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Can people from France who speak regular French understand people who speak Cajun/Creole French from Louisiana?

Well I can’t say that I have heard long conversations in Louisiana Créole (due to the confusion the anglos have, they prefer to say Kouri Vini now), but in my experience from the few I have heared, it’s easier to understand from French than Haitian Créole, which might have something to do that French and Louisiana Créole never stopped being in contact and that people were frequently bilingual in the two languages (even today).As for Louisiana French it really depends on the competence of the speaker. Unfortunately, for a lot of speakers, it’s clearly English and not French their native language, and it shows in their damaged grammar and the loss of the ability to pronounce certain sounds. A lot of people in Louisiana think that any and all difference that can be observed in the French they can still use must be because it’s from Louisiana and not the so-called “Parisian French”, and that it would be pedantic to dare say that their French could be “damaged”. But they would grow out of such notions if they just read their own ancestors. For a simple example, often they would no longer master the subjunctive mood (and the same happens with the pochos, Mexican-Americans), but their ancestors did.Francophones in Louisiana still have private archives on which you can see that their grandparents or great-grandparents wrote excellently French… In their own attics they can discover evidences that their ancestors could rival other francophones of the world in fluency and versatility…A sample of what I came across from Louisianian groups recently…This is a letter from a woman called Agalice Dupuis in 1898.« Pont Breaux, 1er janvier 1898M et Mme Paulin LatiolaisAu premier jourde l’année je viens vous remercier detoute les attentions et les bontés quevous avez [aviez, avez eu] pour moi dans le passéet vous en témoigner toute ma recon-naissance. Je prie Dieu de vousaccorder ses plus douces faveurs. Jedemande dans mes prières une vieheureuse, une bonne santé et autantde jours qu’il se mangera de gâteauet de bonbons en ce jour de l’an.Celle qui vous aime,Agalice Dupuis »“Pont Breaux, 1st January 1898Mr and Mrs Paulin LatiolaisAt the first dayof the year I come to thank you ofall the attentions and the good deeds thatyou had for me in the pastand to give all my gratitude.I pray God to grantyou his sweetest favours. Iask in my prayers an happylife, a good health and as manydays in which shall be eaten cakeand sweets in this New Year Day.The one [female] that loves you,Agalice Dupuis”This one is even better. It’s a letter from a man called Octave Pavageau, who was a free man of color (homme de couleur libre) in 1892. Louisiana, French is not just a white language, it’s also a black language, and an indigenous language (because some nations adopted it, like the Houmas), and you can even add a few Vietnamians to the francophones of Louisiana.« Nouvelle Orléans, ce 26 sept. 1892Au résident et aux membres dela Société de l'ÉconomieMessieurs,Nous avons l'honneurde vous inviter à participerà la célébration du 8me anni-versaire de la Société le Silencequi aura lieu le dimanche 9octobre 1892 à 3 heures P. M. àla salle du globe maçonniquesituée au coin des rues St Pierreet St Claude, par un banquetet le lendemain, lundi, 10octobre, par un grand bal.Nous osons espérer que vousrépondrez à notre invitation.Ci-incluses, veuillez trouver [...] »“New Orléans, this 26 sept. 1892To the residents and to the members ofthe Society of EconomyGentlemen,We are honouredto invite you to participateto the celebration of the 8th anniversaryof the “The Silence” Societythat will occur sunday the 9october 1892 at 3 hours PM atthe masonic globe roomlocated at the corner of the Saint-Pierreand Saint-Claude streets, with a banquetand the following day, monday, 10october, with a great ball.We dare hope that youwill answer to our invitation.Enclosed, may you find […]”So it was not just the white Créoles or Cadiens that were competent to write and speak French in any of its uses, but also black Créoles !In my case I might be more versatile than a pure European French to understand the quirks of Louisiana French since I am used to other North American French varieties, even so, it is ovious there is a gap of proficiency and ease to speak French between the old generations that never could be schooled in French and the newer ones that are all native anglophones but that could get immersion schooling in French. The problem in Louisiana is not the French people speak, it’s the education people get.The problem in Louisiana is not communicating in French with the outside. It’s rather to have them hear native speakers speak, to write texts written by native speakers, to use the French they learned in school outside of school, to make French visible in Lousiana and that people stop assuming that one that speaks French there must be a tourist. It’s to make everyone there realize that this heritage that Louisiana has is not burden but an asset that can give to Louisiana oportunities and connexions others would not obtain. The French language can bring in Louisiana business they are not even aware they are missing currently.Another problem is to give back to French in Louisiana the same respect that Spanish gets.In the US it’s always the same story. When you want to speak French there, everyone is telling you that “Spanish is so much more useful”. Schools are redirecting the monies for French towards Spanish. People are always shaming you for chosing French. It’s not just that people assume that French is dead, it’s rather that they WANT it to be dead. They say it is so it will be at last. I really, really hate that Spanish and French should be in competition in the US. This situation should not be.Meanwhile Spanish colonial history might have some visibility in the US, it’s not the same with the French colonial history. It’s as if francophones were worth less than the hispanophones for the anglos, as if that contribution was less significant in the making of the US. Unfortunately, hispanophones too may too often not be familiar enough with the French history of that continent, which is also probably why they often forget to include them in their Latin America… Anyhow, when everyone is assimilating to English, neither hispanophones nor francophones should be adversaries and pull the blanket to their side. Those who insult or harrass hispanophones in the US are also going to attack francophones.

What was something that someone said or did that has changed you forever?

Back when I was an eleven-year-old in the 6th grade, I lived in a poor mountain community in Northern California. Most of the townspeople relied on the lumber mill to provide for their meager income. There were a lot of people barely scraping by on what little money came in.Times were tough.A lot of times the mill shut down and families were forced to move out of town to find employment elsewhere.I lost a lot of friends that way.Kids went hungry. There were a lot of skinny children up in those mountains. A lot of those kids were wearing shoes with holes in them.In the snow.Desperate times.Judge Richard Eaton was an “old-timer” in Shasta County. A pioneer. He was an octogenarian with a kind heart and a flush bank account. He married my grandparents!He was an avid outdoorsman and angler. He enjoyed coming up to the mountains to fish. Sometimes, he would stop by our small classroom and give nature lectures.He would bring in a stuffed raccoon, or a taxidermied owl and set it up on a desk in front of the class and give his talks. We would sit wide-eyed, fascinated, listening to him describe how the animal hunted for food, or built a nest or comfortable burrow, warm enough to survive during the winter snows. He was a natural storyteller and had a way with words.We would raise our little hands and ask question after question, enthralled and intrigued with his wisdom. We were always thrilled to have Judge Eaton stop by. We hugged him goodbye when it was time for him to leave. I'd see his wrinkled face break into a big grin as tears welled up in his eyes, hard to break away.I could feel his pity for us skinny little waifs.One day, a letter was sent home to all the parents in my class.It said we had the opportunity to attend National Environmental Education Development (N.E.E.D) Camp for one week at no charge to the parents!This was an expensive gift to attend a weeklong camping adventure, what with meals, transportation, insurance and staff provided for an entire crop of school children!The generous gift of partial scholarship, provided by Judge Richard Eaton, in cooperation with the Shasta County Board of Education, made it a possibility for every single child to attend, no matter their financial circumstance!Exciting news!N.E.E.D Camp was a place where the kids learned about the environment; survival skills in the wilderness, wildlife, geology, ecology, plant identification, weaving fish traps and shelter building, as well as learning how to use a compass and reading topographical maps. It was all covered in the week-long school.Before we left for camp, we were given a three- day supply of “ImmunOak” in our daily orange juice. Poison oak didn't grow in the mountains, but was plentiful at N.E.E.D Camp. Back in those days, the FDA hadn't yet banned the magic elixir, so I drank down my disgusting anti-venin like a good girl, and to this day, thirty-something years later, I still am immune to poison oak!The day we departed, we were packed into a bus with all our gear, kids, teachers and high school counselors, and made the hour-and-a-half long journey to the camp. We arrived at camp, got our cabin assignments, and settled in for our first time away from home.Goodbye Mommy!It was great!We caught tadpoles and learned about their development. We hiked seven mile loops, through caves (filled with bats) and over waterfalls, collecting specimens to write our reports in the field, amidst trickling creeks and wildflowers. We took water samples from the natural watershed and observed fish in the streams as we tried our hand at catching some in our homemade traps.We didn't have any luck.We watched the deer feeding on the grass right outside our cabin, and learned to identify species of birds. We glassed bald eagles and spied on squirrels and raccoons.We were even dropped off, solo, without a light, on a pitch-black trail one dark night, and had to hike back, in the dark woods, alone, to find our way back to the rest of the group by ourselves. Frightening!I was proud of myself that I didn't cry.This is stuff “city kids” don't learn about in the classroom.This wasn't any regular classroom!Judge Eaton spoke at the camp. He gave a slideshow on bears. It scared me to know I was out in the dark with them. It also made me proud. I learned survival skills at a very young age from N.E.E.D Camp.Afterwards, while he was packing up his projector and the other kids had finally moved away from him, I got up the nerve to approach this gray-haired icon.I said hello and introduced myself. I told him my grandparents names and told him he had married them long ago. He pretended to remember. He smiled at me kindly.Judge Eaton -all images courtesy GoogleI thanked him for giving me a scholarship to attend N.E.E.D Camp. I told him I had learned so much and that I was very appreciative.His eyes got wide and he looked shocked. He pulled me into a hug and knelt before me, eye-level.“Child, in all these years I've been providing this fund, you're the first young person to say those words. I appreciate hearing them, but I always want you to remember, that whenever you give a gift, you should never, ever expect to hear a word of thanks in return. Ever! Because the gift is in the giving, itself. Not in the praise we receive for giving it. Do not expect to be congratulated for it. Do you understand me?”I nodded my head and turned away, disappointed in the rebuff.What a weird, old guy!Of course, I didn't understand him, then.I was only a child.But I thought back to that moment over the years, and one day, I finally caught up to his wisdom.I understand perfectly what he means now.Beautiful.Those simple words changed me forever.When I give a gift, I don't expect to receive accolades or thanks. I don't expect the recipient to express gratitude or overwhelming graciousness; my heart already feels thankful for the beautiful blessing I've bestowed. And that's a gift in itself. A gift I've given to myself.By the time I had made it to high school, I had garnered such respect for N.E.E.D Camp, that I went back and volunteered as a camp counselor when I was seventeen.Somehow, I was assigned a cabin of little boys, instead of girls.Those little guys were a handful, but it was a great experience all over again.Today, it is part of the curriculum of most Shasta County schools for their students to attend the camp. It is a requirement as part of passing the grade level.Over 70,000 students have attended the camp over the years and have acquired basic outdoor skills other students in classrooms throughout the USA will never be required, nor even think are important to learn about!Because those students aren't mountain kids.They probably don't need to worry about being lost in any area bigger than a mall!Like we do.I'm thankful to both Judge Eaton and the Shasta County Board of Education for making a difference. N.E.E.D Camp quite possibly played a part in saving my life later on in life. And the experience changed me forever.The Record Searchlight (April 11, 2011)Since 1971, more than 70,000 students have increased their knowledge of environmental science after going through the weeklong camping experience at the Whiskeytown Environmental School in the Whiskeytown National Recreation Area. In celebration of its 40th anniversary, the school will host a free barbecue with live music and a history lecture Saturday.Sponsored by the school and the Shasta Historical Society, the lecture will cover topics of interest before the school arrived amid the environmental revolution in the beginning of the 1970s. Clinton Kane, park ranger, will be the main speaker.As a general campground in the mid-1900s, church youth groups seasonally used the area for a camp. Before this period, the land served as a stomping ground for the American Indian community. The history, Kane said, has yet to be fully recovered. "It's still a work in progress in terms of learning about the history and putting it together," he said. "I'd like to go as far back as to the mining use of the history, but it's kind of sparse."During the Gold Rush era, the area became a major transportation route for miners heading toward Weaverville from Redding. Inside the park, miners, along with farmers and ranchers, worked on the mining hot spots during the 1850s.The school, a National Environmental Education Development (N.E.E.D.) camp, specializes in improving environmental education for elementary and middle schoolchildren. "Facilities and institutions like the N.E.E.D. camp provide a special dimension to the youth of our community," said Pat Carr, Shasta Historical Society lecture series coordinator. "Oftentimes, they aren't going to get it in the classroom. This is an opportunity to take the classroom outdoors. And the fact that this has been going on for 40 years with 70,000 students makes us appreciate these extraordinary treasures that are in our mist."Fifth- and sixth-graders across several counties make reservations at the school for the overnight trips where students stay in cabins and enjoy campfires. During their stay, they build onto what they've learned of the environment in the classroom with hands-on activities with naturalists. This usually lasts a week. The school offers day camps for younger children starting at the kindergarten level.With generations of children and later their children heading to the camp, Kane said it has become somewhat of a tradition for north state students."It's kind of a tradition in Northern California," he said. "But, unfortunately, with the budget crisis happening on the state and federal level, we don't know if the school will continue as it did back in the day."A downward economy and budget cuts have decreased revenue for educational programs like this one. Whiskeytown may be one of the few N.E.E.D. camps left in the country, Kane said.

What is the proper format of writing formal-informal letters (with resume), speeches, articles, and notices?

I presume that you are preparing for AISSCE 2014, English(core).Formal letter1. Sender's Address.<leave a line>2. Date.<leave a line>3. Address of the Addressee.<leave a line>4.Salutation. (Sir)5. Subject.6.Content(i) Introduction(ii) Body(iii) Conclusion7.Signatory (Yours Faithfully)Important Points to remember :1. Write the letter in the full block format (i.e. to the left)2. State your reason for writing in the first paragraph and stay on track.3. Always include specifics that will help ease the recipient’s task. For instance, if you are writing to a bank, mention your account number.4. If you refer to other correspondence, quote date of the letter/s reference numbers, file numbers, order numbers, cheque number with date. Include copies whenever possible.5. Gently and respectfully direct the recipient’s course of action.6. It may be strongly worded but always be courteous and use polite language and pleasant tone.7. Self introduction should be avoided.8. Informal expressions, greetings or contracted forms of words should not be used.9. The language should be simple, straight forward and to the point.10. Leave a line/ additional space between paragraphs since no indentation is followed.11. Do not mix up the old format and new format.12. In letters to the editor – Do not ask the editor to solve the problems.13. In job application letters Curriculum-vitae (CV) /Bio-data/ Resume/ should be written. It should not be included in the body of the letter but after the complimentary close as enclosure.14. In the Letter to the Editor use ‘yours truly’ as the complimentary close.Sample :20 Jawahar NagarJaipur24 June 2011M/s Cool Home Cooler20 Nehru MargJaipurSirSub : Complaint about the malfunctioning desert cooler.Reference : Cash Memo No DC-98765 dated 17.4.2011I wish to bring it to your notice that I purchased a ‘Cooler Home’ desert cooler from you on 17 April, 2011 (Vide Cash Memo No DC-98765, dated 17.04.2011). The cooler did function well in the beginning for one and a half months and then it has started giving problems.The problems are - water leakage, heavy noise while working and high consumption of power.Kindly take immediate step to either repair the cooler or replace it as the cooler is still under warrantyperiod.Yours faithfullySuresh(SURESH SINGH)Resume :1. Name2. Address3. Telephone no.4. e-mail id5. date of birth6. Academic qualifications7. Experience8. Skills9. Languages known10. Hobbies11. Achievements12. references.Speech1. Salutation2. Content(i) Introduction(ii) Body(iii) Conclusion3. Thank You.Important Points to remember :1. A speech begins with a formal address to the chief guest, fellow speakers and audience.2. More conversational in tone. Pause questions, use interactive expressions like I think you will agree with me, Don’t you think that , I am sure that you will have the same notion Does any one has the opinion that etc.3. Begins with brief, catchy introduction-supported by an anecdote,quotation, striking statistical data or a thought provoking question. It decides the fate of the speech.4. Introduce your topic to the audience clearly.5. Include adequate supporting data to make it credible and interesting6. Have clear idea about the purpose of the speech and the target audience.7. Originality of ideas powerful language, humour and repetitions are allowed, only to emphasize or focus the listener’s attention.8. Similar to introduction, conclusion should be brief , catchy and striking9. the written speech should consist of short sentences having not more than 10 to 12 words in a sentence.10. No title to be given for the speech.11. Avoid abstract phrases. Use simple and familiar language.Sample :Dear FriendsGood morning to you allWe all have assembled here for a noble cause—a mission to eradicate illiteracy. It is the dream of the National Literacy Mission to educate all the Indians. We would work together for an India where EACH PERSON IS LITERATE. Most of the learners are adults who have a 51 rich experience of life. Therefore, the learning strategies that will be adopted in our programme will be exploratory and interactive. We have to teach as well as learn. We must keep in mind certain important factors……… their experience, wisdom and maturity while discussing any topic. We should encourage them to talk and express their views in a frank and fair manner.We should always keep in mind the OBJECTIVES set for the adult illiterates. We have to make them literates. Inculcate in them a love for reading, writing and arithmetic. Let them do simple calculations and exult at the right calculations. Health awareness and job related problems are the next in order. IT IS ONLY AFTER A STRONG BRIDGE OF CONFIDENCE IS BUILTthat we would be able to create in them awareness about civil rights, duties, privileges and obligations. When they become confident of their powers, we must create in them social awareness. Issues like environmental pollution, population control and employment generation can then be discussed…..In short let’s all resolve to make sincere efforts to achieve these goals.Thank youArticle1. Title/Heading2. Name of writer // Under the title, towards the right.3. Introduction4. Exposition5. Suggestions6. ConclusionImportant Points to remember :1. Give a title that catches the attention of the reader.2. Begin with a striking opening sentence which addresses the readers and gets them interested in the topic.3. Present a strong argument for your ideas supporting it with evidences orelaboration.4. Use linking devices (however, therefore, although, even though, in order to…)to make the composition appear a whole.5. Introduce a new point at the beginning of an each paragraph that follows, to strengthen your ideas.6. Develop your ideas as much as you can to make them interesting andsubstantial.7. Conclude with your strongest point.8. Use passive voice, humor, emotive language, rhetorical questions to provide a specific effect.Sample :DISCRIMINATION OF WOMENVikrantIt is a pity that in a country where women are said to be worshipped, there is a widespread discrimination of them even before they are born and injustice meted out to them in such a male chauvinistic world in very many degrees.Certain brutal practices like the female feticide throw light on our attitude.The girl child is considered to be a liability and doesn’t enjoy the privileges of a boy. She is denied the advantage of proper education. The dowry system haunts parents and the harassment she is subjected to at the in-laws often force her to commit suicide. Even in enlightened homes, woman has to live her life under surveillance, if not in strict ‘purdah’. Working women are physically and verbally abused, denied opportunities of growth and subjected to discrimination. The social evils like dowry system, honour killing, human trafficking , societal dogmas etc. take great toll on women, be it daughter, mother, sister , wife, grandmother….Education and economic independence only can empower women to fight for their rights. It is also the responsibility of the educated society to work for the cause of women. Proper law making and execution, spreading awareness , exemplary punishment for the predators etc. surely will bring positive changes. Let she not be worshipped but let her live a wholesome life. Let us live , let her live and let us help her live for a better developed society.NoticeNAME OF THE INSTITUTION/ORGANIZATION/OFFICE , PLACENOTICESUITABLE HEADINGdateContent : Target group-for whom the notice is. Date, time, venueand all important details and any extra informationneeded. (Body of the Notice 50 words ) Answer thequestions -For whom, what , when where when how ,by whom + additional information.Signature(NAME)Designation // All this in a BOX.Important Points to remember :1. Adhere to the specified word limit of 50 words.2. Write the word NOTICE at the top.3. Name and place of the school, organization or office issuing the notice should be mentioned.4. Give an appropriate heading.5. Write the date of issuing the notice.6. Clearly mention the target group (for whom the notice is to be displayed).7. Purpose of the notice.8. Mention all the relevant details (date, venue, time).9. Mention whom to contact for extra information, Signature, name and designation of the person issuing the notice.10. Put the notice in a box.Sample :RED CROSS BLOOD BANK SOCIETY,BANGALORENOTICEDONATE BLOOD AND SAVE LIVES!29th June 2011A State Level function to observe voluntary Blood Donation Day is being organized on 5th and 6th July 2011 at Red Cross Blood Bank Society Office, M.G. Road, Bangalore. It starts at 8 a.m. and will continue till 5 p.m. both days. All are requested to volunteerand donate blood and save the lives of the needy people.Manish(MANISH NAIR)PRESIDENT,RED CROSS BLOOD BANK SOCIETYAll the best for your Boards !! :)Sources : Support Material for English(core) 2012-13, published by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.

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