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A Guide of Editing Oxford Contractor Hours Record Form on G Suite

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Does anyone actually "gaslight" anyone in reality? Is there any proof of this actually happening?

This answer may contain sensitive images. Click on an image to unblur it.Gaslighting is absolutely real. It's a crafty, manipulative form of personal attack, abusing someone “by psychological means into questioning their own sanity” - the Oxford dictionary version - or, by purposefully lying to others to hide or distort that person's truth and dismissing it as insane, on false pretenses. Survivors, specialized psychologists, counselors, and social workers know all about this stuff.My mother’s gaslighting peaked in off-the-charts abuse in a pattern survivor circles call a grand finale.I’d recently moved across the country to work on creating a home on land my family had offered as an inheritance and as apology for a for a very abusive past between us. I didn’t trust most of them, but others I still had faith in had vouched for it. I’d taken the leap, and found on arrival that things were not how I’d been told they’d be. It put me in a jam, and during the months I spent trying to come up with an alternative, during an outing, I took a fall onto some rocks and broke my left wrist.Here is a normal left wrist under an X-ray.Notice that one wristbone near the bottom center? The one that meets the base of the thumb; that’s the trapezium.My mother and I sat down to a half-hour briefing with the medical technician, fully engaged in a conversation about what the X-rays showed. This is one of them, slightly annotated.That technician clearly spelled out:This wrist was going to require specialized surgery, best within the next 24–48 hours, to heal. I am a software engineer and technician by trade, and a musician by passion. Not healing this was a danger to making a living and to personal growth.The rural location we were at did not have the specialists in the kind of surgery this required. The doctors there had never seen this specific kind of injury before, and had zero experience with it.It was unclear that my insurance was accepted at that location. The office staff needed to even start the paperwork to approve my insurance under the current emergency, let alone schedule a surgery, were out for days to come - beyond the 24–48 hour window.Since I drive a stick-shift car, it was deemed that I shouldn’t be driving, and someone else had to get me to a quality hospital and soon.Keep in mind from this point forward: my mother was fully knowledgeable of the truth of the situation. She saw the X-rays the same moment I did, and was a part of the conversation the whole way through, as she and I and the technician all lucidly discussed what was needed to mend my wrist and what the risks were of getting things wrong.* The double bind beginsDouble binds are an evil form of psychological abuse, wherein two or more completely contradictory demands are made of you, which makes failure of at least one demand inevitable, if nothing else precisely because succeeding at the other guarantees it.Once we had the X-ray, I became insistent on having a plan, on knowing who would or wouldn’t volunteer to drive me to a viable hospital. People had a strange intensity around not believing me. I’d been stoic the first 24 hours – so they thought it proved it wasn’t that bad. I’d gotten urgent - and they acted like my being vocal was just being dramatic. I was insisting on a way to the hospital, and they were stonewalling.This is a textbook double bind: disbelieved whether quiet OR insistent, and no way out.* The gossip-poisoned wellBy mid-morning the next day, I demanded to know what the plan was. We went in circles like so:Her: “You're going to have to wait."Me: “…the doctors said surgery was necessary within 24–48 hours - yesterday. We can’t stall this.”Her: “Country doctors are better”.Me: “No, they said they had no experience with the injury I have.”Her: “You're going to blow a lot of money!"Me: “Going where they don’t clear with my insurance is how we could definitely blow a lot of money!”Her: “You're going to have to wait…”…and around and around we went, over again. She forgot my rebuttals and just repeated debunked previous excuses, spitefully, as if I were a difficult piece of property. This is a type of bad-faith narcissistic arguing technique.I quit trying to reason with them, and contacted a friend near the hub of my insurance network, worked out details, and jumped in my car and drove away while figuring out how to responsibly handle a stick-shift car with a large cast on my left arm. It was a 3.5 hour drive, out of the deep countryside on a 4th of July weekend - with my mother and everyone in her circle blowing up my phone with threats, insults, and guilt-trips about “what you’re doing to your mother” and how my friend was “not a real doctor”. I rebuffed them.I got to the hospital. My friend got me get fast-tracked through triage by knowing which information was salient to which staff. We got an operation scheduled, and I was to couch-surf at her place for days after.* DerailedMy mother and sister drove into town the day of my surgery, supposedly to visit me. I thought it was enough to warn the medical staff in advance that I did not want my relatives making any decisions for me, that they held cultish antipathy for doctors and science and I didn’t want them in charge.Instead, my mother and sister took my friend and couch-surfing host out to lunch while I was under the knife. When I emerged from the surgery, woozy with fading anesthesia, a very different scene than I expected unfolded. My friend looked at me like she didn’t know me. “You’re going home with them”, she said, waving at my mother and sister. “They’re good people.” I had a sense that my friend and I’d been triangulated against each other, though I wasn’t sure how, but I’d become isolated. Just out of anesthesia, with my finances stretched to their limit, I felt I had nowhere else to go, and it was that or being on the sidewalk.* Not in Kansas anymoreMy relatives were able to scoop me. It quickly started to feel malevolent. With eerie and near-meltdown urgency, they made scenes in the parking lot, set off and to drove me where I didn’t want to be - one of my mother's properties in the mountains, a deeply rural, isolated mountain cottage, rotted out, half off its foundation.When you walked inside this place, the mold and dust hit you powerfully. They isolated a room and saturated it with ozone – itself a problem. It was no place for a healthy convalescence. There was no internet, no landline. Cell phone reception barely happened unless you walked up a large hill nearby and held it high for a minute, long enough for messages to send. I couldn't get an intelligible voice mail out to my friends, and no text seemed adequate to describe how dangerous my family dynamics were making this. I'd dropped off the edge of the earth, far as most people knew.It was here. I was supposedly a trustee on this land, but I was treated like a prison inmate. This quite possibly fits the legal definition of abduction.This was a worst-nightmare scenario for me. My mother’s previous engulfment which I had fought for years had come back at the worst possible time.I was an outsider in this neighborhood, not among my kind of people, but my mother’s. She’d had the run of the place, and most of the neighbors there looked at me like I was a madman. Finally, one of them asked me suspicious questions about why I’d gone crazy and left town, but when I recited the situation: broken trapezium, zero chance of recovery without surgery, all nearby doctors out of network or unqualified, the time restrictions, they were stunned to hear straightforward, sensible reasons. They clearly had no idea that the reasons would be so obvious. I had been misrepresented.One relative blurted that my mother had the family thinking I had a “broken thumb”, as in, something that could just be put on a popsicle stick, and I was making *her* life difficult. “One look at that X-ray and you see that’s not just the thumb that’s broken!” The reason for the slow-walk had become clear!This land I’d moved across the country to build something for myself and my family on, to heal our highly dysfunctional past, had become a bait-and-switch at a very serious time.* A nearly lethal turnThe day after surgery was harrowing.Mysteriously and alarmingly, my entire left arm gradually went numb and paralyzed, working from the forearm towards the shoulder. I couldn’t tell why, but as it got worse I was looking for an answer. Was it cut-off circulation? Nerve damage? I cut an inch of my cast to pull a flap back and look underneath it, explaining repeatedly what was going on, looking for discolored skin - with my mother and sister once again shouting, “He’s going crazy!” I grabbed for the discharge paperwork for the surgery, showing them the guidelines, saying something was clearly wrong, this was exactly the realm of unexpected symptoms that needed to be seen by a doctor. The reasons to go to the ER again were right there in writing. While I’d lost control of many of my possessions at this point, most of them having been hidden from me, I’d made sure they’d not gotten a hold on my car keys. I was ready to drive again if I had to. This seemed to be the only leverage that translated them into resentfully taking me.I wound up sitting in a hospital room with my arm hanging numb and limp as if it were dead, waiting for a doctor, texting my friend and host who’d helped me get to my surgery to see if she knew anyone who knew about this sort of thing – and I got an uncharacteristically cold blow-off from her: “I’m sorry, I can’t talk with you. You’re on your own.” My sister excused herself as if she was just disgusted with me. I had no idea whether my arm’s condition was permanent or not. I’d heard of people with metal left in their body during surgery that moved in response to magnetic fields, and severed nerves. Something was terribly wrong – who knew what? Part of it was clear by now: my mother going to whatever manipulative length she could to pin me down in isolation. She’d showed that tendency at times, but this broke all her previous known records, and the possibility of a life of hell was clear.The doctor came into the room, immediately reporting: “Your mother is telling us that your symptoms are all delusional, you’re insane and belligerent, and we need to sedate you.” There it was - in the open. Suppressing a huge jolt of fear, shock, and betrayal that comes of experiences where insular communities enable the predators, I held onto my wits, and just held out my limp left arm with my right hand and said:“I don’t know why she feels she has got to say things like that. She has issues with my getting medical care that don’t make sense. My arm here has gone completely numb and paralyzed for hours. You have the skills to examine it and find out for yourself who’s telling the truth. Please, do so!”* Game over?I was frightfully disabled, and wondering whether it was permanent or not. My family was turning their back. My friends had mysteriously gone cold. I didn’t know but what a nerve wasn’t cut and I’d be disabled for life. My mother was acting in a way I wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy.It took the doctor thirty seconds to confirm it. “Your arm is completely anesthetized from the shoulder down. I'm getting no nerve response at all”, he said. They had X-rays on file, and of course, they made contact with the surgical team that operated on me. It took them less than an hour to track down the culprit. A painkiller dispenser I’d not wanted had been inserted in my armsling and plugged into my shoulder anyway, and it had broken. The doses of fentanyl that had flooded my system were potentially life-threatening.I *might* have survived the fentanyl overdose untreated, maybe. I probably wouldn't have, sedated. That kind of malpractice puts people in graves. I am lucky that holding composure and appealing to a doctor's professionalism blocked the reach of my mother's thus-successful gaslighting.That evening I showed my mother and sister the statistics: a hundred outpatients die in the USA of broken painkiller dispensers just like the one that had been in my armsling, every year. My sister did seem to add it up, back down, and apologize. My mother just glared bitterly and quietly as if she’d been beaten in a battle of wills, and was stewing for another round.* A psychological prisonHere’s what this meant for most of the next four months, day-to-day:The situation in that isolated cottage I was kept in intensified as a result of my “rebellious” and “insane” actions.I didn’t have a place of my own to sleep in. I was on a couch in the front room of the mold-ridden cottage, where people burst in at any hour they wanted without any knocking or courtesy towards me - people aligned with my mother, people who hoarded exotic ammunition and carried themselves with open bigotry and threats to shoot my less-intense relatives in a hypothetical SHTF scenarios should society fail. They lived in fixation with hypothetical apocalypses, and this was their cover for enforcing actual horrific circumstance on me as the black sheep.Mind you, my family members live in nice houses.The only privacy I had consistently was here. It was the one place where people knocked before walking in. I took a lot of long baths, because they were the only respite I had.I was weakened, impoverished, and stranded. My own social network was time zones away, and few of them had been able to understand how bad my family had gotten int the past. My mother had hidden and locked away my vital possessions, including my shoes and socks, in her trailer which was also full full of my mothers’ husband’s stockpile of ammo. Everything I owned and had invested in was held hostage. There was no easy way out.* Infringed basic rights, embattled personaShe’d decided that with me aged 39, my autonomy was the problem. She’d lay out old, ill-fitting things with odious branding, or clothes from my teenage years that I’d discarded but she’d hoarded, things with bad memories all over them that were at odds with my persona. I was having none of it, and asked where my suitcases with my clothes were. She stonewalled and glared. This stalemate had me in the same clothes I’d been wearing since the day of the accident.When I had the energy to force the issue, I held my breath, marched into the back-rooms of the moldy cottage where the air wasn’t even breathable, and start sorting through the boxes piled there, looking for my clothes. She’d scream, “Don’t go through MY things!”, but when I replied, “Just tell me where you put MY things! That’s my personal property and you have no right to take it away!” More stony glares.Neighbors started making strange comments. One of the local contractors asked why I hadn’t changed clothes for two weeks, directly. They said my mother had told the neighborhood that I “had a delusional attachment to what I was wearing the day of the accident” and was belligerently refusing to change at all. Was that true, they wondered? Because she was making it sound like she was martyred to a difficult lunatic. No, I said, I’d been firmly asking to have my clothes and belongings back, and she was refusing that. They looked stunned. That was not the reality portrayed to them to get them in cahoots.* Waiting for the gap in the wallSince text messages rarely got in or out at the house, I’d tap them out and walk up to the hilltop and wait a minute to get them to send. I got enough word out that I had three close friends on notice, and I put them in contact with each other on this understanding: if nobody heard from me in a week, I asked them to call the police with the address and a clear idea of the situation’s nature. I had no support or employment nearby, the local culture was hostile to outsiders like me. My far-off confidantes begged me to move out. I was in no shape to, and even the jingle of my car keys riled people up. I got discreet and gray rock until the hostile energy dissipated a bit.I finally got a lucky break: by pure accident, her husband struck the neighborhood cable box with his tractor. The local company said they either had to sign up as customers or pay a hefty fine; this compelled them to install basic internet and phone, despite my mother previously blocking that on such grounds as “dirty energy” or fear of surveillance - so, I was able to begin a job search and nurtured a hope of avoiding further economic abuse. Abusers don’t get to operate like this on sovereign, independent people.Still, ever tried to have a phone interview with a potential employer with audible gunfire next door? Ever had people look at you like you’re the crazy one for not being okay with that?* Day-to-day resistanceMy personal effects were still locked down and I didn’t have any place to escape to and live elsewhere in that time zone.I got hit with a very severe and suspicious case of food poisoning. I couldn’t eat for nearly two weeks; I could barely stay awake for more than six hours a day. That’s right - I was sleeping for 12–16 hour stretches. My bone’s mending process ground to a halt, and my health plummeted. It became difficult to even walk out the door, some days.This gave my mother impunity. She’d insult the things I loved, or ways I resembled my father, or anyone for resembling him or me - for example, when she saw a suitor in the obituaries, she vehemently “he was cultured and suave and cosmopolitan, like your father, and I was having *none* of that”. Likewise, if I told stories from my life in places far away - - she’d scowl! She openly considered the life I’d had independently a betrayal to her."Your life is hard because you don't listen to people who are older than you”, she’d say, while keeping up an attempt to brainwash me with her theories.I dug in for a long, hard fight to get my life back.One day, as this continued, my aunt dropped by. “You’ve been making life very difficult for your mother”, she told me. Oh, well.* The most decisive eyewitness speaksRemember that friend whom my mother and sister had pushed into freaking out while I was on the operating table? Two weeks after my accident, on the only outing I could get which was for the follow-up doctor’s appointments, she met me over lunch. She'd discreetly recorded the conversation she’d had the day of my surgery with my mother and sister on her phone. She'd been playing it back and analyzing it in a very expert way, because as she said, “Either you were not at all who you said you were, or your mother and sister are the most head-wrecking liars I’ve ever met.” She had a doctorate in relevant disciplines, and yet, it’d taken her a while to sort it all out for certain and decide who was truthful.They’d worked her over. They’d told her that my ADHD and cPTSD diagnoses from multiple doctors were fabricated, that I was supposedly bipolar - a thing ago considered and tested by doctors, years ago, and expertly ruled out by further analysis and my uncharacteristic response to medication. My real diagnoses implicate what my family did; they were out to bury them.My friend and I had a teary, heart-wrenching moment over how this had momentarily affected us. She finally spelled out what she saw: a scorched-earth war. “I’m sorry I can’t help you”, she said with good reason, “but you have got to get out of there. She’s ruthlessly destroying you. She has a reality warp around her and she believes in it so much, she lies convincingly. You have got to be discreet. If she knows you are going to try to escape, she’ll become aggressive, and it will be very dangerous.”I sat in horror and shock, lucky to be sitting, because it was one of those ground-dropped-out-under-you moments. There would never be any going back.* * *I lived four months in that rotted-out, moldy, extremely unhealthy Appalachian cottage before I became able-bodied and got out. I rarely got to set foot outside of it during that time. By the time I was out of there, I was quite physically gaunt. This wasn’t the first time my mother perpetrated this sort of thing, but I’d never caught the manipulation so red-handed, and never been so directly put in danger.I’ve gone zero contact with my maternal relatives for years now. It has abundantly proven itself the right thing to do. When I need to see a doctor, I simply do so. The outcomes are much simpler.I never wanted to find out how much dark psychology my family was capable of right in the middle of a struggle for life and limb, through the vagaries of US healthcare and surgery mishaps. However, that situation was a litmus, and it showed me things I’ll never forget.This is a kind of experience that you have to build a non-standard vocabulary to even get your head around it. For anyone who’s lived through something similar, that’s why I’ve included links to key terms. These behavior patterns have names, and they track back to pathological sources. It’s important to know, to be able to heal and rebuild a life without such things in it.If you remember nothing else of this:This story should have been so short. A normal person with a family that at least left them alone, or actually loved and supported them, could have written, “It hurt. We got the X-Ray, scheduled the surgery, and I took care of myself except where people volunteered to help. I rested, recovered, got back to work.”Let a malignant narcissist seize any amount of control over an emergency, and it’ll never be so simple.Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism have signature behaviors that are knowingly calculated. The perpetrators are not delusional or schizophrenic; a lot of strategy goes into keeping up strikingly respectable appearances in public, and destroy others in private. They keep a lot of different lies going with different people to gain their complicity in isolating their victims. They deliver abuse furtively while on the edge of public scenes, a tactic called reactive abuse, calculated to showcase their victim’s response to gaslight them further. Even their own big story yesterday, if it is becomes cause for rebuking them, becomes the new thing for them to blame on anyone who remembers and brings it up to hold them accountable.Gaslighting is real, and the people in the most danger from it are the people average society isn’t seeing. Their struggles are multiplied with malicious intent - to keep them pinned down as the backdrop for toxic egos. They experience things so strange, so bizarre at the hands of the 6.2% of the population the NIH estimates to have narcissistic personality disorder, that it seems out of a horror flick or a documentary on a dangerous cult, not in real life for most of the other 93.8% of people.These are the people who get drowned in dark waters, fighting for a normal breath of air while their abusers cook the books, trying to destroy their own shame in a scapegoat’s externalized suffering.Gaslighting is murder in slow motion.

Do you think police tend to target people of color?

Racial profiling has been proven to exist in America in recent decades. Of course it was common when there was little if any racial equality. As widespread as racial profiling is, targeting the lower economical class in America by police is a major concern as well. Law enforcement officials understand individuals with limited incomes will most likely be unable to challenge unlawful actions carried out by these officials.We saw law enforcement officials nationwide join in the CIA, FBI Cointelpro stalking/ assassination operations. These operations were carried out for decades in secrecy as these agencies as well as local, state, federal officials, the criminals they brought into this crimes ring, participated in committing just about every crime imaginable, stalking, assaults, fabrication of evidence, false imprisonments, drugging, poisoning, vehicle tampering, blackmail, slander, defamation of character, false psychiatric evaluations, break ins, murder. These agencies infiltrated the mainstream media and used this source to cover up their crimes as well as to spread propaganda and disinformation. This was a psychological warfare operation as well as a war on black America. These facts were exposed, proven and are admitted operations that took place decade after decade.COINTELPRO - WikipediaSeries of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the U.S. FBI COINTELPRO memo proposing a plan to expose the pregnancy of actress Jean Seberg , a financial supporter of the Black Panther Party , hoping to "possibly cause her embarrassment or tarnish her image with the general public". Covert campaigns to publicly discredit activists and destroy their interpersonal relationships were a common tactic used by COINTELPRO agents. COINTELPRO ( syllabic abbreviation derived from Counter Intelligence Program) (1956–1971) was a series of covert and illegal [1] [2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations . [3] [4] FBI records show COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals the FBI deemed subversive , [5] including feminist organizations, [6] the Communist Party USA , [7] anti–Vietnam War organizers, activists of the civil rights movement or Black Power movement (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr. , the Nation of Islam , and the Black Panther Party ), environmentalist and animal rights organizations, the American Indian Movement (AIM) , independence movements (such as Puerto Rican independence groups like the Young Lords ), and a variety of organizations that were part of the broader New Left , and unrelated groups such as the Ku Klux Klan . [8] In 1971 in San Diego , the FBI financed, armed, and controlled an extreme right-wing group of former members of the Minutemen anti-communist paramilitary organization, transforming it into a group called the Secret Army Organization that targeted groups, activists, and leaders involved in the Anti-War Movement, using both intimidation and violent acts. [9] [10] [11] The FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception; however, covert operations under the official COINTELPRO label took place between 1956 and 1971. [12] COINTELPRO tactics are still used to this day and have been alleged to include discrediting targets through psychological warfare ; smearing individuals and groups using forged documents and by planting false reports in the media; harassment; wrongful imprisonment; and illegal violence, including assassination . [13] [14] [15] [16] According to a Senate report, the FBI's motivation was "protecting national security , preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order". [17] Beginning in 1969, leaders of the Black Panther Party were targeted by the COINTELPRO and "neutralized" by being assassinated, imprisoned, publicly humiliated or falsely charged with crimes. Some of the Black Panthers affected included Fred Hampton , Mark Clark , Zayd Shakur , Geronimo Pratt , Mumia Abu-Jamal , [18] and Marshall Conway . Common tactics used by COINTELPRO were perjury, witness harassment, witness intimidation, and withholding of evidence. [19] [20] [21] FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover issued directiveshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPROThe CIA and FBI used their infiltration of the media to influence political opinion in America, they targeted anyone that stood in their way, spoke out against government, corporate, police corruption. They targeted civil rights leaders, political activist, environmentalists, feminist movement activist, animal rights activist, any civilian they chose to launch a terrorist like criminal campaign against.When exposed the FBI/ CIA simply stated these operations were shut down, at the same time the FBI immediately began destroying evidence of their crimes nationwide. With none of the criminals held accountable, no action taken to remove any of the participants from their positions in power in law enforcement, FBI. CIA, local, state, federal officials,USPS, this criminal syndicate of course returned to carry out these operations in secrecy. Growing more powerful and influential year after year. With the creation of Homeland Security, the National network of Fusion Centers, the passing of the patriot act, these operation grew in size and scope dramatically. These are now known as the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security Cointelpro targeted individual gang stalking operations.Not only has black America long been targeted by the police, FBI, CIA, we find that blacks as well as minorities, and the lower economic class in America has also been targeted in the unethical human experimentation programs that have ran constantly in America, year after year, for more then a century. The barbaric crimes and murders committed in both of these programs are constantly exposed, the targeting, torturing, experimentation on, and murdering of innocent civilians admitted, proven, and carried out year after year with none of the criminals, institutions, universities, corporations that participate ever being held accountable for their crimes. No prosecutions, no trials as we saw in NAZI Germany when the same type of barbaric experimentation took place, no action except for inaction.Unethical human experimentation in the United Stateshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_StatesThe FBI, CIA, Homeland Security Cointelpro Targeted Individual Gang Stalking operations are now combined with the unethical human experimentation programs, though we saw the drugging and poisoning of civilians in both programs, we find with these operations and programs combined a all out assault on innocent human life. Agencies, corporations, institutions, universities, law enforcement, the American Psychological Association (which is proven to also have taken part in the CIA torture program,) all participants in targeting, torturing, stalking, drugging, poisoning, murdering innocent civilians.Report Claims American Psychological Association Supported Torture PolicyFirst time A.P.A. investigated in relation to interrogation programhttps://time.com/3841576/american-psychological-association-torture/The targets are the same, as well many innocent civilians who were not reporting government corruption, corporate corruption, standing up for the rights of others and for the rights of American civilians found in the Constitution of the United States. We find patriots are targeted, as members of the tea party were targeted by the IRS, we now find conservative America facing the same threats as the still controlled mainstream mefia continues its seventy year old psychological warfare campaign directed by the CIA and FBI as was exposed in the 1970’s. Just as the patriot act was passed to enable the targeting of patriots, we find legislation passed to aid these agencies in their campaign to spread disinformation and propaganda and influence the political opinion of American as well as political elections.IRS targeting controversy - WikipediaQuestions of scrutiny based on political themes The logo of the Internal Revenue Service In 2013, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes. This led to wide condemnation of the agency and triggered several investigations, including a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal probe ordered by United States Attorney General Eric Holder . Initial reports described the selections as nearly exclusively of conservative groups with terms such as "Tea Party" in their names. According to Republican lawmakers, liberal-leaning groups and the Occupy movement had also triggered additional scrutiny, but at a lower rate than conservative groups. The Republican majority on the House Oversight Committee issued a report, which concluded that although some liberal groups were selected for additional review, the scrutiny that these groups received did not amount to targeting when compared to the greater scrutiny received by conservative groups. The report was criticized by the committee's Democratic minority, which said that the report ignored evidence that the IRS used keywords to identify both liberal and conservative groups. In January 2014, James Comey , who at the time was the FBI director , told Fox News that its investigation had found no evidence so far warranting the filing of federal criminal charges in connection with the controversy, as it had not found any evidence of "enemy hunting", and that the investigation continued. On October 23, 2015, the Justice Department declared that no criminal charges would be filed. On September 8, 2017, the Trump Justice Department declined to reopen the criminal investigation into Lois Lerner , a central figure in the controversy. [1] In late September 2017, an exhaustive report by the Treasury Department's Inspector General found that from 2004 to 2013, the IRS used both conservative and liberal keywords to choose targets for further scrutiny. [2] [3] In October 2017, the Trump Administration agreed to settle a lawsuit filed on behalf of more than four hundred conservative nonprofit groups who claimed that they had been discriminated against by the Internal Revenue Service for an undisclosed amount described by plaintiffs' counsel as "very substantial." The Trump Administration also agreed to settle a second lawsuit brought by forty-one conservative organizations with an apology and an admission from the IRS that subjecting them to "heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays" was wrongful. [4] [5] Background [ edit ] Tax exemption and donor anonymity [ edit ] United States federal tax law, specifically Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code ( 26 U.S.C. § 501(c) ), exempts certain types of nonprofit organizations from having to pay federal income tax. The statutory language of IRC 501(c)(4) generally requires civic organizations described in that section to behttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRS_targeting_controversyJustice Department settles with conservative groups over IRS scrutinyThe U.S. Justice Department has reached a settlement with dozens of conservative groups that claimed the Internal Revenue Service unfairly scrutinized them based on their political leanings when they sought a tax-exempt status, court documents showed.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-tax-conservative-idUSKBN1CV1TYOne of the most spoke of experiments being carried out in these operations is the assault of civilians with military grade high tech micro weapons. These weapons admittedly inflict pain, they cause sleep deprivation (which is a noted form of torture,) they cause heart palpitations, they cause a wide array of health issues reported by thousands and thousands of survivors . As well we find reports of American diplomats being assaulted with these same weapons and Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne stating public ally that they would be used on American civilians. I can personally attest to the physical no torture, pain, mental abuse that these weapons are capable of producing.Nonlethal weapons touted for use on citizensNonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used on the battlefield, Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne said Tuesday.https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna14806772US officials reportedly considered using a 'microwave weapon' that can cause second-degree burns to deter migrants at the Mexico borderThe Active Denial System is billed as "nonlethal," but tests show it can cause severe burns. It was last deployed by the US military in Afghanistan.https://www.businessinsider.com/officials-considered-use-of-microwave-weapon-migrants-report-2020-8Weaponizing EMFs: How the Soviets Attacked the US Embassy in Moscow | GaiaDuring the Cold War, the Soviets successfully attacked the US Embassy in Moscow with electromagnetic and radio frequencies. 50 years later, we're doing the same to ourselves with cell phone towers, smart meters, and 5G.https://www.gaia.com/article/how-the-soviets-weaponized-emfs-during-the-cold-warU.S. Diplomats Are Sick With a Mysterious Illness. It May Be From a Microwave Weapon.Is Russia behind this?https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a34897718/us-diplomats-sick-microwave-weapon-report/They are also used as part of research carried out by DARPA, DARPA has contracted this research out to many institutions and universities as well and many of the same i other have been contracted to conduct this research are found to have repeatedly taken part in the unethical human experimentation projects of the past, John Hopkins University is one. It should be noted, John Hopkins University is also locates just sixty miles from the CIAs medical division headquarters located at the bio warfare lab at Fort Detrick. John Hopkins also releases all of the statistics for Covid 19.Fort Detricks as well as being the CIA medical division headquarters was the headquarters for the past MK Ultra experiments, the home of the 9/11 anthrax said to be released by a scientist there, and a participant into research for the Covid 19 vaccination as is DARPA.The research DARPA is conducting is related to their N3,brain bio, and neural link programs. These programs are trying to create a wireless AI Computer, Human Brain interface using microwave EF, RF and EMF fields. This research is building on the sixty year old technology found in Allan Freys Microwave Auditory Effects experiments. In 1961 Allan Frey was successful in transmitting audio via microwaves to the test subjects cerebral cortex. The test subjects could successfully repeat nine out of ten words transmitted. We find this widely reported by survivors of the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security targeted individual gang stalking operations and this is known as V2K (voice to skull) technology. We also find many of the mass shooters reporting these same assaults, reporting that they believe the intelligence agencies were carrying out these assaults, as well as reaching out to agencies such as the FBI to report this before the actual shootings occur.As far as the shooting go, Homeland Security was created to address threats to domestic America, this agency’s funded with hundreds of billions of dollars per year to accomplish this, the national network of Fusion Centers was created to share information between all police agencies (which homeland security gained control of) intelligence agencies, etc. Any individual such as the Florida Airport shooter, Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza, individuals who weee well known by the FBI, homeland security such as the capital rioters that garnished the media’s attention at not only these riots but also at Antifa and BLM riots should have been watched under authority given to these agencies which removes common rights to privacy from Anerican civilians who pose a threat to domestic America. These incidents should never have happened if these agencies were competent in carrying out the agenda they were created to carry out. Domestic violence, civil unrest, racial unrest, mass shooting incidrnts have all rise dramatically starting on just about the date Homeland Security was created, the patriot act was passed, the fusion centers were established.It is also worth noting the Antifa riots, Capitol riots, BLM riots all were attended by thousands of participants, it is odd we find the same individuals gaining mainstream media (which was proven to be used for disinformation and propaganda purposes and to influence domestic issues and the political course of America) attention.We find not only law enforcement officials taking part in the current operations, but fire, EMS, USPS, as well many corporationsare reportedly participating, such as AT&T who has a 6.5 billion dollar contract with the NSA, Amazon, Facebook, youtube, Twitter, google, etc. This could explain any person who speaks out against corruption, not following the narrative set by a media which is proven to have been infiltrated, anyone targeted trying to spread awareness of these crimes, quickly having their accounts infiltrated, manipulated, shut down, videos banned, as these agencies once again try to cover up their growing crimes.BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: We Discovered Where the Post Office Likely Got Their List of Conservatives to Spy OnToday it was reported that the US Postal Inspection Service was spying on conservatives in America.  We believe we discovered where they got their list of conservatives to spy on.  Today we found out that the US Postal Service is spying on Americans who just happen to be conservative. WTH? Postal Service is Running a…https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/04/breaking-exclusive-discovered-post-office-likely-got-list-conservatives-spy/Below are links to the Most publicized case of gang stalking, Rick and Cindy Krlich has their stalking and harassment begin after they angered the Fire Chief in the town where they reside. The involvement of Fire Departments nationwide has been reported for decades, it is thought the participants are trained through citizen corps. I have also encountered stalking by the fire departments and have what appears to be stalking behavior directed at me on video as well as 50–70 videos of the same harassment used on Klrich’s and others targeted in these cointelpro operations for decades.Video: Couple Claims Entire Town Has Turned Against ThemRick and Cindy Krlich say horns have been honked 5,000 times by people driving past their house.https://abcnews.go.com/2020/video/couple-claims-entire-town-turned-23574799The Rick and Cindy Krlich StoryWhat you will see here, Dear Reader, is a chronicle of spite. Undeserved, uninterrupted, unyielding spite, triggered by one man's belief that he could rely on the legal system to guide him through a simple real estate transaction. What Garrick Krlich got, instead, was intimidation, frustration — and spite. Krlich is a small contractor who lives unostentatiously in Hubbard, Ohio's East Hill neighborhood. Over the years, he has managed to acquire surrounding properties, older homes like his that he turns into well maintained rental properties. He makes a decent living, isn't greedy for more, and has been, overall, quite contented with his life. Until the Clemente house next door became empty. Until the noises in the night began. For more than four years now, the raucous sound of horns blowing has shattered the quiet of the night in the Krlich's neighborhood, disturbing not only Krlich and his wife, Lucinda, but surrounding residents as well. The Krlichs lie awake, listening ... waiting ... and then come the sounds of the roaring engines, the screeching tires — and the horns. Horns that seem to be screaming "Go away! Leave! Never come back!"http://krlich.com/Below: Harris County Fire, (short clip from youtube video where I was backing out of parking spot with camera rolling to record daily stalking, I saw fire trucks and knew what would happen so I pulled back into the spot and headed in their direction recording the events.Below: Horn honking videos taken as I traveled to different cities and counties across the state of Texas.Keith LankfordAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Keith Lankford - YouTubehttps://youtube.com/channel/UCrbReW7FCgTqX0xhrqOuWhgMy 24/7 stalking had in 2013, at the height of my research into what I viewed as Homeland Security and police corruption. I was compiling this research into a website I had created and it was quickly gaining views. I had had my cell phone hacked today many years prior to this. There are many witnesses to both the stalking and the hacking of my phone, most people that called me I informed of the hacking for you could hear the clicking and voices of others as we talked. This was well known by everyone in contact with me. Months before the 24/7 stalking began, I realized many individuals had infiltrated my internet data connections. In 2013 my house was raided by 35–40 state and federal agents using a warrant directed at a tenant of a mother-in-law apt in a separate residence on the property I owned. The following day As I started my truck to leave my residence, 4–5 cars lining the street also started and they lined up behind me following me everywhere I went. In stores individuals would follow me, at cashier check outs, plainclothes officers would slap their badges down on the counter as they waited in line behind me. The 24/7 year after year assaults had begun.The Anchorage police department participated in this and after I fled to Houston Texas the Harris County Sheriffs department participated. The Harris county sheriff’s department were actually running joint exercises and drills in the subdivision where I had purchased a home when I had a Harris county deputy begin parking in front of my home daily, blocking me in my drive if I tried to leave, exiting his vehicle and trespassing on my property, approaching me as I backed into my home telling him to get off my property, he was trespassing, I was in fear for my life! This went on for ten days straight before he trespassed again and I took measures to defend my property and myself. He left at this time and my house was raided over 36 hours later, door broken down, arrested on charges filed using a falsified statement issued by this officer. The police audio and video will prove my innocence after what will apparently be a 4–5 year legal case.All personal belongings stolen when jailed, all brand new appliances, door left wide open, not unusual for I had suffered constant theft, vehicle tampering, constant break ins while I slept or if I left my residence, druggings, poisonings, food tampering, vandalism, arson all while the Harris County Sheriffs department watched, patrolled 24/7, in my view, stood look out and participated in all of these crimes as it was proven law enforcement officials participated in the very same crimes for decades before the original operations were exposed.I was forced to sell my home after being released from jail on bond, at 54 years old I faced my first criminal charge, had spent four months in jail on false charges, had seen the stalking by this deputy continue as soon as I returned to my residence, he would drive by flashing his lights and sirens to intimidate me further, it did, fearing another set up by this department with a long record of criminal conduct as well as setting up and murdering civilians I took a hundred thousand dollar loss so I could quickly flee.Houston police embroiled in scandal after 'lies' found in no-knock warrant that led to fatal raid on alleged drug houseA married couple was killed and four officers were wounded in the drug raid.https://abcnews.go.com/US/houston-police-embroiled-scandal-lies-found-knock-warrant/story?id=60991293Soon after release from jail I started to attend targeted justice meetings in Houston. The survivors of these operations have started support groups at this time in almost every start in America. In the Houston area we try to keep in close contact with each other, as well many have chose to reside together so they have witnessed to the crimes being carried out against them.Months later I can in Contact with Sarah Degeyter. Sarah’s Stalking has started many years before as well, she has endured most of the normal crimes, stalking, assault, break ins, druggings, poisonings, vandalism, vehicle tampering, police involvement, etc, she had documented her years of assaults when in 2020 she was residing in Houston Texas. At this time the 24/7 surveillance which all survivors report was continuing, she diligently tried to trace those who infiltrated her cellular connections, data connections, online accounts, wifi connections. At this time she had traced the IP addresses found to be on her online accounts to the residences surrounding her. Her property was constantly trespassed on as she had documented, and it was thought some of these operations involved the individuals at these residences. One of these residences was linked to a ex Harris county police officer. Soon after she traced these IP addresses, her RV was broken into while she was there. She had time to call both 911 and her brother David Degeyter who also called 911. The windows were broke out of her RV by three men who entered her resindence, beat her, and raped her at gunpoint.After the assault which lasted over 45 minutes with the Harris County Police department failing to respond to these 911 calls, the the rapist demanded she turn over her cell phone as well as her ““black briefcase,” these criminals had no prior knowledge to her having a black briefcase so this was a odd request. This is where she kept her documentation of the crimes committed over the years. They were not able to find this briefcase and fled, stealing her truck and crashing it into a house a few doors down where days before she had taken pictures of her rapist dealing drugs. No arrest have been made.After this assault the stalking of course continued, Sarah fled from Houston to Fort Worth Texas, hundreds of miles away where this stalking instantly began again. This is when I came into contact with Sarah Degeyter.Below: Pictures Sarah took of some of the activities she had encountered for years, she perceived hacing individuals surrounding her in cars everywhere she went, taking her picture, gawking at her, making comments, and harassing her to be stalking. It looks like stalking to me as well, but of course I am used to the same activities which have gone on for many years in many states.Oddly enough, shortly before fleeing Anchorage Alaska in 2017 after being massively drugged, poisoned, constant break ins began, theft began, vehicle tampering, windows broken out of my home, my truck was also stolen. It was found by the Anchorage Police Department, across town, in front of the residence of a former renter who I suspected was one of the individuals who had drugged me.My 24/7 stalking had in 2013, at the height of my research into what I viewed as Homeland Security and police corruption. I was compiling this research into a website I had created and it was quickly gaining views. I had had my cell phone hacked today many years prior to this. There are many witnesses to both the stalking and the hacking of my phone, most people that called me I informed of the hacking for you could hear the clicking and voices of others as we talked. This was well known by everyone in contact with me. Months before the 24/7 stalking began, I realized many individuals had infiltrated my internet data connections. In 2013 my house was raided by 35–40 state and federal agents using a warrant directed at a tenant of a mother-in-law apt in a separate residence on the property I owned. The following day As I started my truck to leave my residence, 4–5 cars lining the street also started and they lined up behind me following me everywhere I went. In stores individuals would follow me, at cashier check outs, plainclothes officers would slap their badges down on the counter as they waited in line behind me. The 24/7 year after year assaults had begun.It might surprise some to know the FBI has no problem purchasing properties surrounding innocent civilians for little or no reason, that individuals in this agency are involved in stalking/ assassination operations. But these are proven documented facts. These operations once again were carried out for decades in secrecy committing these very same crimes.we find in the famous case of Ruby Ridge the FBI has sent millions of dollars, purchased properties in a remote location to surround Randy Weaver and his family, had the military conduct hours of flyovers, set up a network of 24/7 surveillance. This went on for years before 14 year old Sammy Weaver went outside and his dog was shot dead in front of him, he saw men in camouflage in the woods who had fired the shots and fired back at them, turning to run to his home. He was shot dead, his mother rushed out to her son with her baby in her arms, unarmed, she was shot dead. The crime the weavers has committed was owning to guns that had barrels which were 1/8 inch shorter then allowed by federal law.Ruby Ridge | American Experience | PBSA riveting account of the event that helped give rise to the modern American militia movement.https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/ruby-ridge/Above: The Weaver families remote cabin.Below: Sammy Weaver before he was murdered.Below: Randy Weaver and wife before she was murdered.We also see the FBI action in WACO Texas when they assaulted the Branch Davidian Compound. The FBI launched this raid using over eighty federal vehicles, tanks and helicopters only weeks after David Koresh has reported to the local police he was being stalked by federal agents. The simple act of waiting until he left the compound again to arrest him on firearm violation charges could have prevented the deaths of close to eighty civilian men, women and children who burned to death. David Koresh was labeled a child molester, this is a common practice used by the FBI and is seen in their cointelpro operations. This compound was bombarded with lights and loud noise as well as microwave weapons that were used to disorientate the civilians in the compound. They played loud music as well as terrifying sounds such as rabbits screaming as they were being slaughtered during this 51 day siege.Project MKUltrahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltraHomeland Security Drills: Sandy Hook Starting 2010Homeland Security Drills: Sandy Hook Starting 2010 Governor Dannel P. Malloy | Home About Us Programs & Services Contact Us � Emergency Management Homeland Security State Response Framework Telecommunications CEO/EMD Disaster Preparedness Public Information Strategic Planning and Grants Legislative/Govt. Relations [�] ? Read the rest of this entry...http://web.archive.org/web/20130730085635/http://myfavoritemason.com/sandy-hook/homeland-security-drills-sandy-hook-starting-2010/Oddly enough we also find Homeland Security holding joint exercises and drills with the Harris County Police in the Texas subdivision I resided in when the I was set up by the Harris County Police using fabricated statements and falsely imprisoned, once again both methods widely used in previous Cointelpro exercises. My 24/7 stalking began in 2013 at the height of my research into the Sandy hook shootings when the FBI participated in a raid on my property in Anchorage Alaska using a warrant directed at a tenant (Steve Landers) who I had rented a garage apt to in a separate residence on the property.It’s not that I ever stated Sandy Hook was a false flag operation in my research, I just noted a lot of circumstances surrounding this event that made absolutely no sense. The website created ““myfavoritemason” was basically a place to compile information, a lot of interesting information was put on this website as well as information that was questionable, all the information on the Sandy Hook Shooting was supported by police reports, police audio, EMS reports, videos of the scene. As with the thousands of 9/11 videos and pictures that used to be available on the internet using simple search terms, 99% of these videos and pictures are no longer available, videos gone, accounts shut down, blocked, manipulated as all of my accounts were closed, banned, manipulated, shut down as the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security stalking, terrorism began.In the below PDF File From Kirkland Productions, we find many past victims or individuals that have been associated with School Shootings, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, the Gabrielle Gifford shooting, as well as Ex FBI, Police, Homeland Security, etc employees also connected to these events.GINA KIRKLAND Polesetsky (KIRKLAND PRODUCTIONS) is a graduate of the Gavin de Becker Advanced Threat Assessment and Management Academy. This is where we find the NSA, DOJ, CIA, Police, etc links.GALVIN DE BECKERSecurity companies to the wealthy say that while Zuckerberg’s expense is high, it’s not unprecedented. They said many companies allocate security expenses differently to minimize the reported number. And they said many private companies run up big security tabs that never get publicly reported.“The average American might look at that price tag and say ‘my gosh,’” said Mark Haught, president of Gavin de Becker & Associates, a leading security firm to celebrities, billionaires and public figures. “But you’re talking about the safety and security for you and your family and key executives who help run a massive company.”GALVEN DE BECKER & ASSOCIATES: Archived LinksHow We Protect Our Clients Our People Join Our TeamTraining Services Resources Blog Contact UsGDBA is a National Security Service-Provider whose clients include:http://web.archive.org/web/20210126071820/https://archive.vn/T7DXghttp://web.archive.org/web/20210126071820/https://web.archive.org/web/20200509171032///www.kirklandproductions.com/http://web.archive.org/web/20210126071820/https://www.targeted.one/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/kirkland-kpcomedy-2018-2019-1.pdfKIRKLAND PRODUCTIONS, INC.6711 Katella Avenue, 2nd FloorCypress, CA 90630 Change Service Requested PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LOS ANGELES,CA PERMIT #4848Kirkland Productions is an agency specializing in entertainment, training classes & workshops, and cultural & educational programs, serving corporations, theatres, private buyers, the military, community organizations, and colleges & universities across the country. We pride ourselves on offering speakers, programs,and entertainers with the highest level of professionalism for our customers. When you hire your entertainment through Kirkland Productions, you receive our personal attention to guarantee your program will be a great success. Kirkland Productions is a member of the National Association of Campus Activities (NACA).Kirkland ProductionsX Slider Background Settingshttp://www.kirklandproductions.com/http://web.archive.org/web/20210126071820/https://web.archive.org/web/20130604192138///www.kirklandproductions.com/Daniel Jewiss //www.kirklandproductions.com/dan-jewiss.htmlWe can see by the endless list of gun rights groups, charities and foundations that are linked to the Sandy Hook School shooting family members, many who are employed at Kirkland Productions along with family members, police investigators, principals, teachers from various school shootings throughout the nation, this gun violence campaign is a well organized and funded effort which is directed by agencies or individuals purposefully directing these organizations to influence public opinion, the same directive seen in Cointelpro operations, with a direct link to the same agencies that run the current Cointelpro targeted individual gang stalking operations, as well the DOJ, FBI, CIA, local, state and federal officials, law enforcement agencies nationwide, criminals, criminal informants, contractors were all involved in the prior operations, as was the media which was proven to be used as a source of disinformation and propaganda to cover up the crimes committed where we saw it was the goal to manipulate public opinion through acts of terrorism, assaults, assassinations, intiltration, creation and manipulation of groups or organizations in order to influence public opinion and further the goals of these intelligence agencies. The current goal is Gun Control.The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public1948 propaganda Santa Flickr/x-ray delta one The newest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes an amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on the American public , reports Michael Hastings of BuzzFeed . The amendment — proposed by Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and passed in the House last Friday afternoon — would effectively nullify the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion. Thornberry said that the current law “ties the hands of America’s diplomatic officials, military, and others by inhibiting our ability to effectively communicate in a credible way,” according to Buzzfeed. The vote came two days after a federal judged ruled that an indefinite detention provision in the annual defense bill was unconstitutional. Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, who released a highly critical report regarding the distortion of truth by senior military officials in Iraq and Afghanistan , dedicated a section of his report to Information Operations (IO) and states that after Desert Storm the military wanted to transform IO "into a core military competency on a par with air, ground, maritime and special operations." Davis defines IO as "the integrated employment of electronic warfare (EW), computer network operations (CNO), psychological operations (PSYOP), military deception (MILDEC), and operations security (OPSEC), in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own." IO are primarily used to target foreign audiences, but Davis cites numerous senior leaders who want to (in the words of  Colonel Richard B. Leap) "protect a key friendly center of gravity, to wit US national will" by repealing the Smith-Mundt Act to allow the direct deployment of these tactics on the American public. Davis quotes Brigadier General Ralph O. Baker — the Pentagon officer responsible for the Department of Defense’s Joint Force Development (i.e. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines) — who defines IO as activities undertaken to "shape the essential narrative of a conflict or situation and thus affect the attitudes and behaviors of the targeted audience" and equates descriptions of combat operations with standard marketing strategies : For years, commercial advertisers have based their advertisement strategies on the premise that there is a positive correlation between the number of times a consumer is exposed to product advertisement and that consumer’s inclination to sample the new product. The very same principle applies to how we influence our target audiences when we conduct COIN. Davis subsequently explains the "cumulative failure of our nation’s major media in every category" as they continually interviewed only those senior U.S. officials who had top-level access, even as the officials given that clearance were required tohttps://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5AFFIDAVITSGeral SosbeeSworn Affidavit of FBI Special Agent, Geral Sosbee. Mr Sosbee is a Texas attorney and has documented his ordeal on his website at Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Agent of the United States of America Mr Sosbee confirms that the FBI is involved with organized gangstalking and Directed Energy Weapons. This affidavit is valid in any courtroom, however you can obtain an original from the court case.https://www.targetedjustice.com/uploads/1/1/6/3/116323993/geral_sosbee_affidavit2_2014.pdfTed GundersonSworn affidavit of Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief. Mr Gunderson confirmed the FBI's involvement with organized stalking and the Targeted Individual program. This affidavit is valid in any courtroom, or you can obtain an original. Video shows Gunderson speaking about CIA criminal activity.https://www.targetedjustice.com/uploads/1/1/6/3/116323993/ted_gunderson_affidavit.pdf(Note that the government criminals have blurred the video. A few years ago, it was very clear.)FBI Chief Ted Gunderson, oversaw 26 FBI offices, signed an affidavit under oath on April 26, 2011 in federal district court. In Labella v. Federal Bureau of Investigation et al Case No. 1:2011cv00023, he stated that the FBI was involved with illegal targeting, including:Organized StalkingHarassmentBreak-insIllegal Spy CamerasFinancial SabotagePoisoningMurderDrug Set-Ups, and moreAffidavit of William Binney, former NSA Technical Director"The allegations in the complaint are true and correct: Defendants (NSA and US Govt) are intercepting, accessing, monitoring, and storing the Plaintiff's private communications. I have knowledge of this information, based on the following facts..."https://www.targetedjustice.com/uploads/1/1/6/3/116323993/binney-affidavit-2017-07-05-final.pdfTargeted Justice for Targeted IndividualsTargeted Individuals Class Action Lawsuit, Latest information on Gang Stalking, electronic harassment, microwave satellites, organized stalking, Terrorist Watchlist, CIA, FBI, NSA, Directed Energy Weapons, Schriever Air Force Base, Vircator microwave weaphttps://www.targetedjustice.com/Credible Sources:This list shows 31 Medical Doctors, PhD Scientists, and former government agents that agree with our claim, that the U.S. government is using an illegal program of microwave targeting against civilians. We encourage and support all Whistleblowers to come forward with their information. Some of us are proud Whistleblowers and Political Activists, and would gladly do it again,Dr John Hall, M.D. and authorDr Katherine Horton, PhD Oxford Univ. ScientistDr Robert Middlebrook, PhD ProfessorDr Harold Mandel, M.D.Dr Daniel Lebowitz, M.D.Dr Max Williams, PhD, Professor & State DeptDr Barrie Trower, PhD government ScientistDr Michael Hoffer, M.D., Univ of Miami​​Dr Colin Ross, M.D.​Dr Ed Spencer, M.D.Dr Sue Arrigo, M.D.Dr Douglas Smith, M.D., Univ of Penn.Dr Terry Robertson, M.D.Dr Robert Duncan, PhD former CIA engineerDr Doug Rokke, PhD government Scientist​Dr Eric Karlstrom, PhD ProfessorDr Nick Begich, ScientistDr Paul Batcho, PhD government scientistDr Paul Marko, PhD PsychologistDr Robert Steele, former CIA analystDr Ben Colodzin, PhD Psychologist​Dr Curtis Bennett, ProfessorDr Corkin Cherubini, authorDr Sean Andrews, ScientistWillam Binney, NSA WhistleblowerKirk Weibe, NSA Whistleblower​Karen Stewart, NSA Whistleblower​Carl Clark, CIA Whistleblower​Kevin Shipp, CIA WhistleblowerMark Phillips, CIA WhistleblowerJohn DeCamp, Army intelligence WhistleblowerNSA Whistleblowers William Binney & Kirk Wiebe speak on Targeted IndividualsNSA Whistleblower Karen M. Stewart interview with Targeted Individuals and Ella FreeEdward Snowden talks about targeted individualsIt is not enough that millions of Americans are now aware these Cointelpro operations never ceased and have been ongoing for close to eighty years, thousands and thousands of innocent civilians are being tortured smdaily in these psychological warfare operations. We need the help of all Americans to research, share and spread information on these operations. Until we see the criminals responsible for carrying out these decades of crimes justice has not been served. Until the officials serving in our law enforcement agencies nationwide are removed from their law enforcement positions and prosecuted for taking part in these crimes, there is no justice. Until we see the lawyers and judges held accountable for the judiciary corruption found present in the past operations and taking part in the current operations, our justice system is corrupted from the bottom to the top.

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