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Which habit changed your life?

OSome habits that changed my life;Taking advantage of Microsoft programs like office & excell to print out “daily schedule” with a daily sceduale your able to pencil in everything you want to do, by the hour or half hour. The example templates that they give are really cool and worth looking at. Plus, You can have your morning, afternoon & night routine and look at it. If you don’t have a printer, go to your local library and print a bunch of copies! Or search in printable daily /weekly to do. There are other helpful programs like spreadsheets you can use to better your life. Print & create these too!If you are in school taking advantage of Microsoft is even better. They hook you up with, power points, brochures and even pamphlets. If you are making a resume, use their current version. It’s all professional. There are also pie graphs and bar graphs if you want to get fancy! And use the library printer (:Drink water when you wake up. After sleeping for the hours you do- you become dehydrated. Drinking a glass of cold water when you wake helps the metabolism, Helps your skin, & gets you going. Adding a lemon to your water is even better. & then after you’ve mastered this- master green tea or apple cider vinegar.Go to bed earlier, wake up earlier! I used to be a huge night owl. I would sleep in until 11 or noon & I would feel groggy & less motivated. Baby steps. Set your alarm 15 min earlier & try to make a goal to go to bed at midnight instead. Wake up at 9am. That’s one extra hour of sleep. I used to say I was a night person but waking up earlier has taught me that I can make my own routines. I write, read, shower, clean and it feels good to have that extra time.Complete the most important task first! Whether it’s laundry or going to the store, do that first in your day and get it over with. You’ll feel so much better avoiding procrastination.Cut sugar intake in half. Sugar is literally so bad for you. It causes decay, diseases & even if you get your coffee with 1 sugar you’d be making a difference. Instead of eating sugar cereal in the morn; go for oatmeal and fruit.Limit social media time… On fb settings click “time spent on fb”, and notice the amount of hours spent a day scrolling. Cut that down to half. Pointless scrolling is so bad and unproductive. Set an alarm if it helps. Also, your body usually is not moving; like you’ll be laying in bed and scrolling. Get up and do something! Every 20 min.Read. It makes you more articulate. One should read at least once a week. Even if it’s the news or a magazine.Take walks in the morning! You’ll feel great after.Gratitude. Express the things you are grateful for every day. Whether it’s in your car to get a morning coffee, or writing it down. Some people can’t even afford to live, others are missing legs. Just think for a second and be grateful for how lucky you are.Plan what you wear- the night before. Whether you get coffee & try on clothes that you haven’t in a while… figure out what clothes match with what than redecorate the closet. You won’t be rushing around in the morning and your mind will already be made up. Don’t be afraid to dress up!Positive thinking-law of attraction; Everything outside of the brain is external. It’s all in our minds, therefore we create our life. If you dread going to work, change that thought and look at the positives. Remember, you ask the universe to help you, with your thoughts. Quit complaining, and saying I can. Imagine as if you’re already there. How good does it feel? We have money to make! Remember you’re working and giving hours of your life for money.If you get gas, use your next card where you can build credit -and strictly use it for gas. You’re score can go to 715–750 in no time. Look into cash backs And use those as well. Avoid cards with high interest rates.Coupons.. yard sale, cans, change, apps, make some $$ out of nothing! Old purses and storage in the garage. Go look!Find your talent & make time. Whether it’s writing, filming, acting, singing, creating, designing- explore that talent and everything it has to offer. Take free classes online. See what you can bring to the table or just have fun.Solitude. Solitude is key. If you can spend time by yourself, you’re one step ahead. Love your alone time. Have a routine. Many people are waiting for friends to hit them up and go out for a drink, make time for self care.Learn to say no. Remember YOU, come first! It might be hard to get out of the habit of people pleasing, but learning to say no to obligations is important. People don’t take it that personal.Give yourself ONE self care day a week. This can be done by pampering oneself, hanging with an old friend, doing something to your hair. Just don’t work every single day, we all need to recharge.Dress how you want to feel - this works wonders. For example, you want to wear something dressier? Grab that summer dress, some tights, a jacket boom, you’ll feel confident. Accessorizing is good too. If you want to be comfy, wear a sweatshirt; likely- you’ll take a nap. Wear your fave color for good vibes. If you are going somewhere where you want to make an impression, wear something flashy. What you wear is how you feel.Live in the moment! This gets rid of anxiety as well. Thinking of the memories is living in the past & the future is the same concept. Instead, look around you. What are you doing? What environment are you in? What do you smell? Describe in your head what’s happening. Be present and be still. Record it on paper if you wish.Some form of exercise- look you don’t have to go to the gym. You can literally listen to music and dance around in the mirror or do yoga. The body needs movement. The gym is great, but you can just watch work out videos if you prefer. There are many pre-work outs to try to help give a boost. It releases endorphins, so the way you feel after is awesome. Once you hit that climax, it feels natural. You’ll experience “runners high”, which is really just your body working for you. It is so important. It changes your life. You can work from home.Budget your money! Literally open your notebook and write down every expense. Rent, credit cards, insurance, car insurance, eating out, drinking, shopping and be mindful of how much your spending and make it fancy/ highlight it - type.. Print it out, hang it up. Look at it daily.Meditate or just listen to certain frequencies. Our body responds to certain frequencies.For example 528 HZ on YouTube is a good frequency to meditate to and so is 442 HRz. Most people won’t meditate because they need some background. You can have this music & visualize. These frequencies are beneficial to your brain. Look up the music frequencies. There are many different kinds. I enjoy sleeping with them playing in the background. They scientifically help, Like it’s provenStop reacting to negativity, like road rage. If someone flicks you off, ignore them. Only react when it’s positive. If you change your perspective on life and only react to the things you want to- your self control will sky rocket and you’ll be resistant to daily stressors.Treat yourself to a massage! You will feel so lighter after & now there is acupuncture and cupping & more. Read about the practices first if your unsure. Most people didn’t know massages we’re only a dollar a minute or less. They view it as a luxury but it’s cheap! Go do it now.Download TUBI tv. It is free and you have access to more channels and movies than Netflix. There are also all those reality shows you watched ten years ago lmao like flavor of loveBuy a weighted blanket. Make your room the safe haven.Stop talking. Instead be silent and listen. You don’t always have to speak. If you’re at work for example; while it’s good to have conversations, you don’t always have to be talking. You can literally just embrace your time. Sometimes too much talk causes stress & cortisol levels to rise. Avoid politics & religion.Make the beach a habit in summer- make time. The beach changes lives. Whether your reading a magazine or a novel, there’s something so peaceful about the atmosphere and reading.Think about where you really want to live and research where you want to live. Anything is possible. Birds know they can fly away and that they aren’t meant to be kept in one place. We aren’t caged. Plan your future and look at where you want to live. It could be a five year plan.Integrate scrapbooking. Amazon has some cool scrapbooks. Buy one. Get pens for it & be ready to cut out some real pics /magazine pics etc. write and record at least one year or summer of your life. It gives you perspective.Cleaning routines work. Write them down. Dust makes us cough. Sweep the bathroom & clean the closet. Donate all unwanted clothes to charity or sell them. Sheets must be washed like once a month AT least! While your at it buy a new pair.Learn Feng Sui , grab “The Art Of Tidying Up” and do little by little each day. The room you sleep in does effect your energy… also start looking into plants, maybe crystals or sculptures.**Make sure your sleeping on the correct mattress! Some of us have bad backs, we need tempropedic mattresses, etc. also Change your bedsheets/bedspread as often as you can afford. Nothing makes me happier than a new bedspread. Fresh sheets are great. Get a dehumidifier or essential oil diffuser. You’ll feel great.Have a work place, that isn’t your bed. For example, a desk. Many people don’t invest in such things. It will help you focus. Make it so it faces the window or something. Decorate your room to get inspiration. Make a vision board.Lose your ego. Recognize your emotions. Recognize your self. You have this avatar but what about your soul? What can one single person achieve in this life, to better the world?Volunteer. Animals need help, poor people need help, help someone. There are even travel programs.Become a tourist of your own state. There is a website “only in your state”, get on that and make a list of the places you haven’t seen. There are so many mysteries. There is something for everyone here; Only In Your StateGo outside & check the mail. While you check the mail take a walk around the yard. Sit down for a bit. It might be cold but nature is bomb.Drop toxic people. Sooner is better than later.Read the newspaper, instead of articles online. Do things the old fashion way.Instead of watching your fave show one night, watch a documentary. “Grounding” is a great one. Netflix & Hulu have awesome documentaries. I enjoy learning about pyramids & ancient Egypt. Nikola Tesla is also extremely interesting.Self-care for men & women. Girls, pamper yourselves. Mentally & physically. Do something that your future self will thank you for. Guys; the same applies to you. Work out, shave, and mentally get your work done. Reflect. Read your fav magazineTry astral projection- it works beer in the morning. Just set an alarm maybe in 20 min intervals and see if you can experience this.Listen to audibles and podcasts while your driving instead of the radio. This is an awesome substitute because you’ll be learning while your driving. Music is good too, but switch it up!Plan a trip, or plan something fun. Your fave concert, sky-diving, summer plans, a trip to Florida. Plan the hotel, what you’re going to wear, all of it. I promise you’ll turn your life around.Cut out two subscriptions. Let’s say you have Hulu, Netflix, prime, showtimes, planet fitness, tanning - cut out two that you never use !Take pictures… use an old fashion disposable camera. Who cares.Make sure you don’t eat too many sweets. You shouldn’t be waking up starving every morning- that’s usually due to eating late. Instead have a nice breakfast, a light lunch and a nutritious dinner. Try and snack during the day and treat yourself once a week. Make a system.If you’re over 30 and you don’t floss every day you might want to get in the habit of flossing because our teeth will not last forever!Speaking of dental - get in the habit of making your doctor appointments, and all others. See what your insurance covers.Speaking of insurance; most peoples insurance covers therapy! It’s just a five dollar co pay. Go do it! Some others cover chiropractic needs! So see what you have and what it covers!Stretch every single morning.Be spontaneous like you use to be.Get in the habit of doing things BY yourself. This isn’t the same as pure solitude because What I mean is- go to the movies by yourself- go out to breakfast with yourself. You will notice a lot more when you are your only company.Save kittens. Or puppies.Change your trash, recycle, make sure your room is fresh, car is clean. If you’re like hitting your 30s there’s actually no excuse.“Morning Pages” As stated in “The Artists Way”, the book. Every morning the first or second thing to do when you wake up is write 2–3 morning pages, date them and freestyle write. They don’t have to be about anything but the rule is keep writing. After a week it’ll be easier and after a few months you will feel different. Don’t read them until at least three months later. You will notice some patterns. You will see progression.Sell your video games that you don’t use anymore at GameStop. Sell your CDS you don’t listen to at the nearest music shop. There’s a market for everything and it doesn’t just have to be offerup or letgo on our phones. Make human interaction.Do laundry at a laundry mat for a day. Feel it. Then be thankful. If You have the privilege of your own washer and dryer you are lucky.Bring a water bottle every where you go. Go buy one that you can fill with water. Make it your fave color.Call your grandparents, spread love. Visit them while you can.Incorporate Chia seeds in your diet. Throw them in drinks, yoghurt, oatmeal, eggs, whatever you want. Look up other healthy alternatives.Make a list of what you need to accomplish in your week. Then make a list of what you want to accomplish.Get in the habit of going to the dollar tree for like toilet paper, paper towel, paper plates, toothbrushes, & all those types of items. Stop wasting money!Pay it forward every once in a while.Eat a plant based diet for just one week and see how you feel. One week.Take a shower using cold water. It has a different way of shocking your body and waking you up.Challenge yourself to meal-prep instead of buying fast food. Even if you have no time to cook; there are markets with fresh food and Tupperware waiting for you at certain shops such as Dave’s. You will not only save $$ but your body will thank you. & your clock.The second you get paid in cash, deposit it. Leave yourself the extra 3–5$ for coffee. Deposit and save.Imagine if it was your last day on earth, what would you do? Who would you speak to? I want you to make a list of even just five things & a few people and then talk to them!Listen to your favorite song while you get ready for the day. Then listen to a classical song the next day, keep changing.Keep bananas in the kitchen at all times. They are pretty healthy and so easy to eat.Use sage after you clean your room, make this a habit - it does wonders for the environment and kills bacteria! It also smells goodEmbrace your femininity ! Or if you’re a man embrace your masculinity. If your a girl, wear whatever you want, don’t stick to the status quo. Learn traditional habits and embrace other females.Master your work environment. Next time you have your day off, think about how valuable that time is. Literally we are giving hours of our lives for money. Make the most of it & get what you can.If you’re in school , stay ahead. Read chapters and do assignments ahead of Time. Be ahead of the game..Brew your own coffee! Easy just buy tour fave coffee & save $$. Use cool mugs.Take the Myers Briggs test to see what kind of personality you have. Go on google and type it in.Don’t eat past 7 pm!Organize! Have a spot for everything. Jewelry goes in a box, papers go in a Manila envelope, towels in the closet. Don’t worry about losing things anymore.Take naps during the day even if it’s 20 min.In the morning if you have trouble getting up but no time to shower.. wet your face with cold waterKeep all of your receipts, And warranties. You might need them!Avoid gossip. It’s always bad.

Can you tell me something inspiring?

This is an on-going saga of a very special personality from India and a Quora Top Writer.Eldest of three siblings, his father was a bureaucrat and mother a homemaker. His childhood was spent mostly in the state of Uttar Pradesh.Parents and teachers found in him a child who could often be quite mischievous, and then suddenly, deeply contemplative. Friends too recall him as having an unfathomable temperament, often not really sure whether he was joking or serious.A brilliant student, he consistently topped his class and received the highest commendations and prizes possible to a student.His mother fondly remembers how she was honored several times as “Mother Queen” for the academic performance of her child. An honorable mention would be of an incident when his mother was felicitated by the then Governor of U.P. by weighing her against flowers and fruits!Teachers would say that never before had they seen a student who was as brilliant in Science as in Humanities, as adept in Mathematics as in Languages, and as proficient in English as in Hindi.The then Governor of U.P. felicitated him in a public function for setting a new benchmark in the Board examinations, and for being an NTSE scholar.The prodigal student was a voracious reader since he was five years of age. His father’s extensive home library consisted of some of the world’s best literature, including spiritual texts like the Upanishads.For long hours, the child would be tucked away in the most silent corners of the house, immersed in stuff that was meant to be understood only by men of advanced age and maturity. He would skip meals and even hours of sleep and would be lost in reading.Before he had turned ten, he had read everything that was there in the father’s collection and was asking for more. The first signs of the mystical appeared when he started writing poetry at the age of eleven. His poems were imbued in shades of the mysterious and were asking questions that most grown-ups could not grasp.At the age of fifteen, after being in the city of Lucknow for many years, he found himself in the city of Ghaziabad near Delhi, owing to his father’s transferable job. The particular age and the change of city accelerated the process that had already taken deep roots.He took to waking at night, and besides studying, would often be staring silently at the night sky. His poems grew in depth, a lot of them devoted to the night and the moon. One of them that I want to specially mention here is this one:“तलाश हैएक मसीहा कीएक मसीहा ऐसापुरुषार्थ का धनीजो प्रेरित करेन कोई नया धर्म न समाज न व्यवस्थाअपितुप्रतिपादित करेमात्र एक सिद्धांतजिस के बादकोई मानव-कृत धर्मरहे ही नहीं ।”Rather than academics, his attention started flowing more and more towards the mystical.Though, he continued to do well academically and gained admission to the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IIT-D). His years at IIT were full of exploration of the world, deep involvement in student politics, and performing as a debater and an actor in nationwide events and competitions.He was a most vibrant figure on the campus, a dependable student leader, and a soulful performer on the stage. He would consistently win debate and extempore competitions in which participants from across the country would compete, and would also win prizes for directing and acting in meaningful plays.In one of the plays – Jhapurjha, he got the ‘Best Actor Award’ for a performance in which he did not utter a word and moved not a single step!He had been sensing since long that there is something fundamentally amiss in the way most people perceive the world, the way our minds are conditioned to operate, and hence something amiss in the way the relationships between people are, the way the worldly institutions are designed, the way we relate to each other – basically the very way we live.He had started seeing that this faulty perception was at the root of human suffering. He was deeply disturbed by man’s ignorance and cultivated inferiority, the evils of poverty, the evils of consumption, violence towards man, animals, and environment, and exploitation based on narrow ideology and self-interest.His entire being was raring to challenge the all-pervasive suffering, and as a young man, he guessed that the Indian Civil Services or the Management route might be an apt one to take.He gained admission to the Civil Services and the prestigious IIMs in the same year.However, because the service allotted to him based on his rank was not IAS – the service that he had wanted, and because he was already seeing that the government is not the best place where revolutionary changes can be brought, he opted to go to IIM-A.The two years at IIM-A were obviously rich in the academic content he absorbed. But he was not the one who would confine himself to slogging for grades and placements, as is the norm in these coveted institutions.He would regularly spend time in teaching kids at an NGO that operated in a slum close to Gandhi Ashram, and would also teach Mathematics to graduates to earn to spend at the NGO.Besides, his angst at human ignorance expressed itself through theatre. He took up plays like ‘Khamosh, adalat jaari hai’, ‘Rhinoceros’, ‘Pagla Ghoda’, and ‘The night of January 16th’ and directed them, besides acting in them. At one point, he was directing two parallel plays.The plays were performed in the IIM auditorium to packed audiences from across the city, and some from outside the city. In the profit-centered and self-interest driven atmosphere of the campus, he had found himself an outsider. These existentialist and rebellious plays helped him vent out his anguish, and also prepared him for the bigger stage ahead.The next few years were spent in the wilderness. He describes this period as one of particular sorrow, longing, and search. Looking for a piece of sanity in the corporate world, he kept switching jobs and industries.To gain composure, he would take time off and be away from the city and work. It was increasingly becoming clear to him that what he wanted to do, and what was crying out to be expressed through him, could not happen through any traditional route.His reading and resolve intensified, and he designed a leadership course for post-graduates and experienced professionals, based on wisdom and spiritual literature. The course was floated at some reputed institutions, and he would sometimes be teaching students elder than himself in age. The course met with success, and the way started becoming clearer to him.At the age of twenty-eight, he bid goodbye to corporate life and founded own organization for ‘Changing the Heart of India’.The method was to bring a deep transformation in human consciousness. The initial audience chosen was college students who were offered self-development courses. Wisdom from ancient literature was taken to students in form of simplified texts and engaging activities.While the work of his organization was great and received appreciation from all and sundry, there were great challenges as well. The social and academic system had conditioned the students to study to just clear examinations and to have a degree to secure jobs.The self-development education, the education of the Beyond, the life-education that his organization was attempting to bring to the students was so new and so different from everything that they had ever read or experienced that it would often lead to indifference, and sometimes even hostility from the system.Often even the management body of the colleges and the parents of the students would totally fail to grasp the utter importance and immensity of what he was courageously trying to do.However, amidst all these difficulties, he continued to do well.The mission continued to expand and is touching and transforming thousands of students.Around the age of 30, he started speaking in small gatherings for genuine seekers of Truth, known as Clarity Sessions.These were in the form of open discussions, soon it started becoming clear that these sessions were deeply meditative, brought the mind to a strange peace, and had a miraculously curative effect upon the psyche.His voice and videos would be recorded and uploaded on the Internet and soon his talks were transcribed into books.Around the same time, he started organizing Self-awareness camps or Advait Learning Camps. He would take true seekers with him to the Himalayas, in groups of around 30 each, for periods of around a week.These camps turned out to be deeply transformational events and the frequency of the camps increased. Scores of camps have been organized so far providing immense clarity and peace in relatively short spans of time.His unique spiritual literature is at par with the highest words that mankind has ever known!Today, he remains engaged sharing himself in the form of sessions with honest seekers, self-awareness camps, and one-to-one meetings with the many seekers who visit him, from all parts of the world.He attacks the mind so vigorously and simultaneously becalms it with such love and compassion. There is a clarity that radiates from his presence and a soothing effect from his being.His style is forthright, clear, mystical and compassionate. The ego and the falsenesses of the mind do not find a place to hide in front of his innocent and simple questions.He plays with his audiences – taking them to the very depths of meditative silence, laughing, joking, attacking, explaining. On one hand, he appears as somebody very close and approachable, and on the other hand, it is obvious that the words coming through him are from somewhere beyond.That’s him.The young-man who wrote that poem, at a tender age of 15 years, at that age when we are usually fighting with our siblings for some stupid thing at home!If you are not able to identify yet, that’s Acharya Prashant (आचार्य प्रशान्त)I don’t know if that 15 year old was successful in his search or not. (Ref. Hindi Poem)But I certainly found mine!Let his story his reach to many and continue to inspire them, as it did to me.Reference: A Mystic who was once an IIT-IIM alumnus, and a Civil ServantPreviously answered at: Devesh Mittal (देवेश मित्तल)'s answer to What are the most inspiring short stories?P.S.: He is on Quora too: Acharya Prashant (आचार्य प्रशान्त)He has two amazing YouTube Channels:English: Acharya PrashantHindi: आचार्य प्रशान्त - Acharya PrashantDo check them out to know more about him!

What are all the batsuits worn by batman in the comics?

STEALTH SUIT - The suit is equipped to operate along the full electromagnetic spectrum. It senses what's being used to detect it and reacts accordingly. Even superman cannot detect it. This suit is equipped in batmobile and can be use to access quickly to more raw power. The suit also has the ability to fly.BATMAN BEYOND SUIT - This suit prototype it is twenty years ahead of its time. It gives Batman enchanced strength, visual assistance, flight, crazy ass weapons are some of the features of this suit and he also has a flying Batmobile.BATMAN BEYOND REBIRTH BATSUIT - Worn by batman after the DC Rebirth event.JUSTICE LORDS BATMAN BEYOND BATSUIT - Batsuit worn by Batman Beyond of the Justice Lords Universe.BATWING SUIT - It is similar to beyond suite the suite can fly and can go almost invisible and has various other system,currently used by Luke Fox.THRASHER SUIT - It is made up of meta-aramid fibers of batman's own design made to withstand burning heat and freezing cold temperature as cold as arctic winter it has enough oxygen for weeks. It can shoot electrical shocks and fire multiple cryogenic batarangs at once. This armour also has E.M.P. weapon.HELLBAT ARMOUR - Batman conceived and designed this suite for the purpose of going toe to toe with large scale threats in extreme battle scenarios with the help of Superman, Hal, Cyborg, Aquaman, the Flash and Wonder Woman. This suit drains energy from Batman's metabolism so Batman can't use this suit for long duration or he could die. It is also able to withstand punches from Darkseid.MAN-BAT SERUM SUIT - An exoskeleton batman use with Man-Bat serum. It has the ability to go invisible and produce electric shocks.ROBATS (Bat Drones) - Just like Ironman batman too has drones.BATWING ARMOUR - It is made of an unspecified metal capable of withstanding small explosions and crushing blows. It is also bulletproof and shock resistant. The armour's later upgrades grant remote control access and hologram projection.JUSTICE BUSTER - The Justice Buster is an armour created by Batman to fight the Justice League. The suit is designed to defeat each member of the League as quickly as possible with different countermeasures. The suit was designed to fight the strongest beings on Earth. Bruce put more money in this suit than sixty percent of the nations in the world invest in their armies.The exoskeleton consists of armour that is designed to withstand tremendous amounts of damage and can exert large proportions of force which is able to fight against beings of great power as Superman or Wonder Woman. Among his most notable additions are:Bunch of Velos: a relic that was woven by the god Hephaestus not long after creating the lasso of truth. This device has the ability to generate illusions in his opponent and so deceive him in battle.High Speed ​​Servers: these can draw a map of movement faster than any human and react to its target reaction releases a cover frictionless in the right place before the white has a chance to respond.Carbon foam Magnesium is the most absorbent material of the earth and the more the target greater drain moisture from your body move.Nervous Electromagnetic tree: Cyborg designed to neutralize.Neutralizer Citrine: created to counter the power ring of Hal Jordan.Giants Reds: armor knuckles contain microscopic red suns, collected from a dead solar system with the help of Ray Palmer.These emit a powerful red solar radiation that aims to weaken as Superman Kryptonian.Plasma Shields: armour made ​​entirely emits a plasma screen capable of deflecting heat vision of Superman.Thermal lunge: an attachment able to counter attacks at low temperatures such as the freezing breath of Superman."The suit is not only armour but was designed for war, with the most powerful beings on the planet"HAZ-BAT SUIT - It is light weight composite armour capable of withstanding a blast from Superman,also equipped with medical scanning capabilities and enhanced thermal imaging also provide from any harmful gas and virus.THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS SUIT - One of the most influential writers or illustrators to work on Batman, Frank Miller helped recreate Batman and his Batsuits in ways that both payed homage to the ones that came before while also giving us something new. The regular Dark Knight Returns suit is a great adaptation of the classic Batsuit. It has a lot of the same colors and functionality, but with an enlarged Bat-symbol on the chest. This Batsuit harkened back to the classic suit and made readers feel the age of this older, grizzled Batman. It gave us a sense of legacy, while also showing us how much Batman has aged visually. It is same as most of Batman’s standard batsuits.THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS EXOSUIT - This suit was worn by the Batman to Beat Superman In the Iconic Showdown between the two in Frank Miller's 1986 four issue comic book 'The Dark Knight Returns'.BATSUIT (DC One Million) - Though very similar in appearance to the original Bat-suit, the Bat-suit One Million farther surpasses that of the original. It includes camouflage, night vision, fireproof cape, strengthened skeleton, gliding wings, collapsable armor, an internal hard drive with over ten times the capacity of the modern day Bat-Computer (which it was capable of wirelessly connecting with and imparting storage capacity to), electrical absorption and holographic capabilities.THE INSIDER SUIT - Built with a different appearance than the traditional Batsuit, the Insider uniform enables the wearer to mimic a selection of super-abilities through the use of high-powered technology, although the suit's power is limited; requiring a recharge-time after the usage of each ability. While agile enough for gymnastic manoeuvres, the suit has enough armour to protect the wearer from sword strikes or even take a missile blast. The suit can recharge its power supply by either plugging into an external power source or by absorbing energy that is being directed upon it. The suit also enables a direct link to a JLA teleporter, enabling the wearer to hack into the Justice League's teleportation system and teleport anywhere on the planet, although this, too, uses power.Spectral Mode: Designed for ideal night operation through night vision lenses and light and sound dampening technology.Speed Force Mode: Inspired by the Flash, the suit gives the wearer limited access to the Speed Force, accelerating their movements beyond human speed.Heat Vision Mode: Inspired by the Kryptonian ability, the suit expels a concentrated beam of heat from the eye lenses, although a larger blast can be expelled through the helmet's central "eye" also.Will Power Mode: Inspired by the Green Lantern rings, the suit possesses a finger-mounted energy weapon that mimics an Oan power ring's ability to fire a concentrated blast of energy at an opponent.Camouflage Mode: Inspired by the Martian Manhunter, the suit enables the wearer to turn invisible for a set period of time.Veritas Mode: Inspired by Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth, the suit possesses a filament cord that is lined with tactile sensors enabling it to act as a polygraph machine to discern if the individual trapped within it is telling the truth. Like Wonder Girl's lasso, the wearer can also send an electric shock down the cord to shock the entrapped individual.Flight Mode: A standard ability amongst meta-class superheroes, the suit possesses the power of flight through the manipulation of gravity and magnetic forces.Teleportation:3-meter radius and carrying other individuals away.THE POWER RING SUITS - Within the Batman comic itself, there are no instances in which he actually has prolonged exposure to Power Rings, but there have been a few times in Elseworld stories where he does in fact possess various rings. Batman has worn a Black Ring, White Ring, Green Ring, and a Yellow Ring on various occasions. While none of these last for very long, each suit changes his existing Batsuit in very unique ways.THE BATMAN INCORPORATED SUIT - Batman Incorporated brought back the now classic yellow Bat-symbol on Batman’s chest, and in this version it even glowed in the dark. You can see that the suit is held together much more like a collection of pieces rather than one seamless suit, which showcases the practicality of this suit in action. There are visible seams that show where the suit was sewn the suit together.BILL FINGER’S FIRST ISSUE BATSUIT - Bill Finger, one of the creators of Batman (or “The Bat-Man”), gave him the dark and brooding appearance we know and love. The Bill Finger costume may not be quite as refined as some of the Batsuits that followed, but it’s pretty amazing as a basis for what would come. Many people credit Bob Kane with the creation of this suit, but it was actually Bill Finger, his (initially uncredited) partner, that came up with the classic black, blue, and grey color scheme, paired with the yellow utility-belt. Unlike other suits, Bill Finger’s Batsuit has longer bat ears on the cowl, along with a unique cape, which has a vertical orientation that made it look much more like actual bat wings. Along with these attributes, Finger’s Batsuit also had notable accessories like the spiked pieces on Batman’s gloves (called “scallops”). Furthermore, Bill Finger gave Batman gloves rather than the armored gauntlets that would later be introduced.BATMAN: NOËL SUIT - The suit is notable for the huge bat-symbol that is connected to the cape and cowl. The suit itself is a bit more armored than other versions and the cowl is also unique. Instead of a more standard mask, this one is contoured to Batman’s face. The cowl was concave on the side of Batman’s head and even had eyebrow markings. Unlike the 1960s Batman, these eyebrows aren’t drawn on, but are wrinkles in the cloth that make Batman look even more intimidating. Lee Bermejo’s style, when it comes to Batman, is much sharper than other renditions. His edges and points are much more defined, unlike other suits where the cape seems to fade into the night. While the suit looks sharp, it doesn’t look so far-fetched that it becomes distracting. In fact, it has an opposite effect and makes Batman look much more realistic than others.BATMAN HUSH SUIT - Jim Lee’s version of the Batsuit in the comic Batman: Hush is the one that people often associate with the character. Using the same iconic color scheme as previous versions (minus the yellow Bat-symbol), Jim Lee gives the Batsuit the classic black bat-symbol, yellow utility-belt, and black cowl with a blue hue. Lee masterfully drew each individual aspect of the suit, making it look sharp and dangerous. His version of the Batsuit made the character look intimidating, but also acrobatic enough to swing through the air with a grappling hook. Without a doubt, this Batsuit is one of the best costumes in all of comics.THE LEATHERWING SUIT - This suit is from an Elseworlds story that puts the recognizable Batman cast of characters into a pirate setting. Several things are changed in addition to giving the costume a classic pirate look. Leatherwing (Batman) is a ship Captain pillaging for King James, but keeping a cut for his crew. A character named Robin Redblade stows away on Leatherwing’s ship, The Flying Fox, and alerts Leatherwing about talks of mutiny that he overhears. He is then made buccaneer, regardless of stowing away, and stands beside Leatherwing with Alfredo. Their pirate adversary? The Laughing Man. Take a wild guess which Batman character inspired this rival Captain.THE BATMAN 41 SUIT - Following last month's "Batman" #40, Bruce Wayne appears to have perished along with the Joker, leaving Gotham without a Batman. But there must always be a Batman, and the person who replaces Wayne is probably the last person anyone would expect: Commissioner Jim Gordon.THE 1970s BATSUIT - Praised as one half of the duo that revitalized Batman’s dark roots in the early ’70s, Neal Adams created a Batsuit worthy of the Dark Knight. Drawing Batman after the campy 1960s vibe that had dominated on both television and in the comics, Neal Adams had to adapt the character with a more mature look that wouldn’t turn readers off of the character. This is why he kept some of the obvious pieces of the 1960s Batsuit intact while making changes that gave the character a darker, more brooding feel. Adams changed the suit by extending the height of the cowl’s ears and giving the cape a shoulder-mounted position. Along with these minor changes, he bulked up Batman, which made him a more intimidating presence. While this suit is still simple, compared to what would follow, Neal Adam’s contributions to the character and his costume influenced every version that followed.THE FLASHPOINT SUIT (THOMAS WAYNE) - Here is yet another alternate take on the traditional character. This Batman is definitely not Bruce Wayne. On that day in the alley, Bruce Wayne walks with his parents when he and his family are robbed at gunpoint. In this timeline it is not Thomas and Martha that are killed, but Bruce instead. Martha totally loses it and Thomas takes up the mantle of Batman. He is much more violent and imposing than his son in another timeline, and Thomas Wayne was even willing to kill a criminal if he had to. This alternate timeline was created when The Flash made an attempt to save his mother’s life in the past and unknowingly changes the future.NEW 52 SUIT - The explanation is in the image itself.BATMAN REBIRTH BATSUIT - The standard batsuit worn by batman on prime earth after DC Rebirth.BATMAN RED SON SUIT - This Russian version of the Caped Crusader was part of a mini-series in which the rocket ship carrying an infant Superman landed in a collective farm in Stalin’s Soviet Union instead of the Smallville farm of Jonathan and Martha Kent. To fill this alternate reality with other recognizable DC comics characters, many others had their own alternate takes. The Batman of this world is an anti-Stalinist who’s parents were gunned down by Stalin’s police force instead of American street criminals.BATMAN 41 ARMOUR - In DC's Batman #41 Capullo has created a modern medieval take on Batman's iconic black costume, with hints of the haunted Az-Bat and Japanese anime's Appleseed blended into the design.BRUCE WAYNE (Earth 2) BATSUIT - As with the Earth we are used to, Bruce Wayne witnessed the murder of his parents (or at least thought he did) and was traumatised to the point so as to become Batman. This Batman actually married Catwoman and became the father of Helena Wayne AKA The Huntress. Batman died saving the Earth from Darkseid's invasion.THOMAS WAYNE (Earth 2) BATSUIT - Just as Dick would later succeed him, Thomas succeeded Bruce Wayne as Batman after his death. As it turned out Thomas wasn't killed in Crime Alley and instead had faked his death. Thomas relied on the one-hour strength-enhancing drug, Miraclo in order to fight crime. His costume was heavily influenced on the outfit worn by Thomas Wayne's Batman during the event that birthed the New 52, Flashpoint.BATMAN: ZERO YEAR BATSUIT - For his third big story arc on the New 52 Batman title, Scott Snyder decided to write a modern retelling of Batman's origin which also harkened back to some old and famous moments of the character's history. That's exactly what this suit represents, new but classic, right down to the purple gloves.Damian Wayne BATSUIT - Continuing the glimpses of a desolate future that began in the pre-52, Damian Wayne has taken up the mantle of Batman to protect Gotham from insurmountable odds.SPEEDING BULLETS BATSUIT - Batsuit worn by superman when his spaceship crash lands in Gotham, adopted by Waynes and named Bruce. Little Bruce after seeing his parents murdered in a dark alley at night decides to fight crime and become Batman.WRATH SUIT - In order to battle with Wrath's heavily armoured and powerful suit Bruce used one for himself in the pages of Detective Comics.FUTURE’S END SUIT - A grizzled Batman who's fought Brother Eye for decades, this suit not only allows Bruce to fight but it essentially holds him together.TRINITY SUIT - Deployable electrically charged steel-mesh netting, mounted solar lasers, jetpack propulsion, spiked boot-heels, knuckle dusters on gauntlets. This suit allows a Year One era Matt Wagner Batman to temporarily go toe-to-toe with Bizarro. Batman shocks and blinds Bizarro, using tactics to keep him at bay, hitting him in the eyes repeatedly with solar lasers, then Superman slices off Bizarro’s hand with his heat vision just before Bizarro was about to punch Batman full force in the face, which would have more than likely killed Batman despite the armor. Ultimately it is another cool looking “distraction suit” when dealing with Super-powered beings, but it is more than a match for any normal human being in combat.UNNAMED SUIT - This is one of several armor suit variant from Batman’s post-52 era. Bullet-proof, can punch a hole in a car. Can break / punch a hole in solid objects made of metal, concrete, wood etc in a single punch. This suit bears an odd looking Bat-emblem that glows a phosphorescent red, as do the suits eye hole overlays. Looking something like a mix of Iron Man and a G1 Constructicon from the Transformers the suit provides protection from bullets, knives etc and is more mobile/athletic than some heavy armor variants.PREDATOR SUIT - Customised armor with kevlar reinforcement to prevent the Predator from slicing Batman to ribbons (again). Shields vital organs and joints, like a classical suit of knight armor, but with more dynamic mobility like the minimalist Samurai armor. When the Predator comes to town and slices up Batman pretty bad, he nearly dies from massive wounds and profuse bleeding. Then Bruce he goes away to plan and strategise. He comes back with a kick-ass suit of armor to stand up to the Predator’s physical superiority, allowing him to trade blows with the creature. He still basically loses. Then he gets really pissed off, takes off his helmet and in desperation grabs a baseball bat and smashes the Predator’s face and skull into fresh sushi. It takes four books to get to it, and a bunch of other stuff happens, but that is my favourite part by far. The Predator gives up after a gruelling battle and commits ritual suicide (by sword, and not mini-nuke this time). Another Predator ship turns up, Batman thinks he is truly screwed, but it turns out the Predator was a young gun, over-zealous to go on the hunt. The other Predators take his body and bugger off to wherever they came from until Super Sales Team-Force needed a sequel, well two more sequels, neither particularly good.BATMAN AZRAEL KNIGHTFALL SUIT - Worn by Azrael in knightfall after he assumed the role of Batman in his absence.BATMAN LONG HALLOWEEN SUIT - Taking place during Batman's early days of crime fighting, this collection tells the story of a mysterious killer who murders his prey only on holidays. Working with District Attorney Harvey Dent and Lieutenant James Gordon, Batman races against the calendar as he tries to discover who Holiday is before he claims his next victim each month. A mystery that has the reader continually guessing the identity of the killer, this story also ties into the events that transform Harvey Dent into Batman's deadly enemy, Two-Face.THRILLKILLER BATSUIT - Earth-37 is one of fifty-one divergent realities that branched from the core New Earth reality during the recreation of theMultiverse shortly following the events of Infinite Crisis.Batgirl and Robin fight a female Joker in the 1960's, while detective Bruce Wayne becomes the Batman after Robin's death.DARK KNIGHT OF THE ROUND TABLE ARMOUR - Taking place on Earth-395 when the House of Waynesmoor is exiled by King Arthur himself out for fear for the prophesies of Morgana LeFay, Morgana herself sees her own destruction in young Bruce Waynesmoor. In a 2-part Elseworlds Prestige miniseries, the survival of Camelot depends on its darkest knight: Batman. Orphaned by the policies of King Arthur, trained by the sorceries of Merlin, Bruce Wayne has grown to adulthood loving England as fiercely as he hates its monarch.GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT BATSUIT - It takes place on Earth-19 and features Batman in 1889, fighting Jack the Ripper when the serial killer comes to Gotham City. Unfortunately one of the main suspects is Bruce Wayne himself.INJUSTICE BATSUIT - A well armoured tactical suit for better protection against knives and gunshots and freefalls.INJUSTICE 2 ARMOUR - A special mech suit worn by Batman while fighting Zod in Injustice 2 comicDIGITAL BATSUIT - Batsuit worn by Batman in Batman Digital Justice comic.KINGDOM COME SUIT - Special batsuit enchancing batman’s abilities and granting him superrior strength, flight and lasersJUSTICE ARMOUR - Worn by Batman during the Justice miniseries in which Batman wore an unidentified suit of armor (inspired by the iconic red-and-black Batmobile from the 1966 Batman TV series) to protect himself from Brainiac's mind control. However, preventing telepathic invasion wasn't the only thing the Justice armor is capable of. While the armor is able to resist punches from Superman, it's designed for combat against the world's toughest supervillains, the Justice armor is equipped with wings and a propulsion system which allows Batman to fly.BATMAN SORCERER KINGS SUIT - Worn by Batman to fight a horde of Solomon Grundy and other magical creatures and save the world from impending doom. This is another story about time-travel and weird monsters.BATMAN YEAR ONE SUIT - Batsuit worn by Bruce during his first year as Batman.BATMAN EARTH ONE BATSUIT - This suit is worn by bruce Wayne of Earth One.beginninglaterBATMAN ZUR EN ARRH SUIT - Having observed Batman's every action on Earth through a powerful telescope, a benevolent scientist named Tlano was inspired to play the same role on his home planet of Zur-En-Arrh.JASON TODD BATSUIT - Batsuit worn by Jason Todd during battle for the cowl.JUSTICE LEAGUE 3000 SUIT - In the 31st Century, Ariel Masters and the Wonder Twins (Teri and Terry) cloned the original Justice League members.JUSTICE LORDS SUITS - Worn by Batman of alternate reality belonging to Earth 50.armour 1 for fighting Supesarmour 2 kryptonite laced suitBATMAN SPACE SUIT - Worn by Batman in Batman/Superman series when travelling to moon to investigate a murder.BATMAN EARTH-17 ARMOUR: Worn by Batman of Earth 17LITTLE BATSUIT - Worn by little Batman of Earth 42BANE BATSUIT - Worn By Bane in the Forever Evil: Arkham Wars seriesDEATHSTROKE BATSUIT- Batsuit worn by Deathstroke when he takes over the mantle of Batman in outsiders vol 3 #22BRAVE AND THE BOLD SUIT - Basuit worn by Batman in Brave and the Bold comic series.JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED SUIT - Batsuit worn by Batman in the Justice League Unlimited comic based on Bruce Timm universe belonging to Earth 12.BATZARRO SUIT - Batsuit worn by Bizarro Batman of the Bizarro world.VAMPIRE BATMAN SUIT - Batsuit worn by Vampire BatmanEARTH 51 SUIT - Batsuit worn by Batman of Earth 51.EARTH 9 BATSUIT - Sir William was one of the original Knight of the round table. However, he was seduced by Morgan La Fey and convinced to fight King Arthur with her magic. Although he was unsuccessful and Morgan La Fey was stopped, Sir William was still held accountable. Trapped in his Castle (the Castle Bat), he was enchanted by the wizard Merlin that he could never leave the castle until he had atoned for his misdeeds. And so he remained alone for centuries. Soon after the death of the second Atom, Sir William discovered that he could project his spirit into his armor and have it walk free, performing good deeds. His armor protected London as Batman, the Dark Knight.GENERATION LOST SUIT - Batsuit worn by Damian Wayne during Justice League: Generation Lost storyline.AGE OF WONDER SUIT - Batsuit worn by Batman during JLA: Age of Wonder storyline.DOOM LINK SUIT - Batsuit worn by batman during Doom Link storyline.EARTH 38 BATSUIT - Worn by Batmen of Earth 38Batsuit 1 worn by Bruce WayneBatsuit 2 worn by Dick GraysonBatsuit 3 worn by Bruce Wayne Jr., son of Bruce WayneYEAR 100 SUIT - Batsuit worn by Batman in the graphic novel Batman Year 100.EARTH 11 BATSUIT - Worn by Batwoman of Earth 11LEATHERWING BATSUIT - Batsuit worn by Batman of Earth-10 who is a Nazi.Old suitNew suitGODS AND MONSTERS SUIT - Batsuit worn by Batman of Gods and Monsters universe.EARTH 15 SUIT - Worn by Jason Todd (Batman) of Earth 15.EARTH 16 BATSUIT - Worn by Damien Wayne of Earth 16LEATHERWING BATSUIT - Batsuit worn by Batman of Earth-31 a.k.a Captain Leatherwing living in a post-apocalyptic drowned world.BROTHERHOOD OF THE BAT BATSUITS- Worn by Ras Al Ghul’s men posing as the new Batmen after the original Batman’s death. The designs are based on the rejected Batsuit designs of Bruce Wayne of Earth-85.Worn by the original Earth-85 Batman (Bruce Wayne)Later worn by his son and the new Batman Tallant WayneBatsuit worn by Ras Al Ghul of Earth-85 to fight Batman (Tallant Wayne)Superman/Batman 59 BATSUIT - Worn by Batman to stop an exponentially powerful superman.Superman/Batman 64 BATSUIT - Worn by Batman while fighting in spaceSUPERMAN SUIT - Worn by Batman in Superman/Batman Annual 2TERRA OCCULTA BATSUITBatman the doom that came to Gotham BATSUIT- Worn by Batman in an elseworlds storylineSUIT OF SORROWS BATSUIT - Presented to Batman as a gift from Talia al Ghul in Detective Comics #838, the Suit of Sorrows was first forged in 1190 during the Crusades. The Suit drove the knight who first wore it insane, leading him to slaughter hundreds of people, but that didn't deter the Bat. The Suit of Sorrows was forged from the blades and breastplates of fallen soldiers from the Order of Purity, a splinter sect of the Order of St. Dumas. Batman found the Suit made him stronger and faster, but also made him more violent. Batman decided to stop using the armor, but couldn't bring himself to destroy it, leaving it in the Batcave. The Suit ended up being stolen and used by the Order of Purity's new Azrael.DARK NIGHTS METAL BATSUIT - Armour worn by Batman during the battle at Warworld10th METAL BATSUIT - Armour worn by Batman at the end of Dark Nights Metal made of 10th metal; the most powerful metal in the DC multiverse.DARK DAYS: THE ROAD TO METAL BATSUIT - Worn by Batman in the dark days: road to metal storyline while in Greece alongside Wonder Woman. It is an armour worn on top of the standard Batsuit and comes with a shield and spear.THE DROWNED BATSUIT - Worn by Batwoman (Bryce Wayne) of Earth -11 of the Dark Multiverse. Bryce performed surgical and genetic procedures on herself, imbuing her human form with vast biochemical augmentations, such as the ability to breathe underwater, heal faster, and bolster muscular, skeletal and bodily tissue density, along with the capability to perform a type of dark hydrokinesis which could corrupt and convert those fighting against her into ravenous sea beasts under her command.THE BATMAN WHO LAUGHS BATSUIT - This is the standard Batsuit worn by Batman of Eath -22 before he goes insane with the joker toxin and murders everyone.After which he uses this suitTHE GRIM KNIGHT BATSUIT - This alternate version of Batman wears a standard Batsuit and wields guns, knives and grenades in order to kill the corrupt and criminals. He works alongside the Batman who laughs.THE DAWNBREAKER BATSUIT - A Batsuit worn by the Bruce of Earth -11 who is chosen by the lantern ring after his parents’ murder and after being the green lantern of Earth for a while overpowers the ring with his dark willpower to become the Dawnbreaker.THE DEVASTATOR BATSUIT - Batsuit worn by Bruce Wayne of Earth -1 of the dark multiverse. Before he turns into the devastator (through Doomsday virus) and kills rogue superman of that Earth.THE MERCILESS BATSUIT - The Batman of Earth -12 wears a standard Batsuitbefore turning into the Merciless after which he wears an armourFun Fact:The Bruce and Diana of Earth -12 of the dark multiverse were in love (before he killed her) just like the Bruce and Diana of Earth 12 of the positive multiverse. The Earth 12 is none other than the DC Animated Universe (DCAU) also called Bruce Timm’s Universe (Timmverse)THE MURDER MACHINE BATSUIT - Batman dons a standard Batsuit on Earth -44.But After the brutal murder of Alfred by batman’s enemies, Bruce asks for the help of Cyborg to bring online an A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) of Alfred he had created years ago called the ‘Alfred Protocol’. This AI took away Bruce's ability to feel fear and sadness and then replaced Bruce's frail biological body with a mechanical one that would never fail him. With the addition of his faithful butler in his head and his mechanical upgrades Bruce began a campaign of mass murder, as the Protocol deemed everyone a threat to Bruce with no remorse turning into the Murder Machine.THE RED DEATH BATSUIT - The Batman of Earth -52 dons a standard Batsuitbefore stealing Flash’s powers and merging with him to become the Red DeathSTARMAN BATSUIT - Criminal scientist Professor Milo succeeds in giving Batman a bat phobia, forcing him to adopt the costume and identity of Starman till he is healed.RAINBOW BATSUIT - Batman wears a rainbow coloured batsuit in detective comics #241and again Trinity#1 Rebirth (flashback)ZEBRA BATSUIT- Batman and Robin encounter a magnetically-powered villain, the Zebra Man, but a charge from the machine which gave Zebra-Man his powers turns Batman into a “Zebra-Batman” who repels all solid matter and turning his Batsuit into a zebra styled costume.BATCAVATRON SUIT - Worn by Batman in Old Lady Harley #5, Bruce weaponized the entire cave under Wayne Manor, covering it into a giant super suit equipped with lasers, rockets and all other weapons.ANTI-FREEZE BATSUIT - Batsuit worn by Batman in Detective comics #1015/16 to stop Mrs. Freeze (Nora Fries)JUSTICE LEAGUE BATSUIT - An armour worn by Batman in the current Justice League seriesTHE FINAL BATSUIT - Worn by Batman in the current Justice League storyline and the most powerful Batsuit to dateDARKFATHER BATSUIT - Batsuit worn by Darkseid BatmanBATMAZO BATSUIT - Worn by Amazo BatmanMINDHUNTER BATSUIT - Batsuit worn by Martian Manhunter BatmanCan’t seem to remember which storylines these ones belonged toThese are the suits Batman donned over the years. I may have missed a few but I tried to cover as many as I could.

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