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What is the most honest and ethical way to make money that will make you a fortune?
Okay, to get started is relatively simple; be aware that “simple” and “easy” are not synonymous.And keep in mind that this is an ONGOING PROCESS-much like a garden, it will have to be tended. This is NOT a lottery ticket (where you just make one right move and rake in the cash).We live in an information society-we have pretty much anything we want at our fingertips. However, people STILL don’t go after it!I have a ton of inventions; I consistently hear “Why would someone pay you for “X” when they could just go get the plans to build it off of the Internet?”And the answer is “Yes, they COULD! But they WON’T.”There is a premium that people are willing to pay to anyone who makes something easier. Whether that “easier is “to understand”, “to build”, or “to use” is up to them, but people will still pay.Yes, some will go get the info on their own, but most people that have an interest in something would rather shell out a few bucks and have the information handed to them.Seriously, that’s why FAR more people buy cookbooks that actually go to cooking school!So, let’s see if we can come up with a general blueprint that can move you and your idea.Before we get into the blueprint answer, you need to be aware of a couple of things that will seem contradictory.People respond to “free”. But they DON’T respond to free if it’s not something that they would or might want to begin with. I, for example, would not respond to an offer of a “Free” guaranteed bass lure-I am not near water, and don’t have anyone to go fishing with. That being said, the people that DO respond to a “free” something have a FAR greater tendency to continue buying along the same lines as your “free” offer. If you are giving away fish lures then the people that respond are going to be far more likely to consider fishing poles, line, tackle boxes, multi-pocketed vest, Alaskan King Salmon fishing expeditions, and Deep Sea Charters. Likewise, if you are concentrating on fishing gear you DON’T want your “Free” offer to be, say, a new type of car wax.Since you are giving away this “free” offer, you are probably going to give away a LOT of it. Therefore, it needs to cost you little, or nothing. “Free” consultations seem like they have no cost to you; but how many hours a day do you have? Could you have used those hours for something else-something fun with your family? Or maybe something that would increase your skills? Or maybe something that would help with finances (a business course taught by Gordon Miller, or a visit with your friendly hat-wearing tax accountant Andrew Weill ? A creative writing lesson with Mercedes R. Lackey ? A lesson on being a bubbling crockpot of male hormones and sexiness by Eddie Wetmore? ) I am not just name-dropping (well, maybe a little…); go look up these folks if you are interested in those topics.So, we need to come up with something free that doesn't cost you money or time-or more specifically, costs you a one-time fee that does not generally have to be repeated. Such as a downloadable booklet on recognizing narcissism. Or a video on the seven steps to getting out of depression. Or a questionnaire concerning “Test to see if life is passing you by?” Or a free financial planner template for Word or Excel. And so on.The first step is going to be to put together some “bait” that will draw people to you. It doesn’t matter what you are trying to sell, SOMEONE on this rock wants to buy it.Getting the two of you together is the purpose of marketing. Marketing is like fishing: timing, proper bait, local, and making sure the fish are hungry are all parts of this.We don’t want to spend time or dollars marketing, say, tattoo needles and inks to the local Quaker community.That will be obvious, of course, but keep in mind that anything you want to sell will NOT be wanted by the majority of people at any particular time.So, your goal is to find the ones that want what you have and are ready, willing, and able to make the purchase.Unfortunately, there’s no reliable website that says “Here’s a list of people that want your stuff; call now!”So it will be up to you to MAKE one!.In this example, I am picking an extremely obscure product (yarn) that most people go about their day without giving a second thought.But here is how you can create a market for your yarnIf you can do this for yarn, then you can do this for pretty much anything.One warning: the words “could”, “should”, and “might” are EXTREMELY bad four-letter words in marketing. ANyone COULD buy my product(s); I need to focus on the people that WILL buy it (them).Although I will never be able to make that population a guaranteed group of purchasers, I can root out the people that really have an interest in what I have, and therefore are far more likely to purchase.Here’s a rough outline:Okay here’s how. And this is NOT going to follow the path that you are most likely expecting!There are some additional steps that you are going to have to take, but this is the rough plan.For this example, I am going to presume that you have assembled a book about handmade, exotic yarns. (if this works for yarns then it will work for pretty much anything else). You have done lots of research, and without plagiarizing anyone you have built a 47 page manual of all of the things that you think are important for a beginner to know.I am going to use the sale of handwoven yarns (from sheep or whatever)-and you don’t need to actually have any inventory at first.But this is a great example of how to build something out of nothing.There are 8 billion people on this planet, and close to 4 billion of them are on the Nets.There is a reasonably large portion of these people that would be interested in exotic knitted wolves and threats. (Bwahaha! I actually said wools and threads, but thanks to auto-correct this is far funnier...)However, you're going to have to find them.The real question is whether or not the work you're going to have to put into this is going to be enough to make it fly.That being said, let's come up with a battle plan.First of all, you're going to have to bring these people out of the woodwork-we are looking not for heartbeats, but for people that are interested (and therefore more likely to buy) in whatever topic you are pushing and trying to sell.We don’t want to waste our time advertising to people that will never buy our products, so I am not going to be tagging the ‘National Speulunking Association” on my new “No Dye Lot” 1lb Skeins. We are interested in people that are interested in what we have, and we want them to tell us that they are potential customers.And how would you do that?Well, the answer is to start figuring out where they might hang out.Are there any Facebook groups with hand Knitters?Or people that are trying to get back to the roots?Or specialty Knitters and or quiltmakers?This is probably going to take you a month or two to track these groups down. Check out FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube, Linked In, Snapchat, Twitter, and Pinterest.Join these groups each and every one of them you can find. Begin putting posts with helpful information on it.Become a contributor.Study.Help other people with their problems and their concerns.Become someone they can trust.Become a name they recognize.Then, you need to let them know about your products.One of the best ways to do this is to give away something for free... But be warned.Whatever you give away for free needs to cost you little to no money because you're going to have to give away a lot of it.Say, your 47-page book with details on15 types of exotic Yarns that most people can't get a hold of.Yes, you DID have to invest time and money into getting it written and put together, but that is a one-time expense; you will not have to really pay any more to put out 100 or maybe even 10,000 digital copies.The people that are interested in what you might have to say will sign up, give you their emails, and have you send them this digital resource will consist of a potential purchasing class that might be interested in buying your product. IN fact, they will have staggering close rates compared to regular SPAM (Self-Propelled Advertising Material)And they came to you, so to a certain extent you have filtered out the looky-loos and the people that are going to waste your time.But they're not ready to buy yet.They don't know you, and they don't trust you yet.So, once you get their email addresses, you are going to need to continue sending them even more "free" helpful things.These ALL need to be pursuant to the theme and topic that you are the purported "expert" on. (Ended on a preposition; don't care)In short, develop your theme, and make sure that you are playing along the same lines for consistency's sake.For example, an article on 12 different all-natural yarn dyes that you can make using hibiscus flowers or onion skins, whatever.10 designs that even a beginner can start today.Four scarf designs that involve knitting and crocheting.Send them descriptions of three different types of exotic wool made from other countries' animals. Throwing these off the top of my head, obviously.About the fourth or fifth email as you send out with all this free information will be the time that you mention “Oh, by the way, if you were interested, for X dollars I will send you a sample pack of 12 of my most interesting types of yarn”. THIS IS THE POINT THAT YOU BEGIN CHARGING FOR YOUR SERVICES/PRODUCTS.But the products/services that you sell don’t just have to be ones you create. Target does not manufacture blenders; they buy those from others. Udemy does not film a video training course; they have the contributors do it, and they pay them a commission when someone signs up.You see, you can also sell other people’s products. Most will pay you a commission, and they will frequently ship them for you.This is called affiliate marketing, and there are tons of YouTUbe videos on how to do this.Obviously, don’t recommend something that is cheap or trashy; to do so will cause you to lose all of the goodwill that you’ve built up so far.Remember, these folks trust you now. Make good recommendations. Ignore profit over quality-it will always cost you in the long run. No matter how high the commissions, keep in mind that it is your goodwill that counts. Anything else could very easily be killing the goose.And don't forget ancillary items to further build trust.You can begin posting videos of how people can hand-make their own yarn. (at enough views YouTube will begin paying you to allow advertisements during the videos)You can begin creating videos on certain knitting techniques.Don't forget Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, TikTok, or other social media platforms. It will take a ton of study, but ALL of these can be used to help you develop a following.Don't ignore the value of a Virtual Personal Assistant to help with the minutia; likewise, Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer can help you develop systems on these platforms far more quickly than you can learn them yourself. Don't try to do them all; pay someone else to do them for you.You can find a company that will hand make knitting needles and laser burn patterns or initials into them. Either buy and re-sell them or earn a commission on each set that someone buys through you.Be thinking of ALL the ways that your field can have products or services that could be recommended or sold.Personal growth programs could tie in. Perhaps even extend knitting classes (online, film once, and then add to your YouTube channel) to local trade schools, Home Economics classes, jails.Others might be willing to film their own techniques and upload them to your channel.Specialty furniture and lighting could tie in.Exotic "Knit-Wit" Cruises or Expositions ("It's SEW on!") could be set up with master knitters, or yarn representatives that want to showcase their products or knitting machine manufacturers that want to break into the home market.Heck, you could take a cruise to Mongolia (a train trip will also be part of this) to actually go meet some goats or whatever.Expand your vision beyond just the hobbyists; Preppers and Do-It-Yourself types would love to learn how to make cloth, clothing, and maybe handmade yarn all the way up to goat and sheep and cashmere rabbit breeding.Don’t worry that a client could just go search and buy the same products for cheaper somewhere else; some will. But a great deal won’t want to take the trouble and will just buy from you because they are already on your website and it’s easier.You can start selling specialty cases to hold all of the yarn and showcase it. You can start holding a contest of people that knit sweaters or whatever using your yarn, and if enough people entered award a plaque, or a free skein of yarn, or heck even a weekend on a farm where you can meet and pet the goats.Whatever...get a Facebook Community started where the people that are your clients can begin talking to each other and helping each other with problems.Maybe set up a trading post where somebody can make a sweater too and trade it for something of equal value.And definitely let the people showcase what they made, whether is a professional $5,000 quilt, or it's a scarf made by an eighth-grader.Be ferocious in stopping any and all disparaging and condescending comments.Hire a virtual personal assistant out of India for 3 bucks an hour to monitor the threads if you have to.And go from there-your “free” book has served to propel you to the top of an empire!What’s next? Well, you will need to make sure that you have hit a couple of videos on accounting, taxes, bookkeeping, local legal requirements, fulfillment issues, and how to structure your business. You don’t want to be doing these (hire someone), but you will need to have a basic understanding in order to communicate what you want.And keep us posted-we LOVE success stories!
I want to start my own business but I don’t have enough money to? What do I do?
Okay, to get started is relatively simple; be aware that “simple” and “easy” are not synonymous.We live in an information society-we have pretty much anything we want at our fingertips. However, people STILL don’t go after it!I have a ton of inventions; I consistently hear “Why would someone pay you for “X” when they could just go get the plans to build it off of the Internet?”And the answer is “Yes, they COULD! But they WON’T.”There is a premium that people are willing to pay to anyone who makes something easier. Whether that “easier is “to understand”, “to build”, or “to use” is up to them, but people will still pay.Yes, some will go get the info on their own, but most people that have an interest in something would rather shell out a few bucks and have the information handed to them.Seriously, that’s why FAR more people buy cookbooks that actually go to cooking school!So, let’s see if we can come up with a general blueprint that can move you and your idea.Before we get into the blueprint answer, you need to be aware of a couple of things that will seem contradictory.People respond to “free”. But they DON’T respond to free if it’s not something that they would or might want to begin with. I, for example, would not respond to an offer of a “Free” guaranteed bass lure-I am not near water, and don’t have anyone to go fishing with. That being said, the people that DO respond to a “free” something have a FAR greater tendency to continue buying along the same lines as your “free” offer. If you are giving away fish lures then the people that respond are going to be far more likely to consider fishing poles, line, tackle boxes, multi-pocketed vest, Alaskan King Salmon fishing expeditions, and Deep Sea Charters. Likewise, if you are concentrating on fishing gear you DON’T want your “Free” offer to be, say, a new type of car wax.Since you are giving away this “free” offer, you are probably going to give away a LOT of it. Therefore, it needs to cost you little, or nothing. “Free” consultations seem like they have no cost to you; but how many hours a day do you have? Could you have used those hours for something else-something fun with your family? Or maybe something that would increase your skills? Or maybe something that would help with finances (a business course taught by Gordon Miller, or a visit with your friendly hat-wearing tax accountant Andrew Weill ? A creative writing lesson with Mercedes R. Lackey ? A lesson on being a bubbling crockpot of male hormones and sexiness by Eddie Wetmore? ) I am not just name-dropping (well, maybe a little…); go look up these folks if you are interested in those topics.So, we need to come up with something free that doesn't cost you money or time-or more specifically, costs you a one-time fee that does not generally have to be repeated. Such as a downloadable booklet on recognizing narcissism. Or a video on the seven steps to getting out of depression. Or a questionnaire concerning “Test to see if life is passing you by?” Or a free financial planner template for Word or Excel. And so on.The first step is going to be to put together some “bait” that will draw people to you. It doesn’t matter what you are trying to sell, SOMEONE on this rock wants to buy it.Getting the two of you together is the purpose of marketing. Marketing is like fishing: timing, proper bait, local, and making sure the fish are hungry are all parts of this.We don’t want to spend time or dollars marketing, say, tattoo needles and inks to the local Quaker community.That will be obvious, of course, but keep in mind that anything you want to sell will NOT be wanted by the majority of people at any particular time.So, your goal is to find the ones that want what you have and are ready, willing, and able to make the purchase.Unfortunately, there’s no reliable website that says “Here’s a list of people that want your stuff; call now!”So it will be up to you to MAKE one!.In this example, I am picking an extremely obscure product (yarn) that most people go about their day without giving a second thought.But here is how you can create a market for your yarnIf you can do this for yarn, then you can do this for pretty much anything.One warning: the words “could”, “should”, and “might” are EXTREMELY bad four-letter words in marketing. ANyone COULD buy my product(s); I need to focus on the people that WILL buy it (them).Although I will never be able to make that population a guaranteed group of purchasers, I can root out the people that really have an interest in what I have, and therefore are far more likely to purchase.Here’s a rough outline:Okay here’s how. And this is NOT going to follow the path that you are most likely expecting!There are some additional steps that you are going to have to take, but this is the rough plan.For this example, I am going to presume that you have assembled a book about handmade, exotic yarns. (if this works for yarns then it will work for pretty much anything else). You have done lots of research, and without plagiarizing anyone you have built a 47 page manual of all of the things that you think are important for a beginner to know.I am going to use the sale of handwoven yarns (from sheep or whatever)-and you don’t need to actually have any inventory at first.But this is a great example of how to build something out of nothing.There are 8 billion people on this planet, and close to 4 billion of them are on the Nets.There is a reasonably large portion of these people that would be interested in exotic knitted wolves and threats. (Bwahaha! I actually said wools and threads, but thanks to auto-correct this is far funnier...)However, you're going to have to find them.The real question is whether or not the work you're going to have to put into this is going to be enough to make it fly.That being said, let's come up with a battle plan.First of all, you're going to have to bring these people out of the woodwork-we are looking not for heartbeats, but for people that are interested (and therefore more likely to buy) in whatever topic you are pushing and trying to sell.We don’t want to waste our time advertising to people that will never buy our products, so I am not going to be tagging the ‘National Speulunking Association” on my new “No Dye Lot” 1lb Skeins. We are interested in people that are interested in what we have, and we want them to tell us that they are potential customers.And how would you do that?Well, the answer is to start figuring out where they might hang out.Are there any Facebook groups with hand Knitters?Or people that are trying to get back to the roots?Or specialty Knitters and or quiltmakers?This is probably going to take you a month or two to track these groups down. Check out FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube, Linked In, Snapchat, Twitter, and Pinterest.Join these groups each and every one of them you can find. Begin putting posts with helpful information on it.Become a contributor.Study.Help other people with their problems and their concerns.Become someone they can trust.Become a name they recognize.Then, you need to let them know about your products.One of the best ways to do this is to give away something for free... But be warned.Whatever you give away for free needs to cost you little to no money because you're going to have to give away a lot of it.Say, your 47-page book with details on15 types of exotic Yarns that most people can't get a hold of.Yes, you DID have to invest time and money into getting it written and put together, but that is a one-time expense; you will not have to really pay any more to put out 100 or maybe even 10,000 digital copies.The people that are interested in what you might have to say will sign up, give you their emails, and have you send them this digital resource will consist of a potential purchasing class that might be interested in buying your product. IN fact, they will have staggering close rates compared to regular SPAM (Self-Propelled Advertising Material)And they came to you, so to a certain extent you have filtered out the looky-loos and the people that are going to waste your time.But they're not ready to buy yet.They don't know you, and they don't trust you yet.So, once you get their email addresses, you are going to need to continue sending them even more "free" helpful things.These ALL need to be pursuant to the theme and topic that you are the purported "expert" on. (Ended on a preposition; don't care)In short, develop your theme, and make sure that you are playing along the same lines for consistency's sake.For example, an article on 12 different all-natural yarn dyes that you can make using hibiscus flowers or onion skins, whatever.10 designs that even a beginner can start today.Four scarf designs that involve knitting and crocheting.Send them descriptions of three different types of exotic wool made from other countries' animals. Throwing these off the top of my head, obviously.About the fourth or fifth email as you send out with all this free information will be the time that you mention “Oh, by the way, if you were interested, for X dollars I will send you a sample pack of 12 of my most interesting types of yarn”. THIS IS THE POINT THAT YOU BEGIN CHARGING FOR YOUR SERVICES/PRODUCTS.But the products/services that you sell don’t just have to be ones you create. Target does not manufacture blenders; they buy those from others. Udemy does not film a video training course; they have the contributors do it, and they pay them a commission when someone signs up.You see, you can also sell other people’s products. Most will pay you a commission, and they will frequently ship them for you.This is called affiliate marketing, and there are tons of YouTUbe videos on how to do this.Obviously, don’t recommend something that is cheap or trashy; to do so will cause you to lose all of the goodwill that you’ve built up so far.Remember, these folks trust you now. Make good recommendations. Ignore profit over quality-it will always cost you in the long run. No matter how high the commissions, keep in mind that it is your goodwill that counts. Anything else could very easily be killing the goose.And don't forget ancillary items to further build trust.You can begin posting videos of how people can hand-make their own yarn. (at enough views YouTube will begin paying you to allow advertisements during the videos)You can begin creating videos on certain knitting techniques.Don't forget Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, TikTok, or other social media platforms. It will take a ton of study, but ALL of these can be used to help you develop a following.Don't ignore the value of a Virtual Personal Assistant to help with the minutia; likewise, Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer can help you develop systems on these platforms far more quickly than you can learn them yourself. Don't try to do them all; pay someone else to do them for you.You can find a company that will hand make knitting needles and laser burn patterns or initials into them. Either buy and re-sell them or earn a commission on each set that someone buys through you.Be thinking of ALL the ways that your field can have products or services that could be recommended or sold.Personal growth programs could tie in. Perhaps even extend knitting classes (online, film once, and then add to your YouTube channel) to local trade schools, Home Economics classes, jails.Others might be willing to film their own techniques and upload them to your channel.Specialty furniture and lighting could tie in.Exotic "Knit-Wit" Cruises or Expositions ("It's SEW on!") could be set up with master knitters, or yarn representatives that want to showcase their products or knitting machine manufacturers that want to break into the home market.Heck, you could take a cruise to Mongolia (a train trip will also be part of this) to actually go meet some goats or whatever.Expand your vision beyond just the hobbyists; Preppers and Do-It-Yourself types would love to learn how to make cloth, clothing, and maybe handmade yarn all the way up to goat and sheep and cashmere rabbit breeding.Don’t worry that a client could just go search and buy the same products for cheaper somewhere else; some will. But a great deal won’t want to take the trouble and will just buy from you because they are already on your website and it’s easier.You can start selling specialty cases to hold all of the yarn and showcase it. You can start holding a contest of people that knit sweaters or whatever using your yarn, and if enough people entered award a plaque, or a free skein of yarn, or heck even a weekend on a farm where you can meet and pet the goats.Whatever...get a Facebook Community started where the people that are your clients can begin talking to each other and helping each other with problems.Maybe set up a trading post where somebody can make a sweater too and trade it for something of equal value.And definitely let the people showcase what they made, whether is a professional $5,000 quilt, or it's a scarf made by an eighth-grader.Be ferocious in stopping any and all disparaging and condescending comments.Hire a virtual personal assistant out of India for 3 bucks an hour to monitor the threads if you have to.And go from there-your “free” book has served to propel you to the top of an empire!What’s next? Well, you will need to make sure that you have hit a couple of videos on accounting, taxes, bookkeeping, local legal requirements, fulfillment issues, and how to structure your business. You don’t want to be doing these (hire someone), but you will need to have a basic understanding in order to communicate what you want.And keep us posted-we LOVE success stories!
My only talent is studying. How do I become a rich teenager from that?
By picking a topic-THIS IS IMPORTANT-ANY topic.I am not kidding-pick ANY topic. Because someone out there wants to learn more about it.Learn as much as you can-a good benchmark is that if you have read four well-written books on a topic then you are considered an “expert”.By who? Doesn’t matter; you will have enough knowledge that you can begin teaching someone on it.Use a little brains; don’t read a book on piloting and go steal a helicopter, or advise people on heart ailments, or decide that you are an expert at free rock climbing.There are literally millions of things that people want to learn about.Do not listen to the ones that say “Well, the information is out there, no one will pay you to get what they can get for free.”Wrong. People still go to school, even though they could probably learn most things from the ‘Net.People still pay hookers, when they could probably find a mate for free.People still pay others to mow their grass when they could do it themselves.Yes, there are plenty of exceptions, but we are not going to concern ourselves with this. Looks for the circumstances where this works (plenty!), and ignore the few where it doesn’t.Everyone seems to want to have a “guaranteed 100% solution with no exceptions; I am not aware that these exist. But boy, is that EVER used as an excuse to not start!Then follow this process; there will be some hitches, but as a general rule this will work.I am picking an extremely obscure topic/product to show the process; simply substitute your own.But if this concept will work for yarn (I said I was going to pick an obscure one!) then you can apply this to anything: dog walking, travel on a budget, landscaping, wine tasting, wood refinishing, applied research for public speaking, etc.In fact, I will hire you to do some research for a topic I want to learn (and teach) more about; I will provide you with 4–6 books that I want you to read, and then prepare a full-length (45–60 minutes) presentation complete with slides.PM me please; I care about the quality and depth of your work, not your age.(By the way, I JUST gave you a business concept!! In fact, I do this myself now-and am getting swamped with business!)In the meantime, take a look below. This is a previous answer that I suspect will still apply.Okay, to get started is relatively simple; be aware that “simple” and “easy” are not synonymous.We live in an information society-we have pretty much anything we want at our fingertips. However, people STILL don’t go after it!I have a ton of inventions; I consistently hear “Why would someone pay you for “X” when they could just go get the plans to build it off of the Internet?”And the answer is “Yes, they COULD! But they WON’T.”There is a premium that people are willing to pay to anyone who makes something easier. Whether that “easier is “to understand”, “to build”, or “to use” is up to them, but people will still pay.Yes, some will go get the info on their own, but most people that have an interest in something would rather shell out a few bucks and have the information handed to them.Seriously, that’s why FAR more people buy cookbooks that actually go to cooking school!So, let’s see if we can come up with a general blueprint that can move you and your idea.Before we get into the blueprint answer, you need to be aware of a couple of things that will seem contradictory.People respond to “free”. But they DON’T respond to free if it’s not something that they would or might want to begin with. I, for example, would not respond to an offer of a “Free” guaranteed bass lure-I am not near water, and don’t have anyone to go fishing with. That being said, the people that DO respond to a “free” something have a FAR greater tendency to continue buying along the same lines as your “free” offer. If you are giving away fish lures then the people that respond are going to be far more likely to consider fishing poles, line, tackle boxes, multi-pocketed vest, Alaskan King Salmon fishing expeditions, and Deep Sea Charters. Likewise, if you are concentrating on fishing gear you DON’T want your “Free” offer to be, say, a new type of car wax.Since you are giving away this “free” offer, you are probably going to give away a LOT of it. Therefore, it needs to cost you little, or nothing. “Free” consultations seem like they have no cost to you; but how many hours a day do you have? Could you have used those hours for something else-something fun with your family? Or maybe something that would increase your skills? Or maybe something that would help with finances (a business course taught by Gordon Miller, or a visit with your friendly hat-wearing tax accountant Andrew Weill ? A creative writing lesson with Mercedes R. Lackey ? A lesson on being a bubbling crockpot of male hormones and sexiness by Eddie Wetmore? ) I am not just name-dropping (well, maybe a little…); go look up these folks if you are interested in those topics.So, we need to come up with something free that doesn't cost you money or time-or more specifically, costs you a one-time fee that does not generally have to be repeated. Such as a downloadable booklet on recognizing narcissism. Or a video on the seven steps to getting out of depression. Or a questionnaire concerning “Test to see if life is passing you by?” Or a free financial planner template for Word or Excel. And so on.The first step is going to be to put together some “bait” that will draw people to you. It doesn’t matter what you are trying to sell, SOMEONE on this rock wants to buy it.Getting the two of you together is the purpose of marketing. Marketing is like fishing: timing, proper bait, local, and making sure the fish are hungry are all parts of this.We don’t want to spend time or dollars marketing, say, tattoo needles and inks to the local Quaker community.That will be obvious, of course, but keep in mind that anything you want to sell will NOT be wanted by the majority of people at any particular time.So, your goal is to find the ones that want what you have and are ready, willing, and able to make the purchase.Unfortunately, there’s no reliable website that says “Here’s a list of people that want your stuff; call now!”So it will be up to you to MAKE one!.In this example, I am picking an extremely obscure product (yarn) that most people go about their day without giving a second thought.But here is how you can create a market for your yarnIf you can do this for yarn, then you can do this for pretty much anything.One warning: the words “could”, “should”, and “might” are EXTREMELY bad four-letter words in marketing. ANyone COULD buy my product(s); I need to focus on the people that WILL buy it (them).Although I will never be able to make that population a guaranteed group of purchasers, I can root out the people that really have an interest in what I have, and therefore are far more likely to purchase.Here’s a rough outline:Okay here’s how. And this is NOT going to follow the path that you are most likely expecting!There are some additional steps that you are going to have to take, but this is the rough plan.For this example, I am going to presume that you have assembled a book about handmade, exotic yarns. (if this works for yarns then it will work for pretty much anything else). You have done lots of research, and without plagiarizing anyone you have built a 47 page manual of all of the things that you think are important for a beginner to know.I am going to use the sale of handwoven yarns (from sheep or whatever)-and you don’t need to actually have any inventory at first.But this is a great example of how to build something out of nothing.There are 8 billion people on this planet, and close to 4 billion of them are on the Nets.There is a reasonably large portion of these people that would be interested in exotic knitted wolves and threats. (Bwahaha! I actually said wools and threads, but thanks to auto-correct this is far funnier...)However, you're going to have to find them.The real question is whether or not the work you're going to have to put into this is going to be enough to make it fly.That being said, let's come up with a battle plan.First of all, you're going to have to bring these people out of the woodwork-we are looking not for heartbeats, but for people that are interested (and therefore more likely to buy) in whatever topic you are pushing and trying to sell.We don’t want to waste our time advertising to people that will never buy our products, so I am not going to be tagging the ‘National Speulunking Association” on my new “No Dye Lot” 1lb Skeins. We are interested in people that are interested in what we have, and we want them to tell us that they are potential customers.And how would you do that?Well, the answer is to start figuring out where they might hang out.Are there any Facebook groups with hand Knitters?Or people that are trying to get back to the roots?Or specialty Knitters and or quiltmakers?This is probably going to take you a month or two to track these groups down. Check out FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube, Linked In, Snapchat, Twitter, and Pinterest.Join these groups each and every one of them you can find. Begin putting posts with helpful information on it. Keep good, organized notes (!)Become a contributor. Keep good, organized notes (!)Study. Keep good, organized notes (!)Help other people with their problems and their concerns. Keep good, organized notes (!)Become someone they can trust. Keep good, organized notes (!)Become a name they recognize. Keep good, organized notes (!)But this is not a blind exercise; we are doing this on a calendar, a schedule.Once you have achieved this (the benchmark will be when people start to contact you directly to ask specific questions) we will need to move to Step two.Then, you need to let them know about your products.One of the best ways to do this is to give away something for free... But be warned.Whatever you give away for free needs to cost you little to no money because you're going to have to give away a lot of it.Say, your 47-page book with details on15 types of exotic Yarns that most people can't get a hold of.Yes, you DID have to invest time and money into getting it written and put together, but that is a one-time expense; you will not have to really pay any more to put out 100 or maybe even 10,000 digital copies.The people that are interested in what you might have to say will sign up, give you their emails, and have you send them this digital resource will consist of a potential purchasing class that might be interested in buying your product. IN fact, they will have staggering close rates compared to regular SPAM (Self-Propelled Advertising Material)And they came to you, so to a certain extent you have filtered out the looky-loos and the people that are going to waste your time.But they're not ready to buy yet.They don't know you, and they don't trust you yet.So, once you get their email addresses, you are going to need to continue sending them even more "free" helpful things.These ALL need to be pursuant to the theme and topic that you are the purported "expert" on. (Ended on a preposition; don't care)In short, develop your theme, and make sure that you are playing along the same lines for consistency's sake.For example, an article on 12 different all-natural yarn dyes that you can make using hibiscus flowers or onion skins, whatever.10 designs that even a beginner can start today.Four scarf designs that involve knitting and crocheting.Send them descriptions of three different types of exotic wool made from other countries' animals. Throwing these off the top of my head, obviously.About the fourth or fifth email as you send out with all this free information will be the time that you mention “Oh, by the way, if you were interested, for X dollars I will send you a sample pack of 12 of my most interesting types of yarn”. THIS IS THE POINT THAT YOU BEGIN CHARGING FOR YOUR SERVICES/PRODUCTS.But the products/services that you sell don’t just have to be ones you create. Target does not manufacture blenders; they buy those from others. Udemy does not film a video training course; they have the contributors do it, and they pay them a commission when someone signs up.You see, you can also sell other people’s products. Most will pay you a commission, and they will frequently ship them for you.This is called affiliate marketing, and there are tons of YouTUbe videos on how to do this.Obviously, don’t recommend something that is cheap or trashy; to do so will cause you to lose all of the goodwill that you’ve built up so far.Remember, these folks trust you now. Make good recommendations. Ignore profit over quality-it will always cost you in the long run. No matter how high the commissions, keep in mind that it is your goodwill that counts. Anything else could very easily be killing the goose.And don't forget ancillary items to further build trust.You can begin posting videos of how people can hand-make their own yarn. (at enough views YouTube will begin paying you to allow advertisements during the videos)You can begin creating videos on certain knitting techniques.Don't forget Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, TikTok, or other social media platforms. It will take a ton of study, but ALL of these can be used to help you develop a following.Don't ignore the value of a Virtual Personal Assistant to help with the minutia; likewise, Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer can help you develop systems on these platforms far more quickly than you can learn them yourself. Don't try to do them all; pay someone else to do them for you.You can find a company that will hand make knitting needles and laser burn patterns or initials into them. Either buy and re-sell them or earn a commission on each set that someone buys through you.Be thinking of ALL the ways that your field can have products or services that could be recommended or sold.Personal growth programs could tie in. Perhaps even extend knitting classes (online, film once, and then add to your YouTube channel) to local trade schools, Home Economics classes, jails.Others might be willing to film their own techniques and upload them to your channel.Specialty furniture and lighting could tie in.Exotic "Knit-Wit" Cruises or Expositions ("It's SEW on!") could be set up with master knitters, or yarn representatives that want to showcase their products or knitting machine manufacturers that want to break into the home market.Heck, you could take a cruise to Mongolia (a train trip will also be part of this) to actually go meet some goats or whatever.Expand your vision beyond just the hobbyists; Preppers and Do-It-Yourself types would love to learn how to make cloth, clothing, and maybe handmade yarn all the way up to goat and sheep and cashmere rabbit breeding.Don’t worry that a client could just go search and buy the same products for cheaper somewhere else; some will. But a great deal won’t want to take the trouble and will just buy from you because they are already on your website and it’s easier.You can start selling specialty cases to hold all of the yarn and showcase it. You can start holding a contest of people that knit sweaters or whatever using your yarn, and if enough people entered award a plaque, or a free skein of yarn, or heck even a weekend on a farm where you can meet and pet the goats.Whatever...get a Facebook Community started where the people that are your clients can begin talking to each other and helping each other with problems.Maybe set up a trading post where somebody can make a sweater too and trade it for something of equal value.And definitely let the people showcase what they made, whether is a professional $5,000 quilt, or it's a scarf made by an eighth-grader.Be ferocious in stopping any and all disparaging and condescending comments.Hire a virtual personal assistant out of India for 3 bucks an hour to monitor the threads if you have to.And go from there-your “free” book has served to propel you to the top of an empire!What’s next? Well, you will need to make sure that you have hit a couple of videos on accounting, taxes, bookkeeping, local legal requirements, fulfillment issues, and how to structure your business. You don’t want to be doing these (hire someone), but you will need to have a basic understanding in order to communicate what you want.And keep us posted-we LOVE success stories!
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