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How to Edit and Download Precision Nutrition Assessment Forms on Windows

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A Guide of Editing Precision Nutrition Assessment Forms on Mac

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A Guide of Editing Precision Nutrition Assessment Forms on G Suite

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  • move toward Google Workspace Marketplace and Install CocoDoc add-on.
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What are the best courses for sports nutrition?

There are various courses in sports nutrition.At qua nutrition clinics where we have the largest team of sports nutritionist in the country most of a dietitians have done a post graduation masters degree in sports nutrition.If you have a degree in life sciences, nutrition, biochemistry, exercise physiology, any other allied discipline you can do a sports nutrition certification.I recommend certifications from ACE, ISSA, ISSN, NESTA.I HAVE PERSONALLY LAUNCHED A NUTRITION TRAINING WEBSITE CALLED Institute Nutrition . This site will aggregate nutrition courses over the next 3 years from across the globe. Please do check it can also Google up sports nutrition certification which are offered by reputed universities from across the world and these can be as short as 3 weeks through online learning and as long as 3 years through online learning.My knowledge is that if you are working one on one via your gym or academy or local area then it's OK to have a sports nutrition certification. however if you want to join my team and be a Nutrition counsellor then you need a specialist nutrition degree and then you need to have a post graduate degree in the same subject.Below is some information to digest.The ACE is the largest nonprofit fitness certification, education, and training organization in the world. It offers two streams of certification in nutrition: a fitness nutrition course and another in sports nutrition for health and performance. Each provides a textbook with online quizzes for evaluation; the first also includes an online instructional component designed in part by a dietitian. The ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialty Certification is available exclusively to students who hold a current NCCA-accredited certification or an equivalent professional credential. Certifications do not expire and students earn CECs on completion of the courses. You can also certify as a Health Coach; this program (intended for health professionals in a variety of fields) emphasizes the role of behavioral change.American Fitness Professionals and AssociatesThe AFPA Nutrition and Wellness Certification program teaches the fundamentals of nutrition science with an emphasis on weight management and nutrition through the life cycle. It includes a consulting component along with worksheets and questionnaires for clients. Students have six months to complete the program and there are no academic prerequisites to enroll. The exam may be taken online or by mail and a passing grade of 85% is required.International Society of Sports NutritionThe I.S.S.N. offers several respected certification exams to qualified professionals in a number of health-related fields, from fitness pros to nurse practitioners. Applicants for the advanced exam (CISSN) need a 4-year university degree, typically in a related field, although exceptions are made for those with enough relevant experience. The more basic SNS certification provides simpler working knowledge for personal trainers and fitness advocates and does not require a previous degree. Note that these certifications are not educational programs, but credentials signifying a minimum level of competence in this area. So to qualify, you must take courses elsewhere.CSSDThe CSSD credential is available only to Registered Dietitians. Note that this is not a sports nutrition certification, per se, but an examination you can take to prove competence in sports dietetics. A self-assessment module prepares students for the exam, and CEUs are available on completion of this module. There is no instruction or textbook, as it is assumed you should have the relevant background before taking the test. In addition you’re required to work for a minimum of 2 years as a dietitian and accumulate 1,500 hours of specialty practice,International Sports Society Association Fitness NutritionI.S.S.A.’s Fitness Nutrition Certification teaches the fundamentals of nutrition and how these apply to client success. It also offers instruction in collecting and evaluating client information, designing individualized nutrition strategies, and outcome-based nutrition coaching. The program is two to eight months long, and students complete it online on their own schedule. A text is available in hard copy and online and there is also a student forum for interacting with peers.The National Academy of Sports MedicineThe National Academy of Sports Medicine is one of the most respected professional organizations in the industry. It offers a Fitness Nutrition Specialist program with instruction in the fundamentals of nutrition science and how this information applies to weight loss and performance. The course is offered online, and includes client handouts. Those with the requisite background can take the exam without enrolling in the course (at a lower cost). Graduates praise the science component of the program, while some fault the program for a lack of practical, hands-on instruction.The National Exercise and Sports Trainers AssociationNESTA’s Fitness Nutrition Coach course teaches the basic components of nutrition and their role in human health and offers instruction in assessing your clients’ nutritional needs, along with practical suggestions for improving performance. There are no prerequisites to enroll. Students have one year after their start to take the exam, and a mark of 80% is needed to pass. There is a $95 fee to re-take the test if you do not pass by the second attempt, but once you pass there is no recertification.Precision Nutrition Professional CertificationThe Precision Nutrition Certification includes two main components — the science of nutrition, and the art of coaching. The textbook incorporates numerous case studies and samples, and also provides worksheets and questionnaires that can be used directly with clients. The self-paced CEU-granting program is offered online, and there’s an active student forum with input and instruction from PN staffers — including authors Dr. John Berardi and Ryan Andrews, RD — as well as peers. Graduates praise the comprehensive and detailed text as well as the thorough and systematic approach to behavioral change. A second level of the program will guide students through a coaching internship. There are no prerequisites to enroll, but those lacking any background in science may find the program challenging.Note: When it comes to the basic science of nutrition, each of these courses teaches the fundamentals. Some offer much more, including a more robust hands-on or coaching related component. That’s why it pays to read the fine print and ask questions.Also Note: Some of these programs require academic or other prerequisites, while others are open to anyone who wishes to enroll. Your previous background will determine your options.

As a Special Forces operative, how realistic did you think the Netflix movie “Triple Frontier” was?

No need to be a Green Beret to make that assessment.If you have a modicum of light infantry or long range recon training, even if you do not have a military background but have a good head on your shoulders, if what you are looking for in this movie is realism then you can spot many flaws.**** Spoilers****The way they conducted reconnaissance was bogus. First of all it takes days of around the clock, sometimes weeks of observation to gather proper intell in order to plan an intrusion like this. Second of all the way they performed the reccee was laughable. They were sticking their pale heads out of the bush right outside the narcos´ fence ! No cammo face paint, no ghillie or 3D suits, no camouflage net, not even a mesh scarf dragged over their heads so as to make a mere attempt at some kind of concealment while being on OP/LP (Observation Post/Listening Post). Also you don´t chit chat over comms about how pretty informants are and whatnot. You keep radio chatter to a minimun and when you do speak, you whisper precise, concise and consequent info. Keep it low, sometimes these guys were speaking too loud. One thing peculiar about La Selva ( the Amazon jungle) is that it listens to you and reacts to what you do. Spend enough time in it and you will develop an acute sense of spotting human presence in your vicinity if they are not really, really careful. Also that dummy, the Sons Of Anarchy guy was crossing areas completly exposed. And finally who the hell does reccee with a Glock as primary weapon ? If that pressure sensor “ Ben” nearly hit had gone off they would all be dead. Already outnumbered you better bring some capacity to return fire so you can retreat. Good luck trying to break contact with pistols against heavily armed people, they should have brought their carbines as primary weapons and they should have brought their assault packs with them. If they had inadvertently come into contact with the enemy and a fight had ensued, they might have been forced to retreat into the forest perhaps for several days and should have been equiped for that eventuality with MREs, meds, hydration related gear and extra ammo and batteries for comms at the very least.For guys who are supposed to be depicting former CAG/Delta, their planning was of lower quality than the said narcos they were getting ready to rob. SF/CAG/Delta or any spec ops personel are trained to make plans with multiple redundancies. They have an SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) acronym for that in US Special Forces, “PACE” for Primary Alternate Contingency and Emergency. In that order. That´s not one but at least four plans. If the Primary plan fails you go to the Alternate plan, if not possible or compromised, you go to the Contingency plan and if that is fried too you still have an Emergency plan. And each of these plans would have sub plans ! Now, that takes time to design. There is a reason why CAG/Delta operators are so successful at this type of work, they do not just eyeball and wing an operation like that. 32 hours is a very short time to pull off an operation that requires that amount of moving pieces and logistics. Too much of it was left to chance, the pretty girl´s extra van, Habib the helicopter guy - what if one or either of them had been a no-show, what was the Alternate plan for that ?… They didn´t seem to would have had any, instead they chose to risk critical load on the helo and threw the dice on their own lives. Something that CAG/Delta, Group or any spec ops qualified men would never do. The methodology in these sort of units is to stack the deck in your favor and leave nothing to chance. But too much seemed like they were making up stuff as they went along, again a consequence of lack of initial planning.During their assault ( I will call it an assault) nobody was left on overwatch to observe the AAs (Avenues of Approach, the routes from which the enemy is most likely to come from due to terrain constrictions) for that matter the road that led to the villa´s enter/exit point so as to alert the guys inside the villa of the eventual enemy approaching and if possible - even better - interdict the enemy (delay, disrupt or destroy their convoy on its way back to the villa instead of letting Close Quarter Battle ensue as a result of not denying the AAs which was a huge risk). They had a bunch of C4 and might have been able to prepare “ abattis” which are a type of road obstacle made by felling trees, using explosive charges to make the trunks fall in a pattern on the road ( shoutout to all light infantry and combat sappers ) obstructing vehicles from progressing or delaying them significantly. It also forces the enemy to come out of the vehicles to attempt clearing the road or eventually forces him to approach the objective on foot and makes him vulnerable for an ambush. “Pope” should have recruited at least five more guys for that job. It should have been one Security Team to do the aformentionned and an Assault Team to perform the attack on the villa. Both teams with different exfiltration routes and common rally points. Five men was seriously undermanned for such an operation.Why in heaven would you take your rotary wing aircraft pilot to an assault ? “Catfish´s” skillset was critical to the mission and had he sustained an injury or been killed during that phase of the operation it would have had catastrophic consequences for the rest of the plan. One could ironically argue that in the end he wasn´t much of a pilot given his poor jugement and reckless approach to flying which did cost the team dearly but that´s another story. On top of that our Catfish friend is sporting an AK while every other team member equipped an AR… Why is that worth mentionning ? In a small capacity team, the weapons must be the same or at least must be chambered in the same caliber for every member so as to allow inter operability between them. AKs are chambered in 7.62, ARs in 5.56. If Catfish runs out of ammo, he is dry, none of his buddies can throw him a couple of mags to help him out. Something guys who were once part of special operations would never half ass.Why overload the helo in the first place ? Get a couple of shovels and start digging… The LZ was a fairly isolated place surrounded by jungle and the chances of anyone coming across their money if hidden properly was infinitesimal. Simply do what pirates, cowboys and every other thief have always done since Dawn Of Ages, bury the surplus weight in the forest and plot it on the map/mark it for GPS coordinates… Fly the optimal weight over the Andes, refuel the helo and go get back the rest. That simple procedure would have avoided all the chaos that ensued. Instead they had to wait until being exhausted, frozen and starved at several thousands meters of altitude hauling their comrade´s dead body across the Andes to finally consider burying their loot somewhere.Ironhead´s injury was a serious problem for an environment like the Selva. In the Amazon a simple razor cut can get ugly real quick. I won´t even comment on their TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) procedure when he got shot and how he dressed that wound later at the LZ. That was horrendous. My daughter would do a better job using an Israeli bandage than they did. Of course we get the typical Hollywood line “ the bullet went through, you´ll be fine” and the wound is later reffered to as a “ mosquito bite” but in reality it doesn´t work that way. We will even leave the internal bleeding and possibly fissurated kidney out of this but taking a 7.62 round to the gut for that matter, implies - quite litteraly - that the content of your intestines (excrements) would start spilling in your abdomen and that in itself is very critical and potentially deadly… Anyways, guy spends what is said to be close to a week in a rain forest with an abdominal bullet wound that has entry and exit, developping no apparent symptoms or infection and just trekking the Andes at 4000m of altitude completely unaffected, though they didn´t seem to have any supplies left. With no serious antibiotics, serious painkillers, other drugs, seriously skilled field surgery, good nutrition/hydration and advanced remote area care, Ironhead might very well have died of acute sepsis or should at best have been seriously incapacitated by this wound.Bunching up like grapes as they did when you´re allegedly being tracked by the enemy is not the way to go about it. There´s a movement procedure called Travelling Overwatch which stretches your team out so as to facilitate a reaction to ambush and be able to consolidate before manoeuvering on the enemy. But with that being said, given the absolute easy work they made of the narcos back at the villa, it would have been simpler for them to circle back on the enemy in the forest - this manoeuver is a basic small unit tactic called a “fish hook”- and curb stomp their shit back to Colombia (read ambush and kill them).I understand that the comms “died” not because they crash landed but because they didn´t have extra batteries (?) There also, I don´t know an infantryman who doesn´t pack extra batteries for the gear that requires it. US Special Forces have a saying “ One is None and Two is One.” which means you should always have a backup for everything. For battery powered items that goes without saying.That river crossing they did was absolutely reckless. They had a bunch of what - intriguingly - appeared to be high quality dynamic climbing rope and carabiner hooks and did not take to perform a proper safe water crossing by setting up a One Rope Bridge as taught to the bulk of all infantry. JROTC cadets know how to make one, light infantry guys such as Rangers and SF are masters at this but again Pope´s team being too cool for school, they took the risk to see animals, money and personel swept away by the rapids.Compromising their visual signature by lighting that bonefire was something that not even POGs would have considered in a situation like this let alone spec ops guys. Light discipline in the field is something taught to any boot in basic infantry training. Batfleck´s charater takes one to the dome. Good. That´s what you get for sporting a bright orange jacket while being in full evasion and escape mode. You´re up in the Andes and possibly being tracked, get some local garb instead of going full German gringo hiker mode with an orange jacket.Last but not least, guys with that level of training do not lose their marbles because of money.I have an anecdote to illustrate that, it was told to me by a very close friend who served in the UK SRR (Special Reconnaissance Regiment) during Enduring Freedom. He had the privilege to be part of a task force that actively hunted down high value targets during the invasion of Iraq and did so by working closely with the SAS. He disclosed to me that on multiple occasions their teams came across huge amounts of cash left behind by Saddam´s close circle as they were fleeing or being hit and I mean millions of dollars in cash and gold, sometimes in the tens of millons. Well, the SAS boys did help themselves to some money… But they did so being very careful of not waking suspicion from other NATO troops and never taking too much at a time. Instead of attempting some heist, they decided to stick to a strict discpline of discretion and siphoned hundreds of thousands of dollars each over the course of time. They got away with it. Eventhough I believe that if they truly had been willing to take that risk they could have pulled some stunt to capture millons but that´s the “ Special” in them: Control, planning and discipline. The way they go about approaching a problem, coming up with the most viable solution and their mastery at executing it.In this regard a lot more could be pointed out but hey, it´s a movie. If it was too “ realistic” it would be difficult to get a good story telling out of it. I think a bit more effort could be put in the “realism” part in future movies as it´s informative and interesting for a more than ever suspicious and analytic audience but I still enjoyed the film for what it was. Sometimes I giggled at certain things but still an entertaining film and a well shot one nonetheless.Stay Strong

How do I know if I have a nutritional deficiency?

There are two ways of nutritional status assessments which may be of help.First is through direct anthropometric and/or phsical assessment plus a dietary examination. There is a list of physical symptoms often associated with certain type(s) of nutrient defiency, e.g., low Body Mass Index in protein-calorie deficiency; pale complexion with iron and/or folate and/or vitamin B12 deficiency, dry fraky skin in essential fatty acid deficiency, etc. Then a dietary assessment through a food frequency questionnaire and/or a more detailed dietary recall report will predict which nutrient that may be deficient. This non-invasive assessment can only be suggestive/predictive, confirmation will need further more precise measurements into biochemical indices and/or biological markers.The second assessment will be those biological measures on blood and/or body fluids. For example, anemia (lack of iron) is diagnosed from low blood red cells or lower levels of ferritin. Bone scanning can be used to measure chronic forms of lacking of calcium and/or vitamin D3. Hope this helps.

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