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A Guide of Editing Supplemental Form Team Nominations on G Suite

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What’s the most embarrassing misconception you’ve ever held?

I don’t know about my most embarrassing misconception to be honest, but here are three I remember which I feel silly about:Disney logoWe all know the Disney logo, but it was embarrassingly late in life that I realized I had been interpreting the logo incorrectly all along. I believe I was in my later teens when I realized, “Hey! That last letter is a ‘y’!”How could it have been anything else, you might wonder. Well, I always read it like “Disnep”. I knew the proper pronunciation, but somehow I figured the last letter was a silent “p”. I have no idea what I was thinking!Solipsism/theory of mindI believe I was in my late teens when I first encountered the philosophical idea of solipsism, which states that one can only be sure of the existence of one’s own mind, so the existence of the external world can only be inferred but never verified. But this should make no difference. Whether I am the only conscious vessel in this universe or not; and whether I have interactions with actual conscious beings, or empty vessels that are part of my own projection—it makes no difference, as I would have to find happiness in this life whether it’s real or my own imaginings.But for a substantial part of my life I was more or less a solipsist without knowing it. I’m autistic, and so I have a rather poor theory of mind, meaning I have difficulty understanding at times that others have beliefs, desires, intentions, and perspectives that are different from my own. But I used to be much poorer at this. I believe I was around 12 when I really started to realize people have their own autonomy. Up to that point, the world seemed to revolve around me. People around me behaved the way they did because that was who they are, like an objective fact of nature. Just like a stone is hard, people had certain attributes. It didn’t really occur to me that those attributes come from internal dynamics much like I experienced myself.And I’m still on a journey to develop my theory of mind. For example, I have trouble understanding that other people have challenges, too. I often consider my life to be a struggle, but I was surprised when some months ago my mother told me she struggled as well. From my perspective, she has a boyfriend, so she must be happy. I acknowledge that’s a lapse in logic, but it just never occurred to me that she has to fight for her happiness, too. I was also surprised to hear a friend of mine struggles, because he seems to have his life together. And I was almost insulted when that same friend told me one of his friends is probably more depressed than I am. How can that be? Do you even know how depressed I am? Another lapse in logic. I don’t have the worst life, and certainly there are many people who feel worse than I do. Still, it keeps coming as a surprise to me. From my perspective, other people do what they do, and I am seemingly the only one struggling—because I am the only one I can distinctly feel the struggle of.TypefacesAlthough I started doing graphic design at 13, I believe it wasn’t until I was 17 that I really became conscious about the fact that typefaces actually had to be designed. I really have no idea why that realization came so late. I downloaded a typeface, installed it on my computer, and there you go: you can use a typeface consisting of several weights and styles. I suppose I saw fonts like the stone, or like the character of other people; they were simply facts of nature. In that sense I accepted reality for what it appeared to be like to me, and it wasn’t until I got older that I started to question the nature of reality, and my own perception thereof. I mean, by definition we experience reality through the filters of our sensory input and our cognitive processes, so it was a big assumption of me that I saw objective reality. This filtered, subjective reality is called the phaneron.As I got more involved with type, I realized not only that typefaces had to be designed by people, but what a tremendous amount of work designing a typeface is. For starters, a typeface nominally contains 256 characters. You have to design each capital letter and lowercase letter of the alphabet, at least one but usually several figure sets, as well a many other symbols and punctuation. For the figure sets alone, if you want to be complete, you have to design lining figures and oldstyle figures—both as proportional and tabular figures—as well as subscript/superscript figures, and numerators and denominators. In terms of design, that’s 40 figures, and in terms of implementing the sets in the typeface, that’s 80 figures. And oh, how I dislike designing figures; they are very challenging to get right.And consider how many extra characters you have to add in order to add extended language support. A basic Latin set with accented characters would cover most western languages, but in order to support Central European languages as well, you need to add a lot more characters.Here are the amount of characters per set:Basic Latin — 52 charactersLatin-1 Supplement — 64 charactersLatin Extended-A — 128 charactersLatin Extended-B — 208 charactersLatin Extended-C — 32 charactersLatin Extended-D — 155 charactersLatin Extended-E — 52 charactersIPA Extensions — 96 charactersSpacing Modifier Letters — 14 charactersPhonetic Extensions — 111 charactersLatin Extended Additional — 256 charactersUnicode subscripts and superscripts — 15 charactersLetterlike Symbols — 4 charactersNumber Forms — 41 charactersAlphabetic Presentation Forms — 7 charactersHalfwidth and fullwidth forms — 52 charactersNow, most typefaces wouldn’t include all these sets, but you can see how large the character sets of typefaces can get; and many of these characters have to be designed by hand. Although, for many characters you have to design letters and accents, after which you can combine both to create extended sets. In any case, if you were to add all the character sets above, you would get a font with 1350 characters.But in terms of glyphs you can add a lot more. For example, let’s say you want to add small-caps to your font. The sets above count capitals, lowercase, figures and symbols, but if you want to add small-caps, you will have to design more letters, and combine them again with the accent characters to add language support for small-caps, too. Also, in principle you can add hundreds of ligatures and alternates, thus expanding your set even further. In principle you could design 100 variants on the letter “a” alone.Is your mind blown yet? I’m far from done. All that I just explained, applies to 1 SINGLE FONT. Let’s say you want to design a typeface with five weights (Light, Regular, Semibold, Bold, Black) and italics. That’s 10 fonts! And this is not even the full range of possible weights. You could also add Hairline, Extra Light, Book, Ultra Bold, Heavy and Ultra Black.But we’re not done yet! Let’s say you also want to add widths. There’s Compressed, Condensed, Semi Condensed, Narrow, Normal, Extended, Extra Extended and Expanded. Let’s say you want three widths, as well as five weights plus italics. That’s 30 fonts already!Now, not all weights have to be designed by hand. You can design three master weights, which you can then interpolate to get all the in-between weights. Similarly, you can design three master widths, which you can use to interpolate all the in-between widths. If you want to combine both, you will need nine masters. But after interpolation you will still have to do touch-ups, because the interpolation process is far from perfect.And that doesn’t yet give you italics. If you apply a slant to your typeface, you get Oblique (like Helvetica Oblique), which is easy enough. But Obliques actually contain distorted letterforms. Below you can see Avant Garde Gothic, with a slanted roman (Oblique) in red, and a proper italic in black on the right. As you can see, quite a few adjustments are necessary to transform a slanted roman into a proper italic.And this is a sans-serif typeface, which is far easier to design italics for than for a serif typeface. For a serif typeface, every italic character has to be greatly adjusted or drawn from scratch, as roman italics are based on the cursive model. Designing a serif typeface is a lot of work.I’ve mentioned roman, oblique, italic and small-caps, but that’s not even all styles and effects that a typeface can contain. I mention most possible fonts that can be added to a typeface here: Naming conventions in fontsAnd also consider that I only talked about the design of letters, but to create a typeface, you also need to do spacing, kerning and implementation of OpenType functions. Creating a professional typeface entails more than just design.So, is your mind blown now? Let’s take it one final step further. ALL that I have discussed above, applies to only one script: Latin. Let’s suppose you want to add Cyrillic, Hebrew, Arabic, Armenian, Devanagari etc. You would have to—or you could—design all the weights, widths and styles for each script you want to add. So if you want to design a typeface with a very extended set and support for most commonly used languages on Earth, you will be designing for years…And this is why extended professional typefaces often take whole teams and possibly years to design. This is also why most professional typefaces cost money, and honestly considering the amount of work and expertise involved, often the prices for typefaces is quite low.Initially I did not realize every letter of a typeface had to be designed, and it certainly didn’t dawn on me that despite all that work, it takes a lot more to design a typeface that can be used for more than one script. I did not know what I was getting myself into when I decided I wanted to be a type designer…In terms of language support, the most complete typeface ever designed is probably Noto.And here you can see other (well-known) and commonly used typefaces with the amount of characters they contain: List of Unicode fonts

Who are some of the most morally complex villains? Who are the villains that make us wonder if we're rooting for the right team?

My votes go to:Stringer Bell (from the US television program The Wire) _ Is attempting to become a better person (perhaps drug dealer?) by taking night courses and learning business, but then creates situations where his own operation declines because he is neither a competent drug dealer (from the street perspective) nor a competent businessman (from the perspective of dealing with Sen. Clay Davis).In the end his lack of competence in both areas begins the decline and ultimately the destruction of the Barksdale drug organization that he briefly heads and eventually leads to his own murder at the hands of men he attempted to have killed.Saul Goodman ( played by Bob Oedinkirk on the AMC television series Breaking Bad) A complex and villainous character if there ever was one. While he clearly suggests that Walter White eliminate a careless subordinate that was arrested, he also creates an alternate plan that saves this same subordinate from that fate while sending an "innocent man" to prison.When confronted and threatened, he lies unnecessarily to save the life of his client Jesse Pinkman when several episodes earlier he suggests that same client may become a problem for both himself and Pinkman's partner, Walter White.He clearly knows that the meth trade his clients engage in is destructive, yet he still assists them in entangling themselves deeper into that world. He remains a relatively affable character while doing as such.Dr. Elizabeth Weir from the US television program Stargate:Atlantis While technically not a "villain", she allows the Atlantis expedition to become involved in several monstrous acts including:Assisting an alien race in creating a drug to prevent the Wraith (the nominal villains of the series) from feeding on humans (their preferred dietary supplement.) This drug is later used by another character to kill millions of humans in the Pegasus Galaxy.Allows the creation of a form of genetic modification that creates the above character and introduces a bio-warfare attack against a race in a war when no such strategy existed.Helped a race with questionable motivates perfect their nuclear program with clearly little (if any) thought to how these weapons would be (and were) later used, for reasons that can best described as specious.Allowed a dormant activation code to be started that began the slaughter of the Wraith's primary food source (other human beings) by the Asurans, who saw this as the most "effective" way to eliminate the WraithAssisted in a complex series of actions that lead to the genocide of entire species (the Asurans) while maintaining the questionable posture that this race was a "threat" to humans not only in the galaxy in which she was living (an action largely of her own creation) but also to her own home galaxy.While she committed all of the above actions, she cheerfully and supportively led her team and seemed to only be slightly "bothered" by the deaths of tens of millions of sentient beings caused her actions and inactions.

You are given the authority by the Imperium to create your own Imperial Guard regiment. What would they be like, what tactics would they use, and what would they look like?

Cohortes Urbanae of Etruscis:Cowards die many times before their actual deaths. - Colonel Caesar, Siege of Alesia, 599.M38.History:Planet:An orbital view of Etruscis, 746.M30Chopix III, informally known as Etruscis to the inhabitants, is a hive world located in the Chopix system of the Forsarr Sector of the Segmentum Tempestus. It has a current population of 79 billion, of which 1 billion are part of the PDF and around 180 million are part of the Cohortes Urbanae. The Imperial Tithe is paid in the form of 250 billion tons of carapace armor and flak armor per year and the 30000 guard regiments in service of the Astra Militarum. This puts Etruscis at the tithe grade of Exactis Extremis, the highest level in the Imperium. The primary export is armor and shielding, which goes to everyone from Bullgryns to the Raven Guard Space Marines of the nearby moon of Deliverance, and the primary import is plasteel, ceramite, and food.Forsarr Sector. The Chopix System is in between Kastorel, Magdelene, and Lycaeus.Originally colonized during the Dark Age of Technology, this Hive World was the second greatest producer of materials in the area. During the Age of Strife, Tech-Priests from Kiavhr quickly annexed the world and enslaved to population to produce good for their own means. The oppressive rule of the Tech-Priests continued until the revolt of Corvus Corax. When the minerals from Lycaeus stopped coming, Etruscis fell into a long civil war that only ended when ships from Kivahir proclaimed the fall of the Tech-Guilds and the leadership of Corvus Corax. During the Great Crusade, Kiavhr and Etruscis quickly became the Raven Guard’s main suppliers. During the Horus Heresy, the Dark Mechanicus launched an invasion of Etruscis that was primarily composed of various Traitor Titan Legions after the battle of Ravendelve. Kiavhr and the Forge World of Gryphonne IV responded in kind by deploying portions the Legio Vindictus and Legio Gryphonicus respectively. The resulting conflict lasted 4 years and was only relieved after Raven Guard and Therion Cohort coming back from assaulting the Perfect Fortress managed to cripple the enemy with a flanking maneuver. The resulting battle left heavy casualties on both sides, and the beleaguered reclaimators left behind a lot of equipment, particularly Secutarii weapons and shields.1st Siege of Etruscis.After the Horus Heresy and the death of over half of the population during the 1st Siege of Etruscis, the citizens quickly militarized and formed the planet’s first planetary militia and Imperial Guard Regiments, supplied by the factories of Kiavahr. Although the population recovered to the pre-Heresy levels by M34, the impact of the siege resulted in a highly militarized Hive World where the Imperial Guard and the PDF were seen as the pinnacles of society, and public office required service in the Guard. However, there was nothing notable about Etruscis’s Guardsmen aside from the better-than-average morale of the units until the 2nd Siege of Etruscis in 724.M35.Reinforcements liberating the outskirts of a hive, 2nd Siege of Etruscis.The 2nd Siege of Etruscis was a critical point in the foundation of the Cohortes Urbanae. In 724.M35, another Dark Mechanicum fleet attacked, this time under the control of Archmagos Anníbas Bárkas with the traitorous Legio Frostreaver Titan Legion. At the same time, multiple Chaos Cults, various criminal organizatiosn, and other scum launched an attack on every Hive Cities. The local PDF and the Adeptus Arbites were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the cultists and were forced up the Hive Cities, ceding valuable positions such as arsenals, factories, and storage facilities. In the chaos (pun intended), the Dark Mechanicum quickly landed and took multiple Hive Cities.Seeing the crisis, the planetary governors ceded control over to Colonel Marius, the commander of the only Imperial Guard Regiment currently on the planet. However, the reason that the regiment was on the planet was because it was waiting to be refitted, and was woefully under-equipped as a result. In a stroke of inspiration that came to be known as the Marian Reforms, Marius gave his troops Mag-Inverter Shields from Secutarii Hoplite remains to supplement their lack of armor and sent them to reclaim the capital Hive City. The shields proved to be highly effective and could be used while marching with a laspistol or in 2 person fire-teams where one guardsman shields another person with a lasgun.Beleaguered PDF forces joined the regiment and were likewise equipped with a shield. The gangs and cultists frequently did not have enough firepower to penetrate the shields, and the well-protected fire-teams easily suppressed assaults. This processed repeated itself over multiple contested Hive Cities and the Regiment swelled from 3 companies to 10 companies as the PDF joined the liberation force.Mag-Inverter Shield. They can absorb the energy of a blast and use it charge weapons. Typically found on Secutarii Hoplites.The style of urban warfare hampered the traitor Titans’ movements as cultists were forced back and the Titans could not support them in the small corridors of the Hives. As such, the PDF and the Imperial Guard held off the attackers for over a year until reinforcements from Kiavahr finally drove off the attackers. The resounding success of the regiment during the siege impressed even the Segmentum Command, and they order Marius to restructure the Imperial Regiments of Etruscis. Although there was some backlash from the Adeptus Mechanicus trying to reclaim their Secutarii tech, a compromise was reached where the Adeptus Mechanicus reclaimed the Mag-Inverter Shields but provided Etruscis with information on how to manufacture smaller Bullgryn Slab shields, which provided a similar role at a similar effectiveness. The Marian Reforms converted a relatively normal regiment into a unit held as the pinnacle of defense and urban warfare among the Astra Militarum.Organization (Post-Marian Reforms):Individual:Typical Guardsman Layout without a laspistol: Gun, Combat Knife, shield.Guardsmen of the Cohortes Urbanae have the following equipment: a lasgun, combat knife, a laspistol, and a Slab shield. The lasgun typically is for long-range combat and is normally used in 2-person fire-teams in the open field, one holding a shield and the other with the lasgun or individually with the shield attached to the back or planting the shield in the ground. Knives are typically very straight and are meant for stabbing actions while taking cover from the shield. Laspistols are used while marching or when a shield is needed as they are less cumbersome than the lasgun to use in conjunction with the shield.Typical individual firing formationThe Slab shield is a notable part of the typical guardsman and its greatest advantage. Typically used by Ogryn abhumans, the legion has adapted the shields for use by the much smaller humans, but the concept has remained the same. The shield can interlock with other shields to provide a uniform wall, and the shield can also be planted on the ground to be used as a temporary fortification. A shutter has also been added to the viewport as to fire from a protected position. As normal shields are very heavy, the strongest guardsmen go in the front with larger shields to better defend the unit, and thinner shields are distributed to the rearmost members of a platoon.Slab Shields. Typically around 10 feet tall, the shield has been reduced to 5 feet tall and 2.5 feet wide to be more portable. The shields also lock together, forming an impenetrable wall that can stop anything short of a tank shell.Armor is typically Carapace armor as it provides greater protection and is a major export of Etruscis, making it easy to obtain. Each guardsman is equipped with a full enclosed helmet that also doubles as a short-range vox reciever and gas mask.Typical helmet.Carapace armor on a Cadian Guardsman. Carapace is made up of various plates of ceramite.Heavy weapon squads typically field lighter armor and do not have a Brute Shield. In addition to combat gear, every guardsmen carries a 9–70 Entrenching Tool, 2 weeks of rations, 2 frag and 2 Photon Flash Grenades, sleeping pack, lamp pack, and the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer in a rucksack.Platoon Level:Each platoon is 1 out of 4 that form a company, and they are divided into 6 squads of 10 people. The first 5 are normal squads with 10 guardsmen. The 6th squad is a logistics and medical team, and they are equipped with larger vox-casters, medi-packs, and surveyors. There also are 1 special weapons team - typically equipped with grenade launchers or snipers - and 2 heavy weapons teams normally equipped with Icarus-pattern lascannons or mortars. Finally, there is the command squad, which consists of the Lieutenant and 4 veteran troopers. In total, there are 75 troops in a platoon.Organization of a Company.Company Level:4 platoons plus a command squad with a Captain make up a company. 20 companies form a regiment, which means there are typically around 6,000 men in a regiment, making the Cohortes Urbanae regiments some of the largest in the Astra Militarum. Each company is in a increasing order of prestige, with the 1st Company of each regiment being the most elite regiment. Colonels lead regiments and have a command squad with 10 veterans in them. There are also around 30 commissars, 25 enginseers from the Adeptus Mechanicus, 20 pyskers, and around 200 men from Ministorum in each regiment, making a total of 275 auxiliary personnel. No abhumans have ever been part of the Cohortes Urbanae due to the absence of any in the Forsarr sector.Formations:Typically it is up to the Colonel’s discretion on how to deploy troops, but there are preset formations that have been proven effective time and time again. On a platoon level, there is the Testudo. The first row has their shields facing forward, and the rows behind keep their shields up. This provides maximum protection from direct and arced incoming fire. Occasionally, the sides of the testudo lower their shields to protect from sideways fire. This formation is typically used when marching under fire. A variant where the 2nd line has lasguns peeking out of the formation to provide fire is frequently used on the battlefield. This is used both in urban combat and on the field, allowing for a stalwart defense or a systematic march with minimal casualties.Testudo Formation.On a regimental level, companies are typically deployed in 2 lines. The 1st to 8th companies make up the first line, and the 9th to 16th companies make up the second line to act as reserves and supporting fire. The 17th to 20th companies make up the reserve and rearguard. Heavy weapons teams are placed in the back to provide supporting fire, and special weapons teams are normally deployed on the side or directly behind their company.Standard Regiment Formation with the numbers of the companies. Artillery consists of heavy weapons squads with mortars or heavy weapons from an armoured regiment.Every regiment has been drilled to quickly build roads and defensive fortifications called castrum. Roads can be built as fast as 3 miles an hour by a legion and can support even the heaviest tanks. Castrum can be built in a quarter of a Terran day and are notoriously strong fortifications. In one instance, a mob of Orks captured an abandoned castrum, and despite being outnumbered 10 to 1 by the Guard, it stood for a week before the besieging guard just gave up and ordered a planetary bombardment of the castrum.Role: The Cohortes tend to focus more on urban combat and sieges, but they can be deployed to any battlefield while still performing very effectively. Their versatility allows them to be a general jack-of-all-trades, but they need to be supported by lighter elements due to their own lack of mobility.Special Forces: The Cohortes have their own version of elite stormtroopers called Praefectus Urbi, which are used as shock troops to break through heavily contested points. The Praefectus Urbi are selected from the first cohorts of other regiments and assigned to a nominal Praefectus regiment. Although they are called a regiment, these elite units frequently get broken down to companies or platoons, which are then attached to other regiments who need them. Their equipment is also much better than the normal regiments, replacing lasguns with hellguns and hellpistols, as well as the addition of the very rare refractor fields to officers of these units, which were hoarded by the Tech-Priests who used to rule Etruscis. Out of the 30,000 regiments of Cohortes, there are only 30 regiments of Praefectus.Hellpistol.Armoured Regiments:The Cohortes Urbanae do not field many armoured regiments, and the few they do frequently serve as artillery support and troop transports rather than MBTs to the regiments that they are with. The armoured regiments always consist of the following: 3 companies of 10 Chimeras with modified Siege Shields, 2 companies of 10 Centaurs towing Heavy Mortars, 1 company of 10 Leman Russ Annihilators, and 1 Leman Russ Command Tank. There also is 1 recon squadron consisting of 3 Sentinels each and 1 anti-aircraft squadron with 3 Hydra Flak Tanks. Doomhammer super-heavy tanks are fielded as anti-Titan and anti-armour support.Armoured Regiment OrganizationSiege Shield Dozer Blade. These have been modified to fit on a Chimera chassis rather than the traditional Rhino chassis and provide a greater measure of defense.Heavy Mortar and Centaur Tank.Leman Russ Annihilator. The 2 lascannons can quickly melt most tanks’ armor.Chimera Transport without Siege Shield.Hydra Flak TankSentinel WalkerDoomhammer Super-Heavy TankTypically, the armoured regiment is interspersed within the infantry regiment with the Heavy Mortars serving as artillery support, Annihilators and Doomhammers serving as anti-armor vehicles, Flak Tanks serving as anti-air support, Sentinels serving as reconnaissance, and Chimeras providing additional firepower and shielding in urban warfare or initiating flanking maneuvers on the open field. Like the traditional company, an armoured regiment is headed by a colonel and each company is led by a captain. It is also important to note that Centaurs can be used independently of their mortar, providing a light carrier or transport supplies.Recruitment, Training, and Advancement:The Cohortes Urbanae are the apex of Etruscis society, and their training reflects that. Candidates are chosen from the best of the PDF and undergo a rigorous physical and written test to determine their skills. The highest scoring candidates are admitted into officer training, where they are rigorously trained in leadership and tactics. The remaining members undergo physical training and drilling that perfects the iconic formations of the Cohortes. When the training is finished, recruits join the 20th company of a regiment. Eventually due to field losses, guardsmen will move all the way up to the 2nd or 1st companies and new recruits will fill the gaps in the lower companies. Sergeants tend to be veterans from the 1st or 2nd Companies who are placed in other companies to stiffen morale and provide leadership. On extremely rare occasions, Sergeants can be promoted to Lieutenant when there is a lack of capable officers or they have done something extremely meritorious. Lieutenants are the first commissioned officers, and they stay with their platoons unless reassigned by the Captain or Colonel to replace another officer. Captains follow a similar command hierarchy as the guardsmen, with lowered-numbered cohorts being more prestigious and the Captain of the 1st Company being the next in line to the position of Colonel. Command Squads operate separately from the rest of the regiment and work directly under their commanding officer. They are handpicked by the Officer from the group they command.Societal Impacts:Etruscis has a very militaristic society after the devastating 1st and 2nd Sieges of Etruscis, which wiped out much of the civilian population. Military service pays extremely well, and it is mandatory for many jobs to hold a prior military position. In fact, only 4 planetary governors have not been a Colonel or higher in the 5 millennia after the Marian Reforms. its 1 billion-strong PDF is one of the largest and best equipped in the Segmentum and is frequently deployed across the entire Forsarr Sector, particularly during the recent WAAGH of Garaghak and the subsequent reclamation of the Hive World of Forsarr.Interactions with other organizations:Adeptus Astartes: Most of the chapters that were spun off from the Imperial Fists tend to like the Cohortes Urbanae due to their specialization in urban warfare and defense. Many of the most famous campaigns of the Cohortes have been fought alongside Imperial Fist chapters such as Heraclea, Alesia, Teutoburg, and many others. They also get along with the Raven Guard as their quick and surgical style of warfare complements the defensive Cohortes, allowing for hammer-and-anvil strategies. Also, the Raven Guard are the closest chapter to Etruscis and their Primarch, Corvus Corax, helped liberate their planet millennia ago.Imperial Navy: The Imperial Navy occasionally requests the Cohortes for ship security and boarding action due to their shields and specialization in close-quarters urban combat that is useful while boarding or being boarded.Officio Prefectus/Commissars: The life of Commissars working with the Cohortes tends to easy, and they mostly devote themselves to keeping an eye on any psykers working with the regiment. The rigorous selection tests weed out most of the cowards, and the officers take great effort to discipline their unit. In fact, officers have been known to inflict punishments harsher than the Commissars, such as the time Colonel Aurelian caught a squad of Cohortes who deserted, and individually tied each of their limbs to 4 different Centaurs that subsequently tore each of the deserters apart.Ecclesiarchy: The Ecclesiarchy and the Cohortes have a relatively hostile relationship in the present after the fall of Magdelene IX during WAAAGH! Garaghak. The Cohortes and Etruscis’ PDF decided it would be more pragmatic to fortify their own planet before it was overrun rather than aid the Imperial Shrine World, and the Ecclesiarchy has hated the Cohortes ever since.Adeptus Mechanicus: Many of the Cohortes’ most famous campaigns have been against Traitor Titan Legions such as Zama, the Pyrrhic Wars, and both Sieges of Etruscis. Due to fighting against these titans as well as their former enslavement during the Age of Strife, many of the guardsmen are suspicious about any Mechanicum influence. In the Mechanicus’ eyes, the original regiments during the 2nd Siege of Etruscis attempted to take Mechanicum technology and use it for their own means, so both sides distrust each other.Notable Campaigns:Pyrrhic Wars (016.127.M36-417.127.M36):Less than 500 years after the Marian Reforms, 9 infantry regiments and 1 armoured regiment were sent to the reinforce the system of Tarentum, which was under attack by Traitor Imperial Guardsmen and Titan Legions. There, the Cohortes were assigned to the central position of Siris, where they weathered 7 attacks before having to withdraw when the less-disciplined guardsmen on their flank broke. The regiments then fell back to Asculum, where their stand was the first among many legends. Arrayed against insurmountable odds, the Cohortes managed to stand against multiple attacks and managed to take down all Titans committed to the attack. Eventually through sheer fore of numbers, their position was overrun, but the casualties incurred by the Chaos forces forced them to withdraw from the planet.Siege of Qart-Hadast (Hadast IV) (239.289.M37-417.318.M37):Initial Deployment during the Battle of Zama.In 280.M37, a warp-jump accidentally led to the discovery of a Dark Mechnicum Forge World in the Segmentum Solar. Another fleet from the Mechanicus surveyed the world and discovered it was home to several Traitor Titan Legions and Archmagos Anníbas Bárkas, who had previously besieged Etruscis. When the Planetary Governor, Scipio Africanus, recieved word of this discovery, he immediately lobbied Segmentum Command to deploy all possible Cohortes regiments to assist in the invasion. In the end, over 500 regiments (3 million guardsmen) of the Cohortes were redeployed to help retake the Forge World. Supplementing the force were Imperial Knights of House Raven, several Skitarii Legions, a company from the Hammers of Dorn, and around 200 other Imperial Guard regiments. After an uncontested landing, a primary push was made towards the central manufactorum, and the Dark Mechanicum forces met the spearhead at Zama. During the battle, Archmagos Anníbas deployed his 4 Traitor Titan Legions in front of the main force of Traitor Guardsmen and Skitarii to attempt to disrupt the enemies’ lines. However, Scipio prepared for this and set his formation so that there were empty spaces in the Titan’s field of fire. In these spaces, he placed the various Tank-Hunters of the armor such as Doomhammers and Shadowswords. As a result, the titans were not able to heavily disrupt their lines and were quickly eliminated. However, Anníbas still had the advantages of numbers and ordered a charge against the main line. The Cohortes stood their ground long enough that the armour and Knights on the flanks were able to envelop and annihilate most of the Chaos forces. Although most of the Dark Mechanicum’s forces were destroyed, it took over 20 years to finally recover the Forge World.Parthia System Campaign (637.723.M37–107.730.M37):Harlequins cutting through an Imperial Guard Regiment.In 723.M37, an Eldar Craftworld of an unknown name appeared in the Parthia System of the Segmentum Tempestus and immediately attacked the system. Several regiments of Cohortes were sent to reinforce defensive positions, but the lack of mobility and range against the Eldar quickly hindered them. Attempts to move into lasgun range resulted in the Eldar rangers simply retreating and the vaunted Testudo formations were devastated by artillery and Harlequins. In the end, after incurring 80% losses and only managing to kill a handful of Eldar, the regiments retreated. The punishment inflicted by the Planetary Governors upon hearing of the humiliating defeat was legendary and became known as the decimation. The surviving guardsmen were forced to beat a tenth of their comrades to death, and the colonel in command of the force, Colonel Crassus, had molten gold poured down his mouth for his incompetence. Reinforcements were later sent, but all they managed to do was hold a small series of forts on the main world of Parthia Prime. Eventually, the Imperium withdrew after 7 years of no progress and heavy casualties, leaving the Eldar to their own machinations.Gallic Wars (874.527.M38–789.600.M38):Raven Guard fighting in the streets of the Ork Settlement, Siege of Alesia, 599.M38.Around 200.M38, an unnamed Ork WAAAGH! overwhelmed the Gallic Sector, which is right next the Forsarr Sector in the Segmentum Tempestus. It was also home to a relatively large Armoury World and 2 Feudal Worlds. After decimating the Imperial garrisons, the WAAAGH! consisting of billions of orks broke into numerous warring factions. The Departmento Munitorum obviously wanted to retake the armoury world, and in 527.M38, they successfully petitioned the Astra Militarum to launch a crusade. Unfortunately, the 9th Black Crusade was currently underway, so the Crusade primarily consisted of Cohortes rather than the more renowned Cadian Guardsmen. However, the Estruscis did respond in force, sending 10 million Cohortes and 50 million PDF. Other regiments from around the galaxy were also pooled together, including famous regiments such as the 81st Cadian Armoured, the Armageddon 9th Steel Legion, and the Praetorian Vth, bringing a total of 120 million Guardsmen. In addition, the Raven Guard and the Knights of Dorn also joined the Crusade, along with a sizeable detachment from the Imperial Navy. The Crusade swept through the sector with significant force, and the divided Orks were too busy fighting amongst themselves to be of any significant resistance. By 574.M38, 3/4 of the sector was liberated, leaving only the Armoury World, Alesia, and its surrounding systems to liberate. However, the Orks managed to reunite under a Warboss called Vercingetorix, and the subsequent WAAAGH! nearly ended the Crusade. However, the current planetary governor, Caesar, decided to take command of the expeditionary force. He decided to head straight to the Armoury World, Alesia, and eliminate the warboss. After landing, his forces plowed through the Orks, setting up hundreds of Castrum to defend supply lines to the landing zone. Eventually, they reached the Ork settlement and began to besiege it. Dozens of Castrum were set up, encircling the Warboss with a series of forts, camps, and batteries. The fortifications bore fruit when a relief force consisting of nearly a billion Orks on the planet assailed the besieging force along with a sally led by Vercingetorix. The Imperial Guard held steady, and the web of trenches around the city successfully repulsed the attack. After 2 years of bombardment and numerous failed relief attempts, Caesar led an attack into the settlement. While the Cohortes cleared out the streets in concert with the other regiments, a Raven Guard strike force managed to kill Vercingetorix, ending the WAAAGH! and reclaiming the Armoury World. For his leadership during battle, Caesar was promoted to Lord Commander of the Segmentum Tempestus, but he was assassinated shortly after by one of his advisers who believed he was corrupted by Chaos.WAAAGH! Gharaghak (170.936.M41-Present):Progress of WAAAGH! Garaghak/In 170.936.M41, a small warband took the world of Thoria III completely by surprise and captured it. From there, the WAAAGH! began to evolve into a large horde, with thousands of Orks joining by the day. At Tallarax, it was believed that 5 regiments of Cohortes would stop the horde, but bad intelligence meant that they were outnumbered nearly 100,000 to 1 and were subsequently annihilated. As the Orks gained momentum and smashed apart any attempt at defense, the Planetary Governor of Etruscis, Hadrian, began to consolidate his forces. The PDF was doubled in size, and he attempted to gather every single Cohortes regiment back to the planet. The WAAAGH! then smashed through the defenses of Forsarr, which included a 100 Cohortes regiments and nearly 2 million other Guardsmen. Hadrian then decided to keep his forces on Etruscis to fortify and to not aid the Shrine World of Magdelene IX. This decision infuriated the Ecclesiarchy and ruined the relationship between them and the Cohortes. However, the time was well spent. Major roads between the Hives were fortified with a Castrum at every mile, and a complex network of trenches stretched the gaps between each fort. Hives were turned into fortresses, with choke points established at every corner and many buildings turned in strongpoints. Defense lasers were even further fortified to the point that they could withstand a siege for nearly a decade. This network of defenses was known as Hadrian’s Wall, and it was guarded by much of the planets billion-strong PDF. At this point, the fortifications were one of the strongest in the galaxy, only being surpassed by Cadia and Holy Terra itself. The 20 million Cohortes Hadrian could amass were designated as reserve so that they could reinforce areas that were under heavy attack while still having the mobility to respond to other threats. The Crimson Fists lent a company of Space Marines that further improved on the network of defenses and were a key part of the siege, leading strategic sallies to blunt assaults and saving many defenses from an overwhelming tide of Orks. After all the preparation, the WAAAGH! arrived and landed in 148.999.M41, besieging the planet. Currently, one hive has been lost, and 2 others have been encircled and will soon fall, but more Astra Militarum forces are on their way with the Revilers, Aurora, and Death Eagles Space Marine Chapters coming to end the WAAAGH on the planet.

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