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Why are so many MIT students so upset over the depopulation of MIT’s Senior House (2017)?

N.B.: Believe it or not, I am a former Randomite and never once set foot in Senior House.The MIT administration’s solution to the Senior House issue is seen as extreme and a form of group punishment. In addition the administration has compounded the anger of students through its cack-handed handling of transparency in the investigation, lack of student input into the decision (without even any token gestures), a history of actions that students see as showing a clear agenda in favor of remaking MIT culture in the image of more traditional four-year colleges’ student life, and a little-known subtext wherein the administration’s attitude to students who fall behind is consistently dismissive.Senior House’s depopulation is viewed as an extreme form of top-down group punishment made on questionable premises.The straight fact is that it is one thing to prevent freshmen from entering the dorm pending an investigation; it is a whole other thing entirely to force all residents out and to let only approved ones in. Even that was problematic, as MIT has a strong culture of student governance and responsibility that was being ignored.The Senior House verdict, as delivered is an explicit attempt to purge the dorm’s culture, applied to everyone whether they were a source of the problem or part of the solution. If the protest is that those that are in the latter group will be let back in, bear in mind that this is an administration directed process, not a student-directed one. There were no intermediate solutions proposed that would minimize displacement to existing residents, nor were there any suggestions that the administration proactively provide targeted support for those it deemed problematic. Not at all. Instead everyone is swept out and a century of dorm culture goes down the drain.The rationale for this extreme decision has also been questioned. The administration’s line can be summed up as “drugs + guns” and “low graduation rate.” However:The first issue doesn’t seem to merit a purge of Senior House at all. One gun and a few instances of drugs were found. In my freshman year, a student in East Campus was suspected of being a drug mule, voluntarily waived his right to not be searched, and was found with several pounds of hard drugs and LSD precursor. MIT expelled this student, as it should have. Years before that, there was someone who actually cooked drugs in Random Hall and sold them out of the first-floor window of his dorm room, and was only caught when his drugs caught fire and were discovered by the fire department. MIT didn’t conclude that East Campus was a problem dorm, nor did they conclude that of Random. A search of any MIT dorm could probably turn up similar quantities of drugs to those found in Senior House. But now the administration is using what are probably minor violations against Senior House. MIT students are rightly suspicious of this justification.The analysis that concluded that Senior House had a lower four-year graduation rate that justified the eradication of its culture has not been made public. There is no indication that the analysis took into account incoming students’ socioeconomic background, race, whether they were identified as high-risk from factors such as low high school preparation (there is a pre-term freshman program explicitly for such students), or even such factors that may have had to be gathered from non-pre-existing data such as LGBTQ status.MIT students are allowed to choose their dorms in a rank-preference lottery. Senior House residents have always claimed that their environment attracts people that fit the aforementioned profile because it is open and supportive, and that the graduation rate anomaly is the result of demographic factors rather than culture per se. It would be easy to defang such suspicions, but instead the administration has not released anything.There is thus real suspicion that these were not taken into account, and that the net result of eradicating the culture will be to take away the supportive environment, redistribute the vulnerable population among other dorms that are less supportive, and lower the graduation rate overall while preserving a lack of anomalies. This is not helped by the perception (discussed below) that the MIT administration has a strong bias against East Campus-style culture, and the poor treatment of vulnerable populations at MIT in general (also discussed below).The MIT administration has had a bad track record of respecting student desire to preserve MIT’s unique cultureThe abysmal handling of the situation with Senior House is seen as both the continuation and ongoing confirmation of the administration’s negative attitude towards MIT student culture. When I attended MIT, the perception of much of the campus was that student culture was under siege. What messaging on the future direction of campus life we did get idealized a different ideal of “peer institutions” in direct opposition to existing student culture and, as the administration found when it consulted students in polls and student leadership, student opinion as well.The vision that the MIT administration put forward sounds like an entirely different undergraduate experience:In-dorm cooking is limited and in most cases replaced by dining halls operating at set hours.Randomized housing with top-down roommate matching replaces the current lottery system that allows dorms to form strong cultures; some dorms become freshman-only.Indifferent to actively hostile policy towards colorful campus cultural events, harmless forms of free expression and the hacking culture, most of which are centered around the “east campus” dorms. While some of this can be ascribed to risk avoidance and liability aversion, not all of it can.As a proxy for all of this, I’m just going to say that what MIT students over the past 15 years have felt that the administration wants is “Stanford.” Not to disparage Stanford specifically, though - this could equally be substituted by “Yale,” for example.This suspicion isn’t built off of hot air. There is a long track record of student input being solicited and then ignored or discarded (the Blue Ribbon Dining Committee’s ignominious end is one great example). Student government and student polling recommendations in the construction of new dorms has been consistently ignored. Campus Police policy towards hacking has, over two decades, gone from one largely centered on benign neglect to one of a crackdown, even as Admissions was publicly supportive of MIT’s hacking history. Colorful murals in many dorms, not just Senior House, have repeatedly been purged with little apology. MIT didn’t even bother to issue a simple statement pointing out that Star Simpson, erstwhile terror suspect, had no business being arrested for having what amounted to a naked Lite-Brite on her sweater while walking through Logan Airport, instead dropping her like a hot potato with a short and non-committal dismissal. (MIT President Susan Hockfield later pulled procedural shenanigans to prevent the faculty committee from censuring the administration over her treatment.)The “Pilot 2021” program that replaces the old Senior House culture was announced with no warning as a fait accompli. It is structured in many ways to resemble the “Stanford” ideal that the administration is said to favor but students by-and-large loathe. Moreover, it seems tailor-made to appeal to bourgeois sensibilities (meal kits? really?) and not the previous group of misfits that populated Senior House. Some of the provisions - like banning cats, which is exclusively an east side cultural feature and were previously allowed at Senior House - seem just petty.This has basically contributed to the perception of MIT east side culture as being targeted for removal by the administration, to be replaced by “Stanford.” According to this (admittedly conspiratorial) mode of thinking, the administration has simply been looking for an excuse to get rid of east side culture as much as possible, and Senior House’s poor 4-year graduation rate made it a convenient target.MIT is very bad at supporting people who fall behindThis is going to be a small section, but it’s significant. The main reason for Senior House’s closure is, allegedly, the low 4-year graduation rate of its residents. But even if it’s proven that this is a statistically significant effect independent of all of the potential confounding variables, a larger problem remains.MIT’s attitude towards people who, for reasons of mental or physical health, fail to graduate in 4 years is at best indifferent, and at worst kafkaesque. Students with mental issues are expected to proactively seek out support, and MIT mental health follows a script that many students find disrespectful. Students who are granted medical leave find themselves facing escalating requirements and opaque decision making processes for their readmission. MIT Deans of Students are regularly reorganized and treated as a low priority by the administration despite their necessary position as student advocates.Tales like this are widespread if anecdotal, and the conclusion that many reach is that MIT simply doesn’t care about anyone who doesn’t complete their degree in 4 years. And let’s be even more frank here - I know many people who were forced to take medical leave. For most of them, it wasn’t due to any factor they could control. College years are also those years where mental illnesses and medical issues often begin to become noticeable. Every one of them, upon trying to reapply to MIT, told the same story. A not inconsiderable number of them gave up.There is a real perception that MIT would prefer that students who fall behind simply go away, or stay quietly under the radar. Rather than dealing with the problem, students and especially alumni see this as yet another attempt to cover up abysmal student support with a fig leaf, while at-risk students of the next generation are quietly dispersed to languish in obscurity.

What were the reasons of the formation of Telangana?

The seeds of Telangana struggle were sown in 1955 when the recommendation of the States Reorganisation Commission to retain Hyderabad as a separate State went unheeded. Telangana leaders accused the people of Andhra of "colonizing the region" by grabbing their jobs and land, and the government of not investing in the region's infrastructure. On November 1, 1956, Telangana merged with the State of Andhra, carved out of erstwhile Madras, to form Andhra Pradesh, a united state for the Telugu-speaking populace.The State witnessed a violent 'separate Telangana' agitation in 1969 and a 'separate Andhra' agitation in 1972. The 1969 stir was primarily started by social groups, students and government employees. Following the agitations, a six-point formula was evolved by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for "accelerated development of backward regions and preferential treatment to local candidates in employment."Thereafter, the Telangana movement took a political turn. In 1997, the BJP supported demand for Telangana State and in the subsequent year, which saw an election, the party promised ‘one vote two States’. But the push intensified in 2001 when K. Chandrasekara Rao floated the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) to revive Telangana movement. Many believed it was the creation of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Uttaranchal (now Uttarakhand) states that spurred the demand for Telangana. Three years later, the TRS fought elections in alliance with the Congress and won five Lok Sabha and 26 Assembly seats.During the first phase of the movement in 1969, Karimnagar district emerged as the center stage for the intensification of agitations. While campaigning for the 2004 elections, Congress president Sonia Gandhi had also announced that she would respect the sentiments of the Telangana people in Karimnagar town by addressing a public meeting. Mr. Rao had contested as MP from the Karimnagar Parliament constituency in 2004.In 2006 and 2008 by-elections too, he won from the same constituency. In all by-elections in the district, people voted in TRS candidates. Karimnagar was the host for the intensification of Telangana statehood movement in 2009, when the TRS president had decided to launch a fast-unto-death, demanding the Telangana State. It was the same town where police had arrested KCR, who was on his way to launch his fast-unto-death in Siddipet town.The movement had spread like a wildfire after his arrest in Karimnagar and several youths had committed suicide for the cause of Telangana. Following the continuation of his fast-unto-death while in a hospital, the Union government had announced the formation of separate Telangana State on December 9, 2009. However, the government had again gone back on the issue on December 23, 2009. About 17 pro-Telangana students had launched a fast-unto-death in front in the Osmania University campus after the Centre backtracked on the statehood issue.Sri Krishna Committee reportOn February 3, 2010, a panel headed by Justice (Retd.) B.N. Srikrishna was formed to "bring about a permanent solution” to the statehood demand. The panel met 30 times, visited 23 districts and 35 villages and held interactions with about 100 organizations.The report of the Committee for Consultation on the Situation in Andhra Pradesh was released by the then Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram, to representatives of political parties from the State on January 6, 2010. It said, "The united Andhra option is being suggested for continuing the development momentum of the three regions and keeping in mind the national perspective. With firm political and administrative management, it should be possible to convey conviction to the people that this option would be in the best interest of all and would provide satisfaction to the maximum number of people in the state."Cabinet approves bifurcationIn December 2013, the Union Cabinet approved a Bill for the creation of Telangana State with 10 districts, paving the way for the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh. The Cabinet had broadly approved most of the recommendations made by the Group of Ministers constituted to consider the contentious issues.The Cabinet’s approval came after the Congress Core Group decided to adhere to the Congress Working Committee’s decision on a Telangana with 10 districts. Meanwhile, Osmania University in Hyderabad was slowly becoming the nerve-center of the Telangana agitation. Student activists continued their agitation along with political leaders in the struggle.Passage of the A.P. Reorganisation BillThe A.P. Reorganisation Bill was passed in 2014, listing out the specifics involved in the process of bifurcation. Some of the salient features the Bill were:The Bill envisages Hyderabad as the common capital. The Andhra Pradesh Governor will be Governor for both successor States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.The common capital includes the existing area notified as Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation. The center shall form an expert committee to suggest a new capital of Andhra Pradesh within 45 days.The Centre will set up an apex council for the supervision of Krishna and Godavari rivers on water sharing.25 Lok Sabha seats to be allocated to residuary Andhra Pradesh and 17 Lok Sabha seats to Telangana.Residuary Andhra Pradesh will get 175 Legislative Assembly seats and Telangana 119.Existing admission quotas in all government or private, aided or unaided institutions of higher, technical and medical education shall continue for 10 years during which common admission process shall continue.The Polavaram Irrigation Project will be declared as a national project and the Centre will take under its control the regulation and development and the Tungabhadra Board will continue to monitor the release of water to the high-level canal, low-level canal and Rajolibanda diversion scheme.The High Court at Hyderabad will be common for both States till a separate High Court is set up for residuary Andhra Pradesh.Any dispute, regarding financial assets and liabilities, shall be settled through mutual agreement failing which by the Centre’s order on the advice of the Comptroller and Auditor General.When years of struggle came to fruitionThe last general elections to the Assembly and Lok Sabha seats in united Andhra Pradesh was held in two phases on April 30 and May 7. It was decided that the counting of votes for both phases would be taken up on May 16 and election process will come to an end by May 28. It was notified that the States of Telangana and residual Andhra Pradesh would come into effect from June 2.The chief architect of the separate Telangana agitation, K. Chandrasekhar Rao, was sworn in Chief Minister of Telangana. Mr. Rao’s son K. Taraka Rama Rao and nephew T. Harish Rao, who took an active part in the agitation, were among the 11 Cabinet Ministers sworn in at a simple ceremony, punctuated by slogans of ‘Jai Telangana’. Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan administered the oath of office.

What are common questions they ask in IBPS interviews?

The following are some questions asked during the course of one mock interview conducted by one training institute at Chennai1) Repo rate, Current Reporate.2) Bank rate, MSF (Repo rate are rates at which commercial bank takes loan from rbi against the securities kept with RBI and marginal standing facility was released in May 2011. The main purpose was to eliminate the volatality of the overnight money market. The rates are usually 1% higher than repo.)3) Base rate4) What are the Demand Deposits and Time deposits ?(Demand deposits and term deposits differ in terms of accessibility or liquidity, and in the amount of interest that can be earned on the deposited funds. Demand deposits and term deposits refer to two different types of deposit accounts available at a bank or similar financial institution, such as a credit union.)(Time Deposit - a deposit in a bank account that cannot be withdrawn before a set date or for which notice of withdrawal is required.)5) When a minor, aged 8 comes to bank with his grandmother, will you open an account inthe name of minor ?6) Hen’s hatching Period ?7) Name the agriculture development Bank, who will provide thte subsidy to farmers for agriculture development ?8) Different types of loans for Agriculture ?9) What are the two Schemes introduced by Narendra Modi related to Banking ? Expalin10) KYC norms ? (Know your customer (KYC) is the process of a business verifying theidentity of its clients. The term is also used to refer to the bank regulation which governs these activities.)11) Which document is mandatory for the customer to deposit around ` 1 crore ?12) Balance Sheet - Details13) Will you work in rural areas ?14) What is the purpose of Commercial Banks & Development Banks ? Name two each?15) What is the minimum and maximum period of Fixed Deposit ?16) Procedures to Deposit Money17) What is the NOSTRO account ?18) What is the meaning of Negotiable ?19) What are the Non-Negotiable instruments ?20) What is special crossing? (Often cheques are crossed with two parallel transverse lines and in between the two parallel lines the words “a/c payee "or “a/c payee only "are written. - This means that the proceeds of the cheque are to be credited to the account of the payee only. - This type of crossing is also called “restrictive crossing”)21) What you willdo when the cheque is crossed by two banks ?22) Can NABARD give loans to Farmers ?23) What is the expansion of UAV ?24) What are the deposits available in Bank ?25) What is PMJDY Scheme ?Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is a nationwide scheme launched by Indian government in August 2014. In this scheme financial inclusion of every individual who does not have a bank account is to be achieved.The scheme will ensure financial access to everyone who was not able to get benefits of many other finance related government schemes. These financial services include Banking/ Savings & Deposit Accounts, Remittance, Credit, Insurance, Pension which will be made available to all the citizens in easy and affordable mode.26) What are the insurance in PMJDY scheme ? (Life Cover under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana)27) What is Your Strength & Weakness ?28) What is the facility (Irrigation) introduced by M.S.Swaminathan29) About Hobbies30) What is Bank Assurance ?31) Name some Health Insurance Companies ?32) What are the functions of an Bank ?33) Can order cheque be converted into bearer cheque ?34) Name the General Insurance Companies ?35) Validity of a cheque ?36) Meaning of Your Name ?37) About Native Place & Its specials38) Is Interview Necessary ?39) D/B Simple Interest & Compound Interest40) Parties of Cheque?41) Present RBI Governor ?42) First RBI Governor?43) First Indian RBI Governor ?44) R/B Banker & Customer, mentioned in which ACT ?45) Security features in ATM room ?46) If a customer (VIP) deposits a Counterfeit notes, what will you do ?Counterfeit money is imitation currency produced without the legal sanction of the state or government. Producing or using counterfeit money is a form of fraud or forgery. Counter feiting is almost as old as money itself47) Who received Bharat Ratna Award recently ?48) What is the name of signature behind the cheque?49) Value of IT rabate.50) CAMELS abbreviations ?(Capital, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, and Sensitivity (creditworthiness assessment system)51) IFSC code used for ?52) Banking Ombudsman ?(The Banking Ombudsman Scheme enables an expeditious and inexpensive forum to bank customers for resolution of complaints relating to certain services rendered by banks. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme is introduced under Section 35 A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 by RBI with effect from 1995.)53) Who is the Present President of India ?54) Whos is the Present Finance Minister ?55) Tamilnadu CM Jayalalitha case heared in ? (Bangalore, Karnataka)56) Whom confirm Jayalalith case verdict ?57) Whom release Jayalalitha verdict case ?58) Which loans are provided to a person to manufacture the product ? e.g., Water bottle59) Letter of Credit means ? (a letter issued by a bank to another bank (especially one in a different country) to serve as a guarantee for payments made to a specified person under specified conditions.)60) Bank Guarantees means? (A guarantee from a lending institution ensuring that the liabilities of a debtor will be met. In other words, if the debtor fails to settle a debt, the bank will cover it.)61) Situation Question : When you are working as a PO in Public sector bank, And near of your branch, So many Private and Public sector banks are there. And How will you attract the people towards your bank?62) Non performing assets ? (A Non-performing asset (NPA) is defined as a credit facility in respect of which the interest and/or installment of principal has remained 'past due' for a specified period of time. In simple terms, an asset is tagged as non performing when it ceases to generate income for the lender.)63) Chennai Flood Related Questons64) Who are all scored Double century in ODI cricket?65) What is Recent record in Cricket ?66) Difference between FCNR & RFC ?67) What is your part during Chennai floods ?68) What is the meaning of your name ?69) Situation Question : What will you do if your husband gets foreign opportunity, You will quit the job. So, why should we select you?70) Chairman of SBI71) Situation Question : Suppose if you are an Assistant Manager, only you and clerk are in the bank. A person comes and deposits a huge amount, then two robbers comes and threatens you with knife to give them money. What will you do?72) Para Banking ? (Banks can undertake certain eligible financial services or para-banking activities either departmentally or by setting up subsidiaries. Banks may form a subsidiary company for undertaking the types of businesses which a banking company is otherwise permitted to undertake, with prior approval of Reserve Bank of India.)73) Retail Banking ? (Retail banking also known as Consumer Banking is the provision of services by a bank to individual consumers, rather than to companies, corporations or other banks. Services offered include savings and transactional accounts, mortgages, personal loans, debit cards, and credit cards)74) What are the documents you should have when you drive a 2-wheeler?75) RC book is issued by which authority ?76) Services of ATM77) Which bank cancelled withdrawal receipt issue recently ?78) Who is Chennai Mayor ?79) Three principles of Insurance ?80) What you have to check, if you buy a land ?81) Life & Non-Life Insurance ?82) Hobbies : What are the novels have read ?83) Questions related to Cooking ?84) Positive & Negative points about urself ?85) Who issued EC certificate which is related to housing ?86) Off-sheet Balance items87) I opend an account in a bank & name my wife as a nominee, should we tell that she is the nominee person for the account opened by her spouse?88) What is the Sundry debtors ?89) Where is your spouse working ?90) Did you help him in his work ?91) Auto loans proof ?92) What is Pay slip ?93) What is withdrawal slip ?94) If you want to transfer your account from UP to Tamil Nadu, what are the documents yourequire?95) What is DRA ? (The Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) is a standardized reading test used to determine a student's instructional level in reading. The DRA is administered individually to students by teachers and/or reading specialists.96) Chief of three Defence Forces?97) Recently our Prime Minister, visited unexpectedly to which country ? Was the motive good or not ?98) Priority sector advances (Priority sector refers to those sectors of the economy which may not get timely and adequate credit in the absence of this special dispensation. Typically, these are small value loans to farmers for agriculture and allied activities, micro and smallenterprises, poor people for housing, students for education and other low income groups and weaker sections.)99) No of states, recently included states ?100) Chief Minister of Telangana ?101) Types of debentures102) How many payment banks are there ?103) Who is M.S.Subulakshmi104) What is correspondent bank ?105) What is soft bank ?106) Tell about your family107) How to identify counterfeit notes ?108) What is depreciation in Balance Sheet ?109) Women Chief Ministers of India110) What are the subsidy for Housing for all schemes ? Why only women are eligible?111) Tell me five famous womens of India112) Situation Question : When a person from Rural Area has got a loan and he is not giving back and you are given the responsibility to collect it from him. What you’ll do?113) What is hard copy ?114) How you’ll arrange mirror imaged icons in PC screen ?115) Balance Sheet Items - Assets & Liabilities116) Working Capital ratio117) Current ratio118) Max loan granted by payment banks - No loanHow do payment banks earn ? - Through RemittancesWhat are remittancesNo of Payment Banks119) Does required to be verified from the cust who wants to avail Housing loan ?120) About Tatkal Banking121) Explain in Tamil, any 2 functions of a bank122) NSE & BSE - No of listed companies - Name some PSU’s listed ?123) Name few PSB’s esablished in foreign countries.124) What are the Documents required for a Proprietor firm, Partnership firm of public ltd company ?125) What is Revenue Reseve & Capital Reserve126) About DICGC : (Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation ( DICGC) is a subsidiary of Reserve Bank of India. It was established on 15 July 1978 under Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961 for the purpose of providinginsurance of deposits and guaranteeing of credit facilities. DICGC insures all bank deposits, such as saving, fixed, current, recurring deposits for up to the limit of Rs. 100,000 of each deposits in a bank)127) About ECGC (The ECGC Limited is a company wholly owned by the Government of India based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It provides export credit insurance support to Indianexporters and is controlled by the Ministry of Commerce.)128) What is SDR ? (The Special Drawing Right (SDR) is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement the existing official reserves of member countries. The SDR is neither a currency, nor a claim on the IMF. Rather, it is a potential claim on the freely usable currencies of IMF members.)129) What is MSF ? (Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) is a new scheme announced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in its Monetary Policy (2011-12) and refers to the penal rate at which banks can borrow money from the central bank over and above what is available to them through the LAF window)130) About Hobbies (Mentioned No Hobbies in BIO-DATA, suggested to mention at least one hobby)131) CGTMSE(The main objective is that the lender should give importance to project viability and secure the credit facility purely on the primary security of the assets financed. The other objective is that the lender availing guarantee facility should endeavor to give composite credit to the borrowers so that the borrowers obtain both term loan and working capital facilities from a single agency. The Credit Guarantee scheme (CGS) seeks to reassure the lender that, in the event of a MSE unit, which availed collateral free credit facilities, fails to discharge its liabilities to the lender, the Guarantee Trust would make good the loss incurred by the lender up to 75 / 80/ 85 per cent of the credit facility.)132) Horizontal merger (Horizontal merger is a business consolidation that occurs between firms who operate in the same space, often as competitors offering the same good or service)133) Communication System (from my PG subject)134) Banking Hierarchy135) About Natural Guardian(A child's parent. In divorce situations, the parent with custody is considered the natural guardian. The opposite of a natural guardian is an appointed guardian or legal guardian, who must be authorized by a court or a will to care for and make decisions on behalf of a minor child. Of particular concern are financial and medical decisions; since minor childrengenerally do not have legal authority to make such decisions, their natural or legal guardian must authorize them.)136) Technical questions related to My Subject- Types of Circuits- Open circuit & closed circuit- About three phaces (RYB)- About Earthing137) Situation Question :If you are a Assistant Manager in a Bank, your superior person told you to grant loan for a person who he knows, But the documents submitted by the person is not valid, what you will do at that time ?138) Sheep loan139) Tax Deducted at source for Deposits140) Tripatriate Free Trade Agreement141) Management142) Active Voice / Passive Voice143) Current Ratio - Current Assets / Current Liabilities144) Tangible / Intangible assets(Tangible assets include both fixed assets, such as machinery, buildings and land, and current assets, such as inventory. The opposite of a tangible asset is an intangible asset. Nonphysical assets, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill and brand recognition, are all examples of intangible assets.)145) Current / Non Current Assets(A noncurrent asset is an asset that is not likely to turn to unrestricted cash within one year of the balance sheet date. (This assumes that the company has an operating cycle of less than one year.) A noncurrent asset is also referred to as a long-term asset.)146) SBI Registred Office147) SBI Established Date148) Head Quarters of few Banks149) Difference between normal cheque and CTS150) Relationship between Depositor and Banker151) Relationship between person who is having safe deposit locker and banker.152) Emblem in currency note of Rs.500153) Emblem in currency note of Rs.10154) Break even point (In economics and business, specifically cost accounting, the break-even point (BEP) is the point at which cost or expenses and revenue are equal: there is no net loss or gain, and one has "broken even.")155) Dandi Yatra (On 12 March 1930, Gandhi and 78 satyagrahis many of them were scheduled castes, set out on foot for the coastal village of Dandi, Gujarat, over 390 kilometres (240 mi) from their starting point at Sabarmati Ashram.)156) BSBDA(Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) is a Zero Balance Savings Account that takes care of your simple banking needs with Free ATM card, monthly statement, and cheque book.)157) Minimum Balance for BSBDA158) Regarding Plastic Money(Plastic money is a term that is used predominantly in reference to the hard plastic cards we use everyday in place of actual bank notes. They can come in many different forms such as cash cards, credit cards, debit cards, pre-paid cash cards and store cards.)159) Blind person conditions while Opening a Account160) Dormant Account(DEFINITION of 'Dormant Account' When there has been no financial activity for a long period of time, other than posting of interest, an account can be classified as dormant. Statute of limitations usually does not apply to dormant accounts, and funds can be claimed by the owner or beneficiary at any time.)161) ALM (Application lifecycle management (ALM) is the supervision of a software application from its initial planning through retirement. It also refers to how changes to an application are documented and tracked.)162) NPA(A Non-performing asset (NPA) is defined as a credit facility in respect of which the interest and/or installment of Bond finance principal has remained 'past due' for a specified period of time. NPA is used by financial institutions that refer to loans that are in jeopardy of default.)163) Risk faced by Banks - Market, Operational, Credit Risk ?164) Syndicate Bank Head Quarters165) Delhi - Banks Headquarters166) FCNR (It means 'Foreign Currency Non-Resident (Bank)' Account. Who can open a FCNR (B) a/c ? - The account can be opened in the name of NRI individuals (single/ joint) or with resident Indians on 'former or survivor' basis.)167) 1969 - Any four Nationalised Banks168) Financial intermediaries(an institution, such as a bank, building society, or unit-trust company, that holds funds from lenders in order to make loans to borrowers.)169) What are the Function of RBI?170) What are the Roles of a PO ?171) CRR (Cash Reserve Ratio)172) MSF (Marginal Standing Facility)173) SLR (Statutory Liquidity Ratio) - Indepth174) DICGC full Form ? (The Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961)175) MUDRAK Schemes (Micro Unit Development / Credit Guarantee Corporation176) Situation Question : A person comes in to my bank with Rs.51000/-, What is the procedure to deposit in an Account.Bank Exams PO, Coaching Centre Chennai, ibps, RRB, SSC, Bank Clerical Exams,

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