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If Obama has done a good job, why have the Democrats lost so many governors and Congress/state legislature seats?

Hillary Clinton explained the reason back in the 90s. There is a vast right-wing conspiracy. The conspiracy is diabolical and simplistic: Take over the levers of government at every level and rebuild the nation in your own image.After their loss to LBJ in the 60s, the right-wing has been dedicated to taking power. They first tried to do legitimately, by running for office. But their philosophy is very unpopular and their candidates lost election after election. So, some brilliant thinkers figured out a way to get the majority of people to vote against their best interests. And, it is predicated on the idea that people can be made to support a politician or a cause on the basis of one or two very simple ideas. In this case, the ideas are abortion and gun control.The US is still a majority Christian nation. This is changing, but for the present time more people are Christian or raised as Christian in the US than any other religion. In the 70s, it was becoming clear that the Republicans could not win a national election again using their platform of lower regulations and taxes for the rich and corporations. But someone suggested that there were two powerful groups in the country that were being ignored. Christian fundamentalists and gun owners.The right-wing jumped on these groups with a vengeance. At first the strategy was to get these voters engaged in name only. Reagan was best at this and called to religious voters using their own language. Even though he was divorced, had supported abortion and, by many accounts, a poor father, he talked about family values. He reactivated the racist vote by employing a southern strategy by talking about “state’s rights”.In his campaign, Reagan attacked government. The Vietnam War had eroded respect and authority of the federal government. The war sapped billions from the economy and the result was high inflation and unemployment. Unions and the Democratic party had become highly corrupt from years of success and simply being in power for so long. People did not understand that the real cause was the unending war and military industrial complex slowly destroying democracy. Reagan tapped into that angst. He called “government” the problem. He was going to fix it. (Sound familiar?)By getting Reagan elected, the right finally had the vehicle to dismantle the only apparatus that could stop their ultimate control of the country. At first, he acted quickly to do things that seems to work. He cut taxes and regulation. People had a little more money in their paychecks. People felt better and spent more of that money. They started to take out loans and buying on credit. And, so was the government.Revenues were dropping due to the tax cuts. But the Republicans (and Democrats) did not cut government spending. In fact, they actually increased it. They built more ships, more airplanes, built more bases overseas. The costs and deficits were exploding. Reagan, unlike Republicans today, was more responsible. He actually raised taxes. He raised them 11 times to help cover the deficits. It wasn't enough. Reagan increased the nation debt more than any president since the beginning of the country COMBINED! He took office with a debt of $900 billion. He left with a debt of over $3 trillion!The Democrats screamed and tried to stop the excesses, but the public show was in Reagan’s favor. He simply ignored the facts and kept spouting his slogans: cutting taxes increases revenues (not), trees cause pollution (not), removing regulations increases jobs (never). The problem is that the external image looked good. It’s like a neighbor who goes out and gets 10 credit cards and maxes them all out in a short period of time. By the external looks of things, your neighbor seems to be doing great. He has a new boat, a new car, new clothes, jewelry, etc. But it’s not real. A few months or a year later he starts to miss payments. He first tries getting new cards and transferring the balances. It works for a while, but then he simply runs out of credit card companies. He doesn’t qualify for new loans. He may even try illegal things to keep the game going, like kiting checks.These are all the things the Republicans have done for the last 40 years. They attack government as the problem. People believe them at first and put them in charge. The Republicans can’t run government well. Things don’t work. But instead of blaming the Republicans in charge the people are told that government just doesn’t work. (It works when Democrats are in charge. But that information doesn’t get to the people because of media like Fox and Rush Limbaugh.) We have to get rid of government and put “efficient” corporations in charge. We have to privatize, because corporations do things better and more cheaply! But they don’t.At first, the corporations take over and bid low. The statistics say we are paying less for our goods and services. But then, the overruns come in. The bid has to be raised because of “unforeseen” complications. Or just because the government asked for “more”. Nothing ever comes in on the estimate or on budget. Plus, the reason why the corporations could charge less in the first place was because they hire workers for less money, with few, if any, benefits. Often they understaff operations and force workers to work overtime for no compensation or simply to work harder.However, none of this can be maintained. In the end privatized services always cost the same, or more, or produce inferior products and results. These facts are covered up. The blame is still placed on government. The true culprits never gets blamed. The media is owned by the same corporations. There are fewer investigative reporters. There are few independent news agencies. There’s no one watching the hen house.But people won’t vote for Republicans just because the government seems bad. What else could they use? Abortion! Save the babies! I’m not saying that abortion is good or bad. To me that is the choice of the individual. You have to face your god or your own conscience. Me forcing you to do so, does not make you or keep you holy. But the right-wing has convinced many people that taking abortion away saves the babies! The problem is they save the baby and kill the child. They cut welfare, food stamps, child care, head start, medical care, public education, etc. Any program that could ensure the child grows up healthy and able to take care of themselves in the future is killed or so badly funded and managed that little or no good comes from it.The second cause is gun control! Can’t have gun control! Guns are freedom! The government is going to take my gun! Democrats always want my guns!!! Guns will keep me free! No government will control its people as long as they have guns! The only problem is that government has MORE GUNS! And BIGGER GUNS! These people can’t understand or don’t know that Germany had guns before Hitler took over, Iraq had plenty of guns before Saddam took over and before the US invaded! Did their “guns” stop any of those things from happening??? Guns don’t stop armies, ARMIES stop armies. And, no, right-wing militias will never stop the US Army, if they want to take over. Only the people can do that.So, these gun nuts vote AGAINST their own economic interests every time, because they think the Democratic government will take their guns!But this is still not good enough. How can you keep the people voting against their interests far into the future? You take over the schools and educational institutions.They have bought out the local legislatures, they have bought out the Congress. They CUT taxes because “taxes kill jobs.” But you can’t pay for services without taxes. These legislatures defund the schools. They cut money for books, buildings, teachers, pensions. Many people don’t want to be teachers any more. They choose other professions because “teaching” doesn’t pay anymore (and it’s no fun anymore. They are teaching to the tests, working longer for less money and benefits, and with bigger class sizes.)Then, the right-wing picks up the slack. They start to fund the schools and even take over the curriculum. Look at the Universities funded by the Koch brothers. They erect buildings to slap their names on and fund the programs. They APPROVE the curriculum and even the professors that are hired! Universities are killing tenure and hiring part time contract professors. (UIC is using more contract professors. Lewis University fired their tenured professors to “save” money.)Over time the changes are small and incremental. But it makes a difference. People don’t notice the pain at first. Each step is small. Almost unnoticeable. It affects one family at a time, one person at a time. It’s not like a bomb that takes out your neighborhood all at once. It’s more like a flood where the water rises slowly taking out one house at a time, one street at a time. You pray it doesn’t come for your house but you can see it coming. In the end, everyone in the middle class is in pain, but it has happened so slowly you can’t put your finger on it. You can’t identify the cause or source. This is where the control of the media comes in.The right wing blames high taxes and programs for the poor. The poor becomes the enemy of the middle-class. But it has NOTHING to do with programs for the poor. We’re spending half our budget on the military. Another huge chunk is being wasted on subsidies for corporations and the rich. As Woodward and Bernstein said: Just follow the money. Who is paying for these changes? Who benefits most from these changes?When the masses are unwilling or unable to control and fund their own society, the forces of evil will be happy to step in. You are watching the fall of Rome.

Why do restaurants post a sign saying they "reserve the right to refuse service"? Is this an actual legal move or just something that gets printed by convention?

There is a good summary on the actual legal aspects of this sign here:http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/restaurants-right-to-refuse-service.htmlAnd as Jonas and Gil state, this statement as worded is not actually the legal case as the Civil Rights Act trumps the owners' right to refuse service on the basis of certain customer attributes. But having such a sign does provide the (dubious) value of having something "authoritative" to point to when telling someone to leave.However, a fair set of answers to this question must acknowledge the fact that this type of sign came about in the wake of Jim Crow laws. In some geographic areas and types of place it was used as a coded warning to blacks and other minorities, and as reassurance to majority customers, that the old rules still applied.(I am not implying that this was/is the case in every place such a sign was posted, however it would be a good idea for any restaurant owner considering whether they should post a sign to be aware of this historical connotation).The wording of the sign itself is taken directly from the 1956 Mississippi Public Accommodations Statute, one of the more notorious later Jim Crow laws.If you have access to Lexis-Nexus or one of the other journal services you can read a good essay from the Tennessee Law review about this sign and its history (Jennifer S. Hendricks, “WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE.", Tennessee Law Review, Volume 76, Number 2, Winter 2009, 417.). Ms. Hendricks writes:"[The signs] have a racist history of which the businesses that post them are usually ignorant."And Jim Crow had a farther reach than you might think; laws aside there was not a dividing line between states where peoples' attitudes and beliefs suddenly changed. Consider this from San Fransisco Chronicle columnist Art Hoppe from 1959:“Racial discrimination, as practiced in San Francisco, is a subtle thing. True, unlike the South, there were no signs saying “COLORED ONLY.” The signs said something far more ambiguous: “We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone.” The Negro newcomer who walked into a lunch counter in the Richmond, the Sunset or the Mission was never sure whether he would get a sandwich or a scene." ( http://foundsf.org/index.php?tit... )See also this letter from the American RadioWorks Jim Crow program:Early Childhood MemoryMy grandmother, who is now in a nursing home, was a waitress all her working life. As a white child visiting my grandmother in a cafe--I might have been 6 or 7 and had just learned to read--I asked her what the sign above the counter meant, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." She said, without flinching, "It means we don't have to serve 'niggers'." My grandmother is the kindest, most generous woman I've every known, but that comment has stayed with me for over 40 years. Although Jim Crow might have been technically gone in Texas in the early 1960s, it was alive and well in my hometown.Kim LongShippensburg, PAhttp://americanradioworks.public...(I should add that this story nearly exactly matches a childhood memory of my own which is part of what led me to post thisanswer in the first place).Use of this wording for that type of purpose is not limited to the distant past, either, as it has been recently been combined with a strong suggestion about speaking English only if you want service:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13272368/ns/us_news-life/t/philly-officials-warn-eatery-english-only-sign/

How does it feel to be extremely poor?

I got my girlfriend pregnant on purpose when I was a junior in high school figuring that would get me out of the house before my father would kill me.Here I was, 17 years of age married and with a child. I didn’t receive help from anyone. I worked pumping fuel at a truck stop 12 hours a day, 7 days a week making $2 an hour with no time and a half for the overtime.Yes, we were poor. I can remember one time our electricity was turned off due to non-payment. I lived in a second floor apartment so I ran an extension cord out the window and to the basement to use the landlord’s electric.In that period there were times a car would quit running on me and I didn’t have the money to buy another one. If I couldn’t bum a ride to work, I would hitchhike.There was a time I had one terrible toothache but the dentist wouldn’t take me unless I paid the $20 in advance. I went through many days of pain before I was able to come up with the money.We had it very rough for a long time but it isn’t something that really bothered us. To us it was the way life was.After a couple of years we were able to move into the projects which really helped. Believe me, I lived around some really wild and crazy people but at least my rent was lower. Then I found that a lot of my neighbors sold their food stamps each month for 50% of face value. I had a buddy that owned a store and asked him if he would give me cash for food stamps. We made a deal and he only took 10% for each transaction. This really helped with my finances for quite a while.As time went by I found jobs that paid more. After working a few jobs, I got a job in a machine shop and I learned every machine in the shop earning the title of General Machinist. That was more pay than machine operator and a bit of an honor since the company had not given anyone that title in 10 years.Meet Daddy Doo-Wop: I loved music and had a lot of records and one day a friend of mine asked me if I would bring my record player up to the recreation hall and play music for his son’s birthday. I did and it went over so well that I got to thinking, “I could probably make money at this.” I spent a year gathering more music and cataloging my music collection so I could find my songs easily when they were requested. When it came time to get my first gig, I found I couldn’t get anyone to hire me since I had no references at all. My son played football for the Police Athletic League so I went to the committee and said, “I would like you to have an oldies dance. I will make all the arrangements, I will take care of the food, I will sell the tickets and I will be your DJ for $100 and you take all the profit.” The hall I held the oldies dance in held 250 people, and I sold 250 tickets. That night came and it was a huge success. Over the course of the night everyone started calling me Daddy Doo-Wop and I kept that name. Shortly after that night I was in a bar one night and I heard the man next to me telling someone that he had just purchased a bar and he was going to hire a DJ so I said, “Why don’t you hire me?” The man said, “Who the hell are you?” I said, “I am Daddy Doo-Wop.” The man said, “Daddy Doo-Wop? I don’t want a nobody for my DJ, I am going to have a top DJ from the radio station.” A few weeks later the phone rang and it was the bar owner. He asked me to come over and talk to him about being a DJ at his bar. He also told me that he had several requests for me to be the DJ there. I worked that bar every Friday Night for 14 years and we had a good crowd every night I worked there. My business also grew to the point where I was getting enough calls to keep 3 or 4 other DJs busy with my overflow work and I made money off of them.After being at the machine shop for 16 years, they closed and were able to show that they closed due to foreign competition. Due to that, I was able to go to school under a program that was fully funded by the government. They also paid me $340 a week while going to school. I was 40 years of age when I went to school and it sure was a lot of work for this brain. I took an accelerated course to earn my Associate Degree in Business Data Processing/Networking Technologies. That course was one year instead of two, so I sure did a lot of homework every night after being in classes all day from 9 til 5. Once I obtained that degree, I continued on and earned my Novell Network Engineer Degree.Let me add that in the time-frame above I also managed a large Veterans Of Foreign Wars Club for 12 years. After earning my degrees I worked at the VFW as a bartender for a while, and then my break came. A friend of mine worked at a large leasing and lending company. He was a friend of the woman that was a manager in portfolio administration, and found that she was about to hire an employee – so he asked her to give me an interview. I was hired for that position, and I worked very hard. Eleven months later there was an opening in IT so I requested to be interviewed for that. My current manager called the interviewing manager and gave me a great reference. The interview lasted about 10 minutes and the salary negotiation lasted over 30 minutes and at the end of the interview, the manager said, “If you work half as hard as you negotiate a salary, I am going to be darn pleased with you.”From day one of working in IT, I worked my ass off. Every time a special project would come up, I would volunteer to do it. There was a process that needed to be done at the end of the month, every month. To run that process you would be up all night long on a Saturday Night, and I took responsibility of that process. I was salaried so I didn’t receive extra pay for doing this. About 10 months after I was in the group, my manager left and I was offered the manager position. I worked hard and made sure everything was being done properly by my employees, but I was very good to my employees. Every so often I would go over to one or two of them and say, “Tomorrow is going to be a nice day. Take the day off tomorrow and it won’t count against your vacation.” Also, we had a full kitchen in the office and every Friday I would make breakfast for my employees and deliver it to their desk. They deserved the extras because every one of them worked really hard for me.One night my manager asked me to go out for a couple of beers with him. While we were there I told him about the extra days off that I give to my employees and he said, “I don’t care what you are doing, just keep doing it. I have not had one complaint about your department since you took it over.”Then after seven years of being manager, my manager left and the bitch from hell became my manager. That woman did everything in her power to make me look bad and wouldn’t even try to hide it. Also, every quarter I had to do employee reviews and before sitting down with my employees, she would make me take the reviews I created to her and she would change them giving all my employees a lower review than I had given them. I was determined that she was not going to break me, but she did. Finally I had a nervous breakdown. My wife took me to a good psychiatrist and she determined that my manager was treating me mentally just like my father treated me as a child. Because of that, I was not only dealing with the pain of the way she treated me, it was also bringing back memories of my childhood. My psychiatrist then told me that she could never allow me to go back in the workforce taking the chance of being treated that way again so she had me put on disability.I guess it was a good thing she had me placed on disability because I have had a bad back since my teens from all the kicks to the back I received as a child and my back progressively got worse through the years. Then about 10 years ago I was in a motorcycle accident which made it worse. To make matters worse I was in an automobile accident three years ago and that did my back in. After that accident I live with daily back pain.Let me add that my first marriage lasted 25 years and we had three wonderful sons that all grew up to be fine young men. I re-married to a wonderful woman who has two children (who are now adults). I told my wife that the day we get married, her two children will then be my children also. Her daughter calls me Daddy and loves being with me no matter what I am doing. We do a lot of fishing together, shooting guns and cruising in my Mustang. Our daughter lives close by and is also very helpful around here.I must say, I have lived a very interesting life and I never need to make up a story because I never run out of true stories to tell.When I was a child there was a man in town that would take a bunch of us kids night fishing behind his house. He was probably about the most poor person I have ever met in my life. We would be sitting there on a rock holding a stick with a small fish at the end into the fire and he would often say, “I wonder what the poor people are doing right now.” Those are words I will never forget. Yes, financially the man was poor but he was rich on life.Edit: It was requested that I add a picture of my boys.Also, thank you for all the up-votes and nice comments. I was surprised at some of the comments since when I wrote this; I didn’t feel it was so much out of the ordinary since that was the life I lived.Edit: I had several requests to add more details to my life story.

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