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What has Obama done right as President?
I didn't have time to gather all the facts so forgive me for being so brief but here it goes:“Within his first week, he signed an Executive Order ordering an audit of government contracts, and combating waste and abuse. the post of Chief Performance Officer, whose job it is to make operations more efficient to save the federal government money. his first full day, he froze White House salaries for the duration of the Great Recession. appointed the first Federal Chief Information Officer to oversee federal IT spending and efficiency. http://www.cio.govHe committed to phasing out unnecessary and outdated weapons systems and signed the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act, in an attempt to limit waste, fraud and abuse in the defense procurement and contracting systems. created the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. an Executive Order instructing federal agencies to review all federal regulations and remove any unnecessary and/or burdensome regulations from the books. the Minerals Management Service, thereby cutting ties between energy companies and the government. gifts from lobbyists to anyone in the Executive Branch. anyone from working in an agency they had lobbied in previous years and placed strict limits on lobbyists’ access to the White House. the first-ever first online town hall from the White House, and took questions from the public. the first president to stream every White House event, live. a central portal for Americans to find service opportunities.http://www.serve.govRestored the 30-day time frame for former presidents to review records and eliminated the right for the vice president or family members of former presidents to do the reviews, giving the public greater access to historic White House documents, and curtails the use of executive privilege to shield them. the Freedom of Information Act and issued new guidelines to make FOIA more open and transparent when processing FOIA requests. the Department of Education’s procurement policies and made them more transparent. the first voluntary disclosure of the White House Visitors Log in history. a law to completely reform NSA Data Collection program and keep phone records in the hands of the phone company. Off a Bush Depression, Improved the EconomyPushed through and signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as “the stimulus package.” He also launched, a website that allows taxpayers to track spending from the Act. the end of his first year, the economy created and sustained 2.1 million jobs and stimulated the economy by 3.5%. created the massive TARP financial and banking rescue plan and forced banks and other entities to pay back virtually all of the bailout money. created the Making Home Affordable home refinancing plan. 2010, more jobs were created than had been created during Bush’s eight years. pushed through and implemented an auto industry rescue plan that saved as many as 1 million jobs and possibly the entire auto industry. his investment in GM, returned to the company to its place as the premiere car company in the world. February 2016, GM was in such good financial shape, they gave a share of the profit to each worker, with checks up to $11,000. funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, to improve manufacturing efficiency. infrastructure spending after years of neglect. the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, which helped millions of Americans avoid preventable foreclosures and provided $2.2 billion to combat homelessness and stabilize the housing market. an Executive Order creating jobs immediately by instructing them to reduce the time needed for review and permitting of infrastructure projects. the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009, he and Congressional Democrats provided tax credits to first-time home buyers, which helped the U.S. housing market recovery. a lead role in getting the G-20 Summit to commit to a $1.1 trillion deal to combat the global financial crisis. the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, saved at least 300,000 education jobs, such as teachers, principals, librarians, and counselors that would have otherwise been lost. Congressional Democrats, provided funding to states and the Department of Homeland Security to save thousands of police and firefighter jobs from being cut during the recession.’s largest manufacturer, Foxconn, is building a large plant in Pennsylvania with Apple Computer to get them to build more product here, and thecompany is building two large plants to manufacture products here; one in Texas and one in Arizona an institute to invest in more manufacturing jobs in the technology fields of the future. all federal contractors to pay a minimum wage of $10.10 per hour, leading the way to a national increase. the completion of the International Trade Data System, a digital trade record book, by 2016. This move will streamline and simplify the process through which small- and medium-sized businesses set up the export of US goods. Examples of Economic ImprovementAs of January 2016, a record 64 consecutive months of overall job growth. of January 2016, Unemployment drops below 5% for the first time in eight years and without a significant bubble. 4.9% of January 2016, there have been 71 consecutive months of private sector job growth. February 2010, when job numbers hit their lowest point, 13.7 non-farm jobs have been created. (Republican budget cuts reduced public employment by about 700,000)Oversaw a reduction in the federal budget deficit by two-thirds since taking office. the federal budget deficit from 9.8% of GDP in Fiscal Year 2009 under Bush, to 2.9% of GDP in FY 2014. Congress and gets passed a $305 billion highways bill, which will have the added benefit of created hundreds of thousands of new jobs and creating incentives for green cars. Wrongdoing in the Financial SectorSigned the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act giving the federal government more tools to investigate and prosecute fraud in every corner of the financial system, and create a bipartisan Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission to investigate the financial fraud that led to the economic meltdown. 65 executives who took bailout money to cut their own pay until they paid back all bailout money. with Congressional Democrats, pushed through and got passed Dodd-Frank, one of the largest and most comprehensive Wall Street reforms since the Great Depression. and implemented rules to reduce the influence of speculators in the oil market. and implemented rules so banks can no longer use depositors’ money to invest in high-risk financial instruments that work against depositors’ interests. the concept of allowing stockholders to vote on executive compensation. and supported the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of 2009 that would close offshore tax avoidance loopholes. a deal with Swiss banks permitting the US government to gain access to bank records of criminals and tax evaders. the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act, closing many of the loopholes that allowed companies to send jobs overseas, and avoid paying US taxes by moving money offshore. to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, inflation in the healthcare sector dropped to its lowest point in 50 years. Conditions for Consumers and Small BusinessesSigned the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act, to protect consumers from unfair and deceptive credit card practices. the housing market all the way back from total collapse, which led to a rally for housing starts. airline industry back to their highest profitability since before the recession. a monopolistic merger of Staples and Office Depot, to preserve at least some competition. market has reached record highs, restoring most of the economic losses felt during the Bush Recession. and Implemented the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau confidence continues to inch up to its highest level more than a decade. a $15 billion plan designed to encourage increased lending to small businesses. BusinessUSA, to allow online collaboration between small businesses and experts re managing a business. (The program has since merged with U.S. Small Business Administration.) steps to improve minority access to capital. recovered TARP money to fund programs at local housing finance agencies in California, Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Michigan. and signed an executive order establishing the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability to assist in financial education for all Americans. the most sweeping food safety legislation since the Great Depression. the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act, extended the False Claims Act to combat fraud by companies and individuals using money from TARP and Stimulus programs. up rules for banks in handling legal marijuana money. greater protections to consumer financial transactions to reduce identity theft. steps to prevent pirate fishing and protect fish populations, and ordered stricter labeling requirements on labeling of seafood products in stores. the RAISE Act, which should encourage more people to open small businesses and help improve the economy. a bill that allows low-volume vehicle manufacturers that will increase entrepreneurship among small car manufacturers, who often build replicas of classics but who often build green vehicles. the Middle Class and Fought PovertyWorked to provide affordable, high-quality child care to working families. the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, cut taxes for 95% of America’s working families. rates for average working families are the lowest since 1950. and fully funded the patch for the Alternative Minimum Tax for 10 years. discounted health coverage under the COBRA health insurance law for the unemployed from 9 months to 15 months, and he’s also extended unemployment benefits more than a few times. a $20 billion increase for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). an Executive Order that established the White House Office of Urban Affairs. the Buffet Rule in his 2014 budget proposal, in order to fulfill a campaign promise to make sure tax rates are fair between the rich and the middle class. the fiscal cliff negotiations to extend for five additional years the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which provides tax credits to families for college-related expenses, thus saving those families up to $10,000. protections for the unemployed who are seeking a government job. and modernized overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and implemented the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, to improve nutrition in schools and make children healthier. make college more affordable and accountable, will begin rating colleges with regard to affordability and value. a reform of federal job training programs, to make them more relevant to the current economy and the job market. Obama, the bottom 95% of taxpayers pay lower federal income taxes than at any time in the last 50 years, including under Reagan, or either Bush. a presidential memorandum authorizing six weeks paid leave for all federal employees with a new baby and encouraged Congress to do the same for all workers. marked the first time since 1984 that unemployment dropped in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. steps to improve workplace safety by creating an Advisory Board to study workers’ exposure to toxic substances. overtime rules to make it far more difficult for employers to avoid paying overtime to workers. rules for federal contractors, guaranteeing that all workers earn paid leave; this should affect about 300,000 workers. a law to finally replace “No Child Left Behind” and remove much of the onerous government “oversight” that caused children to stagnate, not improve, academically. Civil Rights and EqualityFormed a commission to examine and make recommendations for fixing the broken voting system. a press conference August 9, 2013, gave up a small measure of executive power, promising to create adversarial process in FISA regarding NSA surveillance. rules to enhance Fair Housing Laws, to give HUD and other enforcement agencies more enforcement power. a review of capital punishment policies after several botched executions. Kareem Dale as the first ever Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy. immigration enforcement on those who commit crimes, and vowed to stop breaking up families. the visa process, to make it more responsive and humane for those who want to be here legally. steps to tighten the reins when it comes to providing local law enforcement agencies with military-style equipment and exercising more control over the equipment they receive. fair housing rules to make more affordable housing available to more people. Democrats in Congress pass and signed the Civil Rights History Act. the White House Council of Native American Affairs, to improve government-to-government relations with Native American nations. local police acquisitions of military-style equipment, to reduce the likelihood of overkill. Blue Alert Law, which provides police officers with more information when they are threatened. Workers’ RightsHe issued final rules that require all employers to prominently post employees’ rights where all employees or prospective employees can see it, including all websites and intranets.’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission clarified and strengthened rules prohibiting discrimination against pregnant workers. companies who bid on federal contracts larger than $500,000 to publicly disclose all previous violations of labor law, including unpaid claims for back wages. it illegal for federal contractors with more than $1 million in contracts to force employees into arbitration in workplace discrimination accusations. Republican bill that would have blocked new NLRB rules that were designed to speed up the time it takes workers to unionize. He also added a Memorandum of Disagreement to make his reasons for the veto clear and made a major statement in support of unions. down on companies that were previously denying sick pay, vacation and health insurance, and Social Security and Medicare tax payments through abuse of the employee classification of independent contractor. the Rights of Gay PeopleSigned and implemented the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which made it a federal crime to assault anyone based on his or her sexual orientation or gender identity. and implemented the repeal of the reprehensible “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy. benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. more openly gay officials than anyone in history. first openly transgender Cabinet Official in History. that United Nations adopt a policy supporting gay rights worldwide. soon as the Supreme Court invalidated the Defense of Marriage Act, he moved to extend federal benefits to same-sex couples. an order requiring hospitals to allow visitation by same-sex couples. HUD rules to prohibit gender and sexual orientation-based discrimination in housing his mind and publicly expressed support for same-sex marriage. a Presidential Memorandum reaffirming the rights of gay couples to make medical decisions for each other. several prominent gay athletes and others, and plans to show US government’s commitment to gay rights to anti-gay Russia. of Agriculture propagated new rules to better enforce non-discrimination when it comes to USDA investigations and to extend non-discrimination to gender identity. all federal contractors from discriminating against gay workers. with his campaign to turn “gay marriage” into “marriage” and won in the Supreme Court. Conditions for WomenEstablishing the White House Council on Women and Girls to ensure that all Cabinet and Cabinet-level agencies consider the effect of their policies and programs on women and families. the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which restored basic protections against pay discrimination for women and other workers. federal funding for abstinence-only education, and rescinded the global gag rule. the Paycheck Fairness Act, making it possible for employees to talk about their salaries without retaliation, and ordering salary data collection, so as to make it harder for employers to pay women less. an Executive Order pledging support for efforts to end the global problem of violence against women and girls. another glass ceiling by naming Janet Yellen chair of the Federal Reserve beginning Feb. 1, 2014. funding for the Violence Against Women Act. companies with 100 employees or more to disclose pay data based on race and gender, to address the pay gap. Criminal Justice Failings and the Gun CultureMade significant reductions in drug sentencing guidelines for current prisoners. the first drop in the federal prison population in 32 years. his use of clemency to release thousands of non-violent drug offenders from prison. a ban on solitary confinement for juvenile offenders in federal prisons. executive action to promote smart gun technology, to make them safer. a failure by Congress to act, proposed executive orders to create more background checks and to fully staff the background check system. HIPAA rules enough to allow for more information to be available to the background check system. the tracing of guns as part of criminal investigations to provide data to researchers. the Justice Department to look at the categories of mental health problems prohibited from owning guns to make sure people aren’t falling through the cracks, getting guns. the definitions of gun dealers and expanded the information available and required in background checks for firearm purchases. up a task force to figure out what other measures can be taken to limit gun violence in the wake of Congressional inaction. Treatment of Soldiers and VeteransProvided active combat troops with better body armor. a Joint Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record program for military personnel, in order to improve the quality of their medical care. an end to the Bush-era stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan beyond their enlistment date. and implemented Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act, making more money available to enable better medical care for veterans. Congressional Democrats, oversaw largest spending increase in 30 years for Department of Veterans Affairs, for improved medical and extended care facilities for veterans. the Green Vet Initiative, which provides special funding to provide veterans with training in green jobs. and signed a recruitment and employment plan to get more veterans into government jobs. a $4.6 billion expansion of the Veterans Administration budget to pay for more mental health professionals. the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act, which ensures that spouses of military personnel who are forced to move because their spouse is posted for military duty can avoid state taxes in their temporary residence. improvements to access to mental health care for veterans, military personnel and their families. Syria to dismantle its chemical weapons without military firing a single shot or dropping a single bomb. with Congressional Democrats, not only reauthorized families of fallen soldiers to be able to visit when the body arrives at Dover AFB, but also provided funding for it. Ended the media blackout on coverage of the return of fallen soldiers. Pentagon Will Help Families Travel to Dover Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) with an extra $1.4 billion to improve veterans’ services. into law a bill that provides support, counseling, and breastfeeding supplies to military moms who are covered under TRICARE, the health insurance provided to veterans. into law a bill that makes it easier for military dogs to retire at home with their handlers. America’s Reputation Around the WorldVisited more countries and met with more world leaders than any previous president during his first six months in office. he promised, he gave a speech at a major Islamic forum in Cairo early in his administration. a speech at a US mosque to demonstrate his commitment to religious rights and send a message to Muslims around the world. America’s reputation around the world as a global leader. and reinforced our partnership with NATO and other allies on strategic international issues. a number of secret detention facilities. relations with Middle East countries by appointing special envoys. forward the first realistic Middle East peace strategy in more than a decade, without abandoning the two-state solution. for military to emphasize greater development of foreign language skills. $400 million to the people living in Gaza, while calling on both Israel and the Palestinians to stop inciting violence. to give Israel the green light to attack Iran over their possible nuclear program. the closure of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, although blocked by Congress. a review of our detention and interrogation policy and prohibited the use of “enhanced interrogation.” all secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere to be closed. the Bush torture memos. his second day in office, banned torture, reversed all Bush torture policies and put the US in full compliance with the Geneva Convention. response to the emerging “Arab Spring,” he created a Rapid Response fund, to assist emerging democracies with foreign aid, debt relief, technical assistance and investment packages in order to show that the United States stands with them. the F-22 program, saving $4 billion. Though the 187 aircraft cost $358 million each to build, it had never flown a combat mission. the Iran Sanctions Act, to prevent war and encourage the Iranian government to give up their nuclear program. the Iraq War. to keep our withdrawal from Afghanistan on track, despite GOP opposition. Reiterated that commitment in 2014. a secret mission by SEAL Team Six to rescue two hostages held by Somali pirates. United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice, helped negotiate a peaceful split of Sudan into two countries, creating an independent South Sudan. make donations to Haiti tax deductible in 2009. a new U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. Executive Order blocking interference and helping to stabilize Somalia. new, more reasonable policies in our relations with Cuba, such as allowing Cuban-Americans to visit their families and send money to support them. new policies in Cuba led to thawed relations and the first US Embassy in Cuba in more than 55 years. a deal with Iran that will prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon anytime soon, without firing a shot or invading the country. a result of the Iran agreement, Iran shipped pretty much all of it nuclear material to Russia. the first US President to visit Jamaica in more than 30 years, worked to restore relations with the country and signed a natural gas distribution agreement with the country. US Approach to “Defense” and National SecurityCreated a comprehensive new strategy for dealing with the international nuclear threat. a $1.4 billion reduction in Star Wars program in 2010. nuclear nonproliferation talks and built up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols to where they had been before Bush. and got ratification of a new SALT Treaty. and signed a new START Treaty that will stay in force until at least 2021. the US to no permanent military bases in Iraq. a comprehensive strategy with regard to Afghanistan and Pakistan designed to facilitate the defeat of al Qaeda, the withdrawal of most troops and the rebuilding of Afghanistan. on Afghanistan, stabilized the country, and began the process of withdrawing troops from the country. a deal with Afghan government, to withdraw troops and military support, while assisting in rebuilding and modernizing of the country. steps to severely weaken al Qaeda and limited their ability to terrorize the world. and signed a nuclear nonproliferation treaty with India. with NATO to limit the slaughter of innocents in Libya, so that Libyans could topple the despotic Khadaffy government and determine their own fate. Egyptian President/dictator Mubarak to leave the Egyptian government to the people, to determine their own fate. 2011, reoriented American focus from the Middle East to the Asian-Pacific region by simultaneously engaging China and crafting new alliances with Asian countries uncomfortable with Chinese behavior. federal agencies such as FEMA to the point that they have been able to manage a huge number of natural disasters successfully. border security and oversaw the Navy SEALS operation that killed Osama bin Laden. the Homeland Security Partnership Council, to enhance the nation’s ability to “address homeland security priorities, from responding to natural disasters to preventing terrorism, by utilizing diverse perspectives, skills, tools, and resources.” agreement with Afghanistan to end war, turn security over to Afghans. with recent presidential tradition, instead of just attacking Syria in the wake of chemical weapons attacks on Syrians, Obama ordered a full report on the decision-making process. of holding hearings and creating a political football, he quietly captured a suspect who actually committed the Benghazi terrorist attack. He is also getting a lot of useful information from the suspect. rules to order sanctions against individuals and groups that threaten national cybersecurity. Education and Educational OpportunitiesThrough the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, invested heavily in elementary, secondary and post-secondary education. the Race to the Top program, which encouraged states to come up with effective school reforms and rewards the best of them. major expansion of broadband availability in K-12 schools nationwide. major expansion in school construction. the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, put $5 billion into early education, including Head Start. the Democratic-sponsored Post-9/11 GI Bill, also known as GI Bill 2.0, to improve veterans’ access to education. expansion of the Pell Grants program, to expand opportunity for low and middle income students to go to college. and implemented the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which provided an extra $12.2 billion in funds. major new steps to protect students from ineffective for-profit colleges through “gainful employment” measures, whereby schools have to demonstrate that its students actually find work to get federal aid. increased funding for student financial aid, and at the same time cut the banks completely out of the process, thus us creating greater accountability. student loan program, to make it possible for students to refinance at a lower rate. a rating system for colleges, so that those applying for student financial aid know better what they’re paying for. the Adult View on Science and TechnologyCreated a Presidential Memorandum to restore scientific integrity in government decision-making. up the process for fast-tracking patent approval for green energy projects. the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, committed more federal funding, about $18 billion, to support non-defense science and research labs. EPA reversed research ethics standards which allowed humans to be used as “guinea pigs” in tests of the effects of chemicals, to comply with numerous codes of medical ethics. a cyberspace policy review. financial support for private sector space programs. enhanced earth mapping, to provide valuable data for agricultural, educational, scientific, and government use. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, provided $500 million for Health Professions Training Programs. funding for community-based prevention programs. space exploration and discovery options to include more players. the Connect America Fund, pushed through and received FCC approval for a move of $8 billion in subsidies away from telephone landlines to assist lower-income rural families in accessing broadband. the wake of the West Fertilizer tragedy, formed the Chemical Safety and Security Working Group, to work on measures to prevent another such events. a Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center, a recommendation made by the 9/11 Commission, to coordinate efforts to fight cyber-crime and terrorism. Obama FCC, with his leadership, adopted strong net neutrality rules, to keep the Internet open and equal for everyone. rules to speed up deployment of a more comprehensive broadband infrastructure. up a National Strategic Computing Initiative, to “maximize benefits of high-performance computing (HPC) research, development, and deployment.” a federal level change in national earthquake standards. Our HealthEliminated Bush-era restrictions on embryonic stem cell research, and provided increased federal support for biomedical and stem cell research. Democratic-sponsored Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act, the first comprehensive attempt to improve the lives of Americans living with paralysis. the Nurse-Family Partnership program, which provides home visits by trained registered nurses to low-income expectant mothers and their families, to cover more first-time mothers.\Along with Democrats in Congress, ushered through and signed a bill authorizing FDA to regulate tobacco and order tobacco companies to disclose their ingredients and to ban cigarettes falsely labeled as “light.” overseen a 50% decrease in cost of prescription drugs for seniors. the Bush-era practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug companies on price. weeks after taking office, signed Democratic-sponsored Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act, which increased the number of children covered by health insurance by 4 million. Congress to investigate Anthem Blue Cross for raising premiums 39% without explanation. through and signed Affordable Care Act, which expanded health insurance coverage greatly and ended many detrimental insurance company practices. He also established Get 2016 health coverage. Health Insurance Marketplace . ACA, allowed children to be covered under their parents’ policy until they turned 26. the ACA, provided tax breaks to allow 3.5 million small businesses to provide health insurance to their employees. the ACA, millions of people receive help in paying their health insurance company premiums. the ACA, expanded Medicaid to those making up to 133% of the federal poverty level. (Note: except for those states whose Republicans refused to take the extra money.)By 2014, the Affordable Care Act dropped the number of uninsured Americans by 22.3%, which amounts to more than 10.3 million people with insurance who didn’t have it before. Only 13.9% of Americans are uninsured, a drop from 18.9% in 2013. Affordable Care Act has increased the life expectancy of Medicare greatly. the ACA, health insurance companies now have to disclose how much of your premium actually goes to pay for patient care. costs actually declined slightly, for the first time in decades in 2011, according to the Congressional Budget Office. passage of the ACA, health care inflation is at its lowest level since 1960. the HIV Care Continuum Initiative, to strengthen the government’s ability to respond to the continuing domestic HIV epidemic, after years of Republicans weakening the government’s ability to deal with the crisis. bill that will provide health insurance premium support to workers who lose their health insurance due to foreign competition. response to the confusion triggered by the asinine Hobby Lobby decision, which essentially declared that corporations could have “religious rights” and lord them over employees, created new rules to give all women with insurance the right to free birth control. the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for 2015-2020, which is a follow-up to the first such strategy in US history, which he implemented in 2010. and will implement new child safety standards for e-cigarettes. up a White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force, in order to implement ways to develop a cure for cancer. the Environment While Dealing with Energy NeedsDoubled federal spending on clean energy research. through a tax credit to help people buy plug-in hybrid cars. a program to develop renewable energy projects on the waters of our Outer Continental Shelf that will produce electricity from wind, wave, and ocean currents. in the climate change and greenhouse gas emissions agreements talks, and proposed one himself. He also addressed the U.N. Climate Change Conference, officially reversing the Bush era stance that climate change was a “hoax.” supported the initial phase of the creation of a legally-binding treaty to reduce mercury emissions worldwide. states to provide incentives to utilities to reduce their energy consumption. Obama, our dependence on foreign oil has dropped to its lowest rate since 1985, and continues to drop., oil consumption is way down because of reduced driving and higher mileage standards. siting, review and permitting stations for power plants, in an attempt to seriously improve the nation’s electric grid. in a number of treaties and agreements designed to protect the Antarctic. tax write-offs for purchases of hybrid and electric vehicles. a quadrennial review of our energy infrastructure, to encourage a modernization of the grid, and to encourage the transition away from fossil fuel use. that federal government fleet purchases be for fuel-efficient American vehicles, and encouraged that federal agencies support experimental, fuel-efficient vehicles. BP to pay $20 billion to establish Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, to reduce the need for taxpayer funds to be used for compensation and clean up. (Note: it took 20 years to get $1.3 billion for the Exxon Valdez spill. )Oversaw and pushed through an amendment to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 authorizing advances from Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. tried to amend the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 to eliminate the liability limits for those companies responsible for large oil spills. the first President to simply say “Climate Change is a fact,” and set up the first federal government protocols for dealing with the impacts of climate change. Criminal and Civil inquiries into the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. federal legal supremacy to bar Texas from authorizing new refinery permits on its own. up new, stricter standards limiting power plant emissions. the Endangered Species Act. protection for wildlife, and expanded enforcement of laws against wildlife trafficking. EPA improved boiler safety standards to improve air quality, and save 6500 lives per year. the EPA, attemped to take steps to severely limit the use of antibiotics in livestock feed, to increase their efficacy in humans. new EPA regulations, he created a pretext for closing the dirtiest power plants in the country, by limiting emissions of mercury and other toxic gasses. funding for National Parks and Forests by 10% greatly improved commercial fuel efficiency standards. a huge increase in average fuel economy standards from 27.5mpg in 2010 to 35.5mpg starting in 2016 and 54.5 starting in 2025 investment in industrial energy efficiency to create jobs and strengthen US manufacturing while saving businesses $100 billion over a decade. up the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council to oversee Gulf Coast restoration efforts after the 2010 BP oil spill. The money to fund the restoration efforts comes from fines against BP. in the most comprehensive plan to combat climate change in a generation. energy plants to prepare to produce at least 15% of all energy through renewable resources like wind and solar, by 2021. the creation of an initiative that converts old factories and manufacturing centers into new clean technology centers. a 418% increase in solar power capacity between 2010 and 2014. of May 2015, 74% of new electrical capacity was provided by solar and wind power. Congress and ordered EPA to begin regulating and measuring carbon emissions. a tripling in the use of wind power to generate electricity. The US now leads the world in increased wind power capacity. the federal government to incorporate climate resilience and climate science into all international development in which the United States engages. regulations to allow states to enact fuel efficiency standards that exceeded federal standards. increased fuel economy standards for vehicles beginning with the 2011 model year. It was the first time such standards had been increased in more than a decade. establishment of an Energy Partnership for the Americas, to create more markets for American-made biofuels and green energy technologies. EPA reversed a Bush-era decision to allow the largest mountaintop removal project in US history. the Department of Energy to implement more aggressive efficiency standards for common household appliances. EPA ruled that excess CO2 is a pollutant. a deal with China to limit carbon emissions to slow down climate change. all oil and gas drilling in Bristol Bay, Alaska, one of the most pristine environments in North America an Executive Order to improve environmental efforts in the Arctic region and to combat climate change by better coordinating the efforts of the 23 federal agencies operating in the area. a bill to fast track construction of the parallel Keystone XL pipeline. clean water regulations to more stringently protect all of the nation’s waterways, even when states fail in their duty. an Executive Order committing the federal government to lead the way in building a sustainable economy. It’s his fifth doing just that. the use of antibiotics in food served in US Government-run cafeterias and ordered agencies to only use antibiotic-free meat. new rules to address climate change and to create a significant boost to clean energy. and signed a virtually Republican-Proof global agreement on climate change, with 190 countries signing on. one of 196 countries that signed onto a UN Framework on Climate Change. a moratorium on new coal leasing on federal land, and they will examine the whole leasing process.’s a Lot More!Nominated Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Sotomayor is the first Hispanic Justice in the court’s history, and the women represent only the third and fourth women to serve on the court, out of a total of 112 justices. the most diverse Cabinet in history, including more women than any other incoming president. the rules and allowed the 14 states that legalized medical marijuana to regulate themselves without federal interference. national service legislation, increasing funding for national service groups, including triple the size of the Americorps program. a bill that provided $4.3 billion in additional assistance to 9/11 first responders. the Claims Resolution Act, which provided $4.6 billion in funding for a legal settlement with black and Native American farmers who had been cheated out of government loans and natural resource royalties in the past. help those communities devastated by Hurricane Sandy, issued an executive order setting up the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force, and asked Congress to approve $60 billion in supplemental assistance to aid in storm recovery. 23 Executive actions designed to make it easier for law enforcement to identify those who shouldn’t have guns, thus helping them enforce the law. trade agreements to include stricter labor and environmental agreements in trade pacts like NAFTA. funding of the design of a new Smithsonian National Museum of African American History, which is scheduled to open on the National Mall in 2015. He protected the funding during budget negotiations. and passed increased funding for the National Endowment for the Arts.”And Did You Know?Despite the characterizations of some, Obama’s success rate in winning congressional votes on issues was an unprecedented 96.7% for his first year in office. Though he is often cited as superior to Obama, President Lyndon Johnson’s success rate in 1965 was only 93%. of course…Despite the odds, became the first black president, and then was reelected by a wide margin of the population.
Is President Obama guilty of treason?
Quick answer, no.This question points to a problem, Republican lies. This sort of accusation is nothing new but what is disturbing is the Republicans are still spinning Obama conspiracy theories. I thought they were finally finished with Obama’s successful administration coming to an end but, just in case, I saved my boilerplate response.Most people would be surprised at both how many of these theories there are and how crazy they are. Here's a list to real-life conspiracy theories about Obama to demonstrate that this is just another in a long line stretching back to before Obama was president. I have checked out enough to believe this is a good list:Number one and one of our all time favorites: Obama is a secret Muslim: This one began right after he took the stage at the 2004 Democratic convention, with chain emails alleging his "true" religious affiliation. The rumor soon found its way onto the popular conservative online forum Free Republic, and took on a whole new life in the years to come. Related: Obama secretly speaks Arabic, attended a madrassa as a kid in Indonesia, referred to "my Muslim faith" in an interview, and was sworn in on a Koran. Obama attended an Indonesian public schoolObama is bringing 100 million Muslims to America: Avi Lipkin and his PR outfit Special Guests claimed to have evidence of a scheme to bring roughly 100 million Muslims from the Middle East into the United States, converting the country into an Islamic nation by the end of Obama's second term and making it easier to obliterate Israel. Obama's Secret Plot To Bring 100 Million Muslims to the USObama once aided the mujahideen: Harlem pastor and professional race-baiter James David Manning contended that in his younger days, Obama went undercover as a CIA agent to facilitate the transfer of cash and weapons to the Afghan mujahideenin the '80s, thereby aiding what would become the Taliban. Where Stupid Meets Racist: Venn Diagram Of Every Major Right Wing Obama Conspiracy! (INFOGRAPHIC)Obama is in the pocket of the Muslim Brotherhood: Billy Graham's son Franklin wants you to know that Obama is allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to take over the federal government. CHILLING: Rev. Graham EXPOSES Why Obama is REALLY Protecting Radical Islam (VIDEO) - The Political InsiderObama redecorated the Oval Office in Middle Eastern style: Driven by his fierce sense of anti-American interior design, Obama got rid of the red, white, and blue decoration scheme in his White House office. President Obama Has Redecorated the Oval Office Middle Eastern Style-Fiction! President Obama Has Redecorated the Oval Office Middle Eastern Style-Fiction!Tempest in a teapot: Obama took the flag off Air Force One and replaced it with his logo on Air Force One: Actually he has his logo and a flag on his chartered campaign jet. He did not change the markings on Air Force One.Barack Obama Removes Flag from Air Force One?No Flag on Obama’s Plane?Campaign planeAir Force OneObama married a Pakistani guy: World Net Daily correspondent and conspiracy monger extraordinaire Jerome Corsi posted a video in which he claimed to have "strong"evidence that Obama was once married to his college roommate from Pakistan. The smoking gun: Photos of the chums in which the future president is "sitting about on the [Pakistani roommate's] lap."Related: For years Obama wore a gold ring on his left hand. Was it his gay-wedding ring? Tea Party author says evidence proves Obama married a Pakistani man. financed his early drug addiction as a prostitute: Mary Lou Bruner broke this shocker. Obama has a soft spot for homosexuals because of the years he spent as a male prostitute in his twenties. That is how he paid for his drugs. He has admitted he was addicted to drugs when he was young (he hasn’t), and he is sympathetic with homosexuals; but he hasn’t come out of the closet about his own homosexual/bisexual background. Leading Texas education board candidate: Obama was gay prostitute, Democrats killed JFKObama's ring has a Koranic verse on it: The very same ring, which Obama now wears as his (straight) wedding band, is allegedly emblazoned with a key phrase in the Islamic declaration of faith: "There is no god except Allah." (It's not.) Obama’s ring: ‘There is no god but Allah’Obama was funded by a Saudi prince: Another fairy tale courtesy of Corsi: In late-'70s Chicago, Obama secured political and academic funding from a variety of sketchy Arab sponsors, including a Saudi prince. Which may explain why President Obama bowed to the Saudi king when they met in 2009. Saudis control Obama & Fox NewsObama was born in Kenya: In early 2008, fringe theorists began a push to prove Obama was born on foreign soil and was therefore ineligible to live in the White House. The theory gained national attention thanks to the efforts of perennial GOP candidate Alan Keyes, "birther queen" Orly Taitz, and Corsi. Related: Obama's birth certificate is a fake, he killed his grandmother in Hawaii because she knew the truth, sealed access to his birth certificate and other damning documents, and did pretty much everything you could possibly do for the sake of a phony birth certificate. The Right is RightObama lost his US citizenship: According to Corsi, Obama became a citizen of Indonesia while he lived there as a child.Michelle's "whitey" tape:During the 2008 campaign, rumors surfaced that a video of Michelle Obama using the word "whitey" would be released to sink her husband's campaign. It's never materialized. Related: The time GlennBeck called Barack Obama a racist. Whitey tape - RationalWikiMy personal favorite - Michelle is a male transexual named Michael: More right wing fascination with homosexuality. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. He [Michael] was a popular high school athlete and in 1982, he accepted a scholarship to play middle middleline backer for the Oregon State Beavers.Is Michelle Obama A Transgender? - Truth And ActionMichelle Obama is a transexual?Michelle as Michael, #44Obama was a Black Panther: Well, only if you're not very good at spotting photoshopped images. Obama would have been in grade school at the time the photo was Barack 'Black Panther' ObamaThe photoshopped photoThe originalObama is the son of Malcolm X: Because, you know, black people. This charmer popped up on Atlas Shrugged, Pamela Geller's anti-Muslim website. (Geller is also known for obsessing over Shariah turkeys she believes are destroying Thanksgiving.) Covering the news the media won't cover.Obama is the son of Frank Marshall Davis: The conspiracy film Dreams From my Real Father espouses the theory that Davis, a leftist activist, was not only Obama's ideological mentor but his biological father. Related: Obama got a nose job to make his nose look less like Davis'.Obama's mom and dad were communists: That would be his real father, Barack Obama, Sr.Obama's ghostwriter was Bill Ayers: Conservative commentators claimed they uncovered evidence that ex-Weatherman Bill Ayers was the true author of Obama's 1995 memoir Dreams from my Father. Beyond their shared radicalism, Obama asked Ayers to help because he had writer's block. Bill Ayers Admits For Second Time He Wrote Obama's 'Dreams From My Father'Obama trained to overthrow the government: In 2008, leading Obama conspiracy theorist Andy Martin declared on Fox News' Hannity's America that the then-presidential candidate had trained for "a radical overthrow of the government" during his time as a community organizer in Chicago. Andy MartinObama wouldn't say the Pledge of Allegiance: During the '08 campaign, Obama was rumored to have refused to say the pledge during a town hall meeting. A photo of the incident was actually taken while the national anthem was being sung.Obama ordered soldiers to swear allegiance to him: In April 2009, a clearly satirical report detailing how secretary of defense Robert Gates was growing"extremely frustrated" with the White House's plans to scrub the Constitution from the military oath of loyalty made the rounds on the right-wing blogosphere. Hey, Obama, Didn't Hitler Also Want The Military To Pledge Allegiance To Him?Obama secretly gave away American islands to Russia: Texas House candidate Wes Riddle endorsed this theory and noted the relinquishment as grounds for impeachment. However, the seven Arctic islands were actually given away in 1991 by President George H.W. Bush. Conspiracy Watch: Conspiracy Watch: Did Obama Give American Islands to Russia?Obama caused the recession in 1995: According to a recent Daily Caller story, Obama's efforts to forcebanks to lend to African Americans in the mid-'90s led to the subprime mortgage crises that killed the economy in 2008. Daily Caller Hawks Racially Tinged Obama-Recession Conspiracy TheoryObama's youth reeducation camps: Rep.Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) warned that "young people will be put into mandatory service" at politically correct, billion-dollar camps run by the Democrats. Bachmann Warns Of "Re-Education Camps" For Young PeopleObama's coming for your guns: Extreme gun-rights outfits, along with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), alleged that the Obama administration is supporting the (nonexistent) United Nations Small Arms Treaty, which would lead to nationwide gun confiscation. Unfounded fears of gun confiscation have multiplied since the Newtown massacre. Even if such a treaty came to pass, U.S. rights and laws regarding the sale and ownership of small arms would still apply within the United States. U.N. Arms Trade TreatyObama’s favorite: The "Jade Helm 15" military training exercise was a cover to implement martial law and stay in office for a third term.Texas residents were up in arms this week over a planned U.S. military training exercise that's been portrayed in right-wing conspiracy theory circles as everything from a ploy to confiscate Americans' guns to an excuse to abduct political dissidents. The speculation reached such a feverpitch that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday asked the State Guard to monitor the exercise so that residents will know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed."Obama calls this his favorite conspiracy theory about him and said “Anybody who thinks I could get away with telling Michelle I’m going to be president any longer than eight years does not know my wife.” Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theoriesObama's coming for your gold: This theory was floated by Glenn Beck and the gold company he shilled for.Obama is planning FEMA concentration camps: Again with the camps. This theory got a big boost from Glenn Beck (who claims he didn't mean anything by it). Related: An executive order titled, "National Defense Resources Preparedness," was issued in the middle of March 2012.Conservative commentators saw it as a martial law power-grab that allowed the president to commandeer farmland, steal everyone's food,and draft any American into slave labor for a war of aggression against Iran. Also, he has a "secret vault" at Interpol's headquarters for imprisoning Americans. Secret FEMA Secret FEMA Death Camps: Already At A Location Near YouObama wants to confiscate your IRA: Conservatives sent out a message ad claiming that Obama wants to seize your retirement account by force.Obama caused the BP oil spill: Conspiracy-minded radio host Alex Jones promoted the theory that the Deepwater Horizon spill was all part of the administration's plans of oil nationalization and global government.Obama was behind the Aurora massacre: In July, Gun Owners of America blasted out a press release claiming that the mass murder at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, was suspiciously timed. "Someone in Washington" was probably behind it, paving the way for Obama-led firearm confiscation and "government genocide."Obama personally caused Hurricane Sandy: It wasn't global warming that made Sandy so intense; it was Barack. Alex Jones' site reported the president engineered the storm using a Pentagon weather modification project. The mayhem caused by the hurricane would afford Obama the opportunity to score points by briskly managing disaster relief a week before the election. Conspiracy Theorists Say Obama Engineered Hurricane SandyObama had Andrew Breitbart killed: In March 2012, conservative media impresario Andrew Breitbart died of heart failure. Less than a month prior to his death, he had announced that he had uncovered footage of Obama's formative years as a radical. So obviously, Obama had him offed. (The tapes were revealed to contain things like a young Obama hugging a black college professor.) Related: People like a Rod Blagojevich fund raiser and an Obama impersonator died between 2008 and 2012. Obama was in office between 2008 and 2012 coincidence?!?! Ex-CIA agent says Obama had Andrew Breitbart and Tom Clancy assassinatedObama spiked the jobs report: "Job struthers" (like former GE CEO Jack Welch and Florida tea party congressman Allen West) accused the Obama administration of cooking the September unemployment numbers to manufacture a rosier picture of the economy and boost the president's chances of reelection.Obama faked bin Laden's death: Since no photographs of Osama bin Laden's corpse were produced, the Al Qaeda leader must still be out there. Fox News' Steve Doocy and Andrew Napolitano entertained the idea that Operation Neptune Spear was merely a ploy to revive Obama's sagging approval ratings.Obama's plan to fake an assassination attempt: A false-flag operation would create urban tumult and give Obama the pretext to declare martial law, thus suspending democracy, postponing the 2012 election, and prolonging his stay in office. The theory was flagged by Tenn. State Rep. Kelly Keisling, among others, after circulating online. Page on The TennesseanObama’s death squads targets gun rights activists: The tea party, with the help of libertarian websites, has uncovered this one. They were tipped off by Russian security forces. The Latest Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory: Obama Death Squads Targeting Gun Rights ActivistsObama's planning a third term: The dust from the 2012 election had barely cleared when this one popped up.Obama the brainwashing hypnotist: As a master of neurolinguistic programming, Obama persuaded Americans to vote for him via subliminal messages. Related: Rush Limbaugh pondered if hypnosis was the reason that so many Jewish voters were in the bag for Obama. In October, Georgia GOP lawmakers held a briefing on the president's secret mind-control plot.Obama's teleprompter: Obama's eloquence is a myth! The 44th president is incapable of speaking in public without his teleprompter.Republicans mock Obama’s teleprompter useObama's Teleprompter: The GOP's Dumbest AttackObama had a ghostwriter for everything: Jack Cashill over at WND had a hot scoop on how Obama's love letters to his college girlfriend were ghostwritten.Obama's anti-Semitic poetry: However, according to the American Thinker, Obama's ghostwriters did not write his youthful poem "Underground", which compares Jews to fig-eating underwater apes and echoes Koranic verse.Obama's exiled lover: Obama was supposedly fooling around with an attractive young staffer from his 2004 Senate campaign. Michelle Obama had the temptress packed off to the Caribbean before the '08 campaign.Obama is gay: Which explains why he joined Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church. (Via Corsi, of course) This Man Has Proof That Obama Is Gay | VICE | SwedenObama's crack cocaine/gay sex/murder orgy cover-up: In 2008, a small-time conman named Larry Sinclair and his kilt-wearing lawyer held a press conference to tell the world of the future president's murderous, drug-and-sodomy-fueled crimes.Mom of Murdered Obama Gay Lover Speaks UpFlashback: Obama’s Gay Sex-Cocaine Romps with Larry SinclairObama's campaigns were funded by drug money: During an October conference call organized to oppose pot legalization, a writer from Lyndon LaRouche's magazine asked about "reports [that both Obama's] 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns have been financed in part by laundered drug money."Obama is the Antichrist: Related: If you play his 2008 Democratic nomination acceptance speech backwards, you can hear him instruct listeners to do Satan's bidding. 31 BIBLICAL PROPHESIES THAT PROVE WHO... - Barack Obama is the Antichrist 2017Obama is a lizard overlord: According to codes hidden in Biblical verse, Obama is a reptilian humanoid. This idea has found its way on to some right-wing radio shows, and two Daily Caller reporters recently published a (satirical?) e-book on the topic titled, The Lizard King - Jamie Weinstein, Will Rahn - E-bookBarack Obama is the Lizard-King, Say 12 Million Americans Barack Obama is the Lizard-King, Say 12 Million AmericansObama's adventures on Mars: As a teen,Obama participated in a CIA initiative to teleport to Mars using a top-secret "jump room." Self-described time travelers William Stillings and Andrew Basiago claim to have met the future POTUS at American space bases on the Red Planet. In early 2012, a spokesman for the National Security Council actually acknowledged these claims, and issued a fairly convincing denial. Mars visitors Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama traveled to MarsObamacare can withhold care from those un-worthy of medical care: Sarah Palin informed us Obamacare will have “death panels” who can decided to withhold care from those unworthy of medical care such as Palin’s elderly parents or children with Down syndrome. As a result a worthy section of the bill to provide voluntary counseling to Medicare patients about living wills, advance directives, and end-of-life care options was removed from the bill. "Death panel" was named as PoliticFactLie of the Year", one of Fact Check’s "whoppers", and the most outrageous new term by the American Dialect Society. Death panelIn 2014 Tea Party Nation emailed members the following. These guys love their legalese:The time has come to DEMAND the IMMEDIATE ARREST and PROSECUTION of one BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA upon his willful and transgression of 18 U.S. Code 2339A.I hereby call on all members of the House and the Senate to begin impeachment proceeding against Barack Hussein Obama and for Andrew B. Drew Willison, the current Senate Seargent [sic] at Arms to issue and execute an arrest warrant, taking the president, Barack Hussein Obama into custody.Barack Hussein Obama is in direct violation of 18 U.S. Code 2339A Providing material support to terrorists as a result of the removal of five Taliban GITMO detained terrorists and the transfer OF them to the government of Qatar where they, according to the specified arrangement negotiated BY Obama that they only be keep from traveling for a period of one year. IMPEACH AND ARREST THE TYRANT KING OBAMA!!Chart: Almost Every Obama Conspiracy Theory Ever
Is there any truth to the NRA's allegation that “Barack Hussein Obama and European leaders are plotting the confiscation of Americans' guns”?
While this is silly what is not so obvious is this is part of a larger pattern of Obama conspiracy theories.Most people would be surprised at both how many of these theories there are and how crazy they are. Here's a list to real-life conspiracy theories about Obama to demonstrate that this is just another in a long line stretching back to before Obama was president. I have checked out enough to believe this is a good list:Number one and one of our all time favorites: Obama is a secret Muslim: This one began right after he took the stage at the 2004 Democratic convention, with chain emails alleging his "true" religious affiliation. The rumor soon found its way onto the popular conservative online forum Free Republic, and took on a whole new life in the years to come. Related: Obama secretly speaks Arabic, attended a madrassa as a kid in Indonesia, referred to "my Muslim faith" in an interview, and was sworn in on a Koran. Obama attended an Indonesian public schoolObama is bringing 100 million Muslims to America: Avi Lipkin and his PR outfit Special Guests claimed to have evidence of a scheme to bring roughly 100 million Muslims from the Middle East into the United States, converting the country into an Islamic nation by the end of Obama's second term and making it easier to obliterate Israel. Obama's Secret Plot To Bring 100 Million Muslims to the USObama once aided the mujahideen: Harlem pastor and professional race-baiter James David Manning contended that in his younger days, Obama went undercover as a CIA agent to facilitate the transfer of cash and weapons to the Afghan mujahideenin the '80s, thereby aiding what would become the Taliban. Where Stupid Meets Racist: Venn Diagram Of Every Major Right Wing Obama Conspiracy! (INFOGRAPHIC)Obama is in the pocket of the Muslim Brotherhood: Billy Graham's son Franklin wants you to know that Obama is allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to take over the federal government. CHILLING: Rev. Graham EXPOSES Why Obama is REALLY Protecting Radical Islam (VIDEO) - The Political InsiderObama redecorated the Oval Office in Middle Eastern style: Driven by his fierce sense of anti-American interior design, Obama got rid of the red, white, and blue decoration scheme in his White House office. President Obama Has Redecorated the Oval Office Middle Eastern Style-Fiction! President Obama Has Redecorated the Oval Office Middle Eastern Style-Fiction!Tempest in a teapot: Obama took the flag off Air Force One and replaced it with his logo on Air Force One: Actually he has his logo and a flag on his chartered campaign jet. He did not change the markings on Air Force One.Barack Obama Removes Flag from Air Force One?No Flag on Obama’s Plane?Campaign planeAir Force OneObama married a Pakistani guy: World Net Daily correspondent and conspiracy monger extraordinaire Jerome Corsi posted a video in which he claimed to have "strong"evidence that Obama was once married to his college roommate from Pakistan. The smoking gun: Photos of the chums in which the future president is "sitting about on the [Pakistani roommate's] lap."Related: For years Obama wore a gold ring on his left hand. Was it his gay-wedding ring? Tea Party author says evidence proves Obama married a Pakistani man. financed his early drug addiction as a prostitute: Mary Lou Bruner broke this shocker. Obama has a soft spot for homosexuals because of the years he spent as a male prostitute in his twenties. That is how he paid for his drugs. He has admitted he was addicted to drugs when he was young (he hasn’t), and he is sympathetic with homosexuals; but he hasn’t come out of the closet about his own homosexual/bisexual background. Leading Texas education board candidate: Obama was gay prostitute, Democrats killed JFKObama's ring has a Koranic verse on it: The very same ring, which Obama now wears as his (straight) wedding band, is allegedly emblazoned with a key phrase in the Islamic declaration of faith: "There is no god except Allah." (It's not.) Obama’s ring: ‘There is no god but Allah’Obama was funded by a Saudi prince: Another fairy tale courtesy of Corsi: In late-'70s Chicago, Obama secured political and academic funding from a variety of sketchy Arab sponsors, including a Saudi prince. Which may explain why President Obama bowed to the Saudi king when they met in 2009. Saudis control Obama & Fox NewsObama was born in Kenya: In early 2008, fringe theorists began a push to prove Obama was born on foreign soil and was therefore ineligible to live in the White House. The theory gained national attention thanks to the efforts of perennial GOP candidate Alan Keyes, "birther queen" Orly Taitz, and Corsi. Related: Obama's birth certificate is a fake, he killed his grandmother in Hawaii because she knew the truth, sealed access to his birth certificate and other damning documents, and did pretty much everything you could possibly do for the sake of a phony birth certificate. The Right is RightObama lost his US citizenship: According to Corsi, Obama became a citizen of Indonesia while he lived there as a child.Michelle's "whitey" tape: During the 2008 campaign, rumors surfaced that a video of Michelle Obama using the word "whitey" would be released to sink her husband's campaign. It's never materialized. Related: The time Glenn Beck called Barack Obama a racist. Whitey tape - RationalWikiMy personal favorite - Michelle is a male transexual named Michael: More right wing fascination with homosexuality. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. He [Michael] was a popular high school athlete and in 1982, he accepted a scholarship to play middle middleline backer for the Oregon State Beavers.Is Michelle Obama A Transgender? - Truth And ActionMichelle Obama is a transexual?Photos don’t lie! Michelle as Michael, #44Obama was a Black Panther: Well, only if you're not very good at spotting photoshopped images. Obama would have been in grade school at the time the photo was Barack 'Black Panther' ObamaThe photoshopped photoThe originalObama is the son of Malcolm X: Because, you know, black people. This charmer popped up on Atlas Shrugged, Pamela Geller's anti-Muslim website. (Geller is also known for obsessing over Shariah turkeys she believes are destroying Thanksgiving.) Covering the news the media won't cover.Obama is the son of Frank Marshall Davis: The conspiracy film Dreams From my Real Father espouses the theory that Davis, a leftist activist, was not only Obama's ideological mentor but his biological father. Related: Obama got a nose job to make his nose look less like Davis'.Obama's mom and dad were communists: That would be his real father, Barack Obama, Sr.Obama's ghostwriter was Bill Ayers: Conservative commentators claimed they uncovered evidence that ex-Weatherman Bill Ayers was the true author of Obama's 1995 memoir Dreams from my Father. Beyond their shared radicalism, Obama asked Ayers to help because he had writer's block. Bill Ayers Admits For Second Time He Wrote Obama's 'Dreams From My Father'Obama trained to overthrow the government: In 2008, leading Obama conspiracy theorist Andy Martin declared on Fox News' Hannity's America that the then-presidential candidate had trained for "a radical overthrow of the government" during his time as a community organizer in Chicago. Andy MartinObama wouldn't say the Pledge of Allegiance: During the '08 campaign, Obama was rumored to have refused to say the pledge during a town hall meeting. A photo of the incident was actually taken while the national anthem was being sung.Obama ordered soldiers to swear allegiance to him: In April 2009, a clearly satirical report detailing how secretary of defense Robert Gates was growing"extremely frustrated" with the White House's plans to scrub the Constitution from the military oath of loyalty made the rounds on the right-wing blogosphere. Hey, Obama, Didn't Hitler Also Want The Military To Pledge Allegiance To Him?Obama secretly gave away American islands to Russia: Texas House candidate Wes Riddle endorsed this theory and noted the relinquishment as grounds for impeachment. However, the seven Arctic islands were actually given away in 1991 by President George H.W. Bush. Conspiracy Watch: Conspiracy Watch: Did Obama Give American Islands to Russia?Obama caused the recession in 1995: According to a recent Daily Caller story, Obama's efforts to forcebanks to lend to African Americans in the mid-'90s led to the subprime mortgage crises that killed the economy in 2008. Daily Caller Hawks Racially Tinged Obama-Recession Conspiracy TheoryObama's youth reeducation camps: Rep.Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) warned that "young people will be put into mandatory service" at politically correct, billion-dollar camps run by the Democrats. Bachmann Warns Of "Re-Education Camps" For Young PeopleObama's coming for your guns: Extreme gun-rights outfits, along with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), alleged that the Obama administration is supporting the (nonexistent) United Nations Small Arms Treaty, which would lead to nationwide gun confiscation. Unfounded fears of gun confiscation have multiplied since the Newtown massacre. Even if such a treaty came to pass, U.S. rights and laws regarding the sale and ownership of small arms would still apply within the United States. U.N. Arms Trade TreatyObama’s favorite: The "Jade Helm 15" military training exercise was a cover to implement martial law and stay in office for a third term.Texas residents were up in arms this weekover a planned U.S. military training exercise that's been portrayed in right-wing conspiracy theory circles as everything from a ploy to confiscate Americans' guns to an excuse to abduct political dissidents. The speculation reached such a feverpitch that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday asked the State Guard to monitor the exercise so that residents will know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed."Obama calls this his favorite conspiracy theory about him and said “Anybody who thinks I could get away with telling Michelle I’m going to be president any longer than eight years does not know my wife.” Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theoriesObama's coming for your gold: This theory was floated by Glenn Beck and the gold company he shilled for.Obama is planning FEMA concentration camps: Again with the camps. This theory got a big boost from Glenn Beck (who claims he didn't mean anything by it). Related: An executive order titled, "National Defense Resources Preparedness," was issued in the middle of March 2012.Conservative commentators saw it as a martial law power-grab that allowed the president to commandeer farmland, steal everyone's food,and draft any American into slave labor for a war of aggression against Iran. Also, he has a "secret vault" at Interpol's headquarters for imprisoning Americans. Secret FEMA Secret FEMA Death Camps: Already At A Location Near YouObama wants to confiscate your IRA: Conservatives sent out a message ad claiming that Obama wants to seize your retirement account by force.Obama caused the BP oil spill: Conspiracy-minded radio host Alex Jones promoted the theory that the Deepwater Horizon spill was all part of the administration's plans of oil nationalization and global government.Obama was behind the Aurora massacre: In July, Gun Owners of America blasted out a press release claiming that the mass murder at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, was suspiciously timed. "Someone in Washington" was probably behind it, paving the way for Obama-led firearm confiscation and "government genocide."Obama personally caused Hurricane Sandy: It wasn't global warming that made Sandy so intense; it was Barack. Alex Jones' site reported the president engineered the storm using a Pentagon weather modification project. The mayhem caused by the hurricane would afford Obama the opportunity to score points by briskly managing disaster relief a week before the election. Conspiracy Theorists Say Obama Engineered Hurricane SandyObama had Andrew Breitbart killed: In March 2012, conservative media impresario Andrew Breitbart died of heart failure. Less than a month prior to his death, he had announced that he had uncovered footage of Obama's formative years as a radical. So obviously, Obama had him offed. (The tapes were revealed to contain things like a young Obama hugging a black college professor.) Related: People like a Rod Blagojevich fund raiser and an Obama impersonator died between 2008 and 2012. Obama was in office between 2008 and 2012 coincidence?!?! Ex-CIA agent says Obama had Andrew Breitbart and Tom Clancy assassinatedObama spiked the jobs report: "Job struthers" (like former GE CEO Jack Welch and Florida tea party congressman Allen West) accused the Obama administration of cooking the September unemployment numbers to manufacture a rosier picture of the economy and boost the president's chances of reelection.Obama faked bin Laden's death: Since no photographs of Osama bin Laden's corpse were produced, the Al Qaeda leader must still be out there. Fox News' Steve Doocy and Andrew Napolitano entertained the idea that Operation Neptune Spear was merely a ploy to revive Obama's sagging approval ratings.Obama's plan to fake an assassination attempt: A false-flag operation would create urban tumult and give Obama the pretext to declare martial law, thus suspending democracy, postponing the 2012 election, and prolonging his stay in office. The theory was flagged by Tenn. State Rep. Kelly Keisling, among others, after circulating online. Page on The TennesseanObama’s death squads targets gun rights activists: The tea party, with the help of libertarian websites, has uncovered this one. They were tipped off by Russian security forces. The Latest Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory: Obama Death Squads Targeting Gun Rights ActivistsObama's planning a third term: The dust from the 2012 election had barely cleared when this one popped up.Obama the brainwashing hypnotist: As a master of neurolinguistic programming, Obama persuaded Americans to vote for him via subliminal messages. Related: Rush Limbaugh pondered if hypnosis was the reason that so many Jewish voters were in the bag for Obama. In October, Georgia GOP lawmakers held a briefing on the president's secret mind-control plot.Obama's teleprompter: Obama's eloquence is a myth! The 44th president is incapable of speaking in public without his teleprompter.Bush with teleprompterReagan with teleprompterRomney with teleprompterRepublicans mock Obama’s teleprompter useObama's Teleprompter: The GOP's Dumbest AttackObama had a ghostwriter for everything: Jack Cashill over at WND had a hot scoop on how Obama's love letters to his college girlfriend were ghostwritten.Obama's anti-Semitic poetry: However, according to the American Thinker, Obama's ghostwriters did not write his youthful poem "Underground", which compares Jews to fig-eating underwater apes and echoes Koranic verse.Obama's exiled lover: Obama was supposedly fooling around with an attractive young staffer from his 2004 Senate campaign. Michelle Obama had the temptress packed off to the Caribbean before the '08 campaign.Obama is gay: Which explains why he joined Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church. (Via Corsi, of course) This Man Has Proof That Obama Is Gay | VICE | SwedenObama's crack cocaine/gay sex/murder orgy cover-up: In 2008, a small-time conman named Larry Sinclair and his kilt-wearing lawyer held a press conference to tell the world of the future president's murderous, drug-and-sodomy-fueled crimes.Mom of Murdered Obama Gay Lover Speaks UpFlashback: Obama’s Gay Sex-Cocaine Romps with Larry SinclairObama's campaigns were funded by drug money: During an October conference call organized to oppose pot legalization, a writer from Lyndon LaRouche's magazine asked about "reports [that both Obama's] 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns have been financed in part by laundered drug money."Obama is the Antichrist: Related: If you play his 2008 Democratic nomination acceptance speech backwards, you can hear him instruct listeners to do Satan's bidding. 31 BIBLICAL PROPHESIES THAT PROVE WHO... - Barack Obama is the Antichrist 2017Obama is a lizard overlord: According to codes hidden in Biblical verse, Obama is a reptilian humanoid. This idea has found its way on to some right-wing radio shows, and two Daily Caller reporters recently published a (satirical?) e-book on the topic titled, The Lizard King - Jamie Weinstein, Will Rahn - E-bookBarack Obama is the Lizard-King, Say 12 Million Americans Barack Obama is the Lizard-King, Say 12 Million AmericansThe proof!Obama's adventures on Mars: As a teen,Obama participated in a CIA initiative to teleport to Mars using a top-secret "jump room." Self-described time travelers William Stillings and Andrew Basiago claim to have met the future POTUS at American space bases on the Red Planet. In early 2012, a spokesman for the National Security Council actually acknowledged these claims, and issued a fairly convincing denial. Mars visitors Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama traveled to MarsObamacare can withhold care from those un-worthy of medical care: Sarah Palin informed us Obamacare will have “death panels” who can decided to withhold care from those unworthy of medical care such as Palin’s elderly parents or children with Down syndrome. As a result a worthy section of the bill to provide voluntary counseling to Medicare patients about living wills, advance directives, and end-of-life care options was removed from the bill. "Death panel" was named as PoliticFactLie of the Year", one of Fact Check’s "whoppers", and the most outrageous new term by the American Dialect Society. Death panelIn 2014 Tea Party Nation emailed members the following, these guys love their legalese:The time has come to DEMAND the IMMEDIATE ARREST and PROSECUTION of one BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA upon his willful and transgression of 18 U.S. Code 2339A.I hereby call on all members of the House and the Senate to begin impeachment proceeding against Barack Hussein Obama and for Andrew B. Drew Willison, the current Senate Seargent [sic] at Arms to issue and execute an arrest warrant, taking the president, Barack Hussein Obama into custody.Barack Hussein Obama is in direct violation of 18 U.S. Code 2339A Providing material support to terrorists as a result of the removal of five Taliban GITMO detained terrorists and the transfer OF them to the government of Qatar where they, according to the specified arrangement negotiated BY Obama that they only be keep from traveling for a period of one year. IMPEACHAND ARREST THE TYRANT KING OBAMA!!Chart: Almost Every Obama Conspiracy Theory Ever
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