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Who is the best quizmaster in India?
I see that many people have written quite extensively about great quizmasters. As a humble person let me introduce a quizmaster of the finest calibre.... His Royal Quizzing Highness S.MuthukumaranAccording to the biography given in the website of his quiz coaching centre- ,He has a double Masters in chemistry and sociology with keen interest in psycho analysis and computers. And comes the punch, His biggest regret is that he could not join for MSc Chemistry at IIT Madras even though he got admission into it. (IIT was saved from a huge embarrassment)Sample his bio data that was published in a book that he wrote:He has been conducting quizzes for the past 25 years.The most hilarious fact: He started off as a quiz master even before he had participated in any quizzes( really?? How did he even know what a quiz was then?)In 2009 he conducted the Toyota-NDTV Greenathon Quizathon, a 24hr quiz contest in Pondicherry. He also claims to be the first to hold such an event eventhough their official site makes no mention of the quizmaster or any other details-- NDTV's Greenathon- An Environment InitiativeSample a quiz question from one of the great books that he wrote:Were you really astounded by the questions he asked? Trust me.. even I was equally dumbfounded. Now for the answers:1. Treatise- the first picture is a tree and the other one shows a boy who ties his shoe laces hence the word Treatise!!! (awesome na?)2. Ram Vilas Paswan-- The first picture gives you Ram, Second one is a poster of the Vijay (Tamil Actor) starrer movie Villu (bow in Tamil), minus lu gives vill and the other one symbolizes pass and the next is van hence Ram Vilas Paswan (Heaven forbid the politician seeing this, else he would have committed suicide!!)3. You asked the answer to the third one? Well here it is- Magneto. The first picture shows a Mag, the next is a Net and well the final one is simply O (alphabet). You couldn't get the answers huh? And you call yourself a quizzer? How pathetic...This is not all, he even has a quizzing school that coaches students for quizzing 'The SIOL (The Sky Is Our Limit) (I'm hearing this for the first time ever!! A Quizzing School???? whats that even supposed to mean???? ) to the story-- My friend X and his friend Y (identities protected to prevent abuse) went to the quiz out of enthusiasm. The two of them are pretty decent quizzers and have won quite a couple of prizes in many events. So this being an Inter collegiate quiz, they expected a good exercise for the brain and guess what the guy asked? allow me to give you a sample:Audio visual round:(from the School Level quiz)[Photo of magma] minus G + [Photo of hat]..You didnt get the answer?? Simple yaar, Mahatma Gandhi. He removed g from magma and added hat into it and thus came the biggest 'honor' our Father of the nation could ever get!!!From the science and technology quiz (College Level)[Picture of 9 cats]. Identify the idiom.The answer- Cats have nine lives. (and you got that wrong huh??)He even has a publication called Tiny Drops that has even better set of questions (equally hilarious, I had a hard time controlling my laughter, tears welled from my eyes (for the first time))Well that sums up my Answer.
What obvious or subtle things in life remind you that we, as humans are just highly evolved animals?
The premise of the question is false. There is no confirmatory evidence that man is a highly evolved animal, in the sense of the evolutionary view that we evolved from ‘lower’ animals. Despite the special pleading of some scientists (and others who want to claim they are truly scientific because they accept evolutionary theory), the supposed evidence that points to man as evolved from former species groups is largely circumstantial and could not stand up in a court of law.For example, the claimed 97% genetic similarities with some apes (and the evolutionary theory of the ‘ERVs’ - old ‘endogenous’ retro-viral code insertions / substitutions - being the same or similar) is over-egged by evolutionists. Even if these patterns are in fact retro-viral insertions this does not mean that one was inherited from the other in a time series. This is pure conjecture, and is merely a convenient hypothesis from an evolutionary perspective. You see, evolution ‘science’ pretends that one can work the other way around with the data: That is to say that what is observed is all explained by an evolutionary model of supposed facts, without any real scientific issues or problems; and that the model and the ‘new data’ from observation all fit together nicely, and are entirely consistent with logic. The truth, however is somewhat different.I am no genetics expert, but there are plenty of geneticists who completely disagree with using what is an absolutist philosophical viewpoint of the world - i.e. evolutionary theory as ‘fact’ - which cannot be tested against today’s reality (today’s observations) except by using subjective arguments as a form of ‘analysis’. This is then supposed to be used to make truthful ‘scientific’ statements of what factually could have happened between apes and man in the distant past. But The FACTS are that the ‘hominin’ (human) and non-hominin fossils cannot be made to link up humans with apes at any stage of their believed development, much though the evolutionists assume it, and want the world (of course) to praise their work. What the science should do, in honesty and transparency, is to observe that there are similarities, and examine what diseases and changes we can expect to share, as a result of our knowledge.There can be no doubt that the way in which evolution is literally plastered all over the media from broadsheet papers to Youtube and streaming BBC / Nova etc media qualifies is as a religious world viewpoint, in opposition to any other potential view, which of course does include the Special Creation of man as distinct. Indeed there are few other options available, which is why evolution is plugged continuously towards our children’s impressionable minds. Those that will never accept a Creator will always want to present evolution as the only acceptable philosophy (or scientific view).It hardly needs emphasizing that there is no established link that can be derived from ERV’s or changes in chromosome numbers by supposed fusion, and the ‘ERV’ and other effects could have got there by other means, or could represent clear design similarities. As for the supposed chromosome change that somehow ‘happened’ causing a split in the ancestry - any such change could not, it is believed by many, have occurred without death or serious disease to the individual in which this occurred. It would not, and could not have produced a net benefit. The imagined change is too broad, too coarse, and would be devastating to the somatic (sex) cells of ova or sperm. It would have to have somehow been accepted by a complimentary change in the other sex on reproduction! How is that supposed to have occurred? The machinery of the cell is very finely balanced, and it is simply not feasible to imagine that, somehow, a mutant chromosome number would have caused no damage and split the populations successfully. In fact it is ludicrous, and likely one day to be declared as non-science! Experiments where chromosome numbers have been meddled with have done no good to cells, and cause some well know diseases, if the outcome was even survivable.Can changes in the number of chromosomes affect health and development?Let’s address the claim of the 97% (some claim 95%) similarity: Yes, some identical patterns of genetic structures exists in apes. But the genome is not 97% identical in any meaningful sense that can be demonstrated. Often the inconvenient fact of different chromosome number (a huge factor in likely different genetic function as judged from other organisms) is glossed over too quickly. The meaning of that figure of 97% similarity is anyway (a) disputed even by evolutionists, and (b) seems to be based on assumptions of apparent homology of the areas of chromosomes which are rich in known genes and so ‘look similar’, or appear to be identical. That is hardly any surprise! We do share some deep fundamentals with the animal kingdom. We would have to, in order to live on the same planet, breathe the same air, be subject to similar environmental adaptations, and consume the same broad range of foods. This would be entirely expected by both evolutionary believers and those who believe man was created distinct and separate. How could we not be similar in functional design and bio-engineering? NOTE: Scientist have NOT mapped all the functionality of the genes, despite claiming to have mapped the human genome. As far as functionality is concerned, there are clearly enormous differences between us and those animals we are being compared with by evolutionists.As far the biology, physiology, and sociology of our species is concerned, there are many things we share, in the material, functional, business of living, reproducing and eventually dying. However, there are some amazing things about mankind that refute, in full, the idea that we are merely evolved animals.Language - Human beings are able to learn any language of the world, given sufficient effort. Some may have stronger ability, but we can all learn more than one language different from our mother tongue. There is a language centre of the brain that is no mere storage area but an immensely complex processing centre which has powerful flexibility. Indeed, the physical (anatomical) and electrical design of the brain itself, with its many processing centres for distinct activities and abilities, is not an argument for evolution. It is a strong argument for unique design by a creative and all-wise Designer.Mathematics - The capability of abstract, rational thought, and modelling the world in numbers enables man to literally re-design her/his world to advantages that no other being can aspire to. There is no known evolutionary mechanism by which the power of mathematics could have appeared in the human mind and brain. That idea has no basis in any science, except from conjecture and assumption that somehow, abstract thought gave us survival advantages. This has lead many to conclude that fully abstract, rational thought, distinct from other activities, is a distinguishing feature of man, and could not have been evolved from brains by chance and natural selection. If the counter argument is made that it could, then those countering it would have to provide answers why there are no species of ‘higher’ evolved animals which exhibit abstract thought which could rival man’s mind. Other animals have intelligence and the ability to plan, and even show cunning, and learning (for example the octopus), but only man has the ability to create and act upon abstract thought to change his world.Powerful spatial perception with conceptual design capacity — Related to our powers of abstract thought (above), we are born with the ability to understand complex designs from a young child onward, and simply by taking designs apart (often simply theoretically, on paper), we understand how to invent new, improved designs. We have the ability to test- our ideas, and find the right answer purely by the power of thought. Today, we also observe what nature does, and mimic and learn from those things in building new designs (bio-mimicry in engineering). In other words, man is naturally inventive, which sets us apart. One person - given a sufficient lifetime - is fully capable of designing complex machines with thousands of parts, building computers, and virtual computer systems in software, building musical instruments, solving equations in physics to take us to other worlds, generally using our logical/analytical abilities to solve previously unsolved problems without effective limits in the physical world. An example would be the physics of gravity, motion and energy applied to space flight, first understood by those such as Newton, and applied later by others. This was the demonstrated ability to verify the designs from a theoretical approach before risking the actual project itself - sending the payload to space etc. As a result of our competence with these skills, flights of early aircraft, and missions to the moon were largely successful, not so much by trial and error, but by virtue of established learning and the application of new and improved knowledge, to solve new problems with high confidence.Educational ability and capacity for deep learning: The skills discussed above (3. etc) could not, we submit, have merely appeared by evolutionary means during the last, say, few hundred generations (5,000 to 10,000 years) by some kind of environmental pressure; else, if that were the case, exactly what was the pressure to cause it? Where would the new, highly adapted intelligence have appeared from, so quickly, by evolutionary means? — Or, alternatively, if these abilities had lain latent and disused for longer (supposed) millenia, how could they have arisen in societies that (we are told) could have had no cognition of numbers, technology, or even a form of written language until very recently? And why (as Adolf Hitler and other eugenicists believed) are not some societies of man more prone to higher intelligence and ability than others as a result of the evolution of abstract brain-power? This has repeatedly been shown as completely false, much to the consternation of supremacists and other racist thinkers of the past 300 years. A person raised in the Amazon rain forest, never having encountered high-technology, can quickly learn to programme computers and take part in higher education after gaining the pre-requisite skills required for college admission. There are documented cases of these things and they are not exceptional. It is not hard to educate anyone who wants to learn, whatever their background.Memory: The human power of observation and memory appears literally inexhaustible, with training. Any person’s memory appears to be more powerful than we could ever use, as shown by those who can learn Pi to 67,890 places (the record set in 2005). Just how could this ability have ‘evolved’?Music and hearing: The physics of hearing, and the anatomy and physiology of human hearing have shown in studies that the human ear, uniquely of all species, can convert polyphonic sound via the organ of corti (the inner ear, or ‘cochlea’) to complex signals at the brain in a way that is orders of magnitude different to that of any other animal. Apes do not have this ability. Experiments, and analysis of their and human ears have shown this. This helps to explain why we can remember a whole piece of complex music in our heads, and fully play that music back in our minds, so perfectly that, were we to hear it again ‘live’, and someone played one wrong note, we could easily notice it being out of place. The richness of the perception of music (we rightly call it a gift) and our ability to play it, conduct it, enjoy and remember it, could not have evolved to give us any ‘survival’ advantages. Those that pretend it could, or did, would have to demonstrate their idea from science. They will not be able to do that.Contemplation and specific understanding of the reality (or at least discussion of the potential) of the eternal, or spiritual dimension of our lives, which, to most people is very important. Purpose and meaning are essential to human life, since, where it is deprived, a person soon dies.These things all set us apart as exceptionally distinct and distant from animals.
Why do I not like bts anymore? I used to be a huge fan.
To readers, hope you and your family is safeI am not English speaker so you'll know after reading this hope you read this full and gain something that literally matters in your lifeI am going to write what is truth ok don't comment in the favor of bts I just want you aware you what is this business as whole cause its horrible I write about this so you can get help from here out from this shit or if you are in love of their beauty or want to love them then no one can can change your believe is ok so I warn you or suggest you that open your eyes and see what is happening just see and be aware of your surroundings okI am not an official army or part of any community but some people say that if you love your kpop group so you are fan so that is what I am who doesn't have lightstick, no albums, no photos on phone, not even a wallpaper I am ass scared of my parents but I literally like them so much from heart I respect them but I don't like them now I actually wasted my time to know who they are because of their purpose like army is saying like they want to improve or change the world I think i want something like this in my life also but after knowing them I think bts should improve and truthful to themselves is enough for them after sometime time spend on them I realize that they are not truthfull to themselves so how can they spread love yourself ( in which they are more incomfortable in their own insecurities so how, mean how they can say to so many I mean so many many people to love themseleve) and I can't get the point of inspiring or improve the world by their “music"4 years ago I was not in any touch of smartphone so I am not even listen to music not a single one of any artist in 2013 cause what I was listened after 2013 was very old song the time of 90's on TV actually I am late to listen new songs cause my school friends know what songs are famous that time they always talk about songs and even they ask me have you listen this song so you understand right consciousness to know music more ok so my mother does'nt have a single keypad only my father had a keypad after sometime my mother buy smartphone then I become conscious about how to use whatsapp and then YouTube after some time then I totally know how to use phone I liked YouTube most soThe reason to hate or not like or not to listen to their music is not that the Fandom is harsh or toxic like other fans are saying but i admit this cause army can anything i mean anything do for their boys cause I am not part of any community so bts is the reason for me to not like them maybe bts is waste of time thing in my life that I have ever entered intoHow i know about them is? So, one day I was shocked or surprise or even happy you can say, I saw first time a mix song of kdrama story maybe of 4 to 5 min it hit my heart I never felt like this before because I never saw someone how flawless they are how they alive why I am not like them Godthen after I know what video is and that where from it I found them actually attractive ( kdrama actors and actress) then after saw one of the korean music video and then I found m.o.n.t they are also korean boy group who came to India and they surprised me by their singing cause they are sing some Indian song so it catch my attention then I found more and more about them and after some days I find out bts in 2018And then my life is on like a trip like after school I came home pick up the phone searched bts and I am done like I watch their funny moments, their mv's, music, bangton bomb, run or whatever so on what is related to bts on YouTube and googleI have used full 3 years to know about them all of the thing I have researched on so many many many many web sites to know about them some people hate them I thought how good their purpose is want to improve world by music why people hate them but wait what I found that what I think it isn't like that, there is something off not with them as well as whole entertainment industry ( day by day i knowing bts deep and deep i also found Hollywood culture, so many things and as well as what is real and what is man made ( actually whatever you see on TV, internet, where you live, what you eat, what you wear, everything which we are surrounded by are man made and man made things are not natural whatever you do then so natural is in environment not in the hands of human beings)Kpop industry or any entertainment industry or whatever you watch on TV OR on internet is just marketing to gain something like in industries money and power to make people to obey them I again repeat for you make people to obey them that's why they need power and money like example a king in which he wants to rule in his kingdom something like this ok (now don't think like you make illusions or making story so its not ,open your eyes and see go and see what the reality of industries not entertainment but also all the industries their purpose is to earn profit if you readers who know something related to management of business then you know what the objectives of business if don't know then searched it out)How they look is attract me first I already mention above that I surprise by the kdramas actors cause they are attractive so don't judge me ok actually bts change my perception towards what attractive is or what not (it is not that what you are thinking so please read full ok and also you think what a person i am always think what other think) because of them i know a thing called cosmetic and plastic surgery before meet them I always thought that it is plastic surgery surgeon use real plastic to do surgery, that is the biggest LIE that bts says to army is that they never undergone the knife I am saying this because I have searched all about plastic surgery all I say all so I found out they did all seven members your angel or whatever you called them they all did plastic surgery I say all of them you who you reading this agree or not bts did all of them plastic surgery now but you not agree then bts themselves know what they are doing they know what they saying truth to army or what not ,ok so good for your life I suggest you to accept it cause bts is not only one who are celebrities in this world there are so many over all celebs did plastic surgery I mean all even now you not agree then search go to their company do their exra of faces and also even bodies we don't know what is behind the scenes then their face bone and see where the screw marks are or implant and then if not or become a surgeon so you become expert then you can tell by seeing from outside then you know they did or not this can help you this sounds rude right but my readers who are innocent bees please its the truth a truth never deniable ok so what I want to say is if they are saying like love yourself right then why they don't love themseleves huh even they did plastic surgery before debut and even after debut they did some procedure because they have to look flawless all the time on the spotlight right ok but I know they are liar they also know who they are a liar who are fooling so many people fact is that they did it so very well so lets leave it here FOR YOU READERS you know already if you are mature not by age by common sense that beauty is doesn't matter or talent is all but no bee bts is example of group even all so many idols are lucky because of their beauty ok so talent talent is what you never need to work on ok so if talent is come from when you are borning then its wrong cause talent is nothing if you are good at something then you are talented but no bee talent is nothing then just a word the person you think are talent he or she know how to do that work to gain the maximum result in that feild right ok understand this is like in bts case they are targeting american audience to gain attention from the start i said from the beginning when bighit almost bankrupt right and even they don't have money for food so how can they have money to go to US los Angelus meet some big awardy rappers even some famous of them teach bts what is actually hip hop i mean from where money is come from actually maybe a money a tree ok not funny so bang pd used to work with jyp ceo maybe a partner or an employee in Jyp entertainment so MR. BANG PD the mastermind already know the strategy how to make up at big level so the bts success is not like underdog thing like in fairytale all the pure talent or music come from within bts members heart so you have to plan babe cause in the single thing talents you can't win full game at the basis of one thing which is music that bts make right isn't made by bts members as well so they plan everything from the start to make it where today they are another example is like if you are a student all have same amount of time ok so the topper say no I don't study a little you know but I don't know how its is but no one know cause he or she unintentionally he was what ever he is reading are most important things and unintentionally doing all the work and that their guardian aka teachers says so they plan as well so like bight plan for bts so you need a guider for what the next thing to learn right learn you don't know what is going to come in exams so teachers provide you sample papers says you between classes read this and that is most important and even if some externals are come school to take tests (even in so many school pays money to the externals to give good marks to students so this give an image of school to the society the society is us you and me are included so which this type of industries stand or present puppets in front of our eyes aka tv and internet this type of people made of perfect flowless puppets to make or earn money for this industries and we living in that illusion that how can we look, live, wear and whatever i mean whatever good and bad they do we flowing them like a blind person) so the teachers give them questions this that is enough so prepare it as well ok so i mean if in school at that much so so small level if student didn't prepare themseleves for their exams so how?i mean how can you? without any expertise in you field how can you make at that big level ( like bts they aren't have have that a singal instrument knowledge i mean full expertise then how can they make it up to Grammy, billboard and so many things they have done u know right so their are so many many many people foreigners behind all the thing from all countries, they make details to know which thing is famous in which country so that is how they prepare themseleves in all the things bts in their music even in every detail to their one end of hair to their feet sum all of them full and final product)and in case of student the topper prepare himself before the exam that's why they say i don't study cause when they study they just don't think about it they just do it whatever teacher says and if the topper know that he wants to top in school then the topper never ever gonna give singal hint about that he preparedhimself for the exam (like bts know what they are doing cause they have show all things in pure manners and they are never going to reveal anything ) ok so other side middle student ( like those kpop idol at middle level just their company useing them fully but not want grow their groups because of some lackness in group members as well as in the company ) who say the average student I study very hard but don't gain the same result cause he read the entire book but don't remember at all what the chapter its is talk about ok he just read so this student think how the topper do his work cause when this person need to concentrate while reading that time he think how topper do this and the third (at the underdog kpop idol where they have no support from anyone ) where the student waste his time watching tv and phone but he or she think about study when he or she watching TV or phone how can I do so I can get good marks he just think not doing so he think that it's impossible to me to top even hard to pass the exam so (I take this example cause most army are so young and most of girls so this is help you trust it cause that the most cases out their ok hope it helps you cause this kpop thing make you to not listen others or respect others so) beauty is biggest factor of bts success i am one of the example of one army's are love bts always talk how cute, handsome,or whatsoever but wait girl you don't even know that there are more beautiful celebrities who are more beautiful than bts if you want to know then search ok celebrities are most insecure peoples in the world they are more insecure then normal people they make physical realtions more than normal people cause they have money and beauty and you understand or not so this beauty standards are feed in our mind from birth by our relatives, society, tv, on internet and by our surrounders like what is beautiful like understand if you are pale good but structured is matter if you had this and body structure and if have this then you have not this so you have achieve this beacuase that but is never ended its also apply to dark skin tone ok so if you have brown/dark tone then you have this like big butt, big bo**and whatever that is so understood right so all human made things in this planet its so crazy let's move onSo the next is Music i don't like my countries expect some songs but the artist of my country didn't catch my attention so I don't listen to music that much until I listen bts song but ok bts's music is good match to their personality I first listen their song was called I am fine was so good v's first part so good rm's part was so good and then jk so good all of them so good so good then I am into their music listening to them all of them its first time to me to listen someone's music more than once i have never addicted to listen to music in my life until bts but I want to tell you that I like forever young mv and save me and bst was so good I mean so good but something in my head or maybe feel like something is wrong with them something whenever I watch them they already win a billboard in 2017 until 2019 i don't know that they win billboard when I was found that It was song blood, sweat and tears but I fell wrong something after watching this mv plus listening before this billboard thing because bts is reason I know billboard ,grammys and they are reason that I know so many things that no need to mention hear like queer thing, ok I am attached to them because of what they do to entertain their fans but their lyrics does'nt catch my attention its umm good that you talk about human feelings but for me human brain made feelings are nothing to me cause they never existed even and people pretend like it exist like depression, anxiety, fear, or so many things are nothing to me except physical cause it hurts ok, mv of bst, fake love, idol, boy with love are not that brilliant that they win billboard if you think this deserve billboard then think twice and dynamite is that song i think that the armys are in other world like they can't even sense that their boys are doing what they saying like they say they are not going to make any song in English to win any award right so then why bts and bight and also why army's even though after the English song dynamite army's goes like #stream dynamite that literally i mean it deserve Grammy nominations cause off course army's are just focus on streaming not the what is music about and for your information dynamite was preplaned to become a nominee for grammie that is already planned by bighit and their artist bts ok so bts know what they are doing earning money fame or power or fooling people or marketing so understand that they are doing job to fulfill their wants, so wants (it is unlimited ) and needs( it is limited ) this two things are different you know right ,behind the scene, their singing attracted me their costume,stage performance , or so many many thing but not mv they are meaningless to me that I always used to listen to their music through lyrics so I also improve my singing as well but its worthless so many army's don't know that bighit use so many so many maybe in total 12 or 22 outsider musician, writers, composers, writers on per song i say per song we don't know what is behind the scene and also members also says that they contribute their thoughts in songs so I have searched that so many people says that language is not barrier, bts make music to improve the world let see how can they do this if you who reading this if you are a hard stan so let see ,some fans claim that their life is saved or so many thing because of bts, I make my dream true or what not so, for me bts are just performer's who are trained to act, behave, talk, flirt, dance, sing, give services to fans, being cute, their music is made not by them, their choreography is not made by them, their singing is not that great even maybe they don't try to improve themselves cause they are performers who has to do things what the company is saying to them to do so they are employees of bighit who's the purpose is money power to control the people and the fact that they already make it that so many people are in the trap of this you watch out idols, buy their merchandise and they are earning plus they want you to not harm not involve in their private lives so many are fans literally love their idols to do everything for them and other side who use bts to earn money like example making of edits, dubbed, reaction to their mv's, making bunch of fanfiction they just don't care maybe they just don't think that they what are they writing what the impact can cause on the watcher its horrible to think the purpose of this type of fans are earning money that its just like bts who earn money ,fame plus powerful but no one think what can do to that person who is watching all the things that are made by them it cause them to fanatics about them its the truth if you don't believe you have to search and see what is going on open and see be aware of what you are doing and after that you are not satisfied that it is lie then go be practical involved in some kpop practices so you can gain some information also you can earn by selling like saesang or maybe become a legal agent so you will have all right ( i don't mean to make you a illegal person but the humans reality is all hidden behind the scenes all people like to see success like to see where it start but no one like to do the centre process where the main game is existed example preparation, learning, doing hardworking to reach the planned goal right so if you want to improve society or want to aware the people about this traps that made for just earning so this can helpfull for people who think that their favs are not like that even we don't know that how many people can die for just another human being who just are in the spotlight and man made public images that shows humbleness, kindness and whatsoever infront of us to see their puppets for fulfillour pleasure right )Date things I assure you if you think they are innocent angels then you are wrong my bee they already date so many girls even they had some physical relationship with someone its truth if one day you become rich, beautiful, have so many people to worship you then no can stop you to do what you want to do right wants are unlimited like emotions are temporary and needs are food, shelter and cloth just that's it, I don't want to talk about this but I want you to know what is truth so open your eyes they are celebs handsome they can date and they did, rumors, scandels,dispatch searched it out please bts lie about their past when they shared their stories it seems to me fake all fake cause one for sure if they literally loved their gf which they are talking about their stories in past it seems like their gf's are wrong and they were true but when you don't respect others and don't give love to others then you have no right to receive that love from that person which you were expecting from them i think I am right cause if you are truthful and nothing expecting from that person and you are happy with their happiness unless like love of fan and idol fans are watching their idols to satisfy their thoughts they feel pleasure to see their beauty and what the next level is fan made fanfiction I got angry when idols says they don't like it they feel uncomfortable but when they have to ki*s the band members then you are not denying right what the impact can cause to their fans, when they perform who says to them to lift their shirts huh any one fan says that to them to do this in performance to make them to scream ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh oppaaaa and touching each other they are grown man they know what they are doing its not fans mistake i mean who are so young maybe you are avoiding but please you inside know that they earning their leaving ok the thing is not stop here ok they are becoming rich their are so many army's who dream to become like them their love for music is increasing so it make to dream to sing,dance,perform,to look, to talk,to whatever they want to be like them when when you watching them they becoming famous and rich are reach almost in spotlight right so many can see that cause to think how earn to become that is why all are watching to becoming like them they think how humble they are right this made to support them that's reason to stan them i am example of stan a group who listen to popular thing and don't care about the REALITY who are more talented then them i know so many people who more talented then bts in everything like but they just don't have someone to reach to pull out from the garbage or their situations to stand up but know criteria that you have to go to the audition even they are only selected from the whom are reach attend the audition but bts are don't truthful inside to themselves and they know it their love for music is not true so if this type of call their love for music want to make good music so I want to suggest them to work hard on your music not on style yourself look flawless all the time doing unnecessary action touching their down part or what not you know what they are doing with fans on fanservice all the cause of training and all the cause of Saesang fans the things that they do in their performance, dating is for sure that do so many dates in their strict schedule ok accept it don't be trap of this entertainment thing ok stay away from this cause IS NOT THE REALITYThe illuminati thing I don't know about that much cause I don't watch their mv's that much but I have searched what bad and what good about bts so the illuminati is thing the celebrities use sign like 👌,eye, 666 and a triangle made of 2 hands they use this as to be as part of that organization and this organization is made in 17's so you can search it out on Google and also YouTube actually the agenda or the goal of this organization was to change the worlds order they want to control world by their organization which is made of 400 members to 2000 member in 17's of something its horrifying cause its like politics, like Hitler time you can imagine this things cause its not fake Hitler time was not lie its the reality to rule on something its horrible and maybe but not all the kpop idols are using this thing irs not the coincidence that all the celebrities use this at the same time I mean right now search it out if want to know but I want to tell you some people believe in God, evil, Satan thing so if you believe then I don't want to against with you what I am going to say is truth that the God and ghost and whatever the energy you guys worshipping right so its just an illusions okSO, ILLUMINATIYou can also search it outAs my understanding this illuminati thing are using to earn money and power to control the people like example celebrities are those who has the power like they have fans at a big amount like bts fans army's are so much in amount and not the bts all over the world's celebrities doing thisThink what if this celebrities are fooling us using this signs and fans who appreciate whatever they do just like bts dynamite nothing special in this song and army just go like scream and they even make to Grammy so think all people if this sign and what happen next like a governance of king the kings are not going to become the celebrities the mastermind behind the celebrities are going to become king right the mastermind behind the celebrities who know how to use art like make music or movie or whatever they make they make in that way so it appeal like pure art but as a whole the art specially music is term to make money you agree or not but its the truth a truth never denable so bts mastermind are using make stories which fit the members also with illuminati i guaranteed that this illuminati sign which bts use from the no more dream from the debut and their success is not a coincidence ok so it is for sure that bighit a underdog or fans call it bankrupt company right its not, cause bang pd ceo of bighit planned everything from the start I say from the start with illuminati thing ok and I think he already choose the members who are beautiful because beauty is appealing also there are old bts members who used to be in bts but i think bangpd already planned everything from the start cause old members are more able to put more music they have some knowledge about music but look at current members who 2 of them maybe use to write or make to music and i think old are not that good looking and young so you can think maybe this is like this in bang pd and he knows that beauty can attract the audience and its become reality today also they are using the sign in music video, video games like mention before see thisNew world order ( in the para)describe that they want to just control and change the current world order like finish the different different democracy and want to introduce the new policies and control by one democracy and one country order i think you got if you got then you can think that it is horrible like Hitler is the cause of death of millions people so you can think something like this and its not coincidence that allpopular celebrities doing sign at the same time or era its not illusion ok i remind you its truth go and check it outIt's not something that illuminati is devilish or horrible ghost ok so don't worry but its pre-planned thing to earn money and control the world so you can think what it is( i already explain before what it is) and some fans are leaving Fandom because to pray to lord Jesus and saying that kpop idols devilish, Satan kpop idols are in the control of devilish thing and what not and they are appealing Satan some fans are living cause they have faith in God and saying forget their path of faith in God and want to go to the God back see this this are COMMENTS ON YOUTUBE which about God save fans from Satan devilish thing from kpop here are comments that fans who are quit the Fandom( Ok so this is the person called happiness right but into REALITY the happiness is nothing emotions are temporary so if we are reliable on happiness its worthless cause you always are going to find out where is happiness so the thing you should follow is peace in inner yourself also outside )( Ok this person know what is going on outside )( This person believe in God if you do then get out from the entertainment shit )For me what I learned from the thing is I found out what is REALITY and what is FAKE OKGod and ghosts are not the part of environment this are part of human beings illusions in their mindSo you already know how social media working if don't know then search it out social media all the thing we see on social media all fake you already know that this is all fake which things appear on TV internet all fake fake fake now understand that where kpop is stand right now ( in spotlight) get out from this shitWhenever humans are doing against environment humans have to pay ok remind you that the earth even us people or human beings our surroundings whatever you can see one will day will come that one day someone is seeing you and you can't even do anything means life is not end when we die means our organs are stop working but our organs are made up of something right or not, right ok so we die and our body maybe dissolve in something or maybe bacteria eat us or maybe we became ash ok so the death is not the end your body change ok means your forms change like ice to water so let me come to the point that the earth is us and us is earth and all people all the u see from your eyes is you ok remind you that we are change the forms like ice to water when we put water into freezer and when we put ice cubes under the sun then u can see they change the forms ok the fact is that they don't have feeling , don't have brain , don't have stomach so they don't have to do anything we are human beings actually don't know the purpose who say? to human being to have purpose is important? means you try to say that human are made to change the environment i think human beings are forget that they are part of the universe and earth which they are distroying that is why they don't know what to do in which they are doing whatever they want so human being's first priority is earn money food shelter fame beautiful or so many things which is made of human beings prespective (in brain just an illusions) so they are trying hard to find out the purpose but they make difficulties for themselves like covid 19 is business so many peoples don't even know that it is business its a bio war man to earn money and power ( that's the purpose of who make this virus remember environment never ever make this type of virus cause its impossible for environment to make that dangerous viruses that the living beings can't even survive ) remembering anything illuminati right want to control people to obey them earn money what I have i already speal all the teaSo at the fans level whatever they call depression( u agree or not it is nothing just an illusion), love( its never exist actually if it is exist then tell me can we live apart and don't touch each other, understood) , happiness( it is something which human being finding outside and in kinds its temprory), success( it is that bts success called fame beauty money humbleness or so on but wait its the result which every human being want in their life from their work its worthless cause bts work is not like that they hard try to do with honesty and being truthfully with themselves understood they just want to show how we make records no one can do like us is feel when they always talk to the lower than them and it accessible), love of saesang fan( this fans are so in love with their idols so I can't do anything cause umm let them die in the delusional thing I already mentioned everything which I had in my head), crying( its something that in reality cause of cry is hurt less in physical but most mentally so stop being in illusion world), fear of anything( my bee don't fear its something that you are afraid to loss something right but wait you know that earth is you indirectly and also the people you see also you so if you give something then it comes to you it rule you action has reactions ok Remember this always), death ( i have already told that we never die whatever we are a living thing or non living thing we just change our form's remember ) ok so , .whatever the emotion even what I am writing is worthless emotion are nothing think if you don't have brain then you are like a ice cube so its like what we are but humans say no we think we think too much like describing anything want to describe in perfection right want to fight if someone insulting right but they just ignoring what human say technology need to improve but its cause that the environment in which the humans are part of environment they are just ignoring ever year something new coming is a car a phone a brand daily news which is'nt part of our life we just doing like an blind person me too why i am writing this so long maybe you can think after reading i know can't deny but life style we are living in cements house or whatever where you leaving but this isn't make sense THINK, AWARE WHAT ARE YOU DOING cause its a purpose like if you read then you can get something which matters life and you in your family help them to get over from the haRsh situation okso bts and bighit is just a business or nothing just want to earn money as much as they can cause they already late to go to military the music is waste a total shit whatever which is not related to environment is waste shit music is waste of time to me it has no work in environment so some one say that music is a language something like this but maybe you should think twice whatever you are doing it is related to environment or it is can affect the environment cause we already messed up with our environment if bts try to change the world then they can but can't they are use their fans to earn profit and fans use them to their pleasure music change our emotion i try to suggest you use you eyes to see what is wrong and what is not through your brain not from heart i mean from emotions ok we all or everything on earth is us and us is earth we just change our forms we should stop thinking and be aware and see and do what is truth so that's the whole reason to write is to get out from this smelly shit and I don't care about this people and their music or whatever they are producingNo disputesByee take care
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