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How would North America look If the American Revolution never happened? Would the 13 colonies still exist but in a form similar to Canada, as a dominion that is independent but associated with Britain? Would larger indigenous nations have developed?
The “Washington Rebellion” ends up a failure.The 56 signatories of the Declaration of Independence are hanged.Many rebels are deported to the Bermudas, where they have to work in the shipyards.The rebels to incarcerate are so numerous that regular houses are improvised to serve as jails. Entire villages are torched. The wives of the rebels are raped. Some of the less important rebels are pardoned. A certain number of slaves that turned against the rebels could be freed.Due to the proclamation of Martial Law, the rebels have no rights and are convicted by courts martial. The colonial authorities pass an immunity law that makes them impossible to sue should the civil government be restored.For a few years, these colonies are ruled by a “Special Council” that rules through dictature.The Parliament would do a public inquiry to identify the rebels and figure out the number of loyal subjects in every settlement.In a few years, a loyalist civil power might be restored, but the right to vote will be reduced : the value of properties a man should possess to be eligible to vote would be increased.Britain will dispatch the two superintendants of the Indian Affairs, William Johnson [edit : ah he was already dead at that moment] and John Stuart, to visit the indigenous nations that sided with the US. They would be accompanied by their agents George Croghan, Alexander Cameron, John McDonald, Alexander McKee. Chactas/Choctaws, Chicachas/Chickasaws and Onneiouts/Oneidas are met by them to understand why they sided with the rebels, and some might be punished by destroying their villages.Some trans-Appalachians settlements started by the colonists during the war, like in Kentucky and Tennessee, might be destroyed. The King already said that he would only permit settlements if the Crown obtained a cession treaty from the indigenous and therefore had a solid title before colonizing. Private actors are forbidden from doing their own treaties with indigenous.Eventually, some nations like the Illinois, the Delaware, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Choctaw, etc. would meet with British agents of the Crown and will sign treaties surrendering most of their lands in exchange for the protection by the King of the reservations that would be created, and they would be given weapons, a British flag, alcohol, agricultural tools, perhaps even a commemorative medal.It’s only after such a treaty would be concluded that Britain would permit colonization in some areas.The Indian Removal Act would never happen. Indigenous in general would remain close to their ancestral territories and so there would never be an Oklahoma. Indigenous nations might be a bit more populated but hunger would have killed some of them, perhaps more than wars. They might become dependent on the British to be fed.East Florida and West Florida remain British colonies.New Spain is endangered. They sided with rebels and now are paying the price.The Spanish invasion of West Florida is repelled. The Spanish, whose army would be very franco-spanish in fact due to the francophone Créoles of Louisiana, would surrender the old French forts turned British they took: Fort Bute, Bâton Rouge, fort Natchez and La Mobile (in West Florida).Recently, the French merchant Pierre Laclède, founded Saint-Louis of Missouri in Spanish Louisiana, at the intersection of the Mississippi river and the Missouri River. His stepson Auguste Chouteau also created excellent relations with the Osage nation that controlled the Missouri.Patrick Sinclair launches an expedition against Saint-Louis with the support of the Ottawa, Ojibways, Foxs, Sauks, Sioux and also the métis Charles Gautier de Verville and Charles-Michel de Langlade. It took longer than the British expected because Saint-Louis was defended with good entrenchments.Then they attack the rebel stronghold Vincennes. Daniel-Maurice Godefroy de Linctot puts up a heroic resistance but is forced to surrender.With the capture of Vincennes and Saint-Louis, in addition to the forts Natchez, Bâton-Rouge and so on, the path would be cleared to attack the most important city of Louisiana: la Nouvelle-Orléans. The Spanish garrison of the fort La Balize would be sent to reinforce the defenses of the city. Spain might have to send people from the Kingdom of Mexico for example to defend Louisiana.So I don’t know what the peace treaty would look like, but Spain might be forced to surrender the Missouri valley and grant free access to the Mississippi. Suddenly, many Créoles of Louisiana might end up on the same side of the border as their Canadiens cousins of the north.The British already acknowledged most of the articles of the Custom of Paris in the Country of the Illinois. The francophones of Cahokia already could keep using their laws. It would mean that in these regions, the civil law would be similar to that of the province of Québec.The links between the Missouri valley and Montréal would be strenghtened. The Cerré family of Saint-Louis had many commercial links with the francophones of Montréal. The Scottish North-West Company, founded in Montréal in 1783, would expand its playground in the Illinois Country and hire a lot of francophone Canadiens, Louisianais, métis and some indigenous, that would all serve as voyageurs. Unlike the Illinois Company from Philadelphia that failed to penetrate the market due to the hostility of the francophones, the Scottish North-West Company would build up on the francophone networks to be successful. The entire Mississippi and Missouri valleys might be much more French than they would become under the US.In the north, the colonies such as Nova Scotia, Saint John island and Quebec would never receive a great number of Loyalists. The colonization of these regions might happen more slowly. The demographic supremacy of the anglophones in Nova Scotia would not be obvious. With the return of the Acadians, Nova Scotia might look more like the current New Brunswick than the current Nova Scotia. Britain might be forced to recruit more Irish and more East Europeans to colonize as the English would rather avoid these places.Québec would still be quite large on the paper. It would go as far south as Chicagou, a new settlement founded by a mulâtre of Louisiana on the Chékagou river. It would be one of the stops of the fur trade that would be centered on the fort Michilimackinac and Détroit. The old fort de Chartres was destroyed by the British in 1772. The village of Kaskaskia would be in Québec as well, Cahokia and Peoria too, so the current state of Illinois. The US state of Indiana would be Quebecer too. Wisconsin too, but it would be called Ouisconsing, with the French spelling.Oh and it’s not the “Wabash river”, but the Ouabache river, obviously.I don’t know exactly what would happen there but since the English would have no reason to come, and would probably prefer other regions of the continent, the English population of the current Ontario would be much lower and a city like Toronto would never emerge as an important city, as other locations in current Michigan would be much more important. The English colonization would focus on the South of the Great Lakes and so they might detach the Illinois Country from Québec the same way they detached Ontario from it in 1791.With the possible loss of a part of the Missouri valley, perhaps the northern shore of it, New Spain might consolidate its presence in the territorio de Nútca. The city of San Lorenzo de Nutca on the Vancouver island would be colonized hastily. The British might expand the “Indian Territory” to that region of the Northern shore of the Missouri until treaties would be done.In the new British Northern Missouri, the British might face a war with the Sioux eventually. After all, they were the enemies of nearly all of their indigenous allies like the Ottawa and the Illinois.New Spain might remain much bigger. The province of Nuevas Filipinas (or Tejas) would be solidly Spanish. Alta California as well, perhaps.
What are some of the best examples of "beauty with brains"?
I am celebrating this marriage of qualities within Michelle Obama. She is a lawyer and a writer who happens to be married to the first black president in the Untied States.Michelle attended Princeton University and Harvard Law School before returning to work at the law firm Sidly Austin.She is the mother of daughters Malia and Natasha (Sasha). As the wife of a Senator, and later the First Lady, she has become a fashion icon and role model.At Princeton, she challenged the teaching methodology for French because she felt that it should be more conversational. As part of her requirements for graduation, she wrote a thesis entitled "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community.While at Princeton, she got involved with the Third World Center (now known as the Carl A. Fields Center), an academic and cultural group that supported minority students, running their day care center which also included after school tutoring. Michelle majored in sociology and minored in African American Studies and graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in 1985.She earned her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Harvard Law School in 1988 At Harvard she participated in demonstrations advocating the hiring of professors who were members of minorities, and worked for the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau.She is the third First Lady with a postgraduate degree after her two immediate predecessors, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Laura Bush.In July 2008, Michelle accepted the invitation to become an honorary member of the 100-year-old black sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha, , which had no active undergraduate chapter at Princeton when she attended.In 1991, she held public sector positions in the Chicago city government as an Assistant to the Mayor and as Assistant Commissioner of Planning and Development. In 1993, she became Executive Director for the Chicago office of Public Allies, a non-profit organization encouraging young people to work on social issues in nonprofit groups and government agencies. She worked there nearly four years and set fundraising records for the organization that still stood 12 years after she left.In 1996, she served as the Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago, where she developed the University's Community Service Center.In 2002, she began working for the University of Chicago Hospitals, first as executive director for community affairs and, beginning May 2005, as Vice President for Community and External Affairs. She continued to hold the University of Chicago Hospitals position during the primary campaign, but cut back to part-time in order to spend time with her daughters as well as work for her husband's election.She subsequently took a leave of absence from her job. According to the couple's 2006 income tax return, her salary was $273,618 from the University of Chicago Hospitals, while her husband had a salary of $157,082 from the United States Senate. The Obamas' total income, however, was $991,296, which included $51,200 she earned as a member of the board of directors of TreeHouse Foods, and investments and royalties from his books.She served as a salaried board member of TreeHouse Foods, Inc., a major Walmart supplier with whom she cut ties immediately after her husband made comments critical of Walmart at an AFL-CIO forum in Trenton, New Jersey, on May 14, 2007.She serves on the board of directors of the Chicago Council On Global Affairs.During her early months as First Lady, she visited homeless shelters and soup kitchens. She also sent representatives to schools and advocated public service.Obama advocated of her husband's policy priorities by promoting bills that support it. Michelle hosted a White House reception for women's rights advocates in celebration of the enactment of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 Pay equity law.She supported the economic stimulus bill in visits to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and United States Department of Education.Other initiatives of First Lady Michelle Obama include advocating on behalf of military families, helping working women balance career and family, encouraging national service, and promoting the arts and arts education.Obama has made supporting military families and spouses a personal mission and has been increasingly bonding with military families. According to her aides, stories of the sacrifice these families make move her to tears.The First Lady has been one of the only people in the administration to address obesity through promoting good eating habits, which is one of the leading US public health crises. She has been a leading advocate in the promotion of organic health and healthier foods in the school programs.Michelle Obama has been an advocate of LGBT rights. In the 2008 US presidential election, Michelle boasted, to gay Democrat groups, of her husband's record on LGBT rights, including his cosponsoring of a bill amending the Illinois Human Rights Act to include protections for LGBT people which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the workplace, housing, and all public places, his support for the Illinois gender violence act, his support for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, his support for hate crimes protection for sexual orientation and gender identity, his support for renewed effort to fight HIV and AIDS, his support for repealing Don't Ask Don'tTell, his support for a full repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act his support for civil Unions, and his opposition to constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage in the federal, California, and Florida constitutions.With the ascent of her husband as a prominent national politician, Michelle Obama has become a part of popular culture. In May 2006, Essense listed her among "25 of the World's Most Inspiring Women."In July 2007, Vanity Fair listed her among "10 of the World's Best Dressed People." She was an honorary guest at Oprah Windfrey's Legends Ball as a "young'un" paying tribute to the 'Legends,' which helped pave the way for African American Women.In September 2007, 02138 magazine listed her 58th of 'The Harvard 100'; a list of the prior year's most influential Harvard alumni. Her husband was ranked fourth.Michelle Obama is an intelligent, clear thinking, compassionate and beautiful woman. These are the qualities that take 'presidents' (intended misspell), in an exceptional life.Notes taken from: Michelle Obama
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