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Psychologically, what is wrong with people who are survivalists or preppers?

Hi Mindy thank you for this question. You actually said it in your question. Survivalists are exactly that. They prep and are preparing for down the line. Psychologically they have a strong survival need and may have a higher need than you have. Usually Survivalists feel a bit panicky if they don't prep because they need time to gather what they need., this way they can relax and have peace of mind knowing they are already covered. This could even be seen in college with students that start working on assignments early and have them done way too early. This gives time for adjustments. Survivalists may save money, get alarms fitted on their homes, exercise, buy grocery stamps to spend if they run out of money…They are the hunter gatherer it can be pre programmed at birth or learned. If learned maybe they had to learn to survive early in life, or grew up with not a lot of money to spare. They can end up controlling others.The psychiatrist and psychologist Dr William Glasser talks about this in his theory called choice theory. He states we are all born with five basic needs. The need to survive is one we are all born with (inate), the others are all psychological needs which are (I will just add survival so that you have the complete list of needs together).We all have these needs but at different rates and there is no right amount or answer its just the way you are. If any of these needs are out of balance to what we need them to be then we get into a state of psychological distress. They are rated 1–5 with 1, being the lowest and 5, the highestSurvival, love & belonging, fun, freedom, power.Survival :to survive we need, food, shelter, money, job, home, clothes.If this is threatened such as losing a job or not having enough money then this will cause distress (survivalist will plan and prep ahead)Love & belonging :we are pack animals and born into families. We go to school and get into groups, then, college, work.. Join clubs, socialise with friends. If this is disrupted then we can become depressed as we feel disconnected. (someone being bullied and has no friends, or someone that has friends but doesn't feel connected will struggle). If we become disconnected this can even lead to suicide. So we maintain relationships to meet this need like asking friends over for dinner (were not aware we are trying to meet this needs). We need other people to help us to meet this need.Fun : we are responsible for this ourselves we might like to go out, read books, go out for dinner…it doesn't matter its all individual preferences.Freedom: this is to have the freedom to make your own choices and to do the things you want to do.Power : this is the power need to achieve. It is not the power to control others. If the power need to achieve is not being met it can be used as power over instead of power within or power with. (power over can be seen in school when a kid is struggling to achieve and choose power over others or grows up where power over is used).If you are in a relationship with someone that has their needs rating very differently to you then you can run into problems.E. g if woman has fun need at 5, and survival need at 2, and love & belonging need at 5 then she will want to go out with her friends and spend a lot of money. She will enjoy this.If she is in a relationship with a man with a fun need at 4/5 (but he likes to read books for fun) and a survival need at 5, and freedom need at 5 but meets this need to study.These will have issues together. He wants to save money as he is a survivalists. She loves to go out she is meeting a lot of her needs through this. She will think he is mean while he will think she is irresponsible.

My friend's evidence for creationism is the existence of morals. How can I counter his argument?

What morals?Humans kill and hurt each other on a daily basis. The Catholic church has made buggering children almost a hobby! The church burnt thousands of women as witches, and tortured people who didn't believe in the same god as them.American Christians routinely vote against healthcare that would save thousands of Americans a year from death, or bankruptcy or the loss of their homes.The church is one if the richest organizations in America and yet the mega churches are insanely rich and fraudulent.The middle East is home to three of the world's largest religions and so Jerusalem should arguable be the most peace loving and moral place on Earth where everyone loves each other - so how come its the opposite, with constant wars and fighting.How come the most religious states in America also have the largest prison populations and the most people on death row.How come thousands of years of parents praying desperately beside the beds of their dying children as directed by the church and not a single saved child or a single relief in suffering - and yet the age if enlightenment, and rejection of church dogma - and suddenly we have tripled life expectancy.Humans use the word moral - but its proper name is altruism. You can read Richard Dawkins book called ‘The Selfish Gene’ from about 20 years ago which goes into a scientific, and biological experts description of why evolution has evolved behaviour which includes us being nice to each other.It's not rocket science. Evolution is the proliferation of traits which benefit us as a species.Your friend is an idiot, if he can't see that our front arms used to be legs. If he can't see that the nose over our mouth is an ancient animals way to detect food. Our assholes is where it is, because an animal dealing on its belly needs food in the front of the body, and waste out the back to avoid accidentally eating the waste again. The fact that we now stand up, doesn't hide that basic truth about our anatomy.Our morals/altruism is simply the fact that we are a pack animal,a species which succeeds as a group. Therefor we’ve evolved behaviours which benefit the group - and our order of moral behaviour, kindness or empathy runs exactly down the lines of genetic relatedness as evolution would suggest it should.We feel the strongest feelings normally towards our immediate family, especially our children. Then to our more distant relations. Then to those around us, that look like us, then those further afield that look like us, then to our species, then to animals that show intelligence, then to other animals.This is exactly because we have a genetic desire to protect out genes - which starts at the genes closest to ours, and then runs gradually down the list of relatedness.However as evolution would predict this behaviour is not perfect. In a tribe of all moral and altruistic animals, any one who is a deceitful liar would suddenly have the upper hand and their genes would prosper. However a tribe full of mostly dishonest and selfish members would fail as it would not be able to coherently work together - and in that situation any member who collaborated and helped out would have the advantage.So humans have evolved moral traits, with a small splash of dishonesty and selfishness (especially when others can't see you) and we are all watching each other to make sure as a group we collectively operate fairly.Religion is an evolutionary trait which forces the tribe to imagine that a moral all seeing camera is in the sky watching us at all times. It's a trait that pretends that we should not only be good when we’re being watched but also when we’re behind the rock - It's what catholic guilt is. Of course it doesn't work and there is no evidence at all to who any relationship between goodness and religion, in fact quite the opposite.Many religious people are so deluded that they believe their only reason for being good is punishment after death for their sins. They seem to forget that there's several hundred world religions of every type and not one of them has created any type of moral goodness that wasn't really just our species inate altruism.The church has stolen and laid claims to much in our lives. It pretends to control births, deaths, marriages - its stolen holidays like Christmas which was a winter solstice, Easter which was a festival of rebirth - and it stupidly claims to have created morals.Well do we believe science, and the fact that humans are millions of years old, and have survived by collectively sharing food and resources since we came down from the trees and lived in caves - or do we believe the idiot cult members who have a story about a talking snake with legs, and a magic apple!Your friend should be ashamed of themselves. Creationism isn't science, its a tiny lunatic fringe of American cult members who pretend it's real out of desperation to keep their spooky sky spirit something they can be deluded about without evidence.We’re not in the middle ages, we’re not burning witches any more or murmuring spells - you should tell your friend to grow up.

Why are many Trump supporters calling for a civil war?

I will completely disregard the Trump portion of your question as it shows an inate political bias and serves no purpose other than to instigate.It's not that anyone ever actually wants a civil war the question should actually be why do people feel this is the only option?Over history, or at least my 40 years of existence I've noticed several justifiable uprisings where the people having protested silently and written letters and begged for help and begged to the government to do their job which we entrust them with, the people go wholly ignored.Think in the abstract sense. If you wanted something done so you communicated in some way written, speech, sign, what have you; and your request goes unheeded, you would attempt to really others to your cause peacefully.Presumably, you would again repeat that process but with larger numbers in an effort to demonstrate that is not only your will but the will of a multitude of others.If after that process, your request goes ignored, you may venture to a place personally to voice your grievances by protesting, picket lines, letter writing, public speeches, media appearances and so on.If that option were to fail you may possibly correspond directly with the individuals that you would wish to see change one particular thing or other.Should that fail you may attempt a meeting by appointment or phone call or what have you.I asked you, should that fail, what options remain?Nobody said a peep when portland, seattle, New York city, San francisco, Los Angeles... Were being looted, and destroyed, including of course the businesses and livelihood of a multitude of private citizens.Why is it then, when apparently those actions which resulted in wanton destruction of multiple individual's personal property infringing upon their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, was nothing done while politicians applauded very publicly?Yet when the people, “the rightful masters of both the courts and Congress" (Abraham Lincoln) take the fight to their doorstep, which is actually constitutionally allowed and referred to as a duty of the people, should there be punishment?If you disobey your boss, you are put on notice. If you disobey again, you are written up. If you disobey again, you are fired. If you are fired and refused to pack up your workspace, and leave; you may very well be removed from the premises by your boss or a lawful authority.this situation regardless of political affiliation or whether or not it is distasteful or a moral affront to certain people is completely irrelevant.While I do not support the klu Klux Klan or their message I do support their right to spread that message, that is to exercise their right to free speech regardless of whether or not it is offensive. I would even go so far as to protect them because constitutional freedoms apply to everyone.Should they actually engage in violence against the people they speak out about, that is an entirely different story as that as person on person violence and not the people securing their rights which government is meant to protect as government is only a steward of the power bestowed upon the people by a higher power.The Constitution and founding documents chain the government. it is not a list of privileges or a mild suggestion it is a legal document. Even if that document were amended, it doesn't matter. It says in the declaration of Independence that men were bestowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights among them are the right to life liberty and happiness...Civil servants are just that. They are no different officially than any employee at any job and are afforded no further protection and are in truth under much more scrutiny because if your boss betrays you you're not allowed to do certain things to them. If you read the Constitution as it's written and read it closely, the same does not apply to government officials.I've heard so much of people's perspective which is just that an opinion or a bias or something they heard or saw or think but yet when presented with facts that challenge their personal opinion they become defensive and engage in character assassination because they feel themselves threatened which of course is not true.To have one's belief system challenged often presents an opportunity for personal growth and you would think that would be a welcome the realm of psychology we call this cognitive dissonance. That is, somebody with a bias believes something and even when presented with evidence to the contrary will not concede that it was an opinion and accept factual evidence.this seems to be the case over the past few weeks but in the interest of full disclosure I will say that I do not support either party and never have as in my 40 years somebody is always upset when those in service of the people should be doing the best they can to please everyone within the authority we give them. if somebody is of the opinion they don't like guns for example then that elected official should by rights tell them that is your right not to like guns but I do not have the right to tell others that they cannot have guns.It really and truly is just that simple.No one in their right mind, wants a war, ANY war, for any reason including military officers. It would be far easier to resolve conflict through peaceful means although that is not human nature that also raises the question what do you do when a peaceful approach or multiple peaceful approaches fail?TL;DRA peaceful, calm, rational approach to a given problem; is always the preferred solution. But what is one to do, when peace is given a chance and fails?

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Justin Miller