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How has computer programming changed in the last decade?
A) Introduction of Agile. Being close to the code at any technical level is a mandatory requirement. Hello world does not count as programming.B) Empowerment at all development and tester levels. They are no longer code jockeys or cyber coolies or just people for hire. Politics is restricted to internal 5 to 7 member Scrum Teams. Teams make decisions on what to work and who to work on what without interference from anybody with a “genuine" promise to deliver to the best of their abilities. It may take time to find the right Scrum team for you.C) Rise of software like Jazz/Rally/Green Plum/Trello/JIRA/Basecamp/ZenDesk/Zoho for flow control. Some people still prefer sticky notes.D) Rise of the software Agile troika : Product Architect, Scrum Master, (Product Owner/Engineering Manager/Product Manager.). Waterfall is a failed methodology proposed for Defence projects by Boehm and marked as an error in textbooks. Do not get seduced by 5 year plan people of Waterfall variety. If you do not like Agile, try Kanban/Lean/V model/ Spiral Model/Iterative Model. Most organizations are 95 percent Agile. 5 percent are Waterfall due to some contractual legalese. I heard this at AT&T.E) Professionalisation of Agile. Some call it a religion but I differ. Please invest in Agile Coaches and SAFE Agile. Be aware of the distributed nature of the Industry.F) Acceptance to multipurpose Python for scientific purposes and support by Google. R can be used for pure statistics and EDA. Do not pit R against Python.G) Bi-modal IT : One division preserves and maintains the status quo. Another division looks at innovation and disruption and growth. Be aware which side you are on. Innovation is not a wild wild west with T-Shirts. 50 percent innovators wear business suits.H) There are low documentation requirements in Agile on Technical People. So as a developer, you do not need to throw the documents into the Trash Can as previously done😃🙏. No body documents in Scrum Team during work hours. Scrum team make simple Wikis using Confluence or Media Wiki. Hire a technical writer. Do not penny pinch and ask the programmer to churn out manuals. The person who converts Wikis to proper documentation ends up as Vice President.I) Release early, Release often : CI/CD and Devops on the ascendant. Use Jenkins pipelines. Monitor build time. Do not fire fight on weekends. Do not push everything to Friday evening.J) Infrastructure as code is successful : Chef, VagrantK) Git settled as good synchronised protocol. Can lawyers adopt? Lawrence Lessig thinks so. You do not need active internet connection to code or read code.L) More importance to UX (due to Apple). So get a proper Human Interface person who knows HID guidelines. India is slightly weak in UX as we adjust easily. But it will not work outside India without Bad UX. Do not anger or criticize Chinese companies. They are also learning UX. I joined Interaction Design Foundation and learnt Dashboard design. Western common people are highly visual.M) Code as legal contract : Solidity and Ethereumn in the rise.N) Introduction of functional programming techniques in main stream languages like Java. Like map and filter operations as well as Lambda expressions. If you want to do server side without Java, then do Node.O) Literate programming like Ruby is preferred for Webapps like Ruby on Rails. It is called convention over configuration. It also reduces Architect effort.P) Visual Studio Code accepted as IDE by many developers for Typescript and Python.Q) Reliance on Checkstyle, PMD, Find Bugs and CRAP4J in development integrated with SonarQube. Run the scanner weekly.R) Maturity of Gang of Four Design Patterns. For example Ecommerce is just a Visitor Pattern over a catalog. Observer pattern is matured in Frontend due to Reactive Programming. Software developers are good at Factory pattern. Singleton misuse/God Object is over. Also understand EIP (Enterprise Integration Patterns) if you want to become an Architect. There is a rise of scaffolding tools like Yeoman or Spring Boot which build the entire code structure and highly lessen Architect work. Further dependency analysis tools reduce Architect work. If you have tools like Lattix, Architect has to work even less.S) Scala : You need to put in the effort to learn . It is the obvious next level for server side Java. For client side Kotlin is ascendant. You can try using SBT instead of Maven as an appetizer.T) Microservices : No one will dictate your 5–7 member Scrum team on technologies you use. Just the right API. Good traction by cloud foundry. Pick your favorite or efficient stack.U) JSON, REST are still alive. Roy Fielding still alive. Swagger going places. YADL is dead. YAML is on the rise.V) Idea4J by JetBrains is preferred by few as a paid Java IDE. Many programmers are fine with Eclipse or STS.W) Python people prefer Sublime Text or Visual Code or Py Charm. Be careful with their IDE choice. Do not learn Python by opening Jupiter.X) Rise of Jupiter as a data journalism, interactive analysis and presentation device. Good riddance of bad Power Points and Excels done by people without skills. A real revolution. I think Dr Edward Tufte might be pleased now.Y) Having open source on resume will count if you apply for technical jobs.Z) Death of Dual Accounting by IT firms. Agile tools are universal time and work sheets. Some over-staffed company may even depute timesheet filling to a newbie, which I think is an error.AA) Hackathon is for Engineering Pride. Yet, some engineering people solve accounting problems in Hackathons so they can get good appraisal and hike and do not put in any engineering effort and miss the bus. Take your Hackathon seriously. Last 3 Hackathons I visited, Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual reality solutions were winners. Avoid pure Python Tech Fests. (From a college professor).AB) If you are starting to work prefer startups for exposure. They will not be scared if you code in Rust or use Go or Dart or CircleCI or Svelte. They probably will not give you the low hanging fruirs by giving you MS Office for 50 Rs to use at home.AC) Horizontals are having their day in the sun over domain based verticals. Verticals generally have power and customer contact, but lack the tech expertise of Horizontals. Horizontals lost their power due to vertical dominance as Verticals talk of “jurisdiction” and retain abilities to override or veto Horizontals. Horizontals are then simply reduced to supplying core technical people who get “billed" by the Verticals. The fate of the “billed" Horizontal person lies with Vertical person who has no knowledge to even remotely understand what the Horizontal person is doing. So the Vertical person (poor fellow. They often call themselves Sabha Secretary) just puts the “billed" Horizontal person on late night call with the customer which the Vertical person frontends and deflects to the “billed" Horizontal person. Come year end, the Vertical person takes whatever the Client says about the “billed" Horizontal person and fills a form with same information and sends it to the “Horizontal" head who just signs his name and passes the feedback to the “billed" Horizontal person. And this is supposedly a process 🤣🤣👍Today some companies are putting Horizontals on top even though I have been chastised by my boss that C suite wants to see organization vertically not horizontally. However people are least bothered when Microsoft raises its price for CERN. And Bill Gates is waving his robot tax solution in our faces all the time.Further, if you go to a Bank and talk about creating an API which can be called by all their systems to get a score, they yawn, till it is couched in the exciting language of reducing your Capital Adequacy Ratio and improving on you Non Performing Asset.Lesson to be learnt by the computer programmer is that it is a very slow growth path as compared to business path. But you will have an inner tinge of pride that no one can take away.AD) Middle Management often mocked as Muddle Management (or island/empire builders) is jobless due to things like blogs and direct Apex Mails, Videos, Telepresence and even Holograms from Top Management. Line Managers are now directly talking to Top Management. There is a death of carving the organization up. So computer programmer must feel empowered to direct talk to CEO or go via line manager. This was revealed to me by a Middle Manager 🙏😃🤣AE) Serverless (A misnomer for a short lived server) is being launched by cloud firms. No major application is built accept easy ones like translation. Go, Kubernetes seem as way to go.AF) Container Technology is preferred over VM due to savings. Needs registry.AG) Typescript : I have seen good adoption to this languageAH) Angular 7 : I have seen complex Forms builtAI) Cassandra via DataStax : I do not know about this. But seen it used.Aj) Standup meeting for 15 mins. Work starts 10 AM sharp. Tech team come early nowadays.AK) Outsourcing still alive. Scrum Master is from client and often does both Scrum Master and contractual rolesAL) If you do not like traditional cloud providers, try Digital Ocean. Made for developers. IaaS.AM) Wipro (12 years) is killing the approval seeking or asking culture. No more tons of approval forms.AN) Australia is country of choice for foreign lovers as US has become narrow minded.AN) Product firms and Deep Tech on the rise. If you are a computer programmer begin with Product or Deep Tech firms.AO) Sorry Microsoft. You beat IBM. You stole from Apple Lisa and GNU and satellite software. You created a monopoly with Intel and made bloated software. You bypassed all people and sold software to C level non knowledgeable executives who thrust it down our throats. To write a simple word document there are 400 options and I cannot write a thing. You got management chained to Outlook and made PMs into BPO people. This was because C suite could open a “single" document and comment. I personally watched the rough shod massacring comments , and even rephrasing of a document by client officials without permission or Track Changes, which was attempted to be shoved down the product workers throat. It was good that we resisted such unbecoming behavior. Your PPT is just linearized and I had to build directional buttons for a professor who just pecks at the key board . I had to buy Prezi for a slide presentation for Apple. And do not get me started on the three finger salute.I have seen this Microsoft charade so many times. Please stop making doc and docx (which you corrupted with binary acceptance). You missed the Millennial bus and are only relevant for people who have invested in Pension funds as well as productivity (just breaking coconuts regularly). You lost the tech jewel during Paul Allen period. Azure is good. Hit Refresh was visionary. However I really do not care how much cash Microsoft has or how many Indians work for you.The newer generation is GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon). A computer programmer must follow these big tech companies. I wanted to add Uber but the IPO was lackadaisical. Only 8 and odd billion.AP) A programmer must keep reading a lot. Other people's code is best. Books for java are “Thinking in Java" or “Effective Java". A C book is “Let us C" by Yaswant Kanetkar but try to avoid C as it is really powerful in systems and pointer arithmetic is actually very tricky to get right. There is a book on Design Patterns. There is a book called Algorithms to live by. The Braver among you can read Don Knuth. Many people still have their annotated copy of K&R. Evolutionary Architecture and Clean Architecture are also good books. If you aspire to go to Architect stream, read the same. If PM, read "The Mythical Man Month" and PMBOk. Or take CSM certification.AQ) Children are taught turtle graphics initially. On KDE a good game was KlLittlelewizard. GNU has gCompris and Childsplay. I recommend Qimo Linux fir home. So as computer programmer, teach children that such simple things matter. If you want a job at Amazon, you should be able to explain the time and space complexity of any algorithm.AR) A programmer had a problem. He decided to use a RegEx. Now he has two problems. Avoid big RegEx.AS) Goto is bad. Like a Chess Blunder. Thanks Djikstra.AT) Learn recursion by all means. Do not use it in reality.AU) After you make a slide because you are forced, get it reviewed. If no reviewer, use Archimate or ask an MBA. Do not, I repeat, Do not, color yourself.AV) Do not get egoistic when someone reviews your code. They are just doing their job. Relax. You do not have to accept everything. Crucuble or FishEye or Git Pull is a good application.AW) TDD sounds good but I have not seen it being used. Often freshers are tasked with writing code to improve coverage. Respect them. They are not at your beck and command. Further 100 percent code coverage does not protect against bugs.AX) Keep updated with Blockchain, AI and Cloud as emerging technology.AZ) Learn or relearn some mathematics to understand basics of quantum computing. In particular understand Laplaces demon, information, entropy and quantum entanglement.BA) Mix with other fields so that you can contribute. Computation is a very small domain and you will realise it and exhaust the same. For example all languages approach lisp is a law but why people create new coding languages? If you are computer programmer pick another adjacency like data science. I have picked biology and learning.BB) Understand before you fork code.BC) Build history in CI/CD. Useful later.BD) Listen to your architect please. Do nor replace single java classes in JAR files in production and call it Microservices. Do not brag to other technical people.BE) Microsoft was once innovative. We owe AJAX to themBF) Read all answers on stack overflow before choosingBG) Do not pirate code.BH) Please learn the spirit of Agile. You are in n empowered team. Deal with power. Make decisions for yourself.BI) Keep clean Git History. Use Git large file system for documentBj) Do not add jokes in code comments. Code should not need a comment. If it does it should be simple. Use //ToDo for work you need to get back toBK) Follow some sites like Dzone and InfoQ. Think beyond your manager. Write articles once a year, atleast.BL) English may help your technical career but it is not compulsory. You can learn it on the job. I did.BM) Guard against OWASP. You can use Kali Linux and built in tools like w3af to scan.BN) Do defensive coding if you are paranoid by sanitizing all the input variables.BQ) Try to remember atleast 2 sorting techniques.BR) Join product industry if you are just out of college. They will provide free food and drinks and you can work on things you love. You will not be linked to a timesheet or P&L but the direct consequence of your actions in computing. For example, as an Architect, your pay will be linked to MTBF and MTTR. If you are a product owner or product manager(a product owner who knows the market), you will be paid and promoted by how well your product does Example Chrome (Sundar Pichai) and Azure (Satya Nadella) became successful owners and managers.BS) Do get beaten up by the database people or SAP people or SAS people. Just Mock those objects in your code. It will work fine..Result : Love letters from SAP and Microsoft 👍🙏BT) Prioritise quality of work over onsite or salary in your life, if you really like programming. There are some plum assignments in India. I had gone to US for studies where Marketing department was using manual PPTs and paper files and cabinets to advance their theories along with Oracle. In India, we actually built a product to gather “real data" and formulate or “validate” a real theory which surprised US folks. US universities mat be a little bit too theoretical. In fact, I even heard computer scientists pooh pooh programs (not Dr Djikstra) . But you get to do real work in India and get real results. So if you like good work be in India.BQ) In India, you are supposed to know some hardware. So atleast remember things like the difference between RAM and ROM and stop calling the data-center for everything.BR) Project Management runs in quality, schedule and cost. So if you want to discuss these topics call PMBS) Brands and resources are favorite talking points of Program Managers. So rhat is how you attract Program Managers.BT) Start talking about growth. Now the delivery manager and VP will pay attention.BU) Secret : Architects are attracted by capab-ilities and maintain-abilities and scale-abilities and so on, in addition to tradeoffs. That's how you attract architects. Many architects are now rubber stamps which raise the value of services and products sold. So choose a good non rubber stamp architect if you want to become a better programmer.BV) Secret : As an architect grows he has many competing priorities vying for his or her attention including personal relationship. So he or she may use some way to spend time on each problem. As an assignment if I was given 10 problems, I will pick based on my interest. A design part problem at Toyota looks attractive than a SQL interface in UI (RazorSQL).However, some architects, who manage P&L will first look at the monetary impact of problem (much to my chagrin) as well as the escalation matrix. You will have to build a framework for doing things. You should cultivate an understanding and tolerance for dissent. I have had an idea and prototype proposed by Java group just assigned to the Apple and .NET groups for execution. This has happened twice. So you have to live this thing as. a programmer. Java is a more stable and backward compatible language with lots of community support. It is not powerful buy you can use Groovy to unleash power if needed.BW) Geeks For Geeks (Google it) is a good site for improving coding skills.BX) Low code or Zero code has promised much but not yet to the level of 4GLBY) RPA requires you to write simple procedural code.You can pick it if you want to do things quickly today. Blueprism and Automation Anywhere are the behemoths. We had a demo from small niche players like JiffyRPA and TaskBot. Think through the security issues as well as consequences of unattended automation.BZ) I have spoken to some Phd Dr S some time years back on Robotics. It seems in India they work on ROS (Robot Operating System). There seems to be a desire to impact the cortex and neo cortex without actually woking on actuators. But I reviewed a good water sprinkler paper which used the operating system and actuator.C1) Read some book on effective coding rulesE.g.No magic numbersCamel caseProper variable namesTry with resources or Finally blockNo deletion while using iteratorAdding hints to variables not being serialuzedOverriding Cloning method for singletonNo Meta ProgrammingNo static variables leaking memoryNo deadlock or race conditionNo String Buffer or String TokenuzerNo overusing hashmap. Using Concurrent Hash MapPrefer for eachC2) Put screen lock on machine while leaving the same unattended.C3) Do not leave laptop unattended in public spaces. Use lock and key.C4) Proper posture. Ask for Elizabethan chairs.C5) Do not share passwordC6) Do not share salaryC7) D3 is good for SVGC8) Release early Release oftenC9) Mobile Concept to Cash : 3 monthsC10) Video game design : Burnout in 5 years. Needs of testosterone. Same with VR. You can try if ambitious.C11) Architecture : Paint it IBM, Paint it SAP, Paint it Oracle, Paint in Microsoft →> Now : LAMP stack, MEAN stack, MERN stack, Ruby on Rails, Digital Ocean, Spring Cloud, Cloud Foundry. Git to manage..Do not try as an architect to impress developers by super abstract talk like calling Skype or BitTorrent as Peer to Peer Architectures. They will perceive you as out of touch. Do not be a cosy, corner office, architecture astronaut. Offer useful solutions to developers.C12) Inform your architect before you put him in front of a client otherwise he will fail miserably or foul it up.C13) I do not bill for my time. I value architectural sanctity and we'll reasoned deviations more. Call me.C14) IoT requires working on less battery power. So code must consume less power. Figure it out. Further security locks using PGP like techniques in IoT locks requires too much power and time. (Even > 10s).C15) Even if you become a Principle Architect, you are required to code when you are asked. Imho, Architects do not work for testing. The test department uses things like graph theory to enumerate all possible paths for testing (manual, selenium, Perfecto or RPA) or they use techniques like Orthogonal Array (look it up. It sounds complex. I do not know). There is always some tension between developers and tester.C16) I used to work on the input/output web for a few years from 1999. It got its payday in 2012. I used to call Web 2.0 as the golden pot at the end of the rainbow. Now we take Web 2.0 for granted. As a programmer, keep track of how your work is recognised by business. It may not matter to you but to others.Article :The rise of the networked enterprise: Web 2.0 finds its paydayC.17) I also worked on API Engineering and Key management. That also had a huge impact as given in this articleProtect the API Keys to your Cloud Kingdom - DZone CloudMuch lip service is paid to protecting information in the Cloud, but the reality is often seat-of-the-pants Cloud security. Most organizations use some form of API keys to access their cloud services. Protection of these API keys is vital. Private cloud is a misnomer. It is either a public cloud or hybrid cloud.C.20) I also worked on Uberization of risk management and create a Risk Development Platform ( RDP) till Uber driver raped that woman. Then it became useless. So some of your ideas will fail due to crime.C.21) I was assigned to conduct a seminar on Biometrics and I had invited police officers and jailors from Maharashtra.. But 2 days before the seminar 26/11 happened and the seminar did not happen. I got a Needs Improvement on my appraisal because I couldn't do the seminar. Hence , this is another example of failure for a computer programmer (flip side : I wrote device drivers and UIs)C.22) Learn Git and get a person who knows Git very well.C.23) Live coding sessions are a good thing. Try it out.C.24) Understand Copy Left and Copy Right license.C.25) Read Godel, Escher, Bach : Eternal Golden Braid.C.30) Watch Netflix Explained series on “Code"C.31) Get some simulator/emulator like Bosch and play with Minix just to be on safer side. Do not anger Dr Tennenbaum too much 😃👍🙏C.32) Don't be fooled by some IT companies who have armies of people tending to excel and power point and yet preach digital transformation to clients. They are just good at hiding the excels and power points and making good sales pitches. Always ask for more.In one organization, I raised Cain to get Troux software for Application Portfolio Rationalization. It was refused and a half baked job was done by Excel sheets which were reused much to my annoyance. Even after raising this issue, the management would not buy this software. Further, the management even overruled some of my decisions stealthily in favor of Oracle, when I had provided evidence for its competitor.Further, this organisations client would not but virus protection from advanced persistent threats by New Age Defenders against user submitted documents but preferred to run them over their email virus checking..Thus is absolute cheap behavior and even the client architect backed ne. So do not expect that what you think as a programmer will be respected by the business. Business will make short sighted and. contractual decisions and you have to bear the technical load or debt for the same.However in one of the organisation, I was in, I had good support from one business person to modernize their technology with GitHub and JIRA. Again, we had to raise Cain to get the thing done. However, these tools were well appreciated and used by people who joined from fairly more advanced organization and even propagated them.The original team was using an unlicensed copy of Team Viewer to update code on each other's machines. They were more hackers than doing any software work.Further, I used a tool called 9 to 5 (renamed from the open source OrangeScrum) to interact with a 5 member vendor team for a certain product.It is good that the organization actually supported getting proper tools rather than doing Excel on Steroids. But then when I started meeting some clients, again they wanted only the Excel/CSV out of the product rather than really see what was on the screen. So slowly the Excel rot deepened with the client.As a programmer, my point is, you will write a Macro or do some Excel sheets, but if you really want to advance you pick sci-kit learn or numpy or if you have the money get some SAS (I do not know SAS). Python is a good language to learn. I only understand the same. I have written only one medical module and guided one ERP module in Python.So you can go between Python 3+ and/or Java 7+. C# is quite a clone of Java if you really want to learn.This is a 21 year story.C.32) In a large IT behemoth, one delivery manager was so good that the HR accepted that because of this person, he is jobless. The audience gave a collective AAH. So stop any HR worship. If you do things properly, you do not need them.C.33) Try to be accommodative of sub contractors, contractors, consultants, services and other temporary folks. I have been a temporary (Alternative Work Force) for a year. I was recruited to help them move from SOAP to REST and from C++ to Java and NodeJsC.44) Not all programming is challenging. There is sometimes drudge work. We moved some software (no document) from Pascal to Java. It was 50 pct trial and error. Lots of night outs. Like Sherlock Holmes. Project went from red to green.C.55) Avoid terms like junior and senior programmer. Everyone is a young or old professional. Amazon is hiring 50+ age programmers.C.66) Study open source. It will help with fundamentals.C.67) You can do a PG in AI/ML. I met a person who is certified and taught a course on that and knew it. He just calls it dynamic programming. He is not very airy.C.68) Bitcoin became very famous. I was asked around 2007 to build a similar distributed solution without a configuration database for a real product. We used the Jgroups Replicated HashMap and Gossip protocol. Look it up. It worked perfectly. That Replicated Hash Map (I understand it's some Merkle Tree) is similar to a Blockchain. I am thus not very impressed but only reasonably impressed by Bitcoin. But Ethereum EVM, gas and DAO are good. I think you can also code contracts by Remux IDE. Ethereum and Hyperledger are the big two of DLT.Another cool Java P2P is Jxta or Juxtapose. We built a tank race in P2P mode. Not my choice of game 😃🤣👍C.68) Be familiar with Spark. Understand an RDD and the ways to manipulate RDD. Get some exposure to Kafka (opt for the Confluent version if you are short on time).C.69) Learn basic SQL. Also learn some No SQL like MongoDB or Neo4j. It will help your programming although there will data specialists. Data specialist is a different job than programming.C.70) Do not lie to sales people. If you say something to Sales people technically, they will recognise revenue in their Salesforce SaaS application in a 10 year time horizon. Give the Sales people useful technical information and demonstrations.C.71) Use email only for long form summaries or research. Instant messaging is fine for technology. Do not share sensitive information on Instant Messaging. If you are doing commercial work in Instant Messaging, then use Slack. I am not from WhatsApp Business but it could work.C.72) Technologies like PL/SQL may seem.attractive because they bring the computation to the data but they quickly run into maintenance and vendor lock-in issues. Move the data to the computation such that your work is future proof.C.73) Avoid the WS-* or Death Star specifications as well as CORBA IDLs. Grow your RESTful interfaces to HA. Maybe you can do proto-buf.C.74) Try to adopt Cloud Native development practices if you are targeting long term cloud solutions.C.75) Use proper secret management techniques if using Git.C.76) If working on engineering, remember “rough consensus and working code" motto of IETF.C.77) Work of old timers if they try to build mobile apps. Do not just chase the present generation.C.78) I learnt SPA (Single Page Application) in 2015. The tutor predicted a 5 year run for SPA. I think it is now Progressive Web Application, React Native and Ionic. Things change. I architects SPAs for 5 years.C.79) Pay attention to Semantic Web. Understand RDF triples, FOAF and other representations.C.80) Ask for Open Data from Government to work for them. Do not just fall for highly massaged data. This is from Sir Tim Berners Lee. He has also started Linked Data.C.81) Pseudo code is also fine when talking to developers.C.82) Be familiar with atleast 1 modern IDE. Choose between VI and Emacs. I am a VI person. More of VIM.C.83) Do nit be scared of PHP or raw JavaScript. They are not elegant but get the job done. But please do not mistake them as the best or only solutions.C.84) Extract, Transform, Load is dying out. It ia now Extract, Load and Transform. There are some event driven solutions too which work based on Change Data Capture of Databases (Debezium). Adopt Lambda or Kappa architecture based solutions as Data is being revolutionized. The CxO probably has a real time fees on iPad and is getting impatient from the existing data turn around times. Nowadays turn around times for data is from days to weeks and not monthly or quarterly. Data is also getting Agile. We had good success with Pentaho. For smaller problems, you can use HTTPClient but the monitoring time is too expensive, based in my real experience.C.85) Cultivate the art of listening to old timers sing the glories of Cobol without batting an eyelid. They just want a release.C.86) There are 4 components in IT firms. Role, Designation, Salary and Leadership. Please priorities what you want your visiting card should look like. I typically prefer Designation and Roles. Younger people may prefer Salary and revolutionaries may like Leadership. In a major IT firm I worked these 4 components were decoupled.C.87) Do not lose your appetite for physics while programming. Things like clock speed are very physical. Today with multi-core hardware, there is a revival of functional programming. Thus, you have to accept that sometimes hardware will be decisive even for programming languages.C.83) Age does not matter in computers. I have seen active 50 year olds in companies with shorts and sandals on Sunday in front of a computer. Try to pick a domain you love.C.84) Do not be blinded that computers are the only thing to do. You can look into pharmacy or manufacturing which also are very close to computing.C.86) When I went for interviews I was all attentive and pleasing and job seeking. Today people walk in with jeans, untucked T-shirts, Rolexes, and waving smartphones into interviews. They even disrupt existing interviews because their phone rang and they have to answer another recruiter. It is very stunning for me. I am a Gen X person and this post millenial swag seems out of place. I am a silent spectator of this scene which looks surreal. (The VP politely asked the interviewee to leave).C.87) Do not ask superficial or unrelated or overambitious technical questions in interviews.C.88) For technical people the name of some technology matters like business folk. However, technical people must also focus on the attributes. Practically a business person thinks Linux is a penguin, but a technical person must know the distribution name, debian/non-debian version number and maintenance lifecycle among other things👍😃🙏. Similarly do not think that Python is a snake. It is a literate and functional and dynamic programming language which was named after Monty Python show. And there is versions below 2.7 and versions above 2.7. Do not try to educate business folks unless they are prepping for a panel discussion or meetup. They do not care, otherwise.C.89) There are two development schools of thought. One says : Build it simple. Eventually make it correct. Other says : Build it correct. Eventually make it simple.I take surveys of developers to determine the way forward.C.90) Unified Modeling Language and especially sequence diagrams were of great use to us in beginning. Today it may nort be that popular. But you may have to draw a GANTT/ PERT chart or Logical and Physical Architecture for a pure documentation part for CxOs. You can have the budget for say a Visio but simple tools like website can do the same. Gliffy and Lucid chart are also good as Freemium model.C.91) I heard whiteboards are on the way out and collaboration is now using tools like Google Sheets. We completed a 4 week exercise with Google Sheets which kept everyone updated. Same thing goes for Google Drive or PMWiki. However, some organizations still invest in SharePoint, a costly affair. I also have seen organizations invest in DropBox as s sharing mechanismC.92) Try to see whether you like Network, Application or System Programming. The try to get into the relevant enterprise. I have done all the three. Although Systems Programmers have the biggest egos, nowadays the rise of Mobile Application has put the spotlight on Application Programming. The rise of Microservices will stimulate Network Programming. You can either be flexible or stick to s few types. In terms of Lines of Code, Application programmers write the largest and Systems programmers write the smallest lines of code.C.93) If you inherit a code base and have problems use Print statements to find the problem. After you are familiar with the code base, you can use Graphical Debugger. Avoid fixing around the problem when using Graphical Debugger. Always get your patches reviewed.C.94) There are lot of places to discuss technical things. Quora, Slashdot, StackOverFlow, Wikipedia, Dzone, Tumblr, Medium or HackerNoon. I think today's generation relies on Reddit threads. I am not following them that much. Do not start flame wars without reason because they result in huge expensive fire fights to quell the same the community.C.95) ThoughtWorks Radar is good for understanding the technology curve. Martin Folwer is good for Architectural advice. Developers used to read Joel Spolsky (Joel on Software). The technical sense of humor has become more like XKCD comic rather the old Dilbert.C.96) Never bring up Hitler or Nazis in a technic discussion as that will lead to Godwins law being invoked and make it the death knell of that technical discussion.C.97) Software resembles the organization that builds the same. That is called Conways Law. It is an empirical law. To build better software create better team structures. Resilient teams will build Resilient software. Sometimes people will reverse engineer the teams required to build the software according to the specification. This is called the Inverse Conway law and I have used the same.C.100) Massively Open Online courses help build credibility in the work place. That is what they are worth. It is fruitless to question their worth in terms of salary or just a qualification.C.101) Actively seek mentors to further your career. All organizations including educational institutions have such programs.C.102) Security is not an afterthought. Be familiar with security principles and actions. Use safer languages or sand bag environments for building software before taking them to production.C.103) Do not Repeat Yourself, Single Responsibility Principle, Do not call us but we will call you back, Dependency Inversion and You are not going to need it anyway are good schools of thought while building MVPs (Minimum Viable Product). Once you get the customer feedback to your MVP, prioritise development stories in consultation with others.C.104) Engineers ask between 1 to 3 percent stake to join startups.C.105) Having IT certifications may help with certain Western customers who feel that it gives them a signal of acceptability. However, in workplace, a certificate will buy you a seat at the table. It is just a hygiene factor.C.104) There is a zero code school of thought and an AI school of thought which claim to make Programming irrelevant. However, AI I have seen requires atleast 5 to 10 lines of code to configure pre built models. Zero code seems promising but can it bear the burden of customisation, remains to be seen..C.105)There may be rockstar programmers in your team (5 times normal). Build teams aound them and protect them from too much pressure or criticality and poaching. If your five star programmer is nice, sensitive and outspoken you are lucky. Else you have to personally sensitize the rockstar. Maybe buy him the copy of “The No Asshole Rule" or the “Power of Nice" if he or her prefers it to Mountain Dew.C.106) Software maturity is highest in banking, aerospace, and pharmacy and lower in manufacturing industries. It may change.C.107) Personal advice : Try working for a FinTech and RegTech and Insurtech understand finance in action.C.108) Boycott or stop the culture of status update and KT. An Agile joke is you get 7 people team in Indis to do Agile, 6 will arrive to only ask status updates. Some people may even convert a Standup Call to a long term planning call. Please understand what are standups. Each one gets five minutes to explain what they did, what they plan to do today and any obstacles. It is the management job to remove the obstacle and present it the Standup. Please stand up, unless want to seem like incongruent know-,it-all. Other ceremonies like Planning and Sprint Closure (Based on Definition of Done) are needed. Try to get a proper Agile coach. I was doing that trough reading articles.Bye for now!
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