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It has become really simple in recent times to edit your PDF files online, and CocoDoc is the best web app you have ever seen to make some changes to your file and save it. Follow our simple tutorial to start!

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Though most people are adapted to signing paper documents with a pen, electronic signatures are becoming more normal, follow these steps to sign PDF for free!

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A quick guide to Edit Your Diabetes Amp Low Blood Sugar on G Suite

If you are looking about for a solution for PDF editing on G suite, CocoDoc PDF editor is a commendable tool that can be used directly from Google Drive to create or edit files.

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Diabetes: What are the best ways to reverse insulin resistance?

According to Dr. Ron Evans at Salk Institute (who is a leading researcher in the field), there are basically 3 main ways to lower your insulin resistance:Regular exercise/moving your blood (cardio is slightly better than weightlifting). A sedentary lifestyle→ high insulin resistanceSun exposure and vitamin DOmega-3 and Omega-6Here is the unofficial list:Diet. Your food choice as the #1 most important thing. Ditch the refined carbs, added fructose. Lower your carb %, increase fat %. Ditch the fruit juices, added sugars, etc. Eat real foods (not man-made processed foods which add sugar and remove fiber) as much as possible → these won’t spike your blood sugar so less insulin needed, and no more insulin peaks.Intermittent fasting (8 hour eating window; 16 hour fast) → 10 hours per day where insulin is at the lowest giving body recovery time.Workout intensely while fasted (weightlifting or HIIT). This will make muscles more insulin sensitive, requiring less insulin.Lower your body fat %. Eat at a 20% caloric deficit consistently to lower your body fat %. Much more than that, will sacrifice a proportionately more lean mass. Also, losing belly fat is particularly helpful as fat around the liver appears to cause insulin resistance. See Steve Kirsch's answer to Why is belly fat so hard to lose in adults?Check your testosterone levels. Low testosterone levels may predispose to visceral obesity, leading to dysregulation of fatty acid metabolism, which in turn promotes insulin resistance. Low T may be caused by too much belly fat (it’s a vicious cycle).These techniques are not the only things that impact insulin resistance, but are probably going to be very helpful for most people. Basically, you keep your blood sugar low (or lower) at all times, which does 3 key things:lowers the total insulin needed per day to keep your blood sugar under control,eliminates insulin spikes, andgives your body over 10 hours a day in a very low insulin state. My blood sugar drops to the low 60’s after a fasted weightlifting session. That means my insulin requirements are extremely low.You are basically turning the volume of insulin way down using these techniques enabling your body to recover.You can also use drugs (like Metformin) to decrease your insulin resistance, but the techniques above are far more powerful.If everyone just fixed their diet, we could virtually eliminate metabolic syndrome. That is the #1 driver. We never needed to do intermittent fasting before the 1950’s. It is the food supply which changed dramatically that caused the epidemic of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

What do I do to turn my fathers attention towards fitness? He has diabetes and increased hunger too but he is careless towards his health.

Diabetes a lifestyle disease is on the rise due to sedentary lifestyles, high stress jobs, lack of sleep, refined and processed food, the list is endless.But being diagnosed with Diabetes doesn’t mean it’s the end of good life, here are a few lifestyle hacks from us to help you live an absolutely normal life.Devise a Health RoutineLiving with diabetes means that one must take medication or insulin daily, monitor their blood sugar levels weekly, get a complete eye & body check-up annually. Keeping an eye on your health helps you manage diabetes better. Ensure that you have medicines, injections, meals at the same time every day, as the human body responds well to routine.Ditch Simple CarbsCarbohydrates are a primary source of energy for the human body. Diabetics are often advised to give up simple carbs like rice, potatoes, bread & pasta to manage blood sugar levels. Replace these simple carbs with complex carbs such as brown rice, millets, sweet potatoes or yams, multigrain bread and whole wheat pasta. Complex carbs do not spike blood sugar levels after eating but release energy consistently over a few hours, making you feel full for longer and maintaining a steady blood sugar level.Reduce Unhealthy FatA meal high in fat content can be hard for the body to digest, but for diabetics a fatty meal can impair insulin action, spike blood sugar levels, increase bad cholesterol and increase risks of diabetic related problems. Control your intake of fatty substances and switch to healthy Omega 3 & 6 fat sources to meet your dietary needs. Foods such as avocado, salmon, tuna, olive oil, nuts and seeds are all healthy sources of fat. Watch portion size as these foods are high in calories.Watch the WaistlineA sure shot way to control your blood sugar level is to exercise regularly. Blood sugar levels increase due to increase in body fat, high levels of stress and exercises like yoga, tai chi, aerobics, brisk walk, etc. help reduce stress& body fat. Exercise increase heart and lung activity it also makes the muscles use more glucose at a cellular level, thus reducing blood sugar levels.Be Prepared for Low SugarHypoglycaemia is common in those who suffer from diabetes. Reasons such as delayed or skipped meals & medications, a higher dose of insulin, or strenuous exercise can cause the blood sugar levels to drop below 70mg per dL. Symptoms of hypoglycaemia include dizziness, heart palpitations, cold sweat, increased heart rate, chills and shakes. Keep hard candy, crackers, bread, fruit juice orange or grape, sugar on you at all times to combat symptoms of low blood sugar.Follow a Precise Meal PlanBeing a diabetic doesn’t mean you have to say good bye to your favourite food. What you eat does make a difference to your blood sugar levels, and it is recommended that you eat a well-balanced meal that is high in fibre, has right portions of vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, poultry and sea food. Ensure that meals are low in fat and refined foods. Eat fresh food every meal for the body to assimilate maximum nutrients from the food. Consult a dietician to plan a meal keeping in mind your medication.Living with diabetes is like running a marathon, one needs to be informed, prepared and keep at it without hitting the proverbial wall.#

If I want to get stronger should I just not do cardio? Why or why not?

Maybe.To a certain extent, getting stronger and doing cardio are opposite goals-you can improve at both, but it’s more difficult than just focusing on one.Your body is always trying to optimize to it’s environment for a simple reason: it wants to survive.You’ll never be the best at distance running and sprinting at the same time, for a very simple reason.They are different goals.You can become pretty good at both-Kenenisa Bekele would routinely close his track races with 52 second last laps (400m), and has ran 200m sections of races in 24 seconds-well off the world record of 19.19 seconds by Usain Bolt, but a hell of a lot better than the average person.He’s also ran within 2 seconds of the marathon world record this year.But…these races were about sixteen years apart!He definitely couldn’t do both at the same timeSo, how does the body regulate “big, explosive, strong and fast” versus “smaller, leaner and enduring”?Fiber type can change a bit, but it’s mostly via two enzymes.mTOR and AMPK.mTOR is crucial for muscle growth-without it, don’t expect much in the way of results. It’s increased by:Heavy weight training (no surprise)Amino acid intake (protein!)IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor)TestosteroneCarb intakeInsulinLeptinExcess caloriesAMPK helps longevity and endurance and is triggered byfastingreduced caloriesendurance traininglow blood sugar“5' AMP-activated protein kinase or AMPK or 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase is an enzyme (EC that plays a role in cellular energy homeostasis, largely to activate glucose and fatty acid uptake and oxidation when cellular energy is low. It consists of three proteins (subunits) that together make a functional enzyme, conserved from yeast to humans. It is expressed in a number of tissues, including the liver, brain, and skeletal muscle. In response to binding AMP and ADP, the net effect of AMPK activation is stimulation of hepatic fatty acid oxidation, ketogenesis, stimulation of skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation and glucose uptake, inhibition of cholesterol synthesis, lipogenesis, and triglyceride synthesis, inhibition of adipocyte lipogenesis, activation of adipocyte lipolysis, and modulation of insulin secretion by pancreatic beta-cells.”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMP-activated_protein_kinaseBasically, it helps you break down energy-glucose and fat. It gets you into ketosis. It’s catabolic-it breaks down energy to keep you going, which shouldn’t be shocking considering that endurance exercise and fasting are what seem to activate it-both are times when you need to break down energy.Protein production is a high-energy process that is inhibited during low energy states to conserve energy. Therefore, it is not surprising that AMPK inhibits protein production.mTOR, on the other hand, is an anabolic enzyme. It builds you up. Muscle, but also fat. It mTOR increases ATP production and creates new mitochondria.mTOR activation comes with a lot of drawbacks, though!Overactivation of mTOR also causes defects in brain plasticity and memoryToo much mTOR activation contributes to a large number of human diseases, including cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, depression, and neurodegeneration. It can be responsible for acne as well.AMPK activation results in the reduction of mTOR.What to do?I’d say, long term, you want to do some cardio, but I’d stick to HIIT or walking. It’s that middle ground that will impact your stress. Walking is fine, it’s so low stress that it’ll actually IMPROVE your recovery. HIIT is intense, but so short that it’s not stressful. Plus, it can actually stimulate growth.But that middle ground of 20–60 minutes at a hard or even just moderate pace…really bad for gains.The surest way for me to get weaker is go run for an hour at a moderate to hard pace.Calorie restriction…no problem…but excessive cardio kills gains because it promotes an adaptation that requires LESS MUSCLE.So, you choose:Live healthy, lean and long with an AMPK, or big and strong with mTOR.Or, choose the middle road and try for a bit of both-that’s my personal choice!All About mTOR + Natural mTOR Inhibitors & Activators - SelfHackedAMPK: Metabolism & Insulin + Ways to Activate - SelfHackedFollow me on Instagram for daily diet and training tips!

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