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How do I get slim?

1. Eat protein at every meal. Eating enough protein will help you stay satisfied and resist the temptation to snack excessively between meals. If you want to lose weight, aim to eat approximately .7 grams of protein for each pound of your body weight. Just multiply your body weight, in pounds, by .7 to determine the number of protein grams to eat each day. Protein also helps boost your metabolism, since it takes more calories to metabolize compared to fat and carbohydrates.2. Don't drink your calories. You've heard it many times before, but drinking your calories, with sugary drinks, juice, or alcohol, is an easy way to sabotage your diet. Dehydration, though, is an underlying cause of food cravings, so do drink plenty of water Water helps to keep you full and is a key way to detox your body. To calculate your water needs, take your body weight and divide by two. This is the number of ounces of water you need to drink every day. If plain water sounds boring to you, flavor it with fruit or veggie slices for a fun twist.3. Just log it. Writing down your food and beverage intake is critical to weight-loss success, because it keeps you accountable. My clients often tell me their eating habits get worse when they stop logging their food intake. Many great apps, such as My Fitness Pal, can help you keep track of your diet.4. No eating after dinner. Late-night snacking is a problem for many people, especially when it's done mindlessly while watching TV or browsing the Internet. When you snack after dinner, your body will be busy digesting your food while you sleep instead of burning the fat. You want your body to be burning fat while you sleep so stop eating after dinner. This is a key to losing weight more quickly!Don't forget strength training. Since people seem so focused on their cardio, they often forget about weight training—my favorite part of the gym. Strength training, whether you're male or female, can help you define and shape your muscles. It also boosts your metabolism. If you're really short on time, focus on your upper body—arms can show definition faster than larger muscle groups. Try lifting weights three to four times per week for at least 30 minutes to see results.

What is the fastest way to get slim?

Look your best, and get ready to slip into your skinny jeans with these tips to help you shape up quickly.1. Eat protein at every meal. Eating enough protein will help you stay satisfied and resist the temptation to snack excessively between meals. If you want to lose weight, aim to eat approximately .7 grams of protein for each pound of your body weight.2. Don't drink your calories. You've heard it many times before, but drinking your calories, with sugary drinks, juice, or alcohol, is an easy way to sabotage your diet.3. Just log it. Writing down your food and beverage intake is critical to weight-loss success because it keeps you accountable.4. No eating after dinner. Late-night snacking is a problem for many people, especially when it's done mindlessly while watching TV or browsing the Internet.5. Eat three meals per day, not five or six small ones. As a registered dietitian for over 16 years, I have seen many people who are trying to lose weight graze all day long and never stop eating except to sleep.6. Try high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Most people stick to the same 'ole, same 'ole at the gym without getting the results they crave. If you want to change, you must try high-intensity interval training, which is an excellent way to help you lose fat.7. Don't forget strength training. Since people seem so focused on their cardio, they often forget about weight training—my favorite part of the gym.

How do I lose weight without doing exercise?

One picture is better than 1000 words so take a look on the pictures and decide if you want similar results: http://s1287.photobucket.com/user/Mike768/story/77307I lost 15% of body weight and stayed that way.I achieved it using about 30 minutes a day, but in my opinion 15 is enough.From my experience losing weight is not about exercising, but about the mindset and eating habits.If you change those two, your lifestyle will change too. Losing weight is a very individual matter, so this is more of an outline than a detailed plan. Your job is to pick and implement what works for you.You must work on your weight loss every day. You eat every day, you move every day. A lifestyle is everyday commitment, not something you choose to apply every second or third day.Don't expect rapid results. Weight loss is about your body and it's not something you should rush blindly into. It's a lifelong commitment - your body will be with you to the very end. It took me almost 11 months to lose my 15%.But I've been fit since March 2013 and I plan to stay fit for the rest of my life.I wish the same for you.Having said that, you may achieve remarkable results in a short period of time. My friend lost over 40 pounds in 3 months.But he worked out like a mad man and was very strict about his diet. Besides, I was working much on a trial and error basis, without any plan. I found what works best in the last 2 months of my weight loss quest. So your chances are much better, if you use my guideline.You control the tempo of your progress, by controlling your time commitment. I have chosen the steady path and I recommend the same to you.I. MINDSETYou are what you think about. Embracing this simple truth will help you enormously in your weight loss.It's not just some hocus-pocus twaddle. Yes, I know you need to change your lifestyle, eating habits, introduce exercises. But those are secondary things.It's not 'going mystical', it is about results. I'm one of the most businesslike persons on this planet and that's why I'm putting a mind before a body. I know what I'm talking about - I got the best results not by a strict diet or an exhaustive training, but by applying a simple mental exercise which helped my mind to focus on the adequate physical means.I'm not saying that you'll lose your fat just by a hefty dose of daydreaming - absolutely not! The fat will not magically disappear, because you will cast a spell on it by the power of your mind. The physical means are necessary, they are just less effective alone or being put in the first place, before thinking.1. Find YOUR reason which will make you take daily action.It's fine to have a grand goal, but sometimes it's discouraging at the same time, if you don't believe you can do it. So find a reason which will ignite you, move from your comfort zone, make you pay attention to what you eat, make you to move your ass and exercise. It doesn't have to be big (but it may be). This reason just has to push you to make a first step.Hint: my reason was to get rid of back pain; my wife's: "my husband can't weigh less than me!"2. Determine your starting position.If you never-ever tried to lose weight, try to start purely from your consciousness and mindset.Loss weight starts in your head, I recommend you the set of questions to ask yourself daily:– do I exercise everyday? every 2 days? a few times a week? once a week?– do I know how many calories I’ve eaten today?– did I eat a fast food today? any sweets? (if possible numerate them all)– did I eat vegetables/fruits today? (if possible numerate them all)– how much water do I drink everyday? how much today?– how many hours did I sleep today? what is my average?If you answered for any self-check question: “I don’t know”, that’s a very honest answer. And it immediately leads to another question, which can create your short term action plan: How can I know it?Try asking this questions everyday before going to bed, 30 days in a row.3. Weigh yourself.Tracking is one of the foundations of change, so...Weigh yourself regularly and in similar circumstances. I weigh myself every Saturday morning, before breakfast and after my morning workout. My cheap, piece-of- supermarket-art scale shows different weights in different locations. It shows 3 different measures even in the same room. So I do my weighing in a bathroom, where there are stable floor tiles. I weigh myself 3 times and take the average. All this fuss is necessary to get objective information.If you use different scales, at different places and times of the day the feedback information you get is almost useless. The same place, the same time, the same circumstances guarantee obtaining quality information.Choose your own frequency - daily, weekly, monthly. I don't recommend weighing less frequently than once a month.4. Prepare yourself for the long run.You are stuck with your body for the rest of your life. Get used to this thought.Short term solutions are out of the question. Don't try magic pills and magic workouts. It will only distract you. You are going to build your fitness plan for a life. You must persevere, you have no other choice. How would quitting improve your weight, your health?You just need to remind yourself constantly that giving up is pointless. I recommend affirmations for practicing this step. You can do them in your mind dozens, even hundreds time a day. Repeat something like: "This is MY body and I WON'T quit". Or come up with something which is more compelling for you.You may enhance this by looking at the picture of your skinny self from your better times. You must be comfortable with the mantra you choose, so you will actually say it, it must be close to your heart, stir your positive emotions - determination, resolve.II. EATINGProper eating is 80% of your weight loss success. Your eating habits, your food intake determine the output of your fat loss efforts. "Eat less" is a magic formula for losing weight if you look for one.Focus on how much you eat, know your daily calorie intake. That's your grand strategy. Types of meals, time of meals and their frequency are mere tactical means.So, change your diet according to your tastes and your lifestyle.The first thing I did was cut back my consumption of carbs. I gave up 25% of the bread I used to eat.(yes, that was my single meal back then).I introduced more vegetables and fruits into my eating schedule. I replaced sweets and cakes with a raw carrot.Why carrots? They are cheap, available all year long and I like them. I practice intermittent fasting. I eat only fruits and vegetables for the first 4 hours of a day.But you may have different vices and different habits. Remember the grand strategy; your goal is to cut the calories intake.5. Make a list of your eating vices.You keep your food journal; you (hopefully) ask yourself about your eating habits every day, you are aware of what's going into your stomach.Now your job is to enumerate all your habits that make your weight loss harder. The common list is:- overconsumption of sweets- overconsumption of carbs- overconsumption of fast foods- overconsumption of alcohol- frequent snacking- eating just a few meals a day- eating too many meals a day- drinking soda and other high calorie stuff- dehydration- avoiding fruits and/or veggies in your diet- eating late- too strict diet regime which make you overly hungryNo one is guilty of all of them, but if you are overweight, then you certainly are guilty of some.Don't limit yourself to the above list, be creative. You may even have some uncommon, unique vice. Write it down, too.List all of them. It's not a popularity contest; it's for your information. Don't be shy about it. Don't do it in your head, write them all down.6. Target the easiest vice to get rid of.Sort your list by one criterion: how easy you think is it going to be to eliminate this specific vice?Rank each of them on the 1-10 scale. If you will find that a few of them have the lowest rank, compare them:Will it be easier to get rid of X or Y?7. Target the most impactful vice.Take the original "vices list" and sort them by different criteria: how fast and how big will be the impact on your weight, if you will eliminate it?Again, rank each of them on the 1-10 scale. If you will find that a few of them have the highest rank, compare them: Will the X or the Y has a bigger impact?8. Choose which 'eating vice' to eliminate first.There are two schools.The common advice is to pick the easiest vice to deal with. The supporting idea is that you will do it with a small effort. Your confidence will grow as you go. You can deal with harder cases later on.The other tactic is to target the one which has the most negative impact on your weight. If you eliminate it, your success will be fast and furious. This in weight loss terms is 2-4 weeks.Pick the method which suits you best. If you feel anxious about your abilities the first option is for you. If you are strong willed, choose the harder path.Get some knowledge before you decide: http://blog.bufferapp.com/what-the-research-on-habit-formation-reveals-about-willpower-and-overall-well-beingTougher path is a good option for you, if you have a great patience and you are well prepared for the long run.Then the 4 weeks will not be a big issue for you. What is more, the big success at the beginning will give you a big momentum from the start. And the best of it? If you fail to face your worst vice, it's not a big deal too. You are prepared: "It's MY body and I WON'T quit".You just change your tactic, pick the easiest vice and keep going on.9. Eat less - prepare a plan.I can easily read your mind right now: "But what do you mean eat less? Are you advising me to starve? I eat just enough to function normally, I'm not overeating!"Well, you think, you are not overeating. Exactly as I thought before my weight loss quest. I'll tell you this: If your BMI result is above 26 then you are overeating. Thoughts of starvation are just a whining of your subconscious mind, which is trying to protect you against any changes. The primal fear of hunger is rooted deep inside us, but let's face it - it's not the hunger which is a safety hazard to our life today, it's an overconsumption.Again refer to your food journal (see what a basic tool it is?) and play with the idea where you can decrease your consumption. The common villains are:- carbs- sugars- fats- saltYou may have uncommon one of course. You can focus on quantity, on quality or on both of them. For example I reduced my consumption of carbs, first by switching to the whole grain bread, then by reducing the overall amount of bread I consumed. Pick your most comfortable type of food for reduction purposes.10. Eat less. Period.Start an appropriate habit - eat whole grain bread instead of white, replace the salty snacks with raw carrots etc.Track the habit every day. No 'cheat days'. You are building your new lifestyle. Are you going to build a "cheater lifestyle"? But remember it's OK to fail from time to time, as long as you learn from your mistakes and go on.11. Introduce a good habit - create a plan.It's not enough to eliminate or constrain your vices, to restrict your consumption. You also need new, healthy habits.They must be in line with your character, your lifestyle. The common habits we fail to abide are:- eating fruits,- eating vegetables,- drinking enough waterThe point is to introduce low-calorie, high-nutrition type of foods into your diet. Ponder on your habits (again, refer to your food journal) and your inclinations and choose the easiest one to introduce.Easy is the name of the game. You don't want to deplete your willpower; you can't build a new lifestyle on the habits you hate. It must be pleasurable for you.12. Introduce a good habit - implementation.Start an appropriate habit - eat fruits, eat a vegetable a day, replace coffee with water etc.Track it. I reccomend Coach.me application for habit tracking.13. Tune your tactical means.They are: the types of meals, time of meals and their frequency.You know yourself best and you (hopefully) gathered a lot of data by tracking your weight and keeping your food journal (see, here it comes again, it is The Tool).You have faced your vices, reduced the amount of food you consume, introduced some better eating habits. You are more mindful about your lifestyle and tastes.You probably have already changed the structure of your days and your meals. This point is here just as a reminder to do it consciously. You are the architect of your lifestyle. Test, experiment, change.Maybe you are immediately hungry in the morning and need to introduce a hefty breakfast to your mornings.Or maybe you are more like me and can't stand even a morsel of food for the first 2 hours since awakening.Ponder on your eating habits. Write down: how many meals do you eat? what type of meals do you eat? do you prefer specific foods at specific hours? can you stand an extended period of fasting?Rearrange your schedule and meals according to your new lifestyle. Implement one change at a time installing a new habit, track the effects and adjust your tactics.14. Rinse and repeat.Once you defeated a single vice and introduced a single good eating habit you know how to do it.Now it's time to think about physical exercises. But they are only 20% of success, so go back to points 10-16 and continue what you've started till you are satisfied with your weight. Eliminate vices one by one, develop healthy habits one by one, tune your tactics constantly. AND you must be confident you can maintain such a lifestyle for a long period of time (let's say... next 20 years).III. EXERCISEEach additional pound of muscle will burn an extra 45-50 calories a day. So I encourage you to go and gain those few additional pounds of muscle. The beauty of it is that you need no additional equipment or time to do it. All you need is a mindset which constantly looks for opportunities to move more in your everyday activities, a consciousness about your lifestyle.According to the 80/20 rule to exercising is the less critical factor in weight loss, responsible for only 20% of your results. It's an icing on the cake.Only point 19 is obligatory for everyone. You can pick from the rest the ones which suits you best. You are building YOUR lifestyle, so do what's engaging for you. But I recommend picking at least a few of physical activities to practice on a regular basis.15. Move more on a daily basis.Do small, simple things daily: take the stairs instead of an elevator; walk to the shop instead of driving; park your car further; put something heavy (like a big bottle of water) into your bag - you will carry additional weight with you - and so on. Done one time it doesn't make much of a difference. Done every day it really compounds over time.Again: it must be your regime, your lifestyle. You may start cycling to work or taking a walk during the lunch break. Seek your own solutions. And track them.16. Blend exercises with another activity important to you.Boredom is a threat to physical activities. For example my morning workout is a Weider's series. I have done it for more than 2 years and it is boring. That's why I always listen to some audio material during the workout. I have no other time for this. I want to listen every day and this makes me stick to workouts. Sometimes it's even a reminder - "oh, I haven't listened to podcast yet, it's time for a workout".I start my day with a single set of very intensive exercise for more than 5 years, because I also say my morning prayer during it. And the prayer is more important to me than an exercise, that's why I missed both of them only several times over all those years.17. Time for workouts.Whatever you do, do it consistently. Whether it is a sport training once a week, a gym three times a week or bodyweight exercises at home every day - set your time constraints and stick to it. Track it.If you are extremely busy - like me - then I recommend short, intensive, morning workouts at home.Block 5 minutes of your time early in the morning and do an intensive exercise. You'll get stronger with the passing time, but your day will be as short as usual. So intensify your workouts. You will get bigger gains at the same time.I was doing one consecutive series of pushups for 2-3 years. I started from about 40 and reached about 130. But man (oops! sorry gals), that took time! And I don't mean, it took me 2 or 3 years to reach 130 consecutive pushups level, but it took me about 7-8 minutes to finish the exercise.So I started to introduce changes to my routine - first, it was narrow-grip pushups, then diamond pushups, then all of the above with my legs elevated, then pushups with my kids sitting on my back. The additional advantage of this intensifying technique is that it helps to fight off the boredom.18. Records, challenges, competition.I track how many consecutive diamond pushups, narrow grip pushups, pushups with each of my kids sitting on my back, pull ups, chin ups, full pull ups, full chin ups I can do.And each time I try to beat those records. It really helps me to max out my workouts.Do the same or challenge a friend which one of you will do more reps. Or sign up for some public event. Many people enroll into competition (half marathons etc.) to get the external motivational push for their exercise regime.19. Bodyweight exercises.I love them, because they can be done practically everywhere. They are ideal for daily workout which will build your habit much faster and stronger than hitting a gym or swimming pool twice a week.Try many different exercises and choose your favorite from pushups, pull ups, chin ups, squats, sit-ups - and many more.Bodyweight exercises are also ideal for building a habit an easy way. On the first day you do just 1 pushup, the second day - two of them. And so on, up to your limit. Then you work on pushing your limit.20. Morning workout.I do my intensive workout early in the morning. It has several advantages:- it is relatively easy to find several minutes for an exercise; you just wake up a few minutes earlier- you work out on an empty stomach; with high intensity training it's a blessing. I can never max out if I have eaten before- it's easier to structure your morning and develop a habit than to do it later in a day, when your family, friends and job are fighting for your time- it boosts your metabolism for the few first hours of a day21. Sport.If you feel that physical exercises resembles work too much, make a fun of them. Try to engage in sport you like. Or intensify your plays with kids - less board games and TV, more playing tag.But whatever you choose, plan it and track it. It won't happen itself, at least it didn't in the past, did it?22. Gym.Maybe you are a type who just can't work alone. Distractions always win over your good intentions. You need social support, other people to be around to make an effort. Then the gym is a good option for you, even if you feel you have no time for it. With your character you are doomed to fail alone, so saving several minutes on a way to gym will do no good for you. You are going to waste this time anyway. Make a right use of it.A gym is also an option for you if you are interested in weighs lifting. If you want to look great, bodyweight exercises in small amounts are not enough (just see my pics, if you want a confirmation ;) )Weight lifting allows to achieve bigger and more rapid results. And I found people who work out at gyms always helpful and supportive, so they can help you master this difficult craft.23. HIIT.High-intensity interval training is, according to the definition: "an enhanced form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods".The bottom line of HIIT is: it's short, it's intensive. It makes your heart pound, it makes you gasp for air.So, my very own and original ® way to do a workout is: one consecutive set of bodyweight exercise to your limit. In the case of pushups - I do as much as I can, then I catch my breath on straight arms, and do some more. Straight arms, catch my breath and some more pushups. I do it till I'm breathless and powerless and I can't straighten my arms, I can't heft my body from the floor. It's doable with dips too. In the case of pull ups you just do your max each time.I recommend a HIIT workout to you. If you value your time, don't spend it on jogging or walking. Well, of course do spend it on those activities if you enjoy them and you have time for them. But if you look for big gains in the least possible time HIIT is definitely something you should consider.24. Sauna.It's not strictly a physical exercise, but neither it's related to eating. It's a relatively easy way to lose weight. Dry sauna burns calories at the rate 10 kcals per minute!If you aren't in good enough shape to exercise the sauna is a great alternative.Just beware overeating after a sauna session. I'm always hungry like a wolf afterwards.IV. LIFESTYLE25. And they lived happily ever after...You do the above actions till you achieve your desired weight.And then you continue. Because losing weight is relatively easy. Keeping it, is more problematic. All actions you've taken so far were supposed to help you change your lifestyle.You don't have to keep them all, but you need to keep what's necessary to keep your lifestyle.For example I've been keeping my diet log for about 85 days. I quit it 2 weeks after achieving my dream weight. But my mindfulness is at a high level to this day. I can always recall everything I've eaten in the last 24 hours. I've changed my diet, but I don't track it. It's just my new lifestyle. Now I eat fruits and veggies, I practice intermittent fasting, I drink a lot of water. It's the way I live. I don't need to track it, as I don't need to track my breathing.---------Originally published as a coaching plan on Coach.me

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