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What does the vaping community think of the FDA ruling today?

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. I am not a legislator. I have never worked for the FDA. Or any business in the electronic vaporizer field, although I have friends who do. I am an interested laymen that has researched this extensively and discussed it with experts, but the following is political and economic commentary rather than an authoritative judgement or legal opinion.They’re trying to kill it, while leaving a narrow window for the tobacco majors to continue selling their third-rate versions, and pretend that it’s just ‘regulation’ by making the death very, very slow. The FDA is claiming that their statutory authority under the 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, which includes issuing a determination (a 'deeming') of what is considered a tobacco product, allows them to class electronic vaporizer products of all kinds as 'tobacco products'.By the wording of the Deeming Regulation the FDA seems to claim that includes not only e-liquids with nicotine extracted from tobacco, but vaporizable liquid with nicotine from any source and even no nicotine at all, are all ‘tobacco products’. And all devices/materials that are used, or can be used, or may be used as components in devices for, the consumption of those liquids. That would start with:Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin, the major components of e-liquids (used broadly in industry, food service, and medicine).Batteries. They mention specifically 18650 Lithium Ion batteries (used in some flashlights and many laptops, among other applications) but the logic by which they do so would include nearly any battery (3 NiMH rechargeable batteries have the same voltage profile and can be used interchangeably with Li-Ion batteries, voltage is voltage and current is current). Although 18650's are the most common, they are not the only ones used in devices even now.Current/Voltage regulating devices that work in that range (your computing devices are filled with them, back in the days before regulated devices we made 'direct drive' passthroughs that drew their electricity directly from a computer's USB port because it was a regulated 5V and 2 amps).Resistance wire that generates heat when subjected to a current (devices commonly use nickel-chromium alloy, stainless steel, or titanium wire). Obviously, these wires are used in many other applications (and can be purchased in most hardware stores).Any combination of fittings (metal, glass, plastic, and rubber) that could be assembled into a 'tank' for an electronic vaporizer. Or, half of the Plumbing section at Home DepotA unique clause apparently removes 'non-violating use' exemptions, the same exemptions that make 'water pipes' only 'drug paraphernalia' under the law when they contain a drug or are explicitly sold for the consumption of drugs, as long as they can be used for any legal purpose {such as consuming tobacco!}, all of these are regulated under the Deeming Regulation if they can be used as part of an electronic vaporizer, and a seller is apparently in violation if they have been, regardless of any level of knowledge they had.And by the wording of the regulation, literally any other means that has ever been, or will ever be, used to accomplish the function of consuming nicotine through inhalation. Open flames under spoons. Disco fog machines. If someone can figure out a way to use a perfume mister to consume e-liquid, it's covered (except for the NRT nasal sprays, we'll get to that).The over-reach is so blatant that it is obvious that the FDA is making claims as broad and complete as possible in the full awareness that they would not survive challenge, but will be able to deny standing to challenge at least some of them by not enforcing them, or not enforcing them fully, and having their actual enforcement actions and standards seem so comparatively restrained in comparison that the courts (which are typically reluctant to interfere with regulatory bodies to begin with) will be more likely to side with the FDA.Since the penalties of the regulation applies to the sellers and distributors of the violating materials and not to their buyers/users, even if the seller/distributor was not aware of how the materials were going to be used, the apparent goal is that the very broadness will have a chilling effect on sellers, causing them to apply controls on purchasing of whatever the FDA is currently making examples over, allowing them to apply drug-precursor like controls without ever specifying what the controls are or going through any specific regulatory process.You might have to sign a register like that for 'behind the counter' cold symptom products to buy Kanthal wire, 3/4" pipe (happens to be the right size for those 18650 batteries), loose batteries, or even potentially cotton balls, based solely on whether the seller feels exposed to FDA action by selling potential components of electronic vaporizers. It is apparently completely at the FDA's discretion where to apply their enforcement focus, and ignorance of their potential use does not appear to be any defense.All of the ‘tobacco products’ so defined would have to go through a certification process that is patterned after that used for medical devices and drugs (in fact, the Deeming Regulation is so long largely because it repeats the other regulations almost verbatim, with 'tobacco product' substituted for 'medical device'). I have seen estimates that the cost of this process for the applicant would be in the range of $1 million per product, and every significant difference in otherwise identical products would be considered a different product requiring separate certification. Even if that estimate is high by a factor of 5, or even 20, it will represent a major amount of capital for what are typically small businesses.What would be significantly different for this purpose isn't specified, but as the deeming regulation specifically references factors like battery capacity, liquid constituents (including inactive factors like flavor or the exact balance of the PG/VG components of liquids, the shape of devices, and even the colors) one can only assume that the FDA means to take an extremely narrow view (at their discretion). Since there's apparently no way of knowing in advance what would turn out to be significantly different, a failure to start the application process for those differences would mean losing the capacity to sell them (and even being in violation of the regulation if you have sold them during the ‘grace period’, since ignorance is not a defense).One vendor of liquids and equipment has stated in court filings that their existing product line would require hundreds, possibly thousands, of separate filings, for them alone (and they are only one company, not even the largest). The FDA has predicted (and will presumably budget and staff for) a total of 900 applications a year, total, across the entire tobacco products sector (there are already 3000 filings after 1 week). And they have granted a two year 'grace period' in which products awaiting certification may be sold (but only if they have an active application that the FDA decides is relevant). If it should somehow turn out that the FDA is not able to process their application in time, at the end of that two year period they will have to suspend sales until the FDA gets around to it (while still having to fund the tests and trials, as well as pay the lawyers).Interestingly, the regulation contains three routes to a product being permitted:Any tobacco product that has been available for sale in the United States since before February 15, 2007, is grandfathered in and does not even have to apply for certification.Any tobacco product that is 'substantially equivalent' to a product that was available for sale in the US before February 15 2007 has a fast-tracked status that only evaluates if it is 'substantially equivalent', if it is it gets approved without any further tests or evaluations. This is where the 3000 already backlogged requests come from, they are apparently cigarettes, pipe tobaccos, cigars, and Nicotine Replacement Therapy products that are 'substantially equivalent' to pre-2007 versions, but have been released in the last 9 years. Kind of odd that they knew exactly what they needed to do in time to prepare the mountain of paperwork, but certainly that isn’t a sign that they were in the room when the regulation was written. Right?Everything else must go through a complicated process of trials and analysis to prove that they are safer than traditional tobacco products (and do not 'encourage use' of such products, what that means is not defined and is apparently at the sole discretion of the FDA). This is very much like and obviously patterned on the same process required for new medical devices and drugs, but since it is a different regulation under a different statute, it will require a separate staff and oversight apparatus at the FDA (and, as I mentioned, the FDA has grotesquely underestimated the number of applications to the point they will probably be hard pressed to clear the already existing backlog of 'substantially equivalent' products before the grace period expires, even though those require little more than rubberstamping and no actual science or trials need to be run).It's entirely possible that not a single application for an electronic cigarette product will even begin the real process of certification by the time the grace period expires, but will run out the clock as a backlogged application. It's certainly not likely that any significant number of them will have completed it, and any that have not must cease being sold at that time (2 years plus 90 days from May 10, 2016, so August 8 2018). And that is only for those that are even able to begin the process, there is substantial paperwork that has to be prepared (by very expensive lawyers) to even do that. Any product without an application may no longer be sold after 90 days from last Tuesday (August 8 2016). Edit: Apparently the FDA doesn’t even have to accept the application or give any reason for the refusal, so going through the expense of that process may not even get a seller the 2 years of the ‘grace period’.In the case of the hardware, most of it is the product of Chinese firms that are unlikely to see any significant profit incentive in trying to comply with these regulations. The US is only a small part of their market, with Europe and the rest of Asia growing rapidly (and not being nearly so hostile about their potential regulation). As far as I know, there is only one US-based manufacturer of electronic cigarette hardware (Evolv LLC) and even they do their actual manufacturing in China as I understand it. The others are selling 'branded' and sometimes slightly modified versions of Asian manufacturers products (including the companies owned by major tobacco companies, who are using very old designs of inferior quality and performance).It's worth noting that even though the authorizing statute is from 2009, and the deeming regulation didn't even begin drafting until last year, the cutoff date was selected as February 2007. The only significant product type covered under the regulation that was not sold either explicitly or in 'substantially equivalent' form by that date was electronic vaporizers. So any product that actually contains tobacco (rather than a chemically pure refined extract that may or may not have come from a tobacco plant, or theoretically could contain such a chemical) has a unlimited pass to skip the overwhelming bulk and expense of the approval process, but the product that has gotten millions of people away from tobacco use has to spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, over and over, proving the same things over and over again: That it isn’t as bad for the users as the products that got the fast track rubber stamp.Oh, and just as a last 'screw you': The deeming of e-liquid as a tobacco product for the purposes of the 2009 act means that no e-liquid that contains any flavors other than tobacco and menthol may be sold. Period. Not clear if that is after the 90 day window or the 2 year 90 days, but since no flavored product can get approval, it probably doesn't matter.Apparently, adults aren’t supposed to like things that don't taste as if they are licking an ashtray while sucking on a tic-tac. At least, they are no longer going to be permitted to have a choice. Given the wording, it is apparently possible that legal e-liquids may actually have to taste like tobacco, which bizarrely enough may mean that tobacco extracts that include tar and all the other nasty chemicals we switched to vaping to escape will have to be added to e-liquids, increasing their health risks.Best government regulation money can buy, I guess.

What are some simple ways to adopt an eco friendly lifestyle?

Green life talk 1I learned a lot from your site. It is great feeling now I can play my liquid soap making.I use cooking oil and KOH to cook detergent. It is easier than looking around for safe detergent for garden veg irrigation (you have no control what they put in). If you use hard water for washing, you can add mono potassium phosphate as a PH buffer (similar use and amount as borax, used here as a substitute of borax).Though I later found the non-surfactant detergent is more concise and efficient to use:Here is a nature friendly non-surfactant detergent for the use in replace of the petrochemical industry produced synthetic surfactant laundry detergent and bleach:1. If your waste water can be ducted to your garden to irrigate your vegetables and fruit trees, you can use this fertilizer detergent:Ingredients are all fertilizer grade: Potassium carbonate 85 to 90%, monopotassium phosphate 10 to 15%.2. If your waste water only can be ducted to common public sewage system, you should use another detergent composition to avoid over enrichment of nutrients to the environment:Sodium carbonate 85 to 90%, sodium bicarbonate 10 to 15% (Reference: on pH 10.6, bicarbonate 11.32%, carbonate 88.68%. So, suggest bicarbonate 12%, carbonate 88%).All these products are designed to be in line with the natural plant ash water solution pH value of 10.6.All these ingredients you can buy from fertilizer shop or cleaning material supply shop or order from online in 25kg bags (whichever is cheaper). Do it once, your family can use it for many years. It can save you lots of money and trouble (from detergent pollution), and it save your environment! Think of it, millions of tons of harmful detergents are poured into the environment every year in this world.For the multipurpose detergent refer to my Quora answer: “How can we make truly nature friendly detergent?”I have been using this washing grey water for the irrigation of my veg garden; the plants grow well and taste good. K+ goes well with plants. Even though I often use a bit of vinegar wipe my hands after washing and wash it into the grey water to protect my hands and neutralize the slightly alkalinic grey water.For washing fruits and vegetables you may just use soda dissolved in water, though don’t soak it for more than a couple of minutes.I like washing cloths by stamping in a basin, it is quicker (10 minutes), cleaner and not hurting the fabric.Also I recommend using sea water for cooking seasoning instead of salt, you need all elements in the ocean (what is the proportion? The elements proportion in your body is nearly the same as they are in the environment as scientist found. We are not only made of star dust but also in the proportion of the star dust) but not only sodium chloride.Make your own drinking water by breaking lava rock and sediment rock and soak them in collected rain water. Add some lime stone powder to neutralize the potential poisonous effects of some harmful elements that may exist in the lava rock. The main source of minerals you take in is by drinking water but not by food. When your urine stinks, your blood PH is no good, when your blood PH is good, your urine will not smelly.Keeping your mouth fresh and odorless by using tooth pick to scrape your teeth, never use tooth paste (it wear out your teeth surface layer and unbalance the microbes that make your mouth stink). Natural and healthy teeth are ivory colored but not white --- when your teeth becoming white, it may be deemed as a danger sign: the hard and corrosion resistant outer layer may wear out by your constant tooth paste use (which contain harder mineral particles such as calcium carbonate). Teeth grow layer by layer from outside just like clam grow its shell or pearl). Leave it natural (and do not drink “drinks”), your teeth can heal small damages by itself just like a clam will do to its shells.Never use mouth rinsing water which will cause your mouth smell worse only, bacteria would not make your mouth stink, but unbalanced bacteria make your mouth stink.Naturally secreted oil on your skin and hair are the first line of defense, if just dust and sweat, rinse it with rain water it will be shine and smooth. What ruin your skin and hair is those tap water (which contains chlorine), shampoo and conditioners.I never use air condition for cooling or use heating for warming. In hot days I take shower 3 times a day (the water go into the garden), put wet towel on shoulders, and sleep on tile floor or concrete floor or bamboo sheet at hot nights. Cold days I use electrical blanket under bedding clothes for warming (just warm up the bed but not heating on when you sleep). It saves lot energy and is healthier way to live. In areas which are too hot or too cold to live without cooling or warming that means these are areas not suitable for permanent human dwelling. The long term plan should be population excavation from these areas but not increase energy use to make artificial living environment (that is not only unsustainable but also unhealthy).Dyeing process for fabric cause pollution? Then don’t dye it. It is unnecessary and a waste of energy and materials. If have to, use natural or non-polluting material and process.I use 2 natural gas fermenter (imported poly gas fermenter tank for $ 500 each) as septic tank which is a closed system never leak out into environment, when one is filling the other is maturing. Gas for cooking, the matured sediment and liquid for fertilizer in garden. Build a small and functional house but leave the land for a larger garden. Instead of externalizing the responsibility from freedom, we should force the direct linkage between the freedom and responsibility: your own sewage you consume it yourself. Don’t discharge it into public sewage system. Actually, for me, all my organic waste (including my defecation and urine) and sewage water are my treasures for my garden.The important thing is never let any unhealthy and unnatural stuff gets into your septic system in the first place (the government approved waste water treatment unit actually is useless for the cocktail of harmful chemicals in the household sewage).As a general principle, get rid of all your household chemical products. Synthetic surfactant detergents, cleaning agents, air deodorant, disinfectant, bleach, hair dye, insecticide, herbicide, etc. they are all unnecessary waste of natural resources and harmful pollutants to a home and the environment.The so called modern life style makes us sick, makes environment sick, the rat race of making money and getting rich is fundamentally contradictory to sustainability.Use as little as possible natural resources but contribute as much as possible effective information that is my understanding of a good Earth villager. That is the only way to reach future.Green life is good life. It is a real civilized life.We depend on natural resources to survive but not money. We need to use much less resources and leave them to the endless of future generations to survive on it.Want to hear other’s opinions.Green life talk 21.Do not over cooking:Cooking with fire is a revolution in cooking; eat raw fish is another great revolution in cooking, some nutrients are so delicate and fragile that even room temperature will destroy them [for instance: lipoids (especially omega 3), vitamins, etc.]. After cooking them in heat probably only oxidized products left.2.Get rid of the harmful and /or unnecessary chemical products in your house:Most air fresher itself is an air pollutant source. They are useless and harmful. Just find the source of the bad smell and fix it. Natural body deodorants are the best to use. For instance: fine earth dust or some green leave (refer to traditional medicine books) pounded into paste to paint onto arm pits. When you have to wear white shirt, you can use 0.1 % glutaraldehyde water solution to rub onto arm pits and let it dry. It will be effective for a whole week. It can form strong chelating bond with skin protein and having shower will not affect its effectiveness.3.Don’t take in unnecessary supplements or medicines:It also doubtfully what is left in the capsuled omega 3 on shelves. Break the capsule to taste it. If it has a disgusting smells and taste, that is useless and harmful oxidized products. Eat sashimi is the best way to get omega 3. Basically, cook food the less the better.When I find hard to breath after midnight and have cold feet and hands, I know it is time to give myself a starvation therapy: keep enough minerals and vitamins but restrict energy intake while keeping normal activity level. Do it for real not for pretending. Your body will start to scrape energy rich materials to use and reorganize the structure. Your body will do a much better job than the surgeons. This is another example of your rational thinking (human nature) give you future but your natural tendencies, natural instinct (animal nature) bring you to perish.It is handy to keep a dental drill (a most basic one will do) and some teeth filling materials at home. Check yourself or each other‘s teeth From time to time. When found a small eroded dent, drill out a fresh surface. Fill it with dental cement (never use mercury silver alloy or plastic). Put a small piece of plastic film on the filled teeth and bite on it to form a perfect contact surface between the biting teeth. Remove the extra and let it solidify for 24 hours before you start to eat solid food. Never grounding the teeth biting surface with dental drill, because that will only ruin it; actually both of the opposing teeth. If you do not use tooth paste and not drink “drinks”, your teeth can keep good condition for a long time.Haemorrhoids are common disease; half the population will have it. When the pain starts to get severe, it means the circulation is getting so bad that the local tissue is seriously starved of oxygen and nutrients. The severe pain is the SOS signal the local tissue sent to the central nerve system. Your brain reacts by using hot water to warm it up and massage it to force circulation. Grind American ginseng to fine powder, mix with equal portion of glucose. When apply, use a teaspoon of mixed powder to mix with one or two drops of water and put to affected part, once a day. It may work. If not, stop right away.4.Drinking water is an important source of minerals intake:From time to time use lava rock, sediment rock, brown coal, coal ash, wood charcoal and ash to enrich your garden soil. All household organic waste is valuable resources to enrich the soil. Try to use less chemical fertilizer.5.Garden is an important part of the green life:Never use pesticides, herbicides, germicides, rather share your garden, your farm with the flora and fauna. The flora and fauna will give you the maximum and healthiest biomass productivity in return. Though I use organic methods to protect my veg pad. I use a couple of light trap to attract and electrocute insects, spray 1% liquid soap solution or plant ash solution onto the back of leaves to control insects population. It does work.When there is an outburst of one species of insect in the garden, that means you have made something unbalanced there: water too much, grow one species of plant too much, local insects not yet balanced… correct the unbalance and wait for one year or two, nature will balance it naturally. There is no need for spraying chemicals, because that only cause more harm in long term view --- a chemically polluted soil.Local wild vegs are more nutritious and tasty. Anything insects can eat, human can too; some insects do not eat, human can after poaching it in boiling water. Take what the nature can give but not forcing it to (intensive farming, chemical fertilizer and insecticides and herbicides, GMO, etc. are forcing the nature that will not produce good result in the long term view or even short term view).6.Prevention is the most efficient measure to deal pollution. Polute first, depollute later, doesn’t work:The important thing is never let any unhealthy and unnatural stuff gets into your septic system (or rather say the environment) in the first place. Pollute first, depollute later that does not make thermodynamic sense. As a general principle, get rid of all your household chemical products. Avoid synthetic interior decorations, furniture, paint, carpet. Only use rechargeable batteries and with ingredients safe to dispose.Do not burn rubbish in your back yard. Plastic when burned this way will produce toxic things such as dioxins and furan. These toxins will accumulate in your body and harm you for life time and more (harm your children and their children). Heaven or hell it is all people make it.7.In matters that individuals cannot control, governments have to take the responsibility to protect common interests:any product before it gets to the market should already be planned its recycle and safe disposal. Waste disposal means reuse, make them harmless to environment. The commonly used methods of burn, bury and tip should be stopped. The rivers and the sea should not be used as sewage. Waste disposal is not an interest oriented business; it is a future oriented commitment, therefore it should not be commercialized and privatized.The whole world should summon its scientific, administrative and resources to solve this issue. Environment and future are more important than economy. Cannot let economy lead us, especially when the so called modern economy is so wrong in its principles and practice. It is directed by natural principles and it is a natural process. It will naturally lead us to extinction in our highly manmade structure --- modern human society.8.Change our way of life:So far, all social-economic solutions (capitalism, socialism, and communism) depend on endless exploitation of natural resources to solve social problems, but that is unsustainable. It is not the case that we only have to work harder to produce more material products we will be better off. The reason is that: no matter how hard we work and no matter how creative we are, human cannot create real value (though we can make money). We are totally and utterly material value consumers.Nature is the only one that makes value. Though value is created continuously in the universe, the amount and available time of value on the Earth is set. Even the Sun is just a consumer of value. It is a third stage distributor of value. It decides the time and amount of value available to Earth. The Earth is the fourth stage distributer of value. It provides life with eco system which in turn is supported by geothermal system. The central black hole of the Galaxy is the primary producer and distributor of material value. It converts mass state matter into energy state matter and redistribute them into space against the force of gravity. The big stars are the secondary distributor of value. They produce elements (star dust) and disperse them (with energy rich gas mass) into space that later will form solar systems. Value can be measured and represented by energy but they are not the same thing. Value is what makes the world work. Value is negative entropy, a systematic form of energy. We only can use the nature evolved for billions of years of systematic form of negative entropy such as the sun and the earth; we cannot use the primordial energy fresh from the central black holes from their two poles or the big stars. They just kill us and destroy our equipment.The so called modern life style makes us sick, makes environment sick, the rat race of making money and getting rich is fundamentally contradictory to sustainability. Use as little as possible natural resources but contribute as much as possible effective information that is my understanding of a good Earth villager. That is the only way to reach future. Our only use value to the nature is our creation of effective information. If we do that well, we will have a good chance to reach endless future.Green life is good life. It is a real civilized life. We should have full freedom to think and talk but not freely and wantonly using the natural resources and pollute environment which belong to endless of generations after us.Green life talk 3In northwest Victoria Australia, the summer is hot and dry, annual rain fall 600 ml. farmers use dry land farming method here. After one year trying, I got some experience for growing vegetables in my garden.Last year I grow too many fruiting vegetables such as zucchini, cucumber, tomato, water melon, honey dew melon which need long time growing into summer, you have to water them during the hot and dry months. This year, I changed my focus on wild leaf vegetables for which basically no need for watering. Also I treat the domesticated leaf vegetables [such as rocket, lettuces, coriander, spring onion, chop suey greens (shungiku, crown daisy)] as wild grass, they do well. Don’t water them or don’t water them too much to prevent them from growing too rampant. Domesticated leaf vegetables can be trained to adopt the dry and hot weather conditions: throw seeds into fields in the winter they will choose the right time to germinate (for different species at different times). If approaching dry season they still not yet flowering, you can support them with water for a couple of weeks so that they can produce some seeds (small amount of seeds should be OK). For some herbs you don’t eat much but they are grow aggressively such as basil, parsley, peppermint, lemon balm, never throw them into fields otherwise you will spend lots of time to clear them out later in the year. Grow them in containers or simply just don’t grow them.In summer months, your sewage water (you have to keep them organic) will be able to support one or two small patch of veg pad that should be enough to supply you with fresh vegetables. Plant your fruit trees near these pads so that they can pass the harsh dry hot season and give you fruits year around. I grow some fig, mulberry, loquat, apricot, blue berry, cape goose berry (one species can pass winter here but another species will die out in winter). They don’t need much water. Last year I gave them too much water, some fig and mulberry tree get sick and died off. Blue berry did not grow well here. I didn’t figure out why, until I Googled it: Maybe it’s too dry here. And also I gave them too much plant ash to fertilize the soil when I plant them, they like humid, acidic soil with lots of humus. I give it a bit of vinegar and it responded positively. I also try this on a young fig tree nearby, it also responded positively. I used to work in the northeast China near Russian border. There wild blue berry grow everywhere. It is the favorite food for bears. Also there grow wild straw berry. When you go into the forest, if a strong fragrant smell hit you, you know there are straw berries nearby. Their smell and taste are so intensively good; they are totally different from those in supermarket.These are the wild vegetable I grow in the garden:1. Shepherd’s purse (capsella bursa-pastoris). It is one of the best taste wild vegetables. Stir fry (1 or 2 minutes) or poach in boiling water (for 1 or 2 seconds) then cool in tap water, then cut into fine pieces. Put in a bit if salt, oil. Taste nice, though it is not suitable for eaten raw. It is drought resistant, poor soil tolerant, hot and cold resistant, and it can be found in most countries in the world. Though it can be vary in different weather conditions --- in Melbourne it grow bigger and tender but in dry and hot area its leaf grow narrower and tougher. They are considered the best taste wild vegetable and cherished ever since ancient times.2. Wild small green leaf amaranths (other amaranth species not taste as good as this). I cannot find it in Australia in natural environment so I ordered some seeds online and grow them in the garden. They grow well here. Though they geminate a bit later because they like warn weather, they can survive with little or no watering in this weather conditions. They can be cooked the same way as Shepherd’s purse. It tastes good. They are highly priced in Asian market.Figure 1 Wild small green leaf amaranths3. Chenopodium album, Fat Hen. I don’t know how they got into the garden but they are also wild edible vegetable. I never tried them but I guess they can be cooked the same way as Shepherd’s purse.4. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). They are best eaten raw. A small handful shall be enough. A bit bitter but you don’t have to eat much. Tonic for your eyes and liver, especially in spring times. Good salad.5. Sonchus (Sowthisle, Milk thistle). A wild vegetable that the aphid (Aphidoidea) like so much, they only eat this plant while they even leave those domesticated vegetables alone. I tried it and it is really good. It can be eaten raw or cooked. I cook it the same way as Shepherd’s purse. Because when oil is heated up its nutritional value drop sharply and also may produce some harmful products, so I now rarely stir fry but prefer the quick poaching method. Grow them are easy: you don’t have to do anything but take care not cut them down when you do the lawn mowing. They are also quite at home in this dry land. They are a local species. I reckon it tastes better than most vegetables in the supermarket.Figure 2 Sonchus6. Also there are some other wild edible vegetables such as Lactuca serriola (Prickly lettuce, Wild lettuce, Compass plant), Wild Mallow Plant, etc. they are a bit bitter when raw. They have to be cooked to reduce the bitterness. I cook them the same way as Shepherd’s purse. The poaching method not only takes off most of the bitterness but also most of the oxalic acid in the wild vegetables to make it more palatable and less harm。The key is that we don’t eat one kind of plant too much but eat each kind of plant a bit at a time but keep changing on different species.If you want to pick wild vegetables outside your land, beware to get permission first whether it is private or public land. And when you pick, don’t take them out by roots but pick some leaves so they can continue to grow. Wild vegetables are part of the public resources we must protect them and not over exploit. They are not only a food source but also important medical resources.Also even when you harvest your vegetable in your garden, it is a good practice to just pick some leaves while let the plant continue to grow and seed (accept they need spacing). It is an efficient way to use them.I sometimes have to take the tip of the branches of mulberry trees off to prevent them growing too large and too rampant. But don’t junk the tips of the branches away; they can make a delicious dish. Dip them in boiling water then take out right away, cool in tap water, take them out and give a bit salt and oil. It is nice. Better than most vegetable you can buy from supermarket.I try to grow all vegetables (wild and domesticated) in a wild and natural way: water them as less as possible, and watering according to seasons. Give them fresh urine and defecation (digs a dip and bury with soil. Similar to what your cat is doing in the garden when it buries its defecation. Don’t be afraid of bacteria and fungi, they are best friends of your garden soil). Kitchen organic wastes shall be buried in a deeper and bigger hole and cover with thicker soil layer. If you use chicken manure, make sure it is organic and not coming from antibiotic feed additive contaminated source. And actually when vegetables grow too quick and too big its nutrition contents will be diluted and taste also diluted. And because it is not a commercial operation, you just have to grow enough for you to eat to suit your nutritional needs so you don’t really need quantity; quality is more meaningful here. If you cannot eat that much, don’t water them to prevent them grown too much, just keep them alive will be OK. When you need more, water them daily and in a couple of days you will get the yield you need.Your garden vegetables are convenient, fresh, organic and nutritious. You only pick what you need for the day; while the rest are stored on the soil and growing. Scientists found evidence that when we change from hunter-gatherers to farming society, our health conditions declined: have shorter statues, decayed teeth, thinner bones, smaller brain volume… We eat less and less variety of foods is one of the reasons for this. Also the way we cook the food contributed to this: vegetables when heated, some vitamins will be lost, oil oxidized… When fish and meat heated, the lipoids lost nutritional value. The lipoids are the building blocks of your nerve systems and cell membranes. When protein is burned it becomes toxic and cancer causing. The deep frying oil when used long it is toxic and cancer causing, liver harming, age accelerating. Alcohol, smoking, drugs, antibiotics, germicides, fungicides, herbicides, chemical treated tap water, antibacterial household products, useless and harmful household chemical products, agricultural chemical such as pesticides and herbicides washed into rivers and sipped into underground water reservoirs, industrial wastes tip to the ground, burn to the air, pour into the rivers and seas, nuclear fall outs… you name it. It now is not a health issue any more; it is a human survival issue, because the disordering effect can be passed on from generation to generation.The advantages of following seasons and adapt to local weather conditions are:1. Save water (whether it is tap water, surface water or underground water).2. Prevent soil further salinization process development.3. Prevent tap water chemical contaminate soil eco environment.4. Reduce pest insects’ population.5. Reduce pest plants population.6. Save human laboring time.7. Save money on your water bill.I use these methods to control pest insects’ population:1. Zapper electrical insect’s trapper lights.2. Spray 1% potassium soap water solution.3. In dry and hot season let plants and soil rest/naturally hibernate. Only use living sewage to maintain one or two patches of veg pad.4. For larger insects can pick them up with hands (wear leather gloves).5. Raise some free range chicken in garden. Use wheeled movable chicken shed with wired net floor.The prerequisite for an eco-veg garden is the simple, natural, scientific and healthy life style that produces organic sewage and living wastes. On this base you can set up closed sewage processing system, human urine and defecation processing and consuming system, organic wastes processing and consuming system. These can be kept as three separated system or integrated into one system --- natural gas fermenting system.Three separated processing systems seem simple and primitive but it does have its advantages:1. Easy to set up, no money input, natural and eco-friendly (if your garden land is big enough and family size not too big).2. Sewage discharged into garden is daily and in a stable amount. It is like an automated irrigation system but without complicated and expensive irrigation system --- you just need a flexible pipe lead the sewage into the garden.3. Fresh urine and defecation are non-toxic, soil microbe ecosystem boosting materials. Bacteria in fresh defecation can survive in soil for up to 6 months but in this period they become the food for other microbes and help to enrich and boost the soil eco conditions. That is exactly what the plants grow in a barren land needed. And you know for sure in this urine and defecation there are no harmful chemicals and antibiotics to act detrimentally to the soil microbe ecosystem.4. Fresh urine and defecation buried in the garden are odorless and will not becoming the food for flies; while the seeds in the defecation can germinate more easily.5. The toilet equipment for defecation is just a 30x15x15cm rectangular stainless steel container with lid or an oval shape stainless steel container with lid. They are easy to use and easy to clean.When talk about toileting, there is another doubt for modern toileting hygiene --- is using toilet paper hygienic? It seems just spreading the faeces out in bigger area but not really clean them out. When I see someone take a plastic bottle with water into toilet, I immediately adopt this method --- running water rinsing. It is definitely a more efficient and hygienic way for toileting and more importantly --- it saves the forest be cutting down to manufacture the stupid toilet paper. For my personal opinion, it is not civilized toileting hygiene --- it is not hygienic and it is not eco-friendly.Also the invention and use of nappy is another waste of resources and it does no good for baby’s health or environment. It is a wrong economic mathematics to just count the money cost of the nappy --- it is far from the true cost for resources, environment and human future. Our labor here is a loving labor for the baby, environment and human future; it cannot be counted with your hourly salary cost. When you read an economic book, often you can see the application examples for daily life that teach you the “correct” economical choice: use 10 seconds to throw a $3 nappy away or use 10 minutes to wash baby urine cloth? In money terms they always right but in true cost they always wrong. The purpose of the economy is wrong and the methodology they used also wrong --- they only recognize factors that are in the market functions but deny any thing that is not in the market --- they are externalized; and they are the things that have the true value --- resources, environment, and future generations’ survival.Natural gas fermenting system suits for small garden land with large family size. It provides extra energy and forms a sealed system that decomposes the faeces and organic wastes and sterilizes them before they can be applied to the field. It is an odorless system for a small garden which may not be enough to naturally process all the faeces in time for big family.But both ways, the prerequisite of an eco-garden that support an eco-life style is your rejection of all irrational modern household chemical products to get into your house and be used. They have to be kept out of your life, your septic system, your garden.I. A closed water supply and sewage system1. Whether you use tap water or use your well water, no water to be discharged into public sewage system, all of them to be used in the garden. If you can avoid using tap water but depend on your rain water collecting system you are much better off. Not only save money but also will be healthier. The chlorine (and other chemicals if any) that being put into the tap water is no good for your health (it is no good both for drinking and showering). Also the chlorine accumulating in the soil is no good for soil eco environment.2. Use eco-friendly surfactant (soap, detergent).1) Only use the kind of soap that is made from eco-friendly ingredients (such as KOH, cooking oil, animal fat, plant ash, etc.). I suggest you use fertilizer detergent (refer to my Quora answer: “How can we make truly nature friendly detergent?”2) Also avoid use surfactant unnecessarily. Most of the time washes hands, shower, wash dishes, washing clothes without using surfactant.3) If use surfactant (soap, detergent) provided in the market, make sure:(1) They contain the elements that are benign to plants and soil (such as K, P) but not those harmful to plants and soil (such as Na). K, P are not pollutants when discharged into your garden, they are fertilizers for plants. It is the intensified discharging sewage into water body that caused over enrichment of nutrition pollution. Also the way public sewage treatment plant process the sewage cannot deal with the cocktail of harmful chemicals in it. They depend on the water body to dilute it. And at least 15% of the treated sewage water is being pumped back to tap water system for us to drink and wash.(2) They don’t contain unnecessary and harmful additive such as whitening agents (fluorescent or not), bleach, germicides, synthetic colors, fragrance, or any substance that is not benefiting the plants and soil.4) Do not use any household chemical that will be no benefit or harmful to plants and soil ecosystem. Such as: hair dye, bleach, pesticide, germicide, herbicide, cosmetics, tooth paste, mouth rinsing water, air fresher, synthetic detergent, etc.II. Improvement for public water supply and sewage system1. Tap water most part is used for washing, showering, cleaning, gardening but not drinking and cooking. So it is not worth it to put the chemicals that will cause negative effects on health and environment into the water supply system. The main ingredient of the chemical additives is chlorine which is no good for drinking and showering. Also since chlorine is such an active element that it can react with other things to form more harmful compounds for human health and environment. It is more rational to regulate that when tap water is used for drink, it should be boiled first; while don’t put those chemicals into the system. People use 1% of their tap water for drinking and cooking (if no gardening) or 0.2% to 0.5% for drinking and cooking(if involved in gardening), so 99% of the chemicals the water authority put in the system is not serving its purpose but also accumulates in the garden soil or be drained into sewage to harm the environment. And the tap water does harm your skin, hair and even clothes. When drink it, it will harm your liver and kidneys... In this area, the tap water come from river and lake where the agricultural chemicals finally drained to, for that we really have no choice but use it though most people now drink and cook with bottled water. It is really no point to put more chemicals into our tap water even they may be much less harmful than those agricultural chemicals. Most people don’t drink it anyway, and if some people drink it, they will be much better off drink the boiled no chemical additive tap water than not boiled chemical added tap water. So, it is a triple jeopardy for adding chemicals into tap water: harm people’s health, harm environment and waste resources.2. The shortcomings of public sewage system in its sewage processing methods and discharging methods and the improvements suggested for them:1) Sewage processing:(1) Present conditions:present public sewage treatment methods are: filter, deposit, aerate, then 15% put back into water supply and the rest discharged into wet land for nature to process or discharge into river or the ocean to be diluted. Or even worse in some countries, pump into ground.(2) The key wrong:The wrong philosophy, wrong directing principle for sewage processing (actually for all waste processing) --- pollute first, depollute later: open the use of all kinds of household chemical products, then let all these mess be dealt with in sewage treatment plants which they actually no way to deal with them, not those cocktail of chemical pollution.As a matter of fact, for the effective treatment of a cocktail of chemical polluted sewage, thermodynamically speaking, the possibility is zero. And economically, the feasibility for depolluting the chemically polluted sewage is also zero. The easiness for polluting and the difficulty for depolluting are not proportional. The energy cost, material cost, labor cost for effective depolluting will be thousands, millions, billions time more than the recovered water itself. By natural law, effective depolluting for the cocktail of chemicals polluted sewage is fundamentally not possible. That is why the sewage treatment plants all muck around with filter, deposit, aerate… they did not deal with the chemicals, they cannot. It is discharged into nature, for nature to deal with. But even the all mighty nature cannot take all the responsibility for this mess. Nature adapts with the manmade chemicals very slowly and for some it cannot adapt at all. And it cannot depollute our mess before these messes have done the irreversible damage to environment.(3) The key for depollution:The key for depollution is strictly guard the first gate --- first thing, don’t allow harmful chemicals be produced, marketed, used and finally get into sewage and solid wastes and air. This method is the most effective method thermodynamically and economically, but it needs public endorsement and government strictly enforcing. It is a rational process; you cannot let any opportunist sabotage this process. It is human nature to enjoy others’ sacrifice but in the meantime to seek personal convenience and take advantage for the situation. There always some people will ask for special treatment or exemption. Everyone is special.(4) Advocate closed system for family sewage treatment:When the house is attached with a garden, Advocate the family set up a closed system sewage treatment --- natural gas fermenting system connected with family sewage but not discharges it into public sewage system.Or the simple way: sewage go into garden veg pads, manure and urine be buried in soil as fertilizer, kitchen organic waste bury to be decomposed for fertilizer. The prerequisite for this arrangement is organic life style --- no chemicals get into family life and no chemicals get into sewage and wastes. If it is orgasmic, whatever way you treat them, they are benign and useful and easy to deal with.When house is for sale, government check garden soil chemical pollution, if polluted, not allow sale.(5) Conclusion:The pollution problem seems never be able to be solved, but actually, its solution is very simple and effective if this society can put personal and group present and short term interest behind public long term interest --- legislate and enforce laws and regulations to ban the use, sale and manufacture of chemical products that is harmful to human health or natural environment, or a product that is not necessary and will cause a wastage of resources. Salvation is just a mind away, a will away. Once we unfold the blinds on our eyes we can see it, and once we untied the ties on our hands and feet we can do it.Cocktail of chemical pollutions are fundamentally undepollutable. So we should focus on ban the chemical products than depollute them.That will lose some jobs? That will lose some business? What will be more important than human future? Economy should serve human future but not ruin it, if some jobs and some business contradictory to that the logical solution, then the correct solution is to remove these jobs and businesses to give way to human future. It is countless times better off for the public to put those lost this kind of jobs and those lost this kind of businesses on public support than allow these business continue. Live a poor life is better than being poisoned by pollutants and finally ruin all human future and lose the whole world. And actually I don’t think this kind of poor is really poor --- have a healthy environment and an endless future for all human being, how rich is that? And on the contrary, earn some money and in the meantime ruining the whole world by exhausting the resources and polluting the environment and finally all human die out (don’t expect to take a rocket to escape to space or Mars, that will be a horrible way to die), how poor is that? Poor to such degree that you, me, they, no one is left to own anything. No poor can be poorer than that. Which way you choose?III. Human faeces and urine treatment1. Closed system natural gas fermenter treat them then use the liquid and the solid as fertilizer. The advantage of this method is it efficiency: it can provide gas for cooking and heating hot water system.2. Also it is not a bad idea to use fresh urine and faeces to fertilize the garden soil daily. Bacteria in faeces can provide food for other microbes in the soil and enrich the soil eco environment. Actually what your family cat do to treat its defecation is the best way: dig and bury. An extra advantage for this method is that after seeds treated by your guts, they will generate better. Bury faeces in time and don’t leave it exposed in the open to prevent flies’ population explosion.IV. Organic rubbish treatment1. Part of them can be selected as chicken feed.2. Most of them can be sent to natural gas fermenter for fermenting treatment.3. Or bury in garden soil let them decompose there to enrich soil.As long as they are organic, they are easy to dispose and they are benign to environment and people. The key is to hold the first defense tight --- don’t allow any unnatural and harmful substance get into your life and your septic system.When you arrange the waste water and organic rubbish to be externalized --- sent to public sewage pipe and rubbish tip, they will become externalities --- public negativities. Harmful chemicals and other pollutants did not be depolluted and disappear but “be diluted” --- actually is to be spread out into worldwide water bodies, into the air and into the ground and accumulating there --- you cannot send them outside the earth. In this arrangement, people will tend to choose a little bit of personal convenience to sacrifice public into big trouble. For instances, pour bleach, hair dyer, pesticide, solvent, synthetic oil etc. into sewage sink. No one knows, no way to find out, trouble will be hundreds or thousands of miles away some there in the sewage treatment plant, rubbish tip, rubbish incinerator and finally come back to us in a variety of ways to harm us. But when you internalize it --- set a closed system to treat them (first of all, make sure no unnecessary or harmful thing can get into this system), everything will be easy and benign --- no chemicals in it and the organic waste can be used as fertilizer.Pollution is not a technical issue, it is a social issue. Its solution is just a mind away: change from the natural tendency driven natural process to the rational thinking directed rational process: Set a correct final goal --- human perpetual survival, for that purpose change life style to simple, natural, scientific and healthy life; and to suit this life style change the mode of production and consumption to the optimal minimal and necessary and aimed on zero pollution while focus human efforts on effective information production.Don’t take a bite on the beautiful lure of strong growth that promise an extremely affluent society filled with material wealth --- No. that is only a mirage that will only lead all human to quick extinction.

How to live a natural life and be healthy?

GREEN LIFE TALK 1I learned a lot from your site. It is great feeling now I can play my liquid soap making. I use cooking oil and KOH to cook detergent. It is easier than looking around for safe detergent for garden veg irrigation (you have no control what they put in). If you use hard water for washing, you can add mono potassium phosphate as a PH buffer (similar use and amount as borax, used here as a substitute of borax). Add a little bit of milk seems help to emulsify the paste especially when you use some olive oil. To make it a shampoo just adds a bit more milk. There is nothing can be wasted in the game of soap making. The worst scenario is you made the paste water hating wax (I did it by adding way too much mono potassium phosphate); but even that can be rescued by putting a couple of table spoon of KOH in 1 kg of soft water and heat it up then add the wax bit by bit into the solution and mix them up. Add a bit of (1 %) milk seems help it emulsify. Fine tuning the paste (by adding the wax bit by bit) until the PH reaches 8.5. Done. Good as new. The separated water solution from the waxy paste I keep it as fertiliser for garden after neutralised). I never put anything unnecessary into my detergent. I have been using this washing grey water for the irrigation of my veg garden; the plants grow well and taste good. K+ goes well with pants. Even though I often use a bit of vinegar wipe my hands after washing and wash it into the grey water to protect my hands and neutralise the slightly alkalinic grey water. I like washing cloths by stamping in a basin, it is quicker (15 minutes) and cleaner and not hurting the fabric. Also I recommend using sea water for cooking seasoning instead of salt, you need all elements in the ocean (what is the proportion? The elements proportion in your body are nearly the same as they are in the environment as scientist found. We are not only made of star dust but also the proportion of the star dust) but not only sodium (don’t call it table salt, call it poison). Make your own drinking water by breaking lava rock and sediment rock and soak them in collected rain water. Add some lime stone powder to neutralise the potential poisonous effects of some harmful elements that may exist in the lava rock. The main source of minerals you take in is by drinking water but not by food. When your urine stinks, your blood PH is no good, when your blood PH is good, your urine will not smelly. Keeping your mouth fresh and odourless by using tooth pick to scrape your teeth, never use tooth paste (it wear out your teeth surface layer and unbalance the microbes that make your mouth stink). Natural and healthy teeth are ivory coloured but not white. Teeth grow layer by layer from outside just like clam grow its shell or pearl). Leave it natural (and do not drink “drinks”), your teeth can heal small damages by itself just like a clam will do to its shells. Never use mouth rinsing water which will cause your mouth smell worse only, bacteria would not make your mouth stink, but unbalanced bacteria make your mouth stink. Naturally secreted oil on your skin and hair are the first line of defence, if just dust and sweat, rinse it with rain water it will be shine and smooth. What ruin your skin and hair is those tap water, shampoo and conditioners. I never use air condition for cooling or use heating for warming. In hot days I take shower 3 times a day (the water go into the garden) and sleep on tile floor or concrete floor or bamboo sheet at hot nights. Cold days I use electrical blanket under bedding clothes for warming (just warm up the bed but not heating on when you sleep). It saves lot energy and is healthier way to live. In areas which are too hot or too cold to live without cooling or warming that means these are areas not suitable for permanent human dwelling. The long term plan should be population excavation from these areas but not increase energy use to make artificial living environment (that is not only unsustainable but also unhealthy). Dyeing process for fabric cause pollution? Then don’t dye it. It is unnecessary and a waste of energy and materials. If have to, use natural or non-polluting material and process. I use 2 natural gas fermenter (imported poly gas fermenter tank for $ 500 each) as septic tank which is a closed system never leak out into environment, when one is filling the other is maturing. Gas for cooking, the matured sediment and liquid for fertiliser in garden. Build a small and functional house but leave the land for a larger garden. Instead of externalising the responsibility from freedom, we should force the direct linkage between the freedom and responsibility: your own sewage you consume it yourself. Don’t discharge it into public sewage system. Actually, for me, all my organic waste (including my defecation and urine) and sewage water are my treasures for my garden. The important thing is never let any unhealthy and unnatural stuff gets into your septic system in the first place (the government approved waste water treatment unit actually is useless for the cocktail of harmful chemicals in the household sewage). As a general principle, get rid of all your household chemical products. Synthetic detergents, cleaning agents, air deodorant, disinfectant, bleach, hair dye, insecticide, etc. they are all unnecessary waste of natural resources and harmful pollutants to a home and the environment. The so called modern life style makes us sick, makes environment sick, the rat race of making money and getting rich is fundamentally contradictory to sustainability. Use as little as possible natural resources but contribute as much as possible effective information that is my understanding of a good Earth villager. That is the only way to reach future. Green life is good life. It is a real civilised life. When I donate money, I only donate it for family planning. I will never donate money to fan the runaway positive feedback loop to its disastrous end for all of human. And there is also a word for the riches: we don’t need your donation, we need you to use much less resources and leave them to the endless of future generations to survive on it. Want to hear other’s opinions.GREEN LIFE TALK 2Cooking with fire is a revolution in cooking; eat raw fish is another great revolution in cooking, some nutrients are so delicate and fragile that even room temperature will destroy them [for instance: lipoids (especially omega 3), vitamins, etc.]. After cooking them in heat probably only oxidized products left. It also doubtfully what is left in the capsuled omega 3 on shelves. Break the capsule to taste it. If it has a disgusting smells and taste, that is useless and harmful oxidised products. Eat sashimi is the best way to get omega 3. Basically, cook food the less the better. Most air fresher itself is an air pollutant source. They are useless and harmful. Just find the source of the bad smell and fix it. Natural body deodorants are the best to use. For instance: fine earth dust or some green leave (refer to traditional medicine books) pounded into paste to paint onto arm pits. When you have to wear white shirt, you can use 0.1 % glutaraldehyde water solution to rub onto arm pits and let it dry. It will be effective for a whole week. It can form strong chelating bond with skin protein and having shower will not affect its effectiveness. Use it as less as possible. It is not a natural product. When I find hard to breath after midnight and have cold feet and hands, I know it is time to give myself a starvation therapy: keep enough minerals and vitamins but restrict energy intake while keeping normal activity level. Do it for real not for pretending. Your body will start to scrape energy rich materials to use and reorganise the structure. Your body will do a much better job than the surgeons. This is another example of your rational thinking (human nature) give you future but your natural tendencies, natural instinct (animal nature) bring you to perish. It is handy to keep a dental drill (a most basic one will do) and some teeth filling materials at home. Check yourself or each other‘s teeth From time to time. When found a small eroded dent, drill out a fresh surface. Fill it with dental cement (never use mercury silver alloy or plastic). Put a small piece of plastic film on the filled teeth and bite on it to form a perfect contact surface between the biting teeth. Remove the extra and let it solidify for 24 hours before you start to eat solid food. Never grounding the teeth biting surface, that will only ruin it. If you do not use tooth paste and not drink “drinks”, your teeth can keep good condition for a long time. Haemorrhoids are common disease; half the population will have it. When the pain starts to get severe, it means the circulation is getting so bad that the local tissue is seriously starved of oxygen and nutrients. The severe pain is the SOS signal the local tissue sent to the central nerve system. Your brain reacts by using hot water to warm it up and massage it to force circulation. Grind American ginseng to fine powder, mix with equal portion of glucose. When apply, use a teaspoon of mixed powder to mix with one or two drops of water and put to affected part, once a day. It may work. If not, stop right away. From time to time use lava rock, sediment rock, brown coal, coal ash, wood charcoal and ash to enrich your garden soil. All household organic waste is valuable resources to enrich the soil. Never use chemical fertiliser. Never use pesticides, herbicides, germicides, rather share your garden, your farm with the flora and fauna. The flora and fauna will give you the maximum and healthiest biomass productivity in return. Though I use organic methods to protect my veg pad. I use a couple of light trap to attract and electrocute insects, spray 1% liquid soap solution or plant ash solution onto the back of leaves to control insects population. It does work. Local wild vegs are more nutritious and tasty. Anything insects can eat, human can too; some insects do not eat, human can after poaching it in boiling water. Take what the nature can give but not forcing it to (intensive farming, chemical fertiliser and insecticides and herbicides, GMO, etc. are forcing the nature that will not produce good result in the long term view or even short term view). The important thing is never let any unhealthy and unnatural stuff gets into your septic system (or rather say the environment) in the first place. Pollute first, depollute later that does not make thermodynamic sense. As a general principle, get rid of all your household chemical products. Avoid synthetic interior decorations, furniture, paint, carpet. Only use rechargeable batteries and with ingredients safe to dispose. Do not burn rubbish in your back yard. Plastic when burned this way will produce toxic things such as dioxins and furan. These toxins will accumulate in your body and harm you for life time and more (harm your children and their children). Heaven or hell it is all people make it. In matters that individuals cannot control, government have to take the responsibility to protect common interests: any product before it gets to the market should already be planned its recycle and safe disposal. Waste disposal means reuse, make them harmless to environment. The commonly used methods of burn, bury and tip should be stopped. The rivers and the sea should not be used as sewage. Waste disposal is not an interest oriented business; it is a future oriented commitment. The whole world should summon its scientific, administrative and resources to solve this issue. Environment and future are more important than economy. Cannot let economy lead us, especially when the so called modern economy is so wrong in its principles and practice. It is directed by natural principles and it is a natural processes. It will naturally lead us to extinction in our highly manmade structure --- modern human society. So far, all social-economic solutions (capitalism, socialism, and communism) depend on endless exploitation of natural resources to solve social problems, but that is unsustainable. It is not the case that we only have to work harder to produce more material products we will be better off. The reason is that: no matter how hard we work and no matter how creative we are, human cannot create real value (though we can make money). We are totally and utterly value consumers. Nature is the only one that makes value. Though value is created continuously in the universe, the amount and available time of value on the Earth is set. Even the Sun is just a consumer of value. It is a third stage distributor of value. It decides the time and amount of value available to Earth. The Earth is the fourth stage distributer of value. It provides life with eco system. The central black hole of the Galaxy is the primary producer and distributor of value. It converts mass into energy and redistribute them into space against the force of gravity. The big stars are the secondary distributor of value. They produce elements (star dust) and disperse them (with energy rich gas mass) into space that later will form solar systems. Value can be measured and represented by energy but they are not the same thing. Value is what makes the world work. Value is negative entropy. The so called modern life style makes us sick, makes environment sick, the rat race of making money and getting rich is fundamentally contradictory to sustainability. Use as little as possible natural resources but contribute as much as possible effective information that is my understanding of a good Earth villager. That is the only way to reach future. Our only use value to the nature is our creation of effective information. If we do that well, we will have a good chance to reach perpetual existence and development. Green life is good life. It is a real civilised life. We should have full freedom to think and talk but not freely and wantonly using the natural resources and pollute environment which belong to endless of generations after us. The real success is not to have lots of children and make lots of money; it is to make the general gene pool reach unforeseeable far future. You cannot ask the rich and powerful to give you future, because they don’t have it, though they may die out the last. Donation of money cannot save this world and cannot make this sustainable; if you really want to save this world please donate your austerity and self-restriction to save the resources to be used by endless generations after you. More population today, more exploitation and consuming of resources today, means shorter generation chain reach into the future. We need the resources to be used as long as possible to maximise our chance to evolve into the level to survive the days without the Earth. Our long term means perpetual (not mean longer than elected terms). Gaming only works within system but it cannot solve system issues (now we are in fundamental system crisis). To solve system issues, have to use systematic approaches and work on system level. Want to hear other’s opinions.

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