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How can professionals prepare for the post Covid-19 economy?

Your attention please:This is a global economic reset.A reset of the scale that last happened after the second world war.Because of the lock-down, the travel restrictions and the general doom and gloom in sentiments - we are in a global recession.Most experts have little clue on how to tackle this, simply because no one has experienced anything like this in the living memory of this world. This is out of syllabus - a black swan - a Baba Yaga[1] that no one foresaw coming.All major economies will contract[2] - at least a third of all jobs[3][4] will go.One-third to half the value in many large economies will disappear in the short to mid-term[5] [6] .We are sure about a global recession - we can only hope this does not turn into a full fledged global economic depression.There’s a very high possibility that a gainfully employed you,reading this right now, (from anywhere but perhaps India and China[7] ),may lose your job in the coming months[8] .The only question is - how deep is this gloom and how long will it last?The only question is - How can we prepare for what comes next?Your attention please:This is a global economic reset.Remember 2008? - Forget about it!Just to refresh our collective memory - not very long ago, we saw a huge-ass recession around the year 2008 - which lasted for 517[9] days and shaved off at least 57% market value of the listed stocks in the United states.During this recession - millions of people lost their jobs, savings and homes and many ‘too large to fail’ companies, literally went down the drain.Now have a look at this[10] :This graph is a good measure of what to expect in the coming weeks and months.2008 - 56% of market value was lost in 517 days.2020 - 20% of the market value is already lost in the last 21 days[11] [12] .Brace for impact.Let’s get down to a few basic points first.While experts have differing views - Covid-19 may end up affecting as many as 100 million people around the world, claiming as many as 1 million lives[13] [14] .There are at-least 100 million households in India (about 50 million just in construction) - where the earning member is employed in the unorganized sector - the current lock-down and the subsequent slowdown in the economy means that at-least 400 million Indians become super-vulnerable economically, some having no legit means to even feed themselves in the short term. If the local governments slack in their duty - this may even lead to rioting, crime and a breakdown of our social fabric[15] [16] .We are expecting double digit drops[17] in the GDPs of the largest economies around the world. We’ve already seen this happening in the Chinese economy - the other large economies might follow.There is an 80% drop in the sales of automobiles in China[18] . Brazil is expecting a GDP growth rate of -5.5% in 2020, USA is expecting -2.8%, France and UK are expecting -5%, Germany is expecting -6.8%, Italy is expecting -7% growth and China is expecting just 1% growth - the lowest in China’s recent history[19] .The S&P 500 declined about 18%[20] , which is its worst performance since the fourth quarter of 2008. The Dow Jones has declined by 21.5%[21] , which is their worst since 1987 and the Nasdaq Composite Index has come down by 12.6% - and this is just the start.We all shouldn’t forget that covid-19 is a public health crisis and not really an economic crisis - the economic strife is the resultant effect of this global health scare.The thing that matters most right now is confidence - if people in general and institutions, organizations and small and medium sized businesses in particular do not have confidence in a better future - we’re all doomed.Please remember, this is the first of its kind pandemic, where we know both the cause and the affect - unlike the last ones like the Spanish flu or the Black Plague, where we mostly remained clueless and thus helpless. We are better equipped this time and that’s a plus.In the short term the print, travel, hospitality, tourism, real estate, and global supply chain will take a major hit - In the next 2–3 years, we will see large implications of this pandemic on the energy, export, auto, entertainment and banking sector. We can also expect changes in global taxation regimes and a major shift in manufacturing. Globalization will take a back seat.We will see a few very large movies being released direct to home this year - Would eagerly wait to finally see a Salman Khan movie, first day first show on Netflix(?).This will re-invent the lately sagging innovation scene in healthcare with greater institutional budgetary allocation - this may even help revolutionize health insurance and tele-medicine.Lending rates will come down across the board, making the post-covid-19 world, one of the best times to start up. Many individuals currently in the quarantine would finally experience the kick they were waiting for, to pursue what they always wanted to - leading to many successful professionals leaving their ‘safe’ jobs to follow their passions.The greatest hit will be absorbed by what is generally known as the gig economy and the newly enthused drop-shipment industry. Some of the people who are dependent on daily or weekly payouts to run their households will suffer the most from this lock-down and economic unrest.The government incomes across countries will get stretched - while some may finally be nudged to implement a universal basic income or temporary income support of some sorts - as the revenue of the governments get reduced - all countries (except perhaps North Korea and Pakistan) will be forced to shave their defense spending to fund the rehabilitation of their citizens.It is supremely important for us to contain the spread and defeat this virus collectively, as soon as possible - whatever be the cost. The longer it stays relevant - the greater and more long-term will be the damage to the global economy.What next?Since we have established the urgency and seriousness of the current situation - let’s move on to things that one can do.Please remember - we individuals, are the building blocks of our economy. When we apply our skills to create value - our economy churns ahead.Our ancestors struggled against elements of nature - our parents and grand parents struggled against scarcity in general and the steep learning curve of technology - we on the other hand have to fight and remain relevant despite intelligent algorithms and more capable robots.This hairpin bend in the game changing economic churn has somehow coincided with a global pandemic - which has lead to you sitting right now at home, with a lot of free time - Boss, this is your silver lining.Use it judiciously.Heroes wantedOnce the cloud of uncertainty is past us - the economy will require new leaders - new problem solvers and new story tellers. People who can innovate, find loopholes and shortcuts, enthrall a crowd and come up with better, cheaper and faster solutions more quickly.We need people who can inspire, people who can give hope, people who can deliver.We are in an urgent need of heroes.No, we don’t need each and everyone of us to become the Elon Musks or Mary Koms of their respective fields - in the short term, all we need, is to ensure that when we as professionals do one plus one - we come out with something more than two. That’s it.Over-deliver. Pliss.While one way to achieve this is to work harder, but perhaps a more sustainable way is to go ahead and acquire new skills and upgrade.Here below thus, is my personal list of 10 to-do’s which one can indulge in their free time, while they are in quarantine. Break a leg.The list:Curate taste: You must have come across a tobacco product tagline - Swad Badi Cheez Hai (Taste is a big deal) - no truer words were ever said in advertising. While you’re free, have a deeper look at some of the greatest artwork, online - it is your time to sit back and appreciate the finest in human endeavors - there is art in the circuitry of Apollo 11 - there is an art in Tesla deciding to launch a Roadster as their first product - there’s art hidden in how the keypad on your mobile phone works - This art often is the difference between unimaginable success and regular failures - please slow down and start noticing - you’ll enjoy and learn.Read: Read anything that you like. Reading is the cheapest form of time travel - the most cost effective way to have a direct one to one with the best minds of our times and history - reading is also important, because it teaches you how to put your own ideas across - to tell a story - The most important skill which is almost never taught in our schools - a skill which you’d need to convince your future employers, investors and even a spouse, in case you’re unmarried. Read more - pliss!Have a routine: Generally speaking, the difference between a successful person and an also ran, is self discipline. Countless studies like the famous Marshmallow Test have revealed that delaying pleasure, actually helps you become really good at what you pursue. Having a basic routine in your life, especially at a time when you’re practically locked in your house is not just necessary, but crucial in whatever plans you make for world domination.Develop a hobby: Many among us might look down upon hobbies, but it really helps you acquire a new perspective. If you’re not passionate about anything - what are you really doing with your life? No sane person ever succeeded in anything - without a little bit of insanity. Acquire a hobby - it will help.Learn a non-native language: Scientists believe that learning a new language may help you life longer[22] . I personally believe that learning a new language is like acquiring a new super power - If you’re an Indian looking for an easy start, my personal suggestion - try learning one of Spanish/Urdu Reading/Thai/Korean/Kannada - You can finish the basics of any of them within a week - thank me later :)Start a website: It is surprisingly super easy nowadays for anyone to set up a personal website - yours should reflect your personal creativity - be a mode for you to share some of your thoughts and ideas - display some of your personal/professional achievements and everything else that you’d like people to come across, when they search for your name on google. The process of figuring out how to set up your own website, will also help add another feather on your professional cap. Go for it.Call up old friends and acquaintances: In our regular rigmarole of life, we often get disconnected with the very people, who were very important for us at some point in our lives. That best friend from school, that favorite teacher of yours, now retired - perhaps an old neighbor you spent your growing days with - This is perhaps a great opportunity to reconnect - without expectation - to genuinely know what they are going through and help in case you can. Do try.Write: We might have read hundreds of books, but some of us might catch a cold, if someone asks us to write a paragraph about anything. We underplay this skill to our own peril. Just like Mohammad Ali Jinnah, most of us end up never writing anything (except what is required for day to day work) at all. This makes us handicapped, when it comes to expressing our wants, desires and ideas to the people at large. This also leads to a low sense of self esteem in many, which further leads to mediocrity - please stop worrying about what the world thinks and start writing - write about anything you like - you will learn as the time flies - please make it into a daily habit and do not forget to send me a cheque, in case this helps you become a billionaire.Make a list: We are nothing without the hundreds of lists dangling in our conscience. 10 things to do before I retire - 20 places to go, before she turns 30 - 100 experiences, every human must have - the lists can go on and on - right now, please make a list of 3 things you’d love to achieve, as soon as the world has defeated COVID-19. Make that list and share it with your loved ones - see how the universe conspires to help make your wishes transform into reality. Best of luck.Learn to be more thankful: Smile - say thank you and enjoy all the blessings around you. Having loved ones around is perhaps the greatest gift, not cherished by us in general. We are nothing without our family - there is no happiness in a life, not lived for the loved ones. We are social animals - the only way we feel happy is when we give.This is perhaps the best time to sit besides yourself, and have that long pending chat with the most ignored person in your life - you. It is perhaps time to count your blessings - it is perhaps time to renew some of those crazy promises, that a young you made to yourself - as our economy is going into a reset - perhaps it time you do a reset to your own life as well.Best of luck!Thanks for readingCheers and peace.Footnotes[1] Baba Yaga - Wikipedia[2] 5 charts that show the global economic impact of coronavirus[3] More than half of American jobs are at risk because of coronavirus[4] The Economic Devastation Is Going to Be Worse Than You Think[5] 6 charts show the coronavirus impact on the global economy and markets so far[6] Coronavirus outbreak has cost global value chains $50 billion in exports[7] All countries except India and China will go into recession, says UN[8] Coronavirus job losses could total 47 million, unemployment rate may hit 32%, Fed estimates[9] Coronavirus job losses could total 47 million, unemployment rate may hit 32%, Fed estimates[10][11] Stock market hit by coronavirus: Reasons for turmoil, what equity investors should do now[12] Wall Street suffers worst day since 1987 as recession fears grow - business live[13] Estimates of the severity of coronavirus disease 2019: a model-based analysis[14] Coronavirus Live Updates: Half of Humanity Under Lockdown Orders[15] Unorganised growth[16] Workforce in Organised/ Unorganised Sector[17][18] China Car Sales Drop Record 80% as Virus Empties Showrooms[19] Global Economic Prospects[20] Market And Macro Data Signal COVID-19 Economic Crisis Will Be Worse Than In 2008[21] Stocks dive on Dow’s worst day since 1987, tech crashes and Bitcoin is no haven – TechCrunch[22] Learning a Foreign Language Can Help You Live Longer

What can businesses learn from the military?

Training.I've worked in tech, retail sales and real estate, mostly in operational roles, either as an owner or as a manager role. I was also a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps with two tours in Iraq. I feel qualified to answer this question.What I have noticed most outside of the Marines was that the rest of the world doesn't actually put any investment into training. Sure, they might get convinced to allow their associates to go to a conference a few times a year, mostly to get drunk on the company dime and three days away from their tool of a boss, but they have no clue what the real value of training is.Consider this, a new employee is going to be hired. You know that every report you read talks about the importance of the search for new talent, because it is so impossibly expensive. Add to this is that the search could take four or five months to find a right fit for some jobs. That's opportunity costs of an employee not being productive. I've seen companies spend tens of thousands in this process.Now, a new employee is hired. Woohoo! A lot of companies welcome you aboard for a two week honeymoon phase, then you better knock down walls in the next month or you just aren't good enough. You failed, better cut our losses. They will then spend the next six months giving impossible tasks to build a case for the failure's dismissal and then out the door you go with a modest severance package so that you won't blab company secrets or bad mouth it to the outside. In the civilian world most people, at least most people I've dealt with, think they did a good job by giving you a chance and then sink or swim. This sounds brilliant and hardcore, so it has to be good strategy. Keep only the strong and we will be strong. Kill the weak! Rawr! Yeah, tell that to the Marines. That isn't how they work.So you think your startup that created a social network for dog lovers is really hard core because you just fired your sixth receptionist in 12 months. Well bravo, you just blew maybe two hundred thousand on a series of failed investments, for a position only paying maybe $35,000 annually, have lost a year of productivity and are nowhere closer to the finish than you were when you started. Don't forget that you have also lost countless hours yourself, replacing said employees and "training" them. How in the world is a receptionist worth what amounts to hundreds of thousands in straight loss over the course of a single year? All of a sudden, sink or swim is starting to look pretty stupid, huh?So would you like a better solution? Now consider this, the United States military has to work, obviously, one of the most difficult jobs in the world. They have world wide responsibility over trillions of dollars worth of equipment and oversee what amounts to the world's largest logistical support network. Every one of them is a master in their specified field by year two and are responsible for some of the most advanced technological systems on the planet. And management? By the time many are twenty three years of age they have already been promoted to a leadership role, responsible for a team of trade veterans. Also, their average age is 20. And you know what? I haven't even mentioned anyone shooting at you. What's most surprising? Almost none of them are degreed. Virtually all the labor force is made of only high school grads and not even the best and brightest of them. Still, they are somehow made ready to do the missions that are world scale and never lose. Wars may be lost, but that is mainly due to political decisions, yet you have never heard in the last 30 years, "The Marines were pushed out of X." How do you explain that?Training. Look, in the military, people aren't expendable. It's a contradiction of the stereotype we get from movies and such, but a front line troop is a valued and irreplaceable asset and an investment to the United States military. It's odd to think that the military places a higher value on people than you would treat an Ivy League Summa Cum Laude in Computer Science, but business views everyone as temporary, and only worth a certain economic value. The military doesn't. In the military, you have this person and that is all you get. You can't hire another. You can't replace them with someone else. You can't fire him. You're stuck, and so is he. He has to make the grade. The training, the discipline, the yelling and the constant rehearsals are all part of making sure that that Marine or soldier succeeds in his mission and returns home. In business, the attitudes are much "nicer", but motivations are much more selfish. An employee is only as valuable to you as the money he can make for you.ROIDidn't realize how shallow the business world really is, did you? So here is my advice. The following list are things that are all taken very seriously in the military and when you are in your quiet time as a leader, you need to think about how to implement them in your company or area of responsibility:1) There needs to be a very detailed process to track progress and development and know how well a person is being integrated into the company.In the military, this is boot camp and the next six months of training that usually follows before you ever even join your real team. For you, this is onboarding. It's also the first few months after entering a unit. More than a full year. If a manager can't really set goals that are achievable and teach the path to reach those goals, he isn't that integrated himself. He's just winging it, which means that that new employee is swimming in the open ocean without even a lighthouse.And I know that you are all saying. We can't exactly send everyone to boot camp. I know, I know, but your onboarding sucks, regardless. What's your excuse now Stanford dropout CEO? Literally, onboarding is the most important part of the hiring process after vetting. And that thing you have your receptionist or office manager do to get their paperwork in the system, walk them around the office and show them their desk? You think that is onboarding? Of course you don't, but that is all you do. I was at one company where the onboarding was made up of what basically was just a club of concerned employees, junior employees, who wanted to make it easier for new people based on the problems they had. There was no leadership involvement whatsoever. It obviously wasn't a concern, and I bet it isn't a concern for your company either.You can have great talent show up, but feel completely overwhelmed, lost, confused, without any idea how to navigate your systems (or even your office) and in fear of not knowing who to ask. What ends up happening a month later? You label him a failure and show him the door. You recite that tired trope about how you as a manager failed, but really you just blame him, when really, surprise, surprise... it was your fault. You dropped him in the deep end and you both sank together. Hope you're happy.One thing that many people don't seem to understand is that, in most places, an employee doesn't truly pull his weight until after his first year at a job. They might surprise you with bits of awesome from time to time. The smart ones are just geniuses of misdirection, but they are all still mostly just helping out while others do the heavy lifting. If you fire a person before that date, you never gave him a chance. More importantly, depending on your priorities, you just wasted a lot of money, lots of your time and possibly ruined someone's life.Have an onboarding plan that extends throughout the year. Make every part of the process a routine, practically a religious routine. They are interruptions to the work needing to be done, but they are investments in the individuals ability to do it, which is much more valuable moving forward.And in the event that you see that one of your managers has fired someone with less than one year on the books, you need to seriously question that manager's capabilities in guidance. Perhaps they were once marvelous workers, but doing and leading are two very different skill sets. It may not have been an appropriate choice to promote someone to a role requiring a completely different series of abilities on the premise that they showed a great deal of other abilities. If the problem continues, you have a detrimental cancer to your company's ability to grow in the future because your manager is the problem.2) Follow this process up with regular job specific training.Periodically, Marines would get pulled from the unit for all sorts of different trainings. You might have a week's training on crew served weapons with a couple guys from the shop, or a two week class session where a few dozen Marines from the Squadron learning Arabic and Middle Eastern customs, or a three day "camping trip" to learn field survival. These are great at improving the knowledge, survivability and mission accomplishment of the Marines in a unit. It also builds lasting relationships with the members within it.Seminars, grouped with employees of different work groups so that everyone learns from each other and builds new valuable skills are invaluable. I don't mean those "teamwork workshops" by the way, where everyone shares feelings and falls down so that other people can catch them. That's moronic and tells your employees that you think they are third graders. Did they say they loved the training? Of course they did. People lie to you, because you fired Sarah after three months. Send your people to real training so that they feel you value them enough to actually invest in them as a part of the future of your company.Ask your employees and the supervisors underneath you to suggest training that they would want to go to in the hopes of progressing their career. Weed out those that you think may be an opportunity for shenanigans and little else, but create a list of the best external training courses within your budgetary and operational scope and send them as often as is possible.3) Create an annual schedule to ensure that certain standards in education are met.Every Marine is a riflemen. That means we have to train for two weeks and qualify to prove it. That is a major investment on the part of the United States Marines, especially considering only about 1% will ever fire a weapon in combat. Think about that. There is also dozens of annual trainings that must be met. You do this already with the federally mandated sexual harassment, HIPAA law briefs for you in healthcare, and dozens of other industry specific seminars you must do every year depending on who you are. Well, you're probably treating these as obligations because they don't make you money. You shouldn't. Good events that bring the company together for training allow you to spread your culture and vision while reinforcing company values of excellence and learning. You need to do them as often as you can because, for the few hours of time you give up, you increase individual and group efficiency from that point on throughout your area of responsibility for the life of the company.4) Find and reward teachers.When I was a young Marine I was trained as data network specialist. Basically I took care of the base's internet capabilities with my shop. At the end of the first tour in Iraq, as you will remember, we all had to go back to the rifle range. Well something interesting was that of all the other computer nerds (yes the Marine Corps has those) I was the only one that could shoot. So they pulled me to be a coach, because shooting is kind of important in that culture. They didn't just throw me out to make Marine's shooters. Nope, you guessed it, I went to more training. I spent a month in another school to get deep level understanding of weapons manipulation, ballistics and how to train Marines. Yes, training was part of my training. The Corps made such an investment in my education that they gave me a secondary occupational specialty to be a teacher of Marines. I did so well at that, that they even made me the trainer for officers and senior enlisted in the pistol, too. Think about this, in the first nine months I trained, at a cost of hundreds of thousands to the Marine Corps for my first job. Then, a little over a year later, they gave me another job, just because quality educators are so important for that thing that only 1% of Marines will ever do.All that to say this, did you know that individual leadership isn't everything? Sometimes teachers are more valuable. Teachers are those people who are able to spread knowledge to dozens, even hundreds of people at a time. They encourage learning by individuals even when they are not at work. They are also masters of getting individuals over the tough obstacles and increasing their potential as employees and as people. But they don't have to have a deep attachment to the people they are training or direct responsibility for their work (like Managers). Find these people. Give them special recognition and special responsibilities. Most of the time, whatever you have them doing is not as valuable as if they were to capable of improving the performance of hundreds of others.Don't make this mistake: Managers or Leaders aren't Teachers. It isn't that they can't be, but don't make the mistake of only looking at your most senior leadership as being able to teach because they can do. Doing and teaching are two very different skills, the same as leading. Some are masters of their trade, but couldn't explain it if their life depended on it. Put them in front of an audience and they look like fools, and now their confidence is shot. Broken goods. I liked one company that did small seminars between members of their engineering staff to all other members. Most of the time it wasn't the managers doing this, just the regular button pushers. You'll find good teachers by sitting in on these classes. Like I said, pull these people and give them responsibility to disseminating information. It will be an important job that improves many aspects of your organization without even hiring a soul.5) Ignore the "training them to leave" myth"Training them to leave," you say? Whatever dude. Make it worth their while to stay. Unless you are a moron, you will know a person's worth (or cost) is far more than the amount you pay them. If they leave, it is rarely about pay and compensation. It is usually because they are unhappy with the culture, their boss or team, or they don't feel safe working for you. Train them and you eliminate most of that.I knew one boss who had a marvelous realization. He said that everyone is only here so long as it suits them. As soon as they get an opportunity for a better life, they are going to take it, and he encouraged them to. He knew he was going to if handed the chance, so why punish that behavior?Accept it, but remember, there is a thing called loss aversion. People who love their job don't want to risk getting a new one because most of us are more afraid to lose a good thing than gain a better one. If you make your people happy, they'll stay. So make the right choice, invest in them as a way of investing back into your company. The whole system will work better in the end, so much so, that the increased value in everyone else can afford to lose the few that leave. Whatever the case, you should be happy for them and in either case, they will leave thankful for having worked for you and maybe even be your business emissaries outside to potential contacts.6) DisciplineI'm laughing as I write this. I know you can't make your employees run around the building for three hours because they were late like we did at Camp Pendleton. I know that filling sandbags isn't really an option, but discipline is a lost artform that I wish was still existent in the real world. And I know that all you are thinking right now is about some drill instructor yelling at Marine recruits. Some think that is barbaric, others take joy in the idea of it. Well that is a little bit of what I am talking about, but you need to understand why. It may be the hardest thing for you to accept on this list, but you need to consider this... There is a reason that "Discipline" falls under "Training" and there is a reason that it is the largest section of my list. It is the most important. Second, you followed this question for a reason. Think about that. You knew there was something the military does that you want to learn. Everyone knows that the number one thing in the military is discipline. You need to be strong enough to make it the number one thing in your organization too.To begin, I'd like to tell you about a time in the Marines when I once yelled at a PFC for half an hour because he told me, "Hang on a sec." Exact quote, no exaggeration. I mean screaming at his face, for a solid 30 minutes. That may sound extreme, it is, but there is a reason for it. What most people reading this don't understand, is that yelling was the nice option compared to some punishments I was entitled to give.Here is the deal, and it is so important that I am going to break my all caps rule so that you understand it clearly. DISCIPLINING YOUR EMPLOYEES SAVES THEIR JOBS! That is the intention of discipline. To save people from much worse punishments down the road. To make it clear, did you know that for that Marine who told me to hang on, I could have filed a Page 11 entry? A page 11 is a formal reprimand that will stay in his permanent record jacket that will follow him for the rest of his Marine Corps career. He will be labeled from the moment he moves to any command from that day on. Was it worth damaging his career? No, but for reasons you might not understand, he had committed a serious infraction, disrespect and insubordination of a non-commissioned officer. Instead I yelled. It left no permanent mark on his record jacket, but left a lasting impression. I didn't have to have that talk a second time.Maybe another example that is more applicable to the civilian world would be better. I once managed a store right after college. I was young, but I had my experience from the Marines. One of the employees was late. He was a senior employee, but had had a lot of problems lately. I chewed him out and he became belligerent and started yelling back at me in front of the other employees. I sent him to the back office. There I filed our store's standard write up form that is part of the firing process. It's an early step, but the process is beginning. Compare it to a three strikes rule. I had him sign it after I asked if he knew what it was. He did. I asked him if he understood why he was signing it."Because I was late." he said."No," I replied in a calm voice, "I yelled at you because you were late. You didn't accept that form of punishment. Instead you talked back and made a scene in front of the other associates. You didn't allow me to protect you from this for being late. Instead you forced me to do this so that the discipline and morale of this store doesn't become damaged by you. This is the first step I have to ensure that you don't work here and become a poison to the team with your declining attitude. As much as I would like to, for your sake, I don't intend to yell at you anymore. Do you understand?"He did. I didn't want to do that, to put him on that track, but the message made its way through the store. He was never the model employee, but he didn't give me problems anymore.How does this apply to you? As I mentioned, discipline saves jobs. You apply painful punishments as a means to avoid official ones. A lot of managers I knew, in fact most, were basically always creating a list in their heads, or literal ones of their employees' mistakes and, "building cases" for their dismissal, even if they had no intention of firing them. It was just the only method they knew of how to improve their work. "Well, Smith, you know you weren't doing a good job. So you are one step closer to being fired. I still love you though. Have a great day!" That's ridiculous. I would rather be yelled at than told that by someone smiling with flowers and candy.So how do you discipline your employees? You have to discover that one for yourself. I can't tell you that (legally). You have to talk with your managers and other leaders to discuss a set of discipline norms of acceptable behaviors for your leaders that fits with your company's values and culture. I'm not asking you to scream and yell, or to beat someone to death with hammers for every infraction. What I am telling you to do is something that conveys disappointment and reestablishes expectations in a way that doesn't put them on the track to dismissal. One example might be assigning extra duties or assigning them to the crap assignments no one wants. (It's also a great insensitive for the good employees to get to skip those crap tasks that someone has to do.) It sends a message, but the employee isn't in danger of being fired.Bring in HR and even Legal. Good ideas can have very negative consequences. Another story I will share is of an employee I had who wasn't shaping up. She was pretty and well liked, but from my point of view she was spoiled and used to getting her way. She managed to figure out how to not come to work about 30% of the time she was being paid for. She would say things like she had an appointment tomorrow, or whatnot, once, then twice a week. I had no idea what these appointments were. She have a cold? Cancer? Getting her hair done? When she wasn't there, I had to cover her job. It was obvious she abusing a friendly employee perk to help employees when they needed it. This was unproductive and made the office run poorly. It got to be too much. I was still young so I didn't quite know the best way to handle it. I asked if these appointments were health related and told her that she didn't need to make all these appointments during business hours and needed to focus on her work. A good HR person will see my mistake. I had the nerve to ask what these appointments were for. That's a violation of privacy and I got in hot water. Worse she found a way to manipulate the system and knew she had me. That relationship ended toxically and there are many things I would do differently if given a second chance. Safe to say, I had no discipline over her. I still insist I was doing the right thing, but good motives and bad execution will land you on the street as fast as downright abuse will.So learn from my mistakes. Come up with plans to discipline that saves good employees from losing their jobs. It will echo throughout the company, and remind people of their responsibilities. It will also, if you're doing it right, remind them that they are not expendable, and that this is your way of providing them training rather than showing them the door. Work with your managers and HR to determine a good system for your team. The order, structure and regularity it provides creates a feedback loop.SummaryThe Marines have a saying, "The Marine Corps is a perfect organization made of imperfect people." A lot of companies today want to be a perfect organization of perfect people. That just isn't possible. No one is built for the hole you have that you need filled. You have to mold them. You have to teach them, grow them, and you have to train them. More importantly, you have to have a culture in your organization that encourages them to learn and grow into it. I don't know a lot of companies that accept that people come into the organization flawed and focus on making them better rather than spending millions in recruitment. For all I know it may not be the best idea for your company, but it works for the Marines.Thanks for reading!Everything I write is completely independent research. I am supported completely by fan and follower assistance. If you enjoyed this post and would like to see more like it, follow my blog War Elephant or you could show your support directly by checking out my support page here:Support Jon Davis creating Short Stories and Articles in Military, Sci-Fi and Life.

How do you choose a real estate agent?

While home sellers have ended up being more market quick than whenever in ongoing memory by virtue of the plenitude of information promptly accessible, realizing how to pick a real estate agent can at present speak to a test.Between recommendations from partners, a relative with a dusty permit on the rack offering to help, and a puzzling group of study destinations, it’s difficult to realize who to trust with a champion among the most baffling money-related decisions of your life.One of the advantages of pitching to Open entryway is that you get the conviction of a forceful offer and you can continue ahead your own course of occasions. On the off chance that you’re selling the customary way, it is basic to realize which things to ask so your real estate agent can satisfy your wants similarly as esteeming, timing, and all in all understanding.In this blog, we’ll separate all of the things to ask while picking a real estate agent:1. To what extent have you been a real estate agent?This request isn’t as clear as it sounds. Finally, the proper reaction depends upon how one portrays being a pro.Various people hold a permit and don’t successfully practice. Someone may have been approved for quite a while, yet in the occasion that they’ve recently addressed a cluster of clients, their residency as an authority doesn’t really address their experience. Plunging further into what number of clients they’ve addressed over their calling will give you a prevalent idea of their experience level.2. In which neighborhoods do you practice?Other than masterminding the best expense for the leeway of your home, possibly the best regard a real estate agent can incorporate is their understanding into the close-by market. A veritable neighborhood ace will think essentially most of the progressing trades that have occurred in your general region, why a particular home on your square sold quickly or continuously, despite everything that is alluring about your territory. This data moreover engages the administrator to honestly esteem your home.Do whatever it takes not to be constrained to demand that the administrator share a summary of their trades for up to 12 to two years. If they haven’t addressed a vendor in your neighborhood in the past two years, you may need to jump to some degree increasingly significant into their shared trait with the domain and get some information about what makes them an expert. This summary should be basic for any agent to pull from the Multiple Listing Service (MLS).While investigating the once-over, give explicit thought to which party the administrator addressed. Despite having neighborhood distinguishing strengths, various administrators furthermore have commonsense involvement in either buyer or merchant depiction. While a considerable number of individuals coolly insinuate the administrators in the trade as the “Buyers agent” and the “Seller’s agent,” be cautious that the specific terms for these occupations are “selling agent,” (the expert addressing the person to whom the house is sold, or, the buyer) and “listing agent,” (the master addressing the person who has recorded the home accessible to be acquired).3. What number of clients would you say you are addressing the present minute?It might allure consider picking a real estate agent as a popularity challenge. If each other individual is using the top administrator around the neighborhood, that point you should too, right? Not by any stretch of the imagination.Rather than estimating how standard an expert is, what’s fundamental is to understand the administrator’s correspondence style and openness to ensure that it’s agreed with your wants.Generally speaking, a master may be a bit of a greater gathering. Gathering measure is of explicit significance when selling a home. It takes a town to genuinely publicize, compose, organize, and close a home arrangement. Prior to consenting to work with a listing agent, try to get an unquestionable idea of the significant number of players you’ll be working with all through the technique and who you will talk with from the gathering.Pros who have different listings accessible at one time will often have a correct hand to manage the ordinary techniques of setting up your home to go to the feature. Make certain your administrator appreciates yours wants for their commitment.4. What is your Marketing methodology?Any real estate agent who needs to address you and the closeout of your home ought to have an evidently portrayed publicizing technique that is reasonable to your specific property. Everything considered, when your home is recorded on the MLS it will normally appear on by far most of the exceptional real estate look goals. By the day’s end, getting your home to appear to be online is no remarkable achievement.Here are two or three key publicizing tends to any confirmed listing agent should have the ability to address:Will you have capable pictures taken? The idea of listing photographs can have a huge impact on the proportion of interest your home gets from potential buyers.Will you offer to arrange guidance? Masterminding a home can make it less difficult for buyers to imagine a property as their future home. A real estate agent should have experience masterminding distinctive properties and have the ability to provide guidance.Will my home be consolidated into the area paper? Given this is valid, make a point to ask with respect to whether this is consolidated into their cost of if you’ll have to pay extra out of pocket.Have the capacity to share examples of publicizing materials used for past arrangements?This will empower you to get a sentiment of the quality component of the agent’s exhibiting.5. What is your thriving rate?Past execution can be a pointer of future accomplishment. Nevertheless, while contemplating a real estate agent’s master scoreboard, review that their subtleties are relative both to various agents pursuing your business similarly as the market with everything taken into account.These are the three subtleties you’ll have to get some information about while meeting an agent to sell your home:6. What sum do you charge and what are joined into your cost?As a merchant, you will pay both your listing agent’s and the buyer agent’s reward out of the profits of the arrangement. The agent’s seller at first set the costs and you should get a once-over of what are fused into the charge, how it’s appropriated between all social affairs, and a breakdown showing what you will finally get from the arrangement.For a significant long time, the “traditional rate” was 6% in numerous urban networks, with 3% taking off to the listing agent and 3% to the buyer’s agent. With the various alternatives as opposed to the regular real estate bargains process jumping up starting late, the contention has driven real estate agents to be progressively forceful with their costs.While it is continually possible to orchestrate, make a point to consider what is fused into the charge. Some listing agents may be anxious to take 2% instead of the ordinary 3%, yet will request you to pay out-from pocket for master photography and videography, which can cost thousands.7. Have the capacity to give references?Past execution and extended lengths of experience are generally beneficial pointers of an agent’s wellness. In any case, you’ll in like manner need to visit with someone who has used their organizations before to realize what it’s really like to work with them.Perhaps you’re meeting an agent regardless since they were endorsed by a trusted sidekick or relative, be that as it may, notwithstanding you’ll have to get a grouping of suppositions from different sources. It’s unlikely that a listing agent will send you to a client who didn’t have a better than average experience, which is the spot a little web sleuthing can end up being helpful.When examining on the web overviews, in any case, reliably recall the source. In case you find anything contrary three or four pages someplace down in the rundown things, it’s reliably a savvy thought to enable the agent to illuminate in case the individual gives off an impression of being commonly fitting to your prerequisites.8. Will you in like manner empower me to find a home to buy?Home sellers are moreover routinely home buyers and will require an agent for the two trades. Everything considered, in case you make this request the fitting reaction will be an unequivocal, “yes.” After all, for what reason would an agent turn down more business?Really, this is a thing to ask yourself. These are several upsides and drawbacks of using a comparative agent to address you in the midst of the freedom of your home and help you purchase your next one.PROSYou’ve officially discovered a decent agent. You’ve invested a great deal of time and vitality to locate the correct agent to sell your home. While you may make a couple of tradeoffs in utilizing a similar agent for two unique kinds of exchanges, it might be justified, despite all the trouble to stay with somebody you trust.Timing is everything. Working with a similar agent to enable you to sell and purchase implies one individual who knows your calendar and can best deal with any planning issues that may emerge between bringing on the deal to a close of your home and buy of the following.Money related advantages. As a seller, you have a decent arrangement of power over how much commission you pay your agent, yet you have next to no say over what the buyer’s agent is paid. Utilizing a similar agent for every one of your exchanges may mean considerably more influence to arrange the sell-side charge or request a credit toward shutting costs from the commission your agent procures on the purchase side.CONSAgent ability probably won’t cover two neighborhoods. Can one agent really be a specialist both in the market where you’re selling your home and in the areas you’re hoping to purchase? Maybe. In case you’re moving inside a similar city, it’s conceivable the agent knows about numerous sub-markets and associations over the area. Except if you’re purchasing inside a nearby a span of your present home, utilizing a similar agent may mean making a trade-off in neighborhood advertising information.Absence of exchange strength. A significant number of the inquiries you’ve asked up to this point have had to do with the particular difficulties looked like a seller. Which side of the exchange does your agent really have practical experience in and with which do you need the most help? Numerous agents who are buyer pros have associations with home loan representatives and realize the nearby experts to interface with.An absence of data transmission. Having two separate agents, one to pitch your home and one to help purchase another home could expand the chances of getting more consideration from each by making a division of work.Here is a free guide that might help you in this matterHow to Select the Best Agent

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