functionality we enable for Your Account. This functionality may be modified or discontinued by us at any time without notice and is subject to the Program Policies and the terms of this Business Solutions Agreement. You will route all such payments through Amazon. We will provide any such payments to the customer (which may be in the same payment form originally used to purchase Your Product), and you will reimburse us for all amounts so paid. For all of Your Products that are fulfilled using Fulfilment by Amazon, the Amazon Refund Policies published at the time of the applicable order will apply and you will comply with them. You will promptly provide refunds and adjustments that you are obligated to provide under the applicable Amazon Refund Policies and as required by Law, and in no case later than thirty (30) calendar days following after the obligation arises. For the purposes of making payments to the customer (which may be in the same payment form originally used to purchase Your Product), you authorize us to make such payments or disbursements from your available balance in the Nodal Account (as defined in Section S-5). In the event your balance in the Nodal Account is insufficient to process the refund request, we will process such amounts due to the customer on your behalf, and you will reimburse us for all amounts so paid.**S-3. Problems with Your Products****S-3.1 Delivery Errors and Nonconformities; Recalls.** You are responsible for: any non-delivery, misdelivery, theft or other mistake or act in connection with the fulfilment and delivery of Your Products, except to the extent caused by: (a) credit card fraud for which we are responsible under *Section S-1.4*; or (b) our failure to make available to you Order Information as it was received by us or resulting from address verification. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, for Amazon-Fulfilled Products, if any, the Fulfilment by Amazon Service Terms will apply to non-delivery, misdelivery, theft or other mistake or act in connection with the fulfilment and delivery of those of Your Products. You are also responsible for any non-conformity or defect in, or any public or private recall of, any of Your Products. You will notify us promptly as soon as you have knowledge of any public or private recalls of Your Products.**S-3.2 A-to-z Guarantee and Chargebacks.** If we inform you that we have received a claim under the "A-to-z Guarantee" offered on the Amazon Site, or other dispute, relating to the offer, sale or fulfillment of Your Product(s) (other than a chargeback) concerning one of Your Transactions, you will have 30 days to appeal our decision of the claim. If we find that a claim, chargeback, or dispute is your responsibility, you (i) will not take recourse against the customer, and (ii) are responsible for reimbursing us for the amount paid by the customer (including taxes and shipping and handling charges, but excluding any Referral Fees that we retained as defined in Section S-4), and all other fees and expenses associated with the original transaction (such as credit card, bank, payment processing, re-presentment, or penalty fees) and any related chargebacks or refunds to the extent payable by us.**S-4. Compensation**You will pay us: (a) the applicable Referral Fee; (b) any applicable Closing Fees; and (c) if applicable, the non-refundable Selling on Amazon Subscription Fee in advance for each month (or for each transaction, if applicable) during the Term of this Agreement. "**Selling on Amazon Subscription Fee**" means the fee specified as such on the Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/200557190?ref=ag_200557190_cont_G1791&language=en_IN (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/200557190?ref=ag_200557190_cont_G1791&language=en_IN)) for the Amazon Site at the time such fee is payable. With respect to each of Your Transactions: (x) **"Sales Proceeds"** has the meaning set out in the Business Solutions Agreement; (y) **"Closing Fees"** means the applicable fee, if any, as specified in the Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/200557190?ref=ag_200557190_cont_G1791&language=en_IN (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/200557190?ref=ag_200557190_cont_G1791&language=en_IN)) for the Amazon Site; and (z) **"Referral Fee"** means the applicable percentage of the Sales Proceeds from Your Transaction through the Amazon Site specified on the Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/200557190?ref=ag_200557190_cont_G1791&language=en_IN (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/200557190?ref=ag_200557190_cont_G1791&language=en_IN)) for the Amazon Site at the time of Your Transaction, based on the categorization by Amazon of the type of product that is the subject of Your Transaction; provided, however, that Sales Proceeds will not include any shipping charge set by us in the case of Your Transactions that consist solely of Amazon-Fulfilled Products. Except as provided otherwise, all monetary amounts contemplated in these Service Terms will be expressed and provided in the Local Currency, and all payments contemplated by this Agreement will be made in the Local Currency.All taxes or surcharges imposed on fees payable by you to Amazon will be your responsibility.**S-5 Sales Proceeds & Refunds.****S-5.1.Nodal Account.** Remittances to you for Your Transactions (excluding COD transactions) will be made through a nodal account (the "**Nodal Account**") in accordance with the directions issued by Reserve Bank of India for the opening and operation of accounts and settlement of payments for electronic payment transactions involving intermediaries vide its notification RBI/2009-10/231 http://DPSS.CO.PD.No (http://DPSS.CO.PD.No) (http://DPSS.CO.PD.No).1102 (http://DPSS.CO.PD.No).1102) / 02.14.08/ 2009-10 dated November 24, 2009. Remittance to you for COD transactions shall be made through the online bank or any other mutually agreed and other means used to transfer to Your Bank Account. You hereby agree and authorize us to collect payments on your behalf from customers for any sales made through the COD mechanism. You authorize and permit us to collect and disclose any information (which may include personal or sensitive information such as Your Bank Account information) made available to us in connection with this Agreement to a bank, auditor, processing agency, or third party contracted by us in connection with this Agreement.Subject to and without limiting any of the rights described in Section 2 of the General Terms, we may hold back a portion or your Sale Proceeds as a separate reserve ("**Reserve**"). The Reserve will be in an amount as determined by us and the Reserve will be used only for the purpose of settling the future claims of customers in the event of non-fulfilment of delivery to the customers of your Products keeping in mind the period for refunds and chargebacks.**S-5.2.** Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement (including without limitation Section 2 of the General Terms), you authorize us and we will remit the Settlement Amount to Your Bank Account on the Payment Date in respect of an Eligible Transaction. When you either initially provide or later change Your Bank Account information, the Payment Date will be deferred for a period of up to 14 calendar days. You will not have the ability to initiate or cause payments to be made to you. If you refund money to a customer in connection with one of Your Transactions in accordance with Section S-2.2, on the next available Designated Day for Amazon Site, we will credit you with the amount of the Referral Fee paid by you to us attributable to the amount of the customer refund, less the Refund Administration Fee for each refund, which amount we may retain as an administrative fee."**Eligible Transaction**" means Your Transaction against which the actual shipment date has been confirmed by you."**Designated Day**" means any particular Business Day of the week designated by Amazon on a weekly basis, in its sole discretion, for making remittances to you."**Payment Date**" means the Designated Day falling immediately after 14 calendar days (or less in our sole discretion) of the Eligible Transaction."**Settlement Amount**" means Sales Proceeds (which you will accept as payment in full for the sale and shipping and handling of Your Products), less: (a) the Referral Fees due for such sums; (b) any Selling on Amazon Subscription Fees due; (c) taxes required to be charged by us on our fees; (d) any refunds due to customers in connection with the Amazon Site; (e) Reserves, as may be applicable, as per this Agreement; (f) Closing Fees, if applicable; (g) any other applicable fee prescribed under the Program Policies (including fee payable under the FBA Fee Schedule for Amazon Site), if applicable; and (h)tax collected at source under applicable Law.**S-5.3.** In the event that we elect not to recover from you a customer's chargeback, failed payment, or other payment reversal (a "**Payment Failure**"), you irrevocably assign to us all your rights, title and interest in and associated with that Payment Failure.**S-6. Amazon’s Marketplace, Websites and Services**Amazon has the right to determine, the design, content, functionality, availability and appropriateness of its marketplace, websites, selection and any product or listing on the Amazon Site or the Amazon Associated Properties, and all aspects of each Service, including your use of the same. Amazon may assign any of these rights or delegate any of its responsibilities.**S-7. Tax Matters**In addition to the General Terms, you agree that, the price stated by you for Your Products is inclusive of all taxes including VAT/CST, customs duty, excise duty or other tax or levy that may be required to be remitted in connection with such sale, unless otherwise provided in any Program Policy or otherwise agreed by Amazon in advance in writing.All payments by Amazon to you shall be made subject to applicable withholding taxes under applicable Governing Laws. Amazon will retain, in addition to its net fees together with any applicable taxes that Amazon determines, as it is obligated to charge or collect on the fees, an amount equal to applicable withholding taxes.If you are required deposit withholding tax in the form and manner as prescribed under applicable Governing laws, you will issue an appropriate tax withholding certificate for such amount to Amazon.You may submit a reimbursement claim with a valid tax withholding certificate in Form 16A within one month from the due date of issuance of Form 16A as per statutory timelines. Amazon shall reimburse the claim post verification and reconciliation with service fee as per books of accounts. Amazon will have right to reject the claim if the claimed amount does not match with service fees invoices. Amazon shall maintain the right to recover any excessive claims paid to you.Amazon has the option to obtain an order for lower or NIL withholding tax from the Indian Revenue authorities. In case Amazon successfully procures such an order, it will communicate the same to you. In that case, the amounts retained shall be in accordance with the directions contained in the order as in force at the point in time when tax is required to be deducted at the source.**Selling on Amazon Definitions****"Amazon-Fulfilled Products"** means any of Your Products that are fulfilled using the Fulfilment by Amazon Service.**"Amazon Refund Policies"** means the return and refund policies published on the Amazon Site.**"Estimated Ship Date"** means, with respect to any of Your Products, either: (a) the end of the shipping availability period (which begins as of the date on which the relevant order is placed by the customer), or the shipping availability date, as applicable, specified by you in the relevant inventory/product data feed for Your Product on the Amazon Site; or (b) if you do not specify shipping availability information in such inventory/product data feed or Your Product is in a product category that Amazon designates as requiring shipment within two (2) days (excluding Sundays and public holidays), (2) days (excluding Sundays and public holidays) after the date on which the relevant order is placed by the customer.**"Refund Administration Fee"** means the lesser of INR 300 or twenty percent (20%) of the applicable Referral Fee.**"Required Product Information"** means, with respect to each of Your Products in connection with the Amazon Site, the following (except to the extent expressly not required under the applicable Program Policies): (a) description; (b) SKU and EAN/UPC numbers and other identifying information as Amazon may reasonably request; (c) information regarding in-stock status and availability, shipping limitations or requirements, and Shipment Information (in each case, in accordance with any categorizations prescribed by Amazon from time to time); (d) categorization within each Amazon product category and browse structure as prescribed by Amazon from time to time; (e) digitized image that accurately depicts only Your Product and does not include any additional logos, text or other markings (and that complies with any Amazon published image guidelines); (f) Purchase Price; (g) shipping and handling charge (in accordance with our standard functionality therefor); (h) any text, disclaimers, warnings, notices, labels or other content required by applicable Law to be displayed in connection with the offer, merchandising, advertising or sale of Your Product; (i) any vendor requirements, restocking fees or other terms and conditions applicable to such product that a customer should be aware of prior to purchasing the product; (j) brand; (k) model; (l) product dimensions; (m) weight; (n) a delimited list of technical specifications; (o) SKU and EAN/UPC numbers (and other identifying information as we may reasonably request) for accessories related to Your Product that is available in our catalogue; and (p) any other information reasonably requested by us (e.g., the condition of used or refurbished products, Harmonized System of Nomenclature / Service Accounting Code).**"Seller-Fulfilled Products"** means any of Your Products that are not fulfilled using the Fulfilment by Amazon Service.**"Selling on Amazon Launch Date"** means the date on which we first list one of Your Products for sale on the Amazon Site.**"Shipment Information"** means, with respect to any of Your Products, the estimated or promised shipment and/or delivery date.**"Street Date"** means the date(s), if any, specified by the manufacturer, distributor and/or licensor of a product as the date before which specified information regarding such product (e.g., title of a book) should not be disclosed publicly, or such product should not be delivered or otherwise made available to customers.**"URL Marks"** means any Trademark, or any other logo, name, phrase, identifier or character string, that contains or incorporates any top level domain (e.g., .com, http://co.in (http://co.in) (http://co.in (http://co.in)), http://co.uk (http://co.uk) (http://co.uk (http://co.uk)), .in, .de, .es, .edu, .fr, .jp) or any variation thereof (e.g., dot com, dotcom, net, or com).**"Your Transaction"** is defined in the Business Solutions Agreement; however, as used in these Service Terms, it shall mean any and all such transactions through Selling on Amazon only.**Fulfilment by Amazon Service Terms**Fulfilment by Amazon ("**FBA**") provides fulfilment and associated services for Your Products. FBA is operated by Amazon Seller Services Private Limited.These FBA Service Terms are part of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement ("**Business Solutions Agreement**"), and, unless specifically provided otherwise, concern and apply only to your participation in FBA. BY REGISTERING FOR OR USING FBA, YOU (ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF OR THE BUSINESS YOU REPRESENT) AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS AGREEMENT (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#BSA (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/G1791#BSA)) AND THESE FBA SERVICE TERMS. Unless defined in these FBA Service Terms, all capitalized terms are as defined in the Business Solutions Agreement.**F.1. Your Products**Once you are accepted into FBA, you must apply to register each product you sell that you wish to include in the FBA program in connection with the Amazon Site. You may not include any product in the FBA program which is a FBA Excluded Product for the Amazon Site you wish to register Your Product with. We may refuse registration in FBA of any product in connection with the Amazon Site, including on the basis that it is an FBA Excluded Product or that it violates applicable Program Policies. You may at any time withdraw registration of any of Your Products from FBA in connection with the Amazon Site.**F.2. Product and Shipping Information**You will, in accordance with applicable Program Policies, provide in the format we require accurate and complete information about Your Products registered in FBA (including Harmonized System of Nomenclature / Service accounting Code, if applicable). You will promptly update any information about Your Products in accordance with our requirements and as necessary so that the information is at all times accurate and complete.**F.3. Shipping to Amazon****F.3.1.** For the Amazon Site you register Units in connection with, such Units will be delivered to customers in India only. You will ship Units to us in accordance with applicable Program Policies for the Amazon Site Your Products are registered in connection with. You will ensure that: (a) all Units are properly packaged for protection against damage and deterioration during shipment and storage; (b) terms of freight "C.I.P. (Carriage and Insurance Paid) Destination"; and (c) all Units comply with Amazon's labelling and other requirements. You will be responsible for all costs incurred to ship the Units to the shipping destination (including costs of freight and transit insurance). You will prepay all such shipping costs and Amazon will not pay any shipping costs except as provided in *Section F-3.2*. You are responsible for payment of all duties, custom duty, taxes and other charges. If you ship Units to a Site Fulfilment Centre from outside of India, you will list yourself as the importer/consignee and nominate a customs broker. If Amazon is listed on any import documentation, Amazon reserves the right to refuse to accept any Units covered by the import documents and any costs assessed against or incurred by Amazon will be collected by any means permitted by this Agreement. In the case of any improperly packaged or labelled Unit, we may return the Unit to you at your expense (pursuant to *Section F-7*).**F.3.2.** You will not deliver to us any Unsuitable Unit, and we may refuse to accept any shipment (including any Unsuitable Unit). We may return or dispose of or destroy any Unsuitable Unit as provided in Section F-7 (and you will be deemed to have consented to such action): (a) immediately if we determine in our sole discretion that the Unit creates a safety, health or liability risk to Amazon, our personnel or any third party; or (b) if you fail to direct us to return or dispose of or destroy any Unsuitable Unit within thirty (30) days after we notify you that the Unit has been recalled; or (c) except as otherwise provided in this Section F-3.2, if you refuse or fail to direct us to return or dispose of or destroy any Unsuitable Unit within thirty (30) calendar days after we notify you that we are in possession of it. In addition, you will compensate us for any damages incurred including any expenses we incur in connection with any Unsuitable Units.**F.4. Storage**We will provide storage services as described in these FBA Service Terms once we confirm receipt of delivery. We will keep electronic records that track inventory of Units by identifying the number of Units stored in any Site Fulfilment Centre. We will not be required to physically mark Units. If there is a loss of or damage to any Units while we store them due to any breach of contractual obligation / non-performance of obligations by us causing such loss or damage, we will, pay you the applicable replacement value ((as described in the FBA Lost and Damaged Inventory Reimbursement Policy (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/help.html/?itemID=G200213130&ref_=xx_G200213130_a_r0_cont_sgsearch)*)* (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/help.html/?itemID=G200213130&ref_=xx_G200213130_a_r0_cont_sgsearch)*)*). Payment of the replacement value is our total liability for any duties or obligations that we or our agents or representatives may have as a bailee or warehouseman, and your only right or remedy that you may have as a bailor. The replacement value is inclusive of any VAT/CST/good and services tax (as applicable) and if the replacement value is subject to VAT/CST/goods and services tax, you agree to provide a valid VAT/CST/goods and services tax invoice to Amazon. In consideration of payment of the replacement value, the title in such Units will transfer to us and we will be entitled to dispose of, destroy or otherwise deal in such Units in any manner that we deem fit. You will have no security interest, lien or other claim to the proceeds that we receive from sale, disposal of or otherwise in connection with such Units. At all other times, you will be solely responsible for any loss of, or damage to, any Units. Our confirmed receipt of delivery does not: (a) indicate or imply that any Unit has been delivered free of loss or damage, or that any loss or damage to any Unit later discovered occurred after confirmed receipt of delivery; (b) indicate or imply that we actually received the number of Units of Your Product(s) specified by you for such shipment; or (c) waive, limit or reduce any of our rights under this Business Solutions Agreement. We reserve the right to change, scheduling restrictions and volume limitations on the delivery and storage of your inventory in the Site Fulfilment Centres in accordance with Section 14, and you will comply with any of these restrictions or limitations.**F.5. Fulfilment**We will ship Units from our inventory of Your Products in connection with the Amazon Site to the shipping addresses in India included in valid customer orders. We may ship Units together with products purchased from other merchants.**F.6. Customer Returns****F.6.1.** We will receive and process returns of any Amazon Fulfilment Units in accordance with the terms of your Seller Agreement, these FBA Service Terms and the Program Policies for the Amazon Site. Any Sellable Units registered in connection with the Amazon Site that are also Amazon Fulfilment Units and that are properly returned will be placed back into the inventory of Your Products in the FBA Program for the Amazon Site. We may fulfil customer orders for Your Products in connection with the Amazon Site with any Amazon Fulfilment Units returned in connection with the Amazon Site. Except as provided in *Section F-7*, you will retake title of all Units that are returned by customers.**F.6.2.** Except as provided in Section F-7, we will, at your direction, either return or dispose of or destroy any Amazon Fulfilment Unit that is returned to us and that we determine is an Unsuitable Unit as provided in Section F-7. Without limitation of our rights under Section F-7.4, we may elect to return or dispose of or destroy that Unsuitable Unit as provided in Section F-7, and you will be deemed to have consented to our election if you fail to direct us to return or dispose of or destroy the Unsuitable Unit within thirty (30) calendar days after we notify you of the Unsuitable Unit.**F.6.3.** You will be responsible for all tax obligations including but not limited to VAT/CST, sales, service and goods and services taxes as result of any returns.**F.7. Returns to You and Disposal****F.7.1.** You may, at any time, request that Units be returned to you. We may, with notice, return Units to you, including upon termination of these Service Terms. These returned shipments will be sent to your designated shipping address in the territory in which the applicable Site Fulfilment Centre is located (or, at Amazon's sole discretion, your designated shipping address within India. If the address we have for you in connection with the Amazon Site is outdated, incorrect or outside India or if we cannot make arrangements for you to pay for the return shipment, the Unit(s) will be deemed abandoned and we may elect to dispose of or destroy the Unit(s) as appropriate based on the inventory and, subject to any replacement or reimbursement done as required under applicable law, this Agreement and our Program Policies, retain any proceeds we may receive from the disposal. You agree that any proceeds we may receive from the disposal are fair and reasonable compensation for any costs we incur in connection with the disposal.. For all Units that are returned to you, you are solely responsible for issuing any statutory forms or other documents, including but not limited to invoices, stock transfer forms, delivery challans etc., required to return the Units back to you. You are also solely responsible for dealing with clearing the Units from any checkposts.**F.7.2.** You may, at any time, request that we dispose of or destroy Units. In this case, we may dispose of or destroy these Units as appropriate based on the inventory. Subject to Section F.4 above, title to each disposed or destroyed Unit will transfer to us at no cost, free and clear of any liens, claims, security interests or other encumbrances to the extent required to dispose of or destroy the Unit, and we may, subject to any replacement or reimbursement done as required under applicable law, this Agreement and our Program Policies, retain all proceeds, if any, received from the disposal of any Unit.**F.7.3.** You will promptly notify us of any recalls or threatened recalls of any of Your Products and cooperate and assist us in connection with any recalls, including by initiating the procedures for returning items to you under our standard processes. You will be responsible for all costs and expenses you, we or any of our or your Affiliates incur in connection with any recall or threatened recall of any of Your Products (including the costs to return, store, repair, liquidate or deliver to you or any vendor any of these products).**F.7.4. Disposal of Unsuitable Units.** In the event any Amazon Fulfilment Unit is returned to our Site Fulfilment Centre on account of being an Unsuitable Unit, then we may, without limiting any of our other rights under this Agreement (including as described in Section F.3.2), (a) dispose of or destroy such Unit in case you fail to remove such Unit from our Site Fulfilment Centre within a period of thirty (30) days from the date we notify you that its removal is required, for instance because your use of FBA is suspended or terminated or your seller account is suspended, terminated or closed; and (b) immediately dispose of or destroy such Unit if: (i) we determine that such Unit has no replacement value; (ii) we determine that the Unit creates a safety, health or liability risk to Amazon, our personnel or any third party; or (iii) we obtain knowledge of your engagement in fraudulent or illegal activity; or (iv) we have cause to terminate your use of Services with immediate effect pursuant to Section 3 and are exposed to liability towards a third party. In addition, you will reimburse us for any damages incurred including any expenses we incur in connection with any Unsuitable Units.**F.8. Reporting**You are responsible for raising or collecting from customers any appropriate documentation including invoices, delivery challans, way bills, stock transfer forms (e.g., Form F) or any other statutorily required documentation for reporting of both dispatch and arrivals of the shipment of Units to and from Site Fulfilment Centres. You will be solely responsible for clearing any goods held up at any checkposts or seized by tax authorities as a result of non-compliance of any required documentation requirements.**F.9. Customer Service****F.9.1.** We will be responsible for all customer service issues relating to packaging, handling and shipment and customer returns, refunds and adjustments related to Amazon Fulfilment Units. We will determine on your behalf, whether a customer will receive a refund, adjustment or replacement for any Amazon Fulfilment Unit and we will require you to reimburse us where we determine you have responsibility in accordance with the Business Solutions Agreement (including these Service Terms and the Program Policies for the applicable Amazon Site). Except as provided in this *Section F-9* regarding any Amazon Fulfilment Units, customer service will be handled as set forth in your Seller Agreement. You will be responsible for VAT/CST related customer service enquiries including but not limited to pricing and tax obligations including but not limited to VAT/CST, sales, service and goods and services taxes invoices and credit memos.**F.9.2.** In situations relating to Amazon Fulfilment Units where the wrong item was delivered or the item was damaged or lost or is missing, unless we determine that the basis for such request is caused by you or any of your employees, agents or contractors, and for any breach of contractual obligation / non-performance of obligations by Amazon as covered under the Program Policies causing such damage or loss we will, at our option for any Amazon Fulfilment Unit (i) ship a replacement Unit to the customer and pay you the applicable replacement value (as described in the FBA Lost and Damaged Inventory Reimbursement Policy (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/help.html/?itemID=G200213130&ref_=xx_G200213130_a_r0_cont_sgsearch)*)* (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/help.html/?itemID=G200213130&ref_=xx_G200213130_a_r0_cont_sgsearch)*)*) for the replacement Unit or (ii) process a refund to the customer and pay you the replacement value for the Unit. Any customer refund will be processed in accordance with the Selling on Amazon Service Terms. Notwithstanding the terms of the Selling on Amazon Service Terms, we will be entitled to retain the applicable Fees payable to us under the Selling on Amazon Service Terms and these Service Terms, respectively. Except as expressly provided in this *Section F-9.2* you will be responsible for all costs associated with any replacement or return.**F.9.3.** If we provide a replacement Unit or refund as described in the preceding sentence to a customer and that customer returns the original Unit to us, we will be entitled to dispose of /destroy the Unit pursuant to *Section F-7*, or, if it is a Sellable Unit, we may, at our option, place such Unit back into your inventory in accordance with *Section F-6*. If we do put it back into your inventory, you will compensate us for the applicable replacement value of the returned Unit. Any replacement Unit shipped by us under these Service Terms will be deemed to be, and will be treated in the same manner as, an order and sale of such Unit from you to the customer via the Amazon Site in accordance with the Business Solutions Agreement and your Seller Agreement, and will be subject to all terms and conditions applicable thereto.**F.10. Compensation****F.10.1. Fees.** You will pay us the applicable fees (including storage, fulfilment, removal and disposal fees) set out in the FBA Fee Schedule for the Amazon Site (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/200209150?ref=ag_200209150_cont_G1791&language=en_IN (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/200209150?ref=ag_200209150_cont_G1791&language=en_IN)). You will be charged the Storage Fees beginning on the day (up to midnight) that the Unit arrives at the Site Fulfilment Centre and is available for fulfilment by Amazon (or in the case of any Unsuitable Unit, the arrival day (up to midnight)), until the earlier of: (a) the day (up to midnight) we receive a valid customer order for such product or a request from you to return or dispose of or destroy the Unit; or (b) the day (up to midnight) we actually ship the Unit to your designated return location or dispose of or destroy the Unit.**F.10.2. Shipping and Gift Wrap.** For any Amazon Fulfilment Units we will determine the amounts charged to the customer for shipping and gift wrap services for the Units that we fulfil through the FBA Program. As between you and us, these charges will be your tax inclusive charges to the customer, and we will report them to you. We will charge you (and you will pay us) a fee equal to the amount of such charges to the customer. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible to account for any applicable taxes including but not limited to VAT/CST, sales, service and goods and services taxes on the shipping and gift wrap charges to customer.**F.10.3. Taxes on Fees Payable to Amazon.** In regard to these Service Terms you can provide a VAT / goods and services tax registration number or evidence of being in business, if you do not have a VAT / goods and services tax registration number. If you are VAT / goods and services tax registered, or in business but not VAT / goods and services tax registered, you give the following warranties and representations:(a) all services provided by Amazon to you are being received by your establishment under your designated VAT / goods and services tax registration number; and(b) (i) the VAT / goods and services tax registration number, or the evidence of being in business, you submit to Amazon belongs to the business you operate; (ii) that all transactions regarding the services will be business-related transactions made by the business associated with the VAT / goods and services tax registration number, if evidence of being in business, you submit to Amazon; and (iii) that the VAT / goods and services tax registration number, or evidence of being in business, and all other information provided by you is true, accurate and current and you will immediately update any such information held by Amazon in case of any changes.Amazon reserves the right to request additional information and to confirm the validity of any your account information (including without limitation your VAT / goods and services tax registration number) from you or government authorities and agencies as permitted by Law and you hereby irrevocably authorize Amazon to request and obtain such information from such government authorities and agencies. Further, you agree to provide any such information to Amazon upon request. Amazon reserves the right to charge you any applicable unbilled VAT / goods and services tax if you provide a VAT / goods and services tax registration number, or evidence of being in business, that is determined to be invalid. VAT / goods and services tax registered sellers and sellers who provide evidence of being in business agree to accept electronic VAT / goods and services tax invoices in a format and method of delivery as determined by Amazon.All payments by Amazon to you shall be made subject to any applicable withholding taxes and tax collection at source under the applicable Law. Amazon will retain, in addition to its net Fees, an amount equal to the legally applicable withholding taxes / tax collection at source at the applicable rate. You are responsible for deducting and depositing the legally applicable taxes and deliver to Amazon sufficient document evidencing the deposit of tax. Upon receipt of the evidence of deduction of tax, Amazon will remit the amount evidenced in the certificate to you. Upon your failure to duly deposit these taxes and providing evidence to that effect within 5 days from the end of the relevant month, Amazon shall have the right to utilize the retained amount for discharging its tax liability.Where you have deposited the taxes, you will issue an appropriate tax withholding certificate for such amount to Amazon and Amazon shall provide necessary support and documentation as may be required by you for discharging your obligations.Amazon has the option to obtain an order for lower or NIL withholding tax from the Indian Revenue authorities. In case Amazon successfully procures such an order, it will communicate the same to you. In that case, the amounts retained, shall be in accordance with the directions contained in the order as in force at the point in time when tax is required to be deducted at source.Any taxes applicable in addition to the fee payable to Amazon shall be added to the invoiced amount as per applicable Law at the invoicing date which shall be paid by you.**F.10.4. Registration of Fulfilment Centres for VAT / CST / goods and services tax:** Amazon understands and agrees that you would be required to register the Site Fulfilment Centres wholly or partly as your place of business from a VAT / CST / goods and services tax regulations perspective. Amazon shall issue a no-objection certificate as required to enable you to register the Site Fulfilment Centres as your additional place of business from a VAT / CST / goods and services tax regulations perspective. Amazon shall, on your request, issue a no-objection certificate in the prescribed format and other related documents as may be necessary to enable obtaining such registration. You shall indemnify and keep indemnified Amazon and its Affiliates, in addition to Section F.11, against any consequences arising from investigation or enquiry by the tax authorities due to any reason. In the event, your goods (or Site Fulfilment Centres) are seized by the tax authorities for any reason, the responsibility for undertaking the release, and bearing the costs of the release, would be solely on you, while Amazon would support this process as reasonably required. You further represent and warrant that you will not register Site Fulfilment Centres as your principal place of business but only as an additional place of business.**F.11. Indemnity**In addition to your obligations under Section 6 of the Business Solutions Agreement, you also agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless us, our Affiliates and their and our respective officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents against any Claim that arises out of or relates to: (a) the Units (whether or not title has transferred to us, and including any Unit that we identify as yours pursuant to Section F-4), including any personal injury, death or property damage; and, if applicable, b) any of Your Taxes or the collection, payment or failure to collect or pay Your Taxes or for any demand/denial of credit arising on account discrepancies observed in the goods and services tax returns filed.**F.12. Release**You hereby, on behalf of yourself and your successors, subsidiaries, Affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, assigns and any other person or entity claiming by, through, under or in concert with you or them (collectively, the "**Releasing Parties**"), irrevocably acknowledge full and complete satisfaction of and hereby unconditionally and irrevocably release and forever fully discharge Amazon and each of its Affiliates, and any and all of their predecessors, successors, and Affiliates, past and present, as well as each of their partners, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, employees, representatives, attorneys, and assigns, past and present, and each of them and all Persons acting by, through, under or in concert with any of them (collectively, the "**Released Parties**"), from any and all claims, obligations, demands, causes of action, suits, damages, losses, debts or rights of any kind or nature, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, absolute or contingent, accrued or unaccrued, determined or speculative (collectively, "**Losses**") which the Releasing Parties now own or hold or at any time heretofore have owned or held or in the future may hold or own against the Released Parties, or any of them, arising out of, resulting from, or in any way related to, the shipment including any tax registration or collection obligations. You, on behalf of yourself and all other Releasing Parties, recognize that you, and each of them, may have some Losses (WHETHER IN CONTRACT; WARRANTY; TORT; DELICT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE; PRODUCT LIABILITY; ANY TYPE OF CIVIL RESPONSIBILITY OR OTHER THEORY) OR OTHERWISE) against the Released Parties of which you, or any of them, are totally unaware and unsuspecting, or which may arise or accrue after the date you register for these FBA Service Terms, which the Releasing Parties are giving up by agreeing to these FBA Service Terms. It is your intention in agreeing to these FBA Service Terms that these FBA Service Terms will deprive the Releasing Parties of each and all such Losses and prevent the Releasing Party from asserting any such Losses against the Released Parties, or any of them.**F.13. Disclaimer**IN ADDITION TO THE DISCLAIMER IN *SECTION 7* OF THE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS AGREEMENT, WE HEREBY DISCLAIM ANY DUTIES OF A BAILEE OR WAREHOUSEMAN TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, AND YOU HEREBY WAIVE ALL RIGHTS AND REMEDIES OF A BAILOR (WHETHER ARISING UNDER COMMON LAW OR STATUTE), RELATED TO OR ARISING OUT OF ANY POSSESSION, STORAGE OR SHIPMENT OF YOUR PRODUCTS BY US OR OUR AFFILIATES OR ANY OF OUR OR THEIR CONTRACTORS OR AGENTS.**F.14. Effect of Termination**Your termination rights are set out in **Section 3** of this Agreement. Following any termination of the Business Solutions Agreement or these FBA Service Terms in connection with the Amazon Site, we will, as directed by you, return to you or dispose of or destroy the Units registered in connection with the Amazon Site as provided in Section F-7. If you fail to direct us to return or dispose of or destroy the Units within ninety (90) calendar days after termination, then we may elect to return and/or dispose of or destroy the Units in whole or in part, as provided in Section F-7, and you agree to such action. Upon any termination of these FBA Service Terms in connection with the Amazon Site, all rights and obligations of the parties under these FBA Service Terms with regard to the Amazon Site will be extinguished, except that the rights and obligations of the parties under Sections F-1, F-2, F-3, F-4, F-5, F-6, F-7, F-8, F-9, F-10, F-11, F-12, F-13 and F-14 with respect to Units received or stored by Amazon as of the date of termination will survive the termination.**F.15. Tax Matters**You understand and acknowledge that storing Units at the Site Fulfilment Centres may create a tax presence for you in the applicable territory in which the Site Fulfilment Centre is located, and you will be solely responsible for any taxes, interest or penalties owed as a result of such storage. You will be responsible for Your Taxes, interest or penalties and you will indemnify and hold Amazon and its Affiliates harmless from Your Taxes, interest or penalties as provided in Section F-11 of these FBA Service Terms and agree to pay any of these over to Amazon promptly. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for preparing and filing any applicable statutorily required documentation to be issued either by you or by the customers. You acknowledge that you are responsible to handle any requests for refunds of taxes including but not limited to VAT/CST, service, sales and goods and services taxes on shipments to these addresses where appropriate.**F.16. Additional Representation**In addition to your representations and warranties in Section 5 of the Business Solutions Agreement, you represent and warrant to us that: (a) you have valid legal title to all Units and all necessary rights to distribute the Units and to perform under these FBA Service Terms; (b) you will deliver all Units to us in new condition (or in such condition otherwise described by you in the applicable Your Product listing) and in a merchantable condition; (c) all Units and their packaging will comply with all applicable marking, labelling and other requirements required by Law; (d) no Unit is or will be produced or manufactured, in whole or in part, by child labour or by convict or forced labour; (e) you and all of your subcontractors, agents and suppliers involved in producing or delivering Units will strictly adhere to all applicable Laws (including any Law applicable to any territory where Units are produced or delivered, regarding the operation of their facilities and their business and labour practices, including working conditions, wages, hours and minimum ages of workers).**FBA Definitions****"Amazon Fulfilment Units"** means Units fulfilled using FBA that are sold through the Amazon Site. For avoidance of doubt, if you have successfully registered for both FBA and Selling on Amazon for the Amazon Site, then the term "Amazon Fulfilment Units" and the defined term "Amazon-Fulfilled Products" in the Selling on Amazon Service Terms both refer to the same items.**"FBA Excluded Product"** means, with respect to the Amazon Site you register Units in connection with, any Unit that is an Excluded Product, or is otherwise prohibited by the Program Policies for the Amazon Site (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/help.html?itemID=521&ref=ag_521_bred_1801& (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/help.html?itemID=521&ref=ag_521_bred_1801&)).**"Sellable Unit"** means a Unit that is not an Unsuitable Unit.**"Seller Agreement"** means the Selling on Amazon Service Terms, any successor to any of these agreements, or any other similar agreement (as determined by Amazon) between you and us that permits you to list and sell products via the Amazon Site.**"Shipping Information"** means with respect to any purchased Unit(s), the following information: the name of the recipient, the shipping address, the quantity of Units to be shipped, and any other shipping-related information we may reasonably request.**"Site Fulfilment Centre(s)"** means the fulfilment centre(s) designated or used by Amazon to store and fulfill Units in connection with a particular Amazon Site.**"Unit"** means a unit of Your Product that you deliver to Amazon in connection with the FBA Program in connection with the Amazon Site.**"Unsuitable Unit"** means a Unit: (a) that is defective, damaged, or lacking required label(s); (b) the labels for which were not properly registered with Amazon before shipment or do not match the product that was registered; (c) that is an FBA Excluded Product or does not comply with the Business Solutions Agreement (including these Service Terms and the applicable Program Policies); or (d) that Amazon determines is otherwise unsuitable.**Amazon Advertising Service Terms**The Amazon Advertising Service Terms govern your use of Amazon Advertising, a Service that allows you to advertise your products. The Amazon Advertising Service Terms apply to your use of the Ad Services.Your use of the Ad Services (as defined in the Amazon Advertising Agreement) is governed by the Amazon Advertising Agreement. You accept the Amazon Advertising Agreement, which may be updated from time to time by Amazon in accordance with its terms. The Amazon Advertising Agreement is available at Amazon Advertising - Advertising Campaigns (https://advertising.amazon.in/terms (https://advertising.amazon.in/terms)). In the event of any conflict between the General Terms or Program Policies and the Amazon Advertising Agreement with respect to the Ad Services, the Amazon Advertising Agreement will prevail to the extent of the conflict. If the Amazon Advertising Agreement is deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then the General Terms will govern your access to and use of the Ad Services.**Selling Partner API Terms****API-1 Description of the Selling Partner APIs**The “Selling Partner APIs” enable your systems to interface with certain features or functionality we make available to you. These Selling Partner API Terms concern and apply only to your use of the Selling Partner APIs unless specifically provided otherwise. Under the Selling Partner API Terms, you may authorize parties who (a) develop Applications to support you using the Selling Partner APIs or the API Materials, (b) have registered with us as Developers, and (c) who have agreed to the Marketplace Developer Agreement (“Developers”) to access Amazon Transaction Information and your Materials via the Selling Partner APIs. If you wish to use the Selling Partner APIs directly or develop software or a website that interfaces with the Selling Partner APIs or the API Materials (an “Application”), you must register as a Developer.We may make available Selling Partner APIs (including the Marketplace Web Services APIs) and software, data, text, audio, video, images, or other content we make available in connection with the Selling Partner APIs, including related documentation, software libraries, and other supporting materials, regardless of format (collectively the “API Materials”) that permit your systems to interface with certain features or functionality available to you. You may authorize Developers to access your Materials via the Selling Partner APIs solely for the purpose of supporting your business on Amazon. All terms and conditions applicable to the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials in this Agreement are solely between you and us. API Materials that are public or open source software (“Public Software”) may be provided to you under a separate license, in which case, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, that license will govern your use of those API Materials. For the avoidance of doubt, except to the extent expressly prohibited by the license governing any API Materials that are Public Software, all of the non-license provisions of this Agreement will apply.**API-2 License and Related Requirements****API-2.1 Generally.**We grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-sublicenseable, nontransferable license during the term of the Agreement to allow Developers to access and use Your Materials through the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials solely in support of your use of the Services covered by this Agreement. As between you and us, we or our licensors own all right, title, and interest in and to the Selling Partner APIs, the API Materials, any technical and operational specifications, security protocols and other documentation or policies provided or made available by us with respect to the Selling Partner APIs or the API Materials (the “Selling Partner API Specifications”), and our internal data center facilities, servers, networking equipment, and host software systems that are within our or their reasonable control and are used to provide the Selling Partner APIs or the API Materials (the “Amazon Network”).**API-2.2 License Restrictions.**You may authorize Developers to access your Materials through the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials only through APIs documented and communicated by us in accordance with any applicable Selling Partner API Specifications. You may not and may not authorize any other party to do any of the following with the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials: (a) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble them; (b) modify or create derivative works based upon them in whole or in part; (c) distribute copies of them; (d) remove any proprietary notices or labels on them; (e) use any Public Software in any manner that requires, pursuant to the license applicable to such Public Software, that the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials be disclosed, licensed, distributed, or otherwise made available to anyone; (f) resell, lease, rent, transfer, sublicense, or otherwise transfer rights to them; (g) access or use them in a way intended to avoid incurring any applicable fees or exceeding usage limits or quotas; (h) access or use them for any purpose unrelated to your use of Services; or (i) access or use them for fraudulent or illegal activities or activities that violate our policies or are otherwise harmful to us or any third parties. The limitations regarding data use in Section 10 above apply to any information you receive by the direct or indirect use of the Selling Partner APIs.**API-2.3 No License for Direct Access.**For the avoidance of doubt, these Selling Partner API Terms do not provide you a license to directly access or use the Selling Partner APIs, or install, copy, use, or distribute API Materials. Direct use of the Selling Partner APIs may only be licensed to Developers.**API-2.4 Account Identifiers and Credentials.**You must use the account IDs and any unique public key/private key pair issued by us to provide access to your data via the Selling Partner APIs (“Account Identifiers and Credentials”) in accordance with these Selling Partner API Terms to authorize Developers to access the Selling Partner APIs on your behalf. You may only authorize access to Amazon Transaction Information and Your Materials via the Selling Partner APIs in the way that we prescribe. Your Account Identifiers and Credentials are for your personal use only and you must maintain their secrecy and security. You are solely responsible for all activities that occur using your Account Identifiers and Credentials, regardless of whether the activities are undertaken by you or a third party (including your employees, contractors, or agents). You will provide us with notice immediately if you believe an unauthorized third party may be using your Account Identifiers and Credentials or if your Account Identifiers and Credentials are lost or stolen. We are not responsible for unauthorized use of your Account Identifiers and Credentials.**API-2.5 Security of Your Materials.**You are solely responsible for authorizing others to access the Selling Partner APIs on your behalf and taking your own steps to maintain appropriate security, protection, and backup of Your Materials. We are not responsible for any unauthorized access to, alteration of, or deletion, destruction, damage, loss, or failure to store any of Your Materials in connection with the Selling Partner APIs (including as a result of your or any third party’s errors, acts, or omissions).**API-3 Termination****API-3.1 Termination of Your Access to the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials.**Without limiting the parties’ rights and obligations under this Agreement, the Selling Partner API Developer Agreement, or the Selling Partner API Licence Agreement, we may limit, suspend, or terminate your access to the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials for convenience with 30 days’ notice. We may terminate immediately if (a) we determine that you have materially breached this Agreement and failed to cure within 7 days of a cure notice; (b) you or your account have been engaged in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; or (c) your use of the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials may harm our customers.Upon any suspension or termination of your access to the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials, you will immediately cease authorizing others to use the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials. Upon any termination of your access to the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials, you will also immediately destroy all API Materials. Upon any suspension or termination of your access to the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials, we may cause your Account Identifiers and Credentials to cease to be recognized by the Amazon Network for the purposes of the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials.**API-4 Modifications to the Selling Partner APIs and the API Materials**We may change or discontinue the Selling Partner APIs or the API Materials (including by changing or removing features or functionality of the Selling Partner APIs or the API Materials) from time to time. For any material changes that will negatively affect your business, we will provide notice under Section 14.**API-5 Disclaimers**THE SELLING PARTNER APIS AND THE API MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS". WE AND OUR AFFILIATE COMPANIES AND LICENSORS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE REGARDING THE SELLING PARTNER APIS OR THE API MATERIALS, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY THAT THE SELLING PARTNER APIS OR THE API MATERIALS WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, ERROR FREE, OR FREE OF HARMFUL COMPONENTS, OR THAT ANY MATERIALS OR DATA YOU ACCESS, USE, STORE, RETRIEVE, OR TRANSMIT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SELLING PARTNER APIS, INCLUDING YOUR MATERIALS, WILL BE SECURE OR NOT OTHERWISE LOST OR DAMAGED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY LAW, WE AND OUR AFFILIATE COMPANIES AND LICENSORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR QUIET ENJOYMENT, AND ANY WARRANTIES ARISING OUT OF ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. FURTHER, NEITHER WE NOR ANY OF OUR AFFILIATE COMPANIES OR LICENSORS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COMPENSATION, REIMBURSEMENT, OR DAMAGES ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH: (A) THE INABILITY TO USE THE SELLING PARTNER APIS OR THE API MATERIALS FOR ANY REASON; (B) THE COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; OR (C) ANY INVESTMENTS, EXPENDITURES, OR COMMITMENTS BY YOU IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR YOUR USE OF OR ACCESS TO THE SELLING PARTNER APIS OR THE API MATERIALS.**Related articles*** Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=1791&language=en_IN&ref=efph_1791_relt_G1791 (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=1791&language=en_IN&ref=efph_1791_relt_G1791))* Changes to the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=47071&language=en_IN&ref=efph_47071_relt_G1791 (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=47071&language=en_IN&ref=efph_47071_relt_G1791))* Programme Policies (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=521&language=en_IN&ref=efph_521_relt_G1791 (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=521&language=en_IN&ref=efph_521_relt_G1791))* Intellectual property for Rights Owner (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=U5SQCEKADDAQRLZ&language=en_IN&ref=efph_U5SQCEKADDAQRLZ_relt_G1791 (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=U5SQCEKADDAQRLZ&language=en_IN&ref=efph_U5SQCEKADDAQRLZ_relt_G1791))* Additional Guidelines (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=69G3YF8A6VG7C2Y&language=en_IN&ref=efph_69G3YF8A6VG7C2Y_relt_G1791 (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=69G3YF8A6VG7C2Y&language=en_IN&ref=efph_69G3YF8A6VG7C2Y_relt_G1791))

What are three habits that highly productive people have on a daily basis?

3 Habits to Supercharge Your Productivity and LifeThe highly productive - at the very least - exhibit these three habits on a daily basis. These habits form the foundation allowing them to dominate each passing day. From the understanding that life is a marathon and not a sprint, they operate day by day knowing that the small wins accumulated each passing day ultimately culminates into the long term results they are striving for.“People are rewarded in public for what they’ve practiced for years in private” - Anthony RobbinsAll three habits aid in facilitating the productive toward achieving their desired goals or outcomes in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Each habit has underlying principles that anyone will be able to apply to their individual situation and circumstances.1. ProactivityWhen time has passed, NOTHING can be done to get time back (that is until a time-traveling machine is invented). Therefore, time is a non-renewable resource and productive people operate from this understanding. EVERYONE has 24 hours in a day so this means the highly productive are the most effective with their time because they produce more in the same amount of time as everyone else.This leads us to the well-loved and ever-so-exciting topic of time management - the backbone of productivity. Proactivity in the case of time management serves two purposes; (1) to free and protect our time so we may (2) invest our time wisely.(1) The proactive protect their time by not being reactive to exterior demands. This minimizes the amount of time ‘stolen’ from us by external sources. A potentially life-changing example of this is not checking your email[1][2], text messages, or social media first thing in the morning - thus not being reactive to the external noise vying for your attention, energy, and time.Proactive people ELIMINATE unnecessary tasks and interruptions, and time-wasting activities during working hours. (Refer to the questions below to identify the culprits soaking up most of your time!) This generally includes obsessively refreshing the inbox and constant interruptions from phone notifications.Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important. - Stephen CoveyOnce unnecessary tasks have been identified and eliminated - note this will be an ongoing process - you must focus on automating, delegating, and outsourcing what remains. Delegate by providing greater autonomy and responsibility to employees, partners, children, or colleagues. Teach them how to do the tasks that you do, and provide them the opportunity to step up by assigning the responsibility of these tasks to them. Outsourcing can be done through the use of services or virtual assistants who can take care of a wide-ranging number of personal or business related tasks. Outsourcing generally incurs an additional cost, whereas delegating utilizes the resources or people at your disposal to their greatest potential. This will free up your time and energy, so that you can focus on higher leverage tasks.We all have maintenance tasks that need to be done while we are chasing our dreams. This includes paying the bills, doing the laundry, grocery shipping, and so forth. We can automate payment of bills by direct debiting to our cards. We can delegate laundry responsibilities to our children, partner, employees, or parents. We can outsource grocery shopping by hiring a personal assistant or engaging services that buy and deliver groceries to our house.If such methods are not applicable to certain tasks, then batch them. Batching involves taking several related tasks and doing them in one go. You can batch all of your communications to be done at set periods of time during the day (11:00–12:00, 15:00–16:00 etc) so that you don’t have to reactively respond to emails, text messages, or social media throughout the day causing a scattered focus. You can also batch laundry duties, grocery shopping, and the preparation of food (see: https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday) to one day of the week (Sunday) during a set period of time (10:00–14:00).The highly productive leverage these time-management methods to their greatest potential. The goal here is not to solely free up your time so you can spend more of your time working (you can do this if you want), but to free up your time so you can invest it wisely. This includes investing your time with family, friends, a new hobby, reading and so on.A hidden benefit from automating, delegating, and outsourcing as many tasks as possible is that it allows you to reserve quality decision making for when it matters. Each decision you make throughout the day depletes your willpower and therefore ability to make quality decisions[3]. The decisions you do make should be reserved for the important tasks that actually move you closer to your outcomes. This is the primary reason as to why Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, and Barack Obama have worn the ‘same’ clothes day in and day out[4][5] (also see first picture above)… The underlying principle of this habit is to simplify your life to focus the majority of your time, energy, and efforts on the highest leverage tasks that produce the greatest output.Minimize input (time spent) + Maximize Output (results) = Productivity.Questions to Consider:What are the 20% of things you do that result in 80% of your undesired outcomes (time-wasting, interruptions, unhappiness, energy drains)?Consider the things you spend the majority of your time on that DO NOT advance you towards your desired outcomes. These things will now form your Not-To-Do list.What are the 20% of things that result in 80% of your desired outcomes and happiness?These items form your To-Do list.Use these lists to guide you towards what you should and shouldn’t be doing each day, and if you follow these lists diligently you will see a marked improvement in your productivity.(2) Now that you’ve got more time on your hands, what now?Note that time management is being used here as an example to illustrate the practical applications of proactivity. Proactivity however should be applied to all areas of life.“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” - Annie DillardProactive people CHOOSE how they invest their time because this ultimately determines the lives they will lead.The secret - if there ever was one for productivity - is that the most highly productive people spend their time doing what they love and enjoy doing. The productive understand this realization and seek out their purpose relentlessly. (The term “passion” is commonly used when this topic is brought up, however I prefer to think in terms of “purpose”.) Once they find it, they CHOOSE and CAREFULLY construct their life around their purpose so as to fulfill it or die trying. The purpose will then dictate how they spend their days and what their schedule looks like. Generally it is focused around making their day the most conducive it can be for fulfilling their purpose in the fastest, quickest, and most effective manner possible.Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. DON’T SETTLE. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. - Steve Jobs“As a lower bound, you have to like your work more than any unproductive pleasure. You have to like what you do enough that the concept of "spare time" seems mistaken… If your work is not your favorite thing to do, you'll have terrible problems with procrastination. You'll have to force yourself to work, and when you resort to that the results are distinctly inferior.” - Paul GrahamProactive people FOCUS on what’s important and eliminate or delegate the rest. Consider FOCUS as Follow One Course Until Successful. Start a task with the intention of finishing it. Do not allow yourself to multi-task, get distracted, or be interrupted while you are working, otherwise you will be less productive.[6]As you go about each day, refer to your To-Do list and your goals. Write down three things you MUST complete by the end of the day that WILL produce the greatest results. Operate with the intention that these tasks MUST be accomplished before your head hits the pillow at night.As long as you continue this habit and complete these three things each day, you will become highly productive. Ensure you get the biggest task done first at the start of the day so at the very least, if emergencies come up during the day, you know you’re at least one step closer to your desired outcome.Questions to Ask Yourself at the Start of the Day:“What three tasks will produce the greatest results for the day?”“What three things, if accomplished, will ensure I am fulfilled and satisfied with how my day was spent?”Final tip: use the Pomodoro technique if you have issues focusing. Use a countdown timer and set the timer for 25 minutes, this will be your working period where there is to be zero distractions and interruptions. Once the timer runs out, take a short break then rinse and repeat. Take an extended break after a few repetitions of this.2. Rituals, Habits, and RoutinesSeveral studies published by Duke University found that more than 40% of our actions in a day isn’t due to conscious decision making, but arise from our habits.[7]This implies that 40% of our lives are constructed by our habits so we’d better make sure we have great habits in place otherwise we could be wasting away 40% of our lives.Morning and closing rituals are discussed below however the principle of rituals, habits, and routines can be applied to all areas of life including exercising, work, or socializing. Consider what days and at what times these activities can be done to best suit what you’re trying to achieve in life. For example, creative and abstract work might be best accomplished in the earlier hours of the day, depending on your personal tendencies, as opposed to evening hours.Morning RitualsProductive people understand how crucial it is that they first take care of themselves before they attend to the outside world, and this is where morning rituals play their role. Everyone has to experiment and find out what personally works for them in a morning ritual, but they all generally serve similar purposes. Your morning ritual should set you up so that you can make the most from the day ahead. This could mean taking care of the important, yet often neglected aspects of life including:Exercising - whatever gets the body moving![8]Introspection: breathing exercises, meditation, journaling, or planning for the day ahead.Mental Conditioning: affirmations, visualization, and writing out goals.Emotional Conditioning: eliciting positive emotions such as gratefulness, appreciation, love etc.Learning: reading or study time.Breakfast: a meal providing sustained energy throughout the day. Studies suggest protein however this will differ between individuals - consider intermittent fasting as an alternative[9].When you ‘control’ the first sixty minutes of your day, there’s nothing else quite like it. The confidence gained from taking care of the important aspects of life enables you to tackle whatever else lies before you.If you have never exercised, meditated, read, and planned the rest of your day before 6AM, try it out and you might understand what it means to be high on life. There’s something magical to knowing that the essentials of life have been taken care of before the majority of people have even woken up. You’re already cruising in fifth gear when others aren’t even in first.A crucial element to sustaining a morning ritual, is a closing ritual at the end of each day. The last hour or half hour of your day should set you up for a great nights rest.[10] Emphasis should be placed on reflecting back on the day and winding yourself down for sleep.Closing RitualsGet the journal out and reflect on questions similar to those listed below:“What could have been better about today? What was great about today?”“What did you learn throughout the day?”“What did you say you were going to do, but didn’t do? Why didn’t you follow through on what you said you were going to do? How can you minimize the chances of this happening again in the future?”Some people like to plan the following day at night so they can get straight into it when they wake up. Most people find this exercise helps them fall asleep as their mind doesn’t get restless from endless thoughts of what they are meant to be doing the following day. There’s no need to think about it all when it’s written down.Reflecting on the day is a great introspective exercise. It allows you to observe and learn more of what works, and what doesn’t work for yourself. You gain greater knowledge and understanding of yourself and this will allow you to experiment in different areas of your life for the better.The most crucial aspect of a closing ritual is having time to wind down before bed. This might be reading fiction, having a cold or hot bath, meditating, or turning off all electronics (including lights)[11] for a period of time before sleeping.Your morning and closing rituals will change over time. If you’ve never consciously made one before, begin by writing a draft plan that you can follow each day until you can perform it on autopilot. If you don’t have an hour, start small and work your way up. Even 5 minutes can have a significant effect on your day.[12] Over time you will be able to experiment to find out more of what works best for you.3. Mindset and ThoughtsSow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny. - Ralph Waldo EmersonEverything begins and ends with our thoughts. This is the most important ‘habit’ there is. If you didn’t believe you could be more productive, then you wouldn’t be reading this.Everyone reading this should have a well-functioning brain, and I believe everyone thus has the same potential - as we do in the 24 hours available to us each day - when it comes to our brains. The productive simply use their brain more effectively. Our brains are supercomputers and are essentially the greatest piece of technology that has ever existed. Much like a computer that has great potential, if the user is unaware of how to operate it (Hey Grandma!), then it’s output will be far, far below its potential.Our brains serve as the hardware (supercomputers), whereas our knowledge, thoughts, and belief systems, serve as software. Our knowledge, thoughts, and belief systems therefore programs our brain. This programming is done through internal or external stimuli that is picked up by our conscious awareness. Regardless of what we are exposed to - positive or negative - our conscious awareness will take all of it on board and embed it into our sub-conscious mind.Consider a ship being navigated by a captain and it’s crew. The ship is the direction of your life, the captain your conscious mind, and the crew is your subconscious mind.Most of us are conditioned throughout life to live reactively - following what our teachers and parents tell us to do and adhering to societies expectations - and so our conscious awareness is generally filled with external ideas and thoughts. Most of these external thoughts are fed down to our sub-conscious mind, which then flows back up towards our conscious, in turn influencing how we choose to act.This serves as a two-way street. The Captain makes orders to the crew, and based on what the crew says that they can or can’t do, the Captain will re-adjust the navigation of the ship based on the feedback from the crew.Since our conscious and sub-conscious mind are conditioned by our thoughts, we act in accordance to them - and to a large degree, they direct our life. What we are generally conditioned to believe is that the rat-race or 9 to 5 lifestyle is best for our well-being and happiness. Graduate college, get a job, marry someone, make (or get) some kids, and buy a house so you can have the pleasure of paying off a mortgage - if ever - over 20 to 50 years. Ouch. This is where being proactive pays off. Instead of succumbing to external pressures and living out someone else’s life, you CAN and SHOULD choose the life YOU want to live, and live that life to the fullest.If someone chooses to be proactive and wants to change the direction of their life. The Captain (conscious mind) must change it’s orders (input, thoughts, and belief systems) so that the crew (subconscious mind) will ultimately follow suit and change the direction of the ship (your life).Because the Captain has been lousy to date and the crew have already tried several unsuccessful mutinies, it takes some time for the crew to ‘trust’ the Captain again and to follow their orders wholeheartedly - this is where self-sabotage stems from. Ultimately, if you’ve been unproductive most of your life and are looking to change your ways, you must understand that it will take some time for changes to take effect in your life. Rest assured, the changes will inevitably occur.The ideas listed below are critical when it comes to successfully applying this ‘habit’:Growth Mindset versus Fixed. Operate from a Growth mindset. It isn’t simply genetics, see Mindset by Carol Dweck[13] .Quality Questions. The questions you ask and the quality of them will dictate your life. Consider “Why does this always happen to me?” to “What can I learn from this so that I can grow?”Whatever question you ask yourself, your brain will seek an answer to it - regardless of how silly the question is.Positive Mindset versus Negative. This is worth repeating as a positive mind is almost always better than a negative one. Utilize affirmations, incantations, visualization, reading, audio books, podcasts and other positive means as ways to consciously condition your subconscious for the better. Affirmations must be applied through time and with emotions to take effect.Conscious Surroundings. Your life and mind is constantly influenced by whatever you are exposed to, be it reality TV shows, magazines, websites, news/media, friends, or family. Consider whether these influences in your life are positive or negative? Do they empower you or disempower you? You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. We can expand on this by including the five ideas we spend the most time around, be it TV, reading, or playing computer games. So do these five major influences aid you or hold you back?Critical Thinking and Reasoning is CRUCIAL and comes down to the quality of the questions we ask ourselves and others. A personal favorite of mine is “Why?” I love asking this simple question several times over and over to get to the root of a problem or issue (see 5 Whys)[14]. When I can’t answer the question anymore or a light bulb moment occurs this indicates I have found the root of the problem.Beliefs and Fears. These are often conditioned throughout childhood and are generally irrational. Use 5 Whys to discover where they came from and deconstruct irrational fears and beliefs. You can then consciously choose empowering beliefs to live your life from.Enjoy your new found productivity!Footnotes[1] https://www.ics.uci.edu/~gmark/Home_page/Research_files/CHI%202012.pdf[2] http://www.futureworkcentre.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/FWC-Youve-got-mail-research-report.pdf[3] Cognitive Fatigue Destabilizes Economic Decision Making Preferences and Strategies[4] Steve Jobs Always Dressed Exactly the Same. Here's Who Else Does[5] Always Wear The Same Suit: Obama's Presidential Productivity Secrets[6] The Cost of Not Paying Attention: How Interruptions Impact Knowledge Worker Productivity[7] https://dornsife.usc.edu/assets/sites/545/docs/Wendy_Wood_Research_Articles/Habits/Neal.Wood.Quinn.2006_Habits_a_repeat_performance.pdf[8] Shorter term aerobic exercise improves brain, cognition, and cardiovascular fitness in aging[9] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4257368/[10] Sleep deprivation: Impact on cognitive performance[11] The Effects of Red and Blue Lights on Circadian Variations in Cortisol, Alpha Amylase, and Melatonin[12] The Five Minute Journal[13] Mindset: The New Psychology of Success: Carol Dweck: 9780345472328: Amazon.com: Books[14] 5 Whys

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