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How to Easily Edit Outline For Submitting A Course For Online

CocoDoc has made it easier for people to Fill their important documents via the online platform. They can easily Alter through their choices. To know the process of editing PDF document or application across the online platform, you need to follow these simple ways:

  • Open CocoDoc's website on their device's browser.
  • Hit "Edit PDF Online" button and Import the PDF file from the device without even logging in through an account.
  • Edit the PDF file by using this toolbar.
  • Once done, they can save the document from the platform.
  • Once the document is edited using online browser, you can download or share the file as you need. CocoDoc promises friendly environment for implementing the PDF documents.

How to Edit and Download Outline For Submitting A Course For on Windows

Windows users are very common throughout the world. They have met lots of applications that have offered them services in modifying PDF documents. However, they have always missed an important feature within these applications. CocoDoc are willing to offer Windows users the ultimate experience of editing their documents across their online interface.

The way of editing a PDF document with CocoDoc is simple. You need to follow these steps.

  • Pick and Install CocoDoc from your Windows Store.
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  • Fill the PDF file with the appropriate toolkit presented at CocoDoc.
  • Over completion, Hit "Download" to conserve the changes.

A Guide of Editing Outline For Submitting A Course For on Mac

CocoDoc has brought an impressive solution for people who own a Mac. It has allowed them to have their documents edited quickly. Mac users can make a PDF fillable with the help of the online platform provided by CocoDoc.

To understand the process of editing a form with CocoDoc, you should look across the steps presented as follows:

  • Install CocoDoc on you Mac in the beginning.
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  • Drag and Drop the file, or choose file by mouse-clicking "Choose File" button and start editing.
  • save the file on your device.

Mac users can export their resulting files in various ways. They can download it across devices, add it to cloud storage and even share it with others via email. They are provided with the opportunity of editting file through different ways without downloading any tool within their device.

A Guide of Editing Outline For Submitting A Course For on G Suite

Google Workplace is a powerful platform that has connected officials of a single workplace in a unique manner. If users want to share file across the platform, they are interconnected in covering all major tasks that can be carried out within a physical workplace.

follow the steps to eidt Outline For Submitting A Course For on G Suite

  • move toward Google Workspace Marketplace and Install CocoDoc add-on.
  • Attach the file and Press "Open with" in Google Drive.
  • Moving forward to edit the document with the CocoDoc present in the PDF editing window.
  • When the file is edited ultimately, download it through the platform.

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How academically intense is the MBA at IIM Ahmedabad?

You are not going to like this. It is anti-narrative.I studied at IIMB so it can be taken as a fair enough proxy. The course is a lot of work. An awful lot of work. An awful lot of it under time-pressure. But it is academically intense in a way sitting on a beautiful beach is tough on the eyes.Now, let me elaborate. Academic intensity is present when you face tough problems that you need to crack to clear a course, or you understand jack about a course that is crucial for your entire degree.When you need to submit 4 different reports of 30 pages’ length in 5 days’ time across 4 courses and topics that you have little idea about to begin with, stress levels are high but academic intensity is conspicuous by its absence.If you have to understand Fourier Transform, grasp it intuitively, and prepare yourself for a test that might give students 3 hours for students to solve precisely 4 questions on Fourier Transforms, that is academically intense. Most of my B.Tech was spent in a haze trying to struggle through one course per term that I had no clue about. The kind of cluelessness makes you question yourself about your basic IQ.In IIMA or B or C, all you had to do was put together a bunch of reports or a powerpoint presentation that follows an outline that is a variant of thisIndustry OverviewKey Success FactorsSWOT or Porter or BCG matrix or some other fashionable industry-level guffCompany OverviewPosition on the Aspiration-Opportunity-Competency Triangle or some suitably verbose garbageKey RecommendationsStudents will have serious discussions, delve deep and then agree on one very important thing after the 3-hour meeting - How to allocate the sections to different group members?After this, there will be another group meeting where the most intellectually challenging questions will concern font sizes.IIM graduates are made to sit in an artificial “stress” environment and pushed to do a lot of things within short spans of time. Then they are made to believe that if they can do this, they can do anything else the world might throw at them. All told, this is a useful exercise to create competent and confident managers. But to call this academically intense would sully the good name of academia.IIMs are B-Schools. The stream called “Management Education” is young (barely 100 years’ old) and was created out of nothing in a bid to create a pseudo-scientific basis for ideas that were broadly considered “common sense”. There is no such thing as academic intensity in a B-School. This is not to say B-Schools don’t fulfill their purpose. They do. That purpose has nothing to do with academic intensity either.

What is it like to take a Coursera course?

Taking a Coursera course is a wonderful experience that I recommend wholeheartedly. In order to enjoy a course, however, you have to be fully committed to the lectures, review material, quizzes, and must be interested in the topic.I have taken multiple Coursera courses, in topics related to Machine Learning, Physics, and Human Physiology, and have found each and every one of them invigorating and useful. Initially, I began signing up for multiple courses in topics that I enjoyed, but I soon realized the difficulty in keeping up with all of the lectures, assignments, coursework, and quizzes. Dropping courses was a tough decision to make, but one that was necessary in order to ensure maximum efficiency in those that I was most interested in.After I had selected my main three courses (one in each of the above topics), I set out to master the topics. Although each of the video lectures were only about 20-30 minutes long (that's about one third of my regular class time), they were packed with material and content being taught by college professors. In order to ensure that I retained all of the material, I reviewed the transcripts and did the assignments that were posed on the class page. These resources truly helped my learning experience, and enhanced my knowledge on the topics being taught.As time progressed, taking quizzes and tests became more challenging, and the material became more complex. Fortunately, the teaching in the video lectures as well as the handouts provided in class continued to help me proceed learning. Taking three courses became much harder, especially due to the commitment of being a full-time student, but I was able to manage.The final exams for each of these courses varied both in difficulty and format. I found it useful to take notes during the lectures and to keep reviewing old material- this helped me review the basic concepts. In the courses I have taken, the final exam was 100 multiple-choice questions, and was based on the material that was covered throughout the class time. The exam was a great conclusion to end the course, and helped solidify the material that we discussed.Coursera is definitely a wonderful resource for learning, reviewing, and discussing academia. It comes bundled with multiple different resources, including a Wiki page for extra resources, and a Forum where classmates can ask one another for clarification of points discussed in the video and create study groups to review and learn. Although Coursera does have its glitches, it is hands-down the best resource of academic, high-level material that I have encountered. The structured format, open resources, discussion page, and testing all make the website a wonderful place to attain knowledge.Overall, a Coursera course includes:An introduction/syllabus and a basic outline of materials the course will discuss.A set of lectures, ranging anywhere from 3-6 videos, that are each 20-30 minutes each which introduce concepts and basic problems. Students are encouraged to discuss difficulties in the Forum.A problem set/assignment/quiz that you are required to submit that reinforces the material introduced in the videos. Some courses allow discussion in the Forum regarding these topics, others do not.Your assignment grade will be given to you the following week, and a new set of lectures are released. The same process is repeated again.At the end of the course (usually 8-10 weeks), a Final exam is given. These exams are flexible (you can take the exam in a certain range of days), and count towards the final grade alongside quizzes, tests, and problem sets.If you are interested in taking a Coursera course, my advice is as follows.Pick the right course. This is crucially important- in order for you to maximize learning and enjoyment, it is necessary for you to pick a course you both enjoy and know you will get a lot out of.Spend time on the course. Think of the course not as a recreational activity, but like a class in school. Like any regular class, courses require concentration, review, and studying.Review old material. Without reviewing old material, taking the Final Exam will be much harder, and you will not be able to retain the basic concepts.Ask Questions. Coursera's Forum is a brilliant place for students to ask questions and discuss the videos before taking exams. If you have questions, be sure to ask them- teachers also look over the posts and answer appropriately.Be sure to learn, enjoy, and get a lot out of your experience. I've spent countless hours on Coursera, and believe I have learned a great amount of material from the website.Hope this helps! Feel free to comment on this answer, A2A or personal message me if there are any further questions, comments, or concerns.

Why didn't President Trump make this major push for his border wall a year ago when he had a Republican majority in both the House and Senate?

This is the Point of having a competent and cohesive staff structure in the White House.The only thing that prevented Donald from getting his ‘so-called’ Wall from his Republican MAJORITY in BOTH HOUSES in 2017 and 2018 was HIS OWN INCOMPETENCE AND IGNORANCE.The White House can PROPOSE a Budget, presenting it to the Congress and then engaging in discussions, compromise and some good ole ‘Give ‘n’ Take.The so-called Border Wall and whatever the Magic Number $$$ would and SHOULD have been one of the details included in this negotiation.The end result should have been a Formal Congressional Budget, containing some or all of the White House Proposals…Voted on, Possibly Amended, Passed by Both Houses and forwarded to the president’s Desk for a Signature.A Signature that would have been PRO-FORMA EXPECTED because a Competent President and a Competent and Cohesive White House Administration would have been on-board and in the Mix with the Negotiations and the Committees from the First Day of Budget Proposal Submission until the Day of the Final Vote.A President, who was presiding over such a process with a Congress FIRMLY under his Party’s Control, would have NO REASON to suddenly renege on agreed negotiations and VETO such a Budget.The Reason this Process did not Happen…lies solely with the White House that Donald Trump has created.There is no competence in this White House: Only a bunch of narrow-minded grifters with their own personal agendas, including the person running the White House Office of Management & Budget—a Tea Party Know Nothing who doesn’t think Budgets are of any importance and sees more importance in grasping at the media and power spotlight serving as Trump’s Personal Secretary and Doorman. Because…that’s all Donald sees a Chief of Staff as…a Glorified Male Personal Secretary.There is no Cohesive Strategy in the White House: Donald has said that ‘HE is the Only Important Person’. Everyone else is just a Flunky. The Administration is not a well-oiled policy machine…it’s a shark tank filled with chum. There can be no negotiation with Administration officials if they cannot brief the President who cannot sit still for a sentence that contains more than a Noun and a Verb…but he can change his mind at a moment’s notice…simply because he wants to.There is no attempt to follow Budgetary Process or Protocol: Submitting a Budget Proposal to the Congress is a specific Process. There are Rules. There are Committees. There are Protocols. There should be outlines, verbal agreements and understandings, guidelines, analysis and adherence to Legislative and Budgetary Procedure.A Tweet from a Phone while squatting on the Toilet is NOT a Budgetary proposal.Several Tweets from that same phone over the course of hours or days just means that in their respective offices, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell would turn and ask their aides: Did the White House Submit a Formal Proposal to ‘X’ Budgetary Committee?The Aide would have checked their system, looked up and said: “No Sir. There is No Formal White House Proposal scheduled for review and debate.”Both Mitch and Ryan would then smirk and turn to the other important people in their respective offices and said: “Alright then…next order of business…”Point of Information: It is NOT the Job of the Majority leader of the House or the Majority leader of the Senate to Inform the White House Administration as to the Proper and Accepted Procedure for Budget Proposal Submission. That is the responsibility of the President to appropriately and adequately staff his Administration with Competent People who are KNOWLEDGEABLE of the LEGISLATIVE PROCESS.But to Donald…the only thing he wants to see in the White House is Blood in the Water as his Staff savages each other for his amusement. And the ones who aren’t engaged in the media bloodsport have quietly absented themselves elsewhere to take care of their own agendas while Donald chuckles over his phone…Twittering away.To call this Administration Incompetent…is just a failure of words to adequately describe the travesty we are seeing.Post Script— And Please, be fully aware that Donald’s SINGLE Legislative note— The Tax Reform Law of 2017— ‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017′ was NOT Donald’s Idea and NOT Donald’s Legislation. That Law was crafted and forwarded by the studied focus of the Republican Establishment who knew that they at long last had a two-legged Auto-signature Machine in the Oval Office that would sign anything put under his nose.And they KNEW that the swirling incompetence inside the Administration and the derelict White House OMB coupled with Trump’s inability and unwillingness to listen to or read about complicated matters was further assurance that no objections to future political and problematic issues of that Tax Cut would ever arise or be seriously given voice…thus the President would sign the Bill into Law in complete Ignorance.All Donald did was sign a piece of paper and then hold it up like a child displaying his handiwork at Show ’n’ Tell…People…Government in the 21st Century is COMPLICATED. We don’t have to LIKE every Outcome of the Process. But we should expect a HIGH STANDARD of Competence from the People who serve therein.But Perhaps, it is a fitting lesson that we actually see and experience what Ignorant Incompetence looks like……Because the saying really is True:The Paradox of Competence is that No-one Sees it when it’s There…But oh! How You Notice when it’s NOT…POST SCRIPT ADDENDUM:I am now seeing comment after comment about Filibusters and 60 Senators and how the Democrats have stymied everything…therefore Trump and the Republican were helpless babes being held hostage…Okay…Stop It. Just STOP It.House Passes Bill With Money For Trump Wall, Increasing Likelihood Of A ShutdownA Compromise was Offered to Trump…and if he was SMART, he would take taken a REDUCED Border Security allotment in a CR. With that partial win, he would have run the next MAGA rally and crowed: “NOW, NOW THEY HAVE BEGUN BUILDING MY BEAUTIFUL WALL…”It would have TECHNICALLY been a LIE…but we’re talking about Donald. If his Mouth is Moving, He’s Lying as sure as he Breathes.Politically, it would have been a WIN for Him. The Red MAGA hats would have cheered him so loud you’d have to turn the volume down on your screen. It would have been a Fait Accompli thrown into Nancy Pelosi’s face before she could even write her Majority Leader’s Acceptance Speech.BUDGET-WISE, it would have been a WIN for him…after all we all know that the HARDEST things to kill on Capitol Hill are Vague Funding Mandates related to National Security. They grow and spread sideways like mold in an unwashed shower stall. And foremost, he’d be able to state that he managed to ‘Get One Over’ those obstructionist Democrats.Another Lie…but who’s counting anymore.TRUMP Killed this Win. Not the Democrats.Trump heard a couple of Fox News Entertainment Talking Heads squawk at him…and he scrambled back and blustered and threw down the gauntlet.Politics is the Art of the Possible.Politics is also the Game of the Strategic Bluff— Making your weak hand look stronger than it is – with the intent of getting your opponent to fold.In this Game, Not only did Trump have no flinkin’ idea what cards the other Players at the Table were holding… Trump had already thrown away all his strong cards BEFORE Pelosi and Schumer even sat down at the Table.Hint: Who was one of the OTHER players at this Table during all this Time? Answer: A certain bland-faced southerner named Mitch.The Filibuster argument is just a distraction, frantic flag waving to keep your eyes off the bald-faced stupidity of a Bad Tactical Move.Like the Saying Goes: If you're playing a poker game and you look around the table and and can't tell who the sucker is… it's you.

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Justin Miller