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What unpopular opinion do you have regarding the LGBT community?

First, let me state that I’m not against LGBT people. I’m not transphobic or homophobic or all those other phobias involving the LGBT community. But I do have several issues with them.Gay Pride is a good idea, but in reality, it’s not about pride. I’ve seen some of the gay pride parades, and they are horrifying. It’s overly sexual, and in general over the top. This is exactly why a lot of people think even the topic of LGBT is taboo and not for children. You should be celebrating the people, not doing this:The LGBT community has become overly political. Before I explain this, let me state that I’m not referring to LGBT people, I’m referring to the community. The organizations and whatnots. These have focused far too much on politics. You’re LGBT and conservative? You aren’t part of the community anymore. What? I thought the LGBT community was about acceptance, diversity, and inclusion.If you’re not male or female, you shouldn’t expect people to instantly know what your gender is and to act accordingly. When you get offended over someone assuming you’re male or female, everyone else thinks you’re being a jerk, not the other person.You shouldn’t be defined by your gender/sexual orientation. I know some members of the LGBT community who constantly are telling everyone “oh by the way, I’m GAY!” Yeah, if you want to be accepted and not stared at, that’s not the route to take. It’s fine if you’re gay. It’s legal if you’re gay. But that’s not all that you are!It’s not just supporter or homophobe. If you say that you disagree with the LGBT lifestyle, you aren’t necessarily a homophobe. I disagree with the LGBT lifestyle. I also support its legality as well as status in society. Am I a homophobe? Some people will say yes. Purity tests aren’t good if there are only three people on earth who can pass them.Children who say they’re transgender shouldn’t immediately be accepted as trans. Kids say random things all the time. If they’re nine or ten, the odds are they aren’t ready to decide that for themselves. Wait until they are at least teens to start getting hormone blockers and surgery. But nine? Some of those kids are still wetting their beds! And they’re supposed to know what transgender really means?That’s my biggest issues with the LGBT community. To clarify, I have nothing against LGBT people. But sometimes the whole organization thingy is way too over the top. And slightly contradictory. If you’re gay or lesbian or bisexual or trans or whatever, I’m not going to start screaming at you. I support open dialogue, which means that I’ll talk to homophobes, homosexuals, and anyone in between. I believe in opposing discrimination and supporting equal rights. But I want to do so in a constructive and practical way.Civility. Honesty. Diversity.Andrew SteinerEDIT: this is in response to some of the comments because it won’t let me comment for some reason.I don’t delete comments do feel free to speak honestly. Beyond that, a few things. I would like to note that some things I’m going to say is intentionally provoking—-I didn’t come here to hold an echo chamber. Please, please respond with ANY CONCERNS!I’d rather not have a full-length conversation here because it’s easy to miss things in the comment section. If ANYONE would like to discuss current events with me, I’m always available in the DMs. I’ve stated time and time again, I love civil and open dialogue.First, I have noticed that most people have issue with my opposition to Pride or transgender children. In third is my dislike of the overly politicization of the LGBT community. On my opposition to Pride, I’m going to clarify: I have nothing specific against Pride the CONCEPT. I do, however, oppose the oversexualization that is rampant throughout Pride. I understand that not ALL of it is practically nude men flaunting their parts, but the part that is matters most, especially to parents who are deciding whether LGBT stuff is appropriate for children.Second, on the community. As I stated in my answer, it’s not that I hate the people. I don’t even really hate the community. I find it impractical and useless that the main point seems to be about passing laws and shutting down everyone who disagrees. It’s akin to the prolife movement, a movement that also is overly political and demonizes all opposition. Additionally, there are too many corporations and companies that use the LGBT community to seem woke and progressive—-while at the same time doing really nothing and in fact being detrimental to the common LGBT person.Third and finally, on transgender children. It’s a tricky issue for me. But we’ve realized in society that children are not mature enough to make other types of life-changing decisions. Especially preteens and younger teens. We don’t allow them to drive, drink, marry, own guns, or be home alone. In our justice system, we understand that children’s minds are not fully developed and therefore are incapable of understanding the consequences of their decisions. Yet, a lot of people think that these same children are capable of deciding what’s really transgenderism and what’s a fad. It’s irresponsible to do that. Further more, it’s even more irresponsible for parents to decide whether their children are transgender. Partly, it’s a failing in society as we teach our children that boys must like this while girls must like that. Rather than push kids to be transgender, it’d be more practical and responsible to teach our kids that stereotypes are fake and that what you like doesn’t determine your biological sex. Yes, gender is a thing—-it’s a societal construct that shouldn’t have an impact on your biological sex. It’s a failing in society that teens like me think that being male biologically and being a boy genderly are the same things. As I’ve seen through my time on Quora, there are myriad genders. There are only two biological sexes—-besides the very rare chance of being intersex.If you’d like any clarification or want a further discussion, either comment or DM me. I look forward to having civil discourse.Thanks for hearing me out.

What are some good tips on getting along well with kids?

Tip 1: Understand that children are more capable than we often give them credit for. Going along with that give them small “jobs” to do. Children want to be wherever you are-they want to be in the kitchen or in the garage or office-find them a task that they can do with you. A 3 year old can climb up on a stool and help stir pasta, they can help organize tools based on shape or color, and they can practice “writing” with you. Not only will these activities hold their interest, but just think of all the “teachable moments” you will encounter!Tip 2: And a general rule of thumb: if you don’t like it as an adult then a child won’t like it either. I counsel parents frequently on issues around sleep, discipline, and following directions and i feel that most issues can be redefined by bringing attention to the above rule of thumb. For example, a 3 year old who is playing at the park and a parent who needs to get home. Parent goes and asks the child to come and the child refuses so the parent grabs the child and whisks them away, child tantrums. Role reversal: an adult at work busy finishing up a proposal, boss comes in says the office is closed you must leave, adult says no I have to finish this proposal I’ll leave when I’m done. Boss picks up adult and carries them out of the office. As adults we would be appalled if this happened to us, and yet we expect our children to stop their work to meet our needs all the time-no warnings, nothing that clearly indicates a stop time.To further illustrate the point:As adults do we like sleeping alone every night?As adults do we respond to yelling or demands?As adults do we accept a response of “no” without any explanation?As adults do we allow strangers to constantly touch or control our bodies? (I feel that we in essence man-handle our children-rarely do we ask their permission to handle their bodies)Tip 3: Also, when an older toddler hands you a picture that they have drawn try to steer clear of the automatic response “what is it?” and instead try “tell me about what you drew.” This sounds less critical about their drawing abilities and it will give the child a chance to explain the drawing in their own words.Tip 4: Lastly, relax and have fun. Children are fun and funny-especially toddlers-marvel in the “fun-ness” of it all and both you and the child will be much happier.

If there’s anything you want to say to a teenager, what would that be?

Small Story:When I was 17, one day my friend borrowed a sports bike from his relative, and began showing off in front of us.Like any other guy I also wanted to ride that beast. I asked him if I could ride his bike. He gave it to me.And within few seconds, my speed reached 80–90–100 kmph. Oh my god, I saw 100 kmph for the first time ever in my life. I pushed further, and it was 120–130, and then speed was out of control. Adrenaline was rushing all over my body.There was a truck in the middle of the road, which was coming from the opposite direction. I had no protection, no helmet, no gloves, nothing. And in fraction of time, I don’t remember what happened.But whatever happened, I saw my own death in those fraction of seconds. I somehow managed to avoid that direct collision.Story Ends here.My story ends there, but there are some burning questions :What if I died there?What would have happened to my family, being the only son?Because of my irresponsible behavior, I would have given lifetime pain to all of them who loved me.Was it really important to push those limits?To be honest, I hate teenagers. Because, once I was a teenager too.Whatever I was doing, was right. And whoever tried to protest/disagree, was wrong.I had no patience, I wanted to experience everything immediately. Never heard the word before, “Perseverance”.I never bothered that my actions can hurt my loved ones. I did what I wanted to do.What I want to tell all teenagers.Do not, I repeat again, don’t become like me.Do whatever you want to do but with small sense of “responsibility”. I can understand that no one can learn anything without experiencing things, but while learning don’t hurt other people directly or indirectly.Teenage is a golden age, this is the age where you exhaust yourself to build your future. You learn so many things, but have some patience. Because everything has its own way to come to you.Teenagers are the most misunderstood people on the earth.Treated like children but expected to act like adults.There is a fine line between being cool and being an asshole. The day you find this difference, your perspective towards life will change.

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Justin Miller