How to Edit Your Lease Termination Notice For Former Employee Online With Efficiency
Follow these steps to get your Lease Termination Notice For Former Employee edited with the smooth experience:
- Hit the Get Form button on this page.
- You will go to our PDF editor.
- Make some changes to your document, like adding text, inserting images, and other tools in the top toolbar.
- Hit the Download button and download your all-set document into you local computer.
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Get FormHow to Edit Your Lease Termination Notice For Former Employee Online
If you need to sign a document, you may need to add text, fill in the date, and do other editing. CocoDoc makes it very easy to edit your form fast than ever. Let's see how this works.
- Hit the Get Form button on this page.
- You will go to our free PDF editor webpage.
- When the editor appears, click the tool icon in the top toolbar to edit your form, like checking and highlighting.
- To add date, click the Date icon, hold and drag the generated date to the target place.
- Change the default date by changing the default to another date in the box.
- Click OK to save your edits and click the Download button for the different purpose.
How to Edit Text for Your Lease Termination Notice For Former Employee with Adobe DC on Windows
Adobe DC on Windows is a useful tool to edit your file on a PC. This is especially useful when you have need about file edit without network. So, let'get started.
- Click the Adobe DC app on Windows.
- Find and click the Edit PDF tool.
- Click the Select a File button and select a file from you computer.
- Click a text box to give a slight change the text font, size, and other formats.
- Select File > Save or File > Save As to confirm the edit to your Lease Termination Notice For Former Employee.
How to Edit Your Lease Termination Notice For Former Employee With Adobe Dc on Mac
- Select a file on you computer and Open it with the Adobe DC for Mac.
- Navigate to and click Edit PDF from the right position.
- Edit your form as needed by selecting the tool from the top toolbar.
- Click the Fill & Sign tool and select the Sign icon in the top toolbar to customize your signature in different ways.
- Select File > Save to save the changed file.
How to Edit your Lease Termination Notice For Former Employee from G Suite with CocoDoc
Like using G Suite for your work to complete a form? You can do PDF editing in Google Drive with CocoDoc, so you can fill out your PDF with a streamlined procedure.
- Go to Google Workspace Marketplace, search and install CocoDoc for Google Drive add-on.
- Go to the Drive, find and right click the form and select Open With.
- Select the CocoDoc PDF option, and allow your Google account to integrate into CocoDoc in the popup windows.
- Choose the PDF Editor option to open the CocoDoc PDF editor.
- Click the tool in the top toolbar to edit your Lease Termination Notice For Former Employee on the target field, like signing and adding text.
- Click the Download button to save your form.
PDF Editor FAQ
Have you ever seen a mass exodus after a respected employee quit or got fired?
This actually happened to me many years ago. I was a property manager of 80 units. My boss and I had a heated exchange and in haste he fired me on the spot. He asked me to stay until he could find a replacement. “Sorry Charlie!” I cleaned out my desk and handed him the keys, and I left the property of my own volition….I was off-site the rest of the week. My now former boss was blowing up my phone. “Where are you?” then it was, “You are needed in the office?” I ignored his calls. He then messaged me on Facebook and said it was “with great urgency that we talk”. As it turned-out 2 members of the office staff (there were 3 all together) quit! The residents had started a petition to reinstate me - 60-plus signatures in all. He would not cave and subsequently received somewhere around 15 to 20- thirty day notices in effect terminating their leases. Additionally, some of the residents (refused to pay their rent. The community quickly became unstable and increasing hostile towards him. The morning shift manager at Tiger Mart next door to the complex - a tenant of mine, refused him service.….He offered me my job back. I let him sweat for a day, then accepted and returned to my job. I was never so moved by an experience as I was at that job, not because my boss had given me my job back, but, rather, because the tenants did!
What types of information should be included on a Disclosure Schedule for a private stock offering?
As John Greathouse noted, in a Series Seed round made up of Accredited Investors, you are not legally required to provide a prospectus or any specific disclosure schedules. As a matter of fact, I actually can't recall (at least recently) seeing a Disclosure Schedule in any of the [many] deals that I have done.Where these schedules and lists do appear, however, is in the due diligence requests from serious investors, which they will undertake prior to the closing. Depending on the size of the round and the size and professionalism of the investors (and the budget of their lawyers) the requested information may range from practically nothing more than a business plan and a slide deck (for an informal seed round), all the way up to a voluminous amount of material for a later stage venture round from a top tier fund.The closing documents will then generally include a representations and warranties clause, in which you swear on a stack of bibles (backed up by some severe economic penalties) that everything you've previously told your investors is actually true...particularly such teeny little issues as "we own all our code" and "we are operating perfectly legally".But if you want an idea as to how far the disclosure issue can go, Entrepreneur Magazine has posted a sample Due Diligence checklist ( that includes the following items (but be sure to check out their link for their terms of use and attribution):"Due Diligence" Investigation Check ListCORPORATE MATTERSa. Articles of Incorporation and by-laws of the Company and Seller.b. Corporate minute books and stock transfer records of the Company.c. Federal and state tax returns and related reports of the Company including:i. income tax returns,ii. audit reports of taxing authorities including descriptions of any open issues,iii. real estate tax bills and payment records,iv. personal property tax bills and payment records,v. franchise, license, capital stock, doing business, and similar tax reports, andvi. any other material documents.d. Agreements and arrangements between the Company and Seller or any affiliate of the Company or Seller, including:i. stock subscription agreements,ii. loan, line of credit or other financing arrangements,iii. tax sharing agreements or arrangements,iv. overhead allocation agreements or arrangements,v. management services or personnel loan agreements or arrangements,vi. guarantees or keep-well arrangements for the benefit of creditors or other third parties, andvii. any others.e. Shareholder agreements relating to stock of the Company or stock owned by the Company.f. Documents imposing restrictions or conditions on stock transfer or merger, including any arrangements granting rights of first refusal or other preferential purchase rights.g. Third-party or governmental consent or authorizations required for merger or acquisition.FINANCIAL MATTERSa. Financial statements, including:i. audited financial statements for all periods beginning on or after ^, 19^, consisting, in each case, of at least a balance sheet and income statement,ii. interim monthly unaudited financial statements for periods after the latest audited statements, andiii. working papers relating to the foregoing.b. Bank accounts and depositary arrangements.c. Credit agreements and credit instruments including loan agreements, notes, debentures and bonds, and files relating thereto.d. Performance and financial bonds.e. Letters of credit.f. Instruments or arrangements creating liens, encumbrances, mortgages, or other charges (including mechanics and materialmens' liens) on any real or personal property of the Company, including property held indirectly through joint ventures, partnerships, subsidiaries or otherwise.g. Receivables analysis including aging, turnover and bad debt experience.MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONSa. Internal management reports and memoranda.b. Policy and procedures manuals including those concerning personnel policy, internal controls and legal and regulatory compliance.c. Budgets, financial projections, business plans and capital expenditure plans.d. Contracts and arrangements for supplies or services, including the following which were entered into or under which work was done during the past ^ years:i. contracts for the sale or purchase of real estate,ii. contracts for the purchase or sale of materials, equipment or other personal property or fixtures,iii. contracts or other arrangements for legal, accounting, consulting, brokerage, banking or other services, andiv. construction and engineering contracts or subcontracts.e. Proprietary information and documents, including:i. patents and patent applications,ii. copyrights,iii. trademarks, service marks, logos and trade or assumed names,iv. nonpatentable proprietary know-how,v. federal and state filings relating to any of the foregoing,vi. licensing agreements relating to any of the foregoing (whether the Company is a licensor or licensee), andvii. confidentiality agreements relating to any of the foregoing.f. Partnership or joint venture agreements to which the Company is a party and any other arrangements with third parties concerning the management or operation of properties, facilities or investments of the Company.g. Reports to management, board of directors or shareholders prepared by outside consultants, engineers or analysts.h. Closing documentation and related files for each prior sale of Company stock and each material asset purchase or sale by the Company during the past ^ years.i. Leases, deeds and related instruments, including without limitation, office premises leases, equipment or vehicle leases, and any such instruments held indirectly through joint ventures, partnerships, subsidiaries or otherwise.j. Agreements or arrangements granting rights of first refusal or other preferential purchase rights to any property of the Company.k. Other material agreements or arrangements.EMPLOYEE MATTERSa. Corporate policies concerning hiring, compensation, advancement and termination.b. Labor contracts together with a list of all labor unions that have represented or attempted to represent employees of the Company during the past ^ years.c. Agreements with individual employees, including:i. executive employment agreements,ii. bonus, profit-sharing and similar arrangements,iii. postemployment agreements including "salary continuation" and "golden parachute" arrangements, andiv. covenants not to compete by present or former employees.d. Names of any officers or key employees who have left the Company during the past years.e. Each of the following which the Company maintains or contributes to, together with filings with the Internal Revenue Service, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), Securities and Exchange Commission and Department of Labor, including without limitation Forms 5500 and 5310, summary plan descriptions, summary annual reports, IRS determination letters (for qualified plans), and PBGC reportable events:i. Union-sponsored multiemployer plans,ii. Defined benefit plans,iii. Defined contribution plans including:1. money purchase pension plans,2. profit-sharing plans,3. stock bonus plans,4. employee stock ownership plans, and5. savings or thrift plans,iv. Health and welfare plans, including:1. medical, surgical, hospital or other health care plans or insurance programs including HMOs,2. dental plans,3. short-term disability or sick pay plans or arrangements,4. long-term disability insurance or uninsured arrangements,5. group term or other life or accident insurance,6. unemployment or vacation benefit plans, and7. other welfare plans,v. Nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements including:1. director or officer deferred fee plans,2. excess benefit plans (providing benefits in excess of internal revenue code limitations for qualified plans), and3. severance pay plans,vi. Incentive or bonus plans including:1. stock option plans,2. stock bonus plans,3. stock purchase plans, and4. cash bonus or incentive plans.INSURANCEa. Insurance policies including those covering:i. fire,ii. liability,iii. casualty,iv. life,v. title,vi. workers' compensation,vii. directors' and officers' liability, andviii. any other insured events or matters.b. Claim and loss histories, correspondence with insurance carriers and names of all insurance representatives relating to the foregoing.REAL ESTATE AND EQUIPMENT AND OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTYa. List of real estate (with legal descriptions), equipment and other personal property owned, leased or in the process of being acquired or sold by the Company, with the cost and book value of each item.b. Real estate, equipment and other personal property leases and conditional sale agreements.c. Information relating to title on all property listed in the items above, including motor vehicle title documents.d. Appraisals of real estate, personal property and equipment.GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONa. Licenses, permits, filings or authorizations obtained from, made with or required by any governmental entity.b. Correspondence with any governmental regulatory authority.c. Accident or injury reports to federal, state, local and foreign governmental entities.LITIGATION AND CLAIMSa. Pending or threatened litigation, regulatory investigations, governmental actions, arbitrations, or notices of violation or possible violation, including proceedings in which the Company is a plaintiff or claimant, and the names and addresses of legal counsel advising or representing the Company in each matter.b. Files and records relating to the foregoing including opinions and evaluations.
I'm losing my job tomorrow, with two kids, a car and a house. What is my best thing to do?
Make professional contacts with managers in other departments at your company before you are actually out the door and see if any might be hiring internally. Look at your company’s internal website job postings site. Immediately apply for any and every internal job posting that is reasonable.Clean out your desk of personal items and from your work computer’s hard drive even if you still have another day. It is better that you do it, then for your boss and for security to meet you tomorrow with a box of your stuff in their hands.Even if tomorrow starts like any other workday, at any point, you could get a tap on the shoulder and be informed that you have 60 minutes to gather all of your possessions and after which time security might escort you to the door. It might take longer than that to copy any personal files or emails from your company computer (not that I condone this, but it is fact that many people, either on purpose or on accident, have family photos and other personal documents on their employer’s work computer).Talk with an attorney regarding the conditions in which your employment ended and before accepting a severance package. It might be possible to negotiate severance and benefits. However, do not initiate litigation just to milk every last dollar, especially if there is a chance that a different department in the same company might rehire you. Only litigate if there truly is a profound injustice that is being levied against you and putting an undue burden on your shoulders. Employment law is not a lucrative market for attorneys and very few earn very good living practicing employment law, mainly because the law is stacked in favor of employers, not employees, and it is very rare for any employee, even if there is a significant injustice, to prevail. Large employers have a legal council team on-salary and have a large war-chest of funds to litigate than you have saved (otherwise you would already be retired). Some corporations have been known to forge or even manufacture phony employee poor-performance documents in an attempt to discredit a plaintiff. So unless you have an airtight case of wrongful termination that will pass legal muster, especially if in a state that has at-will employment, then it is better to negotiate than litigate.Learn what you options are regarding continuation of benefits. Unfortunately, this usually comes at not just a cost, but a high cost that is no longer subsidized by an employer, and that you no longer have a salary to help pay your portion either. Regardless if you can afford continuation of benefits at the previous level per your former employment, at least learn what your options are and what might be within your means, especially if you have been fortunate to have saved a lot of money.Leave on good terms if this is possible. Rarely does not make sense to burn bridges, not matter what the injustice or set of circumstances. People do not change their personalities and rarely are even insightful enough to recognize that they are ever wrong about anything in the first place, or even if they feel guilty about anything, they are almost often too defensive to reflect upon their actions or ways . Rarely can anyone ever change anyone else, nor should anyone even try. Punishing someone else, a former boss, coworkers, their management or human resources department accomplishes nothing: they will only see this as your own disgruntled personality malfunction and not what most people want: for all employees and management to somehow collectively-reflect upon their own misdeeds and somehow come to their senses, apologize, make amends and change their ways. I doubt that employee retaliation has ever once, throughout the course of human history, ever resulted in the fantasy of a boss or employer being taught a lesson, and then for the company to actually admit wrong and rehire the employee. Misbehaving is only a poor reflection on you that could potentially follow you to the ears of a future prospective employer, quashing future employment opportunities. Stay above the fray and depart with dignity.File for unemployment. You have likely paid-into it, it is your money to draw from. Obtain these funds and then use them sparingly to pay your bills to get you by until you can re-secure employment.Assess amount of funds that you have in savings and emergency funds. Also assess if there is anything that you can sell, such as a third car or truck that rarely gets used.Update your resume with the latest experience that you have developed in your professional career. Proofread your resume at least three times, first looking at content, choice of words and spacing, then looking at grammar and finally, looking at spelling. Then enlist as many other people as possible to do the same.Get out there and find employment as soon as possible. Post your resume and profile on internet job boards, attend career fairs and hire a headhunter but negotiate the fee in-advance. Initially look for a career move that is lateral to your current position and salary. However, as time goes one, then you may be put in a position to accept less simply to be able to re-secure employment. Do not just take any job, especially in your profession, unless you plan to stay there.If necessary, take a temporary job that is outside of your profession in the meantime to keep paying the bills.Abruptly-halt any spending of any money except for what is absolutely-essential to survival. Avoid being late paying bills, but if necessary negotiate a payment plan with service providers, such as electricity, heat and internet. Make your mortgage payment first before anything else, car payment second, credit cards third and services and utilities fourth.Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate with creditors. Make a plan that you can achieve, giving yourself enough breathing room but also being fair to who you own money.Get your family on-board to support you and your efforts. Explain to them what needs to be done, why and how they can help, and get them focused on helping, not complaining or being a distraction. Get the rest of your family members to get jobs bringing in money to pay the bills.Get your family, friends and relatives rallying behind you. But have a plan first about what you are doing to get back on-track, what you are doing, where you are interviewing, what type of job and what your plan is to keep trying. Minimize the sob-story aspect and focus your presentation on what productive things that you have done, are currently doing, and your plan for the future - not what “happened” to you - but what you plan to do about it. Respectfully, every human being that has ever lived, past, present or future, has been the victim of something or someone at some point in their life - the different is a matter of degree, but otherwise, join the club. We all have endured our own pain, dealt with office politics and crazy bosses - and unless your story rises to the level of profound injustice that your plight is reported by the media, then chances are, most people want to hear as little as possible. People will help people who help themselves, and this means having goals, a plan, away to get there and demonstrating actions that show a promising progression and efforts to actually reach those goals.Do not over-promise and under-deliver and do not bullshit people. If you say that you are going to do something, then do it, but do not make excuses. If you got let go from a job making $50,000.00 per year, don’t tell friends, family and creditors that within a week, you will easily have another job making the same money - unless you have something to back this up, like the fact that you have already had multiple rounds of interviews for prospective employers and all appears promising. Even so, do not promise what you cannot - it is outside of your control if you will even be offered a job. Promise what you can: I have an interview set up at company xyz for position abc. Afterwards I am attending two job fairs, both of which have a promising roster of potential employers.These are the promises that you tell people who are considering helping you - not that you will suddenly have a full time job making loads of money in a short period of time - unless you actually have an offer letter in your hand.Tell people what you are doing, but do not promise outcomes. If someone asks how long do you plan to remain unemployed, then tell them “As short as possible. I have pulled together all resources that I have, am determined and absolutely-focused in regaining permanent career employment in my profession as my number one priority at this time and will not stop until I accomplish this objective”.If I was a friend and I heard a well-dressed and composed friend utter these words, then I might even feel compelled to go against my own instincts and offer a modest stipend of financial assistance. But if I heard a friend tell me that he was going to be a millionaire next week, then I might just end the friendship altogether.Staying-focused on the job search is one way that family and friends can help that does not involve anyone giving anyone any money: but letting you focus on only the job search and not getting distracted or detailed by family needs. Enlist their help to look after kids and take care of their needs, or running an errand because you have a job interview - so that you can take care of your professional needs - getting a job quickly.Avoid asking anyone for money and instead, ask them for their time so that you can stay focused on the job search and interviews. Do not get derailed with household chores or getting Billy to baseball practice or Tammy to gymnastics, or make 200 cupcakes for tomorrow for Michael’s 3rd grade class after he told you at 10:00 pm the night before. Billy might have to drop baseball, Tammy might have to drop gymnastics and Michael might not be able to bring cupcakes to school. We all have to make sacrifices in these kinds of situations, and the sooner that your own kids realize that you as a family are all in this together, the better and his involves them making sacrifices too. Welcome to the real world.The “family talk” needs to convey that your job loss is a potential crisis, that if not handled diligent, could cause your family to lose everything. This will likely be a rude awakening for kids, who are comfortable and do not want their world disrupted, and likely have some sense of entitlement that they have the right to what they have always known.If it were me, I would be asking for their help and support, and then explain what that help and support looks like: 1) Solve your own problems. If the remote control for the tv does not work, try looking for a AA battery first, before pulling me away from my job search. 2) Maybe pitch-in and learn how to do your laundry , run the dishwasher, vacuum and microwave your own dinner. But the main thing: do not add things to my plate, more problems to solve that you can solve yourself, or that your other sibling can solve.Let’s say your daughter is getting ready to have her sweet 16th birthday. Of course I would not be such a miser as to not celebrate it all, but instead, do it on a budget as creatively as possible that still does justice to making her feel good, but might not be the birthday party that you hoped to give her. Ask her for please understand, that once you are back on your feet, that you will do something very nice for her 18th birthday. Verbiage like, “Your Mom and I are doing the best that we can being placed in a very difficult situation and set of circumstances. We want to do right by you and provide for you the best that we can, but at this point, this might be the best that we can do here, and I hope that his is good enough for you”. Obviously it is reasonable to spare the money to buy a cake and provide for one modest gift that is meaningful. But this is not the time to buy her a car, or to drop thousands of dollars of gifts and then not be able to make your house payment next month.Pick your battles and streamline your life. Get your wife to be the go-to point-person to run interference while you look for work full-time.Get things picked up around the house and make them stay that way. This is not the time to be getting a dog because Jimmy is asking how much is that cute puppy in the window. Do not take on new things that distract your from what you need to do. This is not the time to plant a garden, take a vacation or do anything that takes time away, energy, effort or money from looking for a job. Get friends and family to do some of the essentials, if they love you and care about you, they will just be glad that you have not asked them for money yet.Be careful: if you ask for their help to run errands, then you really need to be out looking for work and don’t let them see you relaxing for one single second. If you are exhausted to the point where you cannot function, then drive to a parking lot, lock the doors and take a nap to get some much-needed rest. Otherwise, if you are caught napping at home, this sends the wrong message, that you are not even trying to find work, that you are instead just sleeping all day.The attitude and demeanor to maintain, this is the most pragmatic with getting people to help and best manage perceptions is one of, “I am working hard, doing the best that I can with the resource that I have, while I am hopefully-optimistic, I am staying focused on what I need to be doing and working towards the goal of regaining permanent employment”. A heads-down, humbled, nose-to-the-grindstone approach yet with steady, relentless perseverance.It is hard to fault anyone when they are truly trying their best. While a hard-nosed boss or stockholder does not care about effort - they only care about results - most people - family, friends, relatives and neighbors have a bit of a softer heart of compassion. If they consistently see you out trying your best, always wearing a suit, pressed-shirt and tie, donning a briefcase, then that can go a long way to getting assistance.Make sure that you project that image of yourself. If you have some downtime in which you simply have time that you cannot otherwise productively use, and need to take a break, then do so out of the potentially judgmental eyes of family, friends or relatives.Don’t be in some bar drinking the pain away, because like Murphy’s Law, someone will likely find out, and then fewer people will be willing to help. If you drink or take any drugs (legal or not) this might be a good time to stop for awhile - not because of the morality police, but in order to manage perceptions. If you are spending money on these things that other people might see in a less-favorable light, they might be less likely to help you. This time is also about managing perceptions. After you get a job and your life back in order, then if you can afford it, buy all the booze and drugs you want, just don’t screw up the new job that you just got or any part of the rest of your life either.Do whatever is possible to keep your home out of foreclosure, even if this means selling your car and riding a bicycle to job interviews or taking Uber or Lyft. The only time to cash-out an IRA or 401k is if you are in imminent danger of defaulting 15 days after the due date on your mortgage unless you quickly obtain funds.If you are age 55 or over, then a unexpected job loss is one area in which you are able to draw from retirement savings without paying a 10% penalty.Usually you have up to a 30-day grace period, almost always at least a 15-day grace period before being late paying your mortgage will affect your credit. Being late 1–5 days paying your mortgage will have no effect, you will only get a notice asking you if you forgot to make your house payment. After 15-days, then the train wreck starts and moved into high-gear the first time that you are 30 days past due. Consider talking with your banker and negotiating with your bank, but do some research first before opening up this kimono because of the catch-22: without a job, the approval process with any creditor is going to become more difficult. Chances are, your employer did not call your bank and inform them that you lost your job, so until the same is disclosed, by you, to your bank, then the same terms that you enjoy with your credit will continue into perpetuity. Of course, people are required to disclose their employment status for NEW loans, but nothing further disclosures are required for EXISTING loans. Have a plan before you talk with your bank and get some expert advice. Before meeting with anyone, know what to say and what to ask for.Sell anything you can: clothes that still have the price tags on them, anything that is unopened, especially if you still have the receipt. Any building supplies purchased for a project that did not get done. If you can return it, then take the time to do it to raise some cash. Even if it is is only returnable for a store credit, for example at a big box retail store that sells laundry detergent, if you also bought clothes there that still have the price tags, return the clothes in exchange for essentials.If there are no other options, then cash-out your retirement accounts to pay your mortgage - but only as a last-resort after you have exhausted all other options first to raise money.Once your mortgage goes 90 days or more past due, then you are getting into big trouble, and at any point, you will be quickly running out of options. On, near, or just-before 120 days past due on your mortgage, unless action is taken to cure the foreclosure, negotiate or sell the property, you can expect for the country Sheriff to drop by and evict you.Stay away from “Pay Loan” businesses and ascertain the credibility of any Consumer Debt Consolidation program. If they are a private business, then their objective is to make money, not help you. If they are an established community 501c3 non-profit, then it is likely that you might be able to trust them to help you in your predicament.If necessary, explore social services, government services and community services in your area to provide assistance in the stop-gap period.Start a small business that requires a small amount of start-up costs but is viable, especially a service business that relies heavily on your skills, but does not require a building, lease, equipment or supplies.Start a Go-Fund-Me page that explains your predicament.A usual worst-case scenario is being forced to take employment that is sub-par to your professional skill set and also take a part time job as well to close the gap needed to keep paying the bills. But don’t give up trying to find the career position at the level from the job where you previously were in your employment. These setbacks can be difficult and result in sacrifice and struggle.Do whatever is possible to eventually retain the level of employment with the same (or better?) level of compensation and benefits that you enjoyed before.In 2001, I was laid-off as a consultant as the technology industry job market was adjusting. I immediately filed for unemployment when helped me get by. My parents had confused or conflated unemployment compensation with welfare, and I needed to explain the difference.Just prior to getting laid off back in 2001, my boss (who did not want to lay me off but had to) assisted me with making internal contact within the company. Before I was actually let go, I applied for as many internal jobs as I could with other departments.At that time, my unemployment benefited ended after three months, and in the meantime, I picked up work as a mortgage broker during an time in which many people were refinancing and worked doing this for a month and a half.During this time, I got a call from my former employer, from a hiring manager in one of these different departments where I had applied for a position while I was still an internal employee. I had three interviews, then waited for a long time to receive news (a large corporation has a endless rounds of approvals needed for a new hire or even to rehire a previous employee) and eventually after nearly giving up, I finally got that magic telephone call out of the blue with a job offer. I accepted, then several weeks later, received the official letter with an actual start date. I have been working in this same position with the same employer who hired me now for the last 18 years.This is a difficult thing to go through in life and it is very easy to lose motivation and fall into despair, question self-worth and even lose your identity when you are no longer employed. But stay persistent and engaged with any possible opportunity, accepting rejection along the way, but knowing that there is hope but you have to make some really good choices, even if they are painful or are uncomfortable or involve painful sacrifice.A word about focus: with family and friends, people do not always understand and are happy to pull you 27 different direction. “Oh, how is that job searching coming along? Hey, can you help me install a new kitchen sink this week? The big game is coming on. Like to have you for dinner (which will consume the entire night).Two years ago, I had a intense professional certification exam that was required for me to successfully study-for and pass, and it took most of my fellow professional colleagues 1–4 times to pass the exam. My very lifelihood depending on passing an exam from hell. Unfortunately, no one in my household, friends or neighbors seemed to have a clue that I needed long blocks of time, hours on end, for the next several months without any interruptions unless someone was in the hospital or unless my house burned down. I do not want to be bothered to tell you that those pants make your butt look big.Explaining that I had a professional responsibility meant nothing to them - because they never had faced the same pressure and could not relate. It was only a distraction when 20 well-meaning friends found it necessary to call me every day, 20 phone calls in all, just to ask “how’s studying going?”. Well, it would be going great if you had not called me and broke my concentration just as I was finally just-beginning to understand what I am trying to study, and now have to find my place again, start all over, now for the 20th time in 10 minutes!In order to study, I turned my phone off and stayed and work and went into empty conference rooms in my office at work and did this for a year of studying Three days before taking the exam, I turned off my cell phone, checked into the Marriott, told no one except for one-single highly-trusted person where I was staying, what room number or how to contact me, and that everyone else in my life would have to be filtered through that one single trusted person. I had that one single trusted person know precisely what meets the threshold for calling me, and no “good luck” or “just checking on you” calls, unless there is a major emergency, then I will see you the afternoon after I take the exam. Otherwise, I want zero distraction of any kind - period!As radical as this approach was, it actually worked, and I passed the exam after the third try, with scores of 100% and 95%.A variation of this approach might be necessary for an effective job search. In many cases, people do not understand, especially kids. They want what they want, and likely that is you. Friends are the same way. People are selfish, they want to consume your time, smile, laugh, play and have fun. There is a time for all of that, but sometimes, not all of that can be accommodated. Sometimes there is a time to buckle-down, make sacrifices and effect-change by taking a stealth approach to find that job and make it happen. Do what you have to do.
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- Lease Termination Notice For Former Employee