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Why haven't we had another scientific revolution in physics yet? Hasn't it been long enough since general relativity and quantum mechanics?

I can’t agree with Dr Brewer more (e.g., I agree with Dr Brewer) . Knowledge is not in a state of progression, but fulfills the definition of entropy, to the point of Chaotic collapse into total randomness. This is part of a memo I sent not a few months ago inside the various government organizations that do the work or otherwise pay the bills…In Holography, Black Hole physics, String, M-Theory, and so on, the definition for entropy in Information Entropy is: the loss of information regarding the microstates of elements within a system.Richard Van Noorden. Global scientific output doubles every nine years. Nature: 07 May 2014. In this paper, he is deriving data from a study: Lutz Bornmann, Rüdiger Mutz. Growth rates of modern science: A bibliometric analysis based on the number of publications and cited references. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 8 May 2014. arXiv:1402.4578. The total number of papers they found was currently (May 2014) 755,607,107 cited references in total, with approximately 2.5 million published per year in the natural sciences [Arif E. Jinha. Article 50 million: an estimate of the number of scholarly articles in existence. Learned Publishing, 23:258–263 doi:10.1087/20100308] and doubling every 9 years.There are currently somewhere between 250 million and one billion unique, novel hypotheses. The very nature of the requirements for publications, and obtaining one’s PhD ensures complete entropy of knowledge, as described below. The inability to determine the actual number leads to the second postulate, regarding the definition of Information Entropy. In order to publish, the content must be novel and unique. In order to obtain a PhD, same requirement. Ensured entropy by design.The authors above all agree that the difficulty in determining the actual number of papers makes doing so actually impossible. This is ‘loss of information regarding the microstates of elements within a system.’ We cannot even determine the number of papers, much less the content.Citations and cross-referencing make an artificially larger number, and lack of such makes an artificially smaller number. I think it was Jinha who said, ‘if it wasn’t cited than it probably was useless information anyway…’Jinjha’s statement is essentially the condition of science today, it is a contest to be a Rock Star, like a great Battle of the Bands. Scientists have actually (typically with enthusiastic financial backing from their respective institutions) paying tens of thousands of dollars for press releases announcing their ‘great discovery.’ In fact, since you do not subscribe to nor read the peer-reviewed scientific literature, if you know about it, it is because more money was spent making it a high profile media circus than you paid for your car.By using Chaos Theory, a nearly forgotten art, and applying May’s Fractal, this result clearly shows the number as knowledge undergoing Chaotic Collapse into total, true randomness, as shown below.That is, if the papers were of the same nature, focused and driving in a singular direction, dismissing improvable hypotheses and moving forward with deliberate focus; that would be progress.However, this is not the case. Instead, improvable hypotheses are not only entertained, but also expanded upon, and split of in as many directions as there are authors with imaginations.This is entropy similar in nature to our Cayley Tree (a system that keeps splitting off into n branches), in this case, the Cayley Tree has n-nodes of exponentially increasing value. That is, every 9 years, the number of nodes doubles. Where we are accustomed to Cayley Trees of 2 or 3 nodes, there are currently 2.5 million nodes, in nine years, that Complexity will increase to 5 million nodes, and so on. Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that the current exponent is 9 years, but is decreasing such that in 9 years, it will be doubling in every five years. In a century, it will be doubling every ten seconds.I generated this graph to demonstrate (yes, Chaos Theory is still useful) the fractal approach to Chaos, because of Scale Invariance in fractal mathematics, means that the ‘level of ignorance’ (as Susskind refers to it) of the microstates of the system is equal at the top of the waterfall is it is at the bottom. That is, the elements at the bottom of the graph are totally dependent on the elements at the top. The elements at the top of the graph are by design, going to become the elements at the bottom. This is like our AdS/CFT model of DeSitter Space-time, of Scale Invariance, most of us have gone to Escher to demonstrate:In this diagram, taken from a lecture by Buosso, ‘L’ as seen on the surface is the length between points on the outermost boundary of DeSitter Space, that is where we live.For a complete description of the AdS/CFT model of DeSitter space see my answer at Bill Bray's answer to Quantum physics says that merely observing an object changes it. Does a first observation maintain any effect or control over how later observations affect the object? Do multiple observations of the same object result in an “average” change?In that answer, there are also nested links to my other answers relating to Quantum Gravity, Holographic Theory, Emergent Gravity, Gravity Waves, Quantum Entanglement, the correct definition and use of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and about 200 references in all between them.Note that none of the answers I see on this site are referenced properly, in the rare instance where one provides a single reference, it is from Wikipedia, or otherwise does not even state what the author claims. All of the references I provide are relevant, and in the public domain so that you can access them (sometimes you have to type the term PDF in to find the actual PDF). Without proper references and citations, you can dismiss any other answer, as it is clearly the ‘opinion’ of the author, very few of whom are qualified to write on the subject. There are no ‘part time physicists,’ ‘physicists at large,’ ‘deep knowledge of physics,’ and so on. Either you have a PhD in physics or you do not. There, got that off my chest…In reality, the lizards on the edge, although appear tiny, are the same size as those in the middle. That is DeSitter Space-time (Scale Invariant Conformal Field Theory). The point is, the tiny lizards living on the surface of DeSitter Space-time (that’s where we are) are interdependent with the scale of those in the middle (back in time), and the measure of those in the middle is with our locally quantized meter stick, as a tiny lizard on the surface.That is, a lizard on the surface has a locally quantized meter stick that is the smallest possible value in DeSitter space-time, at the surface, which is the present. According to my smallest locally quatized meter stick in the history of the cosmos, those lizards in the middle are HUGE, requiring a zillion of my little meter sticks just to measure one lizard in the middle. However, they are a fractal. The lizards, from the center out, are all the same size, they are just ‘fracks’ from the center on outward.Oddly, this is the most cited paper in human history, yet, the most unread. EVERY THING WE OBSERVE IN PARTICLE PHYSICS TO THE ‘ACCELERATING EXPANSION OF THE COSMOS IS AN ARTIFACT OF THIS LIZARD IMAGE.Again, our locally quantized meter stick is on the surface, very small. Thus, when we look back in time, we see the larger lizards, requiring many of our tiny meter sticks to equal one big lizard in the middle. As a result, we think velocity is faster at the center, the big lizards, back in time, according to our tiny locally quantized meter stick, make it appear as though things moving across them are moving faster, when in fact, they are not. It is an artifact of - I’ll use the microscope analogy later down the page.Dark Matter, Dark Energy, all of particle physics, 99% of Quantum Field Theory, 99.99999% of the things we explain away with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, the entire Standard Model (quarks were never intended to be ‘real things,’ they were a group theory approach to understanding the particle zoo; John Nash was the father of that approach), and so on, I would guess in all, of the billion hypotheses out there, all but about 5 or 6 are the result of this single artifact.I went into explaining how this ‘artifact’ is the phenomenon from which space-time and its geometry emerge, you have to read a couple of them, they are all linked in the above reference.That info, by the way, taken together has about 200 references, all up to date.As an example of Scale Invariance, If I take a hemocytometer, a tiny glass slide marked in microns, put a lactobacilli on it, and look at it under a microscope, I will see it is about 10 microns long. If I project that image of the bacteria on the hemocytometer onto a big screen TV, I take out my ruler, and it, according to my ruler is about a meter long, and proven by the fact that the hemocytometer, now clearly indicates on the big screen that it is indeed a meter long, because that is the scale on the screen of the markings on the hemoctytometer. If I don’t know that the markings are supposed to represent microns, my meter stick tells me they are decimeters, and the bacilli is a meter long. In this scenario, there is no common frame of reference save for my knowledge of how big the markings are supposed to be.Then we see a microbacilli crossing the length of the lactobacilli. The microbacilli is 1/10 the length of the lactobacilli (1 micron). It takes ten seconds for the microbacilli to cross the length of the 10 micron lactobacilli. Therefore, its true velocity is 1 micron per second. However, as projected onto my big screen HDTV, it takes ten seconds to cross 1 meter, so it is moving one meter per second as measured with my locally quantized meter stick.When I measure the velocity of recession, my locally quantized meter stick tells me that I need many meter sticks per second to make 1 lizard per second billions of light years away.So, I try a second frame of reference, light, and find that the light, whose meter stick’s origin is a billion light years away, is ‘red shifted.’ The photons seem longer than my photons.So I try a 3rd frame of reference, brightness (supernova), whose luminosity falls off with the square of the distance, quite predictable? It has to cross a sea of fractal lizards, each growing smaller in size as the photons travel forward in time toward the surface of DeSitter Space-time.The reason I cannot correct for brightness vs redshift is that the redshifted photons also had to change scale as they corkscrewed through space-time to reach the surface of DeSitter space, where I am, but I haven’t figured that out yet, because I’m just an astronomer. I don’t even know what DeSitter space is. In fact, I thought I knew what it was from Wikipedia and TV, and wrote a bunch of papers to pile on the heap of a billion hypotheses…All of Physical Cosmology is a virus of hypotheses that are a result of this single artifact. To give a clear example, in order to make a statement, ‘the expansion of the cosmos is accelerating,’ you need a precision of 0.02%RSD. Why? It is easier to show you why not.This is what we get for the Hubble parameter as measured over the past 15 years:Furthermore, you can see there is no improvement in precision with time and technology. It is a seemingly random splay of data. With this random splay of data, where did the ‘accelerating expansion’ value of 70.9(+/-) 0.02 come from that the authors published? That number cannot even be had if you creatively select certain data points and creatively discard others. I tried it. That number is nowhere in that data, or any combination of data points by creative selection.Did you know, as an aside, that there is the Anthropic Principle, the debate whether we create the universe or we are an artifact of the universe. This is the ultimate response to the conscious observer upsetting the Ontologically challenged. The term, ‘survivor bias,’ is an equivalent Darwinian Natural Selection. Of the estimated minimum of 10E500 False Vacua (universes that didn’t make it) we are the sentient species that exists in the ‘surviving cosmos that was capable of creating the artifact of life.’ There are actually people who ‘believe’ this. Now, back to my irregularly unscheduled program…However, if you organize them by distance surveiled, you get this:These are definite jumps, almost as though they were quantized. However, the thing to know is that the 6 jumps I’ve labeled are by supercluster group. The more distant superclusters have to pass through more overlapping Gravity Waves then the closer ones, hence, the parameter seems slower (the more distant superclusters start from left to right) at greater distance.For a descriptin of the Lin-Shu Density Wave that creates this phenomenon, see Bill Bray's answer to How likely is it that, since dark matter and dark energy are basically unknowns, we might be wrong at the very basics? If we can't observe what most of the universe is made of, could it be that our theories are simply wrong?The steep slope in r value on the Chaotic Fractal Graph clearly indicates Chaotic collapse into true randomness. Like trying to canoe back up a waterfall, clearly that r value is not going back uphill to its origin.Since Bikini Atoll, 1954, when physicists ‘accidentally’ detonated a thermonuclear (fusion) device several times the expected yield, science was made to stop. It did not happen by accident.To make it clear, here is an image of the 9 decommissioned test ships anchored at Pearl Harbor that were intended to be enveloped in the blast, the picture taken just a few weeks before the test:These and only these ships were intended to be directly exposed to the blast.Here is an image with the test ships circled in black:All of the arrows point to the observation ships, with men on the deck, observing the blast.Two seconds into the blast:5 seconds into the blast:10,000 men died that day, not recorded in TV documentaries.That is why we still drive vehicles driven by fire, 95% of the USA and UK public read at a 6th to 8th grade level, PhDs earn their degree by writing improvable hypotheses.Since that time, no new science has been discovered or invented, other than that which has been fudged for funding purposes. The computers, cell phones, HD TVs, and all of the seeming wanders are the transistor, 1947, electricity, 19th century, radio electronics, 19th century, electric motors, 19th century, nuclear fission, 1945, internal combustion engines, 1859, the LASER, 1954 (as a microwave emitter, then again in 1954 for visible light by a grad student). Rockets… WWIINothing in our world today is less than half a century old technology. Most of our useful technology is at least a century old. You do not drive a car that elevates and moves by artificially reshaping space-time, your car is powered by fire. We do not transfer energy via conduits of photonic energy, our fission reactors generate steam, which is used to boil water, make steam to turn early 19th century dynamos…splitting the atom to boil tea. Your cell phone was patented in 1859. Your computer is a composite of technology from prior to the Cuban Missile Crisis.For a description of why ‘predictability’ is not a factor of success of a model, read: Bill Bray's answer to What is the difference between quantum physics and quantum field theory?For a description of abuse of ludicrous hypotheses that went viral until proven otherwise, read: Bill Bray's answer to How likely is it that, since dark matter and dark energy are basically unknowns, we might be wrong at the very basics? If we can't observe what most of the universe is made of, could it be that our theories are simply wrong?I was just answering another question, ‘Who wrote the most papers in science,’ as though that is a barometer, it is a barometer, but this is what I wrote:I don’t know. In fact, I was just writing/wrote a very long response regarding the entropy of science as a result of publication. Look down my content list, I wrote it recently.Publishing in a journal has so many down sides for a ‘real’ scientist:They own your work, you cannot publish any of your own content from it.It is buried amongst what appears to be about 2.5 million papers a year. as a result, it is forever lost.There are currently an estimated 1 billion scientific papers out there, but no one can actually get a number, fulfilling the definition of Information Entropy.In order for anyone to know you published something, you have to issue a ‘press release, which costs thousands of dollars. If you pay thousands of dollars for such a press release, then you have an agenda, not a ‘discovery.’As a result of all of the above, whoever wrote the most papers is the least scientist.Scientists throughout history published books, not papers. That is a barometer of success, as science has not budged in a century. Imhotep, Aristotle, Plato, Pakal, Ptolemy, DeVinci, Copernicus, Newton, Keppler, and so on. All books, not papers.Einstein published over 300 papers, all of which I have and have read, and I do not know anyone who knows (with the exception of a few historians) he wrote over 300 papers. People know of two, but of the scientists teaching the subject, I have not met one who has actually read either. Scientists are aware of papers he co-authored with some other scientists, but of those, even they are not read. They are actually made into entire documentaries, class lectures, and so on, without having read them.I am glad this issue of scientific publication is coming up often.The moral to that story is, if you publish a paper, no one will read it, although they may cite it (referred to as reference mining, to lend false credibility to your new ‘big theory). Your information, your work, ranging from totally useless gibberish to save the universe, is forever lost amongst at least a billion papers, but no one knows the actual number, nor amidst several attempts has anyone been able to determine the actual number (even the NSA cannot determine it).If they cannot even determine how many papers there are, for whatever reason, your information is forever lost. Therefore, a ‘real scientist’ (as apposed to a virtual scientists) will self publish a book, so as to have complete control over the content. Which is exactly what every great scientist throughout history has done. And the Einstein example (300 papers that no one even knows exists from one of the greatest minds in history) is the perfect example of why not to bury your work in journals, which is the death of your work.The publication, primarily due to the publication requirements of unique, novel information (same requirement to get a PhD) in scientific journals is the worst thing that has happened to mankind since the Pleistocene ice age.We are in fact living in what is called The Holocene Extinction, a mass global extinction event, that no one knows about, because no one pays for press releases.Does that answer the question? I’m not sure.The agreement of a dumb theory with reality says nothing. – Lev Landau, Russian Nobel laureateUnzicker, Alexander. The Higgs Fake - How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee (p. 34). Unknown. Kindle Edition.Beware of false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance – George Bernard ShawThe fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence that it is not utterly absurd; indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible. – Bertrand RussellUnzicker, Alexander. The Higgs Fake - How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee (p. 35). Unknown. Kindle Edition.My aim is: to teach you to pass from a piece of disguised nonsense to something that is patent nonsense. – Ludwig WittgensteinImagine you are visiting another civilization where a shaman tells you the above story (all of them). Suppose you were never taught modern physics, would that seem convincing to you? Or rather a fancy piece of mythology? But not only that. It’s not the uneducated are too dumb to appreciate such sophisticated concepts, the greatest minds to which we owe our civilization would be super-skeptical of that story. - Unzicker, Alexander.Did Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, Schrödinger, Dirac all share a near religious predilection for simplicity that – sorry, sorry – turned out to be wrong? No. It was their very experience that their accomplishments consisted of simplification. Once they had understood, the complicated mess went away. - Unzicker, Alexander.It is easier to recognize a prejudice in its naïve primitive form than the sophisticated dogma to which it often transforms.[7] – Erwin SchrödingerInsanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. – Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopherConsidering science in general and on longer time scales, there is much that particle physicists could learn from history. In particular, the philosopher Thomas Kuhn, in his epoch-making treatise, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, pointed out the mechanisms that occur whenever humans do science. Most importantly, increase in knowledge is never linear in time. Periods in which progress seems to be incremental are interrupted by scientific revolutions where a good deal of the previously existing knowledge is destroyed. - Unzicker, Alexander.Scientific knowledge and advancement comes, as history dictates, in waves, and we are NOT currently riding one - wjbREFERENCES RELEVANT TO THIS DISCUSSION1.Gingerich, Owen (2005). The Book Nobody Read. London: Arrow. p. 306. ISBN 0-09-947644-4.2.Dreyer, John Louis Emil (1953) [1906]. A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler. New York, NY: Dover Publications.3.Georges Saliba "The Astronomical Work of Mu’ayyad al-Din al-’Urdi (died 1266): A Thirteenth Century Reform of Ptolemaic Astronomy", Markaz dirasat al-Wahda al-'Arabiya, Beirut, 1990, 19954.Teresa Borawska, Tiedemann Giese (1480–1550) w życiu wewnętrznym Warmii i Prus Królewskich Tiedemann Giese (1480–1550) in the Internal Life of Warmia and Royal Prussia, Olsztyn, 1984.5.Westman, Robert S. (2011). The Copernican Question: Prognostication, Skepticism, and Celestial Order. Los Angeles: University of California Press. ISBN 9780520254817.6.M. Saliba, Univ Michigan, 1979 Volumes 1 and 2 detail the prior work of Mu'ayyad al-Din al-'Urdi in the 13th century.7. and Goldstein. "Theological Foundations of Kepler's Astronomy", pp. 112–13.9.Galina Weinstein , Einstein, Schwarzschild, the Perihelion Motion of Mercury and the Rotating Disk Story, Tel Aviv University November 25, 201410.Einstein, Albert (1915a). "Zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie." 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