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What should I know about the Portuguese culture before moving to Lisbon?

~~LONG DISCOURSE~~‘Olá’…which is how we Portuguese write and say ‘Hello’! As you embark on your Portuguese adventure, keep in mind we Portuguese tend to be gentle anarchists living in a state of peaceful disorder.The average Portuguese is almost always late, too serious, rather formal and critical. We still drive like maniacs, parking wildly on sidewalks which is nowadays “fine-able”, many loving to take two spaces when parking; shameful, selfish and also punishable by traffic law. Others like to evade responsibility and many are corrupt. I guess this means some of us are dishonest crooks, but certainly NOT most, on the contrary. We are tight fisted despondent complainers with a high tendency for negativity. Exhibiting a smart-alec (chico-esperto) attitude towards law and authority, we detest taxes and can be envious of others, but we are also: amiable, deferential, indomitable, apathetic, humble, tough, dauntless, cynical, courageous, compassionate, grouchy, submissive and beleaguered.Waiting for fortune to smile upon we love to play lotteries, good company, and a good shot of coffee. We are conciliatory, tactful, effusive and spontaneous, but we can also be SOB’s, blowing our tops off on occasion if royally pissed off, so please…don't piss us off (!). In the end, we are eminently reasonable, with a sadness of the soul, and a joviality in our nature. A unique bunch, but of course, not all Portuguese fall within the said personality traits. We are far from being perfect, being no better than others. Believe it or not, we even have a few (gasp) *jerks* lurking around…well.. they are few. Portuguese have been around almost 900 years as an independent nation. We know ourselves pretty well, so believe me when I say the great majority, (some more some less) click the ‘boxes' above and below, as we are also hospitable, helpful people that love our visitors, but while in Portugal please:Do not address us directly in your language, especially if Spanish. Not because we might not understand you, (many don't) but because we are not Spanish! Our beloved national languages are Portuguese + Mirandês, and although some speak a certain ‘Portunhol’, don’t assume. Always ask if it is ok to address us in Spanish, because as a principle, we find it disrespectful that in our own country someone addresses us using the next door neighbor's language. So please…don't just start yapping away in Spanish, or in any other language without first asking if we speak it, ok? In Lisbon, Porto and a few other larger cities, most youngsters and middle aged individuals speak English; not so much in smaller or surrounding areas of older population. Having said this, most Portuguese attempt to help you even if only knowing a few words of English, or any other language they might have picked up living abroad, or just thru their own academic studies.Do not compare our country and people to your country or countrymen: English, Spanish, Americans, whatever. In Iberia we are seen as a unique rebel clan, so digest this slowly, without questioning our modesty, as I assure you it is quite high…like our Winter humidity.After centuries of disasters, economic mistakes and political instability, Portugal still has a lot to accomplish. While knowing the world better than most and ourselves too, we have owned our destiny for 877 years, co-sharing 60 of those with Spain; this due to a Portuguese monarchic succession crisis. So believe it when I say, Portugal and its people will be around for a long while, and we will survive Covid19.Portugal is not a ‘banana republic’. Although it may look like it is, don't fool yourself thinking so, because we are different and just a bit crazy. Only we, the Portuguese can say that (in many ways) we are a banana republic, but not outsiders; how dare you!? ;-). Here we follow rules and codes of conduct, except for the currupt politicians and bankers that think themselves above the law. That is until they are caught, but still many get away with murder even after caught AND tried.Politically and socially we like to fly under the radar. We hate show-offs, but centuries ago we were a world power and show off's we were. Nowadays, we mind our own business despite being involved in the EU. Once in a while we show the world our other side by reminding mankind not just that we exist, but that we are also alive and relevant, at least once every 500 years. We accomplish this feat maybe with an ‘avant garde’ brilliant approach or methodology, or by keeping to our financial obligations in a time of crisis, and suddenly, we are ‘geniuses’ and and an utterly fantastic country of people, the world rendering itself at our feet; at least for a while, then we go dormant again for centuries.Despite no longer being powerful nor rich (GDPwise) we have many riches under our soil and maritime waters. We are a decent democratic country, where people’s rights are protected by the constitution, but in day to day living, hummm… it can be another story.Portugal and citizens have changed and not always smoothly nor for the best. Portugal has some of the world's lowest crime rates but… there is crime. Still, compared to the number of inhabitants it is very low. Part of it is because we successfully addressed, and lowered the effect of illegal drugs in our society, as well as the number of our HIV cases, being now a global example on how to curb/ eradicate drug use, (and trafficking) which has lowered our criminality. But don't fool yourselves, drugs are still around and being confiscating more and more. Still, we continue to be the world’s 3rd safest country despite the economic problems and the number of foreigners, refugees and emigrants we accept. Our low crime society has brought us quite a lot of world attention, accolades and newcomers. They want a more peaceful, simple lifestyle. We want their tax dollars, investment and entrepreneurship, but most of all, their friendship. We offer a peaceful but very simple place where they can live peacefully, smoke a few joints, build their Mongolian huts, bring up children, grow their own crops in peace, quiet and sunshine. They can do this here without the ‘secret police' harassing them, and we hope maybe they can help us grow this country, and who knows…maybe stay for good. So our approach to drugs and addiction tells you a lot about Portugal, the nation and its people. We detest criminality, weapons and war, yet in 1974 we had a revolution that overthrew a 50 year old dictatorship.This fascist government depleted our economy with involvement in a colonial African war that drained our coffers, and killed thousands of our young men. But ours was a “peaceful” revolution with rebel military officers wearing (real fresh) carnations on the butt if their riffles, and only five people were killed. Not by the revolutionary military but by the deposed government fascist police; PIDE as they were know then, or the International Police of State Defense.As far as diplomacy goes, Portugal has no attritions as it gets along with everybody. We hate to rock the boat, although NOT so in the XV and XVI centuries. Back then you better believe we rocked your boat, your land and your people if you didn't conform and faught us. We have a warrior Celtic “edge” that comes alive when pushed, meaning that if what we really want is denied, or if you fight us, and put us under threat we can be extremely violent. Presently, that edge is hardly ever except in football games, but in the past, it was often used dictatorially, forcefully, unfairly and immoraly, but at a time when all powers got away with those kinds of actions…well… wait a minute…they still do...silly me!Our citizens are neither dumb nor stupid, and it shows given educational opportunities and jobs. Strangely, independently we tend to be inefficient, almost lazy, but surprisingly not so as a group, and most certainly not with our backs against the wall. Still governing effectively is not our ‘forte’. Working more hours than other EU countries, Portugal is still an inefficient country that would cause major heart attacks to American CEO's and managers! Yet citizens demand social benefits and high quality of life without wanting to foot the bill. The ones that correctly understand that nothing comes for free tend to be few. Jobs and careers are difficult to find and sadly underpaid for many. For example, attracting youngsters to a career in political science is hard. Political pundits here work hard as in our political arena there aren't just Republicans, Conservative or Liberals, there are many parties, including Communists, Greens, Extreme Right, Religious Conservatives, you name it and they all want a seat in Parliment and a piece of the pie. Just as an example, the Açores Islands an autonomous region of Portugal, will be voting soon for parliament seats, and there are 'just” 13 different political parties represented in the running, and this is an autonomous island archipelago. We still have another island and the mainland, so you get the idea, too much work & effort, not enough play!Yes, we might be economically inept but let's be fair, we are a tiny country, the size of Indiana...squeezed in the West coast of Iberia, for centuries doing nothing but fight Spain, France, or Indians in the subcontinent, Muslims, Buddhist, all over the world, pirates, you name it. Portugal also has had major bad luck and huge setbacks, but while at it, we did nothing but for the most part govern corruptly and inefficiently, and there is always a price to pay for that. Today, Portugal is light years ahead of what it was like fifty years ago. Life then was more like a Christian Albania of the West, but like I said, despite the advancements, there is still a long road ahead. The current government not voted in by a majority, is that of half Goan half Portuguese born PM, António Costa. It still seems to be working alongside our fantastic, and much loved President, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, but let's see how long it lasts.In Portugal, a simple country it is not unusual seeing our President walking about in Lisbon without any type of escort, caught in the act of having his shoes shined, or being at the beach by himself, goofing off with older school kids, telling people or chastising them for being careless and engaging in taking selfies. This IMO is absolutely adorable, and he is loved by the great majority. Yes, in Portugal this is peace of mind and simplicity of living at its best.Portuguese deep inside are sweet, accomodating people, not just to visitors, but towards all forms of life in general…except for bullfighting. This wretched ‘sport’ continues to stubbornly hang around on in our culture, but IMO its days are counted.Many visitors are surprised by our rather taciturn ‘closed faces’ and demeanor. I admit the ambiguities in national character can confuse or scare some away. We are sweet and kind, but sometimes we don't show it. We can also be nutty and like I said, park on sidewalks while people walk on the street, but our life is hard with valid reasons for sour puss’ faces; let's face it, free parking is hard to find! ;-). If people only bothered to find out why first, instead of just jumping to conclusions or complaining they would understand us better. BTW Portuguese love doing this, (complain) so feel free not letting us get away with it, because rather than first research the issues, we tend to point fingers or just complain and do nothing about it! Irritatingly Latin I know…On average, we also can be whiney cynics. The country - its citizens have never been better than at present, yet we are never satisfied, complaining nonstop… see… I am complaining about our complaining! But seriously, after traveling in 43 different countries I can tell you I have seen way worse, and that my people are some of the nicest you will ever meet and get to know, that's for sure, but you need to reach out as well.Since the 1974 Revolution that overthrew a fascist dictatorship, Portugal has come a long way and taken important strides towards progress, equality, and human rights, but like already stated, much still needs to be done especially when it comes to people’s mentalities; education is key. Most here don't bother with their civic or social responsibilities, so no sense complaining for WE are all responsible for taking care of Portugal and ourselves. Government dependency has to stop, and we must work hard to accomplish more without complaint. Responsibility toward positive change rests upon all of us, not just politicians. We must lead by example, not thru cheap talk, but hard work, but ok… enough of this…what must you know before moving to Lisbon and being part of our society?When addressing us always say: ‘Bom Dia’ (good morning) or whatever side of day it may be. If you don’t, it is NOT polite and most will remind you of your (bad) manners by totally ignoring what you first said, wishing you ‘Good Day’ then asking how they can help you. As expected, then you need to greet ‘bom = whatever' and repeat yourself again, which is a problem with me. By the time I backtrack and utter my ‘good whatever’ then fast forward, I have already forgotten what I had said, or initially asked! Greet when you meet someone or when you first walk into a smaller store, be it the local bakery, hairdresser, flower shop, but not necessarily a huge Jumbo Supermarket or a Corte Inglês. We don't expect you to be a parrot but in smaller places, be personal as we like that. When you bid someone a good day, chances are you will get back a chorus of good whatevers, particularly in smaller towns, where it is a true ‘faux-pas' witholding good wishing to older folks.Many, not knowing any better, comment on how shy, reserved or embarrassed we are upon praise. Portuguese tend to defer as they are not used to praise, but I assure you, this is not a national trait, especially in bigger cities, where you find all kinds of Portuguese. For the most part, we are a ‘no nonsense’ group that can, and is confident despite cynical, historical complaining, chronic ‘negativity’, sadness, gloom, and at times, a rude side. We do not trust easily, at least not right away. With Spain right next door for centuries giving us reasons to worry and distrust, we just cannot blindly trust or smile immediately without first knowing if you are trustworthy. Morroco, in Northern Africa and further south has given us major headaches as well, maybe because we attempted too many times to steal and ransack their cities. Our history with these has not always been peaceful, but challenging and downright painful often presenting us with huge losses including a temporary (60 year) loss of our independence to Spain.Portuguese have led very hard, painful lives thru the centuries, and our history has never been easy on us. We dealt with Inquisitions which spread to some of our territories abroad, like Brazil, Goa and Macau. The loss of our Jewish population, their wealth, know-how, trust, and what we did to them was the worst mistake in our history; the slave traffic was another. We sadly acknowledge these mistakes but world history is full of them. Believe me, we have learned our lesson the hard way, but the constant Spanish attacks, destructive earthquakes, killer tsunami, three Napoleonic invasions, brief loss of independence to Spain, the loss of Brazil, Civil War, fall of our Monarchy, Fascist dictatorship, African Pro-Independence Guerrila Wars 1961–1974 on three different fronts (Guiné - Bissau, Angola, Mozambique) loss of Nagar Haveli, our Goa, Daman & Diu, (India) in 1961, were all huge heartbreaks that combined, ruined us until finally a good thing, the April 25, 1974 overthrow of a fascist government. But there was a counter coup attempt in 1976 that almost drove us into another civil war, along with constant political bickering. A good thing the coup failed, but the political bickering continues to the day.With all these challenges and disasters, I wonder how we made it as a people and a nation, for the effects of all of these disasters affect us to this day; no wonder many Portuguese look sad. And that is why most Portuguese love Fado. This is our own musical genre, our blues music, reminding us longingly of a better past, maybe a past love gone wrong, a deep yearning for something or someone now gone. Portuguese have been forever enamored with their past, from ruling the world for several generations to… well…now we struggle. Yet, it is in our glorious past that somehow we find solace, just not enough to keep many from leaving Portugal, never to come back. Many forgot past, present & future and left never to return. Our Jewish brothers either tortured, forcibly converted or expelled centuries ago. The Hawaiians of Portuguese descent, the fishermen of New Bedford, (USA) the huge communities in France, Germany, Brazil, Australia. These are just some examples of the millions that left Portugal for good. Our history affects us in so many ways, that sometimes we look sad and don't even realize it, so…don't be alarmed or put off. It doesn't mean we dislike you or hate the world; if anything, many here just hate their own inner little world. Our ‘look’ changes 99% of the time the moment we are introduced to someone and get to know them better. We don't open totally to strangers, but once we do, the beauty of being Portuguese emerges. A good exercise for a 1st time visitor is to sit and watch us. Some look happy in company of friends or family, other look sullen, worried, not in a happy place, but all changes once they run into a friend, family member, classmate or someone they may know. Too much initial, impersonal boisterousness is looked upon with distrust, being given the “look” consisting of a possible raised eyebrow, as your mental status is internally, but briefly questioned. How can you be so happy when most of us live on minimum salary, if we have a job at all!? You, my foreign friend, may be lucky enough to have employment that allows you to travel, but we Portuguese, don't we deserve a job too? Obviously, the sad reality of many can put anyone in a bad mood, so try to understand this about us.Interestingly enough, we still debate historial facts, decisions and consequences 500+ years after the fact, as we see them as pivotal reasons for some our current problems, but also to justify our sour moods and failings to the world. But my poor people worry about unemployment, having mouths to feed, medicines they cannot afford and other bills, family issues, older parents, and let us also not to forget our Armed Force Veterans. For their sacrifice they get measly pensions, some still fight old demons, reminding you that PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) still affects many that saw action during our African colonial wars of the 1960’s & 1970’s. Depression is quite high amongst them, and the general population. Drug addiction affects many, this despite our intelligent drug policy. It greatly reduced the number of HIV infections and junkies, but let's face it, some are such ‘goners’ that not even an intelligent policy is enough. As such, many will never be clean, but our free health services do try to help them the best possible. So OK…we may not be as bubbly happy as Brazilians or Spaniards, but we are not all chronically depressed.We love to have fun and celebrate. There are always several types of events going on like shows, sport events, concerts, plays, etc, and ohhh… here’s another Portuguese trait… we ‘like’ to stare! We know we shouldn't do it because it is really bad manners, but you may look or dress very differently. Maybe you are a hot babe, or you look a mess, or you are sassy…we stare! Gone are the days we could afford nice hand made clothes, good quality shoes, or expensive name brands. Those days are long gone, as unfortunately, our low salaries and high taxes just don't cut it anymore. Many people stare when they see someone or something different, probably wishing they could be in ‘your shoes’, cool & sophisticated, traveling as you are. As our history plainly shows we love traveling, but most here just cannot afford it, so we ‘take you in’…please, do not be offended.Our demeanor may be taciturn at times, but it changes when we are with family, friends, when you address us, we find you may be hurt, or when we realize you are a nice person; then we safely open up. We like to help, so don't be afraid to ask or reach out for I promise, we do not bite. We love our visitors, some of us happily deviate from their own tasks to take someone where they need to go, assuring they are secure and heading in the right direction, imagine that…but while in Portugal, call on your patience. If you do not have it, develop this grace, for you will need it here.Waiting 30 minutes to sometimes hours in line or queuing up, is done patiently rarely without complaint by most. As such and not shockingly, customer service in Portugal is terrible! Calling a business nr. and it ringing 20 -30 times before someone finally answers, (if they do) is not an exception to the rule, it can be THE rule! I am talking customer assistance centers, doctors’ offices, lawyers, general trade businesses, government entities, hospitals, you name it. Someone answering the phone after one week of trying is a lucky break, a blessing in many occasions worthy of celebration, especially with me, as I have the patience of a hedgehog.Have you ever asked a Portuguese a reason “why”? “Why can you not take a message for this person” after your 15th call to someone that still has not set up their voice mail?! Did you get a shrug or told to call back? Worst, did you get a smart ass response like : “Ohhhh I don't know…” well, welcome to the club! Most people here just leave it at that and walk away, but these attitudes drive me absolutely insane! No one is supposed to know all, but for God's sake, move your ass and find out! That lack of effort is infuriating to some (me) paralysing to others. It may be a Portuguese thing and a German trait gotten from their IV-V century AD invasions, subsequent mingling into our DNA and becoming engrained in ‘Portugality’. The thought process can be something along these lines: “I hate to bother my boss, and it is not in my job description to know it all, so if I don't know something, I will say so! I am not going to bother and interrupt my supervisor or another colleague and look stupid, I might even lose my job down the line over such a thing, so if I don't know, I don't know”! Yes…it's a beauty... like I said, most here just leave it at that, thank you for the effort and walk away, because we really do not like to bother people nor cause scenes, so they suck it up, walk away muttering and cursing under their breath, a resigned look in their faces; that is…unless that Portuguese is ME! Yes, yours truly here hates inefficiency and burocracy, which in Portugal is absolutely ridiculous and incredibly irritating, so what am I doing living here you ask? THAT’s another question, but already having visited so many countries, I can tell you Portugal is far from being the worst, and it certainly isn't going to change anytime soon because you, nor I like the burocracy! I hate it to the point of shamefully admitting to public tantrums, including a few face to face rows with government officials over their incompetencies. But being that I suffer from hypertension, on occasion I have ended up hyper ventilating, as horrified onlookers try to placate and calm me. I admit, making a scene has gotten some things done my way faster, but only because I was an “enfant terrible" and caused a scene. In the long run, it changed nothing except the way these entities now feel about me, which is, resentful! Next time, I will NOT get anywhere faster because now I am flagged as a troublemaker! Live and learn, I now go with the flow. It is not worth getting a heart attack over these things, and it’s quite embarrassing having my own co-citizens stare at me as if I have gone mad! But one can only take so much, and if no one complains nothing gets done, so complain but be gentle. In Portugal it is what it is; you do what you need in order to get things done, but always with kindness and a smile.Now a major problem in our society is that many go outside legal guidelines, and THAT is a huge problem! Corruption is everywhere, but it is also being quite forcibly addressed by the Justice Department. People now more than ever realize “the buck stops here", and nobody is safe from being locked up, so don’t ever say to a government employee: “Here's 50 €uros for candy, just make sure it is done tomorrow"! Things in Portugal take time and social graces are never forgotten, even with 20 people patiently waiting on queue. Maybe this ‘who cares' attitude is the reason why Portuguese tend to on average, outlive others, with our males living 78.3 years and our wonderful ladies living up to 84.5. This a 81.5 average and world ranking at 19. However, given the advancements here on so many fronts, we are expected to be in the top 5 counties by 2040 in life expectancy, so get used to us. But, and there is always a “but", the stresses in a life full of monetary difficulties and burocracies take a toll, making most look older than their years, which smoking, unprotected Sun exposure, and bad genes don’t help either. Plus some are so poor they can't even afford a new hair cut, or to maintain their hair coloring services, and that sometimes makes us look older than what we are; not that this includes me! No, no… I am 56 but look 40, so good genes here, but then again, I am not your average Portuguese.Despite the hurdles of life, Portuguese like to show they are organized, so get used to always take a queue ticket at a supermarket deli, meat, fish, bread or sweets’ counters; same at butcher shops, post offices, banks, medical clinics, pharmacies, government offices, etc. The ticket dispensers are normally located at the store's entrance, or on top of the particular specialty counter at supermarkets or other businesses. If you don't take the ticket and just bumm around waiting, smiling or staring at the ceiling, soon you will realize that patrons that arrived after you (but with a ticket) are being called and served before you, which is bloody irritating!Waiting at a bus stop? Don't sneak aboard in front of others already on queue! It is ok to do so at a Metro or a train station, but never at a bus stop! Yes… yes…I know this makes NO sense and yes…I admit we can be rather irrational at times, but it makes us an interesting bunch, don't you think? Look… if I’ve been waiting for the bus longer than you, should I not board first for a chance of nabbing available seats? Chances are I’ve been on my feet 10 hours while you are here on holiday! If you jump queue you can get an earful if I am tired and in a bad mood, or you just might just be called to attention, as many understand foreigners may not know about this pet peeve of ours, so for the most part you will be forgiven, but some national riders can be zelous over this NOT so silent protocol, and may give you a word or two, so you are forewarned. On a bus, if you decide to take the front row seats these are normally held for special needs/ handicap riders. The areas are identified with a notice along the wall of the bus, so if you seat in any of these and are NOT pregnant or are a young child, elderly or injured, should these type of riders get on-board, you need to give it up, or you could be asked to move. If you ride with a pet, it must ride in a travel container, and you must pay the pet ticket.Taking public transport in Lisbon during peak hour traffic is nuts! Expect to go standing, crammed like a sardine in a tin can. It’s as bad as the Tokyo Metro, especially on the more popular routes. If you have no choice but to ‘jam crush,’ hang on to overhead grab bars, seat handles, or stationary poles and pleeeaaasseee …wear deodorant!!! Nothing we hate more than being stuck in a full bus smelling of gym lockers! Yuck…Portuguese drivers can be total idiots and bus drivers are no different, though some are maniacs too, and believe it when I say, they used to be worse! To drive ‘carefully’ with 50+ riders onboard means speeding thru residential areas at 70 km per hour, especially if the bus is running late, which is simply dangerous and irresponsible. Hang on fast! No use getting off and running for your life; you might just get stampeded by the riders outside rushing to get YOUR bus! If your intention is to wait for the next bus, chances are it will be just as jam packed, and driven by Batman's the Joker! In rush hour riding chances are you go standing, and count yourself lucky if you are found to be in a comatose state after a 30 minute ride. Can you move, feel your toes or any other body part? Do your hands and lips turn purple while on board our buses or metros? Ohh and please don't expect the ‘25 foot rule’, (personal space) or you won't get anywhere for another week. I just love seeing (while seated, of course) the look of despair in the faces of riders fighting the crowds inside the crammed buses while attempting to get off, before the doors slam shut.The driver takes off like a bat out of hell, fly brooming to the next stop as they frantically yell: “STOOOOOP" clawing, scratching the crowds blocking their exit! So theatrical, it’s almost as bad as riding the trains in Bombay. Well, the Portuguese have not yet mastered the art of “roof riding”, but I am sure our bus drivers have from all the swerving, screeching, and swash buckling moves I have seen. Having said this, it is also shockingly unusual to read, hear or see accidents involving public transport, because seriously, it is hard to believe this, but - not- all Portuguese drivers are nut jobs, only most of them. They are just soooo lucky, and so are we…courageous riders.Before trying to open bank or utility accounts, give proof of address with rental agreement or your home purchase contract, national ID/ or passport and confirmation of income. If you are a foreign individual, good luck if you have an account opened in one month! Utilities electric mostly, can take up to 5 days to install, and you may need to pay for some services up front, like gas line inspections, etc, but water install tends to be faster, normally 2 days later. Internet & cable can take 2 or 3 weeks to install, sometimes less depending on the region and service provider you use.Another thing to remember is our 700 telephone numbers are chargeable, so not only are you getting -bad- customer service but you must pay for it too!Enjoy Lisbon and branch out to see the rest of Portugal, much more down to earth, less crazy, very clean and organized for the most part. Lisbon is my beloved city, and the one that welcomed me to this world. I LOVE it like no other but it is getting too busy, crazy and dirty. Portugal’s interior is really tranquil, bucolic, so pretty, peaceful, vast and empty, so try it and I hope you like it. Portuguese are smart but a rather complex and (sometimes) crazy tribe, yet…modesty aside, I admit that for Iberians, we are quite a nice bunch! :))

Now that Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with pneumonia, are liberals willing to admit she isn't in perfect health?

Liberals have one over-arching goal — get Clinton elected. It’s not about telling the truth or debating the issues. Nor is it about holding their candidate accountable for bribery, corruption, mishandling state secrets, self enrichment through the Clinton Foundation, or least of all, lying. Clinton supporters are going to therefore parrot whatever the Clinton Campaign puts out as the official narrative to the main stream media who are also largely made up of Clinton supporters.Let’s look at a timeline of what’s happened so far and then decide if we’re getting the truth from the Clinton Campaign about her health as her history of problems go back further than most people imagine. We're fortunate to have video evidence and some statements by Hillary Clinton herself. The weight of the evidence tells the story with recurring themes of fainting, blood clots and coughing fits stretching back 18 years.Feb. 1, 2005: At a campaign event in upstate New York, Clinton fainted during her own remarks. "She told the crowd she was queasy," Erie County Democratic Chairman Len Lenihan told CNN. She told the crowd she felt warm, then left the room. "Upon her return, at about 12:15 p.m., the senator fainted as her staff placed the microphone in front of her," Lenihan recalled. Secret Service agents then surrounded the former first lady, and four people broke her fall. "She has had a GI virus — an acute gastrointestinal illness — and she has been sick for at least a day and she needed some fluids; she needed to sit down and relax," Dr. Stephanie Pincus, a New York doctor and professor at the University of Buffalo, told CNN. Interestingly, Clinton did not go to a hospital, and no ambulance was called, according to reports.Oct. 2007: Senator Hillary Clinton told the New York Daily News about a "potentially fatal scare in 1998." While she was campaigning for Chuck Schumer in New York, her right foot started swelling and causing her pain. At Bethesda Naval Hospital, doctors diagnosed a large blood clot behind her right knee.June, 2009: Secretary Clinton fell and fractured her right elbow while walking to her car in the basement of the State Department, The New York Times reported. Clinton, 61 at the time, underwent surgery to repair the elbow, and missed at least one meeting with Obama as a result.June, 2011: Clinton fell again in 2011 while boarding a plane to Oman, but did not sustain injury.Dec. 10th, 2012: Secretary Clinton faints and falls apparently while at home. Clinton cancelled a European trip because of illness. From State Department spokesman Philippe Reines: "Since she's still under the weather, we'll be staying put this week instead of heading to North Africa and the Middle East as originally planned. “Dec. 13, 2012: Clinton is diagnosed with a concussion, the New York Times reports, noting that Clinton also had a blood clot in her leg in 1998. She began taking blood thinners around the time of her hospital discharge. Statement from her doctors indicate: "Secretary Clinton developed a stomach virus, leading to extreme dehydration, and subsequently fainted. Over the course of this week we evaluated her and ultimately determined she had also sustained a concussion. " - Dr. Lisa Bardack, Mt. Kisco Medical Group, and Dr. Gigi El-Bayoumi, George Washington UniversityDec. 31, 2012: Statement from Clinton's doctors: "In the course of a routine follow-up MRI on Sunday, the scan revealed that a right transverse sinus venous thrombosis had formed. This is a clot in the vein that is situated in the space between the brain and the skull behind the right ear. It did not result in a stroke, or neurological damage. To help dissolve this clot, her medical team began treating the Secretary with blood thinners. She will be released once the medication dose has been established. In all other aspects of her recovery, the Secretary is making excellent progress and we are confident she will make a full recovery. She is in good spirits, engaging with her doctors, her family, and her staff." - Dr. Lisa Bardack, Mt. Kisco Medical Group, and Dr. Gigi El-Bayoumi, George Washington University.Jan. 23, 2013: Clinton testifies on the Hill about Benghazi, raising questions about her glasses. Reines confirmed that Clinton was wearing the glasses as a result of the concussion: "She'll be wearing these glasses instead of her contacts for a period of time because of lingering issues stemming from her concussion. With them on she sees just fine."Mar. 14, 2015 Leaked emails between Colin Powell and Jeffrey Leads reveal a conversation between Leads and large Democratic and Clinton supporter, Sheldon Whitehouse. Whitehouse indicated that both he and Clinton were giving speeches a few months back and Clinton could barely walk up the podium steps and was “"concerned about her health.”July 31, 2015: Mrs. Clinton’s doctor revealed that she still takes the blood thinner (anticoagulant drug) Coumadin (warfarin),” the doctor writes. “Hillary Clinton has had three episodes of venous thrombosis (clots in veins): deep vein thrombosis (blood clots) in her leg in 1998 and 2009 and thrombosis in veins in her brain (cerebral venous thrombosis) in 2012.Oct. 22, 2015: Presidential candidate Clinton suffers a public coughing fit during Benghazi hearings. It’s later reported that she had passed out and had to be assisted into her van afterwards.Dec. 19, 2015: Presidential candidate Clinton returns late to the debate stage by more than 30 seconds with millions watching leaving the debate moderators trying to fill the gap. She explains it on having to wait in line for the bathroom.Jan, 25, 2016: Presidential candidate Clinton suffers a public coughing fit during speech in Iowa, something she attributed to speaking a lot on her campaign tours.Feb. 16, 2016: presidential candidate Clinton suffered her third public coughing fit during a speech in Harlem. "Clinton had to dig out a lozenge at last year's Benghazi hearings," noted the Daily Mail,About this time, a picture surfaces of Clinton needing assistance to walk up a flight of stairsApr. 22, 2016: At a rally in Scranton, PA, Hillary Clinton momentarily forgets what she's talking about and stares blankly into space after a loud crowd outburst of noise before recovering.June 10, 2016: After leaving meeting with Elizabeth Warren, Clinton paused to answer media questions about Warren as a potential running mate. She appears to have uncontrollable shaking as a result of a loud noise outburst. Some suggest this is a sign of neurological problems.Aug. 4, 2016: Presidential Candidate Clinton at a Greenville, NC rally appears to lose focus after loud noise outburst again and must be coached by a secret service agent to “keep talking” and that “you’re okay.”Sept. 2, 2016: The FBI releases an 11 page summary along with a 58 page document detailing an interview summary between Mrs. Clinton and Federal Investigators. She stated she had suffered a concussion, was working part-time and could not recall any briefing she received on how to handle classified information or comply with laws governing the preservation of federal records.Sept. 5, 2016: Presidential Candidate Clinton suffers fourth public coughing fit during Labor Day campaign speech to a crowd in Ohio. The coughing goes on for 4 minutes and she never recovers her speech. Video close ups show her spitting up something green into her water glass but it may be lozenges.September 11, 2016: During a New York memorial service marking the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, a video of her unexpectedly early departure showed her buckling and stumbling as she got into her van. The Secret Service breaks protocol requiring that candidates be taken to a level 1 trauma center and instead take her to Chelsea Clinton’s nearby apartment.Following her collapse at the 9/11 memorial, the narrative put out by the media was that Clinton did not faint and that: “During the ceremony, she felt overheated so departed to go to her daughter's apartment, and is feeling much better." The temperature was reported as 80 degrees and she had been there for only an hour and fifteen minutes. Bill Clinton then feeds the narrative to the media who then widely report that Hillary does not like to drink water and has to be forced to do so. Earlier news reports then surfaced on how Hillary loved drinking water and drank a lot of it to stay hydrated.Only after the video above surfaced by an attendee in the crowd did the narrative change to stomach flu and then finally pneumonia that was diagnosed a week earlier. But this again is no big deal, according to the media, and that everyone gets the pneumonia and faints from time to time. Sen. Chuck Shumer is noted as saying that even he has the pneumonia. The question then arises as to why Hillary Clinton continued to appear in public if she’s contagious with pneumonia especially around children? And it should be obvious from the video evidence we do have that there could be neurological concerns.In an attempt to dispell the growing rumors of serious health concerns, Bill Clinton visited the Carlie Rose show the next day in an effort to show transparency, but he verbally slips in this interview and says that Hillary "frequently” faints and falls which he corrects to “rarely but on more than one occasion.” The occurrence of fainting is at least five times that we know of from the evidence we can see above, yet CBS decides to edit out Bill Clinton saying “frequently” when they air the interview. See here. Keep in mind this was on a show to demonstrate full disclosure and transparency and yet, they decide to provide an edited version of Bill Clinton’s statement?The Clinton campaign also decided it could no longer ignore public calls for the release of medical records and Clinton’s physician, Lisa Bardack, an MD in Internal Medicine, issued a summary statement report stating, in part, that Clinton has “non-contagious, bacterial pneumonia.” See here. However, the summary is by no means a release of medical records and doesn’t speak to any of Hillary’s neurological concerns as Dr. Bardack is not a neurologist. Perhaps most misleading is that fact that the diagnosis is “non-contagious” bacterial pneumonia? How was it contracted if it’s non-contagious. So we went from not fainting to dehydration and fainting to stomach flu to pneumonia to “non-contagious” pneumonia all in the span of about 24 hours. The summary also noted a prescription for Leviquin, a drug of last resort for illnesses like pneumonia as it has serious side effects and could induce seizures in someone with prior brain injury like concussion.The focus of the Clinton campaign now has been stated as wanting to keep Clinton healthy for the next 11 days to be ready for debates. It therefore certainly sounds like Hillary will be on 24 hour medical observation. Recently, an ambulance was even added to her motorcade. And the lead story by the media right now? The health of Donald Trump and his appearance with Dr. Oz. They are also trying to suggest that his weight poses a serious health risk. One gets the impression that if Trump were able to walk on water, the media would say that it only proves he can't swim. Of course we know it's all in an attempt to distract from Hillary’s serious health issues.Most telling is the fact that Hillary Clinton avoided any public press conferences for an astounding total of 270 days, unprecedented for a candidate running for any office, especially President. It appears that her campaign has limited her to very few scheduled stops of short duration with small crowds. She had 13 small events in August. Yet her August fund raising totals were her best yet totaling $143 million dollars indicating big money donations. September is even worse with only six scheduled events.If nothing else is obvious from this history, there is a gross lack of transparency and a pattern of avoiding hospitals and the media to control the narrative and mislead the public on Hillary Clinton’s health. But those in support of Clinton are happy to propagate this false narrative to help their chosen candidate get elected.

What is the “Clinton Body Count” theory, and why do people believe it is true?

There is no evidence. Take the time to go to and you can learn about all the Clinton rumors . Here is a exert that puts this in perspective."Body count" lists are not a new phenomenon. Lists documenting all the allegedly "suspicious" deaths of persons connected with the assassination of John F. Kennedy have been circulating for decades, and the same techniques used to create and spread the JFK lists have been employed in the Clinton version:List every dead person with even the most tenuous of connections to your subject. It doesn't matter how these people died, or how tangential they were to your subject's life. The longer the list, the more impressive it looks and the less likely anyone is to challenge it. By the time readers get to the bottom of the list, they'll be too weary to wonder what could possibly be relevant about the death of people such as Bill Clinton's mother's chiropractor.Play word games. Make sure every death is presented as "mysterious." All accidental deaths are to be labelled "suspicious," even though by definition accidents occur when something unexpected goes wrong. Every self-inflicted death discussed must include the phrase "ruled a suicide" to imply just the opposite. When an autopsy contradicts a "mysterious death" theory, dispute it; when none was performed because none was needed, claim that "no autopsy was allowed." Make liberal use of words such as 'allegedly' and 'supposedly' to dismiss facts you can't support or contradict with hard evidence.Make sure every inconsistency or unexplained detail you can dredge up is offered as evidence of a conspiracy, no matter how insignificant or pointless it may be. If an obvious suicide is discovered wearing only one shoe, ignore the physical evidence of self-inflicted death and dwell on the missing shoe. You don't have to establish an alternate theory of the death; just keep harping that the missing shoe "can't be explained."If the data doesn't fit your conclusion, ignore it. You don't have to explain why the people who claimed to have the most damaging goods on Clinton (e.g., Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky, Kenneth Starr), are still walking around unscathed while dozens of bit players have been bumped off. It's inconvenient for you, so don't mention it.Most important, don't let facts and details stand in your way! If you can pass off a death by pneumonia as a "suicide," do it! If a cause of death contradicts your conspiracy theory, claim it was "never determined." If your chronology of events is impossible, who cares? It's not like anybody is going to check up on this stuff ...Multiple versions of this "body count" list have been circulating online for two decades now. New victim names are routinely added and old ones taken off, forming an endless variety of permutations. At this point, there is no one "official" list.But where did all this craziness start? In a 1994 letter to congressional leaders, former Rep. William Dannemeyer listed 24 people with some connection to Clinton who had died "under other than natural circumstances" and called for hearings on the matter.Dannemeyer's list of "suspicious deaths" was largely taken from one compiled by Linda Thompson, an Indianapolis lawyer who in 1993 quit her year-old general practice to run her American Justice Federation, a for-profit group that promotes pro-gun causes and various conspiracy theories through a shortwave radio program, a computer bulletin board, and sales of its newsletter and videos.Her list, called "The Clinton Body Count: Coincidence or the Kiss of Death?" then contained the names of 34 people she believed had died suspiciously and who had ties to the Clinton family. Thompson admitted she had "no direct evidence" of Clinton's killing anyone. Indeed, she said the deaths were probably caused by "people trying to control the President" but refused to say who they were. Thompson said her allegations of murder "seem groundless only because the mainstream media haven't done enough digging."Ah, but they had. If not before she put her list together, at least afterwards. Anyone who continues to state the mainstream media has given these claims short shrift is being disingenuous.Since 1994, various respected news outlets have been confronted with versions of the "Clinton Body Count" list, run their own investigations of a few of the claims, and found nothing to substantiate what they looked into. Those investigations would culminate in yet another story about an oddball conspiracy rumor.But conspiracy theories don't die that easily. These "body count" lists and the many specious claims contained therein continue to circulate in cyberspace and beyond: yesterday's newspaper articles are forgotten with the next day's delivery, but e-mail lives forever.A 2007 version of the "Clinton Body Count" list was headed with this entry:James McDougal — Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation.James McDougal, a key witness for Whitewater prosecutors when the investigation centered on an Arkansas land deal in which the president and McDougal were involved, had a pre-existing heart condition and died of a heart attack on 8 March 1998 while in solitary confinement at the Federal Medical Center prison in Fort Worth. The ailing McDougal had been placed in solitary as punishment for failing to provide a urine sample for a drug test. On the day before his death and while still in his regular cell (where he had access to his heart medications), he had complained of dizziness, and while being processed for isolation he threw up. However, once in isolation, he did not ask for his medicines and appeared to guards "alert, well-oriented and absent any visible signs of distress" right up until his death. An investigation into the circumstances of his demise did not find evidence of foul play.(The McDougal entry was not part of the "Clinton Body Count" list as it circulated in 1998.)1. Mary Mohane — former White House intern gunned down in a coffee shop. Nothing was taken. It was suspected that she was about to testify about sexual harassment at the White House.Former White House intern Mary Caitrin Mahoney, 25, manager of a Georgetown Starbucks, was killed along with two co-workers (Emory Allen Evans, 25, and Aaron David Goodrich, 18) on 6 July 1997 during a robbery of the shop. In March 1999, Carl Derek Havord Cooper (29) of Washington was arrested and charged with these murders.Yes, it is unusual that three employees were killed in the course of a robbery during which nothing was taken. According to Cooper's 26 April 2000 guilty plea (he received life with no hope of parole), he went to the Starbucks to rob the place, figuring the receipts from the July 4 weekend would make for a fat take. He came in after closing, waved a .38, and ordered all three Starbucks employees into the back room. Once there, Mahoney made a run for it after Cooper fired a warning shot into the ceiling. She was ordered back to the room, but then went for the gun. Cooper shot her, then afterwards shot the other two employees. He left empty-handed, afraid the shots had attracted police attention. As regrettable as these three deaths were, this was nothing but a case of a robbery gone wrong.And, right away, we have come to the first big lie of the "Clinton Body Count" list: Any unexplained death can automatically be attributed to President Clinton by inventing a connection between him and the victim. Mary Mahoney did once work as an intern at the White House, but so have hundreds of other people who are all still alive. There is no credible reason why, of all the interns who have served in the Clinton White House, Mahoney alone would be the target of a Clinton-directed killing. (Contrary to public perception, very few interns work in the West Wing of the White House or have any contact with the President. The closest most interns get to the chief executive is a single brief handshake or group photo.)The putative reason offered for Mahoney's slaying, that she was about to testify about sexual harrassment in the White House, was a lie. This absurd justification apparently sprang from a hint dropped by Mike Isikoff of Newsweek just before the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke that a "former White House staffer" with the initial "M" was about to talk about her affair with Clinton. We all know now, of course, that the "staffer" referred to was Monica Lewinsky, not Mary Mahoney. The conspiracy buffs maintained that White House hit men rushed out, willy-nilly, and gunned down the first female ex-intern they could find whose name began with "M."2. Vincent Foster — former White House Counsel, found dead of a gunshot wound to the head and ruled a suicide. He had significant knowledge of the Clintons' financial affairs and was a business partner with Hillary. If the Clintons are guilty of the crimes they are accused of by Larry, Vincent Foster would have detailed knowledge of those crimes.This laundry list of deaths always refers to someone taking his life as "ruled a suicide," thus implying another conclusion of equal likelihood was capriciously dismissed by someone who had the power to do so. From here on, read "ruled a suicide" as "an investigation was carried out and arrived at this ruling as the only reasonable conclusion."White House deputy counsel Vince Foster committed suicide on the night of 20 July 1993 by shooting himself once in the head, a day after he contacted his doctor about his depression. A note in the form of a draft resignation letter was found in the bottom of his briefcase a week after his death. (Note that this letter was not, as is often claimed, a "suicide note"; it was Foster's outline for a letter of resignation.) Foster cited negative Wall Street Journal editorials about him, as well as the much-criticized role of the counsel's office in the controversial firing of seven White House travel office workers.On 10 October 1997, special prosecutor Kenneth Starr released his report on the investigation into Foster's death, the third such investigation (after ones conducted by the coroner and Starr's predecessor, Robert B. Fiske) of the matter. The 114-page summary of a three-year investigation concluded that Foster shot himself with the pistol discovered in his right hand. There was no sign of a struggle, nor any evidence he'd been drugged or intoxicated or that his body had been moved.If Foster had been murdered or if unanswered questions about his death remained, Starr would have been the last person to want to conclude the investigation prematurely. Or are we to believe Kenneth Starr is part of the cover-up, too? And if we buy into this conspiracy theory, what are we expected to believe? That a group of professional killers capable of furtively carrying out dozens of murders all over the world shot Vince Foster, then clumsily dumped him in a park (after he had bled out), planted a gun he didn't own in his hand (without bothering to press his fingerprints onto it), amateurishly forged a suicide note (in several different handwritings), then expected the nation would believe his death was a suicide?3. C. Victor Raiser, II - former National Finance Co-Chairman of Clinton for President, and Montgomery Raiser, his son. Both died in a suspicious private plane crash in Alaska. No cause determined. Raiser was considered to be a major player on the Clinton team.All plane crashes are "suspicious," because airplanes are supposed to stay in the air, and when they don't it's because something went terribly wrong. Pilot error and mechanical failure are by far the most common causes underlying any crash. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigates every downed plane in the U.S., and though they might not always pin down the exact cause of a crash, they're generally pretty good about ruling out the use of explosives or mechanical tampering. If the NTSB doesn't find evidence of tampering or explosives, then that's not what downed the plane, and we're left with pilot error and mechanical failure as our choices.Raiser, his son, and three others died in a plane crash in Alaska on 30 July 1992 during a fishing trip. The pilot and another passenger survived and were hospitalized with severe burns. While the "body count" list claims "no cause determined," the NTSB reported otherwise: pilot error in a small plane flying in mountainous terrain during low visibility conditions led to the crash.4. Paul Tully — DNC Political Director, was found dead in a Little Rock hotel room. No cause was ever determined and no autopsy was allowed. Tully was a key member of the damage control squad and came up with some of the Clinton strategies.Paul Tully died on 24 September 1992. Problem is, there wasn't anything the least bit unusual about his death, so whoever cooked up this list had to lie and claim that "no cause was ever determined" and "no autopsy was allowed." However, an autopsy was performed, and Tully's cause of death was determined: a massive heart attack. (Not a surprising demise, given that Tully was extremely overweight, a heavy drinker, and a chain smoker.) According to Steve Nawojczyk, the Pulaski County coroner, "An autopsy by the Arkansas medical examiner's office discovered advanced coronary artery disease." He added that investigators found no evidence of external trauma to the body.Note again that the conspiracy buffs offer no putative reason for Tully's "killing" and would have us believe that Clinton ordered his chief strategist rubbed out while the most important election of his career was a little over a month away.5. Ed Willey — Clinton fund raiser. Found in the woods in Virginia with a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide.Ed Willey was a former Virginia state senator and a lawyer; his wife Kathleen was active in Democratic state politics, worked as a volunteer (including some fund-raising efforts) on behalf of the Clinton campaign in Virginia in 1992, and later served as a volunteer in the White House Social Office. Ed Willey's death was as clear cut a case of suicide as one is likely to find: he was a desperate, unstable man who (along with his wife) spent money lavishly, stole $275,000 of a client's money, and was about half a million dollars in debt to the IRS. He took his own life on 29 November 1993, leaving behind a suicide note found by his wife reading: "Saying I'm sorry doesn't begin to explain. I hope one day you will forgive me."At the same time as Willey was killing himself, his wife was allegedly being groped by Bill Clinton. She said she'd gone to the Chief Executive looking for a job to help her family out of its financial crisis and found herself fending off his advances. Clinton admitted to the meeting but denied her version of what took place. Kathleen Willey testified in Paula Jones' sexual harrassment suit against Clinton, but she never claimed that Clinton had her husband killed.6. Hershell Friday — Clinton fund-raiser. His plane exploded.Herschel Friday, an Arkansas lawyer who had been on the Clinton presidential campaign finance committee, died in a airplane accident on 1 March 1994. His plane did not "explode"; this accident was another case of pilot error that occurred when the 73-year-old Friday, at the plane's controls, crashed it during an attempted landing on a poorly-lighted private airfield at dusk on a dark and drizzly day.7. Jerry Parks — former security team member for Governor Clinton. Prior to his death he had compiled an extensive file on Clinton's activities. His family had reported being followed and his home broken into just before being gunned down at a deserted intersection.On 26 September 1993, Luther (Jerry) Parks was hit with ten bullets from a 9-mm semiautomatic handgun as he left a Mexican restaurant at the edge of Little Rock. His murder remains unsolved.Parks' security company guarded Clinton's campaign headquarters in 1992. Parks' son, Gary, asserted in Circle of Power and The Clinton Chronicles (both video products of Linda Thompson's American Justice Federation) that his father collected a secret file of Clinton's indiscretions, and that his father was using the file to try to blackmail the Clinton campaign. (He also claimed that Vince Foster knew of the file's existence.) Despite these allegations, the younger Parks never produced the mysterious file, and Clyde Steelman, a homicide sergeant with the Little Rock police force, dismissed Gary Parks' theories of his father's death as "unsubstantiated, nothing to grasp." A far more likely suspect in the murder was Jerry Parks' former partner, with whom Parks had quarreled bitterly.8. John Wilson — former Washington D.C. council member. Had ties to Whitewater. Died of a very suspicious hanging suicide.John Wilson was the chairman of the District of Columbia Council, and his suicide was far from "very suspicious": Wilson had a long history of depression, was wrestling with marital problems, and had tried to kill himself on at least four other occasions. He finally succeeded on 19 May 1993. Upon his death, Wilson's wife said, "[His] depression was an inherited problem; that he was able to contribute so much over the years in the face of his disability was a miracle." Police said that he did not leave a note and that there were no signs of foul play.Wilson had absolutely nothing in common with Clinton other than that they worked in the same city (i.e., Washington, D.C.). The claim that Wilson had anything to do with the Whitewater real estate controversy is laughable.9. Kathy Ferguson — former wife of Arkansas State Trooper Danny Ferguson, the co-defendant with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Found dead in her living room of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Interestingly, her packed suitcases seemed to indicate she was about to go somewhere.Kathy Ferguson killed herself with a gunshot to the right temple on 11 May 1994 at the home of her boyfriend, Bill Shelton. Their relationship had fallen on hard times, with each accusing the other of having been unfaithful. Ferguson left behind a suicide note that read: "I can't stay here any longer. Things will never be the same for us. I can't take that." Close by was another note from Shelton questioning her relationship with another man, which Ferguson's daughter said her mother had been upset over.We found no mention of packed suitcases in any of the reports about Ferguson's death, but even if there were, it wouldn't be the least bit surprising. Is it so unusual that a woman might be thinking of moving out of the house of a boyfriend who had quarreled with her and challenged her fidelity?10. Bill Shelton — Arkansas state trooper and fiance of Kathy Ferguson. Allegedly committed suicide by shooting himself at her grave.Shelton killed himself over Kathy Ferguson's grave on 12 June 1994, leaving a suicide note that was found beside his body. Just a month earlier he had quarreled with his girlfriend, accused her of cheating on him, and driven her to suicide. There was nothing mysterious about his death or his reasons for taking his life. And if the idea that the ex-wife of an Arkansas state trooper constitutes a Clinton "connection" weren't absurd enough, we're now offered the boyfriend of an ex-wife of an Arkansas state trooper.11. Gandy Baugh — attorney for Dan Lasater in a financial misconduct case. Supposedly jumped out the window of a tall building to commit suicide.News accounts stated that Gandy Baugh died "at home" on 8 January 1994 without specifying the causes. "Died at home" is a euphemism often employed in news articles and obituaries to avoid a direct mention of suicide, but we haven't found any definitive information about how Baugh died.12. Dr. Donald Rogers — dentist. Killed in a suspicious plane crash on his way to an interview with reporter Ambrose Evans-Pritchard to reveal information about Clinton.On 3 March 1994, the Cessna plane carrying a pilot, dentist, Donald Rogers, and two other passengers crashed. The pilot had earlier radioed in that he was experiencing electrical trouble and then lost radio contact. The NTSB's investigation of the crash found nothing "mysterious" about it: the plane's left generator had severely overheated and shut down, leaving the plane without electrical systems; the plane went down far off its planned route, and the pilot was good and lost at the time of the crash.No amount of digging has disclosed why a dentist would have such revelatory information about the President of the United States that a plane crash had to be arranged to bump him off.13. Stanley Huggins — lawyer investigating Madison Guaranty. Suicide. His extensive report has never been released.How anyone can confuse dying of pneumonia with suicide is beyond us. Huggins died on 23 June 1994, and according Dr. Richard Callery, Delaware's top medical examiner, viral myocarditis and bronchial pneumonia killed Huggins. Lt. Joel Ivory of the University of Delaware police said his exhaustive investigation of Huggins's death turned up "no sign at all of foul play."14. Florence Martin — Accountant for the CIA and had information on the Barry Seal case. Three gunshot wounds to the head.On 23 October 1994, 69-year-old Florence Martin of Mabelle, Texas (40 miles from Wichita Falls), was murdered in her home by three gunshots to the head through a pillow. She wasn't an accountant for the CIA, though: She worked the graveyard shift at a convenience store in nearby Seymour and had lived in that area for decades.In 2012, Jack Wesley Melton was charged with Martin's murder. DNA found at the scene was matched to him, leading to his arrest.15. Suzane Coleman — reportedly had an affair with Clinton. Was seven months pregnant at the time she was found dead of a gun shot wound to the back of the head, ruled suicide.At the time of Susan Coleman's suicide, Bill Clinton was her law professor. In 1992 an overzealous supporter of George Bush hired investigators to probe this girl's 1977 suicide, and they found no evidence that she and Clinton had an affair. It was an old rumor and a baseless one, and even a determined attempt at muckraking turned up nothing to substantiate it.16. Paula Grober — Clinton's interpreter for the deaf. Traveled with Clinton from 1978 until her death in 1992 in a one-car accident. There were no witnesses.The accident that killed Paula Gober took place during the afternoon of 7 December 1992. Her car overturned at a curve in the highway, throwing her 33 feet from the vehicle. No one witnessed the accident. And again, no one has provided any explanation for what secrets about Clinton an interpreter might possess that would merit her murder.17. Paul Wilcher — attorney investigating corruption. He had investigated federal elections, drug and gun smuggling through Mena, the Waco incident, and had just delivered a lengthy report to Janet Reno. He died in his home of unknown causes.Wilcher's partially decomposed body was found seated on the toilet in his Washington, D.C., home on 22 June 1993, and his death was attributed to natural causes. According to the Washington Times, Wilcher "was investigating the theory of an 'October Surprise' conspiracy during the 1980 federal election campaign. He had been interviewing an inmate who claimed to have piloted George Bush to Paris so he could secretly seek to delay the release of 52 American hostages in Iran." President Clinton, just a year into his first term, would hardly be likely to give up a key political advantage by bumping off someone who was supposedly about to dig up some major dirt on the opposition party18. Jon Parnell Walker — RTC investigator who mysteriously fell to his death from an apartment balcony.We have turned up no information about this man, not a report of his death nor of his being an Resolution Trust Corporation investigator. Various versions of this list state that his death took place on 15 August 1993 at the Lincoln Towers in Arlington, Virginia, but we've found no documentation of that.19. Ron Brown — former DNS Chairman, Commerce Secretary. Reported to have died in a plane crash, but new evidence reveals he may have been shot in the head. He was being investigated by a special investigator and was about to be indicted with 54 others. He spoke publicly of his willingness to "make a deal" with the prosecutors to save himself a few days before the fatal trip. He was not supposed to be on the flight but was asked to go at the last minute. (This count does not include the other business leaders and other passengers who died on this government-sponsored trade mission.)What "new evidence"? Ron Brown and 34 others were killed in a plane crash in Croatia on 3 April 1996. The plane slammed into a mountain while on landing approach. There were no survivors.Much has been made of an x-ray of Brown's skull showing what supposedly looks like a round entry wound. Closer examination of Brown's skull by military officials revealed no bullet, no bone fragments, no metal fragments and, even more telling, no exit wound.Simply imagining a scenario under which Ron Brown could have been shot takes one into the realm of the absurd. Was he shot in the head during the flight, in full view of thirty-four other witnesses? (If so, how did the shooters get off the plane?) Did the killers shoot him before the flight, then bundle his body into a seat (just like Weekend at Bernie's) and hope nobody noticed the gaping hole in his head? Or did Croatian commandos fortuitously appear on the scene to scale a mountain and pump a bullet into the head of an already-dead plane crash victim?An exhaustive Air Force investigation of the crash found that pilot error was to blame:The aircrew made errors while planning and executing the mishap flight, which, when combined, were a cause of the mishap. During mission planning, the crew's review of the Dubrovnik approach failed to determine that it required two automatic direction finders, or ADFs, and that it could not be flown with the single ADF onboard their aircraft. Additionally, the crew improperly flight planned their route which added 15 minutes to their flight time. The pilots rushed their approach and did not properly configure the aircraft for landing prior to commencing the final segment of the approach. They crossed the final approach fix flying at 80 knots above final approach speed, and without clearance from the tower.As a result of the rushed approach, the late configuration, and a radio call from a pilot on the ground, the crew was distracted from adequately monitoring the final approach. The pilots flew a course 9 degrees left of the correct course. They also failed to identify the missed approach point and to execute a timely missed approach.20. Barbara Wise — Commerce Department secretary. Worked with Ron Brown and John Huang and had extensive knowledge of their activities. Found dead in her locked office the day after Thanksgiving. It was ruled a suicide. Interestingly, she was found partially clothed, bruised, and in a pool of blood.There was no pool of blood, and Barbara Wise's death was never ruled a suicide by anyone. She was discovered in her Commerce Department office on 29 November 1996 after having last been seen alive on 27 November 1996, the day before Thanksgiving. A thorough investigation uncovered no evidence of foul play or suicide. Wise had a history of frequent and severe health problems, including liver ailments, and her death was attributed to natural causes.21. Charles Meissner — Assistant Secretary of Commerce. John Huang was given a special security clearance by Meissner. Shortly thereafter, he died in the crash of a small plane.Charles Meissner died in the same plane crash that took the life of Ron Brown, the one in Croatia on 3 April 1996. Fourteen Commerce Department staffers died in that crash, Meissner and Brown among them.We're now entering an long segment of the list wherein a number of deaths are tied to those of Don Henry and Kevin Ives, who were supposedly linked to Bill Clinton. All of this linkage is one big canard: Henry and Ives had nothing to do with Clinton; they were two young men who foolishly ripped off drugs from a dealer and were beaten to death in revenge. With no link between Clinton and Henry or Ives, the following eight entries collapse like a house of cards.22 & 23. Kevin Ives and Don Henry — seventeen-year-old boys who apparently saw something related to drugs in Mena by accident late at night. Officially ruled an accidental death on the train tracks, but evidence shows they died before being placed on the tracks — one of a crushed skull and the other of a knife wound in the back.Henry and Ives were run over by a train on 23 Aug 1987. Dr. Fahmy Malak, Arkansas' former state medical examiner, ruled the deaths accidental, saying the teens fell asleep on the tracks after smoking marijuana. A 1988 Saline County grand jury determined the boys were murdered and their bodies afterwards laid on the tracks, but no other conclusions were reached and no indictments were returned.A number of Malak's determinations had been challenged and overturned during his career. He certainly wasn't always a conscientious medical examiner, and his Ives and Henry rulings were only two of many such he botched.Getting back to the real meat of who killed the boys, we find nothing that ties Ives and Henry to Clinton. Though various of these lists will claim the boys accidentally stumbled onto a "protected" drug drop and were killed for it, there's no reason to believe even that. In a 25 May 1990 hearing before U.S. Magistrate Henry Jones Jr., Katherine Brightop said her ex-boyfriend Paul William Criswell told her that he and three other men were involved in the teenagers' deaths. Brightop said Criswell told her the boys tried to steal cocaine from Callaway's home and they were caught and beaten to death before their bodies were placed on the tracks.24. Keith Koney — had information on the Ives and Henry deaths. Died in a motorcycle accident with reports of a high-speed car chased involved.19-year-old Keith Coney died on 17 May 1988 when the motorcycle he was driving struck the back of a tractor-trailer. He was riding a motorcycle he'd stolen the day before. There were no reports of a high-speed car chase involved in his fatal traffic accident.25. Keith McKaskle — had information on the Ives and Henry deaths. Stabbed to death.In August 1989, Ronald Shane Smith was sentenced to ten years for the 10 November 1988 murder of Keith McKaskle. McKaskle had earlier expressed fears for his life, linking them to his knowing something about "the railroad track thing". Smith may have been paid to kill McKaskle, as a prison inmate said he had been approached and offered $4,000 to kill McKaskle himself.26. Gregory Collins — had information on the Ives and Henry deaths. Gunshot wound to the head.Greg Collins (25) of Bryant, Arkansas, was found shot in woods near Rosston on 2 December 1989. If he truly knew something about drug-related murders, that's reason enough for him to have been killed without any connection to Bill Clinton.27. Jeff Rhodes — had information on the Ives and Henry and McKaskle deaths. Tortured, mutilated, shot, body burned in a dumpster.In July 1989 Frank Pilcher was arrested for the April 1989 murder of Jeffrey Rhodes. Rhodes had earlier told his father he feared for his life because he'd witnessed a narcotics transaction.Rhodes was last seen alive on April 3. His body was discovered in a dumpster on April 19. He'd been shot twice in the head and his body was badly burned. The body was likely burned in an effort to destroy forensic evidence that would led investigators to the murderer.28. James Milam — had information on the Ives and Henry deaths. He was decapitated. The coroner ruled death due to natural causes.This is my favorite entry. Remember that Arkansas medical examiner, the one I said wasn't always the most conscientious investigator on God's green earth? Yep, we're about to see him again. Fahmy Malak listed James Milam's cause of death as a perforated ulcer, adding that Milam's small dog afterwards ate the dead man's head, accounting for Milam's headless condition.Milam's daughter-in-law insisted Milam was murdered. She claimed Malak showed her photographs of the headless corpse, and the neck was cut clean. The Milam family has not attempted to legally challenge the ruling because of the expense, so we'll never know which way the cat jumps, ulcer or murder.Whatever killed him, Milam died three months before the Ives and Henry murders. What are we supposed to believe here, that Clinton conspirators knocked off someone who "had information on the Ives and Henry deaths" three months before Ives and Henry actually died? Wow, talk about a preemptive strike!29. Jordan Kettleson — had information on the Ives and Henry deaths. Found shot in the front seat of his pick up truck.21-year-old Jordan Ketelsen died on 25 June 1990.30. Dr. Stanley Heard — Chair, National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee. He personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather, and brother. His personal small plane developed problems so he rented another. Fire broke out in flight and he crashed.Stanley Heard and Stephen Dickson died on 10 September 1993, when their Piper Turbo Lance II caught fire shortly after takeoff from Dulles airport and crashed. They'd attended a briefing that morning on the Clinton administration's health care plan. Dickson's plane had developed mechanical problems on the way to Washington the week before, so Dickson and Heard rented the Cherokee in St. Louis to make the trip. They rented a badly maintained plane, and it cost them their lives.Here is what the NTSB had to say about this crash.I've found nothing on the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory that Heard supposedly chaired.31. Steve Dickson — attorney for Heard. Died in same plane crash.Dickson attended the same briefing Heard did. We do not know if he was there as Heard's lawyer or for independent reasons.32. John Hillier — video journalist and investigator. He helped to produce the documentaries "Circle of Power," and "The Clinton Chronicles." He mysteriously died in a dentist's chair for no apparent reason.Again, we could find no record of this man's death or of his work. There have been a few dental chair deaths, but we turned up nothing on this one.33. Maj. Gen. William Robertson34. Col. William Densberger35. Col. Robert Kelly36. Spec. Gary Rhodes37. Steve Willis38. Robert Williams39. Conway LeBleu40. Todd McKeehan41. Sgt. Brian Haney42. Sgt. Tim Sabel43. Maj.William Barkley44. Capt. Scott Reynolds* all former Clinton bodyguards who are dead.Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Todd McKeehan, and Conway LeBleu were Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents killed during the Waco confrontation on 28 February 1993.Brian Haney, Timothy Sabel, William Barkley, and Scott Reynolds died in a helicopter crash on 19 May 1993. These four were members of Marine Helicopter Squadron One, the unit responsible for transporting the President. They died when the Blackhawk helicopter they had taken out for a maintenance-evaluation flight crashed. There was no evidence of sabotage. Clinton had set foot in the aircraft on only one occasion, two months earlier, when he traveled from the White House to the USS Theodore Roosevelt.Jarrett Robertson, William Densberger, Robert Kelly, and Gary Rhodes all died on 23 February 1993 when their Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter crashed on landing in Weisbaden, Germany. A jury later found that the pilots were not at fault, but that the helicopter "entered into an uncontrollable right turn caused by a design defect."45. Gary Johnson — former attorney for Larry Nichols, severely beaten and left for dead.Again, we could find nothing on this incident or even this man's life.46. Dennis Patrick — had millions of dollars laundered through his account at Lasater & Co. without his knowledge. There have been several attempts on his life, all unsuccessful.It's hard to know what to say about this one. Though we found credible reference to Patrick's life having been in danger a few times, we were unable to trace back to news reports on the original incidents. Without seeing them, we're not confident in stating an opinion on whether or not those attempts took place.Patrick was a client of Lasater, albeit a reluctant one. He was asked to open an account there, he refused, one was opened for him anyway, and he was handed "profits" from one transaction for his part in allowing whatever was going on to take place. Again, someone who got involved with drug dealers ended up in trouble. In this case, an otherwise upstanding man took money he knew to be dirty to keep quiet about what his account was being used for. If was subsequently chased by drug dealers who didn't want the details of the transactions to come to light, was that all that surprising?47. L.J. Davis — reporter. While investigating the Clinton scandals he was attacked in his hotel room and his notes were taken. He survived.Davis said he had awakened in his hotel room with a big bump on his head. He soon admitted having drunk at least four martinis that night. No pages were missing from his notebook, and he had no idea how he ended up on the floor. "I certainly wasn't about to conclude that somebody cracked me on the head," Davis said at the time.48. Larry Nichols — former marketing director of ADFA. Responsible for bringing forth more evidence and witnesses on Clinton corruption than any other source. Very public about his claims against Clinton. He has suffered six beatings, arrest on trumped up charges, and a near arrest.In 1988 Larry Nichols, then a marketing director for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, was fired from his job for making hundreds of calls to the Nicaraguan contras from his office. In 1990 he filed a lawsuit against Clinton claiming the then-Governor of Arkansas and others made him the scapegoat in a misappropriation-of-funds charge that cost him his job. In that suit he also tossed in claims of extramarital affairs, naming five women Clinton was supposed to have chased across the sheets. Nichols withdrew his lawsuit in 1992 and issued a round of apologies to everyone involved. He admitted what he'd said had been an attempt to destroy the Governor by innuendo.Nichols has since changed his tune yet again, and has returned to making allegations against Clinton, always being careful to stop just short of asserting Clinton is involved in various murders and other crimes Nichols points to as "suspicious."Since his dismissal from the AFDA, Nichols has made a career of peddling anti-Clinton books and tapes to the lunatic fringe. Take anything claimed about or by this man with a huge grain of salt.Now, ask yourself: how many people with whom you were acquainted have died mysteriously or violently in the past 10 years.The bottom line on this piece of e-lore? It's a badly worked laundry list dressed up to appear significant. The promised damning connections to the Chief Executive are missing, with innuendo misinformation offered up in their place. Nothing ties Clinton to any of these deaths, something this list (and others of its ilk) conveniently glosses over. What evidence is offered that would compel a rational person to believe there was Clinton involvement in any of these deaths?Clinton was acquainted with some people who died — that's about all one can make of this list. Indeed, that's far more than can be made of a number of the entries, specifically, that of Ives and Henry and all those supposedly tied to theirs.Though it's clear from digging through numerous newspaper articles there was a thriving and dangerous drug culture in Little Rock, how or why this should be connected to Bill Clinton is left unanswered. Regrettably, Little Rock is akin to numerous other large cities: it has its share of drug dealers, murders, and violence. It also has one very famous citizen. And that's about as much of a connection as anyone can make.Whereas a typical private citizen has a much smaller circle of acquaintance, those in public office come into contact with a great many people over the course of their careers. It is therefore not unusual to find at least a few accidental deaths, homicides, and suicides among any politician's list of contacts. (For example, a "body count" list exists for George Bush.)A number of suicides are enumerated in this list. Suicide is far from an unusual mode of demise. It claims 32,000 lives in the U.S. every year, and it's the 9th leading cause of death. It is indeed a rare person who does not know someone who died by his own hand.Deaths by airplane crash account for a number of entries on the list. Again, this is not all that surprising. Every year many small planes crash in the United States, and some of those crashes result in fatalities. As mentioned above, the National Transportation Safety Board investigates every one of them, to determine both the cause of the accident as well as to gather data that will help prevent future tragedies. The agency does a thorough job of looking into the circumstances surrounding each downed plane. To describe any of the plane crash deaths on this list as "suspicious" is to suggest the NTSB was part of a coverup.There have been a couple of unsolved murders (Jerry Parks, Kevin Ives, and Don Henry), but there have also been deaths by natural causes that have been tossed into the mix willy-nilly simply to boost the body count. (As we said earlier, how can anyone claim a death by pneumonia was a suicide?) All the best lies make sure to mix a bit of truth in with them, and the few genuinely unsolved murders work to cloak the many less credible claims in an aura of plausibility. Don't be overly bemused by them — study each entry on its own merits.One final question to ask yourself before falling for any Clinton Body Count list: If the Chief Executive was having people bumped off left, right, and center, why aren't Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp on this list? At the time of Mary Mahoney's death — a death this list hints was ordered by Clinton — neither Tripp nor Lewinsky were the high-profile household names they now are; they were complete unknowns. It would be another six months before information about them would explode into the news. If the President were in the habit of having those dangerous to his presidency put in the ground, why didn't he order these deaths?

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