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What country can you go without a visa after obtaining a France nationality?

Go onto the French govt website. You will find a page which lists all the countries with visa requirements for overseas travelMinistère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères : la France dans l

How does the modern French Foreign Legion measure up against the US Marines?

Measure up against…That depends largely on what criteria exactly. These are two very different units with very different doctrines and capabilities.In my personal opinion it is a bit of a mix of apples and oranges but I would say both are equally proficient at what they are designed to do specifically.The USMC obviously is so large it can operate almost independently from the rest of the US Armed Forces. It is equiped with enough personel, logistics and weapon systems to compose a complete expeditionary unit. It even has its own aircrafts. The USMC is very large, excluding the reserves it´s close to 183000 personel. Another important point is that it´s directly affiliated to the Navy and its speciality is still coastal assault and amphibious operations. The USMC can do anything almost by itself. It´s a war machine that would steamroll almost anything that is thrown at it. Marines would level down any place in the world if that is their orders.La Légion Etrangère on the other hand is a relatively small unit, it is barely 8000 men strong. Though its regiments have great flexibility, La Légion is not designed for operation on such large scale as the USMC - the régiments étrangers that compose La Légion, in the French military doctrine, are meant to be fingers or knuckles of one hand that closes into a fist composed by many other Armée De Terre forces to operate jointly towards one goal, also known as GTIA, Groupe Tactique Inter Armes. On the other hand (no pun intended) the USMC is a fist and does not depend to the same degree on joint forces to achieve its missions but it is mainly due to two different doctrines and geo strategic functions.An old sergent of mine, a Britt, former 2ème REP who had jumped on Kolwezi at 18 years old once said “ If there is a tree at the crossroad, marines cut down the tree and place a tank instead. We légionnaires, we send a sniper climbing up the tree.” Another instructor of mine called Marines “ fat” but that´s another story, I do not agree on this, Marines are generally very fit on the average, I trained and was stationed alongside them on more than one occasion and some of these guys were absolute freaks of nature as far as physical fitness but the former´s imagery summums relatively well the difference in mindset between these two units.Both are elite conventional infantry.Nobody in the world does such a fine job as the USMC in turning average joes into leatherneck devils who bleed blue, stars and stripes. Nobody in the world makes odd men from 150 different nationalities fight under one flag with one common language. Both are equally proficient in their training methodology the two of which feature infamously difficult basic training phases, the USMC with its boot camp and La Légion with La Ferme (The Farm).What separates them most disctinctively in the aspects of basic training is an emphasis on language and tradition for la Légion as well as outmost complete isolation from the outside world and a deep point in teaching rusticité militaire which in Légion culture implies a more spartiate and somewhat rural (not to say feral) toughness approach to soldiering or the famous “ chat-maigre” concept I described in a previous answer, being a hungry mean machine, being able to make the most out of very little and make home any environment whether it´s the countryside of France, the Sahara or the Amazon rain forest. As an exemple, légionnaires are still taught how to handle camels as pack animals to cross desertic areas in Djibouti, that can illustrate well as far as common rusticity in Légion culture. The US Marine Corps in its own regard masters the art of lighting up the fire in the belly of its young recruits , it does not matter where you come from, they will make a marine out of you, they will go dig inside your soul and bring it up, count on that. The drill instructors of the USMC have my outmost respect for knowing exactly what button to push in any human being in order to turn them quickly from green footed civilian to efficient, motivated combattant. A marine is a grinder. No doubt. I have met my share of marines, they make many other troops from different first world armies pale by their fitness, high morale and deep rooted esprit de corps, something La Légion possesses on pretty much equal level but simply slightly different fashion. The légionnaire is more “ à l´ancienne” he changed much slower with time than the marine. The marine adapts and changes faster with his era than the légionnaire does, as in culture that is. One big difference for that matter is the implementation of women in combat roles within the Marine Corps, that is a question that was never even so little as raised regarding La Légion, this kind of thought is been quashed very quickly because the French Ministère De La Défense knows perfectly well the cultural particularities of La Légion are fostered by an environment and methodology more than hostile to attempt in entertaining an incubator such as this and that it would change the very fabric of La Légion way to profoundly for it to conserve the essence of what makes it such an efficient unit. The intra tribal dynamics of a gang of men whose primary job is to fight change profoundly when women become part of the picture. Simple fact. All male warriorhood is special and not the same if compromised. Debates can ensue among civilians but for us who have been on the inside the problem is laser cut clean an assesment. I deeply regret for the Marine Corps would this project follow through, I think praised veteran marine and writer Jon Davis would agree on this, nobody wants to see such a formidable force as the Marine Corps dilute its core for the sake of civilian social and cultural issues.If we had to stereotype (or somewhat romanticize) them, the marine is an American in the classic sense of the concept, never quits, patriotic defender who will wreck any enemy to pieces no matter what it takes. The légionnaire on the other hand is not a Frenchman, he is a légionnaire. A foreign enlisted with grit who marches or die (Marche ou Crève) and his family, his fatherland is La Légion (Legio Patria Nostra) and La Légion fights for France. He is expendable. That is still in the modern culture of La Légion and it works well for the type of job it is designed to do which for the most is to keep half of Africa from burning down to ashes any day of the year and tracking down drug smugglers and illegal gold miners in the Amazon rain forest and yes it sounds simple to the novice and incult but it´s not a simple job, far from that. It never ends. The African continent is an extremely complex environment both because of the variety of unforgiving climates and terrain and especially the ethnic and politic dynamics of its human ecosystems, the whole of which are spread on extremely vaste surface areas. There is a military art to that kind of peacekeeping that is extremely subtle and easily messed up and a domain in which La Légion holds a lot of experience. To quote a few recent exemples Opération LICORNE, SERVAL and ongoing BARKHANE are underrated and largely overlooked textbook exemples of this kind of missions. What La Légion has been doing for more than a century now is handling its own little “Afghanistans” day by day, year for year with great efficiency and that is no small feat. Many people, mostly biased, tend to overlook and downsize the difficult nature of this work.La Légion´s 2èmeREP (2ème Régiment Etranger de Parachutistes) for that matter is designed to be deployed to any of the hotspots France choses in 24 hours flat to handle the situation. That is four continents.This being said, as I introduced this text with, sizing up marines against légionnaires is a mixing of apples and oranges. It´s comparing a pack of fierce devil bulldogs to a nest of mean scorpions and snakes, the result of which comes down to one conclusion : you wouldn’t want to end up entangled in any of these two packs if you´re on the other side. Pick your poison.And their enemies usually find out the hard way…Over the years, the US Marine Corps and La Légion Etrangère have developed a respectful and professional relation to each other over the course of regular exchanges of savoir-faire and hard gained experience in different domains and this relation is still growing strong with time.Live Strong* Die StrongHonneur Et Fidélité* Semper Fidelis

Can you have a pet pig in your Paris apartment?

Pigs in ParisDes porcs à Paris comme animaux de compagnie? Je suis étonné.… and surprisingly, Pigs are listed as an approved Animal Companion (Pet)swine: Pigs (Sus domesticus)Sub-Directorate of Health and Animal Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food You wouldn’t think to check with the local gendarmerie or Depot de la Prefecture de Police by telephone, instead of posting a global request for online advice…Pets don’t wear a tag, but they need to be registered, and tattooed.Les animaux de compagnie sont des animaux dont l'homme a la garde, notamment dans son foyer, et qui sont détenus pour son agrément.L’accueil d’un animal de compagnie est un engagement, sur une longue durée et avec un coût financier important, que le consommateur ne doit pas prendre à la légère. Il impose le respect de règles fixées par le code rural portant sur le bien-être et la sécurité, notamment sanitaire, de l’animal, être sensible (article L. 214-1 du Code rural et de la pêche maritime, CRPM, et article 515-14 du Code civil).L’abandon d’un animal constitue un délit passible de deux ans d’emprisonnement et de 30 000 € d’amende (article 521-1 du Code pénal).Pets are animals which man has custody, in particular at home, and detained for his approval .hosting a pet is a commitment over a long period and with significant financial cost, the consumer should not be taken lightly. it requires compliance with rules set by the Rural Code on the welfare and safety, including health, animals, sentient being (Article l. 214-1 of the Code rural and maritime fishing, CPMR, and Article 515-14 of the civil code ) .abandonment of an animal is an offense punishable by two years imprisonment and € 30,000 fine (Article 521-1 of the Criminal Code). national identification register of domestic carnivores also introduced a smartphone application " filalapat ". this completely free application simplifies procedures of pet owners and the public in case of loss of a pet or search the owners of the stray For the latest regulations regarding the importation and keeping of pets in France contact the Sous-Direction de la Santé et de la Protection Animales, Ministère de l’Agriculture, de la Pêche et de l’Alimentation (01 56 79 21 21, – click on ‘ Ressources’).If you wish to import an exotic pet or more pets than the standard quota, contact the Direction Générale des Douanes (01 40 04 04 04, – the website has information in English under ‘Introduction of pets into France’).Pets in FranceArrêté du 11 août 2006 fixant la liste des espèces, races ou variétés d'animaux domestiques - establishing the list of species, breeds or varieties of petsFollowing is a list of animals (I didn’t list the birds, fish, etc)Canidae:- The dog (Canis familiaris).Felidae:- The cat (Felis catus).mustélidés:- Ferret, domestic breed ferret (Mustela putorius).Equidae:- The horse (Equus caballus)- Domestic races of the ass (Equus asinus).swine:- Pigs (Sus domesticus).camelids:- Dromedary (camelus dromedarius);- Domestic breeds of camel (camelus bactrianus);- The llama (Lama glama)- Alpaca (lama pacos).deer:- Reindeer europe (rangifer tarandus).cattle:- Domestic breeds of beef (Bos taurus);- Yak (Bos grunniens);- Zebu (Bos indicus);- Buffalo (bubalus bubalis);- Domestic breeds of goats (Capra hircus);- Domestic breeds of sheep (Ovis aries).murine:- Domestic breeds mouse (mus musculus);- Domestic breeds of rat (rattus norvegicus);- Domestic breeds of hamsters (mesocricetus auratus);- Domestic breeds of gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus).Chinchillidae:- Domestic breeds of chinchilla (Chinchilla chinchilla brevicaudata lanigera x).caviidés:- The guinea pig (cavia porcellus).leporidae- Domestic breeds of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). 

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