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Which are the important chapters for company law papers in a CS executive?

Actually in Company law you can't afford to study on selective basis so I will recommend you to study all the chapters only from module.However you can shortlist some important chapters and start studying them first because they will take your significant time and effort.1-Types of Companies2. Memorandum and articles of association3. Concept of capital and financing4. Alteration of share capital5. Private placement and prospectus6. Creation and registeration of charge7. Institution of directors8. Board and it's powers9. Appointment & remuneration of KMP10. General meetings11. Loans and advances12. Account and audit13. Divisible profit and dividend14. Board's Report15. Register,forms and returns16. Majority rule and minority rights17. Mergers and amalgamation18. Producer Company19. Offences and penalties20. LLP21. Winding up of CompaniesThese are some of the important chapters which should be covered first alongwith the case laws given.But, please make sure that you have covered rest other chapters at least once because case laws can be asked from any chapter.

Would Palestinians and Israelis accept Jerusalem as being a completely neutral city and neutral territory in which all members of the three Abrahamic religions where accepted and could move to?

Probably not. Considering how central Jerusalem has become to both Israeli and Palestinian identities, it is difficult to imagine either party settling for access to the city instead of sovereignty over at least part of it.Jerusalem and Israeli IdentityThe return to Jerusalem has featured prominently in Jewish daily prayer since time immemorial. Every Passover, at the conclusion of the Seder, Jews proclaim, “Next Year in Jerusalem!”Interestingly, while the city has always been a significant component of Jewish identity, Jerusalem was not always so central to Zionism.“It was for the British that Jerusalem was so important — they are the ones who established Jerusalem as a capital,” said Prof. Yehoshua Ben-Arieh, a historical geographer at Hebrew University. “Before, it was not anyone’s capital since the times of the First and Second Temples.”…“Paradoxically, Zionism recoiled from Jerusalem, particularly the Old City,” said Amnon Ramon, senior researcher at the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research. “First because Jerusalem was regarded as a symbol of the diaspora, and second because the holy sites to Christianity and Islam were seen as complications that would not enable the creation of a Jewish state with Jerusalem as its capital.”Many early Zionists were secular European socialists, motivated more by concerns about nationalism, self-determination and escape from persecution than by religious visions.“Jerusalem was something of a backwater, a regression to a conservative culture that they were trying to move away from,” according to Michael Dumper, professor in Middle East politics at the University of Exeter in England. “Tel Aviv was the bright new city on a hill, the encapsulation of modernity.”[1]In truth, an examination of Zionist writings from the period reveals more difference of opinion on the issue than these short quotes allow.[2] (It is worth noting that Herzl was among those who thought it best to avoid the potential problems that Jerusalem could cause and proposed that it be declared an international area.[3]) There is no question, however, that the importance of Jerusalem was greatly amplified after the Six Day War.“The turning points in 1967 were two: the great victory, including the fast shift from fears of defeat before the war to euphoria and the feeling that everything was possible, and the emotional impact of occupying the Old City,” said Menachem Klein, a political scientist at Bar-Ilan University in Israel.Images of Israeli soldiers praying at the Western Wall, to which they had been denied access during Jordanian rule, became seared into Israel’s national consciousness.As part of this shift, Jerusalem’s symbolic importance intensified. Its role in Jewish history was emphasized in military parades and curriculums, and students from across Israel were taken there on school visits. This process culminated in 1980, when lawmakers passed a bill declaring that “Jerusalem, complete and united, is the capital of Israel” — although Israel stopped short of annexing East Jerusalem, a move that would most likely have drawn international outrage.[4]An Israeli state without Jerusalem as its capital would be an incredibly tough sell.Jerusalem and Palestinian IdentitySome historians believe that the centrality and administrative status of Jerusalem under Ottoman rule played a significant role in the formation of a Palestinian national identity. Others disagree.[5]Whether or not Jerusalem was central to its formation, the holy city soon became a crucial element of Palestinian identity, as Hillel Cohen, an Israeli historian, explains.The Arabs of Palestine adjusted themselves to the new international order based on nation-states, and founded representative institutions. Jerusalem’s leading families, most prominent among them the Husaynis and the Nashashibis, led, in competition with each other, the process of constructing a nation and its institutions, and Jerusalem was established as the focal point of the new Palestinian nationalism. The symbolic unifying power of Jerusalem, which had been constructed and proved itself in the centuries since Salah al-Din’s liberation of the city and bolstered by the concept of the community of destiny charged with defense of the city’s holy places, became a cornerstone of Palestinian nationalism. The mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husayni, personified the amalgamation of religion and nationalism in its Jerusalem version. With regard to nation building, the new Palestinian national movement’s need for national symbols of identity found expression in Jerusalem and its holy sites, using them to instill the national idea in many strata of the population. There was a further advantage for inter-Arab and inter-Islamic relations: the focus on al-Aqsa placed the conflict with Zionism in a religious context and the Palestinians at the vanguard of a pan-Islamic struggle, and thus deserving of the support of the entire Islamic world.[6](Cohen provides a list of events that reflect the importance of Jerusalem from the Palestinian perspective, which is worth reading in full.)Throughout the history of the conflict, nothing has mobilized Palestinian masses as effectively as perceieved threats to the al-Aqsa mosque.The conception of a capital in Jerusalem is a minimum requirement for a Palestinian state.Sharing JerusalemPolling shows that a staggering 71.6% of Palestinians, 71.8% of Israeli Jews and 27.7% of Israeli Arabs oppose the division of Jerusalem, though they will support a package that includes it if the right incentives are offered.[7]Palestinian historian Rashid Khalidi writes:Most importantly, central though Jerusalem is to the Palestinians and to their self-image, it is also central to the self-image of their Israeli adversaries. For both, it is important today as a space, and historically, over time, as an anchor for modern identity.[8]If Israelis and Palestinians are so strongly opposed to relinguishing sovereignty over part of this anchor, it is difficult to imagine either side agreeing to part with all of it.It is not inconceivable that Jerusalem could be structured as a shared capital in the event of some sort of federal or confederal solution to the conflict. However, at this point in time, a two-state solution is a far more likely outcome.Even if it were somehow agreed upon, a two-state solution with a shared capital in Jerusalem would be problematic for two reasons. The first is demography, which has always been at the heart of the conflict. Each side would attempt to establish a demographic majority in Jerusalem and circumventing these efforts would be difficult. The second is that a shared capital runs counter to the philosophy of a two-state solution, which is that Israelis and Palestinians are in an abusive relationship and need a divorce. Continuing to share the bedroom seems like a recipe for disaster.Jerusalem in the Olmert-Abbas NegotiationsThat being said, a more limited version of this, applied only to the Holy Basin, was discussed by Olmert and Abbas during the 2007–08 negotiations. Here is an excerpt from Bernard Avishai’s article on the talks:The really creative ideas were about the disposition of the Old City and holy places — the Islamic sites of the Haram Al-Sharif (or Temple Mount), the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and so forth, which both sides agreed were indeed part of the “holy basin.” Olmert suggested that it be governed by a kind of custodial committee, made up of five countries: Palestine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the U.S. and Israel. (Abbas was under the impression that as many as seven trustees might be involved, including Egypt and the Vatican.)The trusteeship would maintain the holy sites and guarantee access for all religions; some kind of international force would administer it. Abbas accepted Olmert’s proposal in principle, as long as the two could agree on precisely what the holy basin was. And there was the rub.Olmert wanted the holy basin to include not only the Old City but also the Mount of Olives, the so-called City of David (an archaeological site) and a considerable part of the Arab neighborhood of Silwan. Abbas was willing to define the holy basin as the Old City only, since the Mount of Olives includes the Palestinian neighborhood of A-Tur, and he was unwilling to exclude residents of A-Tur and Silwan from a future Palestinian state. He implied, but did not say, that these neighborhoods had been inflamed by Jewish settlers. The extremist Ateret Cohanim, a settlement organization, has moved into expropriated apartment blocks there.Olmert knew his offer was an important concession, one that redeemed in its way the U.N. partition plan of 1947, which envisioned ancient Jerusalem as an international city. “You cannot come away from negotiations without a scar that will bleed for a long time,” Olmert reflected. “I, the mayor of Jerusalem, the man who stood in the front line advocating how the city was the one, undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish people, was the first to propose unambiguously not only the division of the city, which [Prime Minister Ehud] Barak did in a way, but to give up sovereignty over the entire holy basin. This is not something I did with joy; this is something I did with a broken heart.”Abbas told me (as Olmert had) that he assumed the status quo regarding the governance of Islamic sites by a Palestinian religious authority would be preserved, and that he would try to get an endorsement for this plan from the Arab League.And so the putatively impossible problem of Jerusalem now boiled down to the question of whether A-Tur and parts of Silwan would be excluded from Palestine and whether the Har Homa suburb would be excluded from Israel. I checked back with Olmert about the question of the holy basin, and he replied, “The exact lines were not drawn, but I believe it could easily be agreed.[9]In sum, due to the centrality of Jerusalem to both Israeli and Palestinian identities, it is unlikely that either party would agree to a state that does not include at least partial sovereignty over the holy city. A shared capital in Jerusalem would probably cause more problems than it would solve. It is likely, however, that there will be some sort of international trusteeship over the most contentious parts of the city, as proposed in prior negotiations.Footnotes[1] The Conflict in Jerusalem Is Distinctly Modern. Here’s the History.[2][3][4] The Conflict in Jerusalem Is Distinctly Modern. Here’s the History.[5] Palestine-Israel Journal:[6] The Temple Mount/al-Aqsa in Zionist and Palestinian National Consciousness A Comparative View[7][8][9] The Israel Peace Plan That Still Could Be

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