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How to Easily Edit Am Service Know Care Use This Connection Card To Online

CocoDoc has made it easier for people to Customize their important documents via online website. They can easily Alter through their choices. To know the process of editing PDF document or application across the online platform, you need to follow the specified guideline:

  • Open the official website of CocoDoc on their device's browser.
  • Hit "Edit PDF Online" button and Import the PDF file from the device without even logging in through an account.
  • Edit your PDF forms by using this toolbar.
  • Once done, they can save the document from the platform.
  • Once the document is edited using online website, the user can easily export the document of your choice. CocoDoc provides a highly secure network environment for implementing the PDF documents.

How to Edit and Download Am Service Know Care Use This Connection Card To on Windows

Windows users are very common throughout the world. They have met hundreds of applications that have offered them services in managing PDF documents. However, they have always missed an important feature within these applications. CocoDoc aims at provide Windows users the ultimate experience of editing their documents across their online interface.

The way of editing a PDF document with CocoDoc is very simple. You need to follow these steps.

  • Choose and Install CocoDoc from your Windows Store.
  • Open the software to Select the PDF file from your Windows device and go ahead editing the document.
  • Customize the PDF file with the appropriate toolkit offered at CocoDoc.
  • Over completion, Hit "Download" to conserve the changes.

A Guide of Editing Am Service Know Care Use This Connection Card To on Mac

CocoDoc has brought an impressive solution for people who own a Mac. It has allowed them to have their documents edited quickly. Mac users can fill forms for free with the help of the online platform provided by CocoDoc.

In order to learn the process of editing form with CocoDoc, you should look across the steps presented as follows:

  • Install CocoDoc on you Mac firstly.
  • Once the tool is opened, the user can upload their PDF file from the Mac simply.
  • Drag and Drop the file, or choose file by mouse-clicking "Choose File" button and start editing.
  • save the file on your device.

Mac users can export their resulting files in various ways. With CocoDoc, not only can it be downloaded and added to cloud storage, but it can also be shared through email.. They are provided with the opportunity of editting file through multiple methods without downloading any tool within their device.

A Guide of Editing Am Service Know Care Use This Connection Card To on G Suite

Google Workplace is a powerful platform that has connected officials of a single workplace in a unique manner. If users want to share file across the platform, they are interconnected in covering all major tasks that can be carried out within a physical workplace.

follow the steps to eidt Am Service Know Care Use This Connection Card To on G Suite

  • move toward Google Workspace Marketplace and Install CocoDoc add-on.
  • Select the file and Press "Open with" in Google Drive.
  • Moving forward to edit the document with the CocoDoc present in the PDF editing window.
  • When the file is edited completely, download or share it through the platform.

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What is the biggest scam that every Indian must be aware of?

THIS ☝..Its an epic scam practiced by one of the leading telecom operators in the country : IDEASo this is how the whole story goes…Around 3 weeks ago , a customer care call from idea came and informed me about upgrading to the 4G sim card from the existing one i am using.( its been 3 years since i am using this sim card)Couple of days later i upgraded the sim card (☝) free of cost..though i didn’t felt any changes in upgradation, i was happy to have replaced the much older sim with that of a new one..SuddenlyYesterday morning when i woke up the sim card was displaying “ NO SERVICE”I tried so many ways and it was all in vain..i then decided to visit the IDEA store near my place..they examined the sim card and told me everything is fine( 0% physical damage)..They then contacted the customer care..the customer care representative informed the store manager the sim card is active and there is no technical one knows the reason, but my sim card is not working..the store manager suggested me to wait some time..In the mean time 3–4 people arrived with the same problem..NO SERVICE!!!He was calling the customer care and it was the same response..i then assumed it could be a temporary network problem with everyone as many more people are arriving at the store..but there are people coming to the store for recharge purpose with active sim cards and the store manager calling customer care with an active IDEA sim..i was confused, as its not a problem with every sim card..I then called the customer care from the store manager’s phone and some other executive picked up the phone..he asked my number..and without any hesitation he informed me that my sim card is PHYSICALLY DAMAGED and i need to take a duplicate sim card..i was wondering how he knows my sim’s physical damage!!! In fact it was just a 3 weeks old sim card and i never used it on any other phones too..the conversation was over after a heated debate over the issue..i took a duplicate sim card for ₹200/-…Today ,i shared this incident with my friend and he told me he duplicated his idea sim for the very reason 2 weeks ago..i was not expecting i posted this issue in my whats app group and i was really really shocked to see the response from my friends..Every single member( 17 idea sim card holders i know ) with an IDEA connection had to duplicate their sim card over the last 4 months..reason :PHYSICAL DAMAGE!!!!Cutting the sim connection intentionally and blaming physical damage for a duplicate sim for ₹200 is the new IDEA..

How do companies lose customers?

This is about one of the biggest scammers in Indian market.AIRTEL !Around July 2016 Pokemon Go was released to the public. Back then, I was an Airtel customer for around 5 years. I had obtained a 3G Sim card with great difficulty earlier. But now, being an avid Pokemon fan and the eagerness to catch excel in the game in it’s early phase, I thought of getting a 4G card for better speed. Previously, I never bothered to get a 4G card as I never used mobile internet. Also Airtel was providing 1GB 4G internet for all new 4G connections and my god ! getting a 1000 megabytes worth of 4G internet back when Jio wasn’t launched was purely a bliss.Now being a lazy chap as I am, I never bothered to visit Airtel store to port my connection from 3G to 4G. Instead, I visited Airtel’s website and ordered a 4G SIM which would be delivered at my doorstep. I waited for 2 days, but not even a call or SMS from Airtel about any notification. So I called the customer care and enquired about it to which he replied a service person would visit the following day. As promised, I received a call from service person to come visit him at Railway station as he would not be able to visit my house because he was getting late. I thought maybe a Rs. 40 Auto to get a new SIM card would not be a big deal and hence as instructed, visited the person to handover my KYC documents and get the SIM card. The service person told me that SIM would be activated within a day or two. I waited impatiently for my then current SIM card to deactivate so that I could use 4G SIM card. I waited for 5 days and neither did my original SIM card deactivate, nor my new 4G SIM card started functioning. I again called up customer care only to be routed between service manager, service executive and all sorts or maybe they were just making up the designations. It was concluded that my SIM card was not activated because I provided PAN card details instead of AADHAR card. I obliged to the same and again followed the same process wherein a different service person again called to meet me at railway station. Provided him the documents and got the SIM card home. Again same process followed and my new SIM card would still not activate. Called customer care to know that I had to provide both PAN as well as AADHAR card for SIM to activate.This really pissed me off and I messaged Airtel on their Twitter handle and Facebook page as well. Facebook page never replied, but I received a message on Twitter asking for my contact number to get in touch with me.Soon, I received a call from Airtel saying he was Service Manager and assured me that if I cared to submit my documents one last time my new SIM card would start working.Now I submitted my documents for the 3rd time, collected the 3rd 4G SIM and waited for it to activate. This time again the SIM did not activate and the so called manager’s contact number was unreachable. All this process took around 1 month.I finally visited an Airtel store and explained the matter to some random service person. He blabbered something and told me my SIM would only activate it I buy it from their store and it would be active the very same day. Did all the process again, got my 4th SIM card. Waited for two days and it still did not activate. Visited the same store again to which the person replied that he forgot to register my documents and he would do it immediately. By this time I was really angry. I took out my phone and put up a port request to Vodafone in front of the guy and stormed out of the store. By the time I reached home, my 4th 4G SIM card was activated and working. Nonetheless, I still decided to go with the port and got Vodafone connection.A simple 1 day process wasted so much of my energy and time which was not at all necessary. Mobile operators treat customers as dogs unless you put up a port request. Until Jio they really made a laughing stock out of Indians.All I would say is Airtel has one of the worst customer service in India.

What are the best one-minute life hacks?

A) WAITER’S PAD HACKThere are two uses:BUSINESS MEETING:Everyone pulls out their fascist Moleskine notebooks and you pull out your waiter’s pad.First thing that happens is that the alpha male in the room says “I’ll take fries with that burger”.This bad joke happens 100% of the time. Homework assignment: come up with the best joke in response.Second thing happens: “Why do you have a waiter’s pad?”Answer:It’s easy to write notes.Easy to keep track of the names around the table (since at the top of a check are tables which you can write names to remember).They are cheap. 10 cents a pad with the right supplier.This makes you the center of attention at the meeting. It says you are serious about taking notes.And most important, it shows you are frugal and will care about not wasting people’s money.A waiter’s pad is MONEY IN THE BANK.Second use:RESTAURANT:When I sit down, I simply pull out a waiter’s pad and put it next to me on the table.Now the waiters think I’m in “the biz” and I never have any problems with service.This is not even a one minute hack. It’s a ten second hack.B) LIE DETECTION HACKIf someone does not answer your question, they are lying.Example: “Hi honey, where’d you go last night?”Your honey: “I was out with friends.”Notice: He or she did not answer the question. Which means somewhere in there is a lie.Example: “Are all expenses included in this estimate?”Answer: “Sure, unless we see something unusual.”Did not answer the question. So you will be paying more.This technique always works. Great for people who are paranoid (like me).C) LIE DETECTION HACK #2You’re sitting and one person has a rolling chair. You ask a bunch of easy questions. They answer and sit still.Now you ask harder questions. Like, “Hey, where were you that night?”“I was at home” And they start to roll away on the chair.Lying.This works for anything with these two conditions:It’s easy for them to moveYou can ask easy to answer questions to start to establish them as sitting still when truthful.This is a very common interrogation technique.Both of these were told to me by a former DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) interrogator who now runs his own private intelligence agency.D) NETWORKING HACKEven if you don’t smoke, always carry around a pack of cigarettes.Situations where this works:Smoking break. Someone you want to network is at a restaurant and takes a smoking break. You can follow them outside and start conversation.The back-technique. You leave your cigarettes behind right before someone you want to network with is sitting down (at a restaurant, club, meeting, etc). You go back, “Ugh, left my cigarettes here.” And you start to talk.Believe it or not, everyone in the CIA carries cigarettes around all the time for this reason.This was told to me by a former “black ops” soldier who wouldn’t tell me “yes” or “no” when I asked him if he was still in the CIA.E) INTERVIEW / SPEAKING HACKYou start off saying, “I’m sure the others you’ve interviewed have all been great and qualified.” Or.. (for speaking), “Let’s give a hand for all the others before me.”THIS IS AN IMPORTANT COGNITIVE BIAS:This is called “Choice Ambiguity Bias”.When you say the word “other”, then the audience lumps everyone into one aggregated being.Or your potential boss lumps everyone into one aggregated (and forgettable) person they interviewed.They literally won’t be able to remember anything about the others before you and you will stand out.Related to this is Recency Bias. Try to be the last person interviewed or the last person to speak on the agenda. The “recent” is always the most remembered and if you combine this with Choice Ambiguity Bias, you will create the most memorable impression by far.All of this was told me by a professor of cognitive biases when I needed help winning a contest of public speaking.F) WRITING HACKWhat’s great about this hack is that even if you know the rule, it still works:After you write ANYTHING: take out the first paragraph and the last paragraph and it will 99% of the time be better written. I did it with this answer, for instance.G) EMAIL HACKI do this every day.I go back 7–10 years in my email history (I store everything).There’s many emails I haven’t responded to. In my inbox (not my spam box), I have 271,109 unread emails at this moment.I go back to an email I didn’t respond to and I respond as if the email was sent to me five seconds ago.Like: “Sure, I’ll meet for coffee on Tuesday!”This almost always results in a new connection/ fun meeting / whatever. Note: most jobs.One time I did this when someone in 2004 sent me an email saying, “Hey, James, I bought you “” for your birthday.”I finally wrote him in 2010. We’re good friends now AND I own “”.The longest email response delay I did was 12 years.H) THE ONE SECOND HAPPINESS HACKHappiness = Reality / Expectations.You can’t change your reality quickly. But you can change your expectations in a second.When my wife left me, I couldn’t change the reality. I couldn’t make her stay.I was sad, scared,miserable, depressed.But I could change expectations. I could say, “perhaps this is for the best” and figure out the reasons why and have hope for the future.I’m not saying it’s easy to do that in a second. But it’s possible. And that changes immediately how happy you can be.We are all dealt a new hand of cards every few seconds. You play the hand you are dealt instead of whining about it. That’s how to win.My therapist once told me this. She’s the best.I) THE 5/25 RULEThis is from Warren Buffett.He told me this when we were jet-skiing in Hawaii.He said, “Take your top 25 things you want to do in life.”Then, “Put the first five to your left and the next 20 to your right.”“NEVER NEVER NEVER look at the bottom 20 again.”Why?Because the bottom 20 are all things you want to do. So they will distract you from the five things you want to do the MOST.By the way, I was kidding about the jet skiing. That is clearly in his 6–10 and not in his top 5. And it’s not in my top 1000.J) THE LOVABLE RULEThere’s a saying that’s now cliché: “You are the average of the five people around you.”Fair enough.Harold Ramis also says, “Stand next to the smartest person in the room.” So he stood next to Bill Murray and made Caddyshack, Stripes, Ghostbusters, and Groundhog Day.(sitting next to the smartest person in the room)Again, fair enough.But not enough.BE THE PERSON that people want to stand next to.Everyone is looking for their five. Everyone is looking for the person to stand next to.Seth Godin once asked me, “What books do people buy?”I didn’t know.He said, “They buy the books that are already on the bestseller table.”Be the sort of person who is on the bestseller table.Again. while kite-surfing in the Mediterranean, I asked Warren Buffett, “how do you define success?” And he said, “By how many people love you.”And then he said, before I could ask, “You get people to love you by being lovable.”K) THE ADVICE HACKThis hack has helped me so much I’m almost afraid to share it.Let’s say you want something (call it “X”) from a person (call the person “Y”).Ask Y for advice on how to get X.For instance, let’s say you get a job offer and you are negotiating a salary. Your new boss asks how much you want to get (he’s trying to get you to put a price first).Now use the “advice hack”.You say, “Listen, I’m good at what I do, which is why you are hiring me. But you are the pro at managing and negotiating. If you were me how would you negotiate here?”You can even throw in an “Anchor Bias” by saying, “If you were me, how would you negotiate here, given that I’ve heard (say very high number) is a reasonable number.”You’ve just done several things:a) reaffirmed their status above you (everyone likes that)b) anchored them on a high number (you won’t get it but the number you get is now going to play off a high “anchor”).c) asked them to guide you specifically on how to get what you want. Since they are giving the advice, they won't deny you once you follow it.I’ve used this when negotiating with customers, investors, bosses, publishers, even getting podcast guests.And if I get rejected for something important to me, I use this hack (“What advice would you give me if I wanted to pitch again to someone like you.”).I’ve been using this technique for 25 years.L) LEAVE THE SMARTPHONE AT HOMEYuval Harari (author of “Sapiens”) told me he didn’t have a smart phone. I drilled him on this and then I’ve been trying it myself ever since.The average person touches their smart phone 2600 times a day!The average person is using their smart phone for 4 hours and 40 minutes a day!People think it might help with productivity but it doesn’t. Most of the time we’re checking mindless social media, liking Instagram photos, reading useless news, playing games, etc.I take a book with me when I go out. So I’m now reading and thinking a lot more.And when I get home I catch up on my emails and social media messages: since I’m focused on it at that point it takes me just a few minutes instead of spreading it out throughout the day.I probably save two or three hours a day with this one hack. And I read a lot more and enjoy my downtime more (no pressures to respond to messages all day long).I have more.Let me ask you for advice!I want to build up my Instagram presence. Should I post one hack a day on Instagram? I hope you can follow me there because I post lots of hacks there.M) “BECAUSE” HACKThis is incredibly useful.There’s a study that showed that if you say:“You should pay me more because I will work harder” you are more likely to get a raise than if you just say “You should pay me more.”BUT EVEN MORE INTERESTING….is that people don’t even care what you say after the word “because”. This is the “because placebo”.If you just say “You should pay me more because you should pay me more” then the results were EXACTLY the same as when you gave a valid reason and still handily beat out the line “You should pay me more”.So always use “because” when you are asking for something and you don’t have to have anything after the “because”.I don’t consider these “life hacks”.I do these things every day. And I am constantly studying more ways to improve my life.I love writing. I love doing standup comedy. I love succeeding at business and helping people.I use these tools and many more so I can have more time and opportunities to focus on the things I love.When I focus on the things I love, I can say I have FREEDOM. The more time per day I am making decisions based on my loves, the more freedom I have.These “one minute hacks” give me freedom.Because.

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