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Is it an established fact that Nazis killed 6 million Jews?
No, it is not an “established fact”, per se, but the result of a consensus born of an incredible amount of research. Since I have also answered a very similar question elsewhere on Quora, I am going to copy-and-paste that answer of mine here too. After all, people often toss around the number 6 million and we presume that this number comes from historical sources. The truth is, those sources are so complicated (and, by definition, so inaccessible) that few people know how the figure is even derived.Essentially, there are two different techniques, both of which are employed by historians, and each of which yields a different total.AddingThe first technique is that of adding. The Nazis kept meticulous records, held by various central agencies, like the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA). If we add all of those figures together, we reach a total number of victims - at least in theory. There are, however, lots of problems with this method.For a start, the statistics reflect three main causes of death, and the procedures for acquiring those numbers differ from one another. The first main cause of death is privation (mostly, but not exclusively, starvation and disease within ghettos). These records are accumulated by the heads of the Jewish Councils, who then have to report them to their Nazi supervisors. This means that records for this cause of death are very detailed in large ghettos like Warsaw and Lodz, but very sparse in smaller ghettos like Buczacz or Berehove.The total figure for deaths by privation is probably in excess of 800,000.The second main cause of death is that of shooting (what Patrick Desbois referred to as “Holocaust by bullets”). These statistics are acquired by SS and police units (particularly Einsatzgruppen) and are reported directly to the RSHA. They show a great attention to detail, but that attention is not consistent. They are extraordinarily detailed for the shootings in 1941, at the start of Operation Barbarossa, but considerably less detailed in the shootings of 1942 and 1943. Not only that, but shootings of Jews by army units and by SS units in the rear are somewhat under-reported, and we have very little statistical information that concerns the number of people murdered on death marches at the end of the war.The total figure for deaths by shooting is probably about 1.5 million. This does not include the number of people murdered on death marches, which we now estimate to be about 250,000.The third main cause of death involves deportation to death camps. Numerically, this is the largest category, and again: numbers are very detailed. Note, however, that this detail pertains to the number of people being shipped off, but not to the number of people arriving at the camp. The only instances in which arrivals were documented was where they were selected to work (Auschwitz or Majdanek), or where they might be given a temporary reprieve from murder (Belzec, Treblinka, etc).The total figure for deaths by industrial murder is probably about 3 million.Based on the above, Adolf Eichman boasted to Wilhelm Hoettl in Budapest, 1944, that 6 million Jews had been murdered. Hoettl signed an affidavit to that effect in 1945, and it was on the strength of that affidavit that the 6 million figure was used at Nuremberg. Eichman later quoted a lower figure of 5 million, which he maintained at his trial in 1961.SubtractingThe second technique is that of subtraction. Put bluntly, this involves taking census data pertaining to Jews at the end of the war and subtracting that figure from the census data that pertained to Jews before the war. Note that this technique also involves significant addition, since the pre- and post-war census data still need to be compiled.Some of the complications involved in this technique relate to shifting borders. How does one tally the number of Jews in Poland before the war and after the war, when towns that once belonged to one country now belong to another? Some towns are notoriously difficult to assess, given the frequency with which they changed hands even before the war began. Obviously, one needs to be careful not to count the same people twice.Another complication relates to assessing the nature of one’s death. Obviously, somebody who died because they had been ghettoised is a victim of the Holocaust, but can we be certain that a Jew who had lived in Warsaw before the war died in the Warsaw ghetto? To choose Poland as an example, census data tells us that there were slightly more than 3 million Jews living in pre-war Poland, making up approximately 30% of Warsaw itself. That’s a large enough community that we have to assume a certain number of deaths by natural causes even before the war begins (or, to be fair, after the war has started, but entirely unrelated to the Nazis).Furthermore, but from the opposite perspective, we have no way of assessing the number of children born during the war and murdered during the Holocaust. From a wide range of testimony (including that of perpetrators), we know of the murder of babies. A significant proportion of those children were too young to have been born before the war started, but are not accounted for in this technique of computation.Controversially, neither technique of computation allows for the number of late term pregnancies that were forcibly aborted, nor the number of newborn babies who were killed. We consider such people to have been victims of the Holocaust, but they are not accounted for by anybody’s tabulation. We also have a lot of difficulty assessing the precise number of people who are murdered by civilians either to settle a personal grudge or for pecuniary motives (a number that we have reason to believe was in the hundreds of thousands), and we don’t count people who were murdered after the war ended, or who perished from disease and malnutrition in Displaced Persons camps.There are lots of question marks hanging over all of these calculations. Any technique for accumulating data that pertain to so large a number of people is always going to be fraught with complications, and it is not surprising that we should encounter such wide discrepancies. The late Raul Hilberg gives a very comprehensive description of tabulation (The Destruction of the European Jews, Volume III, pp1201ff), but arrives at a number far lower than what most historians today would estimate.Hilberg’s total, arrived at in the 1950s, is between 5.1 and 5.3 million. To the best of my understanding, he maintained that approximation until his death in 2007.Today, most scholars estimate a total between 5.7 and 5.9 million. We continue to use the number 6 million as shorthand, even though it is inexact.What is important to understand is that while there is discrepancy, it is not resultant of exaggeration. Exaggeration implies an agenda. Most scholars of the Holocaust are not Jewish, their pursuit is apolitical, and their motivation is historiographical. If you limit yourself to English language recapitulations of historical scholarship (survey histories by people like Laurence Rees or Martin Gilbert, etc), then by definition you will encounter less information on the subject than you would if you actually delved into it in more detail.Should you choose to truly delve, you will discover that there are hundreds of new articles published every year, dozens of monographs, and scores of new ideas. There is a tremendous amount of discussion and debate, and if consensus has developed it is because of the sheer number of people who are researching this subject meticulously, and the fact that there is now so very little that we don’t understand.
What is the significance of the Qu’ran for the follower of Islam?
The Quran is the last holy book that Allah sent down to people. The Quran was sent down to the Prophet Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) through Gabriel (Jibril) and then it reached today through being written down and reported.The Quran is a material and spiritual guide for individuals and the community, all classes of people living in any place or time and for the whole life of man. Everybody, from the president to the man in the street, finds the things that are about them in the Quran. They take the knowledge and lessons that are necessary for peace and tranquility both in the world and the hereafter.The virtues and characteristics of the Quran are stated as follows in verses and hadiths:* "And this is a Book which We have revealed as a blessing: so follow it and be righteous, that ye may receive mercy."(al-Anam, 6/155).* "And this is a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings and confirming (the revelations) which came before it: that thou mayest warn the Mother of Cities and all around her. Those who believe in the Hereafter believe in this (Book), and they are constant in guarding their prayers."(al-Anam, 6/92).* "Do they not ponder on the Qur'an (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy." (an-Nisa, 4/82).* "The Qur'an as a guide to mankind also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong)..."(al-Baqara, 2/185).* "The Quran is guidance and glad tidings for those who believe."(al-Baqara, 2/97).* "This Quran is a guidance and glad tidings for those who believe."(Sad, 38/29).* The following is reported from Harith bin Awar: Once, Hz. Ali said:"I heard the Messenger of Allah say:'Behold! A dissension will come.' Thereupon, I asked,'O Messenger of Allah! What is the way out of it?' He said,'It is to obey the Book of Allah.'(Then Hz. Prophet explained the characteristics of the Quran as follows:'It contains all information about what has happened to those communities before you, news of dissensions and tumults that will happen after you and signs of Doomsday. It is the distinguisher between the truth and the falsehood. If anyone seeks guidance elsewhere Allah will lead him astray. It is the strong rope of Allah. It is the reminder with wisdom, and it is the straightest path. It protects souls who obey it from being ruined and misguidance and tongues that recite it from ambiguity.Scholars of the Qur’an always crave more from it. Reading it again and again never bores its reader; neither does the reader lose any taste by reading it over and over again. Its magnificent wonders that astonish the mankind never end, "They said `We have really heard a wonderful Recital." (al-Jinn 1). He who utters it, speaks the truth. He who acts according to it, will be rewarded. He who pronounces judgment according to it, will be just. He who invites people to it, will guide them to a straight path.'" (Tirmidhi, Thawabu"l-Qur'an 14, 2908)Some of the definitions and description of the Quran are as follows:Its a Miracle"Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinn were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support...."(al-Isra, 17/88).- The All-Wise Qur'an, which makes known to us our Sustainer, is the pre-eternal translator of the great Book of the Universe...- the discloser of the treasures of the Divine Names concealed in the pages of the earth and the heavens...- the key to the truths hidden beneath these lines of events...- the treasury of the favors of the Most Merciful and pre-eternal addresses, which come forth from the World of the Unseen beyond the veil of this Manifest World...- the sun, foundation, and plan of the spiritual world of Islam...- and the map of the worlds of the hereafter...- the distinct expounder, lucid exposition, articulate proof, and clear translator of the Divine Essence, attributes, and deeds...
Did six million people really die in the Holocaust? Were six million bodies really found?
This is a great question. How many Jews did die during the Holocaust?People often toss around the number 6 million, and we presume that this number comes from historical sources. The truth is, those sources are so complicated (and, by definition, so inaccessible) that few people know how the figure is even derived.Essentially, there are two different techniques, both of which are employed by historians, and each of which yields a different total.AddingThe first technique is that of adding. The Nazis kept meticulous records, held by various central agencies, like the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA). If we add all of those figures together, we reach a total number of victims - at least in theory. There are, however, lots of problems with this method.For a start, the statistics reflect three main causes of death, and the procedures for acquiring those numbers differ from one another. The first main cause of death is privation (mostly, but not exclusively, starvation and disease within ghettos). These records are accumulated by the heads of the Jewish Councils, who then have to report them to their Nazi supervisors. This means that records for this cause of death are very detailed in large ghettos like Warsaw and Lodz, but very sparse in smaller ghettos like Buczacz or Berehove.The total figure for deaths by privation is probably in excess of 800,000.The second main cause of death is that of shooting (what Patrick Desbois referred to as “Holocaust by bullets”). These statistics are acquired by SS and police units (particularly Einsatzgruppen) and are reported directly to the RSHA. They show a great attention to detail, but that attention is not consistent. They are extraordinarily detailed for the shootings in 1941, at the start of Operation Barbarossa, but considerably less detailed in the shootings of 1942 and 1943. Not only that, but shootings of Jews by army units and by SS units in the rear are somewhat under-reported, and we have very little statistical information that concerns the number of people murdered on death marches at the end of the war.The total figure for deaths by shooting is probably about 1.5 million. This does not include the number of people murdered on death marches, which we now estimate to be about 250,000.The third main cause of death involves deportation to death camps. Numerically, this is the largest category, and again: numbers are very detailed. Note, however, that this detail pertains to the number of people being shipped off, but not to the number of people arriving at the camp. The only instances in which arrivals were documented was where they were selected to work (Auschwitz or Majdanek), or where they might be given a temporary reprieve from murder (Belzec, Treblinka, etc).The total figure for deaths by industrial murder is probably about 3 million.Based on the above, Adolf Eichman boasted to Wilhelm Hoettl in Budapest, 1944, that 6 million Jews had been murdered. Hoettl signed an affidavit to that effect in 1945, and it was on the strength of that affidavit that the 6 million figure was used at Nuremberg. Eichman later quoted a lower figure of 5 million, which he maintained at his trial in 1961.SubtractingThe second technique is that of subtraction. Put bluntly, this involves taking census data pertaining to Jews at the end of the war and subtracting that figure from the census data that pertained to Jews before the war. Note that this technique also involves significant addition, since the pre- and post-war census data still need to be compiled.Some of the complications involved in this technique relate to shifting borders. How does one tally the number of Jews in Poland before the war and after the war, when towns that once belonged to one country now belong to another? Some towns are notoriously difficult to assess, given the frequency with which they changed hands even before the war began. Obviously, one needs to be careful not to count the same people twice.Another complication relates to assessing the nature of one’s death. Obviously, somebody who died because they had been ghettoised is a victim of the Holocaust, but can we be certain that a Jew who had lived in Warsaw before the war died in the Warsaw ghetto? To choose Poland as an example, census data tells us that there were slightly more than 3 million Jews living in pre-war Poland, making up approximately 30% of Warsaw itself. That’s a large enough community that we have to assume a certain number of deaths by natural causes even before the war begins (or, to be fair, after the war has started, but entirely unrelated to the Nazis).Furthermore, but from the opposite perspective, we have no way of assessing the number of children born during the war and murdered during the Holocaust. From a wide range of testimony (including that of perpetrators), we know of the murder of babies. A significant proportion of those children were too young to have been born before the war started, but are not accounted for in this technique of computation.Controversially, neither technique of computation allows for the number of late term pregnancies that were forcibly aborted, nor the number of newborn babies who were killed. We consider such people to have been victims of the Holocaust, but they are not accounted for by anybody’s tabulation. We also have a lot of difficulty assessing the precise number of people who are murdered by civilians either to settle a personal grudge or for pecuniary motives (a number that we have reason to believe was in the hundreds of thousands), and we don’t count people who were murdered after the war ended, or who perished from disease and malnutrition in Displaced Persons camps.There are lots of question marks hanging over all of these calculations. Any technique for accumulating data that pertain to so large a number of people is always going to be fraught with complications, and it is not surprising that we should encounter such wide discrepancies. The late Raul Hilberg gives a very comprehensive description of tabulation (The Destruction of the European Jews, Volume III, pp1201ff), but arrives at a number far lower than what most historians today would estimate.Hilberg’s total, arrived at in the 1950s, is between 5.1 and 5.3 million. To the best of my understanding, he maintained that approximation until his death in 2007.Today, most scholars estimate a total between 5.7 and 5.9 million. We continue to use the number 6 million as shorthand, even though it is inexact.What is important to understand is that while there is discrepancy, it is not resultant of exaggeration. Exaggeration implies an agenda. Most scholars of the Holocaust are not Jewish, their pursuit is apolitical, and their motivation is historiographical. If you limit yourself to English language recapitulations of historical scholarship (survey histories by people like Laurence Rees or Martin Gilbert, etc), then by definition you will encounter less information on the subject than you would if you actually delved into it in more detail.Should you choose to truly delve, you will discover that there are hundreds of new articles published every year, dozens of monographs, and scores of new ideas. There is a tremendous amount of discussion and debate, and if consensus has developed it is because of the sheer number of people who are researching this subject meticulously, and the fact that there is now so very little that we don’t understand.
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