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Do homeless shelters help people find jobs?
Shelter that provides a bed and transition from being homelessThe Bridge House mission is to address immediate survival needs of homeless individuals and provide resources which lead to employment, housing, personal stability and healing. The program was built with a “Work Works” philosophy, providing for the immediate of homelessness to have a place to live away from the streets and a very comprehensive and practical approach in getting the homeless reintegrated into society. The terrible thing about discipline and tough-love shelters (with or without) is that they are not prepared as they transition away from homelessness. In many cases, such as the “5 points” Denver Rescue Mission, Samaritan House, Step 13, and Salvation Army, is that the resident might not graduate from the program with the tools and resources to be a part of society outside of their walls of safety. As an example, Step 13 on Larimer Street is in the middle of a bar district. If you believe that “triggers” exist for the sober individual, imagine kicking a resident out in the brutal cold of a Colorado winter, right into a place that the struggling alcoholics might encounter. And, if you also prescribe to the idea of alcoholism as apart of the “disease model”, then they may not be ready, or lack willpower, to not relapse.Currently the Boulder Bridge House has started a shelter combined with their work program that is quite unique. I was told that there are only “four” of these Ready to Work programs in all of the United States. The program at first sounds like the “housing first” model or maybe even the New Genesis program, but it is not.There are a few unique factors that make this program successful where others have failed.NO such thing as “one and done” like other programs in Colorado. The Samaritan House, Step 13, Salvation Army, and the Denver Rescue Mission all have the “one and done” no tolerance policy in place, so if you mess up, you must pack and leave the programs. The Boulder Bridge House Ready to Work program does NOT do this. Many of the residents who live in this facility are felons that come direct from prison or jail, and many residents are simply homeless individuals who can’t seem to shake the homelessness, thus they turn to substance abuse, using drugs or alcohol to cope. The case managers never kick anyone out if they have a relapse, because relapse is often something to happen, and many of the residents just find it hard to function with others again.They have a mentor program. Lots of individuals in Boulder county are mentors to help guide any resident who wants to work in any particular field, at no cost. This is not like the “AA” sponsor.Homelessness makes it very difficult to apply for jobs, so the Ready to Work program has its OWN work program, so the residents will have no problem getting work and start earning money. There are classes that teach job skills, budgeting, and they require a minimum of %30 saved each month. Their employment specialists are networked and will be hard at work in the communities getting you the job you want.Temporary place to live, while they work on finding you long-term housing. Nearly ALL of the residents who are in this program can live in the facility for one year, and with the help of the community, if your situation needs, they can help pay your rent for up to 2 years. The building holds up to 40 residents.The Bridge House program also runs a kitchen which allows resident immediate job placement if they are interested. Their Community Table Kitchen offers culinary arts training and so much more.Food is FREE. All of the food is donated daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner.Ready to Work provides a pathway to self-sufficiency for homeless individuals[1]. The Resource Center makes services for homeless individuals more accessible & effective.The current residents are:VeteransOver 13% of residents are veterans who have served our country, but who are struggling to stay on their feet. Many are not getting the benefits they are entitled to under law. We help veterans to process the paperwork so that they can receive the medical and financial assistance they deserve.WomenApproximately 30% of the people that walk through our doors are women. The issues homeless women face around safety and security are different from those facing men.Have mental health problemsThere are estimates that nearly 40% of the homeless population suffers from some kind of mental illness. The Ready to Work program leaders see this statistic reflected in our clients, most of whom either don’t know they are ill or are unaware of services that can help them. The program has a mental health outreach worker who meets with people one-on-one. They also have group counseling through their weekly HOPE Group. We provide funds for psychiatric prescriptions and work with their partners at Clinica and Mental Health Partners to get people the services they need.Though anyone can come from out-of-state, local Boulder, Colorado residents make up a large part of the residents at Bridge House. While many people think the homeless population flocks to places like Boulder for services, a large majority are locals. A full 60% of their residents are originally from Boulder County. The staff and program managers work hard to instill a sense of community at Bridge House for all their clients. They have regular holiday gatherings, art classes, and regular meetings with clients to gather feedback and suggestions.The number of people seeking our services continues to grow every year. In addition to the chronically homeless, we are seeing a significant number of newly homeless that have lost businesses, homes, and families in the economic chaos. In addition, we have more families coming to Bridge House and our evening dinners than ever before; at least one family with children per week.At the Resource Center (job assistance), they provide opportunities for each person to find his or her path to self-sufficiency. But no path is the same. The try and customize their program to a wide variety of people, from all walks of life. Everyone is welcome and the Bridge House goal is to connect every person with the services they need. The number of people seeking Bridge House services continues to grow every year. In addition to the chronically homeless, they are seeing a significant number of newly homeless that have lost businesses, homes, and families in the economic chaos. In addition, we have more families coming to Bridge House and evening dinners than ever before; at least one family with children per week.At the Resource Center, they provide opportunities for each person to find his or her path to self-sufficiency. But no path is the same. A wide variety of people, from all walks of life. Their published data made available to the public shows data from 2015.Overall Bridge House data reveals:1,730 individuals came to Bridge House and Resource Center for case management servicesThey successfully connected 81 people with housing either through transitional programs or through rent assistanceThey helped 139 of their residents get jobsThey provided over 4,163 case management appointments for clients to access benefits such as food stamps, AND, SSITheir Ready to Work employment program shows:13 graduated the program and 7 have found employment44 are still working into 2016$312,665 in earned revenue90% attendance rateThe Ready to Work House and Employment Center opened in August 2015 at a new facility that was donated. Purchased and renovated by Bridge House, this community houses 44 individuals working in the Ready to Work program. Ready to Work is Bridge House’s employment program that provides paid jobs, vocational training and support services to individuals re-entering the workforce and stable housing. Ready to Work is raising eyebrows due to their quality and high retention and graduation data. They have a simple but effective work program[2] without any bureaucracy holding them back, because they are funded primarily by private donors.Ready to Work operates two businesses – a landscaping and supplemental sanitation service with contracts with City of Boulder Open Space Mountain Parks.Their residents get paid, transitional work as a stepping stone to mainstream work with the daily work assignments options in landscaping or food service offer:16 positions, expanding to 48Up to 29 hours a week, $8.23 hr for 4 months, raise to $9 hrThe assistance in building a resume and get references. Back to that thing about being a felon. If you are a felon or just got back in the community after doing time in prison or jail, then you know that getting reliable reference can be extremely difficult. And an additional aspect that can’t be understated is that they provide you access to clothing suitable for interviewing and for their jobs.So, basically they provide everyone:Community living for 48 people38 men, 10 women (male/females in the same building, with the men residing on the 2nd floor and the women on the 1st floor.)Paid work for up to 29 hours a week3 meals a day (from donors and Community Kitchen)On site laundryA Computer lab, and library24/7 access to staff or volunteer supportBuild rental historyRoom and board of 1/3 of income up to $60 per weekSobriety required (must submit to random a breathalyzer or urinalysis)Pass health screening (if you come in “hot” for a substance, they may require you to be at detox a few days, so you are not disqualified for being admitted)Earn and save money (minimum %30)They work hard to keep this program going, so they want you to succeed, they merely ask a commitment to 9 to 12 month program, and are required to obtain employment after 7 months working with their Ready to Work crew. Many of the staff there were homeless at one point, so they are very knowledgeable about the struggles someone homeless might encounter.An Ecopass during paid employment phase. That Ecopass alone is worth over $1,000 and is provided immediately so resident can ride any RTD bus or RTD lightrail with no restrictions. In essence, free travel to anywhere in Colorado with that pass.Samaritan House Shelter in Colorado on Lawrence Street and their opinions [3][3][3][3]Footnotes[1] [2] work-program-presentation-on-ready-to-work-and-what-the-program-does[3] The Samaritan House, Homeless Shelter in Denver, Reviews[3] The Samaritan House, Homeless Shelter in Denver, Reviews[3] The Samaritan House, Homeless Shelter in Denver, Reviews[3] The Samaritan House, Homeless Shelter in Denver, Reviews
To those of you who have left India, what were your reasons for leaving?
I live in France UK USA but I love india this is typical reply who left the india..Well now days the the Patriotism and citizenship of India is almost non- existent…More and more people get educated from IIT and IIM they want to leave india as soon as possible…There typical reply is that best quality work life balance etc etcI got more freedom I can wear shorts no-one bat a eye to me this is freedom i want ,the currency is more powerful I can travel around the world the world euro/ dollar / Kuwaiti dinar , am financially independent I can do job and pay for living which fullfil..Europe is very safe beautiful , it's a heaven on earth 🌎 it's a like dreamOvercrowding I can't travel across the country it's very devastating it's very uncomfortable it's very smellyAnything is allowed if it’s for religion.Logic and scientific evidence be damned because god must be the answer to everything right? Whether your burn ton of mango woods for havan or cut the thousands of goat for sacrifice for God which is non existent .Then people Write this on quora who praising Europe..Climate - Netherlands is a country with moderately warm summers and cool winters, and typically high humidity. During summer, sun rises at 5:00 AM and sets at 10:00 PM. During winter, sun rises at 9:00 AM and sets at 4:30 PM. It took some time for me to get adjusted to the climate and daylight changes. This was a complete different experience for me, since I was used to the climatic conditions in India where the daylight change is almost constant throughout the year.Greeting everyone with smile - I am not sure if this is followed in other countries as well. In Netherlands, when we make eye contact with strangers they will smile and greet even if we don’t know them.Appointments and Punctuality - Appointment is mandatory for any formalities like opening bank account to visiting doctor. Hospitality and the way they treat customers are unimaginable. When I opened my new bank account in ABN AMRO, a dedicated officer spent around one hour to explain me the end to end process followed in their bank. Government employees are very friendly in nature. It’s much easier and hassle free process to get work done like registering new address and getting BSN in the local municipality (aka Gemeente).Public Transport, Roads and Traffic rules - Rules are followed strictly and traffic monitoring is completely automated. Vehicles will stop until the pedestrians cross the road even if there is no signal. Roads are replaced frequently to ensure the quality and safety for transport. From children to elders, everyone use bicycle to travel to school and office. There is a separate track for bicycles in the road. One interesting fact is that the number of bicycles in NL is more than the entire population of dutch. Public transport in NL uses chip card for payment. No need to pay cash, just swipe in and swipe out. People are well behaved and they stand in a queue to get into bus/train.Medical Care - It is difficult to get Doctor’s appointment for common health problems like fever and cold. Paracetamol is the only medicine that is prescribed for all the minor health issues, which can be bought in any super markets. Patients are treated with high class medical facilities if they are diagnosed with any disease and the expenses are bore by the insurance companies. TB test is mandatory for all the expats travelling to NL since they are more cautious about spreading the disease to the local dutch citizens.Food and Eating habits- Dutch people mostly prefer having vegetable salads and fruits for lunch. Beef and Pork is the next preferred meat here after chicken and they don’t usually eat spicy food. Alcohols are sold in all the super markets. Government gives more importance to agriculture, and NL is the 2nd largest food exporter in the world.GDPR Regulation - This is applicable to the entire European Union which came into effect on May 2018. GDPR ensures data privacy and security. Public and Private organizations in EU cannot share personal data without users consent.Preserving Nature - Government gives more importance to save natural resource. We can find canals in every place. There are more than 10,000 operational windmills in the country. NL government is planning to permit only electric cars by the end of 2030 to reduce pollution…Why do you want to leave India, if you do?I want to settle abroad, because in IndiaYou have to conform to nineteenth century standards before loving someone.People belonging to 198 tribes are ‘habitual offenders’ by birth.A man has to carry his dead wife on his back for 10 km to cremate her.The police are busy searching for MLA's buffaloes.The government believes marital rape doesn't exist.We're the fifth largest economy, and we stand below Bangladesh in many social indices like infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, etc.You cannot criticise or make fun of the government.Your live in partner can sue you for rape and ruin yourThere are a lot of reasons why I want to leave India and there are reasons I want to stay as well although I am not going to focus on those here. Even though, there will be some points you might not agree on or criticize me for it, I am completely fine with it as you don’t need to agree with all of them. But these are the things I have felt that make me want to leave India and I am sure there will be many who would agree too: -1) Overcrowding – I live in the city of Mumbai and have been travelling in local trains since past 6 years during my high school, college and now job. Local trains are the lifeline of Mumbai and they are the fastest mode of transport in the city during peak hours compared to the highly congested roads of Mumbai. From 7-11 am, CST down line and 5-10 pm Kalyan / Kasara line (same goes for Western Railway), the trains are extremely crowded. Be it the first class compartment or second class compartment, you will be mashed the entire ride. Unless you live near a station from where the train originates,you can kiss your hopes of getting a seat goodbye. If you catch a fast train instead of a slow one, you better pray to reach your destination in one piece and alive because you would pretty sure be hanging near the door the entire time! I love this city and I can’t leave it for too many reasons. Most of the opportunities for employment and academic related are concentrated here. I have access to major railway terminals, an international airport, high class multi specialty hospitals, state of the art malls and entertainment complexes, etc. There are lot of advantages of living in a city although there are lot of disadvantages primarily being overcrowding. There are no or minimal problems related to that in developed countries. Many would argue that public transit is poor in US when compared to India, but the economy of countries like US has adapted to a driving culture with excellent road infrastructure and low gas prices. I can’t travel by car in India regularly where oil prices are so high and road quality is so low.2) Dirt and Filth – I have been on foreign trips and to those people who haven’t, let me tell you its an eye opening experience. The moment you step off the tarmac and take in the view of the alien land, you can truly see what cleanliness and organization of public infrastructure looks like. The absence of pan-stains on the sides of the train or streets, proper streets for people to walk on without hawkers or bus stands or stray dogs, proper signs and paint marks for speed breakers, speed limits, stop signs, destination boards, etc. just makes you feel why there is no such thing in your country. Millions of people pay taxes and more than that is spent because of which we have a fiscal deficit yet we don’t get the privilege of such basic infrastructure that is the norm there. There are dustbins at regular intervals with special tray for cigarette butts, the garbage is segregated at the source and treated at the end. On the other hand, Deonar dumping ground in Mumbai is way overfilled from its capacity with no segregation and no treatment. Ragpickers get diseases and hurt on a regular basis and fires are frequent that just pollute the already polluted air. I have been diligent with cleanliness –I keep my litter in my bag until I can dispose it off in proper bins, I recycle all the paper and bottles and clothing (which I donate to the needy), I keep food wastage to a minimum, etc. Yet I see people littering, spitting, throwing garbage be it a poor uneducated man or a rich dude in an Audi – Can I change everybody? No.3) Sanitation – I really appreciate PM Modi’s Swacch Bharat Abhiyan and I think it is high time in this country we make each and every person have access to proper clean toilets. As I live in Mumbai, let me tell you the usual scenario. Before we go out anywhere, unless its somebody’s house it is imperative to have bladder check because you never know if you might find a decent toilet or not. Its ironic but a person in emergency would go to a mall made by a private company than use a public toilet. A person would use a toilet in McDonalds (literally everywhere especially near stations) than use one at railway stations. I lived in one of my cousin’s hostel for a short period of time (It was a public university) and the washrooms were downright disgusting. They stank of putrid smell even before entering, commodes were overflowing and water was scare. I just pitied the people who had to use it in emergencies.4) Moral Police & S*x – India is the land of 1.2 billion people. The place where Kamasutra originated. The place where we see porn among idols near various ancient sites and sculptures. Yet, we CANNOT talk, see, hear or even show a remote connection to sex! Sex Education is a joke here. We turn our heads when we see a condom commercial with family. We beat up and mentally torture the kids watching porn rather than teach them. Do you know just to what EXTENT people are dumb about sex? Just read the sexpert column in Mumbai Mirror by Dr. Mahindra Watsa and see the kind of questions out there. I admire Dr.Watsa’s wits and patience to answer such questions with grace and knowledge. I don’t condone any sort of public love making or indecency yet it is shameful to even hold hands or let alone hug a person from the opposite gender in a public place. I could be hugging my very own sister and people would stare at you as if you just committed a sin right there! There are reports that police barged in on couples in hotel rooms and charged them with public indecency!Yes, you heard it right! HOTEL ROOMS, for god’s sake! Is there any place left for 2 lovers in this overcrowded city for some privacy! Are they affecting ANYBODY by being alone in a room where NO ONE can see!5) Traffic rules – We wear helmets to avoid getting caught and pay a bribe. We go way ahead of line when the signal countdown is less than 20 and almost across the road by the time it is less than 10. We change lanes without indicators or use a one way road for our 2 way benefit “ki sab chalta hai”. I was once stuck in an intersection in Chicago and the discipline of the drivers was so awesome that as 2 road conjoined into 1 lane,the traffic would move in a way that one car would move from 1st road then another car from 2nd road then next car from 1st road and so on… It was such a beautiful system yet I could never imagine such thing occurring here. People ram and budge into corners as if saving that extra 2 seconds is going to save a life. I have seen autorickshaw drivers showing hands and legs as indicators as if the purpose for the lights on the vehicles was for aesthetics.6) Corruption & Bureaucracy – This factor has highly come down in India yet it has a long way to go. From getting a passport to getting a big real estate project passed, every stage of India’s administration requires a “karcha-paani” to get things done. The only advantage is it gets things done faster if the bribe is good enough. Otherwise, the duties and responsibilities of people that are obligated to do this work are not only going to delay or permanently rest on the matter but also ask you for more and more as the work increases. This is frustrating, shameful and at times impossible to work with. I understand some government officials are paid less and they should get a salary hike but not at the expense of common public in the form of corruption and biasness. The MPs are demanding more and more salary on top of numerous perks they enjoy and common government servants are struggling with their normal pay.7) Festivals – I am going to get lot of hate for this point and I am sure lots of people admire and enjoy Indian festivals with jest and heart filled joy. Many of the NRIs return to India because they miss the color and atmosphere of festivals abroad. I enjoy them too but most the times they are headaches. Diwali, the festival of lights is to be celebrated with sweets and family. We do that but we do more. People burst firecrackers that last all night with the decibel levels only going louder every year! You can’t drive safely on the roads because slum children use it as their playground and you never know when a sutli bomb might just burst below your car’s fuel tank! The air pollution goes off the charts and many people suffer respiratory problems. Ganesh Chaturthi – People purchase non-biodegradable idols made of PVP and blare loud music of holy songs all day and night! The idols are then submerged in water polluting them. Noise is common during Janmastami, Ambedkar Jayanti and Navratri as well. A person can’t have peace of mind during those days. Students have study leaves during festivals and have exams immediately after and they can’t study. People returning tired from work can’t sleep at night because of loud music. The pandals are set up right in the middle of the roads and traffic goes haywire. The idols are transported from the pandal to a pond or sea kilometers away on roads with slow speeds and crowd of people blocking every inch of space that driving is nightmare. What if there is an ambulance or a fire truck stuck in traffic? Somebody might just die and no one would realize or care.8) Purchasing power – We earn in rupees and spend in dollars! Smartphones costs upwards of 50K, laptops – 70K, Trousers, shirts, T shirts – 1 to 2K, Pants / jeans – 2-3K. A decent 2 BHK apartment in better neighbourhood in Mumbai would cost no less than 2 to 3 crores. A car costs upwards of 4 to 5 lakhs. How many people can boast of an income to sustain a livelihood with such prices? Fresher from good universities start with barely 4 to 4.5 lakhs of income. Even with a 10-15% rate of increase p.a., its going to reach 15 lakhs in 10 years. Can you sustain a family in a metropolitan city? Can you save enough for higher education, marriage (which is again such a big deal here), retirement? People work for hours on end and get paid in peanuts. There is no law or regulation to prevent the number of hours a day a company can milk an employee.9) Slow Internet – One of the frustrating reasons in the digital age is the slow internet speed. It is slowly improving and there are fiber networks being set up and 4G just launched yet the internet is pitifully slow at many places. The mobile data charges are through the roof and yet the quality is shameful.10) Customer Service – The customer service in India is pathetic. Be it big e commerce companies like Flipkart, Snapdeal or telecos like Vodafone, Reliance or even computing companies like Apple. My macbook malfunctioned within days of purchasing and it took innumerable phone calls, visits to service center and 2 months to replace it with a new one. I have relatives and friends in US where they submit a faulty phone or device and it is replaced over the counter with no questions asked and no charges. Amazon USA accepts returns of products upto 30 days after purchasing and even if you have used them because for them customer service is number 1 priority. Although it is not advisable to exploit such good policies.11) Quality of Education – Why do so many middle class Indians go abroad to do their masters? Why do they not study in IIMs or IITs?- Reservations – SC/ST/OBC and god knows what other castes are there that just being born into one of them entitles you admission into premium institutes with low or no grades and other governmental benefits. A general candidate working much harder and having much dire financial traits won’t get into them because his caste is different. Why would somebody want to tolerate this system?- Campus – Have you seen the campuses on some of the foreign institutes? They are just worth the money. The mess and the libraries in campuses across India except for few top institutes are just dirty, dinghy and not worth the money. The hostels are crumbling, the food is stale and unhygienic and libraries don’t have enough books. The labs have outdated equipment, the faculties are sometimes least bothered and budgets are low.- Research – Many students who want to pursue further research into their field or phD find foreign institutes much better in terms of support, faculty, equipment and funding. This encourages them and makes the work easier and more productive.12) Weather – This is not a negative point for India but the weather in lot of foreign countries is lot more pleasant and cool. The temperature never goes to the extent of 40 to 45 degree Celsius as it does here (Summer 2016). If a person prefers colder climates over hot and warmer ones, foreign countries would appeal to them. The temperature in US can go really down in winters and that would be frustrating too but its really a choice between cold & hot.13) Public Service – Have you seen an accident on road and how people gather around, who does no one come forward and help? Or if you see some injustice happening in front of your eyes, would you help or think twice? Some Samaritans do help and take up the mantle and help our society but why are they so few? Why doesn’t everybody help at the first instance? You can’t really blame the people. They are just victims of the “system” in place. The commonplace excuse – “Mein aise sab chakkar mein nahi fasna chahta”. And its true! People are scared to file a complaint in police stations fearing the cops will ask untoward questions. The justice system lags so bad that perpetrator won’t see the bars anytime soon and that too for a short time. Pizza reaches faster than ambulance! Maybe it’s the traffic,maybe it’s the response time, maybe its something else but in the end the victim suffers and dies sometimes. Is there anyone to blame? Nope.In the end, I would just like to say that I am NOT against India or Indian people in any way. These are some of my experiences and facts that I feel make me want to leave India. Its really a personal choice and that shouldn’t make somebody unpatriotic or any less Indian. Migration from India is high and increasing day by day, maybe some of these problems are the reason and maybe they are not. Its high time we fix them and let the country progress towards becoming a developed nation. There have been lot of positive changes in the past 2 years and I hope they continue to do so. Hopefully someday we won’t have any of the problems mentioned above by me! :)Before answering the real question I want to tell you I am a proud Indian who loves her nation like all other Indians.I am doing MS from Germany.let me elaborate why I left India and why I don't regret it.I was a software engineer in one the best IT firms in the world and was working there for more than two years in last two years I was earning well but did not had a single increment. Yes that's right not a single increment while my US counterparts who joined with me got promoted in front of me. Not because i was not deserving but because Indian IT population is cheap labour for the world.Infact none of the people who joined with me got any increment.Indian team members used to work in shifts as we were working with cloud services but there was no such concept for US counterparts. I used to work in odd shifts which either used to start in 6 in morning or used to end in 11 in the evening but US teammates would come to office by 10 am in normal working hours. ( trust me that is dream company for any software engineer)US counterparts would simply get all the public holidays be it thanksgiving ,Christmas etc but we in India had to work even on days like diwali, holi (although we were paid three times of salary that day ). I still remember the day I had to fight with my manager for an off on Rakhi day.I got frustrated within a year , I started looking for options. All my colleagues who joined with me were either studying for Cat or were going to US for MS.I had friends who gave two to three attempts of CAT and GATE but still could not secure the admission ,thanks to reservation system and amount of competition you face to get into IITs and IIMs.I didnt want to waste my two years preparing for Cat.Many friends actually switched to GMAT from CAT. I didn't had money to goto US school as the expenses were very high. I found about Germany that there is no tuition fees there and two to three universities there are actually among top 50 universities in the world.I aimed those three universities and gave necessary exams,GRE and TOEFL.I applied to universities and I got admit from all of them thanks to my good marks in exams and good btech grades. Had i tried to secure admission in India it would have easily taken me one two years. I chose Germany not because India does not have quality education but because I didn't had time and patience to prepare for entrance exam to get into college. Getting into IIM or IIT is way more tough than getting admit from ivy league. (I know people who were rejected by IITs but are in MIT, UCB and Caltech.)So I left India and it's been close to 8-9 months and I am loving it here because of following reasons1. I am in one of the best universities of the world with no tuition fees. I am doing part time in software company for my monthly expenses ( had I been in IIM I would have to spend atleast 15 lakhs plus my living expenses,iits too have huge fees and no part time of course)2. I can travel to any country in Europe with my EU visa, Europe is breath takingly beautiful and clean( India is of course very beautiful but not very clean plus not very secure for a girl to travel alone)3. I get to meet multicultural people in my dorm and university coming from all parts of the world. (I have hungarian ,greek ,pakistani ,palestinian , german ,indonesian,afghani flatmates.and this is not possible in India.There are two Pakistani guys who are my flatmates and we are best friends, in India I could not even dream of having friends across the border because of obvious reasons.)4. Lot less competition to find jobs and lowest unemployment rate( here there is good demand of IT engineers and very few available :) , reverse is the trend in India )5.Great education system , no cramming ,amazing projects and amount of practical knowledge you get is unparallel. (Lot of cramming I had done during my bachelor's and lot less practical knowledge)6.Very low crime rate. I travel anytime I want and nothing has ever happened to me.(you can not think of taking a metro in Delhi at 11 in the night)7.lot less time in getting your office work (here you can activate your bank account, extend your visa, apply for residency permit ,get your semester ticket from four different offices in half day. In India we all have faced inefficiency in government offices at some point or other but yes things are changing now :) and we have long way to go )8.You won't feel pollution in your daily life here.In Delhi and other big cities pollution level is so high that you never know when you will get asthama.9.Law and order well enforced ( people can't get away with crimes.In India we all know fates of celebrities like Salman khan and billionaires like Vijay mallya ,nothing will happen to them )10.0 interference ( people won't interfere in your business ,in India every neighbour and distant relative would worry about my marriage)11 No show off ( people are simple, and don't do things just to please or show off to society.. Whereas we all know how much people in India would spend just on a wedding to maintain their status in society ,some people are so insane that they would even consider taking loan for marriage ceremony alone. )11.I have freedom to wear anything without fear of being judged or teased.So due to these reasons I think leaving India was good decision.Why do many Indians want to leave India to settle abroad? Why is ownership of the country almost non-existent among today's youth?How is the life of Indians who settle abroad (US, UK, Canada, Australia or New Zealand)? What’s their daily life like? Is it better? Is it worth separating from their friends, relatives and country? What do they miss? Do they want to come back?How could I get out of India permanently? I literally wasted my youth just fighting for food, water, and electricity. I mean, are we living in the stone age where man still has to spend most of his time surviving?If this question would’ve been asked a couple of years ago, I may have had a different answer.But truth to be told I do want to leave. Now as I’ve read in many of the answers written by hundreds of people like no opportunity, no career, corruption etc etc. I just want tell a short extended story, so please bear with me if you are actually reading this answer out of the hundreds of answers given by various smart and mature people.The story begins in my school in 10th standard . me along with my two bro like best buddies, let’s call them S and D. So we had lot of fun in 10th and after boards it was time to take our first career move like any other Indian student. It turns out both of them wanted to become a doctor so they opted for Biology in 11th standard and me the aimless wanderer took maths Science (Courtesy of good board marks and xyz relatives advice).Fast forward 2 years later. Both of them got admission in 2 private medical colleges and I got into Computer Engineering.Things went well and we stayed in touch. As they continued their MBBS, two major incidents took place which started changing my views about not leaving the country (because I was so damn patriotic).Incident 1-S was studying MBBS in a college in Madhya Pradesh. All went well and suddenly one day, when he went home for holidays, the police entered his home and detained him for allegedly cheating in the MP PMT exam AKA the Vyapam Scam. He was earlier told that his student status might be in jeopardy due to it, but he never expected cops to be on his door.Now you might think he cheated, he deserved it, and you are only saving him because you are his friend etc etc. Truth to be told, yes I’m his bro, and that’s the reason I know that he did not cheat, fuck moral, that guy doesn’t even have stomach for it. And still if my word is not enough, then his mark sheet speaks for itself, the guy from who, he “cheated” had less marks then him (not just 2–3 marks, the difference was more then 10).The aftermath was worse. All the students (around 1200 of them) were released but their admission cancelled till the case was over. Which took over a year, between this all the murders started happening in the case and it became a media circus, which lead the inclusion of CBI. This lead to further delay of over another year as CBI was short of resources and they had to look into every student.S was shocked, sad, depressed and his condition was getting worse everyday, still that guy had faith in judicial system. Well it failed him, along with all the other students, when supreme court cancelled their admission. The criminal investigation still going on the students.Incident 2D as I mentioned also got admission in a college of Madhya Pradesh for MBBS . (By now you people might have understood we are from Madhya Pradesh). So D is studying in this college, he knew about S and he use to thank god everyday for not placing him in the wrong exam hall in the wrong time. We both always supported S and tried to cheer him up almost everyday.One day D called me and told that a student, one of his classmate died of heart attack. We felt bad until he told us the whole story.He told us that the guy had some problem of chest pain and went to see the doctor in the hospital, where he was told to get admitted in the hospital. As he was a student he had special hospital fee waiver, but the hospital did not admit him as he did not had his Student ID with him at that time. He went to his flat and by the time he decided to come back with his ID, he suffered a heart attack.Now again you can say it was his mistake, but not admitting him in hospital was a sheer negligence and if a medical student can face this , you can only imagine what others might face.Now these two story may not have exact date or exact case, figures etc. But I know for a fact that this happened. The two basic thing i.e.e Medical and Law services, that any person might need at any point of emergency in his life. I’m sorry to say but both of these things in our country are “Bhagwan Bharose”. I’m sure you can’t disagree, because this is not the first story you have seen about corruption or negligence in our country.I’m not saying that our country is bad, or as today’s trends say, I’m not an “anti national”. It’s just that I want to live a simple life with my family and friends. And neither do I want to settle or adjust in thee two basic needs nor do I want to become a crusader to fight against injustice and come out of top(if you think that’s coward or un justified just google these names - Satyendra Dubey, Shanmugam Majunathan and many more).Sharing some of real life incidents which prompted me to take this decision:Case 1:Walking in East kailash at 10:20 PM talking on my phone; two guys on bike hit me on my head with a Rod; I fell, Took my mobile; I was in pain bleeding on Road (Not so profusely); several vehicles passed, nobody stopped. Two guys came talked to me and helped me in standing up; and then said "भाई आप लकी हो, लास्ट टाइम बंदा ऊपर चला गया था इसी रोड पे… "Came back home, broken. I was living with my friends then, all working in MNCs. Went to police station, asked me 100 questions and then.. I didn't hear back anythiOk,now lets be honest for a moment.My background: Indian male in mid 20s graduated from prestigious engineering institute (hope you get it), working in an investment bank in a metropolitan Indian city. Have had couple of short trips to some developed nations in the past.These are the reasons why I want to leave India for a couple years and then come back.Money: Yeah. lets accept it. Single biggest reason, the dollars $$$. I mean, I am drawing a salary in the top 1 percentile among my age group, still I can't think of buying a house in the city I live in. If I take a loan, I'll have to literally shell out a major chunk of my salary in the EMI. On the other hand, an Indian even in an average job working in US can save enough to buy it. We have a weak currency and hence the relative cost of living in Indian cities is comparably higher.Prestige: If you go back 15 years, going or living abroad was not common for an average middle class Indian and hence there was a prestige associated with living abroad. This is the philosophy we have been fed since childhood that living in USA is the "cool" thing to do. Even today, may be subconsciously, we all have a sense of prestige associated with visiting or living abroad, which is why you see the first thing anyone does when he/she visits any foreign country is facebook check-in at the airport and then continuously upload pics.,Better quality work: Be it any field, this is the sad truth that all the better quality jobs in most fields simply don't exist in India. If you want to do some challenging quality work or some cutting edge research, there isn't much opportunity in India. Thankfully, this is changing and we see some better opportunities slowly coming to India also.Experience: This is another big reason. We have been living in India since childhood and now in our youth, we want to experience living in a foreign place which is culturally/socially/economically different. Moreover, if you want to live a non-conventional life, for example if you are LGBT, or if you want to stay unmarried for long etc. then it would be better to live abroad where you have more individualistic freedom and would be better accepted.I can't say about others but for me I'll never want to live permanently in a foreign country. I mean this is the place I belong to and identify myself. My family lives here and I can't spend my entire life as an outsider in a foreign land. So what I wish to do is live in any foreign country for a couple of years (5-6 years max) and then save enough to come back and live a peaceful life here in India. I know many would argue that once you stay abroad for a couple of years, you would not like to come back but I don't know about future and this is what I think now.Regarding the many problems that others have pointed out, ofcourse there are problems but its not like you are living in hell. India is still a very nice place to live in, especially if you earn decent enough. I mean we have been living in India since childhood and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Things are changing and we can all expect to live in an even better India in the future. So I could be wrong but I see these reasons given by others as more of "excuses".A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason.- J.P. MorganYou complain that a guy with lesser marks or more money was given admission to that medical seat which you deserved and you would have loved if the admissions had been purely on merit, fair enough. Now lets go out of India and see what happens elsewhere. Lets talk about US, lets take one of the best universities in US so lets take the example of none other than Harvard Business School. One would have assumed that the admission to the best business school in the world would be based purely on merit. The answer is No.Its a known fact that factors like Nationality/Race/Gender plays a much bigger role. The reservations at these top institutes goes in the name of "diversity benefit". A candidate from, for example, Uganda has a much better chance than a much "better" candidate from India. I would not even point out that the GMAT scores of Indians/Chinese candidates in these schools are much above the class average as then someone would point out that the admissions to these schools is based on a 'holistic' picture and not necessarily on numbers. Still, whatever the criteria you may take for "merit", almost all applicants/students/alumni/admission consultants would agree that the admission process is much much harder for Indians/Chinese especially for Indians. They would rather take a supposedly "lesser" deserving candidate if he/she is from an under-represented minority.Think about it, why should a candidate suffer if he/she is from India, a candidate from Africa/Europe who is getting admitted might be much richer with better exposure and resources. Moreover between a guy and a girl with similar profile, they would obviously admit the girl. However, if you are not from an "under-represented" minority and you do not have stellar stats,its not the end and you may still make it, you know how? if you come from an influential political family or your parents have donated millions to the school. (Jyotiraditya Scindia is a Harvard economics and Stanford MBA alumni)The idea of this comment is not to demean these institutes or complain about their policies. I totally respect them and needless to say almost all candidates admitted to these schools are well deserving. I am just trying to put things into perspective for you. You are living in a bubble if you think the world is fair.Oh absolutelyI wrote this piece over three years ago —And it still holds true.The reason for it isn’t that I don’t love my country. On the contrary, I have been, and still am, astounded by the fact that this country, an eclectic amalgam of various languages and cultures continues to survive and prosper, despite having little in common with most of the others except for a shared history of oppression. I am amazed that a country that has <2% of the world’s areLong before I was an adult, I always thought I would stay in India till my last breath. However, growing up has made me encounter problems which I don't want to face at all.1. Education woes.I am a student of an NIT. The entrance exam was a lot tougher than what is taught here. The quality of education is abysmal. There are hardly any permanent professors in my department. We are taught by some contract faculty who are least interested in teaching.Once, in the third semester, a thermodynamics teacher said this:"Now, since we all know that when pressure is constant, work done by the gas is zero, so the answer here is zero."For a few minutes , we were too bamboozled to believe that she had said this. To our utter amazement, this followed:"In adiabatic process, the change in internal energy is always zero."That class led to a huge disappointment. Most of the major things are taught in a pathetic way, with all the prestigious students losing interest in studies.All we care about are MARKS. And SGPA. It disheartens me so much. It's so depressing to be present in a system where you are judged by your grades and grades come by remembering a few facts in the subjects. No logics.2. CorruptionIt's everywhere. Not just in politics or government sectors.I know a few people around me who completely support the cause of corruption.The reasons given by them are so selfish and amoral that they might make you weep there and then.I get to see it in so many forms and at so many places and there's nothing I can do but feel helpless about it absolutely.In college fests, when you go for a driving license, in order to get your name first in a waiting list at a doctor's, railways, food checking, the infrastructure of the college.Everywhere. It's fucking everywhere.3. Let's say no to PDA.Even if you are found with a person of an opposite gender at a secluded area, the chances of you getting caught by the police for "unethical actions" is pretty high.Forget holding hands or kissing (that's a serious offence) - you can't even walk close.People charge you at the cost of your privacy.Sick and disgusting.4.Security issuesIf a woman wants to be safe (doesn't want to be sexually harassed in any manner) she should :1. Dress "decently" and "properly". Preferably, cover everything possible except the eyes. Oh no, wait! Eyes too. Put on sunglasses.We don't want our menfolk to be aroused.2. Come back home before sunset.3.Shlouldn't date. And shouldn't have any male friends.4. Never travel alone5. Remain silent to all the lewd remarks and make no big issue of the ogling. You're a woman. Deal with it.6. Don't let her pursue higher education because that might make her want to work. What's the need ? Stay at home.If she still gets raped, she has got to be truly characterless. You see, it's never the rapist's fault. Never.Note: If you didn't get it, that's sarcasm above.5. Politics and government.No matter which party you vote for, there would be some amount of electricity cuts, extremely bad roads at certain places, less water supply, poor administration, disorganization, empty promises.No matter what amount of taxes we pay, we won't see their true utilization.6. Overlapping social differences.We have started the Mars mission. But we are still not sorted with the issues on the Earth.Even in the present modern world, we greatly take into account religion, caste, creed, regionalism. Forget inter-religion marriages, the society doesn't even approve of inter-caste marriages !Before falling in love, make sure that your lover is of the same religion.And the same caste, and the same sub-caste and the same sub-sub -caste ! :D7. Pressurized living.With the ever increasing population, increases the competition.Competition so high that it makes you cry. It's worse because it's not even fair.Now read and listen very carefully!No matter what you individual Indian think or crave for the but INDIA IS GOING TO FELL MORE AND MORE..Learn from HITLER , STALIN , MAO , CHINA , GERMANY , JAPAN , this country country destroyed in world war again and again leader raised filled heart of people with Patriotism nationalism they become Major economy power in the WorldThis land Bharat varsha is epic history of ravanna and Rama , even the ravaana was most evil guy in the world he Controlled 9 realams , different planets most powerful , after death of ravanna the Rama said to his brother to learn from ravanna …May be mao , Stalin , Hitler , imperial Japan worst monster dictators but we have to learn..You see in history back in time the Europeans are butchering each other in name of superiority , religion , money , now they achieved everything power economic development , technology.. You see when Germany economy was getting collapse , Hitler raised captured nearby land forced people to develop technology but not in case of india it's same peasent for centuries …When I say diversity is not strength , religion is waste in 21st century , you need better genetic / genomic , wipeout culture And different languages , wipeout 100 crore population of india to have good life , people take it as threat..The problem with Indians is they get very defensive and never really implement solutions for these problems. You can say the lack of credibility in some of the links ive used. But the truth still remains the truth whether you like it or not. Only a coward would run away from it. Usually Indians will get politically correct as people have posted above and brag about the accomplishments of a tiny minority of East Indians. But for a better India we have to accept the reality of us as a people. Political correctness is just a form of cruelty because you can only believe a lie for so long.No matter run as far as you can run .. no one will Stop you … ( how long you can jump over the hardwork of ancestor of Europeans by ditching your ancestor of your own may be didn't worked hard as Europeans)Country is builded by it's people not by someone else… if again this country lost sovereignty to its own people or any foreigner enslaved , killed , starved to death it will solely problem of Indians who never worked for country..remember overpopulation also can kill nation and motherland where mother can't able to feed you.Youu're enslaved by your own mentality , or more you're enslaved by your own moral value , religion , government , prejudice , discrimination …w.eak people will fail get colonised , conquered , face death… never know what will happen…This is dream’ of every 2nd indian who don't like tradition ,ritual , religion , living standard , patriotism , their own ancestor … now days I think..Sacrifice for freedom from British Empire , we thinked that we can have best government which is better than British but eventually it become false , people love to live in USA UK Canada which are British colony And heavily influenced by British culture tradition rituals , so no matter it's bound to happen ..Jhansi , bhagat Singh , many more…This people thinked that we will great if we get rid of British and establish our government but this all things become turn to become worse …When Churchill said this… that Indians are breeding like rabbits which will cost Thier future in mass hunger , starvation everyone get angry but anyone tried to learn from enemy… NOPEAnyone tried to learn from enemy never ever never .. even your god Rama told his brother to learn from his enemy Ravana , did any did this??? NopeDid anyone learn nope.. this is why I admire Chinese , Japanese so much..Eventually people faithfully accept this I don't any problem. Wearing suit , speak English Japanese french , but ask who yourself who you are?..Our country name is Bharat or Bharat federation not India..
Startups: How do I promote my gig on Fiverr?
NOTE: It is going to be a huge post.35+ Tips & Tricks for Super Sellers on FiverrRule #1BE AWESOMEThe #1 rule of selling on Fiverr is simple: Be awesome and deliver a great product. Every client you meet will want pure awesome-sauce every time, and if you're not giving that, they'll go somewhere else. There's plenty of room for mediocre sellers on Fiverr, but if you want to stand out from the crowd, you need to be real, really good at what you do.Generally speaking, though, this rule is dominant in any sales environment. Doesn’t matter if you’ve got a brick-and-mortar store, you’re working for somebody else, you’re selling via your own website, or you’re selling via Fiverr: quality products and services can speak for themselves and can overcome a lot of other shortfalls.If you're not really, really good at what you do, then you really, really need to get better. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t sell on Fiverr, but it does mean that you should be actively and consistently engaged in a process of self-improvement to raise the quality of your offerings.Rule #2BE VERY NICECustomer service is really important. I know it sounds silly, but you have to make every client believe that he or she is the most important person in the entire world. Communicate quickly and be charming! You have to make them feel special and important, because the truth is, they are: your livelihood of Fiverr depends on positive reviews and repeat clients.But again, generally speaking, customer service is important to any venture no matter where you’re working or what you’re selling. You absolutely must learn to check your ego.This doesn’t mean that you have to let your clients treat you like garbage, but it does mean that every time you get an attitude with a client who steps out of line you’re adding another light-bulb to a massive illuminated billboard that says, “Go Away.” If you add enough light bulbs, negative reviews combined with word of mouth will drive away clients you haven’t even met yet.There are a time and place for telling bad clients to jump off a cliff, but that should be an absolute last resort.Rule #3FAST DELIVERYEvery client you meet will want to be your #1 priority. Obviously, this is impossible, so you should carefully evaluate what you’re offering and select only as much time as you need to complete the work. Depending on what you’re offering, you can set a minimum delivery time of 2 days to give yourself some wiggle room for when you're sick or just having a really bad day.You can also choose whether or not you're going to offer extra-fast delivery for an extra fee. I recommend that you do because you can set it to any time you like. For example, standard delivery of two days, extra fast in one day. Or, standard delivery four days, extra fast two days, etc.Of course, don’t forget that delivery time will factor into your internal Fiverr search ranking, too. If you want your gig to be ranked high among all sellers by the level of quality as judged by Fiverr’s ranking algorithm, then you should strive to deliver as fast as reasonably possible.Yes, positive reviews are important, but believe it or not, what I’ve seen is that Fiverr’s ranking algorithm values speed of delivery more than the quality of reviews. There are sellers in my category who regularly collect negative reviews, but they’re still ranked higher than other sellers because they deliver faster. There are also sellers in my category who’ve been on Fiverr longer than I have, but I’ve outranked them because they don’t deliver as fast as I do.Fiverr loves fast delivery. Granted, fast delivery won’t undo negative reviews and if your work just sucks then nothing will fix that, but it counts for an awful lot.Rule #4ALWAYS HAVE THE LAST WORDLeave unique feedback to every review. Your clients will always read your reviews before they buy anything from you, and this is your first chance to show them how you interact with your clients, and more importantly, how you'll interact with them.Rule #5DIVERSIFY YOUR PORTFOLIOIf you're not getting views, it could be because you've only got one gig. If this is the case, then you should diversify your portfolio and create multiple gigs in the same category. This will get you more impressions and ultimately more clicks, and even if you don't maintain all these gigs in the long run, it'll be a great way to help you figure out what you sell that people will actually buy.Another strategy that I've used is to feature my gigs inside my gigs. So for example, you can look at my gig for a Tarot reading, but you'll also see mention of my gig for ritual services. Cross promotion of my gigs within my gigs has been a terrific way of showcasing everything that I offer.Rule #6PROMOTE YOURSELFFiverr is a means to an end, not an end in itself. You know when you go shopping and the clerk hands you the point-of-sale machine where you swipe your credit or debit card? That’s what Fiverr is: it’s a point of sale machine.Yeah, Fiverr advertises itself and hunts up some clients for you, but ultimately you’re not an employee of Fiverr, you’re a freelancer who works for yourself and Fiverr is only the method by which you collect payments from your clients.Because Fiverr is a means to an end (living a freelance lifestyle), that means you still have to do your own advertising. If you’re not going to advertise yourself, or you’re not willing to do the work to learn how then Fiverr isn’t going to be a good experience for you.If you're a writer, start a blog and use it to promote your Fiverr page. If you don't like to write and enjoy speaking, start a podcast. Or if you enjoy the video, do regular Google Hangouts and make use of your YouTube channel. Focus on having fun, being personable, and creating or sharing fun content. If you're only using these platforms to sell, you'll get ignored really fast.Rule #7MONEY-BACK GUARANTEENo matter how small an amount $5 has become in today's world, for a lot of us it's still something we don't want to risk on a bad experience. I promise my clients that I'll respect their money and if I can't make their order right, then I'll give them a refund.A mutual cancellation is a lot better than a negative review, and my clients appreciate knowing that I won't try to strong-arm them. If a money-back guarantee makes you nervous, just remember that if your client gets cranky and complains about it, Fiverr won't have your back and they'll probably cancel your order, anyway.And speaking from my own experience, this is a policy that hasn't been abused. My cancellation rate at the time of this writing is less than 1%, and of those orders cancelled the vast majority of them were from clients who requested work I didn't offer or who ordered by mistake.Rule #8NO COLD-CALLINGIf you're getting no orders, don’t fall into the trap of trolling other sellers’ reviews and trying to contact their clients. Not only is this spam, and not only is this against Fiverr’s terms of service (and can get you removed from Fiverr), but this is also a really fast way to get blocked and reported by the very people you want to do business with. I genuinely understand the frustration of wanting to earn an income and not being able to connect with clients, but sending spam email on the Fiverr message system is not a solution. Don’t do it.Rule #9MATCHY-MATCHYWrite your gig so that the title, description, and tags all match. Having at least one of the same key-words in all three areas helps your search ranking on Fiverr. Also, if you offer a niche service, don't use just niche tags: also use tags related to the larger category so you'll get in front of more eyes.Rule #10POSITIVE REVIEWS ARE GOLDGood reviews build confidence and make clients more likely to buy. Do everything possible to take care of your clients and earn their 100% positive, five-star reviews, and don't start buying or creating fake reviews. If your work's not outstanding, clients will see the fake reviews and figure out that you're padding your own gigs. Plus, when you're a new seller, you get special ranking from Fiverr, but as soon as you start padding your gigs with fake orders, you lose that special ranking.Rule #11START ON THE RIGHT FOOTSpeaking of your special new-seller ranking that you get from Fiverr, be sure to get off to a good start by completing everything on your gig at the same time. Don't write a title, add one photo, write a description, and publish it, because you'll make a bad first impression on your clients.Write all the content, select all the photos, create your banner, record your video, write a couple PDF files as extended portfolios of your work, pick your tags, and settle on your extras ahead of time so that when publish the gig you'll hit the ground running.Rule #12WRITE A GREAT TITLEOne of the best tools you can use to improve your chances of getting noticed and making sales is meta-analysis, and what this means is doing an analysis of multiple analyses. For example, look at a seller in your category who has a lot of success. How is that seller's title written?Look at the key words in the title and think about why they're there. Then, do the same for another successful seller in your category. And another, and so on, until you start to see patterns emerge. If you want to do this the easy way, you can use an online word-cloud generator to aggregate all the titles of big sellers in your category. You will see patterns emerge. There is a reason certain words are chosen.And as part of writing a great title, make sure it fits within the space available. You'll notice that when you write the title there's text that says, "Too short!," "Just right!," or "Too long!" That text isn't there because it looks pretty. Fiverr has simplified the gig creation process for sellers and provided tips that tell you exactly what you need to do in order to succeed.If you write a gig title that's too long, then it'll get cut off in search results and will make you look unprofessional. Don't write titles that are just strings of key-words. Instead, write titles describe your service in words that a reasonable person would understand.Rule #13WRITE AN HONEST TITLEOn the subject of titles, describe exactly what you will do for $5. Speaking as a client who wanted to get a logo designed, I got thoroughly frustrated shopping for an illustrator because they all did some variation of the same thing: insist that all clients must contact them first, and then doing all business on the basis of custom orders. That was an un-fun shopping experience for me because I had no idea of knowing ahead of time what sellers would actually do and for what price they'd do it.Rule #14WRITE A GREAT DESCRIPTIONDo the same for the gig description that you did for the title. What words appear most frequently among a dozen or more successful sellers? These sellers aren't working together, but a meta-analysis will show that they all have some things in common. There's a reason for this. And don't just copy another gig word for word, because that's bad, m'kay?Rule #15PARAGRAPHS & BULLETSAlso, look at the formatting and paragraphing of the gig descriptions of successful vendors. People like lists, and there's a reason successful sellers create small blocks of text that focus on one thing at a time.Rule #16GRAMMAR, SPELLING & PUNCTUATIONAnd remember the importance of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and all those other goodies that create a professional appearance. Your clients may not be grammar nerds, but they know poorly written ad copy when they see it.And like it or not, Fiverr is a marketplace created predominantly for English-speaking clients, so the odds are stacked against non-native speakers. If you don't trust yourself to write your gig, find somebody who can - there's a bunch of 'em on Fiverr who could probably help.Rule #17USE EVERYTHINGUpload a banner photo. Upload a video. Upload as many preview pictures as your gig will allow. Upload as many PDF files as your gig will allow, and if you're not sure what to put in them, then use them as areas for extended descriptions of your gig or an opportunity to talk about what you do.Just add everything, because the more relevant stuff you add to your gig, the more "complete" your gig looks to your client, and in turn the more likely your client is to get an accurate picture of what you can do for him or her.Rule #18HOW TO WRITE ADSAs for activities outside of Fiverr, you can do an ad campaign. Set your budget whatever you like - $5 a month, even. Limit your ad-groups to just one set of keywords and don't dog-pile a thousand keywords into one ad-group. Then, do a Google search for the keywords in that ad group and look at the top ads.The top ads aren't there by accident, and the people who wrote them are spending a lot of money to get results, so you can be sure they've got a good recipe to follow.Copy those ads word-for-word and edit them to be relevant to your keywords and listing. As it happens, though, I'm not running an ad campaign anymore because my experience was that clicks that came from outside Fiverr didn't convert well.This might be different for people offering different kinds of services, but for me? The Google ad campaign I ran for a few weeks generated a LOT of traffic and LOT of clicks, but no paying clients. Fiverr's internal search and ranking system works well, so these days I'm letting it bring the clients to me.Rule #19LEARN TO USE SOCIAL MEDIAThe clients that come to me from outside Fiverr are the result of social interactions on my platform of choice: Google+. This doesn't mean it's better or worse than Facebook, Twitter, etc., it's just my preference.But the point is, the clients I met there never actually saw an ad or heard a sales pitch because I used social networking for just that: to be social and friendly. Trust me: people will want to know who you are, and they will troll your profile to learn more. If you fill out your profile information with links to Fiverr, traffic will follow.Now, this is just one social marketing strategy among many, and I'm not a social marketing expert by any means. I'm just a guy with some prior sales experience who likes to read stuff on the Internet, so if you really want an SEO expert, uh... hire somebody elseFor me, I use my Google+ profile as the central gathering point for all things "me" on the Internet: it links to my blog, YouTube channel, and my Fiverr sales page. It's "me" for anybody who wants to look.Google+ is also where I maintain a curated collection of content related to Tarot and Satanism. Every single day I pin content to this collection, and when applicable I'll cross-post the content to relevant communities.The way this works is I create interesting content for people to read and share. No click-bait, nothing sensational - it's an accurate representation of who I am, so this way people don't feel "tricked" when they follow the link because there simply is no tricking involved.Everybody likes to buy, but nobody likes to be sold. So I don't sell them anything - I just create and share fun or interesting content and cross-post it to relevant communities. People click through to read what I wrote, and prominently featured on the top right side of my blog is my Fiverr badge.That's where the sale happens, and that's where people click. Plus, because everything I do - and I mean everything - has an embedded "About Me" clearly posted, it leads them back to my Google+ profile where they can see all about me and my services.My goal is to make people WANT to troll my profile and WANT to click through to my Fiverr account to see what's happening. And the important thing is that there's no trickery or deceit: I'm just me being me and doing what I enjoy.Having the Fiverr badge prominently displayed feeds traffic to my Fiverr profile, but the real key is the daily work. This is important because it's about being visible.To give you an idea what I mean, I'm going to be very honest: I'm not the best Tarot reader for every client. Some people prefer a different sort of service, and that's okay. I think I'm really good at what I do - and +10 years' experience is evidence of that - but viewed as an absolute, there MUST be other readers out there who are better than me.But they're not as visible as I am. Because I publish content multiple times per day, my posts - by volume - make me more visible and, to use a phrase, "better positioned" than other readers.If it sounds spammy, it isn't. You've seen the people who post the same tired crap over and over, and those are the people that nobody likes. But when you create new or interesting content every day - even if it's only a few paragraphs - this creates interest and positions you as a leader in your field.So yeah, just by the statistics of it, there MUST be other people in my industry who are better than me at what I do, but my goal isn't to be better than them: it's just to be my personal best and make sure that my content is fresh and featured in relevant communities.That's how I use Google+. I could probably make a LOT more traffic and sales if I also used a Facebook account, but I don't like their privacy settings and how difficult it is to know exactly what I'm sharing and whom I'm sharing it with. The other advantage to using Google+ is that it's Google, and Google pretty much runs the Internet. If I want to come up in relevant searches, doing everything in Google gives me that edge. It's a small edge, but I'll take everything I can get.Rule #20FIVERR FORUMThe Fiverr forum is an odd place, but there's a lot of great stuff and smart people here if you can sift through the rubbish. If you need to talk to customer support, then you have to create a ticket for that with them, but the community (such as we are) have a lot of knowledge and experience if you can find it. If you don't see it, ask a question - you'll probably get a good answer.Rule #21IT'S STILL THE INTERNETOn the subject of the community forum, it's worth saying that even though you're on Fiverr, it's still the Internet, so you need to grow a thick skin. People will say stuff that you don't like and don't agree with, and that's not necessarily against the rules. Deal with it.Rule #22NO SALES?If you're not getting any sales, there's a reason for that. If the problem is that you're not getting enough views, then you need to fix your title, tags, and add a video. But if you're getting enough views and yet still not getting any sales, then the problem is in your gig description and how you communicate its value to your clients. Write from your buyer's perspective.For example, I work in the Astrology & Fortune Telling category as a Tarot reader. My gigs used to say something along the lines of, "I'm a professional cartomancer with 10 years' experience and I can answer any question," but that's not appealing to the client because it talks about me and doesn't recognize the client's needs.I changed my gigs to read more along the lines of, "I offer detailed, accurate, and professional readings for love and romance; money and business; advice and direction," and so on. This describes my service in terms the client will understand and highlights the exact reasons my client is probably looking for a psychic.Rule #23SAFETY FIRSTAs others have said before me, keep your account secure by completing all the profile steps: connect your FB and G+, set a password, and so on. Not only will this help protect you against the hackers that I'm told are out there, but clients will see this when they read your profile (and they will read your profile.)Speaking as a client, it makes me feel more confident about working with a seller who has a 100% complete profile. Also, as others have said, don't open email attachments from other Fiverr users if you're not sure what it is. So I've been told, there have been (or still are?) hackers on Fiverr who'll try to get you to download an attachment that turns out to be a key-logger so they can get into your account and do all kinds of mischief.Rule #24NO FREE WORKSpeaking for myself, I refuse to do free work. I don't care if my client wants a one-card pull as some sort of interview, I'm not doing it because I'm the seller and I set the terms of engagement.If this client is going to bully me for free content without a purchase, I can be sure the client is going to bully me for free content after the purchase, and that's a relationship I don't want. When somebody asks for free work, I refer them back to my gig description and to my YouTube channel which demonstrates the work I do.If they can't make a decision based on that information, then there's nothing else I can do to help them.Rule #25BIG PAYCHECKS?How much do you want to earn on Fiverr? How much will you earn on Fiverr? These things aren't the same. If you're frustrated with Fiverr, remember that the competition in your category is probably pushing prices down and client expectations up, so adjust accordingly.After all even Fiverr advertises itself to sellers as a part-time, freelance lifestyle, not a full-time job. Remember, too, that clients are willing to pay higher prices for sellers with higher reviews. Build a strong portfolio of positive reviews and your ability to charge higher prices will rise accordingly.Rule #26BUYER REQUESTSC'mon, sellers: don't be dummies. "Buyer Requests" is an area where buyers posts requests to receive offers from sellers. This isn't a place where you can post free advertisements for buyers to request your services. Not only does this make you look like a dodo in front of the other sellers, but you won't actually be seen by the single buyer - it's only possible to view this area if you're a seller with an active gig.Incidentally, if you're posting a buyer's request to get work done from a seller, then the best way of doing this is to post a $5 test-offer: offer to pay sellers $5 for a small sample of their work according to your specifications.If you're planning to spend more than $50 on your project and you really can't afford it if the work isn't done right, then you owe it to yourself to spend $15 or $20 in order to interview the top 3 or 4 sellers who offer to complete your work. You might end up spending $65 or $70 to complete a $50 budget, but I promise you'll be very satisfied with the results.Rule #27MISOGYNY DOESN'T SELL.I didn't think I'd have to say this, but sifting through some rubbish on the forum made me change my mind. Listen up, men: objectifying women in the Fiverr forum, on your profile, or on your gigs isn't just offensive and tasteless, it will also lose you sales.If you don't understand why objectifying women is offensive, then I don't know how to explain it to you. Be aware that female clients are voting with their dollars and taking their business to sellers who respect a woman for more than her physical appearance.Rule #28NO COPYCATS.I think I covered this earlier, but it's worth saying again: in your hurry to create great gigs and start selling, don't copy other sellers' gigs. Don't copy. Don't do it. Copying is bad.Not only is this totally rude and completely dishonest, when the original seller finds out what you did - and the original seller will find out - and reports you to customer support, not only will your gig get taken down, your entire account could get closed.Plus, unless you're able to deliver the exact same quality as the original seller, the gig won't match your services and clients will post honest and probably negative reviews. Don't copy gigs. Don't copy. Don't do it. Copying is bad.Rule #29CHANGE IS GOOD.To coin a phrase, "the work will teach you how to do it." Fiverr's internal search and the ranking system works really well, so if it's been a few days and you're not getting any orders, chances are good the reason is because there's something to do with your gigs.Play around with the title, change your video, re-word the description. Whatever you do, just pay attention to what works and do more of the same. It takes a little while to get your footing on Fiverr, and if you're observant, the platform will teach you how to use it.Try new things and when you see what works, write it down! Change is also good because - with respect to your preview video - Fiverr gives more search impressions to gigs with recently updated videos. If you're struggling to get impressions and clicks, then you should update your videos once a month for best results.Rule #30DON'T FIGHT WITH CUSTOMER SUPPORTThe time will inevitably come when there's something wrong with one of your gigs, or you're having a problem with your account, or a client left a completely unfounded negative review, or some other Awful Thing will happen that can only be fixed by Fiverr's customer support.Chances are excellent that you'll be really upset about it, and chances are good that the customer service rep who takes your ticket doesn't want to deal with it. These people are your life-line, so show them some respect.Rule #31GO TO BED, SLEEPY HEAD.Buyers love getting their gigs really fast, and I know I've been in the position where I check my email one last time before I go to bed just to find a couple orders sitting in the inbox.Which is great - I love getting orders - but I learned from personal experience that the only thing buyers love more than getting their gig fast is getting a good gig, period. If you're tired and up past your bedtime, the quality of your work is going to suffer.Unless your client is a jerk, he or she will understand that you had to go to sleep so you could finish their work while you're alert and refreshed. If you deliver bad work in the name of fast delivery, you're going to lose a potential return client and might even get a four-star or lower review on the order. So respect your limits and remember that there's a time to work, and then, there's a time to sleep.Rule #32RETURN TO SENDERClients won't think twice about returning your delivered order for revisions or asking for more services than you originally offered on the gig. So it follows that you shouldn't think twice about asking your client as many times as needed to clarify what he or she wants.My gigs always include follow-up instructions, but about a quarter of my orders I have to send back to my clients for more information. This doesn't always mean they didn't follow the original instructions, it just means that I see a way to improve on what they asked me and I need their input to proceed.Practically speaking, this results in a better product and a happier client, and those are both good for me.Rule #33ESTABLISH YOUR SELLER RECORDThis goes along with previous notes that positive reviews are pure gold, but a good way to establish yourself is to quickly collect a portfolio of at least 100 positive reviews by selling a killer $5 gig.I mean, this is practically going to be charity, but doing this will collect a record of positive reviews, and this gives new clients confidence and helps them trust you. After you've really established yourself as a Level 2 seller, then you adjust the gig to reflect what you're really charging.Don't fool yourself into thinking that people will pay extortionist prices, simply bring the price up an honest reflection of the amount of work you're doing. For example, I built my portfolio of five-star reviews selling full 10-20 minute readings for $5 each, but after I got +70 reviews, I changed my rate to $5 a minute.This price honestly reflects my $60/hr. rate as a professional Tarot reader with +10 years' experience, but a micro-pay format made it accessible to a wide range of clients. After I changed my prices, I made more in two days than I had in the previous two weeks combined.Rule #34OLD BUSINESS BEFORE NEW BUSINESSIf you deliver an awesome gig and the buyer loves it so much that he or she wants more work from you, that's wonderful. But unless there's a VERY pressing reason to do so, extra work related to the same order but requested after the first order has been delivered should be completed as new, separate orders. There are two reasons for this:First, it's too easy for an order to run over-time and become late. Suppose you have a 24-hour express order that's due on the 1st at 12pm. You deliver your order at 10am - two hours before the deadline - and the buyer doesn't say anything back to you until 10am on the 4th.The buyer requests additional work, and you tack on an additional gig to the original order with 24-hour delivery. What happens is that when the buyer accepts your offer, the Fiverr system adds an additional 24 hours to the original due date, which means that you have just created a new order which should have been delivered not later than 12pm on the 2nd and is now instantly late.If you're going to add more work to the original order, do it before you start the work as part of a resolution process to get the client to pay for the extra work requested. If more work is requested after you've delivered, then start a new order.Second, there are unscrupulous clients who will place large orders and sometimes even leave positive reviews, but days, weeks or even months later will initiate a charge-back on PayPal claiming that they didn't authorize the transaction.It's harder for a buyer to process a charge-back against Fiverr if they've got a long string of repeat orders. But if it's just one order, then it's just one charge-back. As a seller, you should minimize your exposure to charge-backs by breaking up very large orders into smaller gigs. For example, instead of a single $100 order, complete four $25 orders.(Due to limitations, the remaining 5 tips and tricks are added as a reply)Rule #35TAKE BACKOnce upon a time in my life, I sold cars for a few weeks. One of the tools I learned as a salesperson is the "take back," and that's when you tell the client you don't want to sell to him or her anymore.The reason to use the take-back is when the client is beating you up on price or keeps asking for extras and additional services that aren't included in the original sale. Same thing on Fiverr, when you get a client who wants to haggle you down to bottom dollar and then keeps asking for immediate delivery and extra services outside of what they're willing to pay, you use the take-back: request a mutual cancellation and send a message along the lines of, "It breaks my heart, Mr. Smith, but I'm refunding your order.You don't seem certain about what you want, and twice you've asked for work beyond what we agreed. For these reasons I think it would be best if you found another seller to complete your order." At this point, one of two things will happen: Either your client will accept the cancellation and go away, or the client will give up being problematic and get with the program. Nothing hurts a client more than saying "I don't want your money," so if you're going to use the take-back, be sure it's for a good reason.Rule #36A LA CARTEThe question is asked, How do I use gig extras to earn more money from my gigs? The answer is simple: don't offer a complete product. This isn't scammy, it's just being honest about what your time is worth.When you're established on Fiverr, you'll want to charge higher prices and this is how to do it: Break your gig into pieces and let the client choose how much of the complete product he or she really wants.My own gigs, for example - most of them I can't scale down the quality, so I scale the quantity instead: I sell in 5, 10, and 15-minute increments for my time-based gigs. In this way - breaking your gig into its individual components and selling it a la carte - you can push gig extras and earn a higher income. For example, maybe you're a graphic designer, so you could break down your gig like this:Black line-art (bust only)Black line-art (full body)ColorAdditional character at same level of detailSimple backgroundDetailed backgroundCommercial UseAnd so on. If you're creative, you'll see how to apply this example to your own gig and expand the amount of income you're able to earn.Rule #37EVEN NEGATIVE REVIEWS ARE GOODOkay, well, no... negative reviews aren't good. You should do everything your ability to provide a totally awesome product and earn every gold star you can. But even if you get a review of fewer than five stars, you can make that work for you.Now, I'm not telling you to lie - telling fibs is bad, m'kay? - so this doesn't mean offer crap service and you'll come out looking fine. Because you won't: more than a few bad reviews, no matter how you handle them, and you'll find your sales dwindling.But, assuming that you've done everything in your power to be an awesome seller and your client just wasn't willing to give you a chance to make it right and left you a bad review, here's how to handle it: be nice, be honest, and don't be a jerk.Bad reviews can work for you because although every client who visits your gigs will read the reviews, every client will specifically look for the bad reviews.This means that you're given an opportunity in your bad reviews to leave a message that EVERY new client will see. For example, a client recently left me a three-star review that took me down from 5.0 to 4.9. Not a big deal, but still - I'd rather have a perfect record.But that review was an opportunity for me to say, "Naturally I'm disappointed that I couldn't earn your five-star review. You ordered 5 minutes but I actually gave you 8 minutes to provide all the details I found in your short reading.Again, I'm sorry the answer wasn't what you were hoping for but I did my very best to work with the cards I pulled." See what I did there? I didn't attack the seller, I just explained how I over-delivered (more time than was ordered) and I show my dedication to my client, regardless of how small a purchase he or she made.If you handle bad reviews correctly, you can make them work for you. But don't lie about things you didn't do, and don't be a jerk even if the client deserves it.Rule #38WHAT IS YOUR CONVERSION RATE?And more importantly, What can you learn from it? The conversion rate can be measured a few different ways. The conversion rate you see on your analytics page is an overall conversion rate of all your gig data combined.Here's what you're looking at:Impressions mean how many people saw your gig on another page somewhere on Fiverr.Clicks mean people who saw an impression of your gig and clicked through to see more.Views mean people who've seen your gig. This includes clicks, but also direct page visits.Orders are the number of unique sales you've made. Duh.Now, this is where it gets interesting. Remember how to do fractions? Easy peasy: smaller number above the larger number. You can measure the conversion rate of your impressions by dividing it by the number of clicks.In this case, my best-seller is converting (510 clicks / 23000 impressions), or 2.2% of all people on Fiverr who saw my gigs clicked through to learn more.Of the people who clicked my gig, I'm converting 9.8% into orders.And of all people who've viewed my gig (regardless of whether they clicked through from an impression or directly came to my page from a saved link or external link), I'm converting 4.2% into orders.So there's some interesting stuff to be had from the numbers. The first thing that can be said is that I look better by comparison: when my clients come to the Fiverr website to find a service I offer, something about the buying experience and window shopping doubles my conversion rate. Is it the video?Or is it my relative standing among other sellers? Hard to say, but I can't argue with the numbers.The numbers also show that I could do better at grabbing attention - I don't know what other sellers' conversion rate is like for impressions, but a 2.2% conversion of impressions feels low.This could be because Fiverr is counting impressions that are shown on the bottom of other gig pages (where people aren't looking) as well as impressions in the "Recommended for you," which is something I usually ignore (and other people probably do, too). Whatever the case, it shows an area for improvement.And if there's a difference of more than double in my conversion rate between clicks and views, then this means I can still improve my gig listing. If people are seeing my sales pitch but aren't buying, then I'm not properly communicating the value of what I have to offer.Of course, there's no way to know that the gig views I'm getting aren't the result of Internet crawlers and other non-human traffic, so I put more effort into my clicks versus my views.RULE #39PREVENT AND REMOVE NEGATIVE REVIEWSOne of the things that come up a lot on the Fiverr forum is the matter of negative reviews, and more specifically, how to remove them. I have two answers to that question:Don’t deliver work that you know deserves a negative review. Seriously, sellers: don’t serve poo-tar on a plate and think you’re going to get glowing reviews for your effort.If you can prove that the negative review is abusive or simply untrue, you can petition customer support to have the review removed.Be aware that if you go this route, you’re going to need screenshots and documentation to support your claim. customer support doesn’t remove negative reviews just to protect your ego, only when the review itself is abusive or untrue.So with that in mind, it’s actually easier to prevent negative reviews than to have them removed, and preventing negative reviews is all about quality service and client service. If your work sucks, that’s entirely your fault and you deserve the negative review.But client service? That’s very important because it gives you the opportunity to manage client expectations and ensure that your client actually wants what you have to deliver. Misunderstandings are easily encountered, but also easily prevented, and the best way to do that is with a business policy.Depending on who you are and what you’re offering, a business policy is going to look like a lot of things, but at its core, it will answer the following questions:What you will do.What you won’t do.How to place an order.When to expect delivery.Refund policy.Optional: What happens to rude, argumentative, and abusive clients.What the client should expect when working with you.What the client should not expect when working with you.Getting back to business! Now, your gig description doesn’t have enough space to answer these questions, so you have two options:Write your business policy in not more than 3 8.5×11 pages and upload it to your preview gallery. I recommend this option because this way it’s not possible for the client to say that he or she couldn’t load an external link, and when it comes to busting bad reviews, you can’t prove what the client couldn’t do at his or her end of the Internet on a non-Fiverr website.Record your business policy as a YouTube video and provide the link inside the order instructions presented to the client at the time of purchase. Depending on the service you provide, a video may be better because it gives you the ability to show certain kinds of visual work.The reason you want to have a business policy is because this allows you to clearly define who you are, manage your client’s expectations, and create the client service/sales environment necessary to ensure that your clients will understand exactly what they’re getting.If negative reviews are happening, yeah – maybe your work sucks – but in most cases, negative reviews are the result of client expectations that don’t match seller realities. You have the power to manage client expectations and create the circumstances in which negative reviews are highly unlikely to happen.Now, simply having a business policy isn’t enough: you have to integrate it into your sales funnel.If your business policies are uploaded to the preview gallery, refer to them in your preview video.Edit your gig’s instructions to the client to say something along the lines of, “If you’re a first-time client with me, please review my business policies located in the preview gallery below my gig’s video introduction (or at this link here, etc.)”Chances are pretty good that your client won’t notice the business policies on the first step, but when you figuratively grab the clients’ ears and make them listen, it’s harder to ignore.If you offer revisions or modifications: At the time of delivery, include a message like, “I want you to feel great about leaving a five-star positive review. If you’re not satisfied with your order for any reason, please request a modification and give me a chance to make it right.”So by this point, you’ve told the client to read your business policies, and closed with the promise that they’re welcome to contact you if they don’t like their order.If your client is a reasonable person, by this point he or she will understand what you will and won’t do; understand how to place an order and when you’ll deliver it; understand that they can communicate with you if the order isn’t what was expected; understand what you won’t tolerate from clients; and understand what the entire experience should feel like from start to finish.Going back to one of the things discussed at the beginning of this article – how to remove negative reviews – a business policy is a very powerful tool because when you properly implement it into your sales funnel, it’s a powerful deterrent against negative reviews.But again, going back to the original discussion, what happens when you get an abusive or simply untrue negative review? The first solution is to talk it out with the client, but chances are pretty good that the client hasn’t much interest in communicating with you.So your next step is to take screenshots of the review and all communication with the client and open a ticket with customer support. Show customer support everything you did to provide what the client wanted, and use your business policies to demonstrate that the client made unreasonable demands or had unrealistic expectations.And if you’re wondering, I’m not speaking from theory: this is based on lived experience. For example, I had a first-time client place a $30 order with me. She didn’t tell me her name and chose to provide very vague instructions.Both of which are fine: I don’t need to know my clients on a first-name basis, and I told the client that her decision to provide no real context for the order would result in her needing to contact me for further work.Guessing names is something I don’t do, I always provide follow-up until the client is satisfied, and the client would have known these things if she had read my business policies.Would you be surprised to hear that the client didn’t contact me for additional work (at no extra charge), chose to accept the delivery, and leave a two-star negative review?Yeah, I was a little bit surprised, too. When I left a reasonable two-star review in response explaining that I don’t play guessing games and that I specifically asked the client to follow-up with me, the client edited the review to one-star review and claimed that I lied.At this point, if I was a less intelligent seller, I’d be stuck with that review. But because I have clear business policies, strong client service, the client was upset due to her own ignorance about me as a seller and her choice to not review my business policies, and I could show that the client’s accusation was untrue, customer support removed that review.Now, it's your turn.What have you learned from selling on Fiverr? Reply to this thread and share your knowledge!
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