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What are the elements of effective, exceptional (primarily non-fiction) storytelling?

Thanks for the A2A, Sheri Fresonke Harper !Ok, so, loads of great answers here.(i.e. 6 of them, so far... @ 6th Jan 2014)Preamble:As you may know my primary research is on the Top 20 RoI (fiction) Movies - examining what do they all have in common in their story (and, by extension, their storytelling...)ie An Index of Posts on this Blog (New to the site? Start Here!)But, that's fiction storytelling.(Though of course - as you note, some storytelling techniques apply to both fiction and non-fiction)Now, to the Question:First, I'd suggest, looking at as many of these documentaries as possible (below) in a - Though it's very hard (as humans, we are hard-wired to focus on `attention-grabbing details', and, we tend not look for the patterns underneath, mainly due to our Evolutionary Psychology...)So - though it takes sheer force of will, Try not to be distracted by the content, but, try and focus on the structure, and the filmic storytelling techniques used in each.In this way, you can (ideally) extract certain `general principles' that may apply to your specific stories that you want to tell.As an aside, I can see how a documentary of this (`FIASCO' - Act One - Opening Night, about the disastrous Peter Pan play) would be hilarious if it had lots of Ken Burns style `pans across photos' of the terrified actorsFiasco! | This American LifeAnd possibly, docudrama re-enactments (Thin Blue Line style) of some parts as well.At any rate, some classic documentaries -A Side Note: Super Size Me and Tarnation are incredibly high-RoI documentaries. So, worth a good look also.Anyway so here are some good lists:The 25 “Greatest” Documentaries of All Time | POV Blog | PBS(this is totally `false advertising' - as, there are actually 100 in their list)The 50 best documentaries of all timeTop 10 documentariesSide note - I am not so convinced about this list.25 Documentaries Everybody Should Watchie Yes, everybody (probably) should watch them.But the reasons they're remarkable (most of them) aren't necessarily reasons that would apply to documentary storytelling in general, Leni Reifenstahl's Triumph of the Will is indeed, fascinating, but it's Hitler, and making him look like a God, and it's propaganda.It was also made under circumstances that don't exactly exist now, at least not in the free West. (Maybe North Korea and places like that still make nonsense like this about their so-called `Great' Leader.)ie - Back then it was all Hitler and Goebbels doing their thing. That whole situation was all very odd, and deeply artificial. (So no wonder it all came crashing down so hard. That whole idea was never going to work. ie Hitler was an idiot, and even worse, an evil, psychopathic idiot.)Likewise with The Man With The Movie Camera. Yes - it's utterly awesome, and a classic, but it's not exactly `classic' narrative It's "of its time", (the techniques in it are no longer: as `new' and `radical'... ie the disciplinary zeitgeist as advanced, due to cultural evolution)Don't get me wrong - I am sure that, anyone making docos, can get a few inspirational ideas from it - but, would you want to try and do the same thing, today? (ie Would it work? Maybe, if you're Godard... But - there's not many of him.)ie This list (above) is certainly interesting, and great for what it is, but doesn't really answer the This sort of non-narrative (and even, anti-narrative) storytelling isn't the kind of screen grammar, or screen rhetoric that really applies to the classic radio-documentaries, like, "This American Life"...But of course, there are some awesome shots, edits, and sound design in there... So, maybe enjoy them. but, I think - in your specific situation - maybe, take some or all of these ones, with, a grain of salt.Anyways, so, moving on -Some good ones here:Top 100 Documentaries - Page on documentaryaddict.comAnd hereBest Documentaries: Page on rottentomatoes.comThe Top Documentary Movies at the Box Office(note: this is not the `highest RoI' docos, but the highest audience numbers, regardless of their budget.)ie Here are the top 20 (of 100) at that link above.1 Fahrenheit 9/11 Lions $119,194,771 2,011 $23,920,637 868 6/23/042 March of the Penguins WIP $77,437,223 2,506 $137,492 4 6/24/053 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Par. $73,013,910 3,118 $29,514,054 3,105 2/11/114 2016 Obama's America RM $33,449,086 2,017 $31,610 1 7/13/125 Earth (2009) BV $32,011,576 1,804 $8,825,760 1,804 4/22/096 Chimpanzee BV $28,972,764 1,567 $10,673,748 1,563 4/20/127 One Direction: This is Us TriS $28,873,374 2,735 $15,815,497 2,735 8/30/138 Katy Perry: Part of Me Par. $25,326,071 2,732 $7,138,266 2,730 7/5/129 Sicko LGF $24,540,079 1,117 $68,969 1 6/22/0710 An Inconvenient Truth ParC $24,146,161 587 $281,330 4 5/24/0611 Bowling for Columbine UA $21,576,018 248 $209,148 8 10/11/0212 Oceans BV $19,422,319 1,232 $6,058,958 1,206 4/22/1013 Bears BV $17,780,194 1,790 $4,776,267 1,720 4/18/1414 African Cats BV $15,428,747 1,224 $6,003,200 1,220 4/22/1115 Madonna: Truth or Dare Mira. $15,012,935 652 $543,250 51 5/10/9116 America (2014) LGF $14,444,502 1,105 $38,608 3 6/27/1417 Capitalism: A Love Story Over. $14,363,397 995 $231,964 4 9/23/0918 Religulous LGF $13,011,160 568 $3,409,643 502 10/1/0819 Winged Migration SPC $11,689,053 202 $33,128 1 4/18/0320 Super Size MeNote that Super Size Me, #20 on the `audience-reach' list above, is actually the highest RoI.But - I don't recommend nearly-wrecking your health/body like that, for a doco. (Though - I do love what Spurlock did, there.)AlsoThis (these 4 pages on Tim Dirks' site FilmSite, ie `The Best Movies in Cinematic History') are, in my view, really, really, really good (ie: even, I daresay, excellent) :Welcome to Documentary Filmsincluding the last page (page 4):Documentary Films - ExamplesAnd this page:Documentary Filmsie, as Tim notes, Errol Morris is indeed a Errol Morrisand, say: (just one random example)First Person (TV series)As an aside - we were super-inspired by The Thin Blue Line (by Errol Morris) when we made, this:Rocket Man (Docudrama) 10 mins, Rated R (language, violence, drug themes)`The incredible true story of Darwin Edward Cole, the serial killer who saved the world'.Written by Adrian Van de Velde and JT VelikovskyDirected by Adrian Van de VeldeAnyway - two factors to consider(and - Sorry if these are obvious)(1) A fascinating, popular, already-famous `subject' (or topic) already has its own built-in audience... (for: a doco about it)ie - Thus, everyone knows McDonalds (thus, Super Size Me), and about 9/11, and also the Columbine massacre, and Jeffrey Dharma, and the 2007 global financial crash (thus, Inside Job) and, many know about the real guy from Man On Wire, etc etc... So,ie Viral memes (ideas) are already `viral', so, people often `want to know more'... ie: Built-in audience.But of course, This American Life isn't so much about that but more specific things many people don't yet know about...So(2) Then, there's the storytelling of that fascinating subject/topic.But - you can also tell a `not-so-fascinating' / famous story (or, subject) Your question (which is great) is asking:Why do we find some stories fascinating, and compelling, and engaging, and, others: not?As others have noted here, it's about `the hook', first of all.So pick the most fascinating part of the story - (possibly, the climax) and present some of that (as a `teaser' at the start).Then, lead the audience back to "The Beginning" and build up to the climax.Show the `delicious dessert' first, then take it away, and make them eat their greens ;)ie Dangle the carrot.So, one way -Present some fascinating moment (fact, element of the story), that, anyone who is naturally curious will want to know: How did it ever come to that?Then, keep them gripped with the lead-up.Some really great books are:Gottschall, J (2012), The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston.Ciment, M (1999), Kubrick: The Definitive Edition, Faber & Faber, New I think it all comes down to Evolutionary Psychology -As Humans, given Human Nature, we are curious about more or less, the same things.So - some Evolutionary Psychology books, are here:StoryAlity #71 - On Consilience and Creativity...As Kubrick notes, there's a certain kind of suspense (like in say, a story or movie - or even a documentary - about: The Titanic) where, we (all) know how it ends, but - we are very curious to see/discover/learn,- How did it get to that?I think that's a key technique in many good, highly-compelling documentaries (though obviously, not in all...)eg (Random Example)In Rocket Man, we first tell the audience, the guy is on Death Row.Then we say: he saved the world.Immediately the audience (well - most of them) want to knowHuh? How on Earth do you reconcile those 2 things-?!ie Cognitive dissonance.Unresolved tension...A question, with the answer left hanging...and then slowly revealed.And so we are all interested in:Resolution. Closure. Problem-solving.So - they keep watching... :)Meanwhile, we (as creators) can then do, pretty much, whatever we want,ie Manipulate the audience's emotions - in any way we think might be fun (ie rewarding, for the audience! Not just for us.).By, selecting which parts of the (true) story to tell, next...And - you can tell a story, in an order where it becomes more fascinating the deeper you go,(or - you can reverse that, which is probably: not advisable)At the end of the day, the audience wants to have the `natural high' that comes from understanding - A good story creates, then: solves, a You want to `hook people in', so that they ask themselves:...Why?...How?...What really happened, there?etcThe more questions you can trigger in their mind with your `opening gambit' (or, story hook), the An (intense) academic example of how, this `problem-solving' thing works in the brain, is explained here:How Problem Solving and Neurotransmission in the Upper Paleolithic led to The Emergence and Maintenance of Memetic Equilibrium in Contemporary World Religions(ie Ignore the religious aspect, just see the `cognitive payload' bits.)ie You want your audience at the end, to feel: super-satisfied.(And in extreme cases: blown way at the end...)(And if they aren't - they even may be: angry.)So - you (probably) need to `set up a need' -With, a great `opening hook'.ie - Say, an intriguing mystery.And, by the time it's over: they finally know the answer they have longed for.(And, they also have fun, and experience a whole raft of emotions, along the way...)ie The point is, we all have an emotional reaction (even often on an undetectable level) to: every single idea that occurs in our mind.And when you present `ideas' (via, images, and sound, and dialog, etc) in a doco, you are planting all those `emotional triggers'.(See, some of Arthur Koestler's books. eg The Act of Creation, and Janus: A Summing Up)So - plan out, your audience's emotional journey.And thus - dole out the `units of information' (ie ideas, ie memes, ie the parts of your story) accordingly, in the most carefully-designed way, that you - Also - try it (the order/structure of the story) in a few different orders, and then see, which one you like the emotional effect of, Selection, Variation, Transmission.Select the elements of the storyVary the orderThen, with the `best order', you have foundTransmit that final (best order) into: your story.Then - transmit the final story into: the world / culture....If you've done it right, it should go StoryAlity #100 - The Holon-Parton Structure of the Meme - the Unit of Culture (and Narreme)But - every single story is, also, a different (ie unique) `creative problem-situation'.It's about finding the best solution, that solves all the problems, at - Problems can include:- Audience getting bored- Audience getting confused- Audience not understanding some part of it- Audience being annoyed by the visuals, or, editing, or sound design style of the documentary...So it's all about the viral memes.Anyway, just some ideas...Hope that helps,JTVPS - I think, the `short answer' is this: (but - applied to Documentary)ie - What separates the `great' from `average' storytelling...StoryAlity #131 - Why Things (like some Movies) Are Popular - and - The Anna Karenina principleie - In documentary, apart from those `Story' elements, you also need:Interesting (or - fascinating?) visuals, great sound design, great music (eg: like, a Phillip Glass score ;) , great pacing and rhythm, etc.But also, the subject-matter often seems to - Some things are inherently more fascinating than others, in general.(ie As: the topic for a documentary)(For more on `what humans find fascinating', see: Ev Psych...)

If you're going to build a Star Wars military, what ships, troopers, and/or droids and vehicles would you use?

Here we go. This is a massive list, and it took me many weeks to plan for this.If you see numbers in brackets, thats a note for later. Often, these are meant for 13 star legion, so we have prototypes galore. If you are interested in star wars, this is the blog for you. Please feel free to join. You would be thinking during this, why these. Iron men and space marines dont belong, but as a unit that explores the unknown regions, we see weird stuff. This is meant to be a clone wars era unit, so all storm units are prototypes, as are everyone not a droid or clone are experimental. No doubt you will have questions or concerns, as this is a most un normal list. Feel free to commentThis is a full military, with spec ops, space, and army force. Long warning comingLets beginWe'll start with saying that every unit has a co, quartermaster, sergeant, and numerous workers. They are- 50 in army hq, 20 in each command, 10 per division and regiment, 5 per battalion, and 2 per company. Legion hq also has a jedi (1). These numbers are not part of the counts, so will not be added in the totalSpecial forces command (sneaking into places, doing low level intensity missions, etc.)We begin with various mercenaries we have hired, and droidsYoung dengar: our man who keeps tabs on who's who in the hutt section. This informs us of the droid and hutt interactionsGreedo: a rodian who works with our spec ops forces, also collects our bountiesWe then have our unitsSBS detachment: for when boats are neededSeal team:This consists of 5 men: mg man, sniper, radio man, demolition expert, and commander.Our droid team, consisting of two droids who love killing,000, and his friendBt- 1. They love doing dirty work- so we dont have to.We then have 8 special forces companies, who report directly to command. This allows mission secrecy for all things.Each company has 2 plattons (2), and each platoon has 35 men (3)1 company (70 men) are spartan 2 prototypesFrom one of our many journeys to other galaxies2 company is 70 storm commando prototypes3 company- shadow evo troopers- for all environments4 company- nova troopers5 company- shadow Stormtrooper6 company- spider man suits7 company- mk. 27 iron man suit- stealth8 company- mk 37 iron man suits- underwaterThats our spec ops. Now lets add them up, for a total of 589 men, 3 trucks, 1 car, and 2 inflatable boats. Our smallest unit is over.Next, the navy and navy air force.Our navy contains 2 squadrons, support and combatHQ squadron- our long range mobile base: similar to the death star, but much smaller, without the superlaser, and designed to hold troops and can be used as a dock for ships. The rest of the squadron consists of:4 yt series freighters (7)3 command yachts (8)An Excecutor class dreadnaughtAnd 2 interdictor class star destroyersFor a total crew of 286, 414 men. We also have 3 capital and 7 support ships.The unit also has a unit of infantry, for prot0of our general staff. This is 1 battalion, of 140 imperial marinesTransport squadron consists of (7)The transport fleet and the escort fleetThe transport fleet:An experimental transport zeplin with hyperdrive.4 bv 2222 nebulon b transports4 ghost transports6 outriders4 yt series freighters5 gizanti class transportsFor a grand total of 1, 848 crew, 7 “capital” ships, and 19 support shipsAnd our defence force of two ships,An imperial 1 class star destroyerAnd one bellator class dreadnaughtFor a crew of 189 480 men, giving transport squadron a 191 328 men total, and support squadron of 477 882 men, as well as 12 capital and 26 support ships.Now we move onto the combat forceThis consists of: carrier and battle squadrons, and the space air forceThe air force: provides mobile air support for space missions, if marked with (c) then it is carrier operable and based on a carrier(8)Personnel transport wing (transportation of paratroopers, officers to units, etc)1 heavy transport squadron: 15 yt 1300s, 60 crew2 transport squadron- 5 outriders, 15 crew3 heavy transport squadron- 15 ghosts, 60 crew4 transport squadron- 15 lambda class shuttles, 30 crew (c)For a personnel transport wing total of 50 planes, and 175 crewAir control squadron- for directing planes in the air to targets- airborne air traffic control in combat situations, use many comms devices and radar1 air control squadron- 15 modified lambda class shuttles, 75 crew (c)2 air control squadron- 10 modified ghost transports, 70 men3 air control squadron- 5 outriders, 28 crewTotal air control wing- 30 planes, 173 crewAirborne command and control wing (to command fleet and air force from air in event hq is away):1 squadron: 15 lambda class shuttles, 75 crew2 squadron: 10 ghost modified transports, 100 crew3 squadron: 5 modified outrider class shuttles, 28 crew4 squadron: 10 modified yt 1300 freighters. 40 crewtotal for wing: 243 crew, 40 support ships.Early warning wing: long range detection of enemy, always at least 1 squadron in the air1 squadron: 10 modified yt 1300 (9), 60 crew2 squadron: 10 modified ghosts, 60 crew3 squadron: 5 outriders, 60 crewtotal for wing: 180 crew, 25 shipsCarrier tactical electronic warfare wing: (c) for jamming enemy sensors, as well as knocking out communications between droids and fighters and command signals as well as shutting down enemy robotics1 squadron: 15 modified lambda class shuttles, 60 crew2 squadron: 15 modified Y-wings, 30 crew, 15 droids3 squadron: 10 modified ghosts, 40 crew4 squadron: 15 modified Tie X1s, 30 pilots5 squadron: 15 ea 18 growlers (10), 30 crewwing total: 60 planes, 190 crew, 15 astromech droidscarrier fleet logistic wing (c): carrying supplies, weapons, and men on and off carriers and planets. based on carriers1 squadron: 15 lambda, 45 crew2 squadron: 3 ghost class transports, 15 crewwing total: 18 ships, 60 crewstrike fighter wing (attacking enemy ships and fighting fighters and bombers. multi role combat aircraft)1 squadron: 15 up gunned x-wings, 15 pilots, 15 astromech droids (c)2 squadron: 15 mig 31s, 30 crew (11)3 squadron: 15 y wings, 30 crew, 15 droids. (c)4 squadron: 15 tie x1, 15 pilots5 squadron: 15 j-17 light fighters (11), 15 pilots (12)6 squadron: 15 j-20 stealth fighters (13), 15 pilots (14)7 squadron: 15 su-35 (11), 15 pilots1 drone squadron (8 squadron) (c): 15 predator b attack drones, 15 pilots (inside command room in carrier).9 squadron: 15 su 30s, 30 crew (14)10 squadron: 15 F-16s, 15 pilots (11)11 squadron: 15 F-22s, 15 crew (14)12 squadron: 15 mig 35s, 15 crew13 squadron: 15 f-4s (c), 30 crew14 squadron: 15 T-50s, 15 pilots (14)15 squadron: 15 f-8, 15 pilots (c)16 squadron: 15 sea vampires (c), 30 pilotswing total of 285 pilots, 30 astromech droids, 240 planefleet logistic support wing (carries personnel, intel, supplies amongst fleets)1 squadron: 15 lambda class transports, 45 crew2 squadron: 15 yt 1300 transports, 30 crew3 squadron: 10 ghosts, 30 crew4 squadron: 5 outrider transports, 10 crewwing total: 105 crew, 45 planeshelicopter combat wing: unit of helicopters in combat in space, generally attacking transports and disabled ships (c), (15)1 reconnaissance squadron : 10 mq 8 firescout drones, 15 pilots (15)1 attack squadron: 15 hind, 30 crew (15, c)2 attack squadron: 15 havocs, 30 pilots (15, c)3 attack squadron: 15 Ka 50, 15 pilots (15, c)4 attack squadron: 15 gazelle light helicopters, 75 crew (15, c)5 attack squadron: 15 tiger helicopters, 30 crew (15, c)6 attack squadron: 15 mi 17, 30 crew (15, c)7 attack squadron: 15 super cobras, 30 crew (15, c)8 attack squadron: 15 longbow helicopters, 30 crew (15, c)wing total of 130 helicopters, 285 pilotspatrol wing: for long range space recce, at least 2 always in the air. each plane goes separate ways for longer protection area1 squadron: 6 ghosts, 30 crew2 squadron: 10 yt 1300 freighters, 40 crew3 squadron: 10 P-3s, 110 crew4 squadron: 10 P-8, 70 crew5 squadron: 10 sr-72s, 10 pilots in command room6 squadron: 10 predator b drones, 10 pilots (c, only pilots)7 squadron: 10 rq 4s, 10 pilots (same as above)8 squadron: 20 firescouts, 20 crew (control room)wing total: 86 planes, 300 crewbomber wing: (attack of ships and naval yard, both carrier and otherwise1 (light bomber) squadron: 15 mig 31 bombers, 30 crew2 (superheavy) bomber squadron: 10 modified yt series freighters, 60 crew3 (super heavy) bomber squadron: 4 modified ghost freighters, 24 crew4 (torpedo (16)) bomber squadron: 15 modified Y-wings, 30 crew, 15 astromech droids5 (heavy) bomber squadron: 10 B-21s, 30 crew6 (heavy) bomber squadron: 10 B-1 bombers, 40 crew7 (heavy) bomber squadron: 10 B-2s, 20 crew8 (anti capital ship) bomber squadron: 15 A-10 warthog, 15 crew9 (light) bomber squadron (c?): 15 reaper drone, 15 pilots10 (light) bomber squadron: 15 grey eagle drones, 15 crewwing total: 119 planes, 314 pilots, 15 astromech droidshelicopter light strike wing: for against light pirates, mercernaries, and transports (c, 15)reconnaissance squadron: 15 firescouts, 15 pilots1 attack squadron: 15 hind helicopters, 30 crew2 attack squadron: 15 havoc helicopters, 30 crew3 attack squadron: 15 ka 50s, 15 crew4 attack squadron: 15 gazelle helicopters, 75 crew5 attack squadron: 15 tiger helicopters, 30 crewwing total: 90 helicopters, 195 crewtotal for air force: 933 planes of all types, 2505 pilots, and roughly 45 astromech droidscarrier squadron (for transportation of land air units, and carrying naval air force units to attack the enemy in space):carriers (to carry planes (duh))mandalorian venator: 2000 crew, can carry up to 150 planesGozanti class cruiser: 2 cannon turrets, can carry up to 4 fighters, with connection to inside ship for pilots, 20 crewyt 1300: parasite fighter carrier, access to inside ship also, 15 crew, can carry 3 planesVenator class star destroyer, 7 400 crew, can carry 460 planesGladiator 1 class star destroyer: 1255 crew, can carry 24 planesSecutor class star destroyer: 144 planes, 40 000 crewcaptured lukrehulk carrier: 3600 planes, 175 crewcarriers total: 5 capital, 2 support carriers. 50 865 crew, capable of carrying max of 4 385 planesescort to the carriers:1 victory 1 class star destroyer: 5200 crewtotal for carrier squadron: 6 capital, 2 support ships. 56065 crewBattle squadron (for engagning in fleet combat, ship to ship.)infantry units: 2 battalionsdefence battalion( fighting off boarding parties): 70imperial navy commandos and70 imperial marines.In the assault battalion (for boarding enemy vessels)1 company: 70mk 39 iron man suits, and in 2 company:35dark nova troopers and 350 gravity space troopers.for a total of 280 menships:imperial 1 class star destroyer: 46785 crew, including marinesImperial 2 class star destroyer: 37085 crewProsecutor class star destroyer: 38000 crewNebula class star destroyer: 7039 creweclipse class star dreadnaught: 712 645Bellator class battleship: 152 840 for battle squadron: 6 capital ships, and 994, 674 crewtotal for combat squadron: 12 capital ships, 933 planes, 1 053 244 men, and 45 astromech of our space unit: 1 531 126 men, 24 capital ships, 26 support ships, and 933 planes.Land army (for invading and defending planets): contains 3 corp and an air forceair force (for supporting land army, flies on carriers and in space, can fight in space but not best at it)2 fleets: support and combatsupport fleet:transport wing (transits supplies, men, paratroopers, and equipment):1 squadron: 18 lambda class shuttles, 54 crew2 transport squadron: 10 yt series freighters, 30 crew3 transport squadron: 10 ghosts, 50 crew4 transport squadron: 10 chi class landing ship, 40 crewfor a transport wing total of 48 ships, and 174 crewrescue wing (for search and rescue of units, and pilots)1 squadron: 2 ghosts, 10 crew2 squadron: 5 yt 1300 freighters, 20 crew3 squadron: 5 lambda class, 15 crewwing total of 12 ships, 45 crewair refuelling wing (refuelling in air over long range missions)the exact same three ships (again). 5 lambdas, 15 crew, 2 ghosts, 10 crew, and 2 yt 1300s, and 10 crewwing total of 9 planes, 35 crewmilitary intelligence wing (for information gathering)1 drone command squadron (for controling drones from a safe zone): 4 lambdas, 20 crew2 squadron: 1 ghost, 6 crew1 drone squadron: 8 mq 12 drone squadron: 10 sr 72swing total: 25 planes, 26 crewweather recconaisance (for checking situations to dangerous weather related)the usual 3 squadrons of 5 lambdas with 15 crew, 3 ghosts with 15 crew, and 5 yt 1300s with 20 crew, for a wing total of 13 planes, and 50 crewsupport fleet total: 330 pilots, 107 planescombat fleetair supperiority wing (taking control of enemy airspace)1 squadron:1 squadron: 16 modified X-wings, 16 pilots and astromech droids2 squadron: 16 F-22s, 16 pilotswing total of 32 planes, 32 pilots, and 16 astromech droidsanti ship wing (for clearing blockades before landings):1 gunship squadron: 7 spooky gunships, 91 crew1 anti ship squadron: 15 mig 31s, 30 crew2 squadron: 16 Y-wings, 32 pilots and 16 astromech droids4 squadron: 4 vcx 100 gunship conversions, 24 crew5 squadron: 16 F-35s, 16 crewwing total: 58 planes, 193 crew, 16 astromech droidsbomber wing (support infantry assaults)1 squadron: 12 B-52s, 60 crew2 squadron: 12 arado 234, 12 crew3 squadron: 10 y-wings, 10 crew, 10 astromech droids4 squadron: 6 B-21s, 12 crewwing total: 40 planes, 94 crew, 10 astromechsground attack wing (provides heavy support to ground troops, 1 squadron alway in the air)1 squadron: 7 spookies, 91 crew2 squadron: 6 Y-wings, 12 crew, 6 astromechs3 squadron: 12 TIE bizarros, 12 crew4 squadron: 10 Mq-15 squadron: 15 xg1 alpha class transport, 15 crewwing total: 50 planes, 130 crew, 15 astromechstransport wing (for paratroopers, spec ops, and hot landings)1 squadron: 25 lambdas, 75 crew2 squadron: 10 ghosts, 40 crew3 squadron: 10 yt 1300, 40 crew4 squadron: 10 ospreys, 40 crewwing total: 55 planes, 195 crewadvanced reconnaissance battalion1 squadron: 4 Y-wings, 4 crew, 4 astromechs2 squadron (drone command ship) 1 ghost, 6 crew3 squadron: 15 Mq-1s4 squadron: 10 sr 72wing total: 30 planes, 10 crew, 4 astromechsreconnaissance wing (army support)1 squadron: 10 sr 72s2 squadron: 10 mq-1s3 squadron: 10 reconnaissance X-wings, 10 crew, 10 astromechs4 squadron: 10 F-35s, 10 crewwing total: 40 planes, 20 crew, 10 astromechsattack wing: (supports army operations with attacks into and on the enemy areas)1 squadron: 10 spectre gunships, 130 crew2 squadron: 10 modified X-wings, 10 men, 10 astromechs3 squadron: 10 Mig 31s, 20 pilots4 squadron: 6 Y-wings, 6 pilots, 6 astromechs5 squadron: 10 modified lambda class gunships, 40 crew6 squadron: 10 Xg-1, 10 crewwing total: 56 planes, 216 crew, 16 astromechsspec ops wing: (to support all spec ops forces)1 squadron: 6 Gx-1s, 6 pilots2 squadron: 10 planes, 40 crew3 squadron: 5 Mq-1s4 squadron: 5 yt 1300, 20 crew5 squadron: 4 ghosts, 16 crew6 squadron: 10 lambda class shuttles, 30 crewwing total: 40 planes, 112 crewelectronic warfare wing: (to support army by jamming droid communications and signals)1 squadron: 2 ghosts, 10 crew2 squadron: 5 modified lambda class, 25 crew3 squadron: 5 modified yt 1300, 35 crew4 squadron: 10 modified X-wings, 10 crew, 10 astromechswing total: 22 planes, 80 crew, 10 astromechsfighter squadron(to protect ground from enemy air attacks):1 squadron: 16 F-22s, 16 pilots2 squadron: 16 mirage 2000s, 16 crew3 squadron: 16 tejas fighters, 16 crew4 squadron: 14 crew, 28 pilots, 14 astromechs5 squadron: 16 X-wings, 16 pilots, 16 astromechswing total: 78 planes, 92 crew, 32 astromechscombat wing total: 501 planes, 1174 crew, 129 astromechsarmy air force total: 1504 crew, 129 astromechs, and 608 planesThe army has 3 other corp: support, infantry, and corp: combat support division and artillery divisioncombat support division: (specialist units, and support like MPs.):anti force user regiment: (to fight force users and lightsber armed men, called by army.):combat battalion: 2 companies:35 shadow troopers (but with blue lightsabers)35 neo crusader mandalorians, armed withslugthrowers,shotguns,flamethrowers,sonic weapons,explosives,electric gauntlets,cortosis weapons, andsabredarts.2 company:35 phase 3 dark troopers,35 knighthuntersmedical battalion:140 stormsurgeonsregiment total: 280 menanti infantry regiment (for killing large numbers of infantry, filling in holes in battle lines. usually an offensive unit): 16 battalions1 battalion: (artillery) 1 company: 1 battery:10 type 94- long range mountain gun (for long range fire against massed infantry units.2 battery10 76mm mountain gun M-48 super heavy mountain gun (for killing large numbers of infantry in 1 shot, or heavy infantry (like B2 or B3s)company total: 20 guns2 company: 1 battery:10 76mm mountain gun M1938s (heavy, for killing heavy and many troops)2 battery10 type 41 medium mountain guncompany total: 20 gunsbattalion total: 40 guns2 battalion: manuever battalion:1 company: 1 battery10 model 1909 infantry support guns2 battery10 25lber short gunscompany total: 20 guns2 company: 1 battery10 20mm cannon2 platoon:10 coyote tsvs with 50 cal mgcompany total: 10 cannon, 10 tsv vehiclesbattalion total: 30 cannon, 10 light vehicles3 battalion (infantry): 1 company, 1 platoon:35 space marines2 platoons:35 clone blazetrooperscompany total: 70 infantry2 company (support): 1 platoon:35 symbiotic spider men2 platoon:35 storm surgeonscompany total: 70 menbattalion total: 140 men4 battalion: 1 company, 1 platoon10 vollkettenaufklarer 38t, 30 crew2 platoon2 willys jeep ambulances, 4 crew4 boys anti tank rifle willys jeep, and 12 crew4 willys lrdg jeeps 12 crewcompany total: 20 vehicles, 78 crew2 company: 1 platoon:4 willys jeep with 30 cals, 12 crew4 anti tank jeeps, 16 crew2 liason jeeps, 2 crewplatoon total: 10 jeeps, 30 crew2 platoon:5 armoured jeep, 20 crew5 jeeps with 20 crewplatoon total: 10 vehicles, 40 crewcompany total: 20 vehicles, 70 crewbattalion total: 40 vehicles, 148 crew5 battalion: 1 company, 1 platoon5 jeeps, 20 crew5 jeeps, 20 crewplatoon total: 10 vehicles, 40 crew8 sd kfz 250 mg, 32 crew1 sd kfz 250 command vehicle, 4 crew1 sd kfz 250 telephone layer, 3 crewplatoon total: 10 halftracks, 39 crewcompany total: 20 vehicles, 79 crew10 sd kfz 250s, and 30 crew10 sd kfz 251 d, 40 crewcompany total: 20 halftracks, 70 crewbattalion total: 40 vehicles, 149 crew7 battalion:40 sd kfz 251, 160 crew8 battalion:1 company: 20 m3s, and 80 crew2 company, 1 platoon: 10 chain gun m3 cars, 30 crew2 platoon10 m2 halftracks, 40 crewcompany total: 20 vehicles, 70 crewbattalion total: 40 vehicles, 150 crew9 battalion1 company: 20 M2 halftracks, 80 crew2 company 1 platoon:5 anti air halftracks, 25 crew5 M2 mortar halftracks, 20 crewplatoon total: 10 vehicles, 45 crew2 platoon: 10 humvee with crows 2, 20 crewcompany total: 20 vehicles, 40 crewbattalion total: 40 vehicles, 120 crew10 battalion:1 company, 1 platoon:10 gun trucks, 50 crew10 lanchester armoured cars, 40 crewcompany total: 20 vehicles, 90 crew10 beaverette mk 1, 30 crew10 S2 armoured cars, 30 crewcompany total: 20 vehicles, 60 crewbattalion total: 40 vehicles, 150 crew11 battalion: 1 company, 1 platoon10 sas range rover, 30 crew10 trucks with twin auto cannon, 40 crew10 light raiding vehicles, 30 crew10 M113 aa, 30 crewbattalion total: 40 vehicles, 130 crew12 battalion:10 technicals with machine guns, 30 crew10 Fennec armoured cars, 30 crew10 Boxer armoured cars, 40 crew10 technicals with twin autocannon, 40 crewbattalion total: 40 vehicles, 140 crew13 battalion10 humvees with .50 cals, 30 crew10 Russian armoured cars, 30 crew10 6 rad german armoured cars, 40 crew10 Austin armoured cars, 40 crewbattalion total: 40 vehicles, 140 crew14 battalion10 Humber armoured cars, 30 crew10 Lanchester 2 armoured cars, 40 crew10 Staghound armoured cars, 40 crew10 humvees with 40mm grenade launcher, 30 crewbattalion total: 140 crew, 40 vehiclesregiment total: 70 cannon, 370 vehicles, and 1407 menAnti tank regiment (for defeating massed enemy armour, or dispersion):separate anti tank platoon (reports directly to HQ, and are available to be attached to units):HQ: 2 cars, 4 men1 At section (there are 3):2 POV military vehicles with .50 cal, and 1 with a TOW. 1 car with two crew, the other 2 with 3 and aSeperate TOW missile launcher carried.section total: 3 cars, 8 men, and 2 TOWsplatoon total: 9 POV cars, 2 cars, 26 men, and 6 TOWs not on cars1 battalion (artillery):1 battery: 15 37mm anti tank guns (super light, and can be airborne)2 battery: 15 45mm anti tank guns (light)3 battery: 10 88mm pak 43 (medium)10 128mm pak 44 gunsbattalion total: 50 guns2 battalion:20 T-13 tank destroyers, 80 crew10 Soviet rocket tanks, 40 crew10 Cerberus heavy tank destroyer, 30 crewbattalion total: 40 vehicles, 150 crew3 battalion:20 6lber anti tank guns, and70 clone heavy troopersbattalion total: 20 guns, 70 men4 battalion:40 humvees, 160 crew5 battalion:10 BA-6 armoured cars, 40 crew10 M1128 anti tank vehicles, 40 crew10 bedford portee anti tank guns, 60 crew10 pak 40, 50 crewbattalion total: 40 vehicles, 190 crewregimental total: 73 guns, 131 vehicles, and 596 menall weather unit: heat, water, and cold regiment (for operating in extreme conditions):heat regiment: 1 battalion:70 sandtroopers, and70 mk 23 iron men suits10 unstable terrain sp guns, 60 crew10 AT DTs, 10 crew70 magma troopers70 hazard troopersheat unit total: 350 men, 20 vehiclescold unit:140 clone snowtroopers140 snowtroopers70 EVO troopers10 UTAT, 30 crewcold regiment total: 380 men, 10 vehicleswater regiment:70 mud troopers70 swamp troopers140 wetland assault troopers70 aquatic assault troopers70 mk 37 iron menwater total: 420 menall weather regiment: 30 vehicles, 1150 menengineering company (combat engineers, construction, etc.)1 humvee, 2 crew1 humvee with trailer, 3 crewmilitary truck with trailer, 3 crewengineer platoon (X2):2 humvees with trailers, 2 crew2 humvees, 2 crewengineer squads (X6)6 humvees with trailer, 5 crewequipment section:1 truck, 1 crew2 trucks with flatbed trailers,military truck with dump trailer,2 bulldozers,4 military backhoe loadersengineer total: 57 vehicles, 202 menNBC (for decontamination)70 mk 28 iron man suits70 radiation zone trooperstotal: 140 menBomb unit (Defusing unexploded bombs)140 bomb squad troops140 imperial bomb squad troopsbomb total: 280 menMP (for controlling military and civilians)70 phase 1 dark troopers35 riot stormtroopers35 riot control troopers70 imperial heavy troopers70 mk 36 iron man suits20 at rct, 40 crewMP total: 20 vehicles, 320 mencombat support division (it will get bigger): 4375 men, 608 vehicles, and 143 cannon.artillery division (fire support, and as an offencive weapon. SW militaries dont usually use artillery- its an advantage we must use)field, assault, and heavy artillery regiments, and 2 separate batteries1 seperate battery:1 bl 5 inch gun on traveling carriage1 Bl 5 inch gun on hydrophneumatic carriagebattery total: 2 guns2 separate battery:HQ (commands entire battery)1 humvee with 3 crew1 covered humvee, 1 crewfiring platoon HQ (controls recce, fire positions, and conduct) (X2)1 humvee, 3 crew1 humvee with trailer, 1 crewFire direction center (provides technical fire direction for howitzers (X2)1 humvee with trailer, 4 crewM1068, 4 crewhowitzer section (X6) (provides the actual fire support)M109, 5 crewM992, 4 crewsupport platoon HQ (supervise and control maintnance, survay, and comms sections1 humvee, 3 crewsupply section (logistic support)M1078, with 3 crew,M978, with 2 crewSurvey section (develop survey data)1 Humvee with 3 crewMaintenance section: (unit maintenance)2 M1078s, with 3 and 5 crewM7, with 2 crewM88, with two crewAmmunition section (X2) (organic resupply unit)M1075 with 2 crew (X3)combat observation lasing team (X2)M707, with 2 crewFire support team (X4)M7 bfist, with 4 crewBattery total: 42 vehicles, 134 crewField artillery regiment:light battalion:20 de 90 cannon (mobile light artillery)20 De 95 cannon (light, fixed position gun)battalion total: 40 guns2 medium battalion:8 Qf 4.7in guns (fixed battery protection, for close support)12 M1905 field gunsBattalion total: 20 guns3 heavy battalion:8 Bl 9.2 inch siege howitzers8 Bl 12 inch seige gunsBattalion total: 16 gunsseperate company:HQ: (commands full battery)1 M998, 3 crewBattery operations centre:1 M998 with lmg, 2 crewM1068, 3 crew4 menFiring platoon Center: (Directs Battery) (X2)M1068 with 3 crew2 humvee, 1 crew and 2 crew with mgFiring Section (X6)1 M270, 3 crew, 1 M249Support platoon HQ:1 M998, 3 crewSupply section:M1078, 2 crew, 4 lmgs2 M978 with 2 crew eachMaintenance section:2 M1078 trucks, with 3 crewM984, 1 crew1 M88, 2 crewAmmunition section (X2)M985, 2 crew (X6)battery total: 35 vehicles, and 81 menanother howitzer battery is in this company, with a total of 42 vehicles, 144 crewa company total of 77 vehicles, and 225 men.A regiment total now of 225 men, 77 vehicles, and 76 gunsassault artillery regiment (as an offencive weapon, and with attacks)light battalion:20 De 37s (battery protection)20 65mm mountain gunsbattalion total: 40 gunsMedium battalion:12 cannon de 105mm 191312 76mm 1900 field gunsBattalion total: 24 gunsHeavy Battalion12 De 155mm (anti fortification/ demolishion gun)12 GPF 155mm cannon1 at sp, floatingbattalion total: 1 vehicle, 24 gunsregiment total: 1 vehicle, 88 gunsheavy regiment:regimental protection: 12 lefh 16 guns12 7.7cm fieldcannon 96 (light guns)battalion total: 24 gunsMedium battalion:12 21cm morser 16s (medium mortar)12 15cm kanone 16 (long range artillery)battalion total: 24 gunsHeavy Battalion12 30.5cm heavy mortar4 Big berthas2 schwerer gustavbattalion total: 18 gunsregiment total: 68 gunsdivision total: 120 vehicles, 250 gunsSupport corp total: 728 vehicles, 393 guns, roughly 6000 menVehicle corp (our main force, for offences)a light and a heavy vehicle division (I am not adding crew total for speed here)light division: 20 battalions (40 vehicles each), plus independent units (for quickly attacking enemy, raiding, etc.)10 german ww2 motorcycles with sidecar10 weasel vehicles10 jeeps10 humvees (thats 1)20 motorcycles20 shwimmwagon (2)10 JLTVs10 jeeps with 106mm recoiless rifle10 morris scout cars10 al waddib sp guns (3)10 hawkei armoured vehicles10 HS 3010 Rhinosand 10 of whatever these are (we all need to laugh) (4)20 of these again10 strykers10 piranha apcs (5)10 again10 hawkei10 strykers10 stryker dragoons (6)10 stryker dragoons5 TK35 TKW5 TKS5 TKS 20mm5 T-38 20mm10 T-38s (7)20 T-40s5 T-40s 20mm cannon5 T-40 rocket launchers5 T-38s (8)40 mk 4 (9)30 mk 4 vickers10 panzerjager bren (9)10 bren with boys anti tank rifle10 bren carriers with bren lmg10 bren carriers with hmg10 bren carrier with flamethrower (10)10 bren carriers20 AMR 3310 renault ue (11)20 renault ue with machine gun5 ue with 37mm gun5 ue with built in 37mm gun10 ue with 37mm towed gun (12)10 ue with mgs10 unarmed ue10 double rocket launcher ue10 quad launcher ue (13)30 type 94s10 L3 tankettes (13)10 L3 tankettes with mg10 L3 tankettes with cannon10 T-27s with mg5 T-27 with rocket launchers5 T-27 with anti tank rifles (14)10 T-27s5 panzer 1 c5 panzer 1 f5 panzer 1 command vehicles5 anti tank panzer 1s5 panzer 1 breda (15)20 panzer 1 breda10 carden loyd tankettes5 sig 33 bison5 flakpanzer 1s (16)20 carden loyd tankettes20 kubelwagon with mg (17)20 P-16s(20 T30 halftracks (20)so thats that. Independant units timerecce platoon:HQcommand stryker with 5 crewLynx ifv, 5 crew.2 staff cars, 1 with trailer, 3 crew each1 platoon (X3)1 Ifv, 6 crew1 coyote, 4 crew2 light tanks, 3 crew eachStryker company:M1135 (NBC protection)M1134 (for anti tank)M1133 (medical emergencies)M1132 (mine clearing)M1131 (combat support)M1130 (command vehicle)M1129 (mortar carrier)M1128 (mobile gun system)M1127 (recce vehicle)M1126 (ifv)Infantry support company2 trucks, 2 and 4 crewAssault pioneer platoon:2 jeeps, with 4 crew each2 3 ton lorry, with 10 crew each3 inch mortar platoon:6 mortar carrying universal carriers, with 5 crew each, 3 motorcycles, 2 trucks, and a carCarrier platoon:12 carriers, 4 with lmg, 4 piats, and 4 mortars, 4 crew each. 2 trucks, 1 car, and 6 motorcycles.Anti tank platoon: 5 motorcycles,2 trucks, 1 command carrier with PIAT, and 12 carriers- 6 towing 6lbers, and 6 ammunition carriers(1) all battalions have Jedi as our unit is a secret force who works for the jedi grand master alone.(2) 2 platoons because it is easier to control, and allows great flexibility, used throughout all military(3) why 35? Three squads of 10 men, which consists of a co, 2co, mg, ammunition carrier, 2mg, 2 grenadiers, 1 scout, 2 riflemen. This applies to all units, variation even with specific weapons. The other 5 command: co, sargeant, radio, artillery spotter, and air spotter. Used for all units.(4) fights in star wars a3re in the visual range, but these can win without getting near them- cheaper and more effective.(5) anti air and anti ship(6) heavy is relative to the non fighting units.(7) In charge of transportation of the entire army(8) any naval plane not carrier based is equipped with either a hyperdrive or a mother ship to be a parasite fighter. Usually big planes(9) we use many of these types as they are very easy to modify, and common so as to escape detection by seps(10) all ships from earth are modified for use in space, as well as a hyperdrive(11) can opperate of big, but not small carriers(12) I almost consider modern planes to be both excellent and poor against sw enemies: this is because while they can fight from more far away, as well as destroy many, it cant fight in a straight up dogfight. For this reason, I will be also using upgraded world war 2 planes- that way they can beat but fight the same way as the enemy- short range gun dogfights.(13) stealth may not be the most effective, and neither is the J-20 the best, but against technology from sw it might work well(14) this plane is to large to go in a carrier, so it operates in space, or hooks up to a mothership while not flying. it still operates in the strike fighter role as part of the wing- the squadron simply is based on a planet and jumps to wherever they need to go(15) can opperate from all ships(16) we use real arial torpedoes, not proton torpedoes

In World War II, what were the "Hurricats," and how did they protect Britain-bound merchant convoys?

Here is some additional information on the Hurricat program as found on Wikipedia:CAM combat launchesDateShip/convoyPilotOutcome3 Aug 41HMS Maplin / OG 17Lt. R. Everett RNVRFocke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor shot down; pilot recovered by a destroyer1 Nov 41SS Empire FoamFO VarleyFocke-Wulf Fw 200 chased off; pilot recovered by HMS Broke26 Apr 42SS Empire Morn / QP 12FO JB KendalBlohm & Voss BV 138 chased off and Junkers Ju 88 shot down (a Ju 88A-4 "4D+IT" of III./KG 30); Kendal died from injuries received while bailing out26 May 42SS Empire Lawrence / PQ 16PO HayTwo Heinkel He 111s shot down; Hurricane shot down, pilot wounded and recovered by HMS Volunteer14 Jun 42SS Empire Moon / HG 84PO SandersFocke-Wulf Fw 200 chased off; pilot recovered by HMS Stork18 Sep 42SS Empire MornFO AH BurrTwo Heinkel He 111s destroyed; pilot flew to the Russian Keg Ostrov aerodrome1 Nov 42SS Empire Heath / HG 91FO N TaylorFocke-Wulf Fw 200 shot down; pilot nearly drowned before recovery28 Jul 43SS Empire Darwin / SL 133FO JA StewartFocke-Wulf Fw 200 destroyed; pilot recovered by HMS Leith28 Jul 43MV Empire Tide / SL 133FO PJR FlynnFocke-Wulf Fw 200 destroyed; pilot recovered by HMS EnchantressIn total, there were nine combat launches. Nine German aircraft were destroyed (four Condors, four Heinkels and a Junkers 88), one damaged and three chased away. Eight Hurricanes were ditched and only one pilot lost.For more information see: CAM ship - Wikipedia

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i crashed and i lost one of the best recording ive done. screw this bs

Justin Miller