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PDF Editor FAQ

How would you explain to a child why it's okay to kill a pig but not a human or a stray dog?

So… three species. Man VS pigs, dogs VS pigs, man vs dogs. Caveat: this is cultural dependant. Man vs pigs or dogs are easy. It is never ok to kill a human being except as the ultimate form of punishment in some cultures or when, for some reason, the person has a valid reason to terminate his/her life (euthanasia). Dogs vs pigs… not much of a difference there, if not for culture. If you kill it for food, it’s ok (in my book). If you kill it for sport, it’s not ok (again, in my book).So… is killing any living creature wrong? I think this is the basic question… do all lives deserve the same respect? And my answear is: NO. Shocker? Ok, mosquitoes are living creatures… fair? Plants are living creatures… fair? Ok, animals are sentient and plants are not (not sure about mosquitoes), so let’s restrict the answear to just animals.And… is killing any animals wrong? Again, it is not. Even animals kill other animals to eat them, so… killing is a natural part of the food chain. If nature itself requires that animals kill others to survive, then we cannot conclude that it is immoral.But there will be people that will advocate that we have to transcend our instincts. Many times, these will be the same people that in many other aspects say that we should preserve our biological nature (and then we have the people that give birth at home, the paleo diet and other trends).Labeling natural things as being immoral is, in my perspective, an atempt to radicalize the question. It has been done before… for example for the Church, sex was immoral. Same sex couples were immoral. Are they? I guess we won that battle, and the general consensus in the Europe/USA is that it is natural. Guess what: so is eating meat.Having said that, if a person is a vegetarian, I think it is a valid decision, and a bold one. Just don’t try to take my steak away from me :)

What are the unacceptable behaviors of Filipinos?

I’m going to answer this as a Filipino myself. Here it goes:• Religious Hypocrisy. As a Filipino, this is what turns me off very often. Many Filipinos are devoted to their religion and all the ceremonies required of it are faithfully and wholeheartedly observed. But outside the church, mosque, temple and other places of worship, hypocrisy starts to surface. They tend to violate the very core teachings of their religion, its laws and restrictions. For example, many among those Filipinos who classify themselves as “religious” engage in premarital sex, marital infidelity, political corruption, cheating, gambling, drunkenness, violence, greed, selfishness and other grave trespasses. It has much to say on our present status, because we are considered as one of the most religious countries in Asia yet our government is also one of the most corrupt. It is actually not different from other cultures and traditions in the world, whether Western or Eastern. Religious but hypocrites.• Bringing uninvited guests in corporate or social events. This is one of the attitudes that would most likely piss off many people, specially foreigners. It is annoying, because some Filipinos would bring their close friends, acquaintances and family members even if they are the only person invited. It would shock the host of such events, because the accommodation and food had already been estimated by head count per visitor, then unwelcomed guests would show up, and it could potentially ruin the plan or program of the hosts in these events.• Lack of care for the environment. This is one of the many annoying attitudes that are prevalent in our country. Filipinos, in general, are clean inside their homes. Most parts of the house are spotless and tidy. But when someone observe the surroundings outside of their living space, it is usually dirty and messy, filth and trash are scattered all around. That’s the main reason why many urban areas in the Philippines are heavily polluted, because your average Pinoy is not very much concern of the conditions of his/her environment and the main focus is on the personal space or abode.• Double Standard Racism. This one is top notch. It says much regarding our interpersonal relationships with foreigners. There is two types of racism in the country, which is positive and negative racism. The former applies to all guests in the archipelago that have typical Euro-American features: those who have blonde hair, blue/green eyes, pale white skin and superb English accent are seen as superiors by many Filipinos. They will typically be treated as honored guests by many. To put it, they will have the best treatment among the foreigners in the archipelago. I’ve read one of the answers here stating that many poor Filipinos knock on his door and begging for alms. I’m sorry, but they don’t have any sense of entitlement, just like what you’ve mentioned. Their doing this, because they have the mindset that because you’re White, you have the power and riches to potentially help them in lifting up their poor living conditions. Every white person is seen as a potential savior. On the other hand, foreigners with skin tones much darker to that of an average Filipino will experience being mocked, joked and made fun of in subtle ways. Filipinos rarely express an overt form of racism. But whether its overt or subtle, it is still an unacceptable form of behavior.• The wrong concept of “hiya” or “shamefacedness”. Filipinos greatly value their individual honor, and they would do everything just to make their reputations honorable and presentable to the public. The sad thing is, an average Filipino don’t know how to handle individual criticism properly. An attack on a person’s wrongdoing or a public criticism on someone will be perceived as an attack on the honor and reputation of a person. This usually ends up in using violent means just to protect one’s personal honor, making sure that no one would reveal his/her wrongdoings that would potentially ruin his/her reputation. One of the best example on this attitude is the killing of media broadcasters by powerful Filipino politicians to prevent them from disclosing the filthy and disgusting practices they have in office.• Too much care given by parents on children, causing them to be spoiled brats. This attitude is true mostly on the upper and middle class Filipino families. Parents are giving every bit of provision to their children, including all of the caprices and whims of the child, resulting in too much reliance of the children on the parents, causing most of them to be spoiled brats who would know nothing but to spend their parents’ riches on their wants. Most of the time, these children would not exert much effort and strive hard to fulfill their dreams because they were spoiled by their parents. The sad thing is when the world turned upside down and the family fortune were lost to bankruptcy, most of these Filipino children would be devastated and torned apart, because they are not taught by their parents on how to earn a living and have their own life. Many Filipino children are indeed reliant on their parents and other relatives. This is one of the bad attitudes that we have to change as a people.• Crab Mentality. This toxic mentality is often seen in many Filipinos who are part of large, social circles. Many Filipinos who have this kind of attitude would be very envious and jealous if a certain person known to him/her would start to reach their dreams and begin to achieve goodness in life. What Crab Filipinos would do is they would spread false rumors and resort to character assassination to pull the other person down, ruining their reputation and harming their relationship with others. To a Filipino Crab, it is only them who are entitled to experience all the good tthings in life, and if they can’t achieve it, neither can you or should you. The pincers of such Filipinos with poisonous attitude should definitely be cut off.• The toxic “Padrino” system. Padrino is a Spanish word which means “godfather”. This annoying behavior can mostly be observed in the corporate world. It refers to the unfair system of endorsing a person by someone powerful or influential in a certain company or organization that will cause a person, mostly a friend or family member, to easily get hired without having to go through the difficult assessment being expected by ordinary job seekers. The most annoying part of this attitude is that influential people promote their close friends and family members to important positions in a company or the government, no matter how incompetent or unskilled they may be for a certain position. These influential Filipinos serve as the protector and backer of those closest to them.• Laziness at the workplace. Many Filipinos lack initiative and dedication in their various fields of endeavor and discipline, and most of these types of Filipinos would not put their 100% effort in maximizing the output, unless heavily supervised or have their work outputs scrutinized.• Staying silent during tensioned and pressing issues, for the sake of the preservation of SOCIAL HARMONY. This one is pretty common. Many Filipinos would just bow and nod their heads when disagreeing with someone close to them. This is due to the fact that Filipinos, and South East Asians in general, value smooth sailing interpersonal relationships and social harmony, above the radical and hurtful truth. This attitude is also one of the reasons why corruption is so prevalent in the government. It is due to the fact that the colleagues, friends and family of those corrupt officials are just tolerating them of their wrongdoing, because they are afraid to openly confront or criticize a certain person, in order to prevent quarrels and tensions to surface between the person involved and the people associated with the issue. This type of attitude must be put to an end, and I hope the future generation of Filipinos would be confident, frank and brave enough to call out the people close to them in their wrongdoing.These are just some of the annoying qualities of a Filipino that must be changed. I am criticizing my own country because I love it so much, and all of what’s wrong in our society today should be put on the surface, for us to be able to clean the entire mess and filth in the archipelago altogether.

How do you define "religious cult"? What groups would you characterize as cults?

Here is a list of characteristics common to cult-like groups, of any size, any culture, any race, any creed:*The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether s/he is alive or dead) regards his/her belief system, ideology, and practices as The Truth, and as The Law.*Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.*Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, "sacred herbs", food restriction, sleep deprivation, isolation, group pressure, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).*The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (for example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, who the member may or may not have sex with, being required to hand one's child over to the leader for sexual purposes, and so forth).*The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity). The group has a polarized us-versus-them elitism, which may cause conflict with the wider society.*The leader claims supreme authority and that he or she is not accountable to any other authorities (not accountable to teachers, military commanders or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations, the police, or to local, state or federal government laws).*The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members’ participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before they joined the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).*The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.*Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and to radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before they joined the group.*The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.*The group is preoccupied with making money.*Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.*Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.*The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.*Any member who actually leaves the group in spite of pressure or coercion not to, or speaks out against the group, is harassed, surveilled, possibly threatened with dire consequences, including being subjected to endless lawsuits, being financially ruined, being prevented from contacting family members still inside the group, having property vandalized, subjected to smear campaigns, etc.And frankly, any group that states openly that if you leave the group, YOU WILL BE KILLED (and probably your entire family as well), automatically qualifies as a freakin' cult in my opinion.That would include organized crime mobs, street gangs, some highly dysfunctional biological family groups, and the most extreme, fundamentalist, literalist interpretations of Islam, Christianity, and other long-established religious belief systems.

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