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How was life in 1993 compared to today?

Courtney and Michele and Brian covered most of it, and most of the difference between today and then was, of course, due to technology.We had to use our brains in different ways. Just as human brains are believed to have changed when writing, and then printing became wide-spread, and we no longer had to remember every fact known to humanity as oral history, and instead could store it in books. So 1993 we didn't have much in the way of online databases. There was no Medscape. There was no Google, nor any other search engine of note, because there wasn't really enough stuff online to need something as strange as a search engine.Instead, the model from the BBS days was still in use - catalogs, both paper and on the internet, listed the contact info, as well as available modem speeds and settings for hundreds or thousands of sites. Most sites didn't have much if any interaction with each other, as many of them were still basically BBS (bulletin board systems) that used internet protocol instead of direct modem dial-up.When you wanted to find out something from a government department, you picked up your landline phone and - hey, we had crappy "please hold" music back then, too - or you got in your car, or on the bus, possibly taking a half day off work, and physically WENT to the particular government office. If it was in your town. Otherwise, your options were landline telephone or snail-mail... like, typed words on paper, inserted into an envelope, and mailed.... but you had to go to the post-office for the stamps. Where I lived, satellite post offices in drug-stores and other retail establishments hadn't really caught on.Speaking of mail... we got, and sent actual snail-mail letters and greeting cards. We used snail-mail to pay bills, using paper cheques. Children with parents were a little less "wards of the state" than they are now.ATMs or ABMs existed, of course, but were not nearly as ubiquitous as they are today. The machines had not much more functionality than cash dispensers. The card that you used to identify yourself worked only with bank machines. You could not use them to buy stuff, and you could not get "cash back" from your grocery or other retail store.There were still full-service gas stations around.Self-serve gas bars still required you to go inside the store to pay for gas. The gas pump did not have a bank card reader.The 1978 movie "Superman" with Christoper Reeve, had a sight gag that would still have made sense in 1993. Way back in the early days, Clark Kent would learn of some crime or catastrophe in progress, and if he was out on the street, he would rush into the nearest phone booth to remove his street clothes and emerge in the Superman costume. Those booths were fully enclosed and had hinged doors. A bit cramped for a big guy, but a bit of privacy from bystander eyes. In the movie, Clark hears some scream for help, looks around for a booth, and does a double take as he spots an open phone kiosk with just a chest-high clear plastic wind shield. No privacy there. But in 1993, there were still landline phone booths, and you activated them by stuffing coins into them - people still carried paper money and actual coins in their pockets and purses.Vending machines accepted coins. Some might accept paper money. I don't believe that any accepted magnetic-stripe cards, because there was not really a viable internet for connection to bank accounts. It was routine to discover such vending machines with a red LED display flashing "exact change", as it had run out of enough coins to make change from paper bills.The stock market didn't fluctuate so rapidly, because most trades were done manually without the kind of automation that [over-] reacts instantly now.There was no such thing as making stock market transactions "online". In fact, the only people who did perform such transactions were brokers, and you dealt with them by phone or - wait for it.... wait for it.... - FAX (i.e., facsimile machines).Hell, real estate brokers and sales people and some lawyers and other businesses used FAX machines to send contracts back and forth to accumulate revisions, addenda, and signatures, though real estate people were still routinely doing that in the early part of this century. I think it finally died out a few years ago.But back in 1993, your BBS or internet dial-up modem might have had (gasp!) FAX capability, and you could use WinFAX Pro to make use of that... along with WOW! actual voice mail.Many people were still using tape-recording answering machines to catch calls that came into their land-line phones when they were away from home. It was routine to come home at the end of a day, come in the house, drop your coat and keys, put down the grocery bag, and press the Replay button on your answering machine to see what calls had come in. You'd press the fast-forward button to skip through obvious "spam", but we didn't call it that.Newspapers and magazines were paper-only. None of them had any online presence... there wasn't even the notion of it. There was no e-commerce to speak of - that was still years away. About the only things you could buy "online" were software and computer peripherals.... like newer and better modems.If you needed to look stuff up, you got your ass out of your chair, hopped in the car and drove to the bricks-and-mortar public library, where you sat and perused periodicals that you weren't subscribed to at home, or you used a physical card catalog to look for physical books by title and author, and then you took the identifying number that you got from the card to go find the physical book in the "stacks". If you saw immediately that it wasn't what you needed, you just put it back - it HAD to go in the correct slot on the shelf so the next seeker could find it. If it looked promising, you would take that book and maybe some others, to a table and sit there for a while. Otherwise, you would take them to the borrowing desk, present your membership/ID card, and be allowed to take the book home for a couple of weeks... after the clerk took out the card from the pouch inside the cover, and recorded your particulars, and then stashed the card in a file, so the library could know who had that copy. The book would be stamped with the date you withdrew it, so you'd remember when it was due back. If you failed to return it at the appointed time, so other people could have a chance to read/borrow it, then fines of a few cents per day were assessed until you brought it back and paid up.You could return a book, overnight by depositing it through a box/door in the wall, where it would be retrieved and processed next morning, but if you had outstanding fines, those would haunt you the next time you tried to withdraw anything.I forget what car we had then. Might have been the second-hand Volvo 740 Turbo. Loved that car, until it spilled its transmission all over the road one night, and it wanted a couple of grand to repair. It gave us several good years before that happened.In 1993, Montreal was feeling kind or worn around the edges, and "down at heels", but was still a nice city, and though the Francophone/Anglophone political friction was already in evidence, it hadn't reached the shrill and generally unpleasant levels that would drive us out of the province five years later.My wife and I were in the second year (or so) of flying our first zero-porosity parachutes, and _loving_ 'em.Pets that you wanted back got tattoos in their ears - there were no injectable RF chips for that purpose.Doctor and dentist offices worked entirely with paper files. There were no lasers around the dental chair. Their X-ray machines were big, clunky affairs. Many dentists were still using mercury amalgam for fillings, but those who were switching to plastics, were using clumsy, hot, high-maintenance Tungsten halogen lights with noisy fans. LED blue curing lights were still many years away.All orthodontic correction was done with metal braces, wires, and elastics. There was no such thing as graduated "Invisalign", discreet correction devices. Dentists rarely used cameras, and orthodontists might take one set of photos at the start of a treatment regime and another at the end, using (as other people said) film cameras.Early consumer digital cameras were clunky, low-resolution, expensive, slow... so almost nobody had one in 1993. Nobody you or I knew, anyway.In Canada, where I'm from, food was rarely spicy. Restaurants made a point of dumbing down Indian, Thai, Szechuan, and other normally spicy fare. Even the fake-Mex joints had wimpy chilli flavours. Most people had NOT heard of sriracha; now there's a bottle in every second desk drawer at my office... including mine, just in case lunch needs a little pick-me-up. Nobody had heard of Carolina Reapers, or even ghost peppers... there certainly weren't eye-wateringly-spicy potato-chip flavours back then. In fact, where I shopped, there were only a few standard flavours of chips, that had been around for years, and they were all produced by the major chip/snack companies. There really weren't "boutique" brands of kettle-cooked chips, yet.Maybe you USians had them all along, but we Canuckistanis didn't really have ready access to Minneola tangelos back then. Now there seem to be two crops per year. There's also considerably more produce from far-flung quarters of the globe, giving us a wider array in what used to be the winter off-season.In North America, in general, most people who ate "chocolate" thought that was milk chocolate. If they thought about dark chocolate at all, it was for cooking. There's been a tremendous increase in demand and appreciation for quality dark chocolate in the range of 85% cocoa and higher. There were almost no boutique chocolate producers making such things as "raw" chocolate bars.Whole Foods wasn't in Canada yet, but even in the States they would not have had the couple of dozen brands of chocolate back in '93. There just wasn't the demand, and there certainly was no notion of dark chocolate as ... health food.And, nobody had heard of “Fair Trade” chocolate, or coffee, or any other agri-product. Even “Organic” this-and-that was not ubiquitous.Cars were not computerized. They had some electronics, but most of that was individual, special-purpose controllers, not networked. Cars didn't even have HID headlights, never mind LEDs.I better stop now. My wife is getting annoyed at all the "Remember what year the..." questions. :-)

What can be the good research topic relating to coffee industry for post grad economic student?

1. Definition of Industry1.1 General Overview of the IndustryThe coffee shop industry in the U.S. includes 20,000 stores with combined annual revenue of about $11 billion. Major companies include Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, Caribou, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, and Diedrich (Gloria Jean’s). The industry is highly concentrated at the top and fragmented at the bottom: the top 50 companies have over 70 percent of industry sales.Coffee is one of the world’s largest commodities. The top green coffee producing countries are Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam. Many grower countries are small, poor developing nations that depend on coffee to sustain local economies. The U.S. is the world’s largest importer of green coffee beans and the largest consumer of coffee. With the exception of Hawaii and Puerto Rico, the United States’ climate cannot support coffee trees.Coffee consumption is highest in the Northeast, where over 60 percent of the population consumed coffee daily in 2005, according to the National Coffee Association (NCA). Per capita consumption is highest in the Central U.S., where coffee drinkers average 3.7 cups per day[1].Major products sold by coffee shops include beverages as well as complimentary food items. Beverages include brewed coffee and tea; espresso drinks (cappuccinos, cafe lattes); cold blended beverages; bottled water; soft drinks; and juices. Food products include pastries, bakery items, desserts, sandwiches, and candy. Many coffee shops sell whole or ground coffee beans for home consumption. Some coffee shops sell coffee or espresso-making equipment, grinders, mugs, and other accessories. Most coffee shops serve high-quality, premium coffee known as specialty coffee.1.2 Customer OverviewThe typical and most committed coffee drinkers are 25 to 45 year old, affluent, educated adults. While baby boomers have driven the success of coffee shops, specialty coffee appeals to a diverse adult demographic, including college students and young adults. Larger companies may also sell coffee beans wholesale to commercial customers, such as grocery stores and restaurants.[2]1.3 Overview of Industry Profitability FactorsConsumer taste and personal income drive demand. The profitability of individual companies depends on the ability to secure prime locations, drive store traffic, and deliver high quality products. Large companies have advantages in purchasing, finance, and marketing. Small companies can compete effectively by offering specialized products, serving a local market, or providing a personal level of customer service. The industry is extremely labor-intensive: average annual revenue per worker is $40,000.Coffee shops depend greatly on customer traffic and are most often located in areas with convenient access for pedestrians or drivers. Typical locations include downtown or suburban retail centers, shopping malls, office buildings, and university campuses. Store format and size vary by site, as some locations offer more space than others. Caribou Coffeehouses range from 200 to 3,000 square feet, with an average store 1,200 to 1,600. For small spaces like airports and grocery stores, some chains offer a kiosk format, without seating.Retail prices for coffee shop beverages vary. The retail price for an espresso-based drink can exceed $4. Due to the cost volatility of green coffee and dairy, retail prices often fluctuate. A pound of roasted coffee beans may retail for between $10 and $20. A pound of high-end or “reserve” coffee, like some Peet’s coffees, can retail for between $50 and $80 per pound[3].Coffee shops depend highly on part-time employees, and most workers require few skills. Many employees make just above the minimum wage, and pay can be significantly below the average for all U.S. workers. Starting wages for Starbucks’ employees are about $8 an hour. Some Starbucks’ employees are forming unions to negotiate better wages, hours, and benefits.A typical chain coffee shop may have one manager and 10 to 15 workers; independents have six to seven. New employees may go through training courses and receive in-store training to ensure superior customer service and product consistency. Master roasters oversee coffee roasting to develop trademark blends and flavors. Baristas receive training to operate commercial grade espresso machines used to make specialty drinks.Sales are seasonal, with a peak during fourth quarter, driven by the winter holiday. In addition, poor weather can affect sales by decreasing store traffic. For large companies, inventory amounts to between 40 and 80 days sales. Accounts receivable runs between 20 and 30 days sales, mainly due to commercial customers. Accounts payable runs between 30 and 60 days sales. Companies may use contracts to buy green coffee and dairy products. Gross margins range between 40 and 60 percent, and higher commercial sales tend to decrease margins. Chains use comparable store sales to measure growth.Most companies lease store locations for a fixed term. Rent for coffee shops in malls may include a fee for shared area maintenance. Companies compete for prime locations, sometimes with other retailers, and negotiating power may be limited. Chains periodically close underperforming stores, and set aside a reserve for remaining lease payments.Franchise and license agreements typically include an upfront fee, payments or royalties based on percentage of sales, and renewal options. Master license agreements may allow licensees to grant sublicenses to third parties within a territory.2. Industry’s dominant economic traits – overviewAbbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten3. Competitive Forces that impact competition (Porter Model)Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten3.1 Competition within the Coffee Shop Industry- 20,000 stores with annual revenue of ~ $11 billion- Highly concentrated at top and fragmented at bottom – Starbucks ~ 75% of sales- Major companies: Starbucks, Caribou Coffee, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Diedrich (Gloria Jean’s), Peet’s Coffee- Competitors can also be found in other industries (convenience stores, gas stations, quick service, fast food restaurants, gourmet food shops, donut shops, filter ~ / specialty coffee machines for home use) e.g. Dunkin’ Donuts and McDonalds- Competition through special offers (new tastes), outstanding service/ environment (internet, music, comfortable seating areas, short waiting queues), loyalty programs (bonus cards ensuring frequency of visits) and for premium locations (retail centers, university campuses, etc.)Conclusion - Competition within the Coffee Shop Industry ➔ Strong competition within the industry for new customers, premium locations, etc. but overall the industry is saturated, settled and stable which allows almost all of the competitors to yield very good margins (40 to 60 percent)[4]3.2 Substitute Products- Competition with other drinks that are not the main focus of by coffee shops: Soda, Juice, Water, Beer, Sports Drinks- Competition with other products, people are spending their money on: Ice Cream, Cigarettes, Sweets- Consumers have limited discretionary budget to spend on consumer goods, such as cigarettes, beer and also coffee; coffee shops are therefore fighting for a fraction of this budgetConclusion – Substitutes in the Coffee Industry➔ Very strong power of substitute products as especially young people might prefer other products, such as beer, cigarettes or soda3.3 Barriers to Entry- Rather low entry barriers: easy to open a single small café- Rent a place, remodel, install the equipment, get license as needed[5]- However there are high entry barriers for the specialty level or big league/chain players- High up-front investment needed to grow significantly (distribution system: shops, equipment, premium locations; marketing: creation of brand awareness & brand recognition, customer retention)- Strong brand recognition of major players, especially Starbucks- Partnerships with large, international companies also serve as potential entry barrier for new competitors – Starbucks with Pepsi/ Jim Beam/ Dryer’s Grand Ice Cream/ Barnes & Noble or Caribou Coffee with Apple[6] (See Exhibit 2).- Economies of scale (purchase advantages; centralized HR and Marketing) realized by big players, especially Starbucks ➔ cost disadvantage for new entrantsConclusion – Barriers to Entry in the Coffee Industry➔ Small barriers to entry for small regional chains / cafés, but their expansion is relatively slow due to the increasing speed of the expansion of the major players➔ High barriers to entry into the industry for big players due to high industry concentration on top, huge brand recognition of major brands and high up-front investments are needed3.4 Power of Suppliers- Volatile Raw Material Costs[7]:- Particular dependence on supply of higher-priced Arabic beans (premium coffee) – as imported mostly from developing countries, price varies along with the economical and political situation of the export country- Dairy products, whose retail prices vary a lot, used for specialty drinks- Coffee Shop Chains have contracts securing price stability- For most coffee-exporting countries (over 60 ) that is their only “source of cash”[8]- Higher world market demand and higher prices for differentiated (Gourmet and specialty coffees) and sustainable coffee (organic, fair trade, eco-friendly or shade grown) than for coffee commodity:- Farmers not agile enough or don’t have the means to switch production- Companies are helping communities to make the change (train them, purchase at fair trade prices[9] and provide technical assistance)[10]Conclusion – Power of Suppliers in the Coffee Industry➔ Very limited power of suppliers as they depend on producer’s help and sell a commodity.3.5 Power of Customers- High dependency of coffee shop chains on frequency of customer purchases- Most customers appreciate the nice atmosphere in the coffee shops- Preferences of customers are very likely to switch as they might get bored with / tired of the same flavor (relatively low brand loyalty)- Shopping behavior is very likely to be influenced by budget constraints, weather conditions or health concerns in the general public- Interested in continuous product innovation or seasonal specialties- Essential for success – word of mouth and frequency of purchases[11]Conclusion – Power of Customers in the Coffee Industry➔ Very strong power of customers as coffee shops depend on word of mouth and customer retention Furthermore a customer’s opinion, preferences and shopping habits can be influenced easily which creates a big threat for the companies.4. Driving Factors that are causing the industry’s structure to change4.1 Expansion/GrowthA significant driver in the coffee shop industry is growth in the form domestic and international expansion. The key channel of distribution in this industry is “company-operated stores located in high-traffic, high visibility centers,” and industry competition is structured around vying for market share by opening new retail shops in cities around the world.[12] Starbucks, for example, opens on average three stores a day and has already made significant inroads into countries like Japan, the UK, Australia, the Middle East and Latin America. Such expansion is considered the number one growth driver for the company which plans to grow from 12,000 stores to 30,000 stores in 10 years.[13] Dunkin Donuts has responded to this challenge by stating its plans to grow from approximately 4,400 stores to 15,000 in the same period, Caribou Coffee has confronted Starbucks in the international arena and now has a store in Dubai.[14]4.2 Product/Service InnovationA second driving force in this industry is tied to product innovation. Serious coffee shop contenders now offer a product selection broader than the traditional cup of coffee. National chain and even local coffee shops boast menus including coffees, teas, hot chocolate, pastries, bottled water, and even sandwiches. A factor which contributed to Starbucks’ ability to surpass early coffee house entrants, such as Gloria Jeans, has been the company’s extensive R&D.[15] For example the company has been able to sustain and grow its customer base by launching a new seasonal drink each year and also via its $400 million bottled drink business. Importantly, product innovation for Starbucks includes not only factors regarding customer acceptance but also the extent to which the product would fit into a store’s “ergonomic flow.”Equally critical to the structure of the coffee industry has been the role of service innovation. An example of such innovation which has been hugely successful was the introduction of SVCs – store value cards.Starbucks, Caribou Coffee and Peet’s Coffee now offer customers pre-paid cards which not only shorten transaction times for customers but can also bring in new customers via gift cards and supply stores with valuable customer data. Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, has called this innovation “the most significant product innovation since Frappuccino.”[16]Service innovation is also impacting the industry in that companies are now required to offer a diverse set of services including music, drive-through services and newspapers to stay competitive. For example, to compete with Starbucks’ alliance with T-Mobile which offers wireless capabilities to its customers, Caribou now offers free wireless Internet access (for up to an hour) to its customers.[17]4.3 Collaboration/PartnershipA further critical driver, which ties into the industry’s focus on growth and product/service innovation, has been collaboration and partnership. Starbucks was the first to realize the benefits of partnering when it reached out to powerhouse brands like Pepsi, Barnes and Noble, Nordstrom, Kraft and United Airlines to create new products, reach new customers and enter new channels of distribution like grocery, cruise lines and the airline industry. Caribou has followed suit and partnered with General Mills to produce a breakfast bar, USAToday to provide a news services to its customers, and most recently, Coca-Cola, to directly compete with Starbucks ready-to-drink iced coffees.[18] (See exhibit 2 regarding major competitors and their partners.) These alliances, in short, allow for innovation, channel extension and even geographic extension (in the case of Starbucks’ alliance with Japanese retailer Sazaby.)[19]4.4 Image/LifestyleAdditionally this industry is increasingly impacted by consumer’s perception of what a brand stands for. When Starbucks was first created, its CEO’s vision was to create a “third place” for Americans. Americans already spent considerable time at home and work and his vision was to provide a third place for Americans to not only drink coffee but to invest significant personal time. For this reason, industry marketing efforts are closely tied the image/lifestyle projected by the chain.For example, in an effort to respond to Starbucks’ dominance, several competitors have attempted to differentiate themselves from the “upscale, pseudo-European” store by projecting different lifestyle brands. Caribou Coffee, for example, projects a more rugged image via its stores’ mostly wooden interiors which feel like “an Alaskan lodge.”[20] Further, the corporation promulgated its alternative lifestyle by associating itself with Apple during its 2006 "Wake Up and Smell the Music" promotion. Caribou’s CEO described the partnership as synergistic due to the fact that “We're both challenger brands.”[21]Additionally, it is believed that Dunkin’ Donuts recent success has been tied to consumers’ perception of the chain standing for simplicity and value. As Starbucks’ prices continue to climb and many of its coffee processes become automated, one industry expert noted “it's hard now to know what Starbucks stands for….That isn't a problem with Dunkin' Donuts.”[22] Even further, Peet’s Coffee niche has been tied to delivering a super premium brand, via mostly whole bean coffee, and selectively opening stores to ensure that the company is “not another Starbucks.”[23] In close, the image consciousness of this industry will continue to drive marketing efforts as well as other areas such as product and service selection as players differentiate their brand.4.5 TechnologyA further driving force is the role of technology. Line management is a significant issue for coffee houses as often the demand is concentrated in the early mornings. For example, Starbucks has been able to achieve customer service efficiency by introducing automatic espresso machines. According to Michelle Gass, Chief Merchant of Global Product, Starbucks, efficiency is a key driver in customer satisfaction as customers “want their beverage in under three minutes.”[24] Interestingly, however, it appears these efficiencies must be balanced with creating a mystique around the coffee experience and having an awareness of the consumers’ price-value ratio. For example, Starbucks customers, who pay a premium for coffee, seem to miss the elaborate process of brewing and drink creation. Starbucks’ CEO recently expressed a concern that the brand was becoming “watered down” and such gains in efficiency threatened to commoditize the brand.[25]Dunkin Donuts, however, has seen less resistance to its technological innovations as its products are generally cheaper and its brand is tied to simplicity. For example, rather than relying on baristas to create its new line of espresso-based drinks, Dunkin’ Donuts hired an expert to design an “idiot proof $8,000” machine which makes cappuccinos in less than a minute and at a lower price than competitors. One customer noted that both the Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts’ drinks taste good “but Starbucks takes too long.”[26]Finally technology is impacting this industry in the form of increasingly sophisticated home brewing machines which are able to at least replicate, if not beat, the quality of coffee prepared at many of these stores.[27] Though it is unclear of the impact of these machines on the coffee players, this is an area of increased growth and one for these competitors to monitor.5. Competitive positions & possible strategic moves of key companies5.1 StarbucksStarbucks, the world’s number one coffee retailer, has over 13,000 coffee shops in more than 35 countries. The outlets offer coffee drinks, food items, beans, coffee accessories and teas. Starbucks owns about 17,500 of its shops, which are located in about 10 countries (mostly in the U.S.) while licensees and franchisees operate the remaining outlets. Starbucks does 78% of its store volume in beverages, with 12% in food, and 5% in whole beans.[28] The company does not compete on price but rather on the complete experience customers get while visiting the coffee shop. Embracing its value beyond extraordinary coffee, Starbucks tries to make a business out of human connections, and celebration of diversity and culture.[29]Starbucks focuses its retail selection on the “best places in town” and its outlets can be found in the centre of almost every famous city in the world ranging from Cologne to Los Angeles. As mentioned, the firm focuses on high-traffic, high-visibility locations. While Starbucks selectively locates stores in shopping malls, it tries to focus on places that provide convenient access for pedestrians and drivers.[30]Starbucks’ strategyStarbuck’s overall goal is to establish its brand as one of the most recognized and respected ones in the world. Therefore the enterprise plans to continue the rapid expansion of its retail ~ and grow its specialty operations and to selectively pursue other opportunities to leverage the brand through the introduction of new products and the development of new channels of distribution.[31]In continuance with its history of partnerships, Starbucks and Concord Music Group announced on March 12th of this year the formation of a new record label “Hear Music” which will distribute recordings at Starbucks locations. This partnership is another step in Starbucks’ entertainment strategy that links to the company’s focus on atmosphere and image.[32]Last fall, addressing McDonald’s attempts to lure customers away, Starbucks announced its plans to offer hot breakfast sandwiches in an appeal to fans of the Egg McMuffin and establish them also in the breakfast and afternoon snack segment.[33].5.2 McDonald’sMcDonalds (which history began in 1954) is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than 30,000 local restaurants serving nearly 50 million people in more than 119 countries each day.[34] In 2006 the company reached a record high of $21.6 billion in revenues. McDonalds competes on price, ubiquity, convenience, service and through offering quality food products.Besides hamburgers McDonalds is also proud on its hot coffee and believes that the high temperature (brewed at 195-205°F) is a major reason for the billion cups sold per year for $1.35 each.[35]McDonald’s’ strategyRecent strategic changes within McDonald’s are increasing its potential for rivalry with pure coffee house retailers like Caribou and Starbucks. First, McDonald’s improved the quality of its coffee and launched a premium roast version on March 6th 2006.[36] Furthermore McDonalds is looking into “day-parts” penetration as a growth strategy. While currently owning the breakfast segment the company wants to take over the afternoon segment.[37] That is also the reason why, on March 1st 2007, McDonalds has announced that it will serve specialty coffee beverages like vanilla lattes and caramel cappuccinos at outlets across the U.S. It is pricing espresso-based drinks between $2 and $3, undercutting Starbucks offerings. This move is consistent with McDonald’s overall strategic shift away from its traditional burger-and-fries offerings and toward more “upscale” food. The specialty coffee drinks will be served from push-buttons machines, which are faster than Starbucks’ labor intense hand-made approach.[38] Even further threatening to coffee competitors is McDonald’s recent ability to increase its service and improve its stores by slowing down its expansion and reallocating funds.5.3 Dunkin’ DonutsDunkin’ Donuts (founded 1950, headquarter in Canton, Massachusetts) is the world’s largest coffee and baked goods chain, serving over 3 million customers a day. 2006 the enterprise had revenues of $4.7bn ($4.3 bn in the U.S.).[39] There are more than 7,000 shops worldwide (5,300 in the U.S.). The company is opening 700-1000 additional shops every year.Dunkin’ Donuts has forged a strong identity as a coffee destination with ample seating and a diverse menu that grows incrementally following its slogan: “America runs on Dunkin”. Already, 57% of the chain's sales, and the most profitable product group, are beverages. The company sells about 500 million cups of coffee a year for $1.65 each.[40] Dunkin’ Donuts is pursuing the following key strategies: multi-branding concept development, Dunkin’ brand vitalization, product innovations, accelerated brand development, improved operational effectiveness and talent acquisition. Dunkin’ Donuts retail outlets are operated in a franchise format either through operating agreement, license agreement or joint venture.[41]Dunkin’ Donuts’ strategyThe company’s current plans are to widen its specialty coffee offerings and offer them on a broader basis nationally. Therefore Procter & Gamble signed an agreement with Dunkin’ Brands on March 1st 2007, to launch Dunkin’ Donuts coffee at U.S. retailers (e.g. grocery stores, mass merchandisers, club stores).[42]Additionally Dunkin’ Brands CEO Jon Luther emphasizes the company’s strategy to be a faster, cheaper, user-friendlier alternative to Starbucks. He is convinced that there is a market opportunity especially among a younger audience that is enamored with Starbucks frothy beverage menu but daunted by its prices. Addressing this issue Dunkin’ Donuts installed espresso machines in prime locations, capable of delivering inexpensive coffee in 44 seconds. The company purposely leaves the fancy CD burning stations, mood lighting and comfortable chairs to the competition and focuses, instead, on speed. The company tries to reach a rate of one shop to every 15,000 - 20,000 people in their target markets. According to the CEO Dunkin’ Donuts coffee business industry is basically a “game” that relies on ubiquity. However, that is an important, but not the most critical, issue because high margins in the coffee business will allow the company to buy key sites.[43]Additionally the enterprise aims at improving its level of service and cross shop consistency in service; a goal that is especially challenging because of the franchising structure. CEO Luther in 2003 to his 2700 franchisees: "We're changing this game, we're raising the stakes, if you don't like it, get out."[44]5.4 Caribou CoffeeCaribou Coffee was founded in 1993 and its headquarters is located in Minneapolis (Minnesota). Today it is the second largest specialty coffee company in the U.S. with 416 outlets (2005) in 18 states and the District of Columbia. The revenue in 2005 totaled $198 million. Caribou's cafes feature mountain-lodge-style decor with exposed beam ceilings, leather chairs, and roaring fireplaces. The company’s motto is "Life is short. Stay awake for it." Caribou Coffee successfully competed against the omnipresent Starbucks in a number of U.S. states.Caribou’s strategyThe company emphasizes the quality and freshness of their products (Coffee is packaged immediately after roasting, and it is not sold more than 21 days after roasting or more than seven days after the opening of the package). Caribou competes by offering a slightly different roast of coffee and a warmer, more relaxing in-store environment compared to the Starbucks shops with a rather sleek, urban atmosphere.The Middle East is the first region Caribou Coffee is seeking to expand internationally. The company believes that there is a small but growing market for American branded coffee houses.[45] Another strategic approach has been to develop partnerships with other retailers, such as Eatzi's, or building stores next to Bruegger's Bagels, Blockbuster Video and Border's Books. The company also sells its coffee in upscale grocery stores, such as Lund's and Byerly's in the Twin Cities and Heinin's in Cleveland.[46] Furthermore, Frontier and Maxjet airlines serve Caribou coffee, and the company recently inked a deal with Life Time Fitness.[47]5.5 Coffee Bean & Tea LeafCoffee Bean & Tea Leaf was founded in 1963, with its headquarter is located in Los Angeles. In 2005 the company had 400 outlets and revenues of $150 million. The strategy of Coffee Bean is “Keep Innovating”. The company is known for its extensive selection of coffees and teas, as well as its reputation for innovation, e.g. the ice-blended coffee drink and the chai latte. Coffee Bean has also made a push overseas, finding niches in Starbucks-free markets such as Israel. With nearly all of its drinks certified as kosher, the company has opened several locations in that area.[48]5.5 Peet’s CoffeePeet’s Coffee, whose headquarter is situated in Emeryville, California, was founded in 1996. In 2005 the company had 120 outlets and revenue of $175 million. Peet's strength is the taste of its coffee, which appeals to java connoisseurs. The company roasts its beans in small batches, replaces brewed coffee every 30 minutes, and never re-steams milk. "Peetniks" often drink Peet's at home too, and about half the company's sales come from whole beans, which carry higher margins. Peet's beans are also sold in more than 4,000 grocery stores.[49]Though no chain has approached Starbucks global scale, the coffee shop industry is increasingly competitive. While many consumers still favor Starbucks coffee, it’s rather the in-store experience than the product portfolio that makes the company stand out. With the coffee selection improving elsewhere it is unclear how many customers will continue to pay premium prices if that experience is no longer unique.Experts expect the price-value equation of the competitors to change in the future.[50]6. Key factors that determine success in the future6.1 Product and Service Innovation in the FutureSeveral key factors within the coffee shop industry are essential components that will likely lead to success or failure of market participants. As already highlighted in the “Driving Factors” product and service innovation are necessary in order to stay competitive in the market and attract new / keep existing customers successfully. Many customers focus on the special atmosphere each store has and which is characterized by the location, music, interior design, seating or whether internet access is provided.[51] Particularly for specialty coffee shops it is important not to sell only the beverage but the whole experience. Coffee shops have to establish a unique image that prevents customers from buying products from another shop or use home-brewing systems which are also on the rise in American households.[52] In addressing the increased level of competition, every company’s focus should be on differentiating from the rest of the market in every possible business segment (products, atmosphere, location, image etc.)6.2 TechnologyFurthermore it is important to have state-of the art technology in the shop in order to serve high quality and differentiated products. Advantages of high level technology and machines are shorter waiting times for the customers and the ability to create a variety of fresh, new and unique flavors.On the other hand it is essential that the level of automation and machinery is well chosen and that there is a clear plan how to integrate the new machinery into the business.[53] Even though there is an increase in efficiency it might mean a loss of identity and differentiation for some stores, such as Starbucks, which focuses on a special spirit in their shops.[54]6.3. Education About CoffeeCoffee shop companies should start or continue to educate the consumers about coffee, its ingredients, quality differences, and about the movements in the market, such as “Fair Trade” or “organic coffee”. This could be beneficial for developing a relationship with the customers which in turns leads to greater brand loyalty. Informed customers are able to make educated decisions and will be less likely to switch just based on gut feeling. Furthermore this education might motivate coffee buyers to pay a higher price for better products.[55]6.4 CooperationSeveral companies have proven already that a key factor in the future will be the ability and willingness to cooperate with other market participants without losing control of the business.[56] Therefore it is important to pursue a full range of alliance opportunities: partnerships for innovation and cost reduction but also geographic expansion and co-marketing deals.[57] Finally such partnerships might become tickets to the “global game” as Coca-Cola and Microsoft already proved.6.5 Quality Control, ConsistencyBesides the cooperation with other partners in the industry the coffee shop companies have to ensure that the quality of products and services as well as the cleanliness of the location are consistent and at the desired level from shop to shop (including especially franchisees and licensees) so that the consumers can build trust in the brand.[58] Furthermore the role of the “barista” should not be underestimated and great commitment should be recognized and rewarded. The barista is the personality and sole representative of the specialty coffee supply chain to the consumer. They not only can make drink suggestions or recommendations, but their skill can be the difference between an everyday latte and an amazing specialty coffee experience.[59]6.6 Meeting DemandIn addition to that companies in the coffee shop industry have to make sure that they can meet the increasing future demand. Per capita consumption of total volume is predicted to reach 2.9kg by 2010, up from 2.8kg in 2005. Constant value retail sales are expected to grow 10% over the forecast period to reach over U.S.$ 6.5 bn. Therefore the market participants should support their suppliers in providing differentiated, quality beans and focus on business strategies that try to prevent farmers from running into debt and poverty.[60] In addition to that companies are supposed to pay attention to the growing demand for specialty coffee, which means they have to ensure that the right product innovations are added to the revised product portfolio at the right time. The compound annual growth rate 1992-2002 was 10% for specialty coffee and therefore over 3 times the rate of the total coffee production (2.9%). However, shifting into the specialty segment is no panacea, since it is a rather small part of the overall market – only 7.8% of the total production volume in 2002.6.7 Role of RegulationsThe trend of stricter regulations in the coffee industry started already, e.g. with new organic rules[61] (Appendix, Exhibit 9) and is expected to become even more severe in the future which underlines the fact that coffee shops have to cooperate with their suppliers in order to control the quality of their products along the value chain. Companies should participate mainly for ethical reasons in campaigns such as “Fair Trade” (Appendix, Exhibit 9). In addition to that, if these social movements gain more attention in the market, the companies could also benefit from the positive public relation associated with the social commitment and engagement.[62]To sum it up, coffee shops have to target their customers effectively in terms of product portfolio, company image and atmosphere as well as advertising and coffee shop location while paying attention to the partners along the value chain and look out for beneficial cooperation within and between industries.[63]7. Attractiveness of the industry7.1. Factors in favor of an attractive industryIndustry is still growing: “Premium coffee continues to grow as a result of café culture”Consumers are expected to maintain increasing levels of coffee consumption between 2005 and 2010. U.S. coffee retail volume sales are predicted to increase by 7% over the forecast period. Per capita consumption of total volume (retail and foodservice) is predicted to reach 2.9kg by 2010- The espresso-based drink market is showing a 68% increase since 2000.[64]Growing demand for specialty coffee[65]: Consumption of specialty coffees has increased by 10 percent a year since the early 1990s, compared with 2 percent for the overall market. If this trend continues, demand for them could conservatively be expected to grow by 5 percent annually—an additional 2.5 million bags by 2007. This is a very positive development as specialty coffee might be perceived less as a commodity. Furthermore sales are generally strong.[66] (Appendix, Exhibit 1).High margins: International coffee prices decreased dramatically over the last decade (in 1999 coffee traded at $1 U.S. per pound vs. less than 50 cents in 2001)[67] while actual selling prices of coffee did not go down which led to increased profits in the industry.[68] Retailers earn approximately 25% of a $2 cup of coffee.[69]Popularity of the product: Coffee is the second largest commodity next to oil and more than half of the world’s adult population drinks coffee several times a week[70]Diversity of functions of coffee shops: Coffee shops have a great potential because they are different things to different people: place to buy a variety of coffee flavors, place to converse with friends, read a book or take a break from work. Therefore coffee shops can address a variety of issues when promoting their outlets.Growth potential for companies by franchising and licensing: Franchising Coffee has become a popular low-risk alternative to setting up an independent store. Furthermore specialty coffee is the fastest growing franchise segment in America.[71]7.2. Factors in favor of an unattractive industryDominance of big companies: Starbucks has significant early entrant advantages in the market and especially in the franchise area The company is able to benefit from the central location of its outlets, it’s brand value, economies of scale, powerful partnerships and cooperations with suppliers or other companies in the industry.High investments to start franchise: A potential franchisee has to provide a significant amount of money in order to qualify for opening a shop of a “high level” franchiser, such as Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonalds or Starbucks (Appendix, Exhibit 8).[72] Furthermore some chains demand individuals with a certain background, e.g. Dunkin’ Donuts specifically states on their website that “Applicants for franchises should have a minimum of five years experience in managing people in a business environment and strongly prefer individuals with at least three years managerial experience in a multi-unit food service/hospitality environment.”Rather low investment for independent coffee shops: Setting up a single and independent coffee shop, in contrast to franchising, a significant smaller amount of capital is needed which in turn leads to low entry barriers. For opening a coffee drive-through the investment ranges approximately from $60,000 to $250,000 while a coffee shop requires $60,000 to $350,000.[73]Besides that eating-and-drinking places are by nature extremely labor-intensive. Sales per full-time-equivalent employee were $57,032 in 2005 and notably lower than other industries.[74]Additionally coffee companies have to overcome the loyalty of the customer to local coffee shops and the increasing threat posed by sophisticated home brewing machines. More and more U.S. consumers attempt to replicate the coffee house experience at home through the purchase of premium coffee & the equipment with which to brew it.”[75]Increasing power of substitutes: Per capita consumption of coffee dropped to about 17 gallons in 2000, down from 36 gallons in 1970, while soft drink consumption grew from 23 to 55 gallons, over the same period - an increase of more than 140 per cent.Different drinking habits of following generations: There is a sharp jump in the number of regular coffee drinkers between the 18- to 24 and the 25- to 34-year-olds (29 % vs. 60 %). Therefore the coffee industry needs to address young adults and change the drinking habits as they enter the working world and establish own households.[76]Further risks of the industry:[77] Shortage in supply, or an increase in the price of coffee beans could adversely affect net sales; Risk of fluctuations in the cost, availability and quality of non-coffee raw ingredients; Risk of adverse public or medical opinions about the health effects of consuming certain products (caffeine, sugar etc.) that could harm the business.7.3. ConclusionBased on the analysis above we conclude that the coffee shop industry is a very attractive market (high margins, growing demand) for the companies that are already established, such as Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts, however, smaller independent companies may not be able to compete significantly.7.4. Most likely future scenarioAs indicated, Starbucks brand is likely to weaken in the future due to its high growth and efficiency focused strategy which eliminated the “romance” of coffee brewing.Starbucks’ stock price in the last 5 months ( strategy has commoditized its high price point product and likely will drive consumers to other competitors such as Dunkin’ Donuts who offer a more favorable consumer price-value ratio. Therefore the other “big” market participants, who now offer a similar experience at a lower price, will be able to increase their market share and lure away Starbucks’ customers.8. Appendix1. Trends in the coffee industry2. Coffee Industry Partnerships3. A closer look at Starbucks4. Starbucks Gift Card5. Dunkin’ Donuts Coffees and Teas6. Caribou Coffee- menu extract7. Coffee taste test, surveys etc.8. Additional information about franchising9. Sustainable Coffee1. Trends in the coffee industry[78]Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthaltenRetail Sales of Coffee by Type: % Value Growth 2000-2005Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthaltenSales figures- the American Coffee Industry[79]Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten2. Sample of Coffee Industry PartnershipsAbbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten6. Caribou Coffee- menu extractAbbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten7. Coffee taste test, surveys etc.In a coffee taste run by Consumer Reports magazine in February 2007 McDonald’s, Starbucks’ and Dunkin Doughnuts’ coffee was tested. The magazine proclaimed that McDonald’s beverage was the cheapest and the best.[80]Also in Feb 2007 marketing powerhouse Brand Keys’ latest Customer loyalty survey looked at Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks. The result was that the former one edged out Starbucks for the first time. A reason might be the increased level of automatic machines and bagged coffee at Starbucks which leads to a loss in uniqueness. Customers can’t observe anymore how the coffee is handmade in front of them.8 Additional information about franchisingDunkin’ Donuts : McDonaldsAbbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten- Potential franchisees have to make sure that they choose the right franchiser which means analyzing the viability of the opportunity, the level of training and support offered to the franchisee, the track record and financial stability of the franchisor, the success rate of the franchisees, etc.- High level franchiser offer the franchisee a lot of help and are highly involved even after the shop is opened. Additionally the franchisee benefits from the established brand name and business knowledge of the company.- In turn he/she has to pay for the support by giving a certain percentage of the revenue back to the franchiser (contribute to the advertising budget etc.)- There are downsides to franchising. Foremost is the high cost of entry. The top franchise opportunities require considerable investment on the front end, usually more of an investment than if the entrepreneur started a similar venture on his own. The franchisee might also be required to buy supplies from the franchisor, including inventory, paperwork, software, computer systems, and anything else the franchisor decides that they should supply. Furthermore the franchisee can’t control the business himself/herself, the franchisor does.[81] [82]9. Sustainable CoffeeOrganic, Shade and Fair trade coffees- collectively known as sustainable coffees – fill a market niche that is often rewarded with a premium price and can provide superior environmental, economic and social benefits to producers.The survey was based on a list of more than 9000 coffee related firms supplied by the Specialty Coffee Association of America and the Coffee Association of Canada.The survey included (sample is greater than 2098 due to multiple answers):- 1558 retailers- 570 roasters- 312 wholesalers- 120 distributors, and- 94 importersMore than two-thirds of the specialty coffee industry believes that certification of sustainable coffees will be important to their business in the future. Similarly, about 2/3 were in favor of a simpler way of communicating sustainability in the marketplace, in effect a super seal incorporating criteria from Organic, Shade, and Fair Trade coffees.What are the main inferences that can be drawn from this study?- The sustainable coffee segment is growing very fast.- Industry is already benefiting, in terms of increasing sales and higher prices, from the product differentiation, improved quality and price premiums of sustainable coffees.- The specialty coffee industry appears to understand that their future is intimately linked with the sustainability and quality of their supply.- If industry is unclear over definitions, so are consumers. Providing education and information will be critical factors in expanding these market niches.- Standardized terminology and consumer-friendly certification can help prevent confusion and erosion of support for this market segment.- The industry is optimistic about the future of sustainable coffee.The specialty coffee market in briefThe U.S. handles about 1/4 of global coffee imports (2.45 billion pounds). Canada imports nearly 400 million pounds. The U.S. specialty coffee industry is responsible for only approximately 17% of the total U.S. green coffee imports mentioned above but its $7.8 billion sales represent approximately 40% of the $18.5 billion U.S. coffee market2. Total U.S. retail sales of specialty coffee beverages were $5.3 billion in 2000 while retail sales of specialty coffee beans reached $2.5 billion. It is the only segment of the coffee industry that has shown consistent and notable growth3 and is the largest specialty coffee market in the world. According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO) and the SCAA, most potential specialty coffee markets are far from saturated. Specialty coffee sales continue to expand by 5% to 10% per year according to conservative estimates4. The North American specialty market therefore represents one of the largest and most vibrant coffee markets in the world. Its ability to develop strong new trends and influence global consumption is well documented. These reasons and its historic role as a market for many of the producing countries that are at the forefront of developing certifiably sustainable coffee production, make it the ideal target for the first large-scale industry survey of sustainable coffees.The following terms served as brief and very basic definitions for the survey:- Organic coffee is produced with methods that preserve the soil and prohibits the use of synthetic chemicals.- Fair Trade coffee is purchased directly from cooperatives of small farmers that are guaranteed a minimum contract price.- Shade coffee is grown in shaded forest settings and is good for biodiversity and birds.Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthaltenThere is considerable confusion about what the three terms Organic, Fair Trade and Shade actually mean. Failure to promote or educate about standardized terminology will very likely lead to the deterioration of terms such as “Shade coffee” until they are as meaningless to a consumer as the word “natural”.Factors that make sustainable coffee valuable to businessWhen asked how important each of the following 7 factors is in making sustainable coffee valuable to their business, the quality issue was confirmed as primary by 91.9% of the respondents who believe it is a v ery important factor.1. Specialty quality or taste (91.9%)2. Opportunity for differentiation (57.1%)3. Customers are asking for it (51.9%)4. Better profit margins (50.9%)5. Personal beliefs about chemical-free agriculture (46%)6. Personal beliefs about biodiversity or the environment (37.6%)7. Personal ethics about fair trade for the growers (36.9%)Nearly 9 out of 10 companies report that sustainable coffee sales either increased or remained the same last year. Hardly any reported reduced sales. Most expect this positive trend to continue over the next two years.In the next two years less than 2% expect any decreases and nearly 95% expect sales to either remain the same or increase.Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten[...][1] First Research Industry Profile , Industry Statistics, Trends and Analysis from First Research, a D&B Company, December 28,2006[2] | CBSi[3] First Research Industry Profile , Industry Statistics, Trends and Analysis from First Research, a D&B Company, December 28,2006[4] First Research Industry Profile: Coffee Industry[5] The Original Coffee Consulting Company[6] Isabel Isidro, Learning from Starbucks: 10 Lessons for Small Businesses, Learning from Starbucks: 10 Lessons for Small Businesses (Part 2), Oct. 5, 2004.[7] First Research Industry Profile: Coffee Industry.[8] First Research Industry Profile: Coffee Industry.[9] Minimum Price of $1.26 per pound; farmers are given credits by companies – source: Mergent Coffee Industry, Aug. 2006,[10] Mergent Coffee Industry, Aug. 2006, at 4.[11] First Research Industry Profile: Coffee Industry.[12] Youngme Moon and John Quelch, Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service, Harvard Business Review, July 10, 2006 at 3.[13] Dunkin' Donuts Escalates Java Wars, MarketPlace,[14] Id.[15] Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service at 8.[16] Stanley Holmes , Starbucks’ Card Smarts, BusinessWeek, March 12, 2002.[17] Caribou Coffee Offers Free Wi-Fi Service For Customers, Bus. Wire, Aug. 28, 2006.[18] Coke and Caribou Join Forces to Sell Line of Coffee Drinks, Atlanta Bus. Chronicle, Nov. 30, 2006.[19] John D. Cook, Tammy Halevy, and C. Brent Hastie, Alliances in Consumer Goods, The McKinsey Quarterly, 2003 No. 3.[20] Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service at 6-7.[21] Coffee CEO Podcast Relays Power of Branding and Music, PRNewswire-FirstCall, March 16, 2006.[22] Tom Van Riper, Dunkin' Donuts Edges Starbucks, Forbes, Feb. 27, 2007.[23] Blanca Torres, Peet's Future is Percolating, Contra Costa Times, March 8, 2007.[24] Nicola Groom, Exec says Starbucks Strategy Unchanged, Reuters, March 7, 2007.[25] Id..[26] William C. Symonds, A Java Jolt For Dunkin' Donuts, BusinessWeek, Dec. 20, 2004.[27] Coffee-US, Euromonitor International: Country Sector Briefing, Aug. 2006 at 9.[28] Article: It’s not about the Doughnuts; It’s Not About the Doughnuts; December 2004[29] In February 2007 Howard Schultz (Starbucks’ chairman) wrote a memo to top company managers of the company that soon became public. He lamented the cumulative effect of company decisions associated with expansion: more efficient automatic machines that diminish the “romance and theatre” of the earlier-era and block the visual sight line the customer previously had for the intimate experience with the barista. (“The Starbucks Stops Here”;[30] Starbucks’ Financial Statements 2004.[31] Starbucks’ Financial Statement 2004.[32] Starbucks’ Homepage; Starbucks Coffee Company[33] “Supersize that Latte? McDonald's to Offer Upscale Coffee Drinks”;[34] McDonalds’ Homepage; Website Maintenance: Be Back Soon | McDonald’s[35] McDonalds hot coffee (The TRUTH about the McDonald's hot coffee case);[36][37] McDonalds, Starbucks Growth Strategy; ([38] “Dunkin Donuts Edges Starbucks” (; 27 February 2007.[39] “It’s not about the Doughnuts”; (It’s Not About the Doughnuts); December 2004.[40] “The truth about McDonalds hot coffee"; (The TRUTH about the McDonald's hot coffee case); July 2006.[41] Homepage Dunkin’ Donuts (America's Favorite Coffee, Espresso and Donuts).[42] SodaStream Power Review - Soda Maker Club[43] “It’ not about Doughnuts” (It’s Not About the Doughnuts); December 2004.[44] It’s Not About the Doughnuts[45] Caribou’s Financial Statement; 2006.[46] “Caribou Coffee taking on king of the hill”; (;[47] “Grinding Out Success Next to Starbucks”; (Business News - Latest Headlines on CNN Business - CNN); December 2006[48] Id.[49] Id.[50][51] “Mergent coffee industry”, Page 5.[52] However many U.S. critics claim that the purportedly “premium” coffee is still significantly inferior to the coffee house beverage they are meant to compete against. Resource: Mergent coffee industry, page 4, 11.[53] Resource: National Coffee Association of USA[54][55] “2007 Tea and Coffee Industry Forecast” ([56] These days, global corporations routinely tie up 20 percent or more of their assets in alliances. As analyzed by McKinsey the most alliance-intensive enterprises over all industries delivered average total returns to shareholders nearly four times larger than the rest.[57] Resource: Mc Kinsey Quarterly Report about the Coffee Industry[58] As the Starbucks employee, who works in an affiliate of the corporation describes in the articles, there are differences between shops because the franchised stores buy the product and train employees differently, as compared to the stores linked to the corporation. (; It’s Not About the Doughnuts)[59] “2007 Tea and Coffee Industry Forecast” ([60] Especially the years of great surplus (60%) of coffee beans- 2002 / 2003- further drove down prices as farmers competed for the remaining market share. Many farmers were forced to lower prices so that their sales could not cover the cost of production, beginning a cycle of poverty and debt.[61] Organic coffee is grown without prohibited synthetic substances. The regulations require an organic plan, correct use of land and a very strict, detailed record keeping. Retailers have to change their labels and identify their certifier. The financial load per pound could be 2 to 4 cents up towards 17 cents for a small roaster. The organic rules went into full effect in Oct 2002. Customers will now have a higher level of confidence in knowing the product is organic. (Organic rules: impact on coffee industry)[62] Fair trade is an organized social movement which promotes standards for international labour, environmentalism, and social policy in areas related to production of Fair-trade-labelled and unlabelled goods. The movement focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries. “There is an undeniable and increasing interest. However, Fair-Trade labelled coffee still only represents 1.2% of the West European market (Roel Vaessen- European Coffee Federation, Netherlands)[63] Resources: Mergent coffee industry and Mc Kinsey Quarterly report about the coffee industry[64] “It’s not about Doughnuts”; (It’s Not About the Doughnuts), December 2004[65] Mc Kinsey Quarterly and US Coffee report[66] Industry Forecast; ([67] Global Trade; ([68] Id.[69] Nestlé told its shareholders in 2001: "Trading profits increased, and margins improved thanks to favourable commodity prices."[70] “Success over a cup of coffee”; (;[71] “Eccellente Gourmet Coffee”; ([72] “A Review of Dunkin’ Donuts”; ([73] “How to start a successful coffee shop”; (The Original Coffee Consulting Company)[74] Restaurant Industry Facts, Unauthorized Request Blocked[75] Coffee US Report;[76] “Grounds for a New Strategy in the coffee industry”; ( | CBSi); June 2001[77] Financial Statement Caribou Coffee 2006.[78] McKinsey Report about the Coffee Industry[79] Industry Data; ([80] “McDonald's java beats Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts”; (; February 2007[81] “Franchising Pros and Cons”; ([82] Sustainable Coffee Survey of the North American Specialty Coffee Industry, 2001

What was common 25 years ago but has vanished today?

hand rishkaVendors vanishing to extinction as India hurtles forwardKolkata, India (CNN)I heard the twangs in November or perhaps early December, after the dampness of the monsoons evaporated and the air carried a hint of winter chill. They were the distinct, almost comical, sounds of the mattress wallahs.Wallah in Hindi means seller or someone in charge of something, and the mattress wallahs were men who roamed the streets strumming a harp-like wooden implement they used for cotton carding.The vibration of the bowstring echoed through my neighborhood in Kolkata, and women who ran middle-class households, like my mother, ran out to their balconies to summon the cotton fluffers.When I was growing up, we slept not on plush foam or box springs but on firm mattresses stuffed with cotton that needed renewal every so often. I watched the mattress wallah carry our quilts, pillows and, of course, mattresses, to our rooftop terrace and gut them of their deflated innards. He used his carder to beat and fluff the existing cotton, added more from his personal supply and then hand-stitched everything back together. That first night after a mattress wallah's visit was nothing short of bliss.But there are few cotton plumpers left on the streets of my hometown.Globalization and growth wrought massive change in a very short time. Old ways are dying fast, especially in India's urban centers.Millions of Indians now find themselves struggling to make a living in niche occupations they've known all their lives. Among them are the mattress wallahs and people in unusual trades that are unfamiliar in the West. They include street typists, snake charmers, water delivery men, broom makers, sugarcane juicers, ironers, street pastry sellers and knife sharpeners.They were once crucial to my family's livelihood but I notice their dwindling numbers every time I visit India.A few years ago, a man who ironed my aunt's saris told me about the dire situation he faced. He still had his stall on a street corner and heated his heavy iron on hot coals, but he was losing customers by the day. They now had dryers or electric irons at home, bought clothes made from synthetic fabrics that did not need ironing or used automated cleaning services.The street ironer worried that soon he would not be able to provide for his family anymore. This was what his grandfather and father had done but his sons would have to enter a different trade. Or they'd be doomed.I returned to Kolkata last winter thinking about the mattress wallah and the street ironer. Donald Trump promised to bring back jobs to America. But who will advocate on behalf of the men and women in the disappearing trades of India? They are the last of their kind and vanishing fast to extinction.Basir Baig pedals to turn the stone on his sharpening contraption. These days, his customers are mainly owners of eateries in central Kolkata.Chhuri wallah: The knife sharpenerAt lunchtime in downtown Kolkata, Dacres Lane is better known as tiffin gali or lunch lane. It has been a culinary street since colonial days, when British sailors sought to fill their bellies here.Basir Baig arrived on this street many years after the Royal Navy left, but he's been sharpening knives for local eateries for the last five decades. He's known as a churi wallah -- churi means knife.After business in private homes declined, restaurant owners became his primary customers. He's 82 now, his scruffy long beard whiter and his skin browner from years under the Indian sun. He remembers a time when Dacres Lane was saner, before restaurants began spilling over onto the asphalt.After finishing eighth grade in 1947, the year of India's independence, Baig called it quits on education and took up his trade. He made less than a dollar a day back then, but that was pretty good money. He sent his four kids to school and even though it took all his savings, he considers their education a measure of his success. These days, eight hours of work yields $5, perhaps $6; given inflation, that's about a fifth of what he made as a young man.On this winter day, Baig manages to find a spot across from the Pink Room, whose sign proudly advertises its air-conditioned dining room and attached bar.A cook from another nearby eatery brings over three dulled knives; one is a menacing meat cleaver. Baig begins pedaling to turn the stone on his sharpening contraption. He bought his first machine for less than 30 cents; now it costs more than $70, he tells me. It takes him three minutes to sharpen a small knife, more for larger blades.Baig is 82 now and has been sharpening knives since he quit school after the eighth grade.His joints hurt from the pedaling, and he's had eye surgery to retain the sharp vision he needs for his profession. But he has no regrets."My main priority has been to feed my family," he says. "I am poor but I am satisfied with whatever Allah has given me. "It used to be that the women of the house couldn't chop and dice without the help of their churi wallah."They waited for me for days," Baig says. "They depended on me."But now people buy knives from big stores, and they don't require sharpening, he says. What saddens Baig is that he no longer feels essential to people's lives."I am afraid I am not needed anymore."Patties wallah: The patties sellerThe bell at Elite Cinema rings at 4:05 p.m., signaling intermission at the matinee showing of the Bollywood crime thriller "Wajah Tum Ho" (You are the Reason). Sheikh Saeed wastes no time.He rushes with his trunk and stool to the entrance and presses his face against a folding metal gate, like the ones in old elevators. He opens the tired trunk, picks out a vegetable patty, places it in a bag made from newspapers and thrusts his right hand out, eager to lure a hungry moviegoer."Bhaiya!" he yells using the Hindi word for brother. "They are hot and tasty."He has five minutes before people return to the darkness of the theater, one of Kolkata's oldest movie houses.Sheikh Saeed sells vegetable and meat patties from a trunk near Kolkata's New Market. He keeps them warm with hot coals.But few are interested in Saeed's treats these days. They bring their own chips or nuts to the theater -- or head to the concession stand. And the crowd at the Elite is smaller. In its heyday the manager posted a sign that read "House Full" to indicate sold-out shows. Now people flock to shiny new American-style multiplexes. On afternoons like this, the clientele here consists mostly of single men taking a break from the office or the occasional young couple on an illicit afternoon date.Saeed has little luck today. He and two other vendors sell only five patties. Between them, they earn less than a dollar.When I was young, vendors like Saeed walked the streets selling baked goods.I was especially fond of a woman who carried a black metal trunk on her head with three trays of pastries inside: The top layer held vanilla, the middle was strawberry and at the bottom was my favorite: chocolate. I watched as she lowered the trunk under a searing Bengal sun and marveled at her strength to carry such a load in the heat. The pastries were pure sugar and fat, and my mother resisted buying too many. But she took a certain amount of pity on the pastry wallah, and my brother and I always each got two -- one for instant gratification and one saved for after dinner.On my last visit to Kolkata, I tried in vain to find a pastry wallah. I was told they had faded with the explosion of top-notch bakeries and Starbucks-style coffee houses that sell everything from cookies and cupcakes to vegetable and chicken patties.No wonder Saeed is barely in business.There was a time when he, too, took his trunk to people's homes and opened it up to the delight of customers. But sales dropped precipitously in the last few years. Saeed guesses he's now competing with 15 to 20 other wallahs of his kind left in Kolkata.He sells his patties mostly in central Kolkata -- in front of cinema halls, at the maidan (the city's equivalent of Central Park) and on the congested streets around New Market, a British-era market that was the place to shop when I was growing up.He keeps his patties warm with hot coals that line the bottom of the trunk. It's tough to carry the 15-pound trunk on his head, even tougher in Kolkata's endless summers.He shows me his tray of neatly lined patties. "Veg" on one side that sell for 15 rupees (22 cents) and "Non-veg" on the other for 20 rupees (29 cents). Twenty years ago, he would sell 500 of these on a good day. Now he's lucky to sell 30 in the 10 hours he works everyday.Saeed and two other patties vendors wait for customers outside the Elite Cinema hall. But few come.He has two daughters who completed high school and two younger sons. He tells me he struggles to support them."I try to make up the deficit by going to festivals and fairs, but I can't rely on that on a daily basis," he says.Saeed is 45 and has to keep working for the sake of his family."Why don't you try to do something else?" I ask."But this is what I have done since I was a boy," he replies. "I don't really know how to do anything else."Besides, he says, he pays the police 200 rupees every month for his space on the street. Many of Kolkata's vanishing vendors pay small bribes to operate on public sidewalks and streets, Saeed tells me. If he switches turf or begins selling something else, he will probably have to pay more.So, he'll stay here, he says. And take his chances.Zari Karigar: The brocade embroidererIn the village on the outskirts of Kolkata that Archana Hazra calls home, more than 60% of the people share the same profession. They are zari karigars.Zari is brocaded thread -- usually gold or silver -- used in intricate embroidery to embellish clothing, and karigar means artisan. When I was young, I thought myself special when I received a sari with zari work.Sometimes the zari is married with sequins and beads for more elaborate and delicate designs known as zardosi, which surfaced in popular clothing lines in America after trade with India began to open up in the 1990s. It was the big companies, not the zari workers, who profited from the export boom.Hazra, 28, quit high school for zari work. It was good money then, and she wanted to help her parents out.Archana Hazra and her mother, Sandhya Sardar, are both brocade embroiderers, but Hazra doubts there will be any work left by the time her infant daughter Papri grows up.Most people in her village, Panchla, live in modest one-room homes. They have brick walls and tin roofs, if they are lucky. Many make do in mud huts with thatched roofs.Hazra's husband is also an embroiderer -- as are her four sisters and brothers. So was her mother, Sandhya Sardar, until five years ago when her vision diminished. She still had nimble fingers but not the sharp eyes needed for detailed work.Hazra recently developed an eye infection from the kajal, or kohl, she bought for her baby girl. Kajal is believed to have a soothing effect. Superstitious Indians also believe it wards off evil and apply the cosmetic to their baby's forehead and eyes soon after birth.Hazra tested the kajal on herself first to make sure it was not adulterated. Sure enough, her right eye swelled and turned red; the reaction was so severe that she worried she, too, like her mother, would have to abandon embroidery."If my eyes go, so does my work," she tells me.Her eye healed but her profession is ailing."The computer," she says, "is the end of us.""Computer?" I ask.Hazra leads me to a small building five minutes away. It houses an enormous machine, made in China, with giant spools of thread threading needles that work at lightning speed. In contrast, Hazra spends hours hunched over a dhadda, a wooden frame that stretches out the silk, chiffon, georgette or crepe she is adorning."What takes me seven days to do, the computer does in an hour," she says. "They do it faster but my work is better."Automation has arrived, even in this sphere of traditional work that harkens back centuries to the heavy silk robes and saris of emperors, empresses and courtiers."Zari work will always be there," Hazra says. "Just that there is less work for people like me."She is one of 600,000 or so other zari workers who live in villages and towns across the river from Kolkata that gained fame for their embroidery.A lot of zari embroidery has been automated and artisans are being forced to abandon their trade.Besides automation, the workers themselves have lost clout over the years as middlemen called ostagars stepped into the zari business. They buy the fabric and get the contracts with companies that sell clothing and bags in upscale malls in India and abroad. The wedding trousseau business is particularly big for zardosi work.But the middlemen cut out the zari workers from the profits, says Farid Mullah, leader of the local Forward Block political party. The party headquarters proudly flies its red flag emblazoned with a tiger and the communist hammer and sickle.Mullah says zari workers -- many of whom are women or children -- often work 12 to 16 hours hunched over yards of cloth but make shameful wages. Maybe $4 on a good day.Hazra and her husband now struggle to make a decent living. Zari workers like them make less than $2 a day -- hardly enough for the couple and their two young children."The middlemen make the money, but the workers are in a dire situation," Mullah says.Some villagers have tried to find other jobs like operating cycle rickshaws or getting on the assembly line of the factories that have popped up in the area. Hazra landed one such job at a pen factory. She reports to work at 8:30 in the morning and works until 6:30. Her husband set up a small potato stall at the market. They still do zari work -- when they get it -- but their wages have fallen from $85 a month to about $20."People make noise about saving us," Hazra says. "But no one ever does. We are a dying breed."Pandit Mahender Pandey Shastri sits on one of Kolkata's main thoroughfares with a pair of parrots that help him tell fortunes.Jyotishee: The fortune-tellerEvery morning at 7, Pandit Mahender Pandey Shastri offers prayers for three hours before making his way to Chowringhee, the Champs-Elysées of Kolkata.Chowringhee was officially renamed after India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, though nobody calls it that. During the day, the wide avenue swells with commuters, shoppers and tourists. Kolkatans know they don't even have to walk; the tide of humanity carries everyone and everything in its path.Amid the snarl, Shastri, a jyotishee, or fortune-teller, conducts business from a mat on the sidewalk in front of the Indian Museum. Behind him dangle dust-laden branches of a Mahua tree. In front is a small hand-painted sign that announces his presence."Meet or write for every astrological problem."On this day, Shastri, 70, is wearing a saffron dhoti (a garment worn by Hindu men) and a batik scarf hugs his neck. A red mark on his forehead tells the world he has been to the temple to pray. Next to him are his two prized parrots nestled in a small cage painted green to match their feathers. Their names are Radha and Krishna, after Hindu gods, and they are Shastri's assistant fortune-tellers.For a mere 30 cents, the birds hop out of their cage on Shashtri's command and pick out one of the 100 cards neatly arranged face down on the mat. Each contains a message not unlike those found in fortune cookies, only longer and far more detailed.Parrot astrology is an ancient tradition in India and people turn to it for help navigating life. Parrot astrologers determine compatibility for prospective brides and grooms. They are consulted when someone in the family falls seriously ill or obtains a good job. And they foretell suitable dates and time of day for big occasions like a marriage ceremony.Shastri's astrological accoutrements include gemstones that represent the planets. Coral, for instance, enhances the positive energy of Mars and should be worn by those in need of confidence. Pearls represent the moon, and if there is a beneficial moon in a customer's horoscope, Shastri recommends wearing one.Shastri also reads palms, When I extend my left hand, he inspects it by looking through a magnifying glass missing its handle. His eyes scan the lines of my hand and he concludes that the last 2½ years have not been easy.Shastri reads the author's palm and says many people just don't believe in astrology anymore."You should worship God more to relieve your tensions," he says.I nod my head and ask Shastri how things are going. He's been an astrologer since 1969 and says people these days have other means of figuring out their lives. They don't need someone like him for advice. Even if they do, they can always go online and look up their horoscopes."A lot of people don't even believe in all this anymore," he says, giving me the eye.They're skeptical of Shastri's unique blend of science, mysticism and skill. They say it's hocus pocus.There are too many cynics and too much information around for Shastri to make a profit, he tells me. Good thing one of his sons decided to run a clothing shop; another farms for a living.He takes a sip of masala chai from a tiny disposable cup that can barely hold the heat of the tea. Gone are the terra cotta cups that made afternoon tea so much more satisfying.It's dark by the time Shastri begins to pack up for the day. The sun sets before 5 in the winter, and the priest makes his way home by 6. It's not worth it for him to sit through the evening rush. Too few customers.I pay him for reading my palm and extend my good wishes to the priest and his parrot partners."Good luck," Shastri says. "Good luck."Mohammed Golam Rasul uses a harp-like instrument to fluff cotton to restuff mattresses and pillows.Dhunia: The cotton carderIn a small, dark warehouse near the left bank of the Hooghly River, five men pound piles of cotton with wooden sticks. They heave their arms high in the air and beat the cotton with every ounce of their strength. They can work 5 pounds of cotton within 10 minutes. They are Kolkata's dhunia, or cotton carders.The afternoon light catches a flurry of fluffy white particles that swim through the air and land on the heads of the workers, coating their oil-slicked hair. It's an asthma sufferer's hell and within minutes, I begin coughing from the fibers in my throat.I ask Mohammed Golam Rasul, 60, to step outside. He emerges from the dark looking like he's just been in a pillow fight."How can you breathe in there?" I ask.He tells me many of his colleagues suffer from lung ailments like tuberculosis from breathing the cotton dust.Rasul has been beating cotton like this for the past 36 years. His father, grandfather and great-grandfather did the same. The family has been in the business for 200 years, he says.But 20 years from now, they won't be. There's hardly any money to be made these days in this old-fashioned mattress industry. Rasul is lucky to make $3 a day.Rasul once wandered city streets like the mattress wallahs of my youth. Back then, only the wealthy could afford foam and coir mattresses and Rasul kept busy. But at the start of this century, stores filled with soft, cushy bedding, and work slowed for the cotton plumpers.The warehouse where Rasul works is in Bandhaghat, a 100-year-old market known for its cotton trade. Its proximity to the river makes it easier to transport bales of cotton.Subrata Kundu runs a family-owned bedding shop in Bandhaghat and tells me when he started in the business 40 years ago, there were no machines involved in the bedding industry. Not even cotton gins.Though the market is a sliver of its former self, Kundu says the customers who shop at his store remain faithful to hand-made mattresses. They are cheaper, better for your back and completely sustainable, he says.Inside a dark warehouse on the banks of the Hooghly River, workers use all their strength to plump old cotton.As though on cue, a customer arrives with an old quilt to be re-stuffed. Kundu inspects the cotton inside and provides an estimate: 900 rupees ($13) to get the quilt looking new. The customer agrees."I've been shopping here for 30 years," Tapas Adhikary tells me. "All my wedding stuff came from here. There's nothing like these mattresses and quilts."I leave Kundu's shop with optimism that there are still loyal customers who patronize the mattress wallahs. But, sadly, not enough.Bhisti: The water carrierRudyard Kipling immortalized the bhisti in his poem "Gunga Din," the water carrier who brought nourishment to British officers on the battlefield. But even before that, there were tales of heroic bhistis who carried water in thick leather mashaks, bags made from goat skin, and delivered them to the Mughal emperors of India.It was a trade passed down from father to son with an enormous sense of pride. Mohammad Ansur Ali's father was a bhisti. So was his grandfather. Men like him once were a common sight in Kolkata.Not anymore.I have to ask around to find Ali and wait for him at a tubewell just off Kolkata's Lindsay Street. He's one of a handful of bhistis left in the city.Across the narrow lane, a few men sip tea at a sidewalk stall and watch the 28-year-old as though he were performing street theater. Ali pushes down with the entire weight of his muscular body to fill his 8-gallon mashak and then hoists it over his left shoulder. He doesn't flinch even though it weighs close to 80 pounds.Ali does this 60 to 70 times a day. His first runs are from 5 in the morning to noon. He takes a lunch break and then is back on the job from 3 until 7.Mohammad Ansur Ali carries delivers water to homes and businesses in a mashak, a bag made from goat skin."Slowly, business is going down," Ali says. "It's a lot of hard work for very little money. So men are leaving this job whenever they can. Besides, people have pipes now."He means that most people have access to city water now that flows from the Tala Tank in north Kolkata and is pumped up to rooftops before it comes out of gravitational systems connected to bathroom and kitchen faucets.I try to keep up with Ali as he begins his half-mile sprint down narrow lanes and side streets. He runs barefoot for speed, he says. Gets better traction this way. Sometimes, he climbs eight or nine flights of stairs."This is a job for the young and strong," he tells me. "You cannot do this after 40."Ali has two daughters and a son. But he took this job because he has five sisters, and his father needed help in getting them married. Two are still at home.We arrive at the Modern Book House on Mirza Ghalib Street, and I watch Ali slip into a dark and skinny stairwell to the second floor, where the store owner's family lives. He delivers here once a day and gets paid about $3 a month for his services.There's every kind of book in the store: from Anne Frank's diary to daily yoga poses. But no customers. Owner Mohammed Aziz asks what I am looking for."I'm following the water delivery man for a story," I tell him."Well, you ought to write about the small new and used bookshops that were once prevalent in this part of town," Aziz says. People read everything online now. Even I will go out of business soon."For more than 25 years, D.N. Bhattacharya has been sitting outside Kolkata's high court, typing legal documents on a manual typewriter.The street typistOutside Kolkata's high court, a group of men sit facing Remington typewriters on splintered tables. Plastic tarps give the typists shelter from the sun and the torrential monsoonal rains that flood Kolkata every year.D.N. Bhattacharya tells me the humidity is so high during the rainy season that the paper he types on curls, and the ink begins running before it can dry. But that's the least of his worries.He's been typing legal documents almost half his life. He took a typing class when he was 18 and by the time he turned 26, he was doing this full time. I watch him punch keys on his manual typewriter from another century faster than I can on a brand new MacBook.Typists like Bhattacharya used to complain their fingers turned blue from the constant tapping. They typed all sorts of papers for my family. Even when I sold my parents' house a few years ago, the deed was typed outside the courthouse.They typed official letters for businessmen, resumes for job seekers and even letters for lovebirds. Typing was not an essential skill taught in schools like it was in America -- I never learned Qwerty -- and street typists were very much in demand."So many people in Kolkata don't know how to type," Bhattacharya tells me. "They don't understand legalese or they don't know how to make corrections."He was good, he proudly admits. "No one could keep up with my speed."He'd knock out 40 to 50 pages a day. Easy.But everything changed with the advent of desktops and laptops and now mobile devices.Bhattacharya is 50 and one of the last of Kolkata's street typists. He tells me there were once 212 typists who worked at the high court. Today, there are fewer than 10."Now that everyone has computers, my work has dropped 70%," he says.He tried to make up for lost wages by raising his price -- from 2 rupees per page to 10 (that's about 15 cents). But it doesn't fill the gap. On average, he's only typing 10 pages a day.As courts move to digital filing, work is dwindling for Kolkata's street typists.Computerization has meant many things. Lawyers who flocked to the street typists to get their legal briefs in order now have assistants in their offices who have templates on laptops. And as court records are stored online, judges are demanding uniformity in legal documentation.A chief justice already tried once to have the typists evicted from the high court's sidewalks. Bhattacharya comes to work every day knowing that a new declaration could come down at any time: No more filings on manual typewriters."That will be the end of us," he says.Bhattacharya has no health benefits or retirement account. There is no union that represents street typists. He wonders what he might do if the work stops altogether. Maybe he will try to get on as a clerk; not many people in Kolkata possess his speed and accuracy in typing.Our conversation is interrupted by R. Islam, a high court lawyer who still utilizes the street typists. He has come with a brief to be typed. He takes off his freshly polished loafers, crosses his legs on a wooden bench next to Bhattacharya."I have a computer but I don't use it," he tells me. "I sit here until all hours of the evening dictating."But we are digital India now. This machine is irrelevant," Islam says, placing his left hand on Bhattacharya's Remington.We talk about how Indian software engineers have contributed a great deal to the world of computers. The irony does not escape anyone, and an uncomfortable silence ends the discussion.Then Bhattacharya switches from Bengali to English."The future," he says, "is completely dark."Vendors vanishing to extinction as India hurtles forwardKolkata, India (CNN)I heard the twangs in November or perhaps early December, after the dampness of the monsoons evaporated and the air carried a hint of winter chill. They were the distinct, almost comical, sounds of the mattress wallahs.Wallah in Hindi means seller or someone in charge of something, and the mattress wallahs were men who roamed the streets strumming a harp-like wooden implement they used for cotton carding.The vibration of the bowstring echoed through my neighborhood in Kolkata, and women who ran middle-class households, like my mother, ran out to their balconies to summon the cotton fluffers.When I was growing up, we slept not on plush foam or box springs but on firm mattresses stuffed with cotton that needed renewal every so often. I watched the mattress wallah carry our quilts, pillows and, of course, mattresses, to our rooftop terrace and gut them of their deflated innards. He used his carder to beat and fluff the existing cotton, added more from his personal supply and then hand-stitched everything back together. That first night after a mattress wallah's visit was nothing short of bliss.But there are few cotton plumpers left on the streets of my hometown.Globalization and growth wrought massive change in a very short time. Old ways are dying fast, especially in India's urban centers.Millions of Indians now find themselves struggling to make a living in niche occupations they've known all their lives. Among them are the mattress wallahs and people in unusual trades that are unfamiliar in the West. They include street typists, snake charmers, water delivery men, broom makers, sugarcane juicers, ironers, street pastry sellers and knife sharpeners.They were once crucial to my family's livelihood but I notice their dwindling numbers every time I visit India.A few years ago, a man who ironed my aunt's saris told me about the dire situation he faced. He still had his stall on a street corner and heated his heavy iron on hot coals, but he was losing customers by the day. They now had dryers or electric irons at home, bought clothes made from synthetic fabrics that did not need ironing or used automated cleaning services.The street ironer worried that soon he would not be able to provide for his family anymore. This was what his grandfather and father had done but his sons would have to enter a different trade. Or they'd be doomed.I returned to Kolkata last winter thinking about the mattress wallah and the street ironer. Donald Trump promised to bring back jobs to America. But who will advocate on behalf of the men and women in the disappearing trades of India? They are the last of their kind and vanishing fast to extinction.Basir Baig pedals to turn the stone on his sharpening contraption. These days, his customers are mainly owners of eateries in central Kolkata.Chhuri wallah: The knife sharpenerAt lunchtime in downtown Kolkata, Dacres Lane is better known as tiffin gali or lunch lane. It has been a culinary street since colonial days, when British sailors sought to fill their bellies here.Basir Baig arrived on this street many years after the Royal Navy left, but he's been sharpening knives for local eateries for the last five decades. He's known as a churi wallah -- churi means knife.After business in private homes declined, restaurant owners became his primary customers. He's 82 now, his scruffy long beard whiter and his skin browner from years under the Indian sun. He remembers a time when Dacres Lane was saner, before restaurants began spilling over onto the asphalt.After finishing eighth grade in 1947, the year of India's independence, Baig called it quits on education and took up his trade. He made less than a dollar a day back then, but that was pretty good money. He sent his four kids to school and even though it took all his savings, he considers their education a measure of his success. These days, eight hours of work yields $5, perhaps $6; given inflation, that's about a fifth of what he made as a young man.On this winter day, Baig manages to find a spot across from the Pink Room, whose sign proudly advertises its air-conditioned dining room and attached bar.A cook from another nearby eatery brings over three dulled knives; one is a menacing meat cleaver. Baig begins pedaling to turn the stone on his sharpening contraption. He bought his first machine for less than 30 cents; now it costs more than $70, he tells me. It takes him three minutes to sharpen a small knife, more for larger blades.Baig is 82 now and has been sharpening knives since he quit school after the eighth grade.His joints hurt from the pedaling, and he's had eye surgery to retain the sharp vision he needs for his profession. But he has no regrets."My main priority has been to feed my family," he says. "I am poor but I am satisfied with whatever Allah has given me. "It used to be that the women of the house couldn't chop and dice without the help of their churi wallah."They waited for me for days," Baig says. "They depended on me."But now people buy knives from big stores, and they don't require sharpening, he says. What saddens Baig is that he no longer feels essential to people's lives."I am afraid I am not needed anymore."Patties wallah: The patties sellerThe bell at Elite Cinema rings at 4:05 p.m., signaling intermission at the matinee showing of the Bollywood crime thriller "Wajah Tum Ho" (You are the Reason). Sheikh Saeed wastes no time.He rushes with his trunk and stool to the entrance and presses his face against a folding metal gate, like the ones in old elevators. He opens the tired trunk, picks out a vegetable patty, places it in a bag made from newspapers and thrusts his right hand out, eager to lure a hungry moviegoer."Bhaiya!" he yells using the Hindi word for brother. "They are hot and tasty."He has five minutes before people return to the darkness of the theater, one of Kolkata's oldest movie houses.Sheikh Saeed sells vegetable and meat patties from a trunk near Kolkata's New Market. He keeps them warm with hot coals.But few are interested in Saeed's treats these days. They bring their own chips or nuts to the theater -- or head to the concession stand. And the crowd at the Elite is smaller. In its heyday the manager posted a sign that read "House Full" to indicate sold-out shows. Now people flock to shiny new American-style multiplexes. On afternoons like this, the clientele here consists mostly of single men taking a break from the office or the occasional young couple on an illicit afternoon date.Saeed has little luck today. He and two other vendors sell only five patties. Between them, they earn less than a dollar.When I was young, vendors like Saeed walked the streets selling baked goods.I was especially fond of a woman who carried a black metal trunk on her head with three trays of pastries inside: The top layer held vanilla, the middle was strawberry and at the bottom was my favorite: chocolate. I watched as she lowered the trunk under a searing Bengal sun and marveled at her strength to carry such a load in the heat. The pastries were pure sugar and fat, and my mother resisted buying too many. But she took a certain amount of pity on the pastry wallah, and my brother and I always each got two -- one for instant gratification and one saved for after dinner.On my last visit to Kolkata, I tried in vain to find a pastry wallah. I was told they had faded with the explosion of top-notch bakeries and Starbucks-style coffee houses that sell everything from cookies and cupcakes to vegetable and chicken patties.No wonder Saeed is barely in business.There was a time when he, too, took his trunk to people's homes and opened it up to the delight of customers. But sales dropped precipitously in the last few years. Saeed guesses he's now competing with 15 to 20 other wallahs of his kind left in Kolkata.He sells his patties mostly in central Kolkata -- in front of cinema halls, at the maidan (the city's equivalent of Central Park) and on the congested streets around New Market, a British-era market that was the place to shop when I was growing up.He keeps his patties warm with hot coals that line the bottom of the trunk. It's tough to carry the 15-pound trunk on his head, even tougher in Kolkata's endless summers.He shows me his tray of neatly lined patties. "Veg" on one side that sell for 15 rupees (22 cents) and "Non-veg" on the other for 20 rupees (29 cents). Twenty years ago, he would sell 500 of these on a good day. Now he's lucky to sell 30 in the 10 hours he works everyday.Saeed and two other patties vendors wait for customers outside the Elite Cinema hall. But few come.He has two daughters who completed high school and two younger sons. He tells me he struggles to support them."I try to make up the deficit by going to festivals and fairs, but I can't rely on that on a daily basis," he says.Saeed is 45 and has to keep working for the sake of his family."Why don't you try to do something else?" I ask."But this is what I have done since I was a boy," he replies. "I don't really know how to do anything else."Besides, he says, he pays the police 200 rupees every month for his space on the street. Many of Kolkata's vanishing vendors pay small bribes to operate on public sidewalks and streets, Saeed tells me. If he switches turf or begins selling something else, he will probably have to pay more.So, he'll stay here, he says. And take his chances.Zari Karigar: The brocade embroidererIn the village on the outskirts of Kolkata that Archana Hazra calls home, more than 60% of the people share the same profession. They are zari karigars.Zari is brocaded thread -- usually gold or silver -- used in intricate embroidery to embellish clothing, and karigar means artisan. When I was young, I thought myself special when I received a sari with zari work.Sometimes the zari is married with sequins and beads for more elaborate and delicate designs known as zardosi, which surfaced in popular clothing lines in America after trade with India began to open up in the 1990s. It was the big companies, not the zari workers, who profited from the export boom.Hazra, 28, quit high school for zari work. It was good money then, and she wanted to help her parents out.Archana Hazra and her mother, Sandhya Sardar, are both brocade embroiderers, but Hazra doubts there will be any work left by the time her infant daughter Papri grows up.Most people in her village, Panchla, live in modest one-room homes. They have brick walls and tin roofs, if they are lucky. Many make do in mud huts with thatched roofs.Hazra's husband is also an embroiderer -- as are her four sisters and brothers. So was her mother, Sandhya Sardar, until five years ago when her vision diminished. She still had nimble fingers but not the sharp eyes needed for detailed work.Hazra recently developed an eye infection from the kajal, or kohl, she bought for her baby girl. Kajal is believed to have a soothing effect. Superstitious Indians also believe it wards off evil and apply the cosmetic to their baby's forehead and eyes soon after birth.Hazra tested the kajal on herself first to make sure it was not adulterated. Sure enough, her right eye swelled and turned red; the reaction was so severe that she worried she, too, like her mother, would have to abandon embroidery."If my eyes go, so does my work," she tells me.Her eye healed but her profession is ailing."The computer," she says, "is the end of us.""Computer?" I ask.Hazra leads me to a small building five minutes away. It houses an enormous machine, made in China, with giant spools of thread threading needles that work at lightning speed. In contrast, Hazra spends hours hunched over a dhadda, a wooden frame that stretches out the silk, chiffon, georgette or crepe she is adorning."What takes me seven days to do, the computer does in an hour," she says. "They do it faster but my work is better."Automation has arrived, even in this sphere of traditional work that harkens back centuries to the heavy silk robes and saris of emperors, empresses and courtiers."Zari work will always be there," Hazra says. "Just that there is less work for people like me."She is one of 600,000 or so other zari workers who live in villages and towns across the river from Kolkata that gained fame for their embroidery.A lot of zari embroidery has been automated and artisans are being forced to abandon their trade.Besides automation, the workers themselves have lost clout over the years as middlemen called ostagars stepped into the zari business. They buy the fabric and get the contracts with companies that sell clothing and bags in upscale malls in India and abroad. The wedding trousseau business is particularly big for zardosi work.But the middlemen cut out the zari workers from the profits, says Farid Mullah, leader of the local Forward Block political party. The party headquarters proudly flies its red flag emblazoned with a tiger and the communist hammer and sickle.Mullah says zari workers -- many of whom are women or children -- often work 12 to 16 hours hunched over yards of cloth but make shameful wages. Maybe $4 on a good day.Hazra and her husband now struggle to make a decent living. Zari workers like them make less than $2 a day -- hardly enough for the couple and their two young children."The middlemen make the money, but the workers are in a dire situation," Mullah says.Some villagers have tried to find other jobs like operating cycle rickshaws or getting on the assembly line of the factories that have popped up in the area. Hazra landed one such job at a pen factory. She reports to work at 8:30 in the morning and works until 6:30. Her husband set up a small potato stall at the market. They still do zari work -- when they get it -- but their wages have fallen from $85 a month to about $20."People make noise about saving us," Hazra says. "But no one ever does. We are a dying breed."Pandit Mahender Pandey Shastri sits on one of Kolkata's main thoroughfares with a pair of parrots that help him tell fortunes.Jyotishee: The fortune-tellerEvery morning at 7, Pandit Mahender Pandey Shastri offers prayers for three hours before making his way to Chowringhee, the Champs-Elysées of Kolkata.Chowringhee was officially renamed after India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, though nobody calls it that. During the day, the wide avenue swells with commuters, shoppers and tourists. Kolkatans know they don't even have to walk; the tide of humanity carries everyone and everything in its path.Amid the snarl, Shastri, a jyotishee, or fortune-teller, conducts business from a mat on the sidewalk in front of the Indian Museum. Behind him dangle dust-laden branches of a Mahua tree. In front is a small hand-painted sign that announces his presence."Meet or write for every astrological problem."On this day, Shastri, 70, is wearing a saffron dhoti (a garment worn by Hindu men) and a batik scarf hugs his neck. A red mark on his forehead tells the world he has been to the temple to pray. Next to him are his two prized parrots nestled in a small cage painted green to match their feathers. Their names are Radha and Krishna, after Hindu gods, and they are Shastri's assistant fortune-tellers.For a mere 30 cents, the birds hop out of their cage on Shashtri's command and pick out one of the 100 cards neatly arranged face down on the mat. Each contains a message not unlike those found in fortune cookies, only longer and far more detailed.Parrot astrology is an ancient tradition in India and people turn to it for help navigating life. Parrot astrologers determine compatibility for prospective brides and grooms. They are consulted when someone in the family falls seriously ill or obtains a good job. And they foretell suitable dates and time of day for big occasions like a marriage ceremony.Shastri's astrological accoutrements include gemstones that represent the planets. Coral, for instance, enhances the positive energy of Mars and should be worn by those in need of confidence. Pearls represent the moon, and if there is a beneficial moon in a customer's horoscope, Shastri recommends wearing one.Shastri also reads palms, When I extend my left hand, he inspects it by looking through a magnifying glass missing its handle. His eyes scan the lines of my hand and he concludes that the last 2½ years have not been easy.Shastri reads the author's palm and says many people just don't believe in astrology anymore."You should worship God more to relieve your tensions," he says.I nod my head and ask Shastri how things are going. He's been an astrologer since 1969 and says people these days have other means of figuring out their lives. They don't need someone like him for advice. Even if they do, they can always go online and look up their horoscopes."A lot of people don't even believe in all this anymore," he says, giving me the eye.They're skeptical of Shastri's unique blend of science, mysticism and skill. They say it's hocus pocus.There are too many cynics and too much information around for Shastri to make a profit, he tells me. Good thing one of his sons decided to run a clothing shop; another farms for a living.He takes a sip of masala chai from a tiny disposable cup that can barely hold the heat of the tea. Gone are the terra cotta cups that made afternoon tea so much more satisfying.It's dark by the time Shastri begins to pack up for the day. The sun sets before 5 in the winter, and the priest makes his way home by 6. It's not worth it for him to sit through the evening rush. Too few customers.I pay him for reading my palm and extend my good wishes to the priest and his parrot partners."Good luck," Shastri says. "Good luck."Mohammed Golam Rasul uses a harp-like instrument to fluff cotton to restuff mattresses and pillows.Dhunia: The cotton carderIn a small, dark warehouse near the left bank of the Hooghly River, five men pound piles of cotton with wooden sticks. They heave their arms high in the air and beat the cotton with every ounce of their strength. They can work 5 pounds of cotton within 10 minutes. They are Kolkata's dhunia, or cotton carders.The afternoon light catches a flurry of fluffy white particles that swim through the air and land on the heads of the workers, coating their oil-slicked hair. It's an asthma sufferer's hell and within minutes, I begin coughing from the fibers in my throat.I ask Mohammed Golam Rasul, 60, to step outside. He emerges from the dark looking like he's just been in a pillow fight."How can you breathe in there?" I ask.He tells me many of his colleagues suffer from lung ailments like tuberculosis from breathing the cotton dust.Rasul has been beating cotton like this for the past 36 years. His father, grandfather and great-grandfather did the same. The family has been in the business for 200 years, he says.But 20 years from now, they won't be. There's hardly any money to be made these days in this old-fashioned mattress industry. Rasul is lucky to make $3 a day.Rasul once wandered city streets like the mattress wallahs of my youth. Back then, only the wealthy could afford foam and coir mattresses and Rasul kept busy. But at the start of this century, stores filled with soft, cushy bedding, and work slowed for the cotton plumpers.The warehouse where Rasul works is in Bandhaghat, a 100-year-old market known for its cotton trade. Its proximity to the river makes it easier to transport bales of cotton.Subrata Kundu runs a family-owned bedding shop in Bandhaghat and tells me when he started in the business 40 years ago, there were no machines involved in the bedding industry. Not even cotton gins.Though the market is a sliver of its former self, Kundu says the customers who shop at his store remain faithful to hand-made mattresses. They are cheaper, better for your back and completely sustainable, he says.Inside a dark warehouse on the banks of the Hooghly River, workers use all their strength to plump old cotton.As though on cue, a customer arrives with an old quilt to be re-stuffed. Kundu inspects the cotton inside and provides an estimate: 900 rupees ($13) to get the quilt looking new. The customer agrees."I've been shopping here for 30 years," Tapas Adhikary tells me. "All my wedding stuff came from here. There's nothing like these mattresses and quilts."I leave Kundu's shop with optimism that there are still loyal customers who patronize the mattress wallahs. But, sadly, not enough.Bhisti: The water carrierRudyard Kipling immortalized the bhisti in his poem "Gunga Din," the water carrier who brought nourishment to British officers on the battlefield. But even before that, there were tales of heroic bhistis who carried water in thick leather mashaks, bags made from goat skin, and delivered them to the Mughal emperors of India.It was a trade passed down from father to son with an enormous sense of pride. Mohammad Ansur Ali's father was a bhisti. So was his grandfather. Men like him once were a common sight in Kolkata.Not anymore.I have to ask around to find Ali and wait for him at a tubewell just off Kolkata's Lindsay Street. He's one of a handful of bhistis left in the city.Across the narrow lane, a few men sip tea at a sidewalk stall and watch the 28-year-old as though he were performing street theater. Ali pushes down with the entire weight of his muscular body to fill his 8-gallon mashak and then hoists it over his left shoulder. He doesn't flinch even though it weighs close to 80 pounds.Ali does this 60 to 70 times a day. His first runs are from 5 in the morning to noon. He takes a lunch break and then is back on the job from 3 until 7.Mohammad Ansur Ali carries delivers water to homes and businesses in a mashak, a bag made from goat skin."Slowly, business is going down," Ali says. "It's a lot of hard work for very little money. So men are leaving this job whenever they can. Besides, people have pipes now."He means that most people have access to city water now that flows from the Tala Tank in north Kolkata and is pumped up to rooftops before it comes out of gravitational systems connected to bathroom and kitchen faucets.I try to keep up with Ali as he begins his half-mile sprint down narrow lanes and side streets. He runs barefoot for speed, he says. Gets better traction this way. Sometimes, he climbs eight or nine flights of stairs."This is a job for the young and strong," he tells me. "You cannot do this after 40."Ali has two daughters and a son. But he took this job because he has five sisters, and his father needed help in getting them married. Two are still at home.We arrive at the Modern Book House on Mirza Ghalib Street, and I watch Ali slip into a dark and skinny stairwell to the second floor, where the store owner's family lives. He delivers here once a day and gets paid about $3 a month for his services.There's every kind of book in the store: from Anne Frank's diary to daily yoga poses. But no customers. Owner Mohammed Aziz asks what I am looking for."I'm following the water delivery man for a story," I tell him."Well, you ought to write about the small new and used bookshops that were once prevalent in this part of town," Aziz says. People read everything online now. Even I will go out of business soon."For more than 25 years, D.N. Bhattacharya has been sitting outside Kolkata's high court, typing legal documents on a manual typewriter.The street typistOutside Kolkata's high court, a group of men sit facing Remington typewriters on splintered tables. Plastic tarps give the typists shelter from the sun and the torrential monsoonal rains that flood Kolkata every year.D.N. Bhattacharya tells me the humidity is so high during the rainy season that the paper he types on curls, and the ink begins running before it can dry. But that's the least of his worries.He's been typing legal documents almost half his life. He took a typing class when he was 18 and by the time he turned 26, he was doing this full time. I watch him punch keys on his manual typewriter from another century faster than I can on a brand new MacBook.Typists like Bhattacharya used to complain their fingers turned blue from the constant tapping. They typed all sorts of papers for my family. Even when I sold my parents' house a few years ago, the deed was typed outside the courthouse.They typed official letters for businessmen, resumes for job seekers and even letters for lovebirds. Typing was not an essential skill taught in schools like it was in America -- I never learned Qwerty -- and street typists were very much in demand."So many people in Kolkata don't know how to type," Bhattacharya tells me. "They don't understand legalese or they don't know how to make corrections."He was good, he proudly admits. "No one could keep up with my speed."He'd knock out 40 to 50 pages a day. Easy.But everything changed with the advent of desktops and laptops and now mobile devices.Bhattacharya is 50 and one of the last of Kolkata's street typists. He tells me there were once 212 typists who worked at the high court. Today, there are fewer than 10."Now that everyone has computers, my work has dropped 70%," he says.He tried to make up for lost wages by raising his price -- from 2 rupees per page to 10 (that's about 15 cents). But it doesn't fill the gap. On average, he's only typing 10 pages a day.As courts move to digital filing, work is dwindling for Kolkata's street typists.Computerization has meant many things. Lawyers who flocked to the street typists to get their legal briefs in order now have assistants in their offices who have templates on laptops. And as court records are stored online, judges are demanding uniformity in legal documentation.A chief justice already tried once to have the typists evicted from the high court's sidewalks. Bhattacharya comes to work every day knowing that a new declaration could come down at any time: No more filings on manual typewriters."That will be the end of us," he says.Bhattacharya has no health benefits or retirement account. There is no union that represents street typists. He wonders what he might do if the work stops altogether. Maybe he will try to get on as a clerk; not many people in Kolkata possess his speed and accuracy in typing.Our conversation is interrupted by R. Islam, a high court lawyer who still utilizes the street typists. He has come with a brief to be typed. He takes off his freshly polished loafers, crosses his legs on a wooden bench next to Bhattacharya."I have a computer but I don't use it," he tells me. "I sit here until all hours of the evening dictating."But we are digital India now. This machine is irrelevant," Islam says, placing his left hand on Bhattacharya's Remington.We talk about how Indian software engineers have contributed a great deal to the world of computers. The irony does not escape anyone, and an uncomfortable silence ends the discussion.Then Bhattacharya switches from Bengali to English."The future," he says, "is completely dark."

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