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How are the November 2015 Paris attacks related to the Charlie Hebdo attacks?
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS, Daesh, or the Islamic State) has attracted between 20,000 and 25,000 foreign fighters. It offers recruits the chance to live in what it portrays as an authentic Islamic State, participation in unlimited violence, and the opportunity to take part in the final showdown between the believers and unbelievers.Some of the foreign fighters are seeking salvation or solutions to personal crises. Others are looking to gain combat skills and contacts that will assist them in returning to wage violent jihads in their own countries, including several thousand Russian Chechens who see the conflict in Syria and Iraq as prelude to a third war in the Caucasus.About 5,000 of the foreign fighters come from Western countries, mainly France, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Germany where large marginalized and alienated Muslim immigrant communities provide a reservoir of recruits. (Only about 250 have gone or attempted to go from the United States.) Among these is a large contingent of French and Belgian citizens—angry young men who grew up in the Muslim slums around Brussels, Paris and other cities in Belgium and France and who despise the people and secular culture of contemporary Europe.A lot of them have long histories of ordinary crime and political radicalization. They have been in and out of jail, where they made contact with other criminals and intensified their ideological commitment. When the insurgency against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad began, ISIL became a natural destination. For them, Syria is a base for their own campaign of terrorism against France.They have counterparts who remain in France and Belgium, but who are equally willing to participate in violent jihad. The two Kouachi brothers who carried out the deadly attack on Charlie Hebdo were not part of ISIL. One brother had spent time with al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen. He and his brother were under surveillance by French authorities for many months, but did nothing, so the French security services shifted their resources to focus on others. Months later, the Kouachi brothers carried out their attack in the name of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.At the same time, Amedy Coulibaly seized hostages and killed four people at a Kosher supermarket in Paris. Coulibaly, who had earlier killed a French police officer, pledged his allegiance to ISIL.Connectivity in these cases remains murky. The Kouachis were connected to Coulibaly, but had no direct connections to ISIL. Coulibaly never went to Syria, but may have had some indirect contact with ISIL through his wife, who subsequently fled to Syria. However, the divisions between the various jihadist groups in Syria is less important to the homegrown terrorists for whom it is all one war.The presence of these French and Belgian fighters in Syria and ready recruits in Europe has enabled their leaders to create a new organizational configuration in which those in Syria can initiate terrorist operations employing both returning foreign fighters and local confederates. The Syrian contingent can supply expertise and other forms of assistance. They and the locals have contacts within the criminal underworld that enable them to get guns on the black market. It is not a James Bondian SPECTRE, but a looser network that has been able to prepare and carry out terrorist operations.Recent attacks include the May 2014 assault on the Jewish Museum in Brussels, which left three people dead. The shooter was Mehdi Nemmouche, an ISIL veteran who returned from Syria. Then came the January 7, 2015 attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices, in which 12 were killed, and the January 8 attack on the police officer and Kosher supermarket, which left five dead.On February 3, a knife-wielding assailant attacked three French soldiers in Nice. The attacker had earlier tried to go to Syria, but he was stopped and expelled by Turkish authorities. A botched terrorist attack on a church in Villejuif on the southern edge of Paris occurred on April 19, when an Algerian national living in France murdered a young woman and accidentally shot himself in the leg while attempting to hijack her car.On April 26, a delivery driver and reported ISIL fanatic named Yassin Salhi beheaded his boss in Southeastern France. In May, a French soldier was seriously wounded in a knife attack at a railway station near Paris, and on July 13, French police arrested four ISIL volunteers who were plotting to carry out attacks on French soldiers at Fort Bear in Southern France.On August 21, an attacker, who had reportedly spent time in Syria, attempted to open fire on passengers on the high-speed train between Amsterdam and Paris. The attack was foiled and he was tackled and subdued by three Americans and a British passenger.On November 10, French police arrested an individual who was plotting to carry out an attack on personnel at the naval base in Toulon. The latest, although surely not the last attack, was the combined assault on the restaurants, stadium, and nightclub in Paris on November 13, which left 130 dead.Although some of these attacks appear to have been self-initiated efforts by individuals inspired by ISIL’s continuing exhortations, the name of Abdelhamid Abaaoud turns up in a number of the cases. Abaaoud, a Belgian citizen of Moroccan descent, joined ISIL some time in 2013. He was an acquaintance of Nemmouche, who carried out the 2014 attack in Brussels, appears to have been connected with several of the failed terrorist attacks in France earlier this year, including the aborted attack on the church in Villejuif and the attempted assault on passengers on the train from Amsterdam. And he is believed to have planned and led the deadly attacks in Paris on November 13. French authorities announced that Abaaoud had been killed in the police raid on the terrorist hideout in Paris on November 18.Despite the death of someone who was obviously a key terrorist leader and the numerous police raids and arrests of terrorist suspects since the Paris attacks, the threat continues. Many of the individuals involved in these attacks were known to French intelligence. Their names had been on various watch lists, but French authorities are being overwhelmed by the volume of individuals traveling to Syria, some of whom have returned, those suspected of preparing to go, plus others suspected of planning or terrorist attacks. French authorities are talking about the need to keep 10,000 people under surveillance—a staggering task.Cooperation among Europe’s intelligence services and law enforcement organizations needs to improve. France is increasing the strength of its own services, but that will take time. Dangerousness is difficult to predict. Many of the perpetrators had been under surveillance for months, even years, and nothing happened, persuading the authorities to shift their resources to other subjects judged to be more of an immediate threat. No doubt, some of the would-be terrorists drop out. But others show remarkable persistence, despite arrests and jail time. The underlying societal problems will take a long time to fix. Meanwhile, the terrorist campaign will likely continue.
Why do some sources say the US is the world's oldest democracy while others say the UK is the oldest even though they had King George when the US democracy was formed?
Sorry on this first day of the new year to be a party pooper but the US,on the national level, is not and was not designed to be a democracy. This can be explained in two ways:The Framers, who were half slave owners, feared and despised democracy, tho our Founding Fathers (Jefferson, Paine, et al ) had founded the nation on democratic principles (equality and consent of the governed), But the Framers were a very different group and even included some who had opposed independence.The slave owners (like Madison, who owned 100 slaves) who wrote the Constitution, created an electoral scheme, which was justified on specious grounds) which allowed the Electoral College to overturn the public vote and a Senate voting scheme which has allowed, as of TODAY, rural/conservative states like Montana and Wyoming to have twice the Senators and votes as a state like like California, which has 97% more actual citizens. Fearing the People, the authors crafted a document that allowed the minority of slave owners to control the new nation, with 10 of the first 12 Presidents having owned slaves and coming from the slave states, which had far fewer citizens.A good source for this is the classic Merrill Jensens’s New Nation, which fully documents the way in which the Constitution was a slaveowners counter-revolution against the democratic origins of our nation.Let’s now fast-forward to our new Century, where, of the last 3 Presidents, only one actually won the public vote (ie consent of the governed, which our founding document makes the essential justification for legitimate rule), with two (Bush and Trump) gaining power (as Hitler and Mussolini did) after losing the popular vote.So we today have a President who has never had consent (which Jefferson insisted was based on the “sacred” and” essential” principle of majority rule) and thus, according to our founding document, tho not the Constitution which enabled such a result, is unjust and illegitimate.Let’s turn to the Senate, now controlled by Republicans and prepared to exonerate the President on impeachment charges. The current Senate has a minority party (the Democrats) who actually received 15 million more votes than the Republicans.And so the Supreme Court is controlled by conservatives who gained their appointments through the power of a party that itself came to power in violation of the founding principle of consent, having been chosen by a party that year in and year out loses the popular vote but ascends to control.This is not a Democracy. Democracy is based on equality (at a minimum of votes) and the consent of the governed, which means the actual citizens and voters. And where a majority is not attained (Lincoln, Clinton, et al), the winner, in a democracy, is the candidate with the most votes, not the loser.One more caution: due to gerrymandering, the House at times, supposedly the bulwark of democracy, has been ruled by the party with the fewest votes. This happened in 2012, when Democrats had 1,400,000 more votes but Republicans ruled with 234 seats to 201 for the Democrats. Where the minority gains power, only a deceiver will call it democracy.The oldest democracy may be Switzerland which had direct democracy as far back as the 1200s, but the US has yet to complete the American Revolution and join the ranks of democratic republics.Lack of majority rule also happens frequently at the state level: “November 13, 2018Majorities of voters in at least three battleground states — Pennsylvania, Michigan and North Carolina — chose a Democrat to represent them in the state’s House of Representatives. Yet in all three states, Republicans maintained majority control over the chamber despite winning only a minority of votes.For that, you can thank gerrymandering — the process by which partisan lawmakers draw legislative districts in a way to disadvantage their opponents. Its effects are well-documented at the federal level: In states like North Carolina, U.S. House delegations feature huge Republican majorities, even when the majority of voters choose a Democratic representative.”In at least three states, including Pa., Republicans won House while losing popular vote | AnalysisAnd so, we are not a democracy but rather, based on an objective study by Northwestern/Princeton an oligarchy, where the will of ordinary people, which theoretically is the foundation of legitimate rule, is ignored and the will of the wealthy and the corporations dominates: thus we are an oligarchy (or plutocracy, or in terms of modern history, a corporatocracy (Mussolini's term for fascism) pretending to be a democracy and often engaging in wars abroad on behalf of a democracy we only pretend exists at home.“The U.S. government does not represent the interests of the majority of the country's citizens, but is instead ruled by those of the rich and powerful, a new study from Princeton and Northwestern universities has concluded.The report, "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens" (PDF), used extensive policy data collected between 1981 and 2002 to empirically determine the state of the U.S. political system.After sifting through nearly 1,800 U.S. policies enacted in that period and comparing them to the expressed preferences of average Americans (50th percentile of income), affluent Americans (90th percentile), and large special interest groups, researchers concluded that the U.S. is dominated by its economic elite.The peer-reviewed study, which will be taught at these universities in September, says: "The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence."Researchers concluded that U.S. government policies rarely align with the preferences of the majority of Americans, but do favour special interests and lobbying organizations: "When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the US political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favour policy change, they generally do not get it."Major Study Finds The US Is An OligarchyCONCLUSION: we must stop trying to “protect” the illusion of American democracy, admit the truth, and create it. It is time to complete the American Revolution, overthrowing a hereditary aristocracy only to see it replaced by an enslavers aristocracy and then after the Civil War, a plutocracy of the corporations. It is time to fulfill our birthrights of equality and consent of the governed and a democratic republic representing not the 1% or special interests but rather “We the People.”We can advance this cause by supporting the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), which currently has 196 electors and needs only 74 more to make the Electoral College representative. Then we must fight to make gerrymandering illegal and create a Senate which is ruled not by 15% of the population in small/conservative states but by the majority, with the minority having inviolable rights that enable them to become the majority, thus creating a genuine democracy “of, for, and by the people” instead of a sham operation designed to fool the people into supporting the rule of the wealthy. This is our birthright, and it is time to take it back!
Who is Tommy Robinson, and why is he in jail?
Who is Tommy Robinson is a rather more complex question than one might think.For starters, he’s not called Tommy Robinson (assuming you mean the pseudo journalist). He’s actually named Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, but goes under several pseudonyms, his best known (TR) is taken from a convicted Football gang member.Yaxley-Lennon was a founding member of several British far right extremist groups, most of which are fiercely anti-Muslim. He writes online (hence his claim to be a journalist - which is like saying I’m a writer because write on Quora).His followers claim he has highlighted Muslim child sex gangs which have been ignored by the police because of fears and political correctness. However, he actually has been ‘reporting’ about gangs which have been caught and are in the process of being prosecuted. His ‘reporting’ nearly derailed a trial and could have caused these men to get off completely free. He has also ignored the child sex offences of people within his organisations. It appears he’s only interested in criminals if they’re Muslim.He is not, to the best of my knowledge, currently in prison. He has been in prison and had the following convictions:Assault: In 2005, Robinson was jailed for 12 months for assault occasioning actual bodily harm, for which he was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment, and assault with intent to resist arrest, for which he received a concurrent term of three months.Assaulting a police officer: In 2010, Robinson was charged with assaulting a police officer during clashes at a poppy burning protest. After the fighting, a police officer was taken to hospital after trying to intervene in a 50 man brawl.Rooftop protest: In 2011, Robinson and EDL co-founder Kevin Carroll flew to Zurich to protest on the roof of a FIFA building that England were not allowed to wear poppies on their kit because of FIFA’s political symbol ban. They were fined £3,000 for their troubles.Assault at his own rally: In 2011, Robinson was convicted of assault for an attack at an EDL march in Blackburn. After he was goaded for being a government and police informant, Robinson launched into a verbal tirade against those protesting against him. Robinson then proceeded to headbutt one of the march-goers.Luton football riot: In July 2011, Robinson was found guilty of leading a brawl that included 100 Luton Town football fans into a fight with Newport County fans. Fans were heard chanting ‘EDL till I die.’ For the crime committed, he was given a suspended 12-month prison sentence and banned from Luton football matches for 3 years.Using someone else’s passport:In January 2013 Robinson was jailed for 10 months for travelling to the USA on his friend’s passport. Robinson admitted the charge of possession of a false identity document with improper intention. The passport Robinson used was under the name of Andrew McMaster. He checked himself in on the way out from Heathrow airport however when he arrived in the USA customs officials took his fingerprints and realised he was using a passport that was not his own.Mortgage fraud: In 2014, Tommy Robinson was sentenced to prison for 18 months for committing mortgage fraud with the crime dating back to 2009. After pleading guilty in November 2013 to committing £160,000 worth of mortgage fraud Robinson was sentenced at St Albans Crown Court. Whilst passing the sentence, the judge told Robinson: ‘This was an operation which was fraudulent from the outset and involved a significant amount of forward planning.’ 'I am satisfied you took part in a thoroughly dishonest course of conduct,’ he told him.Contempt of court 1: In 2017, Robinson was given a 3 month suspended sentence after he admitted a contempt of court charge for attempting to photograph juvenile defendant in a court case whilst having no right to do so. Court security had told Robinson not to film in and around the court as it would lead to his arrest. The 3 month suspended sentence could be activated within 18 months.Contempt of court 2: Finally, in 2018, the crucial case that led to Robinson being jailed and sparked the Free Tommy protests. Robinson was given a 13-month sentence for contempt of court. He was arrested after Facebook live streaming outside Leeds Crown Court for an hour despite there being reporting restrictions on the case. Because he had a suspended sentence for the same crime the judge sentenced Robinson to 13 months in prison. Robinson pled guilty but was later released on bail after winning an appeal.So who is he?He’s a far right extremist criminal making a living peddling neo nazi bullshit and calling it journalism, which it isn’t.
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