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How would an all-out war play out between all of humanity from Warhammer 40K vs the Empire from Star Wars? Both are at their peak.

warhammer 40k:space marines with very thick armor and weapons capable destroying an abrams tank with 1 hit and chainsaw swords ripping through tough metal armorkrieg guardsmen willing to destroy a planets habitat by blowing everything upwar walkers that has far more firepower than any other ground vehicle star wars havewar veterans who have seen far more worse things in space than star wars (chaos marines, plague marines, and planets getting infected by nurgles decay). not to mention instances of chaos warriors skinning alive civilians in planets they conquered from the empire. war veterans seeing high casualties.star wars:incompetent stormtroopers wearing plastic armor. they can’t aim. most of them didn’t see any combat, mostly used for crowd control or cannon fodderthey don’t have enough star destroyers to patrol most of the planets they own.they don’t have enough sith warriorsthey don’t have enough weapons to pierce the armor of a space marine.this does sound biased in favor of the warhammer universe, but the thing here is that i used to be fan of star wars from when i was 9 up to 23 years of age. i’m 25 and i’m no longer interested in star wars since lucas the biggest mistake of selling star wars to disney. a couple months ago, i’m slowly becoming a fan of warhammer 40k even though i don’t play the board games, i only read the lore of the franchise

How heavily defended is the Imperial Palace on Terra in Warhammer 40k?

The Imperial Palace, and by extension Holy Terra, is probably the only place in the 40k universe that can be considered “relatively safe”.“Relatively Safe” by 40k standardsFirst, any attack on the Imperial Palace must barrel through the Segmentum Solar, which includes the largest Battlefleet in the entire Imperium, the Space Wolves (who are one of the largest and strongest chapters in the Imperium), the Elysian Drop Troopers, and the Armageddon Steel Legion, along with a handful of the most productive Forge Worlds in the Imperium. Any attack from realspace will be hard-pressed to even come close to the Sol System, and the attackers would lose any element of surprise they had, allowing Terra to call in a bunch of reinforcements to end the threat if it is big enough.Within the Sol System is a massive layer of fortifications and an obscene amount of forces concentrated within the system just to defend the Imperial Palace for the most part. The outer part of the Sol System (presumably the Kuiper Belt and not the Oort Cloud) is garrisoned by an extensive network of Star Forts, Imperial Navy patrols, and minefields that can repel any initial attack and buy time for the forces closer to Sol to mobilize.This massive cathedral has the firepower equivalent to a powerful battleship, yet thousands of these plus minefields are only there to buy time for the real defense.Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus consist of the second line of defense, with Warp Gates on Pluto and Uranus that allow for closer entrance to the Sol System as well as bypassing the line of Star Forts and minefields further out. They have heavier orbital defenses concentrated around the planets and will take longer to break than the Kuiper Belt defense, but they still serve to buy time for the defense of the inner planets to mobilize.Saturn is where the actual defenses start. The planet and its moons have been converted into a massive base for the Inquisition, so the Inquisition has some of their strongest forces based there. The star of the defenses in Saturn are the Grey Knight’s headquarters at Titan. Along with the detachment of Grey Knights that will defend the moon to their last breath, there is also the Broadsword Station, an orbiting dock for the Grey Knight’s fleet; the Apex Cronus Bastion, a massive space station said to rival the Phalanx in sheer firepower; and Deimos, a dedicated Forge World just for manufacturing weapons, armour, and ships for the Grey Knights. With an entire Forge World at their beck and call plus the capabilities of the Grey Knights, Titan can survive a prolonged siege and even mount a counterattack to relieve the system if necessary.We moved an entire moon so that you guys can become Mary Sues!Jupiter is a massive shipyard, with orbital installations everywhere dedicated to making anything from fighters to Emperor Class Battleships. The amount of stations plus the manufacturing capabilities of the planet allow it to supply the system with new ships even during a siege and making taking the planet a costly task for any attacker.Mercury and Venus don’t boast any significant defenses as they are beyond Terra and besieging them would only cause the attacker to waste time and resources. They instead contribute to the war effort with their minerals and manufacturing capabilities.Then we get to Mars, the most productive and heavily defended Forge World in the Imperium. First, there is Phobos, which has been turned into a gigantic orbital fortress defending the Forge World. The Ring of Iron would be a nightmare to take due to the sheer size of it, and the large portion of Battlefleet Solar there further makes the Forge World nigh-impregnable. On the surface, there are at least 3 Titan Legions on Mars, at least one Imperial Knight House, and billions of combat servitors ready to give their machine-spirits in defense of the Omnissiah.Engage The Linkage, OmnissiahOur Victory Has Come Online!Then there is Holy Terra itself. Its moon, Luna, is solely dedicated to the defense of Terra, with a ring of orbital defense platforms and a surface dotted with military compounds and surface cannons. Battlefleet Solar is also based there. In Terra’s orbit is a huge array of Star Forts that can blast anything out of space and the Phalanx, the headquarters of the Imperial Fists and a massive moon-sized station armed to the teeth with weapons that could beat multiple Gloriana Class Battleships. On the surface, a massive force representing all military organizations in the Imperium awaits anyone who is unlucky enough to land on Terra. This defense force is comprised of numerous assassins of all types from the Officio Assassinorum; at least 50 inquisitors from the Ordo Custodum and other Inquisitorial Ordos; numerous Imperial Guard Regiments including the Palatine Sentinels, Lucifer Blacks, Katanda Stalwarts, and Terran Praefects; half of the Adeptus Sororitas in the form of the Convent Prioris; the Ordo Sinister with 20 Warlord-Sinister Psi-Titans able to use what is basically a Vortex Weapon and project psychic phenomena on a truly gargantuan scale; a large Adeptus Arbites presence; and a handful of Skitarii. Add countless batteries stationed everywhere around the Planet, void shields which can last for months under sustained bombardment, and the various fortresses owned by the various Ordos on Terra, and nearly nobody can even touch the Imperial Palace without getting shredded into their constituent atoms.Made of blood, martyrs, epic win of galactic proportions and awesome.Finally, there is the Imperial Palace, the focus of nearly all defenses within the Sol System due to the fact that the God-Emperor of Mankind is currently interred there. The defenses, designed by Rogal Dorn to repel any assault with ease, start with the outer areas of the palace. A ring of mountains encircling the palace acts as the first barrier, hindering troop movement and forcing enemies into selective chokepoints outside the palace. Then there is a vast plain with no cover in sight that allows the defenders to decimate enemies with the massive artillery pieces and guns stationed along the Eternity Wall. The Eternity Wall itself is massive, being 30 meters wide and taller than the largest skyscapers (Think a massive wall as tall as the Burj Khalifa and as wide as a blue whale is long). Every hundred meters is a massive tower containing many artillery batteries and munitions to supply the men on the wall. The wall itself contains within it power generators, ammunition trains, aircraft hangars, barracks, and void shield generators manned by thousands of Terran Imperial Guard regiments that live and die within the walls. The entire palace is also covered by the Aegis, the most advanced void shield generator in the entire Imperium capable of stopping the penetration of any object above a half-gram traveling faster than two meters per second and being able to quickly self-repair itself. There is also a network of perimeter walls and trenches that complement the Eternity Wall.Behind Sanguinius is the Eternity Wall.The Inner Walls are even larger and more defended than the Eternity Wall, and they are manned by the Custodes in large numbers. The Custodes by themselves are extremely powerful, and they are the best warriors the Imperium has to offer as individuals. To put their abilities in perspective, their abilities compared to Space Marines are what Space Marines are to normal guardsmen, and any battle they enter is automatically recorded as a victory by the Administratum. The only disadvantage is that there are only 10,000 Custodes, but they still perform their duty to defend their liege admirably. The Inner Sanctum is also easily fortified by the defenders, and the layout turns the palace into a big labyrinth with ambushes lying at every corner. The Palace by itself probably is harder to conquer than even Cadia, and when combined with all the forces on Terra, the strongest fleet in the Imperium, layers of orbital defenses, and the ability to supply itself using all the Forge Worlds in the system, only the largest force mustered by a faction could possibly stand a chance at breaking through the Imperial Palace. The only force to ever successfully attack the palace was a combined force of 6 Primarchs augmented by Chaos, dozens of Dark Mechanicum Titan Legions, hundreds of Knight Houses, and one of the largest Daemonic armies in 40k history, and even then they failed to breach the Eternity Gate.You think I am able to resist the temptation of putting a TTS reference in an answer about the Custodes? Think again!TLDR: The Imperial Palace is the safest place in the 40k galaxy with an entire system dedicated to defending it and its own fortifications.

How much bolt ammunition does a standard Space Marine carry into battle in Warhammer 40k?

In universe: We don’t really know. There is no information, as far as I know, about how much ammo space marines (or any faction really) takes into battle. More importantly for Astartes we rarely see them at any time with any attachments that appear to be carrying any additional magazines. There might be a pouch or two on the waist, but they are not typically ‘real size’ in contrast to the ammunition the warrior would carry into battle. However, look towards the bottom right in this image for pouches that indicate carrying additional ammunition:In the books as well we usually don’t read about them reloading weapons, but we do read about them conserving ammunition, having expended all their ammunition, and switching to melee tactics, but that is about all we get. Typically all of those happen after the overwhelming flood of enemies has reached their positions as well and they are forced to switch to melee weapons.The closest I think that we can get to a number comes from the game Space Marine. It has been way too long since I have played it and I can’t really find any details online, but there was a max for all ammunition except the bolt pistol which was unlimited. Technically I suppose we could use that for our numbers…Out of universe: They carry as much as the plot demands. As far as stories typically go, they have way more than they likely should…As a guess for how much a warrior and their squad might actually take let’s look at the situation realistically. Here’s a blueprint design:I don’t remember which rulebook this shot is from, but my gut says its from the BBB back in 3rd Edition. From this (if we didn’t already) we know the bolder reloads with a number of different types. Under the cut view of the storm bolter there is a box labeled Magazine types:Sickle - 20–30 roundsDrum - 40–60 roundsStraight - 12–20 roundsPistol - 6–10 rounds.In the lore we read that the Astartes are usually up against at least hundreds and into the thousands of enemies; they kill one and ten more are waiting to take its place. They don’t save their bolts for the biggest enemies all the time either. They are more than happy to fire some off at the line troops. But despite their best efforts the flood of enemies always reaches them.So considering that one space marine is at least the equivalent of 100 men on the battlefield lets say that they each bring three mags of 30 rounds with one those already loaded. I think it is also safe to say that they always hit their target and sometimes those rounds can take out additional enemies as well. So with a tactical squad of usually ten guys that would mean that with the bolters alone they should be able to take out at least 1000 baddies.That also doesn’t include melee tactics, heavier weapons, grenades, or anything else either so I think that would be on the low end for how many a single squad should be able to take out.Therefore, in contrast to myself and how much ammo I brought on a patrol in the Marine Corps (usually 8 mags of 29 rounds), I don’t think the Astartes would need anywhere near as much. In the heat of combat a soldier that isn’t genehanced would miss their targets and have much less protection to defend against incoming attacks. Space marines do not have that issue however.With that I would argue that three magazines would likely be enough in most situations for them to bring… which is actually kind of surprising to me!The one caveat to this however is for the firing rate. Obviously with a weapon set to semi-automatic and firing one round at a time there is no issue, but the storm bolter up there has the standard double straight magazine loaded… that’s 40 rounds for a weapon that if I recall correctly is supposed to fire like 300 rounds per minute…Without using drums you really burn through ammo quickly with any bolt weapon that is set to anything but semi… and for storm bolters even the drum would disappear astonishingly quickly.Thankfully the rule of cool is there for our protection…

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Justin Miller