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Can you describe how detonating thermonuclear charges on Mars' poles can lead to the planet becoming hospitable?

He talks about it here at 2 minutes in, just says "The fast way is to drop thermonuclear weapons on the poles":Getting lots of questions about it here today as a result.I know he is probably at least half joking in the video, but his remarks have been taken seriously by some reporters, e.g. in the Independent, Want to make Mars hospitable? Drop nuclear bombs, says Elon Musk and Elon Musk says nuking Mars is the quickest way to make it livable - CNET and many other headlines of that nature today.And it's an interesting question, so I think deserves a detailed serious answer :).First, I've never seen any paper suggesting nuclear weapons could terraform Mars quickly.I've never seen any serious suggestion to use nukes. Mirrors yes, impacting comets yes, artificial greenhouse gases yes, but nukes, they are just not powerful enough, and anyway the atmosphere still would need extra warming even if you did liberate the CO2 to keep it liberated.And anyway, it wouldn't work. Not make it habitable as in Earth habitable or even close.WHAT IT COULD DO - CREATE A TEMPORARY ICE COVERED LAKE AT THE POLESIf you went all out and exploded thousands of 1 gigaton bombs on Mars, what it could do is briefly release a lot of dry ice (CO2) into the atmosphere as CO2, also water vapour, which would make the Mars atmosphere briefly a bit thicker. But nowhere near as thick as Earth. This happens naturally whenever large comets hit the Mars poles, and as you can see, they haven't made it into a habitable planet.The other effect would be to create a lake at the poles. Which would soon freeze over. But below the insulating covering of ice, it would remain liquid for a while.But it would be much better to deflect a large comet to hit Mars if you want that effect.Even quite small bolides hitting Earth atmosphere release the equivalent of small nuclear bombs in terms of the amount of energy released into the upper atmosphere when they create bright fireballs briefly brighter than a full moon.To interpret this table, a kiloton is about 4,184 gigajoules. So the ones labeled as 10,000 gigajoules are in the kilotons range TNT equivalentMars is closer to the asteroid belt and gets hit about ten times more often than Earth, and with its thin atmosphere, then even small asteroids get all the way to the surface. On Mars these wouldn't be air bursts, they'd be surface hits, and there would be ten times as many of them as for Earth.It gets hit by meteorites large enough to create a small crater 200 times every year.One of many fresh impact craters on Mars spotted from orbit. It gets hit by 200 meteorites large enough to create small craters like this every year (much higher frequency than Earth because closer to the asteroid belt, and also thinner atmosphere). See Pow! Mars Hit By Space Rocks 200 Times a YearIt gets hit by the equivalent of a 1 megaton impact every 3 years estimated . On Earth the equivalent figure is once every 15 years.It gets hit by a 10 megaton impact every century. See Earth and Mars crater-size frequency distribution and impact rates:theoretical and observational analysisSo, it gets hit by impacts with the equivalent of multi-kiloton nuclear weapon impacts frequently and multi-megaton level impacts would be common.YIELD IN GIGATONS EQUIVALENT OF A COMET IMPACT ON THE MARS POLESThe largest nuclear weapon ever detonated on the Earth, the Tsar Bomba, had a yield of 40 megatons.This is its bomb casing (File:Tsar Bomba Revised.jpg)And the fireball:The Tsara Bomba fireball, about 8 km in diameter. (File:Tsar01.jpg)A 130 meter diameter meteorite hitting Earth has a similar yield to the Tsara Bomba of about 60 megatons (though in the case of Earth much of it would be dissipated in the atmosphere on the way down)..Conceivably we could build a 1 gigaton nuclear weapon in the future with 25 times the yield of the Tsara Bomba..But a 1 km diameter comet has a yield of around 100 gigatons.A 10 km diameter comet has a yield of around 100,000 gigatons.On Mars, the impact velocity is roughly halved for short period comets (not so much for long period comets) - that still makes the yield around 25 gigatons and about 25,000 gigatons respectively.So you'd need 25,000 gigaton bombs each one 25 times more powerful than the largest nuclear weapon ever built, to equal the effect of a single one 10 km diameter comet hitting the poles of Mars. And that's a size of comet that would hit Mars from time to time.I got those figures from Defending Planet Earth - page 36 - by the Space Studies board. Other sources give somewhat varying figures, but whether it is 60,000 or 100,000 gigatons is neither here nor there.(I'll see if I can find statistics for the megatons and expected frequency of impacts of 10 km comets for Mars and update this answer, meanwhile this is plenty to give a first idea of what is involved)So, if you think that nuclear bombs would jump start a thicker atmosphere on Mars, why haven't asteroid and comet impacts done that already?LATENT HEAT OF MELTING FOR ICEWe can also come at this another way. The latent heat of melting for ice is quite high. 334 Kj/kg.A kiloton is about 4,184 gigajoules, so that's enough to melt 4184000000/334 kg or about 12,500,000 kg. Or about 12,500 cubic meters.A Tsar Bomba at 40 megatons, if all the energy went into melting water and none into heating up rock or dissipated into the atmosphere could melt 40,000 times that, so given that there are a billion cubic meters in a cubic kilometer, it could melt half a cubic kilometer of water (500 million tons)Spread over the entire surface of Mars, surface area of 144.8 million square kilometers, then that would be equivalent to a layer of 0.0000035 meters, or about 3.5 microns of water.The water currently in the Mars atmosphere has equivalent of 10-20 microns (though varying regionally, seasonally, and from day to night). Page on sciencedaily.comSo one Tsar Bomba would increase the amount of water vapour temporarily by about a third, if it all went into melting ice - but - in practice only a tiny fraction of it would do that..If we used 25,000 gigaton bombs (625,000 Tsar Bombas), the equivalent of our 10 km diameter comet, this could melt the equivalent to a layer of about 2.2 meters of water over the surface of Mars.So this would melt a fifth of the estimated 11 meters of water equivalent over the surface of Mars thought to be available on Mars according to one estimate.But - in practice nothing like that amount of energy would go into melting the ice. And any water that got into the atmosphere would almost immediately condense out again as ice, or penetrate into the dry equatorial sands and be lost. And much of that water would remain on the surface at the impact point as a lake that would freeze over.The idea I think is to try to kickstart a greenhouse effect, not make significant changes to Mars right away. I can't find much about this, it's not the most usual suggestion for a way to heat up Mars.Michio Kaku briefly mentions nuclear bombs here:Just as a passing remark, I doubt if he means that nuclear bombs by themselves could do it.Situation is much the same for dry ice, latent heat of melting / sublimation is 184, if all the energy went into sublimating dry ice, then each Tsar Bomba would liberate 275 million tons of CO2, just a tiny fraction of the 25 trillion tons (teratons) of the Mars atmosphere. So again you'd need millions of these to start to make a significant difference, with all of the energy somehow focused into liberating dry ice into CO2.So, it's not going to do that much directly. Hope has to be to somehow initiate a runaway feedback reaction. But the amounts are rather small for that also from a few hundred thousand nuclear bombs.If you think liberating a small amount of water or dry ice from the ice caps like this could cause a runaway greenhouse effect of some sort - well why hasn't it happened already with comet impacts?COMET SLIDING SPRINGWhen Comet Sliding Spring was first discovered, then for a time they thought it was going to hit Mars, and then could have done this experiment for us naturally, but it missed.The subsurface lake would be a temporary habitat for life on Mars a bit like the subglacial lakes in Antarctica. This happens from time to time and is one of the possible habitats in present day Mars for life there.The models suggest that if a comet a few kilometers in diameter hit a high lattitude region of Mars, the result would be a crater 30 - 50 km in diameter and an underground hydrothermal system that remains liquid for thousands of years.It would be a habitat for microbes. An anaerobic lake, so no oxygen, even if you have hydrothermal vents (the Antarctic lakes are nitrogen and oxygen rich, even hyperoxygenated, through the effect of dissolved air getting into the lakes as the ice at the bottom melts - but on Mars the same process if it happened would make it CO2 rich, not oxygen rich).LOTS MORE TO TERRAFORMING MARSThere is a lot more to it anyway. First, Mars gets half the sunlight levels of Earth.Terraforming suggestions typically add large mirrors in space, or greenhouse gases such as methane to compensate for that.Then, CO2 is poisonous to humans, at levels above 1%. So somehow you want to convert all that CO2 into organics and oxygen, or the most you can have live there are trees. But to do that takes a huge amount of energy, or else, you use photosynthesis. But to generate all that oxygen you need to take the carbon out of the atmosphere permanently, not just circulate it around as plants usually do, it eventually returns as they decay.So you need to grow enough plants to cover the entire surface of Mars with a layer several meters thick of organics to sequester all that carbon. This part of the process, Chris McKay estimated would take about 100,000 years - because it has about half the light levels of Earth, and a third of the gravity so that it needs to have three times the mass of oxygen per square meter for the same atmospheric partial pressure.Then, humans don't do well in an environment of pure oxygen long term, we suffer from oxygen poisoning unless the atmosphere is very thin and even then long term like for years, wouldn't want to live in a pure oxygen low pressure atmosphere - and anyway it is also a major fire hazard if the entire atmosphere was oxygen, supposing you could do it.So, you'd want a buffer gas. Mars has some argon but not huge amounts. It originally had lots of nitrogen but it is gone, perhaps turned into rock? So you have to somehow liberate or find huge quantities of nitrogen to use as a buffer gas for the atmosphere.And it probably doesn't have enough water either, 11 meters global equivalent layer of ice - which may sound a lot but remember, you've got equatorial regions that are dry to depths of over a hundred meters, probably hundreds of meters - melt that ice and most of it would just sink into the equatorial dry sands.There are ideas for all this, but it involves megaengineering - importing water from comets. Could get the nitrogen that way too using methane rich comets from the outer solar system. Large mirrors in space. Etc etc.Then you have the problem that the planet you just terraformed in this way - with its greenhouse gases or mirrors, needs continual support by high technology to keep it running. If you can terraform it as quickly and easily as that, it can unterraform just as quickly. And long term it loses water vapour from the atmosphere. You've still got the solar storms. You've got the high impact rate because it is closer to the asteroid belt.With the level of technology needed for terraforming Mars - why not just move all those comets and other resources into close to Earth orbit instead and build space habitats? And use the technology for mirrors around Mars to build thin film mirrors to concentrate sunlight on solar panels in orbit around Earth and beam the energy to Earth and solve our energy problems?It doesn't make a lot of sense to use that technology to pour water onto a desert planet as part of a hundred thousand year project.Well not yet anyway, we are at the stage, surely, of attempting multi-decade rather than hundreds of thousands of years projects.And the thing is - our failed primitive attempts on Mars right now could easily mess up the planet in such a way as to make future terraforming or whatever else we want to do there much harder.See Trouble With Terraforming MarsTo Terraform Mars with Present Technology - Far into Realms of Magical Thinking - Opinion PieceImagined Colours Of Future Mars - What Happens If We Treat A Planet As A Giant Petri Dish?Citations for the impact lake if you want to look at the scholarly papers (but these are mainly behind paywalls):Starting conditions for hydrothermal systems underneath Martian craters: Hydrocode modeling Pierazzo, E., Artemieva, N.A., and Ivanov, B.A., 2005, from Large Meteorite Impacts III, Issue 384, p 444 edited by Thomas Kenkmann, Friedrich Hörz, Alexander Deutsch Geological Society of America, 1 Jan 2005 (pdf, earlier version with colour graphics)"Impact melt and uplifted basement heat sources in craters >50 km in diameter should be sufficient to drive substantial hydrothermal activity and keep crater lakes from freezing for thousands of years, even under cold climatic conditions" Location and Sampling of Aqueous and Hydrothermal Deposits in Martian Impact Craters Horton E. Newsom, Justin J. Hagerty, and Ivan E. Thorsos. Astrobiology. March 2001, 1(1): 71-88. doi:10.1089/153110701750137459.]Impact crater lakes on Mars, Horton E. Newsom, Gregory E. Brittelle, Charles A. Hibbitts, Laura J. Crossey, Albert M. Kudo, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets (1991–2012) Volume 101, Issue E6, pages 14951–14955, 25 June 1996 DOI: 10.1029/96JE01139Lakes on Mars (Google eBook), Nathalie A. Cabrol, Edmond A. Grin, Elsevier, 15 Sep 2010I talk about this and many other potential habitats for present day Mars life in Are There Habitats For Life On Mars? - Salty Seeps, Clear Ice Greenhouses, Ice Fumaroles, Dune Bioreactors,...As usual, if you spot anything at all to correct in this, however minor, don't hesitate to say in the comments :).

Is NASA hiding evidence of intelligent alien life?

Concisely speaking, YES. Not only NASA, but many earth governments hide the truth by cover-ups, but believe me sooner there may be an open contact (again very good Chance) in coming year, why I am saying this?:-Q - Mythi, is there any possibility that our planet unites, overthrows current social structure and celebrates "ascension day" before the "breaking point" of the planet? or will the planet changes be the dominant cause for the collapse of our current social structure? (Q asked in September 2018)- Jose, as I told Shyner, the breaking point depends on you alone. When nations begin to get rid of the shackles imposed by your elites, the healthy union of nations will gradually blend the differences and make the planet more cohesive. There will have been expected "Ascension Day" for the planet Earth. As things are happening, there is a good chance that open CG contacts will happen next year.Note:1) CG= Community Galactica2) Below are some other answers which are related to words 'your governments' and 'NASA' in PDF file. Almost every answer has word 'your governments' so I will paste a few only.Q - Among the members of Community Galactica there are some carnivorous beings? I refer to so-called reptilians.(Q asked on Sep 16, 2010)- Yes, there are many races who consume animal protein processed as you. They have many planets in the early stage of development with many breeds of primitive animals for consumption. The reptilians are actually about 20 subspecies. Coincidentally, the race that I mentioned being in contact with some of your governments is one of those. They are not bad but take many wrong decisions by momentary interests. It is a race that has evolved to the point of being able to join the Community Galactica and from there gained access to technologies that did not have before to space travel. They have caused problems since.Q - How curiosity, I saw a video about the autopsy of a humanoid who was just over a foot tall, with a body well proportional to Earthlings. Is there even a race like that, or is this something actually false?(Q asked in same visit)- Yes, there are races. We in the Community Galactica, we have about 30 galactic races of humanoids with this Approximate size. Those people are very old, developed, and intelligent, with an excellent relationship with the other breeds. Two of these breeds, called Chithoks have small research bases on Mars here in your solar system. This little guy is a Chithok dead.Note: This question and picture was added on the permission of CB (CAPTAIN BILL)Q - Have you followed our explorations of outer space, going to the moon, probes to Mars and to the outer solar system? (Q asked on Sep 22, 2010)- Yes, you are crawling. Your governments have repeatedly exploded devices on the Moon, even though there is plenty of activity. That is disrespectful, and your governments are forbidden to build any kind of base there. With respect to Mars, your governments already know of the existence of several ancient cities there and have already taken lots of pictures and movies. You also are forbidden to even construct any kind of base on the surface. The civilization of Earth as it is today is not welcome on any celestial body where there is activity of other races. From this new Earth Era, at some point this century, having joined the Community Galactica, the new Earth community will be formed and will have full participation in activities outside the planet.Q - Steve asks: Do you give us permission to share confidential information with NASA scientists involved in any of this research?(Q asked on Feb 05, 2011)- Steve, NASA has much more knowledge of technological detail than you can imagine. We cannot start a debate of technology while the Earth is not considered a suitable society to certain developments. Even the Reptilians with all intentions of sharing the planet may not provide technologies that will lead your government to slaughter. They are creating a dependency on technology, but in a smart way, as to not fall foul of planetary organizations like the Community Galactica. We realize that your governments are extremely corrupt and elitist due to the fact they have already several technologies that could advance the level of development of your people by a hundred years in their deposits, but do not intend to use in this current context. So we're prepared and looking at what will be on their agenda set aside for your population. We believe they want to be the saviors of a new society after all the expected events and can create a new society without the constraints imposed by them at this time.Q - Steve asks: Are you aware of NASA research into this and whether NASA has been assisted by ETs in providing us with these evidences? (Q asked after 2–3 Questions the previous one)- Steve, NASA and your government have long since received a lot of alien technology. Energy converters based on nitrogen, no operating costs, programming technologies, molecular forms of life with an adaptive genetic code to consume materials that are considered pollutants to humanoids, synthetic life forms considered by the standards of humanoids that can metabolize organic material in minerals, among many other technology transfers. Some of these things were obtained by re-engineering tools and equipment seized from crashed spaceships. Other technologies were exchanged for biological material and features such as operational bases of underground construction, built for the Reptilians and their Grays. See, when I say "their Grays" I'm referring to a specific race of Grays that work with them; please do not generalize. It's like good and bad societies that you have here, on your own planet.Q - A friend asks, if aliens have been sharing new development information to humans on Earth, then why are we engaging in projects that will have no impact for us? Why do we continue to fund projects like LHC? You mentioned that humans will not have time to produce a favorable result with the LHC. (Q asked on May 06, 2011)- See, understand that here on your planet there are two active scientific aspects, the open science, and the science secret. Your NASA for example, there are hundreds of people working for the NASA facade. They really believe they are working seriously with high-tech, sending robots with wheels and small cameras working in parallel searches, exploring planets like Hercolubus or Tyche, who actually call it Nibiru and hiding from the public with a large sieve, etc… These are the useful innocents in the system. The INASA or "Inner NASA" is the really interesting part, of which the innocent of NASA know virtually nothing about to keep the level of misinformation given to the public at acceptable levels. The INASA is the one that holds the relationship with the Reptilians and their scientists, and is wholly owned and maintained by your elites. NASA owns the relationship with the common public, who pay taxes. All the research out of the planet, in Lunar and Martian Reptilian bases are highly classified knowledge of the INASA, of which facade scientists of NASA know nothing. If a NASA scientist becomes inconvenient, he is eliminated, sometimes literally. NASA is still using the old rockets, while at INASA they fly in Reptilian spaceships. See, your governments cannot stop the scientific community calendar without attracting full attention to themselves.Q - Mythi, our scientists do not know how to explain the mystery of the cosmic ray source bombarding the southern pole of Earth in Antarctic this week which intensified yesterday, May 6, and has been rising. What is causing this? (Q asked on May 7, 2011)- These scientists may be those "innocent." This bombardment of cosmic rays is being channeled by the approach of the Nibiru system. You can easily verify with simple calculations that these bundles of rays are coming from a distance compatible with the current position of the system Nibiru, about 0.0397 light years away. The only other source behind the Nibiru system is over 1,000 light years from Earth, impossible to send these cosmic rays with such intensity. This bombing will only decrease when the system passes abeam of the Earth. Your INASA knows, but it will not admit it to the general public. See, in reality, few of your population are interested in getting acquainted with these events. I believe you are not even half a percent. The rest believe that if it’s important news, it will come out in the media.Q - Danan asks, when can we expect our satellite communications to start failing? Will it happen gradually or in one quick event? (Q asked on May 25, 2011)- Danan, your satellites can begin to leave orbit and get lost in space when the balance of your magnetic field weakens the balance of centrifugal force. The passage of any large celestial body near the planet can also take away all the orbits of satellites in its line of tangency of gravity. For many of your satellites, NASA will inform you how, "We’ll keep them off," so as not to admit that they are out of their orbits. By mid-2012 no satellite should be operational, unless they release others in lower orbits. This should not happen because your space programs have been disabled.Q - Spacecrafts and many different phenomena has appeared in different parts of the world, something special is happening? (Q asked on September 1, 2011)- As I mentioned earlier, the traffic here is very loaded at this time. Many teams of scientific tourism, several humanoid societies has been studying the planet's reactions to these changes in frequency and state of equilibrium, much is being broadcast in real time to several solar systems of several galaxies. Behavioral studies of society humanoid, geophysical effects, geomagnetic and chemicals, the resulting period of stabilization of the planet, ending collections of flora and fauna, among other scientific activities. In addition to this movement, we have fleets of service as our permanent geophysical research, the Pleiadeans in the area of security, Arcturians in the marine biosphere, Krulians as the patrol of the solar system planetary orbital, etc... Not to mention the reptilians providing specific services to your government.Note: Mythi started to speak before answering questions:- (Oct 18, 2011)- Friends, According to observations of Pleiadeans and sent to the CG and in-service fleets, there is a large military movement on the planet, concentration of forces in North America, Asia and the Middle East. The agenda of the elite is already running accelerated by volume and influx of weaponry and troops seem to conflict can be started earlier next month. Be prepared for this start of operations for global destabilization that will culminate in the enactment of a single government and a unified economy. Some regions are being "prepared" to suffer "natural" disasters simulated. Thousands of tons of conventional explosives are being moved around the planet. These actions may be advertised as "meteor impacts" or "alien attacks." After the start of these operations, be ready for the ads of false flags of your governments, during the first half of November. The Elenin comet's tail will dump thousands of meteorites in your upper atmosphere until the end of November. The communication between you, ordinary citizens, should be stopped because the damaged satellites will not be replaced. Power outage will be a trouble too. A complete communications network, regardless of the satellite network is already connected to all command posts of your elite so the current satellites are conveniently disposable during these operations. Also according to the Pleiadeans, the governments of coalition installed a navigation system landmarks emitting signs of physical coordinates, a Global Positioning System (GPS), independent of satellites for navigation of aircraft and missiles, also linked to the "system of bombardment of frequencies" (HAARP). Apparently, the operation to the beginning of a great social upheaval on the planet has already begun. According to surveys of the Galactic Community, there are 7,009,937,000 of humanoids on this planet, and we will be monitoring the actions of exception to take reasonable and authorized initiatives. As you know, this part of the galaxy is undergoing a massive cloud of energy for the next two years, which will affect the sun and the planets with permeable atmospheres, causing further warming in the inner layers of the Earth and warming to highest levels all the planets and especially the planet Jupiter. CB said that many of you ask about the breeds that are currently assisting in the search here and I'll quote some of them. But first, let me explain one thing, the level of frequency of races does not interfere in any way the relationship between them. Sometimes these differences are difficult to notice because it depends on the way to be and to express themselves in each race. Some breeds are more phlegmatic while others are more social, regardless of their frequency bands. After the frequency of level 1, the following frequencies will open the possibilities of brain development and facilitating the understanding of more subtle processes of the universal dynamics. A humanoid of level 1 will relate very well with the other level 10, without any sense of inferiority or superiority in the relationship. It's like a tree, the top branches, low or middle belong to the same tree, only a few came before, and others later, but all belong to the same context and function. In the crews of spaceships you can find various frequencies beings working together as a team, without one being more important or superior to the other for it. Everything depends on the profile of each in knowledge and personal dynamics to better define its role. Races who work here today, we have some main societies:* Pleiades, level 3 and 4, very similar to you physically.* Breeds from Aldebaran two types, ones humanoid Grays, some type of medium height, with others like your constitution, but lower, level 2, up to 6.* Sirius breeds, some of short stature Grays, darker tone, and other breeds Reptilians, from levels 1 to level 3.* Breeds Camelopardalis type of humanoid Gray’s height higher, level 6 and 7.* Breeds Arcturians of level 3 type humanoid dolphin.* Breeds from Andromeda, levels 3 to level 5, some Grays kind of short stature and others humanoid, my kind, like you, but a little lower, as some breeds of which Rigel Centaurus, similar to mine, also from level 5 .* Race Chithok small 30cm tall humanoids from the solar system Chithok near the center of your galaxy, level 6.* Race Krulians, humanoid level 8, Pleiades evolution of races that have taken a more slender body shape and look very harmonically.Many of you also asked about the size of the mother ship Krulians. Yes, it is huge but you have no idea how it is inside. There are several towns, farms, lakes and oceans, forests, all maintained by self-regenerative systems, including the spacecraft itself regenerates itself that is, never gets old and is indestructible. The atmosphere is totally controlled, the ship has a perfect system of inertial cancellation and gravity field, regardless of their relative position, not a leaf falls before the right time. The difference is that the extraordinary strong external force field protects them from meteors and asteroids, and all of the suns radiant emissions, which enables the spacecraft literally dive in liquid mass of any sun, without actually having superficial contact with the extreme heat. They can install the devices at any level of its surface or in the interior of suns to reduce internal pressures and to redirect CMEs in complete safety. Everything that my civilization has in three planets would fit comfortably into that super ship. The land is fertile and is no shortage of gardens, flowers and greenery. They maintain a balanced ecosystem with animals, birds, insects and fish like any normal planet. The inner surface of the super ship reproduces in real time everything that is on the outside, that is, they can see the stars in the sky like you, galaxies and solar systems, and it feels exactly the same. Any of us could travel for years inside and die without knowing it in full. That's really what you call a private "paradise", where anyone would want to live.Note: 1) Levels are for sake of easiness for understanding development. Earth is level 1 (entered back in 2012), however her inhabitants are:24% level 1 (as of 2014) and 36% between level 0.6–0.9 (as of 2018) remaining of total population are below 0.6 or level zero (that is these are those ‘very bad' people). Higher the level of planet or individual, the more mystic , spiritual, harmonious, etc they are. Since planet undergo through these stages of developments, its inhabitants must also align there frequencies parallel to planet's {i.e., planet frequency should match with that if its inhabitants, otherwise after disembodiment, souls are attracted to the planets whose frequency matches with their's, so always do good works, believe in 'GOD', support helping others, love others, make your enemies your best friends, this is what we are told in our religions, so Mythi did :) }. Mythi is a level 5 individual, and CB/CAPTAIN BILL (the interviewer) is level 1.3) Greater the level of a planet more heavenly it will be. Like a paradise, no crimes, no enemies, no hatred, no diseases, no dangerous animals or insects or plants, etc etc.2) You may have noticed Mythi has stated of being alert of the governments and ‘welfare’ schemes for people. It is so, because as said earth entered into new era back in 2012, it will filter the 'true' inhabitants of level 1 colony ( i.e., level 1 individuals for level 1 colony) it is a naturally underpinned process, but in case of earth, some politicians have taken it into there hands, to finalize the process, for more details visit my other answers or directly download the PDF and read it. So, this is what Mythi constantly warning us of.Note: For below answer, CB= Captain Bill. And was made on Nov 2, 2011CB obs.: - Friends, I had to do a 5-day trip which prevented contact with Mythi. Yesterday we could talk and exchange some information. I received many many emails about the YU-55 and follow what was explained to me:- The perihelion of the YU-55 as you call it was diverted to demonstrate the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence for the entire population of planet Earth. Its trajectory was sidetracked by the influence of Krulians ship which followed the Elenin comet, a comet which was also "ordered" to this action. The comet YU-55, will be accompanied by your astronomers and may be diverted to reach the Moon and it will be operated by spacecraft, all seen by you in real time. If the YU-55 reaches the moon on Nov. 8, a great rain of debris will be attracted by the gravitational pull of Earth, possibly neutralizing your communication systems, plus the trail of the comet Elenin scheduled to begin the first effects of this early month. Even though it is not directed to reach the lunar surface, the whole movement of spacecraft will provide the necessary disclosure for the moment, a fact that thousands of people on your planet may be seen with regular telescopes, without the censoring of your governments.- The Community Galactica requested the total evacuation of all activities on the Moon since the approach of Elenin already setting the stage for this event. Scheduled after this revelation, the "solar system Nibiru" may be placed on the original route again; it is being moved forward by the "spaceship Krulians" and is causing orbital changes and declination of the axes of the planets in outer orbits, especially on Saturn and Jupiter which are more easily observed. This is a decision to be taken in the wake of these events, and you if so, will finally see the two suns in a few months.Q - Mythi, It is true that a race of Andromeda, attacked bases of Reptilians in the Gulf of Aden? (Q asked just next to previous one)- No, not true. The only fleet coming from Andromeda, in service here is ours. Other breeds of Andromeda, which circulate on the planet, are only of scientific teams. This news is totally unfounded as we have no orders to attack any other race. For this there is the advice of the Community Galactica. There Pleiadeans living in communities in the Middle East, Africa, Russia, in many Asian countries, in South America that is, they are well acquainted with the events and can keep the board of the Community Galactica aware of what is happening with the local people. If intervention is necessary is likely to be assigned to the fleet Pleiadeans that is highly prepared for this.- The Reptilians are being judged by a board of Galactica Community for their active participation in the event that led to the explosion of underground facilities in North America, and may be unable to continue the partnership with your government during this period of formation of the new society. The colony on Mars will not be affected by this decision.- The military movements are intense, and it seems that there is a possibility of eliminating much of the government leaders of countries, when they are all in one place at one time. This would be a way of deploying a single government and economy for the planet as the plans of these hidden forces, which are manipulating this agenda. The control of chaos is much easier than controlling a bankrupt world economy at the start of seizures.- There are major changes in the Antarctic base. A large spaceship, with an energy field that reflects cosmic energies and geomagnetic force is circulating the continent and neutralizing an attempt to melt a lake that serves the "underground spaceport." Your governments are trying to defrost, using the "HAARP system." This spaceship bright and reflect light like a little sunshine wherever she goes. This is a time of great irrationalities; your governments know they will not be attacked randomly over the population under which they hide. With the attacks HAARP at the poles and in the ocean, a lot of steam is being released in your atmosphere, which should cause extreme floods and snowstorms in many regions, like never before. Be prepared for extreme events involving the climate of the regions with hurricanes and tornadoes.- During this period, you will witness a lot of activity near the Sun with spaceships charging. Scientists Krulians are causing "CMEs on the opposite side to relieve pressure. Many energy shots will be seen as this is a prevention system against the many stray meteors that are crossing the system in this period of high cosmic activity. With the approach of the solar system Nibiru, if it is put back into the route, many asteroids are attracted and repelled, causing a chain reaction that will increase 500 percent in the movement of debris in the solar system. During this month you will have lots of news and facts that will signal future events, some will be announced by your own governments, such as shock impending meteor or other "natural disasters".- The geomagnetic field of the planet is becoming increasingly weaker, the movement of magma continues to rise and consequently the chances of major tectonic movements in all regions. This weakening will cause changes in color of the sky with different colors of refraction in the atmospheric layers, caused by the high incidence of cosmic energy and radiation from your Sun, it is a warning and a visible sign of the state in which it is the shield of geomagnetic protection of your planet. The solar system is already inside the cloud of cosmic energy, and it will remain so for the next two years, so, animals, insects and fish more sensitive to these changes will perish, and even become extinct in these two years.- The kinetic energy that keeps a body in motion can be compared to the reluctance of some to stop and think to understand the dynamics of the facts and events. I know it causes controversy when CB puts what I say in the videos. I know everyone would like to see an end to their anxieties and consequently get frustrated when the facts do not match with dates or submissions. Be assured of one thing, everything in the universe happens at the right time, even when something seems wrong, it might be right if viewed from a different angle by another observer.Understand that these predictions depend on the linearity of events, if changes occur in the facts can change the events at the end. Look, I'm just an observer who is in a better angle to view the events, I am not preaching doctrines or procedures, I'm just keeping him and you, the best informed of the possible facts.- Take care and keep ready for all or nothing, but be prepared anyway.Note:1) for above: I didn't want to break the fluidity and continuity of Mythi's answer, so pasted what Mythi said :)2) for below talk: Mythi started to speak: (Nov 10, 2011)- Friends, I came here at the insistence of CB to comment on these points and I return in about three days for a new conversation. We are assisting the Arcturians in an operation to remove a submarine base near the island Socotra in the Arabian Sea. - As you could follow, the asteroid YU-55 was diverted from his route to the moon by Krulians ship, bringing it a little more close to Earth's orbit, and that made your astronomers make corrections in the distances of Earth flyby. The Community Galactica decided to hinder the plans by the current elite of your planet, they were advised by Pleiadeans. If major natural disasters to happen at the moment as they were certain and confident, would facilitate the plan of genocide. A large craft Krulians passed near the planet covering the effects of meteorites, the trail of Elenin, which would disable your communications in early November. The economy of the planet is going into total crisis, your government will have to start a major conflict to carry out plans for global control and that will be more easily traced, because if such a plan is in place, we may be ordered to the intervention of the planet. This is what Pleiadeans wish for many months, an open intervention with the direct participation of local populations. The passage of this colony to the level "one" of frequency, is receiving major interventions by societies that long ago, working for such development. It's more complicated than it seems because it was settled by the board of the Community Galactica that your government can not run the pre-established plans to eliminate the ethnicities considered "disposable" by them. It was also resolved to await the beginning of the conflicts to a massive revelation of extraterrestrial societies that will be present to harmonize the situation. Your elites are losing time, they could not count on Elenin, nor with the YU-55, and not with the system Nibiru in its correct time, and so will they lose control of the situation soon. Unfortunately, at first, you are in the midst of planned retaliation for them but will not for long. The reptilians are unable to voice any participation, because their activities are practically suspended on Earth by orders of the Community Galactica that is, your elites will be without any coverage. The military movements clearly demonstrate the purpose of this game, putting the nation against nation, especially in more populated areas of the planet. For your elites this is a game with marked cards, everyone involved knows exactly what role they should play the game of population elimination. The effect of making the people want the destruction of its neighbor is the desire of the elites and not ordinary citizens. These nations could live in peace if there is no such centralization of power by so few. The strategy of "Community Galactica was smart, removing the factor" nature "of the agenda of your elites, it is forcing your governments to take an initiative that will demonstrate clearly the intention of genocide. This change in policy of the Community Galactica, with respect to "non-interference" was very interesting because your planet is really in a situation where emergency measures are necessarily being implemented. Regarding the Nibiru system, I believe it will be restored to the normal route on the inside of the solar system, but this situation belligerent, should already be resolved when it passes in a few months. Also, the Arcturians were responsible for the relief of the pressure of magma from the volcano that threatened to blow up Canary Islands throwing half of the island and the sea causing the natural disaster that was about to happen. They pierced the sheet of lava at the point of greatest pressure to reduce the possibility of another disaster event, previously expected by your elites. The Krulians are also keeping under control the sun as much as possible, to try to keep the "basic facilities" of the planet running as long as needed. Do not think because no asteroid collided with the planet, nothing is happening. Not much is happening for reasons that you will understand in the near future. Many people are working hard to make it possible to increase your level of success with the proportion expected by all. Take care and have faith that all this way to end a fairer and less suffering for this general situation.Note: Answers and considerations. (Dec 18, 2011) Observations:-CB- Friends, I talked to Mythi sometimes at a distance while I was not available due to chores, but now everything is getting close to normal again. He said to all:- Some of you are disappointed to be in December, and nothing abnormal has happened grandly. Look, if nothing very violent has happened yet, is because many friends are taking care of the main focuses of imminent dangers. You have to worry about your government, which it will be too painful for all of you. As the friend "TheRobot35" asked, what actually may happens with humans in 2012, I can say that your governments, which were hampered by the Community Galactica, could not enjoy the natural disasters that were expected on the agenda. This means that they will act ostensibly to pass laws of exception against citizens and exposing themselves to the yoke of direct observers Pleiadeans. The volcanic activity cannot be contained in its entirety, some super volcanoes are impossible to be controlled even by the Arcturians therefore be prepared in North America and the Pacific because some areas are already degraded rapidly.Note: Below: Mythi started to speak: ( May 21, 2012)- To dispel doubts that are generating a lot of demand to CB, this information complements our last meeting.- The overpopulation of the planet Earth was caused by an error in the administration of your elites. There was no intelligence or consensus when, during the industrial era, they required consumers to obtain economic volume. Today, with automation and mass production of goods, large underserved populations that have multiplied out of control are not consumer of goods, only consume resources and generate pollution and destruction of nature. Your elites relied on disasters "natural" to reduce the surplus population, but the Community Galactica had delayed the schedule interfering, to reduce effects, especially in the last year. The elites really believe that they will be saving the planet with these measures to reduce two-thirds of the population. There are better solutions to this dilemma, but depends on the input of the planet in the new frequency, and the recognition of the race of Earthlings by the community. The technological solutions would be free energy, balanced exploitation of renewable resources of the planet, climate control to optimize production, decontamination of the environment, recovery of the fauna and flora. With these steps, the planet could maintain the current population and everyone could have the opportunity to develop within their limitations or capacity. The depopulation of the planet would be in charge of natural selection of reincarnation, where each would be transferred to its rightful place in the scale of development of humanoid societies available to welcome new members. This would be feasible and smooth the way to solve the problem of your current overcrowding. See, the planet has not passed to the new frequency range so it is not yet possible direct intervention. Your elites know this and will take advantage of that space of time to execute their own plans for depopulation, eliminating the ethnic groups they consider it a hindrance to their agenda prepared for the new age. The wars and local conflicts will be started at any time, just in areas overpopulated by people considered by them as non-viable to the new context. The region in question today concentrates almost fifty percent of the population of the planet. The one that provides Pleiadeans can take the initiative of the Community Galactica is to prevent the use of atomic weapons, but this will not prevent the action of conventional weapons, chemical and biological agents that could easily tear up these populations. Understand, this is a local problem of a colonial society; we cannot interfere until you are stabilized by itself as a viable race. We can only hope for you and help indirectly, as we can. Your entire social history is recorded in historical databases of Community Galactica; probes have engraved your fighting between nations from thy prehistory. In your last world war, Pleiadeans probes flew close to your aircraft to film the mass exterminations. When you have used atomic weapons against populations first, Arcturians and Pleiadeans filed suit for a limited intervention to your atomic firepower, and received the release of Galactic Community for nearly 10 years ago. After the end of this year, with up-grade of the planet, we can have carte blanche to act with the remaining societies. The destabilization of the planet caused by natural effects of the sun and heavenly bodies is already happening since a few years ago but now will expand globally. The Arcturians with the help of several other breeds are ending the expansion of safe places, to protect populations’ remnants of the great climatic changes that may follow. We do not have access to all scripts and possibilities that are being studied by the Community Galactica for your planet, but we trust they always act in the most correct possible. With respect to the first encounters and interventions, we believe it does not will be so difficult by the population. When you're drowning, you hold the first thing that is floating around to try to breathe. Only after this you will notice where you grabbed it, and thank whatever it is, because he extended his hand to you on time. Many of us are fully prepared to perish in this type of mission, but will all make sense in another incarnation, and this causes always worth the sacrifice for a new colony budding in our universe. We will be part of the history of this new colony, with great pride. Doubts about the Nibiru system, let's review, the system came in the southern quadrant passing through the position that would abeam the Earth's axis. When it was diverted by Krulians was taken to the vicinity of the Oort Cloud and was waiting to be released again. Your governments followed it with the radio telescopes in Antarctic and were caught by surprise. You on Earth are still thinking about the speed of light, rockets, propulsion ... we talked about instantaneous transfer from one quadrant of the universe to the other, not as you know the time on the distance and speed. If so, our ship would not reach Andromeda in a few minutes so far, only time to authorize the portal. What you still do not understand is that it does not need to physically travel to the location at a great speed; it is simply transferred there, through the portals opened by the ships that herd it. He has been released but the timing is another. He will reach the correct relative position in its orbit of approx. 3600 years during the next corrections. He was purposely removed from the scene after a long deliberation of Community Galactica, so cannot cause a mass extinction on the planet precisely in this important passage of Age. Enoch, Nemesis or any other name you want to give the new planet Pleiadeans, rather this is changing the climate of planets in your solar system but it is up to the system to adjust to his presence. It is not a dwarf star, is only a planet, which could be announced as a "wandering planet" by your scientists when they deem most appropriate. Have we mentioned it, as you friends think that Enoch get here? Traveling through space? Of course not! I believe that reiterating this information, I am reducing the many questions sent by many of you. Until our next meeting! Be with peace!Q - Mythi, friend kradok100 put this video available May 26 asking for answers, can you tell us what is this huge body that appears near the sun? (Q asked on May 30, 2012)- Friends, you are observing a rare moment, the great planet named by you as 'Enoch' being directed to the abeam of the sun to charge its special atmospheric shielding. It's an "encapsulated planet." Its atmosphere can store enough energy for many years of operation, as a huge capacitor. Enoch need not to be near any sun to survive can survive in open space due to stored energy. Its orbit will be set at lower impact angle, after adjustment of the system as a whole during passage through the galactic hemisphere later this year. Currently he can be anywhere in the solar system, where it can cause the least imbalance, we do not know the plan of his position, because Pleiadeans magnetically maneuvering it as they wish, and calculate. They have accurate control of its magnetosphere, and it avoids much less influence on the orbits of the planets with orbits predefined. Its outer atmospheric layer acts as a force field, can be activated to absorb light, turning it into a silhouette, a dark sphere, almost undetectable. Your governments have many pictures of him; just will not divulge to the ordinary citizen until find it convenient.Note: After taking permission from CB, he told me i m doing good work and to use pictures, when this answer was wrote, it was written that ‘no pictures will be used’ but now i can, coz i asked CB for permitting the use of pictures he arranged in PDF :)Q - Mythi, how many of the world's population could fit in Queensland Australia, each living on a one acre square plot? ALL! Why do you talk about overpopulation? (Q asked just next to previous one)- You see, I never said how many humans the planet would behave. Understand that for the current context, I said 10 percent of your current population will rise to the level one. I said that the balance of the new 'society level one ' will fit Approximately 600 millions in the middle half of this century with the separation of the natural cycle of reincarnations. Your society in the current context of zero level uses energy and materials highly harmful to the planet and its life forms aggregate, that is, reached a point that you're smashing your own home. This planet is poorly distributed, many societies live by recycling their own misery, with no chance of development, flattened by a regime in which only the 'chosen' may have opportunities for development and comfort. Everything in the development of a planet at this present stage depends on applied technology homogeneously. Planets with nature far less exuberant than the Earth, retains populations of up to 20 billion people living comfortably. A planet in the cosmos is like an island in the sea, can be productive and well managed or to be barren and inhospitable. The new society level one, aided by advanced techniques, may increase in number of inhabitants for many more than there are today, without damaging the planet. But this will be conscious planning of your new society as a whole. Your governments want to reduce populations for failing to control the demand for resources they would like in the current context of use of energy and materials commercially advantageous. They are losing control and decided to take drastic measures. What they do not know is that this selection will happen anyway including them, not drastically, but in a natural way in this new Era. Citing again the saying 'There will be separating the wheat and tares', taken from the ancient philosophical guides left here by your settlers, they were preparing you for this date, and the process has already begun.Note: For below, CB obs.: - These are brief comments by Mythi in conversation about the main points today. (June 20, 2012)- Those who are speculating on this triangular patch on the surface of the sun are right to say this is a portal. This was a further feature of the sun that would be better explained by those skilled Krulians. The Suns represent the equilibrium points of its adjacent systems and are therefore the focus of high energy detectable over long distances. The Krulians mainly long ago developed a system for the activation of portals connecting the suns on major routes to all corners of the galaxy where the movement of large ships is necessary. Usually there is careful not to expose the portal to the colonies have not integrated, but you, with all the probes sent for observation, would register at some point the open gate. It never stays open long, usually only about 30 minutes between opening and closing, but this time, for some reason it has been apparent for many hours. That's enough for you to register it clearly with your probes. Your “Inner NASA” and consequently your governments are familiar with this gateway for quite some time, and will not affirm nor deny its existence because they prefer to keep quiet about what they do not want to officially become public. Not up to me to explain it but since the matter became public, okay. See, your government did not erase those images deliberately. They are deliberately leaving some edges to fall into the public domain thereby causing misinformation as there is no official definition for such images. This special portal in the sun is used for very large ships and even whole planets, because they require an enormous heavy transport energy demand to maintain a large "vortex bending" enabled. For the record, there is also a great gateway for the transfer of raw materials installed in the upper pole of Saturn, managed by 'Camelopardalis, but is not used for regular spacecraft traffic. The "Inner NASA" also has long been aware of it.- Long ago, about a billion years, there was a great process of preparing the Earth for future colonization. The size of your moon was then calibrated and adjusted its orbit to provide the ideal balance to the planet's climate. The ratio between the average distance from Earth to the moon, and the average distance from Earth to the sun as well as the relationship between the diameters of the Sun and Moon is a constant. For this adjustment was made, large ships had to be transferred here to perform the job. That is when the portal was created especially to your sun. In our vast universe, with all that has been done, almost nothing was covered. For the record, this portal was the path used by the planet Pleiadeans or Enoch, to be transported here. It was the first planet to be teleported to this quadrant of the galaxy. The mother ship Krulians among other big mother ships also can only be transferred through the solar portal due to its physical size and volume. All other ships that you have detected orbiting near the solar surface are over 70 different races that currently travel through your solar system. They use the sun to recharge their energy concentrators. If you are traveling from near-by suns of your galaxy, most ships can open their own gateways to transfer to their target planets, and when they do, they approach the sun to get the amount of energy required for this operation. You will see many times the planet Enoch near the sun during this year; it is the site of lowest gravitational influence of the system.- Angels and archangels are your elder brothers. They are those who help care for younger ones. If a level 8 Krulians descends on Earth, you would interpret as an archangel because that is what his presence would convey- With respect to the system Nibiru, little I can comment for now, but you will soon have official news of his approach. It will be very visible but its influence is not as great as would have been last year. Thanks to interference from Krulians the behest of the CG, the system Nibiru will pass farther from the Earth's orbital position, avoiding a large gravitational influence. Your sun is reversing the polarity as it approaches the plane of the equator of the galaxy, so their behavior will be much more violent during this event. The bunkers built by your elites, not for war or under nuclear attack, are to survive the high solar radiation that could happen. These high radiation may overheat "the core and magma" of the planet, making the entire planet's crust, including oceans, extremely unstable. These events are the ones that your elites really fear it has no way been controlled by any earthly technology. Hiding in bunkers is the only plausible outlet for them. The Arcturians, Camelopardalis and Sirius are working hard on finalizing shelters for the "non elite" estimated at 32 percent of the current population, if the acts mentioned in the schedules of your governments are actually put into practice this year. No one knows exactly what your governments are going to do with the HAARP system because there are many possibilities for misuse of this system. We will be watching and proceeding according to the situations created. Very important; do not believe in any false flag alien attacks. As I said formerly, if some alien race sought to attack the planet, you would not have any time to worry about it or to react in some way.Q - Mythi, the climate in different regions of the planet is totally out of context, extreme temperatures, droughts, floods, strange mists, something has already begun? (Q asked on July 7, 2012)- Yes, I think your government is not required warn you, any one from now will feel in their own skin the changes on the planet. Therefore, any amateur astronomer can observe, because the stellar quarters are changing rapidly. The constellations you know, just have the mythological form when seen from the angle of your planet, do not have the same meaning when viewed from different angles, that is, there is no real meaning for them except as a reference. Your astronomers could observe the changes of position with ease. The angle of rotation of the planet is adjusting quickly because we are almost reaching the zero point of the equatorial plane of the galaxy. Watch your moon, it seems to be declining its axis, but, instead, is the Earth that is. The average citizen, so unfortunately he closes his eyes until he began to feel the changes in the skin or stomach. Virtually all crops on the planet will suffer the consequences of climate change, cold where it was warm and hot "where it was cold. Your governments know this and are super stocked food for the next two years, minimum time it takes to restart the climate a new cycle known to enable new planting in their corresponding climatic regions. After the tectonic restructuring, and the resulting initial chaos, governments will have to deal with people wanting food, shelter and medicine. For that some are already well prepared to "contain" these populations. It's all very "in your face," is impossible, that many cannot see. But none of this will change the fate of development of each of you. We, and your many friends from distant places, we're here to try to minimize the consequences and restart this colony.Note:for below: CB obs.: - Again, here are some answers to questions that bring together hundreds of emails about these issues. (July 12, 2012)Q - Mythi many friends want more details on upcoming events, you could tell us something more enlightening?- Those who hoped for apocalyptic events, were frustrated and reacted so childish, not understanding that, in fact, you were much helped in this important crossing. You remember last year that even your space station had to be evacuated and your space program was discontinued. Your governments knew what would happen and were caught by surprise by the events that followed. You did not lose your network of satellites and your space station last year by the intervention of Krulians, by neutralization of the comet Elenin, and the backwardness of the system Nibiru. But now it's time the event will not be alleviated, at least that is what is recorded, and is the event for which the underground shelters were planned for them. The sun is reversing its poles and it will generate large spontaneous bursts of high power to be directed to the alignment of the Earth "gravitational tunnels" that is already positioning aligned with the equator of the galaxy, greatly weakening the magnetic field of the planets in all solar systems that are changing hemisphere. So, that's not going to be a normal solar cycle, one happens every full rotation of the galaxy. Remember the previous recommendations on how to protect yourselves if these bursts reach your region, not out in the sun during the day, go out only at night. Many places will be very dry and fires can spread very easily. See, the planet will expand; it may be up to five percent larger in diameter due to the expansion of the magma under the effect of high radiation. You know what this will entail; the rearrangement of tectonic plates and the resulting earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanism. Not only the planet Earth will expand, all the planets of the system will suffer the same heating process. Your continents have this distribution today because the planet has expanded many times in many cosmic cataclysms that have happened in its history. Much of the Pleiadeans who live on planet Earth are being transferred to the Taus, therefore, seems that the cycle completion is near. Only the many units Pleiadeans of "control and rescue" fleet are circling the planet. Scientists and supporting staff of Base Antarctic will also be transferred to Taus. The base will continue in full operation with the specialized staff in its maintenance. 180 units Arcturian who run the various underground bases will work for the redemption. Our fleet will be divided among Pleiadeans and Arcturians because we partake of the two operations as a liaison and operational control. The last card of your elites will be the war planned to be initiated at any time since the HAARP system will not work, because if connected during high solar activity its antennas will be destroyed. Your elites know that they will be isolated, without monetary control, no control of communications, and they want to take advantage of it because the masses have nowhere to run, except for their claws. They will try to maintain power by force, which is the only resource for which they prepared enough in these last years. I believe do not need to repeat everything I said earlier for these events, so be prepared, as you can, to face the facts. Try to stock up on basic food and medicines for a year or two, because if there is no quick rescue, you and your family can survive without major problems until things begins getting back to normal. If your area is too cold, try to plan to go to places with warmer temperatures, since no electricity or gas, may be difficult to beat the cold. Distance from major cities and urban centers. Many very large spacecraft are crossing the solar portal these days; do not know the details of the plans of CG but it seem a major operation being organized. The Camelopardalis and Sirius are also very active in the system. Great movement also on the route Earth Mars, many ships with operators Grays are moving between bases of your governments and Martian bases, performing transportation of cargo. I've never seen the system as busy as now. I'll be passing the coordinates of all the friends that can help in the work for our navigating officer, so he put the data in the system of the fleet. So until your communications work, we are getting the coordinates. This is not a guarantee but a great possibility of redemption in the most affected regions. Once we know some detail I communicate to you.Q - Mythi, some are calling catastrophic events, from 17 this month, something is really going to happen? (Q asked on Aug 7 , 2012)- Understand that the solar system is in total imbalance in this transition period. These oscillations of geomagnetic fields by large solar emissions, causes huge distortions in the magnetic power lines that interact with other celestial bodies. A magnetic field distorted by one of these events can cause the diversion of asteroids that pass near the planet on these occasions, and can change their routes planned for totally random deviations. Starting this month, many asteroids and meteors that precede Nibiru system, caused by shocks in the earlier passages, will pass close to the planet, but Pleiadeans are monitoring. This is not the big problem right now, but the heating of the inner layers, that is increasing very rapidly. Signs of stress in the Earth's crust are indicated by the increase of volcanism and earthquakes. The so-called Pacific ring of fire can start a sequence of events between New Zealand and Japan at any time by following the clockwise direction to the coast of north America and south America, until the Antarctic continent. Events in Europe and Asia will follow randomly. Your scientists are monitoring the geomagnetic field and are noticing his weakened exponentially as the solar system aligns with the center of the galaxy; your governments are following and are already preparing the sites considered safe. They are not intended to warn people for two main reasons; this population "sacrifice" is already part of the plans, and even if they wanted, they do not have the slightest possibility of taking the logistics of the evacuation of hundreds of millions of citizens. Pay close attention to where your elites are going these next few weeks, since the deployment plans of chaos will be performed to justify the financial bankruptcy of the economic model adopted until now. According to observers Pleiadeans the last act has begun to happen. Be alert to execute your plans to escape to safer areas when the first symptoms appeared.Q - Mythi many emails asking about the predictions of events, something can be said? (Q asked on Sep 8, 2012)- Friends, I cannot be an agent provocateur of panic, I have to restrain myself a little on the news because I am not the official spokesperson and do not want to be suspended from my mission, but friends, follow the instructions that I gave you several times, observe the events with the eyes of someone who knows what to look for. The news is increasingly available, the pacific ring of fire is under incredible pressure, the events take place in a clockwise direction from any point on the ring. When it begins, you will have a few hours to take the measures already discussed in previous conversations. Watch your governments; the stampede has already started a few weeks ago. The large naval base in southern California will be with virtually no moored vessel. It will be observed in other key points, connected to the ring of fire. Yellowstone and the Canaries are trying to resist the pressure but will not be able to hold on much longer if the pressure exceeds a bit. A large CME from the sun is about to happen, stay tuned these news; it may be enough to increase the pressure that may be the drop of water.Pay attention to the news you get in your unofficial media on the orbital changes of the planets in the solar system, and you friends who are already prepared, will know what is happening.- You will have news of strange animals, of algae to mammals, causing changes in the color of water, among other things odd, this end of Age. Beings like what you friends call it Sasquatch, Yeti, and others are protected by the Night Walkers or Night Crawlers (Zigs) for hundreds of years. In this age of late colony zero level, many races that make experiences of biological adaptation, brought new life forms on the planet, without the knowledge of Community Galactica because the planet is still not considered an official member of the community and many rushed to finalize their experiences. You even will find new species in your oceans and forests, strange animals and humanoids primitive types, which possibly will not be part of your fauna in the future of the colony level one. Many strange things will still be seen in this transition period.- Years from now, when you friends have access to the files of the Community Galactica will redeem all that has happened on the planet, meet the tribes of humanoids who lived here before and during the age of dinosaurs, will know a story with images of the time that you friends never thought existed. Will see battles that ensued for control of the planet between humanoid and non-humanoid races, will see the planet change size, the reconfiguration of the continents, a long timeline with more activity as you had never imagined.- This is one of the planets most folk I've ever had the pleasure to know, hardly a planet had so much activity, like this in galaxies that I know. Therefore this colony is so special, for that reason many races comes to experiences here, this was one of the projects of planetary formation more successful of the Community Galactica, and has long been a benchmark of planning in other star systems, used for the development of humanoid colonies. Explaining in other words, a lot that has to be made artificially in other planets naturally you have here, and that is priceless because if something happens the planet recovers alone without any interference. It is a planet with life itself.Note: for below: Mythi start to speak on asking:Q - Mythi give us a light on the meaning of life, the sense of being immortal, what would be the ultimate goal of all this evolution ... we all become gods, and we sat contemplating and creating universes?(Q asked on Sep 25, 2012)- You see, this question is an interesting reflection. In tens of thousands of years, you friends will be wondering the same thing and are going to possibly better understand the possible answers. Limiting ourselves to our current universe I can shed some light. One day, you too will be part of the active creation, creating new colonies from primitive beings, giving your DNA so they will have the possibility of development, giving all the initial guidelines and watch them grow as seeds of your race. You will be considered "Gods" by them. Breeds from level 6 upwards, create colonies to collaborate on the development of our universe, of which we will leave only after completing all the required cycles, including cycles as creators of worlds. You will also be incubators of other planets in your and other distant galaxies, and the human race of Earthlings will spread increasingly across the universe with so many other races, sown by other cultures. The perception of "divine” depends on the point of reference of the observer conscientization. An inferior race that receives the blessings of knowledge, guidance and cross-breeds with beings coming from the stars, will revere, these teachers as gods, and will try to live according to the guidance received. Societies to level 3 cannot currently allowed to develop new hybrid humanoid races without the direct supervision of their own early mentors, so that the control of genes is relevant to the original, correcting possible adaptations generated by several generations in controlled environments. All DNA in all hybridizations came to be filed in the corresponding Galactic Communities for any future reference. Previously, any race promoted colonies with crosses with native societies and created slaves, laborers and servants. There was no control, many mistakes were made and many bad races were generated. Before the creation of regulatory Galactic Communities, many breeds created randomly not worked very well, they have become unstable creating unexpected changes themselves. These procedures created societies with genetic abnormalities, sometimes with advanced features but with deviations of personality and behavior generated by the side effects of their own creation. So now, any other humanoid hybrid that is created to a new colonization native should be analyzed and certified by the most advanced societies normally involved in the initial creation of the DNA to be transferred. It may seem a little complicated but it is a system that has functioned very harmoniously. Again, in the case of Earth, for being a "reformatory", many of these breeds with problems, were brought here as a last resort to attempt in an isolated development. This natural filtering process meant that societies pass here for more problems than most other societies on other planets colony. Therefore, all who pass level here, deserve serious consideration as a new breed, they are the survivors forged by its own merits. As this question will be made with certainty I will answer now; the reptilians are not humanoids, and all attempts to hybrids between them and humanoids, did not work. They keep trying because their great desire is to create societies that can be considered humanoids and from there pass to participate in humanoid colonization’s through the universe. It's unlikely, but hopefully it will happen one day because the desire to be a humanoid is a laudable desire anyway. Responding to another question that CB passed me, no, there is a race of reptilians living here since the time of dinosaurs. There is no race of intelligent reptilians locally developed sharing this humanoid colony, only reptiles that you already know in your fauna and those who came in spaceships.- Some of you are still doing very picturesque conjectures on dimensions without fathom that "other dimensions" are only other observation points. Soon everyone will realize that there is so much to do in the third dimension, that any detail of a fourth dimension is totally irrelevant and without any practical use, because it is not the same reality that we live here in our "sparsely populated" universe. Understand an important principle: the more populated is our universe, will be the fastest development of all as a whole. You can spend 3000 to 5000 years at level 1 and be prepared for 2000 to 3000 years at level 2, 3000 to 5000 years at level 3, 5,000 to 6,000 years in the level 4 and so on. These periods between levels will decrease appreciable, the more our universe is populated. But anyway, it's much better to spend 6,000 years in level 4 than 3000 years at level 1...There are societies that are over 20,000 years at level 1 by problems linked to their own doctrines. When you will able to see and understand all the ways that must be trodden until level 9, will understand the meaning of all that I have spoken in these two years.- Currently, about 20 percent of the population will have possibly changed their frequencies together with the frequency of the planet. I said that up to 32 percent could be housed underground in shelters provided for this purpose. Not necessarily need to be level 1 to be taken to shelters. Look, the important thing is that there are thousands of levels 1 waiting to incarnate on this planet now for the next generation. They are spirits of other races who will participate in the development of this new society as earthlings. Understand that basically, we are all brothers forever. The shelters are being finalized. CB has helped us opining on essential items that should have shelters to house certain ethnicities and not cause very large shocks in different eating habits and customs. Many reports have been forwarded to complement the reports of Pleiades living between segments of your society.- The operational bases are a different matter from shelters; the shelters have no connection with any base of operations. Many bases are already sealed, some will keep maintenance crews. Only the great "base Antarctic" will be active for any support to spaceships in service.- Reports from Pleiadeans regarding specific operational plans is matter between them and the CG, when some action is of general character involving all participating fleets, I can anticipate the issues for you. The Pleiadeans will be responsible for decontamination of nuclear plants when and if things reach a critical state. This will be done not to help your governments but by the people and for the protection of wildlife remaining on the planet.- The pole shift is happening. With the increasingly close alignment, the declination of axis of the planet will follow the "direction of the resultant vector" of energy flow received from the gravitational center of the galaxy, against the inertia of the rotating mass of the planet. This is already happening, can be accelerated for a few days, for large emissions of protons coming from your sun as this will deform the magnetic field in such a way that it forces the core to rotate in the liquid magma. The nucleus, being heavy, has a sort of gyroscopic rotation; he struggles to keep the original relative position due to large inertial mass, but cannot keep up against much more powerful gravitational forces. It can happen anytime. I cannot speak on exact dates as I have explained, but will happen in these remaining days of the year. Look, the immediate problem is the release of internal pressure on the planet and not the declination of axis. The declination of the magnetic axis is not a problem except for your satellites and navigation, but the problem is the migration of the geographical poles to the new position of the rotation axis relative to the Sun, but this change will be slower. Be assured that whatever has to happen will already be planned in the natural law of universal order, and the planet will survive, as well as this colony. You will not be alone.- Some unanswered questions are now, taking advantage of our friend Thomas questions. The big differences in ethnicities on your planet are the result of many groups from different levels of consciousness that were directed here. A great mix of ethnic groups advanced, with very ignorant. Deviations of personality and wickedness have more fertile field among the most favored. The better and more comfortable lives a race here, the better the chances of not evolve on a planet with so many social disparities, because the liability with respect to disadvantaged ethnic groups should be a priority for a real attempt to stabilize the planet's aura. The comfort should be connected directly to the conscience, if someone was well born and lived irresponsibly, enjoying his current condition with an abundant life, regardless of an equal which has little chance of staying alive, certainly not return for several incarnations as an athlete or rich to realize the same mistakes. This is not punishment from God no; it is a misconduct for which you created yourself. The better you are born as humanoid, the greater your responsibility towards the less fortunate. Richness, beauty, athleticism, health, these are trials more important than you realize. Many people fail when it reaches these points, many lose many incarnations until they develop the balance of awareness needed to realize what is right and what is superfluous. You can see people that live longer, are those in regions where their food contains no preservatives and poisons that increase the profit of your industries. Those who are well off, they always want more, even if it take a little more of who have almost nothing. Many recycle the misery and ignorance of their own people to maintain control and power. In a society level 1, these discrepancies tend to disappear, consciousness will take the reins of social development and there will be a huge respect for your fellows, even the humblest. Human rights need not be written on paper, must be born in the conscience of each and be part of the third eye, the one that observes and integrates your soul to the universe, which will be at your fingertips.- Friends, take a huge quartz crystal, one of a ton ... break it until it turns into dust. If you look at the dust under a microscope, you'll see thumbnails of the crystal one ton, identical, and even the smaller pieces will have the same piezoelectric characteristics, similar to large, in the right proportions of power. We are the bits, we have the same features as our creator, but we are still only very little ones. The more we unite, the larger the crystal we will form together.Q - Mythi, we have information theoretically from NASA that a large asteroid the size of Texas is coming directly toward us between this month and next, they ironically gave him the name of Nibiru, it proceeds? (Q asked on Nov 07, 2012)- One of planetoids orbiting the system Nibiru, orbiting farther away, has small moons orbiting it and one of them will pass very close to Earth, so much close. The planetoids will be easy to observe enlightened by your Sun, but the "dwarf star" in the center, will be a dark spot most of the time for issuing protons and partially block the sunlight spectrum. Krulians shuttles will be monitoring the system to prevent a catastrophe of proportions of mass extinction and to protect your Moon. Your governments know perfectly everything that is happening, and will use this information to manipulate the masses by the end of the implementation of pre-set agendas.The navies of three of your governments settled large quantities like hundreds of tons of conventional explosives (not atomic) in some kind of large metallic cylinders, at a venue of your Pacific Ocean, perhaps they are planning a false impact of "asteroid" to meet the original schedule. The Community Galactica has not yet manifested on the subject of direct intervention therefore thy ruling elites may be trying to advance the final steps of the agenda. All these operations were accompanied by the Arcturian and reports have been passed to the council.The solar emissions were released by Krulians under the command of CG, and large emissions may happen in response to gravitational imbalance, caused by Nibiru system in close pass to Earth. The geomagnetic field of the planet is very weak, and will be of little protection during the passage of Galactic hemisphere that is ongoing end. Along with the changes in the magnetic field, you will have a drastic decrease in the radiation belt you call Van Allen. This force field will decrease gradually to dissipate completely in direct proportion to the change in frequency of the planet for level 1. Your governments have this information and are monitoring the dissipation of the force field, with the probes twins who launched months ago for this purpose. The main purpose of the energy belt was to let nothing would leave the planet, but also kept a barrier to certain cosmic energies and certain wavelengths. With this dissipation, the climate will undergo changes that are necessary to balance the new reality of the planet. You will witness changes in the atmosphere, climate and sometimes the colors of your sky. The atmospheric layers will adjust and lots of vapor condensation will occur in the higher layers to balance the lack of radiation belt. The nature will self adjust to this new reality and sustain life on the planet. In these next few years, the Earth will no longer be a planet reformatory to be the new home of the race of earthlings, complete with a new decor and a new physical appearance. Much will happen if there is no a direct intervention in the coming weeks, but you can be sure there will not be mass extinction. Be prepared for everything that was homeopathically said to you friends these many months of exchanging information. Not much more to say about the events since important variables are not set properly, to have a more detailed overall picture. About your election of regional leaders, that will not change anything in the schedules provided by the group that controls your economy and your society. It will not make the slightest difference who is symbolically in charge, during the execution of ongoing plans.- Follow a few simple rules:• Avoid lengthy exposure to the sun when there are major issues going on.• Avoid staying in large urban centers where telecommunication, water or power is interrupted.• Avoid any sorting center of your governments.• Avoid direct confrontation with armed personnel of your governments.• Try to move away from regions that begin to show signs of instability of any kind.• Have an exit route previously studied and drawn.• Keep a minimum of food and water to keep your family for days or months outside the major centers.• Do not lose hope; try to help those who are aimlessly.• Listen in the sky, we will be circulating, and we may contact you at any time. If we have your reference, you may be called by the name you gave to us.- Do not ask for dates, live one day after the other and be perceptive enough to sense and feel the events. Understand that if you were informed of all the details, you would not have how to show your real capacity of perception. It would be like taking a test, getting from another person all the answers in advance. Keep your perception on alert, you will be proud of that will get to realize alone. Stay in tune with the planet, it will also help you friends expanding the mental capacity of all who are directed to these changes.- I'll be on a mission off planet but will return in a few days. CB asked for an emergency these answers and I was soon to meet with him before leaving.- As you say in your stories, "may the force be with you."Note: for below:Mythi started to speak before answering questions: (July 17, 2013)- Given the many questions generated by the last meeting, this is a video with additional information. The activation of the nanocomponents by frequencies issued in your cell phone systems, is being monitored by probes Pleiadeans that are already strategically positioned to detect the activation codes that are already known. The nanocomponents take some time to organize themselves and reach their "places of work, so there will be time for a lock-off. The nanocomponents only can be disabled after being duly activated; otherwise they are totally inert elements. Anyway, the notice given at the previous meeting is intended to make you friends aware of the events planned by your governments. The nanocomponents should be disabled in time but either way, you have to be alert to any abnormalities that may be initiated.- Questions about environmental pollution like Fukushima's radiation, it will be spreading without control by some more time. Your governments have been reported since last year to "replace and disable" atomic power plants, but nothing was done, however, the production and installation of new units are expanding including floating traps like the atomic plants being built today. The Pleiadeans ordered not to interfere more with these plants, limited to neutralize the use of attempts of mass destruction. The human race is proving you do not want help, the vast majority do not care or are not interested in the problems, have not yet reached the necessary maturity, and this time finishing of this colony to a recognized breed will happen by way suffered so than normal. The dirt will be cleaned only when the race remaining on the planet is ripe and eager for help to survive, finally understanding all the bad decisions taken earlier. Your people do not have the initiative to force your leaders to take the "correct measures" and this shows a lack of maturity of the mass of your societies. Understand that the Community Galactica will not and should not interfere with these affairs until yourselves prove your viability as a race. Natural disasters is one thing, omission of the population with respect to their leaders is quite another. All of us here have working guidelines set not to interfere in certain matters, only the 'natural events of great magnitude' and in direct attempts to mass elimination of thy ethnicities by the ruling elites, like nuclear weapons, chemical and nanotechnology among others.- So, the lesson will be tough, but you will have to live with the pollution of the oceans by your radiation from Fukushima and others to come, as well as oil and trash. Just passing needs, your societies will turn out to act more consciously, and this period of great need is already starting across the planet. Understand that if you do the school work of your children they will never really learn anything. Therefore, if the development of awareness of your societies requires suffering, be prepared to change as quickly as possible. If you are reading this is because you are more awake than most, and it is up to people like you try to open the eyes of others who are not seeing anything beyond their noses or pockets.- Some are asking about the current deactivation of the system HAARP, this was a measure taken by your government to fully withdraw attention on this weapon of environmental manipulation. The Arcturians have developed a system for neutralization of this system, and has deactivated the network on several occasions to show their ineffectiveness. Many resources that could literally benefit your people were and are being thrown away by your government in initiatives easily controllable by us. The Arcturians are also monitoring some eruptions that can cause tsunamis in deep oceanic rifts, which can be viewed by your satellites like this, possibly one of many that are happening at the junction tectonic in the Atlantic Ocean.- Regarding the various questions about the system Nibiru, I can say that the planet will feel his approach soon, but the planet Taus is trying to minimize the consequences of the heating and rotation center of the Earth at the time of the greatest influences tangency.- The adventure of the human race on planet Earth will undergo changes soon. With the development of conscientization come DNA changes, which will release more capabilities into your brains as greater insight and possibilities of telepathic communication. Never mind 'which brain regions' will be responsible for these changes, because the changes will take effect at the quantum level much more than physical, is much more complex than that. Remember that the mind controls the physical, and not the contrary, and the mind is pure quantum energy acting on the matter.- Friends, when you are thinking about God, think of your friends who are probably in the fourth dimension awaiting the opportunity to return to the matter of the third dimension again. Try to focus on your friends and loved ones, not even remembering those who were with you in past lives. Many of your friends who knew you in this or in other embodiments, may be there to feel your vibration because they know you, they can recognize you, and good vibrations they can return back to you. They are much closer to you to interact, is how you try to ask for help crying out loud, only those who are closest to you can hear your request for assistance, and may even pass your message along to the much greater distance than you can achieve alone.- Be well my friends, try to take your questions on texts from our previous meetings, I will be around to give you information about any immediate change for you who are prepared to help others.Note: for below: Observations by CB (Sep 15, 2013)CB obs.: - Dear friends, I know that we are already a long time without posts, but Mythi been busy outside the system again, taking care of emergencies other than our own.Here follows information after his fleet return to our planet.- The information at present, have to be very subjective as any relevant information can alert the forces of thy elites to prepare and change their plans. There is an expectation of observers Pleiadeans with respect to conflicts "theater" that are to be triggered by your elites to cause the chain reaction they plan so that there is a reduction in population on the planet. The forces of your governments are already positioned to unleash the economic and social chaos there anytime.- Remembering the planet Earth is about to finalize its stabilization until the beginning of the year. Strange mists caused by the interaction of the heating blanket on the planet, due to the increase of the incident radiation and the friction caused by tectonic movement, will prevent the vast majority look more defining events in the solar system. The probe "deep impact" sent especially by your government to film and analyze the pseudo "comet" ISON was declared dead, but just "to the public". The probe that your government keeps orbiting the planet Mars not to mention the large telescope mounted on the Martian city human-reptilian located in Hale Crater, will not post any photos or footage from ISON, because they do not want you to see the reality of events. The event "ISON" mark the beginning of the completion of the stabilization of the solar system as a whole and planet Earth will have to adjust physically to the system. The crust will be moving and increasing its diameter by Approximately 5%, which will cause great climatic changes and cataclysms until the end of this movement. The system "Nibiru" will be part of this stabilizing influence in the coming months, as well as the planet Taus. Your "Space Fence Detection System" will be off to not leak information because this system had a large number of sectors connected and they don’t want to risk.- Worry more about your governments creating hindrance to prevent your survival than with the events of the cosmos. If your government does not want to help you, try to make sure they do not hinder you in your attempt at survival. Your animals are dying in large proportions and the entire food chain of your oceans is deteriorating. Much has to be done after all the dust settles after the stabilization of the planet. You will receive help as far as is necessary to rebuild the new society marked out in the new frequency of the planet. This assistance includes physical decontamination, and corrections of the health problems caused by force of poisons perpetrated by your elites over the past decades in the population of the planet. We have the technology to reverse all these physico-chemical processes.- Indirectly answering several questions, be attentive with spoken messages coming from false representatives of races as Pleiadeans, Arcturians, or any other linked to the Community Galactica. None of these races have representatives "type spokesperson" on planet Earth, so anyone who is talking or sending messages on behalf of these races are not serious people. None of Pleiadeans or other races who are working undercover into your population would give any interview or public statement without the proper permits.- As I said earlier, there are several large underground bases of various breeds distributed by the planet's crust or even under the oceans, and on the surface there are some cities that can be completely camouflaged by force fields, located in large forests and mountainous areas inhospitable. These sites will be of great help and protection in times of reconstruction of the new society on the planet.- It is confirmed that 22 percent of the Earth population is awake enough to get into the new state of consciousness necessary for living in a society level one. Based on the fact that you have been suffering a systematic disinformation and indoctrination by your elites, this number is significant to the Community Galactica. Try not to focus exclusively on your religions but try to increase your power of contemplation in relation to the universe as a single house, where you can possibly come to live in a multitude of planets and societies, as part of your development through the levels of third dimension. The lighting of your aura is composed of quantum energy accumulated, it is a simple addition or subtraction of positive or negative energy generated by your actions, for your brethren and your society. Your place in the chain of universal development will be defined by the amount of that energy accumulated by you. A better place or worse depends solely on you. No one will judge you, nobody will analyze your abilities or your sins, only you, and you will be your own judge. The more positive energy you have the greater your aura and your rights in choosing your next society level one to continue your development, you will be free to embody on any other planet, not only on planet Earth as it was imposed upon you so far during the zero level. Be assured that freedom of choice is won; you cannot buy or receive as a gift.- Friends, I believe that our fleet will not leave the planet in the coming months, so I will be available to disclose material facts in the vicinity of important events. I cannot do any communication well in advance not to alert your governments to take steps that could become these events in false flags.Q - Mythi, what news on the Ison? How was the interaction with Mars and how it should be with the Earth? How are you envisioning these next months?- Friends, the news that we have are worrying. The Ison has not interfered with Mars or any other planet yet, it is underlain orbits and the balance of the system. The Ison is not a problem for your planet; do not be fooled by an expectation of "destruction" generated by the theater mounted by your governments. The fact that governments have turned off the monitoring systems is part of the theater designed to distract attention. The natural restructuring problems that are about to happen are directly linked to the great energy field which the solar system is passing by, liquefying the core layers of the planets causing magnetic changes, the realignment of the axes of rotation according to the movement of the planets crust, and causing the surface growth foreseen for this actual phase. All planets, including your Sun are going through this injection of energy, accelerating the processes, like you to increase the tension in a lamp so that it is more hot and "lit". The system Nibiru will be visible, but its influence is no longer a problem by the distance which was recalculated by Krulians in its passage.- On questions about the Moon is changing position, to reason this fact, the Moon is orbiting the Earth led by the force of gravity on the planet. If this tangential point of gravity changes with the movement of the Earth's core to a new declination of course the moon will be forced to follow this tangency. This may cause besides change of position with respect to the Earth's crust, a rotation in the face of the moon as seen from Earth.- Many billions of objects as comets, asteroids and minor planets are gravitationally locked to the solar system in the Oort Cloud and in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. All these objects are also being greatly affected, causing electrical discharges and jets of escaping gases from cracks and holes that act as propulsion, causing their movement, clashing against each other and many will be attracted to the center of gravity of the system reaching your sun and provoking large solar flares. In a very simple explanation is a symptom like when you heat the corn to make popcorn. This is causing many objects on a collision course with the system planets, including Earth. Some of these objects are being monitored, but will be used by your governments to increase the anarchy that they intend to impose on the planet as a whole. When things really heat up, they have already prepared their places to hide.- We know that for every object that we trap in your atmosphere will be a false event ready to wreak havoc, planted by your own governments. They have set up the show, now plan to only put out the light, to start. You will undergo a major sequence of events "planned", added to the natural events that will succeed.- Be prepared to face the attacks of your governments against you, paralyzing the global economy and removing the population's basic needs such as energy, water, food and communications. They take advantage of natural events on the growth of the crust allies to objects and solar emissions that will reach your atmosphere to install chaos with social bankruptcy. Decisions about reducing population are already taken by all the leaders of all the countries involved, with the exception of some countries in the Middle East and Asia only.- They know that we have access to activation codes of nanocomponents by cellular frequencies, so they also will try more direct methods such as vaccinations and nanocomponents with self timers’ activation. Avoid any attempt to vaccination "treatments" or shelters on the part of your governments. They have to run with the plans now because events are already knocking on the planet.- With respect to your nature, many animals will still continue dying in the oceans and on land for premeditated destruction of ecosystems, poisoning, radiation, and lack of magnetic orientation by weakening and changes in the geomagnetic field of the planet. The remaining food will not be enough to keep the populations due to the erratic behavior of your atmosphere. The HAARP system is still being used to cause dense fog, swirls and hurricanes. The intention is to cause chaos and administer it by force. We will be on standby for when the time comes we appear openly, and can help communities abandoned to their fate.- I cannot speak much more details at the time not to interfere with the sequence of events, but I hope I have given you an idea of what might happen during this season. Depends on you are always prepared and alert to the isolation by the plans of your governments. The Community Galactica will continue to pressure governments indirectly through contacts Pleiadeans but cannot interfere in the decisions of your governments about the economy or control of your societies. I intend to warn you whenever possible, the events in real time.Note: for below: Nov 13, 2013- Friends, as I said before, ISON event will realign the orbit of all planets in the solar system. All its motion and influence will be balanced to cause the effects that the system need to finalize the passage into the level one. The time of the final adjustments of frequencies and orbits of the planets of the solar system is coming fast now. The new frequencies that enable your society to maintain a planet level one in this new phase will be harmonics of the frequency of vibration of your Sun, which is fitting to end this tuning. The high activity of thy sun should make a cleanup of frequencies harmful to the development of the new phase of consciousness, even if it has to stop many current activities of your society. Be assured that all that will be necessary for these final adjustments, is not any kind of punishment, on the contrary, it is a blessing. All of you who are going through this new tune has important roles in this process, so you are here right now. In the development processes of the universe there are no coincidences, a cup to overflow needs all the drops, is one that is missing it does not overflow.Be prepared for this new phase, the only situations that may affect the conditions of life of your people during this period are the acts of exception caused by unhealthy dome government that governs your planet. But in the end, whether they want it or not, everything will be set by the laws of universal development. Your dome of elitist governments, are simply convulsing before death.Some answers to questions of many:- You need not worry about how many levels one or zero level will remain on the planet. This will be a process of natural selection. Even if your governments eliminate entire populations in their sickening process of upheaval, it will not change the formation of the new society, with the revival of "levels one" on the planet.- Answering some questions about Mars, the passage of ISON caused no structural damage to the planet, cities and bases of operation survived because they had turned their force fields.- On Venus, or on your planet, the Sun will be largely responsible for changes, and ISON, will be radio-controlled to adjust the vibration frequency end of the Sun and all the planets of the system, for this upgrade. It may not follow the expected route by your scientists after passing by the Sun.- As I mentioned earlier, Taus will be detected in a new fixed orbit, and the cloud of cosmic energy that surrounds the entire solar system will be responsible for thousands of stray meteors that will be supervised by Pleiadeans.- The solar system Nibiru will pass by the system to complete its cycle, but its influence will not generate widespread cataclysms, the Krulians will be monitoring and directing this passage as been doing for over a year.- Comets with multiple tails are relatively common, its composition with rare materials make them to react to the forces vectorial links crossing on your journey. The tails represent reactions to related vectorial links to gravitational fields of other heavenly bodies trying to interfere with its trajectory. The angle between the tails will vary according to the distances of the objects that are influencing its path.- In case you run out communication via satellites, or without energy, you should have communication devices as previously mentioned, that can run on batteries, but keep these devices off during any news of EMP's issued by your Sun or caused by your governments. Keep this equipment insulated and disconnected until be sure they can be connected. Keep a cell phone or any electronic device connected to verify that it will not be burned before connecting your main communication equipment. The radios are the only common form of communication that remains to keep communities knowing what's going on. We will be operating at various frequencies from VHF, UHF and shortwave, and we can communicate with those who are able to scan the channels to listen.- The case of Japan radiation spread is severe. Thy elites really want that to happen so offered no aid to Japanese government to assist in the case. It's impressive, even for us observers, the neglect of all your major nations with the fact. This is already a predominant factor for you to realize the planning of a whole scenario of reducing resources and destruction of the ecosystem. Understand that we can only intervene when your governments are not more governments. When the planet is no government, what will happen when your elites to retract to escape from the rest of the population, then yes we can assume our role in helping "extraterrestrial.- The colonies in the "planet one" that is getting earthlings for development situation prior to your "middle age", is already with several colonies rapidly developing. Eighty percent of the disembodied here is reborn in these new colonies. In a few hundred years we will have another planet to go to level one, and possibly volunteers from the new society level 1 of the Earth that is starting, may participate in helping this new planet in its passage also to the "level one". As for the other twenty percent of the disembodied, are reborn in the second planet and integrating into tribes "post Neanderthal." These will take a few thousand years to pass to the level one.These two planets are very similar to the Earth, and are in another solar system in the same quadrant are you in your galaxy. Very convenient. What I can say is that this system has nineteen planets and a sun of magnitude 4 on the scale you use.- Even these disasters caused by atmospheric manipulation, are being scheduled by your governments by way of simple scientific experiments. The vast majority of disembodied of these regions, as recently occurred in the Philippines, will be reborn in the “planet 1" as children of its current inhabitants. They will be in a very good location and will be happy with the new development opportunity.- I shall communicate again so is necessary to inform you of the next steps. Be well every one.Note:1) for above: Didn’t want to break continuity of Mythi’s answer so pasted what he said :)2) Skipping many questions and their answers….Q - Mythi, the lack of news has left friends somewhat apprehensive; could you get ahead of anything else at this timeline of the events?(Q asked on Feb 21, 2014)- Friends, I can forward you some information on the planned realignment that Community Galactica is dealing with, of which we had some access.Three planets in the system should be adjusted on new orbits in comfortable zone for colonization with humanoid life. Beyond Earth, and Taus, the planets Mars and Venus should be realigned to humanoid comfort zone. That is, three new habitable planets beyond Earth will be an integral part of the system with life bearable in your solar system. See, these data are unofficial, we do not know the exact ways that scientists will use to this big operation but big "objects" was sent to be part of this operation of orbital re-alignment. This involves the re-alignment of all the other planets of the system to new orbits, so there is a natural equilibrium of the new arrangement. Can you imagine how the precision and the number of forces that will be necessary to realign the great Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune to integrate new partners into the system without major traumas?But friends, whether this is a key year for completion of changes, be assured that we are here to support communities. The planet Earth will never be the same, its crust will be remodeled for the new configuration of the planet. When you throw a stone into a lagoon, dozens of rings are formed and propagate in progression until they become large and weak to the point of disappearing, such a change in the system will cause reactions that propagate long after the rearrangement itself. During this period, your societies will take advantage to rearrange the planet for this new reality, with the help of many friends who will be officially presented to you in the course of those times.- Many of these large objects will be noticed by you circling the solar system during these times. Very heavy equipment will be working here until things stabilize. The Sun will respond to gravitational stimuli caused by these changes, but everything is calculated to have less direct impact on the humanoid life on planet Earth. Unfortunately much of your flora and fauna will be lost momentarily, especially those beings who depend on geomagnetic orientation. The only way things may get out of control will be if some insane principals of your society opt for cause "natural" disasters, in order to eliminate the population to prevent that we can help these people in the resumption of the planet. This is the major motivation of your elites to decrease the population, to reduce the chances of societies or ethnic groups that they may not wish to be ahead of the development of the next phase of the planet. The less people available the easier it is for them to control the planet with the "chosen" by them. Therefore, be attentive to any false flag, false events, and false information. Do not count on the help of your governments; try to organize civilly with your friends, family and communities if possible. You have the free will to plan and prepare for any period of difficulties "they" try to make you pass. Chances of you receiving help in these times will be quite large, especially for those who are aware and prepared to recognize it.- Have you noticed that your government has no more moral conditions of concealing facts as had at other times, more and more researchers begin to talk and tell you about the facts that cannot be glossed over. The arrival of new "objects" inside the solar system will not be possible to be omitted or contradicted, even that those responsible for information being eliminated. Therefore, the elite is no longer able to cover up the facts, and you will have the time to take precautions and review your concepts to be part of this great transformation as adders, integrated in the development planned for this new age.Your people are losing perspective, your young people are aimless, you are increasingly in the hands of a few, depending your social life and your interests based on communication and consumption that are increasingly smaller options. Imagine that you are being directed to a funnel, which will be impossible to leave if you would like to "survive" socially. This type of targeting is all "they" want, and if they do not stop by the force of events, you are doomed to live in the funnel, to grow in the funnel and to die in the funnel, a funnel with the outlet ever more closely targeted to the interests of few.Q - Mythi the NASA activities are suspended with respect to manned flights in our orbit, you believe that they are planning some other kind of action by installing powerful lasers in large aircraft, navy ships and even in the ISS?(Q asked in same visit)- Well, in the first phase of the space program with Challenger vehicles they seized improperly an stellar monolith marking, which was in orbit. This was considered a deliberate act of theft technology, as the monolith was a scientific unit of the Community Galactica. In 2003 already with Columbia vehicles, there was an attempt to overthrow the ship that you call "Black Knight", aiming to explore technology after recovering the ship down on the surface of Antarctic. They wanted to install an explosive charge that would take the spacecraft from its orbit of 13,000 years defined by the researchers of Epsilon Boötis. They were prevented by the force field, and even having been warned, they were instructed to blow multiple loads in perimeter of the field strength in an attempt to destabilize the spacecraft. Failure to follow the warnings had drastic consequences as you know. From this fact, your governments were reported for not returning to travel on the orbiter until the new social policy is established on the planet. All flights, manned or unmanned, will be escorted by Pleiadeans patrols to prevent that cause no major problems or carry weapons of any kind. Your primitive space station has been repeatedly protected from being destroyed by the intervention of those patrol ships; because without any force field it is subject to disintegrate by the simple shock of your own trash, or micro meteors that currently abound in the system. With respect to your laser cannons, not even cause cracks in the paint of any spacecraft. Do not forget that any spacecraft moving here can get a few miles of your Sun without being affected, all have impenetrable force fields, far beyond what your scientific imagination can suppose.- About maze of very ancient tunnels and old bases that exist on your planet, they were made by way of forming channels of communication between different cultures, where ships service driving along without interfering with other cultures and even with reptilians hunters who swarmed the planet hunts primitive reptiles. We are talking about the time when the dinosaurs had not yet left the planet before the last ice age. These tunnels exist on Mars, Moon, and thousands of other planets for colonization or simple mining process. Much equipment was left in these mazes by civilizations who researched and cultivated colonies here on Earth. Most were left and persists still protected by some type of field to avoid being removed by unwary. Today there are no more conflicts in this quadrant that justifies the use of these tunnels systems here on your planet, so they are totally abandoned and many have been interrupted by tectonic movements long ago. Even though technology has long outdated and archaic, are far ahead of yours, for you have an idea how you friends are still at the beginning of the path.- With respect to the planet and its changes taking place, I believe I do not need to repeat all that has been said to you earlier. I already gave all necessary guidelines to good perceivers like you. Natural disasters are the destination, but the worst disaster you will have to deal with, will be your governments. Lots of insane people are in charge of your societies, it is with them that you have to be careful to dodge the smartest way possible. There are just laws used for the common good and unjust laws that seek to perpetuate the social subservience. These should not be followed or accepted by the conscious of the planet. Do not forget at any moment that friends will be here; ready to assist the restart of your new society, in a renovated planet.Q - Mythi, we have information about a new type of atmospheric sprays to be performed with radioactive nanoparticles and is not visually noticeable. CG is knowing this, and will take any action?(Q asked on Jan 21, 2015)- The Pleiadeans are monitoring these activities to the Community Galactica, if something has to be done will be done under their instruction, following guidelines of scientists from Epsilon Boötis based in Antarctic Base. As I have said before, will not be allowed any plans for "mass disposal" of the people, therefore counter-measures should be taken to neutralize these attacks. The Pleiadeans collect samples of everything that is being spread in your atmosphere, and a lot has been neutralized without you realizing it. There are thousands of probes scattered all atmospheric layers sending data in real time to their hosts. You see, everything is being tried against the people without realizing that they are, are considered as attacks against the masses. In the case of vaccinations where the population allows free and spontaneous will to receive "gifts" of your governments, nothing can be done effectively, because each one is responsible for believing or not the intentions of their governments, the ignorance in this case cannot be considered an attenuating. In such cases, if the integration of the planet does not take a long time, many will be decontaminated by our available medical systems, including animals, plants, oceans and atmosphere.Q - Mythi, many people who for 50 years or more has been following the Nibiru system as Dr. Robert Harrington, Carlos Munhoz Ferrada, among many others, many still have asked if it was a mistake to have followed and believed in the study of these professional astronomers.(Q asked on Feb 11, 2015)- These people did a lot of research really very elaborate, much work has been done on data available at certain times. In equations there are variables, and many of them had no idea of the direction that the Community Galactica would take to reduce the negative impacts to this colony already troubled by its internal problems. The various researches would be many of them really accurate if things had gone without interference. They did not take into account, and had no way of knowing, the change in frequency of your Sun, reducing what would be a "solar maximum" for a "solar minimum", did not take into account the intrusion of Taus planet in the system, and not take into account the possibility Nibiru system is diverted to a static orbital position. All these variables have changed the overall picture and you could follow it step by step during our conversations over the last four years that portrayed all happened so far.- Friends, all of you can clearly notice that your institutions are degrading much faster in these times, your church has never been more discredited, your governments showing all the signs of decades of corruption, sadism, abuse, indiscriminate killing, war for power and ownership among all the other lies. This brought a sense of insecurity that begins to affect not only the best informed, but even ordinary citizens are realizing something wrong in the context of everyday life. Your health system is controlled by governments and many are now realizing the intentions behind the forced vaccinations, air sprays, seed contamination, freshwater contamination, ocean contamination, etc ... This is already waking up more people to seek information and by my calculations, during the course of this year we can reach 30% of people more aware of the reality, and this will be a record not expected by many observers of this planet. The limit is close to the rope break, so be on guard and ready to help when your help is needed.Be safe all of you!Q - Mythi if we are in the 3rd dimension, what kind of reality exists in 1 and 2, has living beings there?(Q asked on Mar 7, 2015)- See, first and second dimensions are part of the third are only observation reference points of existing plans to form the third. No being smart or not, live in these plans but in all of them, the dimension in which we live.- Well friends, I hope you get well while remaining attentive to the movements of your governments. As for the climate, nature will take care of the necessary changes and depends of you to take the necessary initiatives and possible in this period.Q - Mythi, CG could only intervene if nuclear weapons were used? But how is starving Africans and Asians not a form of genocide? I thought they could intervene if genocide was implemented no matter the weapon.(Q asked on April 6, 2015)- See, the intervention policy exists for all members of the CGs, but society has officially become part as level 1. This is to happen to the Earth but you friends have to be strong to survive with your governments until the order to intervene is given. You will have to prove your viability as a race, and all who not abide in the planet are being awaited in their appropriate places to continue development. Sometimes it's hard for you friends to digest the idea that all functions to suit the stage of development to appropriate locations, and this has to happen naturally namely through reincarnations system.Q - Mythi, most of the people we spoke to are upset about the events that appear are increasing in the world, the inner feeling that something is about to happen. Something big is really going to happen? Planetary alignment?(Q asked on May 23, 2015)- First things first. The planetary alignment works as follows: if planets are among you and the sun, there will be a decrease in the interaction of gravitational forces can generate a few changes, if the alignment is after your gravitational tunnel planet will be intensified in proportion to the force exerted by planets beyond your to remain connected to the sun. The larger the planets aligned, the greater the power tunnel to which your planet is subject. But even then, it may cause minimal changes in pressure inside the planet which would not be the real cause of any major magnitude event. However, a bulk plasma emission from your sun, it can cause a real increase of temperature and excessive expansion of the magma layers accelerating processes that are within its limits. If something happens during this close alignment, they can say with certainty that it was only coincidence. The increases that are observed in the volcanic and tectonic regions you friends know that is the result of natural growth on the planet, which now no longer has the direct intervention of the Arthurian. The nature will have to run its course, if it is delayed more than it already was the manifestation will be much more destructive, where not applicable for anyone.Existing super volcanoes are likely to be manifested now or towards the end of the changes, it depends only on the tectonic movement that is not fully predictable by dozens of crucial factors involved. The existing supervolcano in North America is in a region that could become extremely unstable tectonically speaking, so it may have a major eruption but may also only pouring lava regionally as any volcano; this will depend on the internal pressure of the liquid lava at the event. The more volcanoes erupting on the planet on occasion lower the overall pressure to an explosion. I said long ago to observe the events, the more active volcanoes less chance of a big located catastrophe. If the tectonic plates start moving across the Pacific, the pressure to an explosion in western North America will decrease proportionately.Your fauna for some time is showing that survival is increasingly difficult for these changes, you have seen what is happening on the planet as a whole with the animals. Think that it is quickly will extend to you friends as a direct consequence. Try to think of all alternative possibilities of subsistence until it can be started some interaction between us. Your governments are preparing "surprises" openly, just do not realize who is with fully closed eyes, so carefully monitor developments and prepare in every way to avoid this last attempt to subdue you to the plans prepared by them.Be well all of you!Q - Mythi, many are wondering about the month of September, there have been dozens of predictions that will be the critical month of this year, when should happen events that affected the planet's population. What can you tease about it?(Q asked on June 25, 2015)- You see, the general consensus is not always valid, but many of you are feeling something in the air. As always, the fatalistic desire that these events happen. The Pleiades sources report that the elites are planning their dead line for total reset of the planet's economy through various events during this year, reports that are in the knowledge of CG. Possibly they choose the September month that seems to symbolize something for them. Thy great religious entities are synchronized with your elites as a facade tool to prepare the followers to new revelations for the purpose of social imbalance. As I said earlier, many explosives were installed at strategic points to simulate a catastrophic event at any time. For this reason I ask is that you friends observe the movements of your governments and your elites, who seem to be tapering actions for the final four months of this year. Realize that your governments are on the verge of total destabilization, people are realizing every day more manipulation and impunity of corruption. The time of your elites including religious, fall into complete discredit is very near to happen globally. They intend to fight back the discredit and general revolt with military force they have in their hands, but not all military will fill orders for extermination of fellow citizens. We make sure that the colony of Earth will know to deal with it to the point of our intervention. When your elites are no longer seen in palaces, wait for events created by them especially for you.Note: for below: Mythi started to speak before answering questions: (Dec 17, 2015)- Hi my friends, I am happy to return with part of our fleet before the end of another year counted for your planet. The good news is that even within this decade of you 18 nearby settlements will also be joining in level 1 and you friends will have neighbors right here in your galaxy to exchange development ideas soon. I have observed this group that we have we hold on and found a great development to the personal level on most of you. Anxiety is giving reason to knowledge and this leads to understanding. For us what matters in a group of thinkers are the quality and not the quantity. When your society is achieving quality and quantity, certainly you friends will be going to level 2. Among the volunteers, we have people who should be active in helping us, but we have to wait for the time defined by the CG. You see, in the volunteer group registered until this month, about 60 percent gathers real psychological conditions to be part of a global reorganization. Physical condition or age really does not matter because everything can be remedied according to the needs of each.The elites are preparing to openly show the presence of alien ships as well as draw attention to a world unity against extra terrestrial interference on the planet. This will be the last fib to distract the public's attention so that they can reap everything and everyone which they say do not fit in the plans. Stay prepared to guide the greatest amount of people in your circles about it.For us, Milky Way, solar system, Sol, Tiamat, moon, etc ... are names used by you, not on star maps in the CG. The CG coordinate system ranks the stars and their planets in a galaxy by quadrants of a large globe, where regardless of the galaxy format has the center aligned with the center of this globe and the larger plan aligned with the zero axis of this globe. All the stars that are part of this galaxy will be named by its spatial position in this imaginary globe. There will always be top four quadrants and four lower quadrants and the stars are called by a code which includes the quadrant of the known universe, the quadrant of Nebula reference, the spatial reference of the galaxy in this nebula, and finally the spatial reference of the star and its planets in the galaxy in question. When you access a specific star, you can see the local names given by civilizations that composes one star system, which are not always the same names for each of them, so these are data that will only have any relevance when some contact is made.As CB already said to you friends, governments are returning former defense articles, of alien origin that were being considered for re-engineering purposes in various secret laboratories on the planet, and are discharging these in Antarctic where they will be neutralized once and for all not to offer dangers to the civilian population of the planet. This ultimatum was given a few months and as had no effect at the time an object was removed from one of CERN levels by tractors rays Arcturians, having destroyed several levels of floors along the way. It was finally understood and your governments initiated removals and delivery trips to Antarctic.As most of you are feeling in the air, your planet is on the cusp of a storm, social, economic and natural. The differences are decreasing, people are understanding and seeing the real culprits for all the worst that happens in your societies and will soon be leaving to serve the interests of your denigrated elites. This year, no doubt, is coming to an end with enough tension in every area; there were many quarrels and conflicts with few accomplishments! The individual and collective Karma has accelerated enough, which means that you will not run away no more postpone the solution of your problems! Times of crisis require new attitudes and maturity, where we no longer need palliative or mistakes. Each embodied human being, currently is being tested, there is no subterfuge so that we cannot solve our existential pain so neglected for several incarnations! I say to all, without fear of error, which is much easier to be rescued while you are incarnated than when they are for the 4D plane. Here is where you friends still have a chance to change and grow large enough to be part of this new society. Basically, our team aims to reconstruct trajectories and reframe lives to be successful in the mission where each came to fulfill! Many may ask: How do I know if I am following my reincarnation planning? The answer is simple, for those who feel at peace may have a certainty that you are on the right track as opposed to who is broken for a long time. I ask, first regain hope and the joy of living so that your mentors and friends can follow you friends closely. The world will undergo tragic transformations, Europe and the United States collapsed and China and Russia will show their claws to the current elites as new world powers. We will continue working, and hope that we may very soon be working together to reorganize the planet to this new stage of participation and harmony with development. I hope very soon we can start the direct contact between our cultures finally.While you may really demonstrates caring and willingness to help the son of thy neighbor, giving him shoes, food and hope just like you would for one of your own, the differences between beliefs and doctrines are going to decrease until no longer important part in everyday life of every being on the planet. The greater belief in a planet that is integrating socially will be called "solidarity," and this will also be understood in all languages and dialects.Be with close attention, our messages may happen any time from now on depending on the progress of situations.Note Skipping great amount of questions and their answersQ - Mythi, what does the Reptilian race, cooperating with our governments call themselves (must be registered with the CG by the same name)? And how do their Greys look like, special features? How can we distinguish a Reptilian co-worker from the Gray on your crew? We can be so easily fooled by not knowing it.(June 4, 2016)- The reptilians race keeping contact with your governments here and on Mars calls itself "Ragh" and the grays who work with them are race "Mmo" with gray skin and a height of 1.5 to 1.6m. Even if you have contact with them will be no problem because they will not harm you or bite you ... they are more advanced than you realize, were only taking advantage of certain loopholes in personality flaws of your leaders.Q - Mythi, with discoveries happening rapidly with advanced medical breakthroughs and technological leaps, are the space friends among us beginning to express their presence here? A regular metabolic coenzyme known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) was administered to mice in hopes that it would slow the aging of skeletal muscle. The researchers were shocked to find that it didn’t slow aging; it dramatically reversed it. In under a week, the mice who had previously been suffering from a variety of age-related impairments experienced an increase in muscle tone, as if they had been exercising and following a healthy diet. In some regards, the compound acted like the proverbial fountain of youth. This research was led by David Sinclair of the University of New South Wales. Is he a member of the CG?(Q asked in same visit)- Not Jerry, are not members of the CG. Are research funded by your governments and elites that possibly will not be released to the ordinary citizen. This kind of initiative only yield benefits for society level one, and yet there are much more plausible solutions to be implemented with the use of extremely superior technologies to your conventional chemistry. The research presented is in a settled way chemically speaking and if were actually used to improve the health of the habitants of the planet as a whole would be a laudable initiative, but in return what the people are getting is a constant poisoning of food, water and air available for survival. So do not believe any "great discovery" announced by your research laboratories sponsored by the same corporate machine that tries to poison you.Q - Mythi, many whistleblowers and alternative news sites are saying the recent large EQs in Ecuador and Japan were manmade because of fracking and large explosives and that Ecuador has been practice for Yellowstone blowing. Is that true and can you elaborate please?(Q asked in same visit)- See, your governments installed hundreds of tons of explosives in various hot spots of the planet in order to take advantage of certain geological faults and cause artificial cataclysms. Your HAARP system is being used to destabilize the climates causing gales and heavy rain. One of the many uses of chemtrails is to spread aluminum oxide in the upper air currents to increase the effectiveness of spread of HAARP system. The caldera of Yellowstone is surrounded by conventional explosives that could increase the power of a rash if they decide to use. The deadline is running out of them, the castle of cards has begun to fall.Q - Mythi, it feels like the vibrations in the wind are starting to change. Will something big happen during the summer of 2016 specifically during the week of the summer solstice in June? Will the frequency of the earth change even further, and will it greatly affect those more awakened individuals?(Q asked in same visit)- I cannot give dates for obvious reasons ... but as I always say, follow observing the movements of your elites and your governments. This year a lot can happen because CG is with Antarctica base ready for large movements of ships if necessary. Only people unenlightened do not realize that tensions are increasing at all levels so the discomfort of adapting to the planet's frequency changes will be felt most keenly by the most agreed to this new reality.Note: for below: Question asked is partly unrelated and partly relatedQ - Mythi, What happens to the source energy stream of a being, what some here call soul energy, of a physical being on a ship like yours, if they happen to die on an away mission to some other planet in a galaxy far, far away to uncharted areas of this or other Universes? Does the 4D realm of non-space and non-time make this a total non-issue and they can return to their planet of origin or does this provide the opportunity to seek out similar frequency zones for possible integration to planets of similar frequency elsewhere during next physical life? (Q asked in same visit)- You can die in any part of our universe of the third dimension that your quantum energy or "soul" will return automatically to the unit of the fourth dimension to which you belong because it is there that you were "registered" when incarnated for the last time. This includes die on any planet of any level or just a bump in the open space. With respect to other universes would be pure conjecture for only the fourth dimension can access other universes in another energy level.- People, your governments know of geological tense moments that the planet is experiencing due to the high degree of cosmic energy absorption by the core of the earth, but you cannot count on much help from those who wish to depopulate the planet. Keep your redoubled attention on the movement of your governments.- I'll see you all soon again!Q - Mythi, in video 24 when talking about the German expedition in 1947 you said "They were invited to stay with the condition that they could never return. And 48 men were adopted by Pleiadeans." Are there other scenarios where earthlings were invited to stay with aliens? If so, can you tell who and why?(Q asked on july 2, 2016)- See Abraham, this kind of thing has happened before and may have happened thousands of different occasions during the life of the planet. These events were not monitored until then, the colony was only a reformatory where many races interacted with their "seeded". This case specifically happened in Antarctica involving personnel of the base itself, for that reason was registered in the period of the proceedings.Mythi: 1) Was it a fake Alien Warning Message Live on TV in UK 1977 - We Come to Warn you About your Race and your Planet. 2) The Wow! Signal recorded in 1977 by SETI researcher Dr. Jerry Ehman: was it an alien civilization attempting to contact Earth? Who? Thank you very much. (Q asked just next to previous one)- No Ricardo, there was no alien transmission on your TV system. You can be quite sure that it was an interference created by someone who wanted to create some situation or a simple joke. And what your SETI does is totally staged because your governments know aliens there are many, many decades and this kind of initiative is neither relevant and possibly outrageous to any more informed citizen and conceptually intelligent.Q - Mythi, do you know if "Skinny Bob" (seen in this tiny footage from 1974 Skinny Bob Alien | RAW Leaked Footage… is still alive? It would be amazing to know his real name, as well. I send him positive thoughts wherever he is! Thank you! (Q asked in same visit)- Laura, this race of grays is a scientific race of the Mmo class, they do surveys in several systems and have colonies in many stellar systems. One of these races is one that works together with the reptilians precisely because they are excellent thinkers. Currently no Gray is a prisoner of your governments; in fact they work together in the colonies of Mars.Note: Picture was used after taking permission from CB (Captain Bill), who is the real owner of the PDF, other contributors are Mythi and other questionersNote: for below: Mythi words: (June 30, 2017)- Hello friends! I know it took me quite a while to be able to chat and talk, but I was with CB a few times during this time, as he also went through a troubled period in recent months. A lot is happening different, much more than you could imagine. We had a major decision by the Mantuk board to approve the deployment of a pilot colony on the planet Mars, that is, Mars will be used as a cosmopolitan place in your solar system. We have transferred a lot of equipment and we have been installing a large infra structure for people and ships in a place that I can publish in due course. Approximately 500 Mantuk volunteers are working there, and another 1,500 volunteers are expected to be transferred these days. This news was particularly celebrated by our crew, which will be permanently allocated to the local fleet, based on our new first colony from our galaxy. The great news is that we will be officially neighbors, and we will be able to be in permanent contact after the opening of official contacts between your planet and the CG. With this approach of our civilizations we will be able to participate more actively in the implementations of technologies for this new colony level 1.- Your governments and your elites are under great pressure, and seem to be adapting to various demands suggested by the council of this regional CG, otherwise they will pass from demands to forced imposition, which will lead the Pleiadeans and the Arcturians to take more drastic measures.- It was approved the implementation of a transport portal in Antarctica, already preparing the planet to have its own portal in the near future for receiving and sending of spacecraft and goods and smaller regional portals may be approved, to facilitate the circulation of ships of service. As you can see, changes are happening and adapting to them will be gradual between your various ethnicities.- After a subpoena from the CB, I will now stay a little to answer some questions, let's go to them.Q – Mythi, I would love to ask about Antarctica and the discovery of aliens who were flash frozen and are now being excavated secretly by the government, without giving us any disclosures.(Q asked in same visit)- Kathleen, your governments have unearthed many artifacts from ancient civilizations that lived on that continent, but we do not have records of alien bodies being withdrawn in this process of exploitation. There are bodies of frozen humanoids still in various locations below the ice, but all belonging to ancient local tribes, including animals of the time.Q - Mythi, many governments have been announcing that they will soon be going back to the moon. If you can answer, will any of them be allowed to complete their space exploration of the moon this time around and might this be the beginning of disclosure for all? Thank you. It's Official, NASA Is Going Back To The Moon. And So Is Everyone Else! (Q asked in Jan 2018)- Tami, see, as you may conjecture, the intentions of your governments in exploring the Moon is a mere matter of mining existing alien technologies in great quantity there. The CG will not allow this to happen until Earth is included as an official member of the community. Your governments can announce what they wish but it is only in these terms that another raid of some Terran will be released there.Q - Mythi, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is developing very fast these days and is about to replace many jobs on this planet in next 10-20 years. At the same time, the global population increases rapidly and if CG does not make official contact during this period of time, how should we manage this coming humanitarian crisis, where machines, in the hands of few, are doing all the work, while billions of people are jobless? (Q asked in same visit)- Todor, consider this as follows; if robotic units go on to produce goods it is to be expected that they will be sold to someone else ... the races to the large centers looking for industrial jobs has had its time, now there may be a new decentralization of this workforce out of the large centers, which in reality could provide more decentralized production of goods and food and a better quality of life for those who leave and those who stay in large industrial centers. These exodus are cyclical during the development of zero-level colonies, but as soon as they pass to the level one the problems of energy and basic infraextructure will be a common good to all without exception.- This year radical changes will be felt in the planet's major regions with regard to climate change, novelties in the solar system, accelerating planetary growth, and changes in global policy. We will be here to observe together and check the measures that will be taken by the CG on a case-by-case basis. Much is being generated by your governments to maintain control of the masses, but much will be neutralized in time.- Friends, I'm glad to be here now and to have become a citizen of our colony on Mars. We will see you soon (for you) throughout this new year of your religious reckoning.Q – Mythi, can you give us an update on ghost cities and the aliens that are supposed to inhabit them?(Q asked in May 2018)- JB, some agreements have been made almost unilaterally by some of your governments with races that they "invited" to settle on the planet to symbolize the reunion of ancestral races. These races have bases in Tibet and Nepal for thousands of years. They are cultures that brought the various Eastern races to this planet. The cities were built as "gifts" that these governments are waiting to be accepted as soon as the opening of contact between races is authorized by the CG.Q - Dear Mythi, can you enlighten us to if the United States of America's population will diminish by 100 million by 2025 according to these projections/forecast? Is this likely to happen?? (Q asked in Nov, 2018)- Jappa, these projections, albeit alarming, are based on the fact that the US by 2025 must have undergone major territorial transformations. Tectonic changes and volcanism are planned for that territory but this has not yet been publicly disclosed because your scientific community is permanently tied to the government. This, in addition to forcing part of the population north or south, will cause an almost complete stop of the economy. They are natural phenomena that are bound to happen naturally during this present tectonic rearrangement.- Friends, your governments are well aware of the events that are occurring and may occur in the near future and may announce more openly the extraterrestrial activities releasing more information, but probably with the tendency to implant the fear towards us, even knowing that we are only working for the good of this colony.Be alert to the pronouncements of your rulers. Be well all of you.Note: Last answer of this year from Mythi, next year more questions and their answers :)NB: 1) If you didn't get what all here has been written/pasted, visit my profile or feed and read my pasted answers CAREFULLY, you will understand everything (I don't want to spam all of my answers by copy and pasting one single my own written doc file). But for the assistance, The above answer(s) has been answered by Mythi, an alien from Andromeda & who is a behavioural scientist by profession and the interviewee. He comes nearly in every 1.5 months for the meeting/interview and obviously without 'authorisation' of govt..2) Questions were put forward by CB(CAPTAIN BILL-the interviewer) and his friends (Questions selectors from website) to Mythi. So, all credits goes to CB, MYTHI AND OTHER FOLLOWERS {including me :) }. Friends please note that, when I say interview, it is not a kind of job interview, but it is a friendly meeting (when two friends meet like that) & these answers in PDF are based on memory of CB (he is a very intelligent person :) as dictated by our friend Mythi). Every question has been answered readily in the PDF, so in your spare time, read the PDF, if any doubts, I am here :)3) Link to Download PDF: Mythi's Chat Room4) I don't own any website or YouTube channel nor the PDF, All belongs to CB, MYTHI & OTHER QUESTIONERS5) I just want you to know about reality, which is very fascinating :)6) A major chunk of questions have been skipped and you will never find a mistake in Mythi's answer. If an ‘error’ is in any of the text, it is certainly due to my copy and pasting them.7) If you are a non-believer, I cannot do much other than writing some proofs (in other answers and my profile). Insufficient? Do you have proof you were born and raised by your mother (best proof is a DNA-match test, that's insufficient I would say. Insensible? Isn't it?, this is Exactly comes to my mind when you demand proofs, unless the govts succeed in their intentions and then they come to your house and teach you about the mistakes you made, you won't believe, I know this). But they will not teach you like this, be sure of that, everyone is responsible for believing or not their govts=>Confusion?!?, Forget everything what is given in the text & what Mythi said, You just remember one thing: We are definitely not alone, Millions of alien races, good natured (in them, those who are spiritually well developed are 'Gods') as well as bad natured. Some work with governments. Govts are not innocent as they pretend to be. Some (ETs) are trying & continue to help us from govts' plan of depopulation, you perhaps realise or perhaps not8) You may accept Extraterrestrials, but perhaps it will be hard to accept that your own governments are biggest lie and your biggest foe. Just watch, examine and donot fall into the traps of your governments (governments themselves are group of people who can control you in any direction they want)“WORST BLIND IS ONE WHO DOESN'T WANT TO SEE”--------------------CBI did my part, rest is your willHave a nice day :)After omission: I Deleted one insulting comment: 'Stupidity beyond human comprehension', I am not forcing you to believe or not, if you don't believe, just skip and move onto next answer of anybody. The reality is as much as true you yourself are. Rather I am forcing you to become alert of your Govts’ deeds. Any doubts about this or criticism? Message me, I can try one last time to 'aware' you or just describe you. After all, all I want is to make you at least, familiar. It is my compulsion. Other than that, feeling pity for your innocence.Answer freshly updated again on 27 Feb 2019 at night. After quora moderation deleted the answer for violating their policy of BNBR i.e., Be Nice, Be Respectful (dunno y). So, pasting it again anonymously, my profile :Aakash Kumar

How do I read the z coordinates on the voyager pulsar map?

A2A How do I read the z coordinates on the voyager pulsar map?Apparently there are tick marks at the end of the lines, which show the z coordinate, but I don't see how the tick at the end of the line is any different to the ticks used to denote the pulsar period, how do you tell which tick is which?(and there is a further comment from the OP, posted under the question)But apparently there are tick marks at the end of the lines, which show the z coordinate, but I don't see how the tick at the end of the line is any different to the ticks used to denote the pulsar period, how do you tell which tick is which?Also, the bottom first right line (the long ish one at about 160 degrees has its period next to it, in another parallel line. What is this about?[the OP is referring specifically to pulsar number 3 with that last comment]The short answer:The central point is our solar system (although some sources refer to this incorrectly as the galactic center), the length of each line graphically represents the relative distance from Earth to each pulsar, and the first mark radially from the central point represents the relative distance above or below the galactic plane, as seen from Earth. Whether it is above or below the galactic plane is not indicated numerically nor is it shown graphically (or I don’t see it, rather) - aliens will figure it out anyway, since they will be smarter than I - and I think we can assume that they will have more accurate star maps than our scientists had in 1977.The binary codes show the pulsar frequencies at about the time of the launch (1977 ish) of the Pioneer probes.That one vector line with a separate binary-code-line was too long to show the binary code in line with the measurement line (direction vector line), so the code was etched instead next to the measurement line. Or the plaque was too small (or the graphic scaled so large) that it wouldn’t fit on the plaque in one single stretch.[The vector for Pulsar #8 is etched slightly out-of-place as well - it was too close to the line for Pulsar #7, I presume. Had it been drawn in place, the binary codes would have been blurred between the two lines, making it difficult for the engraver and for the aliens trying to read it. The angle and the length of the measurement vector line is unaffected, however.]N.B. The image you have presented in the question is not an exact replica of the pulsar map. [Edit: it is now - thanks, Chris.] The Voyager probes included the same map, and a picture of the cover plate might be a better reference to confirm the locations of the z-indicator bars. This is the information required to determine the distance above the galactic plane. The angles to the pulsars, the relative length of each measurement line, and the binary codes are correctly replicated in your image, however.Until I tried to make my own version of the pulsar map, I didn’t fully understand the darned thing. The length of the binary code symbol does not factor into the distance measurements.The long answer:Thanks for the A2A. Frankly, I’ve never considered decoding it myself. You already knew more than I did when you posted this question. The aliens will be scratching their heads, if they have heads. This analysis had me scratching my head.So I did a google search. This is what I found:There are 14 pulsars depicted graphically using a method designed by Frank Drake and the distance from our sun to the galactic center is represented (the line extending across to the far right edge of the plaque - past the human figures). The length of each line defines the relative distances from Earth to each Pulsar, but they are not exactly accurate, since the distance to those Pulsars is still not clearly understood. The binary codes show the pulsar frequencies at about the time of the launch (1977 ish) of the Pioneer probes.The Voyager plaques (or the Golden record cover plates, rather) are replicas of the Pioneer plaques, at least when it comes to the pulsar map. In 2007 Wm. Robert Johnston did a similar workup on decoding the Pioneer pulsar map, in an effort to find the 14 pulsars depicted in this graphic image. This is what he found:Reading the Pioneer/Voyager pulsar map - © 2003, 2007 by Wm. Robert Johnston (in which he gives a few references, including: Taylor and Manchester, "Observed properties of 147 pulsars," (October 1975 in The Astronomical Journal, (80:794-806)), ATNF Pulsar Catalog (2002), Murmurs of Earth by Carl Sagan et ali, a 1972 paper (February 1972 in Science) by Carl Sagan, Linda Salzman Sagan, and Frank Drake identifying the pulsars, and a 1970 article by B. Y. Mills in an I.A.U. publication.Mr. Johnson has provided some excellent references (with only one link), and the missing links may be found in your university library, or you might google them to find an online copy (if it exists now).Observed properties of 147 pulsars by Taylor, J. H.; Manchester, R. N. published October, 1975 other references I stumbled on in my google search (each has multiple references which you may find valuable to your research, often containing valuable links embedded within, or other external references):Pioneer plaque - from Wiki (there is a higher resolution image available here)Voyager Golden Record - from WikiVoyager - Golden Record - from NASA/JPLInfinite Voyager - from MIT (in the public domain, with links to the Library of Congress records - but this might only cover the sound recordings - I’m still checking that, so swing back later for an update to my answer in the near future)Scientific American - the Wiki (with links to the online archives)6. Pioneer Plaque | The Beauty of Diagrams (running time 28:48)Prof. Marcus du Sautoy explains the coding. Marcus du Sautoy the Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science and a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford. He is known for his work popularising mathematics. He has been named by The Independent on Sunday as one of the UK's leading scientists.The Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science - Marcus de Sautoy’s websiteHe explains the binary code using the planets at the bottom, starting at about 6:00 in the video.The Wiki explains: The binary numbers above and below the planets show the relative distance to the Sun. The unit is 1/10 of Mercury's orbit. Rather than the familiar "1" and "0", "I" and "-" are used.That’s a very ambiguous and misleading statement in the Wiki. The orbital distance from the sun to Mercury is expressed as 10. The distances from the sun to the other planets are to be interpreted as factor multiples of Mercury’s orbital radius divided by 10. I wonder how long it may take them to figure that out. They might just think they are names, or labels we have given them. They might just think we use click language or something. Frankly, I wouldn’t know what to think, if I were an alien.The pulsar map is explained in detail by Frank Drake at about 8:00. In Frank Drake’s words, the explanation is given at 9:00 and the answer to your question is at 10:30.The central point is our solar system (although some sources refer to this incorrectly as the galactic center), the overall length of each line represents the relative distance from Earth to each pulsar, and the first mark radially from the central vertex point represents the relative distance of that pulsar above or below the galactic plane (the z axis in your Cartesian coordinate system). Whether or not it is above or below the galactic plane is not specified.Edit:The distance above or below the galactic plane is measured from the end of the line back to the indicator mark (in the direction towards the vertex).The binary code line segment section is ignored for this measure, and for the distance measure to the pulsar. The measured line segments indicating the offset are all very short, if you think of it in these terms.Most pulsars are very near the galactic plane, but there are a few exceptions.When I set out to answer your question, I thought the full length of the line was to include the length of the binary code segment as well. That turns out to be an incorrect assumption. The binary code line segment is excluded from the distance measurements.As I’ve discovered with my analysis, the binary codes are shown at the end of each line only to clearly describe which binary code refers to which pulsar. Showing one or two beside the measurement line doesn’t affect the measurements.The extended length, including the binary code line segment, can be used to more clearly discern the offset angle of the measurement line from the baseline, however (except in the case of Pulsars 3 and 8).That one vector line with a separate binary-code-line was shown next to the vector line as they ran out of space on the plaque (like a carriage return on a typewriter).The binary code marks are clear here, so I will transcribe them from the video (actually, the Wiki entry is clear enough as well). I’m guessing they are to be read from the center towards the end of the line. (Actually, there are two such binary coding lines parallel to the vector line - the vector lines representing Pulsars #3 and #8.)For reference:Planet ……. Code ……… Binary …... Base 10 ….. Note 1 …….. A.U. **Mercury …. I-I- …….…. 1010 ……………… 10 ….... 0.39 ….…… 0.39Venus …….. I—II ……… 10011 ………….…. 19 ..…. 0.741 .……. 0.723Earth ……… II-I- ………. 11010 ……………. 26 …... 1.014 ….…. 1.000Mars ……… I—III ……… 100111 ………….. 39 ……. 1.521 ….…. 1.524Jupiter ….. I——II- …… 10000110 …..… 134 ..….. 5.226 ….… 5.203Saturn …… IIII-III …… 11110111 …..…… 247 ..….. 9.633 ….… 9.539Uranus ….. IIII-IIII ….. 111101111 …..…. 495 …... 19.305 ….. 19.18Neptune … II——II— .. 1100001100 ..… 780 .…. 30.42 .…... 30.06Pluto …….. IIIIIIII— … 1111111100 …… 1,021 .…. 39.819 ….. 39.53Note 1 - the distance as calculated from the binary code ratios (it’s only the numbers, which are to be treated as ratios, but I have plugged in our unit of measure for comparison - the Astronomical Unit AU)** this shows the correct distance values from Planets - Zoom Astronomy (the values are close enough for aliens to figure it out - had our people used any other method, it may have been too complicated a system, or had they increased or decreased the binary value by one, the resultant factors would have put the multiplicative result way out of range). They might have to venture into our solar system to figure this one out, unless they have seen something of a similar pattern elsewhere in the universe.Starting Mercury off with the base value of 10 indicates that we use a base 10 numbering system on Earth (aliens will be smarter than you think, if they are able to find our probe).The pulsar frequency identification codes (better to check my work, as I was going cross-eyed copying these from the Pioneer etching):Starting from the long horizontal Earth-line (the baseline) and numbering the pulsars clockwise (and reading the binary values radially outward as this appears to be the same order as that shown by Wm. Robert Johnston in his analysis):The resultant factor here (converted to base 10) must be multiplied by the hydrogen spin-flip transition frequency, I believe, to find the pulsar period, and the pulsar frequency is the multiplicative inverse (again, they will figure it out - that’s what the flip-flop picture is designed to convey to them).Edit: this information is in a graphic image posted in my answer.Binary to Decimal ConverterTo measure the relative distance markers (and the lengths of each line), one could download a copy of the graphic image, print it out, and check it with a straight edge ruler or something… Pulsars 5 and 13 don’t have an indicator bar, so they must be relatively close to the galactic plane - maybe we can assume the distance is nearly zero … they are deep in the heart of the Milky Way (or at least, they appear to be directly in line with the Milky Way, as viewed from here).They must have chosen 14 pulsars that are each closer to the Earth than our solar system is to the galactic center, judging from the relative length of each vector line from the center vertex - and comparing the length of the Earth-line vector as a reference to that relative distance.Pulsars 1, 3, and 12 have rather long lines - indicating their greater distances from the Earth relative to the others.Conversely, the measurement lines for Pulsars 5 and 13 are extremely short, with Pulsars 2, 6 and 11 not much further away.Pulsars numbered 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are those most distant from Sgr A*, using an angular measure (we have to turn around and look behind us to see them, if we are facing the galactic center). It’s hard to interpret the etched plaque until you get right into the math. I’ve learned to think of this etching as a round pin-cushion, which has been squished flat.There is a higher resolution file available, if you want to do this effort with a smaller margin for error.By NASA; vectors by Mysid - Extracted from the Pioneer plaque (File:Pioneer plaque.svg)., Public Domain, File:Pioneer plaque sun.svg(it’s in the same Wiki source as your low-def image, but you have to dig for it inside a slideshow)Source: Wiki [with my own modifications, used for measuring purposes in this answer - I have marked the identified pixel locations with a white pixel-sized square dot - the odd dot might be placed one pixel off-target, due to fuzziness in either the graphic or in my eyes - forgive me]With the hi-def image, I found an indicator bar for Pulsar 11 which was not apparent in the low-res file copy. The indicator bar is missing from the low-res image for Pulsar #1. I found a couple of angles that I had calculated incorrectly as well, with this more legible source file.Another puzzle appears to the far right. Perhaps a depiction of the ‘gravitational center’ of the galaxy? Frank Drake explains it quite simply… it’s the average height of a human female: 8 expressed in binary as 1000 [I thought it was two long dashes and two short little dashes] (that’s 8 wavelengths of the hydrogen atom emission from the unit of measure defined in the upper pictograph, which is roughly 8 inches, therefore the average human female is 8x8= 64 inches tall).Edit:the wavelength of the hydrogen atom frequency (from the spin-flip transition period) is 21.106 cm… which gives us 5′ 6–1/2″ for that elusive measurement (169 cm).I noticed that the hi-def image isn’t quite square - there is a slight angle on the plate (or the camera wasn’t square in the tripod when they snapped the photo, or something) - it’s off true by about 4 pixels from Earth to Sgr A*. By counting the pixels, that’s arctan(4/2033) = 0.1127 degrees from flat.. The hi-res image is rotated counter-clockwise by a hairs-breadth (about 406 arcseconds, if it is an intentional bit of data - but I doubt it).Wm. Robert Johnston shows a few different angles than I have found (I have verified the accuracy of my calculated values against this Wiki image - my notes are tolerably close), rounded to the nearest whole number value:Pulsar … My value … Johnson’s….…….. 17 …………… 17….….…. 49 ………….. 49….…….. 58 ………….. 58….…..… 95 ………….. 95………. 130 ………… 129 …… -1…….... 162 ……..…. 162………. 175 …………. 174 ……. -1………. 177 …………. 177…….… 145 …………. 145……..… 98 ………….. 97 …… -1……….. 69 ………….. 68 …… -1…..…… 53 ………….. 52 …… -1……….. 47 ………….. 45 …… -2……….. 14 …………… 16 …… +2** The hi-def image is much more clearly legible. One or two of the indicator bars are missing or indiscernible in the low-def image. I started out using the low-def image, but switched later to the hi-def image to calculate the angles.Some of the angles come out rounding a degree one way or the other in the math, depending on whether the arctangent trigonometric function is used, or some other method is employed. The angle may also fluctuate depending on the location along the line where you take your measurements. Pulsar 13 could be measured as anywhere from 45 to 49 degrees (but it’s a very short line). Pulsar 8 has its binary code askew to the rest of the line (and at a different angle).Others may find slightly different angular measures, as I did originally by using a protractor on the screen. I get a different value for some of them every time I get a new idea. When you expand the image digitally, the pixel locations become rather fuzzy (particularly on the low-def image).We can use the pixel mapping coordinates as if they were Cartesian coordinates, in an effort to calculate the length of each measurement (the original graphic image posted in your question measures 2845 x 2011 pixels, and the hi-def version measures 3063 x 2427 pixels) …The center point (the solar system) is therefore pixel position (869, 1212) using this technique (hi-def version).The point to the far right (Sgr A* or the galactic center) is therefore pixel position (2900, 1208) using this technique (hi-def version).Yes, I know, I moved one pixel closer with my latest interpretation, due to the shadow which appears at the end of the line. Here a pixel, there a pixel…Parsec - about 3.26 light years (I will be using this ratio, to compare my results with those of Johnson)Notes, observations, and my assumptions:Pulsars #2 and #6 have the indicator bar inside the radius of the ‘gap-circle’. I’m guessing that gap circle is indicating where the engraving tool was mounted initially.Pulsars #5 and #13 have shorter ‘stubs’ than the others, inside that ‘gap circle’. They are the closest pulsars to us, of the list of 14. Placing a bar indicator mark this near to the vertex would have made it difficult to read it. These two pulsars are in the thick of the Milky Way, as seen from the Earth. They are not far from the galactic plane, so if a bar indicator is there, we simply can’t see it because of all the black ink near the vertex.Pulsar #7 and the line leading to Sgr A* have no gap where the ‘gap circle’ engraving tool was mounted. Perhaps these lines were engraved (or re-engraved) after the engraving tool was moved from the central location.I don’t understand why the measurement line for Pulsar #7 has no gap, but I don’t think the gaps are so important - they tend to make things more legible by reducing the amount of ink obscuring the view near the vertex.Derived locations of the pulsars (using the etched Pioneer plaque as a guide):This graphic depicts the directions (not exactly the right ascension, but we are getting closer to finding a comparison to that value) shown on the Pioneer plaque.File size: 911.8 KBI have included three views:from high above the galactic plane looking down on the Earthfrom one side (the right-hand view) from a vantage point on the galactic planefrom behind the Earth on the galactic plane (bottom view) looking through the Earth at Sgr A*In view 1. we are not looking straight down at the North Pole. We aren’t looking straight down from perpendicular to the ecliptic plane, either. This is a view from perpendicular to the galactic plane. [Actually, I’m not really sure about that.] This might account for some of the errors in my calculations, as I didn’t work that mess out.Edit: we use a polar projection to identify the directions to celestial objects, so you might consider the viewing angle as in relation to the celestial sphere, which is essentially focused on the North pole.In this graphic, I have rotated the view 90 degrees counter-clockwise (from that shown on the Pulsar plaque), giving a “heads up” interpretation of the etching. This has me puzzled. Why was it shown on it’s side in the first place? [economics?] Maybe humans lie down on their right-hand side to draw on gold-plated copper plates… maybe they walk sideways like crabs do. Are there alien crabs?This is a top-down view (view 1), and the Milky Way Galaxy extends all the way around the perimeter of our view. Maybe that inner “gap circle” denotes the limits of the band of the Milky Way, above and below the galactic plane - as seen from our perspective.Turn your head (or rotate your spacecraft 90 degrees to the left) to see the right-hand view properly (the edge-on view from beside our solar system). I have shown all of the pulsars above the galactic plane, since no information is given on the Pioneer plaque to distinguish them as above or below the plane (shrug). Only four of them have negative declination, but that doesn’t necessarily define it since the galactic plane is tilted as much as 60 degrees to the celestial equator… hmmm…I have shown Pulsars 6 and 14 as above the galactic plane and all others below, although the pulsar map doesn’t specify the up or the down. Pulsars 5 and 13 are shown here directly on the galactic plane, since an indicator bar is not readily apparent in the Wiki graphic.I’m thinking that a styrofoam ball and 15 very long hat pins might come in handy to create a 3-D model.Sagittarius A* - on Wiki (the estimated distance has been revised to 7,860 pc +/- 140 pc which is about 25,624 light years give or take 456 light years or so.As explained by Drake, we only needed two pulsars to show our location to the aliens. Using fourteen stars is redundant, but with errors and uncertainties, it probably will make it easier for them, considering that there is a larger sampling for them to use.Johnson has used very loose rounding in his calculation of the distances for the offset from the galactic plane, or he used the tabled values from Taylor & Manchester (or some other source). One pixel in this hi-res graphic image (the Wiki image with the human figures and the brown background colour) measures about 12.72566 light years (3.9036 pc), whereas Johnson has used values which range from 0.073 to 1.933 parsecs per pixel in his table of estimates (relative to the scale in this image).The plaque gives us the relative distance above or below the galactic plane, but the Earth is tilted from the ecliptic by 23.44 degrees, and the ecliptic is tilted to the galactic plane by 60 degrees or so…. Good luck with that calculation - it doesn’t exactly match a straight-line relationship with the RA and Declination. The pulsars are identified in one or more of those links up there, and later in this text. I may have to plot these pulsars on a star chart like Celestia to get a handle on them. Or we could check the Fermi results.Celestia: HomeAliens will be able to determine how long ago the probe was launched, based on the changing frequency of the pulsars.Interesting to note the controversy which sprang up years ago, over the fact that the male figure is holding up his hand in symbolic greeting.It occurs to me that the Pioneer plaque map of the pulsars isn’t absolutely accurate (or my math is flawed), and it seems to have been rushed during the design stage. Apparently, it was only 3 weeks from conception to engraving. Maybe we know more now than was known in 1975. The current ATNF Catalogue lists over 2,500 identified pulsars. In 1975, they only had a list of 147 to work with.The pulsars shown on the Pioneer plaque are identified in other links as follows (but there are other designations for these objects - I have provided a cross-reference at the end of this text, courtesy THV on Google Answers):[Edit: this data is now included also in a graphic (posted above)]Reading the binary codes on the Pulsar Plaque:It seems that Pulsars 3, 4, and 7 have slightly different periods than shown in the binary codes on our probes. Pulsar #1 is just off the scale here, but it shows a slight difference as well. The others are within margins of 6 or 7 decimal places (to within a millionth of a second or better). Still, there is room for improvement. The current listing shows a slight difference to the Taylor & Manchester published results as well, in at least three cases.In case that reference is required:Observed properties of 147 pulsars by Taylor, J. H.; Manchester, R. N. (1975)The pdf article (a link to their published paper): 5, 6, and 14 are above the galactic plane, and all others are below. The Pioneer plaque doesn’t specify.This was Taylor and Manchester’s estimate (circa 1975) of the directions to the pulsars, the distances to those pulsars, and the distances above and below the galactic plane. I’m still looking for Drake’s data source. It occurs to me that he may have used older data (data which was already out-of-date when he designed the pulsar map) that I just can’t find online.It sounds as if I’ve reached a conclusion, from this image. Not yet. The designers were much smarter than I. Still, I couldn’t help myself from trying to figure out how they conceived this marvel and was unsuccessful in my efforts to find Drake’s source - so I set out to build a similar one using my own technique and available data. In doing so, I discovered the answer to another mystery - the fact that the measurements are depicted in the pulsar map from the outside in (towards the Earth from the far end of each line segment).This data was published in 1975 and is somewhat out-of-date.In the same scale as the hi-def Wikipedia file image:This information is derived from data published more recently.Other research references I have found:This is cool… a 3D pendant.. Voyager 1&2 Pulsar Map Pendant by EasyAs314159 on Shapeways - with a ready reference to the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue (and a brief summary)A link on that site is redirected to flickr: NASA on The CommonsOther flickr links of interest:Carl Sagan's A Glorious Dawn 7"blhack's anodized aluminum Voyager plaqueTufte Voyager PlaqueVoyager_plaque - not the Pioneer plaque - worth checking for changes (but the pulsar map seems to be identical)voyager plaque - maybe check — American & World History (or a video on YouTube maybe)NM796 - Spacecraft - American - Voyager Space Probe (replica) - currently the farthest manmade object from Earth - 1977 - archival photos from the Smithsonian - some interesting stuff - (on and off topic)Pulsar Mapper v0.1.2 - on GithubVoyager - The Interstellar Mission - from JPLAn Introduction to Pulsars - ATNF Australia Telescope National Facility (the current premier source for pulsar information)There is a site which gives profound details:Pulsar Map - “No, seriously. The map indicates the position and rotation period of the 14 pulsars closest to Earth. It also indicates our Sun’s relative distance to the galactic center. So if you were anywhere outside the solar system, you could triangulate the position of home.” He goes on to explain, “Well, when the electron flips, it gives off light with a wavelength of 21 centimeters which means it has a frequency of 1,402 megahertz. Frequency just means “cycles per second,” so if we take its inverse, we get a time of 7.04024183647 x 10^-10 seconds. In English, the EM radiation emitted by the electron undergoing this transition takes 0.0000000007 seconds to oscillate once.”Edit: the author has his numbers crossed there (and they aren’t the 14 closest pulsars to the Earth) ….7.04024183647 x 10^-10 seconds per cycle is exactly 1420.4057520010 Mhz on my calculator… (I’m checking that physical value from other sources)the hydrogen spin-flip frequency is 1420.405751786 Mhz (precisely), which converts to 0.00000000070402418375356 seconds per cycle (precisely) or, in scientific notation: 7.0402418375356 x 10^-10 seconds per cycle (precisely).Of course, “precisely” can change due to Doppler effects and other things that cloud our view of the cosmos. Slight changes in this frequency have enabled the study of the rotation of our galaxy, among other things.Hydrogen line - on WikiFrom Google Answers:Interstellar Pulsar Map - with some external links that may interest youSubject: Re: Interstellar Pulsar MapAnswered By: tar_heel_v-ga on 28 Jan 2003I haven't yet measured angles from the diagram, which would provide addition confirmation, but these periods match to within 1 ppm for 10 pulsars, and one part in 50,000 to one in 800 for the other four. Here are the 14, clockwise from the line indicating direction to the center of the galaxy:[I have added a mix of links, which may provide you with an ocean of resource material]J1731-4744 = [PSR] B1727-47 - Long-term timing observations of four southern pulsarsJ1456-6843 = [PSR] B1451-68 - Chandra Observations of the Old Pulsar PSR B1451-68J1243-6423 = [PSR] B1240-64 - = [PSR] B0833-45 - Vela Pulsar - the star with 44 namesJ0953+0755 = [PSR] B0950+08 - PSR B0950+08J0826+2637 = [PSR] B0823+26 - [1505.03064] LOFAR discovery of a quiet emission mode in PSR B0823+26J0534+2200 = [PSR] B0531+21 - Crab PulsarJ0528+2200 = [PSR] B0525+21 - Simbad is referenced repeatedly: PSR B0525+21 and this is interesting: = [PSR] B0329+54 - PSR B0329+54J2219+4754 = [PSR] B2217+47 - List of stars in LacertaJ2018+2839 = [PSR] B2016+28 - [astro-ph/0306071] The Transition between Nonorthogonal Polarization Modes in PSR B2016+28 at 1404 MHzJ1935+1616 = [PSR] B1933+16 - Hulse–Taylor binaryJ1932+1059 = [PSR] B1929+10 - = [PSR] B1642-03 - Evidence for Free Precession in the Pulsar B1642-03Once we have these listings, you can go to the Princeton Pulsar Map Applet at and you can get additional information about the respective pulsars.Edit: that link doesn’t work - this one should do the trick:,THV(you may wish to review his additional comments on that answer from 2003)Here are a few links he provided:"The representation of humans is accompanied by a chart: a pattern of lines beside the figures standing for the 14 pulsars of the Milky Way, the whole being designed to locate the sun of our universe.""It also has a polar plot of the positions of 14 pulsars relative to the Sun, with the pulsars specified by giving their periods as base 2 integers - but with trailing zeros inserted to cover inadequate precision." Historical Notes from Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science“All radio pulsars have this type of name. Radio-quiet pulsars (such as Geminga) do not have this type of name." Pulsar Tools - a link to a NASA sitefrom NASA: Although most pulsars have an official "PSR J" name, newly discovered non-radio pulsars (such as "Geminga-like" pulsars) will not have such a name until their pulsations are detected in radio wavelengths. Some theoretical works indicate that GLAST will discover several to a few tens of radio-quiet pulsars.I’ve measured everything else…. I had better measure this, too.I found a Wiki entry that shows the dish to be 3.7 m (12′1–3/4″) in diameter (shrug). I suppose they never intended to reference the size of the dish on the Pioneer plaque ?? That would make the guy 8′4″ tall, and the girl would be 7′9–1/2″.Voyager 1 - on Wiki

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