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How should Google have responded to the anti-diversity document written by one of its engineers in August 2017?

EDIT: I’ve felt some anxiety since posting this. So I’ve come back to add a preface that will hopefully make a few things really clear at the outset:I’m a committed, active feminist. I firmly believe that misogyny and other forms of bigotry have no place in our world. Full stop.I wrote what follows because I think the popular narrative is missing the real point of James’ memo, which happens to be a really important one.This isn’t to say that I support James in all his opinions. I don’t. His arguments are sloppy in places and his tone is wildly problematic at times. There are many things to criticize. My only argument is that we need to criticize what he actually said in a fair and productive way.Ok, so to answer the question as posed, my original answer follows.[How should Google have responded to the anti-diversity document written by one of its engineers in August 2017?]No response was necessary, as no such thing was ever written. As for the essay about ideological intolerance within Google, their response proved its concerns valid.This whole affair reminds of the Judge Persky crusade from last summer. A few posturing op-eds and opportunistic editorials set the public tone and triggered a flash point that, while fueled by very real grievances, was far out of proportion to the specific facts of the underlying case.It was unpopular for me to write in Persky’s defense then, and I’m sure this will be unpopular now. But this feels too important to let that be a deterrence. In the age of Trump, it’s more urgent than ever to take good faith dialogue seriously.(I’m not personally liberal or conservative. I share nearly every value that progressives tend to hold sacred, but this fiasco is a good example of why I’m so hesitant to name myself in their company — which I’ll cover in what follows.)So, let’s break it all down:#1: The letter wasn’t about women in the workplace. It was about the dangers of groupthink.For those who have only read quotes and excerpts, you can find a reconstruction of the original (with links and footnotes) here.The document’s title was Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber, which gives a hint at the real subject. The author was James Damore, a Googler and former Harvard PhD student. Despite the poor reporting suggesting otherwise, it wasn’t actually a public manifesto. It was an essay he posted for discussion within one or more internal Google forums that someone later leaked to the press.To the degree that it covered gender issues, it was in the service of making a broader point about the lack of ideological diversity within Google. While James’ tone definitely had a mild Red Pill flavor at times, to describe his comments as directly misogynistic is somewhere between a stretch and a mistruth.He did touch on gender research (the quality and relevance of which is beyond my pay grade), but only to set up a list of suggestions of how Google might reduce the gender gap and increase diversity by alternate means. (His concern was that their current programs were right in aim but deficient in strategy. The arguments he made to that end were competent, though I would say not terribly compelling.)All in all, it read as a mostly thoughtful take weakened by a few leaps and hyperbolic over-reaches. Definitely flawed, but hard to interpret as anything other than an honest effort at revisiting an extraordinarily sensitive and messy topic.Quoting from his closing:I hope it’s clear that I'm not saying that diversity is bad, that Google or society is 100% fair, that we shouldn't try to correct for existing biases, or that minorities have the same experience of those in the majority. My larger point is that we have an intolerance for ideas and evidence that don’t fit a certain ideology. I’m also not saying that we should restrict people to certain gender roles; I’m advocating for quite the opposite: treat people as individuals, not as just another member of their group (tribalism).#2: Google had a chance to prove themselves better than his criticisms, and they responded by taking the worst possible path.An employee published an essay with his thoughts to a forum built for that purpose. This itself seems positive. There was no hate-speech or anything directly incendiary. If someone found any of James’ views misguided or offensive, they had his open invitation to comment.But instead of that happening, someone leaked it to the press (whose coverage we’ll get to later). It was then presented to the public in a way designed to provoke outrage, which is exactly what it did.The storm escalated enough that Danielle Brown, Google’s new VP of Diversity, was forced to write a company-wide email which then also got published.I want to cover an excerpt from it (though you should read the whole thing):Many of you have read an internal document shared by someone in our engineering organization, expressing views on the natural abilities and characteristics of different genders, as well as whether one can speak freely of these things at Google. And like many of you, I found that it advanced incorrect assumptions about gender. I’m not going to link to it here as it’s not a viewpoint that I or this company endorses, promotes or encourages.Diversity and inclusion are a fundamental part of our values and the culture we continue to cultivate. We are unequivocal in our belief that diversity and inclusion are critical to our success as a company, and we’ll continue to stand for that and be committed to it for the long haul.So, she finds James’ assumptions about gender incorrect. Great. Which ones? And what was incorrect about them? Oh, “I’m not going to link to it here as it’s not a viewpoint that I endorse or encourage.” Huh? It wasn’t exactly Mein Kampf or The Anarchist Cookbook. Which ends are furthered by dismissing it?She then follows on by saying that diversity and inclusion are fundamental. Ok, great soundbite. But is James not covered in that? Or any of the presumably thousands of employees that share his conservative political orientation?This was a spectacular opportunity for Danielle and her peers to take leadership. They could have spread the memo far and wide, accompanied by detailed counter-analysis. They could have set aside a day to have a public discussion. They could have done the hard work of teasing his arguments apart and showing where they were deficient so that others would really understand.You can only win long-term ideological victories in the open field, not with the bicep of administrative power. All that Google accomplished in silencing and firing James is telling those who share his views that Google isn’t actually a safe place for open dialogue, which was the exact point James was making.#3: Our journalism is failing us, which is wildly problematic in the age of Donald Trump.Consider the headline that Gizmodo chose for the linked article: Exclusive: Here's The Full 10-Page Anti-Diversity Screed Circulating Internally at Google.Having read through the full letter twice, I can’t see how it could be reasonably construed as anything but pro-diversity. The trouble is, of course, that Gizmodo doesn’t really care about being reasonable. They care about virtue-signalling to their base and driving as many clicks as they can.This is part our fault. We get the media that we demand. When we share these pieces, we reward those who write them, which only goes to further the cycle.Ever wonder why conservatives seem to have developed a persecution complex? Well, maybe it’s because they’re tired of seeing their arguments taken out of context and turned into liberal outrage clickbait.This isn’t to defend any of the corresponding excesses on the right. I published My Love Letter To Conservatism a few months ago, in which I explained why I no longer call myself a conservative. I’ve watched too many right-leaning institutions cravenly aid and abet explicitly regressive forces in exchange for their dollars and votes. I want no part of that.So why not call myself a liberal or progressive now? It certainly isn’t for lack of enthusiasm for their primary causes. It’s mostly because I’m uninterested in the reflexive tribalism that has become the social norm of late. That approach can never be productive, no matter which side you’re on.I grew up in conservatism. I understand the fears of those who feel that they’re being left behind. That’s why, as much as I detest him, I understand why Trump won. Clinton ran a campaign on moving forward, not on slowing down to help those who either couldn’t keep pace or didn’t understand the need to move at all.If we want progressive values to win, we have to take dialogue with conservatives seriously. This doesn’t mean treating all their arguments as equally valid. But it does mean that any shortcut not rooted in a charitable and systematic deconstruction of their worldview is bound to fail.If we continue to support media outlets who take the lazy approach, the divide will only grow wider and more animated.Closing ThoughtsI mentioned at the top that I’d previously written in support of Judge Persky (the one responsible for sentencing Brock Turner in the Stanford sexual assault case).As context, I’d comfortably place myself in the top 5% of men in terms of meaningful contributions to the promotion of the sexual well-being of women (years of youth education alongside volunteer work for women’s shelters and post-crisis counselling agencies). It’s an exceptionally personal issue to me.But I can still hate rape while accepting that Brock Turner’s “lenient” sentence was predicated on the recommendation of the probation officer who reviewed his case. Judge Persky, in turn, ruled consistently with the same progressive ideology that had previously won him accolades from his left-leaning peers and voters.By writing in his defense (not Turner’s), I faced some real social repercussions (including multiple accusations of supporting a rapist). But I never once considered being silent, as I’m equally unwilling to be here.The Turner case blew up because the victim’s impact statement lit a fire (as well it should have). Within days, my feed was bursting with first-hand accounts of sexual violence and male privilege, just as it is now with personal stories about female discrimination in the workplace. In a sense, this is amazing. Getting people to talk openly about these hard things is emphatically positive.But for those follow-on takes to be directly associated with a root case that isn’t actually what it’s made out to be is to risk delegitimizing them — while also doing terrible, unseen damage to the quality of civil dialogue.Let’s have messy conversations about the workplace. Let’s talk about gender, sexuality, race, politics, and privilege. But let’s do this as the new normal, not in direct response to amplified misinformation that can only serve to divide.Note #1: It came out today that James’ essay was actually published at least several weeks before it was leaked. This suggests an important question: if the real problem was the content (not the resulting PR), why did Google not deal with it earlier?Note #2: When Motherboard and Gizmodo published their original articles, they committed several sins. I’ve already covered the misleading headline (where the “manifesto/screed” is framed as “anti-diversity” when it was really neither of those things). But both also rushed to publication without offering a full copy of the original document for context. Given that it had already been at least several weeks since James posted it, this smacks of a race for clicks triumphing over basic journalistic best practices.Motherboard didn’t release a copy of the reconstructed document until something like 60 hours after they first broke the story. Missing in Gizmodo’s version were all the links (which, while of marginal value themselves, at least showed that James made an effort to quote reasonable sources) and two charts.This is one of them:I’ll leave it to the reader to consider why intentionally leaving that out was not exactly indicative of responsible journalism. If James doesn’t sue for libel, I think editors at both publications will have to count themselves lucky.

How competent are the AAP Lok Sabha candidates fielded for the 2014 elections?

Remember the teacher-writer in most Amitabh Bachchan movies? Usually killed by goons. Now YOU CAN change the narrative! That honest, insightful, dedicated one, contests the elections and wins!Social activist Sarah Joseph, popularly known as Sarah Teacher, is an award winning novelist and short story writer. She was the harbinger of feminist movement in Kerala and the founder of ‘Manushi – organisation of thinking women’, the first of its kind. She is the AAP candidate from Thrissur, Kerala.She believes that AAP is the party of the future and has opened a new path, the potential of which should be fully used.Pioneer of the prestigious National Law School in Bangalore is AAP candidate from Bangalore North... A track record of delivery, institution building and fighting for justice, & labour reforms....Name- Prof. Babu MathewConstituency- Bangalore NorthEducation- BSc, LLB,LLM, M.Phil from National Law School of India, Bangalore, gold medallistAge- 64Occupation- Former Law ProfessorFormer Professor of LawChair, Juvenile Justice, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India,Former Registrar of National Law School of India University, BangaloreBabu Mathew was one of the pioneers of NLSIU, the premier Law School of India. This professor of law quit his job at National Law University in New Delhi recently to work for AamAadmi Party fulltime. He is a Nehru Fellow at the Nehru Memorial Museum & Library and a noted philanthropist – he is the former Country Director of ActionAid India. He has been the Vice President of the Trade Union International affiliated to the World Federation of Trade Unions. Babu has contributed immensely to Labour Law reforms, Child Rights, Human Rights, Legal Reforms and in protecting the rights of working people and provided his expertise as a subject expert to several international universities. He has also been a negotiator to settle several disputes under the Industrial Disputes Act 1947...Babu Mathew is committed to provide his expertise to citizens of Bangalore to reclaim their city, make it safe and address (and solve India’s third largest city’s) civic, social, developmental and human rights related issues.For the first time in many years, someone has had the courage to confront and put up a strong challenge against Gandhis in their strong hold. That is Dr. Kumar Vishwas, AAP Amethi candidate who is taking the fight against dynasty politics head-on. While other parties raise up the issue of Congress's dynasty politics which has eroded our democracy, but no leader of other major parties challenges Congress dynasts directly.Shefali Misra, human rights activist and development specialist, a former UN employee, who has studied at Delhi University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and London School of Economics, is the AAP candidate from Sitapur, UP.Shefali believes that planning with people is the first step towards empowerment.Born as a bonded labour slave, married at 14, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005, Tiliya Devi is the candidate for Lok Sabha by Aam Aadmi Party from Jhajharpur, Bihar in 2014.The extra-ordinary story of a courageous Dalit worker, who the Nobel Peace committee could spot, but not India's mainstream parties. It took an AAP. These people have EXPERIENCE, TRACK RECORD, plus HEART, CARE HONESTY & COURAGE.Read her extra-ordinary story here - PeaceWomen Across the GlobeAlok Agrawal, AAP Candidate from Khandwa, MP is an IITK Alumnus, Chief activist working since 25 years for Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) in Khandwa.From 1990 to 2000, Alok along with the people of Nimar plains has mobilized numerous peaceful protests against the construction of Sardar Sarovar Dam. Due to stiff resistance from Narmada Bachao Andolan led by MedhaPatkar and Alok Agarwal against the construction of Sardar Sarovar Dam, World Bank undertook an independent review of the project plan. The review concluded the project to be falling short of World Bank policies and guidelines of Government of India. Subsequently, in 1994 World Bank's participation was cancelled by the Government of India.In 2002, Alok along with Narmada Bachao Andolan team was instrumental in procuring a compensation of ₹ 10 crore for the families displaced by the Maandam project. In 2005, Alok and his team won a High Court ruling against the state government which prevented the latter from using the police force and bulldozers in the Indira Sagar Dam area for the displacement of people. The Court ruling also granted a compensation amounting to ₹ 11 crore for the displaced people.Alok initiated Jal Satyagraha, a novel form of peaceful resistance where protesters stand in water, to demand proper compensation and rehabilitation of the families displaced by the Omkareshwar and Indira Sagar dam. These protests bore fruit when the Supreme Court of India, in the year 2011-12, ruled in favor of the displaced people and ordered the government to give "land for land".and the list goes on........................... :))Here are the lists in detailFIRST LISTAshutosh – AAP Candidate, Chandni ChowkOne of the best known faces of the Hindi News Television Ashutosh was deeply influenced by agitation for Janlokpal under Anna Hazare’s leadership. While extensively covering the agitation Ashutosh wrote a book “Anna: 13 days that awakened India”. He’s the only non English TV journalist to get prestigious UN scholarship. Ashutosh will take on Union Minister Kapil Sibal, who represents Chandni Chowk in Lok Sabha.Mukul Tripathi – AAP Candidate, FarrukhabadMukul Tripathi is a specially-abled activist and journalist from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. He’s been fighting for the cause of physically impaired people. He’s been awarded with “Shreshth Viklang Karmi Award” in 2009. Mukul will take on Union Minister Salman Khurshid.Baba Hardev Singh – AAP Candidate, MainpuriBaba Hardev Singh retired from Indian Administrative Service IAS. He was one of the most popular and upright civil servants of Uttar Pradesh. He was also President of UP PCS Officers Association. Baba Hardev Singh will take on Samajwadi Party supremo Mulayam Singh.Subhash Ware - AAP Candidate PuneSubhash Ware, a member of the AAP National Executive is one of the most respected names amongst activists and intellectuals in the State. Former Maharshtra president of the Chatrrs Bharati movement, he has been an active participant in numerous agitations both as a student leader and as a member of the Rashtriya Seva Dal. A staunch supporter of the India Against Corruption movement, Subhash believes that public representatives must focus attention on transforming the manner in which public policies are frames and delivered in this nation. Subhash Ware will take on CWG scam accused Suresh Kalmadi in Pune.Dr. Kumar Vishwas, AAP Candidate, AmethiHe is a well-known poet. He has recited his poetry both in India and abroad. Through his poetry he is known as one of the most popular poets of the country. Kumar Vishwas is very popular amongst the youth. He makes some bold and scathing remarks on the social issue through the medium of his poetry. He is associated with the Janlokpal movement right from the very beginning. Dr. Vishwas will take on Gandhi family scion Rahul Gandhi.Anjali Damania - AAP Candidate, NagpurConvenor of AAP Maharashtra, Anjali blew the lid off the 70000 crore perpetrated by the NCP led Irrigation Ministry. She then exposed the complicity Nitin Gadkari, RSS strongman and BJP party president with other parties and their business interests. 45 year old Patholgist, Anjali born and brought up in Mumbai, married and has two children. She is confident that the poster boys of corruption will see their downfall in Maharashtra. This Maharshtrian 'mulgi ' has toured the state extensively in the past year, drawing huge crowds at rallies in every district and it is her efforts that AAP has become a household name in the state. Anjali will take on former BJP President Nitin GadkariSoumendra Dhaka – AAP Candidate, BaghpatA masters in law, will contest from Bagpat, Uttar Pradesh.. His livelihood comes from Law practice and agriculture. He is working for AAP from December 2012. He is involved in resolving the social issues and believes he can be the voice of the people from his constituency. He is inspired by the idea of Swaraj and wishes to make it a reality. Soumendra will take on RLD supremo Ajit Singh.Jarnail Singh- AAP Candidate, West DelhiJarnail Singh is a tireless crusader for the rights of the 1984 anti-sikh riot victims. He was a journalist before joining the movement to get justice for the riot victims. Jarnail will take on Congress MP Mahabal Mishra.Dr. Jiyalal – AAP Candidate, LalganjSr Prinicipal Scientist, 1984 Bhopal men remaining gas men controlling, was rewarded, Maharashtra Sarkar. Mharashtra Sarkar diya tha. 1989 men South Pole par gaye the. Antartic award was there for six month. World Confence for Global warming 71. Unicellular plantsYogendra Yadav – AAP Candidate, Gurgaon.He is a well-known social scientist and Political analyst of the country. He is the Senior Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies. Yogendra Yadav is also associated with many National and International forums. For rolling out law for Right to Education, Yogendra Yadav was made a member of National Advisory Council in the year 2010. Yogendra Yadav will take on Congress MP Rao Inderjeet Singh, who’s contesting on a BJP ticket this time.Mayank Gandhi – Aap Candidate Mumbai North WestMayank has been the founder of the India Against Corruption movement and the leader of AAP in Maharashtra. An activist for over 10 years he has regularly confronted local administration on civic issues, an expert on infrastructure issues, he was a member the team that drafted the Nagar Raj Bill and has also contributed in large measure to the formation of the RTI Act. A member of the National Executive of the Aam Aadmi Party, Mayank is spearheading the Lok Sabha campaign in the State and is proving to be a veritable crowd puller, with his gentle demeanour and profound insights on life and on the lack of conviction in public representation. Mayank Gandhi will take on Congress MP Gurudas Kamat.Medha Patkar – AAP Candidate, Mumbai North EastMedha Patkar is a name that needs no introduction, a social activist who has led the struggle for the people affected by the controversial Sardar Sarovar Project on the Narmada River in Gujarat, India. She founded the Narmada Bachoao Andolan and National Alliance of People's Movements and is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Goldman Environmental Prize, Amnesty International's Human Rights Defender's Award and the BBC's Green Ribbon Page on advocate of human rights, Patkar founded her campaigns on two basic tenets in the Indian constitution: the rights to life and to livelihoodMeera Sanyal – AAP Candidate Mumbai SouthWith a distinguished career that ranges from investment banking and micro finance, Meera recently quit her assignment as CEO and Chairperson with the Royal Bank of Scotland to join politics and work towards the best practices and policies that India should adopt to alleviate many of it's problems and challenges. She has formerly worked with ABN Amro, Lazards and Grindlays and in each of her stints, she found herself engaging actively with community programmes. Her work with children and disadvantaged communities she says, has given her valuable insights into lapses in policy and she is hopeful her experience in banking and finance will find expression as a solution provider for the nation. Meera will take on Union Minister Milind Deora.Habung Payeng – AAP candidate, West ArunachalHe is an information commissioner in Arunachal Pradesh and a member of the National Executive of AAP will contest from Arunachal West constituency. He is counted as one of the most strict and adept information officers in the country. Before becoming the Information Commissioner Habung Pyang was actively contributing to social work.Vijay Pandhare – AAP Candidate, NashikAn engineer, former bureaucrat and member of the state level technical advisory committee on irrigation, who has raised several pertinent questions about irregularities in the use of public funds in this sector, Vijay Pandhare has repeatedly locked horns with the establishment over the lack of transparency in modalities, in a career spanning 32 years defined by the highest standards of integrity in public service.In 2013, Vijay blew the lid off an irrigation scam in Maharashtra that is estimated to be about 70,000 crore rupees if not more, leading to the resignation of Deputy CM Ajit Pawar who had held the irrigation portfolio for a decade. His revelations focussed attention on the norms flouted in the grant and administrative approvals of thousands of crores for irrigation projects, the poor quality of delivery by contractors, inflated budgets and irregularities in purchase of materials. Spiritual, his early influences include Sant Tukaram and Dyaneshwar and he hopes to rekindle commitment and integrity in public systems.Alok Agarwal – AAP Candidate, KhandwaA veteran activist of the “Narmada Bachao Andolan” (1990-2014) will contest from Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh. He completed B.Tech from IIT Kanpur. His dream is to provide empower the common man so that no political party may be able to exploit them anymore. He is inspired by the idea of Swaraj. His active involvement in the Narmada Bachao Andolan has helped him realize the struggles of the aam aadmi and encouraged him to dedicate himself to serve the nation through active involvement in politics. He believes that the Andolan must go beyond their present definitions and we must work together with other similar forces to bring about a change in the system.Lingraj – AAP Candidate, BargarhFormer National President of the Samajwadi Jan Parishad will contest from Bargarh, Odisha. He has been a socio-political activist since 1996 and worked for alternate politics. He was part of various farmer related activities and people’s movements in the state. In his words, “I am seeing the anti-corruption aggressiveness and the idea of decentralization as a situation full of possibilities for agitation based parties like ours”.H S Phulka – AAP Candidate, LudhianaAn eminent lawyer who has been handling cases pertaining to the 1984 riots and has been fighting for justice for the victims for the last 30 years will contest from Ludhiana, Punjab. He is strongly committed to free, fair and transparent elections and governance. Union Minister and Congress leader Manish Tewari is the sitting MP from the constituency. Mr. Phulka will take on Manish Tewari in Ludhiana.Khalid Parvez – AAP Candidate, MoradabadKhalid Parvez is a social entrepreneur. He’s been active in the field of education. He will take on Congress MP Mohammed Azharuddin.Yogesh Dahiya- AAP Candidate, SaharanpurYogesh Dahiya is a member of the National Executive of the party. He’s been actively involved in farmers’ movement.SECOND LIST1. Rajmohan Gandhi - AAP candidate from East Delhi, DelhiRajmohan Gandhi is an eminent scholar and journalist. Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and C. Rajgopalachari, Shri Gandhi is a biographer and a research professor at the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He is also a Scholar in residence at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar. He was also the convener of the all-party joint committee of both houses addressing the condition of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Parliament.2. Shekhada Atulbhai Govindbhai - AAP candidate from Junagrah, GujaratShekhada Atulbhai Govindbhai is an engineer by training. He is an active Janlokpal campaigner and leader of Farmers' Land Acquisition Andolan in Junagarh. He is a strong proponent of good governance.3. Naveen Jaihind - AAP candidate from Rohtak, HaryanaAn eminent social worker, Naveen led the movement for Right to Information Act in Haryana and campaigned for Swaraj in the state. He has been organising blood donation camps and body organ donation pledge camps. Under the name “Jaihind” he formed an organisation of students on 15th. August 2006. Naveen has been associated with Janlokpal movement right from the beginning.4.Balwinder Kaur - AAP candidate form Kurukshetra, HaryanaShe is a member of Bhartiya Kisan Union. She was lodged in jail for eight days for her struggle for farmers rights. She is also president of Pharunijattan Mahila Mandal.5. Poonam Chand Ratti - AAP candidate form Sirsa, HaryanaShri Ratti retired from fire brigade department in 2013. He's a well known social worker. He worked tirelessly for the cause of pensioners and safai karmcharis.6. Yudhbir singh Khyalia - AAP candidate from Hisar, HaryanaA retired IAS officer, Sh Khyalia, has done his PhD on "Management of safe blood transfusion" and MA in public administration His name was listed in Limca Book of Records, 1998 edition for organizing “Rakt Daan Jaagran Mela". He was also awarded with "Mother Teresa Memorial Award" and was lected President of Indian Society of Blood Transfusion & Immunohaematology (ISBTI), India in the year 2009.He has been actively involved in total sanitation and literacy campaign.7. Jaisingh Thekedar – AAP candidate from Sonipat, HaryanaHe is an advocate by profession and president of BAR association for last two years. He is an active social worker for last 8 years. He was secretary of Arya Pratinidhi Sabha. He was sarpanch of kasanda village and president of gaushala. He has been involved in the movement against land acquisition.8. Dr. Rajan Sushant - AAP candidate from Kangra, Himachal PrasadHe is ex MP from kangra. He played an active role in Jaypee Pond Dam rehablitation, farmer and worker movements and has been jailed many times during public movements. He was youngest legislature in 1982. He was elected as MP for four times from Himachal Pradesh.9. Bhawna Bhavesh VasnikBhawna Wasnik is a professor of home economics in Amravati and soon this young mother of two will be an inspiration to women in this country, as she takes on the challenge of contesting against established names in the Shiv Sena bastion. Bhavna has worked towards creating awareness about AIDS and conducted programmes for special children. The cause of the nomadic and much maligned Pardhi tribes is close to her heart and she has been working with social workers in the area to design programmes, that will help them generate income and sustained livelihood.10. Sameena Abdulmajid KhanRaising pertinent questions about the abysmal performance of public representatives is a young lady in black robes, Sameena Khan. A lawyer who represents labour unions and others in the labour and industrial courts of Sangli, Sameena is exposed to many of the crucial issues in the area and articulates them vociferously. Born and brought up in Miraj, Sameera believes the youth of this nation must don the mantle of representation and work towards inclusive growth and development , to oppose the indifference and arrogance of established political scions.11. Maruti Sahebraw BhapkarA lone crusader who has long protested against the inability of the government to provide housing for slum dwellers, Maruti Bhapkar is one of the strongest voices against corruption in Maharashtra. A former independent municipal councillor, Maruti has been a vociferous RTI activist who has raised several pertinent questions on the SEZs in the Ratnagiri and Maval regions and led agitations by people displaced and affected by Lavasa. Maruti Bhapkar is the voice of hope that this nation needs, in an era when the nexus between the politicians and the land mafia threatens the life and livelihood of the rural populace.12. Wamanrao SudaishiraoAll are equal but some are more equal observes Wamanrao. A lawyer and relentless crusader against the inequalities of the system and lack of focus on alleviation of inequities, Wamanrao is in the forefront of grass roots movements in Maharashtra. A former member of the Maharashtra assembly, he has strived for better governance and raised the bar in public representation.13. Lalit BabarA strong and resilient figure espousing the socialist cause in Maharashtra is Lalit Babar. Born to agricultural workers in Sangola village of Sholapur, Lalit has a degree in political science and a diploma in journalism. He was deeply influenced by the JP movement and has worked tirelessly to create water resources in the drought prone areas of Maharashtra. Formerly employed with the State Bank Of India, Lalit has always remained connected with community development initiatives and has presented a paper at the World Social Forum in Brazil. As founding member of a dalit organisation that engages with communities in seven states of India, he has focussed attention on developing livelihood for deprived sections especially women, farmers and youth . His vision seeks an awakening among people, through a developmental process based on the founding principles of equality, liberty and social justice.14. Subahsh LomteThe unorganized sector in India continues to be the most vulnerable, devoid of any social security or benefit . Spearheading the movement for rethink and focus on the issues concerning this sector is Subhas Lomte. An activist based in Aurangabad, Subhash has led organisations that work towards mobilising agricultural workers, hamals ( coolies) ,construction workers and domestic workers against social and economic exploitation. He has agitated relentlessly for minimum wages, insurance and financial support from governments for labour in this sector so that they can access the primary needs of livelihood, education and health and ensure a better environment for future generations. Subhash has been a part of the Marathwada Vikas Andolan, Land to the Tiller movement and Dalit Shishyavrutty Wadh Andolan. He has a post graduate degree in biochemistry and is based in Aurangabad.15. Sanjeev SaneLong associated with veteran socialist leader Bhai Vaidya and the Samajvadi Janparishad , Sanjeev Sane is a popular and respected mass leader of Maharashtra. He has over the years,been a part of and led several agitations against systemic malpractices and indifference of local governance to needs of the disadvantaged. He was an active associate of the Jan Lokpal movement and was among the few who believed that the movement needs to find resonance within the political space if it has to be an agent of change and transform Indian polity.16. Nandu MadhavAn acclaimed theatre and film artiste, Nandu Madhav is known for his well defined views on governance and policy. Nandu recently donned the lead role in 'Harishachandrachi factory', India's official entry to the Osacrs in 2010. In the two decades spent in the Marathi theatre milieu and in his travels across Maharashtra, he has experienced the struggles and helplessness of the populace as they struggled to avail of basic livelihood and opportunities and been fuelled by the desire to contribute to systemic change and improving delivery mechanisms. Nandu is best known for ' Shivaji Underground in Bhimnagar Mohalla ' , a play directed by him and which won commercial and critical acclaim . The play busted many myths and is no less than a revelation of the true spirit and values of Shivaji Maharaj as a leader of every community and segment of society, be it the Dalits, Muslims or Hindus.17. Deelip MhaskeA resident of Kandivali in Mumbai, Dilip lost his home, a 10 x 10 tenement in a slum demolition drive several years ago. Since then, this industrious young man has acquired degrees in law, social work and a doctorate from the USA. Born to parents who farmed in Jalna , Deelip's commitment to developing solutions in healthcare and education for the most disadvantaged strata of society is reflected in his work and engagements with civil society . Nominated for the Mann Award , which recognizes innovations in health and human rights, Deelip has transformed the lives of several communities living in five slum tenements of Mumbai. He has also instrumental in advocating land for 18 lakh landless farmers in Maharashtra under the Swabhiman Yojana in 2005. Deelip hopes to raise a generation of Indians who will be equipped to fight for their rights and usher in systemic change.18. Prashant MishraLong troubled by the state of the nation, Prashant is a software professional who has charted a career in software services and management and is now set to apply his skill sets in public representation. Prashant grew up in Vidharbha, studying in local government schools and later acquired a bachelors degree in electrical engineering in India and a masters in electronics engineering in the USA. He and his spouse manage software businesses, with offices in the USA and Nagpur. Prashant has been closely involved in several endeavours in the social development sector and was a part of the Anna movement.19. Aneeta HindoliyaAnita is a dynamic lady in Ujjain. She has a sound family background. She also runs a pertol pump. She has been fighting for poors and women related issues.20. Kailash AwasyaLocal, well educated aadiwaasi community leader; did an MA, tought in a government school and left his job in a couple of years to get involved in anti displacement movement(Narmada Bachao Aandolan). Very highly regraded in his community. It's a rare find because it has not been easy to find community leaders and candidates from ST seats.21. Capt. Abdul Nasir HanfeeHe is a retd. Vir Chakra Prapt Wing Commander. He is originally from Mhow (Indore). He has good management capabilities22. Paras SaklechaParas is a Ex-MLA (Independent). He has raised maximum questions in MP assembly. He has raised VYAPAM issue and malnutrition issue in MP. Has an extremely clean image.23. Khuman Singh ArmoHe is a retd. DSP belonging to Mandla, Who is willingly working as a farmer. He has been very sympathatic to the plight and concerned of his fellow farmers, tribal children and women. He has traveled extensively in rural Mandla district. He is working towards health and education of the poor and tribals.24. Bhagawat Singh RajputB S Rajput has been associated with Party/IAC since beginning. He has a good network with many veteran politicians of MP. He is politically mature and has been working in Vidisha constituency from very long time.25. Dr. Dharamvira GandhiHe is a famous cardiologist in punjab and much appreciated in rural areas. He has been a student activist and been jailed for opposing emergency. He has been a founder and active member of human and democratic rights bodies, while in government services he developed rural health care model and ensured public participation in running hospitals and health care programmes in rural areas.26. Major Surendra Kumar PuniaThe youngest recipient of the President’s award - Vishist Seva Medal in 2013 and a qualified doctor, he will contest from Sikar constituency in Rajasthan. He was involved in counter-insurgency operations in Kashmir and had first hand exposure to the happenings in Kashmir. He was inspired by the Jan Lokpal Andolan and retired from the army to dedicate himself to the service of the nation.27. Ashok kumar JainAshok Kumar Jain is AAP Convener in Rajasthan and is a founder member of the party. He is the first person to implement the Right to Recall in India (in a municipal body in Rajasthan)28. Raj KadyanRetired as Lt General (deputy chief of Army staff) from Indian army. Worked for welfare of Ex servicemen. Formed an organization ISEM for ex servicemen. Fought a battle for one rank one pension for ex servicesmen. Stays in Gurgaon.29. Dr. Muzaffar Bhatt:He is an eminent Right to Information activist, who’s been fighting for the rights of the people of J&K.

What impact will the Hong Kong protest have on Taiwan General Election?

Tian Feilong, an associate professor at the Law School of Beihang University and Deputy Secretary-General of the One Country Two Systems Youth Forum, shares his opinions with CGTN.The Hong Kong protests, which first started in June 2019, have persisted for more than six months and attracted extensive global media attention. Undeniably, local protesters have played a major role in starting and furthering the protests, however, the agitation and turmoil in the city would also have not endured for so long without the overwhelming external influence that protesters have ardently solicited and welcomed during the protests.Amidst this concerted international campaign to aggravate tensions and foment unrest in the city, Taiwan has played an indispensable part. The island currently shares a bumpy relationship with the Chinese mainland due to its incumbent leader Tsai Ing-wen's so-called independence-leaning stance. And by influencing the Hong Kong protests and utilizing the opportunity it offers to amplify the anti-mainland rhetoric, forces hostile to the Chinese mainland on the island have been able to score a major gain.How is Taiwan involved in the Hong Kong protests? Like the Western media, most Taiwan media outlets have been extremely biased in covering these protests. They have stood firm with protesters while pouring vitriolic criticisms on the Hong Kong police and the Hong Kong SAR government. This has helped to form increasing "moral support" to Hong Kong protesters within Taiwan and a willingness to lend a helping hand to them. And as far as the direct involvement is concerned, the island's New Power Party has been continuously providing guidance and assistance, which includes funds and supplies, to demonstrators to help with their "cause".Now, these protests are creating an impact not only in Hong Kong, but also in Taiwan. Within the island, there has been active political maneuvering to exacerbate the nearing "China threat". How exactly?As Taiwan's leadership election which happens every four years looms, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Tsai Ing-wen has turned Hong Kong protests into a powerful political weapon to whip up the "China fear" which she hopes will boost her chance for re-election as someone running on a strictly anti-mainland narrative.Han Kuo-yu (L7), mayor of Taiwan's Kaohsiung city, poses for a group photo after the signing ceremony of fruit and fishery product deals worth 30 million U.S. dollars with local enterprises in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province, March 26, 2019. /Xinhua PhotoOn January 2, 2019, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech on cross-Strait relations. Since then, Tsai has been sounding the deceptive alarm that the Chinese mainland is seeking reunification against Taiwan's will. Since the Hong Kong protests broke out last year, she has used the events to strengthen her case and argued more fiercely against the Chinese mainland. With slogans like "Today, Hong Kong; tomorrow, Taiwan," she has tried to create more anxiety and paranoia among Taiwan people about getting closer to the Chinese mainland.Moreover, not only her, the "pro-independence" political figures have all been playing up the danger of closer relations with the Chinese mainland or any prospect of reunification, which they argue will cause Taiwan people to have their political values crushed and way of life altered, as demonstrated in Hong Kong's case.This is, however, disregarding the fact that Hong Kong has remained one of the most prosperous places in the world since its handover to the Chinese mainland in 1997 and has done so under the "One Country, Two Systems" arrangement.Such rhetoric is consistent with the narrative that anything related to the Chinese mainland is negative and that the Chinese mainland must be the cause for every problem. However, in reality, it is these external forces including foreign organizations, politicians, etc. that have been exacerbating the suspicions towards the Chinese mainland and happy to see the city engulfed in turbulence. In the meantime, the opposition forces in Hong Kong have also been extremely hostile throughout, which for many times, have brought the city to a standstill by their violent actions.Riding on the high wave of manufactured suspicions towards the Chinese mainland, Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party rushed the anti-infiltration law through the legislature on December 31 in 34 days without committee reviews or a public comment period. The law bars external hostile forces' "interference" in Taiwan, banning them from making political donations and political lobbying, but most importantly, it carries the implication that any connections with the Chinese mainland could be easily targeted, which could effectively put an end to any cross-Strait exchanges. This resembles Taiwan's martial law era from 1949 to 1987, and unfortunately will have damaging consequences for its future relationship with the Chinese mainland.The wide range of tactics used in Taiwan to wage an anti-mainland campaign under the shadow of the ongoing Hong Kong protests will have significant bearings on where Taiwan is heading next. Now the election is taking place on January 11. We will see how these electoral strategies will pan out.Source:

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