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Would having the Google analytics certification make me a more attractive marketing candidate for jobs?

It is a good idea to get certified on the newly integrated Google Marketing Platform. Because the solution is free, many small and mid-sized businesses use it, and there is no cost for the video courses. Google will also introduce you to basic web analysis, search marketing, and online advertising concepts.You can find the certifications for GMP here: SkillshopThat said, you should also consider what part of analytics you need to be on top of for your job. There are a lot of niche areas of analytics, and any marketing role requires analytics. If you want to primarily work in the ad side, the creative side, or the management side, you may not need to sweat the whole certification process, but watching the video courses would be very helpful.You are also going to need to be willing to look at other web analysis programs, and know how to use Excel for advanced data drilling; knowing how to build and manipulate pivot tables, templates, and layouts, as well as creating forecasting waterfalls and other tracking reports in Excel is essential.At the very least, find a complete Excel class on the most up to date version, from Beginning to Advanced—not just a book. Take classes where you can talk to an instructor and practice exercises, so online instructor-led or classroom type courses. Many libraries and community colleges offer free and low-cost classes, and Microsoft training is everywhere.Once you get to a middle level with Excel, you can find lots of tutorials on line to do more statistical modeling. But get as far as pivot yables and statistical formulas. It’s really important to be able to build reports on your own, regardless of what tools you utilize. You don’t have to be a math wizard—the tools do it for you—but you must know how to use the tools. Once you are comfortable with Excel, every other web marketing tool will be easy to learn and master.

Why do US security agencies not share information, in movies you see things like FBI arrive at a crime scene and take over from local law enforcement same with homeland security instead of just sharing information?

We has a nationwide network of Fusion Centers created post 9/11 where information was shared between intelligence agencies as well as police and homeland security who took over law enforcement agencies in America. We have seen widespread abuse of privacy rights at these Fusion Centers as they have played a major role in the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security Targeted individual gangstalking Operations. These operations have been carried out decade after decade as our intelligence agencies illegally targeted activist, whistleblowers (corporate and government,) as well as civilians. The original CIA/ FBI stalking/ assassination operations were exposed in the 1970s after being carried out for decades in secrecy.COINTELPRO - WikipediaSeries of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the U.S. FBI COINTELPRO memo proposing a plan to expose the pregnancy of actress Jean Seberg , a financial supporter of the Black Panther Party , hoping to "possibly cause her embarrassment or tarnish her image with the general public". Covert campaigns to publicly discredit activists and destroy their interpersonal relationships were a common tactic used by COINTELPRO agents. COINTELPRO ( syllabic abbreviation derived from Counter Intelligence Program) (1956-1971) was a series of covert and illegal [1] [2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations . [3] [4] FBI records show COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals the FBI deemed subversive , [5] including feminist organizations, [6] the Communist Party USA , [7] anti–Vietnam War organizers, activists of the civil rights movement or Black Power movement (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr. , the Nation of Islam , and the Black Panther Party ), environmentalist and animal rights organizations, the American Indian Movement (AIM) , independence movements (such as Puerto Rican independence groups like the Young Lords ), and a variety of organizations that were part of the broader New Left and unrelated groups such as the Ku Klux Klan . [8] In 1971 in San Diego , the FBI financed, armed, and controlled an extreme right-wing group of former members of the Minutemen anti-communist paramilitary organization, transforming it into a group called the Secret Army Organization that targeted groups, activists, and leaders involved in the Anti-War Movement, using both intimidation and violent acts. [9] [10] [11] The FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception; however, covert operations under the official COINTELPRO label took place between 1956 and 1971. [12] COINTELPRO tactics are still used to this day and have been alleged to include discrediting targets through psychological warfare ; smearing individuals and groups using forged documents and by planting false reports in the media; harassment; wrongful imprisonment; and illegal violence, including assassination . [13] [14] [15] [16] According to a Senate report, the FBI's motivation was "protecting national security , preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order". [17] Beginning in 1969, leaders of the Black Panther Party were targeted by the COINTELPRO and "neutralized" by being assassinated, imprisoned, publicly humiliated or falsely charged with crimes. Some of the Black Panthers affected included Fred Hampton , Mark Clark , Zayd Shakur , Geronimo Pratt , Mumia Abu-Jamal , [18] and Marshall Conway . Common tactics used by COINTELPRO were perjury, witness harassment, witness intimidation, and withholding of evidence. [19] [20] [21] FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover issued directives gohttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPROAs in the original Cointelpro operations we have intelligence agencies, local and state officials, law enforcement agencies nationwide taking part in domestic terrorist activities where innocent civilians are targeted, assaulted, drugged, poisoned, stalked, assaulted, sexually abused, falsely imprisoned with the use of fabricated evidence and judiciary corruption, slandered, financially sabotaged, suffer endless break ins and theft, Murdered, in order to further the political and social agenda of these agencies. At the same time we find those targeted have been entered into unethical human experimentation programs which have also been carried out on innocent civilians for over a century in America. These agencies are by any definition of the term ““State funded terrorist” as they engage in domestic terrorism operations daily at the cost of many innocent lives.Domestic terrorism - WikipediaTerrorism committed in a country by its own natives or nationals, without support from abroad Domestic terrorism or homegrown terrorism is a form of terrorism in which victims "within a country are targeted by a perpetrator with the same citizenship" as the victims. [1] There are many definitions of terrorism , and none of them are universally accepted. The United States Department of State defined terrorism in 2003 as "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience." [1] There is no Federal criminal offense designated as domestic terrorism. Definition [ edit ] While there are many potential definitions of domestic terrorism, it is largely defined as terrorism in which the perpetrator targets his/her own country. Enders defines domestic terrorism as "homegrown in which the venue, target, and perpetrators are all from the same country." [2] The term "homegrown terrorism" stems from jihadi terrorism against Westerners . Wilner and Dobouloz described homegrown terrorism as "autonomously organized radicalized Westerners with little direct assistance from transnational networks, usually organized within the home or host country, and targets fellow nationals." [3] The Congressional Research Service report, American Jihadist Terrorism: Combatting a Complex Threat, describes homegrown terrorism as a “terrorist activity or plots perpetuated within the United States or abroad by American citizens, permanent legal residents, or visitors radicalized largely within the United States.” [4] Under the 2001 USA Patriot Act , domestic terrorism is defined as "activities that (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the U.S. or of any state; (B) appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S." This definition is made for the purposes of authorizing law enforcement investigations. While international terrorism ("acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries") is a defined crime in federal law, [5] no federal criminal offense exists which is referred to as "domestic terrorism". Acts of domestic terrorism are charged under specific laws, such as killing federal agents or "attempting to use explosives to destroy a building in interstate commerce". [6] In 2020, in response to Public Law 116-92, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice / FBI published the following definition of domestic terrorism: "Domestic Terrorism for the FBI’s purposes is referenced in U.S. Code at 18 U.S.C. 2331(5), and is defined as activities: Involving acts dangerous to humhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_terrorismUnethical human experimentation in the United Stateshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_StatesWiki definition of Domestic Terrorism:“Under the 2001 USA Patriot Act, domestic terrorism is defined as "activities that (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the U.S. or of any state; (B) appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S." This definition is made for the purposes of authorizing law enforcement investigations. While international terrorism ("acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries") is a defined crime in federal law,[5] no federal criminal offense exists which is referred to as "domestic terrorism". Acts of domestic terrorism are charged under specific laws, such as killing federal agents or "attempting to use explosives to destroy a building in interstate commerce"=======================================================These operations are very well documented, they were admitted and proven to have been carried out decade after decade in America with the same agencies, corporations, criminals, participating that are still Participating, with the addition Of newly created agencies post 9/11 that play a major role in carrying out these terrorist activities in America, it is little surprise that we have seen a constant escalation of violence political snd social unrest in America after the creation of Homeland Security and the National network of Fusion Centers even though the new agencies are funded with hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars per year to bring security to our nation.We saw CIA and FBI infiltration of mainstream media in the exposed cointelpro operations, this was done in order to publicly cover up the crimes being committed as well as to spread disinformation and propaganda. Once again this was done to further the political course set forth by the intelligence agencies undermining the foundations of what was to be a government serving the civilian population in America who was to be well informed and was never to be misled by terrorist like agencies who distorted the truth for their own political agenda. These operations were said to be shut down immediately after exposure, as the FBI rushed to destroy evidence nationwide of the decades of the crimes and murders they had committed. The thousands and thousands of participants were not held accountable for these crimes or murders, they returned to their positions in law enforcement, intelligence agencies, elected positions, as if nothing ever had happened and continued to build the criminal syndicate they had built for nearly three decades.The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public1948 propaganda Santa Flickr/x-ray delta one The newest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes an amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on the American public , reports Michael Hastings of BuzzFeed . The amendment — proposed by Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and passed in the House last Friday afternoon — would effectively nullify the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion. Thornberry said that the current law “ties the hands of America’s diplomatic officials, military, and others by inhibiting our ability to effectively communicate in a credible way,” according to Buzzfeed. The vote came two days after a federal judged ruled that an indefinite detention provision in the annual defense bill was unconstitutional. Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, who released a highly critical report regarding the distortion of truth by senior military officials in Iraq and Afghanistan , dedicated a section of his report to Information Operations (IO) and states that after Desert Storm the military wanted to transform IO "into a core military competency on a par with air, ground, maritime and special operations." Davis defines IO as "the integrated employment of electronic warfare (EW), computer network operations (CNO), psychological operations (PSYOP), military deception (MILDEC), and operations security (OPSEC), in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own." IO are primarily used to target foreign audiences, but Davis cites numerous senior leaders who want to (in the words of  Colonel Richard B. Leap) "protect a key friendly center of gravity, to wit US national will" by repealing the Smith-Mundt Act to allow the direct deployment of these tactics on the American public. Davis quotes Brigadier General Ralph O. Baker — the Pentagon officer responsible for the Department of Defense’s Joint Force Development (i.e. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines) — who defines IO as activities undertaken to "shape the essential narrative of a conflict or situation and thus affect the attitudes and behaviors of the targeted audience" and equates descriptions of combat operations with standard marketing strategies : For years, commercial advertisers have based their advertisement strategies on the premise that there is a positive correlation between the number of times a consumer is exposed to product advertisement and that consumer’s inclination to sample the new product. The very same principle applies to how we influence our target audiences when we conduct COIN. Davis subsequently explains the "cumulative failure of our nation’s major media in every category" as they continually interviewed only those senior U.S. officials who had top-level access, even as the officials given that clearance were required tohttps://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5We saw activist from the civil rights movement, the black power movement labeled as schizophrenic in the Cointelpro operations in order to discredit their claims that they were being targeted by the government. We find all of the same crimes taking place again, decade after decade, the same methods being used, the same tactics being used in the current Cointelpro operations. The crimes committed, the disinformation, the use of false psychological evaluations to discredit those targeted, carried out exactly as the exposed crimes were carried out as if taken from a template. For the Cointelpro targeted individual gang stalking operations are not new, they are carefully crafted operations that have now been carried out in America for over sixty years.Schizophreniahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SchizophreniaExcerpt from Wiki definition of schizophrenia:(If you read the information on the documented FBI/ CIA Cointelpro stalking/ assassination operations you will see this is used against those targeted.“Prior to the 1960s, doctors in America primarily diagnosed nonviolent petty criminals and women with schizophrenia, categorizing the later as ill for not performing their duties within patriarchy as wives and mothers. Official descriptions emphasized the "calm" nature of such persons. However, in the mid-to-late 1960s, psychiatrists began diagnosing black men as schizophrenic at much higher rates, often citing their civil rightsand Black Power activism as delusions, and categorizing them as "hostile and aggressive."[284][285]”We find the phrases and terms ““delusional, psychosis” constantly used in the scripted responses and massive disinformation campaign undertaken by these agencies as they once again use the media as well as the internet and all social sharing sites as tools to cover up their terrorist crimes.We find psychologists taking part in these operations, just as they took part in the CIA torture operation in foreign Countries.American Psychological Association Bolstered C.I.A. Torture Program, Report Says (Published 2015)The involvement of health professionals enabled the Justice Department to argue in secret opinions that the Bush-era interrogation program was legal.https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/01/us/report-says-american-psychological-association-collaborated-on-torture-justification.htmlWe find the same methods of torture used against those targeted as were used in the enhanced interrogation operations that were and still are carried out by the CIA against enemy combatants.Enhanced interrogation techniques - WikipediaEuphemism for program of systematic torture by U.S. government " Enhanced interrogation techniques " or " enhanced interrogation " is a euphemism for the program of systematic torture of detainees by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and various components of the U.S. Armed Forces at black sites around the world, including Bagram , Guantanamo Bay , and Abu Ghraib , authorized by officials of the George W. Bush administration . [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Methods used included beating, binding in contorted stress positions , hooding , subjection to deafening noise, sleep disruption, [8] sleep deprivation to the point of hallucination , deprivation of food, drink, and medical care for wounds, as well as waterboarding , walling , sexual humiliation, subjection to extreme heat or extreme cold, and confinement in small coffin-like boxes. [9] [10] [11] A Guantanamo inmate's drawings of some of these tortures, to which he himself was subjected, were published in The New York Times . [12] Some of these techniques fall under the category known as " white torture ". [13] Several detainees endured medically unnecessary [14] " rectal rehydration ", "rectal fluid resuscitation", and " rectal feeding ". [15] [16] In addition to brutalizing detainees, there were threats to their families such as threats to harm children, and threats to sexually abuse or to cut the throat of detainees' mothers. [17] The number of detainees subjected to these methods has never been authoritatively established, nor how many died as a result of the interrogation regime, though this number could be as high as 100. [18] The CIA admits to waterboarding three people implicated in the September 11 attacks : Abu Zubaydah , Khalid Sheikh Mohammed , and Mohammed al-Qahtani . A Senate Intelligence Committee found photos of a waterboard surrounded by buckets of water at the Salt Pit prison , where the CIA had claimed that waterboarding was never used. [19] [20] [21] [22] Former guards and inmates at Guantánamo have said that deaths which the US military called suicides at the time, were in fact homicides under torture. [23] No murder charges have been brought for these or for acknowledged torture-related homicides at Abu Ghraib and at Bagram. [24] Debates arose over whether "enhanced interrogation" violated U.S. anti-torture statutes or international laws such as the UN Convention against Torture . In 2005, the CIA destroyed videotapes depicting prisoners being interrogated under torture; an internal justification was that what they showed was so horrific they would be "devastating to the CIA", and that "the heat from destroying is nothing compared to what it would be if the tapes ever got into public domain." [25] [26] [27] [28] The United Nations special rapporteur on torture , Juan Mendez, stated that waterboarding is torture—"immoral and illegal", and in 2008, fifty-six Democratic Party members of the US Congress asked for an independent investihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enhanced_interrogation_techniquesAnd of course we find unethical human experimentation taking place as these experiments have ran constantly and consistently for over a century in America. The decades of assaults with high tech military grade microwave weapons reported by those targeted are just an extension of the radiation experiments which were also exposed and have continued in secrecy after they were admitted, as they were carried out in secrecy for over half a century before publicly exposed. The institutions taking part in these experiments have taken part in the unethical human experimentation programs in the past. This research is linked to DARPAs N3 project, their brain bio, neural link, and Pandora projects, John Hopkins University is one of the many Universities and Institutions currently contracted to conduct research on these projects as they were contracted also in the past unethical human experimentation projects.Johns Hopkins Sued For $1 Billion Over Unethical STD StudyMore than 780 people are suing the university over its heavy involvement in unethical experiments led by the U.S. government in the 1940s that infected more than 1,000 Guatemalans with syphilis.https://www.buzzfeed.com/azeenghorayshi/johns-hopkins-sued-for-1-billion-over-unethical-std-studyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Albert_experimentWe also find research conducted at John Hopkins on animals directly linked to the noise and light harassment techniques used against individuals targeted in the Cointelpro operations. This can be found in the Mysore Owl experiments where the owls skulls were cut open and then electrodes were screwed and glued into the owls brains, they were then place in plastic tubes where they could not move and bombarded with lights and sounds for up to twelve hours at a time. We find thousand of reports of those targeted being bombarded with light and sound in the constant harassment campaigns directed against them. As well we find the constant report of sleep deprivation being used which is a recognized method of torture in military scenarios.Campaign Updates: Johns Hopkins University Owl ExperimentsAt Johns Hopkins University, Shreesh Mysore cuts open barn owls’ skulls and bombards them with noises and lights. PETA is working to end these experiments.https://headlines.peta.org/johns-hopkins-university-owl-experiments/campaign-updates/These are the same tactics used in military operations as well we find them used in domestic assaults against civilians in America. The most notable case is the FBI assault on the Branch Dravidian Compound in Waco Texas where they flooded the compound with lights, played loud music (including the sounds of rabbits being slaughtered,) as well as bombarded the compound with sonic weapons to disorientate the men, women and children during the raid in which they used over eighty federal vehicles, tanks, and military aircraft. The men women and children were then burned alive although David Koresh had only weeks before drove to the towns police department to report he was being stalked by this federal agency.We also can note the case of Ruby Ridge where 14 year old Sammy Weaver was shot in the back after a unknown Gun man had shot and killed his dog, his mother was then shot dead with her baby in her arms, this followed a years long FBI investigation where military aircraft was used, millions of dollars weee spent, properties surrounding the Weavers was purchased, in order to investigate the crime of owning two shotguns where the barrels were found to be 1/8 inch under the regulated length state in federal law.Ruby Ridge - WikipediaStandoff in Idaho in 1992 Ruby Ridge standoff Vicki Weaver as seen from a USMS surveillance position on August 21, 1992 Date August 21–31, 1992 Location 48°37′14″N 116°25′59″W  /  48.62056°N 116.43306°W  / 48.62056; -116.43306 Caused by Resistance to USMS actions taken pursuant to a bench warrant for Randy Weaver ; FBI actions taken following shooting death of a U.S. Marshal, statements by Weaver, and shots allegedly fired at a news helicopter Resulted in Deaths of Deputy U.S. Marshal W.F. Degan, Samuel Weaver (juvenile), and Vicki Weaver; prosecution of Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris (later acquitted); civil suits against the US 2 killed 2 wounded 1 canine killed 1 U.S. Marshal killed Location within the United States Show map of the United States Ruby Ridge (Idaho) Show map of Idaho Ruby Ridge was the site of an 11-day siege in 1992 in Boundary County, Idaho , near Naples . It began on August 21, when deputies of the United States Marshals Service (USMS) initiated action to apprehend and arrest Randy Weaver under a bench warrant after his failure to appear on firearms charges. Given three conflicting dates for his court appearance, and suspecting a conspiracy against him, Weaver refused to surrender, and members of his immediate family, and family friend Kevin Harris, resisted as well. The Hostage Rescue Team of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI HRT) became involved as the siege developed. During the Marshals Service reconnoiter of the Weaver property, six U.S. Marshals encountered Harris and Sammy Weaver, Randy's 14-year-old son, in woods near the family cabin. A shootout took place. Deputy U.S. Marshal William Francis Degan, Sammy Weaver, and the Weavers' dog, Striker, all died as a result. In the subsequent siege of the Weaver residence, led by the FBI, Weaver's wife Vicki was killed by FBI sniper fire. All casualties occurred in the first two days of the operation. The siege and standoff were ultimately resolved by civilian negotiators. Harris surrendered and was arrested on August 30, while Weaver and his three daughters surrendered the next day. Weaver and Harris were subsequently arraigned on a variety of federal criminal charges, including first-degree murder for the death of Degan. Harris was acquitted of all charges, and Weaver was acquitted of all charges except for the original bail condition violation for the arms charges and for having missed his original court date. He was fined $10,000 and sentenced to 18 months in prison, credited with time served plus an additional three months, and released after 16 months. [1] [2] During the federal criminal trial of Weaver and Harris, Weaver's attorney Gerry Spence made accusations of criminal wrongdoing against the agencies involved in the incident, in particular the FBI, the USMS, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), and the United States Attorney's Office (USAO) for Idaho. At the trial's end, the Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility formedhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_RidgeThese operations dramatically escalated post 9/11 and we see them escalating again as millions of Americans are becoming aware of the current Cointelpro operations, as we can see from the thousands and thousands of reports over the past decades, these operations are also closely linked to the CIAs infamous MK Ultra experiments. Once again intelligence agencies poisoning and drugging large numbers of innocent civilians for experiments which are in fact nothing more then crimes against humanity which rival the atrocities carried out by the NAZIs in WWII Germany.Human radiation experiments - WikipediaJoseph G. Hamilton was the primary researcher for the human plutonium experiments done at U.C. San Francisco from 1944 to 1947. [1] Hamilton wrote a memo in 1950 discouraging further human experiments because the AEC would be left open "to considerable criticism," since the experiments as proposed had "a little of the Buchenwald touch." [2] Since the discovery of ionizing radiation , a number of human radiation experiments have been performed to understand the effects of ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination on the human body, specifically with the element plutonium . Experiments performed in the United States [ edit ] Numerous human radiation experiments have been performed in the United States, many of which were funded by various U.S. government agencies [3] such as the United States Department of Defense , the United States Atomic Energy Commission , and the United States Public Health Service . Experiments including: feeding radioactive material to mentally disabled children [4] enlisting doctors to administer radioactive iron to impoverished pregnant women [ citation needed ] exposing U.S. soldiers and prisoners to high levels of radiation [4] irradiating the testicles of prisoners, which caused severe birth defects [4] exhuming bodies from graveyards to test them for radiation (without the consent of the families of the deceased) [5] On January 15, 1994, President Bill Clinton formed the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE), chaired by Ruth Faden [6] [7] of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics. One of the primary motivating factors behind his decision to create ACHRE was a step taken by his newly-appointed Secretary of Energy, Hazel O'Leary , one of whose first actions on taking the helm of the United States Department of Energy was to announce a new openness policy for the Department. The new policy led almost immediately to the release of over 1.6 million pages of classified records. These records made clear that since the 1940s, the Atomic Energy Commission had been sponsoring tests on the effects of radiation on the human body. American citizens who had checked into hospitals for a variety of ailments were secretly injected, without their knowledge, with varying amounts of plutonium and other radioactive materials. Ebb Cade was an unwilling participant in medical experiments that involved injection of 4.7 micrograms of plutonium on 10 April 1945 at Oak Ridge, Tennessee . [8] [9] This experiment was under the supervision of Harold Hodge . [10] Most patients thought it was "just another injection," but the secret studies left enough radioactive material in many of the patients' bodies to induce life-threatening conditions. Such experiments were not limited to hospital patients, but included other populations such as those set out above, e.g., orphans fed irradiated milk, children injected with radioactive materials, prisoners in Washington and Oregon state prisons. Much of the experimentation wahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_radiation_experimentsWeaponizing EMFs: How the Soviets Attacked the US Embassy in Moscow | GaiaDuring the Cold War, the Soviets successfully attacked the US Embassy in Moscow with electromagnetic and radio frequencies. 50 years later, we're doing the same to ourselves with cell phone towers, smart meters, and 5G.https://www.gaia.com/article/how-the-soviets-weaponized-emfs-during-the-cold-warTwo Years Ago — DARPA to Resurrect Top-Secret “PANDORA Project”“DARPA develops the weapons of the future. It funds everything from basic science to advanced technology, though the ultimate goal is always to develop something that can be used by the military.” …https://inteltoday.org/2019/02/22/two-years-ago-darpa-to-resurrect-top-secret-pandora-project/Project MKUltrahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltraThese agencies are not securing our nation in these operations, they are committing crimes against humanity, acts of domestic terrorism, mass murder, sexual assaults, rapes, druggings, poisonings, break ins, falsely imprisoning, terrorizing innocent Americans, many of those targeted are being terrorized for standing up for the rights of all Americans, for standing up against these very agencies and reporting the many treasonous crimes they have committed decade after decade and though exposed, the majority of the civilian population are not aware of the extent of these crimes for these agencies long ago gained control of the information sources available to the public in America.The FBI is linked directly to the 24/7 stalking, assaults, druggings, break ins, arson, false imprisonment, terrorism I have endured since 2013, this escalation of these activities at that time began exactly one day after the FBI was involved in a raid on my property in Anchorage Alaska, this raid was directed at a tenant of mine, (Steve Landers,) who I had rented a garage apt to in a separate residence on the property. I was never charged with any criminal conduct whatsoever. Their are many witnesses to the stalking and terrorism I have encountered in many States, for many years.Most documentation stolen and destroyed year after year with repeated break ins, thefts, arson, social media accounts infiltrated m, content manipulated, accounts shut down, censored and banned year after year, yet many videos of the same tactics used against the most publicized case of Gangstalking by CBS news, which is the case of Rich and Cindy Krlich. The years of stalking they have endured began when they angered the Fire Chief of the town they lived in, (one of the many agencies constantly reported as taking part in these operations.The Rick and Cindy Krlich StoryWhat you will see here, Dear Reader, is a chronicle of spite. Undeserved, uninterrupted, unyielding spite, triggered by one man's belief that he could rely on the legal system to guide him through a simple real estate transaction. What Garrick Krlich got, instead, was intimidation, frustration — and spite. Krlich is a small contractor who lives unostentatiously in Hubbard, Ohio's East Hill neighborhood. Over the years, he has managed to acquire surrounding properties, older homes like his that he turns into well maintained rental properties. He makes a decent living, isn't greedy for more, and has been, overall, quite contented with his life. Until the Clemente house next door became empty. Until the noises in the night began. For more than four years now, the raucous sound of horns blowing has shattered the quiet of the night in the Krlich's neighborhood, disturbing not only Krlich and his wife, Lucinda, but surrounding residents as well. The Krlichs lie awake, listening ... waiting ... and then come the sounds of the roaring engines, the screeching tires — and the horns. Horns that seem to be screaming "Go away! Leave! Never come back!"http://krlich.com/Video: Couple Claims Entire Town Has Turned Against ThemRick and Cindy Krlich say horns have been honked 5,000 times by people driving past their house.https://abcnews.go.com/2020/video/couple-claims-entire-town-turned-23574799Videos of stalking and harassment from city to city in Texas, the same noise campaign carried out against the Klrich’s, as well as against Jason Foust as a form of intimidation after he traveled with me to Fort Worth Texas to help assist and document the continuing stalking, break ins, drugging, harassment of Cointelpro survivor Sarah Degeyter who encountered yet more stalking in Fort Worth after fleeing Houston Texas where she was beaten, raped at gunpoint immediately after linking IP addresses found to be on her online accounts to the individuals living in the houses surrounding her.Below: Harris County Fire engages in what appears to be stslking type activity I encounter across Texas.Below: what appears to be stslking activity that Sarah Degeyter encountered immediately upon arrival in Fort Worth Texas after fleeing hundreds of miles from Houston to escape similar activity which occurred before and after her neating and rape at gunpoint.She had been a Cointelpro stalking survivor for years prior to this, once again the documented stalking she encountered being discredited by lawyers, the Texas State bar as her suffering from Psychosis for she was reporting government agencies (Homeland Security) being involved in her stalking!Keith LankfordAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Keith Lankford - YouTubehttps://youtube.com/channel/UCrbReW7FCgTqX0xhrqOuWhgJust by chance, Homeland Security was carrying out joint exercises and drills with the Harris County Police department when I was falsely imprisoned, they are the same police department who has taken no action to arrest or prosecute those involved in her rape, the same police department that saw twelve officers recently involved in the murder of two civilians when they were serving a warrant using a fabricated statement in order to plant drugs on the couple who they intended on falsely imprisoning but instead murdered.Houston police embroiled in scandal after 'lies' found in no-knock warrant that led to fatal raid on alleged drug houseA married couple was killed and four officers were wounded in the drug raid.https://abcnews.go.com/US/houston-police-embroiled-scandal-lies-found-knock-warrant/story?id=60991293Fresno Activist John Lang Murdered one day after posting that he believed Fresno Police would kill him following stalking, and surveillance of what in below pictures appears to be FBI surveillance activities. He was investigating and reporting on Fresno police corruption.https://truecrimediva.com/john-lang/Please contact your representatives and demand these operation are ceased, as well that the individuals involved are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.Targeted Justice for Targeted IndividualsTargeted Individuals Class Action Lawsuit, Latest information on Gang Stalking, electronic harassment, microwave satellites, organized stalking, Terrorist Watchlist, CIA, FBI, NSA, Directed Energy Weapons, Schriever Air Force Base, Vircator microwave weaphttps://www.targetedjustice.com/Vera Sharav - Alliance for Human Research ProtectionA public advocate for human rights is the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) which serves as an information resource and public interest watchdog organization whose goal is to unlock the walls of secrecy in biomedical research and bring accountability to that endeavor. AHRP Infomails have a wide following: they…https://ahrp.org/vera-sharav/PACTS, International - HomePACTS, International... There are covert groups in nearly every city and town in this country that target innocent Americans for harassment and torture. PACTS, Internatinal is a 501 (c)3, non-profit organization dedicated to assisting targeted individuals dealing with covert, organized stalking and remote electronic assaults, also known as electronic harassment. Electronic harassment  refers to the use of radio frequencies and other methods to remotely access a person's mind and/or body to gain control of the individual or group of persons. Our goal is to work together towards freedom for all people, nationally and internationally from harassment and interference in our lives implemented by perpetrators of covert criminal activity. MEMBERSHIP TO PACTS, International Our membership is $25/year.  Please click the Donate button above to enter your membership donation. What's New... ~~~ -- -- -- -- -- PACTS, International TV Episode 4 is now published on YouTube! Click here to view ~~~ The Winter, 2021 Edition of 'THE DISCUSSION' PACTS, International's Quarterly Magazine is now on sale at our PACTS Store! -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Click here to buy the Winter, 2021 issue: ~~~ Upcoming Support Group Meetings see 'Newsletters/Events' page ~~~ Our Podcasts are on FreeConferenceCall.com Please join us on Mondays and Saturday nights at the following times! Time: 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/ 7 pm Mountain/ 6 pm Pacific/5 pm Alaska/ 4 pm Hawaii Call-In Number: (319) 527-2701 Access Code: 248671 Chatroom: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/derrickcrobinson - then enter Name, Email address, and 'join.'http://www.pactsntl.org/https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fire+department+gang+stalkinghttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=noise+harassment+gang+stalkinghttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=light+harassment+gang+stalkinghttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=drugging+gang+stalking

We all know when a country takes people's right to self-defense away, it always progresses to stealing other civil rights and property. That starts with removal of firearms for self-defense. Why do people want the United States to become like that?

I doubt the American populace wants to see this any more then they wanted to see the surveillance/ police state created that we now live in. It is true there are many people whose opinions have been influenced by the constant political and media campaign waged on gun control, but the recent election, as well as the political, social and racial unrest that is shown in the media daily has made civilians lose faith in the ability of our representatives curtail the escalating decent into chaos.This is the ever growing of what was the FBI, CIA Cointelpro operations. Besides being stalking and assassination operations, they were at heart psychological warfare operations which had infiltrated the mainstream media outlets in America in order to cover up the crimes and murders being committed, discredit the individuals targeted, but also to spread disinformation and propaganda to alter the political and social direction our nation was undertaking to better suit their agenda.This campaign to take away gun rights has been carried out year after year in America, events such as the Reagan assassination attempt saw bills such as the Brady Bill introduced and passed as these rights were slowly chopped away at. We witnessed on National TV the scene of the gun being shot, a 22 caliber revolver wielded by John Hinkley, and what can be seen in the media coverage of the shooting, a over four mixture struggle by numerous men to disarm Hinkley and take him to the ground.Hinkley was the son of close friends of George Herbert Walker Bush. Hinkley father was John Warnock Hinckley Sr., chairman and president of the Vanderbilt Energy Corporation. His mother is Jo Ann Hinckley. Neil Bush was to actually have dinner with the Hinkleys brother on the night of this shooting, this is covered in the below ABC news report.John Hinckley Jr. - Wikipedia.This event was one of the notable events where we saw our media and representatives begin this campaign of gun control we are assaulted with daily.It is worth noting before we proceed that Bush was placed as the Director of the CIA in 1976 by Gerald Ford who was one of the individuals appointed to the Warran Commission to investigate the John F Kennedy Assassination. Alongside Gerald Ford we find Donald Rumsfeld, Gerald Fords chief of staff, and Dick Cheney, a rob aide to Ford. 1976 is also the year the FBI Cointelpro stalking, assassination operations were said to have ended after being carried out for over thirty years in secrecy. These operations are now the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security targeted individual Gangstalking operations, though these operations were never actually ceased, we find one of the main participants, (homeland security,) being created shortly after 9/11 by the Son of Herbert Walker Bush, George Bush Jr. Cheney and Rumsfeld of course was chosen as Secretary of defense, and Dick Cheney was Vice President, he had formally served as Secretary of defense in George Herbert Walkers administration.George H. W. Bush - WikipediaIRS targeting controversy - WikipediaQuestions of scrutiny based on political themes The logo of the Internal Revenue Service In 2013, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes. This led to wide condemnation of the agency and triggered several investigations, including a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal probe ordered by United States Attorney General Eric Holder . Initial reports described the selections as nearly exclusively of conservative groups with terms such as "Tea Party" in their names. According to Republican lawmakers, liberal-leaning groups and the Occupy movement had also triggered additional scrutiny, but at a lower rate than conservative groups. The Republican majority on the House Oversight Committee issued a report, which concluded that although some liberal groups were selected for additional review, the scrutiny that these groups received did not amount to targeting when compared to the greater scrutiny received by conservative groups. The report was criticized by the committee's Democratic minority, which said that the report ignored evidence that the IRS used keywords to identify both liberal and conservative groups. In January 2014, James Comey , who at the time was the FBI director , told Fox News that its investigation had found no evidence so far warranting the filing of federal criminal charges in connection with the controversy, as it had not found any evidence of "enemy hunting", and that the investigation continued. On October 23, 2015, the Justice Department declared that no criminal charges would be filed. On September 8, 2017, the Trump Justice Department declined to reopen the criminal investigation into Lois Lerner , a central figure in the controversy. [1] In late September 2017, an exhaustive report by the Treasury Department's Inspector General found that from 2004 to 2013, the IRS used both conservative and liberal keywords to choose targets for further scrutiny. [2] [3] In October 2017, the Trump Administration agreed to settle a lawsuit filed on behalf of more than four hundred conservative nonprofit groups who claimed that they had been discriminated against by the Internal Revenue Service for an undisclosed amount described by plaintiffs' counsel as "very substantial." The Trump Administration also agreed to settle a second lawsuit brought by forty-one conservative organizations with an apology and an admission from the IRS that subjecting them to "heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays" was wrongful. [4] [5] Background [ edit ] Tax exemption and donor anonymity [ edit ] United States federal tax law, specifically Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code ( 26 U.S.C. § 501(c) ), exempts certain types of nonprofit organizations from having to pay federal income tax. The statutory language of IRC 501(c)(4) generally requires civic organizations described in that section to behttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRS_targeting_controversyJustice Department settles with conservative groups over IRS scrutinyThe U.S. Justice Department has reached a settlement with dozens of conservative groups that claimed the Internal Revenue Service unfairly scrutinized them based on their political leanings when they sought a tax-exempt status, court documents showed.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-tax-conservative-idUSKBN1CV1TYThe Columbine high school shooting seems to be the event which the media has said motivated many of the individuals in the mass shootings that have dramatically escalated post 9/11. This event took place in April of 1999. It is interesting that in the eyewitness statements taken after this shooting we find the son of the FBI investigator into this incident being named repeatedly as one of the assailants. His name redacted repeatedly, but these redactions often failed to blot our the full name, leaving the first and last name easily shown in the repetitive naming of this suspect. The Cointelpro operations not only launched assaults on innocent civilian, whistleblowers, political activist, animal rights activist, civil rights activist, environmentalists, lawyers, media figures, etc, they also infiltrated movements of the time, orchestrated widely publicized acts of violence to achieve their agendas.US ends ban on 'domestic propaganda'It’s being branded by proponents as an attempt at transparency, but critics of a new law say the United States government just got the green-light to use propaganda made for foreign audiences on the American public.https://www.rt.com/usa/smith-mundt-domestic-propaganda-121/The crimes committed against the targeted just about covered every crime seen Committed in America, assaults, druggings, poisonings, blackmail, stalking, fabrication of evidence, false imprisonments, judiciary corruption, slander, defamation of character, financial sabotage, professional sabatoge, vehicle tampering, vandalism, theft, constant break ins, bribery, extortion, murder.The participants carried out these operations in secrecy for three decades until exposed, it was then stated by the FBI that the operations were ceased as they begsn destroying evidence nationwide of the crimes and murders committed. The participants included the FBI, DOJ, CIA, law enforcement officials nationwide, local, state and federal officials, etc. These criminals were never held accountable, never prosecuted, allowed to return to their positions in power as they continued to carry out these operations which are now the FBI, Homeland Security, CIA cointelpro targeted individual gang stalking operations.Shortly after 9/11 we saw the passing of the patriot act, the forming of a nationwide network of Fusion Centers, anc of course the creation of Homeland Security. With the creation of this agencie we instantly saw a dramatic escalation in mass shootings around the nation, this agency often held exercises and drills in preparation for such events, sometimes at the exact location shootings would soon take place. We saw candlelight vigils, memorials, eight by ten pictures of victims repeatedly shown on the media, all taking on the same theme as if carried out from a template on how Americans in far different demographics, of differing ethnicities, would respond to such tragedies as the media documented their reaction. These media reports aimed entirely at arousing a emotional response from the viewer audience as the victim family members instantly joined in never ending campaigns to promote gun control. The same phrases used over and over again, “never forget,” ““enough is enough,” ect in every instance, always gaining instant and focused media attention.We find FBI, police, police investigators, teachers, principals, family members of victims, from the Gabriel Gifford shooting, the columbine Shootings, the Sandy Hook shootings, the Virginia Tech shootings, all joining the CIA linked Kirkland Productions. This is a comedy production company, these individuals are contracted out at this company to tour nationwide year after year to advocate legislative measures for gun control. Gina Kirkland the founder of this company trained at Galvin De Becker, the worlds leading security firm which offers protection for the CIA, Supreme Court Justices, Notable elite figures in the world such as Mark Zuckenburg, and many others.https://www.kirklandproductions.com/uploads/1/1/2/6/112638185/kirkland-kpcomedy-catalog-2019-2020.pdfHome - Gavin de Becker and AssociatesProtecting the world’s most influential people and enterprises.https://gdba.com/We find individuals targeted in these operations often linked to activism, research, reporting of notable events such as members of the 9/11 truth movement, researchers of school shootings, political activist, environmentalists, etc, just as in the exposed operations which admittedly ran in secrecy for three decades. I myself was the 9/11 grassroots organizer in Alaska from 2002, the targeting had started prior to this, and the 24/7 stalking, assaults, break ins, druggings, poisonings, arson, fabrication of evidence, false imprisonments began in 2013, exactly one day after the FBI participated in a raid on my property in Anchorage Alaska using a warrant directed at a tenant of mine who rented a mother-in-law apt over the garage of a separate residence.Whether one is to believe these acts are real, are productions, are reported accurately does not matter, it is shown in the history of cointelpro operations that the participants carry out random murders with no reservation, no value held for innocent civilian lives. Obviously many of these events saw the violent deaths of innocent civilians. When researching the shooters, we find many indications that they were suffering the same assaults found Carried out in the current Cointelpro targeted individual gang stalking operations. we also find individuals speaking of these operations and the government corruption taking place such as Edward Snowden, Julian Assange having to flee this Nation to seek safe haven after reporting corruption. Julian Assange is seen to also be targeted in the same manner these mass shooters have reported.The assault taking place in the Cointelpro operations have been reported for decades, these are directly linked to the exposed CIA MK Ultra operations, DARPA, unethical human experimentation programs, the institutions and universities which have participated in these experiments and others carried out in the admitted programs for over a century.Unethical human experimentation in the United Stateshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_StatesThe current experimentation is building on the research of Allan Freys microwave auditory effects experiments carried out in 1961. At this time Frey was able to successfully transmit audio via microwaves to the cerebral cortex of the test subjects brain. the test subject could successfully repeat nine out of ten of the words transmitted. This is referred to as V2K, or (voice to skull technology.)Nonlethal weapons touted for use on citizensNonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used on the battlefield, Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne said Tuesday.https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna14806772US officials reportedly considered using a 'microwave weapon' that can cause second-degree burns to deter migrants at the Mexico borderThe Active Denial System is billed as "nonlethal," but tests show it can cause severe burns. It was last deployed by the US military in Afghanistan.https://www.businessinsider.com/officials-considered-use-of-microwave-weapon-migrants-report-2020-8U.S. Diplomats Are Sick With a Mysterious Illness. It May Be From a Microwave Weapon.Is Russia behind this?https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a34897718/us-diplomats-sick-microwave-weapon-report/DARPA took over research of microwave weapons in the 1950’s after the USSR was found to be bombarding the American embassy in Moscow with microwaves for surveillance purposes. DARPA’s current N3, brain bio, and neural link programs are conducting research using msny of the institutions and universities involved in the unethical human experimentation programs of the past century, including John Hopkins University to successfully transmit audio, video, and pictures to a test subjects neural receivers using microwave EF, RF and EMF.Below we will see report after report of individuals involved in these mass shooting events saying not only that they are hearing voices, which is documented to be easily achieved through the mid use of a technology developed over sixty years ago, but also that these assaults are being carried out in by government agencies. This is their opinion which is repetitive in these cases. We also see the account of Myron May who states he is a target of these Cointelpro operations in a video he released prior to him carrying out a shooting. In my opinion one should never result to a act of violence if their is anyway to avoid this, there is never a excuse for taking the lives of innocent civilians, but we must realize individuals who are targeted in cointelprp operations are being tortured and murdered by our intelligence agencies, the documentation is overwhelming, these operations can not be denied, the actions taken by these individuals could be avoided by the population of America addressing this corruption at the heart of our government which has been documented, admitted and proven to exist for over half a century.Florida suspect said he heard voices telling him to carry out massacre: SourcesThe voices Nikolas Cruz, 19, allegedly heard were described as "demons."https://abcnews.go.com/US/florida-school-shooter-methodically-moved-classrooms-execute-victims/story?id=53112929DC shooter was ‘hearing voices’Federal law enforcement authorities said Tuesday the gunman in the bloody mass murder at the Washington Navy Yard was a paranoid nutcase who had been hearing...https://nypost.com/2013/09/17/navy-yard-gunman-treated-for-mental-illness-was-hearing-voices/https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/crime/ybarra-said-voices-of-god-columbine-shooter-compelled-him-to-go-on-spu-rampage/FSU Shooter Myron May Feared Government Was Targeting Him: CopsAuthorities say gunman Myron May believed the government was targeting him for persecution. He reportedly detailed his thoughts in a journal and videos.https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fsu-shooter-myron-may-feared-government-was-targeting-him-cops-n252731It should be noted that the Florida Airport shooter contacted the FBI in Anchorage Alaska shortly before carrying out this act, their were homeland security exercises and drills scheduled in Anchorage Alaska in the summer before this event, a all out assault was carried out on me, when I saw the 24/7 stslking which began in Anchorage in 2013 progress into a campaign where I was massively drugged, suffered sleep deprivation for many weeks on end, constant break ins to residence, truck stolen, phone stolen, windows broke out of house, material possessions stolen, a campaign of terror basically forming every angle possible in a persons life. The Anchorage Police Department took part in the as Harris County Sheriffs department later took part in the stalking, harassment, trespassing, fabricated statement that led to my false imprisonment. In Harris County these actions were preceded by two years of constant break ins, vandalism, theft, arson, drugging, poisoning, as Harris county deputies stood watch in a subdivision with next to no criminal activity.Gavin Eugene Long, who killed three police officers and injured three others in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on July 17, 2016, was a believer in numerous anti-government movements and conspiracy theories, but he was most notably a member of a group dedicated to helping people suffering from "remote brain experimentation, remote neural monitoring of an entire human's body."[20]Ted kzenskyTed K., the CIA & LSD - CounterPunch.orgJuly 15, 1999 Ted K., the CIA & LSD It turns out that Theodore Kaczynski, a.k.a. the Unabomber, was a volunteer in mind-control experiments sponsored by the CIA at Harvard in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Michael Mello, author of the recently published book, “The United States of America vs. Theodore John Kaczynski,” notes Morehttps://www.counterpunch.org/1999/07/15/ted-k-the-cia-lsd/Dayton shooter Connor Betts heard menacing voices, talked about ‘evil things’: exConnor Betts, the Ohio madman who slaughtered nine people and wounded at least two dozen others in Dayton's nightlife district, heard menacing voices in his head  since he was young, and talked about “dark, evil things,” his ex-girlfriend Lyndsi Doll said.https://nypost.com/2019/08/06/dayton-shooter-connor-betts-heard-menacing-voices-talked-about-evil-things-ex/Also of course we find report after report of the FBI/ Homeland Security having contact with individuals who soon carry out these acts, yet even as these agencies invade the privacy of all American Civilians, these individuals who have drawn their attention are not monitored and these acts are allowed to proceed. The Capitol Riots are a perfect example of this as almost all of the individuals the media focused on, had repeatedly gained media attention at prior Antifa and BLM riots, they also were admittedly monitored at the time of the riots, yet their pretense was permitted at the Nations Capitol, despite some of them calling for the killing of elected officials on their popular social media sites which were also monitored.The Day the FBI Knocked on Adam Lanza’s DoorThe troubled youth who killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary left a gut-wrenching trail of clues about what he was going to do, and whyhttps://www.newsweek.com/day-fbi-knocked-adam-lanzas-door-226657Not only was Lanza said to infiltrate national security systems, Homeland Security held drills and exercises one year prior to the Sandy Hook shootings at the school these shootings took place, as well they carried out drills on the day of the shooting, just twenty minutes away from the site.Project MKUltrahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltraHomeland Security Drills: Sandy Hook Starting 2010Homeland Security Drills: Sandy Hook Starting 2010 Governor Dannel P. Malloy | Home About Us Programs & Services Contact Us � Emergency Management Homeland Security State Response Framework Telecommunications CEO/EMD Disaster Preparedness Public Information Strategic Planning and Grants Legislative/Govt. Relations [�] ? Read the rest of this entry...http://web.archive.org/web/20130730085635/http://myfavoritemason.com/sandy-hook/homeland-security-drills-sandy-hook-starting-2010/Oddly enough we also find Homeland Security holding joint exercises and drills with the Harris County Police in the Texas subdivision I resided in when the I was set up by the Harris County Police using fabricated statements and falsely imprisoned. We constantly find a link to the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security in these incidents which are rarely mentioned on the mainstream media. Individuals hear voices labeled as mentally ill, paranoid or schizophrenic, this is the exact tactic found used in the expose cointelpro operations and is actually mentioned on Wikipedia in the definition of schizophrenia.Excerpt from Wikipedia’s definition.(Prior to the 1960s, doctors in America primarily diagnosed nonviolent petty criminals and women with schizophrenia, categorizing the later as ill for not performing their duties within patriarchy as wives and mothers. Official descriptions emphasized the "calm" nature of such persons. However, in the mid-to-late 1960s, psychiatrists began diagnosing black men as schizophrenic at much higher rates, often citing their civil rightsand Black Power activism as delusions, and categorizing them as "hostile and aggressive."[284][285])Schizophreniahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SchizophreniaThese school shootings s are not the only actions which have escalated post 9/11 for little or no reason. Mass behavioral changes in a society to cause such actions as this are rarely seen, what we are to believe according to government sources that we have event after event somehow linked to mass psychosis which affects civilians in only America, which escalate for no apparent reason at the same time, and these events are not related to the activities of the intelligence agencies who have for close to seventy years carried out these events in planned, admitted, documented psychological warfare operations aimed at undermining our constitutional rights and civil liberties in order to strengthen their power base and achieve their political agenda of total dominance.We have seen Antifa and BLM riots overtake our nation, rioting across America, just as we saw the anti war movement carry out riots across America in the 1960’s, the anti war riots admittedly infiltrated and orchestrated to carry out violent acts, not to further world peace, to disenfranchise these activist from American society. We can easily see that the Antifa movement as well as the BLM movement are very organized and higjly funded movements which have the luxury of a media monopoly which caters to their actions. The hundreds of millions of dollars these movements are funded with are not seen to have helped racial equality through lobbying of representatives, through legislation, laws passed to further racial and economic equality, instead we witness cities across America Burning as the media reports these are non violent acts. If these are not psychological warfare operations carried out and orchestrated by the i telligeance agencies whose admitted goal for over half a century has been to infiltrate, manipulate and orchestrate any such event, please tell me what they are. These movements have done absolutely nothing to promote racial equality, they are created events, their riots, rallies, take on the look of poor Hollywood productions, and they are meant to disenfranchise these groups in the populace’s mind as they carry out these events as stated in the media for the exact opposite reasons.It is not that civilians have wanted to give up any rights or liberties in the last three decades, this is a result of domestic terrorist activities carried out constantly by our intelligence agencies with the full support of a infiltrated media. Most Americans are not the multi millionaires you find littered in the Congress and senate and are forced to work to survive, most Americans are raising families and have little tome to research information which, though readily available for anyone who wants to read this, will never be reported on the mainstream media, for this is controlled by the criminals carrying out these crimes.Below are links to the Most publicized case of gang stalking, Rick and Cindy Krlich has their stalking and harassment begin after they angered the Fire Chief in the town where they reside. The involvement of Fire Departments nationwide has been reported for decades, it is thought the participants are trained through citizen corps. I have also encountered stalking by the fire departments and have what appears to be stalking behavior directed at me on video as well as 50–70 videos of the same harassment used on Klrich’s and others targeted in these cointelpro operations for decades.Video: Couple Claims Entire Town Has Turned Against ThemRick and Cindy Krlich say horns have been honked 5,000 times by people driving past their house.https://abcnews.go.com/2020/video/couple-claims-entire-town-turned-23574799The Rick and Cindy Krlich StoryWhat you will see here, Dear Reader, is a chronicle of spite. Undeserved, uninterrupted, unyielding spite, triggered by one man's belief that he could rely on the legal system to guide him through a simple real estate transaction. What Garrick Krlich got, instead, was intimidation, frustration — and spite. Krlich is a small contractor who lives unostentatiously in Hubbard, Ohio's East Hill neighborhood. Over the years, he has managed to acquire surrounding properties, older homes like his that he turns into well maintained rental properties. He makes a decent living, isn't greedy for more, and has been, overall, quite contented with his life. Until the Clemente house next door became empty. Until the noises in the night began. For more than four years now, the raucous sound of horns blowing has shattered the quiet of the night in the Krlich's neighborhood, disturbing not only Krlich and his wife, Lucinda, but surrounding residents as well. The Krlichs lie awake, listening ... waiting ... and then come the sounds of the roaring engines, the screeching tires — and the horns. Horns that seem to be screaming "Go away! Leave! Never come back!"http://krlich.com/Below: Harris County Fire, (short clip from youtube video where I was backing out of parking spot with camera rolling to record daily stalking, I saw fire trucks and knew what would happen so I pulled back into the spot and headed in their direction recording the events.Below: Horn honking videos taken as I traveled to different cities and counties across the state of Texas.Keith LankfordAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Keith Lankford - YouTubehttps://youtube.com/channel/UCrbReW7FCgTqX0xhrqOuWhgIt might surprise some to know the FBI has no problem purchasing properties surrounding innocent civilians for little or no reason, that individuals in this agency are involved in stalking/ assassination operations. But these are proven documented facts. These operations once again were carried out for decades in secrecy committing these very same crimes.we find in the famous case of Ruby Ridge the FBI has sent millions of dollars, purchased properties in a remote location to surround Randy Weaver and his family, had the military conduct hours of flyovers, set up a network of 24/7 surveillance. This went on for years before 14 year old Sammy Weaver went outside and his dog was shot dead in front of him, he saw men in camouflage in the woods who had fired the shots and fired back at them, turning to run to his home. He was shot dead, his mother rushed out to her son with her baby in her arms, unarmed, she was shot dead. The crime the weavers has committed was owning to guns that had barrels which were 1/8 inch shorter then allowed by federal law.Ruby Ridge | American Experience | PBSA riveting account of the event that helped give rise to the modern American militia movement.https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/ruby-ridge/Above: The Weaver families remote cabin.Below: Sammy Weaver before he was murdered.Below: Randy Weaver and wife before she was murdered.We also see the FBI action in WACO Texas when they assaulted the Branch Davidian Compound. The FBI launched this raid using over eighty federal vehicles, tanks and helicopters only weeks after David Koresh has reported to the local police he was being stalked by federal agents. The simple act of waiting until he left the compound again to arrest him on firearm violation charges could have prevented the deaths of close to eighty civilian men, women and children who burned to death. David Koresh was labeled a child molester, this is a common practice used by the FBI and is seen in their cointelpro operations. This compound was bombarded with lights and loud noise as well as microwave weapons that were used to disorientate the civilians in the compound. They played loud music as well as terrifying sounds such as rabbits screaming as they were being slaughtered during this 51 day siege.

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