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What are the unique health idea for good health?

"Healthy living" to most people means both physical and mental health are in balance or functioning well together in a person. In many instances, physical and mental health are closely linked, so that a change (good or bad) in one directly affects the other. Consequently, some of the tips will include suggestions for emotional and mental "healthy living.All humans have to eat food for growth and maintenance of a healthy body, but we humans have different requirements as infants, children (kids), teenagers, young adults, adults, and seniors. For example, infants may require feeding every four hours until they gradually age and begin to take in more solid foods. Eventually they develop into the more normal pattern of eating three times per day as young kids. However, as most parents know, kids, teenagers, and young adults often snack between meals. Snacking is often not limited to these age groups because adults and seniors often do the same.Tips:Eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner); it is important to remember that dinner does not have to be the largest meal.The bulk of food consumption should consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products.Choose lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts (with emphasis on beans and nuts).Choose foods that are low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars; look at the labels because the first listed items on the labels comprise the highest concentrations of ingredients.Control portion sizes; eat the smallest portion that can satisfy hunger and then stop eating.Snacks are OK in moderation and should consist of items like fruit, whole grains, or nuts to satisfy hunger and not cause excessive weight gain.Avoid sodas and sugar-enhanced drinks because of the excessive calories in the sodas and sugar drinks; diet drinks may not be a good choice as they make some people hungrier and increase food consumption.Avoid eating a large meal before sleeping to decrease gastroesophageal reflux and weight gain.If a person is angry or depressed, eating will not solve these situations and may make the underlying problems worse.Avoid rewarding children with sugary snacks; such a pattern may become a lifelong habit for people.Avoid heavy meals in the summer months, especially during hot days.A vegetarian lifestyle has been promoted for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss; vegetarians should check with their physicians to be sure they are getting enough vitamins, minerals, and iron in their food.Cooking foods (above 165 F) destroys most harmful bacteria and other pathogens; if you choose to eat uncooked foods like fruits or vegetables, they should be thoroughly washed with running treated (safe to drink) tap water right before eating.Avoid eating raw or undercooked meats of any type.Tips for special situations:People with diabetes should use the above tips and monitor their glucose levels as directed; try to keep the daily blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible.People with unusual work schedules (night shifts, college students, military) should try to adhere to a breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine with minimal snacking.People who prepare food should avoid using grease or frying foods in grease.People trying to lose weight (body fat) should avoid all fatty and sugary foods and eat mainly vegetables, fruits, and nuts and markedly reduce his/her intake of meat and dairy products.Seek medical advice early if you cannot control your weight, food intake, or if you have diabetes and cannot control your blood glucose levels.Physical activity and exerciseShare Your StoryPhysical activity and exercise is a major contributor to a healthy lifestyle; people are made to use their bodies, and disuse leads to unhealthy living. Unhealthy living may manifest itself in obesity, weakness, lack of endurance, and overall poor health that may foster disease development.Tips:Regular exercise can prevent and reverse age-related decreases in muscle mass and strength, improve balance, flexibility, and endurance, and decrease the risk of falls in the elderly. Regular exercise can help prevent coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Regular, weight-bearing exercise can also help prevent osteoporosis by building bone strength.Regular exercise can help chronic arthritis sufferers improve their capacity to perform daily activities such as driving, climbing stairs, and opening jars.Regular exercise can help increase self-esteem and self-confidence, decrease stress and anxiety, enhance mood, and improve general mental health.Regular exercise can help control weight gain and in some people cause loss of fat.Thirty minutes of modest exercise (walking is OK) at least three to five days a week is recommended, but the greatest health benefits come from exercising most days of the week.Exercise can be broken up into smaller 10-minute sessions.Start slowly and progress gradually to avoid injury or excessive soreness or fatigue. Over time, build up to 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise every day.People are never too old to start exercising. Even frail, elderly individuals (70-90 years of age) can improve their strength and balance with exercise.Almost any type of exercise (resistance, water aerobics, walking, swimming, weights, yoga, and many others) is helpful for everybody.Children need exercise; play outside of the home is a good beginning.Sports for children may provide excellent opportunities for exercise, but care must be taken not to overdo certain exercises (for example, throwing too many pitches in baseball may harm a joint like the elbow or shoulder).Exertion during strenuous exercise may make a person tired and sore, but if pain occurs, stop the exercise until the pain source is discovered; the person may need to seek medical help and advice about continuation of such exercise.Most individuals can begin moderate exercise, such as walking, without a medical examination. The following people, however, should consult a doctor before beginning more vigorous exercise:Men over age 40 or women over age 50Individuals with heart or lung disease, asthma, arthritis, or osteoporosisIndividuals who experience chest pressure or pain with exertion, or who develop fatigue or shortness of breath easilyIndividuals with conditions that increase their risks of developing coronary heart disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cigarette smoking, high blood cholesterol, or having family members who had early onset heart attacks and coronary heart diseaseIndividuals who are morbidly obeseConsequences of physical inactivity and lack of exercise:Physical inactivity and lack of exercise are associated with heart disease and some cancers.Physical inactivity and lack of exercise are associated with type II diabetes mellitus (also known as maturity or adult-onset, non-insulin-dependent diabetes).Physical inactivity and lack of exercise contribute to weight gain.Mental healthHealthy living involves more than physical health, it also includes emotional or mental health. The following are some ways people can support their mental health and well-being.Tips:Get enough sleep daily; the CDC recommends the following by age group (naps inclusive); 12-18 hours from birth to 2 months, 14-15 hours from 3-11 months of age, 12-18 hours for 1-3 years of age, 11-13 hours for 3-5 years of age, 10-11 hours for 5-10 years of age, eight and a half to nine and a half hours for 10-17 years of age and those 18 and above need seven to nine hours of sleep. Elderly people need about seven to nine hours but do not sleep as deeply and may awaken at night or wake early, so naps (like kids need) allow them to accumulate the total of seven to nine hours of sleep.Take a walk and reflect on what you see and hear at least several times per week.Try something new and often (eat a new food, try a different route to work, go to a new museum display).Do some mind exercises (read, do a puzzle occasionally during the week).Try to focus on a process intensely and complete a segment of it over one to several hours, then take a break and do something relaxing (walk, exercise, short nap).Plan to spend some time talking with other people about different subjects.Try to make some leisure time to do some things that interest you every week (hobby, sport).Learn ways to say "no" when something occurs that you do not want to do or be involved with.Have fun (go on a trip with someone you love, go shopping, go fishing; do not let vacation time slip away).Let yourself be pleased with your achievements, both big and small (develop contentment).Have a network of friends; those with strong social support systems lead healthier lives.Seek help and advice early if you feel depressed, have suicidal thoughts, or consider harming yourself or others.People taking medicine for mental-health problems should not stop taking these medications, no matter how "well" they feel, until they have discussed their situation with their prescribing doctor(s).Avoidance behavior is another key to healthy living. Below are described some of the major items to avoid if a person is seeking a healthy lifestyle.Avoid tobacco useTobacco use is the most important preventable illness and cause of death in the U.S., according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Tobacco use was estimated to be the cause of 443,000 deaths in 2010 in the U.S.Tip:Stop smoking tobacco; start to stop today (it takes about 15 years of nonsmoking behavior to achieve a "normal" risk level for heart disease for those that smoke).Stop using chewing tobacco to avoid oral cancers.Adverse consequences of tobacco use:Tobacco use causes or contributes to a large number of cancers in the U.S. In men, 90% of lung cancer deaths are attributable to smoking; 80% in women. Tobacco use causes cancers of the lung, mouth, lip, tongue, esophagus,kidney, and bladder. It also further increases the risk of bladder cancer in subjects occupationally exposed to certain organic chemicals found in the textile, leather, rubber, dye, paint, and other organic chemical industries, and further increases the risk of lung cancer among subjects exposed to asbestos.Tobacco use causes atherosclerotic arterial disease (hardening and narrowing of the arteries) that can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and lack of blood flow to the lower extremities. Tobacco use causes an estimated 20%-30% of coronary heart disease in the U.S. It also further increases the risk of heart attacks among subjects with elevated cholesterol, uncontrolled hypertension, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle.Tobacco use causes an estimated 20% of chronic lung diseases in the U.S., such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and causes pneumonia in those with chronic lung disease. The CDC, in 2011, estimated that 90% of deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) were due to smoking.Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to deliver babies with low birth weight.Secondhand smoke can cause middle-ear infections (otitis media), coughing, wheezing, bronchitis, and pneumonia in babies, and aggravate asthma in children. Secondhand smoke (sometimes referred to as passive smoking) can also cause lung cancer.Comments and recommendations (tips):Quitting smoking is difficult to accomplish; tobacco contains nicotine, which is addictive. Some smokers can quit "cold turkey," but for most, quitting smoking requires a serious life-long commitment and an average of six quitting attempts before success.Quitting smoking efforts may include behavior modification, counseling, use of nicotine chewing gum (Nicorette Gum), nicotine skin patches (Transderm Nicotine), or oral medications such as bupropion (Zyban).Adverse consequences of excessive alcohol consumption:Chronic, excess alcohol consumption is the major cause of liver cirrhosis in the U.S.Liver cirrhosis can cause internal hemorrhage, fluid accumulation in the abdomen, easy bleeding and bruising, muscle wasting, mental confusion, infections, and in advanced cases, coma, and kidney failure.Liver cirrhosis can lead to liver cancer.Alcohol accounts for 40%-50% of deaths from automobile accidents in the U.S.Alcohol use is a significant cause of injury and death from home accidents, drowning, and burns.Comments and recommendations (tips):There are many treatments for alcoholism. But the crucial first step to recovery is for the individual to admit there is a problem and make a commitment to address the alcoholism issue. The 12-step-style self-help programs, pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous, can be one effective treatment. Psychologists and related professionals have developed programs to help individuals better handle emotional stresses and avoid behaviors that can lead to excess drinking. Support and understanding from family members are often critical for sustained recovery. Medication can be useful for the prevention of relapses and for withdrawal symptoms following acute or prolonged intoxication.Avoid high-risk sexual behaviorsHigh-risk sexual behavior can lead to the acquisition of sexually transmitted illnesses such as gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, or HIV infection. High-risk sexual behavior is also known to spread human papillomavirus infection, which can lead to cervical cancer in women and other anogenital cancers in both men and women. High-risk sexual behaviors include the following:Multiple sex partnersSex partners with a history of the following:Intravenous drug useVenereal disease (sexually transmitted diseases or STDs)Adverse consequences of high-risk sexual behavior:Transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes)Transmission of hepatitis B (50% of hepatitis B infections are due to sexual transmission) and, in rare instances, hepatitis CTransmission of human papilloma virus (HPV), which can cause genital warts and anogenital carcinomas, most commonly cancer of the uterine cervixUnplanned pregnancyRecommendations (tips):Avoid unprotected sex (sex without barriers such as a condom) outside an established, committed, monogamous relationship.If you plan to have sex and are unsure of your partner's health status, use a condom.Avoid other high-risk behaviorsShare Your StoryDriving under the influence of alcohol or drugsDriving while sleep-deprivedReckless driving and speeding, "road rage"Driving while using cell phones, texting, or performing other tasksMotorcycle (and bicycle) riding without helmetsPossession of firearms and guns without proper training and storageSmoking in bedAdverse consequences of high-risk behaviors:Motor vehicle accidents account for 40%-50% of accidental deaths.Motorcycle accidents are a major cause of serious head injuries.Firearms and guns account for a significant proportion of deaths among adolescents due to male suicide and homicide.Smoking in bed can lead to burn injury and death.Recommendations (tips):When driving, use seat restraints on all passengers, both front and rear seats.Do not drink and drive.Do not drive if sleep deprived.Avoid unnecessary distractions and focus on the road and traffic while driving (avoid texting, talking on cell phones, eating, applying makeup, or other distractions).Use helmets while riding bicycles and motorcycles. Helmet use reduces deaths from motorcycle accidents by 30% and serious head injuries by 75%.Obtain proper training in the use and storage of guns and ammunition.Use smoke detectors; avoid smoking in bed.Adverse consequences of excess sun exposure:Melanoma and other skin cancersRecommendation (tips):Avoid sunburns and sun exposure by using adequate skin protection; use brimmed hats, protective clothing, and sunscreen.Sunscreens have undergone changes, and the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) published new requirements that sunscreens needed to meet starting in 2012. Currently, the FDA suggests an effective sunscreen is rated as SPF 30 or higher and has both UVA and UVB protection (protection against ultraviolet waves of types A and B). In most instances, sunscreen needs to be applied every two hours and each time after a person has gone swimming.Additional tips for healthy livingAlthough there are many other risky behaviors that may impede an otherwise healthy lifestyle (for example, working with toxic or radioactive materials, drug addiction, travel to areas with unusual endemic diseases), these are too numerous to cover in this general article. However, the reader is advised to visit such topic sites on, or WebMD - Better information. Better health. because most of the specific articles will provide tips to avoid health-related problems.daily drink 10–15 lt waterregular exercisehealthy dietThe advantage of eating more fruits should be a vital part of your daily dietFind the best partner for fitness.Always be active for better mental health which is very important.Do not ever skip your morning breakfast.You need to eat whole grain food on a daily schedule.Due to regular work people faces the problem of achy muscles. So, it is very important to take rest for relieving.Daily brush of your teeth is necessaryEnjoy every moment of your daily lives.Enjoy music to get refreshed.Daily consumption of foods containing vitamin D is essential for your good health.Spiritual activity is also important for your mental stability.Fish is a good source of protein, Iron, vitamin D etc. So, it is also important to eat plenty of fish.Try tea and coffee regularly.Try to take nutrients containing food and exclude calories.Stop smoking, because it is injurious to health.Do not eat dessert ice-cream immediately after taking dinner.Keep your home clean and green.Conclusion:Therefore, above top unique health idea are very important for your health that will make your body perfect and fit. So, guys, I think this top unique health idea will definitely help you to maintain a good healthy life. Try this idea and change yourself and your life.

As a doctor, how will you define a healthy lifestyle?

"Healthy living" to most people means both physical and mental health are in balance or functioning well together in a person. In many instances, physical and mental health are closely linked, so that a change (good or bad) in one directly affects the other. Consequently, some of the tips will include suggestions for emotional and mental "healthy living."Healthy eating (diet and nutrition)All humans have to eat food for growth and maintenance of a healthy body, but we humans have different nutritionrequirements as infants, children (kids), teenagers, young adults, adults, and seniors. For example, infants may require feeding every 4 hours until they gradually age and begin to take in more solid foods. Eventually they develop into the more normal pattern of eating three times per day as young kids. However, as most parents know, kids, teenagers, and young adults often snack between meals. Snacking is often not limited to these age groups because adults and seniors often do the same.Tips:Eat three healthy meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner); it is important to remember that dinner does not have to be the largest meal.The bulk of food consumption should consist of healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products.Incorporate lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts (with emphasis on beans and nuts) into a healthy diet.Choose foods that are low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars; look at the labels because the first listed items on the labels comprise the highest concentrations of ingredients.Control portion sizes; eat the smallest portion that can satisfy hunger and then stop eating.Healthy snacks are OK in moderation and should consist of items like fruit, whole grains, or nuts to satisfy hunger and not cause excessive weight gain.Avoid sodas and sugar-enhanced drinks because of the excessive calories in the sodas and sugardrinks; diet drinks may not be a good choice as they make some people hungrier and increase food consumption.Avoid eating a large meal before sleeping to decrease gastroesophageal reflux and weight gain.If a person is angry or depressed, eating will not solve these situations and may make the underlying problems worse.Avoid rewarding children with sugary snacks; such a pattern may become a lifelong habit for people.Avoid heavy meals in the summer months, especially during hot days.A vegetarian lifestyle has been promoted for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss; vegetarians should check with their physicians to be sure they are getting enough vitamins, minerals, and iron in their diet.Cooking foods (above 165 F) destroys most harmful bacteria and other pathogens; if you choose to eat uncooked foods like fruits or vegetables, they should be thoroughly washed with running treated (safe to drink) tap water right before eating.Avoid eating raw or undercooked meats of any type.Tips for special situations:People with diabetes should use the above tips and monitor their glucose levels as directed; try to keep the daily blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible.People with unusual work schedules (night shifts, college students, military) should try to adhere to a breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine with minimal snacking.People who prepare food should avoid using grease or frying foods in grease.People trying to lose weight (body fat) should avoid all fatty and sugary foods and eat mainly vegetables, fruits, and nuts and markedly reduce his/her intake of meat and dairy products.Seek medical advice early if you cannot control your weight, food intake, or if you have diabetes and cannot control your blood glucose levels.Physical activity and exercisePhysical activity and exercise is a major contributor to a healthy lifestyle; people are made to use their bodies, and disuse leads to unhealthy living. Unhealthy living may manifest itself in obesity, weakness, lack of endurance, and overall poor health that may foster disease development.Tips:Regular exercise can prevent and reverse age-related decreases in muscle mass and strength, improve balance, flexibility, and endurance, and decrease the risk of falls in the elderly. Regular exercise can help prevent coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Regular, weight-bearing exercise can also help prevent osteoporosis by building bone strength.Regular fitness can help chronic arthritissufferers improve their capacity to perform daily activities such as driving, climbing stairs, and opening jars.Regular exercise can help increase self-esteem and self-confidence, decrease stress and anxiety, enhance mood, and improve general mental health.Regular exercise can help control body weight and in some people cause loss of fat.Thirty minutes of modest exercise (walking is OK) at least 3 to 5 days a week is recommended, but the greatest health benefits come from exercising most days of the week.Exercise can be broken up into smaller 10-minute sessions.Start slowly and progress gradually to avoid injury or excessive soreness or fatigue. Over time, build up to 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise every day.People are never too old to start exercising. Even frail, elderly individuals (70-90 years of age) can improve their strength and balance with exercise.Almost any type of exercise (resistance, water aerobics, walking, swimming, weights, yoga, and many others) is helpful for everybody.Children need exercise; play outside of the home is a good beginning.Sports for children may provide excellent opportunities for exercise, but care must be taken not to overdo certain exercises (for example, throwing too many pitches in baseball may harm a joint like the elbow or shoulder).Exertion during strenuous exercise may make a person tired and sore, but if painoccurs, stop the exercise until the pain source is discovered; the person may need to seek medical help and advice about continuation of such exercise.Most individuals can begin moderate exercise, such as walking, without a medical examination. The following people, however, should consult a doctor before beginning more vigorous exercise:Men over age 40 or women over age 50Individuals with heart or lung disease, asthma, arthritis, or osteoporosisIndividuals who experience chest pressure or pain with exertion, or who develop fatigue or shortness of breath easilyIndividuals with conditions that increase their risks of developing coronary heart disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cigarette smoking, high blood cholesterol, or having family members who had early onset heart attacks and coronary heart diseaseIndividuals who are morbidly obeseConsequences of physical inactivity and lack of exercise:Physical inactivity and lack of exercise are associated with heart disease and some cancers.Physical inactivity and lack of exercise are associated with type II diabetes mellitus (also known as maturity or adult-onset, non-insulin-dependent diabetes).Physical inactivity and lack of exercise contribute to weight gain.Mental healthHealthy living involves more than physical health, it also includes emotional or mental health. The following are some ways people can support their mental health and well-being.Tips:Get enough sleep daily; the CDC recommends the following by age group (naps inclusive); 12-18 hours from birth to 2 months, 14-15 hours from 3-11 months of age, 12-18 hours for 1-3 years of age, 11-13 hours for 3-5 years of age, 10-11 hours for 5-10 years of age, 8.5-9.5 hours for 10-17 years of age and those 18 and above need 7-9 hours of sleep. Elderly people need about 7-9 hours but do not sleep as deeply and may awaken at night or wake early, so naps (like kids need) allow them to accumulate the total of 7-9 hours of sleep.Take a walk and reflect on what you see and hear at least several times per week.Try something new and often (eat a new food, try a different route to work, go to a new museum display).Do some mind exercises (read, do a puzzle occasionally during the week).Try to focus on a process intensely and complete a segment of it over 1 to several hours, then take a break and do something relaxing (walk, exercise, short nap).Plan to spend some time talking with other people about different subjects.Try to make some leisure time to do some things that interest you every week (hobby, sport).Learn ways to say "no" when something occurs that you do not want to do or be involved with.Have fun (go on a trip with someone you love, go shopping, go fishing; do not let vacation time slip away).Let yourself be pleased with your achievements, both big and small (develop contentment).Have a network of friends; those with strong social support systems lead healthier lives.Seek help and advice early if you feel depressed, have suicidal thoughts, or consider harming yourself or others.People taking medicine for mental health problems should not stop taking these medications, no matter how "well" they feel, until they have discussed their situation with their prescribing doctor(s).Avoidance behavior is another key to wellness. Below are described some of the major items to avoid if a person is seeking a healthy lifestyle.Avoid tobacco useTobacco use is the most important preventable illness and cause of death in the U.S., according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Tobacco use was estimated to be the cause of 443,000 deaths in 2010 in the U.S.Tip:Stop smoking tobacco; start to stop today (it takes about 15 years of nonsmoking behavior to achieve a "normal" risk level for heart disease for those that smoke).Stop using chewing tobacco to avoid oral cancers.Adverse consequences of tobacco use:Tobacco use causes or contributes to a large number of cancers in the U.S. In men, 90% of lung cancer deaths are attributable to smoking; 80% in women. Tobacco use causes cancers of the lung, mouth, lip, tongue, esophagus, kidney, and bladder. It also further increases the risk of bladder cancer in subjects occupationally exposed to certain organic chemicals found in the textile, leather, rubber, dye, paint, and other organic chemical industries, and further increases the risk of lung cancer among subjects exposed to asbestos.Tobacco use causes atheroscleroticarterial disease (hardening and narrowing of the arteries) that can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and lack of blood flow to the lower extremities. Tobacco use causes an estimated 20%-30% of coronary heart disease in the U.S. It also further increases the risk of heart attacks among subjects with elevated cholesterol, uncontrolled hypertension, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle.Tobacco use causes an estimated 20% of chronic lung diseases in the U.S., such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and causes pneumonia in those with chronic lung disease. The CDC, in 2011, estimated that 90% of deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease(COPD) were due to smoking.Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to deliver babies with low birth weight.Secondhand smoke can cause middle-ear infections (otitis media), coughing, wheezing, bronchitis, and pneumonia in babies, and aggravate asthma in children. Secondhand smoke(sometimes referred to as passive smoking) can also cause lung cancer.Comments and recommendations (tips):Quitting smoking is difficult to accomplish; tobacco contains nicotine, which is addictive. Some smokers can quit "cold turkey," but for most, quitting smoking requires a serious life-long commitment and an average of six quitting attempts before success.Quitting smoking efforts may include behavior modification, counseling, use of nicotine chewing gum (Nicorette Gum), nicotine skin patches (Transderm Nicotine), or oral medications such as bupropion (Zyban).Avoid excessive alcohol consumptionAdverse consequences of excessive alcohol consumption:Chronic, excess alcohol consumption is the major cause of liver cirrhosis in the U.S.Liver cirrhosis can cause internal hemorrhage, fluid accumulation in the abdomen, easy bleeding and bruising, muscle wasting, mental confusion, infections, and in advanced cases, coma, and kidney failure.Liver cirrhosis can lead to liver cancer.Alcohol accounts for 40%-50% of deaths from automobile accidents in the U.S.Alcohol use is a significant cause of injury and death from home accidents, drowning, and burns.Comments and recommendations (tips):There are many treatments for alcoholism. But the crucial first step to recovery is for the individual to admit there is a problem and make a commitment to address the alcoholism issue. The 12-step-style self-help programs, pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous, can be one effective treatment. Psychologists and related professionals have developed programs to help individuals better handle emotional stresses and avoid behaviors that can lead to excess drinking. Support and understanding from family members are often critical for sustained recovery. Medication can be useful for the prevention of relapses and for withdrawal symptoms following acute or prolonged intoxication.Quit SmokingSet a date for quitting. If possible, plan to have a friend quit smoking with you. It's best to pick a day within the next month. A date too far off in the future will give you a chance to procrastinate and postpone, while a date too soon may not allow you to make a plan for medications or support systems.Notice when and why you smoke. Try to find the things in your daily life that you often do while smoking (such as drinking your morning cup of coffee or driving a car).Change your smoking routines: Keep your cigarettes in a different place. Smoke with your other hand. Don't do anything else when you are smoking. Think about how you feel when you smoke.Avoid high-risk sexual behaviorsHigh-risk sexual behavior can lead to the acquisition of sexually transmitted illnesses such as gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, or HIV infection. High-risk sexual behavior is also known to spread human papillomavirus infection, which can lead to cervical cancer in women and other anogenital cancers in both men and women. High-risk sexual behaviors include the following:Multiple sex partnersSex partners with a history of the following:Intravenous drug useVenereal disease (sexually transmitted diseases or STDs)Adverse consequences of high-risk sexual behavior:Transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes)Transmission of hepatitis B (50% of hepatitis B infections are due to sexual transmission) and, in rare instances, hepatitis CTransmission of human papilloma virus (HPV), which can cause genital wartsand anogenital carcinomas, most commonly cancer of the uterine cervixUnplanned pregnancyRecommendations (tips):Avoid unprotected sex (sex without barriers such as a condom) outside an established, committed, monogamous relationship.If you plan to have sex and are unsure of your partner's health status, use a condom.Avoid other high-risk behaviorsDriving under the influence of alcohol or drugsDriving while sleep-deprivedReckless driving and speeding, "road rage"Driving while using cell phones, texting, or performing other tasksMotorcycle (and bicycle) riding without helmetsPossession of firearms and guns without proper training and storageSmoking in bedAdverse consequences of high-risk behaviors:Motor vehicle accidents account for 40%-50% of accidental deaths.Motorcycle accidents are a major cause of serious head injuries.Firearms and guns account for a significant proportion of deaths among adolescents due to male suicide and homicide.Smoking in bed can lead to burn injury and death.Recommendations (tips):When driving, use seat restraints on all passengers, both front and rear seats.Do not drink and drive.Do not drive if sleep deprived.Avoid unnecessary distractions and focus on the road and traffic while driving (avoid texting, talking on cell phones, eating, applying makeup, or other distractions).Use helmets while riding bicycles and motorcycles. Helmet use reduces deaths from motorcycle accidents by 30% and serious head injuries by 75%.Obtain proper training in the use and storage of guns and ammunition.Use smoke detectors; avoid smoking in bed.Adverse consequences of excess sun exposure:Melanoma and other skin cancersRecommendation (tips):Avoid sunburns and sun exposure by using adequate skin protection; use brimmed hats, protective clothing, and sunscreen.Sunscreens have undergone changes, and the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) published new requirements that sunscreens needed to meet starting in 2012. Currently, the FDA suggests an effective sunscreen is rated as SPF 30 or higher and has both UVA and UVB protection (protection against ultraviolet waves of types A and B). In most instances, sunscreen needs to be applied every 2 hours and each time after a person has gone swimming.Additional tips for healthy livingAlthough there are many other risky behaviors that may impede an otherwise healthy lifestyle (for example, working with toxic or radioactive materials, drug addiction, travel to areas with unusual endemic diseases), these are too numerous to cover in this general article. However, the reader is advised to visit such topic sites on, or WebMD - Better information. Better health. because most of the specific articles will provide tips to avoid health-related problems.

As someone who has been raised by anti-vaxxer parents, I genuinely regret believing in this trope and apologize for it. What are some good intro tutorials or online courses I could take to educate myself on immunology?

You apologising to big Pharma for not swallowing orthodox virologyLol[virus]The purpose of a virus as ‘germ’ not ‘poison’, and the false Pasteurism monomorphic germ theory is to sell vaccinationSee disease theory summary on whaleThey also had to vanish toxicology and nutritional knowledge eg vit c cures all viral disease and, coincidentally, poisonings“Virus Mania. Avian Flu (H5N1), Cervical Cancer (HPV), SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein these alleged contagious viruses are, in fact, particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as drugs. These particles are then identified by antibody and PCR tests and interpreted as epidemic-causing viruses by doctors who have been inoculated for over 100 years by the theory that microbes are deadly and only modern medications and vaccines will protect us from virus pandemics.”“Up until now, we had thought that microbes caused infections. This view seemed correct as microbes are found in every infection. In reality, it is not true. The whole immune system is only a 'fata morgana', built on hypothesis. In avoidable diseases we also forgot or overlooked the first phase, the conflict active phase. Only after the conflict is solved do the microbes become active. Indeed, they are directed and activated by the brain. They are NOT our enemies; they help us and work on the ordering of our organism. Since they are directed from the brain, they help break down cancer tumors after their task is fulfilled, or build up the holes, necroses and tissue damage from the other cerebrum groups. They are our faithful helpers, our guest workers! The concept of the immune system, the army that fights against the bad microbes, is simply wrong.” Dr Hamer MD"These microorganisms (germs) feed upon the poisonous material which they find in the sick organism and prepare it for excretion. These tiny organisms are derived from still tinier organisms called microzyma. These microzyma are present in the tissues and blood of all living organisms where they remain normally quiescent and harmless. When the welfare of the human body is threatened by the presence of potentially harmful material, a transmutation takes place. The microzyma changes into a bacterium or virus which immediately goes to work to rid the body of this harmful material. When the bacteria or viruses have completed their task of consuming the harmful material they automatically revert to the microzyma stage".--Bechamp.“The word "virus" is ancient Latin, meaning "slime" or "poison." Mainstream science admits that most viruses are harmless, yet the word "virus " adds to a biased and highly promoted language of fear regarding nature. Definitions of viruses; range from "pathogenic" to "not usually pathogenic" - the more popular the media source, the more frightening the definition. Less fearful definitions would change the relationship between the medical industry and its "patients."Paradoxically, early virus studies considered virus filtrates to be a poison, not a microbe, thus the name virus. Today, we know that viruses are information. Now, nearly a half-century later, the validity of Dr. Biskinds work appears even more certain. Again, according to Biskind:It was even known by 1945 that DDT is stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in the milk. With this foreknowledge the series of catastrophic events that followed the most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history, should not have surprised the experts. Yet, far from admitting a causal relationship so obvious that in any other field of biology it would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite, the overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.The unique correlations between CNS disease and CNS toxins present a variety of research opportunities not only in medical science, but political science, philosophy, media studies, psychology, and sociology.” West"Orthodox virology omits toxicology, and is thus void. Toxicological causation is obvious and toxicology is avoided by the media like the plague. Forget the intellectual, scientific intrigue of virology. Without toxicology, virology is a mind-trap. Virology is the deadly virus. Orthodoxy could claim that a "virus" has any number of fearful characteristics, but those characteristics are meaningless if the victims are poisoned. Without poisoning, perhaps the virus is a nutrient. Perhaps there is no virus. Most likely, the "virus" is harmless human nucleic acid, rearranged as a response to poisoning, and thus always a test for said "virus" would be positive during periods of poisoning.""The vaccination programs are irrelevant to the decline of polio, while pesticides correlate perfectly with polio. The unfunded, ostracized theory of poison causality far exceeds all other theories in simplicity, exactitude, and directness regarding correlations within all data areas: dosage, physiology, etiology, epidemiology, economics, and politics."--Jim West"The official West Nile virus paradigm actually does make political sense. After all, you can't expect Mayor Giuliani to say, "Thousands of birds are falling from the sky because of petrochemical emissions in Jersey, illegal emissions, major airport take-off lanes over residential zones, congested automobile traffic, and gasoline with 15% MTBE, which is a poison and neurotoxic precursor. Air pollution has triggered the deaths of birds already burdened with pesticides, mercury, and lead residues. If you're a visiting tourist, chances are you'll be OK, and NYC loves your money. So, let's all pretend it's a deadly virus and endure a ritual of mind-numbing fear, dramatized by occasional unscheduled pesticide sprayings by helicopters over crowded streets and parks."--Jim West"Rife showed that by altering the environment and food supply, friendly bacteria such as colon bacillus could be converted into varied "pathogenic" bacteria. For example, Rife also observed that bacillus coli could in time be modified into the bacterial agent associated with typhus, and the process actually reversed. In Rife's words:‘In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but we believe it is . . . the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produce the of disease. We also believe if the metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced . . . it is susceptible to no disease.*This observation closely parallels Alexis Carrel's earlier research at the Rockefeller Institute where he was able to control the rates and levels of **infectious disease mortality** among mice. Beginning with the standard diet he observed a corresponding death rate of 52 percent.** By making specific dietary improvements he was able to reduce mortality rates downward to 32 percent, then 14 percent, and finally to a rate of 0**. "-"Intensive research during the past twelve years on the relationship between diet and susceptibility to infection, not only in polio but also in common respiratory infections and tuberculosis, has convinced me that the human organism can protect itself against infection virtually completely by proper nutrition."--Sandler MD"Polio is NOT even contagious or infectious (never proven to be). There is NO proof Polio is caused by a virus. There is NO evidence thatanyone caught polio from another person in the family. There is NO evidence that any nurse or doctor caught polio from a patient."“Meningitis is not a transmissible disease, we do not "catch" it from one another. My first lesson in vaccine propaganda is when I learned, back in the forties, that the "epidemics" of meningitis amongst military recruits were not epidemics but clusters, and the second thing I learned was that only the freshly vaccinated recruits "caught" meningitis. The mess sergeant didn't, the drill sergeant didn't, only the recruits did. Not even the girls who worked at the base exchanges and service clubs, with whom the recruits played kissy face "caught" meningitis - only the freshly vaccinated recruits "caught" it.......In over thirty years of clinical practice I have never seen an infectious hepatitis "caught" by another member of a household and believe me when I say I really looked high and low for one of those. If I found one I would look for a source of the poisoning, not for a germ or a virus"-Duffy DC“When I started doing viral research, it was already 1986, 1987, just when the public in Germany and Europe was starting to become aware of AIDS. Because AIDS was supposedly caused by a virus, I was automatically considered a specialist in the AIDS field. In the beginning, this was a nice feeling. I was telling people what I heard from the mass media and the TV, and I was not checking the evidence because everybody was convinced AIDS was a viral disease. Then I heard about the things that Robert Gallo [American cancer researcher who first identified HIV as the cause of AIDS] was doing wrong, and that he was misleading the public about his first retrovirus [HTLV-I, which Gallo claimed to be the cause of AIDS in 1982, before his alleged discovery of HIV] and he had stolen the virus from Montagnier, and all this kind of gossip.I already had a somewhat critical attitude when I started studying molecular genetics, so I went to the library to look up the literature on HIV. To my big surprise, I found that when they are speaking about HIV they are not speaking about a virus. They are speaking about cellular characteristics and activities of cells under very special conditions. I was so deeply shocked. I was thinking, "Well, I'm not experienced enough. I have overlooked something. On the other side, those people are absolutely sure." Then I was afraid that speaking about this with my friends, or even my family, they would think is absolutely mad and crazy. So for a long time I studied virology, from the end to the beginning, from the beginning to the end, to be absolutely sure that there was no such thing as HIV. And it was easy for me to be sure about this because I realized that the whole group of viruses to which HIV is said to belong, the retroviruses -- as well as other viruses which are claimed to be very dangerous -- in fact do not exist at all. “ Lanka[vaccine truth]This is the whole truthvaccination is child abuse and attempted murderYou can find out the hard way or play dodge the silent vaccine bullet with your child’s life and being a life time carerThe five stages of vaccine awareness1. Vaccines are safe and effective2. Vaccines are unsafe but effective3. Vaccines do more harm than good4. Vaccines are ineffective and dangerous5. Vaccines are silent weapons for human farming: killing, sterilising, mind control, and disease creation for fear and income. Vaccine advocates are psychopaths or useful idiotsThey admit using sterilising vaccines so not going to be preventing life with one hand and saving with the other“Vaccination is child abuse and a crime against humanity.” - Dr Buchwald MD''Vaccination is not disease prevention - it's a particularly nasty form of organised crime in that it manipulates parents' protective instincts to get them to submit their child into getting poisoned for profit under the guise of disease prevention.'' ~ Erwin"The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization.....There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease."-Dr Robert Mendelsohn (received his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Chicago in 1951. For 12 years he was an instructor at Northwest University Medical College, and an additional 12 years served as Associtae Professor of Pediatrics and Community Health and Preventive Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. He was also President of the National Health Federation, former National Director of Project Head Starts Medical Consultation Service, and Chairman of the Medical Licensing Comittee of the State of Illinois.)"Parents who allow their children to be vaccinated should be charged with child abuse and sent to prison for a very long time."---Dr Vernon Coleman MB (Coleman's Laws.)"The 'victory over epidemics' was not won by medical science or by doctors--and certainly not by vaccines.....the decline...has been the result of technical, social and hygienic improvements and especially of improved nutrition. Here the role of the potato...deserves special mention.....Consider carefully whether you want to let yourself or your children undergo the dangerous, controversial, ineffective and no longer necessary procedure called vaccination, because the claim that vaccinations are the cause for the decline of infectious diseases is **utter nonsense.**"--The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures)---**Dr. med. G. Buchwald **Vaccines did not save humanity and never will. Vaccines have never been proven truly safe except for perhaps the parameters of immediate death or some specific adverse events within up to 4 weeks. Smallpox was not eradicated by vaccines as many doctors readily say it was. They say this out of conditioning rather than out of understanding the history or science. Polio virus was not responsible for the paralysis in the first part of the 20th century. Polio vaccine research, development, testing and distribution has committed atrocities upon primates and humanity. Bill Gates is not a humanitarian. Vaccines are dangerous and should never be injected into anyone for any reason. They are not the answer to infectious diseases. There are many more sustainable and benevolent solutions than vaccines.” Suzanne Humphries MD“I was the first to announce the "autism epidemic", in 1995, and I pointed out in that article that excessive vaccines were a plausible cause of the epidemic. As you know, an enormous amount of clinical laboratory research (as opposed to epidemiological research), has been accumulated since that time, supporting my position. (I did not know then that the vaccines contained mercury, although I had been collecting data since 1967 from the mothers of autistic children, on any dental work they may have had during their pregnancy.) The evidence is now overwhelming, despite the misinformation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Institute of Medicine.” ~ Bernard Rimland (November 15, 1928 – November 21, 2006) was an American research psychologist, writer, lecturer, and advocate for children with developmental disorders. Rimland's first book, Infantile Autism, sparked by the birth of a son who had autism, was instrumental in changing attitudes toward the disorder. Rimland founded and directed two advocacy groups: the Autism Society of America (ASA) and the Autism Research Institute."We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines.......Every doctor now essentially in this country has done something as heinous as the Nazis did, unknowingly." ~ Dr Eisenstein MD“I think that the biological case against Thimerosal is so dramatically overwhelming anymore that only a very foolish or a very dishonest person with the credentials to understand this research would say that Thimerosal wasn’t most likely the cause of autism……you couldn't even construct a study that shows thimerosal is safe. It's just too darn toxic. If you inject thimerosal into an animal, its brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die. If you put it in a petri dish, the culture dies. Knowing these things, it would be shocking if one could inject it into an infant without causing damage." ----Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky and one of the world's leading authorities on mercury toxicity.The best proof it’s only about money is the 80 year suppression of the vitamin c cure for all vaccine and viral disease"Many viral infectious diseases have been cured and can continue to be cured by the proper administration of Vitamin C. Yes, the vaccinations for these treatable infectious diseases are completely unnecessary when one has the access to proper treatment with vitamin C. And, yes, all the side effects of vaccinations...are also completely unnecessary since the vaccinations do not have to be given in the first place with the availability of properly dosed vitamin C."-So 80 years of vaccine damage for nothing bar giving them diseased children to feed offTake mmrI’ll take measles thanks a safe beneficial disease whose deaths and complications due to medical negligenceMMR diseases (Lawyer list many years ago, UK, before Legal aid was withdrawn by judge with Glaxo brother)Autism (287), Crohn’s disease and other serious chronic stomach problems (136), Epilepsy (132), Other forms of brain damage (induding meningitis, cerebral palsy, encephalopathy, encephalitis etc.) (77), Hearing and vision problems (81), Arthritis (50), Behavioural and learning problems (in older children) (110), Chronic fatigue syndrome (41), Diabetes (15), Guillain-Barre syndrome (9), Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura (and other purpuras) (6), Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) (3), Wegener’s Granulamatosis (2), Leukaemia (1), Multiple sclerosis (1), Death (18).Janine Robert’s on how they make the Measles vaccine, start at 5:00. "I found a CDC paper called 'Isolation of the Measles virus.' If we think a patient might have Measles get some fluid from that patient...and put in fridge. Next, get a marmoset monkey, kill it, take it's cells and put cells in cell culture because they are 10,000 times more responsive to measles than our human cells. The cell culture isn't ready yet to grow measles virus. Next thing is to make the monkey cells cancerous by exposing to radiation. Next give those monkey cells Epstein Barr virus, which is a horrific disease. Next, add a toxin to the cell culture that is so dangerous the advice is to wear rubber gloves, don't let human skin touch it. The CDC says at this point the cells are starting to fall off the sides of the vessel, in other words they are poisoned, they have cancer and EBV and they are falling over, they are ill. Give them 2 days to recover and add nutrients. Now get sample out of fridge and add to these diseased and cancerous cells. Watch with microscope for 2 days. If after this time 50% of the cells are distorted then you have an isolate of measles virus and you are instucted to put in fridge and keep to be used as vaccine. At no point is measles virus seen, at no point is the measles virus proved to cause the illness in the cells. We know they are poisoned, we know they have been given cancer & Epstein Barr syndrome. That is now ready to be made into a vaccine to be put into our kids. This noxious mixture is the basis that can be used in vaccines." Janine Roberts on Vaccines (Janine Roberts on Vaccines)Answer to“Even if vaccines caused autism (I don’t believe they do), how can you call yourself a loving parent if you prefer measles to autism?”I don’t know where you came up with the idea it’s a choice between measles and autismSo mmr protects you from measles and may cause autism but probably doesn’t so don’t worry about that as the government says it doesn’t even though they have no idea where it comes from apart from the 80 or so cases they have compensatedI presume you mean measles deaths as measles is a short acting disease that improves your immune system whereas autism is a lifelong severe disability requiring 24/7 caring where your mother or father have to give up what they were doing job wise and spend the rest of their life caring for their vaccination injured child who they can’t communicate with as they should and can be in permanent pain from vaccination induced bowel disease and requiring nappiesYou then have to worry about who is going to look after them after you die, they may end up in a secure facility that you read about in the daily mail where they are abusedAs to vaccination not causing autism it actually causes 99.9% while rest caused by same vaccine doctors use of ultrasound, other drugs and early cord clamping some 3.2 million an epidemic yet all we hear about is measlesAutism started with mercury containing dpt and rose in lockstep with increase in mercury contentSee vaccine autism on whaleMeasles vaccination isn’t going to protect you from measles did you actually believe the government?Deaths declined 99.4% before vax so that’s not trueAnd as to measles deaths all of those are due to vaccinators medical negligence from the use of other drugs and suppressing the vit c treatment that makes it safeBut it’s s harmless disease in health kids as I experienced before the vax fearmongering startedAnd it improves your immune system as designed so why would you want to suppress it and by doctors who can’t even cure it? And only know fraction of immune system?There’s blind faith for youAnd it’s not just autism mmr kills more than measlesWhile most measles cases have been vaccinated which is the final nail in its coffinAre you getting the satanic picture on measles vaccination yet?And it’s not just autism they withdrew one in Canada for causing meningitis then introduced it into uk where after maiming thousands with meningitis it was withdrawn and sent to BrazilMMR diseases (Lawyer list many years ago, UK, before Legal aid was withdrawn by judge with Glaxo brother)Autism (287), Crohn’s disease and other serious chronic stomach problems (136), Epilepsy (132), Other forms of brain damage (induding meningitis, cerebral palsy, encephalopathy, encephalitis etc.) (77), Hearing and vision problems (81), Arthritis (50), Behavioural and learning problems (in older children) (110), Chronic fatigue syndrome (41), Diabetes (15), Guillain-Barre syndrome (9), Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura (and other purpuras) (6), Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) (3), Wegener’s Granulamatosis (2), Leukaemia (1), Multiple sclerosis (1), Death (18).As I said mmr kills more than measles which shouldn’t kill anyone and u hear them wailing about measles hearing damage but silent on mmr hearing damagAnd check out how they make the measles virus for the vaccine while bearing in mind they haven’t isolated the measles virusJanine Robert’s on how they make the Measles vaccine, start at 5:00. "I found a CDC paper called 'Isolation of the Measles virus.' If we think a patient might have Measles get some fluid from that patient...and put in fridge. Next, get a marmoset monkey, kill it, take it's cells and put cells in cell culture because they are 10,000 times more responsive to measles than our human cells. The cell culture isn't ready yet to grow measles virus. Next thing is to make the monkey cells cancerous by exposing to radiation. Next give those monkey cells Epstein Barr virus, which is a horrific disease. Next, add a toxin to the cell culture that is so dangerous the advice is to wear rubber gloves, don't let human skin touch it. The CDC says at this point the cells are starting to fall off the sides of the vessel, in other words they are poisoned, they have cancer and EBV and they are falling over, they are ill. Give them 2 days to recover and add nutrients. Now get sample out of fridge and add to these diseased and cancerous cells. Watch with microscope for 2 days. If after this time 50% of the cells are distorted then you have an isolate of measles virus and you are instucted to put in fridge and keep to be used as vaccine. At no point is measles virus seen, at no point is the measles virus proved to cause the illness in the cells. We know they are poisoned, we know they have been given cancer & Epstein Barr syndrome. That is now ready to be made into a vaccine to be put into our kids. This noxious mixture is the basis that can be used in vaccines." Janine Roberts on Vaccines (Janine Roberts on Vaccines) (Janine Roberts on Vaccines (Janine Roberts on Vaccines))I have collected the failureMost cases have been vaccinated“During the California (Disneyland) measles outbreak, children under four years were counted as 'unvaccinated' even if they were being vaccinated but hadn't yet received the second MMR dose. That's why they have the range cut-off at four. It's semantic trickery. They only count them as 'vaccinated' if they've had both doses. Since the second dose is given at 4-6 years of age, vaccinated children who are between 1 year and their fourth birthday are counted as 'unvaccinated.' ” ~ Marcella Piper-Terry“Under normal conditions, healthy children do not die from or become disabled from the complications of measles and if they do, questions should be asked about their management.""Measles has been on a major decline since the mid 1850s and this has absolutely nothing to do with any measles or MMR vaccination......A growing number of parents worldwide are choosing not to vaccinate at all, and it is not because they can't get the single jabs, it is because they don't see vaccination as playing any kind of role in promoting the health of their children."----"In 1991 over 60% of cases in children were "vaccinated". ....The measles death decline graph provided shows that the measles vaccine had nothing to do with the decline in deaths, and has not affected the number of children hospitalised during epidemic years since its introduction."----“The media would have us believe that this is a result of the fringe population of anti-vaxers who refuse to have their children vaccinated according the guidelines of the current vaccine schedule. **Medical reporting has brought to light the glaring ineffectiveness of the measles vaccines in fulfilling their widely claimed promise of preventing outbreaks in highly vaccine compliant populations.** In fact, measles outbreaks have occurred in populations that have been vaccinated on the average of 77%- 99%, not the so-called anti-vaxers.....**Last year 1 in every 500,000 Americans came down with the measles. Nearly all recovered in a few days without serious consequences. At the same time 1 in 68 American children were diagnosed with autism or for every case of measles there were 7000 cases of autism. I ask myself which is the real epidemic here?....Stop hyping the safety of MMR vaccines which may actually be more dangerous than live measles and may be ineffective in preventing the illness which they are so anxious to report as a dangerous epidemic itself. ** Let’s stop believing that the mainstream media is telling us the truth when all they are doing is shutting down any intelligent and open discussion about vaccine safety and how to improve it.”This is but about the real measlesWe only see measles as a problem due to Allopath fearmongering to sell vaccination"It is well known that measles is an important development milestone in the life and maturing processes in children. Why would anybody want to stop or delay the maturation processes of children and of their immune systems?"--Viera Scheibner"Chronic tendencies, such as recurring respiratory infections, often heal after measles. Chronic health problems disappear, such as psoriasis or chronic kidney problems. The children’s hospital in Basle (Switzerland) used to get children with chronic kidney infections to contract measles intentionally in order to heal them, up until the 1960s . Children susceptible to infections are healthier and stronger after contracting measles; the need for medical treatment clearly decreases . Children in the Third World countries are less likely to contract malaria and parasites after measles . The risk to suffer breast cancer decreases to less than half. MS is also much lower in people who had measles. Hay fever is more rare in children who have older siblings and had measles than in those who were vaccinated against measles . A large African study showed that children who have had measles are 50% less at risk from allergies than those vaccinated,. Furthermore it is shown that experiencing measles protects from diseases of the immune system, skin diseases as well as degenerative cartilage, bone and tumourous diseases."---"In Eastern medical philosophy, poisons are believed to accumulate in the baby's body during life in the womb. After birth, the body at some time attempts to rid itself of the poisons. This leads to the many childhood diseases with eruptive rashes, and in particular, measles. Since the 16th century, it has been realized in Eastern medicine that measles is connected with infection. However the basic function of the disease is the same: the infection is regarded as the necessary agent for poisons to "come out". So, although the dangers of measles are clear, the illness is seen as a step towards overall health.Measles as a transition. The impact of measles can be best understood by observing changes in your child's behaviour, attention and attitude before and after the illness. Often, he or she is restless and irritable for some weeks or months before developing measles as though a storm is brewing. The family and other people around the child often greet the appearance of measles with relief, because at last the cause of the problem is evident. As the rash develops, and the disease goes into its second stage, the child becomes more confused and irrational. This is the most dangerous phase, and it represents the transition point.At this time, the body turns the corner as the poison leaves and the immune system gains the upper hand against the invaders. Then, as the crisis passes and the fever subsides, the child's awareness returns -- but with a different outlook. The negative and irritable behaviour has gone, and he or she is emotionally delicate and open to new influences. The child sees ordinary and familiar things in life for the first time, but through new eyes, as though he or she has had a form of ritual experience.On the physical level, the poisons accumulated during life the womb have been expelled. At the higher emotional and mental levels, negative forces such as greed and selfishness have also been expelled. So a child who has measles is afterwards less self-centered and more openhearted, and often more able to express his or her individuality. The personality becomes rounder and fuller, and more joyful and contented, as a step towards maturity and adulthood.""Children who are fed too frequently or fed improperly, and who are troubled with constipation and the passing of undigested food with the bowel movements, are made susceptible not only to diphtheria, but also to scarlet fever, measles, whooping-cough, etc. Indeed, it can be proved that normal, healthy children--children who have bowels that are regular, and who are not troubled with intestinal indigestion--cannot be made to take any of these diseases."--Tilden 1921"Measles is the manner in which a child's body throws off toxemia. When children are cared for improperly, they become toxemic, and their skin eliminates toxin to a greater degree than does the skin of grown people."--"It is my belief that measles heads the list of the diseases of childhood which are the result of starch and sugar toxemia."-(Food is Your Best Medicine)."I have myself, through Natural Hygiene, over 16 years, treated all forms and hundreds of cases of typhus and typhoid fevers, pneumonia's, measles and dysentery's, and have not lost a single patient. The same is true of scarlet and other fevers. No medicine whatever was given".--Dr Trall 1860.Febrile infectious childhood diseases (FICDs) are associated with a lower cancer risk in adulthood.A Swiss study found that adults are significantly protected against non-breast cancers — genital, prostate, gastrointestinal, skin, lung, ear-nose-throat, and others — if they contracted measles (odds ratio, OR = 0.45), rubella (OR = 0.38) or chickenpox (OR = 0.62) earlier in life:Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls. (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls.) (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls. (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls.))Chicken pox and reduced rates of brain cancer in adulthood:History of chicken pox may reduce risk of brain cancer later in life (History of chicken pox may reduce risk of brain cancer later in life) (History of chicken pox may reduce risk of brain cancer later in life (History of chicken pox may reduce risk of brain cancer later in life))Mumps and reduced rates of ovarian cancer:Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic association (Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic association) (Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic association (Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic association))Measles and reduced risk of lymphomasMeasles - Disease Information Statement (DIS) - Physicians for Informed Consent ( (Measles - Disease Information Statement (DIS) - Physicians for Informed Consent ( on the contrary....both the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) and chicken pox vaccine contain human DNA which has been linked to childhood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, autoimmune diseases and gender identify confusion....Marcella Piper-Terry (Marcella Piper-Terry) (Marcella Piper-Terry (Marcella Piper-Terry))Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls. (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls.) (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls. (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls.))#vaccines #measles #cancer #wedid #crazymothers #hearthiswell - Fermented FarmacyAs to treatment it was always safe in healthy children eg my whole school of 110 kids got measles I was first and spent nice few days in sickbay just for isolationAnd safe with all kids under proper medical care even 100 years agoNo one before the vax fearmongering started ever feared measlesThat’s homeopathy and naturopathyWhile nutritional medicine proved vit c made it safe 70 years ago eg Klenner in 1950s"But the ordinary child who gets measles, even the child with a moderate degree of malnutrition and so forth, if you give intravenous vitamin C supplementary to other forms of treatment, the response very often, not always, is absolutely dramatic If you get them early enough. You must get them early. If you delay, and they have been unconscious let us say for days, or a day or two, you cannot reverse it. The damage is permanent. If you get them early, give them this treatment and there is no problem. And that makes me very, very angry, because they talk about "Oh, we must stop these kids getting measles" and so forth. Well, all right, I can fix them if they get measles."---dr k(International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)Vitamin a"Knowing that measles often leads to vitamin A loss, we had begun to wonder if Africa's high death rates from measles might also be connected with vitamin A deficiency. To test this, children hospitalized with measles in Tanzania were given vitamin A capsules. The **measles death rate fell by half**. It was at this point that we discovered, to our astonishment, that a similar experiment had been conducted 50 years earlier in a London hospital - with the same results: medicine too has doors it did not enter, paths it did not take."--Sommer“If a source of vitamin A, such as butter, cod-liver oil or egg yolk formed a part of the diet, infective lesions were never seen in the rats and the addition of these substances to the deficient diets, unless the animals were too severely infected, generally resulted in rapid improvement and ultimate cure.”---Mellanby"There is a "cure" for measles. It is called vitamin A... cod-liver oil. As early as 1932 doctors used cod-liver oil to reduce hospital mortality by 58%, but then antibiotics became the treatment of fashion, *(Clin. Infect. Dis., Sept. 1994, pg 493) *and vitamin A was ignored until 1980. A 1993 study showed that **72% of hospitalised measles cases in America are vitamin A deficient**, and the worse the deficiency the worse the complications and higher the death rate. *(Pediatric Nursing, Sept./Oct. 96.) *Yet doctors and hospitals in New Zealand do not use vitamin A."As to the Allopaths solution to measles it can only be described as satanic"AT LEAST 26 families claim their children died as a result of the controversial measles, mumps and rubella jab, the Sunday Express can reveal. In some cases the Government has awarded parents up to £100,000 under its 1979 Vaccine Damage Payment Act. In others, post mortem reports concluded the jab was the most likely cause of death. Despite this, the Department of Health insists no child has ever died from MMR."

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