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What are the technical challenges of making a rocket engine reusable?

Hi Sarah— This is really a good question, and I am happy to try to contribute to your answer. There is so much factually incorrect (or worse…) material circulated about this topic among ‘spaceniks’ that I would like a chance to ‘set the record straight’. I see that you’re an Engineering Student, and I think it’s important that you start out thinking about this ‘in the right direction’. Thank you for allowing me to contribute.The biggest part of the answer to this is extremely simple, but it requires conveying a certain amount of ‘background’ material to you in order for that answer to make sense. So, I would like to apologize in advance for a somewhat lengthy answer to what should be a simple question. Since you’re a student of Engineering, you should have the background to understand at least some of this, or have access to people that can help you. If not, post a comment here, and I’ll respond to you.First, one definition of a ‘reusable rocket engine’ is simply one that can be fired more than once in succession. Pretty much all of the ‘legacy’ era engines that people discuss, as well as most all of the current ones (that I can think of, anyway…) meet this criteria. Some of them need ‘servicing’ between firings (things like replacement of pyrotechnic devices, etc) but this is not normally considered relevant. In most cases, an engine that can be fired twice without ‘touching it’ at all is labeled as ‘restartable’.What I’m trying to say above is that I get the impression that folks think that after a single firing an engine ‘falls apart’, or ‘disintegrates’, or ‘turns into a pumpkin’ if it does not have the title ‘reusable engine’. This is quite false.The following is much closer to the truth—A liquid rocket engine system, when it is in its ‘development’ phase(s) undergoes a series of tests referred to as ‘Development Testing’. This entails repeated testing of the engine system, with modifications and ‘fixes’ after failures, until we ‘get it right’. An engine that ‘falls apart’ after a single firing would (pretty obviously) not support this kind of a test effort. The fact is that the ‘legacy’ era engines as well as the ‘modern’ ones are tested repeatedly in Development Testing as part of the development effort. At some point, something on a Development Engine ‘wears out’, and must be replaced for the test effort to continue. No big deal.The fact is that even ‘non-reusable’ engines (which constitutes most of them) are often kept on test stands for months at a time as part of ‘Development’ test or ‘Certification’ test or ‘Acceptance’ test efforts that are all designed to accomplish one thing or another. It is by no means unusual to have several dozen test firings on a single ‘non-reusable’ engine.Parts on an engine that are subjected to high loads (and this constitutes most of the parts on an engine) undergo a process called ‘fatigue’ when the engine operates. There are several different types of ‘fatigue’, and each part must be analyzed to determine which type of fatigue applies to it, and that part’s required ‘fatigue life’ (i.e., how many firing cycles it must sustain before it is said to be ‘out of life’) must factor into the design for that part. Even if an engine is not ‘reusable’, its parts must possess a certain minimum ‘fatigue life’ in order for them to survive ‘the real world’ as part of a Development Test program.A design process for a rocket engine that is truly ‘single-use’ (i.e., the fatigue life for the various parts equaling just one cycle) is not possible at this point. The ‘state of the art’ of Engineering design and analysis simply does not permit ‘splitting the hairs’ that finely. In fact, design of a part for a life as short as 100 ‘cycles’ or so is also an exercise in futility, and for the same reason (although we routinely pretend to be able to do so, under the requirements of a U.S. Government contract). So, the simple fact is that (for the most part) when a part for an engine is designed to any ‘practical’ engineering standards, it’s fatigue life will typically be many dozens (if not hundreds) of firing cycles, unless something has gone seriously wrong.The above discussion is simply trying to convey the understanding that any rocket engine designed to practical engineering standards is (by any reasonable definition of the words) ‘reusable’, even though it might not be labelled as such.Now, if we change the question just a little bit to ask ‘what are the challenges in making a rocket engine have a ‘long’ life, and truly practical to operate over that life’, then the answer changes somewhat.Mr. Lindsey’s answer has ‘hit the nail on the head’ in at least one important aspect of this. In his first paragraph, he mentions the difficulty of getting the engine back to earth in any usable shape at all.The Space Shuttle’s Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) were labeled as ‘reusable’. To enable this ‘re-usability’, 3 large parachutes were used to lower the SRB ‘gently to the ocean’ (that verbiage comes from one of the original NASA press releases).In fact, things were considerably different.The SRB ‘splashed down’ in the ocean on it’s Aft Skirt. It so happens that the majority of the ‘high dollar’ SRB hardware is in the Aft Skirt. This is where the ‘guts’ of the SRB Flight Control System are located (Hydraulic Power Units, Thrust Vector Control Actuators, etc). The required impact velocities were computed so as to not impose overly large loads on the SRB hardware. On the first flight (STS-1) upon recovery and and dis-assembly of the SRBs, the entire contents of the Aft Skirt of both SRBs were found to have been destroyed by the splashdown loads. This phenomenon repeated itself on the 2nd and 3rd flights (the 4th flight lost its SRBs due to recovery system failure).The loss of this hardware on every single flight was not allowed for in the Shuttle Program’s budget, so considerable effort was put forth to try to figure out what was going on here. More than one distinguished ‘Tiger Team’ was formed to ‘solve this problem once and for all’. To my knowledge, none of the vaunted ‘Tiger Teams’ made any significant progress at all. The source of the very high splashdown loads remained mysterious. There were ‘stopgap’ measures put in place to protect the SRB Flight Control System hardware from the very high splashdown loads, but the return on that effort was modest at best, and cost an enormous amount of time and effort in ground preparation before flight, and SRB disassembly after flight.All of the above is to say that 2 things must occur simultaneously here—the launch vehicle must impart ‘impact’ or ‘splashdown’ loads that are reasonably within the capability of the engine to tolerate, and the engine must be designed from the outset to tolerate reasonable impact loads, as well as loads that are ‘dispersed’ high (this is more important than it may at first sound).There are other aspects to the technical part of this question that are bantered about among folks who discuss it. Things like ‘operating at lower pressures’, and ‘operating at lower temperatures’, and ‘watching the metallurgy’ and ‘being less aggressive in design’ can contribute a certain amount to this (and they’re fun to talk about!) but they tend to lead us down a ‘dead-end road’ before we get very far. Why? Because all of these things tend to lead to engine systems with higher inert weight and lower specific impulse (Isp) performance than launch vehicle providers seem to want to live with. The truth of this is that an engine designer is going to design to the temperatures, pressures, metallurgy, and ‘aggressiveness’ needed to satisfy the launch vehicle’s requirements. It’s about as simple as that. Launch vehicle providers ‘make their living’ by flying missions that are ‘on the edge’ of their vehicle’s capabilities, and an engine contractor who wants to sacrifice 3%, or 4%, or 5% in performance for the sake of ‘reusability’ is not going to get much traction. I’ve been down this road a time or two.We’re now going to turn our attention to another aspect of the ‘reusable engine’ problem. This aspect is not exactly ‘technical’, but it is part of the ‘real world’, and as an Engineer, you’re going to have to learn to ‘come to grips’ with it to work in our industry.The explanation that follows is from a person who has participated in the ‘legacy’ NASA-sponsored space program. It is not intended to apply to what is happening with the ‘commercial’ programs that are coming on line (SpaceX, Blue, etc). I have no insight into how those are going to work.Before a launch vehicle is committed to flight, the launch vehicle (as an integrated unit) and every single component within it must be ‘Certified for Flight’. What does this mean, exactly?Typically, the checkout of a launch vehicle before flight subjects each component and system to a pre-agreed checkout sequence from which data is gathered and evaluated against a pre-agreed upon set of ‘acceptance criteria’. Upon meeting the required acceptance criteria, each component, sub-system, system, and finally the entire launch vehicle is ‘Flight Certified’. This ends with representatives from the vehicle contractor(s) signing a document called a Certificate of Flight Readiness, or a ‘COFR’. This normally happens in the last few days before launch. Why is this process done this way? The purpose of it is to do everything possible to minimize the chances of a flight failure.When a ‘new’ (non-reusable) rocket engine is Flight Certified, it is certified based on the results of component, sub-system, system, and ‘integrated’ engine testing that is done as the engine is being built and test-fired before it is installed into the launch vehicle. The COFR for the engine follows all of the steps and criteria that the rest of the launch vehicle follows.Now, the question comes about ‘How is a re-used engine (or any other re-used vehicle component, for that matter) going to be Flight Certified?’ It turns out that this is a tricky question.If the criteria for Flight Certification for a ‘re-used’ engine is the same as that for a ‘new’ engine, it implies that all of the same tests (starting at the component level) are performed as they would be for a ‘new’ engine. You’ve probably heard a lot of stories about the Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) having to be ‘rebuilt’ between flights. Many of these statements are/were untrue, but it is true that the inspections required of an engine were numerous, and we often ‘erred’ on the conservative side—i.e., replacing a component when the results of an inspection were ambiguous. We then ran various checkout tests on the components that were replaced, and ran a series of ‘full-up’ simulation tests on the entire engine, which fairly well duplicated the initial check-out tests for that engine. The COFR for the SSMEs could then be signed (and vouched for, contractually speaking) based on subjecting the ‘re-used’ engine to essentially a full set of ‘new engine’ checkout tests.The above description is an attempt to explain how we made the SSME formally ‘reusable’. In summary, the engine was/is fully capable of numerous firings to begin with, and so is ‘reusable’ without adding any further ‘trimmings’. However, the Flight Certification process that accompanies a ‘re-used’ engine had to be conducted to the same standards of rigor as were applied to a ‘new’ engine. These standards of rigor were formally specified in the contract between the US Gov’t and the supplier of the SSME (in this case, what used to be the Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International Corporation).Now, when people ask the question about ‘reusable engines’, or ‘reusable rockets’, the question is usually being asked in the context of making the launch process ‘less expensive’. This is an entirely separate question. What follows is an attempt to answer that new question.It seems that many/most people think that if the engine or rocket that sits on the launch pad for this launch is the same ‘piece of metal’ as the one that was launched previously, that the process will somehow be made less expensive. This is entirely false. In fact, the Shuttle program results can be used to argue that re-using space hardware is more expensive than building new hardware, if the Flight Certification standards for re-used hardware are the same as for ‘new’ hardware. If you missed the last sentence, please re-read it.The part of space hardware that is ‘expensive’ is not the Aluminum, Steel, Nickel, etc, that is sitting on the launch pad. The costs for this part are all but ‘in the noise’. The ‘expensive’ part of this proposition is the size and technical capability of the work force that is required to comply with the traditional Flight Certification process, and maintain the ability to launch ‘on-schedule’, and with minimum schedule slippage in the event of problems.I hope you find the above to be helpful.

Where can I get the MB-310 exam material for the preparation for my exam?

Microsoft, a leader in the IT industry, has developed a number of certification programs for professionals working in the business. The programs allow you to decide which certification is appropriate and best suited for your IT career. There are over 2 million IT professionals with Microsoft certification. You can join their ranks and greatly enhance your professional career with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Financials Certification. It's important to note that Microsoft has restructured their programs to be very targeted.Candidates for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Financials Exam are Functional Consultants who analyze business requirements and translate those requirements into fully-realized business processes and solutions that implement industry best practices. Candidates serve as a key resource in implementing and configuring applications to meet business requirements. Also have a fundamental understanding of accounting principles and financial operations of businesses, customer service, field service, manufacturing, retail, and supply chain management concepts.Skills Which you are learn for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Financials Exam is that:Set up and configure financial management (35-40%)Manage and apply common processes (20-25%)Implement and manage accounts payable and receivable (20-25%)Manage budgeting and fixed assets (15-20%)If you are thinking to pass the exam, then you need to choose how you want to study for these exams. In terms of passing these exams it doesn't matter whether you want to do a course at a training center, buy a self-paced training program or doing the training on the Internet. Use the form of training that you feel most comfortable with. Me personally, I prefer to use self-paced training where as many of my students prefer classroom-based training.One thing to note, if you are going to go to a training center, make sure at the very least they are a Microsoft Office Specialist Testing Center and that they will give you a training manual and exercise disk to take home with you to keep. If the training center doesn't give you a manual then don't waste your time with the course even if they might be the cheapest. In computer training, cheapest definitely does not mean the best.Once you have done the course or studied the Self-Paced material make sure you repeat all the material within 7-days!Write a brief statement in your own words, the key terms used during your course.Practice, Practice, Practice - Get lots of Practice ExercisesDo a Pre-Assessment Exam to see if you are readyPass the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam!You Are Finally a Microsoft Office Specialist.Take a first step toward becoming a Microsoft Certified with our Helping material: https://www.certmagic.com/exam/mb-310-exams

What are some Indian movies (Bollywood, South Indian, Bengali and other) ahead of their time like No Smoking, Rocket Singh?

From Malayalam, I feel the following movies were too ahead of its time, due to which it was poorly received in Box Office. Some of them later became cult/iconic movies due to their popularity thro’ TV/DVD release etcDevadoothanStarring: Mohanlal, Jayapradha, Vijayalakshmi, Vineeth KumarRelease year: 2000This movie miserably failed in BOX OFFICE. But most of the viewers appreciated the very complex story which was so refreshing and innovative. It's a Musical-Romantic-Horror-Thriller movie. Perhaps the mixture of multiple genres was one key reason it flopped in BO but regarded as a classic later.The movie at the time of release was publicized as a Romantic Musical movie. Most of the people went to the theatres expecting a light heart romantic movie. But soon it turned out to be a terrifying horror movie. But at the same time, there were no fearful looking spirits or terrifying ghosts or any violent/brutal horror scenes in the movie. Rather it was basically a thriller movie, a sort of investigative movie. This confused state of what the movie actually is, made a very negative word of mouth publicity, due to which it flopped. The movie was released in 2000 when people weren’t accustomed to such bold themes that stood quite different from then-the existing pattern of movies.Whereas when we watch this movie today, we could easily accept the storyline with ease and find it too unique and quite interesting.The movie can be better understood from its tagline “Someone wants to say something to someone”. Perhaps no other movie had such a perfect tagline that actually is one line synopsis of this movie.What's strange is that much of the movie’s horrifying element comes thro’ the extremely creepy BGM. It gives a sort of scary vibes and the thriller mode ensures one to be at the edge of the seat. The movie definitely has very good music that elevates the experience in a big way.Today when we watch this movie, we realize, its a movie that could make Mollywood much proud of the likes of Drishyam. If this movie was released this time, it definitely would be a blockbuster.2. Vayanadan ThambanStarring: Kamal Hassan, Latha, Mallika Sukumaran, Balan K NairRelease year: 1978If one asks which movie is the BEST ONE in Kamal Hassan’s career, without a doubt, I would say this one.Kamal Hassan has acted more than 500+ movies across almost all major languages of India. But this one definitely was his career best which hardly anyone noticed as it was released much ahead of the time.This horror movie released in 1978 was first of its kind in Malayalam and still remains as such even today. The theme, storyline, its presentation etc was so unusual that most of Malayalees got extremely scared with this movie and never even visited those theatres which played this movie. It was a flop movie then primarily because it scared the audience to the death in 1970s standards.This movie is much like Dracula of Malayalam (as the makers admit that it was inspired from the classic). The horror theme was quite unusual as it never suited to then-the Kerala’s concepts of ghosts/spirits etc. But Kamal Hassan, who was just 24 years old, brilliantly portrayed the title character who was actually a 500 years old person. The various stages of his life, the characterizations and transformation were indeed marvellous.One must understand, it was released at a time when there was no CGI/Computer graphics. So the entire horror effects relied much on the acting prowess of the lead actor and he brilliantly did so, which even scare us intensively when watching today.This movie, if released today, could be one of India’s best-selling horror movie, if it had right CGI effects and an actor of Kamal Hassan’s calibre. And the movie has a universal theme, as it doesn’t mix much of local myths or beliefs as happened to many other Malayalam horror movies later. So as it could have been easily released in all languages.Infact, this movie was re-released in Hindi in 1980 as Pyasa Shaitan, with some additional scenes and was a moderate hit.3. Njan GandharvanStarring: Nitish Bharadwaj, Suparna Anand, Ganesh KumarRelease year: 1991This was the last movie of one of Malayalam’s most illustrious director- Padmarajan.No one actually knows why this movie failed in BO.This movie had everything required for a major BO Succes. First of all, it had a very interesting, refreshing innovative story which was so deep-rooted in Kerala psyche. The movie is all about a visualizing some of Kerala’s deep-rooted myth- the arriving of a Gandharva (celestial musicians at Indra’s court) to make fall in love with a human lady as part of divine punishment. The concept of Gandharvas attracting human ladies and making them fall into a divine trap is so deep-rooted in Malayalee mythology and we do have a strong worship cult of Gandharvas etc.Another major reason for its potential BO success was its hero. It was Nitish Bharadwaj ’s Malayalam debut and he became so popular national figure after the success of Mahabharat serial where he donned the character of Krishna. Most of the people could easily associate Nithish with Gandharva with his innocent, yet mischevious face and the popularity he earned across the country. As the movie was released soon after the end of Mahabharat serial, Nithish was at the peak of his popularity and it’s often said, people used to bow down and seek his blessings at the set of this movie shooting thinking as Lord Krishna.So as its heroine- Suparna who became an iconic figure in Kerala after her Vaishali movie. The movie had very good music, a very logical screenplay, strong performances of its actors etc. Yet it failed. No one knows whyPeople attribute its BO failure and sudden death of the director prior to the release of the movie as the curse of Gandharvas (as local beliefs stipulate a non-discussion of Gandharvas in public). That could be one major reason for its failure as people were afraid to go to theatres and watch this movie fearing divine wrath.And that reason could be resolved, had this movie released today as people aren’t that much irrational as it used to be. Unfortunately hard to find a person of Padmarajan’s calibre as the director as well as charisma of Nithish as Gandharva.4. SeasonStarring: Mohanlal, Gavin PackardRelease year: 1989This movie is Kerala’s answer to Hollywood classic- The Shawshank Redemption. But the interesting part is that this movie was released 5 years before the Hollywood classic.Typical to Padmarajan’s realistic storytelling, this movie was one of the first movies that talked about life behind bars in a very realistic fashion and dark alleys of tourism in Kovalam. The movie is one of the best Jailbreak movies of all times, due to its powerful storyline and being a thriller itself.However, the movie flopped in BO as the audience wasn’t able to accept the reality in all its intensity as it was too dark for the sensibilities of the time. Over a period of time, the movie became iconic and attained cult status for its very realistic take of Jail life which later being used as a template for many jail-life themed movies.Had this movie been released today, definitely it would have been a blockbuster with its powerful storyline and thrilling climax.5. SadayamStarring: Mohanlal, Maathu, KPAC LalithaRelease year: 1992I still don’t understand how such an emotional intensive psychological movie, that too written by a celebrated writer- MT Vasudevan and so intensively portrayed by Mohanlal can be a colossal BO Failure.This movie alone can define Mohanlal’s talent, especially the climax scene. I don’t think any lead actor in India would ever do such a role when he was on his ascent to superstardom. The multiple murder sequences committed by the hero, that too very small kids were so intensive that it's definitely hard for our parent’s generation to watch on screen. That could be the major reason for its failure.But when we see this today, it feel for the character, we feel the intense moments in the perspective of the character, his environment and his circumstances. So instead of shunning the movie, we love every bit of it.I really wish to see this movie again on big screen, probably this time with an actor like Fahad who definitely can replicate the intensity which Mohanlal had for this character and definitely push Malayalam cinema to better universal glory.6. DasharathamStarring: Mohanlal, Rekha, Murali, Sukumari, JayabharatiRelease Year: 1989This family drama movie released in 1989 was too ahead of its time. This was one of the first commercial movies in the country that talked about artificial insemination and surrogacy. I think, prior to this movie, only one Hindi movie (an art film) talked about this subject.The subject of surrogacy is still a big taboo in India and our government feels its not something worth to promote even today. So naturally its so hard to accept this movie onscreen in 1980s.This movie is one of the best in Mohanlal’s career who portrayed the feelings of a father so well. So as the climax scene of giving up the baby and seeking motherly love from the nurse was so intense that it still makes anyone cry.Today’s generation definitely can accept this movie which was too hard for a generation back. So this movie became a cult one which we can still enjoy when watching on television or on youtube.7. KaalapaniStarring: Mohanlal, Tabu, Amrish Puri, Prabhu, Anu KapoorRelease year: 1996This movie was so iconic for Malayalees as it was the best tribute which we could ever make to celebrate our country’s 50th Independence year. The movie was THE BEST in Priyadarshan’s career, so as Mohanlal.Its one of the most realistic, intense movie on the life of Indian prisoners in Andaman’s Cellular Jail. The horrors of Kalapani was so effectively brought up with lavish sets, a huge budget and a national wide star cast like Amrish Puri, Tabu, Anu Kapoor, Prabhu etc with tales of Indian freedom fighters across India.However, it was the costliest movie ever made in Malayalam then and hard to get the returns from Kerala BO alone. Its dubbed versions in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi didn’t do well as in the 1990s, it was hard for any dubbed movie to get noticed, unlike today.The movie didn’t do so well in Kerala (the movie had a huge opening and initial collection, but soon dropped), primarily because of intense scenes of torture which no one could sit and watch in theatres. But the makers wanted such scenes, primarily to show the reality of prison life in Andamans which never showcased before Indians living in the mainland. No Indian Jails ever had this level of tortures, due to which none of us ever knew the horrors of Cellular Jail. So as none of the Jail movies ever made had this level of torture shown on screen. So it was horrible for many families to watch it onscreen.Had this movie released today, it would have gone much beyond Bahubali or KGF, as its content was much relatable across India and familiarity of its stars do help in a big way.8. BhoothakkannadiStarring: Mammootty, Sreelakshmi, Kavya Madhavan, Kalabhavan ManiRelease year; 1997Director Lohitadas’s finest movie till the date. Its definitely ahead of its time as the movie dealt about a topic which hardly anyone of us understood much. It spoke about a man who had visual and auditory hallucinations. The magnifying glass is a metaphor for his confounded state of mind—his impaired relationship with reality. A film that was probably too dense for an average movie-goer, Bhoothakannadi, despite receiving high praise from critics.Mammootty played the role of a lifetime in which he excelled so much. His cries on the screen simply made everyone else cry. No wonder, this movie is one of the acting topics in Pune Film Institute for its students to study. This movie was so ahead of its time.9. MelvilasomStarring: Suresh Gopi, Parthiban, Thalaivasal Vijay, Nizhalgal RaviRelease year: 2011This movie never ran more than a week in theatres in Kerala. But it was one of the most iconic movies that discussed a very taboo subject even today.The discrimination of Dalits/lower castes, that too in the military setting. General perception across India is that there is no religious/caste discrimination in Indian Armed forces. This movie highlights, how worse it exists in the force which is well covered and never exposed due to the protocols and hierarchy in the military, well taken from a Hindi play - Court Marital.Basically, it's an 80 Minute court drama when an orderly faces a court-martial in the Armed Forces Tribunal. Through dialogues of various officers, one understands the subtle, yet the serious presence of casteism and caste discrimination which much lower ranked personnel of army suffers.Its a topic which Indians won’t prefer to watch even today as it's we believe military movies must all about chest thumping patriotism or much recent- nationalism, rather than the realities which military personnel faces. So hard even today to accept.10. OzhimuriStarring: Asif Ali, Lal, Swetha Menon, Mallika, BhavanaRelease year: 2012One of the best family dramas released in recent times, its actually a very unique case. The movie talks about a subject related to 1930s hardly modern generation could accept it or understand it in its intensity. It's not a case of ahead of time, rather ahead of grasping power.The movie talks the intricacies of Matrilineal traditions of Travancore and the level of freedom which ladies of upper caste enjoyed and how men suffered. The movie also showcases the gradual transition of Kerala from its matrilineal traditions to the patriarchy of today and how the lead heroine finally decides to assert her traditional rights by seeking Ozhumuri (divorce) which once never had a social taboo.The movie’s narrative style was much ahead of its time which resulted in the majority of today’s generation finding hard to understand the intricacies. We live in a state today where we believe ladies shouldn’t walk alone in roads after 7 pm while the movie talks about a generation of ladies who cites they are much like Elephants who can trample any man at their feet. This lack of understanding of the past made the movie go dud in BO. Perhaps one of the best feminist movies of recent times, unfortunately ahead of the time.11. Paleri Manikyam: Oru Pathirakolapathakathinte KathaStarring: Mammootty, Swetha Menon, Mythilli, Gowri MunjalRelease year: 2009One of the best movies of recent times, this Mammootty movie is often regarded as a classic but flopped in BO.It was based on an award-winning novel which had traces of history in it. The movie was based on the murder of a young girl in 1956, which happens to be the first recorded murder case in the newly formed State of Kerala. The movie had one of the finest performances of Mammooty in a triple role movie in which he acted both as protagonist and antagonist and the story was so gripping and unique as the case investigation actually showcases the rapid change of life in Kerala over last 60 years.Yet the movie flopped as the movie released in a time when most of the superstar movies were all meant to be the onscreen glorification of their stardom. And this movie was so contrary as the main character played by Mammootty was that of a villain with so many devilish traits on screen. Naturally, most of the fans got offended and didn’t watch.Secondly, the movie was slapped with an A Certificate which kept many families away. However, there weren’t many adult scenes in the story.I feel, compared to 2009, this movie should have been released now as people could accept the story much better without prejudices as happened in that time.12. Mission 90 DaysStarring: Mammootty, Sreejith Ravi, Lalu Alex, RadhikaRelease year: 2007This movie was made by Director Major Ravi who was known for making military theme movies in Malayalam. The movie was indeed one of the best commando movies ever made in Malayalam, but miserably flopped in BOThe movie talks about commando operation conducted by Indian Army- Operation One-Eyed Jack to nab the suspects of the Rajiv Gandhi murder case who were hiding in a house outskirts Bangalore. Infact this operation was led by Major Ravi himself, so he wanted to narrate the experience of Rajiv Gandhi Murder investigation case from his perspective.The movie was controversial as Major Ravi accuses CBI Chief Karthikeyan who was heading the investigation delaying the army operation who were planning to capture the assassins by surprise (before they take the poison capsule). The movie well documents the investigation process, how the joint team of CBI and Army nabbed the criminals who supported the assassination process and how LTTE conducted this operation etc.But the problem was, it wasn’t a typical Military movie as people had seen till then. Most of the army movies untill this movie were all about chest thumping nationalism (even much of Major Ravi’s movies were of that kind), with larger scale war drama etc. Even commando movies were more exaggerated. So seeing a real-life kind of commando operation which was more subtle didn’t enthuse the audience much. And the failure of this movie made Major Ravi go a bit overboard for his later military movies as he believed people won’t prefer realistic military operations.But this movie according to me is a must watch for those who love realistic commando operations and probably by now, people have matured enough to understand the intricacies of real-life operation and those who were interested to know Rajiv Gandhi-LTTE Conflict topic.13. Kammara SambhavamStarring: Dileep, Siddarath, Swetha Menon, Namitha Pramod, Murali GopyRelease year: 2018Last year’s high budget movieThis movie actually should have been an iconic hit with its so interesting storyline and the visualization effects.Infact the storyline is so unique, but too ahead of its time. It talks about a revengeful cowardly man who eliminated his enemies thro’ double-crossing for his selfish gains. The best part is that this same man’s story which we had seen in the first half has been re-presented in front of us as a movie within the movie highlighting as a MASS HERO.The movie interestingly uses real-life incidents of the Battle of Manipur, INA-Japanese Empire losses in capturing North East of India at Battle of Kohima etc during WW2 and failure of Azad Hind dreams of Subhash Chandra Bose as the key part of the storyline.Two reasons for its failure- Dileep was facing very serious charges of rape quotation against an actress in his real life and this has kept many ladies/families away from the theatre. Had it been a different actor, say Indrajith or Fahad or Prithviraj, things would have been different.Secondly and most important, the topic discussed was to heavy for the average Malayalee audience as the majority of Malayalees haven’t studied much of Japanese invasion of India during WW2 etc. We all just know Subhash Chandra Bose in general, not very specific incidents happened in his life. Still, that part of the storyline alone could have made an impact. But the makers gave a huge twist to highlight its movie’s theme- history is nothing but a set of lies agreed upon. So the second part of the movie almost cannibalised the first part and many of Dileep fans (who were accustomed to his typical comedy movies) got completely confused and the movie became a flop.The movie with a different star cast and slightly different treatment (by removal of the second half or altering the reason of second half) could have made a big impact probably after a few years of time even at a national level as the basic story content is very much retable.14. PavithramStarring: Mohanlal, Sobhana, Sreevidya, Vinduja MenonRelease year: 1994I often don’t know why this movie flopped. Its one of the best movies in Mohanlal’s career and often regarded as so later. But in BO, it sank without trace, despite of having a very unique story, a wonderful star cast and more important- the songs which are still iconicThe movie had a very unique storyline, which I felt many couldn’t accept that time. It talked about a 30-year-old man who got a baby sister at that age (his elderly mother got conceived at her older age embarrassing everyone in the family as her children were all adults). And as his mother died during pregnancy and father went away due to the shame and pain of his wife’s death, Mohanlal’s character takes up the responsibility of his new baby sister and soon becomes an over-protective guardian and possessive father cum brother. The subject was indeed ahead of time which many of that time period couldn’t accept (the recent hit Bollywood movie- Badhaai Ho has been inspired by from movie to some part, though it's not a remake as such)The climax was a bit tragic which also added to the reasons for its flop. However, the key reason was different, which I shall discuss after the next movie.15. PingamiStarring: Mohanlal, Puneet Issar, Thilakan, Kanaka, Shanti KrishnaRelease year: 1994The worst of all cases.This is one of the best investigative movies I have ever seen and it's so innovative that wonderfully intertwined itself as a revenge thriller cum family drama cum investigative movie. Its so hard to believe, this movie was directed by Satyan Anthikad as it wasn’t his usual movies and I strongly believe it was his career best. So its so hard to realize, this iconic movie of Mohanlal flopped in BO, though it became a classic later.Pingami is all about an Army official (Mohanlal’s character) who comes to Kerala on leave and happens to meet a stranger dying in the road. Little he knew he himself is going to rediscover his past thro’ this stranger who was fighting a case to expose some of the powerful cronies who killed Mohanlal’s parents when he was young.The movie definitely is a suspense thriller to the core with a very strong intelligent script. Yet it failed in a big way.There were a few reasons. First of all, it was a dark movie as its tragic to the core. The scene of the father being killed by villains in a horrific way, the way a happy family got disintegrated etc all made it look tragic and then the prevailing trend in BO was not for any tragic or dark movie.Secondly, it was released along with another Mohanlal movie- Thenmavin Kombath which was one of the blockbuster movies from Priyadarshan. So when there were two Mohanlal movies in BO, people preferred the light hearted-comic one, rather than a very serious dark movie.Thirdly, the year 1994 was very disastrous for Malayalam cinema. Many good movies collapsed in BO as it was the year Tamil Movies made its strong impact in Kerala. By 1993 onwards, Tamil Movies started producing its new age movies like Gentleman, Thiruda Thiruda etc and in 1994 Kadhalan etc came like a storm in Kerala, thus many youngsters started preferring such new age content rather typical Malayalam ones of that time. Moreover, it was time, Bollywood also made a strong impact in Kerala market like Hum Apke Hai Kaun or Dilwale etc. And so as Jurrasic Park almost made every kid in the town push their parents for the English movie.So overall, the period saw a change of preferences in tastes and attitudes, so many good movies in Malayalam failed in BO as it didn’t represent the changing taste of youngsters. But interestingly these movies later became iconic and much loved when people saw in television and DVDs.There are more movies. But I feel, these are the top 15 Malayalam movies which got released ahead of its time.

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