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Why were all the polls in the 2015 UK general election so different from the results?
1 Introduction/Answer The polls in the 2015 GeneralElection were different from the results because the Coalition Government passed the 2013 Individual Elector Registration Act which disenfranchised millions of largely non-Conservative voters and enabled the Conservatives to win the 7 May 2015 election.This article was previously published at How David Cameron’s Coalition Government Stole the 2015 General Election and is a slightly edited extract (from section 3.9) of the book ‘’How David Cameron Fixed The 2015 General Election and Much Else’’ which can be seen at: Text of the article:‘’The two major electoral rolls — the Local Authority Electoral Roll and the Parliamentary Electoral Roll — are both meant to be an objective list of all the eligible electors. These rolls of qualifying British electors were, prior to the 2013 IER Act, based mainly upon the annual Household Electoral Review which, by post in each year, requested the 20 million householders fully to list the qualifying residents occupying each house on a due date. The penalty for the head of the household not accurately filling in and returning the form was £1,000. New voters resident in the house — these “attainers” who were 17 and about to become 18 and qualified to vote within a year — were also required to be listed on the return. Universities were similarly requested to return a list of all their students in halls of residence and attending at the University.The 2013 IER Act is entirely different and has ten major elements which might individually be defended but when taken together clearly show how the implementation of that Act deletes voters, makes voter registration more difficult than previously, and blames voters for their non-registration and political apathy, when it is the chosen Coalition Government implementation of that Act which is at fault.First, there was a continual bias towards voter deletion rather than maximising voter numbersThe historical drive of the Electoral Commission and the 348 Electoral Registration Officers in England has previously been towards maximising the number of eligible voters on the Electoral Rolls, in the interests of establishing representative democracy on the widest possible basis. The bias exercised in the Coalition and Conservative implementation of the 2013 IER has been entirely partisan and focused upon reducing those voters who are unlikely to vote Conservative on the Electoral Rolls. One example of this is university students, who often had (and perhaps a few still have) two entries on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll — one at their term-time address and one at their home address. 920,000 students in England may now have neither.The cry from some Conservative Party Members is that students have disenfranchised themselves by their laziness, because if each student had filled in the forms allegedly given to them on the day of their University registration, then they might not have been deleted from the voting rolls. But it is not their laziness which removed them from the rolls, but deliberate partisan Government action which required action by these potential voters rather than automatic registration based on the previous Household Electoral Registration (HER) System.Second, when an IER system was introduced in the Northern Ireland after 2002, there was a 10.5% drop in the voter registersAs page 4 of the House of Commons Library Briefing Paper Number 6764, authored by Isobel White and dated 21 July 2015, notes:“When individual registration was introduced in Northern Ireland by the Electoral Fraud (Northern Ireland) Act 2002, the numbers on the register there fell by 10.5% although the legislation was seen as successful in reducing electoral fraud.”But minor levels of fraud (maybe ten cases during the previous four years) were possibly eliminated at the cost of the Northern Ireland disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of electors — a massive loss to the democratic process in Northern Ireland.The British Government knew that the introduction of the 2013 IER Act, if implemented in England as it was in Northern Ireland, would lead to a large fall in voter registration.The Irish troubles began, according to most analyses, because the Irish Authorities gerrymandered the outcome of the elections in a blatant denial of the democratic process. Whatever the stated objectives of the 2002 Electoral Fraud (Northern Ireland) Act the result is the re-establishment of the gerrymandering, this time by Westminster rather than by local politicians. The gerrymandering in this Act therefore once again provides the conditions on the ground for the resurgence of the Troubles which Mo Mowlem’s 1998 Easter Sunday Agreement had briefly laid to rest. Again on Page 4 [the first Background] paragraph of that briefing paper.“The [Electoral]Commission published a report in June 2003, Voting for change: an electoral law modernisation programme, which brought together recommendations from a series of policy papers, including those on registration issues. The Labour Government responded to the report in 2004 and said it was sympathetic to the principles of individual registration but it did not implement the Commission’s recommendations, mainly because of concerns about the effect on levels of registration if a system of individual registration was introduced.”The Labour Party knew that a badly-implemented individual elector registration system would damage democracy by creating large levels of voter under-registration. These under-registered voters were mainly labour voters — students, tenants of local authority housing, ethnic minorities — so Labour had a sound democratic reason as well as a political reason for not wishing to progress this process. But the Conservative Party had no similar qualms and, as events have demonstrated, had no reservations about damaging the British democratic process if it suited their partisan objectives.Third, the use of only one government database — the DWP one — to confirm electorsThe British Government has at its disposal dozens of databases about British citizens. If there had been a genuine intention to re-establish the Parliamentary Electoral Rolls by identifying all legitimate voters in the United Kingdom, the Government could have used several of the Government’s voluminous databases to ensure that virtually all potential voters were entered on the rolls. Instead, only one database — the Department of Work and Pensions one — was used to establish a baseline of potential voters.There is a motor insurance database which records the insurance of 47 million vehicles. There is an HMRC database which has the details of 29.7 million individual income tax payers. There is the Passport Agency which lists about 80% of the UK population who have a passport. There is a National Insurance database which contains a record of every person over 16 in the United Kingdom. As the Wikipedia entry records “In order to administer the National Insurance system, a National Insurance number is allocated to every child in the United Kingdom shortly before their 16th birthday” (see UK was estimated to have had a population of about 64.6 million in 2014. (See About 11 million were under 14 in 2011 and a further 4 million were 15–19, so the over 19 population looks likely to be about 50 million and the over 18 population about 50.8 millions. A complete UK voters roll would therefore be in excess of 50 million if all the relevant databases were used to identify all the legal electorate in the UK. The DWP database only contains 42.4 million records, much less than the December 2012 electoral roll which identified 46.2 million voters.The DWP records used in the “Confirmation Live Run” for England and Wales initially identified voters from the DWP database only produced a voters’ roll of 36.9 million voters with 5.5 million voters not confirmed, so initially disenfranchised these 5.5 million voters — 13% of the electorate — an even larger percentage loss than 10.5% reduction in voters in Northern Ireland.As section 3.5 9 [in the book] illustrates, in a comparison of the Australian Implementation of IER with the Cameron-led Coalition Government’s implementation of the 2013 IER Act, a government can maximise voter registration by using all the databases at its disposal. Successive Australian Governments have done that, but the Cameron-led Coalition and Conservative governments have chosen not to do that.Fourth, The abolition of the 2014 HER/Annual canvassThe abolition of the 2014 Household Electoral Review (HER) was a deliberate decision of the Coalition Government which removed the possibility of correcting the flawed early 2014 register resulting ftrom the 2013 IER Act register by writing to the missing electors. It is impossible to conclude that this was not a deliberate partisan act to minimise non-Conservative voters.Fifth, the absence of ring-fencing of the money allegedly provided to improve the Parliamentary Electoral Register (PER)The Coalition Government did provide two tranches of funds in February 2015 to improve voter registration on the PER but these funds were not earmarked for that specific purpose. The result of this was that many cash-strapped local authorities in the UK used the money provided to maintain essential services instead of improving voter registration. If the Coalition Government had been serious about improving the PER it would have ring-fenced these funds for their stated purpose.Sixth, the denial of the suggestion that voters could register on voting day at the boothsSeveral countries that have introduced IER legislation have allowed voters to present identity information at the voting booths on polling day, so that they could vote despite not being previously registered. That suggestion was made by Sadiq Khan the deputy leader of the opposition but was ignored by the Government.It is difficult not to conclude that the Government had no wish to allow voters which had been disenfranchised by the 2013 IER, or otherwise unregistered voters, to vote on polling day.Seventh, the refusal to consider the issues raised by the Electoral CommissionDuring the implementation of the 2013 IER Act the Electoral Commission (EC) continually issued suggestions about how the Act could be better implemented. For example, the EC suggested that the 2014 HER should be held to improve voter registration and that the completion date of the IER implementation should remain December 2016 as planned in the original timetable of IER introduction. The Government ignored all such suggestions and abolished the 2014 IER and rushed to complete the IER implementation by December 2014. These actions ensured that the Parliamentary Electoral Register (PER) was less complete than it would be if the Electoral Commission recommendations had been introduced, and paved the way for a less complete PER to be used as the basis for the planned gerrymandering of constituency boundaries (which was planned, on the basis of that a reduced PER, to lock in Conservative Majority governments for generations). See the announcement made hours after the Conservative victory on, the voting down of parliamentary motions criticising the fast implementation of the 2013 IER ActSeveral Early Day Motions were proposed and voted upon in the House of Commons to improve the number of voters being registered in the PER under the provisions of the 2013 IER Act. All of these were voted down by the Government majority in the interests of minimising the number of voters on the PER. These votes produced the flawed PER used on polling day and the flawed mandate of a 7th May 2015 General Election.Ninth, the reduction of the penalty for non-responses to a request for voter registration from a likely £1,000 on the previous HER system to a weak comment on the IER Enquiry forms about how “You might be fined £80”The lowering of the penalty for non-responses and the encouragement of non-registration of an individual’s voting rights acts to produce a flawed PER which advantages the Conservative Party.Tenth, the Cameron Government proposes to use the reduced 2013 IER Act Parliamentary Electoral Roll produced in early 2015 as the basis for the gerrymandering of constituency boundaries in 2016 with the objective of locking in Conservative Governments for generationsSee the press announcement reported in the Daily Telegraph on 8 May 2015 a few hours after the election of the Cameron-led Conservative Government which states that a major objective of the new parliamentary boundaries is to gerrymander Conservative victories for generations.See: which statesThere can be no doubt whatsoever that IER Act 2013 reducing the non-Conservative votes has been the major factor in “electing” the extreme right wing Cameron Conservative Government on 7 May 2015.Furthermore the Conservatives plan to build on that reduction in voter numbers to “lock labour out of power for decades” so as to retain power on the basis of a flawed PER.Finally, all of the pollsters’ predictions one month before the 7 May General Election election showed a hung parliament, yet the exit polls showed the Conservatives might be 10 short of an overall majority. The opinion polls all asked samples of supposed voters about voting intentions, while the exit polls recorded how voters who could vote had voted.The Tories had 11,334,576 votes in total, 36.9% of the voters, and 330 seats. Labour had 9,347,304 votes, 30.4% of the voters, and 256 seats. The turnout was 66% and the Conservative majority appeared to be 1,987,272 votes. Compared with the polls, which had predicted about 305 seats for the Conservatives, a surplus 25 seats turned up for the Conservatives, with a working majority of 12.Wikipedia reported without any trace of irony that“Opinion polls were eventually proven to have significantly underestimated the Conservative vote, which bore resemblance to their surprise victory in the 1992 general election,”and, I would add, for the same voter-reducing reasons — by the Poll Tax in 1992 and the 2013 IER Act in 2015.See,_2015#Opinion_polling_inaccuracies_and_scrutinyCalculations comparing the 2015 election results with the one month previous polls suggest that the 2013 IER has produced about 1.8 million missing Labour voters.Cameron’s Tories won 24% support of the alleged total electorate and 36% of those who voted. No matter how these numbers are manipulated, the Conservatives have no grass roots support in the UK, and they certainly do not have a popular democratic mandate for the enormous changes they are implementing. There is no popular mandate whatsoever for the destruction of the third pillar of the post war consensus — the welfare state — or for the privatisation of the NHS.These plans will make the Tories a toxic political brand. The Conservatives would never hold office again if they did not have plans further to gerrymander the electoral process, but they have such plans.’’________________________________________________________________As Tim Ross points out at Appendix A of his book ‘’Why The Tories Won’’.‘’Just 901 voters in the seven most marginal Tory/ Labour seats may have decided the outcome of the election. If these individuals had voted for Labour instead of the Conservatives, David Cameron would not have won Gower, Derby North, Croydon Central, Vale of Clwyd, Bury North, Morley and Outwood, or Plymouth Sutton and Devonport. These seats have combined majorities that would be wiped out by 901 voters switching from Tory to Labour.’’Tim Ross does not refer to the role played by the 2013 IER Act in producing the Conservative victory but no one who knows the facts can possibly doubt that the Conservatives won the election on the basis of a reduced Parliamentary Electoral Roll given that extreme sensitivity of the first-past-the-post UK election system._________________________________________________________________For further information about this topic see the book ‘’How David Cameron Fixed The 2015 General Election and Much Else’’ which can be seen at: Conclusions3.1 The pollsters asked people who were over 18 how they intended to vote without asking “are you still registered to vote?” and produced an accurate poll of supposed voter intentions which would have been a good predictor of election results if all these people were registered voters.3.2 But the 2013 IER Act had removed 5.5 million voters - 13% of the previous electorate -from the Parliamentary Electoral Register and a further seven million people who were previously on that Register were written to, challenging their right to remain a voter unless they provided additional ID and address information by December 2014.3.3 The Conservatives won the 7 May 2015 election on the basis of removing millions of previous voters from the PER. These deleted previous voters were mainly labour voters — students, tenants of local authority housing, and ethnic minorities, but more recent search has shown that women were also discriminated against, by making voter re-registration after marriage more difficult.3.4 I worked out that the Conservatives had deleted so many Labour voters that they were likely to have a majority. On 6th May 2015 I and my family bet £350 on a Conservative victory and we collected £2,800 on 8th May.3.5 The Mother of Parliaments has been totally hacked and Britain is no longer a democracy.3.6 I will be revisiting this issue in the context of the BREXIT issue within the next few days.
How, when and why did you convert to Mormonism?
(NOTE: This was prepared in 2014, before the 2018 revelation regarding use of the terms "LDS" and "Mormon" were set aside...)My Conversion Testimony -In Alcoholics Anonymous, we have a story-telling tradition in which we describe our journey into recovery along the lines of, “…what it was like, what happened, and what it’s like today…” Due to my conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ – Latter Day Saints, I have been asked to share my conversion story. I figured I had better write it down, so here goes.What is was like - My early childhood had me briefly attending a Lutheran Sunday School. In my later adulthood I passed the building a few times. I don’t recall anyone being a close friend to anyone among the congregation. My mother and sister may have attended a service, or two, with me, but I really have no solid recollection of my time there.Around fifth or sixth grade, in the late 60’s, I realized I was “unchurched”. My friends were involved in what was then called “released time” religious education. Once a week or every two, if I recall correctly, they left school early for religious studies. Most were Roman Catholic. A few were Protestant. I wanted to leave school early and have fun with my friends…it was not so much about connecting any closer to God.My mother is Native American (Osage) and was born and raised in the Catholic Church, but did not attend while I was young. She was either forbidden, or self-exiled due to the fact that she had married my father, who was both a non-Catholic and divorced man.My dad was, and in many ways still is, a mystery to me. I’m pretty sure he believed but had no ties to any one church that I could tell, at the time. There was a “P” for Protestant on his WWII dog tag. More about him, later.They must have had a pretty in-depth conversation about me becoming Catholic. Mom’s Osage relatives were thrilled. Among them were my baptismal god-parent, and my confirmation sponsor. My first, and only, Rosary came from them.Mom, to the best of her ability, had signed me up for the wrong program. It was Saturday mornings. I was the youngest kid there with no peers in my age group. All these older kids were there for confirmation prep classes and I hadn’t even been baptized, yet. I applied myself and learned the lessons. The Friday evening before my confirmation I was baptized. I had confirmation practice Saturday morning. On Sunday morning I had my first communion and that afternoon I was confirmed. Within months I was an altar boy…much to my father’s silence and disapproving look. Mom attended Mass with me, many times, on Sundays.In seventh grade my dad suddenly died of his third heart attack. At the hospital, my mother had asked for a priest for the last rites. Didn’t happen. He was already dead. She then asked one of our parish priests to perform Rosary for him. That priest would not, as my dad was not Catholic, and those were the rules (over three and a half decades later, I learned that rules-are-rules priest stepped down to marry a woman). A younger, less rule-oriented priest who served my Osage relatives was found and he did the Rosary. The later service was non-denominational.Church seemed to be a non-issue for the next few years as my mom’s drinking got worse. I prayed, but for what I do not recall. Then, when I got mobile, while I was in high school, I started attending Mass again. I later became a Lector at church, assisting with readings, helping the priest to administer communion.Joining LAPD on my 21st birthday, and later getting drunk at every possible moment put church on the low priority, again. Later marrying in the Catholic Church at age 25 had me at Mass, more, and the baptism of my son got me a just bit more involved. Within a few months, I then got sober in AA. I became more open to religious and spiritual matters of all kinds. I felt a closeness to a Higher Power greater than I had ever experienced.Then, my first marriage broke up. I was angry at the Catholic Church as she’d strayed. The eventual divorce caused an old tape to play in my head…divorce is bad, you’re not entitled to be among them. Rather than seek guidance (which I later learned would’ve allowed right up to the very minute of my divorce to take communion, providing I was not stained by my sins), I decided to stay away.I met the woman who would become my second wife. We attended Mass together while dating. We committed to one, another. We were unable to get married in the Catholic Church due to my previous one not being annulled.Annulment, in the Catholic Church, is an investigation involving deep self-examination into a failed marriage intended to determine if it was first entered into freely and without warnings that failure was likely, due to any number of reasons.We had a daughter within a year of being married. She was baptized into the Catholic Church. My attendance and involvement was way up. I had even begun my annulment process, in hopes that my second wife and I might be married in the church. Our local priest was amazed. I had the annulment process complete in less than a year. He told me he’d never seen it turn around so fast. I informed him that the process which requires deep and intensive examination and long written out answers was very similar to the “personal inventory” (fourth step) of A.A. Simple yes, or no, answers do not work. The archdiocese agreed that my first marriage should have never happened. We both entered into it with hidden, selfish agendas. It was, clearly, not Christ-centered.Time went on and my Catholic life increased. I even entertained the idea of, one day, becoming a deacon. Have one as a friend. He and his wife served as godparents to one of my younger twins. Sad to learn that the selection process does not favor those with young children in the home as one needs to be able to drop everything and work with those needing the deacon’s services. I was disappointed. I wanted to serve.Eventually, in 2007, I retired and our family moved to Colorado. We were quick to join the local Parish. We supported the various programs. Our kids were enrolled in religious studies. Oldest daughter for confirmation and the twins for first communion. It is those events where one of the final shocks to my system happens.What happened - Things were going steadily downhill for my second marriage. I am, I believe, the same guy I have always been since the day my second wife met me. Faithful to her, good to the kids, a non-drinker, a worker and provider. She changed. Her dad passed away. She turned 50. She went through menopause. She admitted that she “had the problem” but her solution was not to do any work on it. Her solution was to not want to be married to me, or anyone else for that matter. Or so she says.At the twins’ first communion, what should have been a joyful event, I felt like she treated me like dirt. All the joy she had, when she used to look at me, had left her face long ago. There were no smiles. No kisses. No hugs. It was as if there was a chip on her shoulder whenever I entered the room. It was as if she had to force herself to endure my presence.All throughout this time, I prayed. I read books on menopause and how-to prevent divorce. We went to marital therapy. All for nothing…she wanted out.So now, let me add the Church of Jesus Christ – Latter Day Saints, into my story…As a young boy, in grade school, I had a neighborhood friend a year older than I was, in Paul DeHart. He was my very first, personal connection to the Church. His family didn’t drink alcohol. I could not relate. He had a tithing envelope in his room. He once stockpiled water. He told me about the Church requiring these things. We were in the same Cub Scout Den. Our leader was Sister Richardson. My first entrance into as meeting house was the Covina Ward. I did not enter as a Mormon, merely as a member of the scout troop assigned there. I later left scouts. My parents moved us away. I had no LDS influence, of any kind, for the next few years.But it was running home from Paul’s house where I got a flash, I still explore to this day. Paul told me of being “baptized for the dead”. In shock, I told my dad what Paul had said. My dad said, “Yes, I’ve done it many times”. I never, to my regret, asked him more questions about it.It wasn’t until I joined LAPD that I came into contact with members of the LDS Church. Of course as a wannabe partier and drinker, they merely served as “bit players” in the story my life. I failed to appreciate what, ultimately, they would mean to me many hard miles down the road.When I eventually sobered up and became more open to ideas other than my own, I was only too happy to work alongside them and to learn from them. The names which stick out are Larry Fugate, Forrest Wilkins, John Hamilton, Charlie Rieben, Eric Sage, Chris Hadji, Gil Waldron, and Tom Moselle.After sobering up, and needing a hobby, I became interested in Family History Work. The LDS Church was only too happy to help out. I never knew my own paternal grandfather’s name. In addition to many trips to the library at the West L.A. Temple, it was in the Family History Library, in Salt Lake City, where I saw in a sales pamphlet, dated 1916, my Grandfather’s name, Roy. I never knew. My dad was downright secretive about his side of the family. I spoke to my mom. I spoke to his first wife. My half-sister, my half-brother. No one knew much. He actually, in some cases, forbid the conversation.Later, at LAPD, I became involved in recovery work at the Employee Assistance Unit. Part of our duties was to oversee the police chaplain program. My second wife was partners with a nice Mormon cop named Nate Banry. I was pleased to get Nate on board, as LAPD’s first LDS chaplain in a long, long time.Away from the workplace, at home, I was always nice to the young missionaries who would stop by. Before she met and worked with Nate, my second wife was often borderline rude to them. I was always welcoming, offering the use of our bathroom or a bottle of water. I had become very appreciative of the fact these young people give up a couple of years of their lives, often learning a foreign language, to serve others.After “retirement” and the move to Colorado, I become a cop in Monument working for Chief Jake Shirk…LDS. He encouraged me to apply for the job of chief in the neighboring town of Palmer Lake. I got the job, and kept it for three years, until the town ran out of money and cut the police force severely.Now we get back to almost present day - Marriage on the rocks. I’ve lost my police chief job positon and I’m working in a gun store as a sales manager. My across-the-street neighbor Dorothy Burnett comes in to buy a case of 9mm ammo (yeah, lots of women buy guns and ammo, here in Colorado. It’s a bit of culture shock). Dorothy is a member and has the missionaries living with her and her husband Bob, a former Buffalo Bills/Denver Bronco player. Dorothy and I talk about my life, my failing marriage, I say a couple of things that tell her I know a thing, or two, about the Church and she says, “I ought to have the young men come talk to you. Would you like that?” I have nothing to lose and say, yes.The young men stop by and we discuss many things. As my marriage continues to deteriorate I discuss my unhappiness with the Catholic Church. The lessons start with Elder Reber, from Utah; Elder Requilman from Hawaii; and later; Elder Van Patten from Orange, California. Soon, our weekly visits are joined by Elder Gamez, High Priest leader Brother Knight, and finally Bishop Mikleson. Lastly, it is my neighbor (the now, late) Bobby Burnett who is there on the eve of my decision.I just remembered this little tidbit. AA has reminded me that “nothing happens by accident”. At the gun store, we get a new employee on board. Jason is a funny guy, well suited to our work group. He asks appropriate questions and among them is what the worst part about working there. A couple of guys give their opinion, then it’s my turn. I say, “It’s the effect on my feet. They’re killing me by the end of the day!” Jason says, “Yeah, well when I was a missionary…” I walk out of that meeting saying, “Really, God? I’m so ‘on the fence’ that you have to send Jason here, too?” A few days later, Jason catches me on break, studying the Book of Mormon, smiles BIG and says “look at you, making Jesus proud!”I have read the Book of Mormon before, when I got a copy touring the Salt Lake City Temple Visitors Center some 35 years prior. I read it, but like a book on quantum physics it did not mean the same to me as if I had done it with a guide, knowledgeable on the subject to illustrate the finer points to one as clueless as I was. On a trip to California to see my adult son, I’m on a Southwest flight and reading the Book, again…I actually slap my forehead when I get to a certain portion of the Book. It all makes sense to me:It is when I reread the symbolism of the Iron Rod (starting in 1Nephi 8, and revealed in 1Nephi 11:25), I am absolutely blown away by (what I consider) its divine origin/inspiration. The act of translating several books; using a different manner of speech, in my opinion, would be a pretty difficult task for such a young simple man (3rd grade educated), in such a simple time (1820’s). That’s why I choose to believe the Book is true and that Joseph Smith was a latter day prophet. Please remember that he paid for his beliefs with harassment, imprisonment, persecution, and eventually a martyr’s death. At any time, he and his early followers could have decided “this isn’t worth it, forget this, let’s change our name, and seek a simple life elsewhere.” As the missionaries shared with me, “no good man would have written this book, and no bad man could have written it.”The Iron Rod and I are not strangers. Nate actually had one hanging in his study in the Van Nuys home we first visited him in.Now, back home, the tension is so thick in my home, due to the break up that my oldest daughter is acting out. I am afraid for her. I have put off making any changes until Bobby Burnett says, “Kieth, did you ever consider that Satan is causing all these disturbances in your life, to upset the peace of your home, so that you keep putting off your baptism? I’m willing to bet that it will all go away, once you get baptized.” I looked at them all and said, “If all I have to do is get baptized to make this stuff go away, let’s drive down to the church, now, and do it.” That’s when they said it doesn’t quite work that way. I have to be interviewed and attend some sacrament meetings.Now here’s the tricky part…all worked out by Heavenly Father…at the gun store I work Sundays. The store required me to be there at 9:30 a.m. Sacrament services start at 8:30 a.m. I have to leave by 9:15 at the latest, so I get about 35-40 minutes at church. Without any effort on my part, the owners of the gun store suddenly tell us, “If you guys can prepare the store after closing, in the evenings, you don’t have to be here the next morning until 9:45 a.m.” Now, I get to attend all of Sacrament meeting, get to work and change out of my suit and into my store attire. It works out.I’m all set for my baptism, on Tuesday, February 9th. I have already been served divorce papers by my second wife. I purposely do not let my kids attend as I do not want the home shaken up already more than it is. But there is one person I have not told about this change, my (then) 85 year-old mother.I called her the evening of February 8th and said, “Hey, mom, I think I’m done being Catholic, now that my second Catholic marriage has gone bust. I really don’t know what I’m doing there, any longer.” She was very calm and said, gently, “Yeah, I can see why you might want out. Just…don’t…become…one…of…THOSE…Mormons.” I laughed out loud like I had not laughed in a long, long time. “Mom, why would you say that? Of all the churches, out there, why that one? Because that’s exactly where I’m headed” She paused for moment and said, “I have absolutely no idea why I said that”. I had been warned that Satan might try to keep me from my baptism, but I had no idea he’d use an 85 year-old Osage woman in Pawhuska, Oklahoma to do so.Need to tell you that I’ve been using Facebook to keep two people informed of my progress. One is Nate Banry, back at LAPD. The other is Paul DeHart…I find him on Facebook after 50 years.Paul DeHart tells me that, 50 years ago, even HE remembers my dad talking about being a “Jack Mormon”, a non-observant LDS Church member. I have examined many Family History documents, and explored many Church members with the last name of Moreland, but it’s just not adding up. So far, I haven’t found it. Next thing you know a police job opens up. I get hired as a sergeant, at a new community college police agency, and will now have my weekends off.My baptism takes place, February 9th. I was baptized by Elder Reber, a very nice young missionary from Saint George, Utah. I chose the closing hymn to be “Faith of Our Fathers”, a hymn I had sung in Catholic Church when I was just new, there. Nate Banry delivered the closing prayer, via phone. Monument PD Chief Shirk, and Det. Joe Lundy are there, as (required) witnesses (to make sure my immersion is complete). Many people, mostly strangers, attend my baptism. This is something members do, to show support, to the newcomers and welcome them into the flock.We sell our house, each buy new homes and come to temporary agreements on when we have the kids. The new address keeps me in the same meeting house, but I switch Wards. My new Ward starts their worship at 11:00 a.m. My Sundays are all clear, after I take the kids to their mom at 10:00 a.m. Sadly, that temporary agreement currently prevents me from “indoctrinating” my children into the LDS Church, or even having them accompany me to church. I may have something to say, about that, later on in court. Hana’s best school friend, at the time was LDS. She went to one event with me, a baptism, and liked it. 16 year-old Devon traveled between support and suspicion. Tanner was like, “whatever...where are my Legos?”What it’s like today - Despite what was my pending divorce. Selling a home where I thought we’d grow older, together, buying a home just for me and sometimes the kids, changing jobs. I considered that I was, and am STILL incredibly blessed.In the Church, we get callings, opportunities to serve. For example, I’m a Home Teacher. With a companion, we make a point of stopping by another member/family to impart a lesson, visit, and also to determine if there are any needs. This Church holds blood drives. It organizes work parties to help clean yards of elderly members. It “takes care” of members in need.I also get a Home Teacher. At first, it was Brother Boone, a WWII veteran and his younger companion. As the movers and I spent a Sunday working to pack up all the old house contents, Brother Boone stops by. He says, sadly, “Brother Moreland, you didn’t call us for help with your move.” I tell him I did not feel right, just joining the Church and asking for favors. He makes me promise that I will ask for help when I move into the new place.During this time, I’m living at a hotel. They tell me, one Sunday, that I’m not to show up to church, but watch TV. I’m thinking, “Yeah, I can do that. I’ve had a lot of practice!” Twice a year, the Church has what’s called General Conference. A gathering of members who are addressed by the Church leadership, regarding decisions affecting the direction of the Church and guidance for the overall membership. I’m lying on my bed in the Best Western on a Sunday, and the Church President (and Prophet) Thomas S. Monson tells a story which reminds us all to, “be the same people we are, outside of the church building, that we are on the inside.” A gentle, direct, and beneficial message to anyone who cares to listen and apply to their daily lives. I thought back to working in Clifton’s Cafeteria every Sunday, some forty years ago and how many so-called “Christians” would come in for lunch after services, treat each other with love and respect, yet they treated us workers with contempt and impatience. I’ve see much better behavior from LDS members over my lifetime and appreciated their attitudes toward God, Country and Community.The closing date for my new home, my move-in date if you will, was Sunday April 20th. You may not recall by just hearing the date, but that was Easter Sunday. So I’m in the start of the third hour of services on Easter Sunday. (For non-members, first hour is Sacrament meeting, second is Gospel Principles study, and first half of the third is a gathering of all the boys over eight and men, second half of the third hour is High Priest Quorum). Bishop Mikleson asks, “Kieth when do you move in?” I tell him that, TECHNICALLY, I can take possession today, but I do not want to interfere with everyone’s Easter. The Bishop says again, “Kieth, what time do you want us there?” My replay is the same. That it’s Easter Sunday and I do not want to take anyone away from their families. The Bishop say, “Kieth, what time?” Okay, okay…one to four.At 12:55 there was no activity on my street and I figure somebody listened to me.At 1:00 pm there were about 20 guys with trucks, dollies, and work gloves. Let me cut it short and tell you that EVERYTHING (and MORE) was done by 3:00 pm. I began to thank them profusely. Then one of the men speaks up and says, “My wife made you an Easter dinner…ham, sweet potatoes, veggies, and rolls in some disposable plastic ware…I put it in your fridge.” I’m losing it. Then the Bishop says that I have a place at his family’s table if I wish. It’s official, I’m crying from a healthy dose of externally produced love and internally produced gratitude.It is said amongst the members of the LDS Church that we do not seek out callings, but we also do not refuse them when we’re called. It seems that every time I’ve turned around, there’s been another interview. Another level proposed and I’ve been found worthy. I have GLADLY delivered a lesson. I have home taught, given a blessing to the sick, and have offered prayer at Sacrament. I am personally more involved in this Church, in the last six months that in almost half-century in the previous one.I have been blessed to stand in for my father, being baptized and confirmed FOR HIM, so that he may finally (or again) have the blessings of membership in the Church (should he choose to accept). I also was baptized and confirmed for about a dozen-plus (likely) Croatians, whose names were submitted for baptism and confirmation by family members unable to make it to the Temple(s) anywhere in Europe. I will continue my Family History work and be baptized for those I can find. (Non-members please be aware, that even on the “other side of the veil”, we believe that the deceased can REFUSE the baptism/confirmation).The morning of July 6th, I was given my patriarchal blessing. A senior member of the Church, usually one per Stake, is ordained to meet with individual members (after being recommended by their Bishop), and the Patriarch blesses the member in accordance with how their prayers and a brief interview have guided them. Brother Graves admitted that sometimes he's very surprised to hear what he's said during these blessings. He said he’s not that clever. A story I know well. I was later given a copy, word-for-word, of the blessing. A master copy is kept on file in Salt Lake City, should I ever lose my copy.The Church does not allow us to openly share what was brought forward. We treat it as “sacred, but not secret”. I can tell you portions, however. Weeks prior to this blessing I had made a decision to start include prayers for both my first wife, and my (then) soon-to-be-ex-wife, every night and morning. This came out during the interview. Brother Graves, as he spoke stated words to the effect, “The Lord is pleased that you pray for your children’s mothers. In time, any bitterness and anger will subside…” I had made a decision, at the start of the blessing, to keep my eyes shut, throughout. When he said those words, halfway through, I opened my eyes and tears fell. No sobs. No emotions. Just as if I had emptied the contents of a couple of test tubes from each hand. For me, it was like the anger and bitterness had been removed. It was as if I was forgiving them – Not because they NEEDED forgiveness, but because I needed to do it.In Conclusion – What I prefer to think is NOT how bad or lacking my previous church was. They helped get me to where I am today. I’m grateful for some of the lessons they taught and some of the people I met there. I prefer this to be about my gratitude for where I am, today. Now, let’s just say, for a moment, that I’m (along with 15+ million other LDS members, worldwide) dead wrong, and it’s all smoke, mirrors, and a pyramid scheme by some long dead, greedy people. What’s the end result? For now, and the remainder of my life, should I choose to stay close to the Church, its teaching and its members, I have met and enjoyed the company of some quality people, who took no advantage of me; who supported me when times were bad and celebrated with me when times were good. I enjoy good health because I chose to shun alcohol and tobacco (which I was already doing) as well as coffee & tea.I have been blessed, more than I could have possibly imagined, by moving on, and taking membership in this Church. Finally, I will leave you with what’s missing from this letter, but what can be easily found on the internet. Those would be the Church’s 13 Articles of Faith.Among the 13, number 11 states: We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow the all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. (Who, else, says that?)Number 13, (my favorite) states: We believe in being honest, true, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul – We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.Should you ever, throughout the remainder of your life find a need, or experience the want, of a closer relationship to our Heavenly Father, or just to associate with good, decent, purpose-driven and happy people, you know where I’d send you.Regards,Kieth W. Moreland(Updated & Edited May 12, 2017)Mosiah 2:15-22
Which country has the best festivals?
20 BEST FESTIVALS IN THE WORLD (FOR YOUR WORLD TRAVEL BUCKET LIST)Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. All hosted affiliate links follow our editorial policies.TweetPin750Share936Share3Flip2KSHARESNo matter where you go around the globe, everybody loves to celebrate. And when it comes to celebration, festivals offer something for everyone.Whether it’s the arts and culture, food and wine, holidays, or religion you’re into, there’s a gathering somewhere with your name on it. Here’s a look at our “bucket list” picks for the biggest and best festivals in the world:Best Cultural FestivalsBest Holiday FestivalsBest Music FestivalsBest Religious FestivalsREAD MORE: World Travel Bucket ListsBEST CULTURAL FESTIVALSBurning Man, photo via pixabayBURNING MAN (BLACK ROCK DESERT, NEVADA)According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary there are nearly one million words in the English language. But we’re not sure any of them can adequately explain the inspired madness that goes down in the northwestern Nevada desert every summer.Burning Man started in 1986, when Larry Harvey and his buddy Jerry James assembled a 8-foot tall makeshift wooden figure and dragged it to San Francisco’s Baker Beach on the Summer Solstice.Welcome to Green Global Travel!They lit it on fire, a curious crowd of around 20 people watched it burn, and thus one of the world’s weirdest, wildest parties was born.From those humble beginnings, the Man grew (hitting 105 feet in 2014), as did the number of attendees (nearly 70,000 in 2017). Once an intimate gathering of friends and family, the festival is now an arty, apocalyptic paean to the wonder of self-expression, attracting a tight-knit community of bohemians and misfits from all around the world.It’s part Mad Max, part Survivor, and part Comic-Con (see: CRAZY costumes & festival clothing), with an emphasis on experimental creativity, cooperation, and civic responsibility.It takes place from the last Sunday in August to Labor Day. And after the man is burned in the climactic culmination, the entire “city in the desert” disappears without a trace.Looking for a hotel near Burning Man? Check out Candlewood Suites Winnemucca, Best Western Plus Gold Country Inn, or Winnemucca Holiday Motel.READ MOREBiggest Festival in the World – Carnival, via pixabayCARNIVAL (RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL)Arguably the biggest festival in the world (not to mention its wildest party), Brazil’s Carnival is widely considered “the greatest show on Earth.” The event attracts nearly 5 million people each year, with a half-million or so being visitors traveling to see the spectacle.Historically, Carnival is a religious celebration. The Brazil festival takes place in February or March, over the 5 days preceding the Catholic season of Lent, which starts 40 days before Easter. It also coincides with the end of the long, brutally hot Brazilian summer.So picture 5 million people who’ve been baking in the heat for months, preparing to give up the things they love for 40 days, set loose in a city filled with lively music and half-naked dancers shaking what their mama gave them.Yeah, it’s THAT crazy. And colorful, thanks to creative costumes worn by the 70+ samba schools (each representing a different neighborhood) who compete for cash and national fame.This famous festival culminates with a rowdy, raucous 2-night extravaganza at Rio’s remarkable Sambadrome, where 90,000+ spectators pay top dollar to watch the top 12 samba schools compete for the grand prize.There are annual themes for the competition, and the carnival parades are usually the stuff of legend. Carnival is celebrated in many Latin American nations, but nobody does it like Rio.Looking for hotels in Rio de Janeiro for Carnival? Check out Pousada Irmãos Freyhardt Galeão, Hotel Atlântico Business Centro or Casa Nova Hotel.READ MORE: The Shark Infested Beaches of Recife, BrazilIce Festival in Harbin, China via pixabayHARBIN INTERNATIONAL ICE & SNOW SCULPTURE FESTIVAL (HARBIN, CHINA)Where Carnival celebrates the end of Brazil’s oppressive heat, the International Ice & Snow Sculpture Festival makes the most of the bitter winter weather you’ll find in Harbin, China.Located in Northeast China, Harbin receives some seriously cold winter winds blowing over from Siberia. How cold, you may ask? The average daily temperature in winter is around 1.8 ºF, and lows of -31 ºF are dauntingly frequent.So why in god’s green earth would any sane person want to visit for this month-long chinese festival (which officially starts on January 5)?Because it’s home to the largest ice sculptures in the world, and the celebration takes over the entire city. There are two main exhibition areas: Sun Island is a recreation area along the Songua River, where you’ll find most of the giant sculptures.Ice and Snow World opens at night, with colorful lights illuminating full-sized buildings made of 2- to 3-foot ice blocks taken from the river.Other activities in the area during the festival include alpine skiing, touring ice lantern exhibitions in various local parks, and– for the truly insane– swimming in the river’s frigid waters.Looking for a hotel near the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival? Check out Harbin Joy Boutique Hotel, Harbin Airport Daily Inn or Qihang Hotel Harbin Taiping Airport.READ MORE: Top 7 Things to Do in China for Nature LoversLa Tomatina, Spanish Festival via pixabayLA TOMATINA (VALENCIA, SPAIN)Launched way back in 1945, La Tomatina is one of the oldest festivals on our list. It’s also easily the messiest, coming off like the world’s biggest food fight.Legend has it that the whole thing started when some local boys joined a parade alongside musicians, “Giants” on stilts, and “Big Head” figures.The unruly boys knocked one of the performers off his stilts, he became enraged and started lashing out, and a vendor’s vegetable stand fell victim to the mayhem until the police arrived to break it up.The Spanish festival was banned for much of the 1950s, but in 1957 locals protested with a mock funeral, carrying a coffin with a giant tomato inside as bands played a funeral march.Eventually the powers-that-be relented, and La Tomatina has grown into a huge tourism draw in the decades since.If you go, please follow some simple rules: Don’t throw hard objects, squash the tomato before throwing it, stay a safe distance away from tomato trucks, and stop when the starter pistol indicates that the hour of mayhem has ended.In other words, have fun, but don’t hurt anybody and don’t be a jerk.Looking for hotels near La Tomatina? Check out Hotel Muralleta, Casa Robion, or Torrijos.READ MORE: Ecotourism in Spain (Top 5 Attractions)Mardi Gras, a New Orleans festival via pixabayMARDI GRAS (NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA)Also known as Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras in New Orleans is a cultural spectacle to behold– sort of like the USA version of Carnival. But there is some debate over whether it was NOLA or Mobile, Alabama that had the first Mardi Gras back in the 1700s.Regardless of who did it first, few would argue that the New Orleans festival is the best. Though the celebration is held every year on the day before Ash Wednesday, the festivities last for months.It begins with social events in November, private balls held on Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Eve, with parades and more private balls throughout January and early February.Getting invites to the private events isn’t easy. But if you know someone (or have the money to grease palms), MOM’s Ball and Orpheuscapade Ball are frequently ranked among the best.And if you love music, check out the annual Galactic concert at the world-famous Tipitina’s on Lundi Gras (the day before Mardi Gras).When the big day arrives, it’s best to plan what you want to see and do before the parade of beads, boobs, and booze begins. Longtime locals love the Krewe of Muses Parade, the Rex & Zulu Parade, and the Krewe of St. Anne and Krewe of Julu Parades.But, for our money, it doesn’t get any better than watching the Mardi Gras Indians Parade in Treme.Looking for a hotel for Mardi Gras in New Orleans? Check out the Royal Frenchmen Hotel and Bar, Hotel Peter and Paul or Omni Riverfront New Orleans.READ MORE: The Mardi Gras Balls, Parades, & Parties (An Insiders Guide)BEST HOLIDAY FESTIVALSMexico’s Day of the Dead float via pixabayDIA DE LOS MUERTOS (MEXICO)Although Cinco de Mayo may be more well-known in the US, this is arguably Mexico’s most important and widely celebrated holiday. In fact, it’s important enough that it was added to UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2008.More commonly known in English-speaking countries as the Day of the Dead, the festivities begin on October 31 and last through November 2.As depicted in the 2017 Pixar film Coco, the holiday is all about getting together with friends and family to remember and celebrate ancestors who have died in order to help them on their spiritual journey.To honor those that came before, mexican families build private altars in their homes, known as ofrendas. On top of them they’ll put photos of the dead, calaveras (a.k.a. sugar skulls), Aztec Marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of their ancestors.They also visit their loved ones’ graves, leaving these gifts and other beloved possessions as tribute to the deceased.Specific celebrations of the holiday differ from region to region, with some towns holding lively parades and celebrations, while others keep it a more subdued affair with religious overtones (it coincides with All Saint’s Day).In some cities, children will dress up in costume and go door-to-door asking calaveritas, much like trick-or-treating in the US.Looking for a hotel to celebrate Dia De Los Muertos in Mexico? Check out H21 Hotel Boutique, Fiesta Inn Aeropuerto CD Mexico or City Express Ciudad de Mexico Aeropuerto.READ MORE: Visiting Museo Maya de Cancun (Cancun Mayan Museum)By Carmelrmd – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0KING’S DAY (NETHERLANDS)The rest of the world could learn a thing or two from The Netherlands about properly celebrating a national dignitary’s birthday.Queen’s Day was a national holiday (celebrated on April 30 until 2013) commemorating Queen Beatrix’s birth. So what if her Royal Highness was actually born in late January?!By having the festivities in pleasant April, the proud Dutch were able to throw on their loud orange attire and toss back a few drinks without having to worry about weather.With the crowning of her son, Willem-Alexander, the holiday became known as King’s Day, or Koningsdag. It is now officially celebrated on April 27 (the King’s birthday), and includes an official government ceremony followed by sporting competitions and fun, family-friendly celebrations.The great climate also makes for ideal conditions for a massive, country-wide flea market you have to see to believe.Looking for a hotel to celebrate King’s Day in the Netherlands? Check out Crowne Plaza Amsterdam – South, Leonardo Hotel Amsterdam Rembrandtpark, or XO Hotels Couture.By Eli Christman (2014 Carytown Krampusnacht) CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia CommonsKRAMPUSNACHT (CENTRAL EUROPE)If you’ve read our many stories about Christmas, you know we’re especially passionate about the holiday and its myriad traditions. So it with some authority that we can say that Krampusnacht is easily the weirdest, creepiest Christmas tradition in the world.You know the line in “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” that warns, “You better watch out”? Well, kids have a lot more to fear from Krampus, a hellish demon who haunts Central Europe around the holidays.Picture an insane devil in chains, with matted fur, stag horns, and flaming coals for eyes, known for kidnapping children in a big sack so he can eat them later.Krampusnacht (Krampus Night) occurs on December 5, the night before the Feast of St. Nicholas. While Santa appears in the vestments of a Bishop and doles out gifts for good little girls and boys, the horny (literally and figuratively) devil presents the bad ones with coal and/or swats them with bundles of birch branches.Nobody seems to know where Krampus came from. But some historians suggest he may be a holdover from the region’s pagan past, demonized by the Catholic Church.Regardless, it’s customary to offer a Krampus some schnapps. It might not make him leave you alone, but hopefully it’ll keep him out of your dreams.Looking for a hotel to celebrate Krampusnacht? Check out BoHo Prague Hotel (Czech Republic), 25hours Hotel The Circle (Germany) and Villa Adria Apartments (Croatia)READ MORE: 75 Christmas Traditions Around the Worldphoto by Wyndham Hollis via flickr CC 2.0SONGKRAN (THAILAND)Derived from the Sanskrit word for “astrological passage” (meaning a change or transformation), Songkran refers to the traditional New Year celebrated on April 13 in parts of India, China, and much of Southeast Asia.The holiday, which last through April 15, is traditionally a fairly subdued affair. Mornings often start with visiting local Buddhist temples to offer food to the monks. Water is often poured on statues of the Buddha, the young, and the elderly in a symbolic purification ritual.Family members who have moved away will often return home for the holiday to pay tribute to their ancestors. People clean their houses in preparation, and everyone dresses up in their best clothes.Some regions host traditional parades and beauty contests, while others believe in setting off firecrackers on April 13 to ward off bad luck in the New Year.But the main reason Songkran is known outside of Asia is the wet, wild celebration in Thailand, especially Chiang Mai.There, most of the major streets are closed off to traffic and packed with young people for what is likely the world’s biggest water fight. Water balloons are Super Soakers are a given, and getting drenched is guaranteed.Looking for a hotel base to celebrate Songkran in Chiang Mai? Check out The Granary Resort, Reean Racha Resort and Amata Lanna Village.READ MORE: The 13 Most Beautiful Thailand National ParksST. PATRICK’S FESTIVAL (DUBLIN, IRELAND)There are certainly larger and more raucous celebrations of Saint Patrick’s Day than the one that’s held in Dublin, Ireland every March.But considering the fact that the holiday was originally a religious celebration honoring the death of the patron saint of Ireland, suggesting any other place to partake in it feels a bit sacrilegious.Saint Patrick was born to a religious family in Roman Britain sometime around 385 AD. At the age of 16 he was kidnapped and taken to Gaelic Ireland, where he worked as a shepherd for six years before making his escape and making his way home.Eventually he became a priest and returned to Ireland, where he converted many pagans to Christianity.Trivial fact: Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated in more countries than any other national festival. In fact, it’s only in recent years that the Irish have stepped up their St. Patrick’s Festival to rival the celebrations in US cities such as New York and Savannah.Customary traditions include wearing green clothing and shamrocks (which the Saint used to explain the Holy Trinity), public parades, and lively music and dancing (known as a ceilidh).The Irish also love to feast and have a wee nip of whiskey, as the Lenten restrictions on eating and drinking are officially lifted for the day.Looking for a hotel to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin? Check out The Hendrick Smithfield, Clayton Hotel Burlington Road or The Gibson Hotel.READ MORE: One Week in Ireland (The perfect Road Trip Itinerary)BEST MUSIC FESTIVALSphoto by Laura Findley, Bonnaroo Music Festival 2017 via flickr CC 2.0BONNAROO MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL (MANCHESTER, TENNESSEE)It may not be quite as big as Coachella or as iconic as Lollapalooza. But to understand what we love about Bonnaroo (other than the fact that it’s 2.5 hours day trip from Atlanta), just check out their tagline.“Thousands of happy campers. Hundreds of acres of Tennessee nature. 150 epic performances. 10+ Stages of music. Four of the best days ever.”Coachella is owned by a climate change-denying billionaire, Philip Anschutz, who donates his riches to pro-gun, anti-LGBTQ Republican politicians and Super PACs.Bonnaroo’s sustainability initiatives include Planet Roo (a haven for environmental consciousness), Clean Vibes Trading Post, annual sustainability reports, and $1 from every ticket goes to eco-friendly efforts.Launched in 2002, the music festival is held every June on a 700-acre farm just south of Nashville.With diverse headliners that have ranged from the Beastie Boys and Eminem to the Beach Boys and Paul McCartney, from Willie Nelson and Widespread Panic to Radiohead and Tool, it’s modeled after iconic music festivals like Monterey Pop and Woodstock.In additions to the music, you can also find arts and crafts, food and drinks, a comedy tent, cinema tent, Ferris wheel, silent disco, parades, and yoga.Their unique “Campground Plazas” also offer karaoke, late night parties, celebrity appearances, and more.If you’re looking for a hotel for the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, check out the Days Inn by Wyndham Manchester TN, Sassy Springs Retreat, and Courtyard by Marriott Nashville SE/Murfreesboro.READ MORE: The Best Travel Clothing for 7 Travel Styles (An Epic Guide)Fes Festival of World Sacred Music photo by Zoubir Ali via Flickr CC 2.0FES FESTIVAL OF WORLD SACRED MUSIC (FES, MOROCCO)Originally launched in 1994 in Fes (with King Mohammed VI as its royal patron), this world music festival is a celebration of the ancient Moroccan city’s rich traditions in the arts, knowledge, and spirituality.Held in June, the event has grown considerably over the last 24 years, annually attracting some 100,000+ attendees.It was even recognized by the UN as one of the world’s most significant events in terms of contributing to the dialogue between disparate cultures around the world.Every year the Fes Festival offers around 60 different shows and concerts, featuring musicians and poets ranging from up-and-coming “Next Big Things” to international icons such as Joan Baez, Björk, Patti Smith, Salif Keita, and Ravi Shankar. There are also multimedia performances, and Sufi Nights featuring sacred music rich with mysticism.Fes is the perfect setting for a festival rich with such diverse cultural traditions. Its influence dates back to Medieval times, when Popes and philosopher’s went there to study and teach.The concerts take place in venues of ancient cultural heritage, from local riads to the grand courtyard of Bab al Makina, where the official ceremonies of the royal palace were once held.If you’re looking for a hotel in Fes for the World Music Festival, check out Palais Faraj Suites & Spa, Riad Naila or Dar Mfaddel.READ MORE: Interview with Moroccan Music Legend Hassan HakmounMONTREUX JAZZ FESTIVAL (MONTREUX, SWITZERLAND)Founded back in 1967 (with considerable help from Atlantic Records honchos Ahmet and Nesuhi Ertegün), Montreux is one of the oldest music festivals in the world. It’s also the second largest jazz festival, after the Montreal International Jazz Festival.That Canadian concert may attract more visitors– around 2 million annually. But Montreux benefits from its picturesque location on the stunning shores of Lake Geneva. The area is particularly beautiful in late June/early July, when the festival is held.Don’t let the name fool you: Though the festival was jazz-only in its early years, by the 1970s legendary rock artists such as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Van Morrison were topping the bill.It was originally held at the Montreux Casino, until it burned down during Frank Zappa’s 1971 performance there. The event was immortalized in “Smoke On The Water,” the Deep Purple classic: “We all came out to Montreux, on the Lake Geneva shoreline. To make records with a mobile, we didn’t have much time.”In recent years the lineup has only gotten more eclectic. It still attracts top-notch jazz musicians such as Herbie Hancock, John Scofield, George Benson, and Fourplay.But it also hosts iconic artists offering an array of other styles, such as Usher & The Roots, Fleet Foxes, Erykah Badu, Youssou N’Dour, Ms. Lauryn Hill, and Brian Wilson. Best of all, more than half the concerts are free!If you’re looking for a hotel in Montreux, Switzerland for the Montreal International Jazz Festival, check out Hôtel de Chailly, Le Coucou Hotel & Restaurant-Bar or Swiss Historic Hotel Masson.READ MORE: Ben Jaffe on Preservation Hall Jazz BandWomad Music Festival. photo by Loyle Carner Aimee Valinski via (WILTSHIRE, ENGLAND)One of my favorite music festivals I’ve attended, WOMAD (World Of Music, Arts & Dance) was founded in 1980 by Peter Gabriel and a team that included Artistic Director Thomas Brooman and influential concert promoter Martin Elbourne (who also books the Glastonbury Festival).From the beginning, the festival focused on the enthusiastic embracing of the world’s disparate cultures, encouraging the breaking down of boundaries through art, music, and movement.This has led to some extraordinary collaborations, such as when Echo & the Bunnymen played with the Drummers of Burundi in 1982, and when Mali’s Tinariwen played with two members of TV On The Radio in 2010.More than any other music festival, WOMAD has always been a celebration of global culture first and foremost. They offer workshops for both children (including circus skills, painting, and storytelling) and adults (such as dance, exotic musical instruments, and discussions of global concerns).They also feature an array of international cuisines, including traditional dishes cooked by the musicians themselves.Though not nearly as large as soon of the other festivals on this list (averaging around 30,000 visitors), the eclectic festival celebrated its 35th anniversary in 2017. It is held annually in late July.If you’re looking for a hotel for the WOMAD Festival, check out the Village Hotel Swindon, Cricklade House Hotel, or The Foxham Inn.READ MORE: Q&A with Tinariwen, Mali’s Tuareg Blues LegendsWORLD SACRED SPIRIT FESTIVAL (JODHPUR, INDIA)You’re unlikely to find a more stunning setting for a music festival than the ancient Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur, in the Indian state of Rajasthan.Built around 1460 and located on a hill 410 feet above the city, the massive fort (one of India’s largest) includes an impressive museum and several palaces renowned for their intricate carvings and expansive courtyards.At the base of this extraordinary monument is where you’ll find the World Sacred Spirit Festival, which takes place over three days in mid-February. Founded in 2007, the event was formerly known as the World Sufi Festival.But it has since expanded its horizons to include a broad variety of sacred, spiritual music from different parts of the world.From melodious Lithuanian harp music and the traditional Italian folk songs of Sardinia to Andalusian Sufi songs of Morocco and Duduk (a type of clarinet) music from Armenia, music from North Africa, Europe, and Asia will be featured.And of course the local sounds of Rajasthan, India will be given their due time in the spotlight, from Qawwali devotional music to the droning double flute known as the Satara.It may not be the easiest festival for our western readers to get to. But, in terms of the mesmerizing music and the surrounding scenery, we can guarantee it’ll be worth the trip.If you’re looking for a hotel for the World Sacred Spirit Festival, check out Fairfield by Marriott Jodhpur, The Ajit Bhawan Palace or RAAS Jodhpur.READ MORE: 50 Fascinating Facts About Indian Culture (By Region)BEST RELIGIOUS FESTIVALSOuidah Voodoo Festival via pixabayOUIDAH INTERNATIONAL VOODOO FESTIVAL (OUIDAH, BENIN)The Voodoo (a.k.a. Vodun) religion has been demonized by puritanical cultures for centuries.But in western Africa– including Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo– this ancient practice is integral to the morality, politics, and social order of many villages. So efforts to eradicate it have been largely unsuccessful.In reality, Voodoo is not all that different from Catholicism, though it is matriarchal as opposed to patriarchal.Adherents believe that the vodun spirits are deities governing both man and nature. They are in the trees, rivers, and rocks, with lesser vodun devoted to specific nations, tribes, and clans.The Ouidah International Voodoo Festival, held every January in Ouidah, Benin, is the world’s largest gathering of Vodun practitioners and devotees.It attracts thousands from all around the world each year. And though certain aspects of it may not be for the faint of heart, it is an enlightening look at one of the world’s most misunderstood religions.You may see the ritualistic animal sacrifices that have made Voodoo controversial in the west (despite the fact that factory farming practices are more gruesome). There are also markets filled with fetishes, wood carvings, and masks, and women dressed in all the vivid colors of the rainbow.Word to the wise: Not many white people attend the festival, and some people will take advantage of naive tourists!If you’re looking for a hotel for the Ouidah International Voodoo Festival, check out Laguna Lodge, Résidence MGA or Nature Luxury Lodge.READ MORE: New Orleans’ Historic Voodoo MuseumHoli Indian Festival via pixabayHOLI FESTIVAL (INDIA, NEPAL, AND PAKISTAN)This ancient Hindu festival, also known as “the festival of colours” or “the festival of love,” celebrates the end of winter and the victory of good over evil.It takes place between late February and mid-March and lasts for one night (known as Holika Dahan or Chhoti Holi) and the following day (Holi).There are various legends associated with the Indian Festival. One suggests it pays tribute to the Hindu god Vishnu and his follower, Prahlada, and their defeat of Prahlada’s power-hungry father, the demon King Hiranyakashipu.One suggests it’s a celebration of the great love Radha had for the blue-faced deity, Krishna. Others link it to Shiva, who is often associated with yoga and meditation.On Holika Dahan, people perform religious rituals before a raging bonfire, which symbolizes cleansing and the forgiveness of past debts and other transgressions. The next morning is the wild free-for-all for which Holi is known.People fill water balloons and water guns, drench each other, then cover each other in powder in an array of dazzling colors.There’s also marching bands, dancing, food and drinks, and lots of laughter. Everyone is welcome, everyone is fair game, and the playful, childlike vibe is incredibly infectious.If you’re looking for a hotel to celebrate Holi Festival, check out Hotel SR Plaza (India), Taleju Boutique Hotel (Nepal) and Royal Villa F-10/2 (Pakistan).READ MORE: On the Trail of Tigers in Ranthambore National Parkby Tomas Maltby CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia CommonsMEVLÂNA FESTIVAL (KONYA, TURKEY)Commonly referred as the Whirling Dervish Festival, this annual event commemorates the death of 13th century saint Mevlâna, who’s more commonly known as Rumi.Rumi was a Persian poet, theologian, Islamic scholar, and Sufi mystic. Over the past seven centuries his influence has spread throughout the world, influencing everyone from Turks, Greeks, and Iranians to Muslims in Central and South Asia. Even now, nearly 750 years after his death, he is the best-selling poet in the United States.Rumi believed that it was possible to communicate with God through music and dance. Held December 10 through 17, the Mevlâna Festival celebrates Rumi’s eternal spirit with sacred music and Whirling Dervishes dancing.Their trance-like dancing creates a remarkable flow of energy, with their flowing white robes mesmerizing as they twirl in time with the music.The festival reaches its climactic crescendo on December 17, the day when Rumi was united with Allah. Over a million people attend each year, so if you want to visit the town of Konya you’ll need to book hotels and tickets well in advance.If you’re looking for a hotel for the Mevlâna Festival, check out Bera Konya Hotel, Paşapark Selçuklu Hotel or Bayır Diamond Hotel & Convention Center.By ROJOPUBICO (Own work) GFDL via Wikimedia CommonsSEMANA SANTA (SPAIN)Holy Week– the week between Palm Sunday and Easter– is celebrated throughout much of the Christian world. It commemorates the last week in the life of Christ, including the entry of Jesus and his disciples into Jerusalem, the crucifixion, and resurrection.But Semana Santa, as the holiday is known in Spain and much of Latin America, offers a much more elaborate approach to the celebration. It largely centers on the parade-like processions of Catholic brotherhoods (or fraternities), many of which date back to the Middle Ages or Baroque period.The celebrations vary by region: Those held in Málaga and Seville are among the most extravagant, while those in Valladolid and Zamora tend to be more somber. But the central features are generally similar.Penitents, known as nazarenos, march in colorful robes that hide their faces. They carry processional candles or crosses, and many walk barefoot, bound by chuckles and chains.But the thing that attracts travelers around the world is the fantastic floats (a.k.a. Pasos) they carry. These are elaborately decorated with artful sculptures depicting scenes from the Passion of Christ or the Sorrows of Virgin Mary.Some are created by famous Spanish artists, and have been used by brotherhoods for centuries. With marching bands providing musical accompaniment, it’s quite the spectacle.If you’re looking for a hotel for the Semana Santa Festival, check out Gran Hotel Miramar (Málaga), Hotel Palacete de Alamos (Málaga), Monte Carmelo (Sevilla) or Petit Palace Puerta de Triana (Sevilla).READ MORE: Working Holidays in AndalusiaBy Iudexvivorum (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia CommonsVESAK (COLOMBO, SRI LANKA)Also known as Vesākha or Buddha’s Birthday, Vesak is a traditional Buddhist holiday. It commemorates the birth, spiritual enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha, the sage teacher who lived sometime between the sixth and fourth centuries BCE.The religious holiday is observed by Buddhists in countries all around the world, but it is more common in Asia. The date varies from country to country, but the week-long celebration in Sri Lanka (which annually begins on the day of the full moon in May) is widely considered among the best.That’s because their Vesak Festival uniquely includes thoranas– massive, temporary structures designed to impress, covered with colorful lights and paintings.Each of these impressively elaborate pieces is designed to illustrate an important story from the Jatakas Tales about the life of the Buddha.Sri Lanka’s celebration also includes color lanterns (Vesak kuudu) hung in front of people’s home and along city streets to symbolize the light of the Buddha.There are food stalls set up to provide free food and drinks, groups singing devotional songs, and thousands of people from all around the world joining in the jubilant communal atmosphere that the best festivals create. –Bret Love; lead photo By Gianluca Ramalho Misiti (Flickr: sem título-25) CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia CommonsIf you’re looking for a hotel for the Vesak Festival, check out Marino Beach Colombo, Wonder Hotel Colombo, and City Hotel Colombo 02.Looking for essential Festival Gear? 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We were also featured in the 2017 National Geographic book, Ultimate Journeys for Two, for which we contributed a chapter on our adventures in Rwanda. Other awards we've won include Best Feature from both the Caribbean Tourism Organization and the Magazine Association of the Southeast.AS SEEN ON…We are open to discussing advertising, sponsorships, brand ambassadorships, freelance work, speaking/teaching engagements, and consulting opportunities. Please contact us at [email protected] for more info.
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