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How old are Aubrey and Maturin in Patrick O'Brians' books?

We have a few reference points we can use to date this:The Spanish Armament, a crisis between Britain and Spain about what is now Vancouver Bay, which took place in the summer of 1789. Jack Aubrey gets a ship, after having recently passed his exam for lieutenant.Late 1799 - Aubrey is the prize lieutenant of the Genereux after Nelson's fleet captures her. This was actually Lord Cochrane in real life (b. 1775).Aubrey's best friend Heneage Dundas is based on a real person, born 1778. He is said to have been appointed a Lieutenant five years after Aubrey, but they served as midshipmen together.1800 - Aubrey is appointed Master and Commander of the Sophie - again, this is based on Cochrane, who was 25 at the time.So, if we take the book's point of fact that Jack Aubrey passes Lieutenant sometime in 1788 or early 1789. To do this, he'd have had to be at least 19, and served three years as a midshipman, and three year's as a captain's servant or seaman before that. Most midshipmen tried to pass at 17 or 18, so it's reasonable to suppose that Aubrey passed for midshipman at around that age. This puts his date of birth between 1770 and 1772 - which fits with his being commissioned a lieutenant five years before Heneage Dundas, who would be 5 or 6 years younger than him.So let us say Jack Aubrey is born in 1772. He would be 29 at the beginning of the first novel, 34 during the events of HMS Surprise in the Indian Ocean, 38 or 39 during the time of the Mauritius Command.Now, after the Mauritius Command, things get a little iffier. Patrick O'Brian wrote the 17 books all set between 1813 and 1815/16. This is mostly to because he started in 1800 (rather than, say 1792, when Britain first declared war on France), and took a 5 year historical gap between HMS Surprise and the Mauritius Command. He himself says he thinks of these years as 1813a, 1813b, etc. Yet things clearly happen in an order after one another, so we have to assume that Aubrey ages. Now, having had a bit of a punt about on the internet, it seems it generally took about 20 years for Captains to progress up the post-captains list to become an Admiral. So it would make sense for Aubrey to promoted to Admiral in his late 40's or early 50's, during the events of 21: The Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey.Stephen Maturin is a little more difficult to decipher, as we don't have standard ages for promotion and so on. However, it is mentioned that he was a student in Paris during the first phase of the Revolution, and it is generally assumed throughout the books that he is Aubrey's contemporary. These two pieces of information lock together relatively well, putting his birth year around the same time as Aubrey's (supposing he was a student in his late teens in Paris in 1789).

Who are famous writers who learned English late and don't live in an English speaking country?

If by “don’t live in” you mean “didn’t live in, for a long time”, then one possibility is Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, known in the English-speaking world as Joseph Conrad. Born in Terekhove, in 1857; lived, during his childhood and youth, in various parts of the Russian Empire (Ukraine, Poland), the Austrian Empire, and France. In 1874, living in Marseilles, aged 17, he spoke Polish, Russian, French, and some Latin, German and Greek, but not English. He joined the French Merchant Navy, then, after four years, transferred to the British Merchant Navy. He served as a seaman, and then a Merchant Navy officer (eventually as a captain) for 19 years, living at sea and in various places remote from Europe - India, the Congo, Singapore, Australia, Cape Town, Borneo, Mauritius, Malaya, among others. Along the way, he learnt English. In 1894, aged 36, he retired from the sea, took up residence in England, and became one of the greatest English novelists. The Nigger of the 'Narcissus', Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, Typhoon, Nostromo, The Secret Agent, and Under Western Eyes are his most famous books.

Have you achieved anything that you have only dreamed of?

My Original Dream was to travel the world and as experience many countries , languages as possible. I could not figure out how i was going to find the money to achieve such a dream. By age 30 , I had never left the African continent . and had only been to two countries . Zimbabwe the land of my birth ( Back then it was called Rhodesia ) and South Africa.. I had almost given up on my world adventure , and out the blue a friend asked me if i wanted to help him fix an old boat , and get it sailing , and we would live on the boat in a bay.I had never been on many boats , my wood work skills and seaman ship were never even thought about or tried. And so I took a chance.I sold up every i owned , said goodbye to the City i was in , left my job , my parents and all my friends , one suitcase and a nativity that I thank the gods for,I lived in the Bay above , Called Kraal bay , in the middle of the West Coast National Park , In South Africa,. I had lived in the hot and humid city of Durban most of my adult life , and moving to the other side of South Africa was a huge shock. It was cold , summer , winter , the wind and water was icy , and everyone spoke Afrikaans . I could just sort of understand the language . All i can say is i looked at every fear as something to try and smash over . I had so many hidden fears , Fear of cold water ( Smashed that ) , Fear of loneliness ( Smashed that , In winter , although living with the owner of the boat , we would not see another human , and i mean not even someone walking or driving far in thee distance for weeks ) Fear of been poor ( Well , I went through every saving i had 6 months into living aboard ) But I found a new me. I never knew i could pick up and excel in things like Wood Varnishing , Sailing , Fishing , Hosting guests , Power boating , Game Ranging , House boat Building , Canoeing , Hiking , Exploring , Lifesaving ,and on and on..For 3 years we lived in that Bay . We survived , made new friends , networked , and out of the blue we were offered a Joined manager Roll at Saldanha Bay Yacht Club. We went for the job interview , and were interviewed by a committee. This was one of the poorest yacht clubs in South Africa , and our Salary was very low. So they asked us if we would run the bar as our own and that was our Salary .My First Lightning Photo , and the Club House . Saldanha Bay Yacht Club at its most spectacular.We spent 7 or 8 years at that Yacht Club , and boy did i learn some new tricks. We dragged that poor yacht club out of thee stone age and into the modern age. We set up a SMS and E-mail event announcer , at our own cost. We installed inter net and set up 1 Hour free internet and then a fee per hour. I became a Yacht Club Race Officer , and we had massive turn outs for yacht race ( and w made a fortune from the bar ) . We bought a Pool table , and if a member bought from the bar , they could use the pool table. We would sub - hire members in the areas teenagers who wanted extra money , so they became boat workers , and we got a cut. We would clean ( again with either locals that wanted work ) and maintain boats decks. We would organised massive events , I would go to the local bottle store and ask them what stock would they like to get rid of. I would take it on Consignment , and with huge markdowns , then have weird vents like ( St Patrick's day Green Optimist Races . ( Optimists and small kids box shaped yachts , Kids usual learn to sail on these boats ) . We would have a race around a Buoy , but the only rule was , everyone was weighs , and because the heavier you are in these boats , everyone would have a sand bag added to bring their weight up to the heaviest person who was racing , and we made an entrance fee for anyone NOT racing . So everyone who was at that event land up racing ( Except the young kids ) . We ran heats ( 10 Oppies ( Yachts ) at a time , and there was only one rule , or maybe two survive , and get over the finishing line once around the far buoy , with your sand bag. We liquored the racers up , and boy , it was a hoot. some guy sunk another guys boat with his sand bay , Boats getting hit by strong winds and needing rescuing . 2 beers were spilled. The party carried on that evening with a Prize giving. Then after 7 Years ,Out of the blue again , We were offered a position to Sail brand New Catamarans from Cape Town to assorted destinations around th world. I was to be First Mate and my Friend was a Ocean Master , so although I did not have deep ocean experience i jumped at the chance,Me , my first deep ocean destination ( from Cape Town ) and thats St Helena Island behind me.We were asked to be ready to do our first Delivery in 2 weeks. and that was to th e Island of Bora Bora in Tahiti. So we handed in our notice at the yacht club , and we sold everything we owned , I mean every single thing . We did stash a few items on our boat that was now moored at the yacht club , we gave stuff away , and 2 weeks later , I was about to take my first step of my dream. Ohh boy and what an amazing experience. For about 6 years , we traveled , delivery yachts around to all places , and then flying back to Cape Town , resting for 2 weeks and then off again to a new destination. The last trip I did , it was after w had a very good reputation with th company and Leopard Catamarans. They would send us to Massive Boat shows with new designed yachts to take media representatives and show off the yacht at these Boat shows. Places like Rio De Janerio , Salvador , Fortaleza , Beque , Annapolis , Papaytte , Thailand ( Pucket ) ,Malaysia , Singapore , and China. We would get to our destination about 2 weeks before a yacht show ( we would make sure we sailed hard and safe as you cannot predict the weather so if we got to a destination later , they would not stop the whole boat show just for us. and the company would pay massive money to have prime position for showing off the new yacht and improving the luxury Brand of Leopard Catamarans. We became minor celebrities as we were asked to show people around the yacht and word got out that we had sailed the yacht from Cape Town , so people would ask , What was it like , how bad was the weather , was it safe , is thee boat strong . I filmed allot of our trips across the oceans and thy asked me to compile a calm fun video of our trips ( Last thing they wanted was scaring potential buyers by showing them the raging storms and terrifying waves before they had bought the yacht…LOL )Leopard Catamaran had already got professional Videos on all their boat designs , but this was great as it showed a loads of things , fishing , places , the boat , crew. and although it says our Trip to Asia , i slipped in bits from all our trips , Caribbean , rio , Tahiti , Greece. .And I had a bit of a realization , I had to say , Ok enough now , I am going to die out there. I had so many close calls , I dont mean it because i am a careless sailor . Far from it. But things like I would have the yacht on auto pilot like it is most of the time , and then in the middle of a storm , I would take it off Auto pilot and manually sail the yacht , and the 2 occasions I did this , I steered around first a Half Sunk shipping container the first time , and a massive root system of a tree. Both times the weather was very bad , waves were huge and w would have lost the yacht both times. There was me having a swim one evening off the back of the yacht . We had anchored off a very secluded island in the middle of the Indian ocean , Called Chagos. Next morning when I pulled up the anchor the anchor disturbing the ground had hundreds of Black Tip Reef Sharks swirling and thrashing around. I had swam the evening before with these things. They are lik big piranhas , but less fussy what they eat and no fear. And the time I wanted to cool off and I i got a bucket of water from the back of thee boat ( It had a rope on , so there was a bit of technique for doing this as the boat was moving , and if you were not concentrating you could get yanked off the boat. Well I was about to pour the bucket of water over my head and I froze. There was a squirming live sea snake. Highly Venomous. In the bucket..LOL>.. We were attempted pirated twice. Once off Sumatra , our skipper thought very quickly and threw about 10 25 Litre Drums that were Empty off thee yacht of the yacht. These pirates would usually use a fast Banana boat , then with guns and knives climb aboard a boat , while the boat was moving , they would steal all electronics , cell phones wallets , anything they could carry and climb on their boat and never be caught. The 25 lite drums were quickly collected by these guys obviously a thing they cant get , we made a sharp turn , Put both Engines on , Put our sails out to max and sailed across the Malacca straights over shipping traffic. We shat ourselves , its not recommended and the pirates did not follow us. The second time was anchored off Singapore one evening after just having Customs offer onboard and been cleared to proceed to Raffles Marina in Singapore . A thick Fog rolled in , so we decided to spend the night anchored and we were out of harms way, or so we thought. Just before 12 that Night , thick fog ,, i was talking to the skipper outside and a Police Siren went off and HUGE spot lights shone on our boat. A voice commanded “Stop , you are under arrest we have our guns pointed at you , and then in another Asian language. Well turns out that these two armed men had a rowing boat , and under the fog and night had got right between our hulls and were planning on coming aboard , hold us up with guns and knives and then stealing anything they could carry and then going. The Singapore Harbor police had picked them up on radar and took them away. We never slept that night.Then there was the Morning Glory Weather System we encountered in the South China Sea. It looks like a massive wave in the clouds , It rolls along the horizon and when it hits , the wind goes from very light to almost Hurricane force in seconds. There were around 4 cyclones , 3 Hurricanes an a Typhoon and if i can say “sailing the Mediterranean sex mid winter is like one day calm next a hurricane , and repeat “we dodged , had the tail ends and also weather one Hurricane in a lagoon in the Caribbean ( Hurricane Thomas ) , Hurricane Irene chased us from the Island of St Thomas all the way into Annapolis and we had to hide in the hurricane hole ( Its a protected area from all sides ( usually by thee topography ) that yachts could anchor in and although experiencing the heavy winds , the stormy seas and getting smashed by other boats would be at a minimal as hurricane holes are usually inlets of rivers or hidden bays. We experience Hurricane in her full in the Sevren River hurricane hole. There was one occasion were we wer in such heavy seas and such strong winds that the yacht made a violent flicking action and th force snapped our wind speed instrument off the top of the mast with our Hand Held Radio Antenna . We were about to head into the straights of Gibraltar the next afternoon. Well wee were not able to get a weather or tide update , and we sailed the straights what they call , Blind. The current is so strong through the straights that if you dont sail into the med when the tide is going in , you will go backwards. We sailed in perfectly , and managed to jury rig an antennae for the radio. We then saw our electronic GPS and navigation system was not working , and our Satellite phone was not getting a signal.Turns out that America was attacking Libya at that very moment so had taken their GPS satellite off line and the sat phone so Lybia would not be able to communicate or have GPS. We sailed one day into the Med , and the next evening all hell broke loose. A massive winter weather system kicked up the seas into huge steep , sharp waves , we were thrown around and we had no GPS , no way of knowing how long the weather would last , we could not even radio for help. and then we got one bar on a Cell phone. The skipper messaged a friend in Cape Town . Help , in Bad Weather co ords are ( add numbers here ) , need exit plan , recommendations ) .. message came back . ( Almeria , Spain , co ords ( Add co ords here ) , Very Bad storm , will get worse , another 4 days Minimum , EXIT as soon as you can , will stand by).. and so wee smashed and bashed our way to the entrance of Almeria Marina. Our friend in Cape Town had arranged and informed the marina that we were on our way and trying to get out of the storm. at 3 in the morning , I could see lights on thee land and then darkness , and icy walls of water and screaming winds . we could hardly see anything , and then BLAM , it was as if there were runway lights at the airport , But flowing runway lights , almost pointing the way. We shot into that harbor and tied up the yacht on the harbor wall , bruised , cold and exhausted. The marina had an ambulance on standby , and asked us if all was ok , and anyone injured. W said we were ok. Th marina manager asked us to follow him, and he walked into a building and said as he knelt down and kissed the feet of a statue of the virgin Mary. Please say your thank you to the virgin Mary , we prayed for you. Not even the fishing trawler were out in that storm. The next morning when i went to check the mooring lines , it was bitterly cold , and there on the background mountains was a blanket of snow.I took the photo. The skipper said sharks will only bite you if you get wet .. H told me afterwards….LOLMy dream was to travel and explore. I have visited over 61 Countries. I have crossed all the major oceans . I have been to exotic places like Panama , Bermuda , the Amazon , Rio , Singapore , Puckett , Mauritius , Chagos , Diago Garcia , Sumatra , Borneo , Vietnam , Sanya , Most of the Caribbean islands , Galapagos , Tahiti , Bora bora , Saint Helena Island ( 5 Times ) , Tenarefe , Cap Verde , and many many more. I sat eating fried chicked with a Tattooed Mari on a milk crate , I have sailed in and around the magnificent volcanic islands of the Galapagos , I have swum with Pink Dolphins in the amazon , I have done cpr under the Statue of Jesus in Rio Janerio ( and he died on me ) , I have climbed Jacobs ladder five times , once for each time i visited the island ( Longest Continuous stair case in the world , I have had members of Cirque de Sole join us and have drinks and the skipper go them blind drunk as they had a party on our boat in Salvador. , I have sen Buddist Monks from the deck while in Thailand . I have transited the Panama Twice . I have sailed UNDER a Bridge ( ( Panama Canal ) and over one ( Chesapeake Bay under sea tunnel ) , I have sailed in Fresh Water ( Gatun Lake / Panama Canal ) , gone on a high speed Cigar boat , swum with sharks and rays , Caught Black Marlins and Sail Fish , Played music for whales that followed our yacht. Had Giant squid swim next to our boat and look at us. Had cuttle fish land on my head after the wind picked two of them up and blew them onto my head. I have sea flying fish try and assassinate the skipper as the would take off and head towards the glow of his cigarette late at night when he was on the helm. Had a drug plan almost hit our mast as it flew low over the gulf of mexico trying to avoid radar. I have chatted to the Brazilian naval ship captain who was almost in tears because he just had to tell us how beautiful our yacht looked under a spectacular sunset when we were under sail ( W thought we had done something wrong ) , I have experienced and seen , been horrified and fell in love , amused and saddened , i have learnt so much and had my eys opened , I have also helped out , and been there for someone who needed help. I have made new friends and while away from Cape Town , I have also lost friends. I had so many close calls that if i was a cat , I would be on negative 7 lives. So , as much as I yearn , and long for those endless magical days out in the big blue , and I miss feeling so removed and literally in the hands of the sea god , that one can only be so lucky for so long , and in the blink of an eye , gone. So I accomplished allot of my dream , and one day I will travel again , and visit places I have only heard of , or seen in books. Until then , I hope that you the reader out there , can have your spirits lifted and know that If a guy like me , who is poor in money , and not highly educated , single , gay but a spirit of adventurer can do it , dont stop dreaming , dont give up on your dreams .. Just know that your first step to accomplishing that dream might not seem like in the right direction , but it will happen , and never how you expect it to.and all that was just the warm up . My life has just started , I am 47 now , and I hope to soon chase my next dream , and next and my next .. so never give up , keep dreaming , but try and stay awake a bit … Thank you for allowing me to share my dream with you , it was so much fun reliving the highs and lows. Would i do it all again ? Hell yes , , would I change anything ? No not really , Even me doing CPR on a Stranger in Rio and him dying on me , even that had a major impact of my life , and I would do it all again ..

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