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As an international foreign student, what are the most important certificates I need in order to get admitted to a U.S medical school?
Please fill out your profile so that we may offer more appropriate answers - at least general age, educational status/achievements, current location and location of desired results. it makes a difference!This is especially critical when you describe yourself as a “high school student!”Note: This may NOT be in the proper order of acquisition!As a Minimum:1: An appropriate length Student Visa2a: College transcripts and Diploma (with certified English translations if needed) showing appropriate requisite completion2b: A Curriculum Vitae with appropriate citations for publications and achievements, if appropriate.3: High enough scores on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam4: Competitive scores on the MCAT5: Letters of Recommendation from appropriate professors and physicians, preferably ones who have actual name recognition with the prospective admissions committee.
Why is there not a single Indian university within the world's top 100 index list?
I will try and answer this being brutally honest to myself.Disclaimer:This post is not a critique or a bashing of any individual or any organization or any academic institution in particular; rather a part introspection and understanding Swami Vivekananda's most quoted line about Education; Education is the manifestation of the perfection already present in Man(1).Instead of analyzing economic conditions’ variations and economics between countries; this post is my personal introspection into what makes students at Top universities great. And quintessentially, the psychological and social chasm our (Indian) educational institutions need to cross to be deemed exceptional in its truest sense.Since this is going to be a long treatise; all you need is a good cup of tea & an open mind. Read on…I read for my post-grad at Oxford (2005-2006). There were 26 students in my batch. I was the most dumb of them all (though I cleared my 2 written final exams with A+ grades, failed miserably in the Stats exam multiple times; had prepared my MPhil & DPhil application as well; but dumped it all in a trash can on the final day; really didn’t want to carry on…). Most were Rhodes scholars(2) from across the Globe, National scholars and Asian-APAC-African Continent level scholars.In a pure showdown of intellect, man to man, subject to subject and intellect versus intellect; Oxbridge students will beat the best breed of IIT/IIMs anytime, anyplace, anywhere on Earth.Having said that, now many of us will ask - “Are you out of your mind??? IIT/IIMs have the toughest exam on Earth… their grads are launching amazing eCommerce portals every day in India, disrupting the SCM eco-system; IT companies are ruled by IITs/IIMs literally; and what non-sense are you talking about? Are you an idiot?”What makes the University of Oxford an epitome of education? Why is it so revered globally for a 1,000 years? Why is it the greatest temple of knowledge on Earth?Read on…I will give you the *PERFECT* reasoning for that.Oxford & Cambridge are the 2 top most Classical Universities on Earth; Oxford being the oldest English speaking university on Earth. The total number of Nobel Laureates if you count from these 2 universities and the patents they have in total will put us to shame (Oxford = 58, Cambridge = 90; i.e. 148 Nobel Laureates shared between both). The reason is simple - like in my class of 26 students we were 5 Indians. And each Indian was like a “rat” looking for that next Consulting job desperately to buy that Merc and show off to his native - “Mera beta UK mein Consulting kar ta hai” (My son is into Consulting in the U.K.). E.g. I had a friend from Hyderabad in the U.K. who was there with me - his parents started dowry-talks back at home already cause “Mera beta Oxford mein hai! Faren mein settle kare ga!!!!!” (My son is in Oxford! He will settle in a foreign land!) (With due respect to all from Hyd, nothing against you guys!). I had a gold medal in my BTech in Computer Science engineering, had recommendations from 2 Professors who were visiting professors at Stanford University & California Institute of Technology, won “starist” (Batch Representative) elections 7 times in a row at the undergrads; had International papers published and what not!!!! I had lots of “attitude” and “ego” (like all Indians) when on the first day; a snob and spoiled brat. When I met the other fellow students, my ego got shattered; was smashed into bits! Reason being simple - Oxford & Cambridge are not meant for joining for brand-names and then getting that Consulting job or for getting dowry. Corporate Rat Race has no meaning for 99% of the students who get into Oxford. Its not meant for any of this. Then you will ask - why the heck would anyone study at Oxford or Cambridge? In simple terms, “most students (with 1% exception like myself who were failures in the Oxbridge eyes); join Oxbridge to push the human race forward”. There’s a lot of depth in my last statement. Read it once again; SLOWLY this time. They become scientists, do amazing Molecular Biology research, do amazing Zoological research, find path-breaking Machine Learning algorithms which push cancer research forward decades; they find new ways of doing Behavioral Science studies which help decode why “men turns into rapists” and so on.Enough theory - now let’s talk some real examples - I had an African guy (Michael) in my batch, who became my best friend - he had stood first throughout his life, school, high-school, university, post-grad, and selected as the only Rhodes scholar for full-funded 7-year research at Oxford from South Africa - he was doing research on “Understanding the psychological implications of Slavery on 2nd-generation children of former Slaves in Gold/Silver Mines in SA”; his recommendations would be put in Govt. policies when he finishes his MSc, then MPhil and finally his DPhil. We had job fairs at the Univ; where the world’s top 50 companies come and BEG (I articulately put the word here, not interview, cause the interview is more of a “formality” to select undergrads / postgrads) to join them; Michael had people standing outside of his flat’s door of his hostel (I have seen it with my own eyes cause I used to visit his Hostel for playing pool) but he didn't speak with them. He said - no, he wants to go back cause his ancestors were slaves once. He wishes to return to his country and do something for the country, his society and Govt. His starting salary in any of the Consulting firms would have been minimum GBP 150,000 annual (I was a complete sub-standard nincompoop, mine was only GBP 45,000 in comparison). Second example - I met and dated for a brief time an amazing lady from Romania (she had stood first throughout her life in school, high-school, university) and now doing Behavioral Studies specialization at my Dept. We attended one Stats class together, became friends quick (cause I speak Russian fluently having lived in Moscow for 4 years) and we dated for 2 Sems. She was there not to find any Corporate Job in London; but was being funded (4-year studies) by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at Romania; she was one of the top experts in her field doing “psychological analysis of how to stop organized crime” in Slavic States. I passed my exams with 45% in most exams, she aced the tests with 100% in all. Could she have not joined Google? Her IQ would be higher than Sundar Pichai himself. She's back in Romania now helping crack organized crime; has been recently promoted and part of the IRB (Interior of Organized Crime Unit) in her Govt. Let’s now come to the 3rd example - the most wonderful of all - I met another guy (a British guy) this time - we were both working as ‘Porters’ during one of our breaks. We used to carry stuff from one place to another and help the Corporate Houses put up show during Job Fairs (this is organized by a Department at Oxford University called Oxford University Careers Service (OUCS) and we were both enlisted therein to work during Semester breaks). This guy was doing his final year of DPhil in Environmental Sciences and we had one short course together. We became good friends; and I got to know him better. He had been a Scholar at Cambridge, stood first throughout his life, aced Cambridge (stood first in all years of Engineering), then did a year at Harvard, then switched to Oxford for his MPhil & PhD (like I had finished my undergrads in Computer Science engineering but chose to study for an MSc in Behavioral Sciences at Oxford; he changed to Environmental Sciences/Engineering, I believe). He travels to Africa every year to help understand and live & work amongst Masai people, lives with them 5-6 months every year for field projects; collects data, analyzes them and helps in conservation of their habitats for their future generations owing to threats that modern civilization has put on them. We were once working together for an event (setting up the stalls for the Large Corporate houses to come next day), I still remember - I had looked at his face and had asked him - “You have no money, not a good watch even, no car, no apartment; tomorrow when the world’s top companies will be here… why don’t you get a job in Accenture OR Microsoft OR some company man… anyone on Earth will take you… they will be so happy to have you!”. He had smiled and said - “Have you been to Africa man? You need to go once. You wouldn't understand!” I had borrowed him one of my favorite novels during Oxford days, “Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life” by Jon Lee Anderson a few weeks back (since we both loved reading); which he came to return in a heavy downpour one evening. I was moving to London for beginning my “rat race” with an internship in a Consulting firm within a few days; and he was soon traveling to Africa. I still remember - I couldn’t look up to his eyes; cause was so ashamed within. I have never forgotten that feeling.Now let’s do a quick summary:Life’s objective for most students at Oxbridge or any of the Top Universities on Earth is to “push the human race forward”(3). E.g. in case of Oxford, most students I met and interacted with; their life’s desire was to get on to this page (link given below) if possible in OR after their lifetimes; to leave a small dent in the Universe after they are no more. a software company, or a Consulting firm or launching an eCommerce company selling baby soaps & oil & detergents & lingerie online has never been the Agenda for truly gifted individuals at the top universities. Hence, they indulge in activities & professions that can push the human race forward. Core attitude of students & professors is different. They are guided by the eternal yearning for life-long learning that will benefit Humanity. Folks like Malvika have no place in an IIT/IIM; Oxbridge & MIT definitely needs them cause they value the inherent excellence in them.Professors at the Top Classical and Tech universities are chosen exclusively based on their merits. World-renowned fame and life-long dedication and ultimate sacrifice for many of them for their cause. Likes of Stephen Hawking at Cambridge, Amartya Sen at Harvard and Visiting Professor at Oxford University and countless of them. At my undergrads, 2 of the colleagues of 2 of my Professors won Nobel Prize in Solid State Physics; their dedication was immense. One of my Professors who's a world renowned Professor in Nuclear Energy was scheduled for a lecture on “Data Acquisition (DAQ) systems” didn't come on the day. We were very upset when the Junior TA turned up! We came to know - the cooling rods of one of the nuclear reactors in a nuclear power plant in China has shown some anomalous reading in the night; our Professor has been sent urgently by the Govt. after the Chinese Govt. has reached out in the middle of the night. So aptly exemplified in the Vedas in Sanskrit (that I had perused in my school days):स्वगृहे पूज्यते मूर्खः स्वग्रामे पूज्यते प्रभुःस्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यतेSwa gruhe Poojyathe Murkha, Swa graame Poojyathe Prabhu, Swa deshe Poojyathe Raja, Vidhwan Sarvathra Poojyathe(4). Meaning, even an idiot (or imbecile) is respected in his/her own home(s), landlords are respected in their own villages, a King is respected in his own kingdom, a Scholar is above Political Barriers because he is globally respected wherever he goes. The Latin word 'science' simply means 'knowledge'. Intellect has no boundaries; its only purpose is to serve Humanity.On the contrary, IIT/IIMs are rampant with SC/ST quota politics & Political Party Interference practically in every step of the educational process; from official sources, here’s the reservations in IITs in teaching staff: 15% for SC + 7.5% for ST + 27% for other backward classes (OBCs) = 49.5% (Source: IIT Bombay falls in line, starts faculty quota) & from what I have heard from my friends; as much as 60-70% Teachers are from Reserved Category in the newly formed IITs. Intellect cannot have Reservations; It is God's ultimate gift to humanity (close your eyes for 10 seconds and imagine this situation - Stephen Hawking attending a Trinamool Congress meeting chaired by Mamata Banerjee and she’s blasting him cause Youth TMC votes have considerably dropped in Cambridge over past couple of years especially in his Department of Mathematics; and in case he doesn’t pull his socks up; she could personally fire him and the next Newton Chair (aka Lucasian Chair of Mathematics) should come from a SC/ST in Wales in England!). Not in this lifetime!Classical universities have the best Infrastructure, Funding & Truly Gifted Individuals who give back to their society. In comparison, our unis & IITs/IIMs have been transformed into factories which are mostly intended for churning out mediocre “slaves” for large Corps; a “rat race” for admissions, and then eventually “placement” and then finally filling up cheap IT Labor (I have lost count of how many IIT/IIM/ISB grads I have met across AWS, Microsoft, IBM and Oracle being what? Account Managers & Enterprise Sales Reps selling software licenses to customers!). A vanguard of the Indian society - whom everyone looks up to and aspires to be - cannot fall so low.In all, when I look back at this and compare our IITs/IIMs with my friends back in Oxford & Cambridge; and see how much they are striving to make a difference in their respective fields; I feel ashamed of my own existence, and how little I am; how insignificant and selfish I am; with a job at the 2nd largest Software company on Earth traveling around globally today; but without any real contribution to Society.We as a country to become the greatest; and for IIT/IIMs to rank amongst the best; our Society has to change. Has to mature; and push ourselves and our students for higher things. Higher aims. Noble aims. In Swami Vivekananda’s own words; he believed so strongly that Indian educational system yet doesn’t let our students excel in the perfect spiritual manner; so well quoted in “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already present in Man”. All this perfection requires is a breeding ground.Considered as the wisest of the 7 Stoic philosophers, the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, said in his book Meditations; “What we do in life, echoes in eternity!”. Not many IITs/IIMs grads can say that… practically they leave no legacy. On the other hand, folks like Michael, Elena & Steven; when they are eventually gone, the World will have less in it.Be like a rocky promontory against which the restless surf continually pounds; it stands fast while the churning sea is lulled to sleep at its feet. I hear you say, “How unlucky that this should happen to me!” Not at all! Say instead, “How lucky that I am not broken by what has happened and am not afraid of what is about to happen. The same blow might have struck anyone, but not many would have absorbed it without capitulation or complaint”. (Marcus Aurelius, Meditations)What bewildered me during my tenure at Oxford was the beautiful dichotomy between financial abundance versus the God-like self control that many of the Scholars had. They had a paradigm of the ideal, which traversed across all religious, political, national and linguistic barriers.Quintessentially, in Latin, Dignitas maior est quam tanti viri ejus vitae concipiunt, discendi desiderio aeternae is the difference. In English it is Marcus Aurelius’ one of the most renowned quotes, ‘A man’s worth can never be greater than the worth of his life’s ambitions; the eternal desire for learning!’ is the difference.PS: These are some of the projects Oxford scientists & Alumni work on. Take a peek into what it means to push the human race forward.Cecil the lion’s son Xanda also shot dead in ZimbabweWaking up to Famine! by David MilibandBreakthrough Discovery in treating Bowel CancerThe long war: Defeating Incurable Cancer with a VirusThere’s still Hope for People Suffering from AutismSeeing the Light: Giving Vision to the BlindSources:(1) This quotation was originally part of a letter written to Singaravelu Mudaliyar (Kidi) from Chicago, United States, dated 3 March 1894. The letter was later published as a prose in the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda.(2) Rhodes Scholarship - Wikipedia, Rhodes House - Home of The Rhodes Scholarships(3) Stealing the exact words from John Chapman’s letter to his wife; which was incidentally borrowed by Jack Kerouac in his legendary book, 'On the Road'; finally made famous by Steve Jobs in his Apple commercial, The Crazy Ones.(4) Indian Vedas: Vedas - WikipediaEDIT: Here’s the latest Times Higher Education 2018 Global Universities ranking:University of Oxford (UK)University of Cambridge (UK)California Institute of Technology (US)Stanford University (US)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)Harvard University (US)Princeton University (US)Imperial College London (UK)University of Chicago (US)ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich(Switzerland)=10 University of Pennsylvania (US)For Indians, no India this year in Top 250. Here’s Indian rankings:251–300 Indian Institute of Science351–400 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay501–600 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi501–600 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur501–600 Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur501–600 Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee601–800 Aligarh Muslim University601–800 Banaras Hindu University601–800 University of Delhi601–800 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati601–800 Indian Institute of Technology Madras601–800 Indian School of Mines601–800 Jadavpur University601–800 National Institute of Technology Rourkela601–800 Panjab University601–800 Savitribai Phule Pune University601–800 Tezpur University801–1000 Amrita University801–1000 Andhra University801–1000 Annamalai University801–1000 Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani801–1000 University of Calcutta801–1000 Cochin University of Science and Technology801–1000 Jamia Millia Islamia801–1000 University of Kerala801–1000 Osmania University801–1000 Pondicherry University801–1000 Sri Venkateswara University801–1000 Thapar University801–1000 VIT University1001+ Amity University1001+ G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar1001+ GITAM University1001+ Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur (JNTUA)1001+ Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda1001+ Manipal University1001+ University of Mysore1001+ PSG College of Technology1001+ SASTRA University1001+ Sathyabama University1001+ SRM University1001+ Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Are Nordic countries, like Norway and Sweden, really doing as well as claimed by Bernie Sanders?
If you take only the idea that college tuition is paid 100% in Denmark, the answer is actually a surprising "No".It turns out that not all college tuition is paid 100%. You have to pass an exam, called an exam called the Studentenereksamen (stx) or similar exam:Studentereksamen (stx)...High schoolHøjere forberedelseseksamen (hf)...Higher preparatory examinationHøjere handelseksamen (hhx)...Higher commercial examinationHøjere teknisk eksamen (htx)...Higher technical examinationStudiekompetencegivende eksamen i forbindelse med erhvervsuddannelse (eux)...Study Qualifying Exam for vocational trainingSærligt hf-forløb for fremmedsprogede (GIF)...Particularly higher preparatory courses for foreign languageEksamen fra Duborg-Skolen...Graduating from Duburg-SchoolEksamen fra A.P. Møllerskolen...Graduating from AP Møller SchoolThis gets you on the list for a kvote 1 (quota 1) position. The easiest way to think of this in U.S. terms is: "a full ride academic scholarship".If you don't qualify... you don't get to go to college for free. In fact... you don't get to go to college at all.But don't worry... there's a kvote 2 (quota 2)!To qualify for this, you have to have:en adgangsgivende eksamen...a qualifying examinationOpfylde alle specifikke adgangskrav...Meet all admission requirementsSkrive en motiveret ansøgning...Write a motivation letterUdarbejde et CV...Prepare a CV (curricula vitae -- in U.S. English, a resume)Dokumentere relevante aktiviteter (faglige kvalifikationer og erfaringer) ...Document relevant activities (professional qualifications and experience -- in U.S. English, the work experience part of your resume)In other words: you have to be academically qualified in a "second chance" way, and if you aren't, you have to take Gymnasiale Suppleringskurser (GSK) -- otherwise known as Secondary Supplementary courses.Or, again, in U.S. English: you take remedial classes over and over again until you pass, or you don't get a college education.You may now be asking yourself, how does this differ from qualifying for a full ride academic scholarship in the U.S.?It doesn't.The only difference is that, in the U.S., you can trade money for qualifications, and take university classes to allow you to pass university classes; the only real difference in Denmark is that you can get back to a full ride scholarship if you pay for supplementary secondary education to get you back to quota 1 or quota 2 academic levels.Which technically, you can also do in the U.S. by studying to the point that you improve your college entrance examination scores on the ACT or SAT tests, but generally people prefer to pay the money -- in many cases, funded by student loans -- rather than work at it. Which is typically the case, if the student is not really bright enough to ever qualify for an academic scholarship, in which case, it won't prevent them from getting a soft degree, rather than one in, say, biochemical engineering.Is this the only way someone unable to qualify academically in the Denmark system can get a college education?No. They can also go abroad, to a country like the U.S., and trade money for qualifications -- in many cases, funded by student loans -- rather than work at it.Generally, the only difference in the U.S. is that because money can make up for academic qualifications, there's less incentive to obtain academic qualifications.The consequences in the U.S. to adopting the Denmark system would be... needing to find a third country in which it were possible, as an escape valve, to trade money for academic qualification, if you could no longer do it in the U.S. itself.Or you could do what students in Denmark who fail to qualify do: don't go to college at all.
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